The Mo’edim Series - Hanukkah | Should we celebrate Hanukkah? | Examining its history and traditions

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This series is designed to look at the mo'edim (or appointed times) of YHWH in a brief and concise way. In this video, we look at Hanukkah (or the Feast of Dedication or the Festival of Lights). Should we celebrate Hanukkah? What are we to remember on this day? Why do some suggest that we should not observe Hanukkah?
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@shirleybeavan2907 Жыл бұрын
excellent, I agree that there is no harm in celebrating it.. We should not consider it as competition to x-mas. We should be wary of some things that are now being promoted as part of the celebration,
@lillyofthevalley1611 Жыл бұрын
The very first time I learned about Hanukkah and the meaning of it; it was a very special time for my walk with Yahusha, I dedicated "my temple" to the Most High Yah it was a defining moment a point of no return on THE WAY with my Messiah. Now I just remember that day in my life at Hanukkah.
@Jenroxy2 Жыл бұрын
Yes same .. and if you analyze the event those things are going to happen again once the NWO start and the antimessiah arrive
@shirleybeavan2907 Жыл бұрын
very nice. May you continue to be blessed.
@kellyd4221 Жыл бұрын
Yes, this teaching has been a blessing! Happy Rededication, and Dedication friends.
@sherryr7792 Жыл бұрын
Thank you and Shalom!! 😁
@ellenlefavour628 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful teaching. Thank you, happy Hanukkah and Shabbat Shalom.
@maryfranco7057 Жыл бұрын
Great teaching
@Jenroxy2 Жыл бұрын
Actually the feast of dedication started with Salomon on 7 month for 8 days 2 Chronicles 7 so the Maccabees re dedicated the after was finished in the 9 month for 8 days
@Wilderness-Voice 7 ай бұрын
And wonderful message! But way too short...
@davidpatrick1813 Жыл бұрын
I learned much. I think the authority should be according to "that which is written" and the purposes of seeking first the Kingdom of Yah and his righteousness. Seeing that this Hanukkah is not written or listed as "thus saith Yah" type of thing, it is advised not to add to nor take away from the written word. What did cross my mind (if it is of any importance or not ... to others or to Yah) two thoughts crossed my mind. 1. In the teaching it said something about the temple being celebrated or made important after being delivered. I think that is a drift. Ac 7:48 "Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet," 2. 2 Co 11:And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." ... I am not saying anything except these verses crossed my mind and I also wonder why do they put lights up at Christmas time? Maybe there is some or was some cultural influences that made these people make a "festival" .... of lights... Not even singular "light... so as this is all added to scripture and it is not referencing Yah or giving glory to him .... or if it is or was ... it is man's invention and thus should not be given any special extra biblical notion or such. I don't like double think phyco lordship telling other people what they should or shouldn't do. If something is not according to Yah nor what is written I have no qualm in rejecting it. Society telling me I should not be a man of Yah and call a spade a spade has not roots in true biblical ... Man cannot be equal to or more righteous than the Most High ........ so quit trying to do this trick.
@YHWHMission Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@tmish969 7 ай бұрын
Thumbs up for good video, but one should look closer at what day the feast of dedication actually was in John 10…it was the sabbath day following the feast of tabernacles when the man was healed and these events occurred, that would make this Shemini Atzeret.
@StarvrosMitchell Жыл бұрын
Great explanation and I am definitely celebrating it. I feel more comfortable taking part in it than I do with Christmas. I really appreciate that there is a 100 % approach to Hashem's word. Chesed V'Shalom Lachem.
@jmeh20 Жыл бұрын
With Purim I do have a problem. On my own investigation the book of Esther Purim is call to be remember but the way is celebrated with costumes and carnaval type atmosphera actually Morris pagan celebrations in Italy.
@BeautiFuFu 3 ай бұрын
My thing with the hannukiah is that Its basically overshadowed the menorah. Every time I try looking for a 7 branched menorah, and type "menorah" in search engines, I am returned the 9 branched hannukiah. So though there is no commandment against it, we are commanded not to have our traditions overshadow the word of God. I wish more work was done to separate the two so that people know the difference, but unfortunately that has not been done. And just like they didn't know the difference between Gods laws and mans traditions, when it came to washing of hands, people have generally lost the real menorah in the tradition of the hannukiah. So much work is done to produce beautiful hanukkiahs, but I don't often see the same love for the 7 branched menorah. And again, if I say I'm looking for a menorah, I am often presented with a hanukkiah. There in for me is the problem. The difference should be made clearly known, and we should show more love to one of the only things described with such delicate detail in scriptures by YHWH. In fact Hanukkah should be the opportunity to show off the 7 branched menorah, and let people see what was lit in the temple. The new testament was all about how Yeshua kept trying to get the religious leaders to stop putting thier created traditions of the word of Yah. I don't think there is a problem with traditions, which would explain why Yeshua was at the temple during Hanukkah. I think the problem is when man made traditions and concepts overshadow the word of YHWH. If they had created this feast to replace one of the other feast of YAH, Yeshua would have been in the temple that day tossing tables lol. Truth > Tradition. for me the Menorah is truth, and the hannukiah is tradition that has overshadowed truth.
@robindawson2803 Жыл бұрын
Shabbat shalom! Thank you for this teaching and explanation. I don't celebrate Hanukkah
@your_name_here2158 Жыл бұрын
I am glad to hear it. Yahuah bless you for your discernment 🙂
@redeemed3856 Жыл бұрын
Can you pls share where we can find the evidence in the bible for the timing of Hanukah?
@roomwithapointofview Жыл бұрын
Is it one of the 7 feasts created by Yahweh? Are you celebrating getting out of jail?
@bullishgeorgemickle3839 Жыл бұрын
22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. 23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. 24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. This is Hanukkah correct? If so, it isn't mentioned in the Torah, yet Yahshua didn't forbid it while He was here on earth. I'm not trying to debate it or anything, I just wanted to share that.
@paulnandico2370 Жыл бұрын
Good refresher course. Glad you discuss the traditions of man vs those of the Bible, and caution against some practices (being consistent with other teachings which oppose following traditions of men and other faiths). I recommend all read the books of the Maccabees as that's the best way to learn (going to the source). My wife and I do have a concern of the introductory video segment... about 1:30 or so in... where it appears the image might be showing an altar with steps. Just in case it is, Exodus 20:26 tells us "And you shall not go up by steps to my altar, that your nakedness be not exposed on it.’" Again though - thank you for your vast teachings and seeking to follow an old tradition of my ancestry "speaking where the Bible speaks" and being tolerant of gray areas.
@johnniejefferson3817 Жыл бұрын
Deut 4:2 says don't add or take away from my word, also Mark 7:13 says making the word of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down, did you people hear in the video he said it was a tradition or not ? Or your too blinded by your own desires, also John 10:22 says Yeshua walked in the temple he was their to correct them not to observe the dedication of lights read your word again people this time allow the holy spirit to interpret it not yourself I'm not arguing about truth this will be my last post I will pray that your eyes be open but also I understand everyone will not hear and receive.
@NettieBahtYah Жыл бұрын
I don't observe it @ all.
@travisbolte9601 5 ай бұрын
Not a fan of using the term BCE. Small potatoes though.
@katarinaericka-kristavonbr7000 Жыл бұрын
Yochanan 10:22 It was Chanukkah in Yerushalayim and it was wintertime, Yeshua was walking in the Temple in the Stoa of Shlomoh. Obviously, this season was important to Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, He is the Light, He is the Menorah, He is the Chanukkah, He is the rededication. Today’s Chanukkah Traditions go back to the Messianic-Jews of Yeshua’s walk on Earth, the hiding of one of the 3 broken uneven unleavened bread etc
@bryanshull372 Жыл бұрын
If you read the account of Solomon dedicating the first Temple and the account of Ezra and Nehemia dedicating the Temple in their time you will see where the 8 day's come from. The next Temple will probably be dedicated in the same way.
@pegtop5455 Жыл бұрын
Solomon dedicated the temple during the 7 days of Sukkot, including the last great day:8th day. After which he sent the people away. Compare Leviticus 23:33-36 with 2 Chronicles 7:8-10. This was the festival of Sukkot beginning the 15th day of the 7th month. He sent them away on the day after the eighth day of the festival, the 23rd day of the 7th month. Unmistakably the festival of Sukkot. The 8 days were given by YHVH for the feast of Sukkot/Last Great Day. It has absolutely no relationship to the winter solstice/saturnalia/Christmas/Yule/festival of lights/Hanukkah.
@bryanshull372 Жыл бұрын
@@pegtop5455 read it again. There are 7 days for the dedication and 7 days for the Festival and on the eighth day the alter was dedicated. 2 Chronicles 7: 8-9 and 1 Kings 8:65-66. Ezra and Nehemia also dedicated the Temple and the walls that were rebuilt. Most likely following Solomon's example.
@pegtop5455 Жыл бұрын
@@bryanshull372 you are re-stating what I said, which is logical since that is what 2 Chronicles 7 states. The 23rd day of the 7th month when Solomon sent the people to their tents was the day after the celebration of Sukkot (7 days) plus /last great day= 8 days. 23rd day of the 7th month was the day after the 8th day. These are the dates for the yearly celebration of Sukkot/festival of booths. It was NOT dedicated, nor ever should be dedicated during the ancient pagan festivals of winter solstice.
@pierreferguson1300 Жыл бұрын
Truly, the Feast of Dedication aka Hanukkah is not a commandment in the law given through Moses, but it's a man-made tradition.
@controversialpsychologist3052 Жыл бұрын
@ramonpatalinghug Жыл бұрын
Making the seven branch menorah that God commanded to be made into an eight one is adding to His word. It's just not right.
@stevensymonds4489 Жыл бұрын
If the Jews would not have liberated the temple then Yeshua would have had no place to be dedicated in Luke.
@johnniejefferson3817 Жыл бұрын
It's only one Menorah 7 Branch no where in the Bible says light a Hanukkiyah your adding to the word of Yahweh, first you say it's man tradition but yet and still you try to justify it stick to Yahweh instructions and honor him by his feast!!!!
@NettieBahtYah Жыл бұрын
@robertbeniston Жыл бұрын
There is nothing wrong in keeping festivals which are national days that arose out of a nation's history or to acknowledge and give thanks to the true God by them. What is wrong is worshipping false Gods.
@NettieBahtYah Жыл бұрын
But is it a commanded law?
@robertbeniston Жыл бұрын
@@NettieBahtYah In this regard perhaps no. It is not commanded but does that mean humans can't celebrate or worship God from their own resources? Look the problem is worshipping false Gods and using methods that pagans use in worshipping their gods and using that method to worship the true God. God is not against us worshipping Him correctly. He may give certain days and require us to keep them but what of ourselves worshipping God from our own resources? That is where national differences come in, surely? We are different nations and races with different histories and as long as we are worshipping God correctly why not have our own day, especially if we are thanking God for His mercy and help in a given situation.
@controversialpsychologist3052 Жыл бұрын
@@robertbeniston Yah gave us our festivals - do not add or take away from the word
@IanLouisRSA Жыл бұрын
Now Hanukkah is a true Jewish feast day. The feast days listed in the Bible is YHWH's feast days.
@NettieBahtYah Жыл бұрын
It's a tradition of man, so NO.
@johnniejefferson3817 Жыл бұрын
If Yahweh wanted us to celebrate Hanukkah he would have listed it with his feast Yahweh is very precise, it's man tradition please don't sugar coat it, the temple was destroyed for a reason it was Yahweh will to do so his body is the temple and we are the temple that he please to dwell in.
@pegtop5455 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. The context of John 10 shows Yeshua is confrontational and it ends with the Jews trying to stone him. And people use this to say Yeshua endorsed Hanukkah. Wow. People can’t let go of Christmas so they give it a new name. It is the same celebration of winter solstice. Do a study on the historical term “festival of lights”. Hindus know what it is, The occult knows what it is. Wiccan witches know what it is. Look it up. And some laugh at us, some are frustrated that we try to steal their ancient rite, and some are happy that we are joining them in saturnalia/demon god worship.
@johnniejefferson3817 Жыл бұрын
@@pegtop5455 I looked it up and it's a Hindu festival it's all the same pagan celebration, that's why people need to stick to truth and be lead by the spirit and stop adding to the word for their own self seeking pleasures!
@paulnandico2370 Жыл бұрын
While I would agree we should be careful about following the traditions (like eating fried bread when people were fried in oil...😳), we need to be careful about saying not to commemorate it at all. Do we not memorialize much of Yeshua's life? Should we not because it is not part of Torah? Food for thought. Any pun definitely not intended.
@jenniferhenriksen4814 Жыл бұрын
There are things that have been added..but if Yeshua observed it..why shouldn’t we?
@jedidiahmadda5027 Жыл бұрын
@@johnniejefferson3817 bro, stop it. Iam an Indian (land of Hinduism). We have a festival called Diwali on which we decorate our homes with lights. Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the Temple, and the miracle of the oil. It has got nothing to do with our Diwali. On Diwali indians worship the idol of Ram, who is supposedly a God incarnate who killed a demon king. It is a mythological story. Whereas the story of the maccabees is a historical event
@ronymanuel507 Жыл бұрын
False celebration!! Invention of men! It is a pity that the channel has done a video in favor of something that doesn’t come from Yah!
@pegtop5455 Жыл бұрын
I agree, It is a pity. I don’t know what happened to this ministry. The last few videos essentially say do whatever you want to do, believe whatever you want to believe and just don’t make any judgements about people who might believe differently than you do. It sounds like they are echoing the Pope and the new world order. “Whatever it takes as long as we can all be one”. It is sad and brings a sense of great loss.
@ronymanuel507 Жыл бұрын
@@pegtop5455 💔
@riograndelily8344 Жыл бұрын
If you are of a certain bloodline you are required to keep this Festival because our ancestors made a vow before God in the temple
@pegtop5455 Жыл бұрын
Maybe it was the same family who made a vow before God that they would not eat until they had slayed the apostle Paul. They did not ever do that, so I assume their descendants must also still be fasting.
@NettieBahtYah Жыл бұрын
It's not a law period.
@controversialpsychologist3052 Жыл бұрын
Hanukkah is not scriptural.
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