@CLOYO from Gen 10, but it's understandable. A lot of Gen 10 mons are forgettable.
@AttitudeIndicator Жыл бұрын
crunkledunk from gen 4
@ChiefDoggingfood Жыл бұрын
@@shiftnshake Except Crumbustible. That thing was the shit.
@shiftnshake Жыл бұрын
@ChiefDoggingfood Agree. Easily a top 100 mon. Can't believe anyone would choose its split evolution, Xplodeteed
@StarlitSoryn Жыл бұрын
I honestly like the idea of separating the idea of "generation" and "home region". Meditite can still be a Sinnoh native, even if it appeared in Hoenn first. We just hadn't been to Sinnoh yet. The alola games even state that Alolan Exeggutor is what "real" Exeggutor look like, and Kanto just stunts their growth. I'd buy that, given the palm tree design.
@discat907 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I thought about Sinnoh native Meditite migrating to Hoenn
@guisca46 Жыл бұрын
Same with Galarian Zigzagoon being the original form and the Hoennian a more recent lineage.
@CapnJigglypuff Жыл бұрын
If a region inspired by India ever drops that’s probably gonna be the case for Cufant and Copperajah. It debuted in Galar in Gen 8, but THIS PLACE is where it comes from.
@Saroku1000 Жыл бұрын
Mr. Mime is a Sinnoh Pokémom since it can be found in the wild in Sinnoh but not in Kanto, only trough a Trainer trade.
@rjd1922 Жыл бұрын
It rubs me the wrong way when people say new evolutions of old Pokémon are native to the region of the Gen they were introduced in, like calling Crobat a Johto Pokémon. Or calling Houndour, Murkrow, and Slugma Johto Pokémon, considering they could only be found in Kanto in GSC. EDIT: And calling Meltan and Melmetal Alola Pokémon is flat-out wrong, considering they can't even be used in Alola games.
@TadeoDOria Жыл бұрын
Skarmory's the one for me, it was totally gen 3 in my memory because it's so prominent in those games.
@lazwardazure716 Жыл бұрын
Winona has one on her team as well (Nothing a Flamethrower can't Handle)
@GoldiekkRS Жыл бұрын
Wait Skarmory isn't gen 3???
@GratefulforFreePress Жыл бұрын
@@GoldiekkRS gen 2
@taterds7858 Жыл бұрын
I always pronounced it as "Skarmony" for some reason, I never bothered to read some pokemons' names properly, even if it was so prominent in my favorite generation
@cvrlyfry Жыл бұрын
my first time in gen 2 on victory road i saw a skarmory and i thought it was some kinda legendary i’d never see again so i used my master ball on it
@johnny__topside Жыл бұрын
I’d add in Chimecho from gen 3. I had no clue it was a Hoenn Pokémon because it was so much more prevalent in sinnoh, especially with the addition of chingling in gen 4. Add on the fact you could only get it at Mt. Pyre with a 1% chance on the top floor, I can see how I missed it
@SuperPlacido1 Жыл бұрын
Did you watch the anime? (No judgement!)
@user-iy6ko1bz4y Жыл бұрын
@@SuperPlacido1 I watched the anime, I thought Chimecho was just another Misty/Togepi situation
@SuperPlacido1 Жыл бұрын
@@user-iy6ko1bz4y Ah I see! Thanks for the anwser and have a great week-end! ^^
@sbclaridge Жыл бұрын
Definitely, although at least for myself, I remember playing RSE and searching the top of Mt. Pyre for a Chimecho. Chimecho only appears at a rate of 2% (1/50); only slightly better than the 1% suggested here. It probably helped that I looked at sites like Serebii to find Pokémon information! Also, James in the Hoenn anime had one, which he captured during the same episode that Ash met Winona (the Fortree Gym Leader). Very few these days probably know about or remember that era of the Pokémon anime, but that was just before I stopped watching it regularly. I can get where some might have thought it was a Misty/Togepi or a Tracey/Marill situation. I'm also reminded of Kecleon (also thinking of Fortree City), because Kecleon debuted quite early in the Johto anime (when Ash had 4 Johto badges), although it was only with a character of the day rather than a main character.
@Venemofthe888 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact chimecho was the very last pokemon added in hoenn in the game data even after jirachi and deoxys
@akumayoxiruma Жыл бұрын
I think the issue with Gen 2 is that at the time, GameFreak wasn't confident in making a completely new region with new Pokémon and feared that it will deter the audience who already had to remember 151 Pokémon. That is why Gen 2 is more like a DLC to Kanto: Almost all Pokémon in the game are from Kanto, the number of new Pokémon is small and they aren't featured much, and you can visit Kanto and even do gym battles over there. GameFreak didn't anticipate that the fandom worked the complete opposite way: New Pokémon, new regions and new ideas are embraced, and at this point, many of us are annoyed with the oversaturation of Kanto over the past 27 years.
@TheRealMycanthrope Жыл бұрын
Oversaturation of Kanto? That seems a little hyperbolic.
@akumayoxiruma Жыл бұрын
@@TheRealMycanthrope: No, Kanto is oversaturated in the Pokémon market and here is why: 1) Kanto is featured in many mainline games and has multiple remakes while other regions (like Unova) don't even have one. The Kanto featuring main line games are: Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, FireRed, LeafGreen, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee. 2) Kanto Pokémon are included the most in spin-off games like Colosseum, Mystery Dungeon, Ranger, etc. 3) 13 Kanto Pokémon have mega-evolutions (Charizard and Mewtwo even have two) which is the 2nd most amount behind Hoenn. 4) 33 Kanto Pokémon have regional variants (Meowth and Tauros even have multiple) which is three times more than any other regions has (Unova at 2nd place has 11). 5) Until recently, Kanto was the only region that had all 151 Pokémon available as official Pokémon plushies. Pikachu alone has more official plushies than official Alola plushies. It's not just a time issue with Kanto being the oldest region in the Pokémon industry, but the fact that GameFreak mistakenly believes that every Pokéfan wants to 'relive the nostalgia from the 90s' and therefore push Kanto as much as possible at the expense of other regions' spotlight. This is why in Generation 6, we got so many Kanto mega-evolutions and only one from Unova and one from Kalos (where mega evolutions started; and Diancie is locked behind an event), and why (with the exception of Garbador from Unova) Kanto is the only other region aside from Galar which got a significant amount (12) of Gigantamax Pokémon. There was absolutely no logical reason for that - it's oversaturation and unfair favouritism.
@TheTrolliosis Жыл бұрын
@@akumayoxirumathis is too much
@tymonsulimastalman1727 Жыл бұрын
@@akumayoxiruma I guess the only exception at the moment is Paradox Pokemons. In which the most dominant are from Unova and Johto. It's worth mentioning in passing that there was just a moment when they did otherwise. It was just the 5th gen, one of the worst selling games. It should be mentioned that fans at the time made a big uproar that no old Pokoxes were available in the campaign and the anime at the time is considered one of the weakest in the series.
@waluigiisthebest2802 Жыл бұрын
Maybe that’s also why there are a lot of scrapped designs
@Cr3zant Жыл бұрын
Generation 2 was so tremendously bad at showcasing its new mons.
@cherryvapr6969 Жыл бұрын
I thought chinchou was a gen 3 mon because I never knew gen 2 existed my parents must have worked their asses off to hide it I was obsessed with blue
@alfredgomez3128 Жыл бұрын
Gen 3 picked up the slack. It gave you these Gen 2 mons, and made ghosts and dragons more commonplace.
@jmurray1110 Жыл бұрын
What you mean sticking most of the new Pokémon in the post game behind an entirely different region with tiny encounter rates was bad thing Popycock
@Lil_Broskee Жыл бұрын
Generation 2 was so tremendously bad*
@Digi-Navi Жыл бұрын
I’m playing through the games at the moment to complete a living dex. Currently playing Crystal again and my god finding Johto Pokémon is a pain. Half of them have a sub-10% encounter rate. On a normal play through, you’d just see these at best
@michaelwhite4130 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Marill applies to Gen 1 and Gen 3. It was featured heavily in the anime and promotional material towards the end of Gen 1, but in GSC, it's incredibly rare and found in the mid-game in Mt. Mortar, which can be skipped with Surf. Then in RSE, we get Azurill, tied with the fact that Marill is found outside of Petalburg 5 minutes into the game.
@Gamesmarts194 Жыл бұрын
There's also the whole "Pikablue" thing that muddles that down even more I'd say
@guintar6661 Жыл бұрын
Yes! I thought marill was gen 1 until just recently and I've been playing since gen 1 lol
@evanmak7837 Жыл бұрын
Marill is clearly from Hoenn. I think the way to determine the "home region" of each mon we have to look into the frequency of the wild encounters, how many trainers use it across the region and whether the place allows it to have a completed evolution family (ex Hoenn allows the existence of Azurill, thus the Marill line can exist fully). I like the theory that not all introduced pokemon are native to the first region they appear in.
@samuelturner6076 Жыл бұрын
For me I used to always misremember chinchou and lanturn as coming from gen 3, but then again I didn’t play a Jhoto game until way later, same for Skarmory.
@scoutbane1651 Жыл бұрын
Yeah same lmao I played a tiny bit of gen 2 but never saw the Gen 2 mons anyway so I thought they were introduced in Gen 3...
@thelastgogeta Жыл бұрын
That's me with Lucario. I just assumed that it was some sort of mystical that I missed from an event in part because each Smash game covered one more generation till that point and not playing/watching Gen 4.
@TMek42 Жыл бұрын
im like that with some gen 3 mon thinking they're gen 4, and i also skipped out on the hoenn games. Torkoal, Flygon and Camerupt i especially tend to think are gen 4.
@seronimo__7735 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm surprised he didn't mention Chinchou and Lanturn. They went from rare fishing encounters in Gen 2 to common Dive encounters in Gen 3
@tomahawkgaming5226 Жыл бұрын
Skarmory is the only one this really happens for me, I just heavily associate it with the ashy route near Lavaridge Town
@reddragonpress Жыл бұрын
What's interesting to me is that the games themselves imply that Alolan Exeggutor is the "original" Exeggutor, and the one we're used to is how it adapts to non-tropical regions.
@mechanicalhoundz Жыл бұрын
same also happens with Zigzagoon, I believe. Hoenn Zigzagoon is from Galarian Zigzagoon adapting.
@CrystalGreymon Жыл бұрын
@@mechanicalhoundzThis made me fact-check through the Pokédex and I never knew this because of having Sword. Thanks for the information.
@orangeapples Жыл бұрын
I do hope that there is eventually a game that swaps them as Exeggutor and Kantonian Exeggutor.
@CrystalGreymon Жыл бұрын
@@orangeapples Actually this is a weird point. Pokémon Go markets the Pokémon in the Kanto Pokédex as first being discovered in Kanto. But evidently Exeggutor was discovered first in Alola and moved to Kanto. While that'd be waivable by saying "that's only Alolan Exeggutor and Kantonian Exeggutor first was discovered in Kanto, that doesn't account for Exeggcute or any other Pokémon like that was clearly discovered outside of Kanto first.
@shotguntornado Жыл бұрын
@@orangeapples as far as the dex is concerned, they're both just referred to as "exeggutor." I don't think one is ever officially called Alolan Exeggutor, but fans have taken it upon themselves to call them that for the sake of telling them apart. I do see a lot of fans retroactively calling the Kanto forms of various pokemon as "Kantonian..." though, which is a good step!
@monopolyrubix1875 Жыл бұрын
I feel this way with some of the trade-only Gen 1 Pokemon. Like, Farfetch'd is part of a mandatory puzzle in Johto's early game, but hidden behind a trade in a random house in Kanto. And Lickitung is in the wild east of Mahogany Town but hidden behind a trade in a random toll booth in Kanto.
@Venemofthe888 Жыл бұрын
Farfetch'd are in the wild too West of ecruteak. Even Jynx is in the ice path
@zdude0127 Жыл бұрын
Farfetch'd and Lickitung are available in the wild in Yellow.
@BuryTheLight-tds Жыл бұрын
Oh, aren't you the creator behind Pokemon Dreams?
@jaceeaton6758 Жыл бұрын
Smeargle was always a pokemon I thought was gen 3. As a kid I never played gen 2 games, and then I remember finding endless Smeargle in that one cave in Emerald
@ShunyShock Жыл бұрын
Which one?!
@jaceeaton6758 Жыл бұрын
@@ShunyShock Artisan Cave at the Battle Frontier in Emerald!
@capreo Жыл бұрын
I don't think I ever saw Chimecho in my first gen 3 playthrough, so seeing Chingling in Diamond and Pearl definitely made me think Chingling and Chimecho were both introduced in gen 4.
@Nightlingbolt Жыл бұрын
James had a Chimecho, so that's how I rememeber it.
@jealousyxanderblood7894 Жыл бұрын
Chingling was introduced in Gen 4 as a Baby pokemon.
@FloorFourteen Жыл бұрын
Doesn't help its only at the summit of Mt. Pyre and a 2% encounter. Also the grass on the summit is entirely off to the side so unless you wandered off the path you won't encounter anything in the one time you are required to go there. ALSO if you were to see a trainers and use the pokedex to find where you can catch it, it would just highlight the spot on the map so you could not tell if the area the pokedex was pointing to was Route 122, any of the 6 floors of the interior, the exterior, or the summit of Mt. Pyre
@BuryTheLight-tds Жыл бұрын
I was obsessed with ROM hacks with new stories, regions, characters like Victory Fire back in the day and I might've encountered a Chimecho while playing one of those
@youtube-kit945010 ай бұрын
Chimecho is infamously one of the most obscure pokémon to find in gen 3. It had no evolutionary relative, was not used by any trainer or referenced, and only was found in grass a bit out of the way at a place you have zero reason to revisit after the one time you did it because of story. Even in-story, they were like "quick, we need to go".
@tommyblack6135 Жыл бұрын
One factor that throws a wrench in your analysis of houndour and houndoom is that they were involved in a few mandatory battles in the Gen2 games. The rocket admin that became Archer in the remakes used both, and Karen used houndoom in the Elite 4 match. Even if they were unavailable to the player until Kanto, they were visible.
@gluttonousgoddess Жыл бұрын
They point out the issue being people skipped gen 2
@RowletGod69 Жыл бұрын
@@gluttonousgoddesseven so
@diegomedina9637 Жыл бұрын
@@gluttonousgoddessI skipped Gens 4 and 5. And I didn't thought Lucario or something like Audino were from Gen 6.
@gluttonousgoddess Жыл бұрын
@@diegomedina9637 Lucario is pretty well advertised, and a lot of people talk about Audino as exp farming. Plus, Gen 2 came out when the Internet was still relatively fresh.
@diegomedina9637 Жыл бұрын
@@gluttonousgoddess We didn't had the internet back then but we had Pogs. Even if people skipped the Gen 2 games there was a really high probability of them knowing about mons like Houndoom, Murkrow and Skarmory because of kids talking about them during recess or something like that. Heck that argument makes way less sense when the internet was more mainstream when Gen 3 was still active. If you were curious about Pokemon a quick search on the internet would tell you everything about past gens you needed to know... And again. Word of mouth was still a thing around that time and there was still a lot of merchandise labeled as gen 2 merchandise around everywhere.
@sagielevy Жыл бұрын
Actually both Murkrow and Houndoom make an appearance you can't miss when you battle Elite Four Karen in Gen 2. So it's hard to claim you can miss them unless you never finished the game.
@lvl5Vaporeon Жыл бұрын
Also the rocket executive had a houndoom and this was before the 8th gym...
@pokedude720 Жыл бұрын
Houdoom''s even her ace and who she's paured with in Masters
@azeria1 Жыл бұрын
I mean Cynthia uses a spirittomb but younger me had no idea what it was or how to get it
@Hainaut183 Жыл бұрын
The Johto games really did not want you to use Dark types or Ghost types. It's as if Game Freak wanted to maintain the illusion that Psychic was still the most terrifyingly broken type in the game despite Dark's existence being due to Psychic; Lugia was literally made a Psychic/Flying type and not a Water/Flying type simply because that made it seem "stronger". Hey, it's not like Gyrados is a thing.
@Darkelefantos Жыл бұрын
There's also a talking Murkrow in the Rocket HQ in Mahogany.
@CallumMcPherson Жыл бұрын
In the 2004 Pokémon annual, there are fact files on all the Gen 3 Pokémon, but they also randomly included Magcargo for some reason. Seems like even the Pokemon Company forgot what generation it came from! Another Gen 2 Pokémon I associate with Gen 3 is Marill. I never managed to find one in Silver but they're everywhere in Ruby, and in Emerald they became even easier to find, appearing on Route 104 right at the beginning of the game.
@danthemanmillan Жыл бұрын
Love this video! But I gotta disagree with Meditite. There’s a gym leader who uses him and there’s even that house with the family that all use it
@droomish1 Жыл бұрын
That's fair! I thought the tidbit with hgss calling it a sinnoh mon was cool enough to put in here but it's definitely got hoenn rep
@petermaguire8139 Жыл бұрын
If my memory is right, then meditite was hard to find in emerald but more easily found in ruby
@x-Abraham-x2 Жыл бұрын
@@petermaguire8139yeah I remember having to trade a meditite from Ruby to emerald because I could not find one 😂
@alkv7604 Жыл бұрын
It's the Winston house (at least i think is winston) the grandma has the meditite
@x-Abraham-x2 Жыл бұрын
@@alkv7604 Yes it’s the family by Mauville city you can battle them back to back?
@shepskydad Жыл бұрын
That Meditite detail is pretty fascinating. Thinking of Sinnoh as the Hisui region, one could theorize that Meditite is technically a Sinnoh native, just part of Gen 3. Weird concept to wrap the head around. Great video!
@eclipse570816 күн бұрын
Actually now that you mention Hisui, that kind contradicts the notion of Meditite being a Sinnoh native. It's not in the Hisui Dex and I don't think it just suddenly appeared there in the last 150ish years in between LA and DP. Most likely it migrated there in that time from another region (maybe Hoenn, maybe somewhere else).
@seven_sirens Жыл бұрын
With Gen 4 being my first I'm constantly scratching my head at who is from gens 2-3. The end part about gen 1 is so true though! They are so deeply iconic in pokemon that I know many old heads who can name all 151 and then struggle to name 10 from the generations afterwards.
@codyc7477 Жыл бұрын
Skarmory, houndour, and murkrow stick out vividly to me. Before Gen 2 was released there was a lot of news about the new types. I remember magazines and commercials featuring them. I guess it's different if your only experience is looking back than living through it going forward. Great video, very interesting!
@AB-ee5tb Жыл бұрын
These kids weren’t around back in the good ol gen 1 and 2 days
@parkerdixon-word6295 Жыл бұрын
Meditite is my favorite example because it feels like Meditite is native to Sinnoh, despite being introduced on Hoenn, just like pokemon that appear in later generations appear in regions they aren't native to.
@F14thunderhawk Жыл бұрын
thats the thing i dont get, Meditite and Medicham are super common in Ruby and Sapphire, its just theyre in a cave system you never actually have to go into and Everything in there is rare compared to Aron.
@parkerdixon-word6295 Жыл бұрын
@@F14thunderhawk I mean, 'super common' and 'tucked away in one cave' are at least a little contradictory. But you're right that they aren't *rare* pokemon like a Bagon, gabite, Vulpix (in hoenn), or a Chimeco (which got largely the same treatment), but they aren't *common* in Hoenn like they are in Sinnoh, where their availability is closer to your Geodude-starly-bidoof-shellos pokemon that are available on most routes in the region. I also don't know where you think they're available- Meditite can be found in Mt. Pyre, and both can be found in hoenn victory road. Your reference to Aron makes me think you're thinking of granite cave?
@robertlupa8273 Жыл бұрын
@@parkerdixon-word6295 I think he thought Meditite could be found in Granite Cave because Brawly uses one in Emerald.
@lazwardazure716 Жыл бұрын
Also is strangely missing from emerald. I'm not sure why exactly
@lazwardazure716 Жыл бұрын
@@keith103 not gonna lie. Doesn't sound out of place
@TalysAlankil Жыл бұрын
this is just making me keenly aware of just how deep my hyperfixation was on this franchise, that i knew about all these more obscure pokémon not from necessarily finding them in game but because i was so deep into strategy guides and other resources that i just had the pokédex memorized (not in numerical order, but still)
@MidnightLugia2410 ай бұрын
Same here; was never confused on the origin region/generation for any of these Pokémon
@alecrutz95610 ай бұрын
same here
@AltheHealerАй бұрын
Absolutely. I didnt even know misremembering these pokemon was a thing
@chonkerchonkster Жыл бұрын
For me, its definitely Corsola. I only started playing the games when Sun and Moon came out, and I never played the Gen 2 or the remakes, so I had trouble remembering if Corsola was introduced in Johto or Hoenn. I always associated it with regions like Alola and Hoenn, since they're tropical.
@ammagon4519 Жыл бұрын
Definitely Corsola too as it's mentioned that Pacifidlog Town is floating on a bunch of Corsolas. Also anime and movies and stuff.
@gregorywilkinson5731 Жыл бұрын
Until reading this comment I completely forgot corsola was gen II...
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
I mean of course you're confused you missed those gens.
@color_of_twilight10 ай бұрын
Btw not related but I hope you get the chance to play the gen 2 games anytime soon, heartgold and soulsilver are imo one of the most polished Pokémon games out there, the remakes are done with so much love and add so many small bits that make the regions feel alive
@GeneralSecura Жыл бұрын
Two that came to mind for me are Chimecho and Roselia. Chimecho is so ludicrously rare in the Gen 3 games and no NPC uses it (IIRC), and then Gen 4 gives it a pre-evolution and makes it a lot more common. Roselia isn't that hard to find in Gen 3, but it's not very strong and not very notable. Then Gen 4 gives it a pre-evolution AND an evolution and puts the spotlight on the entire line a lot more by putting Roserade on both Gardenia's and Cynthia's teams. Really makes me wonder why they added Roselia in Gen 3 to begin with and didn't just withhold it until Gen 4 to add the entire evolution line in one go.
@TheWolffriendly Жыл бұрын
There's more imo, like gorebyss and huntail. But if you suggest roselia i suggest sneasel, it's such a bad pokemon in gen 2 that i can't even remember where you catch it.
@Cyntaria Жыл бұрын
Roselia is found everywhere in sapphire though. I've only played through emerald once but I'll believe the person who says it's not catchable. But lots of trainers have it still.
@Mirawaru Жыл бұрын
@@TheWolffriendly Yeah I genuinely forgot Gorebyss and Huntail weren't introduced in Sun and Moon until like two weeks ago lol.😅😅
@bigsnoog Жыл бұрын
The biggest example of this for me has to be Chimecho. I grew up playing Gen 3, but the first time I ever saw it was playing through Gen 4, where the new pokemon Chingling was very common. It took almost 10 years for me to learn its evolution was actually from the previous gen - but only with a 2% appearance rate on the very summit of Mt. Pyre. No wonder I never found it as a kid!
@SuperPlacido1 Жыл бұрын
Did you watch the anime? (No judgement!)
@need_dopamine2658 Жыл бұрын
@@SuperPlacido1 Even if you watched it back then, most people did not have a dvr so it wasin't uncommon to miss chunks of the show.
@doomsdayrabbit4398 Жыл бұрын
@@need_dopamine2658Typhlosion didn't debut in the main anime until Gen III.
@need_dopamine2658 Жыл бұрын
@@doomsdayrabbit4398 I did not know that. very weird
@gael7w802 Жыл бұрын
As for Meditite being "more from Sinnoh," I like that that almost showcases how a species might be first discovered outside of its preferred habitat. Suppose an animal is normally elusive, so no one ever sees it. Perhaps it gets sick or disoriented somehow, causing it to wander away from its habitat. That could be the place we discover it
@BabbleCacophony Жыл бұрын
Ive played gen 3 for hundreds of hours and never saw chimecho. I first saw this pokemon in the gen 4 anime on James's team.
@droomish1 Жыл бұрын
chimecho is a good one, pointlessly rare in Gen 3 and 4
@jmurray1110 Жыл бұрын
Could be worse It could be a chingling Seriously why does that thing exist
@lindseylindsey9200 Жыл бұрын
He caught it in Hoenn
@malavekanimates Жыл бұрын
James had Chimecho for a very long time in the Hoenn region
@finmat953 ай бұрын
He appeared in the gen 3 anime on James's Team, WTF are you talking about?
@JBSouls Жыл бұрын
Skarmory will always be connected to those ash fields in Hoenn in my mind... even though I've been playing since gen 1 and should remember that it's from gen 2. Interestingly, it's the only gen 2 mon with this issue for me (despite all the mons you listed in the video that really should stand out as "not really from Johto).
@NagKai_G Жыл бұрын
I like to think that the reason why some of these Pokémon are so rare in their home region, and common in a different region, is because they are actually an invasive species that comes from that other region. So slugma would be an invasive species from hoenn, and murkrow and meditite would be invasive species from sinnoh. And the reason skarmory is rare pretty much everywhere, might not be because it's from another region, but rather because it's an endangered species!
@Stinkoman87 Жыл бұрын
My headcanon is that the elemental monkeys' natural habitat is Santalune Forest, and the ones you find in Pinwheel Forest are escapees.
@Venemofthe888 Жыл бұрын
Skarmory seems to be most common in Alola
@eeeeggnog._. Жыл бұрын
I think it would be the other way around, as in slugma is from johto but invasive in hoenn, as invasive species tend to be widespread
@ammagon4519 Жыл бұрын
I don't think Skarm is really endangered but simply a predatory bird lorewise and hunts on its own... I remember seeing a flock of Skarmory together in the anime though so maybe I'm wrong on this one
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
@@ammagon4519 Anime and in game pokemon data don't always align. See for example literally any ghost pokemon.
@Ldavis_ Жыл бұрын
I grew up watching the anime a lot, so I knew that a lot of Pokémon naturally belonged to specific generations. Meditite only has like one episode in the anime though (which I conveniently missed) so I always thought it was a gen 4 Pokémon.
@DominatorLegend Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I had that problem with Slugma. I saw it first in Sapphire and PMDB and thought it was a gen 3, despite the fact that Crystal was my first game.
@F14thunderhawk Жыл бұрын
it doesnt help that Slugma and Magcargo dont even show up in the anime until the Silver Conference, the tratitional teaser for the next game's pokemon period, and you have Flannery as an early gym in gen 3 whose entire personality is about taking care of her living blast furnaces.
@hotaruishere2133 Жыл бұрын
Forgive my stupidity, (I was maybe 2 or 3 when Gen 3 came out) but what the heckle is PMDB???
@heavylobster4339 Жыл бұрын
Slugma should've appeared in the Burned Tower.
@alexliu2864 Жыл бұрын
@@hotaruishere2133probably refers to Pokémon mystery dungeon: blue rescue team
@Auxiery_yay Жыл бұрын
my older brother thought it was a gen 3 pokemon and so did i
@emperorcubone Жыл бұрын
This is an interesting topic I've heard come up a lot! Is Eevee really "from" Kanto if it couldn't be caught there? Good job!!
@doomsdayrabbit4398 Жыл бұрын
Same for Scyther, Pinsir, and others exclusive to Safari Zones.
@addambarcelos Жыл бұрын
This is something that really bugs me, the lack of johto's pokemon in GSC. Most gym leaders and even your rival focus too much on kanto
@hitavi4965 Жыл бұрын
10:48 seeing the beginning of the original pokepark hit me with so much nostalgia there, literally been like 10 years at least since I've played that game, good times
@LuckyIStar Жыл бұрын
I'll always remember where Meditite comes from specifically because the Gen 3 anime, where Drew, May's Gary Oak, and his Roselia get absolutely washed by a Medicham in a Contest Battle. Seeing someone get styled on that hard is not easy to forget.
@kitsaitogames Жыл бұрын
Here’s a good one I haven’t seen - thinking Bonsly was from gen three. Pokémon mystery dungeon red/blue had a statue in it, and brock actually receives his bonsly during the gen three anime. Neat video!
@angelsartandgaming Жыл бұрын
I forget Bonsly isn't Gen 3 a lot. Mainly because it was promoted in the GameCube games and had several anime appearances. This goes the same for munchlax.
@kitsaitogames Жыл бұрын
@@angelsartandgaming and weavile !
@KyleDavis328 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, Bonsly, Munchlax and Weavile all pretty much got the full Togepi treatment in the latter half of gen 3, Bonsly definitely the most though.
@yummyananas Жыл бұрын
Chinchou and Lanturn being Gen II is the one that gets me everytime.
@Hainaut183 Жыл бұрын
If you want to get technical, Farfetch'd, Lickitung, and Jynx are technically Johto Pokémon, not Kanto ones. In Red & Blue, you can only obtain them through in-game trades, whereas in Gold & Silver they can be easily found in the wild in parts of Johto. Mr. Mime at least shows up as a rare encounter on Route 21 in Gen 2, but for all we know, Dux, Marc, and Lola were caught in Johto three years before Ethan or Kris started their journey.
@zdude0127 Жыл бұрын
Farfetch'd appears in the wild on Route 13 in Yellow. Lickitung appears in Cerulean Cave in Yellow. Jynx appears in Seafoam Islands in Japanese Blue.
@Hainaut183 Жыл бұрын
@@zdude0127 And yet all three were reverted back to being Johto-only finds in Gold, Silver, & Crystal.
@zdude0127 Жыл бұрын
My point still stands though. In gen 1, they weren't trade exclusive (an argument can be made for Jynx though).
@Hainaut183 Жыл бұрын
@@zdude0127 I was going to originally mention that you could technically get some of these mons in the wild in the enhanced versions, but Johto is the only region where they have been consistently present, and much more people own the original RBG than Yellow or Japanese Blue. As a aside, Lickitung being the only post-game Pokémon in Yellow besides Mewtwo has always felt really odd.
@zdude0127 Жыл бұрын
You can't really exclude the enhanced versions though. They are still part of the generation as a whole. Whether a minority of people owned them or not, those mons are still available in the wild in one way or another in Gen 1. While I agree with Lickitung, it's kinda crap anyway in Gen 1 lol.
@scarab7633 Жыл бұрын
Chimecho is one for me. I first saw Chimecho through Chingling in Gen 4 , but never really saw it in Gen 3 because of it being a rare spawn in an area where grass is mostly optional
@DoubledeckManwhich Жыл бұрын
I think Crobat is probably the only example of the reverse. Where you might think it’s from Gen 1 instead of 2. I remember getting so used to having crobat in later games then going to play the original RBY and forgetting Golbat can’t evolve. Scizor and Steelix maybe could apply but I’ve never really had that same issue as Crobat
@robertlupa8273 Жыл бұрын
If nothing else, Crobat is such a perfect evolution that Golbat just feels incomplete.
@JesterQueenAnne Жыл бұрын
Another example for me is Azurill. Gen 2 introduced and made a big deal of baby Pokémon and is where the Azumarill line was introduced... but Azurill is for some reason a gen 3 Pokémon???
@JesterQueenAnne Жыл бұрын
Hell, just after posting that I remembered, that's also the case with Wynaut!
@robertlupa8273 Жыл бұрын
@@JesterQueenAnne Not to mention Marill was already pretty weak (20 in both attacking stats?!).
@DanteToska Жыл бұрын
@@JesterQueenAnne Don't quote me on this but I believe Azurill and Wynaut are also the ONLY cross-gen evolutionary Pokémon introduced in gen 3, which has always been so interesting to me
@noodlesandeggs1512 Жыл бұрын
Since my first game was Pokémon platinum, I always thought that Roselia was a gen 4 Pokémon. It was shown commonly through the games and got both a pre evolution and a new evolution. When I found out it was gen 3 I was flabbergasted.
@Sniwott Жыл бұрын
Always confused Slugma and Magcargo for gen 3 mons thanks to Colosseum lol
@NoahRankin59 Жыл бұрын
The vast majority of shadow Pokémon were johto mons tho?
@Sniwott Жыл бұрын
@@NoahRankin59 Colosseum was the first Pokemon game I played, so I had no idea that they were originally gen 2 mons, even though I also had Gold (it was my brother's game and I never really played it until the battery got dry so I could never make it to Kanto anyways). Think he also couldn't find them despite beating the elite 4 and exploring Kanto.
@KratosAurionPlays Жыл бұрын
Skarmory in gen 3. I didn't even realize it was from gen 2 until the remakes came out.
@Shari362 Жыл бұрын
The biggest shock for me was Azumarill. I played Crystal one day and ran into one and was mind blown. And then I found out that Slugma and Skarmory were also Gen 2 pokemon and was even more mind-blown! Yeah they did a very poor job showcasing their new mons in Gen 2.
@spacehos Жыл бұрын
I literally cannot imagine Azumarill in the gen 2 sprite style. Very good shout from you. Its even ironic considering how embedded Marill is in gen 2 with the 'Pikablu' rumours. Furthermore adding azurill in gen 3, as the only post-gen evo for gen 3, makes me think Azumarill was from Gen 3. So Marill is very gen 2, whereas I think its evolutions are gen 3. Weird one.
@alexanderkowalewski416211 ай бұрын
Aipom and Girafarig are certainly two other big examples of gen 2 Pokémon people commonly misremember as gen 4.
@Firescizor Жыл бұрын
I also have one of these misremembered Pokémon! I always, always forget that Marill and Azumarill are from Gen 2, and they're some of my favorite Pokémon! Since Azurill was introduced in Gen 3 and Marill's availability is increased tenfold in those games, being a Route 104 encounter, I tend to forget that it technically originates from Johto. It must be really rare in it's home region, since I can't for the life of me ever recall encountering one in the wild in both the originals and the remakes of the Johto games. Obviously, I know that Marill is Gen 2 if the thought of Marill ever comes to my head, but, for example, if I have to think of "Generation 2 Pokémon" as a whole (for example, when playing those Sporcle Quizzes of guessing the Pokémon in a generation), I never remember to write Marill/Azumarill down. They simple don't exist in my head in the same frame as Gen 2.
@KyleDavis328 Жыл бұрын
I totally get that one, but remembering Marill from the Orange Islands arc of the anime being predominantly featured on Tracey's team keeps it as a gen 2 Pokemon in my mind. If not for that, totally gen 3
@kirbyofthestarsfan Жыл бұрын
What angers me most of Houndour and Slugma's case is that they could have easily made them wild Pokemon in the Burned Tower, but that place is just plagued with common rats and bats (and only one Magmar) So funny how fire types had no habitat in the games until Gen 3
@lipika2841 Жыл бұрын
To make matters worse w Houndour, it has a meager 5% encounter rate, available on a single route (7) only during the nighttime. & to top things off w it being so low of a level (a mere Lv15 I checked), like most of the other Pkmn in Kanto & having Roar, a move that'll immediately end the battle in case u actually managed to find it under all these circumstances, you can't easily lower its HP without the risk of fainting it, meaning there's a high probability to fail the capture. It's like they rlly didn't want players to use this fire (hot) dog even in the post-game. What did Crystal do to improve from that atrocity? The rate just improved to 20% & Lv to 18...
@MorganKing95 Жыл бұрын
I don't misremember these since Gen 2, in particular, had a lot of exposure to me in addition to me being obsessed with Pokémon Silver. There were also a bunch of sites dedicated to showing the entire Pokédex and evolution methods
@WhammyPhillips Жыл бұрын
@carsonluckey Жыл бұрын
I think Octillery is a great candidate for this list as well. It is only available in GS in Gen II (absent from Crystal) and isn’t available until the post game in those games due to it and Remoraid being locked behind the super rod that’s found in Kanto. Octillery nor Remoraid are found before the post game of any of the GBA Gen III games and it isn’t until DPPt that it becomes available during the main story mid game. This was thankfully remedied in HGSS and Octillery and Remoraid are now available pre-E4 in Johto. I noticed this phenomenon with Octillery and Slugma as well a few months ago so I’m glad to see someone else took notice and made a video on it! I really like the content you put out and hope you continue to make more! Much love!
@DkKobaADV Жыл бұрын
remoraid is required to get the regis so it was a highly sought pokemon to catch
@carsonluckey Жыл бұрын
@@DkKobaADV, you might be thinking of Relicanth. Remoraid is not available in Hoenn until the post-game in the extended portion of Emerald’s Safari Zone.
@kingzerko Жыл бұрын
Slugma and Skarmory are classic examples. I also have issues placing some gen 6 and 7 mons such as a Hawlucha because I took an hiatus after B/W.
@Bobobobobob741 Жыл бұрын
I think about this phenomenon all the time, really cool to see a vid about it. Definitely subbing! Snorunt was cemented as Gen 3 for me because of the anime, and Ash's Snorunt/Glalie in the Hoenn series. Didn't realize it had a notable obscurity in the games
@pixelpiekser Жыл бұрын
I thought Bunnelby was one of the new Pokemon introduced in Galar when I first played Pokemon Shield but realizing that made me realize that the Pokemon Art Style stayed consistant 😂
@Stinkoman87 Жыл бұрын
I did the same for Maractus, despite gen V being my last game before a long hiatus, just because it's not very memorable lol.
@neighborhood_decepticon Жыл бұрын
Knowing all these pokémon’s first generation is how I know I be doing randomizers too much
@Nightlingbolt Жыл бұрын
I never really had a problem remembering when Slugma and Meditite were added, because I know Misty helped a Trainer catch a Magcargo and May battled a Coordinator with a Medicham.
@professorannefaire7233 Жыл бұрын
That sinnoh sound meditite factoid is egregious lol good catch
@Venemofthe888 Жыл бұрын
I think it's fun to theorise that some pokemon that are rare in the games are introduced like slugma or skarmory aren't originally from that region natively but brought over. Yungoos isn't originally from alola and is stated as such in the pokedex and with it being in paldea that could be it's original region. Another one I think of is Marill mainly cause its so rare in johto but very common in hoenn where its everywhere. Makes me think marill is a hoenn native brought over
@airtempest8945 Жыл бұрын
That would also make sense why it's the only region Marill can be found in caves, and Marill is exclusively in caves there (And as we see in the HG/SS entering area art, the Marill is hiding), where as any other region, it just kinda hangs around wherever.
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
It actually could be the opposite. Invasive species tend to thrive without their natural predators.
@nicolaslebillan11 ай бұрын
Skarmory got me good, I had to check the published date of the video then do a quick search, I could not believe this thing was out before gen 3, goddamn
@Alice_was-here_1999 Жыл бұрын
The only reason I remember Houndour is gen 2 because of Pokémon 4 Ever (movie) 😅 I call that movie my cheat sheet sometimes
@Hitmonstahp Жыл бұрын
I'm usually pretty good with these, but one that caught me by surprise was Wobbuffet. My first Pokemon game as a kid was Crystal version, but I got it a couple of years late. By that time, the Pokemon anime that featured Hoenn and its characters was already airing. I remember seeing Wobbuffet with Team Rocket and just sort of assuming it was a Generation 3 Pokemon, as I hadn't played any of those games yet (and wouldn't until Emerald came out). I was stoked when I found one in the Game Corner in Crystal Version, and I bought it immediately!
@AuraTale Жыл бұрын
The first time I ever saw Durant was in X. Scared the heck out of me, the thing is so creepy. Glad I missed it in Gen 5.
@Nightlingbolt Жыл бұрын
You skipped BW1, then? Those things basically infested Victory Road!
@AuraTale Жыл бұрын
@Nightlingbolt I used repels all the way through victory road in Black. I just wanted to get to the climax, it was getting too good for random encounters to slow me down. Edit: also, college, so I had to beat the games quick.
@soouG. Жыл бұрын
durant doesn't look creepy to me, especially because it intimidatingly walks at you but at a very slow pace and has a really weird cry, i think it's kind of funny
@folgerkelley2715 Жыл бұрын
This was actually one of the things i loved about pokemon in the GBA - DS era, that certain pokemon could fill different scarcity niches across different games and regions and its an idea id love to see more of in fan roms and fan regions - nothing game breaking, but show me a region where pidgey and bidoof and poochyena are all early game and common, but then Ratatata, starly, and zigzagoon are extremely rare.
@VWXYZDragonCatapultCannon Жыл бұрын
The first game I ever played was Blue, which I borrowed from a neighbor, I then got my own Gameboy and a copy of Ruby for Christmas, having never played gen 2 and only seeing the mons from the cards/anime, I assumed so many of them were originally from gen 3 😅
@bvd_vlvd Жыл бұрын
The only two giveaways that Houndour is a gen 2 pokemon are its super low level evolution and a sad, tragic level up learnset
@aiharamei913 Жыл бұрын
Keep the good work! :D
@vindifference Жыл бұрын
As someone having started with gen 2 and gen 1 almost simultaneously, snorunt was the only one among these that really felt like I had only ever experienced it in later gens. I think the younger you are or the later you get into the series, the more this kind of things will apply. I'm sure a lot of people only know certain gen 1 pokes from gen 6 onward.
@therealreiii Жыл бұрын
the slugma misremember is so relatable for me, all my life i tought it was a gen 3 pokemon until only a few years ago, same for skarmory and chinchou
@travroot Жыл бұрын
I think monster design is a big factor in this too-- like, Skarmory *looks* like a gen 3 design, all curves and consistent shapes and vaguely tech-y
@arctisCircle Жыл бұрын
I feel like Roselia's another Gen 3 Pokemon that feels like it's from Gen 4. It only appears on a single route (through grass you don't even need to walk through), so it was easy to skip. Meanwhile, its evolutionary line was featured very prominently, with Budew able to be caught within one of the first few routes, and both Gardenia and Cynthia having Roserades. Also, I couldn't help but see Budew among the list of Sinnoh Sounds Pokemon.
@matthewlacey4198 Жыл бұрын
I never played the gen 3 games as a kid so it still fucks me up to hear that Feebas, Budew and Meditite are gen 3 pokemon and not gen 4 😂
@CassieANS Жыл бұрын
@@matthewlacey4198 budew IS a gen 4 mon though
@2Siders Жыл бұрын
The only reason I have any fond memories of Snorunt is because I recently used it in Sword and Shield for a playthrough because it has the Ability ‘Moody’. It’s an awful ability but probably the most fun ability for a new playthrough, never knowing if next fight you gonna have maxed out attack, special attack or whatever. I do remember the mon in Gen 3 though, in the Ice cave, very vividly actually. It’s rare but the ice slide mechanic and the weird little eskimo guy makes for a vivid memory.
@AgsmaJustAgsma Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Golem does not show up at all in the original Red, Blue and Yellow games, unless by trading or in Pokémon Stadium. There's a good chance that some few people might have misremember it as a Gen II evolution like Steelix or Crobat.
@frogmouth23 ай бұрын
I think a big part of how i register regions is the artstyle of the Pokémon. Like a lot of the gen 1 pokemon look a lot more basic or even amateurish because they didn’t know how much of a hit they had on their hands yet. Gen 2 pokemon usually have a little more detail than gen 1 but with a clearer design idea. By the time you get to gen 5, you have by far the most detail, maybe too much because in gen 6, they focused more on less detail, more vibrant colours and very clear key details which I think lead to the designs being more striking and in gen 7, we got arguably the best of both of worlds with very colourful, striking yet intricately detailed designs.
@AliUguz Жыл бұрын
I thought Azurill was a gen 2 pokemon and that roselia was a gen 4 pokemon. Another thing that I also mistook was Rotom not being a legendary.
@droomish1 Жыл бұрын
rotoms weird inconsistent lore is its own story! from obscure DP detail to being in every phone on the planet
@TNobody0214 Жыл бұрын
The rotom thing is a mess that mostly stems for a pokemon pokedex book that had a ton of inaccuracies which included calling rotom a legendary. Didn't help the games limited you to one per file along with spiritomb
@robertlupa8273 Жыл бұрын
@@TNobody0214 And the fact that it used the legendary battle theme.
@serpentofares5635 Жыл бұрын
I played Gold version so my first skarmory sighting was gen 3. I always thought it was gen 3 until I was about 19
@Mrdonjuliothewicked Жыл бұрын
As a huge nerd when it comes to Pokémon, I already knew they were gen 2, but both Slugma and Skarmory both had me questioning everything with how much more they were available and used in gen 3.
@ilialolxaxaxa Жыл бұрын
I thought that wailmer and wailord was from gen 2. I don't know why, they just seems like gen 2 'mons
@2Siders Жыл бұрын
Houndour is so rare in Scarlet and Violet too. Unless you are specifically hunting for it with encounter sandwiches, or you are in the fraction of the area the stupid Pokedex shows where it spawns AND AT NIGHT, you will just completely miss it until you start completing your Pokedex in the postgame.
@soundsforsleep5267 Жыл бұрын
I love the pokemon Pinball shots there. I played way too much of that game
@superwooper52106 ай бұрын
One that totally got me as a kid was finding out Chimecho was from Gen 3. That thing, plus the existence of Chingling, scream Gen 4 to me.
@yamaelnickel Жыл бұрын
I remember people really early in pokemons lifetime thinking togepi was part of he original 151 and i even remember seeing a pokedex when i was younger with sentret at the 151 spot. All of your mentioned ones were ones i was surprised to find out were gen 2 when i was younger aswell. Was cause i kinda skipped the gen 2 games back then. But similar to the original 151, i think the gen 5 mons are for the most part only associated with their origin generation. Due to BW only giving access to them before becoming champ. Gotta say just yesterday found this channel and im really impressed by how unique the content feels. It really show personality and passion. You do a great job with the content. Keep going btw extra thumbs up for shroomish, lovely mon
@Blooby Жыл бұрын
Great video. I somehow didn’t know slugma was gen 2 until watching, and Pokémon is literally my job LMAO
@tinsoldier3580 Жыл бұрын
I used to misremember a bunch of pokemon, though the only one I remember misremembering really clearly was Wooper. My first games were Emerald and the Gen 1 remakes, so my first encounter with them was in Sinnoh.
@evanedwards4598 Жыл бұрын
The biggest example of this for me was scarmory. Found him on the route with all the ash in gen 3 and never saw him a single time during my playthrough of gold as a kid. Funny stuff.
@eeveeswordsman4476 Жыл бұрын
My personal example of this is Blissey. It may have been around since Gen 2, yet I swear I've never once seen one in any gen 2 or gen 3 games, and my brain is convinced it actually came out in Gen 4 since it fits in so well with all the other Gen 1 pokemon getting a sudden evolution.
@missedthebandwagon976 Жыл бұрын
Something fun to think is that maybe Meditite is originally from Sinnoh, at least from an in-universe perspective. Hoenn has Pokémon from Kanto and Johto, it wouldn't be strange for at least one Pokémon from Sinnoh to migrate there. We as players may have first encountered it in Hoenn, but that doesn't mean that's where it was first discovered.
@tubenewsintern6446 Жыл бұрын
A really interesting thing that I realized recently is that technically, unless explicitly stated, any pokemon can be originally from any region it appears in. We just think pokemon are from the region of the first game they chronologically appeared in, but who’s to say Slugma isn’t native to Hoenn, but through human trade got introduced to Kanto?
@ibtiago18 Жыл бұрын
I've always thought that gen 1 mons that were exclusive to Safari Zone were not Kanto natives.
@psyachu Жыл бұрын
The item on the platform with the truck in Vermillion City is a Lava Cookie. That's literally Game Freak saying "Oh, you made it here? Okay, here, have a cookie."
@afterr_hours Жыл бұрын
Phenomenal video, man. Another one that gets lumped into the "Actually from gen 4 but thought it was in gen 3" group is Probopass. I was recently using one and my friends were all pretty surprised to hear that Nosepass didn't get an evolution until gen 4. Makes sense, since it's pretty rare in gen 3 and only on Roxanne's team, but I thought that was pretty funny. Definitely subbing for more, you make great stuff!
@windowstudios45alt Жыл бұрын
So like Meditite? (Meditite was on Brawly's Emerald team)
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
Not too surprising Gen IV added a lot of evolutions.
@Wanderer19917 ай бұрын
For me, the Zubat line was always cool and unique since every early game had them, plus that friendship evolution was something special as a kid playing it. Like they never bothered to make more bats mons lol.
@godminnette2 Жыл бұрын
When I was a kid, I thought Lucario must have been from Johto. I just had FRLG and RSE, but the promotions for the American release of Lucario and the Mystery of Mew felt like they ran for like a year, and then it came out, and it was still a while before promotions for Diamond and Pearl arrived. So I had no concept of new Pokemon games coming out, so to childhood me, the one Pokemon in this movie that I had never seen before must have just been in the Johto games I hadn't played, and something about its design reminded me of some gen 2 mons I had seen.
@EnigmaBarry Жыл бұрын
I remember when Twitch streamed the Pokémon Anime, and I was baffled when a Hoenn episode with Skarmory was playing and the chat kept going "GEN III BIRD". Here's another issue with Snorunt. If you start a new save on Pokemon RSE, unless you adjust it otherwise, the clock defaults to 10 AM - High Tide. How many people start a new game with a dead battery, don't adjust the clock, and then make it to Shoal Cave where they learn they can't catch Snorunt because the ice room is only accessible at low tide? Most GBA games are going to have a dead battery. Unless you remember Low tide is between 3AM to 9AM and 3PM to 9PM, you'll never get Snorunt.
@forest-goddess Жыл бұрын
I love that i knew all these bc Froslass and Medicham are 2 of my fav pokemon and Gen 2 is my fav generation. I just have an extremely unique taste that makes me immune to the common misconceptions of pokemon generation introductions.
@ViktorErikFade Жыл бұрын
What a beautiful way of saying it's not where your from that matters but the team of 6 you make along the journey
@rottncrow545 Жыл бұрын
The misdreavus disappearing from Spiderman's hands was very funny. Nice touch
@rayyaninspookymonth1630 Жыл бұрын
By the logic of "uncommon in home region, abundant in another", wouldn't that mean that houndour is a gen 9 pokemon, since a hoard of them attack you and you raidon in the cave, found very eary in the cave, and clive uses a houndoom on his team if you don't have sprigatito?
@halane4790 Жыл бұрын
As someone who was there for the release of gen 2, I feel like an aspect of it was keeping completing the dex for the very end. Online was not a thing, so it was more challenging back then, and it was still something we liked to do (at least and my school friends!)
@Jelly_shy_guy_man Жыл бұрын
I know since I first became a Pokémon fan that slugma was gen 2
@cumbrap Жыл бұрын
I remember being shocked when i found out Wobbuffet was a Gen 2 mon. Always felt like gen 3. Don't even get me started on Roctopus
@UltraAryan10 Жыл бұрын
For many years I considered Skarmory to be a Gen 3 mon. I absolutely blame GSC for making it so rare in those games that I never remembered Skarmory being in it. As for Slugma, I did misremember it initially until I found out it was the pre-evolution of Magcargo which for some reason (probably Blaine) I remembered it being a Gen 2 mon! Though I always remember Pokemon that gained an evolution in later gen or were featured in Gym Leader teams, probably because it makes them stand out compared to the rest of pokemon. Lastly, I just wanted to say that the Gen number should indeed logically mean nothing. It just represents the professor who documented it first if we look within the Pokemon universe. A Gen 1 pokemon was documented by Prof. Oak first but it does not mean it originates from Kanto! Similarly even if Meditite was documented by Prof. Birch first, if we look at the timeline Hoenn happens three years before Sinnoh and hence the Hoenn Pokedex was also created much before the Sinnoh Pokedex. So Meditite could indeed be a Pokemon that originated from Sinnoh and not Hoenn, just like practically any pokemon you can think of, a new region might be waiting for them to have their origin (yes Houndour too!). A Pokemon's generation should have nothing to do with their in-universe origin. In fact, 'generation' is not even a variable that exists within the pokemon universe. So we can just let our imagination run wild here!
@TheRealSwood Жыл бұрын
For the longest time I thought Chimecho was a gen 4 Pokemon because it has a relatively low encounter rate in a small area in gen 3, but in gen 4 not only do you see it more, but they also inroduced a pre-evolution for it that shows up frequently.
@safebox36 Жыл бұрын
I remember a lot of people thinking Gyrados was from Gen 2 initially. Cause the original games didn't make much of an impact at my school when they first came out, so people played them after gen 2 and the Shiny Gyrados just left the bigger impression.