The Most Dangerous Fear Factor Challenges

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Doctor Mike

Doctor Mike

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@queenofcrows 2 жыл бұрын
Beekeeper here! Co-owner of an apiary (bee farm) on the wet west coast of Canada. Your enthusiasm about honey is delightful, and the concerns you raise about the FF bee challenge are valid. I’ll try to respond to your concerns and any follow up questions here - STINGLESS BEES? Nope. There are 30,000 different kinds of bees in the world, but these look like your common honeybee, stingers and all, the same girls we have in our hives. EATING BEES… …is not recommended. There may be some discomfort. Bees sting when they’re trying to defend their hives or themselves. Being bitten or swallowed would definitely cause them to sting. It would be really foolish for a production company to make someone do that, because even if someone weren’t allergic to bee venom, such a swelling inside the esophagus would threaten the ability to breathe and *you* know how that would go. Even if the person killed the bee by biting it, dead bees can still sting. The stinger and venom are still there, and if you squish a dead bee the wrong way you’ll get zapped. A dead bee is like a loaded gun that no one is holding - if you pick it up wrong, you get hurt. I’ve been stung by more dead bees than live ones over the years :P BUT HE ATE IT!?!? The closeup shows a drone (male bee). Drones don’t have stingers. Female bees have stingers; drones have…boy parts. The anatomy is very similar, but even if you were to somehow entice a drone to “sting” you, it wouldn’t do anything because there’s no venom. I’ve handled lots of drones; they’re quite dim-witted and docile, rather like tiny fat puppies. (That said, I wouldn’t eat a puppy, or a live bee, for entertainment. That’s cruel and pointless.) COVERED IN BEES CAVEAT: Do NOT try this unless you are experienced in working with bees and familiar with their behaviour and how they express anger/upset/calmness. Being able to “read”/“hear” the bees’ language is of utmost importance. Someone else in the comments suggested this was a swarm. Their description of a swarm is accurate, butttt you can’t entice a swarm to land on a person like that. What they’ve done here is similar to “bee beards” that used to be common in county fairs and such. The bees in a colony are bonded to their queen by smell (pheromones). The queen has been put in a tiny cage and strapped to the person - all that queen’s comrades gather around her. The producers may have also sprayed the person with sugar water or queen pheromones to get the bees to spread around on the person instead of forming a clump. I do not advocate for this kind of practice. It’s manipulating the bees for no purpose other than entertainment, and the bees can be injured or killed by this practice. Many times I’ve stuck my bare hand into a clump of ~30,000 bees for fun, but the bees were already in a clump, I didn’t “put them there”, and no one - not me nor bees - was injured or killed. I know how to tell when bees are calm or angry; the average non-beekeeper doesn’t. Don’t do this. And please don’t manipulate the bees into “being clothing” for photos or entertainment; it’s pointless and bees can get stressed, hurt, or killed. TAKING OFF THE “SUIT OF BEES” Honeybees die when they sting (it disembowels them), so they only sting when they’re defending their hive or queen or when they’re overtly “attacked” (e.g. you pinch one by putting your hand on it or it gets stuck in your clothes). So as long as the person stays calm and still, doesn’t hold their breath or move jerkily, and doesn’t pinch any bees in their armpit or something, there’s relatively little chance of getting stung. The impact of the person hitting the ground knocked 90% of the bees off. (Watch that moment closely - instead of the bees just flying off her, you’ll see the bees fall to the ground, *then* fly up - it’s super cool and funny to see bees “fall down” in person when you knock them off a piece of beekeeping equipment ;) ) The queen in her cage was likely removed just before this, or immediately after. The remaining bees could be removed with a shop-vac, water hose, or leaf blower, and as long as the queen is still nearby, all those bees flying around will find her by smell and will all gather around her within 20 minutes. And one more thing that’s just a technicality that “bugs” me - 100,000 BEES That number’s likely made-up to sound cool on television. An average domestic honeybee colony has 35,000-65,000 bees, so 100,000 bees would be a really massive colony - and no decent beekeeper is going to subject their biggest colony to this kind of shenanigans. (And no, they wouldn’t have used two colonies on one person - that could result in a big angry brawl between bees from different colonies, with a nearly-naked person in the midst of them.) TL/DR: Eat honey, yes - eat bees, no. Wear sunscreen, yes - wear bees, no.
@lascanteki8188 2 жыл бұрын
This was actually quite informative, thanks. I'm personally very scared of bees, and stinging flying creatures in general. I was wondering about the not holding the breath part, that triggers bees? I had no ideas. Also, signs of anger? Can one learn that? Honnestly it'd be nice 'cause i've had a handfull of times just being stuck freezed in a spot waiting for a bee to stop circling around me (one time literally)
@queenofcrows 2 жыл бұрын
Lascan - thx for the kind feedback! It’s not so much holding your breath that triggers bees; it’s when you exhale after holding your breath. When you hold your breath, the carbon dioxide that you normally breathe out a little at a time with each breath instead builds up in your lungs. So when you finally exhale, you let out this big whoosh of CO2. To the bees, that smells like a bear or skunk sniffing around their hive and going after their larvae, so they get angry. If you do catch yourself holding your breath, let it out slooowly, and/or turn your head away from the bee so you’re not hitting it with a blast of CO2. Bees only get angry and try to sting when they think they’re being attacked, so it’s very unlikely you’ll ever encounter an angry bee unless you mess with a hive or pinch a bee by stepping on it or getting it tangled in your clothes. They die when they sting, so they really don’t want to sting unless they have to! The signs of anger in bees are mostly relatively subtle, observed mostly only within a hive colony, and hard to recognize unless you know what a happy bee acts like. They communicate through sound and smell (pheromones), not just “bee dances”, so if there’s something that upsets them they communicate that to their hive mates through subtle changes in their buzzing and smell. The only “bee anger” signs I can think of that you’d see in a single bee away from the colony are: - you bothered a hive, and now a single bee is flying very fast and chasing you as you run away from the hive. - a bee is arching its back (like a dog straining to poop) and trying to poke you with the very tip of its bum. This is it trying to sting you. If a bee is circling you, it’s checking you out to see if you’re a flower. Like hummingbirds and butterflies, they’ll check out anything that has an attractive colour or interesting scent. They circle around you to get a 3D view and compare it to the flowers they know and try to decide if you’re a flower or an animal. Staying completely still does nothing - but moving normally might help them decide between whether you’re a flower to be further investigated, or an animal to be ignored. DO NOT: - flail around, wave your arms, or otherwise do things that might look like you’re trying to attack the bee or might result in the bee getting caught in your sleeves - hold your breath (though sometimes it happens - see above) DO: - stay calm - breathe normally. Do slow breathing exercises to calm the anxiety - if there is smoke around, such as a candle or cigarette, wafting some smoke in their direction will neutralize any smells and make you seem less interesting - remember: it’s not attacking, it’s looking for flowers - you’re being mistaken for a flower :)
@lisabirch1632 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for writing this :) Ive had few bad encounter with bees, just one time a stepped on it and most recently when it got on my shirt a couple years back. Now I know not to.. do everything I did/ literally everything you write on the DO NOT list lol
@haelykim7961 2 жыл бұрын
Even tho I didn't read the whole thing..that was cool. Being able to give all that information, thx.
@sarudedandstorm9650 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that was very informative. Thank you for writing it all. ❤️🐝
@becauseifeallikeit0.061 2 жыл бұрын
My dad is allergic to bees and he drank one out of his soda, on a hot summer day. He almost died it stung him in the esophagus, and they actually had to change policy at a hospital in our area because they had the receptionist relay the message to the nurse. If the nurse had know how severe the reaction really was they would have taken him. Now a licensed nurse has to be notified, and put on the phone. Edit* OMG! 2.5K LIKES! IVE NEVER GOTTEN SO MANY LIKES IN MY LIFE THANK YOU GUYS!!
@keeptaiwanfree 2 жыл бұрын
omg that is horrifying… i’m glad your dad is okay!!!
@captain2348 2 жыл бұрын
2:38 gwen stacy: i know what thats like (making an amazing spiderman reference
@Step1234 2 жыл бұрын
@ruthiecole8634 2 жыл бұрын
I remember going to the hospital when I had been stung by a honeybee and the nurse was all relaxed about it, but I was alright, I just hung around to make sure I was breathing okay, but I understand too that we may get more and more sensitive as time marches on, the venom may kill us. I have two epi pens in so I can share if anyone needs it. Is that right Doctor Mike? I wanted to edit to say I was having allergic reactions to the bee's bite. Because of previous bee stings I had been told to go to the emergency department, so I did. Some nurses are going to be that way.
@nishoatto3095 2 жыл бұрын
Exact same thing happened to my mother
@ellenkarlsson9490 2 жыл бұрын
Fear Factor was the weirdest show. Watching this now, as a conservation biologist, I fear to imagine how big of a negative impact the show has had on wildlife conservation efforts.
@tallydane2770 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah they kill a lot of insects
@JebemTiZivot 2 жыл бұрын
It’s probably a negligible effect tbh
@unbearablepun8608 2 жыл бұрын
Lol how?? Main thing they targeted were insects and flies bees worms we are not worried about preserving them. Shame on you for taking it way out of context as a fellow scientist you should be ashamed your bias is screaming and we’re supposed to have none.
@utaufan1331 2 жыл бұрын
@ellenkarlsson9490 2 жыл бұрын
@@Aeoxmusic If people are told that an animal is disgusting or scary people won't see the need to protect it. Now I hardly think they used threatened species in the show but there are most likely close relatives, that look the same to the untrained eye, that are threatened and need of public support to survive. Imagine the effect Fear Factor might have had on, say for example, scorpion conservation if they depict scorpions as scary and gross.
@Aussierueswatches Жыл бұрын
9:42 "he's like a human condom" bruh that killed me 💀💀
@La_aJ Жыл бұрын
Same 💀
@rosierose8643 Жыл бұрын
Ex-Veterinary nurse here! You're 100% correct that wild rats (and likely some carelessly bred and poorly cared-for feeder rats) can carry many different diseases and are dangerous. However, fancy rats which are purposefully bred and raised as pets aren't much more "disease-ridden" than a cat or dog. In fact, we humans are more of a danger to them in captivity, as they can catch some strains of flu from us. I had four lovely female fancy rats and the worst thing about them was how prone they are to mammary tumors and cancer. They knew how to use the litter box, do tricks, and gave the best little rat kisses! Lovely, lovely animals that can make great pets for the right people.
@ryanngarza9217 3 ай бұрын
This is absolutely adorable thank you for sharing it made my day
@chickensandhorses5682 2 жыл бұрын
"If aliens were ever to come down to earth and see this [being covered in scorpions], they would feel pity on us" ~ Mikhail Varshavski, 2022
@bananayea1391 2 жыл бұрын
lol 😆
@gnarthdarkanen7464 2 жыл бұрын
Either that or call off the invasion they've been planning to hole up on the other side of Jupiter. We're obviously too stupid to survive too much longer on our own. ;o)
@meowjakx3 Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad I found your channel! I love these videos, it’s awesome hearing a medical professional weigh in on some of the crazy stuff we see.
@elliotm1316 2 жыл бұрын
As an entomologist who rears house flies in my lab, seeing those guys eat the marshmallows covered in flies like that was disgusting. Never in a million years.
@jujutrini8412 2 жыл бұрын
As a scaredy cat with a specialism in creepy crawlies, I concur.
@alijd6287 2 жыл бұрын
I thought flies when they rub their hands together they're cleaning themselves. I realize also they're probably eating the marshmallows too 😬
@bananawitchcraft 2 жыл бұрын
I'd rather have generations of spiders living in my house, than even one fly
@user-by7hj4dj9s 2 жыл бұрын
@@bananawitchcraft oh i welcome spiders. i live somewhere they are not at all dangerous to humans so there is that. with global warming maybe soon we sill get more bad stuff up north here but until that happens, spiders are welcome to hunt flies and other bugs in my apartment (not that there is many bugs),
@damprye 2 жыл бұрын
If I wasn't so busy laughing at Dr Mike gagging, I would be gagging to.
@sgtmjrplumley5735 2 жыл бұрын
I just want to say a HUGE thank you for having good closed captioning available!!! The auto generated captioning is better than nothing, but thank you for actually adding them! I am not deaf nor am I hard of hearing, but I grew up with CC because my mom is hard of hearing. She has one cochlear and one hybrid cochlear. Sadly, the hybrid doesn't work. Anyway, tysm!
@DoctorMike 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for noticing! We pay for professional captioning in English and Spanish to add that extra layer of accessibility for so many!
@saschamayer4050 2 жыл бұрын
@@DoctorMike Thank you for the subtitles! It's also great for when your little baby sleeps nearby and you don't wanna wake it up, even though you have time for video watching. 😉👍
@finne0n 2 жыл бұрын
@@DoctorMike Thank you for adding professional captioning! It really helps us folks who need it to accurately enjoy your content
@GriffinTheYoutubeOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
@@DoctorMike I love you doctor mike
@LauraFunFunFloweries 2 жыл бұрын
People meow at me about using the, CC on Netflix, etc, but I find it very helpful, even though I can hear, just fine.
@HiroiSekai 6 ай бұрын
There was one episode that I believe was actually removed from TV, and I could see why. The challenge involved you sitting down and someone slowly sticking needles through the underside of your arms. The longer you stayed in, the thicker they'd get sticking them in and the better your odds of advancing. I'm honestly not too terrible with needles. They suck during hospital visits and all, but I don't get traumatized by them like many others. However, that challenge was absolutely gnarly. I must have watched that episode like 20 years ago and I still can't forget about it. There was one lady who I distinctly remember doing everything in her power to give herself the best chance, but she was deeply sobbing at one point. Seriously unnerving.
@oscarv2556 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that he pukes when he sees flies on food yet he's a medical doctor and has seen many injuries throughout his career makes me laugh. 😂
@bee_new 2 жыл бұрын
Injuries and flies are two different things😭😭
@ngaphamthangdao5053 2 жыл бұрын
Flies can't chew food so they regurgitate enzymes onto the food then eat it.
@moonman239 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, he's in family practice. He probably doesn't often see anything this disgusting in the office.
@ngaphamthangdao5053 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr.evasion true unless you show me a lotus seed pod
@emanuelrojas2 2 жыл бұрын
Even doctors have their limits
@jamesbillingsby8043 Жыл бұрын
Joe Rogan had a funny story about the bee episode. Apparently, some other wild bees weren't happy and went to war with the bees they were using. The bee keeper was like "we got to let them figure this out"
@sporeham1674 Жыл бұрын
The insect world is so nuts, I love it
@Roddy556 11 ай бұрын
I would like to hear the phone calls to the various beekeeping services trying to rent bees.
@tazzyanderson1192 3 ай бұрын
I love that attitude 🤣
@SatumainenOlento 2 жыл бұрын
I have claustrophobia, but I did MRI for 45min on a hot summer's day for my skull and spine. I think I won the challenge! I did come out shaky and needed to have a moment. My trick was not to move a muscle and imagine very strongly that I was somewhere else. It was very hard to keep my mind under control, but *I DID IT!!!* I have had panic attacks in airplanes and houses. Elevators are very much a challenge.
@queenofcrows 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on facing such a profound phobia and coming through it! You win All The Things, because You Are Awesome 🥳
@levitatingeternity918 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty much same, except my MRI was for my wrist. So so proud of you that you faced your fear 🥰🥰🥰
@lilmizjoker6756 2 жыл бұрын
I fell asleep when i got an MRI 🤣🤣🤣 But i do freak out on airplanes tho
@beeeeeeess4769 2 жыл бұрын
Elevators scare me to death. If I can take the stairs I always do. My family is always like why are you taking the stairs and it’s because I have a terrible fear of being trapped in a small space. I can’t stand being held under a blanket either. Me and my friends were playing and he put my head under a blanket and held me. Him being a lot stronger than me I couldn’t get out. It scared me to death he soon realized I was actually terrified and let go and apologized but I’m also claustrophobic to say the least. Also congrats for facing your fear!
@bighoodie4315 2 жыл бұрын
I remember getting an MRI with claustrophobia (maybe 2, i dont remember). The techs were really kind and the hospital had a VR headset and let me watch a show I picked off the list of like, 10 shows to watch. I think the second time I was at another location that wasn't a hospital, and there was no TV but I just closed my eyes and pretended I was in an open room. It helped that I brought my own earplugs cause those things are loud and I'm noise sensitive too.
@booboojeffries279 Жыл бұрын
All of those were terrifying except for the rat one. Those were all fancy domestic rats, so the chances of them carrying any zoonotic disease are EXTREMELY low. Also, as someone who's kept rats as pets for nearly 3 decades, I'd totally sign up for that challenge!
@angie-ve2ds Жыл бұрын
same! rats are the sweetest little things, i'd be so happy
@Ze_Budgie_LoversTHEY_R_SO_CUTE Жыл бұрын
and the swimming one
@oceanstarzz Жыл бұрын
So would I. So cute!!!!
@joy3681 Жыл бұрын
Acho q não botaram os ratos selvagens ou de rua porque causariam problemas reais e mortais
@its.albert.510 Жыл бұрын
Same I love rats lol
@MarcelWestermaierTsamsiyu1 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Mike. About the bees. This is a swarm. They feed themselves with a lot of honey and go for search to a new location. When they are at this state, they usually don't sting at all, because they don't need to protect any honey. Just the Queen and she is most likely somewhere in the middle of all the bees.
@tidepodpadthai2633 2 жыл бұрын
I imagine the same doesn't apply when you're trying to eat them though
@aftokratory 2 жыл бұрын
@MollieIsNotOkay 2 жыл бұрын
I had no clue bees sing in general. Impressive.
@avlinrbdig5715 2 жыл бұрын
@@MollieIsNotOkay will have to inspect a behive and see if the song of bees can be recorded. .. maybe we can get them signed and famous!
@tagekarlsson6796 2 жыл бұрын
@@dtylerb the melody of their glorious past when they defeated their enemies (escape of the bumblebee)
@scratchpad7954 2 жыл бұрын
5:05 That line caught me completely off guard in the best way possible! 🤣
@yolismarnegroni5291 Жыл бұрын
@RamanNoodles01 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but for a dog owner, that is the most relatable part of this video
@kalskid1 2 жыл бұрын
So when I was like 4, my brother and I were watering in the garden and acidentally watered a mud wasp nest. We each received 50-100 stings ( I got a quite a few more, including some in my throat / nose) and still, at 38, have a huge inflammation response to stings. Frickin' terrifying. Years later, I got stung on the lip at one point after and it swole until it burst.
@JstA1denn 2 жыл бұрын
Ouch 😬 Hope your doing well and that you don’t get stung again
@stephsaguudefan1753 2 жыл бұрын
When my husband was young, he was hiding from someone in a bush and didn't realize his hand was in a hornet's nest. Thank God he wasn't allergic because he got a LOT of stings.
@estrobart6785 2 жыл бұрын
You mean it SWELLED
@rottensantara1526 2 жыл бұрын
@@estrobart6785 swole /swəʊl/ verb dialect form of swollen or swelled (see swell). "her eyes was so swole you couldn't see what color they was" adjective extremely muscular (used especially of a man). "if you're swole you'll look good in anything"
@love2bloved 2 жыл бұрын
Takes me back to the movie MyGirl 🤧
@LordCthulhuTheDestroyer Жыл бұрын
Having a panic attack while not being able to move at all would be the absolute worse thing ever.
@PikminGhost 2 жыл бұрын
8:33 Vet here! Mice and rats belong to diferent genus. The ones used on the show are fancy rats (Rattus norvegicus domestica), unlike some laboratory rat strains they are super docile and make fantastic pets :) there is little risk of lepto or salmonella if they are properly cared for. The ones responsible for the bubonic plague were black rats (Rattus rattus), which belong to the same genus, but are a different species.
@WiggYTubes 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Most adorable challenge ever. Proud rat momma here
@calebcrook5875 2 жыл бұрын
rattus rattus caused the black death lmao
@paulaa3218 2 жыл бұрын
I was looking for this reply! Thanks for commenting, it's sad to see how poor domestic ratties are still blamed for things like bubonic plague...
@theoneaboveall4533 2 жыл бұрын
One correction. Rats did not cause the Bubonic Plague in Europe. That was not rats. This has been proven.
@romainsavioz5466 2 жыл бұрын
Fancy rats ? They drink tea ?
@engineer0239 2 жыл бұрын
I would actually love to try escaping that underwater box. Im a scuba diver and one time the first stage of my regulator must have frozen up at around 15m. Had to swim up to my partner and give him the sign, and he immediately gave me his regulator before grabbing his secondary. Even though this was kind of a dangerous situation, we managed it like we were trained, which made it a strangely rewarding experience. The most important thing is to stay calm. The more you think, the more air you use. The other "Challanges" tho... No thanks. They are just tests of courage and/or how much pain you can endure. Just pointless torture to me.
@PtylerBeats 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, I respect tf outta you just being a scuba diver lol I went scuba diving one time (don’t know how deep we went. Part of me is thinking 30 ft, but I don’t know where that number came from), and I was having actual issues. When I fly on planes, by ears do not adjust to the pressure well. Last time I flew, my ears felt uncomfortable and it was difficult to hear for like a week. Diving underwater was so much worse. Every couple feet down felt like a few thousand feet in the air. So I was having a mini panic attack under the water, which is super rare for me because I’m a pretty calm, laid back, go with the flow kind of person. But something about being surrounded by ocean, feeling like my ears were about to explode, and partially not trusting that my equipment was going to work properly had me really stressed
@BroYoutubeRuinedMyUsername 2 жыл бұрын
I used to be a freediver so I’d like to try it as well. I can hold my breath for up to 7 minutes.
@Hazy_sweets 2 жыл бұрын
@@PtylerBeats I have that problem with my ears! But I’ve never been scuba diving so that a bit of a bummer because that pain is terrible. I feel like my ear drums are going to burst on planes sometimes. My doctor said it’s how the inside of my ear is built. I’m also prone to ear infections, more so when I was a kid, thank god.
@ericjackson7600 2 жыл бұрын
dude same my bc broke once and i had to dump gear and swim up with my buddy it scary at first but if you stay calm operating underwater is fun in any situation
@IAmAKay 2 жыл бұрын
I almost had a panic attack watching that clip. But I also had a bad experience as a kid, so might be a contributitor.
@TheFaustExperience 2 жыл бұрын
4:35 Thats a "bite suit" she's wearing, what you said was pretty spot on, you dont get punctured but if the dog comes at you with enough force, pressure/pain and bruises are in your future. Honestly though I was more worried about the dog; decoys in suits are trained specifically to work with the dogs momentum so they dont injure themselves coming in for a bite. The last thing you need is your dog getting hurt doing something it loves. I haven't personally seen anyone break bones in the suit, and never because of a dog bite but have heard of collarbones and arms being broken from the falls. Which are very rare, and often not even a result of a dog, as an example heard of someone tripping on their way out of the field and landed funny breaking their wrist(?) or something in the wrist. Anyway.... thats enough of me nerding out about dogs. (p.s. we love Bear!)
@Chuck_EL Жыл бұрын
I had a pit bull/rottweiler mixed dog and I worked at a farm and the owner gave me free pig and she ate the bones and broke the pig tibias with one bite and crushed the skull with maybe ten bites while she ate them , dog's jaw strength is very powerful
@TheFaustExperience Жыл бұрын
@@Chuck_EL Dogs jaws are definitely very powerful, but the combination of material and bulk provided by the suit is just simply not enough for a dog to get through! It is with a lot of research and compassion people have put into making bite suits the best they can be, because the unfortunate reality is: if a dog bites someone (even accidental) in many areas can mean they have to be euthanized.
@michelemyers1650 Жыл бұрын
My husband at the time suggested I go out in the suit for Our German Shepherd to “bite the bad guy”! Wow! That explains a lot! He certainly didn’t volunteer! 🙄
@zbs8334 Жыл бұрын
I've never watched fear factor and I can say I did not know these challenges were this bad! I don't know if I could do any of these.
@bobbobert9379 Жыл бұрын
Most of them aren't even like "facing your fear" to get over a phobia it's more like people have a genuinely reasonable fear out of a desire for self preservation. Like the tear gas one? Wtf? That's just torture.
@Kripahhhhh1402 Жыл бұрын
@@bobbobert9379 yeah..... When I see the tear gas one, it reminds me of the incident happening on soccer related sport in Indonesian. Basically a chaos happen when one team lose a match. As everybody panicking and rushing to the locked gate, a tear gas were launched by police killed more than 300 people along with those get crushed by the panicking crowd. I think, it's better not playing with dangerous stuff even for entertaiment purposes.
@heartlesszombie5472 Жыл бұрын
The only one I could do was the one with the rats because honestly it looks like they were using the types of rats that people keep as pets, so getting a disease is very unlikely. At the worst you get some bites but it's better than the literal torture of the other challenges.
@autothepilot6513 Жыл бұрын
@@heartlesszombie5472 I agree. The only one I could do is the rats one. Because if they are domesticated rats then I’d be fine. Because I like domesticated rats.
@neonblack211 10 ай бұрын
they just slowly made it worse and worse over time untill noone could take it seriously anymore
@arianaink100 Жыл бұрын
For the bees removal: they probably had to do a mix of smoke and brushing them off. The smoke causes the bees to asphyxiate (temporarily they’re okay smoke goes up bees drop to the floor and crawl around) but it mostly causes them to be ‘sleepy’ it’s easy to brush them off with your hands or with an actual paintbrush to be a little extra gentle. The bees were swarming meaning they put a queen somewhere on the contestants body or were scooping large amounts of bees onto the contestants. It’s unlikely the bees would start attacks because they’re in a search mode with more of those pheromones then group attack ones. You can eat bees with stingers and get stung in your tongue, throat, or intestines it’s not recommended to do with any stinging animal or animals with needle like qualities or pin bones. Eating spiders or scorpions ants you can also avoid the fang/tail/stingers/the venomous bits. When they’re alive, a sticky stick/grabber/scooper can grab em and you can eat them from there without actually getting stung. Breaking off the dangerous part and keeping the rest. (like how you can eat a rattlesnake but probably not the face or the bones out of safety and sharp quality.) Flies are gross they constantly clean but they’re not dying from e.coli so they don’t really care about being a Typhoid Mary and transferring it about. There’s a really neat species called the: Rat-tailed fly who’s larva stage is being studied by doctors and scientists because it’s unique tube expanding properties (great for stints/veins/ concepts, creating tech based off of how other natural life forms develop: inflatable structures/movable structures that function better then a robot-drain-snake.)
@retroflashbackdude Жыл бұрын
On another episode where they had to stand still while covered in twice as many live bees for a couple minutes (after all the bees were applied and before they were removed), they showed them removing the bees vie a combination of a smoker and the player jumping up and down a few times.
@arianaink100 Жыл бұрын
@@retroflashbackdude never saw the episode glad I was right tho it’s the typical thing to do. If you try to scoop em they just crawl back up cause they follow the strongest pheromone area but if they all fall at the same time they like to huddle together where they land no reason to crawl around and up again to find your pals
@queenofcrows Жыл бұрын
@Eryn Slyth Smoke does not suffocate or asphyxiate the bees. They can breathe just fine. Smoke is used to calm bees because it neutralizes the scent of their alarm pheromones. And I'm sorry to say, but your interpretation of a swarm is completely incorrect. (Source: beekeeper)
@arianaink100 Жыл бұрын
@@queenofcrows bees breathe oxygen from air sacs along their tracheae they have like 10 of em. They don’t die from carbon inhalation, because they’re so small and have a great oxygen delivery system that can essentially close those air sacs and they can retain their oxygen by slowing their metabolic rate. (Kinda like forcing their body into hibernation/coma) they usually cook when exposed to fire/smoke scenarios instead of dying from carbon asphyxiation due to their size. They can hold their breath longer then their body can endure the temperatures. They still have issues in those environments due to smoke not being the same as normal air. So what can they do as flying insects to avoid hot air updrafts and rising heat/smoke? Is it drop to the ground to be at the coolest point rolling in dirt debris and crawling/going into a tiny coma… sounds a lot like stop drop and roll if we’re discussing human terms. Best to have the immediate instinctual response to smoke/fire being a get down strategy rather then scatter and fly in every direction potentially burning to a crisp or spreading fire. (For bees and wasps located in paper/spit/trees/flammable houses it’s great to avoid getting burnt and going home and lighting up the whole structure. For other ground dwelling species they dig into cooler soil or seek out shelter/holes.) For swarming I’m correct they would have either scooped the bees onto them or placed a Queen in a capsule same kind of box you can buy them in to start colony’s. Bees swarm looking for the Queen to protect them primarily when moving to a new nest. Entomology over a honey farm any day.
@queenofcrows Жыл бұрын
@Eryn Slyth Your description of bees’ anatomy is correct, but there are some errors in the description of their behaviour. Bees do not respond to smoke by “dropping,” nor does it “cook” them. If the smoke were very thick (eg in the midst of a forest fire) of course they may suffocate like anyone would. But I and millions of beekeepers around the world use smoke daily when working with bees, and I have never seen that happen. Smoke neutralizes the bee alarm pheromone (like Febreeze neutralizes smells), so the bees stay calm. It does not harm them or affect them in any other way. They just continue to fly, walk around, do whatever they’re doing. We’ve also had weeks where the air was smoky from forest fires that were miles away - the bees just acted normal. Yes, they likely had the queen in a small cage (simply called a queen cage) and all the bees gathered around her. But that’s not a swarm. That’s just normal bee behaviour. The bees gather around the queen wherever she is - in the hive or outside of it. "Swarming" is a specific behaviour when a hive has gotten too crowded, so the queen and half the bees leave the hive to start a new colony somewhere else. The queen will land somewhere and per usual the bees will gather around her - a few scout bees will look around for a new home and when they find one, the bees including the queen will move into it. The bees do not gather around the queen so she can protect them - exactly the opposite. They gather to protect *her*. The queen doesn’t have any authority or give orders; she’s the egg-layer (mother) of the hive. They have to protect her because she’s the only one in the hive who can lay fertilized eggs, so if she dies the colony won't have any new worker bees and thus will die off. Between my partner and I, we’ve been beekeepers (not “honey farmers”) for over 50 years, so we’re pretty familiar with bee behaviour. Beekeeping businesses are for pollinating farmers’ crops to make the food we humans eat - honey is just a tasty byproduct of that, because while the bees are pollinating flowers they’re also gathering nectar for honey. Keeping bees just for honey is a good way to *lose* money. Beekeeping is expensive and if honey were sold at what it costs to produce, honey would retail for 3 to 5 times what it currently does and almost no one could afford to buy it. Some people keep a small handful of hives in their backyard for honey for their own use, but there’s no such thing as a “honey farm”, a business that just keeps bees for selling honey. They’d go bankrupt the first year. I made a much longer comment on this video a few months ago that has some more info in it. It’s got quite a few replies, so is probably close to the top of the comments.
@izzaacalley 26 күн бұрын
I absolutely love it when Joe decides to get involved and see if he can stand the challenge as well
@samhitatripathy2782 2 жыл бұрын
One thing this reaction taught me, apart from the great medical information, is that never ever watch this thing because although I managed to get out in a better state than Mike did (not to brag), I do not want to see people picking worms with in their mouths and then spitting them out in glasses. And as always nice video Mike.
@shelveswithstories13 2 жыл бұрын
I did the mistake of watching this entire video with an empty stomach
@rexana_rexana 2 жыл бұрын
@@shelveswithstories13 i feel like thats marginally better then seeing the episode after having JUST eaten. oof
@shelveswithstories13 2 жыл бұрын
@@rexana_rexana oh dear, for sure :"(
@arjunramakanth4370 2 жыл бұрын
It’s a good day when doctor Mike posts
@Kash_Monke 2 жыл бұрын
@twiggydragon3303 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree
@chaotickyrie3657 2 жыл бұрын
@aominedaiki3005 2 жыл бұрын
@moriah93ohio 2 жыл бұрын
So true
@lina9535 2 жыл бұрын
Hey now, as a former rat owner, I'm going to have to correct you here Mike. The domesticated rats, as those used in the show, aren't the ones carrying the diseses, your classic "sewer" rats, or more commonly known as brown rats, are the ones you wanna watch out for. Rats are really clean animals actually, and make for great pets, and they can be super intelligent, and it's partially because people think that they carry diseses that they are often overlooked as pets. I mean, I can't really blame the people way back when, that didn't see the fleas on the rats that were the actual carriers of the black plague, it wasn't the rats, it was the FLEAS who really spread the plague, get your black plague facts right Mike! So rats get a bad rep. The only bad rat is a snitch ;)
@DarlingChaos 2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU!!! As a rat owner, I got instantly defensive when he started in on rats. 😅
@lina9535 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarlingChaos You're very welcome! I really think it's because most people, when they hear "rat", think of the wild oned, and might not know that domesticated rats are different. And depending on when you went to school, they hadn't updated the textbooks to not blame the rats for the plague (or people don't watch documentaries anymore).
@DarlingChaos 2 жыл бұрын
@@lina9535 Oh absolutely. I also grew up on an orchard where seeing wild rats was common. Where my grandparents would squeal and run away or set traps or kill them with shovels, I was picking them up bare handed and moving them away from where we were working, that was about 22 years ago. Always had an affection for rodents (except hamsters, for some reason... Lol). There are still loads of differences between wild and domestic, but I've had no worse experience with either, and have even gotten my dad from an absolute Fear of rodents to a quiet tolerance of seeing them in my home and seeing my children interact with them. My CATS even chill comfortably with them, lol. They're so misunderstood, and I love them so much. I enjoy the education of animal facts and correcting misinformation, it's one thing I hope to instill in my kids that these creatures aren't evil filthy vermin to be destroyed. It's also what I love so much about the Disney movie Encanto. It actually portrays what adorable dorks rats really are. 🥰
@bluefoxthecutest2628 2 жыл бұрын
People also just don't like rats in general. I don't like most tiny creatures as pets.
@Cloverkitty 2 жыл бұрын
@Bluefox Doesn't excuse spreading misinformation.
@misstiredeyes Ай бұрын
SURPRISE APPEARANCE FROM BEAR! 🐻 I LOVE IT. I have a rescue pitbull and his name was Bruiser when we got him but it ONLY matched his appearance, NOT his personality so we wanted to change it to something less aggressive but sounded similar so the transition was easy so we named him Brewster! he's the biggest cuddle bug and a baby at heart (always wanting love and smooches and crying if he doesn't get enough) and we've dubbed him with SO MANY nicknames. a few of my favorites are: Brew Choo Train, Creamy Cold Brew, Brew Bear, Brewstovich, Brew Boy, etc. and yes, he answers to all of them and gets really happy when we call him by them. but the bear one originated bc sometimes his face/head looks like a bear 🐻
@indigoeye3874 2 жыл бұрын
I watched that show occassionally more than ten (?) years ago, then completely forgot it existed! Oh, god, just remembering all the terrible things they would do, especially for the second disgusting challenge! It really makes me wonder how much they payed those people to be willing to go through this.
@ckcaitlyn 2 жыл бұрын
How much did they?
@avgjoeshow4208 Жыл бұрын
Joe Rogan himself has said that he doesn’t understand how they got away with half of the crap they made people do on that show. Looking back that show was freaking crazier than I thought. Youd never get away with that today.
@Cobras7111 11 ай бұрын
6:31 “You are allowed to make exactly one mistake while working on energized equipment” -my electrical line training instructor
@themintycafe5208 2 жыл бұрын
6:10 That's literally just SAW at that point
@mhsness6168 2 жыл бұрын
I remember watching an NCIS: New Orleans episode where the bubonic plague had occurred. The coroner was examining the body and when she realized what it was, she hit a red button and closed herself off from everyone. She told two of the agents they needed a mask before she revealed the cause. They even had to call in characters from the original NCIS for help. It was beyond crazy.
@frosthammer917 Жыл бұрын
The bubonic plague is an existent disease yes but it is easily identifiable and very much curable if the person goes to a doctor as soon as symptoms arrive and it isn't that infectious(plus it isn't an airborne disease so I don't see how masks would help?). Also in general NCIS is a REALLY REALLY BAD source of info on anything, the show is infamously inaccurate, so take everything with a grain of salt.
@jawaela Жыл бұрын
What does this have to do with anything? It's a fictional show
@MrAydinminer Жыл бұрын
@@jawaela Damn bro you're mean he was just telling us about an interesting memory not everything has to fully relevant to the video
@bullshet153 2 жыл бұрын
I just got CPR certified and they didn't even talk about drowning, just choking. Thanks for the info about rescue breaths, I hope to never have to use it though.
@Imwatchingu220 2 ай бұрын
Panic attacks are not a joke and as someone with experience and with anxiety Dr. Mike’s explanation is very accurate
@user-lm1fi6fh7z 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Doctor mike I have been sick for a few days now and I have been binging your KZbin videos. Super entertaining. Thanks for helping me get through my sickness
@boojersey13 2 жыл бұрын
Feel better soon! :)
@yay4439 Жыл бұрын
this is a very interesting video for that, though lol
@Venya9 2 жыл бұрын
I vividly remember watching the broken glass episode as a kid and as stepping on broken glass and needles was one of my biggest fears back then, this video stirred up some memories lol. Most of it just makes me want to gag tho.
@writeme-6303 2 жыл бұрын
*Thanks for watching, text me on the above number for more insights and information...*
@morris_better_with_ava6491 4 ай бұрын
Tbh, the bee thing, I wouldn't be scared because at school (before summer break), me and my middle school class will work with hiney bees, of course there's a professional there and we're wearing bee suits, ever since then, I've grown to love bees! 😍🐝
@kelsea27 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Doctor Mike. Im 13 and my dream is to become a doctor one day. I love your videos because it shows that doctors aren’t just serious healers, they are people who laugh too. It also lets me learn some medical terms while watching a video i enjoy. Thank you for having such a great channel :)
@PRGames_ 2 жыл бұрын
GG's to you. You'll get there eventually 🤗 Keep on going. One day you will become a great doctor.
@wallflower21 2 жыл бұрын
Same here what type of doctor I want to be a neurosurgeon
@Lalaundercover389 2 жыл бұрын
Hope your dreams come true!
@kelsea27 2 жыл бұрын
tysm guys :)
@wallflower21 2 жыл бұрын
@@kelsea27 what type of doctor
@spookysneeze6352 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the new subtitles!!!!! I am deaf and I love your videos. But the auto generated ones were so chunky and hard to follow with and didn’t always match your lips or facial expressions or make sense so I knew it wasn’t the right things then I missed that part 😕 But I highly appreciate them now!!!😭😭❤️ My brother also was at HOSA internationals in Nashville and saw your speech and said you were so inspirational. We just love you very much in our family!
@alexmedia. 2 жыл бұрын
I'm honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!💛
@skedzer4803 2 жыл бұрын
Effort? It's a reaction video, the only effort is becoming a doctor, but that was not for the video.
@360Turn 2 жыл бұрын
@keatonwastaken 2 жыл бұрын
@@skedzer4803 you're talking to a bot
@NemesisFromResidentEvil 2 жыл бұрын
Comment bot, please deposit yourself into the nearest volcano.
@tjjavier 2 жыл бұрын
I think I saw this exact same comment by the exact same account on another video.. EDIT: I just confirmed that he did post the exact same thing, on a Deathbattle video. I wonder what the point is. It's weird lol
@k1ttyXO 8 ай бұрын
To be honest I would only do harmless ones that just REALLY scare me bc eating something gross would make me throw up and possibly pass out bc I have really severe anxiety about throwing up 😭
@karolakaradebolag 2 жыл бұрын
i think the claustrophobia challenge was by far the most horrifying, if you start to run out of air and your partner hasnt completed the challenge, you cant do anything, you cant move or anything its kinda lke drowning, where you try to call for help but youre just trapped, true horror right there
@f.horstmann8447 2 жыл бұрын
To me, personally, it was the least. Thats probably because I enjoy small spaces due to the fact it makes me feel secure, like a hug. Further long explaination you are free to skip 😂 A little calculation on why I dont feel the same horror like most people. Maybe this information can help some people calm down from an oncoming anxiety attack ❤️ ----- We breathe using half to one litre of air per breath unless exerting, but we only use up 1/4 of the oxygen in it. We breathe at 6-12 breaths per minute, using around 12 litres of air per minute, but we can use that air 3-4 times before it becomes problematic, so we "use up" 3-4 litres of air per minute. If one person were in a 2m squared space, and a litre is 10cm*10cm*10cm, then the space 2m*2m*2m contains 8000 litres of air, enough to last 33.5 hours. (And if I remember correctly, there was this guy who got stuck in a lift for 41hours and experienced mild hallucinations, that's about it. Also, if youre getting claustrophobic in a lift, they have good ventilation, you're not going to suffocate) His space is not 2x2x2 meters, nor very ventilated, but in emergencies I can see him lasting an entire day, depending on if his panic attack is bad enough to make you take more breaths, therefore using up more oxygen. ------ I think thats why I wasnt impressed by that challenge, because the producers wont wait a day for his friend to pick the lock. Nothing can go wrong, unlike eating bees (throat swelling) and the water tank (drowning).
@Sol17Opacus 27 күн бұрын
9:57 "We gotta eat that? I can't eat all of it." 10:28 "My feet are strong!" . "Fear was never a factor, Joe Rogan."
@rafaelaveralugo7626 2 жыл бұрын
10:28 Host: We'll have you walk on broken glass Dr. Mike: It's more of a mental thing. Host: Then we'll have you walk on Legos Dr. Mike: NO
@redfailhawk Жыл бұрын
I have accidentally eaten bees twice while biking. Yes, you can feel them moving as they hit the stomach, and no, it doesn’t feel great. Good thing I’m not allergic.
@feliciaalmen8665 2 жыл бұрын
9:51 Love how Mike didn't point out how bad those chest compressions were, cause everyone could see that they were bad
@amandanmarino 6 ай бұрын
"Snapping of the neck is never ideal." - a gentleman and a scholar 😂😂
@Mmmmn520 2 жыл бұрын
6:36 yes I can agree electrical skin burns which I’ve had one really hurt
@victor.novorski 2 жыл бұрын
Get well soon
@Donut0389 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with the electric eels is that biologically, you are not holding onto that fish. The shock from the eels isn't just deterrent, it physically causes your muscles to spasm. This makes you involuntarily let go. In the wild, the eels either kill the assailant creature or the shock forces the creature to let the eel go. It can also induce heart attack in humans. Would not recommend. Think shoving a fork in a light socket. When you get shocked by in home 110 current, you involuntarily recoil. Same type of current. Coincidentally this is why Edison's push to make home electrics DC current failed. DC current does the opposite and locks you onto whatever is shocking you, leading to electrocution.
@GrandHighGamer 2 жыл бұрын
> Think shoving a fork in a light socket. When you get shocked by in home 110 current, you involuntarily recoil. Same type of current. Coincidentally this is why Edison's push to make home electrics DC current failed. DC current does the opposite and locks you onto whatever is shocking you, leading to electrocution. You've got it backwards. AC stops hearts /much/ more easily, the same with muscle contractions. DC because it's one big contraction is more likely to send you flying, or leave you without enough control to try and wrench your limb free. DC lost because it's much harder to transport large distances.
@rcv_realmusic 2 жыл бұрын
5:09 is that a newfoundlander? 😍🐻
@lunathedragon123 Жыл бұрын
@clarabel_adoring Жыл бұрын
🇨🇦 dogs
@santiagogomilacaro2841 8 ай бұрын
I've spent hours watching Dr.Mike content, but today I saw a pun so bad (this is a big mouse, while referencing his periferial mouse) that totally knocked me off. EMOTIONAL DAMAGE. Mad respect for him though.
@rhfjuufhdnfjfjc3752 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with the electric eels is that it can be almost out of water shock you and then makes your muscle spasm and drop it and it still shocks outside water
@ninesevenpotatoes 2 жыл бұрын
1:52 "Yeah it's hard to breath because of all the little wgyhrghyf4w2guyjyuj4w things are going in your mouth!" Thanks for the genius medical advice Mike.
@dorothymariemalinowski6536 Жыл бұрын
I remember one episode of Fear Factor that kind of ticked me off. The person in question didn't quit because they were afraid. They had a legitimate allergic reaction, to an item they didn't know they were allergic to when they join the show. They even wanted to continue but the show is like we can't support this because you could legitimately die. It's not like this was filmed alive, they could have totally reset and not look like a-holes.
@davemadison3360 2 ай бұрын
I have a Newfie too! Sweetest dog I’ve ever had. Slobbery. And numb as a post but unquestionably the nicest dog I’ve ever met.
@NurseMadDbee 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a nurse and would love to talk with Dr Mike about some misinformation I’ve heard/incorrect things he’s said. I love how genuine he is and straight up wholesome guy.
@cheryl-lynnmehring8606 2 жыл бұрын
Like what exactly?
@jarskil8862 2 жыл бұрын
Mind elaborating?
@NurseMadDbee 2 жыл бұрын
@@jarskil8862 the first thing that comes to mind is when he said that weighted blankets don’t have a scientific reason for being “therapeutic” (I’m paraphrasing). Weighted blankets compress the central nervous system (CNS) and decrease the sympathetic (SNS) response ie. fight or flight, and therefor decreasing anxiety and stress. Swaddling babies and giving long/tight hugs can produce similar therapeutic effects which I thing is where hugs originate from. I’d have to go through more videos to point out specific examples but I remember thinking “hmm, I disagree with that statement” a couple times.
@ginamariasaracione1286 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Mike definitely needs to do an episode of Hot Ones!! Sean Evans would have awesome questions for him! #HotOnesChallenge #FirstWeFeast. Would love to see dr Mike describe everything the hot sauce does to him.
@brycekirkham6896 2 жыл бұрын
Been wanting to see him on hot ones for ages now!
@GingerSnape46 2 жыл бұрын
I love Hot Ones anyway, so it'd be a treat to see him on there!
@autumnzellers3855 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! I would be so down for this.
@Ghilannugs 2 жыл бұрын
He'd mostly just be describing how capsaicin works on receptor cells.
@fulanodominicano 2 жыл бұрын
Only AFTER Matpat. Hell, I'd love to see Dr.Mike address Matpat's go at hot ones
@Cherryboddu Жыл бұрын
Their need for money would be in a extreme level to participate in these shows
@wanderingbelle7 24 күн бұрын
The things human beings choose to do are absolutely bizarre
@odynzeyez6259 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact. I got leptospirosis from a pet rat I had. Usually people don't even know they have it. Me on the other hand went sceptic had my muscular system shut down and almost died. Because I was a recovering addict sober for 4 years at the time (7 now), they accused me of getting a blood infection by using needles and basically almost let me die. Until one intelligent nonbiased doctor came in asked about my pets and when he found out I had a rat he knew right away and saved my life. Seriously wild ride.
@chickensandhorses5682 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Mike: "You know what's funny, I'm acting grossed out by this, but this is usually how I spend my Friday nights" Also Dr Mike: *almost vomiting (**11:45**)*
@mlady2584 Жыл бұрын
3:41 my mum was scrolling through face book and the song "you spin me right round" was playing Im crying 😂
@Spudbrainz 2 жыл бұрын
Very good video doctor Mike! I just have a question, how is anything showed in that program legal at all??? I mean, it involves animals suffering, and actual incredibly dangerous situations, I feel like this kind of show must have been banned or something like that… but after all I’m not American so I don’t really know. Keep up the great content!
@lapatti 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I was thinking the same thing, especially about the bees.
@shelveswithstories13 2 жыл бұрын
same question, this must been painful/ traumatic for the animals too
@MoonLiteNite 2 жыл бұрын
I am american and i eat flies, worms, crickets, and bees when i catch them. No way in hell it should be illegal. edit: and just this morning, i baked some yummy ant chocolate cookies and shared some at work :)
@_z_873 2 жыл бұрын
@@MoonLiteNite There's a difference between actually catching and eating things to forcing things into incredibly stressful and harmful situations with no intent to eat them (like the superworms, leeches, and people forcefully grabbing aquatic animals because they're afraid of them)
@HackiePuffs 2 жыл бұрын
Lots of people ignore smaller animals when it comes to animal cruelty
@AloneSitoYTTM Ай бұрын
9:01 holy that perfect rolled R 🗿
@ManukaDeadEyes Жыл бұрын
The scorpions used are only about as venomous as a bee and they are much more likely to pinch first. They're also pretty docile. If I was in there I'd be more afraid of crushing them while moving and accidentally stinging myself.
@Ryan.delp08 2 жыл бұрын
Another great video from Dr. Mike let’s get him to 10 million subs ❤️❤️❤️
@mathiasgrytyr7918 2 жыл бұрын
@alexrusso6503 Жыл бұрын
When I was a kid I went to a fear factor themed birthday party. It was great the only thing I couldn't do was the eating part where they made food to look like different or spoiled food. I will always remember that party it was great!
@Klw2010 Жыл бұрын
When I was a kid, would we play fear factor at birthday parties and sleepovers. We would mix everything you could find in the fridge and cabinets and force eachother to eat it. Best memories
@joshuagraham3854 2 ай бұрын
I agree about the rats, those were domestic rats bred as pets -- that person was basically being buried in a pile of puppies.
@epsilonicronecronomicon Жыл бұрын
10:42 and it feels just like i'm a-walkin' on broken-
@VENTlLATION 2 ай бұрын
"Testiccle Receptable" is something I never thought I'd hear.
@keatonwastaken 2 жыл бұрын
5:31 Mike: "There's actually long term effects to tear gas, that's why they try and avoid using it.." Police whenever there's any kind of protest: *shoots 50 canisters per person*
@a.r.t4954 2 жыл бұрын
@mason4533 2 жыл бұрын
“we were scared for our lives 🥺🥺so we did what we had to” you were in full riot gear bro …
@ColinTherac117 2 жыл бұрын
Every soldier has to go through the gas chamber. The gas in the show must have been not even a quarter as much as what I went through in training.
@ColinTherac117 2 жыл бұрын
@@mason4533 Whenever you think police are being to hard on rioters, please remember that everyone there chose to be there, and that Abraham Lincoln used heavy artillery to disperse a riot in NYC. And that riot was caused because the poor Irish immigrants who were escaping an engineered genocide of their home country did not want to be conscripted and be blown up fighting in the US civil war.
@tazzyanderson1192 3 ай бұрын
7:00 That's the face of a slick king who knows he's too slippery and quick for you to control him even if his power was off
@ililililililililliil 2 жыл бұрын
11:18 You can actually get very sick and have things like tapeworm from eating Flies, I don't know how mass majority of these challenges even got accepted. Guess that's early 2000's TV for ya
@kyryloslav Жыл бұрын
2:30 In terms of physics that's not really plausible in any way, but this exact scenario is VERY dangerous because the helicopter is really gonna feel that strong sudden pull from her dropping and bouncing back, and it can actually lose control If it was a heavy heli (like Chinook) I wouldn't be so worried, if it was a light heli (like MH-6) would be extremely worried, this is also a pretty small heli, so why would they do this?...
@monkemaul5544 2 жыл бұрын
I love how he's so focused and the testical part make me laugh so hard
@JoeP921 Жыл бұрын
Mike: Talking about how dangerous bee stings are Me: Being allergic to bee stings. "Who would've thought"
@akira6457 Жыл бұрын
"hey,i want to torture people but i don't want to be arrested" "Say no more!"
@Ellie_2007 2 жыл бұрын
Seeing that one with the suffocating and being put in one of those freezers gave me anxiety because I have severe claustrophobia and a fear of suffocating so that was a bit scary- don't know how these people do it.
@Ballz2U2 2 жыл бұрын
they did it because they didn't actually suffocate
@Ellie_2007 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ballz2U2 no Duh Sherlock~ but like how to they have the courage to do that is what I'm saying, there is still that chance they can suffocate so they are risking their lives.
@baileybasinger3455 2 жыл бұрын
There are some of these where I'm like "that is so freaking dangerous why would you make someone else do that?" And then they pull out the pet rats and Rocky Mountain Oysters and I'm like "...... But why? It's really not that bad??"
@omernaaman7933 2 жыл бұрын
2:36 That can't happen since she is starting with 0 speed, bouncing downwards, and according to the laws of physics, she cannot pass the initial height of the jump unless given additional speed by an external object. It's similar to a basketball being dropped from a certain height- it would bounce and every time it touches the ground, it will reach a slightly shorter altitude, and eventually, due to the friction with the air, will come to a stop.
@dominiquehebert4903 2 жыл бұрын
Still terrifying, what if there was a sudden downdraft of wind and the helicopter actually moved lower while she bounced back up. It just seems like there are too many factors to completely control a stunt like that.
@memehub.112 2 жыл бұрын
@Jose_hates 2 ай бұрын
"Bull Testicles" is that one Total drama island
@Sh4dow_Puppetz Жыл бұрын
0:56 well now we clearly know why bees are dying out
@Wendifur_ 2 жыл бұрын
I remember watching Fear Factor in the beginning and it was cool because there was a lot of stunts. Eventually it just deteriorated into just eating gross things and just got boring and gross.
@claraschlieman2064 2 жыл бұрын
I have a question. When I was little, I had to have surgery on the side of my head because of what me and my parents call a ‘unicorn horn’. I think there was a weird bone growth or something. The doctors said when I would be about 15, it would be sticking out of the side of my head, like a unicorn horn. Do you know what could have caused this?
@rhov-anion 2 жыл бұрын
Was this perhaps an osteoma? They are a non-cancerous tumor that can cause the bone to grow and create something like a "horn."
@esatacikgoz2016 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve heard of them too, I’d guess that it probably is an osteoma. Because they are non cancerous though, they only give a “weird” look and otherwise are harmless
@claraschlieman2064 2 жыл бұрын
@@rhov-anion @Esat Acikgoz Ooo. Ok. Thanks for explaining. The story has left me confused for quite some time.
@ihadastrokereadingthis Жыл бұрын
as someone with breathing problems, having to last inside that awful gas would KILL ME….literally
@IShy2 2 жыл бұрын
I was actually getting anxious trying to watch the broken glass one Thank gosh Fear Factor is gone (is it, if not don't tell me), because, if the challenges are this insane, I don't know what they'd do with my fear of quicksand, I'm thinking it would be something that'll make me scream so much you'd think I'm in a horror movie
@HelloIAmAnExist 2 жыл бұрын
2:44 it is if you're a murderer
@Vexxy197 Жыл бұрын
I want to see the people who made the show go through ALL OF THESE at ONCE
@Haewoniist 9 ай бұрын
Human be using their creativity in the worst way possible sometimes
@NanaNana-kq1om 2 жыл бұрын
I had to stop at 7:44 I can’t watch this anymore
@Baby-rc1cb 2 жыл бұрын
That really sucks
@HommusMan Жыл бұрын
@@Baby-rc1cbdid you really have to do it
@secludedmisanthrope6388 2 жыл бұрын
When I was in the Marines and stationed at MCBH I was sent on a work detail to assist the base MP's with K9 training. My job was to put on one of those suits and run for my life while being chased down by that snarling K9. The suits are puncture proof, but the dog can bite you wherever it wants and when the jaws and teeth violently clamp onto you, it still hurts.
@gordatados 2 жыл бұрын
I remember an episode where they had 10 sewing type needles. They started with smallest size, and went up to largest. They stuck them under their forearm skin, them out again about an inch farther over, to see how many they could take! wtf, fear factor!
@mook_butt8037 Жыл бұрын
8:55 The bubonic plague was spread by fleas carried by rats, the rats were not the direct cause of transmission.
@AntiSociety100 2 ай бұрын
Bro Jean Claude Van Damme was one of the few actors who actually was a fighting champion before his acting career ^^
@S14M07 2 жыл бұрын
4:19 I think watching that was the first time I ever like almost threw up in my mouth watching something
@Mysterious_robloxian Жыл бұрын
i was eating 💀
@satoko6370 2 жыл бұрын
My anxiety levels during this is honestly like a rollercoaster.
@ag3nt_830 2 жыл бұрын
A single electric eel can output enough electricity to kill several people so putting six in a small tank and putting your hand in there is an awful idea.
@NorahWetzel Ай бұрын
@inertintagz7125 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Mike is literally the best human being in every way I just felt like I needed to say that
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