The miraculous Qur’an & the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt with Dr Louay Fatoohi

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@asadullahsaaid3794 2 жыл бұрын
*Timestamps:* 0:00 - Introduction 0:20 - Background of Dr. Fatoohi 0:51 - Topic of the Discussion 1:41 - Prologue 5:53 - Introduction to the Topic 9:31 - Scholars' approach to studying the Exodus 11:41 - Summary of the story of Moses pbuh 16:04 - Moses' story pbuh in the Qur'an vs Bible 19:59 - Egyptian elements in the Biblical narrative 29:50 - Dating the Period of the Exodus 31:31 - Inconsistencies in the Scholars' approach 33:53 - (Continued) Egyptian elements in the Bible 37:08 - Egyptian Loan Words in the Exodus text 38:43 - Size of the Exodus (Excerpt from "The Exodus" by Richard Friedman) 43:29 - Large or Small Population of the Israelites? 52:03 - The Length of the Sojourn 53:34 - Massive Population of the Exodus 58:13 - Small Disorganised Remnants 1:03:33 - Exegesis of Qur'an 10:83 1:06:47 - No Sensationalization in the Qur'an 1:15:50 - Titles of the Egyptian Monarchs 1:22:30 - Two Pharaohs or One? 1:28:16 - The Qur'an's Long-Reigning Pharaoh 1:45:29 - A Unique Pharaoh 1:49:42 - The Pharaoh of "Awtād" 1:54:34 - Gigantic Temple Buildings 1:56:06 - Wrong Buildings in the Wrong Place 2:00:55 - Qur'an identifying the Pharaoh without referencing the Bible 2:02:03 - A Sign for Later Generations 2:14:05 - The Earliest Mentions of "Israel" 2:19:35 - Hāmān: Who Got It Wrong? 2:32:35 - The Biblical God of the Israelites 2:34:19 - The Qur'anic Lord of the Peoples 2:36:49 - Closing Remarks (Nature of God in the Bible vs the Qur'an) 2:43:08 - Wrapping Up SubhanAllah ❤️🤍💖 Fantastic Presentation & Discussion 👍🏻👌🏻 _May Allah ﷻ bless you both and reward you for your efforts._ 🤲🏻
@BloggingTheology 2 жыл бұрын
@Asadullah SAAiD many thanks!
@asadullahsaaid3794 2 жыл бұрын
@@BloggingTheology You're Most Welcome 😊☺️
@louay.fatoohi 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, dear brother, for your much-appreciated effort. I am sure this timeline would be of much help to many viewers.
@asadullahsaaid3794 2 жыл бұрын
@@louay.fatoohi بارك اللٰه فيكم ❤️
@faiqrahim289 2 жыл бұрын
@@louay.fatoohi assalamoalikum. The work you've done on this topic has left me speechless brother. I literally couldn't imagine the way you put things together and join the bits and pieces to shape the big picture. May Allah be pleased with you. I wish to be your student.
@johnbrzykcy3076 Жыл бұрын
Sir Paul. I just wanted to say something. I've been listening to Blogging Theology for over a year and today someone made a comment to me that is actually inspiring me to read the Quran ( or at least some of it ). And the weird thing is... the person said to me "Maybe I should get a Bible." And I replied back, "Maybe I should get a Quran" ! I'm a Christian believer and this person's comment to me really inspired me. So.... obviously God works in mysterious ways. Peace of God to you....
@hid4768 Жыл бұрын
may Allah guide and bless you
@cvsearchuk6231 Жыл бұрын
Allah SWT guides the sincere
@agulu772 Жыл бұрын
Go and watch Christian prince instead of this silly one who believe his sperm comes from his backbone
@SA-Arabia Жыл бұрын
*15 Astonishing facts About Islam That you Really don't know !* *1)* *“Islam” means “surrender” or “submission”* . “Salam” (which means “peace”) is the root word of “Islam”. In a religious context the word “Islam” means “the surrendering of one’s will (without compulsion) to the true will of God in an effort to achieve peace”. *2)* *“Muslim” means “anyone or anything that surrenders itself to the true will of God”.* By this definition, everything in nature (trees, animals, planets, etc.) are “muslims” because they are in a state of surrender to God’s will. In other words, they are fulfilling the purpose for which God created them. *3)* *Islam is not a new religion or cult.* It is a universal way of life and civilization. *Again, Islam is not a new religion,* rather it is the same message preached by all earlier prophets such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all). But God’s final message to mankind was revealed to the last prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him), as a revival of lost teachings of previous prophets and as a reconfirmation of the eternal message. Studies show that between 1.5 and 1.8 billion people in the world identify their religion as Islam. Along with Judaism and Christianity it traces its roots through Prophet Abraham and back to the first humans Adam and Eve. *4)* *There are five pillars of practice in Islam.* These practices must be undertaken with the best of effort in order to be considered a true Muslim: A) Declaration of faith: A statement proclaiming the belief in One God and that Muhammad is a prophet of God. To become Muslim a person simply recites this statement publicly, and in Arabic. B) Formal prayer five times a day. C) Poor-due tax: 2.5% of one’s excess wealth given to the needy once a year. D) Fasting during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan. E) Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once, if physically and financially able. *5)* *There are six articles of faith in Islam.* These are the basic beliefs that one must have in order to be considered a true Muslim. They are belief in: A) the One God. B) all of the true prophets of God. C) the original scriptures revealed to Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad. D) the angels. E) the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter. F) destiny. *6)* *Muslims believe in the one Creator of the Universe, referring to Him as “Allah”* which is the Arabic word for “God”. Muslims worldwide, even English-speaking Muslims, frequently use the Arabic word “Allah” because Arabic is the language of the Qur’an. But Allah is no different than the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The Creator is the Creator regardless of what people call Him. In the English language He is most commonly referred to as “God”. Yet Jesus spoke a different language, referring to God as “Eloi” in Mark 15:34 of the New Testament. Are “God” and “Eloi” different gods? Many Hispanics call God “Dios” and many French say “Dieu”. It would logically follow then that people who refer to God as “Allah” in the Arabic language are referring to the very same God. In fact, many Arab Jews and Arab Christians call God “Allah”. And the word “Allah” is written in Arabic script on the walls of many Arab churches and on the pages of Arabic Bibles. So while the understanding of God may differ between faith groups, the various names used to describe Him does not change the fact that the one Creator of the Universe is the God of all people. This is *Allah* Almighty, The Creator, the one and only true God. He is my God, our God: *"Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi (Throne) extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great."* (Quran 2:255) *{Say, “He is Allah, the One. Allah, to Whom the creatures turn for their needs. He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none like Him.” }* (Quran, 112:1-4) Allah Almighty says in the Quran: *"Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."* [Quran 39:53] *7)* *The Islamic concept of God* is that He is loving, merciful and compassionate. Islam also teaches that He is all-knowing and the perfect judge of affairs, and will punish (or forgive) accordingly. However, Allah once said to Muhammad, “My mercy prevails over my wrath”. So Islam teaches a balance between fear and hope, protecting one from both complacency and despair. *8)* *Muslims believe that God has revealed 99 of His names, or attributes, in the Qur’an.* It is through these names that one can come to know the Creator. A few of these names are the All-Merciful, the All-Knower, the Protector, the Provider, the Near, the First, the Last, the Hidden and the Source of All Peace. *9)* *The Christian concept of “vicarious atonement” (the idea that Jesus died for the sins of humanity) is alien to the Islamic concept of personal responsibility.* Islam teaches that on the Day of Judgment every person will be resurrected and will be accountable to God for their every word and deed. Consequently, a practicing Muslim is always striving to be righteous while hoping and praying for God’s acceptance and grace. *10)* *Muslims believe in all of the true prophets* that preceded Muhammad, from Adam to Jesus. Muslims believe they brought the same message of voluntarily surrendering to God’s will (islam, in a generic sense) to different peoples at different times. Muslims also believe they were “muslims” (again, in a generic sense) since they followed God’s true guidance and surrendered their will to Him. *11)* *Muslims neither worship Muhammad nor pray through him.* Muslims worship the Unseen, Omniscient Creator, Allah. *12)* *Muslims accept the original unaltered Torah (as revealed to Moses) and the original unaltered Bible (as revealed to Jesus)* since they were revealed by God. But none of these scriptures exist today in their original form or in their entirety. Therefore, Muslims follow the subsequent, final and preserved revelation of God, the Qur’an. *13)* *The Qur’an was not authored by Muhammad.* It was authored by God, revealed to Muhammad (through angel Gabriel) and written into physical form by his companions. *14)* *The original Arabic text of the Qur’an contains no flaws or contradictions* and has not been altered since its revelation. *15)* *Actual 7th century Qur’ans, complete and intact,* are on display in museums in Turkey and other places around the world. 🔹️ *EVIDENCE ISLAM IS TRUTH* The following are Scientific, logical, and historical proofs that Islam is the Truth: 🔸️ *For more information about Islam:* 🔹️ *Everything to know about the Prophet of Islam* 🔹️ *"Myths about The Prophet of Islam"* 🔹️ *Islam and Racism* Islam with its universal concept of brotherhood rejects all artificial and man-made marks of distinction. Allah Almighty says in the noble Quran: "O mankind, indeed We (Allah) have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted." *(Quran 49:13)* No one can claim any superiority over the other based on race, color, language or wealth and this is emphasized in the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) showing high regard of humanity irrespective of color or race: "“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor does a black have any superiority over a white except by piety and good action.” 🔹️ *How to convert (revert) to Islam* Basically to become a Muslim is very simple.. you need to say the decleration of faith oraly while you believe in it by heart with a firm conviction and unshakeable faith. *The decleration of Faith in Islam (The Shahada)* The Shahada (in Arabic) can be declared as follows : *“ASH-HADU ANLA ELAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMMADAN RASUL-ALLAH”* The English translation is : *“I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.”* However, it would not be sufficient for anyone to only utter this testimony oraly either in private or in public; but rather, he should believe in it by heart with a firm conviction and unshakeable faith. If one is truly sincere and complies with the teachings of Islam in all his life, he will find himself a new born person. 🔹️ *New Muslim Guide (in several languages)* 🔹️ *New Muslims eLearning site* (It is for new Muslim converts who would like to learn their new religion in an easy and systematic way. Lessons here are organized under levels.) 📖 *Order your Free Copy [English Translation of the Quran]* ■🖥 🎧 Watch and listen to *"Beautiful Quran Recitation "* (with english subtitles)
@clarkwayne3440 Жыл бұрын
I suggest you compare the Quran and the Bible. But this I will say to you right away, you'll never understand the plot of the Quran right on the 1st page. But the bible is easy to understand from the beginning.
@Kobenoz 2 жыл бұрын
Just clicked to watch a few minutes of the video while waiting for my dinner ready, and here I am; almost 3 hours later, with an empty stomach, but with a very full of new knowledge! Jazakumullahu khair...
@ic.xc. 2 жыл бұрын
@imbored1179 2 жыл бұрын
This sounds interesting. I love when historical events and theology are compared and contrasted. The Quranic accuracy has been always fascinating.
@abuakmal9618 2 жыл бұрын
So you are not feel boring anymore? 😁
@aumyousefnasser9359 2 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah truth has proofs always.
@imbored1179 2 жыл бұрын
@@abuakmal9618 😂😂😂 no not anymore
@AntonioEligius 2 жыл бұрын
It's just fascinating enough to ensnare fools...
@mcsusa75 2 жыл бұрын
@@AntonioEligius is it allowed in your religion to talk to others like this?!?
@abuhanaaaan 2 жыл бұрын
Even if brother Paul doesn't research topics discussed by his guests who are authorities in their fields, one marvels at how and where he always consistently get the energy to co-ordinate such top notch discussions with equally top class contributions to buttress most points raised by the experts. May Allah bless you, all your guests and audience. Aameen.
@mohamedsmaili297 2 жыл бұрын
@AntonioEligius 2 жыл бұрын
You should convert away from the demon known as "Allah..."
@ic.xc. 2 жыл бұрын
Yea he doesn't research much ..
@mohamedsmaili297 2 жыл бұрын
@@ic.xc. May Allah reward him for his work and guide through his videos our brothers and sisters from Adam and Eve (peace be upon them both) to the truth. Ameen
@thepilgrim1581 Жыл бұрын
'Islam is not the learning of the truth in GOD but rather the delusional training of the mind to think it is the truth in a God '. Peace be unto all the misguided Only through JESUS CHRIST can you walk the path towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen
@rihabelhaj7368 2 жыл бұрын
What you’re proving by sharing the knowledge of these scholars with us, is invaluable. I treasure these conversations between brilliant minds. They deepen my faith, and my ability to articulate it to others. May you and the scholars you share with us be blessed with infinite useful knowledge and wisdom.
@louay.fatoohi 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, sister. Yes, faith and knowledge are tightly connected. One of the many manifestations of this fact in the Qur'an is the link it establishes between knowledge (ʿilm) and fearing Allah: “It is people of knowledge who fear Allah” (Fatir 35:28). Jazaki Allahu khayran.
@ic.xc. 2 жыл бұрын
AllHamtoAllah Watch Sheikh Yabooty on KZbin as well, he will greatly increase you knowledge and probably wisdom too. 👍👆
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 жыл бұрын
@@louay.fatoohi I'm not Muslim but I do like your statement that "faith and knowledge are tightly connected." Peace
@sapieearshad9105 Жыл бұрын
​@@janardhanparveshwar4307 So what is the problem? You cannot accept his scholarship n you are ranting n blabbering. Are you a better scholar than him?
@paghal11 Жыл бұрын
@@janardhanparveshwar4307 I love me some Pakistani Biryani. Its the best.
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 жыл бұрын
I'm only at 4 minutes and I find Dr Fatoohi's presentation as excellent! Peace to all.....
@mohamedsmaili297 2 жыл бұрын
Hi John and salam from Algiers. I pray to our One True Creator to guide us to the truth. Ameen
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 жыл бұрын
@@mohamedsmaili297 Wow.... salam to you from Florida. I like your prayer. Thanks. And I appreciate your respectful reply. Peace of God to you and your family.
@mohamedsmaili297 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnbrzykcy3076 Formidable time that we are living in this days even though God has created us so far distant ( i googled the distance between us from algiers to florida that's more than 7700 km) , but ,subhanallah with the intetnet , i can send you instant messages . Praise be to our Almighty One Creator and i pray to our One Lord to guide us and our families and our brothers and sisters from Adam and Eve (peace be upon them both) to the truth. Ameen I must go now to the Mosque , it is now the Time of sundown Maghreb prayer. Salam
@rizwanrafeek3811 Жыл бұрын
@@johnbrzykcy3076 Salam walaikum to brother John, We used to have long exchange on YT comments sections, mashallah it appeared to be you entered into Islam.
@lillyaileen6609 2 жыл бұрын
@blogging theology , Paul,I am a catholic, I have been following your channel for some time. I am becoming a little confused with my faith in Christianity.
@adelow 2 жыл бұрын
May Allah Almighty guide us to the all truth👍
@fabus5531 2 жыл бұрын
May God guide you to the true path. Amen.
@johnbrzykcy3076 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Lilly.... I am just a simple Christian believer. Like you, I get "confused" by some doctrines in Christianity. I was raised Catholic and I still have no problem with many Catholic traditions. Do you mind if I ask: what are you confused about? I'm confused regarding some of the ideas/beliefs pertaining to Jesus' identity. I'm trying to better understand Jesus' identity through the phrases of "son of man" and "Son of God" and "Lord" and "Messiah." I do believe that God sent Jesus to earth in human form and that Jesus was crucified for us. But it is still a big mystery to me. So I try to listen to various scholars, both Islamic and Christian. I think that if God created us, then He certainly must understand our doubts. Don't you think so? Even the apostles who followed Jesus had doubts. But Jesus never abandoned them. It seems like we all have a different journey in our quest to find truth, especially the Truth about God. And the more I learn on that journey, the less I know ! I like your honesty. I try to respect all people of most religions ( and no religion too ). God bless and peace... from Florida
@Cristina6537 2 жыл бұрын
Then study it research and most of all ask God to guide you. Stand firm in your faith. 2 жыл бұрын
You have been confused by Satan, you need to study the Bible, with true Christians, going towards a false man made Ideology is a step Into the pit, Jesus is the only way to salvation not Islam is it not a religion its a political Ideology.
@7539109 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Paul, Assalam o alaikum, I’m in Makkah to perform Hajj this year inshAllah. Wanted to tell you that you are being remembered in my prayers. May Allah put barakah (abundance) in your knowledge. Aameen. May Allah bless you with the opportunity to perform Umrah and Hajj soon inshAllah. It truly is a remarkable experience which cannot be described in words.
@BloggingTheology 2 жыл бұрын
Wa alaykumu s-salam and many thanks!
@agulu772 Жыл бұрын
Pagan stone worshiper No stone can erase your sins Momo your false antichrist prophet a deceiver like his father the best of the deceivers satan lah
@nilamfauzie7870 Жыл бұрын
Masya Allah..
@RynneFdin Жыл бұрын
May Allah grant you hajj mabrur
@towardssalvation4813 2 жыл бұрын
Every time I learn more about Quran my Iman is boosted. Bros and sis it's the first ten days of Dhul Hajj Allah(Azzawajal) swears in Quran (By the dawn. And the ten nights) Surah 89 The Prophet(Peace be upon him said(No good deeds are better than what is done in these first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah)
@AmbiCieux 2 жыл бұрын
Paul do you rest sometimes ? 😅 My brain has not yet digest the last release with Cheikh Ali ATAIE Ma chaa Allah, this channel is a must-have, it belongs to our heritage.
@ninjachrish Жыл бұрын
paul your channel is so intellectually vibrant. i love the guests you have on. thank you very much for delivering the message of islam in such a unique and practical manner. may allah bless you. Love from Toronto Canada.
@saidhashi2856 Жыл бұрын
I was ready to sleep but forfeited sleep when I saw this video. I am enthusiast of Egyptology. Many thank Mr. Paul. May the Lord put barakah in your life so that many people would benefit from your work.
@albadolen Жыл бұрын
You can't imagine my feelings everytime you upload a video with either Dr. Loay Fatoohi or Dr Ali ataie. Both are treasures of knowledge. May Allah accept your effort and theirs
@Moussa430 2 жыл бұрын
The academic brilliancy of Dr louay is very obvious, well done brother paul for wonderful content, maybe next time you can ask Dr louay to give us his take on prophet Joseph story in between Bible and quran he wrote wonderful book about the topic.
@louay.fatoohi 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, brother, for your generous words. I am delighted that you liked the interview and my book on the prophet Joseph. Jazaka Allahu kayran.
@seekerunknown3933 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely amazingly beautifully researched and shared. Your channel is giving answer’s to the question’s that have always racked my brain as a once firm believing Christian but now, Alhumdulillah, a revert Muslim.. The Quran is the only book that makes so much sense and is so beautiful I wish the world over could give themselves one, just one glance to find truth in all truths with and of Allah swt. Inshaallah may my family seek such truth sooner rather than later Aameen. Much aroha from a Polynesian Kiwi
@seekerunknown3933 Жыл бұрын
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 no I’ve found the truth and if you read properly you wouldn’t ask the question
@rezzan5r66 2 жыл бұрын
I said many times that this channel is my daily routine. I love this type of topics.
@te5065 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my God, I am speechless! This is pure gold. You are amazing. I have learned many fascinating things about the Quran which I was never aware of. Thank so much more hosting these brilliant professors, dear Paul. Love, from Bangladesh.
@BloggingTheology 2 жыл бұрын
You are very welcome
@AntonioEligius 2 жыл бұрын
You even take God's name in vain....
@te5065 2 жыл бұрын
@@AntonioEligius how's it in vain?
@te5065 2 жыл бұрын
@@AntonioEligius Antonio Guterres, you have nothing by which to make an argument for yourself. You are jealous of the Muslim faith, and you should be, because we have the most logical and instinctive beliefs. Your ones are irrational. Now before God throws you in Hell in the next life, make sure you turn back to him and do what Sir Paul did. Peace.
@AntonioEligius 2 жыл бұрын
@@te5065 you didn't even ask me my logical beliefs, for I know my faith logically and I know that the Muslim faith is illogical. Let me ask you, are you one of the majority of Islam that believes that the Koran is uncreated and is "Allah?"
@54446amir 2 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaiqum brother Paul, I loved listening to the Dr., his knowledge and expertise is excellent. Please bring him to your platform often along with Dr. Ali Ataei. Jazak Allahu Khair for all the work that you do for the sake of Allah.
@blade4048 2 жыл бұрын
I think level of details given to these simple things proves its not someone making it up or copying from bible, since bible itself made errors on this. If only major historian, leaves their bias and investigate quran seriously. Learned many new things. JKH bro Paul and Dr
@brotheryosef3066 2 жыл бұрын
Dr fatoohi never disappoints. Thank you Paul. One of the best vids this one. I was 100% green of this topic discussed today.
@khanmustafi 2 жыл бұрын
This is amazing scholarly work . To put this quality of content regularly is commendable. Hats off to you brother Paul.👍
@silverfoenix 2 жыл бұрын
Moses was mentioned by name "Musa" موسى a total of : 136 times!!! Starting From Surah 2 Al-Baqarah Verse (51) وَإِذْ وَٰعَدْنَا مُوسَىٰٓ أَرْبَعِينَ لَيْلَةًۭ ثُمَّ ٱتَّخَذْتُمُ ٱلْعِجْلَ مِنۢ بَعْدِهِۦ وَأَنتُمْ ظَـٰلِمُونَ And [recall] when We made an appointment with Moses for forty nights. Then you took [for worship] the calf after him, while you were wrongdoers. Final mention in Surah 87 Al-A'la Verse (19) صُحُفِ. إِبۡرَٰهِيمَ. وَمُوسَىٰ The scriptures of Abraham and Moses.
@zulfiqarsiddique8598 2 жыл бұрын
Salam brother Paul. you are taking this to another level, Masha Allah. Enriched sessions, open new window each time. Jazak Allah Khair.
@bravelionheart6572 2 жыл бұрын
A great programme as usual by Brother Paul! Excited to be watching it, in leisure, with keen attention.
@ahmeda5110 2 жыл бұрын
This is a must watch for history buffs
@HATL201 2 жыл бұрын
MashaAllah, Doctor Fatoohi is true researcher. I haven't fully watched the video yet, but saving it in watch later. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala reward him for his efforts. Ameen. And JazakAllah brother Paul for bringing him on the show.
@BloggingTheology 2 жыл бұрын
Many many thanks
@sarfraazk.4952 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant work by brother Fatoohi. Great historical analysis by both of you.
@kalijasin Жыл бұрын
Quran is definitely a miracle. 😊
@hafiz5001 2 жыл бұрын
Very very amazing stream 👌 jazak Allah khair dear 🙏 ❤️ brother Paul
@imammurrah393 2 жыл бұрын
Oh this will be a very enjoyable experience
@abu-bakr4917 2 жыл бұрын
Imam Murrrrrrrrrrrah
@ahmd369 2 жыл бұрын
You know sometimes i wonder if your channel does not exist who will show us all this good! Thank you both
@baniadam900 Жыл бұрын
Paul is definitely one of the best and his guests are the best....... The content is the best & the quality of information on blogging theology is phenomenal..... jazakallah akhi
@chuckhillier4153 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you again for this very enjoyable and sensible talk. Confirmation or dismissal of ancient stories through rigorous science is so very important, I think. The point that the Qu 'ran is accurate beyond reason is fascinating. Regarding the tradition of sensationalized accounts reminds me of scholarship regarding Norse sagas as sensational tenth century stories of exploration confirmed by archeology.
@muslimbibliophile1916 2 жыл бұрын
You seem to be enjoying these videos :) Love your comment.
@muslimbibliophile1916 2 жыл бұрын
Did you check out Paul's video on how he converted? -
@sutil5078 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot brother Paul, Great talk, I love it, and love the guest scholarly work, May Allah grant you both, you and Louay, success in both world and cause you to live fulfilling life and grant you highest rank, and give you light in your face, words, and actions and your loved ones and all of us amin. Amazing talk.
@holymysteries2326 2 жыл бұрын
Another masterpiece presentation on Blogging Theology. I am really impressed and this is clearly a monumental work, dear Paul! Congrats to you and your guest professor Louay. Allah bless you and this channel!
@parrakhaled5641 Жыл бұрын
Dear Brother Paul Assalam alykum It was a really engrossing discussion. Even though it lasted almost 3 hours, believe me I didn’t want it to end. I have really enjoyed this approach to understanding the Quranic narrative, where a comparison with just historical facts seems to corroborate it without relying on any other source. Moreover, the seemingly suttle differences between the Quranic and the Biblical accounts, allows one to appreciate the Quran even more as it aligns perfectly with common sense and historical facts. JazakAllah
@samkb6374 2 жыл бұрын
Maa shaa Allah dr. Fatoohi did it again. Thank you Paul for this very insightful presentation.
@coreybalsano7334 2 жыл бұрын
Ma sha Allah very important topic covered (as always). God bless you both!
@Solemn_G 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic presentation and discussion as usual. Maa shaa Allah.
@ebs7321 2 жыл бұрын
Paul please invite Dr Fatoohi more often
@A.--. 2 жыл бұрын
Someone scholarly should comment on this but I have observed that if you study the Prophets given books they all track the same methodology. Abraham has a Meccan-equivalent phase followed by Hijra-equivalent phase. He might have had a medina-equivalent phase too I'm not sure of his life after Hijrah. I think he had a double Hijrah (from Iraq and from Egypt) until he re-established the first House of Allah. He might have even established both the first Houses of Allah (Kabba + Aqsa) one for each of his lineage. Moses has a Meccan-equivalent phase but his people declined their Badar-equivalent. Taloot+David then picked it up from Badar-equivalent to establishing Khilafa that lasted till Sulaiman but the Ummah then divided into sectarian groups and decided ever since. Jesus then came to revive the broken Ummah in a Meccan-equivalent manner but could not get enough support to get to Hijra-equivalent phase. Finally in life of Prophet Muhammad we see a complete Prophetic picture with all the phases in 1 lifetime. Allah knows Best.
@dormichelarie87 2 жыл бұрын
Where is the evidence that Abraham actually existed? Or Noah, Moses, Jonah, Adam and Eve? There is also no evidence of the Exodus. There certainly wasn't evidence of Abraham building any kabaa, let alone the one in Mecca. It appears eminently possible that Muhammed and the Sahaba simply created a new fictional history for the pagan Kabaa in order to link it to his new religion. Once we dive into religions, the narratives start to break down.
@A.--. 2 жыл бұрын
@@dormichelarie87 as I mentioned before, Abraham was a Muslim and Muslims are discouraged from leaving behind statues, portraits, memorabilia. What they leave behind are followers (Bani Israel + Bani Ismaeel), teachings, scriptures and Sunnah.
@A.--. 2 жыл бұрын
@@dormichelarie87 what do you want as evidence, archeological dots that we are suppose to connect to stitch a narrative or memorized, preserved, carbon-datable text that it happened? If you hypothesize that they made it up then you must give evidence. My evidence starts with authebtication of text. For that I present Exhibit A the Quran and the many (including Bermingham) manuscripts. Do you want to start there with Quran?
@abuakmal9618 2 жыл бұрын
Salam ya sheikh Paul. Thank you again for this morning tazkirah.
@mistyabdul5948 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you brother Paul and Dr. Fatoohi
@samkb6374 2 жыл бұрын
And ANOTHER ONE brilliant video seem this to be. Gonna enjoy this one in shaa Allah!
@Hamza00011 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you both for this. I enjoyed it and was very beneficial
@beedykh2235 2 жыл бұрын
It was a very beneficial video. Thank you.
@convencia1 Жыл бұрын
Amazing talk! I was blown away. Such meticulous research and so erudite. So clear and understandable. I just went for snacks and came back as I couldn’t stop listening to this brilliant talk By Dr Luay !
@sarim9574 Жыл бұрын
So what I learned is the Quran has less information and amazing accuracy for historical events without the human bias of sensationalism. In other words, the Quran uses *less* words to derive *higher* accurate conclusions when compared to the Bible. Absolutely amazing.
@arimoff Жыл бұрын
Torah is even more persise with its language and words because of the Hebrew language, the words it uses and it's divine origin. Its so unique that it's poor copies called koran and bible dont come close to it
@sarim9574 Жыл бұрын
@@arimoff Both Hebrew and Arabic are Semitic languages. Can you give an example between the Quran and Torah where there is a "copied" verse?
@arimoff Жыл бұрын
@@sarim9574 copied verse? The entire book is a copy and a very poor one. Moses(Moshe) is a Hebrew man. Muhamad is from the arabian desert. Different nations, different tribes and different did islam end up with atories of Hebrews? By adopting information from the hebrews. As for Hebrew and Arabic both semitic languages doesnt change the fact that this person is not using the Hebrew text. If you trying to disprove ot, at least have the respect to use the original text and not some translation. As someone who reads the Torah in the original language, translation in to English or any other language, the meaning is lost completely. Hebrew is such a language that one nikuda or one vowel changes the complete meaning of the word and sentence. So many so called islamic scholars are trying to challenge the Torah on daily bases but not a single one of them have the most basic respect to at least read the Torah first. Today's islam is not the islam of the golden age where you can point at a islamic scholar and say this man is a man of wisdom. Now its a collection of politically motivated zealouts who are arrogant and ignorant. Christianity and islam grew out of Judaism. There is no dispute that an illiterate idol worshipping warlord came in contact with the yahud and learned the Torah from them before who claimed to be a prophet. There is a reason why koran starts of friendly towards so called people of the book and then turns more hostile after Jews refused to recognize him as a prophet. This is another reason for islamic ignorance. Instead of showing hostility to the jews for that, they should rather read the Torah and its guidelines how to identify a prophet and Muhamad does not qualify in so many ways. But stay with your ignorance because I can go on and on with such cases. People who claim they came to replace us are not even smart enough to properly present their case. Islam is a poor copy of Judaism and koran is a poor copy of the Torah. Koran was written after muhamad died and it is arrogance to claim is divine and use it to disprove another book which it copied.
@arimoff Жыл бұрын
@@sarim9574 deliberate copied verses that are most insane is Avraham being told to sacrifice Itzhak. Avraham was told to bring his son Itzhak as a sacrifice, on the mount Moriah(the temple mount). Islam adopted this story from jewish culture switched it to ishmael and then claims the Torah is fake. Thieves who lack any respect for anyone else would do such thing. Take someone's claims, replace it with themselves and then call you fake
@sarim9574 Жыл бұрын
@@arimoff "how did islam end up with atories of Hebrews? By adopting information from the hebrews. " There are clear distinctions between for example between the Islamic story of Solomon and the Jewish one. We maintain he was strict monotheist. Your theory would have to explain why certain distinctions exist as well. Another possibility of similarities is....well its actually a divinely inspired speech from the same God. Quran was compiled after the Prophet passed away, it was codified in parts during his lifetime. You need to present your arguments in a more academic way rather than simply assert out of emotional frustration. Its neither helping your case nor making Judaism any more appealing.
@sultrys2291 2 жыл бұрын
Great topic. I particularly love : 1. the correlation between the do'a of wife of Pharaoh and the Abu Simbel temple 2. the difference of the message of Musa a.s about God in Bible and Quran. Thank you.
@AS-jj4dv 2 жыл бұрын
Great fairy tales.
@sutil5078 2 жыл бұрын
AS65 I see you in many islamic videos, and if islam is fairy tale why would you be busy watching it.. I know you said many times you are atheist, but think how you contribute to a debate, is that a contribution? is that decent to speak to people who get together to talk about their faith? yet if we come to your Nietzsche video you would be crying "dont shove your religion in my throat" thingy. Did you google Neitzsche I told you he has angry face in all his photos just like all atheists. Reflect at least be respectful, I washed my hand from you with such attitude.. a Guys AS65 is just dismissive you give him any proof the best he say "nah not true.. nah not correct nah" it shows lack of intellect to answer this way.
@AS-jj4dv 2 жыл бұрын
@@sutil5078 I hope that my reply is not toooooo long. In general, i argue with longer comments on relevant points with evidence and facts are concerned (not just subjective opinions). One regular commentator asked me to make short comments, limited to one issue (what does it mean?), otherwise he would not response. Is this correct, or he is just lazy or does not know how to response. Most of the muslim commentators do not want to engage in a serious conversation, and when it tuns bad they look for any excuse for stopping. I feel that many of the apologetics follow just blind faith - there is no other possibility left in islam by the books. Some of them may indeed lack of intellect by using dismissive comments, and even insults. And of course, i respond the same way, not doing much effort. At least, i see that some people react. I have tons of questions and remarks related to the crap apologetics are uttering here on YT. I value truth, evidence, democracy and human rights. Example: end of conversation following a longer personal comment on Evolution Me: Do you accept evolution as an explanation of the origin of mankind i.e. homo sapiens? @AS65 I accept what allah swt has ordained. Nothing can happen without allah's permission Me: Yes or no? Allah talks about adam, the first human. So, your answer is no. Islam will definitively fall apart for not recognising scientific evidence. The sooner the better. BTW: "Did you google Neitzsche I told you he has angry face in all his photos just like all atheists". Pathetic. What nonsense: 1. generalisation from a single case to all atheists, 2. personal opinion about Nietzsche's look; maybe the photos are not representative. Do you really think that some normal guy, atheist or not, can take this seriously? Are you deaf, blind and dumb, just like the unbelievers according to the quran? Welcome to the club. Reply to "sutil Al" (not shown on my screen!?) AS65 I see you in many islamic videos, and if islam is fairy tale why would you be busy watching it.. I know you said many times you are atheist, but think how you contribute to a debate, is that a contribution? is that decent to speak to people who get together to talk about their faith? yet if we come to your Nietzsche video you would be crying "dont shove your religion in my throat" thingy. Did you google Neitzsche I told you he has angry face in all his photos just like all atheists. Reflect at least be respectful, I washed my hand from you with such attitude.. a Guys AS65 is just dismissive you give him any proof the best he say "nah not true.. nah not correct nah" it shows lack of intellect to answer this way.
@mcsusa75 2 жыл бұрын
@@AS-jj4dv You speak of high intellect, and consider yourself to be democratic, my question is are you here to ask respectfully and sincerely for answers? If yes then I don't see any reason not to have a fruitful debate, ala respect prevails.
@AS-jj4dv 2 жыл бұрын
@@mcsusa75 Yes, i am not "respectful" of the islamic theology and the ideas of the prophet. I am critical. Of course, if one does not believe in a god, there is no use to threat me with hell and alike, maybe in a effort to intimidate. If i am treated normally, i do the same.
@erna9354 5 ай бұрын
Jazakumullohu khayr Dr. Louay and Sir Paul
@rida-18 7 ай бұрын
Dr. Fatoohi reminds me so much of my late Grandfather. May Allah have mercy on his soul. Such poise, such vast knowledge and such charm with which he presents his case. May Allah bless him. Definitely considering getting his book because this discussion was a treat to watch.
@Sayz813 2 жыл бұрын
JazakaAllahu khayr Paul.
@mohamedsultan9597 Жыл бұрын
brother Paul thanks a lot for this fascinating topic with this marvelous scholar God Bless you Jazakom Allah Khaira
@sabinak8182 Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this thank you both so much .
@shant2464 8 ай бұрын
This was a fantastic video. I could understand what is being discussed.
@anuaratomar5315 2 жыл бұрын
This is long but found myself wanting more :)
@FidelityInsights 2 жыл бұрын
Mashallah Keep up the spirit paul
@BlueBoardAnalysis 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Sir Paul, thank for for the episode. Sir, kindly maintain a low carb diet so you can live up to 100 years and beyond and serve God for years to come.
@limd7310 2 жыл бұрын
Very valuable points!
@arabianknight0000 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video and brilliant points. La Ilaha Il Allah
@tjtj9766 2 ай бұрын
This was awesome, doctor, thank you. I also enjoyed your appearance in the first Ironman movie
@NejiBHTahar 10 ай бұрын
Great presentation! Thank you!
@reemabdallah9266 Жыл бұрын
Great discussion!
@HussainFahmy 2 жыл бұрын
*_Jazak'Allah Khair_*
@dotscreativeartsmedia8877 Жыл бұрын
May Allah bless you both. My love towards islam increased today. Quran is indeed Allahs word. ❤ Ashadu an laa ilaha illallah wa ashadu anna muhammadan rasulullah
@aburaasmedia3682 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic Presentation & Discussion
@myasinsaeed Жыл бұрын
Very interesting discussion, 🌹
@abubakarciroma1466 Жыл бұрын
Long but interesting.May Allah bless you both.
@Roblox-ev7ry 7 ай бұрын
Thank for doing this!!!!
@oyay2821 2 жыл бұрын
Very knowledgeable talk
@omarrthaHanafi Жыл бұрын
Amazing episode
@obito2511 Жыл бұрын
بارك الله فيكم 👍💯
@user-ro2kx2pp6n Жыл бұрын
Great works.👍
@wasifsamin2056 2 жыл бұрын
@atiqrahman7289 6 ай бұрын
Interesting, and instructive.
@duniarael4592 Жыл бұрын
I'll share insyaallah paul... Subhanallah
@shakerelsayed6850 Жыл бұрын
Also on the point of what dr. Fatuhi mentioned that God "preferred" them, the Jewish people, definitely the Quran doesn't say preferred it says favored you makes a huge difference favorite means that he has given them things as Dr Fetoohi mentioned, rightly so, but not "preferred". There's a world of difference between the two words.
@joannthomases9304 8 ай бұрын
Soooo interesting !!! Glad i found you two ! Wooow ! Thaaaank You !!! Trying to be a Christian..i watch Christian Dan, yt..who is really honest about terminology ! I'd suggest his channel also to you two, as he's good.
@mattpalaque8628 8 ай бұрын
SubhanAllah Wal hamdulillah Wa la ilaha illallahu Wallahu akhbar .. May Allah SWT guide those who reverted to Islam to the true teaching of Islam and being obedient Muslims along with all the Ummah, will be rewarded a place in Jannah. Aamiin Yarobbil Aalamiin 🕌🌙🤲🤲🤲💖🌹
@nizumsaeed9706 2 жыл бұрын
Qur'an is the lights of our 💖
@GoYouGoME 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent presentation and I loved the very end when you gave the comparison about God's message from the Bibilical to the Quranic perspective! As far as I understand HAMAN is a title, which Dr. Fatoohi mentions, but I believe the actual name of that person is Bakenkhonsu who was a priest-architect. He served a god or goddess (I don't know) named Amun and that was popular around the New Kingdom period. I know his name is mentioned in the Egyptian Museum of Munich. The phrase that Bakenkhonsu uses to refer to himself is the "High Priest of Amun" or in the hieroglyphic words something like "ham nata tipiy amana". "ham" means servant and "amana" meaning Amun, so perhaps the Arabized version of this is simply "Haman".
@sparephone8228 Жыл бұрын
Muhammad Asad thought 'haman' was the Arabized version of 'Haa -Ameen'
@saidhashi2856 Жыл бұрын
​@@sparephone8228 Haa the title. Shortened in Quran as Haman
@dendydm3796 2 жыл бұрын
I do my little reaearch and picking Merneptah as the Pharaoh of Exodus, because of his steele, his ending was mysterious and what came after him is interesting
@umardikko1076 2 жыл бұрын
What a brilliant presentation and coordination! You are truly amazing. Each time I watched scholarly presentations like this my faith is strengthened and I shed tears and see the need to seek knowledge. Please keep it up.
@hassendelft3907 2 жыл бұрын
this is great
@ramialmalky Жыл бұрын
جزاكم الله خير
@sunflower367 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing...salam from malaysia
@mohamedsalemmohamedelmocta8753 2 жыл бұрын
10 ай бұрын
Great lecture !
@zafarsheikh2716 Жыл бұрын
Super... Thanks.
@muslimchannelnetworkmcn Жыл бұрын
Old, new, and final testament, read the Quran carefully and understand the message. You will be hearing God inside your soul.
@ajkazia Жыл бұрын
This is amazing. Quran is truly a miracle
@katasandi4386 2 жыл бұрын
terima kasih Paul
@SeriouslySerene Жыл бұрын
Dear Paul, thank you so much for your videos and the amazing guests you bring on. If I could make a small suggestion, it would be to maybe avoid giving a conclusion in the title, such as "Miraculous Qur'an", rather let the viewer arrive at that conclusion themselves if they wish. To use that title, you set up the viewer in a critical frame of mind already and especially when the evidence (even though I found it quite interesting and significant) is overall circumstantial and inconclusive. There's already so much sensationalism and exaggeration around us already in all forms of media, which makes it quite frustrating for someone who's just trying to find truth and reasonable discourse. I just wanted to make that suggestion and it's a minor point in the end. Thank you again!
@sarahhopeful6683 Жыл бұрын
Wow the last remarks are so very interesting! MashAllah! Pointing out how the Quran provide the proof that God did ignore to call the Egyptians to him.
@alifiamd9963 Жыл бұрын
@BloggingTheology Жыл бұрын
Many thanks Alifia!
@sarim9574 Жыл бұрын
That section about the subtleties of the dua by the believing wife of Pharaoh is amazing
@waniowais8621 2 жыл бұрын
Sir can you do an another book recommendation session on islamic history, sects, political thought.. Sir plz consider my request as preferential..
@fabus5531 2 жыл бұрын
Fascinating talk. If your goal is to increase our knowledge you Sir are an astounding success. Not sure I agree with all the analysis like the time Moses spent in Egypt on his return and meaning of “Awtad” (often translated as pegs). If the other place “Awtad” are mentioned in the Quran, they refer to mountains then, the most similar shape we would find in Egypt would be the Pyramids. The reference to Pharaoh as the one with the “Awtad” makes a lot of sense as they are the most prominent man-made landmark in his land and that’s worth mentioning when describing him to a foriegn audience who know nothing about the Pyramids let alone lessor structures such as temples etc.
@786humaira1 2 жыл бұрын
This Iraqi brother is a Genius . He needs to bring a little bit of jokes interspersed in between his serious talks , so a whole lot youth will learn from his wisdom . Today’s youth get attracted to comedy . Just on the lighter side Br Paul you said Bagdad (Egypt) .by slip of tongue , for his place of birth .
@sutil5078 2 жыл бұрын
Humaira I understand what you mean, but seeing many non Muslims joking like mad in presentations even about diseases and illness, I get sick of humor to the point I don't mind at all to watch 3 hours without humor.. it seems that they compete for stand up comedy even in video on natural disaster like Tsunami etc.. even about death.. that I am cured from need for humor, though in my daily life I am the life of the party by many who said so.. I love humor but many became so sickened by humor even when they talk about God, I just saw elon musk whom I did not know who he was talking to christian radio show and he even joke about Jesus trying to convert wine so the party goes on etc.. Your name sister rings a bell I think we have talked before. May Allah protect you and give you happiness in both world amin.
@Saracen101 2 жыл бұрын
@Blogging Theology The invocation by the wife of Pharaoh for God to build her a house in paradise was a subtle and excellent angle I had never heard before. Great job Paul and Dr Louay. One suggestion: the context displacement explanation for Haman is not necessary. Last year or the year before I saw a picture posted on Twitter of an inscription in Egypt from Ramses II time explicitly naming Haman. It was the smoking gun that thwarted forevermore all polemics against the Quranic Haman. I can’t remember if it was Professor Ahmed Al Jallad of Leiden University who had posted that or if I had seen a picture of it in Dr Azami’s book on the History of the Quran. Dr. Louay please research and let the Muslims know. Edit: see the works of Walter Wreszinskiwho who stated a monument in Hof museum has Haman’s name inscribed and see Herman Ranke mentioning Haman as head of the stone quarry workers.
@samkb6374 2 жыл бұрын
Are you refering to the Rosetta Stone?
@louay.fatoohi 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind words and the comments. I will check out the source that mentions “Haman”; much appreciated. Maybe my explanation of “contextual displacement” was not clear, and think I also rushed it. It is a common centuries-old claim that the Qur’an plagiarised material from the Bible and misrepresented it. The Muslim counterargument is that there is no plagiarism, the Qur’an is from Allah, and therefore it corrects the Bible. Now, the Bible could not have plagiarised the Qur’an because it is earlier. This means that the human process of copying and editing the Bible must have distorted and misrepresented certain information. At times, mistakes resulted in changing the original context of something. For instance, the Bible editors mistakenly placed Haman in Persia in the story of Esther when in fact he was a character in the story of Moses. Now, regardless of whether the word “Haman” is a name or title, what his role was, and in which era he lived, its sounds far more likely to be Egyptian than Persian. So this is an instance of “contextual displacement” where the transmitter/editor of the tradition misplaced a character. I gave an example of how scholars agree that the name “Moses” is Egyptian, even though the OT claims that it is Hebrew, yet they do not consider that “Haman” is Egyptian, not Persian, despite the strong case for that, not least when the book of Esther is fictional. Thank you again for the comment and information.
@wailmarga2994 Жыл бұрын
@@louay.fatoohi but didnt ramses the 2 die from Natural disease and in old Age
@louay.fatoohi Жыл бұрын
@@wailmarga2994 It is not possible to prove such a statement about a mummy that is over 3,000 years old. The fact that Ramesses II suffered from age-related diseases does not mean that he died because of that. For example, an old person with stage four cancer could die in a car accident before cancer kills him. Although cancer would have killed him, he did not die because of it. Possibility, likelihood, and reality are statistically related but they are not the same.
@wailmarga2994 Жыл бұрын
@@louay.fatoohi but if ramses the 2 died with most of his army shouldnt After that be a complete disaster in egypt and the Kingdom falling apart even in the quran It says that children of Israel inherited most of their things because there wasnt an army and a government thank you
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