The quandary of the quark

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The Royal Society

The Royal Society

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@carlkuss 2 жыл бұрын
She talks like a good teacher. and by that I am giving high praise.
@clearbrain 8 жыл бұрын
really appreciate your effort to put up these wonderful lectures...thanks a ton..These are treats for present day and the future also...
@pureenergy5051 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, I like the way that the physicist Kenneth Ford describes quarks. He wrote in his book "The Quantum World" that "magically bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light, forming what are called protons and neutrons'. I like points of light as quarks. In this way I can add the quarks in each atom. For instance, the hydrogen atom spins super fast as 7 points of light. The carbon atom spins as 42 points of light. The oxygen atom spins as 56 points of light. People consist 100% as light. Light is eternal.
@hindsight2022 3 жыл бұрын
I have 3 daughters . the first 3 minutes made me a very happy man . im on track for 3 geologist at the moment but a physicist would be great at dinner time too..
@markjohnson7508 3 жыл бұрын
Our son Andy 21 went to school for production engineering and fell in love with military thru 3 friends of his and joined the Marine Corps to continue his education in avionics engineering.. Our daughter 16 just passed her nursing program for sophomores and wants to become a registered nurse practitioner. We are blessed parents As you are
@jasonwiley798 2 жыл бұрын
What is diffence between an up quark and a down quark? Is it just electric charge? Since they are constantly changing into each other there must be just small differences.
@RicardoMarlowFlamenco Жыл бұрын
Regarding the question towards the end…what is between the electron and the nucleus…my understanding is that where ever the electron “is not” there are virtual particles appearing and destroying each other, so, tons of stuff going on. This true outside of the realm of an atom as well.
@dreamdiction Жыл бұрын
Rubbish. Stop guessing.
@DrDeuteron 20 күн бұрын
Not rubbish, but the question isn’t really interesting. And the virtual particle stuff has gotten out of control. Atoms are in a steady state. Nothing is popping in and out existence.
@TheMachian 3 жыл бұрын
I highly recommend "The construction of quarks" by Andrew Pickering.
@SpotterVideo 2 жыл бұрын
Quantum Entangled Twisted Tubules: When we draw a sine wave on a blackboard, we are representing spatial curvature. Does a photon transfer spatial curvature from one location to another? Wrap a piece of wire around a pencil and it can produce a 3D coil of wire, much like a spring. When viewed from the side it can look like a two-dimensional sine wave. You could coil the wire with either a right-hand twist, or with a left-hand twist. Could Planck's Constant be proportional to the twist cycles. A photon with a higher frequency has more energy. (More spatial curvature). What if gluons are actually made up of these twisted tubes which become entangled with other tubes to produce quarks. (In the same way twisted electrical extension cords can become entangled.) Therefore, the gluons are actually a part of the quarks. Mesons are made up of two entangled tubes (Quarks/Gluons), while protons and neutrons would be made up of three entangled tubes. (Quarks/Gluons) The "Color Force" would be related to the XYZ coordinates (orientation) of entanglement. "Asymptotic Freedom", and "flux tubes" make sense based on this concept. Neutrinos would be made up of a twisted torus (like a twisted donut) within this model. Gravity is a result of a very small curvature imbalance within atoms. (This is why the force of gravity is so small.) Instead of attempting to explain matter as "particles", this concept attempts to explain matter more in the manner of our current understanding of the space-time curvature of gravity. If an electron has qualities of both a particle and a wave, it cannot be either one. It must be something else. Therefore, a "particle" is actually a structure which stores spatial curvature. Can an electron-positron pair (which are made up of opposite directions of twist) annihilate each other by unwinding into each other producing Gamma Ray photons. Alpha decay occurs when the two protons and two neutrons (which are bound together by entangled tubes), become un-entangled from the rest of the nucleons. Beta decay occurs when the tube of a down quark/gluon in a neutron becomes overtwisted and breaks producing a twisted torus (neutrino) and an up quark, and the ejected electron. The phenomenon of Supercoiling involving twist and writhe cycles may reveal how overtwisted quarks can produce these new particles. Gamma photons are produced when a tube unwinds producing electromagnetic waves.
@jasonwiley798 2 жыл бұрын
47:23 how do we know these properties of quarks are predictable if we can't solve the QCD equations in the first place.
@hansolo9892 Жыл бұрын
it's not about solving. It's a perturbative disadvantage, unlike QED high energy processes which decay exponentially (so considering only the simple processes will give high enough precision) doesn't seem to happen for QCD. Due to the color charge-carrying nature of the gluons, it appears to be confined by a soliton and that makes neglecting the high-energy complicated processes extremely difficult as they contribute almost equally to the simple processes. The strong force is much stronger than the electromagnetic force and photons don't carry a charge, so you can't just measure the force by separating the quark over some nuclear distance.
@jopaki 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent presentation. Thank you for sharing!
@pizzacrusher4632 4 жыл бұрын
Great presentation, but I don't think I have ever heard so much audience coughing and throat-clearing. I wonder if it was just a audio flub, and the audience should not have been in the audio mix as much as it was.
@alainclement3117 8 жыл бұрын
thanks for posting this lecture, can someone give the title of the particle book she is carrying?
@markjohnson7508 3 жыл бұрын
Gluon particles may be the representative quantified force that binds flavors of quarks together to create different atomic structure that change properties of atoms
@bryankirk3567 5 жыл бұрын
Why have some sort of children's picture taking up most of the screen at 15:00 etc.
@dreamdiction Жыл бұрын
5:00 Starts. The whole cannon of 'cosmology' and 'sub-atomic physics' (the very large and the very small) is conjecture presented as facts. Pieces of glass only exist when you smash the glass, the fictional sub-atomic particles only exist when you make them, a fraction of a second later they cease to exist, like positrons which only exist when you make them, all the so-called sub-atomic particles only exist by the most abstruse convoluted interpretations as described in this video, like the 12 types of quark which continuously morph into each other's "flavors" and "colors".
@Moronvideos1940 6 жыл бұрын
I downloaded this Thank you....The intros and the pats on the back take way too long ...
@stuskivens4295 5 жыл бұрын
Hmm - a 2005 lecture published in 2013 - so not exactly upto date then.
@DrDeuteron 20 күн бұрын
2024: not much has changed
@gozlemci2874 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent presentation...!
@nosnibor800 3 жыл бұрын
Franklin did not realise the X shape was a helix - that was realised by Crick and Watson! The first 30 - 40 minutes was largely a waste of time; too basic. However the last part started to get interesting, but was rushed. So overall not a very good presentation.
@tmk5 5 жыл бұрын
The way Professor is looking at the screen, I am so sorry for her neck muscles of this prize winning lecture.
@jasonwiley798 2 жыл бұрын
But what is the difference physically between the + and - charges of charged particles? Can you predict charge from some underlying physical property or behavior? Same for magnetic "charges" n and s. What makes a positron+ and what makes an electron -?
@jasonwiley798 2 жыл бұрын
41:07 is the magnitude of the color charge the same for all colors. Quarks have different electrical charges (+2/3 or -1/3) so it makes sense that the three color charges might be different also.
@DrDeuteron 20 күн бұрын
The sign of the charge was made up be Ben Franklin, who didn’t know anything about the standard model. Quarks all have the same magnitude of color charge, but change it in a quantum way such that a classical description would be not informative.
@brickchains1 3 жыл бұрын
don't show up with a chronic cough if it's being recorded ffs
@dickhamilton3517 8 жыл бұрын
must be raining outside. the audience seems to have come in to cough, sneeze, snort and blow noses. very irritating, and I imagine not fun for the speaker.
@Ana_crusis 2 жыл бұрын
Tough. People sneeze.
@TomHendricksMusea 4 жыл бұрын
QUARKS DO NOT MAKE SENSE - or the 3rd quark is REALLY weird. Proton = 2 up , 1 down quarks. Neutron = 2 down, 1 up quarks. So the difference between the two is the 3rd quark. Both the proton and neutron, have one up and one down quark. That leaves the difference between the proton and neutron as the 3rd quark. So difference between a proton and neutron is due to whether the 3rd quark is up as in a proton, or down as in a neutron. So, if that's true then: The third quark determines these things: If it has an up quark - proton, then the particle is immortal. If it has a down quark - neutron, then the particle decays in 10 minutes. EXPLAIN If it has an up quark - a proton, then the particle has less mass then the neutron. If it has a down quark - a neutron, then the particle has .1% more mass than the proton. So the down quark weighs .1% more than the up quark. EXPLAIN Quarks have no measurable physical extension, and seem to exist at points. Yet that single point does all this and more. EXPLAIN The proton has an up quark, and that magic third quark also determines half of the electromagnetic force in the universe. And it in no way is like the electron, the other half, except in being an opposite charge. EXPLAIN The electron is one full charge, the magic third quark is 2/3+ charge, but somehow it determines all positive charge (and the 1/3- charge of the neutron's third quark determines all zero charge particles.) EXPLAIN. When three quarks team up only a small part of the proton's mass comes from the masses of the quarks. Most is binding energy. So that third quark has virtually no mass but can do all these magic things. EXPLAIN. Quarks interact strongly and link in twos or threes to make particles such as pions, protons, and neutrons. Yet the other half of the charge world, electrons, does none of these things. EXPLAIN Physics is a science of pairs. For every particle there is an anti-particle. Virtual particles come in pairs. Spin, waves - destructive and constructive interference, etc. In these cases the pairs are virtually identical and or mirror images of each other. So why would electromagnetic charge have electrons and protons so different from each other, and in no way seem built on exact opposites, or mirror image opposites. EXPLAIN! Particle wave duality includes atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks and gluons. Now imagine a nucleus of deuterium, that has no particles only waves that include in the nucleus of the atom, a proton wave, neutron wave, 6 quark waves, plus gluon waves. EXPLAIN. Proton spin crisis. EXPLAIN.
@LyubomirIko 4 жыл бұрын
Yep. Tell me please when someone answer to those. The most staggering for me is the emerging of mass, what you call "binding energy". The reason (most) mass exists is due kinetic movement of those quarks and gluons - in near light speeds. This interaction isn't described as inertial as the movement of planets. So what powers that eternal motion? The leap of unknown states that it comes from nothing basically. Due to uncertainty principle those virtual particles comes in and out of existence just enough to transfer some of their... energy...
@PrivateSi 3 жыл бұрын
Bottom-up Thought Experiment... Constraints: As few base forces and particles as possible to form a coherent, integrated 3D multi/universe model -- Subspace Charge Field: +ve charge cells (quanta, +1) held together by free-flowing -ve charge. Matter-energy field conserves momentum -- Matter-Energy: Matter is focused energy.. Energy is mobile matter.. Velocity is position change in time.. Force changes velocity and/or direction -- Positron/Up Quark/Graviton (p+): Out of place, free cell warps the field and sends out field cell vibration 'blip' spheres at C + 6 spin loops -- Electron/Down Quark (e-): Hole left behind warps the field and sends out field cell vibration 'blip' spheres at C + 6 spin loops -- Bion/Electron Neutrino/Dark Matter (n+-): Only exactly opposite phase p+ and e- annihilate (ie. pairs created together), else a Bion is formed -- Nucleons: Proton (P) = pep, Neutron (N) = Pe, Beta- = e, Beta+ (B) = p(n) = p(pe), Alpha (A) = PNPN = (PeP)(PeP) = (pep)(e)(pep)(pep)(e)(pep) -- Heavier Fermions: Larger holes and chunks of subspace field rapidly disintegrate to p+s, e-s, n+-s and/or annihilate to regular = empty field -- Electrostatic Force: Recoiling repulsive blip spheres propagate. Same phase blips repel, opposite form an attracting AC wave guide, recoil adds push -- Spin: e-s and p+s pull in the 12 surrounding cells, or -ve charge that pulls the cells, that then bounce out, forming 6 loops as a torus. Spins up/down -- Strong Force: Spin loops merge and form DC (flowing) circuits between e-s and p+s -- Mass: Sum of strong force bond lengths + near electric field. Neutral bion has compact strong force circuits , Protons' are long as 2 p+s repel -- Magnetism: Some spin-aligned atoms' p+s and e-s' strong bonds join in a shorter straight path. Energy conservation results in external force circuits -- Long Instant Off Force: AC (longitudinally blipping) subspace 'flux tube' as thin as 1 cell wide. Each cell and its -ve charge move in contrary motion -- Weak Force: Geometric structural charge balance instability. Possibly statistical hits by bions tipping the balance -- Photon/Light: e- (or p+) moving alternately up and down (ie. transmitter or e- moving from a neutral ground state to charged higher level and back) -- Double Slit: Laser light / particle centre's preceding, extended subspace distortion diffracts, interferes, forming wave guides observation destroys -- Dark Gravity: p+ traps 1 quantum of -ve charge so void cell size/gap grows (and matter's shrinks?) forming a macro -ve charge gradient -- Bang Expansion: Loss of -ve charge to the multiverse?.. Bang ejector velocity petered out, magnified in time by outward momentum conservation -- Gravity Wave: Longitudinal wave where the entire field in a large region is effected in unison for a duration -- Big Ping: A dark crystal universe collisions's intense gravity wave forms e- & p+ pairs from outside in at C. Many annihilate or form bions -- Big Bang: Ping wave collides centrally / -ve charge lost to the multiverse / blasted cells & -ve charge form much matter and leave a truly empty hole? -- Black Hole: Absorbs matter and energy. Bion crystal? Truly empty hole in the field that rips matter to pieces, turning it into subspace field until full? -- Frame Dragging: Entire sphere of subspace cells rotating around a point in unison -- Time: Cell to cell blips take a constant time so light slows locally with gravity as cells shrink but always measures C locally as subspace circuits slow too -- Makes more sense than making up bosons to carry force and mass, quarks that don't solve the anti-matter and dark matter problem, anti-neutrinos, loads of fundamental fields, extra spatial and temporal dimensions etc, that ultimately don't tie relativity and quantum mechanics together properly or well... They should at least be honest and call their 'spatial dimensions' geometric/field dimensions or something.. Magic Space is not my cup of tea.
@TomHendricksMusea 3 жыл бұрын
@@LyubomirIko REVISED VERSION (psy phy physics from a sci fi writer.) The student of physics can write how photons made the entire universe in FIVE LINES of script! Background: My suggestion is that soon after the Big Bang Photons produced electron and positron pairs of waves 1. The ELECTRON wave had a negative charge. 2. The POSITRON wave had a positive charge. 3. The NEUTRINO had an electron and positron wave combined and had a neutral charge. 4. The PROTON had a mix of two positrons and one electron combined and had an overall positive charge. 5. The NEUTRON had a mix of two positrons and two electrons combined and had an overall neutral charge. Therefore : Photons made pairs of electrons and positrons. The electrons and positrons mixed together to make neutrinos, protons and neutrons such that: Electron (-) Positron (+) Neutrino (-) (+) Proton (+) (-) (+) Neutron (+) (-) (+) (-) When this production of particles was over, most positrons (anti electrons), didn't exist on their own. They were locked into neutrinos, protons, and neutrons - though conservation of charge was maintained. This may help explain the missing anti matter problem. This period of the Big Bang was probably during the lepton epoch. Though the neutrino and proton are extremely stable. the neutron can be converted back to a proton and electron (with an antineutrino) in beta decay. Protons and electrons can convert to neutrons in neutron stars. So proton + electron = neutrons has already been proven.
@RicardoMarlowFlamenco Жыл бұрын
@@TomHendricksMusea at some point, a suggested intermediary object between the Neutron star and the black hole was proposed…the Quark Star. I don’t believe there are any candidates today. For sure, far future studies of actual Neutron stars will shed light on the issue of QCD. Already starting to probe issues using Gravity waves that detect mergers.
@RedSkyHorizon 8 жыл бұрын
22:52 I hate to nitpick but that's a basketball not a football.
@theword2011 8 жыл бұрын
How dare you correct a female! As we are both men (assuming from the screen name) anything we say will just be hate since we are now just evil, sexist, and racist. But yes that is a Basketball 🏀. 😏
@jasonwiley798 2 жыл бұрын
Then don't
@gazsibb 5 жыл бұрын
What is the best way to overcome the historical injustice that the likes of Chien-Shiung Wu suffered? Women weren't even allowed to use the front door of the physics department she originally planned to attend. Not to mention the Nobel prize she should have been awarded for her later work. Manifestly unfair treatment of women and we recognise that today. Why not acknowledge those past injustices by awarding women only prizes today?
@Les537 5 жыл бұрын
Because then you are doing what you claim others of doing and awarding based on sex. Women and men have the same rights and opportunities today in all of the educated world (too bad about some of the east). Now it's just self serving politics and complete nonsense. Let everyone be free to be who they can. Let those who are most competent do any job they wish based on merit. FULL STOP. That's called equality. Anything else is a path to ruin and shown again and again in history.
@jasonwiley798 2 жыл бұрын
And have separate sporting events for women. Separate is never equal.
@debraknorenberg1163 8 ай бұрын
Question 1: What is everything made of? Answer: Obviously, everything. And not then at the same time. You're welcome, (you can thank me later).
@life42theuniverse 3 жыл бұрын
16:30 Electrons, easier to work with than slide controls...
@Aluminata 8 жыл бұрын
Not " A hundred million millionths..." - A hundred millionths of a millionth.
@earache294 8 жыл бұрын
+Ralph Latham that would bee one hundred.. a million millionths = 1 yes? lol
@RedSkyHorizon 8 жыл бұрын
What is a millionth ?
@JesusChrist-uw7op 6 жыл бұрын
A millionth is, 'one out of one million total parts.'
@pureenergy5051 5 жыл бұрын
Since people are 100% energy, then what they need to do to go visit other dimensions is to accelerate. When we "die" we accelerate the energy we are then pop out of these bodies.
@scottlambert6233 3 жыл бұрын
So interesting thank you
@iswarprasadkoirala1229 7 жыл бұрын
excellent ,QCD,symmetry,subatomic particles,....matter antimatter....qqq,qq bar..
@joeyjimenezjr827 5 жыл бұрын
james joyce, finnagans wake (three quarks for mr. mark)
@davidwilkie9551 6 жыл бұрын
QCD binding energy is a particular ratio of field probability in QFT?, so the inverse is the numerical locator of the Quark occupation-quantization site? "Sky" is an effective identifier for the atmosphere and beyond, and Time covers everything in existence in the same "sensible" manner. The word descriptions used for all details has the same quality of sense experience familiarity as the measure of things/physics. Actual quantities of real things are "self-explanatory", defined by having relative temporal duration, which includes energy and mass in e-Pi-i /resonance/numberness, relative positioning. That's the basis of QM-TIME. If I had not had an "Industrial" course in High School, I would have no sensory training and experience in the actual observable meaning of dimensionality that are qualified abstractions of Science courses, because the experiences of Geometry and Perspective Drawing are directed at the stratified layering of planning information on a nominated vanishing point distributed connection of modulated QM-Time Principle In-form-ation. Ie if you amplify visual senses by using lenses to focus on phenomena, then the reverse process of Time Timing in Eternity-now Superspin Interference positioning is conceptually available in superimposed fractal i-reflection e-Pi-i rational numberness, or Holographic Resonant Image integration Intuitions etc..
@earlspencer7863 4 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately there are not a lot of lectures on KZbin about this topic and this is a rather poor one at best. It presents the concept but it does not explain how physicists arrived at them. Way too much time is spent on obvious introductions and not enough on the history of quark research and explaining what the equations mean instead of just showing them.
@pureenergy5051 5 жыл бұрын
If atoms have no electric charge, then why does the physicist Barbara Brennan say that we are electromagnetic, holographic and multidimensional energy and light beings? Physicists say that atoms are electrical magnetic energy field vibrations. Quarks spin neutrons and protons into existence. Spinning is what charge is. Perhaps a neutron spins as neither positive or negative. Can't a spin be neutral?
@Les537 5 жыл бұрын
You are going to hurt yourself. Most atoms have neutral charge. A proton + and an electron -. When you add 1 and minus 1 you have a cancelled out charge. If you strip or add an electron to an atom then you have an ion which now has a net (total) charge one way or another. Spinning is not what charge is. Quarks do not spin neutrons and protons into existence, but they are what protons and neutrons are made of. A spin can not be neutral. What does that even mean? You go on an on about nonsense. I'm not sure what your goal is. I suggest looking up some of the basics and getting away from those horse shit energy after life books if you want to really understand reality.
@CyrilleParis 4 жыл бұрын
Because Barbara Brennan is a quack who left physics long ago to sell bullshit books and false medicine to gullible people. More money and less effort.
@UniverseLogics 8 жыл бұрын
@BernadettesP0ST 6 жыл бұрын
45:00 fav!
@educatedmanholecoverbyrich8890 5 жыл бұрын
Rosalind Franklin was only 39 inches (1m) tall? Get outa here!
@dozog 5 жыл бұрын
Or you listen to what is actually literally said. Better still, you try to get the point of what was said.
@kennethchow213 6 жыл бұрын
Quarks' masses do not add up to the mass of the particles they are supposed to compose, and they cannot be isolated from particles. Higgs Bosons have to be resorted to for a theory of the various masses of particles. However, Higgs Bosons have so far not been definitely spotted, and it is also not clear how they give masses to particles. I have an idea: skip Higgs Bosons (and quarks) and just calculate the masses of various particles using the laws of electromagnetism, treating protons as a dynamical system of neutrally stable equilibrium( something between a whirlpool and the solar system).
@davidconner-shover51 5 жыл бұрын
S'ok, wait till you get to Gluons, that have a flavor charge
@PrivateSi 3 жыл бұрын
Bottom-up Thought Experiment... Constraints: As few base forces and particles as possible to form a coherent, integrated 3D multi/universe model -- Subspace Charge Field: +ve charge cells (quanta, +1) held together by free-flowing -ve charge. Matter-energy field conserves momentum -- Matter-Energy: Matter is focused energy.. Energy is mobile matter.. Velocity is position change in time.. Force changes velocity and/or direction -- Positron/Up Quark/Graviton (p+): Out of place, free cell warps the field and sends out field cell vibration 'blip' spheres at C + 6 spin loops -- Electron/Down Quark (e-): Hole left behind warps the field and sends out field cell vibration 'blip' spheres at C + 6 spin loops -- Bion/Electron Neutrino/Dark Matter (n+-): Only exactly opposite phase p+ and e- annihilate (ie. pairs created together), else a Bion is formed -- Nucleons: Proton (P) = pep, Neutron (N) = Pe, Beta- = e, Beta+ (B) = p(n) = p(pe), Alpha (A) = PNPN = (PeP)(PeP) = (pep)(e)(pep)(pep)(e)(pep) -- Heavier Fermions: Larger holes and chunks of subspace field rapidly disintegrate to p+s, e-s, n+-s and/or annihilate to regular = empty field -- Electrostatic Force: Recoiling repulsive blip spheres propagate. Same phase blips repel, opposite form an attracting AC wave guide, recoil adds push -- Spin: e-s and p+s pull in the 12 surrounding cells, or -ve charge that pulls the cells, that then bounce out, forming 6 loops as a torus. Spins up/down -- Strong Force: Spin loops merge and form DC (flowing) circuits between e-s and p+s -- Mass: Sum of strong force bond lengths + near electric field. Neutral bion has compact strong force circuits , Protons' are long as 2 p+s repel -- Magnetism: Some spin-aligned atoms' p+s and e-s' strong bonds join in a shorter straight path. Energy conservation results in external force circuits -- Long Instant Off Force: AC (longitudinally blipping) subspace 'flux tube' as thin as 1 cell wide. Each cell and its -ve charge move in contrary motion -- Weak Force: Geometric structural charge balance instability. Possibly statistical hits by bions tipping the balance -- Photon/Light: e- (or p+) moving alternately up and down (ie. transmitter or e- moving from a neutral ground state to charged higher level and back) -- Double Slit: Laser light / particle centre's preceding, extended subspace distortion diffracts, interferes, forming wave guides observation destroys -- Dark Gravity: p+ traps 1 quantum of -ve charge so void cell size/gap grows (and matter's shrinks?) forming a macro -ve charge gradient -- Bang Expansion: Loss of -ve charge to the multiverse?.. Bang ejector velocity petered out, magnified in time by outward momentum conservation -- Gravity Wave: Longitudinal wave where the entire field in a large region is effected in unison for a duration -- Big Ping: A dark crystal universe collisions's intense gravity wave forms e- & p+ pairs from outside in at C. Many annihilate or form bions -- Big Bang: Ping wave collides centrally / -ve charge lost to the multiverse / blasted cells & -ve charge form much matter and leave a truly empty hole? -- Black Hole: Absorbs matter and energy. Bion crystal? Truly empty hole in the field that rips matter to pieces, turning it into subspace field until full? -- Frame Dragging: Entire sphere of subspace cells rotating around a point in unison -- Time: Cell to cell blips take a constant time so light slows locally with gravity as cells shrink but always measures C locally as subspace circuits slow too -- Makes more sense than making up bosons to carry force and mass, quarks that don't solve the anti-matter and dark matter problem, anti-neutrinos, loads of fundamental fields, extra spatial and temporal dimensions etc, that ultimately don't tie relativity and quantum mechanics together properly or well... They should at least be honest and call their 'spatial dimensions' geometric/field dimensions or something.. Magic Space is not my cup of tea.
@98danielray Жыл бұрын
​@@PrivateSi yeah. they should follow your schizo ideas instead
@PrivateSi Жыл бұрын
@@98danielray .. Define Schizo and what you don't like about my ideas. You just sound thick to me from your formulaic guff. Why do you want to call names and no discuss the topic? Don't tell me you're yet another one of 100s of millions of neo-kidz of the NWO suffering from Libtarditus - a mental disorder characterised by personality obsession over the topic in hand, style over substance, the inability to form coherent (counter) arguments. Poor critical thinking and logical skills have actually been programmed into the last 2 generations so it's not entirely your fault.. -- If you want to trade insults, fine, but I'd rather discuss the topic, and why many people think the Standard Model is full of overhyped useless junk that leaves more questions than it answers - answers by FUDGE TECHNIQUES such as renormalisation, inventing free parameters and theoretical particles, confirmed by cognitive bias and huge, noisy datasets from which different filters can give you whatever results you want to confirm your bias. -- It's a schizoid world, due to religious and political ideological brainwashing. Science is grossly infected by this too. Scientism is like putting your faith in the greatest mass murderers of history combined, and expecting a decent result.
@augustinelopez1508 5 жыл бұрын
Well done. 😜😊😎 Here's to perpetual fun. Later Guys
@robertflynn6686 3 жыл бұрын
Not very illuminating of quarks..spent much time going over topics most people knew and little new on quarks.
@adge610220 6 жыл бұрын
Women, women, women, what guff!
@stevebutrimas9972 3 жыл бұрын
How many gluons can a quark genra te, create or whatever . If For ladies only forget it.
@HokShunPoon 6 ай бұрын
See: 21 Reasons Protons Cannot Contain Quarks:
@boggybogallow 6 жыл бұрын
Ok so apparently if we want to encourage girls into science and technology we have to focus less on crash bang wallop and instead make it all pink and fluffy. What utter stereotypical nonsense that statement was in the intro.
@SetemkiaFawn 4 жыл бұрын
a stereotypical as your reply. It is utterly predictable given male Behavior.
@DrDeuteron 20 күн бұрын
On snap. We got simp ally looking for some strange.
@DrDeuteron 20 күн бұрын
Maybe change the qcd colors? Fuchsia, chartreuse, and aubergine?
@guillaumelanglois4511 8 ай бұрын
The constant coughing in the audience is beyond irritating. Out of respect that person should have walked out instead of ruining the experience for everyone.
@Aluminata 8 жыл бұрын
@pureenergy5051 5 жыл бұрын
You don't have a presentation of how particles are made. You don't know why waves of energy and light resonate into frequencies and particles. Your presentation is about their existence.
@sdpgo12 8 жыл бұрын
@Barbarous_Wretch 5 жыл бұрын
Finnegan's Wake, not Ulysses.
@slchristopher6645 6 жыл бұрын
I need a safe space from the politics lol
@PrivateSi 3 жыл бұрын
LOL...! Bloody sozialists taken over Academia... The uselessness of a Big State Science Project to 99.99999% of the world's population is proportional to its size and cost.... as is its waste of brains, brawn, nature and money... Sad but true... A decent Scientific Sociological System at least allows direct votes on major expenditures....Instead we have the every-growing Scientific Dictatorship bore-ons robbing us blind, spying on everyone and actively removing liberties at all levels.... -- I have lost so much respect for Academia in the last 30 years. They've made no useful fundamental physics progress in 50 years of the largest, most extortionate Scientific-Military-Industrial-Data Collection Complex uber-spending in human history... -- The high energy, top-down approach must cease immediately. We have more than enough useful knowledge for humanity for now and the pretty far future... You don't even start with a relativist quantised base subspace field. WHY NOT!? It is simply the most logical way a universe can exist. -- Bottom-up Thought Experiment... Constraints: As few base forces and particles as possible to form a coherent, integrated 3D multi/universe model -- Subspace Charge Field: +ve charge cells (quanta, +1) held together by free-flowing -ve charge. Matter-energy field conserves momentum -- Matter-Energy: Matter is focused energy.. Energy is mobile matter.. Velocity is position change in time.. Force changes velocity and/or direction -- Positron/Up Quark/Graviton (p+): Out of place, free cell warps the field and sends out field cell vibration 'blip' spheres at C + 6 spin loops -- Electron/Down Quark (e-): Hole left behind warps the field and sends out field cell vibration 'blip' spheres at C + 6 spin loops -- Bion/Electron Neutrino/Dark Matter (n+-): Only exactly opposite phase p+ and e- annihilate (ie. pairs created together), else a Bion is formed -- Nucleons: Proton (P) = pep, Neutron (N) = Pe, Beta- = e, Beta+ (B) = p(n) = p(pe), Alpha (A) = PNPN = (PeP)(PeP) = (pep)(e)(pep)(pep)(e)(pep) -- Heavier Fermions: Larger holes and chunks of subspace field rapidly disintegrate to p+s, e-s, n+-s and/or annihilate to regular = empty field -- Electrostatic Force: Recoiling repulsive blip spheres propagate. Same phase blips repel, opposite form an attracting AC wave guide, recoil adds push -- Spin: e-s and p+s pull in the 12 surrounding cells, or -ve charge that pulls the cells, that then bounce out, forming 6 loops as a torus. Spins up/down -- Strong Force: Spin loops merge and form DC (flowing) circuits between e-s and p+s -- Mass: Sum of strong force bond lengths + near electric field. Neutral bion has compact strong force circuits , Protons' are long as 2 p+s repel -- Magnetism: Some spin-aligned atoms' p+s and e-s' strong bonds join in a shorter straight path. Energy conservation results in external force circuits -- Long Instant Off Force: AC (longitudinally blipping) subspace 'flux tube' as thin as 1 cell wide. Each cell and its -ve charge move in contrary motion -- Weak Force: Geometric structural charge balance instability. Possibly statistical hits by bions tipping the balance -- Photon/Light: e- (or p+) moving alternately up and down (ie. transmitter or e- moving from a neutral ground state to charged higher level and back) -- Double Slit: Laser light / particle centre's preceding, extended subspace distortion diffracts, interferes, forming wave guides observation destroys -- Dark Gravity: p+ traps 1 quantum of -ve charge so void cell size/gap grows (and matter's shrinks?) forming a macro -ve charge gradient -- Bang Expansion: Loss of -ve charge to the multiverse?.. Bang ejector velocity petered out, magnified in time by outward momentum conservation -- Gravity Wave: Longitudinal wave where the entire field in a large region is effected in unison for a duration -- Big Ping: A dark crystal universe collisions's intense gravity wave forms e- & p+ pairs from outside in at C. Many annihilate or form bions -- Big Bang: Ping wave collides centrally / -ve charge lost to the multiverse / blasted cells & -ve charge form much matter and leave a truly empty hole? -- Black Hole: Absorbs matter and energy. Bion crystal? Truly empty hole in the field that rips matter to pieces, turning it into subspace field until full? -- Frame Dragging: Entire sphere of subspace cells rotating around a point in unison -- Time: Cell to cell blips take a constant time so light slows locally with gravity as cells shrink but always measures C locally as subspace circuits slow too -- Makes more sense than making up bosons to carry force and mass, quarks that don't solve the anti-matter and dark matter problem, anti-neutrinos, loads of fundamental fields, extra spatial and temporal dimensions etc, that ultimately don't tie relativity and quantum mechanics together properly or well... They should at least be honest and call their 'spatial dimensions' geometric/field dimensions or something.. Magic Space is not my cup of tea.
@brendawilliams8062 2 жыл бұрын
@@PrivateSi I admire you bravery. You know with enough to rule it all , that nothing is left to rule. Except a vision and no desire for anything farther.
@PrivateSi 2 жыл бұрын
@@brendawilliams8062 .. Stop wasting money on useless crap, Demoncrap Voter (no doubt, not that Repugnants are much better).. There is nothing wrong with the desire to know useless stuff, actually wasting trillions on the desire is the problem. Forces sales-scams'r'US... disgusting.. Like Commies only working with privately owned uber-corps and institutions.. -- There is plenty of decent practical engineering to be done to solve all our DOWN TO EARTH technical issues.. We could have had practically free, unlimited power via Breeder Reactors, for instance, by the 1970s with a bit of concerted effort and a the nuke testing budget halved back in the day... It got more and more out of hand from the end of WW2 (Nuclear World War 1),.. Nuclear World War 2, The Hot Test War kicked the rot off, and the Military-Scientific Indudstrial Complex and its data addiction has escalated exponentially... Uber-wasters with too many new toys and ideas to handle they stopped caring about the basics more and more, or care for them in a more and more corrupt manner. -- This Information Overload Age - where there's enough data whizzing around to prove anything... Cognitive bias due to techno-dominant arrogance.
@98danielray Жыл бұрын
​@@PrivateSi yeah, schizo. Im sure your really grandiose ideas would solve all the paradigma of physics.
@ltmbproduction 9 жыл бұрын
25:56 wtf?
@winghong8072 6 жыл бұрын
whta do you mean? she coughed and talked about qed and hubble
@rgaleny 6 жыл бұрын
see the Electric Universe.
@cazymike87 8 жыл бұрын
I hate to tell you but mass is not a form of energy. Not by a long chance. Since 2005 when this was filmed much had changed.
@MICKEYISLOWD 7 жыл бұрын
Well they are interchangeable, however light has no mass but is pure energy so you are correct.
@cazymike87 7 жыл бұрын
Mass is confined energy . That is way a photon can keep running wild throu space , it hasnt walls to keep it on a single place. When that it does happen ,then a photon (light) does 2 things : it gets reflected or refracted . Either way when light stops on something it will loss its energy , and that energy will became a part of the mass of the sistem that he bump into ..Meaning more confined energy!
@cazymike87 7 жыл бұрын
There is no such thing as mass , just confined energy. That is way mass and energy cannot be converted and ARE NOT interchangeble!
@JesusChrist-uw7op 6 жыл бұрын
Mike, can't incineration convert mass into energy?
@xf99 6 жыл бұрын
she clearly states that mass is a characteristic of entities interacting with the Higgs field
@xf99 6 жыл бұрын
I have to say I'm losing faith in particle physics: quarks have never been independently observed, and gluons are testing credulity. At this rate it's turtles all the way down!
6 жыл бұрын
So first you say "It feels as though particle physics is starting to stray into religion!" and then you claim you're "losing _faith_ in particle physics". I think, perhaps, you have started to stray _from_ religion.
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