Amazing videos! Very in depth, looking forward to watching the rest and more as they are released.
@Ryan-zz2pj5 жыл бұрын
Wow great vid from 8 years ago!! Very informative even today. Thanks for helping me out together my deck
@TopAndGoProductions11 жыл бұрын
Its really awesome to hear you say that. Stories like that are an inspiration to us!
@brainst0rmVideo12 жыл бұрын
Sir, your vids are great. Very clear explanation and I like a lots the hints. Keep the good work!
@jdawgg90412 жыл бұрын
Last Sunday I got a chance to play against Azusa after watching your video.The deck had a lot of the same cards, tutoring up Rofellos on the second turn.It was doing crazy things for the first 6 turns,dictating how the rest of table viewed the player.He had a lot of fun initially, but it painted a huge target on his back and led to numerous consensual wrath effects to lock him out.He raged and left the store shortly after. The point is, if you like huge targets placed on your back, play Asuza.
@RaijinCaijun13 жыл бұрын
Greater Good + Ulamog/Acidic Slime/Mold Shambler/Beast Within + Rude Awakening = Infinite Permanent Destruction I usually go for land with this combo in my deck mono-green (which is Vorinclex, not Azusa), and a lot of people don't see it coming typically. Who would figure a mono-green deck could go infinite?! Loved the deck tech, hope to see more!
@TopAndGoProductions13 жыл бұрын
@DJDorianGray Thank you! we most certainly will have more deck techs up soon and maybe some other EDH/Commander related topics to talk about too.
@petrus_ierp7 жыл бұрын
Verry good video, I love the gameplay part in stages. You should do more Deck Tech. I would love an azami or baral deck tech. Just subed.
@TopAndGoProductions13 жыл бұрын
@RaijinCaijun Interesting combo :) How is Vorinclex as a general btw? Ive wanted to try him
@TopAndGoProductions13 жыл бұрын
@anrchstpunk1 Thanks I appreciate it man :) Boseiju would be a pretty good idea... probably should pull out a forest for that :)
@TopAndGoProductions12 жыл бұрын
Some of the cards are expensive, but you could find cheaper, budget friendly cards to fill the slots instead. Mono Green is fairly cheap to build and not too hard to pilot. Azusa is REALLY good but another good general that is great on a budget is Kamhal, Fist of Krosa. You can just play a bunch of cool creatures and swing. If you need help with it, send me a PM on KZbin.
@MonCatSynch12 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I'm sure that my friend would really appreciate this.
@2012Dragunity12 жыл бұрын
TopAndGoProductions is there going to be a updated deck profile for Azusa Deck anytime soon.
@nikotinzero13 жыл бұрын
amazing deck!!!! I am also currently building an azusa deck myself. Do you have the current decklist for this one? any changes? especially with the addition of the new commander cards like "homeward path", will this card be better than Miren, the moaning well and high market for this deck?
@TopAndGoProductions12 жыл бұрын
Well the numbers in the video don't count the general, and if you add all the numbers up it seems like there is a card missing, but I may have just miscounted and put up the wrong numbers at some point.
@trentsims13 жыл бұрын
My friend built one of these decks but he ran a few less lands and ran mana boosters like Gauntlet of Power, Caged Sun, etc. It worked great and ended up making like 6mana per land tap alot of the time.
@FixYoSelf12 жыл бұрын
Super late comment I know, but what do you think about Patron of the Orochi? His snake offering ability is worthless imo but the ability to use all of your lands TWICE and still attack with him is bonkers! I use Azusa in the deck and it's loosely a multiple land drop deck (like this one).
@TopAndGoProductions12 жыл бұрын
Put the list link in the description for ya. Sorry about the mix up
@TopAndGoProductions13 жыл бұрын
@NineBreakertwo I disagree. I think that there are a few definite staples to EDH decks, but not every deck plays them. For example, I just got done building a Zo-Zu the Punisher deck that has so much digging power with Wheel of Fortune, Wheel of Fate, etc. that you don't actually play Sensei's Divining Top, which is considered a must include. EDH decks don't have to be the same, even if you want to make it good. It just depends on your creativity
@TopAndGoProductions12 жыл бұрын
Emrakul is banned, unfortunately. Brionne doesn't like Vorinclex very much and the current build does play Liege of the Tangle.
@samuraiwarrior8710 жыл бұрын
so what changes to this deck have occured over the years since we now have cards like thragtusk and prime time is banned in edh?
@TopAndGoProductions13 жыл бұрын
@BaneslayerAngel95 Thank you so much!!
@makeit2able11 жыл бұрын
Any chance u could make a video with the updated list?
@NeonOrangeRhino13 жыл бұрын
this is great. but can i recommend ant queen? its so redicolous in this deck!
@TopAndGoProductions11 жыл бұрын
(Brionne) I do still have the deck, and if you want to shoot us a message here or on Facebook I'd be happy to help you out.
@OODZUTSU12 жыл бұрын
No Dungrove? or Howl of the Night Pack?
@Acanuckian12 жыл бұрын
I'm definatly making this deck just putting in an exploration I have a huge budget so is there anything you would switch out for anything in this deck cause i mean just like natural order or something is fun in itself
@MonCatSynch12 жыл бұрын
How much would it cost to make this deck? My friend wants to get into EDH but he doesn't like any of the COMMANDER Pre-Cons so we went online to find him a general that he did like. Once he felt comfortable deciding that he would want to play Asuza, we went online searching for ideas. Then, we came across this video. Is this deck considered expensive for an EDH deck? Is it considered a difficult deck to play? He has only been playing magic since Dark Ascension. I don't know EDH that well.
@KasaiAisu112 жыл бұрын
So you build Zur the Enchanter the same way you'd build Sen Triplets then?
@ximitio12 жыл бұрын
I feel like omnath + trample could be so good with this... and since you'll have so much lands, why not living lands ? its like kahmal, but you don't need to pay G to use it
@Tedurbin20211 жыл бұрын
Looking back at this video, it seems like an eternity has passed since I first watched it. While I am not fond of green in magic, I understand that playing mono-colored decks have their weaknesses that are hard to overcome. When I found this video, it gave me some good ideas on how overcome my weaknesses in my Phage, the Untouchable deck. So, what I'm trying to say is, thanks for giving me the inspiration.
@Bionitech12 жыл бұрын
I'd love to see a Karn deck tech.
@reyesryanmjaube12 жыл бұрын
the decklist link does not work...
@Bitsinator12 жыл бұрын
i ran an asuza are a wurm generator for ages..... then they printed land fall then she became totally broken.... can anyone say infinte 4/4 trampleing beast tokens?
@ImPhillip12 жыл бұрын
Can you pls post the deck list :D?
@robinma400411 жыл бұрын
How much would this whole deck cost approx?
@pokojnilacmrtvac12 жыл бұрын
the name of the song please
@112233445566770012 жыл бұрын
sounds nice to have budget :(,you could add the aeons thorn i guess?
@nomakym12 жыл бұрын
or dungrove elder, it with a loxodon warhammer is a beast
@SlaveMonkey007211 жыл бұрын
It's in the description.
@finalflameKorisky12 жыл бұрын
I've done genesis wave for 42. That was fun
@RaijinCaijun13 жыл бұрын
@TopAndGoProductions I like him a lot! He ramps faster than Omnath without drawing quite as much hate =D And I like to run more fatties than Azusa's massive amount of land allows =D
@kingyoung65728 жыл бұрын
add omnath (green one) and seed born muse
@MikesUltimatum12 жыл бұрын
Too bad there's no black. I want to be able to run one of my old favorites: Altar of Shadows.
@RobertoftheNerds11 жыл бұрын
"Uhzoosah" "Steel Hallkite" "Soul Ring"
@nomakym12 жыл бұрын
if its missing 1 card add a wurmcoil engine, they never suck
@lvlidnight3clipse12 жыл бұрын
Vorinclex may be a god of a card, but when played in real EDH 4-6 player, he WILL be destroyed before you ever get to use your land, and it will gain you a world of hate. There are other, less hateful ways of getting more mana (Doubling Cube, Caged Sun, Overflowing Chalice, and my personal favorite = Mana Reflection) that you may get to keep with no hate until you use them for dirty things... but if you've got a good deck those dirty things = Killing the biggest threat on the board.
@WatermelonCarver11 жыл бұрын
Needs omnath.
@Acanuckian12 жыл бұрын
Exploration? hell even Explore?
@Nightwing69012 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but I still think Darksteel Colossus is bad ass
@NineBreakertwo13 жыл бұрын
It is definitely Commander now and not EDH anymore. It turned into a legit format and every deck became the same depending on which color your playing, with the exception of sometimes the general and half a dozen of the cards. -_-
@chrsbmmr11 жыл бұрын
umm maybe not cast phage ever...
@vamplord199411 жыл бұрын
Mr Robot is still cooler :p
@Tedurbin20211 жыл бұрын
There are ways to cast Phage, the Untouchable from the command zone without her ability nuking you. If you have platinum angel or torpor orb then the triggered ability will pretty much not affect you. I'm particularly fond of Sundial of the Infinite. You cast Phage, she attempts to touch you, and you use the dial in response to the trigger to end your turn. There's also withering boon and thrull wizard, but I'm not fond of those.
@Srewtheshadow12 жыл бұрын
No Vorinclex or Liege of the Tangle or Emrakul? Or were those not in print at this vid's date or illegal???? ~is ignorant of edh rules~
@Srewtheshadow12 жыл бұрын
I was afraid of that *Tear* Vorinclex is a GOD of a card! Once he hits the field people shit themselves and scurry to get rid of him XD Plus I like him cause he makes my Primordial Hydra really big :3 I like Primordial Hydra. And I thought so, since 10 8/8s is like... Amazing.