The biggest mistake was the tone. These are monsters, not superheroes. A modern reinterpretation of the classic films from the '30s and '40s with the exact tone and atmosphere that those films had has so much potential for something fresh.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
@Vor567tez Жыл бұрын
Yes. As a horror lover I was interested in the idea. I think Universal should again give it a try ;with of course learning from past mistakes. When superhero gener hasn't stopped making a Batman and Spiderman movie for 100th of time then why should something that so rarely seen be given up? Universal also has money and audience. So no problem in there.
@bezoticallyyours83 Жыл бұрын
I agree with that.
@garavin Жыл бұрын
Yeah, probably the best they could have hoped for was to make them all antiheroes of one sort or another. But swapping out the horror for just another version of the MCU or DCU was a doomed venture. Lightning doesn't strike thrice.
@rybackfrankie8679 Жыл бұрын
The idea was good but they should have make it more like Blade or Underworld and less like Marvel movies.
@croneycousteau Жыл бұрын
Around 2016-2017, I was an Uber driver in La, when I picked up this frazzled client who was on a conference call, explaining how “the film isn’t working”, something about how the director was green, and how “he (or) Tom is running the show now”, causing lots of turmoil on set, especially with the director. Years later, I think back and I can’t help but wonder if they were discussing the doomed production of The Mummy.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Must’ve been! Thnx for sharing. Wild story.
@CharlesH-t9r Жыл бұрын
@@Bulletsandblockbusters The biggest issue was that they hired Popcorn action writers and producers to helm the dark universe As you said , they put known a listers as the monsters instead of lesser known actors and actresses in them roles and you're right making the monsters superheroes was a bad idea too And the people they got to helm the dark universe aren't really considered good ones in fact they both have been bashed by critics and movie goers for alot of the films they wrote and produced So why would Universal Studios decided to make them helm a horror dark universe? And then "Nick Fury" of any dark universe should of been Abraham Van Helsing , not making horror monsters "sympathetic" you already have the humans who have been killed by these monsters as sympathetic characters and Van Helsing being the protagonists It should of been known famous Indy horror filmmakers to helm the dark universe franchise
@4Everlast Жыл бұрын
Veryyyyy likely.
@4Everlast Жыл бұрын
@@CharlesH-t9r Popcorn action writers ain't the problem. BAD writers are a problem, Kurtzman, Goyer and such. A good writer will do his research and will NOT write a bad script no matter how new he is to the material. And yes, unknown and lesser known actors would cut the cost for the studios by 50% at least. Enough with the glorification of a handful of people.
@RobVespa Жыл бұрын
@@CharlesH-t9r - This is not true. Content is king. The concept, let alone the sole released project, shouldn't have been greenlit without a complete plan and, in the case of the film, script (that had been wholly polished and was known to be golden).
@Taranchule Жыл бұрын
The Dark Universe was always a heartbreaker for me, both for the Pseudo-Superhero direction they took and because it all fell apart so quickly. I often daydream about what might have been. If I had my way, these movies would be dark, gothic and moody. Not gore or jumpscares, but a slowly building dread. The throughline would be Van Helsing researching the cause of all these monster manifesting all of a sudden (Chaos, for lack of a better name). The finale would haven been Monster Squad for adults, with all the monsters returning and Chaos manifesting in the flesh. Van Helsing would have to gather the protagonists of the other films to deal with this final threat. Cheesy idea, I know, but it appeals to me.
@bezoticallyyours83 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but Talbot got killed in the remake. So there's no kicking him in the nards. 🤭
@DeadlyAlienInvader Жыл бұрын
Would you still keep the actress for the Mummy role? I thought she had potential and wanted to see more of her……………atleast to my weird taste.
@Taranchule Жыл бұрын
@@DeadlyAlienInvader Eh, I can take her or leave her if I'm honest.
@unrepentantoffender188 Жыл бұрын
That is the Avengers 1 plot, give or take.
@Taranchule Жыл бұрын
@@unrepentantoffender188 I guess it kinda is. There's a reason I'm not a Hollywood script writer 😂
@Psychoshell Жыл бұрын
The real problem the the mummy 2017 failed was that they gave Tom cruise too much control
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
@roberttreacy8271 Жыл бұрын
The real monster on set was Tom Cruise’s ego.
@antjack6192 Жыл бұрын
The real problem the mummy 2017 failed was they cast Tom cruise too being with
@colonelhstinkmeaner8547 Жыл бұрын
He killed universal dark😂😂😂
@dexine4723 Жыл бұрын
I think they also tried to do too much. If they'd focused on the mummy story and cut out a lot of the Russell Crowe/organization part, it might have worked better. It just felt like they were throwing in all these details and extra characters, which should have been introduced slowly, in separate films - like the MCU did with Nick Fury in post-credit scenes. Mind you, I do agree that Cruise was a mistake. It might have done better with someone younger, more believable as a romantic partner for the younger female lead or the mummy herself, and less 'fixed' in style.
@malcolmmilk Жыл бұрын
This just reinforces what I have always believed: 1.) The MCU is both one of the BEST and WORST things to happen to cinema, creatively. 2.) A-listers have too much creative control sometimes, and writers, directors, and producers should be able to do what they are paid to do and have been brought on for: to make a successful film. 3.) Studios are out of touch, and more creative minds need to be a part of the producing/studio process, like how James Gunn (a creative) is co-CEO with Peter Safran (an experienced producer) for balance or even John Lasseter (who was an actual animator) back in the day, heading Pixar.
@snoweverywhere Жыл бұрын
Your third point reminded me of a quote I read from Christopher Nolan earlier this week. He essentially said Taylor Swift's concert movie is going to be a shock to a lot of Hollywood executives that an outsider could make so much money at the boxoffice. The part that stood out to me was that Nolan pointed out Hollywood execs being shocked. That's a key piece of information he felt the need to point out.
@4Everlast Жыл бұрын
I agree 100%. You can cut the cost of these movies by 50% and more, if you get lesser known and unknown actors on board, god knows writers and directors ain't payed nearly as much as some of them are worth, meanwhile you got your Kurtzman's and Goyer's who will F up anything they touch, twist and pervert it, not even understanding they did it.
@snoweverywhere Жыл бұрын
@4Everlast new and unknown talent is so important for so many reasons in front of and behind the camera. If for no other reason, than just to keep some people from getting comfortable in their patterns. I think some directors are at a point where their name on something is a detriment as much as a positive because half the audience feels like they're getting something they've already had before.
@dragonrings14 Жыл бұрын
I would love to be wrong but I think DC giving James Gunn the reins as CEO is a bad idea. Creative people should not be in charge. Creative types need to have someone there to edit their work. The issue with modern studios is they edit too much, taking away the creativity that makes a movie shine. Really that is what makes a movie brilliant. The balance. But given the lunacy of James Gunn's announced DC slate, it is clear people are not stopping him and that will probably result in some truly bad movies.
@4Everlast Жыл бұрын
@@dragonrings14 I do agree, but, there are always exceptions. We'll see, I'm sure the only thing they'll keep him in check with is the budget and the profit.
@Omar-wq9dz Жыл бұрын
Apparently, an earlier script for The Mummy was really good, where the protagonist was a Navy Seal with a black ops team and the Mummy was buried in Iraq instead of Egypt
@toughluck8012 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see that movie. So much potential. Hopefully one day we get to see it
@a_spooky_j Жыл бұрын
Are there mummies in Iraq?
@balthazarasquith Жыл бұрын
I think they should have one set in the 1930s with a manly dude with a woman who is a bookworm and kicks arse with her comic relief brother. I the sequels they could cast an ex wwe wrestler lol
@yahnatanlevi6894 Жыл бұрын
Yes do your research
@reeyees50 Жыл бұрын
Offesive as hell man
@derworfnet Жыл бұрын
Personally, I would have preferred a number of Stand-alone Films that present, at most, *hints* that they are set in a shared Universe. Perhaps a post-credits-scene here and there. If audiences had reacted positively to that, they could have went ahead with their Dark Universe plan *eventually.* Because, in all fairness, it is a cool idea. Ah, and I think there should have been a film centered around Crowes' Jeckyll/Hyde because, without a doubt, he was the best thing about the 2017-Mummy and I would have loved to see more of him.
@dexine4723 Жыл бұрын
He definitely needed his own film - his appearance in the Mummy just cluttered it up and broke up the main storyline. Trying to do too much, too soon, in one film, instead of telling a coherent story.
@muntu1221 Жыл бұрын
One thing Marvel did really well was loosely tie these stories together with the Tesseract. Pretty much all early Avengers characters had some relationship to it, even if it looked like they didn't, and they used stylistic effects to make it clear. The Arc Reactor and gamma research were based on it, for example. And you can see that in the big explosion at the end of Avengers looking like the sky beam in Captain America. They could've used some kind of immortality elixir, or at least the search for it, to tie these movies together since almost all of them have to do with gaining a stronger, longer lived body.
@Lawrence_Talbot Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I’m a big horror buff and was pretty excited that all these monsters were getting a reboot/have a chance to have modern effects and gore. It could’ve been an awesome horror franchise and could’ve allowed for some cross overs like Universal did in the 40s and 50s. But the idea of a superhero team is just silly. Makes more sense if they all were portrayed as a team of monsters/super villains albeit with tragic origins. Although now you’d have heroes banding together take down all your stars. Also it kind of just reminds me too much of league of extraordinary gentlemen. I’d still kill for some solid rebooting where the monsters could shine in the lime light again, with much stronger horror tones
@ThePrinceofHisOwnKingdom Жыл бұрын
My cousin had a pitch for the Dark Universe similar to that. His Mummy movie would've been set during late 1910s-1920s between Egypt and England. Atmospheric and slowburner. His Invisible Man movie would've set during 1950s Cold War, combining noir and horror, but heavier on the former. This one would borrow some convetions from movies during that period, also being black and white. I forgot his pitch on the other monsters though. But the monsters never get to meet. They're only related by worldbuilding, not by plot.
@CyborgLuvАй бұрын
I guess I should watch the mummy 2017. Because I'm oddly obsessed with dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde
@bren70403 Жыл бұрын
I really liked Dracula untold. Luke evans and Charles Dance was so good in that!
@darrylskylar875710 ай бұрын
I agree, “Dracula Untold” was really good!
@x340x9 ай бұрын
agree. Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman was pretty great as well imho
@ronankermit5 ай бұрын
It definitely had potential, and there were some really cool moments. I just wish it was maybe 30 minutes longer, but that's coming from a massive fan of the historical Dracula.
@houstonmunoz98624 ай бұрын
Definitely had potential luke eveans was good he had a Dracula look to him
@ronankermit4 ай бұрын
@@houstonmunoz9862 I think a reviewer at the time said something like "Evans has the ability to recite comic book-level dialogue with Shakespearean gravity", but in terms of visuals, it struck me at the time that he looks like a more handsome version of the historical figure, so spot on with the casting.
@MiguelNdiweni Жыл бұрын
Universal Studios can still reboot the Dark Universe if they stick to the horror tone like the original one.
@MarshalltheWarlock Жыл бұрын
The Last Voyage of Demeter is the Dracula I want for a Dark Universe. I want horror. Not romance. Not heroics. Not comedy. I want to watch monsters.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Same here
@CharlesH-t9r Жыл бұрын
@AgentGodzillaRP It has the same issue as Blue Beetle got , two great films but due to both Studios being tone deaf and trying to cash in on the MCU craze they lost that trust and people assume they're still trying to milk the "cinematic phrase" They keep sending mixed signals to us and won't give direct answers so now audiences won't see any films on the universal monsters or any dcu films It's gonna take a few years to get that trust back I said a while ago both studios need to butt out of let great horror and sci-fi minds take the helm
@ethandoyle4978 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing , I personally enjoyed the last voyage of the Demeter and I think it along with Dracula untold and the wolf man (2011) would’ve been a great kick off to the dark universe.
@bezoticallyyours83 Жыл бұрын
@kaponosucks Жыл бұрын
I was gonna go watch that movie in theaters but it was pulled from theaters so quick
@Malum09 Жыл бұрын
The Development Post-Mummy 2017 related to Universal Monsters has been so interesting: 1. Guillermo del Toro released The Shape of Water later that same year and it was a huge hit, supposedly its based on an idea Universal rejected for a Creature of the Black Lagoon remake; in fact he’s making his own version of Frankenstein for Netflix right now. 2. Maggie Gyllenhaal is also working on her own adaptation of The Bride of Frankenstein for Warner Bros.
@Josh93582 Жыл бұрын
I always though that Guillermo del Toro or Tim Burton should have been the ones in charge of the Dark Universe
@Malum09 Жыл бұрын
@@Josh93582 I think del Toro would have been perfect to run the whole Boat, Direct one and Write and Produce the others with people of his choice in the Directing chair.
@Josh93582 Жыл бұрын
@@Malum09 Yeah, completely agree
@pepperpeterpiperpickled9805 Жыл бұрын
They should have given blumhouse the reigns for the entire 'dark universe', I'd love to see their take on the classic monsters.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Maybe they still will.
@scottblanco5991 Жыл бұрын
That would be great, they’d build it right
@pepperpeterpiperpickled9805 Жыл бұрын
@@scottblanco5991 they'd probably make dr frankenstein a longevity guru used by the elites. he'd be a mix between elizabeth bathory, bryan johnson (the fella who spends 2 million per year to reverse aging) and jeffrey epstein. the creepy thing would be that the elites use him but no one knows (like jeffrey epsteins mosad blackmail operation) it's be like 'hostel' meets 'eyes wide shut' meets 'the master' meets 'you were never really here'
@TheGuyInTheCheapSeats Жыл бұрын
No. Just no. Look at what they did to Michael Myers.
@4Everlast Жыл бұрын
Speaking of it. Didn't MCU release a werewolf movie recently, called Werewolf by night (2022.) ? It's got quite a high grade on all platforms.
@roderick8167 Жыл бұрын
it crazy that Universal has been trying and failing to launch a monster cinematic universe by having all their monsters meet up when they already accomplished this with Van Helsing almost 20 years ago , I mean you got Dracula, The Wolfman ( two Wolfmen) , Frankenstein's monster , Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Dracula Brides all in this one movie, the only ones missing from this movie was Frankenstein's bride, The Invisible Man , The Mummy and the Creature from the Black Lagoon so if they managed to somehow fit these monsters in this movie or put them in a sequel that never happened then they would have had their cinematic universe decades ago
@scoliosis9478 Жыл бұрын
Yea I think the best version of a dark universe would be a series of films with Hugh Jackman’s Van Helsing facing off against one of the iconic monsters in each film
@levongevorgyan67893 ай бұрын
You had it with the original versions too. Frankenstein meets the Wolfmam, and the Abott and Costello movies.
@richardjohnson9543 Жыл бұрын
Marvel built their connected universe from the ground up, with a solid foundation. These other guys just tried to create the whole thing at once with nothing holding it together. I actually liked The Mummy, and I appreciated the fact that nothing in it contradicts the Brendan Frasier movies. In fact, there's an Easter egg suggesting that Cruise's film takes place in the same universe
@NoahDaArk Жыл бұрын
Yeah, what made the MCU work was how willing Marvel was to building up the story & world over multiple movies, setting things up in the long run & giving fans the opportunity to speculate about what was coming next
@MrLachapell Жыл бұрын
"Solid foundation " lol
@GRANOLA77 Жыл бұрын
What was the Easter egg?
@randyramirez440810 ай бұрын
@@NoahDaArk honestly it's just weird seeing it fall apart in its current: two flops, four razzie award nominations, two movies with bad RT scores, five of them having a B cinemascore (which is not something you do not want to have for a blockbuster, especially a super hero one) all post phase 3
@JamesHowlett-qy3yq5 ай бұрын
Well,earlier Marvel movies were very loosely connected. They just focused more on stories
@Omar-wq9dz Жыл бұрын
The main problem with The Mummy, though there's many problems with it, was too much setting up the future where the story was put on hold to show easter eggs like Creature From The Black Lagoon's hand in a jar and the scene where Russell Crowe turns into Mr. Hyde
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Agreed. As soon as you start focusing on setting up a universe rather than just making a great movie, you’re screwed.
@ivanraphaelarosa2369 Жыл бұрын
@@BulletsandblockbustersSame could be applied to the TASMverse after TASM 2.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
@Xinathor Жыл бұрын
@Bulletsandblockbusters I think what really worked with the original iron man and later phase one movies they primarily remained stand alone until the very end of the film
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
@octogigas Жыл бұрын
The idea of Dr. Jekyll creating a monster-hunting agency is legitimately awesome. And even though The Mummy wasn't great, I didn't think it was THAT bad and was at least curious about where they were going with it. Since Bride of Frankenstein was already so far into pre-production that sets were being built, I think they should've pushed ahead with that one, let it play out and see if there was any potential for upward growth, before panicking and pulling the plug.
@Not_Always Жыл бұрын
they were in essence trying to make the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, or Hellboy, but with movie monsters.
@octogigas Жыл бұрын
@@Not_Always Yeah. And that sounds badass.
@jakespacepiratee3740Ай бұрын
@@octogigasI actually made my own interpretation for multiple movie phases of the Dark Universe, with the ultimate villains being H.P. Lovecrafts otherworldly monsters.
@Mrs.JekyllАй бұрын
"In order to hunt monsters, you must become one" *Drinks the potion* (Not sure if its a real line, but I made it up)
@sneakykamon Жыл бұрын
I remember, and to my surprise, really wanting to see Johnny Depp’s version of The Invisible Man. That was the only casting choice that intrigued me the most for some reason.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Same here
@pepperpeterpiperpickled9805 Жыл бұрын
Im glad they went the way they did and didnt have an A-list celeb star as the invisible man, it would have gotten the same treatment as the mummy and had a very visible johnny depp for 90 minutes.
@bezoticallyyours83 Жыл бұрын
Depp is a versatile actor, I could see him in several roles.
@ScooterinAB Жыл бұрын
We could see him covered in peanut butter at some point to reveal his form. :P Oh Depp. You're kind of a weirdo sometimes.
@Mrs.JekyllАй бұрын
I'm guessing that movie was unfortunately canceled, huh 😢
@agm5424 Жыл бұрын
If anyone's interested in a real "dark universe" series then I highly recommend the series Penny Dreadful. A great gothic series with unique and close to faithfull adaptations of most of the classic Universal monsters. Also I'm referring to the original series with Eva Green as the main character not the "city of angels" reebot; just stay away from that one.
@jedodedo Жыл бұрын
I am SAD and ANGRY when they cancelled the series
@rodneyhayban4398 Жыл бұрын
Do u know anymore
@AGothNamedWednessday Жыл бұрын
Oh man, I loved so much of Penny Dreadful; the first season was immaculate, and I loved the tone and all the actors. Unfortunately I felt that it really started falling apart in the last half of season 2 and I remember really disliking season 3. I think I'll rewatch it eventually sometime. I had the same issue with Hemlock Grove which I felt very similar about, that show feels very similar in tone, acting, and horror, but couldn't stick the landing. (That being said, I highly agree that Penny Dreadful is a fantastic "dark universe" and it's something I wish we had gotten from universal)
@MrYourtoaster Жыл бұрын
For anyone who’s a fan of TTRPGs like Dungeons & Dragons and wants a “Dark Universe” game more focused on being a monster in modern day I recommend Chronicles of Darkness and it’s gamelines. A modern day horror game where supernatural creatures like Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, Frankensteins, Changelings, monster hunters, geists, mummies, robotic demons, nightmare beasts, mutants and several other monsters hide in the shadows trying to survive a dark supernatural world. Every monster I listed has their own dedicated game and there’s plenty of opportunities for crossovers. If you wanna play an ancient powerful mummy waking up to serve a god, or a Frankenstein creature using its powers to become human this is the series for you.
@A_r78 Жыл бұрын
Penny dreadful was bad They made the zoot suit a bunch of gay Mexicans Whole lot of unnecessary gayness Like Why
@a_spooky_j Жыл бұрын
I really wanted the Dark Universe to be a thing. However, I’m now willing to accept modern day interpretations of the classic monsters as standalone films such as Invisible Man. They talked about an Invisible Woman sequel and there was talk about a Wolfman movie alá Nightcrawler. I’d be happy with any of those.
@TridentLandStudios Жыл бұрын
Such a shame this never happened. One of the most anticipated projects I was interested in. Dracula Untold was a beautiful film that to me was building something so much bigger. Crowe's Jekyll/Hyde was a great tease of things to come. So we can essential blame Cruise for micromanaging this as a failure.
@akilbrazier1421 Жыл бұрын
Yea if they were smart they would’ve made Dracula Untold the first official entry of the Dark Universe and built off of that.
@TridentLandStudios Жыл бұрын
Big Facts!! Loved that film
@jon_ovo3653 Жыл бұрын
@@TridentLandStudiosit’s literally the best of the films and my personal favorite vampire film
@cable7152 Жыл бұрын
I too am in the Dracula Untold fan club, there's not many of us out there.
@shawnbrown2726 Жыл бұрын
loved Dracula Untold. It is an awesome flick
@stepanovicboro Жыл бұрын
Man i really liked dracula untold and im pretty annoyed they didnt do a sequel. It wouldnt even had to be dark universe sequel, just a luke evans dracula movie 😕
@jordanwhyte3347 Жыл бұрын
Have they not just announced a sequel?
@GUNUFofficial10 ай бұрын
The mcu rocketed away so the dark universe could slip on a banana peel and fall down a cliff into a field of cactus weilding chainsaws.
@ryeguy7471 Жыл бұрын
I thought Dracula Untold was surprisingly GOOD and the changed ending worked better for the movie, not just for a shared universe.
@jonathancampbell5231 Жыл бұрын
"Dark Universe" was one of those franchises where as soon as I heard the concept and saw the publicity photo I though, "this gonna flop". Who the heck wanted to see a superhero horror monster franchise, and what possible direction could it have taken? Weird how studios that want to replicate the MCU missed the part where most of the main actors were either relative unknowns or hadn't been big names in a long time, as well.
@harrycake9407 Жыл бұрын
I would've love too watch it. They have so much fun back story to flesh out.
@BigDaddyDiecast Жыл бұрын
Lest we forget films like League of extraordinary gentlemen, perhaps Hellboy? I definitely would love to see a more adult version or the monster squad, spread over a few films respectfully.
@jonathancampbell5231 Жыл бұрын
@@BigDaddyDiecast The Dark Universe was different from either of them. The problem was a) They wanted an all-star, A-list cast (which would have been VERY expensive in the long term and actually distract from the main story), and b). they wanted the monster characters to be the stars and for said monsters to be reimagined as anti-heroes. A more sensible approach would have been to just remake the old Universal horror movies with a smaller budget and lesser known cast and just bank on the name recognition and story appeal to grab audience attention, and worry about crossovers later. Making Dracula, The Mummy and Dr Jekyll into superheroes was just a misunderstanding of what they had, and wanting big stars just reflected a lack of faith in their own projects from the start.
@MistarZtv Жыл бұрын
man a gothic dark romance style bride of frankenstein with jolie would've been such a gorgeous film.
@jnnfrr244 ай бұрын
same, i’m a sucker for gothic romance
@PlaystationNinja-nj8is Жыл бұрын
Sofia Boutella is my favorite mummy. She was perfectly cast. But the entire Dark Universe was undone by Tom Cruise 's ego.
@Blades-wi4fk Жыл бұрын
Agreed 100%, I would have rather seen her as the star and main focus of the movie, not Cruise
@DemeterTelphousia-Erinyes Жыл бұрын
@darinlunderman8063 Жыл бұрын
Interestingly, the film's story can actually be seen as an allegory for Sofia Boutella trying to lead a Hollywood film, only to be undercut & overwhelmed by the veteran, big name actor in Tom Cruise and be regulated back to being a supporting actor in the end. It's truly a "Dark Universe" in Hollywood when the establishment can just shut down newer & smaller names in the industry, all because they have the power to do so.
@an-animal-lover Жыл бұрын
@@darinlunderman8063yeah, I haven't seen her in any leading roles. A shame if you ask me
@handphone77 Жыл бұрын
The problem with The Mummy was Tom Cruise trying to turn it into a Mission Impossible spin-off and tuning the role into Ethan Hurt to suit him. His character isn't supposed to be the main focus.
@MonsterIslandBuddies Жыл бұрын
I love this channel, it's going to be huge one day. Keep up the great work
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I appreciate that!
@Sharks696 Жыл бұрын
Eyyyy mib
@gallibon13193 ай бұрын
Didn't expect to see you here. Awesome!
@jaymz_rg1003 Жыл бұрын
If it was me running this universe, I'd just re-tell the stories with today's actors (I love Angelina Jolie as Bride of Frankenstein, by the way) and updated CGI. I'd even go as far as to make standalone movies first like they did in the '30s and '40s and then do the first crossover of Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman. I would also focus on the psychological aspect of the movies which is what these movies are known for and not try to make them into damn superhero movies. I love Marvel and DC movies, but these classic monsters need to be something different.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
You def have the right idea
@Mrs.JekyllАй бұрын
How about just horror? The "Psychological" horror isn't actually scary. But actual horror is
@blue_storybook32305 ай бұрын
That leaked Mummy trailer with no sounds other than yelling and noises kinda foreshadowed the falling of the Dark Universe 😂
@mrhmd8308 Жыл бұрын
The Wolfman (2010) was the BEST of these films. I liked how they recaptured the tone. You have to go back to that Victorian age.
@Tinfintytin7 ай бұрын
Yeah, calling it abysmal was a horrible take.
@sethstrattan73804 ай бұрын
I agree. I love that movie a lot.
@thepirate87652 ай бұрын
Yep, I love that film.
@cofilmrat Жыл бұрын
Anytime I hear someone call 2010's Wolfman "abysmal" or "awful" I'm pretty sure they didn't watch it. The Extended/Directors cut of that movie is great.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Maybe I’ll give the directors cut a chance. Was also taking into consideration its notoriously troubled production
@codygill6535 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! I refuse to watch the theatrical cut but the extended cut is one of my favorite films
@Mrs.JekyllАй бұрын
(Different movie, and Different genre. I know) Same is said with final fantasy advent children. They call it "terrible" and shame people for loving that film. Its Their loss 🤷♀️
@DrewTrox Жыл бұрын
I think for the Dark Universe to work you need to make the monsters the leads, but don't make them anti-heroes. They are monsters that team up in order to survive the hunters like Van Helsing. What's that line? A well written villain is the hero of their own story. Just do that. Don't make them sympathetic, or try to justify their actions. This is how you shake up the horror world. Don't make the final girl the lead, it's the killer. Like, the last Invisible Man was well done, but imagine it from his persective.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
@DrewTrox Жыл бұрын
@@Bulletsandblockbusters I think we are getting close to this with stuff like the Chucky series, M3gan, Terrifier, Saw. The badguys are starting to take the lead.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
I love it
@bezoticallyyours83 Жыл бұрын
Frankenstein has always garnered some sympathy from audiences. The original Mummy was also somewhat sympathetic. He really just wanted the love of his life back. Unfortunately he wanted to do it by screwed up means. The Gill Man was literally just a creature trying to defend its territory.
@Bullboy_Adventures Жыл бұрын
Why does everyone like the invisible man? They had to make the characters ridiculously stupid so the plot could move forward, which imo is one of the cardinal sins of writing
@ojmatthew Жыл бұрын
I was an Extra in London as one of Russell Crowe's armed agents. I saw Tom Cruise go crazy shouting at the directors & producers on set (similar to his covid mask outburst). In hindsight it's clear to see he was under a lot of pressure to try make this Dark Universe a success. He apparently invested a lot of money into it as well.
@Not_Always Жыл бұрын
They should've hired a much younger actor.
@nd9814 Жыл бұрын
As soon as you said Kurtzman was in charge I knew it was already over haha
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
@moonbeans7042 Жыл бұрын
Three ways the dark universe could have been good. 1)If it had used The Mummy(1999) as its starting point. 2)If it had been a continuation of the original universal monsters continuity from the 30s. 3) If had taken the Avp or freddy vs jason approach. So the monsters get pure horror solo introduction movies and then the crossover movies are horror action extravaganzas. So the dark universe wolfman or mummy movies would end up being scary horror films and then when the audience sees the next film is titled The Wolfman Vs The Mummy they know in advance that its gonna be a bit tongue in cheek and OTT.
@jgrAnimations23 Жыл бұрын
Or Dracula untold as the starting point
@moonbeans7042 Жыл бұрын
@@jgrAnimations23 I enjoyed parts of Dracula Untold and with some tweaks to a follow-up it could have been used as a springboard for a cinematic universe (ditto the wolfman reboot which I also enjoyed) but The Mummy (1999) has a lot more nostalgia and general audience appeal to bring to the table. Some people would have been excited for a dracula untold follow up but I can guarantee there is a large amount of casual movie-goers who would enthusiastically turn out if you told them universal was getting the mummy (1999) cast back for a bunch of movies. Also there's the bonus that they could find ways in the franchise to bring The Rock (Scorpion King), Hugh Jackman (Van Helsing), Jet Li (Dragon Emperor), and Kate Beckinsale (Anna Valerous) into the mix too. Neither Dracula Untold or the wolfman has that many big names apart from the leads that they could rope in to a shared universe.
@elphbwckd212 Жыл бұрын
Dracula: Untold is actually surprisingly good. I know it got some bad reviews when it first came out, but I've watched it several times now and it's actually a really good movie. If only they had planned better. I would love to see more of Luke Evans' Dracula. He's very compelling when given the chance through writing
@davidjames579 Жыл бұрын
It's funny to realise that The Mummy movies were basically MCU films before MCU. If only they could have kept it going.
@TheBS1000 Жыл бұрын
I would rather rewatch Penny Dreadful than see Universal's Dark Universe come to fruition. PD did a great job combining elements of Dracula, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolfman and even The Picture of Dorian Gray. The only negative thing I have say about the show is its truncated final season ended right after introducing the Dr Jekyll character and before we got to see another character's trip to Egypt, which presumably would have introduced elements of The Mummy into the series. The show may have had a definitive ending, but it felt premature and I can only speculate as to why it ended when it did.
@Mrs.JekyllАй бұрын
WAIT!!! It was canceled?! NOOOOOOO!!!!
@OtakuUnderground92 Жыл бұрын
Dracula Untold is underrated. I wish we could get a sequel.
@ChevonJBenzo Жыл бұрын
So underrated! Luke Evans deserved better.
@sadev101 Жыл бұрын
cruise screaming in silence . gold
@TheZackshow Жыл бұрын
This is my favorite new channel, I have been loving the insight into unsuccessful or forgotten media
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
@OGEdger Жыл бұрын
Wow, it's almost like people want to see good movies instead of 2 hour long advertisements for an upcoming film.
@AlBerto-sm2ob Жыл бұрын
Just hearing what could have been the Bride of Frankenstein sounds absolutely perfect. That entire ensemble sounds like a home run! But that’s what Universal gets for running before learning on how to walk.
@adrianthearmorwarrior1605 Жыл бұрын
The Dark Universe could've had potential if they were slow and careful of what they were doing. That should be the first rule of doing a cinematic universe. And another rule is don't make the monsters into superheroes because that really stupid.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
@roberttreacy8271 Жыл бұрын
While I don’t find The Mummy (2017) as bad as some make it out to be, it certainly left a lot to be desired.
@detroitdiezel7856 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I found it entertaining. But it came off as Ethan Hunt meets the Bride of The Mummy action flick, more than a true classic horror adaptation of "The Mummy".
@jesustovar2549 Жыл бұрын
@@detroitdiezel7856 It felt more like they wanted to live up to Brendan Fraser's The Mummy saga.
@tomlathrop5382 Жыл бұрын
personally I thought the Mummy was the best part of that movie, definitely needed more screen time, same with the Wolfman remake the story sucked but the Wolfman was horrifying just like people here are commenting these are monsters , hell that Sony Morbius movie missed that point as well make him a monster
@akilbrazier1421 Жыл бұрын
It wasn’t even necessarily bad tbh, it was just a generic popcorn action movie.
@marynaloboda49229 ай бұрын
Watched Abigail movie today. Absolutely 100% loved it. Immediately thought that it can be a perfect reboot of Monsterverse. Universal, do it. Abigail has opened so many opportunities.
@atavious24917 ай бұрын
Let's also not forget that there were also the Hotel Transylvania movies. Even though it was for kids and families, the general concept was already there for modernizing the Universal monsters and proved to have been a popular approach rather than still trying to be faithful to their roots. Another factor to this was that all these characters were technically in the public domain, so many other studios were already doing their own spin on these well known monsters. Usually these new interpretations went in completely different routes that weren't necessarily aimed towards horror. Hence why we have a bunch of Halloween decorations depicting cheaper copyright free versions of these characters and see so many references to them in so many TV shows. I heard that we were going to get a Creature From The Black Lagoon remake back in the 2000s but we instead got Guillermo Del Toro's Shape of Water which is essentially that remake and what I consider to be another unofficial instalment to these recent attempts of a shared Dark Universe. With movies like Lisa Frankenstein and Nicolas Cage's Reinfield (which by the way, Cage certainly does look like Bela Lugosi, the 1931 Dracula), I've also heard that another Frankenstein movie is on the way that's starring Oscar Isaac and Andrew Garfield. It seems that there really is no interest in bringing back these characters for a shared universe like how it was back in the 1930s - 1940s and rather it's best to just do standalone funny parodies of these characters, as it has always been the case before the superhero cinematic universe of the 2010s. Curse you Marvel and DC. You destroyed Hollywood!!
@rachelknightonline Жыл бұрын
What I still don’t understand is why not just make Tom Cruise a descendent of Van Helsing? Doing that cuts all the unnecessary work and streamlines it all. Say that Cruises character had spent his early life preparing for and getting ready for an invasion of the supernatural into our world, but he never believed in any of the things he was trained to do. He’s a sceptic, and after being the latest in generations of so called monster hunters not hunting or even fighting any monsters, he gave up on his “mission” years ago and is now just using his wealth and training to explore the world. He’s not a clear cut hero, he can be selfish, older even, someone who never settled down to have a family; because why would he need or even want to? He feels like a man born for a purpose that would never come to fruition and so he just does his own thing. If you’re so set on having a superhero figure in the universe, say he’s been like Batman but out of boredom. He wants to care, but doesn’t really know how to. His latest exploits with a gang of grave robbers and tomb raiders has lead him to Egypt where he sees a doomsday cult is abducting people to sacrifice in order to resurrect a mummy. During this Cruises character doesn’t know if what they’re doing will even work, but can’t just let them keep doing this to people. Eventually this mummy is resurrected and he has to use his knowledge of mummy’s and the supernatural to bury her in her tomb before she escapes the pyramid. During the movie he finds a sense of purpose and belief that these monsters are real and they mean serious business if not kept in check. Or more interestingly, at the end of the movie after the mummy is defeated we see that him neglecting his responsibilities for so long has allowed an ancient enemy to slowly regain his strength and is looking to return and now it is up to Cruises Van Helsing character to set the world right before this monster can become unstoppable. This monster is your Thanos of the universe, *DRACULA*
@chrislempesis842 Жыл бұрын
I knew this would be good and it was! Well done again, man!
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
@Giran_0 Жыл бұрын
Destroy All Monsters was the first avengers
@jelliscorpio Жыл бұрын
I think that The Monster Squad was the last version we saw of the horror ensemble! I'd love an updated dark universe, just get the writer/director Leigh Whannell who did Upgrade and Invisible Man to plan it all out. Or, if Del Toro to do it, if he's already done the Creature from the Black Lagoon (in Shape of Water) and is making Frankenstein.
@richborn6700 Жыл бұрын
You lost me as soon as I heard Channing Tatum was going go be Van Helsing
@TheJohhnyE3 ай бұрын
I just picture him showing up and doing the "my name if jeff" line from 21 jumpstreet. 😂
@brianmcguinness9642 Жыл бұрын
The monster hero idea reminds me of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Hiring Kurtzman is always a mistake. He has no clue how to tell a story. A well-designed horror universe with Universal's monsters would be very appealing.
@WhatzHappeningNow9 Жыл бұрын
As a horror fan, the mishandling of the Dark Universe broke my heart
@rimfire8217 Жыл бұрын
Honestly that Bride of Frankenstein idea sounds Amazing.
@kristianhurtado8207 Жыл бұрын
Love how Tom cruise’s casting basically doomed what could have been an incredible universe
@robertw319685 ай бұрын
I hate that the MonsterVerse didn't work. The 1930's monsters are still some of my favorite movies of all time. The Wolfman, Frankenstein, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dracula, Invisible Man, Mummy, Dr Jeckel and Mr Hyde, Phantomof the Opra, and others i missed. I loved those movies.
@patcasey5515 Жыл бұрын
Charles Band's Full Moon Pictures was crossing over their original characters in several films in the 90s. The golden age of home video 👍
@numba2bvi Жыл бұрын
Johnny Depp as the Invisible Man would have been PERFECT!!
@jeremywilson5296 Жыл бұрын
Dracula untold was actually entertaining, I wanted to see the second one. And Invisible man was great.
@melindawolfUS Жыл бұрын
Gothic romance would have been a better twist on the original dark universe: what Guillermo Del Toro did in the Shape of Water is a PERFECT example
@Drums_of_Liberation4 ай бұрын
God no. We do not need to turn classic monsters into the second coming of Twilight🤮
@melindawolfUS4 ай бұрын
@Drums_of_Liberation Gothic romance doesn't mean monster-loving. It doesn't even mean the protag will pair with anyone. Look up Gothic romance: it's romanticizing the dark and "gothic", NOT a m/f romance set in the gothic period. The monster pairing was unique to shape of water. But I'd still call it a bit of a gothic romance based on the tone, themes, etc. Although it was an unconventional one... i brought it up because of it's similarlies and shared inspiration from the Dark Universe. Crimson peak was Del Toro's example of a traditional gothic romance
@TheJohhnyE3 ай бұрын
The problem is that I'm pretty sure Guillermo Del Toro is cursed. He has had so many promising projects fall apart and not happen. Pretty sure he wronged a gypsy at some point in his life. 😂 I'm still mad his planned movie adaptation of HP Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness fell apart and never got made.
@IronWolf277 Жыл бұрын
Cinematic Universes are fine, just don't ask me to watch a bunch of TV Shows as Homework. Thats why Marvel is failing now.
@MephProduction Жыл бұрын
The 2010 wolfman was awesome, it's exactly what the dark universe reboot should have been. Gothic horror.
@thegreatcthulhu8049 Жыл бұрын
It was flawed but I've always loved 2010's The Wolfman; specifically the Unrated edition. Aside from the sequel tease at the end, it felt like it's own story and nothing more. And the practical effects still look amazing!
@brandonfj5811 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I don't think it was fair to say the movie was abysmal there's still quality to it
@thatonkgau5221 Жыл бұрын
Dracula Untold should've been the beginning of the Dark universe they should've started slow with a trilogy. Then they would've built up a universe slowly.
@donaldduck73 Жыл бұрын
I'd say two Dracula movies at best before a crossover
@R1ch4d8 Жыл бұрын
Think the main thing that made the idea of the Dark Universe inherently unappealing is it was taking a bunch of horror icons and running with them being big spectacle blockbuster action characters. Even if they had horror elements, their main selling point was gonna be big CGI action. They really should keep them small-scale straight-up horror films.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Stick to horror.
@sillyscarer2 Жыл бұрын
Universal Blumhouse's Monsterverse is the new Universal's Dark Universe! In fact, the 2020 film called The Invisible Man started the new franchise of Universal Blumhouse's Monsterverse
@MrDrewseph Жыл бұрын
I still enjoy Van Helsing Good movie
@itswilbur3747 Жыл бұрын
We'll always have Monster Squad 🙂
@makokx7063 Жыл бұрын
Wolfman's got nards!
@ThisIsEloy3 Жыл бұрын
It really sucks that this big project died out so fast, makes you think what would have happened if they focused on these individual stories first before trying to intertwine a full universe, not to mention moving away from the traditional horror that each of these monster movies were so iconic for establishing. I do hope that Universal and Blumhouse are able to reignite this concept with the same vision they had in mind with “The Invisible Man”, especially with the reinvigoration of popular horror in the current film space, it would be awesome to see Universal’s Classic Monsters finally get a modern reimagining that pays real homage to their classic roots.
@thehoodcollectorghettogeek1946 Жыл бұрын
So Showtimes "Penny Dreadful" first two seasons accomplished parts of this concept better than Universal who has been around for years....
@yusuf_aleem Жыл бұрын
It's such a shame that it turned out this way, as it could've been amazing! Hope they go back to it with Blumhouse one day!
@weid18885 ай бұрын
I wish they continued these movies. I liked them.
@dcb_75 Жыл бұрын
Shocker, Alex Kurtzman is involved in another massive failure 😂 I can't totally blame him as the studio makes the decisions but it is funny how he is involved in both this and Star Trek - 2 reboots that totally missed their mark because they were trying to change their franchise into something else, hoping to copy their success. If you hear reboot and Kurtzman, don't waste your time(right Clarice). I can understand them wanting to expand things a bit but in the end these are monsters and that's what people want to see - you can't stray away from that. No one wants to see them as reluctant antiheroes, no one wants to see the Bride as some modern feminist, that's not their appeal. It is so weird that studios keep doing that to their franchises, changing things to appeal to a "wider" audience at the expense of their current one when everytime they do that, it is a failure.
@ryeguy7471 Жыл бұрын
At this point, Kurtzman should be out somewhere selling fabrics.👎
@dcb_75 Жыл бұрын
@@ryeguy7471 yeah, but he would sell you fine silk only for burlap to show up
@bruceflashback3877 Жыл бұрын
I like the 2010 The Wolfman. I think it should have been the template for the Dark Universe. After all, it is about horror films. Not action films.
@NothingIsKnown00 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how the Dark Universe would have turned out if they had skipped the “team” part, and just left these monsters as partly evil, partly good anti-heroes. In some movies they could be enemies, in others they could be allies. Each movie could have a bigger focus on plot and stakes instead of just the bland Marvel heroes.
@cecilyhughlett7474 Жыл бұрын
I want Universal Pictures to ACTUALLY bring back the Dark Universe and make it COMPLETELY separate from the standalone Universal Monsters movie projects from Blumhouse Productions FOR REAL AND FOR GOOD ONE DAY!
@ivane5110 Жыл бұрын
Shame that they didn't either stick with the Mummy franchise a cornerstone of a shared universe or just embrace the monster concept and ignore walking step-in-step in Marvel's shadow. I especially would've loved seeing Gary Oldman's Dracula in the mix.
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Would’ve been awesome to see him back
@sirusbones4 ай бұрын
I hate the concept of movie monsters as superheroes. Not everything has to be goddamn superheroes these days. I'm also glad to see that blame for why the Mummy remake was bad can be laid directly at Tom Cruise's feet. That makes me feel even more justified for hating that asshole.
@CDHfilms Жыл бұрын
So if there were a crossover/team up what would happen? Would Van Helsing assemble, The Frankenstein monster, The mummy, The Black lagoon creature, The werewolf and the invisible man so they could fight Dracula and an army of bat people as they try to invade New-Yor- I mean uhh... Transylvania?
@kira-dk2mx Жыл бұрын
Maybe if they didn't shoehorn in the entire concept in the middle of the movie they might have had a chance. Really jarring to watch a movie about a resurrected mummy and have an entire segment dedicated to Mr. Hyde.
@remyraymay Жыл бұрын
Of course Tom ruined it for everyone…😒
@SilvLocs Жыл бұрын
Honestly would still love to see it realized in some way shape or form those are obviously some of the best actors
I really wanted to see this come to life. But unfortunately it never came and probably never will which is unfortunately. Honeslty it should’ve never be another superhero universe, I think the superhero genre has expanded to the point where it has ruined other franchises. Honestly the Dark Universe which I think should been called the “Universal Monster Universe” could’ve been successful and they should try again with it but keeping the Gothic horror or Sci-fi horror like The Invisible Man from 2020. I think there are many directors and writers that would be perfect like Jordan Peele with Nope, Us, & Get Out, John Krasinski with A Quiet Place 1 & 2, Parker Finn with Smile, Leigh Whannel with Saw & The Invisible Man, James DeMonaco with the Purge franchise, Kevin Greutert with Saw X, Anthony Scott with Come True, Aneesh Chaganty & Sev Ohanian with Run. from 2020, Sam Raimi with the Evil Dead Trilogy & Dragging to Hell, Andres Muschietti with It & It: Chapter 2, Alex Hirsch with Gravity Falls, Lee Cronin with Evil Dead Rise, Tim Burton with Beetlejuice & Corpse Bride, Henry Selick with Nightmare before Christmas, Neil Gaiman with Coraline, & more. I don’t know about James Wan tho, he’s sort of been falling a bit. But I hope someday they try again #UniversalMonsterUniverse
@peek-a-boos Жыл бұрын
Invisible Man really nailed it. I wish they'd reboot instead of remake the potential franchise.
@storyteller61811 ай бұрын
Ngl that wolfman transformation was always awesome for me. Movie wasn’t great but that transformation was fire. And the one at the end when he was frighting his pops.
@kevwolf69 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. What a great explanation of the shenanigans around this subject. I'm looking forward to the Universal Monsters area at the new Florida adventure land. But I'm thinking they'll even mess this up and not use the screen characters of Karloff, Lugosi and Chaney Jr. If they go for their usual cartoony/stylized modern brand of monster design I'll be passing big time. I just hope at some point they decide to do the right thing and hire a writer that can shine love on these stories. I live in hope....
@ChrisDeVarro Жыл бұрын
Dracula untold was so good it was basically just castlevania lords of shadow and forget the monster universe, I would love to see a Dracula untold sequel.
@rushabhgautam1337 Жыл бұрын
Really felt bad for Alex Kurtzman, he became the side director in his own movie.Felt like he was really sad cause universal almost promised him a universe and he failed at his first movie. Now i understand why marvel adds jokes in their movie cause the person who is watching it for the first time can't get bored.Dark Universe could have been the best francise because it was meant for the adults,and seeing the casting choice it would have been great.
@Comegetmebitch Жыл бұрын
Don’t feel bad for him, heses a hack
@rushabhgautam1337 Жыл бұрын
@@Comegetmebitch Why buddy? Cause i know nothing about him other than being director of this movie and Star trek reboot movies writer
@jw_gojifan19 Жыл бұрын
Not only was the Dark Universe dead on arrival, but the fact that 2017’s Mummy started out with the words, Dark Universe, proved that it was desperate to start a franchise. That, and having Tom Cruise as the lead was not the best choice. At least the MonsterVerse started out solid then branched out, even though G’14 left no implications of any sequels. And, when it was at its peak, the MCU was fantastic with few duds. Just a shame that even the greats have fallen. Really, only the MonsterVerse has kept my attention as I am a fan of creature features. If the Dark Universe were to have any senses of fear and dread like the old Universal films, then look no further than Invisble Man and Last Voyage of the Demeter. No misunderstood monsters, no monster heroes, just monsters being monsters with themes and messages.
@Omar-wq9dz Жыл бұрын
Dark Universe might have worked better if it just made standalone movies, with each 1 being about a separate monster with tiny allusions to show a universe connection, instead of having an overarching story over several films
@Bulletsandblockbusters Жыл бұрын
Agreed and also they should’ve been horror films
@roberttreacy8271 Жыл бұрын
I agree.
@TheJohhnyE3 ай бұрын
That's what every attempt at an mcu style universe has failed at. They always want to jump immediately to the Avengers without doing iron man, captain America and Thor first.
@Andrew-po8nt11 ай бұрын
The first mistake was hiring Tom Cruise and giving him creative control (even though at this point in his career he won't do a film unless he has creative control, and his production company behind it)
@cc_films Жыл бұрын
This is the one universe I wish was started no matter how poor the first few films performed
@Mrs.JekyllАй бұрын
We already got a universal monsters cross over movie. Mad monster party by rankin bass 😂
@Future_Imperfect Жыл бұрын
Dracula Untold was criminally underrated and was a great movie. Fight Me.
@revol_000 Жыл бұрын
Nah man, I won't fight you - I totally agree. Dracula Untold (2014) is one of the best movies about Dracula 👍
@Future_Imperfect Жыл бұрын
@@revol_000 I have yet to meet anyone that has seen that movie and didn't like it. I honestly don't understand what went wrong with its release and reception.
@revol_000 Жыл бұрын
@@Future_Imperfect from what I heard, people who didn't like it complain about the movie portraying Dracula as a "superhero" instead of a "real monster". Well, in my opinion this movie achieved perfect consensus between a protagonist who you can root for & fearsome force you wouldn't want to mess with
@Future_Imperfect Жыл бұрын
@@revol_000 That's interesting since it came out after Twilight, Interview with a Vampire and a literal superheroes Vampire Blade, with all of those being wildly successful.
@revol_000 Жыл бұрын
@@Future_ImperfectYea. That's why honestly this whole "superhero" argument doesn't make any sense. Dracula Untold is just a great movie, with great story, acting and visuals.
@matthewstoneback9 Жыл бұрын
If Tom Cruise had wanted to headline a horror movie, why couldn't he have just reprised his role as Lestat de Lioncourt?😫
@ken816824 ай бұрын
They should have just given control of the dark universe to Guillermo del toro
@TheJohhnyE3 ай бұрын
It would have failed and been scrapped before production. The guy is cursed. He has had almost as many projects fall apart before production than he has had movies released. I will never stop being disappointed and kinda mad his adaptation of HP Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness never got made.
@Barbariandisks Жыл бұрын
I would have loved seeing Imhotep return with Arnold reprising the Role in a psuedo redemption arc.
@justinamerican8200 Жыл бұрын
I'm tired of everything being a "shared universe", but I think the Universal Monsters lend themselves to these for the reasons you list. I'd like to see them take another (better) bite at the apple.
@gabmoreno280 Жыл бұрын
then there was the Godzilla Cinematic universe starting since 1954 While the 4th mummy movie wasn't the best I truely think the potential was there its just that it needed more spooks and connectivity to the previous 3 movies (which they do make a reference of in the film), and I really do want a Dracula Untold 2 cus imagine the mind games between Dracula and the OG vampire
@melindawolfUS Жыл бұрын
These monsters don't scare us anymore; I don't think horror is the right angle with them, either. I'd take it into gothic romance :) Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) is my favorite old monster movie because it DOES swing more romantic. And the mummy movies with Brendon Frasier were also built on a similar tone, though with more humor. The romance is the heart of both films and stands as a motivation. I would have hired Guillermo Del Toro to re-imagine each monster. He already started with the Shape of Water and knocked it out of the park!