The Power of the 'One Rein Stop'

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John Oleary

John Oleary

Күн бұрын weekly Pod Cast about the 'Power of the One Rein Stop'

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@leedewsnap6060 7 жыл бұрын
I saw this video some years ago and a few weeks later coincidentally was riding an off track Arab in the UAE trying to teach him dressage, he was spooked by a sudden noise from behind and bolted with me out of control in an arena with jumps it was a very dangerous situation but I remembered this video and actually let go of one rein entirely in a bit of a state of panic and pulled like anything on the other rein until his head was basically facing my knee and he literally stopped. it was amazing and basically saved me from a very dangerous situation. So thank you for this video, every rider should watch it and understand how to use it 😊
@fishyhelper288 16 жыл бұрын
yea, you aren't letting the horse get away with it, because the horse wants to run away from its problems, you stop their train of thought, and re direct it to you, so it knows you are the leader, and as long as you are around, it won't get hurt, it all comes back to leadership imo Great vid, I was wondering where to pull back, I ride a bucker, and a bolter lol, quite helpful
@akualtekefan 15 жыл бұрын
I started with dressage went on to jumping and do some western and trail riding for fun with friends etc. This explains why I can stop a horse immediatly when others are yanking on and on. I highly resccomend starting with basic dressage or something of that type to get some serious position and theorey before going on to whatever you please.
@DutchHollow 16 жыл бұрын
I wanted to tell you the 1 rein stop saved me from hitting the ground yesterday. After watching your video I've been practicing on my Moriesian. Yesterday a snowmobile flew by us and she bolted (can't blame her). In under 30 meters I had her at a stop and contently flexting in each direction. AMAZING! Thank you SO much, I'm sure I would have met the ground if I hadn't learned this.
@BenMelG 14 жыл бұрын
Purchased a 6yr old, unraced, green thoroughbred 5 days ago who likes to buck when first mounted. Watched this video this morning before I rode him for the 3rd time and BINGO!!! No buck soon as I felt him start I just did the one rein stop and he couldn't engage his hind quarters and stopped immediately. Fantastic advice, highly recommended :)
@hunterjumper838 16 жыл бұрын
I use this all the time on horses with no stop, you do it about twice and they really catch on. I didn't even know it had a name and was well known.
@lastchancetodazle 13 жыл бұрын
I had a racing arab that liked to take off with me, and start bucking, Learned this years ago, and It worked like a charm on him. Glad someone is showing how to correctly do this!
@HorseLove4Life 11 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for this video, it was very helpful. especially the real life examples towards the end, that showed very clearly how to use this technique in an unexpected situation.
@horseproblems 15 жыл бұрын
It will providing the integrity of the Lateral Mouth is there. I re-mouth basically every Horse I handle these days, hence my latest 'Gone with the Wind' :) The 7hours 24 minutes re-mouthing the Horse DVD. Plunging the head down is all part of ignorance of the Mouth. regards
@Katsportsfreak 16 жыл бұрын
Wow thanks for that very informative video. I will deffenitly be using this on my TB in the future.
@chelackie 14 жыл бұрын
Excellent videos and many thanks for the uploads ,better, dare I say without music .Best wishes .Endo fan.
@belleclancy 17 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention another reason why you must NEVER bring your hand in towards your stomach- apart from the fact that it wont work, it puts the weight on the inside foreleg, instead of the inside hind, which increases the chance of the horse falling considerably. Other than that, good video :D
@annod6 16 жыл бұрын
Make sure your horse isn't sore first and there is no physical problem. I guarantee this is the only thing that works for a bucker, my horse found out that it is more comfortable to do the right thing in the first place rather than going around in circles.
@horseproblems 16 жыл бұрын
I haven't got time to watch this again violin but simply disengage the hindquarters via your inside leg, to take the power out of the back end. I would be surprised if I put it wrong. regards
@sbolter 16 жыл бұрын
Very helpful- mine has taken to bolting and this looks good to me! thanks
@horseproblems 16 жыл бұрын
Of course that is where the Lateral Mouth must be both assessed and re-educated if needed, PRIOR to any aggressive demands of this nature. Regards
@newyorkreload 13 жыл бұрын
Wow this would have been so nice to have many years ago when I had a horse who had no ground manners which translated into huge saddle issues. My fault of course but I didn't know better either, or how to deal with it. This lead me to give up riding as a youth. We also had a lot of "mouth" issues. I've been researching and I like your methods. Once I'm ready to purchase another horse I'm sure your DVDs will be along side with it.
@horseproblems 17 жыл бұрын
Thanks HorseCrazy. Yes they are. All of them :)
@HorseCrazyx0x 17 жыл бұрын
awesome, thanks. :] lovely horses by the way ^^
@horseproblems 17 жыл бұрын
The second half of the ORS involves putting inside leg on behind the girth and yielding the hind quarters away from your leg as in a forehand turn and this dis-engages the hindquarters and takes the power out of the rear end should they have been thinking bucking etc. Kind Regards
@stacieloup 13 жыл бұрын
@horseproblems - i havent managed to watch all dvd yet, iv not had my new horse long, so will start trying teh methods out...he is a very nervy green broek horse...had him checkd physically, physio, tack vet etc etc....all fine...just extremely cheeky he throws the most amazing twisty bronco bucks and has succeeded in getting me off (which i know will make him worse now) i am not determined to teach him this lateral flexion exercise and hope the moment i feel the naughtiness happenin i can do it
@halfgoodhalfevil 14 жыл бұрын
I think everyone should no a one-reign stop. One time I was riding on a trail on a trip and all of the horses decided to bolt, it turned into a mini-stampede. And since I knew how to stop my horse and nobody else did, somebody almost t-boned me and the horse I was on.
@horseproblems 17 жыл бұрын
It is a weekly event here Echter. You do need the lateral mouth good though or you can produce rear if you don't identify the resistance during the process. Cheers
@Kickenspurs 13 жыл бұрын
you can't expect a horse to react the way you want without a conditioned response one rein stops have saved my life countless times and continue to do so today but you must prepare your horse so that they disengage their hind quarters before hand once they find relief they look for it always
@horseproblems 16 жыл бұрын
Well done iklik ;) At least you have Snow. We have sun baked ground and dust :) Regards
@horseproblems 12 жыл бұрын
HI There. The only thing that can make them fall (which I have never experienced) is a poor lateral Mouth. Therefore, I remouth every Horse I ride and so am never in danger. Regards
@bevbevbev 14 жыл бұрын
A helmet would be another handy safety accessory!
@hannahbananaroxsox 13 жыл бұрын
@horseproblems I've never really seen a full cheek snaffle without the keeper things - I've seen a couple of Fulmer snaffles without them, but they're a lot shorter than the full cheek. But then again, I don't see many of these bits around nowadays about 10 years ago when I was still riding at a riding school about five of the horses had them. He seems to go lovely either way :)
@violinist391 16 жыл бұрын
i am guessing this is a personal preference question. Cause I just got two very opposite answers hehe. But thanks, I do my own thing with my horse now, so its not a big deal.
@leeleeebabesxxx 14 жыл бұрын
@horseproblems thanks :) and i used it the other day on this high bred arab stallion, worked a treat :L
@EpicBlueSpikes 12 жыл бұрын
You actually made me blush when you said "dressage riders ride the correct way same as westersn and i was like well I don't know abou that * bats eyelashes* lol, Im more of a jumper but yes, in dressage the arm and elbows are just extensions in a direct line from the mouth with a forward thinking hand, i love your vids!
@horseproblems 16 жыл бұрын
If one asks too aggresively on a horse with a suspect lateral mouth, they can rear. Go to my problems index off my home page and under mouthing, 'testing the lateral mouth' Go try it :)
@horseproblems 13 жыл бұрын
@horseproblems Thanks Kickin. Learnt that about 40 Years ago but thanks anyway
@horseproblems 13 жыл бұрын
@farbschlacht That is because they did not do "the one rein stop' prior to the Horse getting into full flight. This is the whole point. Go watch my remouthing vid and see the speed of the rein handling. I have used it on thousands of Horses and never a problem. Regards
@FlyingHigherForever 15 жыл бұрын
Will this still work for a horse that pulls his head down to the ground when he bolts?
@hannahbananaroxsox 13 жыл бұрын
I love how your horse is just watching the world go by and thinking "I don't need stopping, I'm perfectly calm" :) One question though - is the noseband on the outside of you horse's cheek pieces? If so, why? (surely it's not really safe? Or is it because it's a full cheek snaffle and you have yet to get the holders that attach to the cheek pieces to stop the bit from rotating in the horse's mouth?)
@horseproblems 14 жыл бұрын
@RhiaRiot Yes you can but it depends upon the integrity of the lateral Mouth. Hackamores, side pulls and halters do not compete against the full cheek snaffle. Hence my remouthing dvd being 7 hours and 24 minutes :)regards
@horseproblems 14 жыл бұрын
@purplejumpergirl That occurred because of the quality of the lateral Mouth on your Horse not being good. We fix those every day and today and it forms the basis of my newly released 7 hour long dvd on the subject of remouthing the horse. Cheers
@horseproblems 13 жыл бұрын
@4everAndEverAmen Then I would get his 'Leg Yielding' better, in which case you should be able to disengage his hind quarters but plus, you then even go the opposite rein and turn it into a training opportunity of teaching or completing the 'counter bend' Regards
@carolmckinley5838 11 жыл бұрын
Practice, and stay on.
@asportableskatesharpening4207 6 жыл бұрын
John, I love your videos, all very helpful and great communication skills. However, you should put ads on these videos so you can make a few dollars......
@horseproblems 4 ай бұрын
Thanks/ I must learn how to,. It's not easy for Cowboys
@horseproblems 11 жыл бұрын
Hi There. Such has never happened to me in 25,000 Horses but I can understand where you are coming from. The only possible way that any negative or dangerous result can arise is if the integrity of the Lateral Mouth is not up to Par, in which case, go and remouth the Horse. Go watch that Vid and see the Horse attempting to Buck me off. I had remouthed him 10 Minutes b4. Regards
@violinist391 17 жыл бұрын
when turning a horse- lets say we are turning left. do i press with left leg or right leg? i cant remember.
@leeleeebabesxxx 14 жыл бұрын
wow this is amazing! i used to do this just by thought ant it worked on bolting horses but my teacher told me off and said it make the bit slide in the horses mouth and hurt it.... is that true? :S x :) well done cos this vid has really helped me :)
@farbschlacht 13 жыл бұрын
A friend of mine did this stop when a horse bolted while hacking out. the one rein stop. the horse got knocked off balance und fell. the rider was injured. this stop might work in an arena but not with a horse thats picked up speed. good idea, but not in every situation.
@Starscreamsfan4ever 14 жыл бұрын
hi, just 2 make shure will this stop a horse from bucking? and i dont ride with a bit just a halter and clip on reins so will this still work?
@horseproblems 14 жыл бұрын
@leeleeebabesxxx Coaches from the English Disciplines mostly say things like that. they are locked in the Dark Ages as handed down from the BHS :) Regards
@horseproblems 13 жыл бұрын
@hannahbananaroxsox No Hannah, that is just a Cavesson Nose Band that was on the Bridle. (Not my Horse) The Full Cheek Snaffle I am using does not need Keepers. I have never used them in my Life. T am guessing that is a BHS tradition???? Don't know but it is not needed. Kind Regards
@alwaysmmmusic 12 жыл бұрын
i really appreciate this advice for my own riding, but during the summer i work at a horse camp where we take kids 6-12 on rides...the horses that are available for the kids can be very mischievous and we don't have enough time or people to teach all the horses proper groundwork;additionally most of the children are riding for the first time. what should i teach them to do if their horse takes off? can the one rein stop be effective for a first time rider and a horse that doesn't have that exp.?
@horseproblems 17 жыл бұрын
Left one Violinist. :)
@horseproblems 16 жыл бұрын
That falls into the subject of re-mouthing the horse as if the lateral mouth is light, the rest is a non event. My about to be release 4.5 hours dvd on re-mouthing the horse is designed to fix the mouths on all horses, both front mouth and laterals. Regards
@horseproblems 17 жыл бұрын
You cannot use the one rein stop for anything to do with rearing and you shouldn't be doing much at all when on an incline. In dangerous places like that or on a bitumen road, I leave them alone and deal with them later. regards
@lizzymacdonald1364 10 жыл бұрын
Did you sell your horse? Did he go to Aspengrove Equestrian Academy?
@horseproblems 14 жыл бұрын
@BenMelG Well done. Watch the remouthing vid. Cheers
@horseproblems 16 жыл бұрын
Poor you Sue. I feel for you. I did an arm a few years ago., Regards
@horseproblems 14 жыл бұрын
you may like to watch my next clip this week and tht will be more relevent to you regards
@horseproblems 13 жыл бұрын
@AKAutumnBomb and under saddle
@bbackriders 15 жыл бұрын
CONTINUED FROM EARLIER... .but he does make some good teaching points...however...the students late in the video perform bad one rein stops and the last womanonthe video actually DOES NOT do the one-rein stop..she actually pulls back with both reins and "compresses" the horse. CONTINUED....
@horseproblems 14 жыл бұрын
I have ridden and tested many Halter Mouthed and side pull Horses. They do not rate against the Bit Mouthed Horses. Similarly, you can rarely stop a Bucking Horse with a Halter. I wouldn't even go there. I value my life too much. Go to my latest video of the real world and you will see the proof of the Bitted system. Regards
@horseproblems 17 жыл бұрын
go two hands thespa :)
@horseproblems 14 жыл бұрын
Go to my new Vid for the answer to that one Stars. Clipping reins onto Halter WILL NOT WORK. regards
@horseproblems 14 жыл бұрын
@jodyluvsmel :)
@horseproblems 16 жыл бұрын
I am surprised at your beligerant attitude young Lady. We are all trying to help here :(
@razrbladefaerie 16 жыл бұрын
so you basically let your horse get away with doing what it wants and not what you want it to?! some problem solver you are!! :/
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