The MAX Damage One Player Can Do in DnD

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XP Goblin

XP Goblin

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@netherlordgaming995 5 ай бұрын
I'm. Making this my bbeg
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Oh man. God help your players
@netherlordgaming995 5 ай бұрын
@@XP_Goblin they will be min maxing too I told them. Build their characters as powerful as you can make them cause I won't hold back and you gave me. The means to
@netherlordgaming995 5 ай бұрын
@@XP_Goblin ps god can't save them against a god killer
@charleysimmons427 4 ай бұрын
this is diabloical if you really do I need an update on the survivors...... if there are
@vortex3611 4 ай бұрын
Well guess I can’t say much because by BBEG is an Omnipotent higher Deity that transcends reality
@quincyhotchkiss4775 5 ай бұрын
Plot twist; The godhammer from downfall is just filled with hundreds of cat monk bards.
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
That is a lot of damage, but a while back I devised an infinite damage combo that is best performed by 2 people, but is feasibly doable by 1 character at level 20. Its only requirements are: 1. The target is Large or smaller, 2. The target is not immune to Lightning damage 3. The target fails a Wisdom saving throw. Onto the build: Put 11 levels in Order of Scribes Wizard and have the Arcane Gate and Chain Lightning spells in your Spellbook. Then, put 6 levels into Tempest Domain Cleric, and finally 3 levels in any Druid. And now for the combo itself: STEP 1: Start at the location in which you will kill your enemy (ideally a narrow corridor you think they will walk through). In that location, cast Glyph of Warding: Spike Growth. STEP 2: Cast Bestow Curse at 6th level on the target, choosing the extra damage effect and modifying it to deal Lightning damage instead of Necrotic (this is why you need Chain Lightning). STEP 3: As your enemy arrives at the Glyph, cast Arcane Gate, placing 1 gate at the closest point to the spike growth from your location, facing away from you. The second portal is placed at the opposite side of the Spike Growth, facing towards you. STEP 4: Either when your enemy tries to traverse through the Spike Growth, or when you use a Cantrip or something to deal damage to them, Bestow Curse will activate, increasing that damage by 1d8. STEP 5: As Bestow Curse deals 1d8 Lightning to the target, activate your Thunderous Strike feature. This causes the enemy to be pushed 10 feet away, either into or through the Spike Growth. This will make them take damage from Spike Growth (2 or 4d4 Piercing). This damage is increased by 1d8 Lightning, as per the effect of Bestow Curse. When this occurs, activate Thunderous Strike. Thunderous Strike causes the enemy to be pushed 10 feet away, now going through the Arcane Gate... just to come back through the other side, taking 2d4 Piercing from Spike Growth which is increased by 1d8 Lightning, upon which you activate Thunderous Strike... repeat ad nauseum or until it's dead. The damage is both infinite and instantaneous (despite the 1 hour prep time).
@SpaceVentura69 5 ай бұрын
"Thunderous Strike: At 6th level, when you deal lightning damage to a Large or smaller creature, you can also push it up to 10 feet away from you." Likely traversing Spike Growth and taking the damage isn't you dealing the damage.
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
@@SpaceVentura69 It's direct damage from your spells, that's definitely your damage. When a Wizard casts Fireball, is it the Wizard dealing the damage or is it the conveniently placed and timed explosion? EDIT: Some spells are more ambiguous on this, such as summoning spells, and some spells with decent damaging potential actually deal no direct damage (such as Reverse Gravity), but Spike Growth is neither, it's a conjured AoE effect that does damage to targets who pass through it. And if damage from a spell like Prismatic Wall isn't your damage… well the build in the video kind of falls apart.
@johanhalvarsson2148 5 ай бұрын
I'm not a d&d player but could you not just use the arcane gate and summon one portal just 5 feet away from a ledge and the other 5 feet above it, both horizontally, and use some kind of push effect to push them into the portal making them fall for as long as the gate is open and then get crushed by the ground? Unless the target has some good fall damage preventation that is.
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
@@johanhalvarsson2148 Well push normally only works for a set distance, so if for instance you have a 10 foot push then it would only push the enemy through the portal twice, meaning they take 1d6 fall damage.
@johanhalvarsson2148 5 ай бұрын
@@giladmachluf3663 even if they end up over the first and under the second portal? Raw I suppose they'd fall straight down after the push action.
@Naymy 5 ай бұрын
Plot Twist: The creature fails the save and gets shunted to another plane of existance, first time around. :(
@jonp8015 5 ай бұрын
It's kind of a roulette to figure out how many times they pass through without triggering that effect (if they have a high Wisdom save, this becomes less likely). In which case, you can run and grapple another target with your second attack and give them the same treatment.
@MasterChef1957 5 ай бұрын
Honestly thats the mercy roll 😂
@sillyiwassillyonce 5 ай бұрын
you can easily eliminate that risk by the rules by just targeting that specific layer with a dispel magic, the other layers will be unaffected!
@happyhafer1403 5 ай бұрын
@@sillyiwassillyonce but wouldn't that also deny you the 'if target passes through ALL 7 layers' part of the effect that added the 50d6 damage in the first place?
@sillyiwassillyonce 5 ай бұрын
@@happyhafer1403 nono, if you read what the spell really says, there are five damaging layers, each dealing 10d6 (insert element) damage, then the two last layers have other effects, one is restraining and later petrifying and one is blinding and banish effect. Every layer has its own required effect to dispel it, and the banish requires a high enough level dispel magic or such, however as someone else noted, the banish only takes effect on your next turn, not the turn you do the running back and forth, so it probably doesn't really matter a bunch if you plan to use it to oneround the enemy! I used the spell in a oneshot this spring, got an item that the dm gave the ability to center "a point within range" spells on (that would then always follow the item) (so like a prismatic sphere aura thing) but limited myself to only dealing the damage once per round to keep it within reason and still like a side effect of the main meat (epic level oneshot so it really got crazy, super fun tho), and banishing the enemy for getting close to me, it may be powerful but it's very anticlimactic and boring XDD
@samevans4834 5 ай бұрын
Local furry beats the snot out of pixie with shiny orbs; more at 11
@worksgaming7764 5 ай бұрын
As the “Bonk” is already lovingly taken by the barbarian monk multiclasses, I will offer up an alternative; “The Bark”
@Raistlin212Speedruns 4 ай бұрын
A cat named Bark
@qrowbranwen1864 5 ай бұрын
I think having that many Prismatic Walls so tiny in that small of a space would break the Weave again🤣
@top5g04t 3 ай бұрын
funny little guy in UA land in case the enemy is too large to drag (or can't be moved for any other reason) 2 level paladin/7th level hexblade warlock/2 level fighter/9 level war domain cleric setup: get a monster with contagion, hold monster, and hexblade's curse weapon is curse bringer to bonk 5 times (2 from attack action, 2 from action surge, 1 from great weapon master) = 20d6+110 (+10 from great weapon master, +6 from +5 charisma and improved pact weapon, and +6 from hexblade's curse). 1 and 2 on dice can be rerolled from great weapon fighting eldritch smite with 2 lvl 4 spell slots = 20d8 activate curse bringer with 2 lvl 5 spell slots and 3 lvl 4 spell slots = 88d8, and this also seems to be weapon damage so you can probably also reroll 1 and 2 on these. divine smite with 3 lvl 3 spell slots and 2 lvl 2 spell slots = 36d8 divine strike = 2d8 Half-orc = 5d6 (reroll 1 and 2) value of reroll on d6 is +2/3 of a point of damage per d6, as it's a 1/3 chance to reroll and a reroll takes a 1.5 avg to a 3.5 avg, and similarly 3/4 per d8. all of the above is doubled from contagion applying vulnerability total avg damage: 2*(25*3.5 + 50/3 +88*4.5 + 66 + 58*4.5 + 110) = 1874 1/3 damage
@wutmagna7222 5 ай бұрын
So repeatedly running a grappled creature through a solid block of magic walls at mach speed is the best way of dealing damage in this game. Interesting. Now I want to know what that would sound like from an outside perspective, since shattering a magic wall by slamming someone through it would probably make a sound, and you're then multiplying that sound by all 96 times you run through it in a 6 second turn, times seven layers per wall, times two if the walls are actually spheres, times however many wizard friends you can get to cast walls in a single space. That much sound would probably end up dealing another 20 D4 sonic damage to any creature in a two mile radius.
@ShugoAWay 5 ай бұрын
From the outside homebrew BS as it ignores multiple rules multiple times
@TERMINATOR3900 5 ай бұрын
@@ShugoAWay Does it? I don't think there's any issues rules-wise with anything that was suggested.
@ciscowicaksana5256 5 ай бұрын
The more "normal" way to deal a shit ton of damage is still running a grappled creature, but through spikes. Literally the best way to deal damage is "running a grappled creature into damage"
@exantiuse497 5 ай бұрын
@TERMINATOR3900 There's nothing explicitly wrong here but some points of potential disagreement. The spell description says "when a creature attempts to reach or pass through the wall" it suffers the wall's effects. So one can argue that RAW the creature must *attempt to* cross the wall and would not suffer the effects if it was forced to. It also doesn't say the creature suffers the effects every time it crosses the wall, so one can argue it would only suffer the damage once. In any case any sane DM would rule that you can't take damage more than once per turn from each of the layers. There are many ways to deal extreme damage with this spell besides grappling
@ciscowicaksana5256 5 ай бұрын
@@exantiuse497 The forced thing wouldn't make sense since then the players would just "shove" each other through the wall to bypass the effects, which is clearly not intended. The once per turn works tho
@quincyhotchkiss4775 5 ай бұрын
Wild that I saw your previous video, didn’t even finish it, and just clicked on this one from the comments. Literally 4 minutes after it was posted
@doubletaptap 5 ай бұрын
actually thats sick. I already liked doing this (though not to this extent but the same base idea), but there are a few of my favourite spell combos: 1. Use Mordenkainen's Mansion and somehow get an enemy in there. Then, go to town throwing whatever stuff you want in there. 2. Use meteor swarm, then catapult the meteor, then bind to earth the meteor 3. conjure barrage on any surface that can reflect lightning, then use any lightning ability on that enemy 4. silvery barbs 5. hellish rebuke + command while some of these aren't the strongest, they sure are fun
@starhalv2427 5 ай бұрын
Hold person with disadvantage to enemy saving throw (Sorcerer, for example) That'a all you need to stop the DM from ever using humanoids as boss enemies ever again.
@megAJuan31E 5 ай бұрын
So… I’m still new to D&D, is silvery barbs just “I impose disadvantage on whatever you just did and I also choose another creature to give a 60 second inspiration to” or am I missing something?
@moth0074 5 ай бұрын
@@megAJuan31E i impose disadvantage on any ability check, attack roll or saving throw, and another guy has advantage on their next ability check, attack roll or saving throw until 1 minute passes
@anonymousanonymous2649 5 ай бұрын
I'm by no means super sure I am reading this right, or understanding this right, but I have a blood feud with 2. Catapult the spell has a weight restriction that goes up to 45lbs, with a 9th level spell slot, and I doubt meteors are lighter than that. In addition, meteor swarm confusingly states that you are 'calling down blazing orbs of fire', not rock. The spell Earthbind only targets creatures. So. I'd be great to play games for fun with.
@TERMINATOR3900 5 ай бұрын
I have no clue what number 2 is supposed to be. It sounds like you're a QA tester trying to break the physics engine of a video game
@InternetExplorationalist 5 ай бұрын
Two ways to increase your speed here include: -College of creations animated object summon -College of swords mobile flourish
@DeathDoesThings 5 ай бұрын
He’s already deaaaddddd
@EktorasPanagiotidis 5 ай бұрын
By going for collage of creation and getting the elemental adept feat the average damage jumps to 101,000 btw.
@vayllonyx5360 5 ай бұрын
there is the small problem that the grappled creature might fail a save on one layer of the wall and get banished to another dimension…
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Yes, that's why this is the theoretical most damage lol. Prismatic Wall is a CRAZY spell lol. Either way it will take out the creature lol
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
​@@XP_Goblin Would doing Infinite Damage count as more than this?
@exantiuse497 5 ай бұрын
No. Read the description. After going through the Indigo layer the creature is blinded, and *at the start of the caster's next turn* it makes the save or is transported to another plane. In this scenario, all the damage is done in a single round before the caster's next turn, so no banishment
@Mr_Maiq_The_Liar 5 ай бұрын
The banishment doesn't happen on the same turn though "Violet: On a failed save, the creature is blinded. It must then make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of your next turn. A successful save ends the blindness. If it fails that save, the creature is transported to another plane"
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
@@Mr_Maiq_The_Liar You would sadly be prohibited from dealing the damage to the target on subsequent turns, however. Not that you'll *need* it but it's nice to have insurance.
@gonathi117 5 ай бұрын
"parry her throw and do my aegis setup" "Epic win!"
@Burgerflippa 5 ай бұрын
I have been watching your videos, and you are a absolute menace, and i love it.
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Glad you like them!
@nicolasr3078 5 ай бұрын
Love this don't think I have seen this concept yet
@protencya2150 5 ай бұрын
I see that you have adopted the prismatic wall tech and altough it doesnt work against huge or gargantuan creatures this is still probably the way to reach some of the highest damage numbers possible. This one is a better video than the last at least you didnt make rule errors XD. Also i want my cookie emoji ASAP.
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
(∿°○°)∿ 🍪
@wowb1965 5 ай бұрын
@@protencya2150 not the same but reverse gravity works on the bigger creatures. You just have to put the sphere above them and have a druid, sorcerer, or fellow wizard pal cast it before the gargantuan goon moves
@ShugoAWay 5 ай бұрын
No he still make a lot of rule errors like that duplicate effects do not stack
@protencya2150 5 ай бұрын
@@wowb1965 I know brother, if you could find my comment in the old video that combo is exactly what i have proposed. You dont need multiple casters btw i explained in the original comment.
@protencya2150 5 ай бұрын
@@ShugoAWay wait which effect did he stack? I didnt see that.
@Brom126 5 ай бұрын
The Goblin does not lie, I subscribed and got the cookie!
@OrdericNeustry 5 ай бұрын
Very nice! At first I thought that the plane shift effect could throw a wrench into this... But I must have thought about the 3.5 prismatic sphere, as that doesn't take effect immediately in 5e.
@elliotgandersen Ай бұрын
I want to see a goblin pull out all of that dice and roll it.
@XP_Goblin Ай бұрын
I don't have THAT many sets....yet
@jahuuuu9625 5 ай бұрын
I think the highest damage you can deal is as a level 17 monk with the way of the open hand sub class. You can oneshot any creature with quivering palm. You could even get two levels in wizard on top of that to get portent die and force the enemy to fail their save
@peterbenckendorf9724 5 ай бұрын
So this, plus the giant size potion, and the fact that all of it stays up for a fair amount of time, so you can do it multiple times in a fight, hell, you set it up and get a bunch of speedy friends that just need to do the low level stuff on themselves, plus one paladin and everyone have war caster so you can all make your saves to keep your spells up, or since the spell that needs to stay up is only haste, drink a haste potion and a giant size potion, and your whole team can just snatch people, race them through as many times as it takes to kill them, and then grab more. Possibly succeed and grapple people up to five times in the first turn where you action surge, though that reduces the speed since you don’t dash on action surge or the hasted action
@SpaceVentura69 5 ай бұрын
Find some way to destroy the Indigo and Violet parts of the wall and you really are cooking.
@Microwave_Gaming2502 5 ай бұрын
i have feeling every dnd campain istead of you fearing the dungeon master ,the dungeon master fears you! *The only thing they fear is you starts playing
@Badger_Nerd 5 ай бұрын
okay this is good content. Subscribed
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Appreciate the support 🙏
@Artan9000 5 ай бұрын
You can make that higher if you put spike growth on the surrounding area
@JustABalrog 5 ай бұрын
-Wish -"that guy takes tree(3) damage"
@Alpha-zb8sp 5 ай бұрын
This could actually be a reasonable build if you split it between two players and toned it down a bit. A wizard/bard with haste, prismatic wall and maybe longstrider, and a tabaxi monk with levels in giant barbarian/rune knight for grappling larger targets. And although it may not be practical to do everything like contagion, magic items should make up enough for it to be good. Hello boots of speeed…
@jaceg810 5 ай бұрын
You said in one turn, Contagion takes a setup turn, and is probably not worth it. Haste also takes a setup turn, however it probably is worth it to precast it. Results are results though, no arguing with that, even if you where to half or quarter the damage. Besides that, The target has a very likely escape, as it can be banished to another plane when thrown through the wall. Normally a downside, however in this case, it stops the damage
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Yea, this is a theoretical amount of damage. Depending on what they save and how many saves they do different things can happen. I mentioned both those spells are setup rounds, the main thing is all the damage calculated is done in one turn
@mitch25232 5 ай бұрын
I've always wondered, and now I know
@Trafoder 5 ай бұрын
The only rule that implies two creatures cannot occupy the same space reads "you can't willingly end your move in [a creature]'s space" which notably does not mean two creatures cannot share a space. Have a line of infinite volunteers (or victims) walk off a ledge into a 5x5x5' pit. Once you're satisfied with the impossibly packed space, cast any AoE spell and multiply the spell's damage by n creatures. Effectively infinite damage at level 1.
@gergosoos4652 5 ай бұрын
find familiar using bead of fireballs on perfectly stacked opponents that cannot dodge. (8+(2x6)+(2x4))*8*6d6... without the opponents over and under the center of said fireballs. 28*64/2*7=6272 to all creatures combined
@InternetExplorationalist 5 ай бұрын
This will be fantastic
@TCGAnimeGuru 5 ай бұрын
This must have taken a while to figure out, looking up the best combos, the most damageable spells, the best race and class to do this with. You know the creators probably never expected someone to do this much damage 😂
@anonymouse2675 5 ай бұрын
It`s not a max damage build, but it IS a Very High Consistent Damage build for Bards that not only bypasses AC, but still leaves you as a fully functional utility spellcaster. But one that is now VERY GOOD at melee. Start with three levels in Rune Knight to get Action Surge, and more importantly both Giant`s Might for a non spell, concentration free version of Enlarge, and the Frost Rune to get a +2 bonus to Strength Checks and Saves. Everything else goes into Swords Bard. Make sure you take Athletics, and at level 3 Expertise in Athletics. Use Magical Secrets to get Spike Growth and Spirit Guardians. Take Cloud of Daggers and Enlarge/Reduce from the Bard spell list. Take the War Caster Feat. Don`t dump Strength... You want a decent Strength score. The area Spirit Guardians covers scales by the size of your character, and the damage by the level of the spell. A small and medium character only takes up one five foot square, a large character 4 five foot squares, and a huge 6 five foot squares. Spirit Guardians is then 15 feet beyond that. The bigger your character, the more area you cover with Spirit Guardians, the more creatures you damage with it. The higher the spell level, the more damage is done. If you are in melee, they are in Spirit Guardians. You are a Swords Bard... Cloud of Daggers+Grapple is similar to Spike Growth in that it bypasses both AC and Saves. They just take the damage, up to twice per turn. You don't need a lot of movement to pull it off. They start the turn in it and take the damage, you move them five feet out, then five feet back in and they take it again. The damage scales 2d4 per spell level. Wana do more damage? Upcast. Upcasting it is roughly equivalent to having more feet of movement with Spike Growth, only in a compact space. The indoors Cheese Grater. Spike Growth+Grapple doesn't really need me to explain. Bypasses both AC and Saves. This includes legendary reactions. Giant`s Might stacks with Enlarge. Your character can now be Huge. To put it another way, you can now grapple Tiamat or the Tarrasque... At Double your Proficiency bonus to Athletics and with a +2 to Strength Checks... As long as your Strength score was decent, You`re Golden. Optional: Take one level of Sorcerer to get four Cantrips and both the Shield Spell and Absorb Elements. The Shield spell on a character with Half Plate should be self explanatory. Absorb Elements not only lets you take half damage from spells and Dragon Fire to the face, but also lets you weaponize it. On my Bladesinger I carry around a bunch of Alchemist Fire. When I need to do extra damage, I will use the Alchemist Fire on myself, typically taking 1 or 2 damage per turn, but then I can do an additional 1d6 per spell level of damage on my next melee attack, with no saves or half damage, they just take it. To put it into perspective, Fireball is only 8d6 damage, with half on a save so 4d6. That`s on top of the damage from the melee attack. Not quite a Paladin`s Smite, but still not too shabby. That Sorcerer level can also get you Fire Bolt for a ranged attack that Bards were sorely lacking, but also Ray Of Frost, Booming Blade(which does work with Absorb Elements), and the spellcaster`s disengage Shocking Grasp. Optional equipment: If you can talk your DM into it, then get the Illusionist`s Bracers from Ravnica. If you use a cantrip, you can do it again as a bonus action on the same turn. You can choose a different creature to target as well. With Booming Blade this gives you an extra attack, sorta. With Fire Bolt, you can use it twice either doubling your damage or hitting more than one creature. You can slow two creatures with Ray of Frost, or escape from two with Shocking Grasp. Great item... If you took a level in Sorcerer.
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
Can't you take Metamagic Adept instead of the Illusionist's Bracers? (cool damage but it's still *finite*)
@anonymouse2675 5 ай бұрын
@@giladmachluf3663 Yes you can, though you are then limited to only using it once a day... Whereas with Illusionist's Bracers you can do this on every single turn.
@anonymouse2675 5 ай бұрын
Yes you can, but then you can only use Quickened Spell once a day instead of casting a Cantrip twice on every single turn like you can with the Illusionist's Bracers. At that point you would be better off either taking the ASI, or if you did want to take a feat then Fey Touched would be far more useful.
@joaquinmaimone2211 5 ай бұрын
An ally casting haste for doble movement and an extra dash action
@noone.3419 5 ай бұрын
@smashmouthvevo1366 5 ай бұрын
Bladesong can increase speed even further
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
I know, but I wanted to do all this as one character so I took bard so I could use the wizard list and cleric list
@ABPAK1 5 ай бұрын
Great video Can you make a multiclass build with 2 classes ?👊
@toweroffrogs9470 4 ай бұрын
You should instead cast it as a wall so you don’t have to spend more movement in the middle of the radius so you can just spend your movement going back and forth between the wall
@CylindricalCow 5 ай бұрын
Omg so happy u made a follow-up from the nuke caster!!
@SundownCamera 5 ай бұрын
I think can do better. In fact, I can do infinite. (I stole all this off of a reddit post) -Take at least 6 levels in tempest cleric, which grants you the ability to push creatures away from you up to 10 feet whenever you do lightning damage. -Take 13 levels in wizard to unlock their spell list and Simulacrum -Take the horribly worded Cartomancer feat, which allows you to cast any spell with a casting time of 1 action on one of your spell lists, as long as you have a spell level, even if you're multiclassing. -Take your last level in any class, it doesn't matter (I would've loved to had 2 levels for action surge, but it is what it is) -Make a simulacrum, make sure you have a 9th level spell slot when you do so -On a long rest, have you and your simulacrum both imbue Prismatic Prismatic wall into a card using your Cartomancer feat -Find your victim who is size Large or smaller, and isn't immune to lightning damage -Position you and your simulacrum on either side, and both cast prismatic wall, surrounding your target -Cast lightning bolt on your victim, causing them to take lightning damage, even if they succeed the save. This is where the fun begins. -Due to your 6th level Tempest Cleric feature, the poor soul is now pushed 10 feet away from you, into your simulacrum's wall, taking 10d6 fire damage, then 106 damage, then 10d6 lightning damage. -When they take lightning damage, your simulacrum uses their feature to push the target away from them and into the other wall, where they again take a collective 30d6 damage before once again being pushed into the opposing wall. -This cycle repeats until the victim is dead, can work on multiple creatures at once, and all happens in 1 round, with only 1 additional round of setup. Anyways: thanks for reading, have a great day, and please never try this in a real campaign.
@MasterChef1957 5 ай бұрын
1:40 holy shit a bard monk 💀 ironically both my favorite classes 😅 Edit: 6:33....... so your telling me this is a weebs dream build? This is legit just "Domain expansion" and you just fucking grab them at 109 mph and run them through the spell how many times....? Holy shit this is fucking awesome i need an animation of this being done
@KamasiFitzgerald 4 ай бұрын
If we're talking about AOE damage, can you do better than 2 Tempest Cleric/18 Scribes Wizard transmuting a Meteor Swarm into lightning damage from Prismatic Wall and then using Wrath of the Storm to forgo rolling?
@that_one_kitsune9365 Ай бұрын
It's sad that this entire thing gets shut doen simply by the fact of the sheer odds of this even happening require you to have minimum three rounds of setup, assuming you can cast Longstrider ahead of time... Just grab Simulacrum and drop your favorite flavor of aoe buff on yourself, then drop Scorching Rays. You'd end up using the entire combat to cheese grate one enemy that probably won't survive three whole rounds against your entire level 20 party that's focused on just murdering it.
@marsgreekgod 5 ай бұрын
Just use chaos bolt and get really lucky with a ton of targets
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
true. I'll have to look into that
@marsgreekgod 5 ай бұрын
@@XP_Goblin saddly it's really boring, there is no target cap so you just.. get a billion goblins in a room and get really lucky. this is much more fun
@EktorasPanagiotidis 5 ай бұрын
Well the chance for it to bounce once is 1 in 8 the chance for it to bounce twice is 1 in 64 thrice 1 in 512 ect... so it's not very possible. It can happen but it's not likely.
@amyrogers-nl7gu 5 ай бұрын
my dm will want to commit very VERY bad crimes against me if i do this... im gonna do it consequences be damned!!!:3
@car5144 5 ай бұрын
what tiny creature would have this much health RAW the mosthealth a tiny creature has is Oma Rattenfanger with 144 Hp
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Nothing has this many health points RAW lol. If you have a potion of giant size you could could do it to tiamat theoretically
@legacyxv7132 5 ай бұрын
...isn't this just gogeta's stardust breaker
5 ай бұрын
I call it the Mord.
@aamit-yu4tj 4 ай бұрын
I think i can do more dmg then that with the spell spirit gurdians and the largest movement possible. If you count the amount of creatures that can be in the radius of the trail i run at and than add up the amount of dmg spirit gurdians will do to all of them you might pass the amount you showed here... And even more then that there are creatures who are vulnerable to a certain type of damage so if you fill the area them then tge dmg is doubled. Idk if it will pass your method and i dont have the patience to do the math but i think it might be worth checking out
@scoobydoo316us 5 ай бұрын
As a DM I don't like when people try to use grappling as lets pick someone up and just carry them around. Watch the UFC. How easy is it for professional grapplers to pick up someone half their skill level and just carry them around. Grappling is holding down someone. Getting an advantage in position. Not be the flash. Which Even him I always thought was stupid. He is not super strong. He can't lift people and run them around just because he moves fast. Yes, it's fantasy, but this stretches it. Make the wall. Push or pull someone thru it. Simple. Not as much damage but does a lot still.
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Well the grappler feat is basically what you are looking for, grapple, then grapple again and they and you are restrained. A regular grapple I imagine more like a headlock, you dragging them around a bit slower than normal unless you're much bigger than them
@exantiuse497 5 ай бұрын
In this scenario the person being grappled is of Tiny size, meaning less than 2 feet tall and 8 pounds heavy. So a creature the size of a newborn infant. Can a trained fighter with superhuman strength, pick up and carry an infant? Of course, that's something normal humans can do effortlessly IRL
@Mr_Maiq_The_Liar 5 ай бұрын
Nowhere in the rules does it say movement must be in 5 foot intervals, 5 foot intervals is just the size of squares on a grid. You can go ahead and multiply all these numbers by 60
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Could also play on a non grid system just to be sure
@lastar7824 5 ай бұрын
the creature needs to succeed some saves to avoid being banished so they can still take more damage
@crowbar_the_rogue 5 ай бұрын
It's fine, you can give them bardic inspiration.
@wowb1965 5 ай бұрын
You could also do this with much less investment by casting Tasha’s bubbling cauldron and getting a potion of giant strength from it, setting your strength to 21 to help that grapple check. You could also get a potion of growth to enlarge yourself for advantage on the grapple check So far we have 21 strength and advantage on grapple checks for the price of a 6th level slot. Prep this before the fight. Now let’s say our dm says only wall. We can still theoretically grab and pass through our wall as many times as our movement will allow. Since grappling is a check and not a save, they can’t use legendary resistance. They’d probably want to use it on the effects of the wall anyway Excellent video and I would not have come up with this idea without you. You have made me a better wizard
@Mr_Maiq_The_Liar 5 ай бұрын
Tasha's bubbling caldron is a 2024 spell, this video used 2014 rules, hence old version of contagion
@Forever-GM-Dusty 5 ай бұрын
This is only the highest single-target damage. The highest possible damage is just infinite. Theoretically chaos bolt can leap infinitely if you're lucky enough. But if not, aoes do their damage to multiple creatures, meaning everything gets multiplied by the number of targets
@Veto2090 4 ай бұрын
That Rat is DEAD
@lastar7824 5 ай бұрын
okay now whats the most damage you can do really in one turn (without set up)?
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Probably some variation of this concept. If you have access to scrolls it makes it a lot easier as you can cast a spell thats higher than you have access to as long as you pass a DC. So probably this build, but take 2 levels into fighter for action surge, take the skill expert feat to still get expertise and then instead of Bard do wizard, go blade singing so you get +10 to movement. Also, ideally have a Bard college of Glamor friend so you can use your full movement as a reaction too, but not necessary, but it makes it better. So you turn would be this: use both your attack actions to attempt the grapple, action surge to cast prismatic wall, activate your feline agility, use your full movement of 120, dash as bonus action, dash as your reaction thanks to the bard for a total of 660ft. This would mean you cross the sphere 66 times, meaning all 7 walls 132 times or 6,600d6s or average roll of 23,100 and a max roll of 39,600 if i did all my math correct
@ironbar2009 5 ай бұрын
Hello sir, would you consider doing something similar for bg3?
@adrianmartinez198 5 ай бұрын
Ok so hear me out, I know you said no magic items, or friends, but if you got a centaur had 4 more horse legs grafted to you and 4 satyr legs on your underbelly you would have 12 legs, then put on 3 sets of horse shoes of speed take 2 levels rouge, 18 levels of artificer armorer for 6 attunements and 5ft more speed then get one boots of haste and 5 boots of speed, mobile feat, longstrider, deck of many more things (path), boon of speed, 185 base speed, 94,720 (10,763.63mph) after all items/dashes
@adrianmartinez198 5 ай бұрын
Forgot eagle whistle to double speed again and gain fly
@The_RealWilliam 4 ай бұрын
Gods are immune to Mortal magic (qv D&D Wrath of the Immortals)
@Schuhmiball 5 ай бұрын
base speed 30 ft monk +10 ft mobility +10 ft longstride +10ft feline agility x2 dash x2 hast x2 that adds up to 480 ft I wonder where I missed a x2
@EktorasPanagiotidis 5 ай бұрын
He dashed 2 times once with his action and one with his bonus action (2nd lvl monk feature)
@Schuhmiball 5 ай бұрын
@@EktorasPanagiotidis I didn't know you can dash multiple times. ppl on forums seem to suggest that dash doesn't increase you speed but that the action allows you to move your speed witch means the second dash is the same flat increase as the first and not a x2 anymore but the wording is not clear about that. But then he can still use his hasted action to dash again for 3 dashes
@tapurate638 5 ай бұрын
Grapple? And here I thought I'd be able to oneshot tarrasque(
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
If you have friends or just don't want to go as fast then you could potentially. If you drink a potion of giant size (or path of giant barbarian) then cast enlarge you can
@doriancarter964 5 ай бұрын
Couldn’t you do this with you max movement speed build (casting prismatic wall from a scroll) to do even more damage?
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Yes I could
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
It'd be 816,000 d6s or an average roll of 5,712,000 points of damage. Thanks to contagion. Max of 9,792,000
@frimi8593 5 ай бұрын
Uhhh what happens when after the first pass-through the target gets warped to another plane?
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Then they are in a different plane. Theoretically you could do this amount of damage, but them surviving or still being on the same plane after like 6 passes is very slim lol
@calebsorrell6235 5 ай бұрын
You owe me a cookie
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
(づ ◕‿◕ )づ🍪
@King_of_Clovers 5 ай бұрын
The cheese grater. Also since I can't understand exactly how Magic Missile works and I heard it works a different way one time, does every magic missile each deal 1d4+1 or does each magic missile deal 1d4+1? Is it separate damage rolls or do they all deal the same damage?
@InternetExplorationalist 5 ай бұрын
they all deal the same damage.
@crowbar_the_rogue 5 ай бұрын
I made a pretty hilarious character that abused this interpretation, but I'm fairly certain they all deal the same damage, except perhaps if you use each to target a different creature.
@nickbohannon2184 5 ай бұрын
They all do damage at the same time and use the same dice roll. So if fire off 9 darts, they all use the same one roll of a singular d4. So it is 9 instances of damage, based entirely on a single dice roll.
@nazrac2098 5 ай бұрын
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
(,,◕ ⋏ ◕,,)/🍪
@nocdracos 5 ай бұрын
I cast wish to deal 4000000 damage to a creature?
@crowbar_the_rogue 5 ай бұрын
That's boring and the spell might have consequences.
@fortnitesexman 5 ай бұрын
@@crowbar_the_roguewhy do consequences matter? the topic is about dealing as much damage as possible even if you instantly die and can never play dnd again it wouldn't matter
@calebgriffin4214 5 ай бұрын
The world explodes dealing 4000000 damage to the target creature and all other creatures on the planet
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
I can imagine how this would go: Unsuspecting Sorcerer: "I cast wish to deal 4,000,000 to a creature! Suck it, Bard!" The DM, after pondering for a minute, would respond: "Granted. The creature is you."
@krisds2617 5 ай бұрын
Wish has it's limits. You can duplicate level 8 and below spells with it, but not more. This tells us relative limits of what it can do. You can wish for something else, but the more you wish for the more are the chances something goes wrong or wish just fails. Honestly wishing for that much damage will probably fail wish and kill you in the process, but it will be funny at least
@SolSister10596 5 ай бұрын
Boots of speeeeed :3
@arikrex9978 5 ай бұрын
Isn't it better to take the two levels in rogue to be able to dash as a bonus action as well?
@Dwurogowy 5 ай бұрын
monk already does that, for 1 qi point.
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
@arikrex9978 yes because no ki point (unlill 2024 handbook) however 2 lvls in monk also gets +10 movement
@zokerovextis6768 5 ай бұрын
you can increase that further If one of your wizard friends is a transmutation wizard, they can give you a transmutor's stone that increases your speed by ten feet, and boots of speed which let you double your speed again. Also, if you manage to become a werebear and assume the hybrid form, you are now large for better grapples AND you get another ten feet, although you won't be able to use the boots of speed
@SuperElizabeth4ever 4 ай бұрын
so this can be a playable build fairly early on if you get spike growth with your magical secrets (call that one the meat grinder). that way you’re still strong even before getting 9th level spells
@mr.popper9149 5 ай бұрын
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
( ˘▽˘)っ🍪
@bandit2777 5 ай бұрын
Yoo where my cookie emoji at?
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
@erstwhilder5899 5 ай бұрын
idk about math and all that but, all tenses of "cast" is just "cast" not "casted"
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
I liked glitched out idk why I said it
@slugwhale5586 4 ай бұрын
On the last dash back through the spheres your character trips over, dealing upwards of 3 million damage directly to the ground
@FaerieDragonZook 5 ай бұрын
Here's a thought I had on how you might be able to increase the damage: Since you're already a lv. 18 Bard, make sure you have the spell True Polymorph, and transform yourself into an Adult Amethyst Dragon, which has a natural fly speed of 80 and can hover (thus allowing you to fly straight up). Concentrate on it for the whole hour so that you're in that form without needing concentration until it's dispelled. Since Adult Amethyst Dragons have the 'Spellcasting' ability, you should be able to continue to cast spells. Then, after your setup, make sure you cast the Prismatic Wall just above you, grapple your victim, and fly straight up, using the fall free action to pass back through the wall for free. When you finally run out of movement, drop the victim so that they fall back through the wall and hit the ground. Also, you can grapple for free movement up to Medium and half movement up to Gargantuan Or maybe since you're big enough, you can just shake your grappled target back and forth through the wall as much as you want without needing to move.
@comet.x 5 ай бұрын
I introduce to you an oversight in the wording of glyph of warding. glyph of warding has no range limit on what can trigger it. Glyph of warding also states 'If the spell affects an area, the area is centered on that creature.' You can infinitely stack glyphs.... but, that's not enough. and takes a long time. I also introduce to you the creation bard. Specifically, song of creation. Song of creation lists a gold cost for items it can summon. this means creation bards can create spell components, and *jeremy crawford has confirmed this* Finally, I introduce to you the most broken spell in the entirety of dnd: simulacrum. Whilst you may be limited to having only one simulacrum, *nothing is stopping the simulacrum from also casting simulacrum*, Now whilst having infinite copies of yourself is cool, it's not exactly convenient, and you will soon run out of space, and it will just be very inconvenient. that is why the final spell will be demiplane. Now have your infinitely growing set of simulacrums create infinite demiplanes, and have them spend all of their remaining spell slots after their cloning and demiplane creation on stacking glyphs of warding with an AOE damage spell of your choice inside, with the trigger set to something like "the thing that I think should die, as long as the last glyph of warding created by my simulacrums previously has not exploded yet", or some other trigger that allows the glyphs to activate sequentially until whatever you want to kill dies. With proper management of your recursive simulacrums, you are free to have this damage increase forever. However, linear infinities are boring. With a second person to cast simulacrum, you can have your simulacrums multiply EXPONENTIALLY over time, instead of merely linearly. With each additional spellcaster collaborating, the exponential effect itself becomes exponential. Given enough time (and with exponential growth, 'enough' time can end up being a planck second), either of these two (or more) shitters can instantly destroy anything in existence, simply by thinking it should be destroyed, and subsequently triggering the exact amounts of glyphs of warding required to destroy it. Only for the exponentially growing hoard of simulacrums to replenish the used glyphs, and make even more than what was used, near instantaneously. Exponentially growing perfectly loyal constructs with access to 9th level spells also allows for some other wild stuff. Also, casting antimagic field is not a counter to this. Simply load up some glyphs with counterspell, set to go off when antimagic field is ever cast. Alternatively, you could abuse the very poor wording of nystul's magic aura to allow magical items to count as non magical and function inside an antimagic field. Or simply use the catapult spell to fire enough nonmagical projectiles into the field to decimate anything isnide
@solesey761 5 ай бұрын
Simulacrum copies the expended spell slots of the caster so it’s not infinite
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
@@comet.x Honestly there are easier infinite damage builds.
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
@@comet.x Also, thank you for mentioning Glyph of Warding. I honestly have no idea how certain scenarios of the rule are managed, ESPECIALLY with regards to spell range/targets. To elaborate: If, say, Spirit Shroud is cast, it either has no target (which is probably impossible?) or the caster themselves, so it's reasonable to assume this treats the activator of the Glyph as Spirit Shroud's caster. In other words, Self buffs can be given through Glyph of Warding to allies. There's fortunately like two dozen spells like this (and the 2024 PHB added more) so you're not gonna be short on ways to do a crapton of damage, even through attacks.
@reubenhaitsma2522 4 ай бұрын
i subbed, wheres my cookie emoji?
@XP_Goblin 4 ай бұрын
( ˇ෴ˇ )_🍪
@consumptionof 5 ай бұрын
I'm more of a Pathfinder guy, but I got great enjoyment out of watching this video. Well done.
@Jza_Dragon 5 ай бұрын
I mean the rules don't say you can't!
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Exactly 👉👉
@naisansolo 5 ай бұрын
Homebrew is op? I don't think it more powerful than this
@BigStrap 5 ай бұрын
Killer Move: Serious series... Serious Sideways Jumps!
@giladmachluf3663 5 ай бұрын
Holy shit this is just Cat Saitama!
@NotYourAverageNothing 5 ай бұрын
You meant 360 ft of movement, not 960, right?
@Tyfont 5 ай бұрын
30 move speed + 10 (unarmored movement) + 10 (mobile feat) + 10 (Longstrider), then doubled to 120 with haste, then doubled again to 240 with feline agility. Then you action dash, hasted action dash, and bonus action dash so you get 720 more movement making it 960 total :)
@jacobc246 5 ай бұрын
Spike growth+demiplane full of glyphs of warding of expeditious retreat+players handbook specifying dashes stack and each expeditious retreat gives another dash overpowering the previous casting+skill empowerment athletics+grapple and drag mechanics+the 9th lvl spell invulnerability=unlimited damage so long as you can find space for another glyph
@JonBowden-x2q 4 ай бұрын
I- was not expecting to be stopped in all honesty but I'll share my record damage anyways, basically this relied on the type of campaign (high fantasy, where you could buy anything for the right price) and an assumption about how spell wands worked, that being there was a button on the end to trigger them. Long story very short, I bought 250 wands of fireball, tied them together and upcast them all to 9th level which if I recall correctly was 3500d6 or something like 12 thousand damage.
@meltdown6165 5 ай бұрын
Yeah grappling and running through the sphere many times is better than using levitate, where you can only make the target pass the sphere two times in a turn! Did not think of that.
@silasernst920 5 ай бұрын
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ-🍪
@insertname5371 5 ай бұрын
This is a very unrealistic strategy. You need to hit, get them to fail three saves, keep haste up and grapple.
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
Who said anything about realism? lol. This is all theoretical
@mcbadrobotvoice8155 5 ай бұрын
“I wish to do infinity damage”
@OrdericNeustry 5 ай бұрын
"well, wish isn't powerful enough for that... But it tries its best and teleports everyone present to a planet that is about to be hit by a supernova."
@Sn0w__L3opard 5 ай бұрын
Good lord. Lmfao
@robertwyatt7188 4 ай бұрын
Alternatively, you can invest 1 level into Sorcerer, take the first level spell Chaos Bolt, and cast it at theoretically infinite monsters. Though it violates the law of large numbers, it is not statistically impossible that you never stop rolling 8s on the d8s. Not infinite damage to a single creature, but still an improbable possibility of infinite damage.
@carterwalters5915 5 ай бұрын
I liked amd subscribed! You better give me a cookie in the next video!
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
What about a cookie now?? 🍪
@carterwalters5915 5 ай бұрын
@@XP_Goblin noooo😭😭 I was saving my appetite for dinner
@shawkorror 5 ай бұрын
"casted" is not a word, use "cast".
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
I genuinely do not know why I said that lol
@Nagasakevideo 5 ай бұрын
"pedantic twat" is two words.
@AbdulAbdul1 5 ай бұрын
Average reddit build.
@emi_is_absent 5 ай бұрын
i like how some parts of this are phrased as a tutorial, assuming anyone would actually try the strategy that would make the DM instantly hate you and finish your turn in 6 decades
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
"How to make your dm rage quit"
@kingchaos1084 5 ай бұрын
The Furry did not sugarcoat it.
@twi3031 4 ай бұрын
That's not how prismatic wall works, though. Each colour segment of the wall is randomly determined each time a subject touches or passes through the wall.
@XP_Goblin 4 ай бұрын
"The wall consists of seven layers, each with a different color. When a creature attempts to reach into or pass through the wall, it does so one layer at a time through all the wall's layers. " It then proceeds to list all the walls layer colors and what they do
@9024tobi 5 ай бұрын
Subbed! *Can i have my cookie now* 🥺
@XP_Goblin 5 ай бұрын
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