The Psychology of Panic Attacks -- A Non-Medical Approach

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Daniel Mackler

Daniel Mackler

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@carnigoth 8 ай бұрын
I can relate a lot to this. I also had noticed that my panic attacks in public had been tied to the feeling of being unsafe. As in "I can't speak for myself, I can't defend myself"
@georgespiese7388 8 ай бұрын
Or you are trying but no one is listening!
@tmking7483 8 ай бұрын
Like there's a real safe solution _ find ways to feel safe ❤️ for safety do martial arts and block therapy , for attachment get a pet _ even if it's a frog. For community join a church but study communal narcissism first so you don't get abused, if too many narcs find new church . Peace to you on your journey.
@tmking7483 8 ай бұрын
​@@georgespiese7388right if no one listening _ u in toxic environment _ they lizard u human so they can't hear u. So don't worry about it _ they busy hunting for flys _ they can't see you _ cause they can't eat u they don't have any motivation to hear u.
@slcoly1 4 күн бұрын
@donacatanguma 8 ай бұрын
Not, “you can almost pass out from it”, but you can pass out because I did. I had a panic attack in the grocery store line and passed out and broke my collarbone as a result. It’s been a lifelong struggle, but I currently refuse to take any meds. I had a therapist once who told me that my panic attacks weren’t mine, but that they actually belonged to my mother. That knowledge really helped me a lot. The steam metaphor describes the sensation perfectly. Thanks Daniel❤️
@dmackler58 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this!!! Daniel
@PsycheOS 8 ай бұрын
It can certainly happen, quite rare but quite real. I had a classmate who had this condition when giving speeches. He used some medication for this but he would collapse in public speeches without it -- 6 ft 4 guy as well.
@joelvaross 8 ай бұрын
Man, there is something about you, your expression, your look, your voice and articulation, that makes listening to you feel like medicine. Thank you, just with these videos you are helping me heal.
@carnigoth 8 ай бұрын
Getting off of SSRIs was total ass. The physicial withdrawal is ass. It takes some many, many months lowering the dose until you can finally yeet that shit into the bin. Not worth the numbing of anxiety. I learned that the hard way. Don't start, do the inner work. And also don't just quit cold turkey. It can be lethal. Stay safe
@lilafeldman8630 8 ай бұрын
I love your wording. So true😮
@remotefaith 8 ай бұрын
And ‘the inner work’ is what exactly?
@irenahabe2855 8 ай бұрын
@joelvaross 8 ай бұрын
@@remotefaith I´d say allowing the anxiety to be there and simply accepting it. Looking where the feeling is coming from and in the long term finding healthy ways of handling that fear.
@randomcompilations201 8 ай бұрын
​@@remotefaith untethered soul by Micheal singer
@smoozerish 8 ай бұрын
My panic attacks started when I was 25 and continued on and off for the next 10 years. I felt like I couldn't breathe properly for years. Iwas constantly hyperventilating. When I look back now at the age of 51 I am amazed I got though it. What saved me in the long run was therapy and understanding the depth of my childhood abuse and processing it.
@crystalnelson314 8 ай бұрын
Panic attacks can look so different too. People can look like they're stereotypically flailing all over the place, but they can also go catatonic. I had this happen at work once, and my coworkers seemed to think I just didn't care that day. Inside I was terrified.
@paintbrush3554 8 ай бұрын
I almost never had panick attacks throughout my entire life until I was in an emotionally abusive relationship and what you described is exactly what I felt. Thankfully I'm out of that relationship.
@stealthwarrior5768 8 ай бұрын
Yes. Abusive relationships are panic creators
@PsycheOS 8 ай бұрын
One quick thing to mention -- I am all about attacking the psyche side but also be sure to get some bloodwork / hair analysis done for nutrient and mineral levels. I noticed during 2020, I had a flareup of very bad panic attacks, bolting up from bed around 2 to 3 am almost every night, pounding heart, sense of doom, etc. My mind was extremely calm so it made no sense. I did a lot of research and testing and attributed it to diet. I immediately greatly increased my B vitamin intake (leafy greens, high quality meats) and cut all seed oils, and immediately feelings of tension plummeted and brain fog and aches disappeared. I assume that was chronic inflammation. At the same time, I had issues with coffee which I love -- doing more research found out it can cause major issues with magnesium -- and low magnesium levels (blocking re-uptake) can cause much of this sense of unease and doom - solved that magnesium issue and then all of this diet coupled with the psyche side and feel so great and at ease, (the issue with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, is that most of us are already depleted or at very sketchy levels to being with so one missed meal, one crappy meal or even drinking too many fluids or getting stressed can through us off track). Hope this helps some one! I only wish I had considered the nutrients side much more clearly, especially the coffee-magnesium connection.
@emmanuellacontopoulou 8 ай бұрын
I feel that you are more of a psychotherapist now and in a much larger scale. For me the fact that more and more people subscribe to listen to what you are saying is such a strong message of hope. When I realise how many people around me are so blind and deaf to the truths you are conveying ( as I was myself for so many years ), I just come back to this space and watch something (if I am lucky a new video!) and I see the numbers increasing and my soul gets a glimpse of a world where the number one priority is to heal our traumas. There are very few people that can say at the end of their lives that they did not live in vain. You are certainly one of them.
@mariahconklin4150 8 ай бұрын
It’s funny because I’m always telling people about Danial hoping that they will get the help and healing they need to
@fillistine 8 ай бұрын
Menopause is hell because of anxiety. Simply HELL. Its been 5 yrs of catching my breath. Womanhood
@PsycheOS 8 ай бұрын
Get your nutrient levels checked as well that may help - all B vitamins, iron and especially magnesium and cut out all seed oils (inflammation). Hope you can get some relief!!
@tnt01 7 ай бұрын
HRT, you need to replace estrogen.
@miketheman6213 8 ай бұрын
I can definitely relate to this a lot. I remember my first time when I had a panic attack was when I was overwhelmed by everything around me. At that time I had a lot of issues with school, didn’t sleep for 2 days and that caused me a lot of anxiety. I was also being abused by my mother and tried to please her. All of these things culminated into a panic attack.
@melodieryan925 8 ай бұрын
Phenomenal empowering advice. We can overcome anxiety and depression. I am working to heal myself through empowerment and self love. Anxiety and depression is no longer a safe space, my safe space is me, my mind, my thoughts, my love. I deserve it. And so do you. Amen.
@AcceptandAct 8 ай бұрын
Living in survival mode due to unprocessed (childhood) trauma is one of the biggest triggers of panic attacks, especially those that "come out of nowhere". The way out is to work on healing / relaxing the over-activated nervous system, while committing to making more conscious and authentic choices in your life: Deliberately allowing better and safer people, things, and activities into your life. It's a long journey, but body work, trauma healing, and self-awareness are key. Fantastic video, Daniel. Love your content.
@G-gnome 8 ай бұрын
You are my favorite person in this world, Daniel Mackler. You’re teaching me more about myself in these videos than anyone else.
@sophie-963 7 ай бұрын
The only times that I have experienced the symptoms of a panic attack, have been when being inflicted by the narcissists in my family who abused me with e.g verbal abuse, physical abuse, gaslighting, deception, boundary breaking
@rachelmoore5079 8 ай бұрын
Oh thank you. I’ve been having panic attacks my entire life, but since I quit coffee (and nicotine & sugar & carbs), and since I’m not homeless… they have stopped 🤔 mysteriously…
@RB-jq6gh 8 ай бұрын
You have to be your own pill to manage the physiological reaction.
@georgespiese7388 8 ай бұрын
I look evolutionarily that this is a defense when overwhelmed by a predator. If prey is acting weird it might be sick, and the predator walks away. We live another day.
@brigitte9999 8 ай бұрын
Recently someone told me that the vast majority of people don’t have inner dialogue! Can this be true? I was blown away by this. If a person isn’t having a consistent conversation about their life with themselves I would imagine they would have panic attacks. I have never had a panic attack or anything close to that. I’m constantly processing my feelings and my current life situation.
@dadapotok 8 ай бұрын
did you consider asking people in your life about that?
@keke8880 7 ай бұрын
I don't think that's true
@willhelterbrand3785 8 ай бұрын
I was put on adderall when I was 12 years old and my parents would physically & verbally threaten me if I wouldn’t take the pills prescribed to me. I am now an adult and have been off of this extremely addictive drug for 5 years. Panic attacks have slowed down, but were a very common side effect of using and quitting adderall.
@Matthew-OU812 8 ай бұрын
I found this video unexpectedly soothing in a connecting way. I feel I should listen to this at least once a day.
@allthe1 8 ай бұрын
I had had panic attacks once or twice a year for about 20 years and since I've started therapy I've had none at all, and with my new way of life I am convinced they're not coming back. Just regularly looking inside and being coincious of my emotions, and building trust and love in myself prevents this and many other things.
@jonbeltrano3925 8 ай бұрын
I just started developing panic attacks for the first time in my life. I'm so thankful you made this when I needed it.
@lenajazuk4231 8 ай бұрын
My panic attacks happen when I’m driving when I have to stop on red light on a left turn but only on a big intersections , if I’m in middle lane and have to stop on red If Om driving on freeway because of speed I do feel trapped s as bad unsafe in those situations I would like to learn how to navigate them while I’m driving because it stops me from going places of I have to take only familiar roads to get to destinations
@M-i-k-a-e-l 8 ай бұрын
The research of trauma bilogy suggests it is stored survival energy that is somatic to its core (Peter Levine, Bessel van der Kolk, Gabor Maté, Stephen Porgess etc). Their programs is very body based, the level of direct sensation, felt sense, is their main focus.
@why55555 8 ай бұрын
Dream Journals, Journaling & going into Hermit mode was Uber helpful to me when I wasn't finding support in Therapy. TY for being here, Daniel!❤️‍🔥💓
@wombat7961 8 ай бұрын
Thank you i asked for it recently out of curiousity - and to make matters worst i think i had one yesterday as a first time to my knowledge. Yesterday i went to the bank to cash a check, it was settlement and had 2 names on it, as a divorced couple the bank said that wouldnt work. But they first asked to call their manager and have us sit down, only later to be rejected again. But what happened to me internally was out of nowhere, all the pores on my entire body opened up and i sweated profusely, my legs were jelly, my voice was weak, i felt as though i was hollow and frail, and all i wanted was to leave the bank to get a glass of water and some air. As a black man idk if it was the rejection, or immeditaly feeling like a criminal, etc. ... but it was too much for me personally. This doesnt happen often or at all it was new to me. EDIT: after watching the video i think what i described was a panic attack, i had built up the dread and i couldnt move physically i was basically immobile, and i felt terrified like i was being threatened i only felt like myself after i had walked 3 blocks away
@sheetalrathi6426 8 ай бұрын
Love your videos Daniel.... Eagerly wait for them ..💛 Also can you please make a video on hypervigilence ie. What to do to manage it...
@dmackler58 8 ай бұрын
I like the idea, and I'll put it on my to-do list... But I never know if a video will come out good enough for me to feel comfortable making it public. We'll see! Thanks again for the idea -- Daniel
@coffeedad31 8 ай бұрын
​@dmackler58 You'll never know how much your videos mean to me. They're (the videos) are beginning to change my life. I can tell I've changed as a person. Thank you! I work in the death care, funeral industry, crazy emotional stuff! My brain needs patched for time to time 😢
@sheetalrathi6426 8 ай бұрын
@@dmackler58 thanks 😊 I appreciate that.... I want to let you know that you are making a significant difference in people's lives by making these videos...I mean atleast for me you you gotta feel good about yourself ...blessings 2 u
@dmackler58 8 ай бұрын
Thanks :)
@dmackler58 8 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@Lilzki 8 ай бұрын
You described that really well with the radiator and the pressure coming out through the tiny hole. I was prescribed medication and when I took it I felt like a lid had been tightly fitted on a pressure cooker. All that emotion and distress has to go somewhere. The medication held in inside me and made me keep “functioning” when I absolutely could not. I think healing may be similar to that law in physics that says energy cannot be destroyed just changed from one form to another. I don’t think any medication can magically make panic/fear/trauma etc. disappear. I once heard someone say that taking medication is like changing the reception on a t.v program you are watching. The image may become a bit fuzzy but what you are watching is still the same.
@maralynn1851 6 ай бұрын
Ive only had a few panic attacks and I almost passed out once. I remember vividly the loss of feeling in my legs and arms. Then my sight and ability to breath. It was terrifying and I'm so glad its been years since one like that.
@fedepa9556 8 ай бұрын
I think you are beyond great. I am just leaving this comment below this video but i am actually referring to virtually all of them. You are great because people facing toxic families have a very few safe ports out there and wherever you turn your head there are people thinking you overreacting, exaggerating or even worst pretending not to see the mean things victims endure (don t like the term victim, the victims are actually the abusers that are victims of themselves). Listening to you is like reconciliating with the truth of what is happening around. Wish you all the best.
@allthe1 8 ай бұрын
So true! One's a victim until either one heals, or one starts making victims of their own
@fedepa9556 8 ай бұрын
Sorry i must have not made myself understood. I am not a native english speaker. What I meant is those who are poorly treated are ,in my opinion, secondary victims. the first victims are the abusers themselves. I think in this term, if you are a grandad is likely you are happy if your nephew is happy. If you get content because your nephew is desperate, the first person you are destroying is yourself.
@ChildrensRightsFirst947 8 ай бұрын
I have no idea if my depression and anxiety are from past trauma or due to my current problems which are also serious. I mean, I get anxious when I think about how sociopathic rulers are running the planet I'm forced to live on....Wouldn't well adjusted people with no traumatic experiences also feel shaky about that? I have very little social support or friendships, and social isolation could lead to anxiety in a person who had a great childhood. So how does a person know if it's the past or present that's affecting them, is a question I frequently have when I watch your videos. I LOVE this channel and I recommend it a lot. Thank you for being so kind and caring.
@destroyraiden 8 ай бұрын
chances are it's from childhood since your saying sociopathic rulers are.... that would be look inside at the ages of 0 - 18 at anytime did you feel or was it actually someone in authority was abusive in their power to you or controlling or ect you can also look based on feeling think of the rulers of today if you need feel that big feeling then start tracing it back what was the last time you felt this same emotion and it may or maynot have to do with others trying to harm or control you but think anyhow, then go back again, you want to find the root or age and sometimes this may not even be yours this could be energy that's in your bloodline it's a following energy some call it a generational curse yet what it is is following energy so if an ancestor & or from your parents/immediate family inherited really had a problem with rulers and this got transferred to you then that's why you're holding onto their thing & you need to process it for them so it can come out of your line. Emotional Release healing an aid in this you can pay for it yet you can also just go get The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson it's a great basic tool kit. The energy response very well to the Q&A style he has you can use magnets or if you're natural healer you can use your natural healing in alot of cases to release the energy for me it's the Q&A that is most important as energy wants to have understanding before it will leave. So what causes your anxiety may be a combo of yours and ancestors/family/parents things to be healed and released you may not need specifics either if you can get them fine yet it may also not be needed as not everyone is able to do psychic or energy reads on the ancestors so you just have basic bad things happened around this emotion and understanding that can really help remove it for them. It's not the only way yet it is one way & you may need to learn even more ways as you can't use one method to always remove trapped energy.
@fumanpoo4725 6 ай бұрын
We are doomed, but might as well try to fight the good fight. The time to give up is when we're dead.✌️
@pennyc7064 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this Daniel. I can relate. I do not recall having any panic attacks in my younger years and as you mentioned there was also a lot of historical stuff coming up... after a job burnout that's when the panic attacks started.
@cindylu607 8 ай бұрын
👏👏👏 You are helping so much. Thank you for sharing your experience. It is not easy
@lilafeldman8630 8 ай бұрын
Once again Daniel, another great video thank you so much.
@brigitte9999 8 ай бұрын
Your size really benefits your message and mission.
@bluemoony102 8 ай бұрын
Thank YOU for existing Daniel 🙏🏼
@wayward_identity 8 ай бұрын
Medication also reinforces the behaviours leading to those panic attacks in the first place, much like getting drunk instead of coping with reality... If you live in a housefire, get out, don't just swallow painkillers. I myself have had panic attacks in my late teens as i wasn't allowed to have healthy boundaries in my terribly abusive family. So i had to break away from those whose violations i've learned to accept as ''normal''. I 've had to secretly learn how angry i was on the inside, and i hated my reflex to be a shy and inconspicuous boy. It was a humiliating act to evade the family radar. My anger was the key so set healthy boundaries in the end. And my ''coming-out'' as a person with boundaries broke the family system apart. Still having some weaker panic attacks nowadays (almost two decades later), if the workload and responsibilties become too much, but thats much easier to deal with. Why do people say children dont have real problems anyway? It was hell back then. War with no training nor back-up or any hope of an end, on top of that it was all a taboo we had to smile and laugh off towards the outside world. Adult life is hard but way more forgiving. And did the childhood trauma make me more capable as an adult? I don't think so, but ive still learned a lot from dealing with it. Just felt like sharing. And thanks for the Video.
@tshlk 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing, cheers.
@dadapotok 8 ай бұрын
invalidating children's problems is a form of child abuse people may have learned to normalise to make sense of the abuse and hardship they endured themselves. i suppose we're mostly dumb and cruel if we don't know better
@bk-qq5nj 5 күн бұрын
I had panic attack after my father's death couple of times. Then one time it happened I confronted it by saying 'bring it on'. After then it never happened for 3 years. By just facing the fear you begin to heal.
@insanebrain213 8 ай бұрын
I used to have panic attacks at my first job. Just overwhelmed by everything, I’d just freeze in place unable to think or move and sometimes start crying. I think I passed out from a panic attack once, I blacked out and came to convulsing on the floor. I was on weed too though.
@JCPJCPJCP 7 ай бұрын
I agree with you completely on this one, Daniel. I've had panic attacks. I also refused to take drugs. I, too, saw them as an internal, personal problem, and I've practiced many of the same remedies that you recommend. I can't disagree with anything you've said in this video. It's a bullseye.
@clashofclams19 8 ай бұрын
First! Love you Daniel, always excited to see new videos
@mamadoom9724 Күн бұрын
I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety disorders and panic attacks. I don’t take drugs for the problem but I suffer everyday. I’m going to start doing some meditation at night. It can help somewhat.
@lilyghassemzadeh 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for being.
@destroyraiden 8 ай бұрын
I found anxiety & it's panic attacks are solved by listening to your inner self and doing what you want or saying what you want the more you learn about the true you, do what your soul wants/needs, the symptoms resolve now keep in mind it's not fast it's taken me 12 years to get a whole lot calmer & 10 of those I went from a level 15 down to 1/2 as far as symptom ratings so it's been 2 extra years after that I'm feeling way calmer even if somethings do upset me the samethings I would've gone into panic attack on i'm a bit upset sometimes. It would take 1 - 2 months for a notch/degree of symptoms to lessen so it was slow yet I was able to feel the progress. Now I'm starting to feel my body relax as I continue to do what my soul needs/wants it's odd feeling to feel a calming body I realize I've not felt the calm of a body since I was maybe a baby or at lest a toddler and have no memory of it!
@OdiousCoprophagus 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your videos Daniel, you have been a role model for me for years now.
@mariahconklin4150 8 ай бұрын
Thanks Danial I really needed this video today I will look inside me more it’s awful I’m angry, depressed, etc etc etc
@bradmcewen 8 ай бұрын
You are an amazing teacher 👏
@incandescentcandy 8 ай бұрын
You're one of the best psychologists on youtube...u have the best insights and explain things thoroughly and in a way that is easily understood...after u explain something there is an understanding of the whole and not just bits and pieces...keep doing what ur doing! 💙👍
@carpetbaggerface 8 ай бұрын
Awesome, thanks so much for the video. Really helpful
@vllukens7265 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Daniel for always sharing so eloquently and passionately your wisdom, experience and hope.
@insanebrain213 8 ай бұрын
Amanita Dreamer talks about getting off benzos. Hey Daniel can you do a video on despair? Like despairing over trivial crap like buying a shirt you thought would fit if you shrunk it in the dryer but it didn’t shrink and so now you have a shirt that’s too big, and you’ve done this a few times and it’s gut wrenching and a waste of money and now I have to go spend more money on clothes and gamble if it’s gonna fit after being washed. I’m tall and clothes don’t fit. This is an example. Could trigger a CPTSD flashback. Maybe do a video on flashbacks too? Thanks for your work.
@rmguest 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this, Daniel! I can relate to every point you've put forth. I was mis-prescribed a benzo by an ER clinician 5 years ago for bouts of anxiety I found later on I was having from taking Glipizide (for T2 diabetes). Rather than take a deeper dive into my records or even ask me where I thought the anxiety was coming from, he prescribed Ativan. No informed consent, no warnings about potential withdrawal symptoms. Had he simply put 2&2 together, he might have said, something like, " looks like it could be the Glip. I would suggest you stop taking it for a while and see if that helps and then we can switch you to another T2 med. Instead he said, "this may not be what your psychiatrist would prescribe, but it will just take the edge off." Even the followup clinicians repeatedly dropped the ball by giving a wrong taper plan an not realizing that I had been on the med for only 5 days where I could have simply stopped taking the med. To this day, I still experience withdrawal symptoms from this benzo and to use your analogy, it really feels as though my relief valve is stuck. All I can say is while benzos can serve a useful purpose, as with patients recovering from surgery etc., one needs to do their own research before considering long term use. In the end, I think the onus is partly on me in that had I been living a healthier lifestyle in the first place, I would probably never would have needed to be on Glipizide and 3 other heart meds with all their side effects. Love your work Daniel! Thanks again! 👍
@lonelybanditband1349 8 ай бұрын
" invitation to go within, an invitation to look on the begin to sort out the confined stressful inner world we were once forced to live in and to some degree or other we still live in". I have had panic attacks and over time, and thankfully have had them happen a lot less often over the past year or so. I will say the quote above I think hits the nail on the head
@heidigone 8 ай бұрын
I was once prescribed hydromorphone 2mg, hydromorph contin 3mg and 6mg. Every time I took one, regardless of the strength, I felt like I was headed straight to hell, for all eternity, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. The evil feeling that was smothering me would last at least 24 hours! I told my doctor what was happening, and she prescribed me lorazepam 1mg. It took the evil feeling away within minutes. If I am ever in extreme pain, and a doctor suggests I take that type of opioid medication, I will insist on having lorazepam with it. I honestly don't know what's worse, the physical pain or the emotional pain of panic attacks. At least I know that mine were caused by medication. I feel so so sorry for anyone who has these attacks without knowing the cause. 😢
@drew7487 8 ай бұрын
I love your metaphor Daniel, thank you for the video
@joshepherd9095 8 ай бұрын
I went through the panic attack stage. Interesting analogy about the steam valve. It explains why it takes so long to heal - sometimes we can only release a bit at a time. Totally agree with you about healing through doing the inner work and not needing panic attacks any more.
@dadapotok 8 ай бұрын
I'd like to give a shout-out to the Pennebaker's expressive writing method. there's instructions on his website, 5m yt video on his channel, 90m yt video on the huberman lab podcast and 200+ peer-reviewed studies on topic. probably safest method of meeting self and unraveling suppressed that i know of. takes 15 minutes + time to decompress + safe space. 4 sessions, timer for minimum time and writing / talking without interruptions and taking care of the grammar to let it all truly unfold. privacy is crucial, write/record with intention to destroy the record. i suppose the key elements are safe encounters, processing and integrating, linking it all, not producing a fancy piece of writing/speech for external validation or preserving a record for history. don't take my word for it, I'd rather point you to the source and encourage to give it a shot. method is very flexible, though I went with defaults before personalising it. take care
@SzViktor84 8 ай бұрын
I can hardly express myslef, how greatful i am, for your message and insight. You capture it perfectly with the radiator and steam metaphor. Sometimes i feel like i cannot find a good enough expression for my feelings and inner world, however i work on it for quite some time now. But your videos help me remember, refocus and connect inside. I feel like i am beeing heard. Which is strange since we don't know eachother, but still... Thank you Daniel!
@adrianiordache3552 8 ай бұрын
The single most thing that "cured" a lot of my anxiety and panic attacks was getting my driver's licence. My dad also got me an old Astra G. The power that came with the car and the responsability of not killing people was really life changing. Than, getting a job where I'm good at, getting close with my mates and receiving validation for my work, that's something!
@kostas7143 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Daniel, you are spot on!
@awesomeb3002 8 ай бұрын
How do I help a friend or family member who's going through a panic attack?
@AMB223 8 ай бұрын
Can you make a video on how to heal from childhood trauma when you have also experienced more recent trauma or loss in adulthood?
@slcoly1 6 ай бұрын
PANIC ATTACK RESCUE… I keep a mug of ice water ( ice full) where ever I go. Panic starts, I hold ice in my hand and allow my hand to become uncomfortably cold. The vegus nerve can only respond to one issue at a time that is true immediate threat. I hope this helps anyone who has felt the dying fear of a true panic attack.
@MiroBG359 4 күн бұрын
heh, what a synchronicity. I just wondering yesterday if this method is what helped my panic attack the other day. I started pacing with an ice pack in my hand. I was just annoyned and stressed and didn't feel like putting on my face like I usually do but I held onto it. I usually chuck it on the floor but this time I kept pacing back and forth around my apartment. At some point I noticed that my fingers started to hurt quite a bit, they almost stung, and I went from high, pounding heart rate, to super calm rather quickly I thought and then noticed what I had been doing but wasn't sure. I wonder if this is one reason why I didn't have a meltdown at my dentist he had the AC on what felt 60F and I was cold nearly the entire time he worked on me :) So anyone out there reading OPs comment, try it
@slcoly1 4 күн бұрын
@@MiroBG359 you answered your own question. It works.
@mariahconklin4150 8 ай бұрын
I really appreciate you 😢
@evanest6824 8 ай бұрын
❤Thank you 🙏🍀💚
@kta0702 8 ай бұрын
Panic attacks are sheer terror. Doesn’t even have to be provoked. Impending doom heart racing palm sweating. Distorted reality body feels numb You can’t feel yourself breathing do you hyperventilating making it worse
@kta0702 8 ай бұрын
@@valerykalkey I was told my vit d levels were low and that made a lot of sense. Low mood lack of sunlight during winter it definitely didn’t help the anxiety having deficiencies. But once I started taking magnesium vit d I felt better. I still get panic attacks from time to time but I’ve learned to come back from it
@Atezian 8 ай бұрын
Been getting them while driving and it makes me light headed. That's VERY scary and dangerous.
@chanceko1043 8 ай бұрын
Hi Daniel, you speak the language of my fear and asks me to face them. There is one thing i seek your help about which is how to rest or the best way to rest. How to rest without feeling guilty? How do i talk to myself to runaway from responsibilities for a short while
@worldtocome 8 ай бұрын
We're out, dude. Talking to a dear confidant today, I came to the conclusion that the postmodern experiment was something meant to be non-observable to the experiencers--almost like a bubble over the population to prevent a quantum observer effect. I think I observed it (I had been getting frequent subconscious hints since 1987:--). To me, looking back, the null hypothesis was something like "humanity does not matter" or "humanity, taken together, equals no more than the sum of discrete parts (individual humans)." I believe, for the first time ever in my life this afternoon, I was fully cognizant of, and rejected, that null hypothesis. That is, I concluded humans, all together, form a superior humanity. That makes each individual human mean more than either just themselves taken alone or even the sum of all human individuals. Each human really is special, and humanity is transfigurative and special. I really believe there was a global subconscious experiment going on for 40+ years. I believe, because each human is mortal biologically, people back then couldn't stand the thought that together we all make a beautiful humanity, but we individually biologically do not survive to infinity. I think that bothered people back then, and they wanted to prove that we are all just some derivative of individual inputs into the economic output, or something like that. But we're out, dude. Detractor readers on here will probably say that I'm making word salad and manic, but I'm really not. I just came to see today, after really thinking about it for 35+ years, that the experiment is over, it has been observed, and we're out. We're clear. This seemed like a good channel to share the good news:--)
@anaisabelsantos9765 8 ай бұрын
Unfortunately i know what panic attacks are. 🙁 From Portugal 🇵🇹
@faith4390 8 ай бұрын
Right on!!!
@tmking7483 8 ай бұрын
My dad was on 35 diazapans a day _when he passed at 75 years in 2015 ( suffered horrendous child abuse) _ love those canadian doctors taking carabian vacation kickbacks
@Captain_Effy 8 ай бұрын
What are your thoughts on IFS? The internal family system? I read the book " self-therapy: a step by step guide to creating wholeness and healing your inner child using IFS" by Jay Earley and the entire book is right up your alley. All your videos and this book had kickstarted so much childhood trauma healing. Discovering it was very life changing and im wondering why this isnt standard practice. I really reccommend the book.
@dmackler58 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Well, I haven't studied so much about IFS but what I've seen so far is that there's a good amount of overlap with my point of view. But I don't know how radical it is -- I think a lot of its idea are more conventionally acceptable than my own. What do you think?
@adamat4082 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this interesting and unique perspective. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on Marijuana, similar to the one about Ayahuasca. I don't want to "ask that you make a video" as that might be too imposing, but wondering if you have thoughts/personal experience about it, as I have found it to help with healing, and body awareness, but also addictive as it can lead me to engage in dissociative behaviours too ( almost like it brings up internal stuff to quickly, which leads to a sharp turn of me wanting to numb it out ), and very confused about it.
@MiroBG359 4 күн бұрын
pot made it worse for me. I had full blown, call the ambulance, panic attack after hitting a joint. It was so bad the sweet EMT lady gently asked me to please let her take me to the ER because she's worried about me.
@dave_myers 8 ай бұрын
the psychology is important to work on but also common nutrient deficiencies i.e. thiamine, magnesium, can have a major impact on helping dysautonomia/panic attacks. sensitivities to certain foods, fragrances, dyes, etc. can also contribute. Mitochondria need to be functioning well to provide stable energy to the nervous system to avoid stress responses. A ketogenic diet can be very helpful.
@MiroBG359 4 күн бұрын
it hasn't cured the anxiety/tension completely but Thorned B Complex #12 has been transformative for me, especially if I take it solidly for a month or two, I feel normal. That and avoiding carbs and snacking.
@A_Dome_Dream 8 ай бұрын
Where can we email you?
@mariahconklin4150 8 ай бұрын
Anyone get burnt out and stay in door cause of it, walk out and too many people in the apartment building and have a damn panic attack? Well that’s what happened to me lol! Then I got paranoid. I didn’t feel like I could escape I got so damn angry. Where I live feels like a prison and its dorm style living it’s awful. I think I was having an anxiety attack though but it’s awful going from being inside doors for days and then being around a party full of people. I’m not on any medication and won’t be any time soon.
@MiroBG359 4 күн бұрын
that's a familiar story. My apartment building has the new rooms for people to sit around right next to the mailboxes and i actively avoid that area during the weekend on purpose
@iona-airen 8 ай бұрын
does that mean if someone doesn't have anything historical from their lifetime/no trauma, they won't have panic attacks?
@tahiyamarome 8 ай бұрын
My bird phobia was the same thing.
@litor8602 8 ай бұрын
@irenahabe2855 8 ай бұрын
@danielmclaughlin2145 8 ай бұрын
I find the mind body conundrum extremely perplexing because despite Descartes efforts his work went on to establish a split as opposed to a bilateral relationship. It's difficult to conceptualise certain things when we don't have a consensus of or amalgamation of the theological, the biological and the psychological. From what I can understand the mind and body work in tandem, and cannot be isolated to be treated without factoring in treatment for another. If someone has psychological trauma that manifests as persistent and chronic dysautonomia, does giving people vagus nerve training alone fix it? Does giving them coping skills fix it? Or would we be better to have a comprehensive approach instead of looking for whom cast the first stone, as this is not inherently the same as seeking root cause. The chronology of whether psychology or biology is the root cause is a fools errand as this entails isolating one from the other to treat it. Whether the trigger originated from mind or body does not matter. When we treat people whole-istically, it includes the mind and the body together. The adrenals sit on the kidneys too its commonly toxicity mediated. Obviously there are large amounts of heterogeneities but we cant isolate biology and psychology ever really
@Hippowdon121 8 ай бұрын
maybe you should watch his video that intellectualisation stems from trauma 😮
@Earl_E_Burd 8 ай бұрын
Kind of sounds like the Biopsychosocial model that has been emerging. I think it will be the model underpinning the next/current cycle as we continue to evolve our understanding of consciousness and the human condition.
@urb4444 8 ай бұрын
​@@Hippowdon121 i dont think its intellectualisation - both science as well as subjective expiriences of many people confirm physiological states are very much related to psychology. A good analogy here - when you have a painful, but curable illness, you ofcourse take pain meds to make it easier to get through, but thats not what is actually treating the underlaying problem. Similarly, when you are psychologically traumatised, increasing "good" hormones and lowering bad ones isnt goint to heal your trauma - but it can certainly make the healing process easier, by treating certain symptoms.
@matthewspears3786 8 ай бұрын
Daniel, you talk a lot about feeling unfelt emotion, but I've watched a lot of videos of you and I've never seen you be visible with an emotion yourlsef. Is this the therapist background? So much of "healing" seems to be advice and not examples.
@dmackler58 8 ай бұрын
Maybe it's that I'm talking to a camera in an empty room, and not to an actual human. But a few times I've cried in videos. In person I'm a lot more animated. And somewhere I made a video on this subject...
@dmackler58 8 ай бұрын
I found it!
@matthewspears3786 8 ай бұрын
@@dmackler58 Sorry for the delay - that comment wasn't really meant as a criticism of you, but as you say, the format itself creates limitations. I appreciate your efforts. I suppose I'm speaking as much from my own deep needs and lacks. A quick summary of my background: my mother was a narcissistic counselor who force counseled me for years in my teens... it's only recently that I've had a better label of OSDD (a dissociation disorder) as a result of this kind of brainwashing. I learned to label feelings through that control that make me appear like I was in touch with my feelings, but I wasn't - they were behind a glass wall. And prettty much every therapeutic encounter I had encouraged that split. Talking *about* feelings without actually feeling them. I think the structure encourages that. I'm not so different than others, just more extreme. My life has in some ways been a quest to get back in touch with my feelings, which is why I long for even the little things. I did explore acting as a study of feeling and authenticity, but of course in imaginary settings. Once I did a 5 week, 12 hours a day voice and body intensive, and by the end all 50 participants were really showing what was going on in themselves from their whole body and breath. The instructors were amazing at building trust, because it took a lot to be that open when we're used to this culture. It opened me up to possibilities, but also left a sense of lack at not being able to reproduce it easily. Spending 2 years in India also touched me, where expressing full passion was commonplace and there is far less performative/dissociative associations with yoga and meditation. I guess what I'm saying is that especially post covid when people put up more personality masks, I feel a need for examples somewhere in real authenticity with emotions. Like I'm trying to reconnect with fully feeling, looking for models. What I see is all talking *about* feelings. I can't really condemn anyone for doing this, because online is not a safe place - being truly vulnerable can devastate people when there's viral hate or mockery. But it also seems like we've lost touch with what that authenticity and vulnerability actually is - it's become a hash tag. #authenticity This is a comment bigger than you and this video, of course, but I am writing it out of deep appreciation for your efforts and that you listen.
@dmackler58 8 ай бұрын
@@matthewspears3786Thank you Matthew, for your words and for your sharing. Wishing you the best (and happy new year)! Daniel
@RekLara 8 ай бұрын
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