The Secret Behind China's Success EP2 | Tech Revolution | Asian Economy

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@Felipe-n3j Ай бұрын
Hardworking, brilliant, & 100% govt. support.
@chaz4609 Ай бұрын
Jai Hind. Great when all these can be monetized into real economic figures to boost the GDP.
@hashim64 Ай бұрын
Robotics arm fast production.operaters do QC
@mitnonnarath5745 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing about amazing China invention and innovating incredible technologies and the people of China Especially you making us laugh in the part of your process very enjoyable to watched your videos so interesting
@chaz4609 Ай бұрын
Jai Hind. Just like gunpowder invention, the West is using drones to Kill. China uses drones for Common humanity and Shared prosperity.
@Moconomy Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@Observer168 Ай бұрын
项目为长期稳定、能源安全和经济利益奠定了基础,不同于股市的短期刺激,这些投资不仅减少对石油进口的依赖,降低碳排放,还支持环境保护,并带来显著的经济回报。以下是这种战略重要的关键原因: 1. 能源安全:减少对石油进口的依赖 中国是全球最大的石油进口国,每年花费约1.5万亿美元用于石油进口。这种依赖国际能源市场的情况使中国暴露于价格波动和地缘政治风险中。仅2022年,中国在石油进口上的年支出就约为1.5万亿美元,给国家财政带来压力。在冲突或海上封锁时期,关键石油供应可能被轻易中断,威胁国家稳定。通过转向国内可再生能源,特别是在戈壁沙漠开发的太阳能和风能,中国可以显著减少这种依赖,确保稳定的能源供应。 2. 成本效益:太阳能和风能与煤炭和石油相比 可再生能源成本逐渐低于传统化石燃料。在2022年,中国大规模太阳能发电的成本为每兆瓦时(MWh)20至30美元,而煤电成本为每MWh 60至70美元。在风力资源丰富的戈壁沙漠,风能成本也已低于石油发电。 目前,中国每年在煤炭和石油进口上的花费约为2000亿美元,加重了对化石燃料的依赖,并使经济暴露于更大风险之中。向可再生能源转型将有助于缓解这一经济负担,特别是在全球能源市场日益不稳定的情况下。 3. 宁夏的战略位置:可再生能源和人工智能的中心 靠近戈壁沙漠的宁夏有望成为可再生能源和人工智能的战略中心。这里靠近丰富的太阳能和风能资源,并具备优越的高铁连接,是管理和分配可再生能源的理想位置。该地区的工业基础也支持能源生产和AI驱动的能源管理系统。 宁夏-湖南特高压(UHV)输电线路的建设于2023年6月启动,该项目将可再生能源从中国西北的宁夏传输到中部的湖南省。这条长达1634公里的线路是中国国家计划的一部分,旨在利用沙漠地区的可再生资源实现清洁能源目标,通过将太阳能和风能从人烟稀少的地区输送到能源需求量大的城市中心,支持碳减排目标。项目完成后,预计每年可向湖南输送超过360亿千瓦时的电力 。 4. 经济增长、就业创造和GDP影响 对戈壁沙漠可再生能源的投资将创造1000到1200万个工作岗位,特别是在建设、运营和维护领域。这些工作将为城市和农村地区提供高薪机会。 就业创造:在未来十年,5万亿美元的投资将产生约2000万个直接和间接工作岗位,涵盖建设、运营、维护和研究。这些工作包括可再生能源系统安装、沙电池技术、电动汽车制造,以及运输、基础设施和供应链等支持行业。 GDP增长:每年在可再生能源基础设施上的1万亿美元投资将显著提升中国的GDP。在五年内,这些投资预计将为GDP增加约5万亿美元,由可再生能源部门的产出推动。 5. 环境可持续性:减少碳排放和沙尘暴 在戈壁沙漠的大规模可再生能源开发将极大减少中国的碳排放,帮助实现2060年碳中和的目标。此外,风力发电机可作为屏障,减少北方地区沙尘暴的频率和强度,目前这些沙尘暴带来重大损失和健康成本。通过减少这些风暴,中国每年可节省数十亿美元的损失和医疗费用。 6. 电动汽车:推动清洁能源需求 随着电动汽车(EV)市场的增长,电力需求将上升。EV比汽油车更加环保且经济,因为它们依赖于清洁能源而非化石燃料。通过对可再生能源基础设施的规模化投资,中国可以满足这一增长的需求,减少对石油的依赖,进一步支持碳减排目标。 大疆在无人机、人工智能(AI)和自主技术方面的专业能力可以改变卡车运输、采矿和农业行业: 1. 卡车运输: • AI驱动的电动卡车提升安全性,优化路线,减少排放,并通过自动或远程控制实现全天候运行。 2. 采矿: • 自主采矿设备提高安全性和效率。 • 无人机和传感器的实时监控改善资源管理。 • 采矿车辆电气化降低成本和排放。 3. 农业: • 自主拖拉机和设备减少劳动力需求并提高精准度。 • AI传感器优化播种、灌溉和施肥。 • 无人机监测作物、管理虫害,并支持精准农业。 • 使用可再生能源驱动的设备降低运营成本并减少环境影响。 大疆的技术在这些行业中提升了安全性、生产力和可持续性。 3. 农业 • 自主农业机械:大疆的技术可以应用于拖拉机、收割机和喷洒设备,使其实现完全自主或远程控制,减少对人工的需求。 • 精准农业:AI支持的传感器可通过分析田间的实时数据优化播种、灌溉和施肥。 • 无人机整合:大疆的无人机可以与自主车辆协同工作,用于作物监测、病虫害防治和播种。 • 能源效率:由可再生能源驱动的电动农业设备可以降低运营成本并减少环境影响。 4. 大疆技术在这些行业中的总体优势 • 先进的传感器和AI:大疆的高精度传感器和机器学习算法可提升导航、避障和任务优化能力。 • 可扩展性:大疆的技术已具有可扩展性,从小型农场到大型采矿作业都适用。 • 物联网(IoT)整合:大疆的系统可以无缝集成至物联网网络,实现集中控制和数据分析,提升各行业的决策能力。 潜在成果 • 生产力提升:通过持续运行和数据驱动的效率改进,大幅提高生产力。 • 成本节约:通过电气化和自动化减少燃料、维护和人工成本。 • 可持续性:降低碳排放,提升各行业的资源利用效率。 大疆进入卡车运输、采矿和农业领域,不仅能多元化其业务组合,还能解决这些行业中的关键挑战,同时保持其在自主和远程控制技术方面的领先地位。 7. 沙电池:更安全、更可靠、更具成本效益的储能解决方案 沙电池通过热量存储能量,随后将其转化为电力或用于加热。一个典型的5000吨沙电池可存储约210万兆焦耳(MJ)的能量,非常适合在戈壁沙漠等沙资源丰富的地区进行长期存储。 与熔盐电池的比较: • 安全性:沙电池比传统的锂电池或熔盐电池更安全,因为沙子不易燃且化学稳定。锂电池过热时可能起火,而沙电池即使在高温下也能保持稳定,降低了风险。 • 可靠性:沙电池非常耐用,可以反复使用而不会退化,确保长期可靠性。相比之下,熔盐电池容易腐蚀,增加了维护成本。 • 成本效益:沙子是一种丰富且廉价的资源,使沙电池的建造和维护成本比锂离子或熔盐电池低很多,适合大规模储能。 ENDURING项目的研究人员马志文强调,使用二氧化硅沙子作为热存储介质是去碳化的重要一步。沙子具有高热保持和传导能力,是一种长时储能的优秀解决方案。沙电池系统不仅高度可靠、成本低、环保,还能减少对煤和天然气等化石燃料的依赖。 石墨探针是一种高效的加热元件,因其优异的热导率和电导率、化学稳定性以及能够承受极高温度(在惰性气体或真空环境中可超过3000°C)而广泛应用于高温场合。 将石墨粉末、橄榄石和沙子混合用于热能储存,结合了高导热性(石墨)、结构稳定性(橄榄石)和成本效益(沙子)的优点。这种混合物在高温下保持稳定,增强了热传递能力,比熔盐更安全,非常适合用于集中式太阳能发电(CSP)和工业热能储存,尤其是运行温度超过600°C 8. 国家安全:电动汽车和应急系统 使用可再生能源驱动的电动军用车辆和应急系统将带来战略优势。在石油短缺或海上封锁时,电动汽车可以确保军事和应急行动的持续性,提升国家安全。 9. 空气制水系统:农业用的可再生能源 可再生能源还可以为大气水发生器(AWG)供电,利用风能或太阳能从空气中凝结水分。这种清洁水可用于戈壁沙漠等干旱地区的灌溉,将荒地转变为肥沃的农业用地,提升粮食安全。 10. 中国作为净能源出口国 通过充分利用戈壁沙漠的可再生能源潜力,中国可以从全球最大的石油进口国转变为净能源出口国。太阳能和风电场生产的多余能源可以出售给邻国,增加收入,并增强中国作为清洁能源领导者的地缘政治影响力。 11. 5万亿美元的能源生产投资 通过5万亿美元的投资,中国可以在未来十年新增约4000吉瓦(GW)的太阳能和风能发电能力。每年将生产约8万太瓦时(TWh)的清洁电力。按每MWh 60美元的全球电价计算,这将每年带来约4800亿美元的能源出口收入。加上减少化石燃料进口的节省,这一投资将进一步提升中国的经济地位。 12. 满足中国的全部能源需求 5万亿美元的投资将使中国满足100%的能源需求。目前,中国的总能源消耗约为6000太瓦时。通过增加8万TWh的可再生能源,中国将完全摆脱对化石燃料的依赖。这样将每年节省约1.5万亿美元的石油进口费用,而剩余的可再生能源还可以出口,带来额外收入。
@EliasFarias-w1v Ай бұрын
This was a very thorough and comprehensive, detailed explanation. Thanks
@BlitzedIT Ай бұрын
Longest comment I've ever read on KZbin
@Observer168 Ай бұрын
@@BlitzedIT glad you read it
@EliasFarias-w1v Ай бұрын
@BlitzedIT It's the best comment of them all too.
@chaz4609 Ай бұрын
Jai Hind. In short, Green overcapacity.
@taatriyanto2877 Ай бұрын
Even if China isolated by all of the world, they can still life with the power they have
@yuyu-zr8dn Ай бұрын
@worldpeaceforever-everytime Ай бұрын
We just wanna put citizens can life better than every year. Although we always understand foreigners and isolating us cause of the ideological or Us align completion.
@catha86 Ай бұрын
No they can´t. They did this once a few hundreds years ago and it went really bad. All others was catching up and surpassed China. Now they make sure that never happens again and they make sure they are a big player and making sure they are for the future
@delvingoh9749 26 күн бұрын
same goes to the U.S n Russia n to a lesser extend prob Brazil too
@Azizulhakimsm007 Ай бұрын
2016 you made this video now 2024 😮just think what they have done those years
@MegaLmae Ай бұрын
@@Azizulhakimsm007 Yes, the documentaries are very old. A lot has happened in China since then. Things move very fast in China. 🇨🇳
@lvcnlvcn5534 Ай бұрын
😂 just realized this video was done in 2016. A lot has changed now, for better. 😂😂😂
@eddiefok604 Ай бұрын
Year is 2024 and almost 2025. So much has advanced since 2016!
@princemmandeyam8597 Ай бұрын
They did it in 40 years - unimaginable, how great do yu have to be , to pull this off -
@delvingoh9749 26 күн бұрын
its not all smooth sailing, u did not see their blood, sweat n tears they've shed...interestingly, having reached where they r, most of what we see today is negative news abt china
@IsmaelBarry-h4v Ай бұрын
Vive la chine
@antonnmayur1486 12 күн бұрын
Great documentary on China progress, thanks Danny Forster.
@phpeteur Ай бұрын
thanks (is big brother not recommending this vidéo..). Great docu. thanks for the update on china
@mimiken221 20 күн бұрын
information rich documentary. Who is this guy, he could reach so many high position people
@Moconomy 19 күн бұрын
@larryc1616 19 күн бұрын
Can we get a 10-minute version?
@alphaomega1969 Ай бұрын
56:20 That old lady picked up the old man as if it was nothing, super strength kunfu master in action!😨😱😳 People open your eyes.... Holy sugar!
@tomarmstrong1281 Ай бұрын
From what I see on these pages the averatge Chinese person appears to have an infrastructure which is way better than other countries. Could it be that they direct their wealth and resources differently than in the West? It appears that money is going into the public purse rather than into private pockets.
@sjelinelukiman673 22 күн бұрын
There's no secret. It's about having a good leader, long-term planning, and stick to The plan and no tolerance on corruption, and good education is a must.
@MegaLmae Ай бұрын
How old are these documentaries? The first one seemed dated…
@kennyyap9745 Ай бұрын
@Jerry-sf3vd Ай бұрын
Is this one dated?
@karthik007 Ай бұрын
I have seen these guys uploading documentaries which are decade old
@MegaLmae Ай бұрын
@@Jerry-sf3vd Yes. He says “last year” when referring to 2016 or 2017. These are old documentaries. A lot has happened in China 🇨🇳 since then.
@thefourthrabbit9516 Ай бұрын
1:15 they reported data in 2022, so at least 2023. This one is new.
@juanrosillo7286 17 күн бұрын
Súper simple not having wars or more than 850 military bases around the world
@Epl12312 Ай бұрын
Tan Le a Vietnamese australien had work on this more then 10years ago.
@PIT72100 Ай бұрын
FTUS N EU......VIVA CHINA 🇨🇳🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@supagirusupagiru9932 Ай бұрын
Look how wonderful journalism before Trump ruined it by initiating Cold War
@mainaunt4447 Ай бұрын
Go to Thailand Malaysia Myanmar Cambodia rich Chinese everywhere
@vanveakrin276 Ай бұрын
Football matches were a money making machine in China
@lilypang7590 24 күн бұрын
@Bai420-h2k Ай бұрын
Actually, we found some technology in the desert
@Azizulhakimsm007 Ай бұрын
Hala madrid❤
@agushari-zl6jw Ай бұрын
What if democracy loses
@globalprosperity123 Ай бұрын
This video is literallly like trying to sell old edition book by trying to make published date not explicit.
@2CheKapone Ай бұрын
I assure you China has only gotten better since then
@jackofalltrades200 Ай бұрын
English or Spanish, and they both moved
@JW-jm5ll Ай бұрын
Do not kill the black bears in Taiwan, and Do not kill the 500 brown bears in Romania; these animals are innocent life! May God bless these bears and everyone!
@michelst-jacques9555 Ай бұрын
They underpay.
@DLeong1 25 күн бұрын
Stumbled upon this of the best documentaries on China by an American; how this wonderful stuff get hijacked by the warmongering elites in Washington is a real tragedy.
@JW-jm5ll Ай бұрын
Please drive with caution. If more care had been taken, the life of brown bear Grizzly 399 could have been saved. Avoid causing harm to animals or people accidentally.
@wubinyang8318 Ай бұрын
The only failure of the development of China is football team 😂
@Cheffhood 15 күн бұрын
I see India cryin fault 😂 i wunder what Palki gon say in her news
@chaz4609 Ай бұрын
Jai Hind. China technology is apparently catching to our superior training and STEM creativity.
@ICEMAN_GT Ай бұрын
How superior?
@Qoh91-rk7zv Ай бұрын
@dfas1497tcf3 Ай бұрын
China is developing socially, culturally, economically, and technologically while being politically castrated.
@jitendradoc Ай бұрын
Plagiarism 🤣🤣🤣 Period
@Jerry-sf3vd Ай бұрын
Of what?
@villiamfangy6205 Ай бұрын
good morning saar, tell bob from microsoft that I send my condolences to him. I heard the air quality is getting bad.
@villiamfangy6205 Ай бұрын
@@Jerry-sf3vd ignore him, he's a jealous third brother
@jonwick7635 Ай бұрын
cry more shitndia
@MrOtheleo Ай бұрын
8 years gone. Still no world cup qualification for jina.
@TomCotton-p6y Ай бұрын
Steal from everyone else 😂😂😂
@kl9518 Ай бұрын
Yes, China stole America's high speed rail. That's why America doesn't have any. 😂
@oldowleye3161 2 ай бұрын
Sucess or stealing ?… trying to fool the world with lies ?
@pendulmonium 2 ай бұрын
The west have been stealing for centuries. Give examples of what China is stealing.
@StanViviLee Ай бұрын
Every other major economy especially in the west is just full of thieves. Talk colonialism and slavery. But you only reserve the insult to china. I wonder why.
@GamerShowdown-h8j Ай бұрын
You are bitter loser. Chinese were smart to have technology transfer agreement with foreign investors. Shame on you.
@GamerShowdown-h8j Ай бұрын
Get lost. Sewer rat
@ipg6772 Ай бұрын
Stealing something that the world doesn't even have?? 🤔
@joyaku3078 Ай бұрын
@mawledyusuf5810 Ай бұрын
@WabuhWabuh Ай бұрын
"the jews did not work on the railway" yall some leeches...
@GamerShowdown-h8j Ай бұрын
Never. Tech transfer agreement. Can anyone do that?? None
@Jerry-sf3vd Ай бұрын
FT reports ? EU to demand tech transfers from Chinese companies.
@Jerry-sf3vd Ай бұрын
BRUSSELS, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- The European Union (EU)'s reported plan to require Chinese companies to transfer technology ...
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