The Mark of the Beast and False Worship in End Times

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Angels in the Glen

Angels in the Glen

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The Mark of the Beast and False Worship in End Times
Daniel Chapter 3 is a foretaste of what will happen in the mark of the beast struggle in Revelation 13:11-18. All the core elements of the story will be repeated in end-times when forced and false worship is set-up across the globe.
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Your comprehensive guide to Bible prophecy, preparing you for Christ's soon return. Join us as we let the Bible interpret the Bible. You’ll come away from this in-depth Bible study series with a clear understanding of Bible prophecy and of what the mark of the beast is according to the Bible.
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@AngelsintheGlen 4 жыл бұрын
Daniel Chapter 3 is a foretaste of what will happen in the mark of the beast struggle in Revelation 13:11-18. All the core elements of the story will be repeated in end-times when forced and false worship is set-up across the globe. To watch the complete lesson, visit:
@karenbocock328 4 жыл бұрын
While reading the book of Daniel a few nights ago, I realized that he prophesying the end times. I don't know a lot about the bible. Started studying about a year ago. I wanted to know more about Daniel so I googled it. Found your videos. They are very informative and easy to comprehend. Thank you so much for making these. I plan to share them with friends and family. God bless you!
@AngelsintheGlen 4 жыл бұрын
We are so happy these videos are helpful to you! And yes, please share with friends and family. You can go through the complete Daniel series on We'll be posting the revelation videos by early summer. God bless you as you study! Never hesitate to ask us any questions you may have.
@filipekaisuva1489 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. Praise the LORD GOD for HIS Holy WORD.
@gregpost8872 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You AIG
@AngelsintheGlen 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, check out the complete series at
@SteveShin85 2 жыл бұрын
Bro amen
@thomastedder654 4 жыл бұрын
I agree 100% how sin leads to insanity. I always wondered how could the highest order of creation-Lucifer, not only think he would be like YHWh, but how could this most intelligent creation trade the Love and joy he must have felt at one time , all the time being in the presence of YHWH for a firy inferno prison forever. How does Lucifer trade peaceful bliss for a prison cell of fire? All of us humans never knew what even Adam and Eve had to have felt at one time. Before they committed sin, they had to have felt YHWH'S love for them, I believe they had to have felt peace at all times before they sinned. I can't believe those Angels that are in Heaven have ever felt pain. I know all of us living today were born into sin, with flesh that is corrupted. I had to deal with pain to intense pain over a 6 year period. I can say I hate this world and I hate pain. I would never trade a joyous Love from our Creator YHWH for anything, let alone being in pain forever. I'm a follower of Jesus seeking YHWH'S Will. I am a student and I thank you for your time in making this video. I'd appreciate your thoughts on what I have texted. If I've said something that isn't true I would like to be corrected.
@AngelsintheGlen 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment! (btw…I too am a student of the Bible : ) with a deep desire to learn and grow with Christ. How did Lucifer throw it all away? You ask a very deep question. I’m not sure we can know that answer in full because sin is a mystery. The Bible describes it as a mystery in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work…” (and we know that sin is lawlessness in 1 John 3:4). Since sin is a mystery, it’s natural for us to ask these questions. How did it emerge in Lucifer’s mind? As you point out, he was living in a perfect, peaceful universe. Why trade that for eternal destruction? Some might say Lucifer had free will and he simply chose to sin. While he did (and does) have free will, that doesn’t give us a reason. The question is this: If lawlessness is a mystery, and lawlessness is sin, then why did Lucifer willfully choose to transgress the law of God? Why did he transgress it when he wasn’t created or born crooked and bent? He was perfect in beauty and wisdom from the beginning. He wasn’t born with a body of death that has an inclination to sin like we humans do. And no one tempted him. Hmmm. We know he tried to exalt himself, but why? After all, he is/was the highest created being in the universe. Only God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit had an uncreated existence higher than him. Why transgress God’s moral law and throw it all away? Why was he not content? I don’t have that answer. I believe sin is unaccountable. I’m not sure we can find an excuse for it. If we could, then we could probably find a way to defend it. We do know this: God is not responsible for it. (see the parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13). However, consider this. After Lucifer sinned, he convinced a third of the angels to rebel with him. How did he do that? How did he convince a sizable number of the angels to willingly follow him? He certainly must have had a powerful argument against God Himself. I bring attention to this topic because we have answers to those questions in a new Revelation 12 video that is about to be uploaded (in June). We answer the question why war arose in heaven. How could heaven in all its peace and love find itself in a war? As you know, Revelation 12:7 is where war started in heaven. Notice that war continues on earth in Revelation 12:17. Who does the dragon go off to make war with? That’s right, a small group of people who keep the commandments of God. You see the war started in heaven but it continued on earth. The war in heaven and on earth is over the same thing: The law of God. We explain this and more in the series. Hope you’ll join us. By the way, our entire series at is to guide men and women to understand the events that must take place before Christ’s second coming. We can know exactly what must take place. God wants His people ready for his return. There is no mystery to that.
@thomastedder654 4 жыл бұрын
@@AngelsintheGlen the only thought I could add and maybe you mean the same when you text "The war has been about the Law of GOD" is that I thought this war was always about worship. Satan wants to be worshipped as he told Jesus basically bow down before me and I will give you all the kingdom's of Earth. I thank you for your reply. It is always good to hear from those who have Faith in Jesus and our Most High GOD YHWH.
@AngelsintheGlen 4 жыл бұрын
@@thomastedder654 The war is about worship and involves the LAW of God. Let’s quickly review the first four commandments. 1) no other gods; 2) no graven images - you shall not worship them or serve them; 3) no taking the LORD’s name in vain; 4) remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Here’s the illustration. A true Christian wouldn’t bow down and worship a false image. If they did they would be breaking the 2nd commandment. However, if they don’t bow down to a false image, they are saying that their loyalty, love, devotion, and worship is only to the one true God. This is what happened in Daniel 3. Hananiah, Mishiel, and Azariah refuse to bow down and worship the image the king set up despite the death penalty. They know to keep the 2nd commandment and refuse to disobey it. Their refusal to bow down to the king’s decree is essentially saying that their love, devotion, and worship is exclusively for God. They would rather be thrown into the fiery furnace than worship a false image. It’s the same pattern in Revelation 13. A false image will be set up and anyone who doesn’t worship it will fall under the death penalty. We worship God by keeping His commandments. All ten. This is an expression of our love to our Creator and Redeemer. Jesus says in John 14:15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” How do we show love to God? By keeping His commandments. The commandments are at the heart of worship. This is why the dragon makes war with those who keep the commandments of God. He wants them to turn their loyalty and worship from God to himself. He attempts to do that by setting up a false image to worship.
@thomastedder654 4 жыл бұрын
@@AngelsintheGlen I agree and can only add as I've gotten older and my knowledge of GOD'S Will has grown the desire to sin is not crossing my mind daily - but, every once in a great while sin does cross my mind. The more I seek YHWH'S Truth the more I want to be a righteous man and I look forward to the day evil has been forgotten and is never remembered.
@AngelsintheGlen 4 жыл бұрын
Amen! We all look forward to that day!
@Maze083 3 жыл бұрын
Please make more!
@AngelsintheGlen 3 жыл бұрын
We plan too! Thank you for the encouragement. If you haven’t already, check out the complete series at
@leemary4833 Жыл бұрын
Like the comparison.
@JohnJohn-nh5mj 4 жыл бұрын
Yes we going to Be in the tribulation, thats the true, and most prechers are preching that the church dont have to be in the tribulation, that they are before the tribulation, and the bible dont shows that
@caspervdspek9725 3 жыл бұрын
I belive God sends me to you to investigate 'What is patent wo2020060606?' May God guide you, be blessed and stay strong. Amen
@salomemalherbe677 2 жыл бұрын
The possibilty therefore exist that God used ownership of the EARTH as a snare for Lucifer
@jace76ful 3 жыл бұрын
My thoughts is that it will come in Israel. The Jews want a temple built and they proclaim that the messiah according to Judaism not Christ however will come when it is rebuilt and they will institute sacrifices again which is complete blasphemous against Christ. Which explains 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Also points to rev 1:9. Also 1 John 18-19 and verse 22 Who do they believe in? Not Christ. I'm not hating on anyone let me make that clear but the Bible is quite straight forward with the message.
@AngelsintheGlen 3 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, many are looking to a literal rebuilding of a temple in Jerusalem at some point in the future. However, scripture is pointing us to a spiritual application. What do we mean by this? Take the historical destruction and rebuilding of the temple. Consider the temple destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. or after it was rebuilt and destroyed again by the Romans in 70A.D. While the temple was destroyed, God has been rebuilding it through the Church. The spiritual application for the temple is found in Ephesians 2:19-22. Ephesians 2:19-22 (NASB) 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household, 20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22 is making very clear statements that the saints of God are a holy temple. They are a building where God dwells in them by His Spirit. Just as God manifested His presence in a literal temple in Jerusalem, He now manifests His presence by His Spirit through the saints of God, i.e. His Church on earth. The Church is the temple in which He dwells. This is why many take Daniel 8:14 out of context. Is the holy place in Daniel 8:14 a literal temple? Or a spiritual temple? In proper context it is the Church on earth (which also include the heavenly temple because of the Church’s connection to Christ). Many also take Revelation 11:2 out of context. The temple has its spiritual application through the Church again. Please consider watching our entire series. End-time events are about to unfold. It’s not a time to fear but a time to be ready.
@michaelbwomaya4468 2 жыл бұрын
Can you talk about false Prophets whose prophesies don't come true.
@AngelsintheGlen 2 жыл бұрын
Our series is designed to instruct men and women how to be ready for end-time events that will soon take place. The Biblical truths presented will make it evidently clear what is truth and what is error. Once one has the truth, errors can be easily spotted and refuted from where ever (and when ever) they come from. If one truly knows the genuine, fakes are readily detected.
@jamiewaterhouse7850 3 жыл бұрын
The creator is Jehovah!
I need the explanation for romans
@missthunderstormable 3 жыл бұрын
totally agree with this. at least someone who s not into senseless conspiracy theories with chips and similar. this is about worship, that s what Satan wants!. it s going to be pretty much obvious when that comes. well done and thanks
@AngelsintheGlen 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Yes, we must focus on what the Bible teaches. May God bless you as you study His word.
@eddiehill3466 3 жыл бұрын
“Worship” comes in various forms. It’s what you lend you time to over God. Many Christians are still slaves in bondage to modern day Egypt, and don’t even know it. Oh, and btw, Satan doesn’t come with horns and a little pitchfork, he comes as a very benevolent being, deceiving the masses, including “Christians.” Don’t be deceived😉
@regrangihuna5089 3 жыл бұрын
Is the vaccines, the pestilence from Matthew 24 and Revelation..... and the RFID microchip too, also to be avoided....Worshipping the papacy or not has not had anything to do with being able to buy or sell....
@AngelsintheGlen 3 жыл бұрын
We recommend you watch our entire video series beginning in Daniel 1. Please reach out to us directly at our website with any questions.
@wiserthanserpents3862 3 жыл бұрын
The mark of the satan Is taken by all humans who deny the gospel of Eternal Salvation. Otherwise Christ died in vain. Once saved always saved
@promisedcovenant9917 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like modern christanity
@Charles73358 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you brother I am enjoying your teachings but with all do respect I can't agree that you can apply Revelation 13 about the mark of the beast to the end of the world and taking Daniel chapter 8 :15-17 and using a literal Greek word to apply it to the end of the world because of the word vision. The word end is not literal because the Bible gives scripture reference to Revelation 1:17-18 the word End is talking about Jesus Christ because he is Alpha ,Omega, the beginning and the End Isaiah 41:4 Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he And it can also be referring to the end of the Roman Empire because the seals,Trumpets and Bowl judgments will put an end to the Roman Empire Revelation 13 had to do with the Imperial Cult idolatry worship system in which the Roman Emperor Domitian demanded for the Christian Jews and Gentiles to bow before the idol statues holding burning incense in their right hand praying Ceasar-God Divine-is Lord Savior And the Christians could not buy or sell except they accepted the Imperial Cult worship system those Saints that compromised their faith and accepted the Imperial Cult represents the mark in the forehead so Revelation 13 is not future it has to do with the persecution of the Saints in Asia Minor Domitian was the only Emperor that proclaimed himself as God while yet alive and he was in Pagan Rome It would be foolish for some man to rise up and sit in a Temple and say that he is God because the veil of the old temple in Jerusalem was rent into from top to bottom signifying no more blood offerings and sacrifices so now we are the temple of the holy spirit and the veil is in Jesus Christ And the presence of God will not be there because God will no longer dwell in temples made by hands. Antichrist is spiritual and I am talking about within the church Full Gospel , Charismatic their are many Christians that are bowing down to a God that cannot save because they are under false doctrine which is deception the Bible says that the carnal mind is enmity against God. Enmity means against Christ and they have become an enemy of Christ so that is Antichrist because there are many church leaders that preach against grace but do not realize it because they have not been truly born again. Then you have those Christians that are a part of a sorority group or a fraternity and their eyes have not been open that those that do such things is bowing down to idolatry worship just like the Roman Empire. So there's a lot more to consider that is going on in our own churches than just waiting on some man to sit in a Temple and say that he is God those Christians that are a part of false doctrine that is there God Jesus said everyone that says Lord Lord will not make it in. Amen 🙏!
@AngelsintheGlen 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback. There is a lot to unpack in your comment. (and this is exactly why we developed a comprehensive series on this topic). We need to be brief because all of your issues are addressed in our series and in our study guides. First. Recommend you watch our entire series in sequence from the beginning in Daniel 1. This video that you are commenting on is a short excerpt from our Daniel 3 video. Second. We address a lot of your issues in our Daniel 7 (2 parts) Daniel 8 (3 parts) and Daniel 9 (5 parts). Third. When you have sequentially watched our videos and critically examined them with the word of God, consider our Revelation series. We explain exactly what the mark of the beast is and explain it from the Bible. In short, Revelation 13 is still future. To be more precise, we are living in Revelation 13:11 right now and about to enter into verse 12. This will all make sense provided you methodically work through our series. We have an entire framework for the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Fourth. Please watch our Blue Stone study (all 3 parts) immediately following Daniel 2. This will make sense after you watch. Everything builds and expands. And it all starts with Daniel 1:1-2. This is the theme of Daniel. Without a proper understanding of these two verses, one cannot understand the book of Daniel. This is why we highly recommend watching sequentially. But remember, prophecy should always point us to Jesus and shine greater light on the gospels. Prophecies were given to us, who live in the final days of earth's history, to prepare us for the second coming of Jesus Christ and to be saved in Jesus Christ. Again, critically examine everything we say and anything we print. Hold us to the highest Biblical standard.
@Charles73358 2 жыл бұрын
@@AngelsintheGlen Okay thank you God bless
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