The Most OP Race Set Up In Age of Wonders 4

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@kcw1879 Жыл бұрын
I am sure that using this "mathmatical" way of playing may give you a better chance of winning the game, but for me, I am having so much fun playing with and against the role playing and thematic races in the game. For myself, I would not have fun picking traits and spells based on the best meta and min maxing or cheesing my way to victory.
@kcw1879 Жыл бұрын
@@jontaii152 It's the right way to play if you only want to win. This game reminds me of when Humankind came out. Pick different traits, units and bonuses every epoch, but until a lot of balancing and tweaking, it was too easy to pick combos that made you civ super OP.
@sphaera2520 Жыл бұрын
“It’s the wrong way to play” seems to contradict the game that tries to encourage all play styles.
@reanukeyves9041 Жыл бұрын
Kinda begs the question why you "choose" to watch this video
@ZenStrive52 Жыл бұрын
I am having fun with my angelized barbarian kitty
@durema9720 Жыл бұрын
@@jontaii152 Genshin
@metalhev3989 Жыл бұрын
Tome of the Goddess of Nature is insanely, absurdly overpowered. The Gaia major transformation a few tiers below it gives your entire race the plant template, which isn't mentioned on the spel, so this gives your entire race +20% crit and 4 blight damage. Plus having vision of all forests is insanely busted.
@cubandarknez Жыл бұрын
yeah that wasn't clear from tooltips, but once you realize that then mass rejuvenation just means you will never lose any units as long as you are winning the combat and cast it at the end of the fight. Agreed, nature V tome is nutso, but then again, so are most nature V tomes on paper. Will be interesting to see if any multiplayer games get that far into the game to really see tome V armies against one another.
@joshmeyer8172 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact about mind control in AoW4: If the only units your enemy has left are mind controlled, you immediately win the battle and those units just die.
@erigclapton8717 Жыл бұрын
was hoping we got the unit but ok..
@johnjohna6280 Жыл бұрын
@@erigclapton8717same that’s what used to happen in AOW3.
@babri1402 Жыл бұрын
@@johnjohna6280 IIRC you used to keep the mind controllled units in AOW 3.
@johnjohna6280 Жыл бұрын
@@babri1402 Thats what I meant, the above comment said "was hoping we got the unit" I replied "same that's what used to happen in AOW3". Thinking about it though it made rouges too OP with the roving bands of succubi seducing everything that moved.
@MYPSYAI Жыл бұрын
That's pretty good, I haven't even used all those tomes - starting with Horde is what I do too. But I use Dark Culture, because they have Tier 1 Shock infantry, and I just go all in on tier one buffs. Use all the minor race transformations, unit enchantments, etc... I haven't even had a game go long enough to get a lvl V tome, because dark tier 1 shock troops are totally broken and you can just mob all over your enemies and summon 2 more warriors a turn, so by turn 30 you've got 5 armies of tier 1 troops plus whatever else you managed to build or find.
@dsinemoi1mouton Жыл бұрын
Just 3 things : 1. wild totems 2. nymphs 3. astral reflections You don't need more. 1 nymph + 3 turns of astral reflections on it, and you can auto resolve any combat
@Firespark81 Жыл бұрын
Really? Lol I gotta test this
@michaelmcallister9519 Жыл бұрын
Drop the mana one for a dark affinity point perk. The -30% mana upkeep in the dark tree is OP, it’s the upkeep that’s important, not the summoning cost. Chaos is okay, nothing special, I prefer all nature tome builds.
@r3dp9 Жыл бұрын
Most animals are Low Maintenance, for even lower upkeep. Some are Magic Origin too.
@alexvoskresenskiy7961 Жыл бұрын
now its -20% only, and only for units with magic origin
@brandonvoice8941 Жыл бұрын
Any build is op when you understand game mechanics and what the setting is.
@aries148 Жыл бұрын
Barbarians are extremely strong. Barbarians with fast recuperation and adaptable with tome of beasts start. Champion Origin. Straight early game domination and you have a lot of resource control to spiral into late game.
@tanchyon Жыл бұрын
This is basically what I'm doing in my first run, enthralled orcs with animal tome.
@MYPSYAI Жыл бұрын
I am pretty sure the terrain you cast animal summons determines the Animal. Just did a wrath of nature run with underground adaptation and I was summoning 90% spider matriarchs with an occasional worm in there. I always cast the summon greater animal underground. With 5 Matriarchs your bringing 11 units per stack, plus war dogs and totems, i had like 50 units in every battle, basically doubling myself 100% beast + 3 heroes.
@aries148 Жыл бұрын
@@MYPSYAI yeah! I usually cast it on a forest tile so I can increase my chances of getting a tier III warg or the tier 4 phoenix
@silverpact1008 Жыл бұрын
Answer: Play Elf. Mystic. Evocation Tome and Pyromancy Tome start. Followed by necromancy and filler. Then get the plant Tome with decay proj. Culture traits gifted caster and dark evocation. Use lightning orb start. From there, run around killing anything you can get your ands on. Unit deaths don't matter, fill it back up. Speed run to level 10-15. Kill everything in the game with an army of evocation mages. Run around with 3-4 stacks of mages, and remove everything in your path from this realm.
@alexvoskresenskiy7961 Жыл бұрын
Animal Handler perk from III Tome of Vigor gives Mind Control Immune to all Animals under your command - Countered!) btw White Witch from I Tome of Cryomancy have Frozen skill with 1 turn cooldown - could be fun with Astral Reflections too
@alexvoskresenskiy7961 Жыл бұрын
Also all Angel Race is immune to Mind Control!)
@Casualcivlifer Жыл бұрын
please do a play thru with your builds.
@WonderBoots Жыл бұрын
i use a feline shadow build with necromancy and undead racial stuff, mass mana production and spam summon banshees while race evolving so pretty much get loads of zombies from corpses and when my units die.
@jenova2916 Жыл бұрын
seems fun... can't wait to try it out after i finished my world i'm playing at the moment edit: i think i will take Mystic instead of Feudal because of the Astral Echoes you can collect which boost your mana and Wisdom significantly while also adding Starblades to your units while casting in combat (stacks 3 times, and also applies when an enemy casts spells in combat)
@Firespark81 Жыл бұрын
I thought about this but feudal allows for such rapid growth it's crazy. But let me know how it goes.
@novanexus9112 Жыл бұрын
Odds no one talk about tome of revelry. if you mix it along with tome of horde spawnkin, Blood fury weapon is quite OP if your building an army with most melee troops along with revels heart.
@Jguthro Жыл бұрын
Just finish my 1st play through ever with this series using this build and one an expansion victory. This build is ridiculous but fun
@alexvoskresenskiy7961 Жыл бұрын
@FireSpark81 Hi - it's not OP!) My choiсe: TRAITS: Keen-Sighted(+20% Accuracy), Overwhelm Tactics(+20% Crit) CULTURE: HIGH(Awakened Tear 1 Archers have +1 Range and +20 Accuracy) SOCIETY TRAITS: Mana Channelers(-50% summon cost), Ritual Cannibals(+Mana,Food and Corpse Eating heal) ORIGIN: Wizard King (More summon spells per turn), Bow TOMES: I Tome of Horde - Summon Irregulars(need 1 tear archers), than Spawnkin(+20% dmg) I Tome of Enchantment - Seeker Arrows(+1 Range) II Tome of Amplification - Frenzying Focus(+10% dmg stacks 5 times - archers do 3 shots), Amplified Arriws(+2 dmg, 30% of dmg get to another rarget in 3 hexes) you already dominating, II Tome of Artificing - Artisan Armaments(+30% Crit), Siege Magic(+10% dmg) III Tome of Vigor - Empowered Beasts(+20% dmg,+10 HP), Tome of the Wild for distraction III Tome of Devastation - Flameburst Weapon(+20% Crit, explode killed 20 dmg) (or III Tome of Sanctuary - Keeper's Mark(if unit's HP=0, will will not die 1 turn, -10% Upkeep), Annointed People(+3 Status/Spirit resists)) IV Tome of Nature's Wrath - Awaken Instict (All Units: Heal 15HP, Regain Action Points + Berserk) IV Tome of Crucible - Meteor Arrows(+5 dmg), Pyroclastic Eruption is OP V Tome of Arch Mage - Cosmic Overdrive (+30% dmg, fast move), Time Stop(stun 1 enemy), Astral Travel (or V Tome of Nature - Force of Nature(+20% Crit, +4 dmg) Hero lvling perks: all Commander skills Final: free 1 tear archers with small upkeep, a lot of damage, range 5, Crit Chance 50-100% P.S. But if you really want to BREAK THE GAME - just start with everything in Nature Affinity(and even buy Heroes with it) to get perk where if you expand a city border you will get 1-3 tear Animal under your command(need mana to pay them every turn). Reassign regions between cities or camps and you'll get animals for free each turn - Zerg Rush!)
@Cons1337 Жыл бұрын
Frenzying Focus only triggers for Battle Mage and Support Units
@Demiurge13 Жыл бұрын
@@Cons1337 if that's the case, what would you choose instead?
@alexvoskresenskiy7961 Жыл бұрын
@@Cons1337 Yep - my bad! And Awaken Instict works only on animals and don't work with Spawnkin. I will test it further and will make improvements, but the base - High archers + Summon Irregulars + Seeker Arrows works so far!)
@chronosschiron Жыл бұрын
orc barbarian with chaos nature is jsut sooo OP
@chronosschiron Жыл бұрын
once i get that bloody balrog its game over
@Protagoras_42 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I played Karissa the Red on my first ever game, it was so easy. I thought the game was way too easy, then I realised other races/builds are not as good.
@Selene231189 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this! Can't wait to play it on a non-mayhem realm too, in Caldera (story mode 4) it wasn't very suitable for a quick win after all but at least it's going steadily okay until turn 100, I expect to win by 130.
@SameerChandra Жыл бұрын
Loving this build. Enjoyed a good couple of games
@2fat4airborne44 Жыл бұрын
Funny is, that there are many builds that provide ample power to delete youre enemies with not a lot of resistance. I guess thats the point i terms of player power. Your build is fine i guess, but it takes time every round - something i personally dont like very much and will be not as strong against PvP (plenty of debuff removal or defences against magic). Auto resolve is ok, but after 1 or 2 playthroughs...well....why bother playing. There are build that steamroll faster and or more efficient. Still its possible to win most scenarios with min max like a mad man. I like that. A game i sonly possible to enjoy while min maxing it will get old fast.
@Firespark81 Жыл бұрын
Would really like to test this build against another player for sure. And I'm sure there are lots of other great builds for sure.
@Tespri Жыл бұрын
Issue is that not that many units have good resistance. Heck even bastion known from defensive attributes has terrible resistance. Dev's screwed up big time with that. So in order to fight back against these type of strategies... You are basically forced to dedicate yourself to pick every possible resistant tome there is.
@2fat4airborne44 Жыл бұрын
@@Tespri well, last AoW was the same. pure resistances stacking was never as efficient - main reason is you get diminishing returns. it was always more about how fast you could out pace youre opponent. Either through pure damage, debuff or a combination of the two. The only units that is somewhat strong against debuffs are golems. you have a hard time buffing them yourself but they can be helpful against factions/builds that really focus on debuffs
@2fat4airborne44 Жыл бұрын
@@Firespark81 would be nice to see how this build would hold up in pvp. But as far as power, there issnt much that can stop a efficient horde tome with chaos/nature as a focus in general - it needs to be balanced a bit more. auto resolve is horrible but you can dominate on the hardest difficulty like its nothing...basically with 80% t1 units. at least till round 90 (need to supplement with some stronger assets). Same against players that need more than 2 rounds in a fight to get efficient with their build. You gain so much units you can lay siege to 2-3 cities at once. what you wanne do about that mass of bodies? not much if youre a player that rely on stron coherent armies. there is a reason why you see mostly the same builds on higher difficulties that evolve around the horde system in combination with on other aspect like nature. there is not much competition atm
@itspodin Жыл бұрын
This build honestly looks kind of underwhelming.
@GamingRemo Жыл бұрын
It's just abusing "Extra units but they are all subpar fodder" ideals. It's not even remotely the strongest.
@fantasyfootball2122 Жыл бұрын
interesting. He said that having more manna and speeding through your research helps. that IS a new thought. 🤣
@Firespark81 Жыл бұрын
Not all builds need a ton of mana. The interesting thing about this game is that it's possible to make builds that ignore a resource for the most part. This build let's you pretty much ignore draft and you also don't need a ton of food. Growth isnt really and issue.
@tylermiller6820 Жыл бұрын
Ahhh yes I chose Feudal for the affinity, 100% not because I think it's the best looking one
@scubandym1941 Жыл бұрын
I think you did a great job pulling ideas together. Necromancy players have been screaming on the forums because they got nerfed
@agentAR67 Жыл бұрын
I tried necromancy it’s fairly meh tbh other major transformations seem stronger
@2fat4airborne44 Жыл бұрын
thats funny, they were not on top broken builds by a long shot
@scubandym1941 Жыл бұрын
So far I’m really enjoying aow4
@Firespark81 Жыл бұрын
Oh they did? How do? Necro was my very first playthrough and yea it's op. I didn't cover it because it was so obvious. Also this build would destroy Necro. You don't need souls and can basically steal undead from them.
@schauseil187 Жыл бұрын
good work. very solid.
@Mikesman1000 Жыл бұрын
You can actually make Conan the Barbarian and King Conan the Conqueror.
@scottx1415 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the research
@BlackBirdOni Жыл бұрын
Nah, if u want OP, go astral with ritual canibalism and summoner or mana adict, grab Watcher (the only unit u need) rush to astral t5 tome, get the 30% dmg for magical units = win 😂 With heroes go support, take spur to action, then go magic, take weaver, as hero skills grab meat shields, preferebly summon undead. A spammeble t3 unit with 20-30 dmg per hit, this is busted! 😅
@Chikanuk Жыл бұрын
You dont pick culture for affinity. Affinity is easy to manage and swap mid game, while your culture will stay for you for a whole game and have huge impact on your playstyle. This is a good build you have, but its not "Most op" by far.
@Firespark81 Жыл бұрын
It synergises with the whole build. That's why it was picked. If you have a more op build would love to hear it.
@Chikanuk Жыл бұрын
@@Firespark81 Any build what abuse astral mirror, especially order one. Especially mystic culture one. Any build what abuse chaos tomes in general, not just horde. Glade\Zephyr archers builds with keen senses, scrying, etc. Horde rush builds with chaos+nature and barb\dark. Etc. Yours is not much of dedicated build, its more like "lets pick nice things randomely". It didnt have a proper idea or goal. For example - if you pick horde - usually you intent to rush. Feudal is very strong culture, but not the rush one. Barb is. Followed by dark. So you pick it, then pick something to improve this - animal for example. Which is work best with horde and extend well into late game. After which its not wise to suddenly buff ranged and eco (scrying and fertility). You already have huge early power, it makes no sense to waste it now. So you wanna press this way, one way or another. For example Beacon + something else agressive, like mayhem. Its crucial to have synergy. Focused build beat "i have a lot of nice things" one.
@EurrikkeEdward Жыл бұрын
Seems like ever "OP" race video ive been recommended to has something to do with horde and spawnkin haha
@Chikanuk Жыл бұрын
@@EurrikkeEdward Well, kinda. Its not what you cannot made op build without horde, but its very easy to do with it, since it have a huge early boost and also easy to use -"T1 units goes BRRRRR".
@Tespri Жыл бұрын
@@EurrikkeEdward Horde tome is simply put just way too powerful. Not including it in your build is just flat out insane.
@NekoboyBlue Жыл бұрын
You mentioned Feudal being powerful but skipped over Stand Together (+20% damage when adjacent to another unit with this ability) which you can apply to all units by researching Signet of Knighthood. Since you're already flooding the board with T1 summon spam this is basically a free +20% damage boost to all units. Mana Channelers is a must for summon spam but disagree on the Adept Settlers. It's nice if you're going for a 4 city boom but I'd recommend Ritual Cannibals since it provides the nearest city with food and mana when units (friend or foe) die in combat. Prolific Swarmers is also good if you're going full into Zealot spam since it drops their upkeep by 20% and the -10% food requirement for growth gets better the larger a city is. Instead of Tome of Fertility consider Tome of Beacon for Mighty Meek (gives all your T1 units +1 spirit damage and reduces their upkeep by 10%) and Summon Lightbringer which has the Convert ability (60% chance to mind control, 2 stacks of weakened on failure) just like the Nymph. Lastly would recommend taking Wizard King for the extra casting points per leader level. This really matters for when you're trying to spam out summons.
@Firespark81 Жыл бұрын
This is an iffy perk. Lots of your units wont have it. But those that do is a nice bonus. The lord's are crazy strong. Make your main a lord of product and just build everything super fast.
@NekoboyBlue Жыл бұрын
@@Firespark81 Assuming you're talking about Stand Together, Signet of the Knighthood applies it to literally every type of unit you own
@isaacstandley730 Жыл бұрын
Hey this seems like a pretty nice biuld, wonder if they are gonna have to nerf that magic origin upkeep and mind control.
@TzionBarlev Жыл бұрын
Necromancy and shadow is broke. Doesn’t work well due to needing high amounts of souls. Forest and nature magic however is super OP
@brandonvoice8941 Жыл бұрын
Works great. Just attack everything.
@kingepostle Жыл бұрын
And this is why when i play competitive multiplayer, i dont allow cuatom factions.
@agentAR67 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t it be more worthwhile if. Swapped ur starting tome with zeal so u can get the extra production from the spell?
@Firespark81 Жыл бұрын
You could yes but it will put you behind in units the nice thing about the irregulars spell is it gets you a mix of archers and melee units. But yes you could totally do that.
@vandermeerkaine9053 Жыл бұрын
Tome of astral mirror isnt available right after Tome of Natures wrath for me, following along in order. Not sure what happened?
@Loeher Жыл бұрын
You need 6 Astral affinity. At the beginning of the game you'll have 1 from Mana Channelers. When you grab the Tome of Scrying it will go up to 3, when you grab the Tome of Summoning it will go up to 5. That's why he mentions the Seed of Astral, when you build it you get 1 Astral affinity, giving you the required 6.
@vandermeerkaine9053 Жыл бұрын
@@Loeher thank you!
@skyraptor62 Жыл бұрын
The order of creation is DIFFERENT! WTF?
@quangnguyenduc1087 Жыл бұрын
Can i have a question ? When we create physical traits & mind traits for own factoon, our summon units or units from tomes will be inherited the traits or not ?
@BlackBirdOni Жыл бұрын
Depends ob the unit type. If it's a "himanoid" like phantasm warrior, then yes, elementals and magical beings dont get the traits.
@churchillogbonna9010 Жыл бұрын
Nice video, please can u do a video on the the various units of each factions and how they match up against each other and if possible u can add tome units 😊
@kan0n3nfutt3r Жыл бұрын
well, this is actually pretty far from the most op set up in aow4...
@jannemann19871 Жыл бұрын
Does it works for Auto battles?
@Chonus Жыл бұрын
Mana addicts is the strongest trait bar none
@TheMateuszNH Жыл бұрын
which hero item for this race?
@jaredrichardson78 Жыл бұрын
you're never gonna finish any of the affinity trees, which is where the most power comes from
@lapislazuli6136 Жыл бұрын
By round 2 100 he basicly almost at the end with all of them
@jaredrichardson78 Жыл бұрын
@@lapislazuli6136 lol
@stonedude77 Жыл бұрын
This is Conan's best update yet!
@Firespark81 Жыл бұрын
Right! Can't wait for the new dune update lol
@kriegsfisch8294 10 ай бұрын
I know an easier and stronger build
@matbro95 9 ай бұрын
Enlighten me please.
@christopherneenhold7499 4 ай бұрын
Bro decided to keep his secrets
@tazz7484 Жыл бұрын
Who wants to enjoy this game should not watch such videos. The biggest fan is when it's hard and not easy...
@GamingRemo Жыл бұрын
Yup, making interesting builds is the best.
@nevercontent7834 Жыл бұрын
The way you intrduce your video immediately made me leave, reminds me of early 2000s youtube.
@lapislazuli6136 Жыл бұрын
Yeah he can turn it down a few notches
@LCInfantry Жыл бұрын
Its like 5 seconds.
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