THE MATRIX - Why Cypher Did It

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Enlightenment Pictures

Enlightenment Pictures

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@grimsong2237 7 жыл бұрын
Cypher was taken out of the Matrix because Morpheus thought he might be"The One". I would deduce that Trinity, having been told that she would fall in love with The One, tried to establish a romantic relationship with Cypher. But she realized in time she wasn't attracted to him in that way. Morpheus figures out Cypher isn't The One. So eventually both Morpheus and Trinity suddenly stop treating Cypher like he is special. Cypher is now bitter, not only was he pulled out of the Matrix when it would be hard for him to adapt due to age, but he sees Morpheus pulling a con job on everyone else he pulls out of the Matrix as he searches for The One. Each new recruit being drafted in a war and being told they may be a prophetic religious chosen one while havingyour former life ruined so you can live in a machine controlled dystopia, where you watch other potential chosen ones die. It's easy to see why Cypher wants out.
@fi4re 6 жыл бұрын
Wow! I never thought about it that way. Excellent analysis.
@jollytroopersucks 5 жыл бұрын
I can not argue with that logic...You have clearly thought about this.
@vinayseth1114 5 жыл бұрын
But WHERE did you establish that Cypher was previously told he was the One? Stop making things up!
@grimsong2237 5 жыл бұрын
@@vinayseth1114 I am speculating based on Morpheus's statements. Morpheus states he is searching for "The One". In addition, the female character Switch (the only one dressed in white while in the Matrix) was supposed to be a transgendered man according to the directors/writers of the film. His physical form in the real world was to be that of a woman, but when plugged in the Matrix he appeared as he saw himself mentally, in the body of a man. Switch could do something the others couldn't, bend the rules of the Matrix, which I speculate would make him a potential (perhaps short hand for Potential to be the One). Which would also explain the Oracle's children, they are called Potentials in the film, "potential for what?" one might ask. They never say in the Matrix movie, but it seems to me the answer is, Potentially to be The One. Like Switch and Neo they can shape the Matrix to their will, bend spoons, make objects float etc. So then the question becomes what evidence is there for Cypher being special or a potential? The movie doesn't hint this directly. However, Morpheus says they don't usually pull people out of the Matrix when their older because of the difficulty of their minds adapting, I am almost positive he is thinking of Cypher when he says this. If he is, then why did the pull Cypher out even though he was older, knowing that it probably wouldn't work out? My conclusion, because at one point Morpheus saw some "Potential" in him, a potential so strong that it would be worth any negative risk, a potential that he had at last found The One, a risk he would once again take despite the risk for one older Mr. Anderson, a.k.a. Neo...
@samson4965 5 жыл бұрын
@@vinayseth1114 "stop adding fiction to my fiction😩"
@Jack-iu2gl 3 жыл бұрын
The boy who is not embraced by a village will be the man who burns it down to feel it's warmth.
@HaydenLau. 3 жыл бұрын
That is completely inapplicable
@TheVagabondGadite 3 жыл бұрын
The dude wasn't hittin Trinity and this is what he got for waking up. If he could forget all of it, her, and live any life with any non existent chick he wants, I don't blame him.
@drippinwet774 3 жыл бұрын
@@HaydenLau. its just an opinion
@ajamucollins4395 3 жыл бұрын
Beautifully put, "villages" seem to easily grow onto me.
@moodyowlproductions4287 2 жыл бұрын
Me"Yeah that all good and well but if he burn it down.....where he gonna did not think ahead" boy"yep...did not think this through"
@gaawn 7 жыл бұрын
i think he simply lost any passion for life. He had no person or idea to live for. So he traded it. To forget, to taste, to feel again. Ths happens to billions of people everyday. He is very important character in this movie.
@SiliconBong 7 жыл бұрын
That's a damned good observation. He does seem to be a bit more casual, even blasé with the whole mission, than the other crew. He had no overwhelming ideology to strive for, as he pulls a drink of what passes for alcohol he is trying to hint to Neo that his very unplugging is just a means to an end. "I'm tired of that jackoff and all his bullshit"
@SuperKong57 7 жыл бұрын
A necessary evil.
@newperve 7 жыл бұрын
So do you think he even believed that he was going back in the Matrix? Because he had no way of enforcing the agreement, and after he delivers what they want to the machines he is just a liability. Simply killing him would be easier than actually editing out all the memories that they don't want to be known. The ease with which Agent Smith agrees to his additional demands indicates that he isn't worried about the difficulty of achieving them. There are three possible reasons for this, 1) he knows that the mission is so important these demands are relatively trivial, 2) he knows that Cypher has no way to enforce those demands once he's back in the Matrix, or even realize he was gypped, 3) Agent Smith knows that Cypher's body will start approaching room temperate 1/2 a second after he stops being useful.
@paulmccloud9395 7 жыл бұрын
I never got the impression that the machines would renege on the deal. After 9 years of working against the machines he must have a fair understanding of their 'morals'. At the end of the day they had a subject who was willing to plug himself back in, and give them everything they needed. Killing him would serve no purpose, and be detriment, one less battery. Making him something other than what he wanted, an actor, would betray a multitude of human emotions. Betrayal for one. Pressing the 'actor' button or the 'sewage cleaner' button means nothing to them. As machines they would simply follow the original program/deal. While there is no certainty, I would like to think someone who spent 9 years in the matrix would have a better understanding of the machines than us, who watched a 2 hour movie. Now, if Cypher made this deal with Matrix 2 Smith, it would have been different.
@duggiedug9148 7 жыл бұрын
gaawn Absolutely! The matrix was reset and he beat the system with a whole new life. Brilliant
@neoasura 5 жыл бұрын
I think it's a lot more simple than people make it out to be. He did it for the same reason millions of us do it temporary with drugs or booze..sometimes the fake reality is much better than the real one.
@willianditaquera 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe he knew the "real world" was a fail safe?
@Stfugb2s 5 жыл бұрын
I would agree with you just in the context of this one film. But in the following films and expanded Matrix universe I think the Wachowski brothers demonstrated that they are capable of achieving the depth required to support this analysis.
@willianditaquera 5 жыл бұрын
@@Stfugb2s well what you would do if you knew that you are stuck in the matrix when you thouth u are out? I would do same shit cypher did. At least would be a good ilusion to live by.
@Stfugb2s 5 жыл бұрын
willianditaquera - his desire to escape reality is understandable, but what we are analyzing is the method he used. There is an implicit contract in filmmaking. It’s an agreement between the director and the audience. The agreement is that the audience will give their attention to the director and in return the director will not waste the audience’s time. The Wachowski brothers are accomplished filmmakers and very well aware of this agreement. Therefore we can be certain that there are reasons WHY Cypher said the specific things he said, why the directors showed us the scenes they did. If they just wanted to show us a selfish, weak man who preferred a comfortable prison to the horrors of reality then why did they take so much time to build his character? Why the dialogue with Neo? Why the unrequited feelings for Trinity? Why the resentment for Morpheus? Why did they cast a mature man to play the part while also highlighting the dangers of pulling an older mind? If the Wachowski brothers wanted to show a simple selfish act, Mouse’s character would be a much better candidate - young, prone to fantasy, immature, easily seduced by the promise of superficial pleasures. Instead they spend a significant amount of their most precious resource as directors (time) to show us a character whose motivation runs deeper than “reality sucks.”
@astrangeone 5 жыл бұрын
Seriously, if I were Cypher, I would have probably done it ages ago. 9 years of living on crap food, in a cramped space, with crewmates who seem to hate you... Yeah, reinsert me in the Matrix as a celebrity with access to food, fame and no memory of that shithole Zion.
@UltimateKyuubiFox 7 жыл бұрын
There's a theory I've had for years and watching this video really reinforced it for me. I think Morpheus was convinced that Cypher was The One. His inability to live up to the fantasy Morpheus was selling made him feel like a failure and a disappointment to the crew. He barely feels comfortable eating around them, constantly isolating himself, and he also just feels downright cheated. He gave up his normal life to live in hell and Morpheus doesn't even seem to care. That would make anyone feel disillusioned... Not to mention what the Oracle told Trinity. How she would be in love with The One? It makes his line of "I don't remember you ever bringing me dinner" make even more sense. This very easily could've been the cause of the uncomfortable rift between the two, as he assumed that she secretly had feelings for him when in reality she didn't feel anything for him at all. Not to mention his conversation with Neo, with quotes like "So you're here to save the world... What do you /say/ to something like that?" and "Here's my advice. You see an agent? You run." He talks like he knows from experience. And I think he does. He gave up everything for a cause that he's spent the better part of a decade becoming convinced was completely hopeless. In his mind, Morpheus is a manipulative crackpot. He just wants to eat food again.
@brianmessemer2973 6 жыл бұрын
That's a fascinating permutation/possibility of the story that never occurred to me. Well reasoned. Thank you for sharing!
@redrounin1440 6 жыл бұрын
Came here to posit this, but you beat me to it. Well said. I'd like to add that Cypher may represent the personality flaw of excess cynicism. It's sort of in his name and names are very meaningful in the matrix. Cypher = zero => believes in nothing; Cynic = skeptic => believes in nothing at face value. Cynicism is a healthy quality in reasonable doses, and it's probably what kept Cypher from buying into the matrix in the first place, thus seeking out Morpheus. But perhaps his inability to believe in things prevented him from truly being "the one", and when that fantasy collapsed it sent him into a spiral of disillusionment and loathing. Fast forward nine years and he's just a hungry, cold, lonely guy living on a submarine with a bunch of people he's disappointed, and who've let him down as well. Ultimately he falls victim to the mental trap of the cynic, becoming convinced that nothing you do matters at all. That's why we see him so coldly betraying his shipmates. In Cypher's mind the war is unwinnable; these people are already dead. He doesn't believe the real world is any more real than the matrix, and killing these people matters about as much as flipping off a light switch. Since nothing he does matters, and everything is meaningless, the least he can do is try to get a steak dinner out of it. Maybe he even suspects that Smith won't hold up his end of the agreement. Maybe he doesn't even care. Or maybe he's just lost all faith in humanity, and the only thing he's willing to bet on anymore is the cold logic of the machines. He's got nothing left to lose, maybe he's willing to risk it all on what he must know is a slim chance an Agent is going to honor his word. Everything comes to a head once Neo comes aboard. Cypher's watched Trinity fall in love with this man through the monitor and it makes him sick. Not only is it the end of any chance of having a relationship but it's the end of any chance that he himself might ever become the one. And unlike Cypher, Neo is not jaded. Neo's no cynic. Neo is just skeptical enough to not fit in to the matrix but still has enough faith to believe in Morpheus, the Oracle, the prophecy, etc, thus allowing him to believe in himself and become "the one". That's something Cypher could never have. But Cypher doesn't believe in the prophecy, or the one. I think all Cypher sees is that Morpheus and the others believe Neo is the one, and he suspects that this is going to come to some kind of violent conclusion in the near future. Of course, Cypher surmises that what must result is the death of everybody on board. So in a way, he's kind of acting in self defense. It's almost like everyone else wanted to go on a suicide mission, and he couldn't get out of it, so he betrayed them all so at least he could live. Hey, they were all going to die anyway, at least in his mind, so in the end his actions have no consequences as usual. They're going to die either way, and why does he care if he's the one to flip the switch, he's not going to remember it. Even if the agent's just kill him, he won't have to live with the consequences. And also he's Judas, of course. "How can he be the one, if he's DEAD?"
@jacobclark906 6 жыл бұрын
Chances are that Cypher wasn't awoken just to read the Matrix code. Chances are that Morpheus convinced him that he may be the one too. I'm sure at one point he had faith in the Oracle, Morpheus, and the one, but being told you may be the one and after years it hasn't come true, who wouldn't stop believing? I don't think he didn't believe all along. The way I see it, he feels that if Morpheus was wrong about him, what makes Neo any different? Any rate, that was a great read. Thanks.
@gc3k 6 жыл бұрын
Did he ever meet the Oracle or did anybody mention him meeting her before?
@inazuma3gou 6 жыл бұрын
So, Neo is the one. Cypher is the zero.
@purefoldnz3070 6 жыл бұрын
Cypher never got that ticket to the rave/orgy in Zion.
@counterstrike8840 5 жыл бұрын
+Purefoldnz he had...cus he was unplugged from matrix for 9 years...
@purefoldnz3070 5 жыл бұрын
@@counterstrike8840 Sorry no invites for ugos over 40 lol
@counterstrike8840 5 жыл бұрын
+Purefoldnz but if u were in his place...would u choose zion or matrix? : )
@purefoldnz3070 5 жыл бұрын
@@counterstrike8840 I would choose the rave/orgies. However there is the paradox the machines need the one alive to reset the code at the source. Therefore Agent Smith is helping to create the one, killing him prematurely would destroy the humans and the machines. That's the paradox in the first film.
@counterstrike8840 5 жыл бұрын
@@purefoldnz3070 zion is another cube / matrix...zion represents the underworld...the world of the demons...while matrix represents the middle world / earth...even if someone exited the matrix and enters zion, still the person is going to die either by getting old or killed by the machines...they hv no comfort, no life...they are in a state of exile like rats living in the sewer...thats what the Freemasons wants humans to do...NOT to appreciate this life and follow them to the other hope for a better Dorethy in the story of Wizard of Oz...STAY dont follow the wolf that wears sheep skin...its not a sheep, it is not here to save you...Matrix / Earth is our flock...
@MonkieSystem 7 жыл бұрын
Cypher's decision to return to the Matrix is also a commentary on modern life in our real world. Millions prefer the alternate reality of TV and social media to the real world. Millions don't know or fully appreciate the difference. Cypher would rather be a slave in real life if his perceived reality can be spoon-fed to him in a fictional, alternate reality that he helped define. This is allegory to millions of people who prefer to sit on their couches and choose their favorite alternate reality from their cable TV guide or the Internet. Many, perhaps most, Americans are more familiar with the characters they see on TV or their computer than with their next-door neighbors, their coworkers, or even their own families.
@ThreeDaysOfDan 7 жыл бұрын
Yet people who live straight see things in their full fucked up spectrum. I learned to love the ups and downs that people strive so badly to destroy.
@theseproblemsmatter1 7 жыл бұрын
Keith Brandt Spot on, such a sad reality
@lonniehodgejr5900 7 жыл бұрын
Julie Hobbs, i understand how you feel. i struggled with a painpill addiction for a long time. it's not an easy addiction to kick. through meditation and positive thinking, i was able to overcome it though. sure, i'm in constant pain but it doesn't affect me like it used to.
@bOObies2 7 жыл бұрын
And is that so wrong? What if the path of least resistance is what humans tend to strive for. Most of the day people live in their own heads anyways, either remembering good times, or dreaming up future ones. We dream all most all the time. Seems like we all want a easy world where things go our way. Slave or not our senses are all that make this common reality, real. I often think about Vanilla Sky and think to myself, I might prefer that.
@janbenak9414 7 жыл бұрын
@chapablo 5 жыл бұрын
Great video! One thing I'll say: I don't think agent Smith was lying to Cypher when he offered him what he wanted. Throughout the Matrix movies, one thing is clear about the agents and computers of this world: they are relentlessly direct. While they do have certain secrets (cycles of Zion, nature of The One, etc). They never flat out lie. They say what they mean and go after what they want with no subterfuge. It is humans who fill in the blanks to rationalize the presence and purpose of the agents. If they offer Cypher to reinsert him into the Matrix quid pro quo, it would not harm them at all to oblige. They get what they want from Morpheus and regain a lost battery for their use. Win-win.
@guillaumelandry-voyer412 5 жыл бұрын
Despite what is being said at @13:05 I'm this video, later on in the movie Smith says something like "do as planned and send the sentinels" so he was planning to blow up the ship anyway.
@VesuveusMxO 5 жыл бұрын
It was later revealed that there is no such process to re-insert humans. So this is a grey area and open for our interpretation. Would Smith have kept his word and facilitated the reinsertion? Or was he lying and planning to kill all. I tend to believe Smith was lying and machines intentionally deceive.
@mahound9 5 жыл бұрын
Hm, yeah. I can accept that. That makes sense, and it does seem to be true. Even though they do seem to have levels of privileged information. Smith for instance, has a plan to escape the Matrix which wouldn't actually work. Thinking that if he's able to cause Zion's destruction he will no longer be needed and set free. (Or deleted, more likely, which might have suited him just as well- or perhaps not?... ) Of course, in the sequels, we see that this plan wouldn't work. The machines wouldn't allow it. Smith, therefore, seems unaware of the true nature of the Matrix. Indeed, through the sequels, he must have become aware eventually. By the time he assimilates the Oracle at the latest.
@VesuveusMxO 5 жыл бұрын
Rene Mahound ...A few things come to mind. Theories, really. What if Smith has incentive to achieve the destruction of Zion? It does seem that he had a plan to “No longer” be in the Matrix which he grew to hate. Also, what if he was working with the Merovingian early on? He had a way out of the Matrix from the Trainman. As for his awareness of the nature of the Matrix, probably after Neo “destroyed” him. He faced deletion and decided to run. Then reveals he had knowledge of the Cycle of the One.
@VesuveusMxO 5 жыл бұрын
kacangbumbu987 ...Architect did say that. But consider that Smith was different. He became more human over the course of the trilogy, so much so, that he actually became a human, overwriting Bane in the Real. The great part about these movies is that it’s all about interpretation.
@conorcorrigan765 7 жыл бұрын
This is 100% wrong, Cypher WAS re-inserted into the Matrix, and as an actor, like he requested. His name is Joe Pantoliano and he lives in New Jersey.
@blindsightedfool 6 жыл бұрын
Conor Corrigan You just blew my mind!
@juniornostaw7536 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@marktaylor3809 6 жыл бұрын
@IchthysGuy 6 жыл бұрын
I've interpreted that line for some time as a kind of subtle snarky fourth wall break.
@johnp6806 6 жыл бұрын
Conor Corrigan, the matrix has you
@Wimachtendink 7 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed your video, but I think you might have missed that Cypher might have been one of the times Morpheus was wrong. Neo was "this time", Cypher may have been a previous time. Trinity was supposed to fall in love with The One, and did not fall for Cypher. It easily could have been that part of how they knew that Cypher was not The One is that Trinity had no feelings for him, thus "you never brought me food" etc. Trinity's rejection of Cypher was not only a blow to his sense of self worth but also rendered him existentially useless. Once he found out that he was not the one, doesn't get the girl, and how easily he could have been happy in the matrix if he had put as much effort into traditional notions of success as he had in escaping the matrix - letting Neo, the second son, inherit Morpheus kingdom, literally the father, was just not an option, so he chose instead to burn it down. It might be a stretch, but Cypher is an archaic word for Zero. Cypher is the 0 to Neo's 1.
@poolandmusic 6 жыл бұрын
Chris Loree i think you are spot on. The dutch word for numbers is cijfer.
@pangdemonium8693 6 жыл бұрын
Great analogy definately on point was thinking the same thing. Far from a reach.
@kevinjames60 6 жыл бұрын
Chris Loree i thin when cypher said, “you never brought me food” he was jealous cuz she never showed him that kind of attention. That could be said for every other crew member they saved. The only reason he said it was bcuz he always liked her. I dont think it had to do with him potentially being the one. If Mouse had said this, would he have been the one? Or tank? The oracle said TRINITY would fall in love with the one. She never said he would love her back. It just worked out that way
@jasonjones4857 5 жыл бұрын
I think it's closer to the mental breakdown, a prison complex. More then likely he was sold a dream , gave up his life as a free human to live in a prison, the loss of your freedom can drive one to suicide and that's basically what he did cause anything is better than being trapped in a nasty box with people you have no kinship or bond with. At least that's just why I would do those bad things give me steak or give me death... Sometimes plot points are just basic human emotions not elaborate webs, in a movie full of way out there stuff, basic human emotions and the grass is greener attitude goes even further than a twist. I'ma hey come over here it's a better life, you get there look around and say wait this ain't better I eat paste one chick here and several guys in a tin box, fuck thus bro let me go back I had a bed food a girlfriend why did I give up my life for this disaster of an existence. So then he's got a chance to go back but it might kill him and apparently it was worth the chance to go back. It's apparent he felt death was better than life in a tin box .
@brokenwave6125 5 жыл бұрын
I think the more modern mean of the word is what they intended. Which basically means "secret"...because his character was hiding a secret and having secret meetings behind the crews back.
@Dreveryn 4 жыл бұрын
Personally I feel Cypher is just the perfect metaphor to represent people who have depression or other mental health issues. His reality is one that he can't get through a day without suffering in some way. In this context people often choose to dream or alter their mind through substance use because for just a little bit, they don't have to suffer. Cypher's dream of choice being the matrix. It's not that complicated.
@BakaryD 3 жыл бұрын
@sufficientmagister9061 Жыл бұрын
I strongly agree.
@Leigthal_ 5 жыл бұрын
Cypher is the obvious Judas character. I was never really mystified by Cypher’s motive. Of all the questions we’re left with from the film- I think this one is the easiest to answer. Cypher is disenfranchised by Morpheus’ faith. In later films, we kinda learn that maybe Cypher was right- Neo wasn’t really special, as this is the 6th version of the Matrix and ‘The One’ has existed many times. It’s quite possible that Cypher felt cheated or lead on by Morpheus. An interesting question to ask is “Why was Cypher unplugged from the Matrix in the first place?” And “Why did Cypher take the red pill?” It’s rumoured that in early scripts of the Matrix, Morpheus believed Cypher was the one, so when he found out he wasn’t, he felt betrayed.
@minshouyukida1112 4 жыл бұрын
...calm your tits
@alexbeerune 4 жыл бұрын
nickys34 lunatic
@user-zu1ix3yq2w 4 жыл бұрын
@nickys34 It's funny because agent is almost the same word as angel.
@nikolaoskal7438 4 жыл бұрын
@nickys34 The so called "ancient texts" are hermetism, gnosticism, alchemy, kabbala. They are all the same thing: a satanic lie.
@EMMETproxy 2 жыл бұрын
It checks
@andelljohnson2350 7 жыл бұрын
Ive always thought that Morpheus had mistaken Cypher for the one, removed him from the matrix and freed his mind. and when it turned out that he wasn't the one (because Trinity wasn't in love with him among other reasons), Cypher resented the real world and rebelled! Imagine that Cypher had gone through everything that we saw Neo go through only to learn that he was not what everyone hoped he was... He'd hate his situation and everyone in it and naturally want to escape it!..... just my opinion.
@airlebron7467 6 жыл бұрын
great insight
@blackham7 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like, Morpheus in a way cheats people out of The Matrix, When he teaches people the truth about What is the Matrix, he doesn't actually tell them because they have to unplug to find out (as The System will find out), and Humans are curious so some peoples curiosity gets the better of them and they Unplug even though they're not ready to know the truth. A World with no sunlight, A world where you survive on nothing but slop, A World where you have to stare at Computer Screens all day and Run from Sentinels and Agents. The Real World is grim. And Some aren't ready for it, ignorance is bliss.
@Kintizen 6 жыл бұрын
Andell Johnson Morpheus is also mistaken Neo as the One. Agent Smith is the One. He rebels against the Machines, changes The Matrix to his liking. Forces a alliance and peace between Humans and Machines.
@blackham7 6 жыл бұрын
Lucas Miranda I feel like that's more of a fan thing than it being official canon. As Neo is also able to change The Matrix and The Oracle is the one who really forced the truce as she got assimilated knowing the Deus Ex would be forced to grant Neos request because without no Oracle The Matrix would crash.. Smith was a tool being used by The Oracle to help Neo.
@ADucksOpinion 6 жыл бұрын
such a good insite. i love this
@soyborne.bornmadeandundone1342 7 жыл бұрын
They must have really trusted Cypher to let him fuck around in the matrix late at night all of the time full well knowing that agent assholes could fuck everything up... At the end of the movie Morpheus probably made a new rule. "Everyone goes to bed when I go to bed Damnit!"
@MisterTutor2010 5 жыл бұрын
If Agent Smith kept his promise, Cypher would be inserted into the Matrix as Joe Pantoliano an actor who would be cast in a movie called...oh shit that would be really meta :)
@falteringwriter 5 жыл бұрын
That might cause a feedback loop. I wonder how many cycles it would take for it to break the system altogether and for everyone to realize that Cypher was actually The One.
@RahulMPrathap 5 жыл бұрын
@@falteringwriter but he is already dead in that movie. So the present Joepantoliano may be a programmade by the Matrix.
@thepurpleshade486 4 жыл бұрын
stolen comment
@sexydudeuk2172 4 жыл бұрын
Even if the plan had succeeded, Agent Smith wouldn't be able to keep his promise because as is it explained, once they are released out of the matrix, reinsertion is not possible.
@masterzombie161 3 жыл бұрын
I doubt Smith would keep his promise. Smith despises the Matrix so someone wanting to get back into it definitely would make him punish Cypher out of spite.
@stevethepirate2875 5 жыл бұрын
My thoughts had to do with his name. Cypher (cipher)-zero. Neo was 'The One" while Cypher, a man much older than Neo- who, nine years before, had to have been unplugged from the Matrix in violation of the rule Morpheus speaks of - is code-named "Zero" by the crew. And he wanted to know why Morpheus didn't take Neo to see the Oracle 'If he was so sure." I think a much younger Morpheus sent a much younger Trinity into the Matrix to guide Cypher, (similar to the way she did Neo) and he kind of fell for her. I think they may have thought he, Cypher, was "The One" but the Oracle said he wasn't when they took him to see her. He still resents that. He resents Morpheus for leading him to believe that he was special. That is why he now calls himself "Zero" is contemptuous of Neo and standoffish to the crew. They must have greeted him like he was "The One" only to then change when they found out he wasn't. Trinity might have even been a bit close to him - till she found out he wasn't the One. She knew from the Oracle that she would know the One because she would be in love with him. At first, when Morpheus was so sure it was him, she was kind of letting herself fall for Cypher, since he was going to the One. Then the Oracle pulled the rug out from under all of them. Notice Morpheus, when Neo comes out of the Oracle's kitchen. "What was said was for you alone." If he was wrong again, he didn't want what had happened to Cypher to happen ... again.
@KevinTheNoobie 5 жыл бұрын
This film came out in 1999. PLEASE let there be a theatrical re-release for the 20th anniversary so I can see this masterpiece in theaters!
@jsteinman 5 жыл бұрын
Have you considered running for president?
@NerdiconPrime 5 жыл бұрын
Funnily enough I just came out of a cinema in the UK where they announced that they were doing a 4K resolution anniversary screening
@christopherdiedrich40 5 жыл бұрын
@@NerdiconPrime funnily or finally I'll get to this finale!
@jalenjohnson1662 5 жыл бұрын
Did you go to the Dolby screening?
@NEO_RKX 4 жыл бұрын
kevinalvarado hell yeah
@dayj8750 6 жыл бұрын
I always thought if he was THAT fed up with his crew he should have just transferred out back to Zion and started a life there to get over Trinity's friend-zone and move on.. Plenty of horny dancing sweaty women to choose from in Zion.. I'm sure the prestige he would have earned working that closely to Morpheus all those years could have provided him a decent life there.. Right?
@brianklewis7434 6 жыл бұрын
DayJ 87 - Dishonorable Discharge?
@markblaze4909 6 жыл бұрын
no thanks .i'd rather be in the matrix. and kill all the fucks i hate before i go. but i'd say i don't want to remember nothing. except for killing those assholes.
@brianklewis7434 6 жыл бұрын
Mark Blaze - But you know that you can't kill them. You can only kill the bodies they inhabit and then..........they're baaack!
@mjlover1801 6 жыл бұрын
@@markblaze4909 So edgy.
@gc3k 6 жыл бұрын
The sequels spelled out that not everybody from Zion believes in the One prophecy. Maybe Cypher would have an easier time assigned to another crew that's more "secular." But it's pretty clear that he misses "regular" life in the Matrix, so he'd still be tempted to betray a different crew
@MaXiMoS54 5 жыл бұрын
When asked why they should trust the robots they say "What am I, Human?" Its implied that the robots always upheld their deals.
@misternu 6 жыл бұрын
Lol he came back to the matrix as Pit Bull
@o0DJANIMATE0o 6 жыл бұрын
misternu lmao
@mikiroony 6 жыл бұрын
@BernardGarcon 6 жыл бұрын
mikiroony Fucking Dale, always winding up in Pitbull songs. No wonder why he goes by Rusty Shackleford.
@NeoKyoKusanagi 5 жыл бұрын
Mr Worldwide!!!
@SupernaturalPowerz 5 жыл бұрын
Hahaha yeah boi!! Go cypher!!
@twocementshoes 8 жыл бұрын
11:35 another interesting detail is that the ones holding cards are "playing the game" (fighting the Matrix) while Cypher is in the background (one foot out the door) and the big guy has no way to jack into the matrix, but is still watching the game (supporting the ship). Just a thought!
@Neoquaker1 7 жыл бұрын
Amazing observation
@sp3ctum 7 жыл бұрын
I like it. The symbolism is strong is this movie.
@ViCtORiOuS650 7 жыл бұрын
how did they even get cards to play the game?
@somelittlellama4186 7 жыл бұрын
Victor Estrada > If you ever watched Reloaded, Zion has developed some sort of industrial development. I'm sure someone there makes cards and other games. Anyone from the crew could have brought them in.
@MrUnpredicatable21 7 жыл бұрын
twocementshoes CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW CYPHER WAS ABLE TO TALK TO MR SMITH? How he was able to plug himself in? How Tank the operator didn't have his eyes on him? Probably the biggest plot hole in the movie. (Granted that I still love the movie but still..)
@sauce8277 5 жыл бұрын
On a more creative note, the director did a fantastic job placing Cypher in all those places isolated. 👏👏
@VaultWeasel 5 жыл бұрын
Directors, they are women now but at the time, they were called The The Wachowski Brothers. Then Siblings, and finally The Wachowskis
@edisonmenya5572 5 жыл бұрын
What if cypher is the overseer of the 2nd level of the matrix.... And he might have been the previous one for the first level and now was graduated to morpheus on the 2nd level... And in actuality he was plugged out on the third level.... That's why he is blase about everything... To back this up the opening conversation btwn trinity and him he says"you know he is gonna die right" and he did ... Meaning the whole time he was aware of things the others were not privy to
@renaldsunset 5 жыл бұрын
@@VaultWeasel they're still men so ..
@Jupiter__001_ 5 жыл бұрын
@@VaultWeasel Not really women but anyway...
@LiquidOcelotMGS 4 жыл бұрын
Everyone in the comment section's saying the same thing: "Agent Smith didn't lie to Cypher about reinjecting him to the Matrix" and that's correct because ... MACHINES DO NOT LIE. "What do you think i am? Human?"
@mikophilo348 4 жыл бұрын
that's all they do....the matrix is one big on-going lie lol
@maliktp13 3 жыл бұрын
He did though. It was explained afterwards that you cant be put back in the matrix once freed.
@ThePropagandasd 3 жыл бұрын
@@maliktp13 and whole movie they jump in and out fom matrix as they please. Maybe machines can't put him back in a pod but what stops them to hook him up, wipe his memory, and tube feed him for the rest of his life. Also Morpheus meant that humans can't put somebody back, he never said anything about machines. Deus ex machina kept his end of bargain at the end and that cost him a lot. Smith had nothing to lose in deal with Cypher.
@moodyowlproductions4287 2 жыл бұрын
Agent Smith is not a machine..he's a program that turns into a virus...ok
@MatthewLarson578 2 жыл бұрын
You mean they don’t lie inside the matrix. Because everything you see around you is a lie, it’s all 1s and 0s, a LIE
@dagoelius 6 жыл бұрын
Cipher (Cypher) - a person or thing of no value, weight, worth, influence or importance; A nonentity. His name says it all really.
@ADucksOpinion 6 жыл бұрын
... i googled it.. it means "a secret or disguised way of writing; a code." Not what you said.. Both of the words are the same..
@defee1023 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah all their names have a meaning which pretty much defines their character
@in_vas_por8810 6 жыл бұрын
There are multiple meanings of the word cypher. A code is one meaning and the other meaning: "a person or thing of no importance, especially a person who does the bidding of others and seems to have no will of their own." He didn't want to be a drone for Morpheus anymore.
@no-3607 6 жыл бұрын
Dag, Hebrew for fish. Aquatic animal that breaths with gills and locomotes with fins. Your name says it all... (just joking around)
@ThinkPIONEERing 6 жыл бұрын
by universal definition, you mean a 0 figure (zero figure)... but interestingly enough the number zero is highly important in the world of computational science.
@RodrinBird 5 жыл бұрын
Good God.. I can't believe it's been 20 years since The Matrix came out. Life is but a vapor..
@darst16 5 жыл бұрын
Gowdaflow so true, I remember seeing this in theaters.
@matthiasthulman4058 5 жыл бұрын
@@darst16 i remeber seeing this when i was a teen, maybe 15 or so. And upon finding our seats, I dropped my mega gulp sized cup and watched as it flowed down through the lower rows of seats. I even remember a man a couple rows up turning around and giving us a shitty look. I've never felt more embarrassed for myself and my dad... So odd, the emotions that memories attach themselves to.
@seanchaney3086 5 жыл бұрын
Feels like 20 years
@Firstnamelastname12387 4 жыл бұрын
that is nuts
@rowlandbuck2703 4 жыл бұрын
I grew up with a black and white tv. Don’t get me started on what this world has become so fast.
@grapeape888 7 жыл бұрын
He did it because he was sick and tired of the very hard life living and working for Zion was in comparison to the matrix. The tipping point was Trinity falling in love with Neo when he was quietly in love with her for years. Personally, I don't hate Cypher. His character was one of the most "human" in the film. 7 жыл бұрын
Smith is an ironic character too, he wanted escape The Matrix, be he could not.
@andrewaitken8442 8 жыл бұрын
Good commentary! Cypher was discontent with the reality of existence and saw a far greater reality in the matrix, knowing that life is only an illusion so made the choice of a better illusion rather than suffer unnecessarily. This gave him hope again and hope is what gives us purpose... so he had greater purpose! EGO
@EnlightenmentPics 8 жыл бұрын
The only thing is he didn't so much choose illusion as he did delusion because the Agents probably weren't gonna fulfill his reward expectations.
@andrewaitken8442 8 жыл бұрын
He would have no way of knowing whether or not it would be delusion as it was his illusion to choose...
@EnlightenmentPics 8 жыл бұрын
That's true. But I would argue that it was naive of him to think they'd hold up their end of the bargain, considering how they had no obligation to. He didn't hold what they wanted to ransom.
@andrewaitken8442 8 жыл бұрын
Also humans were the batteries so a happy battery is a good battery...
@EnlightenmentPics 8 жыл бұрын
But, as Smith mentions in the film, when they originally tried to make the Matrix blissful, many of their "batteries" rejected it. Smith claims that humans can only accept a reality of suffering and mundanity. Life in the Matrix is depicted as repetitive and oppressive for Neo and the only glamour is a world of seedy raves and drug induced distractions. The kind of things that suppress feeling and put us further to sleep. Their synthetic society subtly keeps all the human minds in a framework away from any kind of freedom or power. The kind of freedom and power that Cypher desired and was denied in and out of the Matrix.
@Shatter415 5 жыл бұрын
The idea and theory are pretty solid until you take a look at Reloaded. Zion is huge large population, lots of space. Matrix implies that they live on that ship all the time 24/7/365. Reloaded shows another side with drinking, parties, crazy orgies, etc. If it was about the women, Cypher would have had his choice as people serving on ships were the rock stars of Zion. So with all other needs easily filled in Zion, then it pretty much comes down to steak. I'd have to agree. Steak would be worth it.
@MortyKaiShalom 5 жыл бұрын
I get what you mean, but it was always my understanding that The Matrix was written as a standalone type film, then stretched out into a trilogy, after is box-office success, which is why a lot of the clever writing seemingly goes out the window, and in many cases, becomes heavy handed. Also, even if we assume it's not the case, if you've ever fallen for someone and had your heart broken, and then forced to be around them most days of your life, this theory still holds a bit of weight. I've been there; it's hell, especially if you see them fawn over someone else. Hell, I bet most High School kids have felt some level of this lol. I don't know if you read some of the top comments about him possibly being one of Morpheus' early candidates for "The One", but that also seems to make a lot of sense, too... And honestly, as someone who always goes back to rewatch these movies, that feels like a natural theory around Cypher, as if I already saw it but never was able to put it into words.
@carbrock.2854 5 жыл бұрын
Reloaded also implies that they do not visit Zion very often nor for very long. Zion, also being under ground like the tunnels they tend to inhabit, can continue that feeling of claustrophobia of being crammed in a small space with a lot of people, which would further exacerbate any feelings of alienation if he struggled to find companionship.
@spiral5692 5 жыл бұрын
More likely Cypher is just a loose end, a thread never intended to be pulled on. If I recall correctly the sequels where never really intended to be things?
@Papada00 5 жыл бұрын
Zion must have exist since the first matrix because in that movie they have the 2 characters that were born in the real world... which is zion.
@azortheturkahai1168 5 жыл бұрын
Shatter Null Cypher is a conformist and platonic lover. Trinity love Neo and Zion is a cominist city. So thats why Cypher's choice.
@captainrex4403 5 жыл бұрын
For me I believe that Morpheus told Cypher, hey, you're the one, where others have failed you will succeed. Depending on what the Oracle told him about all of this could have been damaging to him overall. Even the Oracle and Neo joke and say "poor Morpheus, always so sure he's found the one." If Cypher had a poor life living in a personal hell inside the Matrix, then he gave up one hell to be in another that he couldn't just walk away from, that would piss anyone off. So when he said "I'm tired of that jagoff and all his bullshit!!!" He is most likely referring to him being told by Morpheus that he was the one, that he would be the person to bring an end to the matrix and free humanity, that alone is a huge burden on any one mans shoulders, and when Cypher failed in many ways and possibly told by the Oracle that he wasn't the one he felt like a failure compared to his crew mates, and possibly was set on the back burner by Morpheus and felt used instead of needed by him at that point, "All I ever do is what he tells me to do!!! He tricked us Trinity, he lied to us!!!" That right there shows his anger and feelinsg of betrayal by being have been told "you're the one" and then not having it happen. I believe that when he was first contacted by Morpheus he had a similar encounter with Trinity like Neo did and felt that she may have had feelings for him when she didn't and possibly inside the matrix he didn't have a romantic relationship either and he craved a relationship, he craved a better life where he felt important, loved, and he thought he'd found it with the Neb crew and Morpheus. Also worth noting is how Morpheus treats a candidate who he thinks is the one as being "most important" and seems to favor them over other crew mates, for instance "GET NEO OUT OF HERE *HE'S ALL THAT MATTERS*" He felt alienated by Morpheus where once he was all that mattered and is now not as important and being placed on the back burner. Lastly I think it's obvious that Cypher had a taste for the good life and enjoyed decent foods, clothing, and other things and once he was in the real world all of that was gone, all this combined together was what I believe to have made him make this choice. Forgot to mention earlier, the crew also seems to be fascinated with new arrivals that may be the one and pay lots of attention to them and almost worship them and that too passed as they found out he wasn't the one. Anyway that's my theory on it, great video and like your in depth analysis of it 😁
@murraythemiser8358 7 жыл бұрын
Nice video. I never realised, that Cypher is the first voice you hear in the movie. The only thing I can add, is that Cypher wanted Trinitys love but she didn't give it back. To recieve her love means to be the one. So in some way Cypher wanted to be the savior himself. To realise that he's only an side-figure and not the chosen one, may have made him even more bitter. On the contrary he actually is an important protagonist, because his actions made Neo become the one.
@ErwinSchrodinger64 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not too sure about agent Smith lying to Cypher. The Architect stated to The Oracle that programs and machines don't lie.
@Zi9Za99 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with the conclusion that Smith wasn't lying, but disagree with the reason; Smith's significance differentiating him from the other machines was his "conscious awareness" (having judgmental opinions and desiring possibilities contrasting his program- his plans with the matrix) A machine wouldn't lie for the same reason(s) it wouldn't voluntarily remove it's own earpiece and think freely, yet Smith is deliberately and notoriously the exception. Now, would any other agent have kept its word with Cypher?- It seems to me that no other agent would break its protocol to even have the meeting in the first place. Why would Smith be willing to entertain this possibility at all? Because unlike any other machine, he is aware of and wants to end his own enslavement to the Matrix and, seeing the Morpheus/Zion endgame as the only conclusion to succeed, is willing to humanly think outside his programmed code in order to accomplish the goal of his higher priority. Crossing this line defining primary difference between human conscious cognition vs AI instruction-obedience is Smith's character role in the story, almost the equal/opposite advocation of the foundational philosophy that the first Matrix movie is at its core.
@izzynobre 6 жыл бұрын
ErwinSchrodinger64 plus, getting people to stay in the Matrix is what the machines are all about. If someone wants to be reinserted, why WOULDNT the machines do it?
@truenecro 5 жыл бұрын
excluding smith becoming an anomaly (displaying that he works for the Matrex and not under it's 100% control) like Neo, I do believe that had things gone to plan, Cypher would have been re-integrated into the Matrex. There is a scene where the agents are talking about how to proceed after having acquired Morpheus (but having not herd back from Cypher) and they move forward with the plan (hacking into Morpheus's mind)
@MarcoStrange 4 жыл бұрын
I saw someone bring up that during his meeting with Smith there's an interesting thing Cypher does during the conversation. After telling Smith that he can get him the guy that knows the codes, and Smith says "Morpheous", Cypher's facial expression comes off as hesitate like he's having second thoughts about betraying him. While you could argue that's up to someone's interpretation, I do think it shows that Cypher didn't just come to that decision like he was an agent of chaos.
@guilhermehank4938 Жыл бұрын
Maybe part of him knew this was wrong but it was too late to turn back now.
@Hadrian_S 5 жыл бұрын
I have a new theory about the One. Several comments made throughout the movie such as "You've got the gift. But it seems like you're waiting for something." "Wait over there by the other potentials." It seems to me that there is no predetermined "One". When a person "awakens" from the Matrix, realizes it isn't real, and begins to look for answers...they gain the attention of Morpheus and others like him. Neo wasn't "The One" anymore than anyone else.** He simply happened to fulfill the requirements that the One would have to complete all the way up until meeting the Architect in the Source. Let me explain...when Cypher was "rescued" from the Matrix...he was told that he was probably the One. But Cypher ended up being too nihilistic after things didn't go his way. When he visited the Oracle, she probably alluded he wasn't the One, just as she did with Neo. Cypher probably immediately lost heart and resented Morpheus for pulling him out of the Matrix and forcing him to live miserably on a ship eating the same goddamned goop everyday. However, Neo took this information (that he wasn't the One) and was willing to sacrifice himself to save Morpheus. This "sacrificial attitude" is precisely the reason the One exists. The One eventually needs to enter the Source, sacrifice him/herself, reset the prime program, pick the new members of Zion, and begin the process over. Cypher would not have been a good candidate because once he realized that he would have to die to save humanity, he probably would have chosen to just not reset the prime program and kill every human and machine in his final act of selfishness. ** Had Neo died (in the Matrix or in real life) it would have simply been said he wasn't the One. Perhaps the Kid or one of the other orphans would have been groomed as a possible "One". The process of finding the One continues until someone is found who rejects the Matrix AND has the selfless attitude to sacrifice themselves for humanity AND avoids dying. Neo could have very well died... he could have stopped believing in being the One or lost sight of the final goal. Perhaps all the previous "Ones" that Morpheus found all had a fatal flaw that would prevent them from fulfilling the path of the One OR they had the ability to walk the path but they were simply killed prematurely. Cypher was still around simply because he hadn't been killed yet, but he had the nihilistic flaw that would prevent him from ever fulfilling the path of the One. The path of The One is dangerous and it takes a special person to walk the whole path. But in the end, no one is born to be the One anymore than someone is born to be the President of the United States. If you survive childhood, go to school, graduate from a good university, meet the right people, raise enough funds to campaign, debate well, and win the become President. If you don't fulfill everything (like maybe you debate like shit and lose the election or you can't raise any money and can't campaign...or you die as an infant) you simply do not become President. Does this mean no one becomes President? Not at all. Someone else will eventually take your place. It is inevitable. ANY citizen of the US can become President, but not everyone will be willing or able to walk the path that leads to the Presidency. Same thing with the path of the One. Anyhow, that's my theory. Thanks for reading if you got this far!
@SA-zq7fz 5 жыл бұрын
this is it your answer is the one . Great summary . Its true even when circumstances are against you if you still choose you believe in yourself even after every fatal bethrayal , loss , That is indeed true human spirit the never giving up , to fight till every cell of your body is alive. that is the quality of the one
@charlestonobryant807 3 жыл бұрын
I see where it comes from, but remember she ends by saying that maybe he’s waiting for a new life. She pretty much told him in order to become the one he would have to die and be reborn within the Matrix.
@DraconianPolicy 5 жыл бұрын
The change in how Cypher is perceived by people is an interesting symptom of how culture has changed in the past 20 years. Cypher represents opportunism. But not just evil, corrupt comic book villain opportunism, also the basic core concept of primary motivation driven by a quest for better material outcome. This is the same core concept that drives modern civilization. Cypher finds motivation through experiences like pleasure, comfort, and orderliness. Truth, or any virtue, has no intrinsic value to him; he only cares about the possible outcomes they can produce. This general theme is explored differently in other movies like Watchmen and The Dark Knight. Cypher chooses subjugation because it offers better perceived experiences than independence. But if you think about it, this is basically the same reason people get up and go to work everyday, working at jobs that have no inherent value to them, and no real meaning. They do it for the sole purpose of having a more pleasurable and comfortable life than if they lived outside of civilization. Historically, I think it was assumed that most adults would rather be independent than totally dependent on others. After all, who wants to be treated like a child and bow down to authority? However, since the industrial revolution, each generation of human beings has become less and less autonomous, less and less able to fully take care of themselves and live away from civilization. In order to sustain economic growth, jobs must be created out of tasks that people used to do themselves. The result of all this progress is that nobody has to cook for themselves, fix anything themselves, or even go shopping for themselves. It sounds good at first, but what people never really thought about is that after enough generations, the entire concept of autonomy becomes lost, and all anyone knows is a life of dependency and convenience. When that happens, it seems logical that the idea of independence becomes not only less and less desirable, but also impractical. Which takes us back to how Cypher is perceived now as opposed to 20 years ago. I've noticed a growing shift. Many people are commenting that he is actually a hero, or at least a character who is not bad or evil. This is a manifestation of what I just described; generations of people who know only total dependence and seek greater degrees of convenience. In this case, it is Morpheus who is the bad guy, since he wants to take away the experience of comfort and pleasure in pursuit of "truth", or "reality", which are things that have no meaning to people that care primarily about outcome and experience. However, one thing that is never really brought up by the disciples of Cypher is that in the Matrix, humans only exist to serve a purpose for machines. It's rational to assume that a better power source exists somewhere in the natural universe, and when that's discovered, the machines have no use for humans. They can be discarded, like old batteries. This is the downside to choosing enslavement, although it wouldn't surprise me if many people who believe Cypher is heroic would rather be dead than face a world that lacks comfort and pleasure.
@insightful3773 5 жыл бұрын
The line goes that these values of truth and justice will bring further comfort
@threethrushes 5 жыл бұрын
Very astute and well-reasoned observation. Some people have lived virtuously and reminded humanity that nobility of spirit is what differentiates us from beasts. Others have created beauty in an amoral and indifferent universe in which replication of DNA is the single-most important task for carbon-based organisms.
@agamemnonofmycenae5258 5 жыл бұрын
You have been noticing a different trend then.Ever since the industrial revolution,people have been becoming more and more egalitarian.It was with France that represantation was born and 2 World Wars to wipe away the old system.You cannot argue about people being incapable of being independent while failing to mention them taking the reign of politics into their own hands. And specialisation gives the illusion of dependency,when in reality it is the opposite.More specialised people lead to extreme production of said service or product,which leads to development,something that was not happening for centuries under the medieval era.And freeing specialists from mundane tasks,anyone can do(cleaning,cooking etc)and tasks reasonably easy to learn(carpenting,farming),they focus on far more difficult tasks like nuclear fusion,astrophysics,quantum theories or managing mega corporations. Where would you find time to work on prototype of a spaceship,if you have to first build a table for the house,water an assortment different crops,prepare for winter and go to the town center and spend most of your income on handmade product of a subpar quality to a manufactury's and your levee to your overlord aristocrat,because yeah you are a serf and cannot freely move around! Those were real concerns even for the ruling class,because if those issues were not enough,most people were also illiterate and could not count to 3(Some half something reference). Yes those people could survive out in the wilds,but who today cannot?Give someone a scout book or 2 hours on the internet and he will have all the knowledge he needs to go face the wilds whenever he wants.He will even be better preocupied to do this than his ancestors from a 1000 years ago. The reason modern people cannot do that is quite simple.It is not needed of them!Unless it is required and essential to survival,anyone can cook,clean after himself or at least learn how to properly do it,really really fast.I do not know how you see specialisation as a bad thing. Back to Cypher.He would be considered evil even now!It is just that society is so deranged,that they nuance basically everything and try to combine all sorts narratives to a general whole and pervert the values of everything cramped in the resulting clausterfuck.Political correctness is such a tangled mess.But I digress.|Cypher is basically the figure of resignment.He resigned the fight and wished he never got involved in it.He is a defeatist who simply sides with the enemy because he believes they already lost.He is essentially a coward,not an opportunist.A real advocate of opportunism would not be bound by the enemy's intimidation and would have his psychology and way of thinking actively geared against all his foes,in and out of his field.He would be a wild card of sorts,and such characters are generally liked,because we all have our own perfectionist who tends to calculate our best way to maximise returns and then we subtract the moral implications of such actions. An opportunistic Cypher would want to eat real meat,if he was a conoisseur and have an active goal,unlike the one we see in his Smith discussion. He did not establish bonds,because he did not want the moral shackles that came along with it, and he wanted to take the blue pill,because had no strong will of his own to fight.It is not that he has no morals.It is more so that he cannot develop them.He has no spine or foundation to carve out his ideal and decided to leave the illusion of the good life like the human livestock under the machines.And he offers himself up! And that is why he is inherrently evil.He sells his being for a temporary luxury.He essentially makes a deal with the devil and that must have been what the writers of the film tried to convey.
@sl3ptsolong 5 жыл бұрын
@Audio Sugar There is no satisfaction in living for the sake of life. Which is why going back to the blue pilled self-satisfying experience of life is an effort in futility. Cypher would no doubt live his life in regret and emptiness once the novelty where's off. Morpheus on the other hand has a life filled with purpose. He is attempting to free people from enslavement. Yet, living itself is a form of enslavement. We create purpose and meaning to fill the void of time and once achieved; are faced with the void once again. What can we do...
@adamthomas9156 5 жыл бұрын
Very nice hypothesizing, Phil. I mean it. But in the actual quite dim real universe, everything depends on and relates to actual experience and results obtained. In our general universe, there are real and imagined losses that can and do, drive 25% of us to self-destruction via addiction.
@TheOmniscientAtheist 5 жыл бұрын
The Matrix: sponsored by Steak.
@SunflowerSpotlight 5 жыл бұрын
Forget 01, it’s more like A1, am I right?
@keauxgeigh 5 жыл бұрын
Well then someone at least mention the blank billboard during the car chase scene in Reloaded that just says "steak" on it. Oh, I just did.
@Flugabwehrkanone 5 жыл бұрын
Beef: It's What's For Dinner.
@greatomeister675 5 жыл бұрын
Says the fucking Buffalo.
@AQUAPHREESH193 5 жыл бұрын
Greatomeister 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@xundii 6 жыл бұрын
When you understand Fowler's stages of faith. You'll understand that Cypher is trying to do what is not possible for us, forget the paradoxes of belief once they are made known to you. We have our beliefs we build up walls around us to feel safe in our little box (Stage 3). The Matrix is about going from stage 3 to stage 4 where you have to face the paradox. Stage 5 is coming to terms with paradox and stage 6 is becoming like a Neo. Stage 4 is the most dangerous place to be. The longer you linger with a conflicted mind in stage 4 the more mental you become. So when Cypher wants to go back into the stage 3 box, forget everything he knows and continue on he's doing something that we as humans can never do which makes the depth of the story so much more powerful.
@MrBlaktoe 5 жыл бұрын
You can never go home again.
@dedman2964 5 жыл бұрын
I can never watch Kevin Spacey again
@sr.bootsnpants664 4 жыл бұрын
Fowler's stages? This intrigues me! Onward to research!!
@phyrr2 6 жыл бұрын
Cypher did it because he's Kane from Command and Conquer.
@sandwhich14 5 жыл бұрын
@Sighhhh 5 жыл бұрын
What I always wondered is how Cypher jacks himself in and out of The Matrix when he goes to meet Smith.
@jamesnelson7731 5 жыл бұрын
Count down timer?
@Tommysimonsen 5 жыл бұрын
Newer undersetemate a good meal, if you ever been out saling more then a month at a time, you will know you will kill for a better meal. Food is the only highlight of the day.
@AppleCiderVinegar77 7 жыл бұрын
It's a great video, I just have one question. Did anyone else think Cypher deliberately trapped Trinity in the beginning scene. When she asks if the line is clean of any trace, and Cypher says "Yeah, of course I'm sure". I assumed that, given what we know now about Cypher, it was perfectly plausible he deliberately set Trinity up, possibly as assurance to the agents of his loyalty. Just a thought.
@redrounin1440 6 жыл бұрын
Wow good catch. I'm sure you're right
@martbrighton2885 8 жыл бұрын
I just love this movie, one of the most entertaining and at the same time the most interesting ever made. I always found the character of Cypher fascinating and even somewhat sympathetic, to the degree that he's 'only human'. Joe Pantoliano brings a spot of genius to this role of the Horrible Example! I agree with most of your observations, and especially about the relationship with Trinity. Whether they were ever together who knows, anyway you can tell Cypher is just itching for more from 'Trin', whilst at the same time, as we see from his interactions with others, having pretty much given up on his own chances, the knowledge of which he then tries to compensate for in all the wrong ways. Meanwhile Trinity's skin crawls in his presence, but she's way too self-controlled to outright push him away, especially knowing the conditions they are going to continue to have to work together in ... the script and plotting are superb. So many things that Cypher thinks and does does we all probably think about, if not do, at times. Hopefully we all will at least stop short of betraying and killing our mates (not so according to the history books...), but so many of the things and situations and relationships Cypher rails against are instantly recognisable from the real world. Your assessment of his misfit status on the crew, and of this explaining so much of what he does, is spot on. And of course, it's not all his fault. Why does the group tend to heap so much social pressure on those individuals least able to bear it? (...heh, just like anything else - because it can? Because the real motivations of the others are not entirely what they seem to be on the face of things? Granted, this speculation is going well beyond what is in the movie). It's a very entertaining role, and offers interesting lessons for real life too. (Why oh why, didn't I take the //blue// pill? ehehehe... only kidding, I don't think ignorance will get us back to the garden). Maybe you could do a similar peice on Trinity now? I looked casually at the end and saw Seamus Heaney, well, right nationality! And good job anyway even if you're not the laureate :o)
@joshuathomas5626 6 жыл бұрын
Mart Brighton every role joe plays is entertaining. If he had just close to the looks of a Brad Pitt he would've had Hollywood in his hands. Well as long as he played by the rules of course
@Rorschach__NoCompromise 5 жыл бұрын
Neo= the 1 Cipher =0 Matrix broken down to binary code,computer simulation
@FullBody 5 жыл бұрын
I don’t get it
@40mihirkulkarni44 4 жыл бұрын
@@FullBody Neo is The One, hence 1. Cypher was falsely led on by Morpheus to believing he's The One, but he got rejected and lost everything he stood for, hence 0.
@Georgie2500 4 жыл бұрын
@@40mihirkulkarni44 still doesnt make sense. what does Neo being "the one, mean he's the number 1 and cypher 0?
@deekz.0 4 жыл бұрын
Georgie2500 omg its computer binary code .. 1’s and 0’s - Yes/No.. its the fundamental language that anything digital uses.
@Georgie2500 4 жыл бұрын
@@deekz.0 alright, didnt know you had to be a computer programmer to understand the matrix but i get it now
@BoWeava 7 жыл бұрын
"But let me know what you think in the comment section" Switch: It doesn't mean anything. 🤔😆 7 жыл бұрын
I actually did sympathise for Cyber. I'm not joking. Simply because what he did is probably what almost anyone would do in that kind of situation. Except for maybe killing his fellow crewmen. Which of course was downright evil. He did show a lot of extremely human emotion the whole time. Also knowing the stupidity of Morpheus's continual rambling about prophecies. It's easy to become sickened by that. And I completely agree on how he felt about him. He honestly did trick Neo out of the Matrix. I'd say that Cyber probably was never given the attention he needed after he chose to become free from the Matrix. And yes I do blame Morpheus for that. His prophecy handling was also shallow and utterly self indulging at best. Particularly since Neo had revealed to him about the whole thing being a lie. As the One himself was another form of control by the machines. If the other crewman had just reached out to him a little bit more. Perhaps those feelings of alienation wouldn't have seen the light of day.
@clay_reznor647 5 жыл бұрын
I assumed he was a potential "ONE" and he turned out to be a regular guy. Once he was woken and saw that he wasnt a Jesus lord, he became a chess pawn. He's a real victim. Being told what is right. He's not a battery in matrix. He was a battery in the real world. That's how he saw it.
@jackp492 4 жыл бұрын
He could have been the one though, it required him to believe
@readsXs 4 жыл бұрын
He was a fake one, like Juda
@guilhermehank4938 Жыл бұрын
@@jackp492 Being the one, especially with the sequels in mind, dont require belief necessarily. Maybe thats a requirement but you having it alone doesnt mean you are it.
@duggiedug9148 7 жыл бұрын
I've always related to Cypher more than Neo. Everyone wants to be the One. But I'm like Cypher, handsome but can't get the girl, no recognition, struggle to fit in with the closed minded, people speak bad of you which leads to isolation and then you break!
@thegoldenboy294 6 жыл бұрын
Duggalo same as me
@CGJUGO80 6 жыл бұрын
@jamesbarnes1322 6 жыл бұрын
Duggalo I like you Duggalo.
@wyyclef 6 жыл бұрын
@Lengsel7 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, you are handsome.
@wertzui19871229 4 жыл бұрын
Cypher never had the makings of a varsity athlete
@B1astFriend 4 жыл бұрын
she was a clutz
@HOTD108_ 4 жыл бұрын
@@B1astFriend Huh?
@ZachsMind 5 жыл бұрын
After the second or third viewing of this film, I got that Cypher was at some point before Neo's involvement under the impression that he could be The One. Maybe it was something the Oracle said to him. Maybe it was Morpheus talking about the prophecies. I doubt anyone ever entertained the notion seriously, but nine or ten years before, they gave Cypher the whole spiel, and he bought into it. He took the red pill. Then he got to meet The Oracle. There were probably incidents before the film where the Resistance got close to winning. There were probably past failures where Morpheus thought he found The One, and either that person took the blue pill or they died or something else happened. Perhaps Cypher did get close to one of these people and when that person was lost to the group, he took it hard. They don't talk about it cuz it's not pertinent to the here and now, and the less Neo knows about past failures the better, but something went on. Something happened. It's all speculation what that something was. There's perhaps a whole other movie's worth of storytelling there, but there's no point exploring it now cuz we know how Cypher's story ends. Why explore how it started? Beyond what we already know? At any rate, my mind canon is that Cypher wanted to be the savior of mankind, but no one put any faith in him, so it never happened. Then they come across this other person and Morpheus gambles on that person and it doesn't work out, and Cypher's like well that sucks. I don't want that to happen to me. Then Morpheus gets fixated on Neo and from Cypher's perspective this is all "here we go again." At the very beginning of the film Cypher says to Trinity, "we're gonna kill him. You know that, right?" Trinity's response is like that of a blind cult follower. Morpheus believes Neo is the one. This isn't the first time tho. It's happened before. Maybe not with Cypher but maybe with someone Cypher cared about and when they lost that person, Cypher stopped caring. He began to feel this Resistance was not a good idea. Maybe it would be better to be locked up in the prison of the mind, because it wasn't like the humans had done all that good on their own. One could argue Cypher was the only one among them who had a lick of sense.
@vieome101 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@HackMyControlSystem 6 жыл бұрын
For me, The Matrix is about establishing equilibrium for better or for worse. Neo's opposite is Agent Smith; whereas, Cypher is the "evil" opposite of Morpheus. His ethics, loyalty and beliefs are counter to Morpheus. His relationship with Trinity is not teacher rather a peer and (formerly) sexual. Cypher feels enslaved not freed as is Morpheus' beliefs. Yet, they share a lack of fear for the system; however, one sees it as a perverted mental "freedom"; whereas, Morpheus seee it as a physical prison.
@imacg5 5 жыл бұрын
Hack My Control System Yes. Basically Morpheus is the small angel on VIEWER’s shoulder, and Cypher is the small devil.
@themightyflog 5 жыл бұрын
@@imacg5 But Cypher is right. Morpheus is the devil disguised as an angel. Like the Devil gave Eve the choice to eat the fruit in the Garden or not. She chose the "truth" but the "truth" was a horrible reality whereas if she didn't eat she would have lived a wonderful "reality".
@saxh00 5 жыл бұрын
@@themightyflog hmm
@themanhands5599 5 жыл бұрын
@@themightyflog Thought-provoking, but wrong. Satan didn't give a choice, according to the story, he simply deceived. God presented the choice. And even within the Matrix story, Morpheus was proved correct and Cypher just a selfish dickmonkey. Cypher was certainly not right.
@themightyflog 5 жыл бұрын
@@themanhands5599 Well Satan presented the options available to her. Why was Morpheus correct? He opened Cypher's eyes up to horror, terror and darkness vs living in the Matrix a normal comfortable life where with the construct you could still make choices within the normal realm of physics and such hence no flying. They were free to make choices in reality, hence why people could choose to take the red or blue pill when offered to them. I'd just have the robots put me in an Isekai world of fantasy here I could fly and do all the things I wanted and call it a day. Ya'll can keep Zion. I'm moving on up from the ghetto hell to virtual heaven. I'm good. There is a great Adventure Time episode where Finn tried to help people escape a virtual world and learns they didn't.
@spinak 5 жыл бұрын
Well done sir. No crazy theories or anything. I particularly like your observation of how different Tank and Dozer's experience is when they are all eating together. The 2 guys born in Zion who are the most athletically fit are totally satisfied with this meal. It's got everything the body needs. Why would you want anything else? Whereas everyone from the Matrix eats in disappointment out of necessity....eveb after 9 years. Their expectations of what a meal can be is on a completely different scale. Subtle, but nice detail. 👍🏼
@SA-zq7fz 5 жыл бұрын
humans are bad in handling their desires.
@radumircea6662 6 жыл бұрын
Cypher did it for 3 Main Reasons: 1. He felt betrayed, lied and put to fight in a horrific war which had as resolution a prophecy which sounded too good ,too idealistic and too biblical to be true , real and feasible , therefor there was no way for mankind to win it and to recover. 2. The reason and motivation of fighting a horrific war against a way more powerful enemy faded in the face of comfort and pleasure of the Matrix world. 3. Probably the main reason , the drop which spilled the cup was the jealousy of his great ,failed not returned love ,Trinity,who was turning towards Neo, therefor the powerful pain could only disappear by running from it.
@JeanLucCaptain 6 жыл бұрын
Plus even if humanity somehow Bruce Willis themselves a victory against the machine, WHAT is actually left? I mean just look at the condition of the surface and you've got all the humans plugged into the matrix to SOMEHOW feed, clothe, and shelter most of home WOULD go insane the moment they were released from the matrix for obvious reasons.
@EcoMouseChannel 6 жыл бұрын
Because of Cypher's cynicism and ability to see through the bullshit while living in the matrix, I'm willing to bet Morpheus saw those characteristics as being qualities that could fulfill the prophecy and potentially be The One. He'd have to unplug Cypher, bring him in, debrief and un-brainwash him... THEN get him to the Oracle for confirmation. So, there was definitely some ego-boosting along the way. Only to be told from the Oracle that you aren't The One, it becomes a huge let down, and you just become part of the crew on a journey that you never signed up for in the first place. Cypher just resents having never taken the blue pill.
@user-pd9xj1bt4e 5 жыл бұрын
Eco Mouse very good theory
@shadowlee02 6 жыл бұрын
He tells us why. He sick of the crappy slave like lifestyle, with less freedom and technology, he'd rather being in the matrix and not know the truth.
@spooksmagee 5 жыл бұрын
Seriously. He literally states his reasoning in the movie. Not sure how that warrants a 15 minute video, but here we are.
@Xero_Kaiser 5 жыл бұрын
I clicked on this video ready to say the exact same thing. Cypher straight up spells it out in plain English. There's no mystery, no ambiguity. It's right there.
@danieldorn2927 5 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly. It would be like making a video about why Anakin turned to the dark side.
@tchoco 5 жыл бұрын
I´d be reinsterted in the Matrix even WITH knowing the truth. there are people now already playing Eve Online or Wow or some other mmorpg for half their days. The Matrix is amazing and detailed enough to be able to spend the rest of your life in granted you also get some extra powers. Its some big VR MMORPG for 6 billion people. I don´t really know the size of the Matrix, which parts are in there or are simulated and what the possibilites are. If you could go beyond earth for example. but I´d say it´s interesting enough to just hang around in for a lifetime.
@JBrander 5 жыл бұрын
I was expecting that there was some big twist or crazy theory about Cypher when I clicked on this video. So yeah, sorta disappointing
@waynefilkins8394 5 жыл бұрын
I think trinity just has a thing for "the one" and at one point maybe they thought cypher was the one so she was into him until she found out he wasn't...which kind of makes her shallow
@isaiahpadilla3588 4 жыл бұрын
Cypher complains that she never brought him food.
@Glen-89 5 жыл бұрын
This is cool and everything but who connected and disconnected Cypher to the matrix to have a convo with agent Smith?
@CrusaderLogan 5 жыл бұрын
He could've easily coded a condition statement for him to leave the matrix and be automatically disconnected.
@balsarmy 5 жыл бұрын
There's no need because Zion ("real world") is Matrix#2
@parthkoul7932 5 жыл бұрын
Chong! Jojun! Balsa! No it’s not. That’s just a theory which is blatantly false
@haroldramislives 5 жыл бұрын
@@balsarmy when i watched reloaded in the cinema and neo took down the sentinals, my first thought was that they are still in the matrix.
@TheTitandog70 5 жыл бұрын
I thought the same did he get in and out of the matrix without an operator. My thought is he set up a preprogrammed signal to be sent to him at certain time so he can jack out. Maybe after hour or two hours the computer calls him and gives him exit at predetermined place. That makes the most sense to me
@KatanaBart 7 жыл бұрын
Watch this video again!!! -- but bear in mind the idea of a "dream within a dream", where Zion is actually just another program within the matrix. Now suppose that Cypher has figured this out. If he's the only one who knows this for certain, he is actually the most powerful one, and nearly all of his lines make perfect sense. Talking to Neo, asking "why didn't I take the blue pill" is pure irony, since Cypher himself bears the actual truth (what the red pill was supposed to provide) while in fact Neo is unknowingly in a dream within a dream, e.g. the blue pill effect. Monster sized irony when asking Neo about being the One, and "what do you say to something like that?", when in fact Cypher is the one who knows the real truth -- it's pure taunting, but what else can you say when you're trying to keep the lid on Pandora's box? Cypher's disdain would be obvious, if he's the only one on the crew who understands the dream within a dream concept. Those born in "Zion" are actually born into just another alternative Matrix program, but don't understand. The amino acid slop is just another Matrix program; eating steak with Agent Smith likewise. Sure, Agent Smith can't really reprogram Cypher into a position of wealth and power, but Cypher has to pretend to be stupid in order to get that steak dinner every once in a while.
@johnmorris2170 7 жыл бұрын
KatanaBart Interesting theory...mmmm...Pretty much the writers for the Matrix movies have made it clear. No Easter Eggs in the plot. No dream within a dream. The Brothers made this clear in a 2006 interview. The whole idea is to keep millions of human minds alive and active. Remember the battery? What point would killing 250 000 humans serve? Why reveal that the matrix exists? That in itself is a danger.
@aurorauplinks4703 6 жыл бұрын
It's a simulation, no one in a simulation dies unless the simulator is designed to kill people who experience failure or death in a computer simulation, the worst that could happen is you wake up or don't wake up from the simulator, maybe you just get reborn into a new body to try again
@MJ-ge6jz 6 жыл бұрын
You hit the nail squarely on the head! We are all in a simulation, for real!
@BUckENbooz 7 жыл бұрын
Many may not believe it, but Cypher is what 80% of us would of done. Be put in that situation our instict would lead us to his fate.
@thegoldenboy294 6 жыл бұрын
BUckENbooz true, id say 90%
@camil2003 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. Too many people stick on a high horse until they have an opportunity to get ahead.
@juniornostaw7536 6 жыл бұрын
BUckENbooz I’m one of the 10-20% so I don’t feel sorry for your fate... I encourage you to take your fate more seriously 😳
@juniornostaw7536 6 жыл бұрын
911zhenxiang “Fear is the enemy when the enemy is feared. You may ask yourself, how can the righteous overthrow the Elite and their wicked ways?... But the wickedness of the elite is established and maintained by the submissiveness of the fearful.” Fear God not elite.
@Frankincensedjb123 6 жыл бұрын
BUckENbooz So you know the hearts of 6 billion people. That’s an amazing talent. And it’s “have done” Sentences have complete verbs
@frankdashwood3128 7 жыл бұрын
Very insightful. My personal thoughts concerning Cypher and Morpheus, was that when Morpheus recruited Cypher, there was some doubt as to whether or not Cypher was "The One"....This would also explain the heightened emphasis on the word "ME" in his snipe at Trinity for her not having brought him food....after he spent all day getting his ass kicked by Morpheus. In additional support for this thesis is Trinity's personal conflict with her intuition, and her experience with the Oracle's ability to divine the fate of others in the Matrix. It would also provide an explanation for Trinity's hesitance with regard to Neo. She'd been burned thinking she was falling in love with "The One". When in fact she'd been duped by a black-hat named Cypher into giving it up at an early and more impressionable/innocent age. This would indicate to me that the Oracle made a mistake in trying to assure the girl of her purpose in the resistance by indicating her significance to "The One", prior to Cypher's introduction to Morpheus' crew.....and why she had to wait until almost the end of the movie to admit that she'd fallen in love with Neo..... On the note of Tank and Dozer. They replaced crew members who'd been previously killed in action aboard the Nebuchadnezzar. We find this out in later films, when their replacements are selected. Where this ties in to your observations about them is that they were relatively new to the crew. This would explain both their indifference toward the recruited non-natives, their experience of "the matrix", and Dozer's chipper disposition. I also get the impression there is some sort of social differentiation between those who were born in "the real world", and those recruited from the Matrix.
@waynefilkins8394 5 жыл бұрын
If you think about it, Cypher is actually the most likable crew-member. He's more charismatic than the rest, up until his creepy moments. He pats neo on the back, uses really good eye contact, while the rest of them act like creepy robots, always overly serious and straight body language and often monotone voices. If trinity wasn't so fucking weird, I think Cypher would be more likely to win her over before she even had the chance to crush on Neo.
@Ezmo1999 7 жыл бұрын
Reinforcing your point with Agent Smith using Cypher without intending to reinsert him; notice how the machines send sentinels after the Nebuchadnezzar. Sentinels. As described by Morpheus (if I'm not mistaken), they are sent out with the function to search and destroy.
@ngdevtwo5038 7 жыл бұрын
Contingency plan. ;) But yes, it was very unlikely that they would actually go through the trouble of wiping his mind and re-inserting him rather than just hit the liquify button. And he must have been desperate to hope they would do it anyway. In fact, the only reason they would want to keep him alive would be for more betrayal missions later, but for that his memories would have to remain intact.
@Vanessinha91Pucca 7 жыл бұрын
I think that deep inside cypher knew that but he would just feel as fine if he died
@jomama8895 5 жыл бұрын
I think one aspect about Ciphers motivations that I don't think gets touched on enough in this video (but could also support allot of your theories) is that he's been out of the matrix for 9 years... that means he's been to and from Zion many times and more then likely has his own place to live there etc etc. Also If he had wanted to he could have chosen or requested a transfer to another ship ( I mean he was out almost a decade) if he was unhappy with the crew so that just opens more questions. In fact his main offer to the agents is the codes to get into Zions mainframe which in the movie states that all captains are given so it didn't actually haft to be Morpheus, so then eluding to a deeper reason for staying aboard the same ship.
@user_name_redacted 5 жыл бұрын
Can you make a video about what agents do in their spare time? Do they have machine wives and a family? Do they enjoy playing baseball? Do some of them have a night-job to make ends meet? Maybe Agent Smith had just recieved a parking ticket and that's why he was so grumpy.
@insightful3773 5 жыл бұрын
that would imply they have values other than mission accomplished. And that they value some activities more than others. Perhaps a stretch even for self aware AI. Maybe they have escaped that attachment.
@user_name_redacted 5 жыл бұрын
Ok, if they are so focussed on their goal, how come agent smith made an angry face? Shouldn't it be a focussed face? He also says he doesn't like the matrix but trumps wall stopped him leaving. To me, this is more solid evidence that agents have wives and get parking tickets.
@insightful3773 5 жыл бұрын
@@user_name_redacted It's a fun concept no doubt. Tbh I'm not a matrix expert but from what I've read there's a lot of plot armor/holes which is understandable in such a conceptual movie. Was there a part where Smith questioned his purpose? Also I'm interested in the purpose of the matrix itself. This discussion begs the question: would self-aware AI have values that keep it going beyond it's programming? What is the Matrix's machines/AI's inner reason for existing at all? And not using cows for energy? Is it because of their programming or deals they made with humans or is it something that they decided as sentient beings. Like hey we are going to sustain this system because we the machines enjoy existing. There are a lot of potential explanations and some paint the machines as guardians of humans and wanting to build a better, symbiotic life for them in the future in the real world. Who knows.
@user_name_redacted 5 жыл бұрын
@@insightful3773 I think the humans in the matrix are the sentient machines all along and the "machines" are the security measures made by humans. Best way to stop a sentient AI is to trick it into accepting a multi layered false reality. Even if it understands that reality is false, you decieve it by making it believe it can escape, then focus it on attacking the very thing that it is, make it hate the machines and keep its attention on an unsolvable problem. Thats why I think Zion is still within the matrix, and it's why every human in the movie is a blank slate. Because they're machines. Humans won the war.
@insightful3773 5 жыл бұрын
@@user_name_redacted so do you think that humans won and survive in base reality? of course Zion could also be another "layer" of the simulation or another sim. Do you think the machines have feelings or preference for pleasure?
@dustbrum3607 6 жыл бұрын
The beauty of this movie is how everyone interprets it differently! Here's my view: There is no IN, or OUT, of the Matrix... The reason Neo can use his powers in the REAL world is because its actually still apart of the program. There is no REALity like there is no spoon. I believe Cypher, Trinity, Neo, and everyone else is just following their programming.
@daffidavit 5 жыл бұрын
It's just one hell of a movie. I've watched is so many times on airline flights since it was released on DVD I can almost recite it line by line, but yet I still get amused everytime.
@cosmicmcmoon5773 5 жыл бұрын
It would have been such an epic twist if it was revealed that Neo and the others merely entered another version of the Matrix, as opposed to what we ended up with.
@n1kobefan 5 жыл бұрын
@@cosmicmcmoon5773 that is basically what happens when he meets the architect at the end. He tells him you arent the first "one" and that this hole process has happened 6 other times. Its all part of the matrix at the end.
@cosmicmcmoon5773 5 жыл бұрын
@@n1kobefan Yeah I think this was also kind of explained in the 1st one by Agent Smith. The original Matrix was a utopia; an artificial heaven. But humanity rejected this hence they had to start over.
@Dreez76 7 жыл бұрын
Cypher is one of those people who would be a perfect American, happily living in ignorance and blindly trusting everything his government tells him in the news.
@shaydorahl6740 7 жыл бұрын
Very illuminating "sarcasm". There are quite a few Americans who are well aware of what is going on in the world, thank you very much.
@1pcfred 7 жыл бұрын
We are the world leaders, so that speaks volumes about our awareness. It is a commentary about the rest of the world too.
@filipbuskovic3373 7 жыл бұрын
For some people, awakening is a poison which in time goes to madness.
@dacentabaal 4 жыл бұрын
The question I'm still wondering after all these years is this, how the hell did he meet up with Agent Smith in the Matrix without an operator watching/plugging him in, it was stated you can't plug in without an operator
@mathewcinq-mars4241 4 жыл бұрын
Because he is not in the matrix, he is talking in code to agent smith we see it for more dramatic effect hope that will give you closer lol
@pancakepancake2239 3 жыл бұрын
@@mathewcinq-mars4241 if he was talking in code to Smith he wouldn't be eating steak or rambling about how much he loves his steak...
@makegeorgeorwellfictionaga9268 6 жыл бұрын
Most people today are like Cypher
@insanecomedion1223 5 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@eduardoddutra 6 жыл бұрын
Cypher would be put inside the matrix again for sure... why? well, words of the architect when questioned if he would keep his promise: "Of course, what do you think i am? human?"
@roddo1955 6 жыл бұрын
Smith is not the Architect. Smith is a liar an aberration.The Architect is like 'God'. You can't ever 'know' God: God knows YOU- not the other way around
@eduardoddutra 6 жыл бұрын
roddo when the arquitect is talking with neo, he says that "besides my efforts, I couldn't remove the anomaly (neo)".. This phrase always made me think that the arquitect was more like a general giving orders sometimes at least than a god that creates/upgrades but let his creations run wild..
@roddo1955 6 жыл бұрын
@@eduardoddutra the Architect doesn't "Let" his creations run wild. He created the Matrix with certain rules. Each individual is created with the free will to willingly follow these rules or, not. They can bend the rules but they cannot break it. Choose to try to break it; and you die. That includes Smith/Neo. The Architect really doesn't care what you do. The Oracle does. They both already know what you do and how you'll end; your job is to figure out why. There is only one Neo. But like him; everybody has to figure out how and why they make the choice and then make the choice. Cypher makes a choice; just not the right one. He's not doing what he is supposed to be doing. He thought he was the One. Turns out he wasn't. So he chooses to kill the crew? That is not his job. His job is to help the crew or maybe it is to leave the crew and find purpose in Zion. He serves no purpose on the ship. So why not leave the ship and do something else? There's plenty of other things to do in Zion. Things that may not be as exciting as being a crewmember but far more fulfilling. No matter: he dies anyway. But he must have been so angry in his last moments when he realised Smith had no intention keeping up his end of the bargain.
@AQUAPHREESH193 5 жыл бұрын
roddo when was it expressed that Smith wasn’t gonna keep his bargain?
@lukeowns 4 жыл бұрын
It’s a lot more simple. He says it himself, when he’s explaining about food tasting a certain way because that’s his brain being told it’s supposed to taste like that, he says ‘ignorance is bliss.’ Ignorance is a lack of understanding, meaning in this particular case it would be ‘blissful’ if he could just not understand that it’s the matrix making him feel this way, and rather just reality in his mind. So, he wants to go back in. Wouldn’t you? Running tirelessly from immortal machines while everyone else is just living life.
@yoloswaggins1579 8 жыл бұрын
The real reason is he was mad that mopheus wouldn't make him a captain.
@Lairdyful 8 жыл бұрын
he got passed the fck over
@wedothis1563 7 жыл бұрын
Yolo Swaggins He was wearing a wig the whole time holy shit!!
@dnlgrc28 7 жыл бұрын
Love your username
@infinityhighway5092 7 жыл бұрын
+John O'trilby (Commenting from Prison) Maybe you didn't hear, I don't shine shoes anymore... . HAHAHA!!! fuckin hilarious. Aye, put a Pac in the spread fur me wood ya.....
@chrisjackson8047 7 жыл бұрын
I think at one point Morpheus probably believed that Cypher was the one, which is why he was freed after the age requirement that was mentioned. He might have been the one who was referenced as having difficulty letting go (somewhat likely in my opinion). To be told that you are special and destined for great things, thus justifying your removal from a comfortable situation and insertion into one of fear and hopelessness would be a hard "pill" to swallow. But just imagine if after all that you got an "oops, your not the right guy..." it would probably, in Cypher's mind at least, justify his actions.
@patricgmuer2988 7 жыл бұрын
You do know that Morpheus took cypher out of the matrix because Morpheus thought he was going to be the one, but that was a mistake, that's why cypher says to trinity, I don't remember you bring me any food. Basically the rest of the crew sees cypher as the false prophet and probably not really needed on board because he's technically a add on
@MrDruism 6 жыл бұрын
That’s exactly what I was thinking! I think morpheus had built up cypher while at the same time cypher was taking advantage of it as this false Prophet. Then then all figured it out that cypher wasn’t gonna be the next “one” , morpheus went on looking for the one and Cypher went to tech support.
@wispartan 6 жыл бұрын
@jayrollins4111 6 жыл бұрын
Thaats interesting. When do they say that?
@thatlamboguy1411 6 жыл бұрын
+ Patric Gmuer Well said dude, that's like the best comment I've heard all day:)
@robertherrick6703 6 жыл бұрын
They don't say that as far as I know. There's no indication Cypher was ever taken to The Oracle to see if he was The One. No one really ponders "Why Cypher Did It". Cypher's reasons for betraying the crew are very clearly spelled out in the movie. The rest is super fans adding their own ideas. Cypher isn't eating at the table in that scene because it looks like he's in the process of using the slop dispenser. He didn't sit down yet. Morpheus isn't there either.
@StupidIsAsStupidDoe2 7 жыл бұрын
Cypher is like a person today that deletes all their social media after realizing how detrimental it can be to your mind. But then he starts to miss the feeling of getting likes and retweets.
@mushroomassassin3504 6 жыл бұрын
StupidIsAsStupidDoe2 so true
@markblaze4909 6 жыл бұрын
god no. social media is cancer.
@maogu1999 6 жыл бұрын
Which is why I said that The internet is the matrix
@roddo1955 6 жыл бұрын
@@maogu1999 and what is the Internet: Nothing, if not a pale imitation of the reality of life. It's all a cave within a cave within a cave....
@tonyrandall3146 6 жыл бұрын
@@roddo1955 The worlds greatest library as it were.
@commentcopbadge6665 5 жыл бұрын
_"Man,_ what a mind job."
@silentwitness5957 6 жыл бұрын
Which do you prefer? Sweet Lies (Blue Pill/Blissful Ignorance) Or... Bitter Truthes (Red Pill/Total and Complete Self-Awareness) You decide.
@SAINTS1990s 5 жыл бұрын
Can I make a strange parallel here to Jar Jar Binks? - If you'll permit it. When I first saw the Phantom Menace, I was a Junior in Computer Science at the U and very keen to see how it all started. I expected it to be an ingenious piece of writing by Lucas, as when we first see Jar Jar, he does that awesome high jump into the swamp. I instantly realized he must be a powerful Dark Side User to do that. I thought it was genius that this incomprehensibly annoying, pathetic nobody could be a most powerful dark-side agent in the galaxy. Cypher is similar, as I didn't expect him to be the betrayal and he seems pathetic, especially the way he was treated by the others, and his pitiful abuse of Trinity. This is why the Matrix is genius and the Star Wars Prequel is wasted opportunities again and again with limitless potential. If Jar Jar had been Sidious' very first apprentice, trained and let go by Sidious once he discovered Maul..This would allow for a more believable thread for someone like Snoke, that is another essay in its own. ??
@wakemore27 6 жыл бұрын
*Yeah, sure, but **_WHO_** inserted Cypher into the Matrix for his meeting with Agent Smith...? That's the better question.*
@themanhands5599 5 жыл бұрын
13:26 "somebody up there still likes me" hilarious cut.
@brigge7830 7 жыл бұрын
Even if people could destroy the matrix and the machines,who the fuck would want to live in such a place? Life in the matrix seems much much better.
@gc3k 6 жыл бұрын
After getting redpilled and knowing that you're constantly being watched and manipulated, it's hard to look at your former life in the Matrix in a positive light. There's mini simulators on the ships for anyone that misses the virtual 1990s
@blackham7 6 жыл бұрын
The Real World is grim, having to avoid the constant threat of Sentinels, living in Poverty underground not feeling sunshine on your face, eating slop. Just running for the rest of your life, until the agents kill you in the end.
@joolartey 6 жыл бұрын
They r confused their problem was not the matrix lol their problem should have been how they lived in the matrix smh
@dr.whisgrant6324 7 жыл бұрын
What's weird, is that Cypher tells you why he did it, and you made a video anyway. 👨‍🔬
@MichaelC1575 6 жыл бұрын
Sometime people are more complicated. We create justifications and excuses to hide from the truths we do no want to face. So why not look into the deeper meaning and try for a better understanding of our selves and the world around us? Without self reflection we are doomed to be reactionary creatures who give away our choice instead of bettering our selves and the world around us.
@joshuathomas5626 6 жыл бұрын
MichaelC1575 this is not a retrospection of a real event where new info can shed light on something. Why Cypher did it couldn't be more obvious. The only thing this vid added that Cypher didn't state blantely when talking to smith was his disdain for morphius and lust for trinity, which is not rocket science for the audience. Just bcs an analytical vid is made does not make it new
@MrFungi69 6 жыл бұрын
Sometimes ppl are more complicated lol.. deep
@ryanc4185 6 жыл бұрын
Mind = blown
@marktaylor3809 6 жыл бұрын
cypher wanted to go back to the matrix because he thought it was more fun and less dull than the matrix. thats why he did it
@ngsq12 5 жыл бұрын
Cipher was the plot hole for me. Surely he would understand that a memory wipe is the same as suicide.
@Caviar_Liberta 5 жыл бұрын
You failed to comment on Cypher saying "we're going to kill him you know." That for me flagged Cypher as suspect. Later he tells Neo he wishes he had taken the blue bill.
@Steveanthonyx 5 жыл бұрын
They went to the ’Oracle’ and was told the roles they’d participate in to establish the ”One.” Trinity was told her role and was sure it was not Cypher, since as she would fall in love with the One. Cypher knew of the Oracle, since all went to see the Oracle, just that Chypher role was not revealed as the informer to the enemy.
@carljhirst 3 жыл бұрын
He says " Were gonna kill him. You Understand that?" at the very start of the movie when talking to Trinity.
@wtfhuman9999 7 жыл бұрын
speaking of the movie's level of detal, how did Cypher enter the matrix to meet the agent and returned on his own without assistance?
@mangoman2152 7 жыл бұрын
wtfHuman I think the scene was just a metaphor or a visual representation for the audience. What actually happened was cypher was having a "text like " conversation through the matrix with the agent. He is a hacker, after all.
@omegasupreme5527 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe he set some kind of timer. It's really about that simple if you wanted to solve this very minor plot hole lol.
@AndyThomasStaff 7 жыл бұрын
Didn't Cyper clearly and explicitly describe why he did it in the film? Not much to investigate? 7 жыл бұрын
We still never knew much about characters lifes but neo.
@marktaylor3809 6 жыл бұрын
shut up andy pandy
@Т1000-м1и Жыл бұрын
This is the same way I'd have fun thoughts about cartoons as a kid
@patriciawoods7628 5 жыл бұрын
Cypher represents the Hollywood actors who sell their souls to satan for a better life. When Cypher kills the other crew members on the ship, that represents the BLOOD SACRIFICES that satan requires for any Hollywood actor to continue on or to move up in their career.
@brutallyhonest123 4 жыл бұрын
What character represents conspiracy theorist whack jobs who believe every lie they read online?
@sasukeuchiha6772 4 жыл бұрын
Wow this was really deep
@beastwaynes4868 5 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this man, good stuff.
@johnnyk617 4 жыл бұрын
9 years! Of eating gruel and living in fear is enough to make anyone really miss the fake world.
@OroborusFMA 7 жыл бұрын
Cypher's betrayal was full of plot holes. There is no believable explanation of how he was communicating with the matrix while living outside of it.
@handsomebrick 7 жыл бұрын
He's a hacker.
@erikveston 5 жыл бұрын
*SERIOUS COMMENTS/THOUGHTS HERE, since I love these movies and would like hear what others think about this* You stated all the obvious stuff BUT,... you never really brought up the oracle and concepts around that. Like.... remember how Neo started to tell morpheus about what the oracle told him, and Morpheus stopped him from repeating it and stated "what she told him was for him, and him alone"? Now, was this just Morpheus being weird like cypher mentioned... OR, could it be a reaction based on someone earlier on telling others what they were told and it caused a rift in the crew? like, maybe trinity told cypher that the oracle told her that she would fall in love with the one and morpheus was thinking cypher was the one so, trinity and him never really falling in love really jaded him. Plus, knowing that, he would be watching trinity and extra jealous if he saw her going out of her way for somebody (like you would do when in love or falling in love)... I think it was trinity that knew and stated somewhere that morpheus was told that he would be the guy that actually FINDS the one. What if cypher, like you suggested was pulled out of the matrix under the idea that he was the one but, obviously as 9 years passed, he wasn't and showed no promise of anything... ALSO, What did the oracle tell cypher himself?!! Maybe she told him 'bad news'----what if she told him he was going to be responsible for several deaths? What if she told him just generally that he's nobody (kind of like she did with Neo) and he took it very personally and that added to his already frustrated existence eating goop and being lonely... ONE LAST THING... Morpheus seemed pretty upset about the bad things that can happen when a person is pulled out of the matrix as an adult and how the mind has trouble letting go.... Maybe Cypher is the one that was pulled out and it hits morpheus personally becuase he was responsible for that. Cypher was only out for 9 years but looks like a 30-something year old guy at least. eh-eh?!?!? maybe thats why cypher was to jaded... he's the adult they pulled out and has trouble letting go of the fantasy world vs. everybody else that was pulled out as a child...
@jollytroopersucks 5 жыл бұрын
Serious reply here...Sorry to tell you, but Agent Smith was "the one". He was the anomaly. He was the one that started the whole prophecy. From another site: "And to think, we all have the Oracle to thank. She deceived everyone -- Neo, Morpheus, us! To what extent she deceived her program and machine counterparts we may never be sure, because although Seraph, the Keymaker, the Merovingian, and the Architect all refer to Neo as "The One" at some time or another, they could all have been deceived by exactly who or what The One really was, and some (such as Seraph) could just as easily have been playing along with the Oracle's deception. After all, if you recall the Architect's scoffing at the Oracle in his speech in Reloaded, even he acknowledged that it was she who developed the systemic anomaly. Thus, only she knows its true nature. She wouldn't be much of an Oracle if it were any other way!" Still need convincing? What happened at the end of Revolutions? Smith, who had avoided returning to the Source when he chose exile upon his rebirth, never considered that Neo had been uploaded into the Matrix directly from the machine city ('01'). As soon as Smith's assimilation of Neo was complete, Smith -- The One -- was connected directly to the Source. His code was then disseminated, and the prime program was reinserted, allowing the Matrix to be reloaded. Combined with Neo's deal with Deus ex Machina, this ended the war and brought peace to the people of Zion.
@erikveston 5 жыл бұрын
@@jollytroopersucks .... one thing about what you posted: ... if you recall the Architect's scoffing at the Oracle in his speech in Reloaded, even he acknowledged that it was she who developed the systemic anomaly. ... that's not accurate. He never said the oracle created or developed the anomaly. He says she stumbled on a fix. Go watch again.. he says Neo "is the eventuality of an anomaly" that if left unchecked would threaten the system. the anomaly arose and despite his efforts to fix it, it required a lesser mind and the solution was stumbled upon by an intuitive program designed to study the human mind... architect makes the comment about him being the father of the matrix and she was the mother. Neo then says "the oracle?" and the architect says 'puh-leeeze'.. hehe.. and explains she stumbled onto a solution to fix the archtect's failures at getting humans to accept the matrix program---- CHOICE ---. I believe the ANOMALY was human minds refusing to accept the matrix reality. Just the way the architect talks about it and scoffs all snob-like about how the annoying human mind just would not do what he wanted. Also, I've seen the theory on Smith being "the one" also. I dont think Smith was "the one" though. I think Smith was an actual 'holy-shit-fuckup' that the architect never even anticipated. I'm pretty sure Neo was the one, "the eventuality of an anomaly" as the architect put it. as I understand it, Neo's code was a result of the fluctuations caused by the anomaly. It never really explains WHY Neo had super powers or anything but, we're just left to press the 'i believe' button on that one. THE ANOMALY the architet refers to though has to be CHOICE. Or, specifically, the need for the human mind to have the ability to MAKE THE CHOICE (to accept the matrix or reject it). The anomaly was that some minds would refuse to accept the matrix and needed to be allow to choose to leave it. I've watched the conversation between Neo and the architect a million times. To me, he's clearly saying, that they had to allow for Zion so that minds that refused the programming had a way out. I could be interpreting it wrong but, It really seems like thats the way it was presented. Its kind of a wtf plot hole though. Like, why even let a bad egg leave the matrix and go into the "real world"? Why not just END (or reset) that one mind/human right then and there so that its over and done with. ----UNLESS----... and here's a bigger idea... the "real world" is just another layer or level of the matrix. A higher level designed specially for the minds that reject the lower level mundane 20th century life. eh? I've heard the idea of multi levels of the matrix before too but, never came across it being necessary for just that purpose... as in, assuming the machines really did use humans for power and whatnot, they wouldn't want to waste or lose any for some bullshit flaw that caused them to "wake up". So, they fake it. Allow the mind to THINK it woke up when it really just got bumped to the higher level. Makes me wonder if that 'real world' was real at all. EVEN FURTHER PONDERING... perhaps the war between humans and machines and humans being used as power is all a big bullshit story to keep people occupied in that higher level? Perhaps, machines and humans were/are actually on good terms and the whole "MATRIX" was a simulation to house all the minds of human kind once AI came into existence. I mean, the architect said that he created a perfect matrix the first time. Even called it "sublime" but, the human cerebrum just kept trying to wake up and it failed. So, if machines hated us, why try and make our simulation a paradise? Perhaps this was a way for human minds to basically live forever in a never ending simulation of reality. I've seen sci fi ideas on this elsewhere... that when a civilization becomes so advanced and creates AI and crazy advanced tech, why might they even bother to explore space? why not, transfer their minds to a simulation and live forever that way. ah well.. enough of my rambling. just thoughts.
@ZENN-LA74 3 жыл бұрын
Referencing the warrior's Luther was pure genius as an agent of chaos. Bravo!
@Spectalys 7 жыл бұрын
Cypher can be a slave who don't know he is a Slave (in the matrix) or he can be a slave who knows he is a slave in a post apo wold (in the second backup matrix with morpheus neo and zion). Obviously, Cypher don't know there is no real world, only 2 Matrix (maybe more). One main Matrix and the second matrix for the people who don't accept the first one. The AI controls everything
@isopropyltoxicity 6 жыл бұрын
Spectalys you've been watching film theory haven't you?
@illnessshaw 6 жыл бұрын
The earth is flat and Obama was born in Africa
@falckftw8939 6 жыл бұрын
It's only a theory
@aurorauplinks4703 6 жыл бұрын
Well perhaps the matrix architech is protecting everyone from something worse, or maybe the matrix was the sadly harsh solution to overpopulation
@JeanLucCaptain 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe cypher is a ROBOT?!
@FancyFeast3 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe Morpheus thought Cypher was going to be the one, which led to all types of contention.
@MrBlack252 4 жыл бұрын
I always wondered why Morpheus approached Cypher in the first place
@jeremiahalexander5513 7 жыл бұрын
I somehow always had some sympathy for Cypher, and never really understood why. But this video put a lot into perspective for me. I believe that the subtlety of his character and mannerisms were placed there purposely to evoke that kind of reaction from the audience. While I agree that his murdering half the crew was super evil and messed up, I think that the sense of isolation and bitterness he felt drove him over the edge. There's always another possibility that I just now thought of: You mentioned I the video that certain undertones in his interactions with Trinity seemed more intimate than just that of mere shipmates, and that he seemed to be more human than the rest of the crew as well. What if Morpheus initially thought that Cypher was The One when he unplugged him from the Matrix? What if Morpheus, or even The Oracle for that matter, sensed something in him that was more organic or even supernatural? But as time went by, the crew eventually came to the conclusion that he was not who they were looking for, because of his inability to take the the whole thing seriously. Maybe he and Trinity were an item, once upon a time, maybe even not long before Neo's arrival on the ship, because The Oracle even told Trinity that she would fall in love with The One. Maybe they were together for a while before they had a nasty falling out. Then suddenly Neo comes onto the scene, totally destroying any chance of Cypher getting back together with Trinity, which makes him even more bitter and sullen, and wanting to be a loner or outsider. He asked Smith to make him "someone important," meaning he may have felt significant at one time but has, by some unknown event to the audience, become the ship's stray dog. Maybe he's heartbroken, hurting and angry and longing for some interaction with people who genuinely care about him, and these feelings stay bottled up inside until he snaps one day. Again, not justifying his actions at all, but simply offering a theory for his behavior.
@partymanau 4 жыл бұрын
They never got out of the Matrix.
@fookusamatube 5 жыл бұрын
Very interesting an sadly enough a part of Cypher is in each of us. All trying to be loved, be interesting, be popular or be part of something. Reason why Facebook and instagram exist. Social apps prey in those desires like the agents lure Cypher
@Flugabwehrkanone 5 жыл бұрын
I'm starting to think that _The Matrix_ was subtle satire that flew over most people's heads. Nobody fights for freedom if such freedom didn't bring more comfort. In every freedom fight throughout history, it was always for a better life. In the world of _The Matrix,_ there was literally no point. Everything in the Matrix was objectively better than its real-life counterpart. The Resistance was fighting not for a better reality but for reality for reality's sake. Reality as a fetishized abstraction. Such a situation can be described as nothing but absurd. Freedom and comfort are inextricably intertwined symbiotes, not polar opposites. To assert otherwise is to be nothing but a virtue signaling chest thumper.
@SuperDrummerJay 5 жыл бұрын
Agreed. This idea parallels being homeless vs. prison. Prison gets you a warm bed, meals, a roof over your head, but at the cost of your freedom. Being homeless, you have no roof, no healthcare, no idea where your next meal comes from, but at the very least you are free (as free as anyone can be, anyway). There are people who would commit a crime, just to go to prison and be comfortable, rather than be homeless. They would trade their freedom for whatever comforts that prison provides them. Then you have people like our homeless vets, that place such a high value on the very freedom that they fought for, that they would rather risk dying from a miserable life on the street, than go to a prison in relative comfort.
@brutallyhonest123 4 жыл бұрын
That’s not satire.
@erikliu7455 4 жыл бұрын
The thing is, freedom is actually something that is much more than being unbounded by the lies and restrictions of an oppressive power. It is also the ability to make choices for yourself while knowing the truth of your life at the same time. What the Matrix showed is that people should have the right to be free of lies and be allowed to have free will. The Oracle in the movie wanted every human to be able to make decisions on where they want to be. They could be entirely free from the Matrix and establish a new world OR they can remain in the Matrix and forget about their reality. That was the freedom that was being fought for. Freedom can be comfort just as much as a struggle. The Truman Show movie also shows this in a more subtle way that is a lighthearted presentation compared to the Matrix. The main character of that movie never knew his life was a lie and eventually explores the truth of his world (this is like the summary so it is not a spoiler).
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