The Nature of Consciousness, Rupert Spira

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Science and Nonduality

Science and Nonduality

7 жыл бұрын
All that is or could ever be known is experience, and all experience is known in the form of mind. Therefore, to know the nature or ultimate reality of anything that is known, it is first necessary to know the nature of mind. Whether the mind perceives a world outside of itself, as is believed under the prevailing materialist paradigm, or projects the world within itself, as is understood in the ‘consciousness only’ approach that is shared by nearly all the great religious and spiritual traditions, everything that is experienced is experienced through the medium of mind. Thus, the first imperative of any mind that wishes to know the nature of reality must be to investigate the reality of itself. Everything the mind knows or experiences is a reflection of its own nature, just as everything will appear orange to one wearing a pair of orange-tinted glasses. Having become accustomed to the orange glasses, orange will become the new norm and, as a result, the wearer will imagine that the orange colour he sees is an inherent property of consensus reality and not simply the limitations of the medium through which he perceives. In the same way, the mind’s knowledge of anything is only as good as its knowledge of itself. Until the mind knows its own essential nature, it cannot be sure that anything it knows or experiences is absolutely true rather than simply a reflection of its own limitations. Thus, the ultimate question that mind can ask is, ‘What is the nature of mind?’ or ‘Who am I?’ and the ultimate knowledge it can attain is the answer to that question.
From an early age Rupert was deeply interested in the nature of Reality. For twenty years he studied the teachings of Ouspensky, Krishnamurti, Rumi, Shankaracharya, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta and Robert Adams, until he met his teacher, Francis Lucille, twelve years ago. Francis introduced Rupert to the teaching of Jean Klein, Parmenides, Wei Wu Wei and Atmananda Krishnamenon and, more importantly, directly indicated to him the true nature of experience. Rupert’s first book is "The Transparency of Things," subtitled "Contemplating the Nature of Experience,". His second book, "Presence Volume I The Art of Peace and Happiness and Presence Volume II The Intimacy of All Experience" has been currently released by Non-Duality Press.

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@ericremacle 11 ай бұрын
If it were only one video to see about non duality, it would be this one ! ❤
@SuperstarSridhar 5 ай бұрын
True, I am aware of my thoughts and feelings in my mind, sensations of the body, and perceptions of the world around. After repeated practice, perhaps, Awareness feels the real me. (I identify myself as Awareness.) But it is still My thoughts, My feelings/perceptions/sensations that I am aware of. It is still very much localised. When and how does Awareness begin to feel infinite and eternal? Can you help me with this?
@nalbano 7 жыл бұрын
A luminary and mystic of profound importance transmitting the ultimate truth and the nature of its knowing. If the Christ or Buddha were to speak today they would sound very much like this man. Thank you Rupert.
@marcusbradbury6912 6 жыл бұрын
he is a pisces no suprise
@darrenfromla 2 жыл бұрын
no one knows what "ultimate truth is." That's silly. "Ultimate Truth" is just a concept in your mind. Like "Enlightenment", "God" etc
@nalbano 2 жыл бұрын
@@darrenfromla I can accept that. The use of words is sloppy business at its best.
@MM-qp4pd Жыл бұрын
Wasn't Jesus a Pisces?
@stephentv329 9 ай бұрын
@dianetemple5608 Жыл бұрын
Boils down to Know ThySelf. Literally. All flows from that awareness. Rupert is one of the clearest souls teaching this. Pray we listen and can hear, understand. Love his final Rumi quote, “ I searched for myself and found only God. I searched for God and found only Myself.” To discover, to know this is Truth. Thank you blessed Self/God Rupert. 🙏
@1210CM 6 жыл бұрын
It would be good for the vast majority of the christian clerics to listen to this profound talk so that they may finally begin to understand the core meaning of their own christian message.
@TheYanbibiya 6 жыл бұрын
I think you might be presuming they dont. Its an almighty judgement given the message that non-duality encompasses . you think that diving deep into christian doctrine would not at the very least arrive at the same revelation and that hey dont have such profound talks? very, very interesting Id say. The sacraments for example are brimming over with non-duality and the recitations of the common book of prayer for example are all seen as the exchange of self for the GOD-self. The central message that no serious person of christ can not at the very least know- in the way that 99% of those listening to this message might know- is that christ died for us, to rid us of sins separation from the false self-identity. The Christ in us as us is the central repeated message of both Saint PAUL in Romans and in the Gospels, especially of John. Here are some texts that many if not most serious christ followers know: it is no longer I that live but CHRIST that lives in ME. Yet not I , but he as ME. In HIM I move and have MY BEING. In the beginning was God. If you have seen me you have seen the Father. If you abide in ME , I will abide in YOU. There is now NO SEPARATION between GOD and his CHILDREN. Here are some selected scriptures. The book of Romans , Hebrews, and Gospel of John are the best places to start to see the universal or non-dual message of Christianity. In my opinio the path of CHRIST is the path of DEVOTION or WORSHIP found in the GURU path or the HINDUISM of SIVA, BRAHMAN, KRISHNA , etc. I AM a new creation I AM ONE SPIRIT with HIM I AM a SON I AM an heir I AM a vessel I AM a branch I AM a temple I AM a partaker of HIS divine nature I AM a king I AM apriest I AM IN HIM I AM holy I AM complete I AM perfect Bliss I AM more than a conqueror of this world seperation I AM NOT ME BUT HE IN ME I AM A GOD GOD says I AM so, I have met many catholics , evengelicals and protestants who would all testify to the life changing power of the CHRIST revelation. clearly, devotion , praise and worship , prayer , and giving as well as the very rich history of the path of right behaviour are more or less exact reflections of other non-dual paths , such as Biddhism, taoism, Hinduism,etc . some Christians rely more on the GRACE/FAITH vehicle and others akin to the eightfold noble path of Buddhism. Finally, it might be worth asking whether people with non-dual understanding are any better for the world.
@plumeria66 2 жыл бұрын
How about all religious people including New Agers?
@Emdel0 Жыл бұрын
I would rather categorize this as bogus BS.
@susanshort9328 Жыл бұрын
Christianity has always been about controlling people
@natashapope3785 11 ай бұрын
I believe the hierarchy of the church are aware but steer us away from our true selves deliberately.
@xblackjezusx 7 жыл бұрын
Long-time follower of Rupert's retreats and books. He is speaking at the highest level of the Advaitan teaching here.
@lizafield9002 7 жыл бұрын
This is a great comment and so-appropriate commendation, exuding the respect and awe that such wisdom teachings evoke.
@dougerhard2128 6 жыл бұрын
He is clear and correct. However, this is not Advaita, but Neo-Advaita (Direct Path). Nothing wrong with that, but the method(s) of teaching Advaita are different from Rupert's way. Direct Path speaks from the absolute perspective only. True Advaita finds the seeker where they are, and uses techniques to guide them to liberation.
@thejoshbivens 5 жыл бұрын
Doug Erhard the direct path and neo-Advaita aren't the same thing
@r3b3lvegan89 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah idk where anyone got Neo advaita because neo just means “new” but yet on Buddha at the gas pump interview with Rupert and Swami Sarvapriyananda Rupert is about the direct path and non dual infinite awareness. People get confused no big deal
@SuperstarSridhar 5 ай бұрын
True, I am aware of my thoughts and feelings in my mind, sensations of the body, and perceptions of the world around. After repeated practice, perhaps, Awareness feels the real me. (I identify myself as Awareness.) But it is still My thoughts, My feelings/perceptions/sensations that I am aware of. It is still very much localised. When and how does Awareness begin to feel infinite and eternal? Can you help me with this?
@delcapslock100 7 жыл бұрын
Rupert is the clearest and most direct of the western non-duality teachers.
@easyfingerstyle107 3 жыл бұрын
Who else do you think is almost as vivid as Rupert? I need some teachers' recommendation.
@bryanguilford6145 3 жыл бұрын
@@easyfingerstyle107 type swami into youtube and check out the various ones. Also check out leo gura from, also on youtube.
@poemplanet 3 жыл бұрын
@@easyfingerstyle107 l
@oscar3490 3 жыл бұрын
@@easyfingerstyle107 William Blake, Joseph Goldstein, Tara Brach, Thich Nhat Hanh, Osho, Ram Dass, Jack Kornfeild, Sam Harris
@rockandmetalnewz 3 жыл бұрын
@@easyfingerstyle107 I love Alan Watts
@yanib47 6 жыл бұрын
To research the ultimate nature of reality ..... without first knowing the nature of our own mind is the madness from which our culture is suffering.
@intelligentdesign8994 4 жыл бұрын
@askjdog 3 жыл бұрын
Yes excellent quote, and also it is madness these concepts are not taught to us as children. As Jiddu Krishnamurti indicated if children were raised without indoctrinated bias, and rote memorization in education there would be much less conflict in the word.
@serafimsousa5383 Жыл бұрын
Bull's eye comment. Exactly, and it's a crime to put small children under the same "educational and cultural conceptual prison" like "they" did to "us"."They" begun to "see" only through the filter of "their" minds.
@simonaschmidt 3 жыл бұрын
Rupert has been a steady voice in the background of my life for a few years. The voice is coming slowly, slowly to the foreground; but it never dominates, or commands. Sometimes what he says is so clear to me. Other times it is not. But there is something about his presence that keeps me listening.
@AndImOkayWithIt 10 ай бұрын
Rupert might invite you, when you notice that voice (which u perceive to be his, that u describe as existing in the background of your life) .. to consider that it IS you..recognizing yourself .. AS the very same awareness out of which HIS voice emanates… which perhaps IS that “‘something’ .. about his presence” that keeps you listening. In listening to the one Awareness, you’re closing the distance of the gap.. it’s like YOUR own version of the same adventure that his 6yo self needed, in order to close the gap.. & perhaps that background “voice of Clear Awareness” only APPEARS to be moving INTO your foreground.. but what’s happening, is that your own bubble of Conscious Awareness .. is just EXPANDING outward .. its edges just so happen to be approaching a fractal of itself that it doesn’t yet fully & consciously recognize as such. ❤
@animallover1904 3 жыл бұрын
Rupert is literally Shiva. Of course we are all incarnations of the One, but there are those that stand out as near perfect reflections of the qualities implicit in Universal Consciousness (Buddha, Jesus, etc.). Rupert is one such being. Thank you
@serafimsousa5383 Жыл бұрын
Yes, like a XXI century Buda or Christ.
@aristotleinbottle8012 Ай бұрын
for idiots
@tangotangoh 6 жыл бұрын
When my husband started listening to Rupert last year, I thought it was too mental, I only wanted to follow Mooji. Only this year in a subtle shift in awareness, I now come to understand what he's saying and made me realise my own experiences when I was a little girl and my growing years.
@davidamysteaq8140 6 жыл бұрын
Caroline Tan I ❤️ Mooji!
@tpstrat14 4 жыл бұрын
Mooji is questionable. Here's one person's first hand account of Monte Sahaja, Mooji's kingdom/retreat 1. Public shaming and gas lightening happen all the time in MS. It can occur in all forms, from subtle to gross. People are laughed at often in satsang meetings by M and the group. 2. Brainwashing, conditioning and mind control are very obvious once one has seen through it. It happens constantly. 3. In Sahaja people have to work very hard, often 12 or more hours. All people who live there longterm and gave up their jobs and families are totally dependant on M. Even after long workdays M demands them to come to evening satsangs which easily last till 12pm or 1am, when they happen. 4. When I was there the longterm devotees had no health coverage or any other coverage insurance and some did not even have a visa or passport, because they were from outside EU and stayed too long. 5. Free labour is not allowed in Portugal, but the dependant longtermers work for free or a small pocket money (80-100€ per month). 6. I saw many depressed and broken down longtermers. Crying and break downs happen regularly, people then are ignored by M and most of others, "as they are just in their mind" 7. I heard M saying that he is god, that he is Jesus and that MS is Arunachala. 8. In a small group M once talked badly about a group member and when this memeber minutes later came by M said very sweetly "Hi my love, how are doing?" 9. One member of the inner circle said she is lying for truth (Moo) at least 3 times per day and I heard M in satsang 2 times saying, that sometimes truth has to lie. 10. Food was cut down several times while I was there altough the organization had millions of income. During retreat times more food was served, my guess is to make a good impression on the newcomers 11. Devotees living in MS have to keep silence and if people talk they get forced back to silence 12. There is a clear difference between longterm devotees who have given themselves over in total dependance and people who come and go. The longtermers have to follow stricter rules,are more controlled, are not allowed to watch other teachers online and have only limited free time where they can leave MS. 13. M wants that people confess their flaws in satsang (publicly) or where they are still "stuck in their mind". 14. M manipulates relationships and is responsible for break ups of marriages (including children) and couples. He does that by binding one person close to him and the other has to live outside MS, is not allowed to travel with him or gets an unimportant job while the partner raises to a very important job close to M. Seperating couples is very importnat for M because individuals who are not allowed to talk are easier manipulated then a well bonded couple. 15. The organization is hiding money from the records 16. M is involved in every decision, even small details are brought to him. He wants to know everything and has power over all people there. 17. M did spred lies about people who left the cult and did not allow anyone to have contact with those who left 18. One girl was kicked out of MS because she did not bow down to M. He got very angry about this. 19. If M gets critizied online he inquires exessivly who exactly this person is, he wants the name. 20. His teaching is very poorly: confusing, filled with trance inducing hypnotherapy elements. 21. M has sexual relations with young women 22. Most of the wooden buildings are illigaly built in Sahaja and they try to hide it from authorities. 23. M did lie in his facebook video in spring when he said the allegations are not true 24. People who got close and leave are contacted and often terrorized by phone, skype, email, Fb or in person showing up at their door by devotees 25. M is very afraid of bad reputation 26. M hired lawyers to silence people speaking up in the internet 27. Exorcism by M happens, not as a seperate ritual but during retreats, satsangs in india or randomly in MS. I have seen it at least 4 times. 28. Longtermers in MS are afraid of M. 29. M has a dark side, which they try to hide very carefully 30. The heron was watched 24/7 on several ponds by volunteers of the MS residents (the signed up for it, it was done in shifts although they have full time jobs) and their job was to chase the bird away. After maybe one week the pond shifts had stopped. (Now we know that the heron was shot by the sangha which means that M has one or more guns) 31. M demands from the longtermers to speak up for him immediately, when he is critized in satsang by someone. He gets very upset about critizism afterwards but stays calm in satsang while it is happening to the public eye. 32. People are not allowed to talk to others about their "status", meaning that M invited them for free food and housing.
@chigirl6391 4 жыл бұрын
@Caroline Tan This was my exact same experience. Rupert was too mental and Mooji fit perfectly - until a shift in consciousness. One day after I simply started listening to Rupert and older Adyashanti. Now it's entirely Rupert. It makes sense and has moved my shift/ seeing drastically forward in a short time frame. I see oneness in a way I was not ready and able to before.
@ceeIoc 4 жыл бұрын
Mooji is a fraud
@GoWILDwithBen Жыл бұрын
I have had a similar experience, Caroline. Thank you.
@DLBurggraf 6 жыл бұрын
Dreams appear real while you are in it is with this world.
@SalemHill 4 жыл бұрын
@mairepalme2423 7 жыл бұрын
Not only is the message precious but the way you deliver it is deeply heartfelt. ❤ Thank you.
@RakanaxxAlharthy369 6 жыл бұрын
Maire Palme yeah he is very clear 👌
@harishellikkal5410 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you🙏
@razoo9 5 жыл бұрын
This one 49.30 min talk by rupert, is enough to get enlightenment. You are the best rupert. You are like scientist. Explain all in crystal clear way no words of gratitude my Master
@SuperstarSridhar 5 ай бұрын
True, I am aware of my thoughts and feelings in my mind, sensations of the body, and perceptions of the world around. After repeated practice, perhaps, Awareness feels the real me. (I identify myself as Awareness.) But it is still My thoughts, My feelings/perceptions/sensations that I am aware of. It is still very much localised. When and how does Awareness begin to feel infinite and eternal? Can you help me with this?
@Eazy_Danny 3 жыл бұрын
Each time I hear Rupert speaking I feel struck and feel like being a little kid listening with an open mouth and glaring eyes.
@loriandrade5759 6 ай бұрын
I ponder on your words, not feeling lost, but being found. Thank you!
@ramsaik10 5 жыл бұрын
"CAN YOU DREAM OF A DREAM WHEN YOU ARE DREAMING IN A DREAM: yes, everyone is always doing IT!"
@bradstephan7886 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent talk, as usual, and kudos to SAND for such high-quality production values.
@malooky13 7 жыл бұрын
Brad Stephan ج
@PureAwareness76 3 жыл бұрын
Someone might ask, "But how can I experience this?" FINALLY SOMEONE, WHO WANTS TO SEE BEYOND THE WORDS! 💗 So... for this "purpose", to go beyond the mind, to experience Pure Awareness/Consciousness/Self, we have the so-called pointers. Pointers, like the questions of Ramana, Nisargadatta or even Rupert's brilliant question; "AM I AWARE?" The pointers moves the awareness beyond the mind, into the Self, "the sense I AM", as Nisargadatta put it nicely. Pointers Nr.2; After comfortable seated, ask yourself the question; "WHERE WILL MY NEXT THOUGHT COME FROM?" And just watch, what will happen? After a few sec, ask again the same or this one; "HOW IS MY NEXT THOUGHT LOOK LIKE?" Wonder will happen! 💗
@jmr3cats Жыл бұрын
Who is asking the question “am I aware?” ?
@georgemackenzie3373 Жыл бұрын
Here is a video I made that could help connect with non-dualism studio.kzbin.info7QZDN8Nh3Sc/edit
@garrettdenny3643 3 жыл бұрын
This is the best explanation and confirmation of non duality I have ever seen!
@curiosity_saved_the_cat 7 жыл бұрын
Every now and then, people like this are walking right past you. If only there was a way to recognize them instantly.
@JacobNelson 7 жыл бұрын
I'll say hi next time. lol
@Froshay 4 жыл бұрын
@@yungmagi3408 I wish.
@euanlankybombamccombie6015 4 жыл бұрын
Imo through awareness, friendliness, inquisitive chit chat,eye contact and putting ourselves in engaging social situations we give others and ourselves the best opportunity to come across the most interesting of people,judgement is key and patience for ill-mannered ignorant or otherwise distracted individuals a must....avoid McDonald's and frequent small traditional pubs that play live music,apart from jazz hehe...oh and indulge in psychedelics everyone has an interesting side then 🍄🤪
@moonglow6639 3 жыл бұрын
"The world has no existence apart from you. At every moment it is but a reflection of yourself. You create it, you destroy it." (Nisargadatta Maharaj)
@AkashKumar713 Жыл бұрын
I feel grateful to have witnessed such a profound talk. May we all seemingly separate selves awaken to the One Infinite, Indivisible Reality. 😌
@ALittleNobody 6 жыл бұрын
"I searched for myself, and found only God. I searched for God, and found only myself"....
@shirebad 5 жыл бұрын
@jamespoff8632 4 жыл бұрын
@Biggus_Diggus1 4 жыл бұрын
As I wander through this life, I can't help but wonder, how many times have I already done this? How many more lives will I have this feeling of deja Vu.....
@ronniebrent 3 жыл бұрын
@@Biggus_Diggus1 I wonder too
@Biggus_Diggus1 3 жыл бұрын
@@ronniebrent the meaning of life is to wonder and wander.... Wander and wonder ...
@ELTarTree 7 жыл бұрын
Possibly the most moving, beautiful story I've ever heard, and ever likely to hear
@sandraekhoff8937 3 жыл бұрын
I have tears of JOY on my eyes, Thank you UNIVERSE, FOR allowing the TRUE TO SHINE, to be REVELEAD, TO ME TO SO MANY OTHERS. For allowing me to know who I AM. I AM YOU and YOU ARE ME. I just don't have words to describe how LIBERATING THIS IS, THE PEACE THE JOY, HAPPINESS...................... IS UNMEASURABLE!!
@Aldermus 3 ай бұрын
Interested to know how many times you cried and hated your universe-god since this "revelation" of yours
@simonglantz Ай бұрын
Brilliant, enlightened, humble man. I love this talk.
@lorishaw7775 6 жыл бұрын
You are a gift Rupert. Thank you.
@salinahayy9578 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for wonderful teaching, 2005 I experience 35 minutes of clinical death of me, and I became ONE with Infinite, and only left off experience is knowledge; that I have this experience.
@richardkollmar903 11 ай бұрын
Spira is selling a very abstract mythology with Mind/Consciousness as the centerpiece. I do not find it any more compelling than any number of other myths, but I cannot help loving the idea of an Infinite Awareess falling asleep to itself. & I cannot but admire the way he brings his audience around to accepting the notion that Knowing is All. He could be challenged on multiple grounds, but no one ever dares raise the relevant objections. He is a true master.
@intelligentdesign8994 4 жыл бұрын
Love the tone of hard truth in your voice. Chilling!
@dr.susheelkhemariya8966 3 жыл бұрын
Wahwah AhaAha wonderful Adbhut thanksgretitude
@oneleftshoe21 7 жыл бұрын
We are all one. Thanks for your wise words.
@SuperstarSridhar 5 ай бұрын
True, I am aware of my thoughts and feelings in my mind, sensations of the body, and perceptions of the world around. After repeated practice, perhaps, Awareness feels the real me. (I identify myself as Awareness.) But it is still My thoughts, My feelings/perceptions/sensations that I am aware of. It is still very much localised. When and how does Awareness begin to feel infinite and eternal? Can you help me with this?
@moonglow6639 3 жыл бұрын
I tried to find Him on the Christian cross, but He was not there; I went to the Temple of the Hindus and to the old pagodas but I could not find a trace of Him anywhere. I searched on the mountains and in the valleys but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find Him. I went to the Kaaba in Mecca, but He was not there either. I questioned the scholars and philosophers but He was beyond their understanding. I then looked into my heart and it was there where He dwelled that I saw Him : He was nowhere else to be found. Jelaluddin Rumi
@chela242 2 жыл бұрын
Even when the teaching is familiar it still blows my mind 💜💛❤️💚
@SatyaSanatan3333 Жыл бұрын
😌🕉🙏📿Aaauuuuuuuuuuuuuum........... 🕉..... 🕉...........
@shoonyah 3 жыл бұрын
When experience speaks the silence between the words gets louder.
@k14michael 5 жыл бұрын
Holy crap! The info just blew up my self created universe.
@kidnapped 7 жыл бұрын
What a situation we got into. We actually had to turn the most obvious and noticeable fact, into an intellectualized process, so we could realize that we cannot ever "know" anything. The irony of reality is the meaning of the normality.
@aldousamin3240 6 жыл бұрын
.... socially foisted or culturally imposed - verbose meaning of "normality".....
@ketchup5344 5 жыл бұрын
Another fascinating man on you tube. There goes my early night.....👍
@sleepydank8330 2 жыл бұрын
All thoughts,perceptions,emotions,sensations appear in the awareness of spacious presence
@victorgomes7585 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent talk. Thanks for sharing.
@RakanaxxAlharthy369 6 жыл бұрын
Very profound teaching I appreciate what you are doing❤️ Thank you 🙏
@seangrieves4359 3 жыл бұрын
When I was young I would purposefully dis- associate myself from "the world" and not know what I was doing or how. I found it frightening that briefly the I, I thought i was disappeared and did not recognise everything that I thought I knew. This i found confusing but seeing from the aware stand point and the contradiction of experience with belief. Took a long time to fully understand. Now I see I was only being at one with myself and not seeing clearly. Ruperts teaching is clarity.
@samboelguapo6826 7 жыл бұрын
very clear and articulate speaker.
@annabellacrewe8858 2 жыл бұрын
So good to listen to Your explanation of consciousness !🤗😇🙋‍♀️
@fredphipps9452 3 жыл бұрын
Great to hear; gives hope!
@TomLangley13 5 жыл бұрын
So beautiful and so True 🙏♥️
@pettiprue 7 жыл бұрын
Beautiful - thank you X
@Do.Not.Believe.The.Narrative 5 жыл бұрын
"God" is not and was never really in the vernacular of my thoughts though I have spent much attention on trying to understand those around me that profess to believe in some or other meaning of that word. Thanks to you Rupert that I no longer feel compromised every time I am pressed to say "thank god" in order (I feel) to show gratitude when engaged with very religious friends. Thanks to you again Rupert that I can now take an unguided tour into the warmth of knowing whenever it strikes me and gain the peacefulness and happiness that welcome each time. Perhaps one day I will move in.
@Jyothife Жыл бұрын
The good in enlightenedment is that everyone can talk about it. Only he is right who has the most followers.
@honestinsky 6 жыл бұрын
Outstanding video. Ruper Spira is an amazing person. Thank you : )
@georgemackenzie3373 Жыл бұрын
Here is a video I made that might help connect with the non-dual experience studio.kzbin.info7QZDN8Nh3Sc/edit
@yogi110000 7 жыл бұрын
Gratitude Rupert _/\_
@orbalturner6747 5 жыл бұрын
Nice One,that was well enlightening,realised a lot from that,Pointing to all I am not,Tha one who thought he pulled all the shots,Tha fool me within,With the massive great grin,Blown awake by this spiritual Doc,many thanks,Love Peace and Light to all
@Globedreemar 4 жыл бұрын
41:12 in between two thoughts nothing sapparats us, we are one
@GUPTAYOGENDRA 7 жыл бұрын
Consciousness is singular and fundamental.
@lawreence-5234 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely Beautiful. ... ❤️
@lindasands1433 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting. He's such a good teacher
@matrixgameoflife2649 3 жыл бұрын
Thank You.
@chundygunderson6647 4 жыл бұрын
Loved it. Had to rewatch the part a few times where he says "dimensionless consciousness, refracted by thought".
@multilingualfamily4064 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@starcloudatlas Жыл бұрын
This is amazing thank you!
@lw9308 7 ай бұрын
Thank you
@MrHamburgerHelper 3 жыл бұрын
More than halfway through and still waiting for that King Lear drop 🤴🏾😄
@varougemerdjanian1396 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the journey that touched me and will be touching so many others thank you🙏
@hol1medve 7 жыл бұрын
just mindblowingly wonderfully put!
@Globedreemar 4 жыл бұрын
46:06 but what is if one of them is a narcissist?
@seangrieves4359 3 жыл бұрын
Treat everyone as though they are god in human form. Everyone. Even those labelled such.
@roxinante8345 3 жыл бұрын
Loved every word and every pause! Thank you 💗 that was wonderful and brilliant ❤️
@AshwinAttawar 5 жыл бұрын
I suggest you read the Mandukya Upanishad.. The FOURTH DIMENSION.. TURIAM.. There is a Waking State or Jagrata (Gross Body); Dream State or Swapna (Subtle); and Deep Sleep or Susuptha (Causal Body).. The Upanishad talks about the FOURTH, THURIAM.. that which is the common platform for all three.. That's Chitta or Consciousness.. In fact, in Kashmir Shaivism, there is a FIFTH Stage, TURIYA-TITA, a stage with INTEGRATES the FOUR STAGES.. which encompasses all of existence.. manifest and unmanifest.. So I am not sure if your discourse is clouded by the partial understanding of this doctrine.. Perception is NOT creation..
@MarcosBetancort 5 жыл бұрын
Reading the description below the video. How the person came to wear the orange glasses, for what purpose? And how can he remove them so that sees that everything is not orange? Should he remove them?
@ice484 7 жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing .... the answers are in the trees
@pantheropardus7627 7 жыл бұрын
The goal is to become Enlightened (becoming one with god/universe/Truth). The way to do this is use the best tools at your disposal (matter, knowledge, etc.) to connect with the infinite. The practice of meditation facilitates the process by which our beings/spirits/souls pierce the veil of illusion and eventually experience reality directly. It is impossible to merely 'see' or 'understand' reality, contrary to what the self/ego would have us believe.
@sharkonwhisky 6 жыл бұрын
A breakthrough experience with 5-MeO-DMT in the form of vapoured Bufo alvarius secretion did the job for me...not a tool for everyone but it put me in touch with what exactly what you describe in seconds. But yes I agree this is something that needs to be experienced directly rather than intellectualised.
@kabasakalis 7 жыл бұрын
Great session, one more science and duality session used as a perfect customer magnet.
@soubhikmukherjee6871 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing Amazing man.
@chantalgeffroy9611 5 жыл бұрын
sans la traduction en français il m'est impossible d'avoir accès à la compréhension de ceci qui me semble passionnant
@melaniekp4692 6 жыл бұрын
beautiful wonderful
@billweaver9678 7 жыл бұрын
Matter in not inert and dead but very uch alive as it (matter) is a part of consciencness. All that is, is all there is.
@billweaver9678 7 жыл бұрын
@umwhatthistime 7 жыл бұрын
@jaypandya6786 Жыл бұрын
Proud to be an indian, Om "ૐ" is holy sign of our religion. #hinduism #sanatan dharma
@MsKCRN 7 жыл бұрын
If there is no such thing as a thought or a mind, how do the new robotic prostheses interfaced with our mind move by just thinking it to do so? These are different from the 1st wave of prostheses that one controls using the body and requires Physical Therapy.
@askjdog 3 жыл бұрын
20:02 “Therefore, the mind's knowledge of the world can only ever be as good as its knowledge of itself.” Preceding question posed was, “Has anyone every experienced a world outside of perception?”
@VibhutiGaneshG 6 жыл бұрын
I find it difficult to agree at 6.52 " .... the finite can only be known by the finite". It could be true if we understand the consciousness in terms of frequencies.. But when we use the terms like finite and infinite, it rather denotes volume or capacity and hence, 'infinite cannot be known by the finite' seems logical but 'the finite can only be known by the finite' does not.
@VibhutiGaneshG 6 жыл бұрын
Consciousness in the form of human Mind is 'Focus' So when the universal consciousness wants to experience the manifestation as we humans do, it has to focus. Shifting its perview from infinity to finity. Same way, when we humans try to view the infinite consciousness, we have to stretch our view and that will turn into peripheral view
@mechelinekelly763 5 жыл бұрын
This is it...Absolutely
@zenasso 5 жыл бұрын
Beautiful talk. One has to be in peace with oneself to fully grasp its meaning and put in practice. Yoga relaxes our nerves and subsequent meditation brings peace and understanding it fully.
@kanwalkumarkhanna4384 5 жыл бұрын
Zen Associates Mumbai, India s
@azimshabestary6411 4 жыл бұрын
Human being is the algorithm of the total reality.
@RickWilleyOMC 4 жыл бұрын
A few years ago I wrote a poem about this topic. ENJOY! .... If we inspect what we expect we see that what we expect is suspect! Then suspicion becomes superstition At least that is what I can find! The workings of insanity that comes from a finite mind! And while looking for bliss What's obvious we miss! But through careful observations We let go of expectations and behold the inner kiss! Through revelation comes salvation the return from darkness to light! But I suspect it, yes I expect it! It will come like a thief in the night! And on that day I'm sure we'll say I've discovered Love's infinity! We'll try to reach out To those who doubt They ARE the Holy Trinity! The light we bring And the song we'll sing To those who live in the night It wasn't belief but rather a thief that brought us from darkness to light! All that He stole Was a golden goal That I could wake MYSELF from the dream! With intuition you'll see the suspicion as they walk away and scream! Then suspicion becomes superstition At least that is what I can find! The workings of insanity that comes from a finite mind! ~Rick Willey 9 December 2016
@tommmymason9744 6 жыл бұрын
I feel the fearful-pain of wanting painless pleasure experience.
@dadfrombeyond 7 жыл бұрын
I recommend setting the video speed (on Chrome) to 1.5 and then it will be much less boring.
@RogerDrayton 7 жыл бұрын
WoW...The taste of JOY and Fulfillment abounds in this talk...To simply experience it suffices...Thanking SAND with words for posting this video seems so little, but with a joyful Heart it's conveyed...I A(nama rupa)M...Peace !!!
@rebeliansask9677 7 жыл бұрын
Gary Bentlage How is anything achieved? By working to it, in this case it would be to self-inquire and be sincere about it. All of reality can be accessed right now, you are reality. all can be accessed, everything from the absolute to just a little belief in your mind, depends on how much you will go within, and how much you will let go.
@rebeliansask9677 7 жыл бұрын
Gary Bentlage Yeah man, I know it.:) Peace
@gretanavarauskaite2904 5 жыл бұрын
@objnex 3 жыл бұрын
Zooming in to a dream perspective. The dreamer in flesh&bones dreams several objects among which (s)he identifies with one (as a dreamt character). Then the reel rolls so to speak, things, events and stories happen. The dreamer wakes up (usually) after the night's sleep. Then the dreamt character is also no longer there in the instant waking happens including its (dreamt character's) free will. The dreamer dreams or sometimes waits for some other night till another dream is seen. However not so sure of correctness.
@einarabelc5 7 жыл бұрын
And how,exactly, does he support his statements?
@xtrullor 7 жыл бұрын
einarabelc5 By trusting you recognize it in your own direct experience. Utilize awareness to understand this, not thought and rationality. That would be missing the point.
@musicisthelanguageofthecos8266 3 жыл бұрын
The beauty of Rupert's words lies in the fact that when there is a need to validate all his statements,all one has to do is to search and investigate their own counsciousness carefully and will inevitably reach the same conclusion...your own personal experience is the ultimate proof of his truth and not some crumbling assumptions based on belief and faith...
@clairejohnson7809 3 жыл бұрын
I adore science but Some of the great mysteries of life are beyond what science can prove with instruments.
@skyotter3317 Жыл бұрын
Fabulously true!
@SatyaSanatan3333 Жыл бұрын
If everyone study 📜bhagwat geeta📿 & could apply that words on their whole life, then the world would be heaven 🕉📿😇❤🙏
@Globedreemar 4 жыл бұрын
Those who perceive the silence as disturbing aren't enlightened yet
@natashapope3785 11 ай бұрын
I dont think one has to be asleep to experience a dream state , the creative imagination can emerge when extremely traumatised.
@ludens6404 7 жыл бұрын
Rupert's definitely learned from Rick Archer - just quote, paraphrase and reference
@flavianpetrulio52 4 жыл бұрын
Although I love what Rupert has to say, I've yet to hear any speaker make a distinction between what I call immortal, infinite Mind versus mortal, finite mind. They all appear to try to combine the two into an amorphous one. I decided to write the following paper to explain why I think immortal, infinite Mind is the only real Mind or consciousness and its suppositional opposite (i.e., inversion; counterfeit; simulation) mortal, finite mind or mortal consciousness is not real; it only seems to be real on the level of mortal, finite consciousness. Therefore, there is only one infinite, real Mind or consciousness which could never lose its identity and become that which it is not, - finite mind or consciousness. What appears as finite, mortal consciousness is only the suppositional absence of immortal, infinite consciousness. I would like to offer the following to all who care to read it with patience, - the focus is on the difference between immortal Mind/consciousness and mortal mind/consciousness (also referred to in the Bible as the carnal mind). I'm not a religionist; I am a spiritual Scientist although I may use biblical phrases from time to time. The carnal/mortal mind needs to be defined before we begin. The carnal mind and the corporeal senses combine as one, not two. It is the level of false awareness which perceives an erroneous universe, - an erroneous universe of people; of organic birth, maturity and death; of sickness; of finite material objects as well as self-destructive negative qualities such as human will power; depravity, ego or small "i", revenge, insecurity; pride, fear, hatred, etc. etc. Most importantly, the carnal mind and its emanations have no real existence just like the images in our night dreams have no real existence. Mortal mind is the suppositional absence of immortal Mind. Mortal consciousness is the suppositional absence of immortal consciousness. Mortal mind and immortal Mind never mix nor mingle. They are diametrically opposed to each other in the same fashion as light and darkness. With the above in mind, I offer the following information to ponder deeply: When we dream at night, most people believe we are in a body which can see, feel, smell, taste and touch that which appears to be solid objects in space/time. But obviously, we know we were never in the "dream body/brain." It was the carnal mind which created the belief of the "dream body/brain." But when we are "awake", most people definitely without a doubt believe we exist or live in a "real" body and mind is in the brain. Why do most people believe this is 100% true beyond any doubt? This may be why: 1. Our night dream is an individual experience which doesn't last long and from night to night, there is no continuity. But our "awake" state is a collective experience shared by other people which appears to have some kind of continuity from day to day making us believe it must be real compared to the night dream experience. 2. From the time of so-called human birth, we were educated to believe mind was in the body/brain by other people who also believed mind was in the body/brain and consequently, this belief has been handed down for thousands and thousands of years. It's a form of hereditary hypnosis! 3. The prevailing scientific theory is that the matter universe came first and eventually, inanimate matter on this planet somehow became animate matter in the form of single living cells and evolved into conscious beings. This theory/belief/solid conviction of matter evolving mind is so deeply-rooted in human consciousness that most of mankind automatically believes it to be 100% true beyond a shadow of a doubt. Based on #3, the prevailing thought in the scientific community is that mind/consciousness must be in the brain. After all, if you hit someone on the head with a lead pipe, they appear to lose consciousness. If you give them an anesthetic, they appear to lose consciousness. If you kill them, they appear to lose consciousness. Generally speaking, this belief causes the physicists, philosophers and medical community (I have deep respect for all) to spend a lot of time and energy trying to discover how the brain creates consciousness. So far, they have failed miserably. They really have no clue. That's why they call it the "hard problem." They are so stuck on this deep-rooted belief that mind is in the body/brain, - they are in complete bondage to this age old model of thinking. They may have determined there are correlations between mind and brain; but that doesn't mean brain produces mind/consciousness anymore than believing the visible image on the TV screen is producing the invisible broadcast signals originating outside the TV set. The other day, I saw clearer than ever before and it hit me like a ton of bricks, - mind is not in the body/brain or in anything at all. Just as the carnal mind is not in the "dream body/brain" -- the carnal mind is not in the "awake body/brain" either. The finite, material universe of want and woe which we perceive via the carnal mind/corporeal senses (recall the above definition) is in the carnal mind; a product and projection of the carnal mind similar to how a movie is projected onto a screen but is actually coming from inside the movie projector. If the movie projector was shut off, the image on the screen would naturally disappear. But the carnal mind and everything produced by the carnal mind is a mirage, including itself. There is no truth in the carnal mind. It is a liar and the father (i.e. origin or source) of the lie. If it is true that Mind is not in the body/brain, what does this tell us? It means it must have come before matter and not after matter as the theory of evolution claims. If Mind came before matter, then matter could not have created Mind. If matter didn't create Mind, then Mind must be self-existent, self-sustaining and self-perpetuating. Since the carnal mind is a mirage and a liar, it has no real existence. The only thing that could possibly be left is the self-existent, self-sustaining and self-perpetuating divine Mind. This Mind must be timeless and space-less; it has no awareness of corporeality, pride, evil, greed, sorrow, insecurity, fear, revenge, hatred, etc.; it only knows its own incorporeal and infinite ideas of itself; it is pure and perfect, - uncontaminated by the erroneous beliefs of a finite, material universe of sin, sickness and death. All the erroneous beliefs of the carnal mind are simply unknown and non-existent to the level of divine consciousness symbolized by divine Mind. Unlike the analogy of the movie projector in which the carnal mind can be shut off, the divine Mind and its incorporeal, eternal images of itself can never be shut off. No matter what seems to happen within the realm of the so-called carnal mind, it is impossible for it to affect divine Mind in any way, shape or form! Divine Mind is impenetrable to anything which opposes its own nature. When consciousness reflects absolute Truth (i.e. divine Mind), the carnal mind spontaneously and instantaneously disappears into its native nothingness because it has no truth to sustain its imaginary existence. In reality, there is only one Mind emanating infinite, individual expressions of the one Mind; yet at the same time still remaining the one Mind. There are not many minds. Since this Mind is self-existent, it must be immortal and eternal. It is completely free from all that is unlike Spirit, God...because it is Spirit, God. It is our one and only real Mind. Our real, true identity is not a corporeal being (two eyes, arms, legs, etc.). The corporeal being is a false image projected and painted onto the canvas of mortal consciousness by the so-called carnal/mortal mind. Our real, true identity is the image and likeness of immortal Mind, - the pure and perfect, incorporeal idea of infinite Spirit, God. Immortal Mind has never, for one second, stopped being our real Mind (which is not in anything) and we have never, for one second, stopped being the pure and perfect, incorporeal idea of infinite Spirit, God, our real Mind. We just mistakenly believed we fell into a deep sleep, separated ourselves from immortal Mind and were mesmerized by the false belief that we became the dream of the carnal mind. Dream and dreamer are one. As the Psalmist wrote: "As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be sat­isfied, when I awake, with thy like­ness."
@FredrikPerssonBiscuit 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus explained it: "I Am!".
@MaMaRobynBird 3 жыл бұрын
@supercal333 7 жыл бұрын
Billy Joel had a song called 'Pressure' about people like this.
@Tom-S1981 4 жыл бұрын
Nylon curtain Album 👌
@ferdinandalexander8053 7 жыл бұрын
Human thinking for lack of a better word can build some amazing thought structures. It's a business and nothing more. That's not to say he doesn't believe what he's saying. You as you know and experience yourself will never know what you are beyond the information that has been put into you about what you are. You are conscious of what you know. What you know has been provided by others. What you know is acquired knowledge. What you know is invented labels and definitions. Do know what anything is without the information you have about what you're looking at? Can you even know what you are without the information that has been put into you by culture, society, education, conditioning, etc.?
@ketchup5344 5 жыл бұрын
@Cavkisi 5 жыл бұрын
Ferdinand Alexander you have missed the point. 😊
@GUPTAYOGENDRA 4 жыл бұрын
The entire universe which includes space, time, matter, body, senses brain and words is unconscious. Consciousness alone which is the ultimate source of words, which is hearing these words and which is understanding these words is conscious. That’s what I am, you are and everybody is. Am I right, Rupert?
@johnatkinson4287 7 жыл бұрын
When we dream it can be anywere or the waking state it is always the same...a contunation of the same story of me and the world,why is this??
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