The Real Meaning of Sacrifice (Christ Series Pt. 2)

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Spirit Science

Spirit Science

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Episode 2 of the Spirit Science Christ Series explores the nature of Sin and Sacrifice, and what it really means when people say Jesus "died for our sins".
Thank you so much to the generous supporters who have contributed to our crowdfunding campaign. Without you, this video would not have been possible.

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@everrettherald8217 11 ай бұрын
I have been watching you most of my life, I'm 28 years old now. Your videos opened up portals in my mind I never let go of. You helped me stay sober, Helped me project inertia behind my thinking. And push others to put action into there lives. Helped me answer questions, most people I come across still ask. But between making money, and my piety to truth, my life has bee left alone, and nothing but truth matters to me. I'm hoping you can do something in my life one day. Honestly; I would not want to live through this time line without your videos, You have become an important person to me. Love you you all. Reach out to me some day, I believe we can be beneficial to each others spirit. My last name is Herald; and I can promise I have lived my whole life trying to live up to that title. Have a great year !
@jimmiebarrett2866 10 ай бұрын
Friend you have not found truth if you think you found it through this lunatics channel. He doesn't know anything, just makes eternal assertions of truth without any evidence. That's not how you find truth.
@MultiMurfi 9 ай бұрын
@@jimmiebarrett2866that is the most rude comment I have ever seen . And who holds the truth ? You ? Me ? Relax dude
@CrystalShadow 9 ай бұрын
@@jimmiebarrett2866That comment shows how spiritual you really are.
@CrystalShadow 9 ай бұрын
Well put❤ . I believe this channel shares wisdom and hope. It guides me. I take what I need. Take care of yourself, you are wise beyond your years. ❤
@Wu-Awesome77 11 ай бұрын
I love you Spirit Science!! Thank god for you:)
@matcherbuds 11 ай бұрын
@joe-5D 11 ай бұрын
Yeshua means Salvation
@kidkanamitheglitch3539 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, I never knew the translation🙏
@brennandugas7769 11 ай бұрын
if you dont have the Holy Spirit you are still dead in your sins you cant have Gods Spirit in you if you have any sin thats why you need his blood so that you can become righteous before God
@Djeff82 11 ай бұрын
@sophielepinoia 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Jordan for reminding us about the need for redemption 😇
@silentfriend369 11 ай бұрын
If Jesus is your chosen savior, allow yourself to believe in him and his capabilities, and his desire to save you and to see you be well. It's possible that he only exists through your belief, but that doesn't make him not real. Belief is all we have. Miracles can happen sometimes, but you have to be open to the possibility first. One of the best ways to remain open, is to put your faith in a god-figure.
@LanguageBLOX1_Alt 4 ай бұрын
praying is always so good, i love to pray because i can feel god listening
@ArtOfDying77 11 ай бұрын
This made me cry in many ways unsure why. But this is beautiful and this brings me even more joy knowing I'm following the right path even though it's been the most painful. Change is pain even giving up a cookie. If this video doesn't wake up a sinner idk what will. I have a question spirit science, can others see your inner light? I ask this because the more I follow the path of righteousness the more people just blindly hate me for no reason for doing nothing but teaching good and love while I walk in that path. I don't force understanding or judge just be kind and loving yet I'm completely isolated and everyone looks at me like a demon. I can't make not one connection and I found so much power in isolation yet so much pain. If the world is full of sin therefore stripping a righteous person of connections with others, how do I live with this isolation? God have been my only company.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
I believe Jesus spoke to this in John 15... Read it esoterically, not just as Jesus the personality speaking, but God speaking through the mortal body of Christ. “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’ Does this answer your question? Perhaps this may also elaborate, in John 17. “I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified."
@Violetdelusions 11 ай бұрын
Sorry, I know I'm not patchman...but I've gone through a similar isolation period. What I've been learning through it is that it's important to experience separation in order to better understand unity when the time comes to reunite with others. Most people aren't ready or willing to change and will take your teachings as attacks no matter how lovingly expressed. Because they feel threatened, they ostracized and reject those who want to help.
@ArtOfDying77 11 ай бұрын
​@@SpiritScienceOfficialthank you so much for taking time out your day to answer my question. And it was of great help. I know this world is illusion of sin and the true light that is God have always been above me ( the sun) through the sun I seen through this illusion and know I'm really asleep in a cocoon linked to this world as if I'm lucid dreaming. I've realize the true escape from this world is escaping sin which is this world. (The false body) I won't dwell on my isolation for I know my isolation brings me closer to walking in my true formless body. I guess life for me gets torturous when struggling to succeed at my career, having no help from another, and feeling any second everything can crash down on me at once. For that reason I think it makes me seek a connection with another person for some type of safety. Also I guess that's foolish? Because my only security should be faith. Sorry if this reply seemed like a rant and question all at once but thank you so much for providing light to me and replying. Love you and thank you.
@ArtOfDying77 11 ай бұрын
​​@@Violetdelusions Thank you for your reply, I've been isolated for 4 years now when I have absolutely no one in my life at all. And once I come in contact with someone they immediately hate me just for seeing that I don't partake in sinful ways let alone teaching them to follow their heart over desires. I've been fine with isolation because I know just how evil this world is. But God said he created every man a help meat and a wife. So I guess that's really what depresses me because I have no help meat and surely can't find a wife. I thought women would love a righteous man who is loyal to his self therefore would be absolutely loyal to her, yet it seems women hate me more then the devil himself. I'll just keep praying and breaking these seals daily and do my best to leave my mind outside this world.
@nightcandle62 11 ай бұрын
i know the feeling buddy. i try to walk out with an open heart of happiness (quite naturally),but feel hurt quite easily and soon emotionally burned up.i gotta keep meditating,and not judging. still on sober path now for 5 months. peace to you
@giek1realitycult 11 ай бұрын
​Jesus taugth Hermetica but it's all been hidden
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
@Montalto45 11 ай бұрын
Gospel of Thomas pretty much confirms what u say
@giek1realitycult 11 ай бұрын
@@Montalto45 indeed!
@CliffCoultas 11 ай бұрын
"Ye shall do these and even greater things." -Jesus Christ
@modvccs 11 ай бұрын
Taking this world serious is the only sin. God is meditation to me 😁
@fireandgrace 11 ай бұрын
I usually watch all of your videos, but this one I turned off after less than 5 minutes. I notice you keep changing the title, becausethis video is underperforming. The title isn't the problem, it's the video it's self. You're making a mockery of Christianity it's very tasteless.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
We did change the title, trying to find out what feels best for it… however, why do you think that it’s a mockery?
@kymmedia2 11 ай бұрын
i miss the old me when i first found this channel 11 years ago . that was the most peace I've felt
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
Let's bring that back!
@phoenixpv 11 ай бұрын
@kymmedia2 I feel that so strong it brought tears to my eyes. The world feels much heavier now. I pray you make time feed your light for the rest of us and I promise to do the same for you.
@christianvincentcostanilla8428 6 күн бұрын
God asked angels to bow Adam
@christianvincentcostanilla8428 6 күн бұрын
Humans have higher status than angels
@christianvincentcostanilla8428 6 күн бұрын
Humans can judge Angels
@ReyTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
Thank you patchman you helped me more than words can express .♾️♾️♾️💜🦋💫
@silentfriend369 11 ай бұрын
Have you made a video on the power of the human mind? Have you made a video about the power of belief, even on a subconscious level? Especially on a subconscious level. God is a state of mind. And if you believe somewhere that he exists, that he is all-powerful, that he loves you, and that he will save you, your mind will do everything it can to make that a reality for you. The thing is, you could believe in the flying spaghetti monster, and believe all the same things about him that I listed above. And in your time of need, he may very well come to you in your mind and let you know that he is the flying spaghetti monster, and that he is going to save you. This is all you. Your human mind. Your belief/faith. If you are open to the possibility, sincerely, there may come a time where it becomes your reality.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
Yes, check out Spirit Science Episode 1! As well as our special on the Biology of Belief!
@Violetdelusions 11 ай бұрын
This was beautifully produced. Thank you.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching
@ReyTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
For me it was pulling the THORN from my HEART . ♾️♾️💜💫🦋
@Forsaken66666 11 ай бұрын
I find it extremely odd that the Israeli battle tank is LITERALLY called the MERKABA MARK IV...
@jalaluddinahmadshaharudin1106 11 ай бұрын
I use to marvel at your work but I realised that your wisdom from the heart is tainted from knowledge you acquired through your thoughts. You must remember Adam fallen from grace because he ate the fruits from the tree of knowledge ( act from his thoughts) and not the fruits from the tree of life (act from his heart connection to Source). If everyone stop thinking and connect to the all knowingness within the heart, all the nonsense about sacrifice, sin sacredness, right or wrong from religious scriptures, are just like the description of the six blind men about the elephants Rather than wasting your time learning the description, you should open your eyes. You have been duped to "think" you are blind. Unthink yourself and do something creative until you learn to follow your heart. One day you will come to realise that you can know everything through your heart. Use your mind only to navigate you through the routine of your life rely on your heart to know the truth and creat the life you desire. When you operate from your heart life is so easy, as if the whole universe is serving you. Just like the bird flying in unison. If one of the bird started to think, all the birds will collide into each other. As long as you eat the fruits from the tree of knowledge ( religious, new age or channeled information), you will be stuck in the duality of 3D! The garden of Eden has always been here and only seen by those who eat the fruits from the tree of life (operate from the inspiration from Source).
@XOwave 11 ай бұрын
Love this . I asked in hope yall did the whole bible . Obviously thats hard and so is this. Im very grateful for every video. This series is already awesome . Love u ❤️🙏🏻
@brennandugas7769 11 ай бұрын
you cant cleans yourself you have to accept Jesus's sacrifice on your behalf so you can become a son of light. NOT BY WORKS
@brennandugas7769 11 ай бұрын
yes but before you are reconciled to God your spirit is a slave to death. Jesus makes your Spirit alive and connected tol his Spirit through being Born again by believing in his death burial and resurrection. you were darkness now you are light in him please read the book of ephesians
@carnivorouspotato 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for being an instrument of divine wisdom for Humanity! (Can't wait for part 3!)
@dirkellis9212 11 ай бұрын
SIN is a Greek term in archery 🏹 meaning to miss the mark simply string another arrow 🏹 and shoot again it's really a simple matter
@brennandugas7769 11 ай бұрын
you cant self ascend and become righteous through works. Jesus became sin and cursed it on the cross. you have to receive his righteousness as a gift
@Cat-uk4do 11 ай бұрын
My entire being retorts the fact that the Great Spirit ever wanted sacrifice of animals. Killing an animal does not change our hearts and make us pure. I have to question also that if Jesus was truly meant to be a sacrifice then the part Judas played had to be also. I find it interesting that Jesus was completely against sacrifice of animals yet he became the ultimate sacrifice.... I keep searching and asking questions to hopefully come to a true understanding. Throughout everything I have read in scripture the most potent and unchanging aspect is LOVE. Divine love. So many other things get distorted and rewritten but love just shines through it all 💜
@CaptainDJ_VT 11 ай бұрын
It took me until Jesus' Apokalypse pt.2 for me to realize how perfect is the name "Jordan River". Much love, brother. I'll visit your namesake some day soon.
@JoeBudyy 11 ай бұрын
I am truly saddened at the reality that spirit science has started spouting Christianity BS
@jadeg1095 11 ай бұрын
Jesus was a prophet and teacher. I don’t think God meant us to worship Jesus but sent Jesus to teach us the way to God. I think people get that confused because Jesus was flesh. God is the embodiment of everything. God will choose certain people to teach other people the way. God will gift people to show others Gods power but that person is just a vessel. Don’t get them confused with worshipping who you truly should worship. The great almighty God. Jesus taught us how to get closer to God through ourselves and our hearts. Jesus showed us that through our sacrafice of ultimately giving ourselves to the Father we would be saved, and Jesus showed us that.
@kidkanamitheglitch3539 11 ай бұрын
@brennand5533 11 ай бұрын
Jesus is God in the flesh, that’s why he lived without sin. That’s why the religious leaders wanted to kill him because he was claiming to be God and he was calling himself Gods son. Check out this verse that addresses what you are wondering “Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Then he strictly charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.”
@brennand5533 11 ай бұрын
You should also check out Ephesians one I think it would encourage you. It talks about how we’ve been brought near to God by his blood 🩸 and your identity as a child of God
@silentfriend369 11 ай бұрын
​@@brennand5533there's no such thing as sin
@jadeg1095 11 ай бұрын
@@brennand5533 I do agree with that but I don’t know if I feel that worshiping God when he was in flesh such as pictures of Jesus and and statues is what should be looked at. We all embody God and the way is through ourselves.
@silentfriend369 11 ай бұрын
Yo why'd you make him blonde hair and blue eyed ? 🤔
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
That's just the Ascended state, he was meant to look heavenly and glowy - the intention was more like an angel or a being of light.
@abrahamlinkinpark 11 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is Lord
@A-feather-of-truth 11 ай бұрын
IM SO EXCITED. I've been getting these messages in meditation and haven't been able to put the knowledge into words
@Blessed2XS 11 ай бұрын
@kidkanamitheglitch3539 11 ай бұрын
I hope you have an amazing day, and get some good sleep. Love you🤟
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
God bless!
@cameronmayer2153 11 ай бұрын
If you're not already familiar with this, you might appreciate it: D&C 93: 19 I give unto you these sayings that you may understand and know how to worship, and know what you worship, that you may come unto the Father in my name, and in due time receive of his fulness. 20 For if you keep my commandments you shall receive of his fulness, and be glorified in me as I am in the Father; therefore, I say unto you, you shall receive grace for grace. 21 And now, verily I say unto you, I was in the beginning with the Father, and am the Firstborn; 22 And all those who are begotten through me are partakers of the glory of the same, and are the church of the Firstborn. 23 Ye were also in the beginning with the Father; that which is Spirit, even the Spirit of truth; 24 And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come; 25 And whatsoever is more or less than this is the spirit of that wicked one who was a liar from the beginning. 26 The Spirit of truth is of God. I am the Spirit of truth, and John bore record of me, saying: He received a fulness of truth, yea, even of all truth; 27 And no man receiveth a fulness unless he keepeth his commandments. 28 He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things. 29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be. 30 All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence. 31 Behold, here is the agency of man, and here is the condemnation of man; because that which was from the beginning is plainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light. 32 And every man whose spirit receiveth not the light is under condemnation. 33 For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy...
@JPZRTB Ай бұрын
Was the God that required Humans to sacrifice animals an Annunaki? Enlil perhaps? Does the Creator of All need to ritualistic sacrifice to forgive a sin, that he knew humanity would commit? So many questions….
@Blessed2XS 11 ай бұрын
The original streetlights were Christians on poles or crucifixes burning alive along the roads of Rome. And even so Rome could not supreess Us, Christ's Children, Apostles, Disciples, Saints, WE THE PEOPLE. And now Christianity and all of its Love, Joy, Peace & Beauty reigns supreme over the Nations!!! 💯💯💯💯💯
@Fourtune1 11 ай бұрын
Nice to see the channel is still going. I remember the first video I saw if you, you were describing the flower of life books.
@wadejohnson9749 Ай бұрын
Jesus is a metaphor of the Christ (cerebral spinal fluid ) the alchemical structure of our bodies and unlocking our god given gifts by achieving full conscious through practice of good habits, good diet, fasting, exercise, karma, and routine meditation 🧘
@manifesttruth7645 2 ай бұрын
8:29 “he is called the unblemished lamb because he was a human being perfectly integrated with God.” I would recommend reading the first 7 ecumenical councils. It gets into the philosophy of different ideas about Jesus and what these things mean. The ideas that won out were that Jesus was the physical manifestation of God in the flesh. Jesus IS God. He is not a representation or an integration, he is the only incarnation of the most high God; from the first millisecond of his physical conception into Mary the Theotokos (God bearer) from the Holy Spirit, he was 100% God and Man at the same time.
@edgarmorales4476 10 ай бұрын
Jesus knew he was a gift of God of salvation to the Jews - to the world - NOT - as supposed and taught down the centuries - salvation from the punishment meted out by the wrath of God to "sinners" - BUT - to save people from myths and fallacies - which created BAD RESULTS of their "sins." ​But because Jesus loved humankind so deeply, he was prepared to teach and heal in defiance of religious teachers. Jesus was prepared to "die" on the cross to reveal the TRUTH - the TRUTH about God as Creator, the TRUTH about Life, the TRUTH about Existence and the TRUTH about Love. THIS IS THE TRUTH BEHIND THE CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS AND ALL THE REST WE HAVE HEARD IS MAN-MADE CONJECTURE ARISING OUT OF PAGANISM. Jesus was a gift from God to humankind to help them overpower the Ego (the guardian of individuality), and find the true Path of Life leading to the joy, abundance and perfect wholeness of the Era of Love and Peace. These were the perceptions, the desires, the intentions, the goals and the thoughts which Jesus bore within his mind and heart. This was the earthly mental-emotional framework clothing the spiritual wisdom hidden within the head and figure of Jesus.
@saishetheberzerker2355 7 ай бұрын
No. Not perfected beings. We've simply accepted His standard. The standard all humans hold themselves to, even if they don't know Him personally. He is true north. He didn't just tell the truth, He claimed to BE the truth, and none shall come to the Father except through Him.
@xMajorHubalx 11 ай бұрын
As The Urantia Book explains in minute details Jesus Christ died only because of political issues and stupidity of people around that time. It was never a celestial plan to die for our sins. The myth of ultimate blood sacrifice on a cross is an abomination to Deity and an insult to higher inteligence. But it is very true that He died because of His endless commitment and dedication to God and humans on such an errored world as planet Earth. In that sense it was an inevitable result of His special mission.
@RPod89 9 ай бұрын
Only through Jesus, salvation is possible. It means you have too to sacrifice yourself and follow Jesus. (resuming his works by helping humanity through true love, compassion and servicing the all.) Salvation is Ego-Death for a sinner. (or let in go the old Ego that has bad habits and evolve toward the true-self hidden by the Ego : the unborn in Zen.)
@888aga 11 ай бұрын
I would consider that Sacrifice comes from Satan as a form of giving with a feeling of loss (Old Testament). Infinite Godhead doesn't require loss as you are connected to the Infinite Source. You give then with a quality of unconditional limiless love. Jesus was talking about serving from your heart, loving others AS yourself, didn't require to harm others or yourself... Jesus didn't use this word "Sacrifice" but rather giving/serving from your heart. Sacrifice is an interpretation of church which is related to Satanic practices. Just to consider the quality of giving and how you feel with each of them :)
@zodiachowts5090 10 ай бұрын
Great video. Nice editing and animation as always. I can’t say I fully agree. I honestly believe what is said about God and Jesus is a little bit of a simplified and watered down version. This also emphasizes works. Like we can somehow be good enough and Jesus isn’t really needed. Jesus once said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No comes to the father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.” He was a man he actually transcended into a spiritual body while still alive, Matthew 17, Mark 6, Luke 9. But is God at the same time. The embodiment of real Truth and Love For humans there is variation on sin, but for God the sun still makes you miss even a little. Jesus is the perfect shot. And trusting in him lets him shot for us because we will never be able to hit the mark. As to why things got worse. Well God gave us a way out. The perfect shot. But the world doubled down and keeps doubling down. All to avoid the one lesson humans have failed to learn from the beginning. To accept when we failed, to accept when we’ve done wrong, and to accept the consequences of our actions. That is what it means to repent. We are all guilty. Even me. I’m not good enough. No one is. But God still loves all of us anyway. And that is Grace and Mercy. What we don’t deserve but are offered anyway
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
In the end of times like you will know him and feel him. You will know immediately what spectrum your at too. That’s why everyone’s in panic mode. However I’m like super forgiving. So nothing to worry about. I’m the fairest judge
@XFactor369 11 ай бұрын
SIN is the soul being born into TIME. Temp = TIME. temptation is the spirit coming into matter. SINE wave = SIN. Has absolutely nothing to do with what you are talking about.
@aishadarevelator8301 11 ай бұрын
2020 something very specific happened that brought love back into the world 🌍. Slowly but surely working on equality for ALL.
@saishetheberzerker2355 7 ай бұрын
"You have to cooperate for Jesus to take away your sin" Correct "If Jesus took away our sins by dying and resurrecting, wouldn't the world be in a state of perfect paradise today?" If everyone did what you mentioned before, yes. Yes it would be.
@KidCavi 7 ай бұрын
Sin is rebellion.. there are no degrees to it, sin is sin.. do not be deceived brothers and sisters.. Good news is the kingdom is at hand, and Jesus dealt with sin and redeemed us to the Kingdom of God.. you are free, Live your life to the fullest.. for this is Why Jesus Christ came.. study the word, gain wisdom and understanding.. arm yourselves with the word, the satanic powers are busy trying to deceive you and lead you astray..
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
I think the reason my subconscious doesn’t like other ppl like being me or posing as me. 1 I don’t like posers lol. (That’s why they do fake, like the framing something lmao) and 2nd well I have to be that were feee of god comes from because I have to be jealous over my place in the universe because anyone else would abuse it! So my subconscious is territorial because I’m god this is all mine
@thetruthisreal3429 7 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ died for all sin. The price for sin is death. Before the death and resurrection of Jesus, when you died, you would just stay dead. But because of His sacrifice, every human being receives a resurrection. Some people will be resurrected to eternal life, and some will be resurrected to eternal damnation, which is not the same as death.
@fuzzislam2974 11 ай бұрын
Message is great but it makes no sense. Why does God want death in the first place. God asked for death when accepting abel's sacrifice. Really. God is love. Tested his disciple to kill his child. God is love really. Video uses eastern thought and explains christianity. Religion is young and regurgitated from eastern pagan knowledge. I think its time people went back to source
@Notthatguy23 11 ай бұрын
Endless acquisition and consumption of food and drugs. Entertainment is just to pass the time between consumption. I feel like I'm drowning friends.
@littleryoto7803 11 ай бұрын
Purely out of love I would like to state that Jesus saw People worshipping him as the proper thing to do. Because he was God in the flesh. I completely agree God uses people who are willing to walk with the spirit and do good works as vessels to better the planet, but Jesus Christ's mission was far greater than that. God came down and lived a human's life to show us how to live. And he opened a window for us to be redeemed. For any trespasses we may have made on our fellow holy beings and Just as important, the trespasses we make on ourselves. Jesus Christ is the word of God and God the way the truth in the light. He is everyone and everything That is whole and good in this world. It's a truly difficult concept for me to articulate. Because he encompasses more than what can really be put into words. But just remember, hes in everyone's heart. He wholly loves all of us. And he came back for us.
@Montalto45 11 ай бұрын
When it comes to Christ my favorite scripture is the gospel of Thomas which is 114 wise gnostic sayings by Yeshua aka Jesus...its kinda like the missing proverbs of the new testament
@jimmiebarrett2866 10 ай бұрын
Sacrifice and sacrament do not share the same root. I see why you would think that but just saying it does not make it true, it kind of makes you either a liar or ignorant. Either one has some very negative implications as far as you're concerned. You attempt to sound authoritative and you either don't do any research and are just making this stuff up or you do your research and just make stuff up anyway. Either way you're kind of a liar in my book. Because there's no way you don't know at least half of the junk you peddle is exactly that, junk.
@crystaldawn9255 9 ай бұрын
That is not true about those who did not have the opportunity to learn about Christ in this life. Those who never had the opportunity learned of Christ in this life on this Earth would not be expected to how they are expected to behave, they were never given the pattern to become righteous in the flesh which is very different than a righteous spiritual nature that we have as innocent children and in our premortal life. the Natural man overpowers us as we live. Every single living soul will have a chance to learn about Jesus Christ and his gospel after death in the spirit world before the resurrection, and during his 1000 years old Millennial Reign on Earth. Also, baptizing children is an Abomination to the Lord. They cannot stand until they are of the age of accountability therefore baptism for a remission of their sins is abominable because they cannot sin
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
Lmao blue guy looks like Brandon Castillo. Same expressions too . Bro they fucked up bad lmfao. Yo I saw Cameron county spray that house with some chemical and some female got him to do it who has kids .
@Theminecraftian772 11 ай бұрын
Nice video and a lot of great information! I've found that at its core, christianity (as it was taught by jesus) is nearly identical to most eastern spiritual philosophy, where they teach avoidance of material desires in excess and whatnot. Will you be doing any videos on how his teachings and the bible have been twisted by numerous parties to further their own goals, defend bigotry and hate, and to excuse the many atrocities that have been committed "in the name of god"?
@everrettherald8217 11 ай бұрын
All sin is equal. Because all sin causes corruption. Every individuals corruption is unique to the person. Ergo ; all sin is just sin in the eyes of cosmic law.
@brandonjohnson3284 11 ай бұрын
Sin creates a portal for demonic spirirs to inhabit. Thats why small or great repentance is necessary. And jesus isnt like other humans or teachers. His blood is special, which is why seeking him is necessary. Doesnt matter if your already enlightened, his blood is the currency needed to end your spiritual debt. Pretty decent message tho, that animal sacrfice part was interesting
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
All our higher most divine process come from white dna. Specifically the American types.
@awakenchildofgod5556 11 ай бұрын
If you don't know the world is changing and giving birth to gods new Jerusalem and if you repent turn around and change your life you will be rewarded ALL tongues will confess that Jesus is the lord thy god
@brennandugas7769 11 ай бұрын
if you dont have Gods Holy Spirit by having been atonned for then you dont belong to God read romans 5,6,7,8
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
My father already died for any sins I commited. Because of this everything any offenses commited are all thrown out because it happened because my father was murdered and I was tortured
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
So Jesus is real doctor or teacher who uses medicine that’s why he break bread with everyone. He’s giving you medicine that empowers you and free you
@gabriellemilnar8406 8 ай бұрын
Incredible! gracias Spirit Science ❤ if I was wealthy you would be the first channel I ever donated too! No doubt
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
They I think probably tortured my buddy too and made him like all fuckin crazy to get any good higher consciousness stuff I put in him out
@AkanoWire 10 ай бұрын
i know exactly what you are talking about, i used to have ancient archery terms classes in primary school, its my favorite language!
@nik.olas328 11 ай бұрын
I wanna like your video, but it’s at 555, and it’s 4:44pm. So I’ll just sit here & enjoy the moment :)
@ElliotBacklund 9 ай бұрын
Come to holy orthodoxy, you can't interpret holy scriptures without someone who leads the way. May God guide you to the truth.
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
Trust me all you need is to have extremely strong convictions reinforced by evidence when Jesus is most doubtful of himself.
@ianstratton3677 10 ай бұрын
Dear Spirit Science I was wondering if you would like to make a video on the 8 siddhis or powers from hindu epics for those who don't.
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
By sacrifice it means your free offerings to him you sacrificed from personal funds. And also as in food and medicine. It has to be unblemished so god can do his work
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
My father was the originally Christ. And I’m his second coming or his son so to speak.
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
No it’s because they torture you. That why it didn’t give a fuck . But things did get worse after my father died
@Adamizer97 11 ай бұрын
"Righteous people", who is righteous? And by what standard sir?
@expansaoconectada 11 ай бұрын
Hi, guys! Please, where is the video about God which were mentioned at the beggining of this one?
@crystaldawn9255 9 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ incident atonement In The Garden of Gethsemane is the most epic and important event in all of human history
@AnthonyArmour 11 ай бұрын
You are doing gods work Jordan. I am grateful for your contribution in my life and others around me. Thank you.
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
Brandon did get set up though. They promised to keep him out if he became Antichrist. That they did thru a gang in prison
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
It’s a shame I’m not president. I think we need like a president that comes from middle class. A real American
@ReyTheLeo 11 ай бұрын
Awareness of sin and love is what I believe he left for us . ♾️💜 Not unlike breadcrumbs left as a path if you so choose to seek Christ Consciousness . From there anything is possible.
@TheGemini1907 11 ай бұрын
Ok I needs some one to help me make a music chair to help the deaf hear music with sound patterns in vibrations but I feel like it has to help the blind see color of music as well
@zachmchugh 11 ай бұрын
I’m pausing to write that Judas didn’t believe they would actually take his closest friend and brother in and bet Jesus. This was not a betrayal for money, hence why he brought the money back. It had to be Judas, Jesus closest friend and brother, so that the perfect sacrifice could be made. They never got to see each other again
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
My father knew they were trying to murder him and let them in order to make sure I can enjoy my life in heaven that i get to create.
@Ashleyapples 11 ай бұрын
tho why do some christian call everything as blasphemy
@StephenDix 11 ай бұрын
Can anyone recommend resources to understand the details, merits, history, etc of the traditional interpretations and the one outlined here? Who has critically examined this? This is fascinating.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
Exploring the nature of Christianity is a very deep rabbit hole journey, there are myriad sources to explore and learn from! Best place to start though, is definitely the gospels themselves :)
@ArtOfDying77 11 ай бұрын
The bible teaches everything in this video, you don't have to search no hidden library deep under some Egyptian tomb full of boobie traps and mummy soldiers to find these principles and knowledge it's all in the bible. Also in other teachings such as hidu, Buddhism, etc.
@PatrykMalinski 11 ай бұрын
The most unmatched source is definitely The Urantia Book...
@michaeldstern 11 ай бұрын
Dude… the BIBLE. Lol. Are you really asking this? 😅 it’s a wonderful read.
@LanguageBLOX1_Alt 4 ай бұрын
@@michaeldstern it is but if you dont understand it then you may aswell be reading a rock
@CheyallDAY 10 ай бұрын
Where does homosexuality fall on the sin spectrum?
@Piccolo_Sun 11 ай бұрын
5:54 yes but there is also many Ones that look down from the sky that will destroy you because as above same below. the is life inside of cells there is cells inside of us there is us inside of Earth ect ect when one awakens and develops as a Christ they will learn to look inside of themselves at those doing wrong to help towards the development of the Heaven with in and also the strengthen and speed of Karma is enhanced that more people awaken as Christ
@RebelJones-wg7vz 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
They torture me cause they hiding scary stuff like you said
@FaithfullyGuidedd 3 ай бұрын
This is awesome, When willl this next one happen???
@Featherstone7 11 ай бұрын
This seems very pro-christianity and more biased than I'm used to Spirt Science jesus is the "most righteous" and "correct" way. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just used to a more inclusive and general explaination of these concepts about consciousness.
@SpiritScienceOfficial 11 ай бұрын
We’re going down a big rabbit hole that started with the original human history movie- give it time. Things are going to get real deep and really wild and amazing soon!
@edwardtjbrown1979 11 ай бұрын do we decide what is a sin?
@harveyhayes5943 7 ай бұрын
Addictions, negativity, unrighteousness, that which is not of truth and not if love such as lust and hate is sin
@edwardtjbrown1979 7 ай бұрын
@@harveyhayes5943 is jordan's bisexuality a sin?
@carlamontoya5180 11 ай бұрын
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.
@D369dvd 11 ай бұрын
Where can I buy the spirit science cuddly toy
@losernobody2223 10 ай бұрын
The feminist tried setting up my buddy too.
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