The Making of David Koresh--Let's Begin in 1844!

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James Tabor

James Tabor

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The story I tell involves studying for thousands of hours the King James Bible by candlelight--trying to sort out the mysteries of the biblical Prophets.
Most of the hundreds of interviews I have done on Waco focus on what happened during the BATF assault and FBI siege and 51 day standoff that ended so tragically on April 19, 1993--now 30 years ago.
This one its different!
What was the prophetic Message and Mission of David Koresh? What did he claim about himself and how did he lay out his scenario of the Last Days in a fashion that caused his "Bible Students of the Seven Seals," as they called themselves, to commit their whole lives to the message they were being taught and to be so determined not to surrender or come out of their Mt Carmel spiritual center.
This is part of a much longer TWELVE HOUR presentation on Waco by Scott Horton who interviews some of the key people involved at the time, and over the past decades. I have never heard any presentation so thorough. Be prepared to hear a lot you have never heard--and to then weigh it carefully based on the facts that are emerging. Here is the link:

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@PastorofFiance Жыл бұрын
Dude you won't believe what I'm going to be use this information for. Awesome video man!
@gregmorgan3508 Жыл бұрын
I am impressed just how much respect you gave this group. Thank you for all your efforts to save this group. The background information is stellar.
@littleswol1 Жыл бұрын
Dr Tabor please write another book on Waco and the Davidian’s. I’ve read several scholarly books on this and yours is as good if not better than any of them. Thank you for not letting this terrible atrocity pass unnoticed into history.
@etinarcadiaego5708 8 ай бұрын
I absolutely second this, Dr. Tabor is a literal Godsend when it comes to exposing the truth with compassion and meticulous research.
@davashorb6116 Жыл бұрын
The book The Late Great Planet Earth really messed with my young mind.
@handofgrace5066 Жыл бұрын
Hi James, I listen to all your videos and appreciate the vast knowledge and insight you share. I would like to clear up something you say here and which I have also heard when listening to Mythvision.When Jesus said to hate mother, Father, etc. the clear context of those words is clearly stated in Mathew 10:37 which says: "He who LOVES father or mother MORE MORE than ME is not worthy of me."Jesus was not saying for his disciples to hate their Father and mother etc. he was teaching them that if they wanted to be his disciples they needed to be "all in," meaning that they were not to give up their faith or way of life that he was teaching them because of their family members opposition to following Jesus. Furthermore, in Luke 14:26 where this also is mentioned, more detail is mentioned as to context. In Luke's account in Luke 14:26-33 which you quoted from the context Jesus makes clear that his point is that to be his follower involves certain commitment and responsibilities and integrity to truth and what is expected of them on their spiritual journey of discipleship and rebirth. Jesus said to " count the cost" ahead of time and be sure they are fully committed to follow through with it. He said basically that they had to be willing to give themselves fully to the ministry of the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus never taught to hate anyone, not even our enemies or persons who persecute us. He said that persons in their own families would hate his disciples and turn against them. They were not to give in and quit the faith because they valued and loved the approval of their father, or mother or siblings etc. more than they loved Jesus. He also said they would lose their earthly possessions, and were not to value them or "love" them more than being his followers. That is why in that same chapter in Luke 14 Jesus ends up saying in verse 33 that anyone who is not willing to give up all of his possessions is not worthy of him. Al;so, remember Jesus assigned John to take care of his mother when he was dying on the cross. I can also say that those that love the love and approval of their family more than following the way of truth that Jesus taught for everlasting salvation and for true healing individually and healing of everyone through spiritual rebirth into the unconditional love of God which Jesus came to lead us into and reveal to us at the cross of his death and resurrection, which would become our death and resurrection through the obedience and integrity of faith revealed in the unconditional love of God; anyone who gave up the faith because of family opposition was worthy to be his follower, and was not showing true love for his family members by denying the faith. Jesus gave up everything to carve out the living way of salvation for mankind. He said he was the Way, the Truth, and the Life to lead us back to the perfect union in pure love with our heavenly Father and Creator. John 14:6; !7:22,23,26. Those who attach their love to anything and are not willing to give all that is needed of them to follow Jesus are not worthy of him (they do not value him enough to walk in the necessary integrity of a true disciple, and will not remain true to their calling). This was a bit longer explanation than I expected to write. I just would like to see that scripture not misapplied. Love and blessings. ❤❤❤
@TheDynotuner 6 ай бұрын
James is there a link to the radio show you 2 did that was on that tape? Thanks for all your hard work Sir! GOD Bless
@bonerici Жыл бұрын
When all you have is a hammer everything looks like nails. I'm surprised they waited over 50 days before sending the hit team in.
@tehcatakai Жыл бұрын
@ChildofGod98765 Жыл бұрын
God please empower me with your grace so I may continue to keep going. Please pray for me and my children. I’m so discouraged. Our world has grown so cold and heaven seems so far away. I receive so much hate simply for asking for prayers. Prayers are ALL I NEED. I’m a single mother and I’m struggling to provide for my sons both are autistic and I’m overwhelmed! I lost my job because I declined the vaccine. I declined due to my heart condition I had a massive heart attack and I suffer from lupus. I am waitressing now but not making nearly enough to get by. Every month is a struggle to survive. I can’t go back to my job at the hospital because mandates are still in place. Jesus help me to overcome my fears. Because as I struggle I am fearful. Struggling to provide for me and my children is scary Struggling to buy groceries. Struggling to pay rent. BUT I trust you Lord. Jesus hear my prayers. Even though I’m discouraged NO MATTER WHAT! I will keep faith! ❤
@PlampinUK Жыл бұрын
Trust God when he says do not be afraid. Trust in him.
@insulate43 Жыл бұрын
​@@NightravenspeaksI read this exact same story recently but don't remember exactly where. I have a feeling this person may be indiscriminately posting all over the place. It could be true but it also could be a scam hoping for offers of help.
@juliencormier8760 Жыл бұрын
If prayer for you and your children is what you need, we can all do that for you.
@drgeorgek Жыл бұрын
@@insulate43total scammer
@christophermanley3602 Жыл бұрын
@@Nightravenspeaksabor’s not an atheist- not in a real sense. I’ve heard him say he does believe there is a God, though he doesn’t adhere to a specific religion. I could be wrong, though. I often am.
@billeib427 Жыл бұрын
Life in those days appeared to b bleak, so much mental suffering waiting, hoping, wishing for relief of any kind. Any good word was an uplift of the spirit. That would be good in an of itself, but what comes with it is a conceit adopted by leaders as thorough they have an ear gods speaks into. It may all be a reality to those devoted to a god. But, with a leader who posses a desire to be an important and powerful human above all others and has all of the answers to his climb to the top.
@dissidentfairy4264 Жыл бұрын
This was fascinating! I had no idea that David Koresh branched off from the Seventh Day Adventists. I thought he was just a crazy cultish fringe figure of some kind. There are people who are brilliantly insane. He had to be a bit of a narcissist to think he was a chosen one. Which could explain his high-pitched rant and his charisma that drew people in. It's atrocious what happened to all of the innocent people and children. Your interpretation of what happened was captivating. I wonder when he partook of the Book of Revelation if it tasted like honey and became bitter in his stomach? I had one SDA experience which was against my will. lol A friend who had converted to that religion invited me to stay with her for the weekend in LA. It was supposed to be a weekend of fun. I showed up late Friday afternoon and we were supposed to go out for breakfast the following morning. So she drove us to what I thought would be a nice restaurant but imagine my dismay when we parked in front of her church instead. I'm a super easy going person so I didn't say anything negative to her but inside I was miffed. I felt totally tricked. I thought about sitting in the car and waiting for her but it was over 100 degrees, so I had no choice but to go inside. I felt like a fish out of water because she instantly abandoned me to hand out fliers at the door. Inside the large auditorium was a loud rock band shredding their guitars. I opted to sit in a small library where no one was there. Before I knew it an entire group of people entered the library for a Bible study. The preacher said, "The more you sin the more God loves you." It was like, huh? I couldn't believe my ears so I couldn't resist I had to say something. So I said, "If the more we sin the more God loves us then why are we sitting here? Why isn't everyone out sinning?" Everyone started to laugh and the preacher fell silent. I had momentarily rendered him speechless. lol So after that experience I joined my friend in the auditorium where they were standing up, arms stretched to the heavens and shaking their booty's to the rock music. I took note that some of the women were immodestly dressed. So after the music show was finally over another preacher went up to the podium and gave a lecture on the evils of pornography, finally it was something I could agree with, lol except for one thing. He presented it with a slide show that I deemed far too graphic for children. I would have rated it NC-17. So it was a fail too. Then they called up the parishioners who needed extra praying over and they made a single file line toward the preacher to get prayed over. Then they passed around a humongous wicker basket for donations. I don't know what the rest of them gave but my friend cut them a check for $200.00. Then it was over and she led me to an impressive buffet. I didn't partake because I tend to be a bit germaphobic (only slightly) lol but let's just say I'm not a fan of potluck. I will say the display was beautiful and they even had fresh strawberries and whipped cream in champagne glasses. After it was over my friend asked me what I thought. I told her it wasn't what I expected. It seemed more like a social club than a church to me. She then said that her church was a more liberal SDA, and that some SDA churches are more conservative. I still have 20 minutes left on your video so lets see what happens next with Koresh:-) 🧚‍♀
@dissidentfairy4264 Жыл бұрын
What a sad ending! You did all you could do to try and help him.
@hshx1n 11 ай бұрын
whoa cool read, had no idea they were that racy but I do think a lot if nut jobs come from that organization. But I'm starting to see that there is more than one sda church.
@billeib427 Жыл бұрын
First fruit were usually the 'low hanging' fruit. The poor, the destitute and the desperate at the edge of life waiting for the end of the pain. And along comes a 'voice.' Religion started when the first fool met the first conman ('voice').
@residuejunkie4321 Жыл бұрын
@ZeekRulezz990 11 ай бұрын
Mormonism came before the Millerites I think
@xifangyangren9997 Жыл бұрын
My friend went to high school with David . Their accents are almost identical too. It’s freaky ! 😅
@billeib427 Жыл бұрын
Hmm. David ( The King?) 6 letters. Jesus (house of David) 6 letters. Koresh (another king) 6 letters Christ (another king) 6 letters. Yikes! This can go on for ever if you look hard enough to knit your own truth.
@Darisiabgal7573 Жыл бұрын
Im belong to the six-and-halved day adventist chuch. Thats when the people of Uruk were unhappy with gilgamesh and sent a temple prositute to the eastern sea to be with Enkidu for 7 days and 6 nights, therefore tossing him ass out of the garden and to Uruk. Enkidu help to kill the bull of the heavens (Ergo how ilu ends up in canaan) when gilgamesh rejected Ishtars sexual advances. For this Ishtar kills him. We are all waiting for Enkidu to return and take back canaan for all the wildmen of the world and send El back to the rebuilt temple of Eanna. I set the official date of 4-1-2030.
@hshx1n 11 ай бұрын
dope. let me know if you need someone to manage y'all money
@Darisiabgal7573 11 ай бұрын
@@hshx1n We had alot of green with which to buy everyone immortality, but an orange-faced snake came along while I was dosing and ran off with it. He's using the money to lawyer up cause like everyone around the world is trying to slammer him up. Our chant is "slammer him up".
@hshx1n 11 ай бұрын
@@Darisiabgal7573 there's only one who can slammer him up, your prayer has been answered. in the world of cause it's happened, buttttt, since we're in time and are experiencing Maya and all that I'll have to take a fee so that you can see your prayers fulfilled in a timely way. Ofcourse I don't need any worldly currency, you can offer your time and expertise and come work at God's house where you won't ever dose off again.
@fartamayo Жыл бұрын
Jesus: after me many will call themselves prophets, do not believe them for they will bring you the everlasting pit of fire.
@davidrandell2224 Жыл бұрын
Isaac Newton wrote gibberish as well about Daniel/Revelation much earlier all to no avail. Without Kamal Salibi’s 4 bible study books all this rot will continue.
@phillipmorris4555 Жыл бұрын
Ment miller not millet.
@marshalldarcy7423 Жыл бұрын
It is not possible to believe that scripture had any thing to do with David Koresh. He was like many others, an ego who used religion for power and money as did Jim Jones. It is wrong to try an legitimize Koresh with scripture. Selfless humility does not do as Koresh did.
@termination9353 Жыл бұрын
FALSE FALSE FALSE to connect David Koresh with 7th Day Adventist.
@termination9353 Жыл бұрын
Sandy Hook village suffered the same fate as Waco Church and for the same reason.
@hshx1n 11 ай бұрын
he didn't quote sister White?
@termination9353 11 ай бұрын
@@hshx1n not preaching mainstream accepted theology.
@hshx1n 11 ай бұрын
@@termination9353 that much is obvious
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