The South Park Episode About Bullying

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Ceric Artman

Ceric Artman

Күн бұрын

How do you deal with a bully? It sounds like a simple question, but it’s really not. If you have ever dealt with a bully, you know how impossible those animals can be. But South Park decided to try anyway.
Over three episodes: Season 12’s Breast Cancer Show Ever, Season 16’s Butterballs, and Season 17's The Hobbit, South Park fought three types of bullies and limped out of the ring with a black eye.
The content in this video, as well as all my other videos, is not intended to replace professional or medical advice. I share insights based on my personal experiences and what I believe may benefit a broad audience. If your experience with bullying is more severe or complex, I strongly encourage you to seek help from a qualified mental health professional. Your well-being is my priority, and if you find even a single takeaway from this video, that means the world to me.

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@mattturner6017 Ай бұрын
"We are actually bullying ourselves." Too true. And it's not limited to bullying. Human nature writ large is its own worst enemy. My favorite example of this is something I heard from a comedian. "Everybody says 'I'm stuck in heavy traffic.' Nobody says 'I'm helping to cause heavy traffic.'"
@skyluke9476 13 күн бұрын
Me every day: fuck🦆 this asshole for going 38 in a 40, either speed up or slow down Also me: fuck🦆 this asshole tailgating me I’m doing 38 in a 40 why are you in such a hurry!?
@evanmak7837 20 күн бұрын
The scene with Butters and Grandma is so powerful because we only really see her reaction to Butters's words. Butters is a naive little kid, probably the most naive in the whole cast, and he can't realise how absolutely brutal he sounds on his monologue. Grandma on the other hand, a full grown woman, is mature enough to understand that the truth hurts, and she cannot change the ultimate fact that she will die all alone in a few years. His jolly "goodnight, Grandma!" after all of this is funny, but also celebratory; Butters outpowered his biggest bully without even realising it.
@alexvaughan1013 29 күн бұрын
Butters bigging up Cartman to fight Wendy, then cheering, "FUCK HIM UP, WENDY!", in the fight. It's like he wants Cartman to get what he deserves, but can't do it himself because he'll get grounded.
@Iwashimizu21 4 күн бұрын
Wendy had no place getting all mad at the boys for calling Lisa Burger ugly when the entirety of the 4th grade girls have a secret club where they ranked the boys from cutest to ugliest. I'm probably just thinking too much into it, but the fact that she specified how girls alone are affected and when she and all of the other girls actively do that to the boys is wild. But also a good reflection of society's double standards on gender equality
@michaelfragoso6572 Ай бұрын
Looking back butter’s grandma is the reason why his dad Stephen treats him so badly plus he is closeted and when butter’s grandma bullies butter’s she uses homophobia slurs and it’s obvious Stephen can never come out cause of her
@aba1design 27 күн бұрын
The greatest lesson I learned was that I need to not worry so much about what other people think of me. Some people aren't going to like me and I just need to be okay with it. I can't blame social media for my self esteem. I need to reflect and worry less about what people think.
@weeabooproductions2196 21 күн бұрын
Bro why is nobody talking about the part where Jesus bullies someone😭 I was playing this video in the background and randomly just saw Jesus while being told he bullied someone in South Park💀
@patthetech 18 күн бұрын
Ever since that amazing bop dropped, I have been singing it in my head whenever anyone starts talking about anti bulling things.
@Zarolea 4 күн бұрын
Butters found his leverage, his youth. She will die soon, alone. He still has a long life ahead to look forward to, without her.
@Chineseisntalanguageapparently Ай бұрын
The subtle cancel culture disrespect at the later half of the video
@goobman3590 11 күн бұрын
Me and the homies HATE cancel culture
@Chineseisntalanguageapparently 11 күн бұрын
Man can’t wait for this joke comment to be deleted cuz some bot was offended, or cuz some Npc was offended
@Chineseisntalanguageapparently 11 күн бұрын
@@goobman3590 (it was me making a South Park joke btw, if you care I’ll censor it until the joke gets through
@goobman3590 11 күн бұрын
@@Chineseisntalanguageapparently you people suck at detecting sarcasm lmao
@gabriellacomito5918 Ай бұрын
Everywhere in South Park there's basically bullying! >.< There's bullying basically EVERYWHERE in the SOUTH PARK franchise! >.< ALL THE TIME! >.
@espeonix1245 4 күн бұрын
Started going to school with a kid that lived on my street when i was younger. He came up to me with his new friends and tried to make fun of me, when i brought up how much he loved his easy bake oven and making cupcakes his new friends laughed at him, least to say he never tried that again LOL.
@DantesGrill Ай бұрын
I haven't met a single person who says the Kardashians are hot and I still have no idea where these unrealistic beauty standards come from lol On another note between American actors being hotter than other countries: It's 100% about the money. When you start landing big roles and getting those big bucks you can afford looking like a Hollywood superstar. Look at foreign actors before and after Hollywood. The amount of money put into stylists, trainers and even publicity is ridiculous compared to any other country.
@zazendom977 16 күн бұрын
I think the Kardashians are womens' concept of a perfect woman. Which is funny how much it varies from men's generally. The Kardashians are how most would look if they had the choice which is why the do get the BBLs and fake bitties😅es and lip fillers BUT in the same vein it's like how almost every man would choose to look like a Body Builder or muscle man if we really had to choice to do it. But if you ask women, they don't actually find that body builder physique hot. So in the way that mens ideal body for themselves is not actually a woman's preference in man, so too is a woman's ideal body, not actually what men want. It's funny how we exist on the same planet at all lol
@Capanini Ай бұрын
Wow smooth editing, custom south park character art, entertaining and informative. Awesome video! You have a new subscriber
@runthenumbers9698 7 күн бұрын
I think my Dad had the right answer for bullying. I would consider my father to be fairly distant. He gets home, he just wants to watch the T.V. Not complaining. He provided for me, and I know for a fact that even though my father was nothing impressive... I had what I needed, and some of my friends didn't. Some didn't even have fathers. But I'm saying that just to be accurate, I didn't have a particularly close relationship with my father, but once in a while when we did have 1-on-1 talks, they would be exactly what I needed to hear. All due respect to my mother, but all 3 of the most important talks of my upbringing came from my father. A boy needs a father. Anyway, one day, he got the impression I was being bullied at school. He said to me at home, "Listen, I know the advice you get about violence is all over the place. Some say you have to defend yourself. Others say to ignore them. Adults don't want you to know the truth. The truth is, there is no GOOD solution to bullying. Every solution sucks. Every technique works until it doesn't. I'm not going to give you advice because I don't know the people involved. Here's all I'm going to tell you. If you get in a fight, you are getting grounded for 2 weeks. I'm not going to give you a free pass because free passes don't exist. There will be consequences. There are also consequences to NOT solving your problems with violence. I'm not offering you advice per se, but I will tell you this. Even though the punishment will not be lifted, me and your mother are not going to get mad at you... at least... not unless it becomes a pattern. If you ever believe that 2 weeks of being grounded is worth it, do what you need to do. Violence should not be your FIRST solution, but if I told you violence is NEVER the solution, that would be a lie. Violence is an option. It's just an option. Not your best option. Not your worst option. Not your only option. It's an option that comes with costs and benefits, and I'm telling you what the cost from our end is up front. 2 weeks grounding. The rest is up to you." The next day of school, I had already decided it's worth it. My bully and his friends tried to humiliate me like they usually do, but this time, I wasn't just ready for it... I was ACHING for it, and the one bully in particular was slower to realize it than his friends. His friends kind of left him hanging when they realized that I absolutely intended to escalate this to a fight. I confronted him at the lockers... he laughed and sneered as his friends pulled him away. Tried to save face. At lunch, I stared him down and he pretended not to notice until one of his so-called friends told him I was staring. He glances over and smiles at me. Go-time. I walk over and tell him to stand up and he doesn't until a teacher broke it up. It was then very clear to him that I wanted the fight and EVERYBODY knew that he doesn't. I continued for several days to try to start a fight with him, and each time, he would sneer and disappear into the crowd. It was a long week. After a few days of me staring him down trying to get a fight started and him escaping a fight by the skin of his teeth... his honor deteriorating, something I'll never forget happened. I walked by him in the hall, got right in his face, stared him down, he looked me in the eyes, looked away... no chuckle, no sneer, just submitted, took the humiliation, and kept going. That was a very important moment for me. I was told before that I didn't understand people. When you're smart, people like to tell you stuff like that. They like to humble you... bring you down to other people's level. I honestly believed that I sucked at handling conflict and reading people, so I thought my only option was fighting, and this moment happens... and without a word, I knew I had won, and the conflict was over. It taught me to trust my instincts. See before this week, I knew I wanted to react with violence or at least fervor when I was disrespected in the classroom... but I believed a well-adjusted person wouldn't need the threat of violence, so I just absorbed the humiliation. Not just then either. FOR YEARS I had established a pattern of NEVER overreacting to bullying... so the bullies knew they had a free pass. When I challenged them initially, I think they thought that I must've had a bad day and that I'll be back to my normal pushover self the next day. Then at lunch, I stared him down, and he thought that if he played it cute, he and his friends could laugh at my expense and I would sit there and let them. Proved that wrong. The following days, they thought that they could ignore me and I would eventually tire of insisting on justice in the matter. They were wrong again. Finally, not a word was said. Just a silent look in the eyes, and a completely neutral deflection, and I knew. This was him making a truce. This was him acknowledging that he wants this to be over and he's done trying to humiliate me. I thought about nothing but this over the entire weekend, and realized... I was never "socially awkward" or unable to read people. I was always INHIBITED by the thought that if I got in a fight, there would be unknown consequences for me at home. Once I had the OPTION to swing my fists, I came to realize just how keenly serviceable my social instincts are, and I finally let myself trust them. I also thought about the irony of the fact that the minute my Dad essentially gave me conditional permission to fight someone, I IMMEDIATELY tried to take him up on the offer... and I couldn't do it! I tried SO HARD to fight that guy, and suddenly we were farther from coming to blows than ever! I had on several occasions thought that he was going to throw a punch at me... and he HAS shoved and tripped me in the hallways before. The very moment I was on a war path... everyone noticed. His friends all but hid in their shells, and I'm sure he would have too if I hadn't called him out in particular. The moment they could see consequences in the fire of my eyes, they bailed, they ALL bailed. My advice to anyone... write yourself a permission slip to kick someone's ass if you need to. Just having that OPTION changes your entire aura completely. You are no longer clawless. You are no longer prey. And just remember, until you actually get in a fight, things haven't gone sideways yet. Go with your gut.
@jaketheripper7385 7 күн бұрын
That's the thing though, this kind of only works with males. It's different for guys because that threat of physicality is always present, so we socialize much differently than women. The psychologist Jordan Peterson talks about this in particular at length and it's very interesting... In any case I'm glad you were able to solve your problem without actually having to do anything physical, but unfortunately most aren't so lucky. When I was growing up I had no choice but to respond with violence because it wouldn't have ended unless I did something. I was just way too much of an easy target, and staring someone down twice your size isn't very intimidating regardless of how much of a chickenshit they may be on the inside. Fortunately for me I actually knew how to fight because I took jujitsu and another style of martial arts similar to Tae Kwon Do and Tang Soo Do starting in kindergarten, but I wish I could have gotten through it without having to actually hurt or physically humiliate anyone. My parents were way cooler about though... My dad would just be like "So I heard you got in another fight at school today..." Me: "Yeah" Dad: "Did you start it?" (And I almost never did except for maybe like one time when I was having a particularly shitty day) Me: "No" Dad: "Did you finish it?" Me: "Yes" Dad: "Good" I never got grounded or in trouble for simply defending myself. That just seems really silly to me. Thats not teaching a kid a valuable lesson other than to be a perpetual vicitm. I can tell you that my dad would whoop my fckin ass if I ever started something or pushed anyone around just because though, that's for sure. That was a different story entirely and I can only imagine the hell I would have paid if I ever did something like that.
@the1magageneral323 19 күн бұрын
Some jokesters are playful banter among friends, whereas others like Cartman purposefully taunt people with malice. Yes friendly banter "it is just a joke" all depends on context.
@webby3109 14 сағат бұрын
I think I’ve known quite a few jokers and brutes in my life. I still know some of them. And they’re that way toward me. And don’t even get me started on society. That thing puts me down all the time, and has my whole life.
@blob643 4 сағат бұрын
Remember, A bully will not stop if you don't do anything. They will call you names like coward when you report them. And if you are unlucky, you will be painted as the bad guy when you lash out and fight back. I once was bullied when I was in elementary and the councilor did give the bullies a good talking but I was also told that I should have been the bigger guy and that violence is not the option when the only reason the boys realized they were bullying me was when I punched one of them... oh yeah the bullies didn't realize what they were doing was basically bullying and they did apologize to me and we made up afterwards. I was just lucky back then.
@ArksDigital 10 күн бұрын
Ceric. This was clearly a sensitive topic. You might benefit from talking to someone about this so you can move passed it.
@everybodylmao 13 күн бұрын
is it being twofaced to threaten to disassociate from a person if they dont change how theyre acting? For instance, i refuse to associate with people who say sexual shit around people below 18, like a 20 year old saying weird shit around 14-16 year olds
@toomuchsci-fi Ай бұрын
So basically people finally figured how how girls bu11y each other in middle school? 😑 I pointed this out for years and its amazing how people rationalize everyone elses behavior if i point it out. 🤦
@toomuchsci-fi Ай бұрын
As far as the British TV, as bad as nepotism is in Hollywood, it's even worse in the BBC.
@jbenjamin59 Ай бұрын
This is really good!!!! I’m ready for next vids!!!!!
@STEPHxCA 19 күн бұрын
The “soft bullies/jokers” were always the black and Latino kids at my schools
@johnroyal4054 11 күн бұрын
No don't say that you arent allowed because that's mean
@itsdokko2990 7 күн бұрын
Latino here: you're not wrong It has to do with the culture that is imposed to us.
@kurisu7885 Күн бұрын
Not to mention that Hollywood types also have the money and time which also gives them access to the resources to achieve that kind of stuff, while someone working two or three jobs just to afford an apartment they might barely be in doesn't have time for all of that.
@arthurfleck4320 Ай бұрын
Jokers create haters. Brutes create trauma. Societal bullying creates a different type of "Joker" 😅😅
@Shrekrules471 24 күн бұрын
Society isn’t out to get you
@Clyde-S-Wilcox 5 күн бұрын
I do wanna point out in Butters' case his parents probably would have sided with Grandma. And then grounded him.
@Dumpyibgtonthethird279 11 күн бұрын
Ngl “oh no killer titties “ cracked me up
@jakegenocide 3 күн бұрын
You know how people say, "Fight back and they'll stop." Not true, I started fighting my bullies in elementary school. Got me bullied in groups instead. Don't let children know you don't have parents or they will go all out. 😅
@Willchannel90 Ай бұрын
The great satire tells why bullies are mean and crazy.
@cranklabexplosion-labcentr8245 Ай бұрын
That “nark puck” scene *always* makes me vomit a little
@lavenderaz 33 минут бұрын
my mans is talking from experience
@sacredrider 5 күн бұрын
18:43 " fantasies"? Sighh, I am not mad, I am disappointed.
@thewhitewolf58 9 күн бұрын
My way of telling if someone is being a joker or asshole is seeing if they have a meltdown with a joke about them or laugh like a normal person.
@caliscarvings1937 14 күн бұрын
11:13 bro, that's a kid 💀
@CordyBrush 16 күн бұрын
As a guy who posted his photo on a subreddit where they rate your appearance, getting 4.5/10 actually improved my self confidence! I guess I am just happy to know that I am not a 0/10! 😂 But the point is: yes, photoshopping appearance is horrible, especially for pre-teen girls.. I live in a town where I constantly see what seems to be 11-12 yo girls in crop tops and entire layers of makeup.. it's honestly sad. 😔
@captainswagalicious 2 күн бұрын
The soft bullies always talk so much until you bring any sort of real aggression their way
@katherineofarrogant6370 Ай бұрын
Bro really came out of nowhere and dropped 100k subs quality videos in the span of a week
@Evilynisevil0 Ай бұрын
@goofyahhdude365 7 күн бұрын
Very good use of research
@Shroom870 5 күн бұрын
they should show this in schools lol
@alexcat6685 6 күн бұрын
5:40 which I would've liked that the eposide also brought up that making fun of anything doesn't automatically make it bad or mean you don't care. Like a good example on how to use comedy for a serious issue, as comedy is about reliving tragedy if done right as it is emotionally detorating to never laugh at the absurdedy live can have, even in suffering.
@ImGarbino Ай бұрын
How the fuck do you not have more subs. You hit my alg and this was a high quality video, continue to do what ur doing. You have the right idea, so anything you feel that would increase the quality of vids I’d do it, cause you have a good formula that could benefit ya. Good shit 🙏
@Kaylaw9 9 күн бұрын
If you're me, you deal with bullies by asking your dad to help you come up with insults that'll shut them up.
@silverbloodborne9495 18 күн бұрын
Society: men should be rich and have a good car Me.who just wants good amror and get my 1952 car working
@redsouldubs6082 20 күн бұрын
hope this channel keeps growing! great research
@RyanLandreneau Ай бұрын
Really, really good. Keep up the great work!
@lazyfish7675 Ай бұрын
You did good champ, you did good
@InfestedCommander Күн бұрын
If I literally had my own character in South Park, I would go to Butters' house and make Stephen and his Grandma die like Abraham and Glenn from the Walking Dead. (This comment is satire; please don't take it seriously.)
@DineroHawkins 11 күн бұрын
I see what you mean about how people love to conform to one another. but at the end of the day humanity is a social species and that’s how we survived for a long time in the days before the full development of society we have today. It’s just crazy how humanity’s social survival method both helps and hurts our development.
@leedog345 3 күн бұрын
One day hopefully british film will penetrate the scottish part of Colchester!
@victorlolxd7347 Ай бұрын
Pretty ironic… Southpark is literally a show dedicated to bullying
@DB-cx6uc 19 күн бұрын
Have u ever seen any material before today or maybe once 5 years ago? Its satire. Making fun out of everyday problems for everyday people and life, the harshness of the burns they deal out depends on what theyre dealing with, but bullying is pretty much always for sole self gain which this is not; it tries to educate if that comes at the expense of some inflated ego so be it, thats what they signed up for anyways
@toxxtalks_sidequests 19 күн бұрын
It’s not bullying if it’s true.
@empatheticfrog2052 12 күн бұрын
It's satier, not bullying. There's commentary and criticism behind all the stuff the make fun of. The subjects of their videos aren't forced to watch and they never make a direct call to actualy hurt or harras someone irl in the show. So what exactly do you consider to be bullying?
@victorlolxd7347 3 күн бұрын
@@empatheticfrog2052 What about Snooki?
@victorlolxd7347 3 күн бұрын
@@DB-cx6uc “Educating” people on bullying and then turning around and making fun of people for literally no reason? 😬
@einumherirrenderwanderer Ай бұрын
Great video! I hope you get more followers soon, you deserve it.
@catherine_404 Күн бұрын
I believe, bullying should be treated as a crime. As a rather minor crime most times, something like misdemeanour, hooliganism, but a crime nevertheless. Just like cussing at other person, calling them names, terrorising them with such attitude is a minor crime, bullying can be a minor or even bigger crime, depending on what's done. For sure I'm not saying kids are to be put in jail for bullying, but it should be treated as seriously, as if that kid did something like stealing or breaking a window. Sexual harassment is crime, racism is crime, and so should be bullying. It hurts, be it physically either with fighting or some such, economically by damaging property (even stationery and a backpack or shoes are, in fact, property, they all cost money), or mentally. Bullying is not "nothing", therefore it should have consequences for the perpetrator. And by "consequences" I mean mostly counselling and other types of help which would, basically, prevent bullying behaviour from growing into something worse in later life. I'm not that delusional to expect every bully to stop bullying completely through these measures, but I know most of these kids are troubled in some manner or the other, and they do need help, of course, many of their victims do need different help as well. But if we can prevent at least some crimes by counselling bullies and teaching them to manage their anger etc etc, that would both help them to live a better life and would help others by preventing them from doing more crime, and isn't less crime is what we want?..
@victorlolxd7347 Күн бұрын
A lot of drool-drippers claim to be bullied when in reality they are just whiny though… This could lead to a lot of problems
@alexlee9109 Ай бұрын
I really like your content. Please make more videos. 👍Don’t stop even if large crowd don’t support educational content. Good job!
@Clyde-S-Wilcox 5 күн бұрын
There really is an appeal to British TV shows being full of average looking people. Oh and IT Crowd rules all.
@piskimstojeci7631 16 күн бұрын
19:04 its the reason i prefer tv shows called skins instead of euphoria.If you watched both shows, did you notice how in Skins everyone looks natural?Euphoria in the other hand...every actor had plastic surgery and appear more ''''atractive'''' xd Skins is a british show and euphoria is american show
@elise6894 4 күн бұрын
14:20 it was Stan or Kyle I forgot which but butters didn’t want to say anything
@Sly88Frye Ай бұрын
Actually what I watch the most on tik Tok is Carter Anderson comedy and he's a pretty average looking black guy with sort of a heavy build not really and wears glasses, but the vast majority of his videos his face isn't there because he's green screening eyes and a mouth on various brands and having them talk trash to each other like having McDonald's talk trash to Wendy's or something. Or other things like one of my favorites was when he had a variety of different salads talk trash to each other but then a cheeseburger started talking trash and they were all laughing at him saying that you're a cheeseburger but then he said, "Oh yeah? You take the bread off what am I? Lettuce, tomato, there you go. I'm a salad." And another one I watch the nearest Tamara double chocolate who is what a coincidence she's black too but anyways she green screens her face over footage of people cooking the weirdest things and comments over it and says some really hilarious jokes in the process and tries to jokingly make it all sound like it's all good even though what we're watching being cooked looks absolutely terrible. And there's one guy who is white so there we go The coincidence ends, but I forget his name unfortunately but he likes to portray various different people men and women who work at restaurants or are customers and get into arguments with each other. So I guess I just don't follow the crowd of people who just want to look at hot people because yeah these people who I watch on tik Tok the most are pretty average looking. But to be honest I primarily am on KZbin and I don't really use tik Tok that often so maybe I just don't follow the rest of the crowd.
@JoseEduardo-dg2ki Ай бұрын
The point of hollywood and social media simply reflecting our wants is moot. Do you know about the Skinner Box?
@tomboyjessie1352 Ай бұрын
This is a fantastic video.
@misterpoopnose6547 11 күн бұрын
I honestly feel lucky to be a Man cus unlike Females, We Males don’t have a biological clock.
@Nope-so8jd 4 күн бұрын
survivorship bias
@localsassboi 29 күн бұрын
The South Park Episode's About Bullying
@beefy45 5 күн бұрын
Damn bro who bullied you
@connormanable 14 күн бұрын
I remember the kony doc but I never heard the aftermath that’s kinda funny
@bmeht Ай бұрын
pretty good
@chelseamccullough4593 6 күн бұрын
@KidneyInflammation 18 күн бұрын
What's this silly little blue thing next to my comment. Keep at it man :D
@CericArtman 18 күн бұрын
Thank you so much KidneyInflammation!
@vaultboy5492 19 сағат бұрын
@@CericArtmanthats prolly the only time in ur life youll ever say those words
@Bigmonto 5 күн бұрын
You must have never done steroids before… you still gotta hit the gym 4 hours a day to get that jacked 😂 guys that get jacked on roids are not taking “the easy way” it’s literally the ONLY way to get that big.
@monkeymantj Ай бұрын
yay you got more subs
@angelinacamacho8575 Ай бұрын
it sucks but pretty privledge does exist sadly
@AG-fs8yn 14 күн бұрын
Are you Jackin’ it in San Diego?
@arthurfleck4320 Ай бұрын
As a California Republican, I constantly deal with societal bullying.
@astrocat1013 Ай бұрын
@bmeht Ай бұрын
@bella_wella_3 Ай бұрын
quit whining
@danb.755 Ай бұрын
Womp womp 😢
@DantesGrill Ай бұрын
Can't believe someone would just casually admit to being a Californian like that
@landanpizzakingTrashGang 16 күн бұрын
@empatheticfrog2052 12 күн бұрын
I find it odd that you seem to be genuinely angry watching this and seem judgmental of anyone whi finds cartmen funny in these scenes. The shows definitely worth analyzing and has great social commentary but i think its important to rember its a comedy cartoon as well. Its okay to find offensive shit funny =/
@pls1103 29 күн бұрын
ur right about a lot of things but the way ur wording all this is sounding like ur just coping but other than that gud video
@the_og_deathrowhfmc2492 12 күн бұрын
Can tell you were bullied when you were a kid
@jackfavvv0280 18 күн бұрын!
@gmodpro2099 Ай бұрын
s12 ep9 worst
@sb_2378 29 күн бұрын
You aren’t thorough enough in your videos. You make to many mistakes.
@Natestan6582 18 күн бұрын
@sb_2378 18 күн бұрын
@@Natestan6582 I haven’t seen that word in years. Some times it’s just best to let them fade away.
@Fiddlewinks 15 күн бұрын
​@@sb_2378 *sometimes.
@felishabolzenthal9079 20 күн бұрын
Why are you calling people ugly? There’s no such thing as ugly people. Seeing ugliness in people is seeing through a lens that society has conditioned you to put on. Take off the lens and actually look with your naked mind. You’ll find that everyone is beautiful.
@toomanyhobbies116 14 күн бұрын
You have not experienced any real adversity in your life, have you? Like you've never been beat up, or stabbed, or had your house robbed, had someone kill your pet just to hurt you, or anything like that. No, not everyone is beautiful. Some people are ugly, inside and out, and that's just how the world works whether or not you like it & want to believe it. You are either extremely sheltered or your 12
@willlastnameguy8329 14 күн бұрын
That sounds like something an uggo would say.
@felishabolzenthal9079 11 күн бұрын
@@toomanyhobbies116 Jeez… just try opening your mind a bit.
@nocturno7660 2 күн бұрын
I'm angry that I laughed at "killer titties"
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