The Mushrik - Caravan of Qur'anic Contemplation: Tadaburat #88

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Qur'anic Islam

Qur'anic Islam

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#shirk #mushrik #QuranicIslam #CaravanOfContemplation #Tadaburat
Taking another look at shirk and what makes a person a mushrik, and at Q5:72 regarding the mushrik being forbidden paradise and related verses
Remember, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone would like to join the stream and share some of their own contemplation. Link will be in the chat.
Edit: For those of you who watch theses live streams afterwards and have something to contribute but cannot attend them live, or otherwise would prefer not to get on the mic, I encourage you to put any contributions you have in the comments section and I will present them myself on your behalf in the next livestream.
Caravan of Contemplation is an intended regular livestream. The intention behind it is to have a place online that is an open mic so that anyone can come on and share any Qur'anic insights they might have. All insights are welcome. This isn't a forum for me or anyone else to argue against something that someone else has learnt or gleamed from the Qur'an. It is for sharing insights, and so all insights will be listened to respectfully and carefully.
The greater purpose for this stream is to encourage literally ANYONE and EVERYONE to start to think and contemplate and ponder on the verses of the Qur'an, which is something that our traditional inheritance has not only stifled, but has even actively discouraged and warned against at times. Whereas God's invitation to study and ponder His Book is open to all. And so this stream is open to all, Muslims, non-Muslims and ex-Muslims, and whether you know Arabic or not, though of course please also be aware of your own limitations.
So if you have something of benefit that you have gleamed from the Qur'an, then please come on and share.
The secondary purpose is more personal. I would myself love to hear pertinent insights into the Qur'an. Even if in the course of a year I only benefit or resonate with one or two contributions, then I would still be very happy for that alone ... so add to that the fact that I'm sure to meet and speak with a lot of wonderful people, then what more could I want from a regular livestream? Should be interesting
The format I have envisioned, subject to possible change of course, is as follows;
1) Opening: 10-20 mins I will share any insight that I myself have had
2) The flour is yours: 40 mins open mic for anyone to join the stream and add a piece of contemplation to our caravan
3) Quick meet and greet: This can be mostly filler if no one has anything to contribute. 10-15 mins or up to finishing time. Just a chance for me to try to get to know you, and for you to get to know me.
Generally, meaning throughout the year, the stream will be on a Saturday or possibly a Sunday. It will, however, always be scheduled in advance by at least 3 hours or so, but preferably a whole day beforehand. Hit that bell and watch out for the notifications, or check in regularly.
We will try to shoot for a total time of one hour, though it will likely be less at the start. I expect it will take a while for this stream to "take off" and attract people who willing to share their thoughts and insights into the Qur'an. Then ultimately and hopefully (the real purpose here) it will start to be a cause and encouragement for many others to start contemplating the Qur'an themselves, and then come and share what they in turn have gleamed and learnt ... and so the cycle continues and grows and repeats itself .... inshallah. And perhaps other channels may start to do something similar as well.
The more viewers who take an active role in spreading and promoting this stream, or coming on and sharing something, then the more people we can attract who can share their own wonderful insights. I am positive that there are many out there. We just have to reach them.
Please pray that this effort turns out to be fruitful in helping to connect people with the Qur'an and see that the Book of God's words, like the Book of His works, is open for them and that it is theirs to contemplate.
Thank you
واللَّهُ خَيْرٌ حَٰفِظًا ۖ وَهو أَرْحَمُ ٱلرَّٰحِمِينَ
wa salamu alaykum
Qur'anic Islam
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@Lens.Grinder 6 ай бұрын
The bird metaphor at 35:50 is so perfect. This is why we have monotheism. When we reduce shirk to mindless polytheism, we lose all the meaning. I feel if we would just understand what shirk is, the traditional sects would fall apart like deck of cards.
@kukish5992 Ай бұрын
Salam to all reasonable people, be careful with following middle men or letting them affect your Deen. You don't need middle men to understand the Qur'an which Allah made easy to understand. The Qur'an complete and fully detailed.
@OMAR-REZA-HAMiM-77 6 ай бұрын
May Allah bless your daughter 😂❤❤🕊️
@mohammedhassan7403 6 ай бұрын
@QuranicIslam 6 ай бұрын
😆😅😅 every time I went of to try to calm her down, I thought I had turned off the mic!!! That "click" was me turning off the mic ... but I guess the sound was being recorded through the laptop. So embarrassing ... ✌ sorry people! I will try to trim those parts out tonight Edit: done ... editing out the noisy parts
@Lens.Grinder 6 ай бұрын
Why does the verse say Allah forgives whomever he "wills"? This makes it sound like forgiveness/reward is based on divine grace rather than actions. Or do we read it to mean that the fact that God judges by actions is His grace? Also: shirk is essentially ibada to kufr. This is definition is on point. Such an important distinction. May Allah reward you for sharing these things here.
@jonghoonpark5497 6 ай бұрын
What is the true meaning of the word that is translated (or perhaps mistranslated, which is so often the case) as the word, 'wills'? What is the consonant root and its core essence, and what do the extrapolated meanings imply once the vowels and grammatical particles are added?
@jonghoonpark5497 6 ай бұрын
Translations often translate the unique and actual concepts of the Qur'an not through the lens of actuality but through the lens of the translator's false, limited, or flawed understanding of divine principles or a flawed or failed understanding of actual divine reality. Making Allah sound like a capricious and arbitrary decider of fates, willy nilly and flippant about how It/He wills this or that, is what that kind of false translation can convey; the one you mentioned regarding Allah doing what It/He 'wills'.
@Lens.Grinder 6 ай бұрын
@@jonghoonpark5497 Makes sense. How would you translate it?
@QuranicIslam 5 ай бұрын
I think that is exactly what it means. He has told us His Will with respect to forgiveness. I think this phrase isn't about saying it is up to His "whim", but it is against those who want/wish God to forgive according to THEIR whims. ie. it is for Him to forgive and you/they have no right to say x,y or z deserves or doesn't deserve to be forgiven. God knows them and their actions best
@Lens.Grinder 5 ай бұрын
@@QuranicIslam I was wondering why I have a knee jerk reaction whenever I read "God's will"... It is years of conditioning that makes me equate His will with human-like whims. I have asked you this question so many times going round and round. But now I think I get it. Finally. I know enough of early Islamic history and the Quran now to see it for what it is. Thanks to you. Long streams don't get a lot of views on YT but trust me those of us who watch these live streams, it has been life changing for us. You are helping us make the Quran the springtime of our hearts. May Allah preserve your work and bless you and your family.
@aladindelic 6 ай бұрын
Tayr is "that which circulates" and it can mean birds, but it also can mean thoughts, ideas and other things which circulate. Also, have you thought about beyt not being a physical house, as you explained in a spider-verse? (a video is too long for me to see it at once, this is my comment after some 33 mins)
@IMHS21 6 ай бұрын
Great stream, may Allah reward all the participants. Why would Ali stop extra prayers/ tarawee? I mean what's wrong with praying extra prayers at night? Also I saw a video, in which it is said that Umar merely revived this sunnah of the prophet, after people stopped doing it at the time of Abu Bakr. Same is said about mutah marriage, it was the prophet who already forbid it. "Is offering taraweew in congregation a bidah? - Zakir naik" Secondly, in the context of the sha'aira what is exactly meant with ٱلۡقَلَـٰۤىِٕدَ? In surah 5:2
@QuranicIslam 6 ай бұрын
He wanted to stop the formal practice in the Mosque in congregation like it were an obligatory prayer so it wouldn't be a burden. Not that people shouldn't pray as much as they want at home alone or in groups in other places No, all that is just apologetics for Umar. The Prophet never gathered people for taraweeh. Nor did he make mut'ah halal then haram then halal then haram again ... rather, people continued doing mut'ah of both marriage and Hajj till Umar stopped them. Ibn 'Abbas continued doing mut'ah marriage all his life The قلائد are ornaments put on animals designated for sacrifice at the Ka'ba
@IMHS21 6 ай бұрын
Ok, that makes sense
@IMHS21 6 ай бұрын
In surah al ghafir 40: 11 it seems to talk about two deaths and two times getting into life. What do you think these refer to?
@QuranicIslam 5 ай бұрын
I'm not really sure right now. Haven't looked into that. Well, other than as a possible indication for reincarnation ... they type/form of reincarnation that i have presented on before
@IMHS21 5 ай бұрын
If I come across something plausible myself in the future inshallah I will let you know​@@QuranicIslam
@JustToW9 5 ай бұрын
I wanna ask a question about Nuhs son in surah Hud which in verse 46 God says to Nuh that his son was not part of his family, does this mean that Nuhs son was actually not his son? I’m been a little confused about the part about his sons deeds were other then righteous? What do you think?
@QuranicIslam 5 ай бұрын
Yes ... I actually already did a presentation on that. See my "live" tab. He was his illegitimate son, the result of "an action not righteous", the adultery of his wife, that Nuh was unaware of
@JustToW9 5 ай бұрын
@@QuranicIslam what made me curious is the traditional Sunni narrative that the prophets parents are in hell, which just seems strange to me not because is a salafi mindset I know they can seem extreme on their narrations of Hadith and interpretations, what made me question their interpretation is how they aren’t open to interpretation. The Shias on the other hand don’t rely on Bukhari and instead on their own Hadiths by other narrators. As Muslims we aren’t allowed to takfir each other so why do traditional Muslims like the wahabis and the salafis takfir Shias and ahmedis I thought you are forbidden to do that even as a Muslim thoughts?
@QuranicIslam 5 ай бұрын
@@JustToW9 Takfir isn't the issue. The issue is the laws are different for "kafir" and "muslim" when they shouldn't be. Other than that, false takfeer just falls under the category of slander and false speech
@roman_lopez 6 ай бұрын
with surah al-maarij how is it certain that the attributes listed after almusalin are attributes of the musalin. Each attribute is preceded by a "و"... On the surface it seems to be additional qualities rather than descriptions if musalin. The description of musalin could simply be "one who salats"
@QuranicIslam 6 ай бұрын
Because the first is obviously a description of the musalleen, and the rest add to the description. That would be like a none description. Like says a writer is one who writes. It tells you nothing
@roman_lopez 6 ай бұрын
@@QuranicIslamYet it's not that simple, as I'm sure you can see. The whole section is describing the qualities of the people who are exceptions to the . " Man was created restless.Touched by adversity, he is fretful. Touched by good, he is ungenerous. " then it follows "ILLA MUSALLIN... ALLATHEENA those who are constant in their Salat" (notice no "waw" here) WAW and those in whose wealth is a known right for the one who asks and the deprived... WAW and those who accept the truth of the day of judgement. These descriptions do not seem to be defining what a Musalleen is. It is Describing the qualities of those who are not fretful when touched by adversity and are not ungenerous when touched by good, one of those qualities is being a musalleen as well as being one whose wealth has a known right as well as affirming the day of judgment. Do you see my point? Peace
@BardicReels 6 ай бұрын
speech is an action though isn't it ?
@QuranicIslam 6 ай бұрын
Yes ... May be I shouldn't have put it like that. Kufr is also essentially and action. Giving testimony is an action. But shirk doesn't seem to be something you can "say". You have to "perform" it in your actions
@guilhermeparizotto7095 5 ай бұрын
Do you think ahruf or qiraat contradict the idea of one single quran?
@QuranicIslam 5 ай бұрын
No ... because there certainly was and intended to be one single Qur'an. Typos and pronunciation mistakes don't change that. And people writing out different copies where they have chosen difference typos and pronunciations doesn't change that
@JustToW9 5 ай бұрын
Hey, just wanted to comment on the hypocrites mentioned in the Quran, do you think the hypocrites that the Quran mentions lived after the prophet and caused corruption? I have heard of the 12 hypocrites Hadith, but I became kinda skeptical when I heard names like Abu bakr Uthman and umar were mentioned, although is a Shia understanding. I did find some interesting names like Abu sufyan, Muwaiya, and amr ibn as. Though it seems to me that there could have been more then 12 hypocrites perhaps because I don’t think the it was actually 12. It could have been more. Thoughts? Also in Sunni understanding all of those Sahabas were considered righteous and just. Which made me think. We’re all sahabas just or not. Because some rebelled each other and others killed one and other in war. How can they be considered exemples when they tried to kill each other. Anyways have a good day.
@QuranicIslam 5 ай бұрын
Yes, some and probably most lived after the Prophet. The 12 hypocrites Hadith doesn't mean there were only 12 ... there were many others. The 12 in that Hadith were the ones who tried to assassinate the Prophet on the way back from Tabuk at the 'aqabah. There were reports in Sunni books that mentioned Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman among them. And those narrations were in Sunni books. We know because later scholars spoke and referenced them ... but they have now obviously been scrubbed from all Sunni compilations (yes that happens!) so we can't analyze them beyond known that the main narrator is one of Imam Muslim's narrators, and is therefore "trustworthy" according to Ahlul Hadith. Either way ... Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman were nowhere near the vaulted position we were taught they were. It could be possible that they were involved ... especially since the Prophet kept the names of those 12 secret. Why would he do that unless the names would have created a stir? And been difficult for people to handle? Or made them doubt? I have seen people whose faith were shattered because they came to see that those whom they thought were the "closest" to the Prophet were hypocrites. To their mind, that must mean he wasn't a Prophet since they knew him best Like how some argue now against Shia; if the Prophet's closest companions turned against him, then that is saying something negative about the Prophet Which is wrong even if it were true. It would be saying something negative about them, not him. That despite being close to a Prophet, they were hypocrites ... so that measures out the full extent of their "evil". Like how Shaytan's arrogance is measured out to the fullest possible bc he showed arrogance directly to God Himself
@JustToW9 5 ай бұрын
@QuranicIslam yeah I have doubts about the 3 main rasidun caliphate, but not about Abu sufyan nor his son. The thing about the hypocrites is that the salafi and wahabi mindset is that none of the companions bad and that they should be protected at all cost. The thing I have doubts about is how wrong we were in these people. It’s almost like how every prophets ummah will end up like. I had heard that you mentioned something about a Hadith that the prophet said that we will end up like those before us. Meaning the Christian’s and the Jews. That Hadith could be accurate because it shows how every ummah there a common enemy is shaytan.
@QuranicIslam 5 ай бұрын
I think the hadith is accurate because it has a number of Qur'anic ... signs? indications? ... that point in the same direction. And the whole point of us being told the story of Banu Israel is to not fall into the same pitfalls as them, which shows it was a real possibility and a real danger. And of course, exactly as you have said, the common enemy has the same playbook he has used on the previous nations. He also used it on us, so no wonder if we go down their paths. The Qur'an confirms that he has misled a great many among mankind.
@guilhermeparizotto7095 5 ай бұрын
Salam brother. For you, in the quran the Earth is flat or a globe?
@QuranicIslam 5 ай бұрын
Neither, it doesn't comment on it. It talks of our experience of the vast land around us in passing, and that is of course flat Edit: typos
@IMHS21 6 ай бұрын
At the end of the video you guys spoke about someone not believing in scripture, and still going to jannah. But how do you compare that to surah 40:60, where it condems those who are to proud to be in ibada to allah. Is it like Hassan Farhan Al maliki said about a scientist who never found answers and didnt hurt a flie and an indian women worshipping a cow, who never was exposed to Allah vs. someone who hates religion. I get that the first person can go to jannah. But the last one will have problems according to this Quran verse, even though this might be a person who didnt much other bad actions? How do we weigh different bad deeds on the scales, like bad deeds against other humans and bad deeds against Allah (blasphemy, leading others from his way, lie about God), or just being lazy to say you believe in God, because people think they need to perform rituals and leave their beer and bacon?
@QuranicIslam 6 ай бұрын
Well it isn't clear what you asking. You started talking about not believing in Scripture but then just flipped to talking about not believing in God. Either way, both are not required. You don't believe then you don't believe. Simple as that And we don't weigh deeds ... God will do that. We can't do it accurately when things are close. We do know the difference between major sins and minor ... and all you need to do to "win" Jannah is at a minimum just avoid the major sins and indecencies
@kukish5992 Ай бұрын
Salam. Besides that you don't reject hadiths (aren't you part of the Quranist sect?), besides that you're telling people in comments that the deeds of an atheist who turned away from the Truth have weight on the scales on the Judgement Day, besides that according to you it's actually good to break divine commandments and sequence decreed by God for the overall rituals of the ‘Umrah and the Hajj , i think you may have made other errors in your video.
@QuranicIslam Ай бұрын
I don't reject all hadiths bc i think it is illogical to do so, but I still maintain that the Qur'an on its own is more than enough for guidance. Denying that is much more so kufr than rejecting all hadiths, which isn't kufr at all. Yes, an atheist will be judged according to their deeds, same as anyone else. No, i did say an atheist "who turns away from the Truth", but yes even that is true and depands on what you what is being turned away from. No, I never said it is good to break divine commands. There is no sequence described by God for salat, but there are some sequences for Hajj So none of these are errors and some of them are your own misunderstandings
@kukish5992 Ай бұрын
​@@QuranicIslam Haha, your arrogance in claiming others' misunderstandings of Qur'an and Islam is so funny. Aren't you sectant? I'd bet you are. Anyway you're not the first one like this on youtube, i've seen many Quranists who claim they're just Muslim, then try to lead Believers astray with their distorted understanding of the Qur'an and Islam. Sectants and satanists have one thing in common - they're Qur'an rejectors. The Qur'an complete and fully detailed.
@roman_lopez 6 ай бұрын
Peace. The verses about hajj at the beginning of the video mention rights and rituals yes but it dies not include some like the kissing the black stone nor stoning the devil... These things that people call shirk is because traditionalist associate these things with God's religion that God hasnt sent authority for The verses you site do not reference 'pagan rituals' Also for Aleph, the story of hagar is not in the Quran
@QuranicIslam 6 ай бұрын
No it doesn't, but that isn't the point. The point is that such honoring of sacred things for the remembrance of God isn't shirk. The Qur'an doesn't contain an exhaustive list of "these are sha'aair of Allah and no others". Do you think the sacred things/symbols/shaa'ir of Allah in the whole wide world, east to west and in the 7 continent, are just the Ka'ba, Safa & Marwa? Even these things God didn't send down "authority". That's part of the conflating of what shirk is. The Ka'ba has no "authority", neither does any other inanimate object. It's once again the muddling of shirk. Shirk isn't "anything that isn't mentioned in the Qur'an". So the black stone and the jamarat are not mentioned in the Qur'an, hence rituals done via them are shirk? That's false. Plus the Qur'an never called them lies/inventions of the kuffar as it does with other rituals which have no place; { مَا جَعَلَ اللّٰہُ مِنۡۢ بَحِیۡرَۃٍ وَّلَا سَآئِبَۃٍ وَّلَا وَصِیۡلَۃٍ وَّلَا حَامٍ ۙ وَّلٰکِنَّ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡا یَفۡتَرُوۡنَ عَلَی اللّٰہِ الۡکَذِبَ ؕ وَاَکۡثَرُہُمۡ لَا یَعۡقِلُوۡنَ } [Surah Al-Māʾidah: 103] Sahih International: Allāh has not appointed [such innovations as] baḥīrah or sā’ibah or waṣīlah or ḥām. But those who disbelieve invent falsehood about Allāh, and most of them do not reason. Yusuf Ali: It was not Allah who instituted (superstitions like those of) a slit-ear she-camel, or a she-camel let loose for free pasture, or idol sacrifices for twin-births in animals, or stallion-camels freed from work: It is blasphemers who invent a lie against Allah; but most of them lack wisdom. Had the jamarat, black stone, zamzam, etc been "invebtions of shirk" that pollute the Hajj they would have been called out here or in a verse somewhere else. Done. But they weren't.
@roman_lopez 6 ай бұрын
@@QuranicIslamI think the ayah you bring up of Allah condemning certain behaviors 5:103 is a strong point for your case, yet Allah didn't give a list of everything that is forbidden practices 'in the whole wide world, east to west...' similarly He hasn't given a comprehensive list of all sacred things yet He does give us some things the sacrificial animals, safa and marwa, arafat, ect... I think the sentiment people have is we cannot be sure of these practices whereas things mentioned in the Quran have a higher degree of certainty wouldn't you agree?
@QuranicIslam 6 ай бұрын
@@roman_lopez But we aren't discussing the world, just Mecca and practices done there. And you'll note that verse is among verses about Hajj and the Ka'ba. In fact the wording with a previous verse, 5:97 where it is says "God made (جعل) the Ka'ba to be ... etc etc" and this verse "God has NOT made (ما جعل) ... etc" shows that they are in contrast. Thus you'd expect the latter to expunge or repudiate any practice around Hajj/Ka'ba that is unacceptable. Besides which, all three things are linked to the Ka'ba and Hajj - the black stone IS ultimately part of the Ka'ba. You can kiss the Ka'ba itself to "magnify/extol/venerate" it, so why would the black stone be specifically an issue? Add to that the ancient tradition surrounding it and certainly there's no issue. And it isn't even considered an important/integral part of Hajj by the tradition. It isn't even a "sunnah" - Zamzam is a spring literally just a few meters away from the foundations of the Ka'ba. Whether you believe it came about miraculously or naturally, it is still God who ordained a source of water right there where pilgrims to His House will need it. And it has never run out. Wells/springs do often dry up (not that it would matter if it did now). So it is certainly a symbol of the mercy of Allah. And if you believe the story surrounding it, and you can, then of course it is. It was an answer to a prayer and it is a well/spring, what better way to honor this symbol of God that to do drink from it and make your own prayer? - the jamarat that are stoned are also obviously connected with the Hajj rituals started by Ibrahim. That in doing rites of Hajj there is included a rite/ritual of repudiating Shaytan makes perfect sense. Three times would be for emphasis. They can also symbolise a number of things, like the star, moon and sun that Ibrahim turned away from, or ones own nafs, hawa' and Shaytan You don't have to be sure of these practices. A whole new practice could be invented that brings remembrance of Allah through rituals. And every Ummah has had them. Around the world now you can't be sure which are and which are not established by God. What you can be sure about though is being, and doing them, as a haneef to God and not a mushrik.
@roman_lopez 5 ай бұрын
@@QuranicIslamSorry for the late reply. I've often wondered about this sentiment as an American reading about native american traditions and wondering which may have some relation to a monothiest messenger of the ancient past, in regards to what you said 'around the world now you can't be sure which are and which are not established by God'... for instance in Wyoming in relation to the (unfortunately named 'devil's tower') there's a legend: "According to the traditional beliefs of Native American peoples, the Kiowa and Lakota, a group of girls went out to play and were spotted by several giant bears, who began to chase them. In an effort to escape the bears, the girls climbed atop a rock, fell to their knees, and prayed to the Great Spirit to save them. Hearing their prayers, the Great Spirit made the rock rise from the ground towards the heavens so that the bears could not reach the girls. The bears, in an effort to climb the rock, left deep claw marks in the sides, which had become too steep to climb. Those are the marks which appear today on the sides of Devils Tower. When the girls reached the sky, they were turned into the stars of the Pleiades.[24]" I appreciate you ever open mindedness and offering unique perspectives. Additionally though, I understand you believe the hajj is traced back to Abraham and perhaps even some of the extra Quranic rituals traditionally associated with hajj... I've seen you express an opposing view regarding the preservation of salat. That it is not from Abraham but rather from Muhammad. It seems Salat and the house are closely related. Why would the hajj rituals remain pristine yet salat is lost? Care to comment on this topic? Peace.
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