The Steroid Gamble: Hidden Dangers You Can’t Ignore

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Mark Bell's Power Project

Mark Bell's Power Project

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@gregdoucette 2 ай бұрын
I changed my mind I think Mike is as hell should compete the only reason he doesn’t have a pro card is because he wasn’t tanned enough😂😂😂
@mrrptube 2 ай бұрын
Man you sure showed him. You're clearly more intelligent, most definitely socially adjusted, obviously more successful! But we all know the truth to each of those points right? Hey at least you got that pro card, 1 point! You even troll like a 15 year old, very c tier across the board 😂
@Pjwalther9k 2 ай бұрын
​@mrrptube I mean, it's kind of funny considering how much Mike has shit on Greg in the past. Karma is a bitch. Greg didn't even say anything wrong about him either. I guess it sucks to be exposed.
@Russellbuddy 2 ай бұрын
Coach, you’ve probably answered this before, but if you don’t mind answering again, do you have any regrets about using PEDs in your past?
@leigh_carmichael 2 ай бұрын
Hahaha right it was just his tan. The delusion is unbelievable with “Dr” Mike 😂
@wayentruoc 2 ай бұрын
When's Greg going on the pod cast
I love all these videos on the dangers of taking steroids coming from guys that are still blasting steroids near their 50s
@yeldarleumas1847 2 ай бұрын
Every fcuking one of them! However, I ''respect'' Mike because he has admitted it. Bell says he used to, However, the black guy is on 'gear' but refuses to be transparent!
@@yeldarleumas1847 lol true
@Kikwatz 2 ай бұрын
​@@yeldarleumas1847No, that is not correct! Blacki just has these legendary blackigenetics and also trains, sleeps and eats better than all of us!!😠
@larry-ludwig 2 ай бұрын
For those who are truly low, TRT, without question, is a net positive, not negative. Getting superhuman levels or other meds is a whole other equation, and the hosts are conflating the two.
@jordixboy 2 ай бұрын
"For those who are truly low, TRT" you dont need super low levels to it being a net positive, its still interesting getting optimized, for health and feeling young at any age. And just because you are in the reference range it doesn't mean you dont need it, you still could be experiencing low T symptoms.
@larry-ludwig 2 ай бұрын
@@jordixboy , though my point was that those are pretty obvious cases. Higher up in the T spectrum, it gets less and less clear and is a grey area IMO.
@Nonononono1111 2 ай бұрын
Mikes just a pussy. 1.5 grams of test and I feel like Superman. No anxiety, just strength and a fantastic mood. Better dad for my kids, better employee at work. Bloodwork is perfect with the exception of chronically low hdl
@ryanfletcher4054 2 ай бұрын
I think your point about sports is a great point! I played amateur American Football in the UK for 10 years or so and recently discussed this with a friend who has played semi-professional rugby. I'm only 35 and have so many injuries and weaknesses as a result
@SF_Native 2 ай бұрын
On TRT, been on it for about 8 years now (I’m 50). Levels were low and I have been taking the right amount. It’s been nothing short of a game changer. My physique is great, but it also helped with my depression and low energy levels. Nothing but positives for me.
@mikeanthony8699 2 ай бұрын
Want to correct an important point, the ASTEROID trail, MIRACL trial, and the ORION-1 trial all have shown angiographic evidence of plaque regression. Ie, removal of plaque Calcified plaque is probably less dangerous than non-calcified because non-calcified plaque can rupture which is the cause of 5 out of 6 heart attacks. Multiple trials with statins, a trial with PCSK9 inhibitors, and trial with omega 3 derivatives have shown reductions in cardiovascular events. There is a lot of hope
@LatimusChadimus 2 ай бұрын
39:53 Mark is an exception because he's a legend and he has been in the space for so long that everybody should know slingshot super training and his family name in general
@chasingstoke 2 ай бұрын
"god damn these steroids be looking pretty good rn" It really do be like that
@brianpulley8652 2 ай бұрын
Just had my test levels 52 my total test was 454ng/DL and free was 16.1 ng/DL and ive felt like 💩 for the past 4 or 5 energy no motivation no drive having to force myself to just do everyday things even though my levels are considered so called in the normal range my doctor said she would prescribe TRT because i probably need to more optimized to feel normal again...any thoughts?
@andysmith9243 2 ай бұрын
That’s wild. My total T was 218 and free 3.6. I am 28, I wish I had your levels lol!
@brianpulley8652 2 ай бұрын
@@andysmith9243 sorry to hear total was in the 300s and free was 9.2 just 2 years ago and I forced myself to start lifting again this past January so I'm going to attribute my levels rising to training and a higher protein diet but I still feel bad and living on caffeine to get through the day... hormones can be so weird... hopefully you can get help with yours and my advice is to see a local doctor that understands testosterone and don't go through these online clinics because they will have you wasting money...if I do go on TRT it will only cost me $44.00 a month out of pocket using good RX.
@hiebrantsify 2 ай бұрын
Do you have a good died and lifestyle? Maybe your environment has chemical that should not be there and you are absorbing them or ingesting them? People focus on testosterone levels way too much before they fix their lifestyle. If you have all that fixed but you are feeling bad. Then you can look at the alternatives. Or you can take the cross you were given to bare and live accordingly.
@SpiritualHypertrophy 2 ай бұрын
With those results, test levels might not be the cause for you.
@brianpulley8652 2 ай бұрын
@@SpiritualHypertrophy I sure wish I knew what it was other test for my physical was perfect.
@FarlessBlue 2 ай бұрын
I started using testosterone enanthate 4 weeks ago. 300mg split in two monday/thursday. I feel amazing and my natural testosterone level was 264ng/dl. My free test was low too. I haven’t had blood work done since starting my first cycle but I know I feel much more in-tune and less anxious/stressed.
@xLovezzz 2 ай бұрын
Dudeee 300mg is basically a small blast hahah. I use 187mg test e, split in 3 doses of 0.25CC
@BestBud-hr3tu 2 ай бұрын
Are you using anything to lower estrogen?
@FarlessBlue 2 ай бұрын
@@xLovezzz Yes that's my intention! I've gone from 175lbs to 190lbs so far. My sleep hasn't been the best and it effects my exercise days but I'm still gaining significantly.
@FarlessBlue 2 ай бұрын
@@BestBud-hr3tu Not right now. I'm getting some acne on my chest and shoulders and I think some new joint pain but it could've been pre-existing. Those are the only signs I've had of high estrogen and so I haven't touched my aromasin. Going on week 7!
@MrGoluman99 2 ай бұрын
i have lost a lot of people i looked upto in the fitness world. from ric draisin, doug brignole, john meadows. many appeared on your show.can you do a recap of those who are no longer with us ,on your show
@hiebrantsify 2 ай бұрын
Why would they do that? that would make people realize how bad these things are. Most of the proponents of steroid use is coming from survivor bias. Those who did not have the detrimental health effects from using them. The names mentioned also would be only of those people that are publicly known. There are large amounts of people who are regular people abusing steroids and dying. Either from being on them of coming off of them and unaliving themselves during the side effect faze.
@MrGoluman99 2 ай бұрын
@@hiebrantsify despite their body image issues and choices they made they were decent good talented people so I Miss them
@leecostello8424 2 ай бұрын
@@hiebrantsifyWhat do you know? Ric Draisin was 76 when he passed away, from water in his lungs. Doug Brignole passed away from COVID-19. John Meadows had a pulmonary embolism - a blood clot in his lung. Not one of these gentleman passed away due to complications from steroid use, but from either age related(post surgery), heart inflammation and DVT respectively. Assuming just because of their passions is a knee jerk reaction.
@hiebrantsify 2 ай бұрын
@@leecostello8424 yeah. My bad. Steroids have no effect on the person using it. Survibors bias does not exist. Sorry my mad.
@leecostello8424 2 ай бұрын
@@hiebrantsify 😂😂In regard to the 3 men named, yes it is your bad. Like I said you assumed, rather than took the time to find out.
@richardview1281 2 ай бұрын
Look into Dr Ford Brewer as far as reversing artery plaque. He claims he has and provides ultrasound images. See if he'll come on the show.
@ruthannlewis6471 2 ай бұрын
Very interesting enjoy listening to you guys explain things❤
@pisceanpaul 2 ай бұрын
All people who are outstanding in a field they are passionate about are not normal. This is not a slight on them, just an observation, but think about just how incredibly unbalanced they would be because their focus would be so keyed into one aspect of their life that they're amazing at. Music prodigies, Nobel-winning scientists, movie stars, professional athletes, Olympic level weightlifter, professional bodybuilders. They're all so good at one thing, but lack in other areas of their life.
@talder123 2 ай бұрын
Been natural for 18 years. 32 now. Training since I was 14. I achieved a lot of muscle and strength naturally. And a great physique since my teens. 18 years old I hit a 305lbs Bench Press and 585lb Deadlift. 19 years old I was 210lbs and lean and hit a physique most male gym goers want to achieve their whole lives. Age 21 I was 250lbs and lean hitting a 675lbs Conventional Deadlift, 365lbs Bench Press, 500lbs Squat for reps bare knee no sleeves. Still did pullups and handstand pushups. At the age of 25 I was 250lbs and lean and hit a 600lb Squat in sleeves, 405lbs Bench Press, 715lbs Conventional Deadlift, 480lb Front Squat in sleeves, 185lbs Standing Strict OHP for 10 reps, 180lb Weighted Chinup. Got elite lifts at my prime when I was fluffy like a 750lb Beltless Conventional Deadlift for 2 reps, 700lbs Beltless Conventional Deadlift for 4 reps, 515lb Front Squat in sleeves, 450lbs Bench Press, 385lb Incline Bench Press, 315lbs Seated Military Press, 675lbs Snatch Grip Deadlift, 615lbs Squat in sleeves. Hit rep PRs like a 600lb Conventional Deadlift for 8 reps, 500lbs Sumo Deadlift for 20 reps, 405lbs Sumo Deadlift for 31 reps, 405lb Squat for 17 reps in sleeves, 300lbs Bench Press for 17 reps, 200lb Seated Military Press for 17 reps, 185lbs Bench Press for 40 reps. 20 reps Pullups at 212lbs Bodyweight when I was still 18 years old. These are all done naturally. All good training programming was responsible. Nowadays I battle back and forth injuries. Still hold on to a lot of muscle mass. Can do handstand pushups and pullups. Can rep 315lbs on Bench Press for volume. In fact this past May 2024 within weeks back in the gym I hit a 425lbs Bench Press and 315lbs Bench Press for 10 reps. 2 weeks back in the gym I was able to hit a 405lb Front Squat.
@thepongopete 2 ай бұрын
And so humble
@talder123 2 ай бұрын
@thepongopete Salty I'm legitimately am the real deal naturally I see. God forbid people who legitimately worked for their elite lifts get reprimanded for it
@chrisme5440 2 ай бұрын
@taylorfitness10 2 ай бұрын
Great content ❤
@scoobtoober2975 2 ай бұрын
On youtube i've seen two guys that did before and after test's from making some changes. One was focusing on endocrine disruptors (scents in all products that you touch), plastic anything and consistent sleep. Another was on OTC supplements (mag, zinc and D. Then he did one on tongkat. All of these did boost it. Is that sustainable. Did they feel better, i don't think they did or little change. But if you are depressed or feel sluggish just run a panel but don't jump on things if you say that's why. I find i'm sluggish when sleep is off, hydration, sun exposure, how my job is going. Food choices over a few week (detox from 3 weeks of take out food on the road) sucks. I'm a big believer is simple supplements but not all the time. zinc, iodine (10mg twice a week), NAC (love it, stabilizes when you go lower carb) some b complex some times. lots of green lettuce like things, again when low carbing. I'm not keto by any means, i need to keep at blood sugar control at times. I was destroyed by SAD diet for 40 years. You guys are inspiring and highlighting the pro's cons of many areas. Oh and mark you'd appreciate this. When you and KOTG did some work. Or others. I love his work. Split squats are blowing up my butt. And bigger stretchy bands are a life saver too. I'm getting more and more jacked than ever before. They are quiet, night time workouts. Just don't let a bench press action come off you back and hit your head. Dead lifts with all of the bands is awesome.
@bigzachful 2 ай бұрын
It’s crazy that it’s only just now being publicly admitted that Roid Rage is real! I’ve seen it 15 years ago when i was a teen in my uncles and guys in the gym that were angry and aggressive all the time. However now you got these guys on KZbin admitting to it when before everyone would say oh that’s fake!
@TheChacakan 2 ай бұрын
Had low test high estrogen never had any sexual performance issues
@malaysianman5941 2 ай бұрын
Im 43 now, been training natural for 13 years .... Really considering to take steroids this year, to see what kinda results i can get ... But im really paranoid about the side effects 😕
@sundvallen 2 ай бұрын
lol man just take some test first, 500mg, u will be great , trust me, and then ull realise most ppl are lying about the side effects.
@gosu5850 2 ай бұрын
@@sundvallen hair loss bro and balls/ semen volume
@brianbadonde8700 2 ай бұрын
@mattmason4589 2 ай бұрын
It'll never be good enough. You'll like it too much. Stay natty
@FranklinRoads 2 ай бұрын
Your androgen receptors have more to do with YOUR NORMAL Test level than your total or free number. If your body is efficient with a 300 level jumping that number to 1200 isn’t a benefit.
@elijahcaraballo2903 2 ай бұрын
Greg is saying about dr mikes genetics and aesthetics when coming to his pro card but also the dangers he’s facing. Like the clubbed fingers!! He’s taking it too far! Dr mike knows this but doesn’t care and it pushes a dangerous narrative for the youth!
@stevenschuster Ай бұрын
Thank god I never got into steroids. I just don't get it. I genuinely feel sorry for the guys that think its necessary.
@elijahcaraballo2903 2 ай бұрын
Once he said trt he rubbed his nose around nine or ten minutes in the video.. go look up what that means in psychology! 😂😂😂
@NsimaInyang 2 ай бұрын
A reach, but keep reaching.
@wayentruoc 2 ай бұрын
Everyone on trt, 30 take trt 🤣🤣🤣
@derekwork2944 2 ай бұрын
Or trt plus some lol
@Jacksonnnnnnnnnnnnn 2 ай бұрын
Multi efx pedal hook it up to steroids now you got no problem building the upper but without the lower you got a problem building the upper so divide by two and now youre off roids and unplugged so just build the neck to balance out your cervical to compete against wheel chairers
@Armzilla- 2 ай бұрын
I’ve been off TRT since December due to some anxiety but I miss the pump. I was only on 100mg per week and on my third year of TRT. I don’t know wtf happened. Maybe it’s called mid-forties 😅
@vincenth.8793 2 ай бұрын
But is it just steroids? Or is it the amount and the how long you been doing it?
@Armzilla- 2 ай бұрын
@@vincenth.8793I recall feeling anxious for two weeks when I started. It went away but it came back after 3 years. I’m getting PVC’s multiple times a day. I have no idea if it has to do with how long you’ve been on it. 100mg per week is a low dose
@ajmadic 2 ай бұрын
Are you saying you're on TRT but don't get a pump or don't feel big? If so, check your estrogen levels. I've been on TRT for 9 years and whenever I feel lethargic, "small", or "weak", my estrogen is high. I take DIM (look it up) and I go back to normal.
@vincenth.8793 2 ай бұрын
@ajmadic I'm just saying these blanket statements confuse me. Nothing is explained concerning amount and/or duration, it's just a trashing on PEDs. I'm using it PEDs to help other issues, not to become 300lbs monster.
@Jdac333 2 ай бұрын
E2 levels maybe? SubQ caused that for me too
@br6768 2 ай бұрын
Testosterone makes me terribly anxious
@theunknownsamurai7426 2 ай бұрын
People should have continued denning it, now everyone is coming out. it's making it worse. There was a time it was a subculture now its going mainstream.
@wp8767 2 ай бұрын
Am I the only one who swears I'm listening to Giancarlo Esposito when Nsima talks??
@Kzombie 2 ай бұрын
He sounds nothing like him
@joshuatucker2521 2 ай бұрын
Just due to the intro to this vid, I'm not gonna watch it. Pretty obvious this is coming from an incredibly biased point of view. SOME people can't handle steroids... Just like SOME can't handle alcohol or marijuana or (insert whatever addictive or personality altering substance)... while the MAJORITY of people handle these things just fine. Many people feel much happier and more confident on steroids and are not violent or depressive or addicted. For me, 700mg test. 700mg mast, 140mg Tren per week makes me feel amazing and I'm actually much less moody than when I'm natty.
@j.thomas23 2 ай бұрын
I plan on taking when I turn 40
@sundvallen 2 ай бұрын
Mike must be smoking some really hard stuff. How the heck can he feel like that on roids? Ive been on 1.5G test forever, SUPER CALM, HAPPY, RELAXED and health is 100%, checking bloods, heart 3 times a year, doc is amazed.
@misterbrickest 2 ай бұрын
Mike is on a bunch of other gear like orals and probably some 19nors, not just test. He's on content prep in that. But I get super bad anxiety on even 200mg of test/TRT, even after dialing everything in on my bloods had horrible insomnia and anxiety still. If I have learned one thing: everyone's different with hormones/steroids. I can handle a lot of Nandrolone, no deca dick. Other people hate it.
@aleksandarsabev6530 2 ай бұрын
He probably should start smoking some other stuff😅
@jmartinez19944 2 ай бұрын
3:08 lmao
@bintherdundat 2 ай бұрын
Actually I have heard many anecdotal testimonies of people who's CAC scores have gone down eating strictly carnivore.
@koreyhannan9071 2 ай бұрын
I think dr. mike is 39
@CatamaranChannel 2 ай бұрын
Another one is, steroids might make your head allot bigger.
@tacoboss2880 2 ай бұрын
@marcusorillius6971 2 ай бұрын
Care too much about what people “know you for”. How about growing up mentally?
@zaccopeland1916 2 ай бұрын
Steroid use doesnt do anything to my mood . Highly dramatized. I think they are dieting and that is a large part of it
@edwardx5726 2 ай бұрын
🤡 Saying testosterone levels don’t affect mood is the clownest shit I’ve read all day, 👏🏻
@derekwork2944 2 ай бұрын
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