This movie was literally just a modern direct-to-dvd sequel like the ones made back in the early 2000's. It's just three episodes of a flawed tv show stitched together and marketed as a movie. I'm really sad to see that this is where Disney is now. It was bad enough when they announced that they're prioritizing sequels over original storytelling, but now I see that they don't even care about making movies at all now. Just three stories pasted onto the big screen in hopes of $890,000,000. I wish modern studios still cared, but they don't. I give up. No more big studio stuff for me, thank you. I'l just go home and watch The Amazing Digital Circus and old Disney stuff. I'll be happier that way, I'm sure.
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
THIS. ^^^^
@candicraveingcloude2822Ай бұрын
Yep. It was originally going to be a series then turned into a sequel
@RosesTeaAndASDАй бұрын
Return of Jafar was the best and I stand by that.
@sharkgal415 күн бұрын
@jfzzlcАй бұрын
It was so clearly a series, Disney is just lazy at this point.
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
You're telling me 😭
@isaaccabal7054Ай бұрын
So my friends who know people who work on the animation for Disney. They said that this was originally going to be a Disney+ but Disney was that desperate and they liked it enough to just make this into a movie.
@Whatever-mh5dn27 күн бұрын
@isaaccabal7054 yeah they put it into a movie to make more money because streaming doesn't pay a lot 🤦♀️Disney is so money hungry.
@ShelbySillyyАй бұрын
I have a sibling who watched Moana 2 for a school excursion and they say that the only thing they took in was pretty bat lady
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
They had a better experience than me lol
@sharkgal415 күн бұрын
Honestly based
@k3vinkTownLegoBatman2752Ай бұрын
this felt more like a disney + series than a movie. OH HEY I WONDER WHY
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Lol it probably would have sucked as a Disney plus series too honestly
@JeremiahLewis-g4cАй бұрын
I think this may have worked better as a Disney+ series instead of a movie. Maybe? They at least would have had more time to develop the plot . . . I don't know. At least the million and a half plotlines would make sense in an episodic format.
@Tvibes_ZAАй бұрын
The graphics look exactly like it showing that they probably just cut up episodes
@BrightWulphАй бұрын
Because that is exactly what it was supposed to be... like a lot of "Disney Squels" back in the early 00s... I can't believe we're going back in time. 😅
@WelknairАй бұрын
Regarding the core theme of Moana 2, I'd make the argument that what was supposed to be the core theme wasn't the "get lost/switch it up" idea, but rather the whole concept of "connecting people." The core goal of the plot is to reconnect the scattered peoples on the different islands, the main antagonist Nalo specifically sought to separate people, we have an addition of an ensemble cast and a vague gesture at "You need to learn to work together to succeed," etc. It's just that that theme is not expanded or explored *at all*, the "villain" doesn't interact with it, the ensemble cast ends up mostly pointless, etc.
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
That could be, I could see how Moana having to bring a crew with her and teaching them organized teamwork fits with that idea. I feel like I mainly focus on the climactic scene when I'm asking myself what the main/core theme is, and it was the "there's always another way" idea that directly led Moana to dive into the water and win where she couldn't before. They do all work together during that final battle, but to me the fact that they failed until Moana decided to "think outside the box" (HUGE quotation marks on that one lol), means the writers were really trying to glorify that trait. Stories often have multiple, complex themes, however... none of which were properly set up or paid off in this movie lol
@itsallwayspouringoАй бұрын
It’s starting to get annoying how Disney is clearly trying to imitate Lin’s style without actually understanding why the musicals and soundtracks he’s written are so beloved. Like, say what you want about him being “cringe” or whatever, he is genuinely good at what he does. there’s no way he would have this much narrative dead air for lack of a better term. And we would absolutely never get “I let you live here without paying rent and also I let you live here without paying rent” like we got in wish. If they want his musical stylings, they should just hire him again
@aralk624 күн бұрын
i personally dont even think lin is cringe, hes just a cool funny guy. and yeah, hes a genius. :)
@ievaklimasauskaite5268Ай бұрын
So happy to see you've uploaded!
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
So happy to see your comment 💅
@CalxiynCaresTooMuchАй бұрын
I came as soon as I heard! 🏃♀I think the problem is that, from the interviews Barlow and Bear did, they were taken through the script and told by the team where *they* wanted songs to go. This is pretty standard for a TV show, but not for a musical, and even the direct-to-dvd Disney movies had a bit more leeway and handled the pipeline more carefully than this. If the writers basically wrote their script and just left gaps for the songs to go, without leaving gaps in the emotional or plot information, the songs are not going to be able to have an impact. That's why I think we get characters singing about the same thing in just more dramatic ways as you said - because the characters aren't "allowed" to do anything that may conflict with things already in the script later. As much as I just don't think that Barlow and Bear had the experience to pull it off, I think the bigger problem is that the script and the songs weren't written together, and so the script was not influenced by the songs and vice versa. It would be way more effective to start at the beginning with both the songwriters and scriptwriters with a treatment of the script and retool it to make it a musical up until the end, instead the songs are just garnishing on top of a story that was already functioning without the songs. Some things get away with it like the Tangled Series, but The Tangled Series has like, 30 songs and even being generous, I'd say 5 are really memorable bangers that the story could not do without. It's very tricky to make a good musical in these conditions 😭😭😭
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Huh, seems like there's a pattern here with Wish 🥴 I guess Disney really thought Moanas IP could carry the box office and left the music at the bottom of the priority list. Makes me wonder what the conditions were like for Lin Manuel Miranda when he was doing encanto, back when they were making chart toppers
@lilac3266Ай бұрын
@@brainless_mastermindfrom what I understand lin was involved with encanto from the very beginning. Originally disney wanted to cut down the size of the family but it was lin who said no it needs to be a large family and I can write a song introducing them all. He also changed character names eg oscar to bruno to fit the song. So he’s always been heavily involved in the making of that movie.
@JeremiahLewis-g4cАй бұрын
What happened to Disney? Like, seriously. I miss the Disney that gave us songs that could get stuck in your head for a month. Now . . . I'm hard-pressed to remember a new Disney song five minutes after it played in the movie. Like there were times I legit forgot Wish had music.
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Forgetting wish had music??? You lucky dog 😭😭 lol
@SylviaGromeАй бұрын
I didn’t forget Wish had music…just for all the wrong reasons.
@JeremiahLewis-g4cАй бұрын
@@brainless_mastermind I know, right?! To be a bit less hyperbolic, it's more like I forgot half the songs of the movie. At all Costs? Welcome to Rosas? This Wish? Forgot those. The other two (I'm a Star and Knowing What I Know Now) . . . I remembered specific lines from. Usually for bad reasons. Ironically, your channel got me more interested in Wish's music than Wish did. You have one well-earned new subscriber.
@freysommer5543Ай бұрын
It's good to see you again! - I agree with you that Matangi's song is shallow compared to Tamatoa's, and I'm so sad that she is not a real villain. (Also, yeah, her design is great!)
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Aw good to be back! One other difference between them is that there was a lot more buildup for Matangi than Tamatoa who got... None lol. That's probably why it felt like such a fake out when she never came back versus Tamatoa never coming back lol
@crystallotus3422Ай бұрын
I kept thinking the whole movie she was playing Moana and was a servant of (however you spell the god’s name) up until the post credits scene where I was like “oh wait, she was clean?”
@celas.doodlesАй бұрын
The risk taking/teamwork theme annoys me so much because of what they COULD HAVE DONE WITH IT. Imagine if she was overprotective of her younger sister and her village, so she discourages them from taking more "dangerous"/long voyages. Her sister could stow away (which would actually make her relevant, seriously, why was she even in the movie), and throughout the movie Moana tries to take everything onto herself because she's the experienced one, which makes everyone more frustrated with her (especially if she'd picked more compotent, interesting crew members). In the final battle, her crew could have an idea to defeat Nalo that she's against because it would cause top much risk to them. They have a huge argument, and the crew ends up getting hurt because she wouldn't let them help and go along with her plan. Her sister ends up being upset with her for never letting her take any risks or do anything. So the real lesson Moana has to learn is that she has to lean on other people, that they're competent too and she can't win by putting them on the sidelines and trying to do everything herself. And there could be a whole paralell to how her father acted in the first movie with not letting her sail, and she could have a big realization that she's been treating her sister the exact same way out of a misguided attempt to "keep her safe". LIKE, COME ON DISNEY... IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL!
@donutcat5535Ай бұрын
Exactly! It would be so cool to see a ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ kind of thing
@Bard69Ай бұрын
I told this to my family and I still believe this, the plot is basically a watered down (pun intended) of Mario and Luigi Brothership. In Brothership you got the Mario Bros transported to a new world where all the islands used to be connected but something happened and caused them to be seperated. So now you are on a journey to travel the sea to connect the islands together again and meet new friends when connecting every islands. Heck the villain is similar. (SPOILER) Reclusa wants to seperate the islands because he believes that all people should be alone and then trap them in a matrix like dream world but their outside body will slowly wither away and die, and then he would destroy the world.
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
This is genuinely crazy
@papermr.magolorguy7957Ай бұрын
Theory: Nalo created Reclusa but after he started destroying the world, Nalo banished him to other worlds since he was too dangerous to have in the Moana Universe. Eventually Reclusa ends up in Concordia where Reclusa is finally defeated by the Mario Bros. This is just a crack theory I thought of. Thoughts?
@snorpington5910Ай бұрын
i am so glad i wasn't the only one who noticed
@sharkgal415 күн бұрын
Hold up yea
@B.B_OraАй бұрын
@Chia-raeАй бұрын
...for the perfect time to strike. When your home's so close and you've reached your coast, that's when our paths collide. (Please let there be someone who gets this in these comments)
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Happy to oblige 😋
@CrazyCreator554Ай бұрын
@Chia-raeАй бұрын
@@CrazyCreator554 ... Get in the water. Or i'll rase the tide so high, all of Ithaca will die.
@rosiemason10Ай бұрын
@Chia-rae Get in the water!!!
@SylviaGromeАй бұрын
You know a song sung by a villain where the villain is telling the protagonist to leave? Get Out the fan made Hello Neighbor song Disney is being beat by a fan made Hello Neighbor song now.
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
When has Disney NOT been being beat by fan made songs. Regular people deserve attention for their art
@TheMochaMadnessАй бұрын
@@brainless_mastermindlike-- IDGAF about wish. But I am ABSOLUTELY in the corner with a begging pan waiting for GeekyVanDerWeeky to upload part two of the rewrite
@lilac3266Ай бұрын
it’s sad to see such a great soundtrack like moana get such a mediocre follow up. The songs aren’t even popular online like they really are just forgettable songs for the sake of songs. I’m also really annoyed that moana herself seemingly had almost 0 of her original personality traits. What happened to the stubbornness and pride?? yeah she’s older but she can still have flaws disney. Moana was so compelling as a protagonist because we got to see all sides of her. The second movie doesn’t even let her properly be sad IN HER OWN MOVIE.
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
If they had leaned in further to the fear of risks thing, she could have been arguably more flawed than she was in the original. God I miss characters having ACTUAL CHARACTER ARCS and CHANGING
@snorpington5910Ай бұрын
My main issue is the underutilization of Moana's little sister. Because Moana is more cautious now, maybe have her sister tag along (stow away in the boat kinda like Hei Hei in the 1st movie) because she idolizes Moana and believes her to be invincible bc of her epic quest stuff. Have sibling connection tension be the focus.
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
THIS, another KZbinr had a similar idea and I thought it was great. Her sister was the PERFECT opportunity for a really emotional story and she was just left behind on the island for the whole story. The movie would literally be exactly the same without her. SIBLING RELATIONSHIPS ARE GOLD. HOW DO YOU MISS THAT.
@snorpington5910Ай бұрын
@brainless_mastermind Especially the age gap. Moana who had 50 billion responsibilities placed on her since she'll be chief is envious of her sister's carefree childhood while her sister wants to prove herself that she can be a hero like Moana.
@kristinahuchison2511Ай бұрын
@@brainless_mastermindsame. NGL I really don’t get why her sister is even in the movie if she wasn’t gonna have an actual point for existing. Honestly this makes me glad Tangled got a tv show instead, how about reviewing the soundtrack?
@username_unidentifiedАй бұрын
1:53 "You could say the characters were pretty shallow" [LONG PAUSE THAT KILLS ME 😂😂]
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
I was planning on putting cricket noises but I decided the crushing weight of silence was better
@insulttothehumanrace3807Ай бұрын
I think it made more of a splash with the silence.
@bagelchild1256Ай бұрын
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Day 323 of mentioning schaffrillas in my videos until he knows I exist /j
@amayaharig4330Ай бұрын
I love your avatar's hair, it reminds me of Ms. Frizzle's ❤❤❤❤❤
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
It's what I wish my hair looked like in real life lol jk jk
@TheMochaMadnessАй бұрын
Put a hairspraying weasel in your hair every day and maybe one morning you'll be able to cosplay her! @@brainless_mastermind
@emsthesnil1020Ай бұрын
stories about the main character turning into a god and then we have to see them struggle to continue their life exist. its called Percy Jackson fanfics
@Sylvie-thАй бұрын
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Instead of get lost they should’ve just played dangerous from epic: the musical
@GodEmperor1981Ай бұрын
I was surprised Dwayne didn’t try to make an ad for his product slip through his script with just how much he’s been promoting it lately
@FreezientАй бұрын
Thanks for explaining Shiny, it wasn’t my favorite song I was mostly confused by it, and how does Tamatoa even know what Grandma Tala said to Moana, did he just assumed she’s just “one of those grannies”? I personally liked Beyond that i ended up defending it from people saying it’s basically How Far, or its another “I want song” sure it got similarities but major difference Beyond is about how Moana is forced to go, I liked the somber tone of it and she’s older in this movie so now she can see the possible threats that’s going for her, her grandma even said it in the song and knowing what she ended up it kinda adds extra layers to what the song could’ve meant. Now instead of Moana being forced to go solve Nalo’s curse is her possibly outliving her people, her family, her baby sister. Also i’m with you about the her becoming ageless/immortal, it may not have been a great movie, but that ending made the whole thing intriguing. As for whether or not Moana would stop aging? Idk Maui was turned to a demigod as a baby and he looks at least early 30s
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Ah that's a good point about Maui, I didn't think of that
@FreezientАй бұрын
@ If they confirm that she’s immortal (they confirmed that she is a demigod though I don’t know if that means that she’s immortal), she’ll probably aged several years, but she won’t reach the age of her parents or grandmother
@annieisok169Ай бұрын
Excellent analysis!
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Aw stop, thanks 🙏🙏
@_bottled-waterАй бұрын
I sea where you’re going with all those jokes :D
@Sylvie-thАй бұрын
@_bottled-waterАй бұрын
@ don’t worry it should only be a…current phase
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
You guys get me
@insulttothehumanrace3807Ай бұрын
I thought she implemented the jokes really well. They flowed right along with her script.
@GeezlouisefjАй бұрын
The song Get Lost is a recycled version of Tiana’s Almost There and Maui’s Can I get a Chee-Hoo is a scraped up version of This is the Greatest Show from the Greatest Showman. Very original
@Iceydoesshorts5 күн бұрын
Lin ditched this movie to write Mufasa’s songs, and it SHOWS.
@B.O.XprojectАй бұрын
So the soundtrack had the same issue with the mufasa movie... I didn't watch moana sadly but i did watch mufasa ( Ehhh its not that bad but im still salty they want to go this realistic lion route) And the music was fine it wasn't horrible some of them were actually catchy However they didn't feel like they added much And for some of them it really just felt like they were repeating what we already know about the plot
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
You are too right about the realistic lions, I gotta get on top of that one 🤡🤡
@BagelPaloozaaАй бұрын
I wish Disney didn’t rely on so much of their older films and would actually try and make up a new story instead of making these remakes that clearly have nothing put into them I mean Wish was….. an original story….. but we all know how that went
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Wish arguably also relied on their past films... like a LOT lol. It was kind of like they wanted to draw in people who were looking for an original story but just packed it with Easter eggs and nostalgia bait instead, so they didn't hit with either audience.
@CristalWolfCatАй бұрын
Don't worry! I liked the puns because my sense of humor is broken like that >:D
@nanny203Ай бұрын
Schaffrillas mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🦀🦀🦀
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
I had to take the low hanging fruit you know how it is
@toyosibee.mp3Ай бұрын
Your mind...I would've assumed you'd compared the two Maui songs, but comparing the two Antithesis Villains' songs instead really does highlight how played out Moana 2 already was by release
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
I love villain songs too much lol, but I could for sure trash on chee hoo
@OpticalSorcerer27 күн бұрын
I've said it a million times: push the release date out to 2025 at the earliest, and focus on Moana with the other wayfinders connecting the islands themselves when fighting Nalo fails. This film had potential.
@zakuraiyadesuАй бұрын
Love the videos. Keep it up!!!
@claramaemadden792527 күн бұрын
I personally also liked Moana being reserceted at the end becuase it feels like conformation of what she really is. She's been able to control the ocean since she was a young kid/tolddler which was seen in the first moive. By offically making Moana a goddess it helps to clearify where she might've gotten her powers over the ocean to begin with.
@gavinmallariАй бұрын
I remember seeing the movie in theaters, and the best way I can describe this movie is that it was very.. artificial. Especially in the song department, where most of them felt like knock-offs of the first movie's soundtrack. Especially with how you dissected and compared "Shiny" and, "Get Lost" (you did so good in that btw 🎉🎉🎉)! It's like, sure, Disney can TRY to do something new, but if you only do the "sequel route" of just making it the same.. (BUT WITH A TWIST OMG REAL) will there be any real stride to do anything creatively different?
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
I wish their goal was to be creatively different haha. Sadly they only care about 🤑🤑
@gavinmallariАй бұрын
@brainless_mastermind more moolah, less woo-haa 😔😔😔
@meandeverything9513Ай бұрын
The coconuts are nice, the bat lady is nice, will the cloud guy have a change of heart too?
@drackyslimeАй бұрын
I knew this movie had lame music purely by the fact I haven’t heard any of it via social exposure. I didn’t see encanto but I sure as hell heard encanto every 10 seconds scrolling instagram. Never had that happen with wish, the new lion king, or this
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Exactly, just another reason to believe Disney is fully relying on their IPs to drive revenue now
@TotallyNOTWordGirl21 сағат бұрын
Your stills are so cute! They remind me of Betty from adventure time but with curly hair
@teelore457725 күн бұрын
1:53 This joke made me subscribe, I didn't have a choice...😊😊😊
@teelore457725 күн бұрын
This movie came out already. Jesus I had no idea, because NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THIS MOVIE!!!
@aralk624 күн бұрын
I dont mean this in a weird way, but i thought way more ppl would ship moana and maui after his song idk how its like in english but in the polish version its literally like "moana, dear" ("vaiana, kochana" before translating which is a bit more romantic than "dear" soo). Its also the only thing from songs that i remember :< the music wasnt BAD, but it wasnt amazing either in my opinion so i agree with u
@rebekaheeveeАй бұрын
No one can tell me otherwise. Get lost is a certified banger.
@Cosmic0fficiallyАй бұрын
Seeing all of these comments.. if Disney hadn't mentioned this was originally a series half of the critics would be gone.
@Bebop8ubbyАй бұрын
Moana's transformation would have felt more earned if it remained a tv show. Thank goodness Disney didn't pull this crap with Tangled's series.
@allistar200514 күн бұрын
You look like Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus, and I like that. I wouldn't doubt you've been told this before, though 😂❤
@sarahrebbavarapu2331Ай бұрын
Listen the movie is worse than the first by a lot but it’s really not that bad of a film it has not the best pacing and the sings are a little forgettable but it’s waaaaay better than wish. The songs really needed Lin Manuel but they were still a 5/10 for me and my whole family could still remember the songs for like 2 months and then we stopped remembering it. So at least the songs did something and I think the internet just likes hating on stuff more than appreciating how it could have been like wish. but on the movies surface it is mid
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
It could definitely have been a lot worse. I will say that Beyond has been in my head a bit from time to time, but I did watch the movie twice and was planning an analysis of it, so my experience may be skewed. Yes, the songs are not as offensive to the human psyche as Wish, but they're still... pretty lame lol
@sarahrebbavarapu2331Ай бұрын
@ couldn’t have said it better myself
@sharkgal415 күн бұрын
3:38 you might wanna look into Homestuck
@WitheredBonnieLikesPVZАй бұрын
Shiny is the best Moana song.
@ancientkingorionАй бұрын
The amount of puns here is quite shocking.
@Gravata_PrataАй бұрын
Despite the whole film being around the ocean, I thought the film was very insipid (like, tasteless, just like water... but not ocean water... idk)
@OliverWilda6 күн бұрын
damn am I the only one who loved the story and songs and everything? :,D
@adeliaaf564919 күн бұрын
Your voice is nice to listen to
@Spread-Love-n-Peace14 күн бұрын
We all know the only reason Moana 2 did so well in the box office is because of how successful the first movie did. Moana 2 was a dumpster fire.
@crimsonmaverick8237Ай бұрын
Girl do a Mufasa video!! The music is pretty good :D
@thescholarofAK19 күн бұрын
5:41 “same Bering on Moana’s plot”. 10:11 “Nothing to get hooked on”. You sly dog…
@Mr_VosakisenАй бұрын
Hey its the cute glasses lady, KZbin finally recommended this channel again!! Edit: the puns make me wish KZbin hadn't 😭🤣
@alainamurphy976Ай бұрын
Yeah I thought the songs in Moana 2 were so boring. It’s too bad they didn’t get Lin Manuel Miranda back. But he did do songs for Mufasa and those songs were also boring. Do you think you’ll review Mufasa’s songs one day?
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
I was thinking about doing that one for my next video, but we'll see 🤔🤔
@matthewherrera1167Ай бұрын
Can you review the other wish songs BY THEMSELVES Welcome To Rosas, At All Costs, This Wish, This Is The Thanks I Get because you did Im a Star and Knowing What I Know Now alone
@pixeIstormАй бұрын
SCHRAFRILLAS MENTION :3 hurrah! perfect video (What? You cant just NOT mention the giant idiot crab villain and his biggest fanboy on the planet!)
@jaypee116Ай бұрын
Zootopia 2 will likely have cringe moments with cilche cop tropes.
@Silvermoon32109Ай бұрын
Is it just me or does the Beyond song just sound like a rip off of Legends never Die?
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
That's true, they have similar melodies
@reneejones2627Ай бұрын
I loved the movie
@AmalgaMix_8Ай бұрын
Yeah! The people Moana brought along are simply forgettable and have no character development whatsoever. They are so unimportant that the movie can progress without them 🤦
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
The saddest part about it is the same is true for Moana's sister, like she could have made the plot so much more interesting but they just forgot they wrote her in
@NathaliaChavez-s1m20 күн бұрын
Please don’t kill me but personally I like Moana 2
@GregoryBronstein1Ай бұрын
Yo are you a Schaffrillas fan too?
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Good question
@GregoryBronstein1Ай бұрын
@ Are you gonna answer it?
@TheMochaMadnessАй бұрын
@GregoryBronstein1I think the joke is that they are
@anime.geek33010 күн бұрын
I like the movie solely bc my gay ass thinks moana is super hot lmao
@callmethecommentcountess9329Ай бұрын
I love Moana
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
The original Moana soundtrack is pretty fire
@ToastTheTurtleАй бұрын
Its about drive, its about power, we stay hungry, we devour🔥🔥
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Put in the work put in the hours and TAKE WHAT'S OURS 👊👊💥🤡🤡
@roiitzkovich4545Ай бұрын
I don't care. The song is catchy and Awhimai Fraser is an amazing vocalist.
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
@roiitzkovich4545Ай бұрын
@brainless_mastermind I mean, I can point out to other songs from other Disney movies where not all the songs relate to the same general message and just serve as fun ways to either introduce a character or express a certain situation. Topsy Turvy and A Guy Like You from Hunchback are either dumb humor or showcase a situation. They don't contribute much to the "a monster VS a man" theme. Some of the songs in Princess and the Frog don't contribute to the "chasing your dream" theme. Now you could say that these soundtracks are also criticized for the same reason. For as well received Hunchback is, not many people talk about Topsy Turvy or A Guy like You (and if they do it's probably complaining about how cringy the gargoyles are). You could also argue that these movies made up for their 1 or 2 weak songs with better stories. I won't argue against that. However, I just enjoyed the ride. Moana 2 is, in many ways, a weaker rehash of the first film, but the animation was great, the jokes were good, the Kakamoras were given more background, the ocean isn't as annoying as it was in Moana 1 (there are so many ways it could've made Moana's journey easier and it just didn't because it's an A-hole) and the 3rd act was quite nice. I'll admit Moana 2 isn't great, but I can't see why anyone will say it's a slop when there's nothing inherently offensive about it. It's not like KFP4, which, in many ways, broke the worldbuilding and undermined stuff from the past. If Moana 1 is a strong 8/10 for me, Moana 2 is a 6.5/10 I guess. There's a lack in character arcs and the songs aren't as good, but it's just a nice chill ride.
@selingermann55992 күн бұрын
Hooray! Fellow leftist comrade!!! :D
@ToastTheTurtleАй бұрын
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
Right on time
@Mattherrera-h8bАй бұрын
Julia Michaels at least tried with Wish but These Tiktokers I guess tried but feels like THE same in Moana
@brainless_mastermindАй бұрын
I'm sure Julia Michaels tried, but my thing is, even with poor conditions, you should be able to proofread your lyrics to make sure they don't have grammatical errors? Idk lol
@Mattherrera-h8bАй бұрын
@brainless_mastermind Julia Michaels was rushed to make the songs lol