The Rage of the 'Empaths'

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Mark Vicente

Mark Vicente

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@SuB-gy4rb Ай бұрын
I’ve always questioned everything, since childhood - this has gotten me labeled all kinds of insane things. They never want a discussion it’s about shutting me down, insulting my intelligence just because I questioned. Thankfully I’m old and will be out of this mess sooner rather than later. Interesting times indeed 🥴
@SideB1984 29 күн бұрын
Giftedness. A blessing and a curse depending on your environment.
@alternat8771 Ай бұрын
I've always lived by the parable of the blind men touching an elephant - the more information, perspectives and opinions I have the better I can understand something. However, The social media algorithm unfortunately feeds you more of the same content, so you never hear other perspectives. And I've also seen so much misinformation and lies being shared recently. It's awful. All standards are gone. Well, for now they have - this will need to change
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
I love that parable. And yes, the algorithm has become a bit of a self-propagating monster.
@JenniNurseRatchett 29 күн бұрын
I was taught the Socratic method during high school in the 80s, as the way to actually have a logical understanding of different perspectives during any type of discussion. We had a subject called Clear Thinking, where we learnt the different techniques that people rightly or wrongly use to put forward points of view. I fear where we are as a race. To be a person now interested in philosophy and thinking, a formerly honoured pursuit, is near on impossible due to cancel culture mentality. Freedom of thought is being lost to an overbearing archetype of people who know how to speak, but haven't the ability to think logically about what they've said first. We really live in frightening times.
@clvsterfvckofwhatthefvck7981 Ай бұрын
Great video! I feel really sorry for people who can't think past themselves too, including myself in the areas this applies to me.
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
Yes! I have so many blind spots as well!
@miyabiparis Ай бұрын
Some people confuse to feel sorry for other people as empathy. Empathy is a capacity to understand the state of mind of the others. We don't have to agree or disagree with it. Those who try to implement justice for the others sufferings are not empathetic, but self righteous, like those cults. Their idea of justice is faulty. And lots of enablers like cult members are manipulated by cult leaders, thinking empathetic to social or whatever justice. False empathy is absolutely dangerous.
@tahwsisiht123 Ай бұрын
For me, empathy includes feelings. Pitty is having no feelings. My oppinion is very different from yours. That is why we probably would never be in the same "tribe". We don't have shared world view or understanding human behavior. And we are lucky to live in democracy where we don't have to conform to eachother. We can wish eachother the best and let eachother be in peace. Whatever peace means for you and whatever peace means for me.
@tahwsisiht123 29 күн бұрын
I wonder what is your understanding of false emphaty? And what kind of danger you experienced? For me false emphaty would be loving your *abuser* on the expence of your own self.
@tahwsisiht123 28 күн бұрын
@@SideB1984 nope
@tahwsisiht123 28 күн бұрын
@@SideB1984 Thank you SideB. Although it was not the full definition, just the essence of the difference in meaning for me. I do think that one important problem we have is that our definitions of words and meanings differ. It can be a small but significant difference. We also have different "realities" because of our life experiences and having different personalities. Until we can let others be without exploitation and abuse, it is ok to be different.
@allsouls5997 28 күн бұрын
So wanting to bring a child rapist or murderer to justice is self righteous ?
@MirAndHer Ай бұрын
I am still blown away by the similarities between cults, and my toxic family of origin. I loved your video about the main (25, I think?) characteristics of cults. Again, the parallels were extremely eye opening. Thanks for all your work, and for raising awareness about these toxic cults.
@user-lt9dd7vs9f Ай бұрын
Loved your 'pearl clutching' followed by "Grow up!" ~ thank you for your insights, Mark. I don't know how many times I am struggling with things before I need to check in with myself and see it for what it really is.... toxic. I have a lot of growing up to do as well.
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
We all do! Thank you for listening to my rambling!
@MarieNasah Ай бұрын
Love all the ramblings as I sense they’re coming from a good place . Thaaaaank you
@sage9836 16 күн бұрын
I miss being among people where one friend summed it up: "I disagree with you, but I see how you got there " They assured each other of mutual respect.
@ryanschneer 21 күн бұрын
Thank you so much. You are so right true and pass would never want to silence people they would want to listen to their perspective and take it into account
@JackieC831 Сағат бұрын
There are many reasons why people become less tolerant of the opposition. In my experience, often we are intolerant because we are barely getting our basic emotional and physical needs met, or in some cases, not at all. We are often depleted and insecure. The unfortunate part of this is, most insecure people believe that they are secure and sound minded.
@Antonella0187 Ай бұрын
I try to remember when I hear other people perspective that we including myself have had beliefs that turned out to be false or we no longer believe. As you say stay curious. Unfortunately many people want to force their beliefs or way of life on everyone to create this is way we must all live. Growing up in the USA we were taught to be tolerant and now many have become polarized which seems to me as an immature very childish behavior, sort of reminds me of the school yard behavior. I hope we can all find our way around back to deep thinking and respect.
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
Maybe we've regressed? I'm trying to wrap my head around it.
@angelcitystudio Ай бұрын
@@markvicente7 We have regressed. Half of the nation believes education is indoctrination into radical feminism. Oh... and that books make you gay..... and obedience is freedom.
@MajorieRoyal 27 күн бұрын
You are always very well spoken. I think like you 100%. Lot of what you said looks soo much like my ex.. he would be like let's discuss to fix our problems and then, as soon as I would say my side, since it wasn't what he wanted me to say or I do see the things like he would like me to see it, he would cut me after 2 sec. never let me finish my sentences/point. Turn around what I am say, respond without listening to it all so the conversation would go in places I wasn't going etc etc etc. Just total none sense. You cannot have relationship or build in a commun place if there is no curiosity. I've spent some years building a personal growth type course (still on it, part 3 now) where I talk about all this.. even within ourselves. The fear of the opposite is a big break to our growth, personal and collective. Keep going Mark!
@emilysnyder4857 29 күн бұрын
God, please don't let me trap myself in a hall of mirrors built by my own limiting beliefs. 🙏
@timmx3794 28 күн бұрын
Growing up my friends and I would bond over what we agreed with (positive mindset) whereas it seems these days people bond over what they hate and disagree with (negative mindset).
@freeyourmind112358 28 күн бұрын
I listened to a 26 minute video where you basically said the same thing over and over and over, "someone got mad cuz i follow ppl they dont like but they dont understand that I follow those people to get a broader perspective." Not until 25 minutes into it did you even mention empathy, but when u did it was to label them as "empaths" and say "well that's not very empathetic behavior behavior." Well done! Amazing use of clickbait. U earned my engagement . Obviously your KZbin strategy is working. I have no notes 👏
@dusklvr 26 күн бұрын
The rage and grief I hold inside, trying to protect others, has eaten me alive. All my hair fell out and I'm covered in wounds that won't heal
@moofasushi 21 күн бұрын
I hope you can get good support from a therapist if you have not already. Our bodies are not meant to hold all the intense emotions and words being thrown at us these days. ❤️‍🩹 ❤️‍🩹 ❤️‍🩹
@johannalove2jojo Ай бұрын
People are very prickly on all sides of politics. Left or right. I am so saddened and frustrated that I can no longer just have a discussion. And I cant even ask critical or open questions. The last 5-6 years have been like a slow, but extreemly steady strangeling of free speech. As a documentary filmaker, this scares me. I find myself sensuring my words and observations. I stay quiet and a am scared. Becuase if I say the wrong thing... i risk getting canceled and at worst: my funding removed.
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
I completely understand. It's quite terrifying. Not just the implementation of this strangling, but how many people welcome it!
@angelcitystudio Ай бұрын
Just don't lie. That is why many financial entities pull funding. There are some investors who actually want to be reputable and respectable and not affiliated with anything that could result in radicalization or terrorist activity. They don't want to be held responsible for misinformation that leads to the kind of thing we are seeing in the UK right now. X is now on the chopping block over it. Hiding behind freedom evoking terminologies such as "free speech" has actually become more of a code word for hate speech and propaganda these days. The whole world is just DONE with opinions and lies and unvetted conspiracy theories being passed off as fact-checked and ethically analyzed news and information. Innocent people are just tired of being beaten, killed, demonized...etc... to protect your free speech. You have to worry about losing funding, they have to worry about losing their lives.
@smelltheglove2038 Ай бұрын
Cowardice is what has brought us to this place. Look in the mirror for the person to blame.
@angelcitystudio 29 күн бұрын
You will NEVER have to worry about your free speech being violated or losing your sponsors or investors if you don't spread lies, or conspiracy theories, or demonize/punch down on marginalized or vulnerable people. If "creators" would stop provoking terrorism, they wont have anything to worry about. Seems pretty simple to me. What is happening in the UK right now is the result of right wing propaganda and lies. Now twitter is on the chopping block.... And it should be.
@smelltheglove2038 29 күн бұрын
@@angelcitystudio the only reason I got to see your post was because I had it in my notifications. No one else can view it. What was that about censorship again?
@KnellzBellz Ай бұрын
This is sooooo good. 🎯 Thank you, Mark!!
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
Thanks for listening!
@angelcitystudio Ай бұрын
It is simpler than that for me... In order for me to protect my own emotional well being, and not live in a constant state of panic or fear...I had to cut off the head of the snake. Just remove anything toxic from my algorithms. You have to understand though... Some people just need a "beacon of light" to turn to. Safe harbor... And they get very upset when their little warm spot in the interwebs appears to be adjusting it's course. They feel scared and abandoned. People are pretty immature Mark...
@tori_james_art_ Ай бұрын
This was an excellent video, Mark. I have noticed this everywhere. Like in news, politics groups. ect. I try to listen to all sides of things. Even if I may not agree with them. I have many friends who have different veiws than me and I love them despite those differences. When you brought up labels and in realized in recent years I have been less worried about labels after going to thearpy after being in a bad relationship, who afterwards got our friends said and labeled me horrible things and then labeled the person was a relationship with amazing things. It was terrifying at first but now years later i dont find it that way.
@kristinewatson3702 27 күн бұрын
Toxic is a label that gets overused and misapplied lately. Now it gets used to gaslight people who disagree with the person using the label.
@lronhubbard8031 Ай бұрын
Amazing presentation Mark.
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
Thank you Captain!
@lronhubbard8031 28 күн бұрын
​@@markvicente7you need to understand how your vids help people coming out of all cults I sent this to a friend she's out believe it or not captain out.
@chiyerano 29 күн бұрын
These days I find it best with my limited knowledge and understanding of people and things, to leave the judging to God or whatever higher power someone believes in and focus on knowledge and getting to the truth about things while doing as little harm as possible and getting along with others as much as is possible. I just determine if what someone is saying is true or untrue, and if what someone is doing is at least safe or unsafe, harmless or harmful in some way and interact with them accordingly with discretion.
@charlesp.8555 29 күн бұрын
The guy calling you despicable sounds like Daffy Duck.
@efratliashahaf8885 Ай бұрын
There is an appropriate Buddhist phrase - "Idiot compassion". You can read about it and it is exactly what you are talking about. Please do not use the phrase toxic empathy. Leave the toxic to the narcissists and the psychopaths. . “Idiot compassion” is a term attributed to the late Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, although he may have borrowed it from the Russian spiritual teacher George Gurdjieff. Idiot compassion can take several forms. The Rinpoche related it to “doing good” as an act of self-gratification. . “Idiot compassion is the highly conceptualized idea that you want to do good to somebody. At this point, good is purely related with pleasure. Idiot compassion also stems from not have enough courage to say no.”
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
Thank You! I'll dig deeper into this term.
@user-qy4um6zi1s Ай бұрын
Never heard that phrase but I discovered it for myself when studying Buddhism and thought I had to be kind even to the narcissist who was trying to do me in. As if my kindness would somehow change him. I realised I was a complete idiot for ever being kind to anyone but myself.
@tahwsisiht123 Ай бұрын
@@user-qy4um6zi1s This is amazing that you think it is healthy.
@tahwsisiht123 Ай бұрын
@@user-qy4um6zi1s This is amazing that you think it is healthy. Black and white thinking is: If not this, then the opposite. Just because you were kind to someone (whatever you label kindness... What did you do that was kind? It differs.) whoever abused your kindness doesn't mean an other person will abuse it too. You choose your actions regarding who you are dealing with. There are people who give you back your kindness. If you don't get this simple thing, something is missing. What kind of partnership are you having where being kind is only towards yourself?
@tahwsisiht123 Ай бұрын
You replaced one label with another. Labels are names for things. You would not be able to communicate without it. It is different when you are in a cult and they create their own "reality" that has to be followed and everything else outside of their reality deemed to be false or "lesser". Psychology is not a cult, science is not a cult, a profession that you work in is not a cult. They all have their own language. When a group creates their own language just to be special, it doesn't mean that there is no world for something, they will create their own terms to be special. The leader creates it to be special. Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche was not a mentally healthy person. I would not rely on his judgment of what empathy is. "Some of his own methods and actions, particularly his heavy drinking, sexual promiscuity, and his ordering of a physical assault on a student and his girlfriend, caused controversy during his lifetime and afterward."
@ntb2964 8 күн бұрын
So agree with this!
@thaliagarcia9684 25 күн бұрын
Everyone uses labels. That's the essence of descriptive language-- Labels.
@brightstar4321 Ай бұрын
Whatever is said to us is just a reflection of what we say to ourselves. ✨
@lynnlavoy6778 Ай бұрын
Well.. I am still a fan! 😁. Great cometary. Thank you
@educocult Ай бұрын
I've seen this criticism of you online. I don't understand it. I don't agree with everything you think or others you associate with, but goddamnit, how else does one grow unless they stretch themselves and that includes venturing into areas that not everyone agrees with. This is also happening in the ex-scientology world where everyone is placed in a faction based on their associations and online-statements, mostly by people with no history with scientology (full-disclosure: i don't either -- just an observation). Who hasn't ever changed their mind about matters and found themselves a newly found respect for someone they once disagreed with? Why this happens in the ex-cult world though.... I do wonder if this is social-media-shennanigans by those charged with stirring up division.
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
Such a good point! I've been thinking about this a lot. How the ex-cult community is becoming very narrow-minded. What is going on?
@beesknees5441 Ай бұрын
It might be related to repetition compulsion of sorts 🤔 I having experienced the 'cult of one' in my childhood, had gravitated to others of a similar ilk, until I finally woke up & did the inner work to undo my own repetition compulsions ✨ It can be easy to slip back into certain limiting patterns if you don't fully acknowledge & work on what drove you into these situations to begin with. I believe certain ideologies have been hyjacked by the powers that be to better control the masses in general... Divide & conquer 😓
@sylviaanne2320 21 күн бұрын
I wonder how the world would be if everyone in the USA listed to Democracy Now: The War and Peace Report for the news every day.
@katherinelalli776 Ай бұрын
Reminds me of psychiatry, the profession with a huge and growing and very profitable book of labels.
@tahwsisiht123 Ай бұрын
I think empathy is feeling with others. There are differences when you react to violations when you see injustice. Having a strong reaction can be appropriate. There were times when people were sold to other people and it was ok in a society. Do you think genocide is enough of a violation to have a strong emotional response? It all depends on what we agree to be ok. What is your social environment? How much emotional intelligence one developed is also depends on basic needs met. When poverty is so deep that starving van happen, a dog can end up ín your dish. In developed countries they are your best friend. If you grew up with having a dog to be your best friend, you may choose to starve to death. Things can be very different for people and you have the right to choose until your society decides that eating your dog is not a neccesity to survive, but it became barberic and violating animal rights. We are living in a time of change. We are adjusting and finding our labels and their "teritories". What is appropriate and what is overreacting to what? Yes, there are things that strong reactions are called for. I also believe that some people use strong reactions to made-up violations. Like calling most of the immigrants criminals. This is when emotions are misused. Not reacting to genocide is numbing or simply not having a human reaction to something that is awful. Not being ok with narcissistic abuse is not "narrow-minded". Being ok with narcissistic abuse while others are suffering from it is not "open-minded".
@infinidimensionalinfinitie5021 Ай бұрын
is this projection going to be used for shadow work?;:
@alexwelts2553 28 күн бұрын
The kamikosmic empath.. a naturally occuring phenomenon that escalates while under the thumb of the hidden hand of an organization. Careful Calculation to ensure that what was funny and entertaining now has a full spectrum of cold fusion.
@ivadedeva7005 Ай бұрын
Good point. But if the person is IFNJ that advice is not very helpful!
@sandihill Ай бұрын
This is 100% CoS policies yet everyone is ignoring it, even worse CoS very much includes children. But everyone is turning their backs because of the celebrity pull or celebrity “label”. Nearly word for word CoS yet crickets 🦗
@cmp-vegan5136 Ай бұрын
I agree with but I want to make a point about the idea of diversity and the intolerance… if we are in the realm of wanting diversity and acceptance of the difference, it is incongruous if we are intolerant of the intolerant’ type of ideas? or it is a result of that idea itself? if we accept ideas that cannot accept the different, we are giving them strength and becoming the opposite of accepting the difference?
@amandawhite1499 23 күн бұрын
No different to Orwells thought police x
@fbg5678 29 күн бұрын
6:20 Was it supposed to be offensive though? It just seems like criticism to me. You seem to be labeling these things "labels" in an effort to avoid facing the arduous task of being careful about the people you associate with. I can for sure see how labels are misused but they are unavoidable, you yourself use them in the very label section. Talking about your "victorian archetype" or "prickly people". I pointed out that one of your guest Edward Dutton is full of shit (i was polite about it, mentioned his rational wiki page) and your answer was "indeed", what I take from this is that you don't care and will completely ignore all that is there, acting as if you already knew it, or it was something you expected from Rational Wiki since they are openly left wing. Maybe you're "labeling" Rational Wiki in a way that allows you to ignore 100% of what is there. I believe that if you are to follow this duty that escaping NXIVM forced on you. That is to fight cults and expose narcissism, you should take a more formal approach like studying psychology in an university, studying a basic bibliography, studying a specialized bibliography under the orientation of a decorated professional that has participated on the big debate, you know, going through the stages needed for you to form the notions. It seems to me that you study through podcasts, documentaries and pop psychology books.
@covert.truths.revealed 9 сағат бұрын
@selah5792 Ай бұрын
It seemed a like you shamed and eviscerated your former fan? It didnt seem like you were very empathetic to her. People who disagree with ‘both side are the same’ arent saying ‘my side is the voice of God’. They arent even saying they have a ‘side’. Some might but not most and why not be curious? My thoughts: both side are not the same (‘the same’ is a tactic of manipulation both nationally and relationally) and no one is the voice of God or even comes close (im not religious i just know ALL people are flawed and n flux) But - there is such a thing as reality.
@ryanschneer 21 күн бұрын
Come on, bro
@OrwellsHousecat Ай бұрын
Everything you say also applies to the Democrats Party in USA (and the Republicans too)
@clvsterfvckofwhatthefvck7981 Ай бұрын
Yeah, I was going to say it's all sides of politics, including some other countries politics too (like the UK).
@OrwellsHousecat Ай бұрын
@@clvsterfvckofwhatthefvck7981 yup, the UK is really feeling it now that it's become blatant & widespread & selective though it's always been that way
@selah5792 Ай бұрын
What do you mean? Democrates have all differeent kinds of perspectives and disagreemnts and room for debate (unless you are a rigid extemist on the left calling yourself a democrat) Trumpers and Fox people can only bow to their god and rage. Have you watched the Trump rallys?
@NifftyMelinoë Ай бұрын
The following helped me understand why corporate American media is not asking the right questions: Trump's AWFUL WACO SPEECH Gave Away THE ENTIRE PLAN | MeidasTouch
@NifftyMelinoë Ай бұрын
Hopefully we return to more diversity of thought and opinion.
@markvicente7 Ай бұрын
I sincerely hope so! We need to calm the insanity.
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