when someone says league ist mechanically intensive they're thinking of accurate and quick inputs with both mouse & keyboard on a larger "area". league genuinely isnt a mechanically intensive game if you're comparing it to say high level in fps games. i understand what bwipo is saying there, but in this case im pretty sure its them just misunderstandign eachother because "mechanically intensive" is such a broad statement if you dont make a basis of what "mechanically intensive" really means and then compare it to X
@plasmahvh Жыл бұрын
league is definitely mechanically intensive. things like tethering, spacing all have really high skill ceilings. i don't see how are cs/val much harder than league in terms of mechanics. aim comes from crosshair placement and expecting enemies to show up. i'd say for honor is a lot harder mechanically than both cs/val and league. it requires split second decision making and lightning fast reflexes. but it lacks strategy
@cheyhey2170 Жыл бұрын
@@plasmahvh i miss for honor. i've played it on a high level for ages but honestly i would say that its not mechanically intensive at all compared to fps games. fps games have an infinite ceiling in terms of raw aim. though games like cs & valorant have less to do with aiming than say apex. i think for honors skillfloor is fairly high, but that is because you need to learn everyones patterns and its an "unusual" game, which means you have to get used to it first which puts a lot of people off already. lights are +-300ms reaction but there is a compensation for ping. if you expect it and develop the musclememory, you can parry every "random" shinobi light etc. guardslipping can happen occassionally, but yeah. if you're looking at the top 0.1% of aimers, be it in kovaaks or when they play games (look at viscose for example) i think you will notice why i think mechanically speaking fps games are harder. as i said in my original comment though, you have to make a basis what really counts as "mechanically intensive". in the end u could argue its subjective since the scenarios are a bit different.