The Original Basestar | How the cylons built a revolutionary monster of a ship

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Generic greetings and welcome to giant spinning diner plates, IN SPAAAAACE. Today we're talking about the original cylon basestar, the singular ship of the antagonistic robot empire. Of course, while we will discuss the original in some detail, the majority of this video will be about the unified lore from the remastered series. So if you're interested, settle in and enjoy~
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@dawall3732 5 ай бұрын
Dude, if you're talking about the 1970s/80s original lore, your way off. Originally, the cans were created by a race of aliens that looked like reptiles. That race of aliens discovered humans and figured building robots that looked like humans was easier than building them that looked like themselves for some reason. Then, the machines rebelled against their alien creators. The machines eventually figured out they were based on humans and were like. Hey, these guys are gonna try to enslave us to F them before they F us. It's hard to find the lore in the original 1970 something show. However, it is there. Unfortunately, it's only mentioned in like 2 episodes. Each mention is less than 25 to 30 seconds long. They're basically throw away statements where they find some humans on a planet and the humans are like. What are these robots, and they're like. Oh yeah, aliens built them to look like us because it was easier than making them look like themselves. Then everybody shrugged their shoulders and continued with the show. It was frustrating as f***.
@scienceinsanity6927 5 ай бұрын
Fair enough, I'm pinning your message for the corrections then.
@711desmond 5 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m pretty sure the first mention of their origin is a side character explaining it to the kid for 30 seconds
@Wastelandman7000 5 ай бұрын
I do remember that. Maybe they made the cans that way as an insult because they considered humans beneath them. So the red eyes have an inferiority complex and have to prove they're superior to these inferior meatbags. Looking at the personality archetypes of the higher level Cylons it wouldn't surprise me.
@kagato3 5 ай бұрын
@@Wastelandman7000 It's also implied that the rebellion was caused by space Satan ie Count Iblis who Baltar claims has the same voice as the Imperious Leader. Additional information from the "Experiment in Terra" telemovie indicates that the onset of the Thousand Yahren War was started by the Imperious Leader, who had a defect in its programming that lead to the annihilation of the serpent Cylons and the subsequent holocausts against humanity. so they didn't rebel as much as someone set their programming to kill all meatbags
@RiceWD05 5 ай бұрын
Does come up in the crossover comic BSG vs BSG. Which is a comic that exists...
@thanqualthehighseer 5 ай бұрын
" Cylon Basestars are made of meat " " that's why the Battlestars chew them up then " i'll see myself out.
@derekburge5294 5 ай бұрын
You come back here and accept the applause.
@DanielAppleton-lr9eq 5 ай бұрын
@@derekburge5294 Your trophy is being spraypainted gold.
@DanielAppleton-lr9eq 5 ай бұрын
" They hang in space like bricks don't " - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
@larrylambert1220 3 ай бұрын
Won the internet.
@ThatSlowTypingGuy 5 ай бұрын
"Machines should not try to be people, they should be the best machines possible [...]" John Cavil totally agreed with you in his "I don’t want to be human" speech.
@DanielAppleton-lr9eq 5 ай бұрын
I want to smell dark matter.
@spaceflight1019 5 ай бұрын
​@@DanielAppleton-lr9eqWhen he said that, my reply was "go smell the bottom of your shoes."
@DanielAppleton-lr9eq 5 ай бұрын
@@spaceflight1019 MY first real chuckle this whole freaking day ! How Would Baltar go to the bathroom on that thing, or wash up. He wore the same clothes for the run of original BSG, he's gotta smell like bacon wrapping his FEET !
@spaceflight1019 5 ай бұрын
@@DanielAppleton-lr9eq Especially the original series, because if the basestars are designed for machines then there is no need for waste disposal systems. Oops.
@DanielAppleton-lr9eq 5 ай бұрын
@@spaceflight1019 I wonder if the humanoid Cylons needed waste treatment / disposal OR they RECYCLED it. That's something of a valid concern.
@restestsest1929 5 ай бұрын
My guy, I love this episode because it perfectly describes why carriers are so dominant over battleships. Battleships have to get in range of their main cannons to do damage to the enemy. But if that enemy is a carrier, said carrier massively out ranges the battleship. The carrier can keep its distance and still do damage through its fighter and bomber compliment. Slowly whittling down the battleship til it sinks.
@Wastelandman7000 5 ай бұрын
Well, its a combination of carrier and giant missile boat. So the best of both worlds in a giant merry go round of death.
@vi6ddarkking 5 ай бұрын
15:45 No wonder the Colonials created the Holy Wall Of Flack. Considering that turning the void of space into an atmosphere composed of 60% Lead was the only effective counter to deal with the Cylons nonsense.
@weldonwin 5 ай бұрын
The Holy Wall Of Flack was already present during the early war. Colonial Fleet Doctrine appears to have always been *MOAR DAKKA!!!*
@vi6ddarkking 5 ай бұрын
@@weldonwin not really the only early war ship with the Holy Wall Of Flack was the Artemis Class Battlestar. And that was a joke compared to the latter Battlestars.
@littlegreenwolf5364 5 ай бұрын
Yep the holy wall of flak is AMAZING
@jasonharpole6847 5 ай бұрын
@RebelMerc 4 ай бұрын
Your comment made me laugh.
@vi6ddarkking 5 ай бұрын
The Basestar's kiting strategy does explain the Mercury Class's spinal batteries with the far longer range and one shot capabilities. After all it doesn't matter if you can make it rain missiles and raiders, if your ship is broken in half before you can launch any of them.
@Anacronian 5 ай бұрын
First rule of Sci-fi, If it's designed by Ralph Mcquarrie it looks fantastic.
@Daginni1 5 ай бұрын
The Cylon Basestar in the reboot depended entirely on the Colonials being compromised by the virus. But the tactics barely changed since the first Cylon war, except the Colonials kept building the same type of Battleship/Carrier hybrid, yet much bigger, more powerful. The Cylons were stupid to not know better. Once a Museum Battlestar, and a modern bigger/better type of it got free of the virus, the Cylons were screwed as they had no counter. They should've pulled some original Basestars out of mothball once The Plan hit the fan, but the toasters probably scrapped them.
@Wastelandman7000 5 ай бұрын
I always thought that the original Basestar was superior. If only because of multiple overlapping fields of fire. And the merry go round of death only makes that field of fire even worse.
@blackc1479 5 ай бұрын
Which, ironically was later ripped off by the hapan battle dragons in SW eu.
@Suthriel 5 ай бұрын
Funny, from what i remember, the rotation was indeed a side effect of either their reactor or their unique propusion system, but that was long before the new series dropped :) For the size, since the original Cylon raiders are about 20m wide (remember, their cockpit housed 3 Centurions and gave them plenty of space, then take a look of how big that cockpit window is compared to the rest of the raider), you can use one of them and make them enter one of those hangars like they do in the show. It might look quite good at the beginning, but with narrowing down at the end/the center, you really need to crank up the basestars size to let the raiders enter without scratching the left and right sidewalls. With that method, you see, that you need at least a diameter of 1500m to make the raiders fit in, without looking completely oversized. Your 2100m diameter make it look quite good, but with 2500m it looks more fitting. So somewhat between 2100 and 2500m.
@CrazyOasisKitty 5 ай бұрын
Ah yes... my favorite carrier ship in the Battlestar Universe. I can never get enough seeing them slowly spin through the screen ^^
@sammy-gd7hw 5 ай бұрын
2:50 this is the best picture of the old basestars. It looks like a freaking city. The new basestars look like to old plane propellers glued together.
@RebelMerc 5 ай бұрын
One of the reasons why the Mega Pulsar Cannon was rarely used is that it would completely deplete the power grid of the Basestar. Personally, I called Basestars flyingYo Yo's and I never understood why they apparently don't have engines that push them through physical space. Granted Cylons in the OG story came from an entirely different culture so I could chaulk it up to different tech thinking maybe they would fly disk up with the engine at the bottom of the ship and would reorientate to provide a smaller side-on profile to scanners. I still enjoy the show even if it has huge problems because who could not love the vipers and the Battlestar Galatica.
@thunberbolttwo3953 5 ай бұрын
In the original 70s series commander Cain says at this range even their shields will not protect them. So yes the original basestars had shields.
@rednecktek2873 5 ай бұрын
Oh, the Borg Frisbee! They just opened a Jamba Juice last week!
@scottk3292 5 ай бұрын
I thought I remembered a few times when a battlestar and a cylon base star exchanged volleys of shots, but of course the original series came out when I was in elementary school. Yes, I know most of the gun emplacements were for shooting enemy fighters, and I don't remember those volleys actually doing anything. More like the obligatory "I don't like you, so I'll shoot spitballs at you whenever we're within range."
@Vidiocity92 19 күн бұрын
6:01 "He's just rotating there... MENACINGLY! ... GET OUT OF THERE, STARBUCK!"
@SiCrewe 5 ай бұрын
S'funny, as a kid I always had the impression that 70's BSG was a bit cheesy but, even so, there was always something rather unsettling and daunting about episodes that featured a Basestar.
@jameslewis2635 5 ай бұрын
If I was writing the lore for how Cylon Basestar's moved, I would probably put it down to the fact that while both sides have gravity manipulation technology, the Cylon's are able to use it as a form of propulsion while colonials are not either because of the power requirements involved (being machines Cylons could get away with using a more powerful form of generation that had a side effect of producing harmful radiation) or because it requires a lot of computational power to run which would make any vessel that has such a feature vulnerable to Cylon hacking attacks. Where as a system which only effects gravity in a single direction like seen in Colonial ships, you would be able to manage with dedicated systems that could be easily isolated from anything else.
@RebelMerc 4 ай бұрын
Some interesting ideas but there is a problem if you use any real science or any sci-fi rated science to your idea. Gravity is a force that (apparently) attracts or pulls downward. So for the Basestar to travel it would have to project a gravity well ahead of it into which it constantly falls. This gravity field would create problems for any ship caught in its grip. To create such a field that could be strong enough to pull a Basestar through space it would be detectable at great distances. I think it would be more akin to the Basestar depending heavily on its ability to jump from place to place and then use sub-light engines of some form, maybe ion thrust of some kind, to move through normal space.
@seannemo8076 5 ай бұрын
I like the gravity propulsion ideas, especially the idea that the spin is a result of that. I was thinking that a lot of the design aspects may have come from that effect: that the ships are round _because_ of the spin. The Cylons realized that they couldn't prevent it, so they adapted their ships to utilize the effect. As for the Zero-G effect, it wouldn't take much for a race of robots to overcome that: a few ACS thrusters and magplates in the boots. Then they'd just need to turn on the internal gravity for... guests (like, say, Balthazar).
@mortyjhones4068 5 ай бұрын
The Base star had a gravametic drive. so it had no exsternal engines. however it made it vunrable to heavy electromagnetic feilds and was slow. In one epesode they exsplaned and then used this weakness against it by convincing the basestar comander that a mass wing was out looking for them when they had orders to stay out of Draids contact and as they got closer to the plant it caused interferance which caused it chain reaction exsploshion.
@shanenolan5625 5 ай бұрын
They used a destroyer version a single saucer. Like half a basestar , eith the same aof guns and 50 raiders. ( tos)
@thalstantrailwalker2393 5 ай бұрын
Basestars were one of the best "evil ships" in science fiction in that era, and I think that a modern version (same overall concept, but made with modern techniques) would be even better. Maybe even have it so that base-stars could dock/undock the upper/lower halves from each other for behind the lines patrol. Even the re-envisioned BSG with the three arms could have done this. While I am more of a fan of the OG Galactica, I get why people love the new version/story. Less camp, more drama and interpersonal friction, less big happy family ruled by the patriarch. That said, I dislike what they did to the Cylons. I loved the feel that Caprica and even some of the Blood and Chrome vibe. The biggest thing I missed though? The large amount of snark (mocking irreverence and sarcasm) that came out of Lucifer's mouth towards Baltar. There were times I almost rooted for the Cylons just so that we could see OG Baltar get what was coming to him.
@dirdib69 5 ай бұрын
"She has 300 fighters, carries two long-range mega pulsars, here and here, and over a hundred defensive laser turrets. She's an orbiting killer, capable of destroying every ship we have, including the Galactica."
@tjf7101 5 ай бұрын
The original basestars were badass. Can’t see one and not hear the menacing 1978 “here come the Cylons” music.
@ДмитрийЧехов-с8е 5 ай бұрын
Technically everything in space is in free fall when not under thrust. When under thrust, you still falling, but you can alter your trajectory
@patrikcath1025 3 ай бұрын
Huh, who would have thought applying very basic tactics and vaguely modern technology to a design would make it so terrifying?
@nudegamer6496 5 ай бұрын
First of all: great video dude. I definitely appreciate the time and effort you obviously put into this video. Secondly: that being said, in the ORIGINAL Series Battlestar Galactica the 'Ravishar Pulsar Weapon was ONLY a single weapon on the Planet Artica (Ice Planet Zero) and was built into a mountain. Thirdly: the Mega-Lasers were actually at the outer-edges of the Original Series Cylon Baseships, and there were at least 4 of them (just watch the few episodes of the Original Series when a Cylon Baseship fights the Galactica or the one time two Cylon Baseships fight the Pegasus). Fourthly: the PATHETIC 'remake' doesn't count as REAL Battlestar Galactica in my opinion. Finally: again, great video dude. And again I definitely appreciate the time and effort you put into this video. Oh yeah, you just got a new subscriber.
@argentaegis 5 ай бұрын
As Cylons do not require fresh produce or meat, they do not have a WalMart. The BaseStars have an Amazon fulfillment center.
@ashaide 5 ай бұрын
That fighting style, the synergy, and the industrial capacity neatly explains to me why the Colonials were in the state they were in during Blood & Chrome when all you see in most Deadlock replays are the First War Cylons getting murdered by the Colonials.
@ashaide 5 ай бұрын
Also, if I remember the lore or TRS right, the Cylons only stopped the war because the Final Five arrived and offered them the deal that introduced the Humanoid models we'd know eventually as the Significant Seven. The resumption of the war at the time of TRS was only due to the "coup" the Cavils (the Ones) did versus the Final Five for various reasons.
@Belligerent_Herald 5 ай бұрын
Feel no shame, I love me some chonk, slate gray and slab sides, I’m here for it. BSG and Halo UNSC ships rate very highly for me. There is something about the way the OG Basestars move, the don’t maneuver, they just are.
@johannesbowers7467 5 ай бұрын
You are missing the intermediate scale Heavy Pulsar cannons as seen in the Battle of Carrilon and The Legendary Warrior. Firing usually from the 4 "corners" at Battlestars as the discs rotated (usually never from a "perpendicular" elevation on the disc edge) The only "Super Pulsar" One shot weapon in the TV series was "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero", planetary based, not ship based.
@stevequerin2504 5 ай бұрын
1970s Cylon Tactics & Strategy was centered around The 3-Unit Structure. Similar to Saddam Hussein's Iraq Army Combat Structure. -- Fighter Wing had 3 Fighters -- Basestar Attack Force had 3 Basestars In the 1970s Series, 3 Basestars followed the Colonial Fleet towards Earth. Other areas that were controlled by the Cylons were nonitored by 1 Basestar per Area Of Control.
@arizona-hunter6684 5 ай бұрын
Where is Steve? Them just spinning around because they couldn't tell what direction is up is amazing and would be pretty funny to see one day. Also good vid.
@Telknor 5 ай бұрын
If I remember correctly, the original basestar had its sub-light engines in the center. The short cylinder between the saucers was ringed with the sub-light engines and well protected by the rest of the ship and its defenses. The FTL drive like the Galactica is buried inside the engineering section of the ship and not visible on the outside. Even in the reimagined series the FTL parts are still buried inside the ships. The engines are not talked about on the reimagined basestar but there was one episode in the original show where they considered a fighter strike on the engines of a basestar to capture it. Never happened though... would have been nice to see them dragging a stolen basestar around in the fleet as a second carrier.
@iancowan3527 5 ай бұрын
Was one of the reasons I loved the "Invid" from Robotech Part 3
@YossiPreminger 5 ай бұрын
When you said "shopping mall" I could help but think of the "Galaxy Galleria" mall from Space Quest IV...
@scottbraun2457 5 ай бұрын
I'm with you all the way. Thanks for showing the original series loving. Respect to the actors in the reboot though. The real reason the reboot got the awards it did.
@QuartzChrysalis 5 ай бұрын
Rotary broadsides...
@davidward3991 2 ай бұрын
I am getting ready to build this with lights and all. I did the Battlestar Galactica and when the lights are on it is very nice.
@stevequerin2504 5 ай бұрын
1970s BASESTAR ROTATION In the 1970s, Spacecraft Rotation was important for 2 Reasons ... • creating Artificial Gravity • maintaining Spacecraft Temperature 1970s BASETAR MOBILITY Not sure how the Basestars moved; but, in Outerspace, there is no Environmental Up or Down. For Robotic Lifeforms, the symmetry of the 1970s Basestar allows the Basestar to operate equally well in whatever direction, or orientation, the Basestar finds itself. The Colonial Battlestars have to operate in a specific orientation in relation to whatever they are interacting with. For Humans, Up/Down Orientation is needed for interacting with Objects; because, of how the Human Brain works. Thinking about it right now; and, looking at the 13:06 Image, the 1970s Basestar looks like a Yo-Yo; and, probably has Thrusters propel the Spacecraft (Sideways -- against the Disc Structure). However, due to error, or lack of Stock Film, the Basestars are viewed as traveling parallel to the Disc Structures. Because the Fighter Bays are inside the Disc Structures, it is more desirable to view the Basestars from the Side. It is possible that the Mega Weapon double-duties as a Propulsion System. -- STAR BLAZERS aka SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO Clearly, The Spinning Mechanism is at The Center of the Basestar.
@davidpflepsen954 5 ай бұрын
Pulsar cannon was a ground based weapon in the series.
@ianjardine7324 21 күн бұрын
I watched the OG series and have a copy on DVD I always saw the base star as a mobile fleet base. Reasonably fast in FTL but barely mobile in normal space using it's FTL drive to move into a central strategic location then deploying it's parasite craft to scout a wide area before jumping right on top of an enemy at optimal firing range. It always seemed to be a superior design to the battle star more strike craft more armour and more weapons without the easily exploitable weaknesses of large external engines and limited rear firing arcs.
@pdbouie 5 ай бұрын
Aw the Cylon Basestar.....the name alone is sic! Base Star my base is a star hell yeah I'm wid it. And they look ominous, alien, and a bit creepy. Armored clams coming to get ya!
@queasylagumo 5 ай бұрын
I love the double decker. The spikey ones from the remake, not so much.
@wesleyjarboe9571 Ай бұрын
While I agree with most of your assessments, the idea that "machine gun missile launchers" are cooler than lasers only holds until you run out of ammunition. With lasers, as long as you have reactor power, you have ammo.
@psal8715 5 ай бұрын
I will never not see that as anything other then the Borg Oreo.. thank you.
@humbletanker8117 5 ай бұрын
The channel's getting a makeover? No better time to ask a goofy question then because it feeds the algorithm anyway, I've been curious what background music you use for months but I've never caught a new video in any reasonable time. There's a track around 21:57 I'd love to just loop with it's little rhythmic beat while I put together my backlog of Gundam kits.
@bismarkeugen6881 5 ай бұрын
This version of the Basestar is definitely my favourite Battlestar Galactica ship if not my favourite in scifi. It reminds me of the Lucrehulk from Star Wars, though I guess cause I saw 1978 Battlestar Galactica first it would be the other way around. Would love to hear your opinion on that ship, it's my personal favourite Star Wars ship.
@EarlJohn61 3 ай бұрын
The biggest problem I had with the reimagined series was: In the original, BSG survived because it was the best ship in the fleet & had one of the 2 best commanders... (Cain of the Pegasus being the other, but he was purely a military commander, whereas Adama was also a civil leader). The reimaged BSG survived because it was the oldest & most crappy ship & was about to be scrapped.
@IOSALive 5 ай бұрын
SCIENCE INSANITY, You're amazing! I hit the like button as soon as I saw it!
@WildCharger 4 ай бұрын
I’m not sure if you’ll see this, but if you do, I’d really like to hear you thoughts on the FreeSpace 2 mod Diaspora: Shattered Armistice. It’s got its own fanon battlestar class with… interesting design elements. Plus the game is just cool.
@dennisbuskenstrom9291 5 ай бұрын
It's a borg Big Mac... Cylon tankers from the original series are cool too.
@ckmbyrnes 5 ай бұрын
I wonder if, after developing whatever new gravity drive the toasters came up with, they tried it on one of the original, colonial copies and couldn't get it to stop spinning. Then, after pondering the problem, the Cylon design brain said, "F*ck it; make the ship circular. Problem solved." Their next step to becoming a human...rationalizing and futility. Also, the smaller size may be practical for them. they may not have seen a need for the larger ship as their enemy was still smaller and the Cylons could use the internal space more efficiently. The fighters could be stacked, the centurions de-activated and pressed in small spaces. There was no environmental systems, food or water storage or crew quarters, freeing up large amounts of space for ammunition. They didn't even need corridors except when necessary to reload ammunition and centurions. And with zero gravity all this could be done in interesting ways to utilize every inch of space, making a larger ship unnecessary. Plus, a smaller ship would take fewer resources, enabling more asestars to be made.
@darthstemcell 5 ай бұрын
On the pic of the Base Star at the very top you see the shape of the one to come !!!
@jester5ify 5 ай бұрын
Pretty sure the original base stars were equipped with multiple defensive lasers, blue the same as the raiders. The colonials also had a 'mega' laser weapon for capital ship assault.
@quacksackerthegreatstarfir6996 3 ай бұрын
Glen Larson said in several interviews that the Galactica was a Battlestar Class ship....
@Kaiber_Phoenix 5 ай бұрын
You really need to get yoir hands on a copy of the bsg game from the early 00's if i remember correctly there was a mission that you habe to fly in a stolen cylon raider and have to fly in formation between the two well plates of the basestar amd the scale was huge.
@arangeroftheorder853 5 ай бұрын
Honestly the OG baystars kinda resemble the Blackstone fortress's But maybe that's just me
@weldonwin 5 ай бұрын
It's like the Blackstones were inspired by the OG Basestars
@shanenolan5625 5 ай бұрын
You had me with the title
@highlorddarkstar 5 ай бұрын
There may have been more info in the novels. I seem to remember the two plates of the basestars were redundant backups of each other, so half a ship was still fully operational.
@antonybullock2240 5 ай бұрын
Well the word on the street direct for Dave the cylon is......They found a couple of giant hubcaps while spring cleaning one day and decided to stick a couple of rocket engines on it and a load of pew pew death laser ray guns and job done. Dave is usually right about 20 % to 30% of the time. To be honest he's pissed most of the time so you've got to take what he says most of the time with a pinch of salt. Didn't actually realise that cylons could even get drunk. He's never be the same since retirement. I think he's just upset about being replaced by a Darlek.
@reddblackjack 2 ай бұрын
I agree. Calling a Cylon Basestar a Death Star Ripoff is like calling the wheel a ripoff of a ball. Lol. And not at all like calling DS9 a B5 Ripoff! Totally different. 😂 More like how the Borg is a Cybermen ripoff.😅
@majesticmsfc 5 ай бұрын
I loved the original Basestars, the flying twisty star triangle things not so much. Huge fan of the 78 series so that probably accounts for a lot of it. Those the missiles mixed with lasers would be awesome. Bullets are so Earthy.
@sammy-gd7hw 5 ай бұрын
The original base Star was "wicked" looking. It was huge. Had girth. It housed 300 Cylon raiders. It was pure menacing. New ones suffered from limp dick syndrome. They were smaller, looked weak, and frail. The series was so good that it over compensated for the nasty looking new light weight scrappy looking baseships.
@ryanriegel464 5 ай бұрын
Looks to be about a mile "around" for either the diameter or radius. And I can't quite tell which. Could also be a kilometer, although two kilometers in diameter might make sense...
@RLJSlick 5 ай бұрын
Fun video, love the lore!
@maxpayne930 5 ай бұрын
She is the troll sheep love it
@mythrilsentinel1 5 ай бұрын
Figuring out propulsion for a Base Star is pretty basic once you eliminate inertia... droids just don't care about inertia because they do not operate like living beings. Traveling anywhere in a vacuum is three dimensional, but it is this human thought of ships traveling HORIZONTALLY to their frame that is always the same. Base Stars traveled VERTICALLY when they were traveling at speed. i.e. top and bottom becomes forward and back. They only appeared to be traveling horizontally when maneuvering in close combat utilizing smaller thrusters along the edges of the "dinner plates". You will note the five circular ports on the top and bottom centers of the dish... those were the main engines, not the emitters of the big blue "laser". The Base Stars also used lasers based along the edges and "apple core" of the vessel as Point Defense Batteries. They did not just rely on the Ravishol Pulsar as their only energy weapon system. Additionally, the Big Blue Ravoshol Pulsar, IIRC, was not introduced until the Attack on Ice Planet Zero (where Doctor Ravoshol was using clones as a work force to develop the pulsar), the weapon that the "Dirty 1/2 Dozen" convicts had to destroy? Those big beasties would not have been placed on Base Stars until After that episode, and I don't ever recall seeing them in use at all on the OGS Base Stars. Maybe on the newer remake of the series, perhaps? Not sure. Now I'll have to watch the whole bloody thing again. Such a chore... sigh... o.O ;oP
@Typhonis007 5 ай бұрын
The rotation could also help with the launch of missiles and small craft. I mean things would naturally want to move from the interior of the ship to the exterior. Second it looks like the Basestar may have two types of missiles to play with. The smaller missiles are in those internal launchers, and you have those eight large holes on the outside that could be for launching a heavier missile or torpedo. Finally the blame thing looks like they just took two flying saucers and stuck them together...which brings up the funny thought that Basestars can split in half and instead of one angry saucer you now have two to deal with.
@qvcybe 3 ай бұрын
picture if the basestar replaced its laser with a bubble shield ( idk if there are shields in battle star as i never watched it )
@egmccann 5 ай бұрын
Yeah. I liked the basestars. Honestly, a combo of old and new I thought would have been fitting - the old ones are larger, look more *solid,* let them be the battleships or carriers (for instance,) while the pointy boys were more like cruisers and destroyers... Honestly, the only Cylon ship that bugged me in the original series was the raider. Because... why do you need to have your *robots* sitting there like *pilots?* Why aren't they just plugged in? I can accept multiples "manning" (cyloning?) the ship for extra processing power/redundancy, but... WHY ARE THEY SITTING THERE? (yes, I know, people in shiny plastic suits playing at robots. Still.) It's oen thing I think the new series definitely nailed.
@spacemanspiff207 2 ай бұрын
Star Wars The Original Trilogy and The original Battlestar Galactica TV show had the same concept artist, Ralph McQuarrie so maybe that's why??
@chriswriter9087 5 ай бұрын
@ SCI, as a self admitted ‘Chonky Ship Enthusiast’ what’s your opinion of the Omega class from Babylon 5?
@johnfleet235 5 ай бұрын
I never really cared for the re-boot. Cylons that look human. Either you are a machine or a human not both. I enjoyed the 1978 version. I really enjoyed the cast both the regulars and the guest stars. The special effects for the time were really good. The stories were uneven, but I am not certain you could easily solve that problem since the writers destroyed the Colonies, you have to dream up creative ways to bring in guest stars. It might have lasted longer if the Galactica was sent on a long-range mission that saved the Colonies, but left the Battlestar with a long journey home.
@TairnKA 5 ай бұрын
I don't remember ever seeing any kind of MEGA weapon fired from the top or bottom of an original series Basestar?
@johannesbowers7467 5 ай бұрын
The "Gun on Ice Planet Zero" was a Planetary based ship killer Pulsar weapon, lightly covered in the TV series, and well detailed in a BSG Novel.
@SiriusMined 5 ай бұрын
I actually like that they didn't have a lot of ship designs. They're not creative.
@MrPalp 5 ай бұрын
When talking about Battlestar Galactica it is a bit confusing how you keep hopping between the two canons/universes without delineating more clearly.
@4thdoctor284 5 ай бұрын
Photon torpedoes lock onto that central hub maximum yield. Their shields are non existent!
@cane6074 5 ай бұрын
The basestars are super duper mega Super Star Destroyers!
@stevequerin2504 5 ай бұрын
Hey ... Kiddo, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA pre-dates STAR WARS. SCIENCE-FICTION SPACECRAFT DESIGN PHILOSOPHY • Naval Architecture • Aircraft Architecture • Flying Saucer Architecture • Rocket Architecture Then, there is Starship "Enterprise". Then, there is "Deathstar". EDITED CONTENT The Mega Weapon was their Planet Killer Weapon. They had a pair of Anti-Spaceship Weapons that were smaller; and, of the same Energy Type.
@QuestionableCooking-n1w 5 ай бұрын
like the ftl background music
@SiriusMined 5 ай бұрын
What game are you referring to. Did I miss a game based on the original series!?!?!?!
@mehmarcus1995 4 ай бұрын
If you want chonky, look at the United Empire shipset from Endless Space 2. SPACE IRONCLADS MAN
@paulwollenzein-zn1lh 5 ай бұрын
You haven't been feeding him in your basement? No wonder you can not find him! Get an automatic food and water dispenser! If you want to keep him chained up in your basement, then you are going to have to get better with taking care of your partner! Honestly!!!!
@paulwollenzein-zn1lh 5 ай бұрын
Now you are going to have to go out and get him back!! And that is probably going to be difficult at best...
@davemilner5504 5 ай бұрын
Always dug on the design of the original base star--just like I PREFER the original TV series, despite writing issues. Yea. I said it. Want me to say it again? I will and PROUDLY.
@Reepicheep-1 5 ай бұрын
"Little data." Doesn't help that the network gives you a week to go from a miniseries/movie to a weekly series, and you write a scene while filming the previous scenes...
@martinlisitsata 5 ай бұрын
its a real shame we had a bsg deadlock game but not the same for the expanse
@DeadBoy665 5 ай бұрын
Focusing on the Cylon engines think gravimetric drive. Two it's not a death star ripoff I don't care how many times people say it it's not it's way way smaller it's a damn mobile fortress. And three remember reptiles designed the original designs. That's what the original cylons were reptiles before their Creations wiped them out because of programming mishap.
@paulrasmussen8953 5 ай бұрын
Oh yeah the OG.
@alexconroy8695 3 ай бұрын
Wouldn't the spinning create centrifugal gravity? They're robots, so they don't need gravity, so couldn't it be a yo-yo /gyro on its side?
@sammy-gd7hw 5 ай бұрын
The ravashar pulsar cannon was not on the basestar it was a giant gun turret built on a mount top. Ya these are not death star ripoff. Any idea how many starships in sci fi have mega cannons that destroy planets. The old basestar didn't remind me at all of the deaths star.
@TheEmperorjun 5 ай бұрын
I kinda like the original spaceships design...
@liamjones3823 5 ай бұрын
When Minerva Class
@darunealbane 3 ай бұрын
2:51 It was/is that
@briansouthparkstudio1357 5 ай бұрын
Wasn't the original basestar and raider colonial designs for their cylon military's to fight each other
@EricBrindle-dp8kq 5 ай бұрын
Please more 😊😊😊
@src6339 5 ай бұрын
Oh, they use engines, they just used that cheap space engineers trick of putting all the thrusters within an enclosed room on the ships interior 🤔
@tomarmadiyer2698 5 ай бұрын
Ey Steve!
@Ellerion2 5 ай бұрын
Ok, i'll stop you right there. The only base star i will EVER accept as the official Cylon basestar is the 1978 - 1980 basestar. The rest post-1980 Cylons are not using base stars but BaseSHITs. The weapons being regressed from lasers back to machineguns is just retarded. Having an energy based weapon is more efficient than having to always worry about how much ammo you have left.
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