The New Hearthstone Mini-Set Is Very Weird. Review of ALL cards from the Travel Agency.

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Hearthstone Mathematics

Hearthstone Mathematics

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@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
⚠Take part in the VOTE for the best legendary card from the mini set and in other polls 👉
@novakrabby 5 ай бұрын
The idea of a miniset is to spice up the previous expansion by adding a few cards to existing decks, but lately just feels the miniset is composed of discarded designs or not interesting enough for the main set, this is like a movie instead of releasing a extended edition or director's cut, we get deleted scenes with unfinished rendering
@jims7773 5 ай бұрын
Pretty much. We get 1 broken legendary and maybe a few usable rares and an epic or two
@DavidPachón8591 5 ай бұрын
It's made on purpose to take 2000 gold from players each expansion.
@jacopovilla1590 5 ай бұрын
@@DavidPachón8591yeah but money-wise, changing the meta every mini set is beneficial to blizzard. New competitive decks to craft = wasted dust
@head2797 5 ай бұрын
I'm hoping this mini set is a sign that the team is pulling back on the power creep that has been so prevalent the past few years. Similar to what they did with Rastakhan's Rumble after the overpowered Kobolds and Catacombs, Witchwood and Boomsday meta. The past several years of aggro, OTK and solitaire metas aren't too much fun. I hope they can slow down the meta so perhaps control strategies can have a chance to be in the game again. In my opinion the game is a lot less fun when it is just a race to see who can assemble their combo or burn out the opponent the fastest with little to no agency to stop your opponent. I hope minions/value matter again and we regularly get to see turn 10 again.
@TheCheezusCrust 5 ай бұрын
as a wild player, and a casual player, all of PIP and the new miniset is bonkers good to me, these are all must craft cards, i will be making sure to get all of these cards
@jaygee5546 5 ай бұрын
I like that the devs are trying to lower the power level of standard. Maybe games won't be so fast in the coming months, and maybe control can be a legitimate strategy in wild again eventually. It's a positive review from me, even if individual cards don't seem that 'useful' at the moment
@steveluna1627 5 ай бұрын
It feels like they gave us a bunch of vanilla cards, while I wasn't expecting a Yogg this is pretty meh, they add a little flavor to your decks, but it isn't a must buy.
@martydahley1821 5 ай бұрын
It feels like this miniset is just a collection of cool card designs that one could find on custom hearthstone without any real concern for how they can be used in current decks. I think cards like deadline and new demonic deal have interesting designs but just might not have a home at the moment.
@LaymensLament 5 ай бұрын
EXACTLY, glad someone made the same observation. It seems that either (a) they lack card designers or (b) they run out of design space (or i mean, bad faith c, they dont have any good designers) because most of the cards are just rehashes of old cards or concepts with slight tweaks (and sometimes no tweaks at all!). Alternative good faith interpretation: they didnt wanna shift the meta. I think its quite diverse at the moment, so they just went with safe and provenly balanced concepts.
@nanodose 5 ай бұрын
I have hearthstone fatigue. I don't see the point of playing standard only to wait for the miniset to change the meta
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
The current meta is ambiguous.
@bakuretsu9187 5 ай бұрын
Why does it matter if the meta changes?
@reallifeanimegirl 5 ай бұрын
@@bakuretsu9187 the whole point of hearthstone is to change the meta with every set and mini set, its an online card game if the meta remains stagnant for too long we go back to the Ben Brode era where it was the same deck for a whole year. There might be a little diversity when your mmr is low but when you start climbing you see the 3 decks every game. Hearthstone tries to remove power creep because its too fast i get that, but in the second set of the season? Why not the 2 next ( the last set of the season and the first of the new)
@kirikaito2 5 ай бұрын
monkey bissness can be a refill card for questline hunter in wild and deadly combo with dragonbane. I think this is the most effective way to get maximum velue, but it may force questline hunter to run more minions.
@glitch_wurld 5 ай бұрын
4:01 Bro I literally saw the spider crawling up my screen in the corner of my eye and screamed
@andersoncampos3906 5 ай бұрын
I’m new to the game, so I don’t have any mini set yet, which should I buy? I have 4k of gold and I’m playing with Zarimi priest.
@Lu-KN 5 ай бұрын
11:04 the Soul Searching is exactly the tool I needed 🤩
@KidOmega-iv4tp 5 ай бұрын
I agree that the miniset this time seems weak and disjointed. But 1. there's still the unknown of the other four expansions and their minisets that will be legal while these cards are still live and 2. this review reflects the damned if you do damned if you don't policy: either devs create weak cards that can't compete or they make things that are just OP. There's hardly a miniground. Power creep is unavoidable, and it takes a deliberate effort to tune cards down
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
I still like the new cards from a balance and design standpoint. I really want to play in a meta where these cards are competitive, but that's just a dream. It feels like a lot of the tools are designed for future sets, and that's frustrating.
@danielwarland1589 5 ай бұрын
I would agree, but a 2 mana clean removal doesn't seem like a deliberate attempt to tune down the power creep
@tomekk.1889 5 ай бұрын
Nah that card is actually very balanced and maybe even just average. The removal is very unreliable in that you have to pray to draw it on a certain turn if you need it​@@danielwarland1589
@ahmetsolgun8607 5 ай бұрын
They should have decrease the power level with rotatio ​@@HearthstoneMathematics
@SAINTxSZN 5 ай бұрын
the miniset looks fun to me
@n-icebeam 5 ай бұрын
Some of the cards have awesome flavour, like Deadline (my favourite of the miniset). Such a shame most of these will never see play... or will in a uncertin future: I waited AGES for a fun and good enough deck to play it in standard with Millhouse.
@barcster2003 5 ай бұрын
Some will be useful now but I think some will need future support. Like cash cow. I'm not even sure what you can do.
@n-icebeam 5 ай бұрын
@@barcster2003 Yeah... but I don't know if that support will come and if I'll like it. I don't like cards being useless in the period they are released...
@LaymensLament 5 ай бұрын
you know what, i think most of these card will be cool in arena. maybe they put some designs in this for arena, like the bears card.
@asdfhuasdfghasdfashfj8428 5 ай бұрын
I personaly dont like the card comparison form befor and this is a very good alternative. I love it keep it up guys
@maiktheliar6807 5 ай бұрын
I just realized how much « Cash Cow » for hunter describes the game in its current state. Whenever Hearthstone takes damage with another poor decision, Blizzard gets pity money out of it. How beautifully ironic.
@Uefeti 5 ай бұрын
2 classes receiving a second tourist is potentially insanely impactful in the long run. The Mini set is fine
@Zakading 5 ай бұрын
I'm glad that this mini set for once might NOT be filled to the brim with instant-nerfed crap. How consistently the mini-sets had cards that needed nerfing really always annoyed me. It feels like they intentionally put the most busted cards of a set into the mini-set to make sure we won't have duplicates to get a refund for.
@PenguinWithInternetAccess 5 ай бұрын
Honestly, I'm not too mad if the miniset ends up having little impact on the meta : there are some strategies that need help for sure but there are many good decks in multiple classes atm, I'd rather have a weak miniset and keep a pretty varied meta than get what happened to whizbang again with druid directing the game. Plus there are some pretty cool things to do even if many cards seem underwhelming : skyla for a 0 mana sunset volley or tsunami into a conman for another one for example
@barcster2003 5 ай бұрын
Some i see as good and some im guessing will get support in an upcoming set.
@magetathelion5825 5 ай бұрын
Basically each mini-set in a nutshell : 1 Legendary will break an archetype and the rest is trash = not worthy
@JJay7042 5 ай бұрын
After seeing these cards, I don't think I'm gonna be playing HS for some time... I really dislike the meta game and the last few expansion are not very interesting to me with some fun exceptions which are pretty much unplayable now. Some cool designs in the mini set but yeah not "cool" enough for me anyways to feel compelled using my gold for this.
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
The card designs are very good, but that doesn't mean the cards will have an impact on the competitive scene, and that's a problem for me. Give the mini set a chance and then make a decision. I really hope I'm wrong.
@miltonlost138 5 ай бұрын
I don't know how many of these cards will see play, but I can see most of the spells causing me to lose the game when Yogg casts them randomly.
@jyteks522 5 ай бұрын
Wait if you play zeph with no excess mana he can give you shadowstep? Thats broken
@gabrielregli1222 5 ай бұрын
Still sad that stories are now dead in Heathstones
@GunnuX 5 ай бұрын
I have everything from the druid class, and the strongest deck of this class in wild mode makes the opponent lose cards and die from fatigue! This type of deck made me give up wild mode and focus on standard... Now this miniset will launch this minion: Clumsy Steward, have you seen this? Okay, get ready to face mill decks in wild and standard mode. A DK deck (blue, blue, green) will make the opponent draw a lot of cards and they will be lost in the same turn! The opponent will give up or abandon the game! I'm going to make the deck to make my opponent stop throwing the hearthstone bomb! See the combo: Harbinger of Winter + Frozen Over + Clumsy Steward. (the opponent will want to give up playing hearthstone!)
@filipvadas7602 5 ай бұрын
I don't mind the lower power level. Its a good thing considering how volatile the meta is. What I do mind is how 70% of the set is 'meh' in terms of flavor.
@seraphim090 5 ай бұрын
Thx for another great video :) Right now, there is a way to get free packs? Like twitch drop, amazon prime, or else...?
@elesvazul 5 ай бұрын
I had 2 months of HearthStone after years of not playing it. I end up try YuGiOh Master Duel instead, and OMG!!! That game is awesome! I can highly recommend YuGiOh Master Duel to all exHearthStone players. I have no words how that game is better than HearthStone.
@stevie.die_SLK 5 ай бұрын
I quit playing hearthstone for 1 month now and i am fine with it 😌
@ZAYKONN 5 ай бұрын
I feel like these cards are way too fair for the meta we live in. In the beggining Standart and Wild felt like 2 sides of a coin. Standart having new and balanced cards for it's rotations and wild being unbalanced by having every card available regardless of rotation. Now it feels Standart is the unbalanced side because of how every deck has 10-20 "Must Include" cards and Wild is just a clown fiesta where you can combo OTK on Turn 3 because it has access to every 10-20 "Must Include" card Standart has gotten from past expansions. Like, what's the point of a 4-mana +2/+2 to a weapon when I can give +2 ATK for 1-mana to a weapon that gains Durability passively? This just doesn't make sense to me. I'm still gonna get the miniset because I buy with gold so I get 3 Legendaries and a couple epics for the equivalent of 20 packs but I'm 90% sure that 90% of this miniset is just free dust.
@HeEde. 5 ай бұрын
This mini expansion might as well not exist. The cards suck
@Tuber1326 5 ай бұрын
What is hollwat's pfp picture?😅
@Tailsalmighty 5 ай бұрын
I guess I'm saving my gold
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
At least wait for a while.
@adiddevil 5 ай бұрын
Even if the mini set is almost useless... It is always worth buying it for all legendaries.
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
@@adiddevil Sometimes Yes, but sometimes No. It depends on many factors, but generally it is a good option, especially for $15.
@Tailsalmighty 5 ай бұрын
@@adiddevil I'm mostly free to play unless i like the battlepass heroes. I haven't liked the meta for a while so i buy packs then play arena. When i've opened maybe like 30-50 packs i save them until the miniset so i get most of the miniset cards
@adiddevil 5 ай бұрын
@@Tailsalmighty ur wish bro... I think Zephyr in this set is the only good card. Hope u open it. Also carnivorous cubicle.
@GunnuX 5 ай бұрын
The shaman's legendary should reduce the cost of all battlecry minions by 1 mana. (Shudderblock has to be seen in the game, the weak legendary that you gave to the shaman!) This miniset will not change the meta! I'm going to buy it because the mage got a legendary, but there isn't a variety of big spells in the game! If Hearthstone is horrible, I'll spend my time on YU-GI-OH! MASTER DUEL.
@blizz2748 5 ай бұрын
I get the feeling that it's not so much boring as there's no standout. Which is actually good because standout is power creep
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
I like the balance of the new cards and the design but I find them boring compared to the current powerful ways to play. I dream of playing in a meta where all the new cards are useful but that's just a dream.
@GunnuX 5 ай бұрын
The guy who complains about power creep is poor, he wants to spend little and be legendary. The most incredible thing is that the host of this channel values ​​this type of player, congratulations Blizzard, always doing a lot of shit! *** The poor don't support the platform! It could only be Blizzard!
@blizz2748 5 ай бұрын
@@GunnuX lmao "I like a game being better balanced and longer than 3 turns" =/= "I don't like to waste my money on a video game"
@prayinghermit 5 ай бұрын
I see exactly 0 interesting cards in this set. My only hope is for the Tourists as they provide some amount of variety. I wish they made tourists for every pair of classes and maybe allowed several tourists to fit in one deck. More importantly. Hearthstone mathematicians, I'll be hosting a very special tournament in late october, with very special rules. And I need your help. Could you please use your Holy Algorithm to determine the power of every hearthstone set? I need an excel file with their power level rated 1-100 based on how many powerful or useful for wild cards are there. If you are interested in what idea do I have - leave an answer in the comments and I'll describe the details. I tried to evaluate sets myself and will be pleasured to compare the results. As "sets" I mean expansions, adventures, mini-sets and special card releases. Expansion should include the mini-set in its cost (where applicable). Also I need to evaluate separately "legacy" set, "basic" - which is all uncraftable cards, given for free, like c'thun, novice engineer, or Archmage Vargoth, and "classic" - all the cards that are from "legacy", excluding those given for free, but including newcomers like the neutral Inquisitor card.
@TheLvkrijger 5 ай бұрын
Probably not buying the mini set this time/
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
A good strategy is to wait a bit and see what the cards actually do.
@Abrody1477 5 ай бұрын
I need power creep!!!! I want to play some cards
@bigboss-n7k 5 ай бұрын
Should I open packs now or after miniset drops? Got about 25 hoarded.
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
It depends on your goals. If you are not going to buy a mini-set, then you should open packs after the release to get new cards as well. If you are not interested in new cards at all, then open packs now.
@bigboss-n7k 5 ай бұрын
@@HearthstoneMathematics I want to maximize dust gains so I'm planning to buy a bunch of packs and the mini set as well. I have to hope there will be a bunch of cards that will get a nerf. I'm desperate since I missed my chances with whizbang and badlands. Thank you for what you're doing with your channel.
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
@@bigboss-n7k Thank you! In this case, I would risk opening the packs before the mini-set release and then buy the mini-set. The overall power of the cards in the mini-set is not impressive and only a few of them can be potential candidates for nerfs. This approach will help you maximize the number of powerful cards for the upcoming nerfs.
@hodenbacke55555 5 ай бұрын
Hearthstone needs something completely new. People getting tired
@zlatko1982 5 ай бұрын
This is by far the worst mini set blizzard release
@galkanftw 5 ай бұрын
Why is there a mini set to begin with? Well they don't have the time to get it all done in one swoop or they figure they make more money dividing one set into two releases. Monetization is a greedy disrespectful form of treating it's customers anyhow so it really doesn't matter the reason Blizzard doesn't care about you only your wallet. Easy fix for all similar devs stop giving them money then they have to wake up.
@roryb.bellows8617 5 ай бұрын
I haven't played this game in months, had a look at the mini set and decided that yeah Im not coming back. Lame af.
@RoTenken 5 ай бұрын
You missed the other two general minions. And don't be surprised you see more questionable cards in the next set.
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
I'm not against cards with reduced power levels as long as it gradually leads to a decrease in Power Creep.
@RoTenken 5 ай бұрын
@@HearthstoneMathematics I fear Microsoft is planning to get rid of Hearthstone in 2 to 3 years, but will milk it for all the money they can milk from it. Maybe that's why the meta is so hyperfast: chinese players often play it in 10-15 minute breaks. I hope I'm wrong.
@tb124.gaming 5 ай бұрын
1. everyone is crying about powercreep 2. they "finally" make weaker cards 3. ??? 4. ThE NEw HeArtHstOnE MiNi-SeT Is VEry WEird
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
A weird mini-set is not a solution to the Power Creep problem. A huge balance patch + balanced cards = a solution to the problem.
@alonkob2127 5 ай бұрын
Imo, flavor-wise this mini-set is a complete miss. Is there anyone who finds the theme interesting or fun? is there anyone who thinks the name is clever, creative, or funny?
@Mrgearzz 5 ай бұрын
Can one possibly sell hearthstone accounts? I have almost every unlock and 25kish achievements points but stopped playing
@adiddevil 5 ай бұрын
Most pathetic mini set.
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
I'm not sure about that. Maybe the current meta is just too imbalanced for these cards. The design is still interesting, the balance of most cards is good, but I don't see any scenarios for their use in the current circumstances.
@adiddevil 5 ай бұрын
@@HearthstoneMathematics I am pretty sure this is most pathetic mini set of all mini sets released this far.
@berelentless5327 5 ай бұрын
New cards are "Too balanced" for the current game. Yeah, the game is not balanced. Thus, the cards are trash, and any future ones they print. Unless. Surprise balance patch(es).
@alexchopov 5 ай бұрын
че, небратья? Свет дали? как дела в Полтаве?
@catzblu999 5 ай бұрын
Flam-eh-tongue totem? Really guys? It's 2024. There's better voice generation tools out there thanks to AI.
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
@hearthstoneislove9475 5 ай бұрын
this year this game is so boring
@billkritsas2248 5 ай бұрын
weird doesnt mean boring stop hating
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
I still like the new cards from a balance and design standpoint. But I think this set is very weird and boring, since it is unlikely that we will get new strategies or playstyles. It seems to me that this set is about the same in power as the previous ones, but the current competitive environment may not allow most of the new cards to be realized. I really want to be wrong.
@luchirri 5 ай бұрын
Cards have more and more childish artwork...
@Xri-ch9gh 5 ай бұрын
The new cards look terrible. Nothing exciting here
@HurensohnGoogle 5 ай бұрын
yall can shill you want, this is a boring ahh expansion and the last one was too
@HearthstoneMathematics 5 ай бұрын
In my opinion, the new mini-set is boring against the backdrop of a very strong competitive environment. I'm not sure that the new tools will bring us new styles of play, but I want to be wrong.
@thehaymaker3660 5 ай бұрын
How are they "shilling", they don't make money if you buy the mini set...
@monstermasterv2 5 ай бұрын
@@thehaymaker3660 *Whales who buy the golden miniset* You sure bout' that?
@thehaymaker3660 5 ай бұрын
@monstermasterv2 Yes. "Shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization, or have been paid to do so". HM don't work for Blizzard, the mini set has no affiliate links. They have nothing to gain whether you chose to buy the miniset or not. All you need to do to support them is watch their content. You don't even need to have HS installed lol.
@monstermasterv2 5 ай бұрын
@@thehaymaker3660 I was talking about the money part
@futuretrunks9100 5 ай бұрын
I just wish handbuff paladin wasnt the only competitive deck in high diamond-legends. Its so boring. I'm trying so hard to make a viable earthen deck. I've tried many combos and even reached legends in auguest. I love how blizzard certain playstyles once they made their money off of it even its still part of the standard sets.
@Pit1993x 5 ай бұрын
I almost don't encounter any Handbuff paladins in Diamond/Legend.
@christianandersson4345 5 ай бұрын
Im happy these cards suck. Past 4 expansions have been way too crazy
@GunnuX 5 ай бұрын
I thought most of them were rubbish! You have to call Microsoft to fire these stupid designs! So don't be upset when players stop playing Hearthstone!! (There are a lot of good cards for wild mode, for standard mode they are all weak! Congratulations Blizzard! Scaredy! You don't have the courage to create strong cards to change the meta! Congratulations!)
@Solrex_the_Sun_King 5 ай бұрын
Let us wild players have this victory, we rarely get stuff.
@GunnuX 5 ай бұрын
​​@@Solrex_the_Sun_KingI have everything from the druid class, and the strongest deck of this class in wild mode makes the opponent lose cards and die from fatigue! This type of deck made me give up wild mode and focus on standard... Now this miniset will launch this minion: Clumsy Steward, have you seen this? Okay, get ready to face mill decks in wild and standard mode. A DK deck (blue, blue, green) will make the opponent draw a lot of cards and they will be lost in the same turn! The opponent will give up or abandon the game! I'm going to make the deck to make my opponent stop throwing the hearthstone bomb! See the combo: Harbinger of Winter + Frozen Over + Clumsy Steward. (the opponent will want to give up playing hearthstone!)
@Solrex_the_Sun_King 5 ай бұрын
@@GunnuX half the game is deckbuilding, half the game is ladder. People who netdeck miss out on half the game. Even if the decks suck, I love playing a random brew of a deck that I thought of. The best part is when the deck I stumble upon is actually good, until the matchmaking puts me up against tier 0 decks again. But a format does not solely consist of only the top decks.
@GunnuX 5 ай бұрын
This 9 mana legendary is rubbish, the people who value this crap card are because they are blind! That 9 mana crap will bring out the wrong minions most of the time! I will speak in my language: ENFIA NO C* BLIZZARD!
@Desmian 5 ай бұрын
You guys keep farming views with "HS DYING" for years now, well played indeed. Why you still keep doing those videos? This is kinda pathetic at this point
@n-icebeam 5 ай бұрын
That's only for the cover: in reality this channel only published 1 video that was saying something close to it... and yet it was just pointing out some loss in profit. Other than that, it just tries to give us news and numbers on how is the game going: a gradual decline is certainly not good. If you actually watched the videos, you would easily see this: in this one, for example, they didn't talk about "the game dying", they were just giving their opinion on how weak and boring the cards will result in the current meta.
@xbon1 5 ай бұрын
wtf is this obviously text to speech content? downvoted, how does stuf like this get so high? need REAL voices, REAL people.
@moehalabi8437 5 ай бұрын
wild became meh
@ryanrobinson4287 5 ай бұрын
It’s finally not just a rogue hellscape at least
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