The Surprising Benefits of Rebounding

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Tony Sticks

Tony Sticks

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@philipsutton2316 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Man - you missed out the most important one of all. I've been rebounding every day now for over 30 years. I had a very bad back accident when I was 16. I was told at age 27 (with unbearable back pain), that by 46 years old I'd be in a wheelchair - there was nothing doctors could do for me. At that time somebody put my onto rebounding and I've never looked back. I am in my 60's now and very active, no back pain, no wheelchair no operation. I put it all down to rebounding. When you rebound you have to tense and hold your abdominals and by holding muscles in tension, the rebounding action is putting about 2-3 times the force of gravity on those muscles. Which in turn tones and strengthens them. If you have a strong support of the girdle muscles that hold your upper body, this takes the stress off your back. I have proven it because when my wife and I travel overseas for a month or so each year, (and I can't rebound), I come back to pain and immobility. As soon as I hit the rebounder - after a few days I start getting the benefit. If my home burns down the first thing I grab is my rebounder - I cant live without it. I have the Rolls Royce of rebounders. It's called a 'bellicon' and is made in Germany. They cost an arm and a leg here in Australia but worth every cent (yes it is a bungee one). I used spring one for many years but too harsh on joints - the bungee ones are much, much better.
@jobob47 3 жыл бұрын
Ima give it a shot. any particular advice or a rebounder you can recommend.
@philipsutton2316 3 жыл бұрын
@@jobob47 Yes - make sure you get one with bungee cords and not springs. Springs are more jarring on your joints and it's a harsher bounce. I had a 'springer' for nearly 20yrs and couldn't believe the difference when I got one with bungee cords. Also - the springs are in very tight and are very hard to get off and replace (yes - springs do break after a few years). The bungees can be pulled off by a 5 yr old kid and replaced, they are that easy. I own a 'bellicon' - these are the Rolls Royce of bouncers. They are made in Germany and in Australia here are very expensive (cost $900), but well worth it. This one will last me the rest of my life. I love bouncing every day and feel so fit and strong. As I said - if the house burns I grab my wife and my bouncer - that's it!
@jobob47 3 жыл бұрын
@@philipsutton2316 thank you for the info.
@philipsutton2316 3 жыл бұрын
@@yanomo2988 I get up early each day and do a session on the rebounder, and then in the afternoon when I get home from work, I do another 10 15 minutes. You don't have to do long sessions or overdo it - just do some each day. There are lots of different ways to bounce - up and down, leg high lift, side to side - your body will tell you which way is best for you. If all fails - just do the straight up and down, body erect, tummy muscles holding your frame erect, don't need to bounce high, just so your heels come up but your toes can remain on the mat. Bellicon bungees are so easy to replace and not that expensive. Mine normally last a couple of years at least. Blessings!
@veganmomma24b21 3 жыл бұрын
That’s awesome news! So glad you stuck with it all these years.
@kenadelglass7933 3 ай бұрын
I use my rebounder everyday and swear by it. It is the only form of exercise that i look forward to doing. 57 years old and feel great.
@cristinamartinez1235 3 жыл бұрын
My triglycerides got normal and I also got rid of knee pain by rebounding 10 minuts a day!
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
Which rebounder you use?
@onionsbroccoli-on6jf 6 ай бұрын
Yea!!! The rebounder has helped my knee as well. Much more stable!
@jillhall8292 Жыл бұрын
I bought a rebounder in Feb 2022. I've lost 20 lbs. I rebound 30 minutes 5 x's a week. Some muscles you don't realize you haven't used a lot are the muscles between the ribs. For about a month I thought I was going to die every time I went to rebound again, but I stuck with it. The up and down motion really moves your back muscles. Now I don't even notice it. I also found a really good work out on here it's Shellea Fowler. She has several videos, I do the rebounding 30 minutes for over 50. Her work out is really good, I have my rebounder in my spare bedroom with a tv so I jump with Shellea each day, she has music with the workout so you get the music and the workout.
@taniajansevanrensburg390 Жыл бұрын
Hi. Does it also tone and firm skin
@Dynamicawareness 11 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤
@nikitaw1982 7 ай бұрын
Interesting about the ribs. If you were starting again would u divide those 30 minutes into2 15 minute sessions?
@nor0845 3 жыл бұрын
A much underrated form of exercise, especially amongst men. I still get puzzled looks when I say I use a rebounder but it’s amazing the look on peoples face when they try it. As you say people actually smile when on the rebounder. If you are short of space you can get ones which fold or have folding legs but from my experience the best way is just to make it a feature of the room. If your rebounder is always ready for use, you are more liable to use it. If adverts are on, have a bounce; Waiting for the kettle to boil, have bounce; Thinking of having a biscuit, have a’s a bit like snacking but on exercise instead of chocolate or biscuits etc and all the little exercise snacks add up but in a good way. Great video Tony! Thanks for posting.
@elsie104 3 жыл бұрын
The energy comes from improved mitochondrial function which comes from the removal of the cellular debris -really great video!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Good explanation!
@jamessykes8635 Жыл бұрын
Elsie, you nailed it. One of the biggest keys too Health. Take in food aka energy, use the energy and get rid of the waste by product.
@natalie8518 Жыл бұрын
Add a big dose of benfotiamine and it gets your mitochondrialfunction going
@hitkmus 3 жыл бұрын
I am 73 and have two hip replacements. Rebounders are truly amazing, even after my replacements! I've been using mine for well over 20 years! Everyday, they are the best!
@Stormsteed 3 жыл бұрын
I’m really glad to read your comment as I have hip replacements myself. Do you actually get air borne? Or do you limit your bouncing? Are there any exercises you find particularly helpful?
@Stormsteed 3 жыл бұрын
I’m really glad to read your comment as I have hip replacements myself. Do you actually get air borne? Or do you limit your bouncing? Are there any exercises you find particularly helpful?
@ladyluck2607 3 жыл бұрын
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
That’s amazing!!
@reboundingjoy Ай бұрын
Awesome !
@MadameX_ 3 жыл бұрын
I play music I love while rebounding. I do it 3-4 x a day for 15 minutes ea. I get my 10,000 steps, am highly energized and super happy. It’s wonderful! Highly recommend.
@leisha2830 2 жыл бұрын
How are you recording steps when you are rebounding? I just ordered one and have an Apple Watch and am wondering how that will track it?
@MadameX_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@leisha2830 I have my Fitbit and set it to “workout” It records every step perfectly.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Great job keep it up! 👏
@bambieyes8296 4 ай бұрын
I have been rebounding 3 days and my lower back stiffness from working a desk job all day has improved 80% in 3 days! I'm hooked
@kittycatmommy2364 3 жыл бұрын
I lost 115 lb which was almost half of what I weighed and have kept it off for 10 years and have been on my mini-trampoline every single day. And I affectionately call it "tramping"!!! LOL Losing all that weight you would think my skin would be sagging but this has toned me so beautifully and I'm 68 I feel 40 I have more energy than I've ever had in my whole life and as soon as I step on it I could feel the stress of the day leave my body. I love it I will do no other exercise I will not join a gym I do walk in the fresh air on days that are nice out but every single night instead of sitting on the couch while I'm watching TV I get on my trampoline and it keeps me off the couch and out of the refrigerator and I love it. It's easy on my body and I feel absolutely wonderful and I recommend this to anybody. It helps with posture with your strength with your gut .. it just helps every single part of you and even your mind. I tell everybody that this is the best workout I ever have had and it's right in my own home I don't have to get in the car and drive anywhere I don't have to pay a membership fee and I love it.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Good job! 👏 Tramping, I love it! 🤣
@nataliedandy1096 Жыл бұрын
You calling it "tramping" reminded me of when I was a kid I'd call it a "jumpoline".
@brendaburki7301 Жыл бұрын
Great comment ! How lomg do you jump ? Do you have coils or cords ? Thx !
@Ravenhop 3 жыл бұрын
This also makes a real big difference if you’re having one of your allergy attack days......histamine levels will back down......
@sfree322 3 жыл бұрын
Really? Maybe by activating the lymphatic system? That’s super interesting!
@lisafoxv7824 3 жыл бұрын
I've just noticed this today, amazing benefit!
@MichelMawon4982 3 жыл бұрын
Nice! Thanks
@jennypena6861 3 жыл бұрын
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
@@sfree322 yes
@zzz...3837 2 ай бұрын
I caught myself in the mirror smiling during my workout. I never smile when I exercise! Lol. Brings me a lot of joy 😊
@TruthSeeker9038 6 ай бұрын
My parents have been doing this for 20+ years. They are in their 60s. They are in great shape and overall health! I’ll add this is the only exercise they do besides walking. I always thought it was a bit funny they’d jump on a little trampoline everyday. Well, after I left the army my body has broken down completely. I’ve even gained a good amount of fat in my stomach. I tried this exercise for a week and have been seeing a huge difference!! I can actually see my abs again, and my body pain is going away.
@politerabbit3100 3 жыл бұрын
I love rebounding. It also slims down the stomach, hips, and thighs. Start slow and do 5 minutes 3-4 times a day. Then gradually add 1-2 minutes each time over a few weeks. It really does energize you and makes your brin work faster and better.
@MsMikkiG11 2 жыл бұрын
Which exercises do you suggest?
@politerabbit3100 2 жыл бұрын
@@MsMikkiG11 I mainly just jog on it....nothing specific except squats also---but you don't need a rebounder for that. I use hand weights while jogging for part of the time.
@mysticsingingplumbercomedian Жыл бұрын
@StayInAlive So glad that was mentioned! I've really been wanting to work on my "brin!"
@samsmom400 Жыл бұрын
@StayInAlive I need to get something to help my "brin" too!!
@marciachi2487 Жыл бұрын
What is BRIN?
@elana604 3 жыл бұрын
I jump whilst virtual runs are on you tube. I've been around the world jumping during the lockdown its amazing
@kford67 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear you are locked down
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
That’s so cool!
@sylviepapineau118 2 жыл бұрын
I love rebounding I'm 56 years old people think I'm 40 No medication no blood pressure My husband got covid and I never got it I think it's all due to rebound it love it
@TonySticks Жыл бұрын
It could be, who knows!? Keep on rebounding!
@rebeccafromm3533 Жыл бұрын
Love rebounding it’s the only cardio I do now. I was in shape before but when I started rebounding I lost 12 lbs I think that has a lot to do with the lymphatic system being drained. It’s much nicer on my joints too.
@cmiller7668 3 жыл бұрын
I have had my rebounder for 20 years, it was recommended to me by my nutritionist. With the rebounder came a CD that showed the human blood under a microscope, and how the red blood cells actually increase when rebounding. The way I experience the "more energy" from rebounding, is on the days I rebound, I literally wake up an hour earlier in the morning, alert and ready to go! It's interesting, its like I've gotten a super-charge or something to my system. I rebound daily and plan to the rest of my life!
@sheritimmons8803 3 жыл бұрын
New sub. I've been sold on rebounding for a while now. It's the main exercise I've used in the process of losing 60 lbs since July 2020 accompanied by other lifestyle changes. I have a double spring version that is rated to accommodate my weight and hope to be able to get a bungee rebounder at some point. You have to start somewhere.
@MaidenBklyn 3 жыл бұрын
Sheri Timmons which rebounder do you use? Congrats on the weight loss!
@user-di6cn2ne7u 3 жыл бұрын
Can you drop a link! I bought one this week , and went just by price (cause your girl needs the cheaps right now) but I will upgrade soon ! I need one that will accommodate higher weights than 200-250lbs which seems to be what most of them are rated for
@MichelMawon4982 3 жыл бұрын
Good going! I love rebounding!
@susanriley9135 3 жыл бұрын
I have a spring rebounder that was kind of expensive but very quiet. I live in a second floor condo. I bought it 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with cancer. I’ll be honest I didn’t use it much. Getting through chemo and then the last few years of trying to get healthy again was tough. But...I’ve been using it more lately and after watching this I’m going to start using it every damn day. Thanks for the motivation!!
@BlackButterFlyTongue 3 жыл бұрын
I hope all is well with you🌹
@e.s.7520 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. Please start were you can; even a few minutes a day and build up.❤
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
how u doing? which one u got?
@Maria-el5qz 2 жыл бұрын
Sending you love and light 🌹
@jenniferarmstrong589 6 ай бұрын
Prayers for continued health
@wmuch1443 3 жыл бұрын
I’d like to add, please: Actually jump roping causes jarring of the joints which does not occur on a rebounder. I used to jump rope for years- with great speed and skill. Since I had a lower back injury I found jump roping possible but painful afterward. Rebounding has actually strengthened my back and core muscles (you have to intentionally engage the core).
@maryd9387 3 жыл бұрын
I agree, rebounding is so much better than jump roping.
@RealThunderberg 2 жыл бұрын
Good job on this video bro you laid it all out beautifully. I've been rebounding for a couple of years and it's the best thing that ever happened to me health wise. Also gotta give u props for the line "I see my life as a series of experiments that either work or don't work" I thought this was so good that I pulled over into a parking space in order to capture it as this is exactly how I feel about my own life and you articulated it perfectly so I hope you don't mind if I steal it lol. Stay maximally blessed 🤙🏼
@TonySticks Жыл бұрын
Of course! Steal it! Stay blessed my friend 🤙
@katherinegeorge4945 3 жыл бұрын
I think the movement comforts your brain as well.
@bouncetohealth4489 3 жыл бұрын
We bounce babies to comfort them. Why not bounce ourselves!
@katherinegeorge4945 3 жыл бұрын
@@bouncetohealth4489 it probably takes us back emotionally to the time when we were babies too.
@RollingGuy 3 жыл бұрын
I think this why I feel the urge to rock when ever I’m going through really stressful times .
@sharon-qc3gn 3 жыл бұрын
@@RollingGuy Wow so do i. I have been rocking since I was 3, may 2.. But I still do it sometimes, and love rocking chairs...
@RollingGuy 3 жыл бұрын
@@sharon-qc3gn I love rocking chairs also , so relaxing . If I can’t rock my body I shake my legs .
@kelsie9912 2 жыл бұрын
I love that you said "you can't be sad jumping on a trampoline'. That's so true! It's like being a child again, and you just feel good! I only just started 'rebounding', but I have a cheap spring one and it hurts my joints a bit. I really really want to get a bungee one but they are super expensive to get in Australia!!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you agree with me on that. 😊 hopefully you’ll be able to get a bungee one sometime
@vickiew8642 3 жыл бұрын
You can do a low-impact bounce (3-4") and even just move heel off surface all helps move fluid.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@justine9980 3 жыл бұрын
I have a Bellicon rebounder and it’s amazing, you can buy different strengths of bungees and some models have the legs that fold up to make it easy for taking to the park. I love to rebound at the park.
@fun_girl12 3 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but this is the best idea ever. I would love to see someone doing this!!👍
@oma3354 3 жыл бұрын
My guy how u dont have more than 100k subs? The quality of ur videos is way too good for someone who has less than 5k subs. Your a master my man
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Comments like your make me want to make more!
@kellymatakovic3942 3 жыл бұрын
I worked at a clinic where I did rebounding classes for kids. Its really good for strength, endurance, coordination, and helping to regulate the sensory systems! its such a great tool to address so many skills for everyone. I definitely noticed a change in my energy levels!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
That’s fantastic!
@sassysandie2865 3 жыл бұрын
Also helps with bowel movements lol! I’m serious!
@sandytw5229 3 жыл бұрын
Really, for how long/often?
@sassysandie2865 3 жыл бұрын
@@sandytw5229 how long bouncing?
@hyprhyp 3 жыл бұрын
It never helped me with bms ....
@billnaire5220 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously or you just talking shit.
@sandytw5229 3 жыл бұрын
@@sassysandie2865 yes
@novice024 2 жыл бұрын
I have the same rebounder and have been using it daily for two weeks. It’s fun to use with music, and an easy way to fill my daily activity rings on Apple Watch. I am sold on rebounding. The Newan 48” is difficult to assemble, because it takes more strength than a 71 year old female has. I hired a handyman to assemble the rebounder after breaking fingernails. The rebounder is worth the price even though I had to pay $60 to have it assembled. The extra energy and improved mood is worth the cost.
@whyisthomyorke 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve owned a mini trampoline for the last 5 years and honestly it’s all for my mental health. I have ADD and other mental issues and it definitely centers me and calms me down. I consider it a tool for my mental health with the added bonus of being fun and giving me exercise. I use it every day off and on throughout the day, while I listen to music, when I’m taking a break from working on the computer. It’s something I crave to do!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so good for taking breaks. Thanks for sharing!
@stellakoulouris1381 Жыл бұрын
Yep! This saved my kids during covid lockdown also. It was great. Everytime they needed to get a break, they would just go rebounding. Thaye are so fit!
@maryvictorious5893 Жыл бұрын
I am 71. I recently bought a "Springer." Very disappointingly, my ankles and knees were PAINFUL the next day. Turns out I got shin splints which were better in a couple of days. My PT said to stay on for only a couple of minutes at a time, and so I've been doing that. But I'm not having as much fun as I'd like. I wish I'd known about "bungies" before😟🤨 I'm going to price them out today. I should say that I had a preexisting ankle and knee issue. I've been hopeful that I can work up to a longer and more fun experience. I won't give up.
@peggyprose 3 жыл бұрын
The lymphatic system has "doors" that open and close as we jump up and down.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for clarifying!
@elizabethmadan7059 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent, you really did your research and delivered a great explanation! I got mine last June due to not being able to go to the gym during the quarantine. I really enjoy it, I even miss it when I am at work, I look forward to rebounding when I get home. It gives me energy and the feeling of happines, even if I jump 5-10 minutes. It is b/c the level of serotonin increases. It also helped me to improve my sleep (I do it very gentle for 3 minutes, before going to bed, I sleep like a baby). In the morning I do different routines that I find in You Tube. No more than 15-20 minutes, it is enough. Remember that 1/2 an hour of rebounding is the equivalent to 2 hours of walking, so it is not a good idea to over do it. Also, going up 10 or 12 stairs made me tired (I am in my 60"s), now I regained my stability, strength and I run up the stairs. You are right it is one of the best investments one can make. Thanks for such an important content!
@nombekohobana6192 8 ай бұрын
Tjoooo I need to get this! I'm 64, was involved in a car accident at 62 and have been totally deaf on one of my ears as well as suffer tinnitus on the same ear, hope I can invest on one soon
@bouncetohealth4489 3 жыл бұрын
Rebounding saved my life! Powerful science!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@seagypsiesbellydancers3047 8 ай бұрын
It is the best exercise I’ve ever done, I feel like a kid when on it, I feel energised and it is a good way to keep toned. It makes you feel happy xx
@Bluebell1275 Жыл бұрын
Omg this is soooo amazing- I have just brought one and I blooming LOVE IT! I feel like I am releasing my inner child and I just can’t wait to get on it and bounce!! Love it love it love it!
@TonySticks Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you are enjoying it!
@jonathanbignall1198 3 жыл бұрын
I was recommended to try rebounding by someone at work and I too was dubious at first. I've been rebounding for about 7 months now and during Covid lockdown it has been a terrific low impact cardiovascular workout. Since the gym was closed this has been so good for my fitness, my energy levels and it has also been helpful for my mental health, I do a mixture of group classes and following along to KZbin videos. Even on days when I'm unmotivated, I usually manage 10 or 15 minutes of bouncing and always feel better for doing it.
@delanalawson9542 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly the same for me. I used to go to the gym and then with lockdown I thought I’d try this and I’ve never looked back. I do different classes via KZbin. Have you tried Naomi Joy? Or Sanfran Fitness?
@jonathanbignall1198 3 жыл бұрын
@@delanalawson9542 I do a few from San Fran fitness, some from Rebound Fitness, they both have good workouts,
@sashouskyy3653 3 жыл бұрын
a y results with your weight loss?
@jonathanbignall1198 3 жыл бұрын
@@sashouskyy3653 I've lost about 3 kg (6.6 lbs) so far. If I do more high intensity and resistance workouts on the rebounder I'd expect to lose more. I've noticed my shape has changed; my clothes fit a bit better. I need to address my eating habits next, still eating too much junk!
@iabram8993 3 жыл бұрын
Great video. Agree with everything. But you forgot to mention strengthening muscles & core. Muscles being worked means metabolism is optimised. My knee joints were starting to creek a little every time I sat down for too long and then got up to walk straight away. I’m only 52 so was gutted that I could be experiencing the beginning of arthritis. Starting rebounding 6 mths ago during lockdown and no more sore joints. There are sooooo many fantastic beginner / upwards workouts in KZbin.
@danidaw32 3 жыл бұрын
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Oh wow! Thanks for sharing that!!
@karooblue7634 3 жыл бұрын
Another great thing about a Rebounder is that you can share it with your partner, family and even the elderly (balance bar advised) 🎈
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Great point!
@AJ-pq7qh Жыл бұрын
I agree with most of what you said. The area where you and I differ is that jump roping is nowhere as beneficial as rebounding. If you have a bad back or have joint problems, balance issues …it’s only going to make your situation worse and increase the likelihood of getting hurt. It’s extremely hard on joints, back and no way to stabilize yourself like a bar to hold on to. Where as rebounding is great solution for all of the above. There are many more benefits to mention here. I have researched this subject in great detail and have spent hundreds of hours learning all about this best form of exercise. Kudos to you for covering some of the basics and did a good job explaining.
@HoLeeFoc Жыл бұрын
Sometimes its pays to spend a little extra on a bungee cord rebounder considering that in the long run, it will not only outlast spring rebounders but the experience of jumping on one is far better. My rebounder's legs are collapsible and it folds in half to fit inside its own travel bag. It cost me $400 but it was worth every penny.
@rachelkerr37 2 жыл бұрын
I love everything you said especially the mental health part, I've never heard anyone mention that part!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
I think mental health is just as important as physical health. Thanks for the feedback!
@sassysandie2865 3 жыл бұрын
Have you seen the great shape Dave Hall, owner and CEO of “Cellerciser” is in? He only works 10 minutes a day on it and that’s all the exercise he does! I just bought one and love the Cellerciser” brand. Had a cheap one but there’s no comparison. Good video!
@laurascott4217 10 күн бұрын
I actually spoke with Dave on the phone this afternoon. He is in my opinion more knowledgeable than this man. He answered my questions concerning my Osteoporosis in detail. We had quite a long conversation and I learned a lot. As I have been learning about bungees vs springs this is one thing I have learned. The bungee don't last a long time and are a bit pricy to replace. Spending $$$$ I don't expect to have to outlay more money sooner than later. Give him a call and get your questions answered.
@kathyfanchi2557 12 күн бұрын
I use a BCAN bungee rebounder. It’s foldable and I love the tension. Great informative video.
@iswimthedeeps Жыл бұрын
Rebounding also helps joint mobility in the spine. Most people get rigid which causes a lot of various issues, on the back, shoulders, neck, pelvis… Also by clearing toxins from the system by stimulating the lymph flow, it rejuvenates. Toxins accumulating in the system cause aging. Most people look and feel older than they should because of build up of toxic metabolites. Rebounding reverses aging process by supporting detoxification. Herbs and diet are other ways to eliminate toxic buildup. A lot of people suffer from autoimmune diseases. Rebounding is a great support for these folks because of the way it supports the immune system through the lymphatic system.
@marybarbee82 5 ай бұрын
I have the same rebounder, and I love it! When I first started using it, I felt sore along my spinal column and other body parts. I do have a knee that has been giving me pain, so that's the reason why my daughters got me this rebounder. I don't feel any discomfort jumping or running on this rebounder. I've been using it for 2 months and I feel energetic and no soreness anymore. Your body will adapt to the jumping so don't give up! I have more strength on my arms and legs. It also clears your sinuses. I started with 5 mins and now doing 30 minutes. Listening to podcasts or music makes time on it pass quickly. I don't even feel out of breath while rebounding and my pulse reads 120. It's the only exercise equipment I will ever use. I truly love it!
@lynndeen5809 5 ай бұрын
Sunny Health and Fitness has a bungee rebounder, too. I love mine 😉
@JESUS555 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much I'm going to use this when I praise the Lord read the Bible or listen to that Audible and just get in my secret place with Jesus
@healinggently 3 жыл бұрын
Omg that's a good idea thank you ☺️☺️
@mtnblubird4304 3 жыл бұрын
I love it!
@tayexclusive893 3 жыл бұрын
And Jesus said, jump around
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Great idea!
@LS-ii3fy 4 ай бұрын
I listen to HIS WORD while I jump for JOY! I love the Lord
@christinawilliford4005 2 жыл бұрын
Off topic compliments: nice white teeth, nice haircut/facial hair, and your voice is soothing (I could listen to you on an audio).
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Why thank you! 😊
@NaomiJoyFitness 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this info Tony! I create fun and challenging rebounder workouts on my youtube channel. As a fellow youtuber, you understand how much time we spend on the computer editing and such. I often take bouncing breaks to throughout the day to energize me and get me through my busy day. It is true! You can't be sad or made when you're bouncing! I have subscribed to your channel! :)
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Keep up the great work
@joeh3445 5 ай бұрын
How's the rebounding going? Where's the 3+ years update on the Newan rebounder experience and benefits?
@EmilyRhinier 3 жыл бұрын
I love rebounding 😊. Also, I have a bungee rebounder, and it collapses. It takes 10 seconds to set up and 20 seconds to fold when finished, and it fits under my bed.
@debravarrati3341 2 жыл бұрын
What kind do you have? I'm looking to buy one. Thanks!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
That’s amazing!
@loganjackson8667 3 жыл бұрын
Also deep tissue massages by a professional is just as good for lymphatic system . It's great to have both in your routine to stay healthy ☺️
@arleneg6040 3 жыл бұрын
Rebounding more affordable and gets to places in cells a therapist cannot. Bigger, deeper, vaster clean! :)
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@sherryclark7982 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, thank you. While the jumping jacks, and jump rope are great cardio exercises, simply jumping up and down does not offer the same benefits as catching g's on a rebounder, and it's the g's that give you all the great benefits. It's also way less hard on your joints and actually helps improve them whereas jumping rope is very hard on the joints. I broke my pelvis in 4 places years ago and jumping rope inflames my arthritis whereas the trampoline does not. Nasa has done a lot of great research on the benefits of rebounding.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I agree
@michaelbillypec 3 жыл бұрын
I rebound almost every day, it is fun and energized way to exercise, never boring because you never have to do the same workout twice, almost infinity of choices, benefits entire body from toes to the top of your head; also improved timing, balance, and coordination. think it even improved my hearing!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Infinite choices of exercises. I like that!
@michaelbillypec 2 жыл бұрын
@@TonySticks it’s a wonder why rebounding is not more popular. Harvey and Marilyn Diamond wrote in their book for for life that if rebounding was difficult and painful, required a bunch of expensive equipment, training, and a gym membership it would probably be the hottest exercises trend in the country.
@UncompressedWAVmusic 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. I've been doing rebounding off and on for years and I learnt some new valuable information on it from this video. I was in a low point lately as I stopped rebounding and felt tired and also sort of stopped meditating and this video explains the rebounding is a type of mediation which makes a lot of sense. I feel better just finished rebounding for 20 minutes and have more energy and will go out for a walk and meditation in the park now at night. Thanks Tony.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad! Thanks for sharing! ❤️
@kath.9505 Жыл бұрын
I am now 64 have been rebounding in the morning for 10 minutes to start my day now for 10 years. I also do regular aerobics and walking in the afternoon. I was that is until my arthritic hips wouldnt allow me to walk around the block or do regular exercise. I need a hip replacement due to bone on bone arthritis, but the rebounder is the 0NLY thing I can do that doesnt hurt. I now do my regular 10 in the morning and 15 to 20 in the afternoon. Best money I have ever spent. ❤
@gswguy4554 3 жыл бұрын
Jump roping on a hard surface is no where close to bouncing on a rebounder... The whole point of a rebounder is to eliminate almost all the jarring effect of landing on a hard surface like cement or floor... Rebounding creates or offers G-forces .... which means that the mini trampoline harnesses gravity which incrementally builds up your body... Rebound for a week and you should see a difference in definition in your legs (especially the calf’s). Also you get what you pay for... Bungees wear out quick and need to be replaced often.. The bounce integrity will gradually change over time... Spring rebounders offer a more consistent bounce...You can also use a 3 in 1 type oil and a spring rebounder and it should quiet down... The Cellerciser is a phenomenal piece of equipment but it is pricey $$ ... you get what you pay for... Try to buy the best you can afford..,,
@noneofurbizness1271 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed the cellusizer is the bomb and has more of a constant bounce I've has mine at least 12 yrs now!!
@kristypop 3 жыл бұрын
Love this video. Very informative! I'm getting on for sure.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@LizetteReyes 3 жыл бұрын
I love to rebound... you can’t help but to smile and feel free when you do 😊
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed 😊
@gordonbrowne8068 7 ай бұрын
Hi message from Shari B I just got a rebounder with my Christmas cash . I'm still doing short workouts to get used to it. I'm quite fit for my 62 years, and workout regularly. I run as well. ( Started that at 53!). I really like it, and found your video useful. 😊
@S_Haneef 3 жыл бұрын
Try yoga after rebounding, and you will feel even better.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Oh! That’s such a good idea
@trupureorganics5562 3 жыл бұрын
I like this video as it really explains rebounding benefits
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks I tried
@vargo0515 2 жыл бұрын
Best way to lower your blood pressure 😁, I put a WEIGHTED vest on and use the trampoline it's like a super exercise 🤗😁😁😁😂
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Hmmmm, gotta try that
@LifeLongEducation212_7 10 ай бұрын
I just got one last week glad i found this video.. comment are priceless can't wait to get started ! I have a weighted vest .. should i start with or after a few weeks. ? Any additional tips? thx
@karmacounselor 2 жыл бұрын
I rebounded while listening to your video...thanks!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Of course! 😁
@paulhaman 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! I've been struggling with finding a cardio routine that goes easy on my feet & knees, and I think this will do the trick nicely. I followed your suggestion and bought the same rebounder you have. I just set it up yesterday and all I want to do is bounce on the thing. I used it on and off for about an hour last night, and about 10 minutes after I woke up this morning. The model you recommended is completely quiet, perfect if noise is an issue for anyone. It's true about it lifting your mood. I had kind of a down day yesterday, but after bouncing for while, I cheered right up!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad! Thanks for sharing! 😊
@butterpecan9749 2 жыл бұрын
I’d surgery not too long ago, & since my lymphatic system has been jacked up, I get severe swelling in my legs, I looked lopsided..bought a rebounder, started with 10mins, 2 times/day, has helped tremendously!
@vanyc5716 4 жыл бұрын
Sold! I am getting a rebounder! Now I just need to decide which one to buy that isnt ridiculous expensive!
@nanstevenson25 3 жыл бұрын
Check into a Cellercise
@vanyc5716 3 жыл бұрын
@@nanstevenson25 Thanks! I am leaner towards getting a Cellerciser now. Seems like it is better quality and will last longer.
@gulfportgyrl8798 3 жыл бұрын
look on FB marketplace or OfferUp app for new or used rebounder for a hood price.
@sugansugan56 3 жыл бұрын
Costco has the jump sport with handle bars good price free shipping
@yourcarplace3265 3 жыл бұрын
I just turned 67 I have three rebounders in the basement that I haven't used in a while but I'm going to start after seeing this video I'm going to start working out and trimming myself up again I've been buying them over the years I bought a number of them for 1995 that's $19.95 those I bought at the old Service Merchandise which I don't think it's in business anymore I have bought others for 2995 the ones I have now I bought those in the Modell's store in the New Jersey New York area I think they just went out of business also but you can get them for 2995 and Walmart that's $29.95 almost all the ones I've ever had have been Springs rather than the bungees they're not expensive at all look around you'll find them if you're happy I'm over 250 if you use them regularly after eight or nine months you might wear them out but they're so cheap. I think the last time I saw them at Walmart they might have been 3995 that's $39.95 personally I wouldn't step up for a more expensive one it's not necessary in my opinion and I've been doing this it's 1998 or maybe even in the mid-90s. I mean if you can spend 30 $40 buy one and use it if you like it and it's going to be consistent I guess you could Step Up but don't waste your money if you're not going to use it and for $30 40 dollars you can't lose. There is a Yahoo group called Freecycle that I was a member of for a long time and I got a lot of items off of there for free like lawn mowers brand new leaf blowers a treadmill one of those ponytail Tony Little exercise workout thing that you move your feet back and forth and your hands at the same time I got that for free and I had another young lady give me one that was I think a Weider. I think she told me she paid maybe 149 for that that was pretty sturdy I may still have that too best of luck to everyone
@bluewaters3100 3 жыл бұрын
Great video...totally love that it helps keep you in your body and connect with your higher self!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@okteri 3 жыл бұрын
I have the large Leaps and Rebounds mini tramp. I love it !
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Nice! I hope you have been enjoying it!!
@sugansugan56 3 жыл бұрын
I just bought a jump sport - hoping to improve my balance, energy and tone up
@sfree322 3 жыл бұрын
I really love my Jumpsport! I’ve had it 4 years now. I use it a lot and it’s still like brand new. I like the soft jump pad (not sure the official name) because it offers resistance, but without shock to the joints and vertebrae.
@truthreigns369 3 жыл бұрын
Did a lot of research on which one to purchase 5 years ago and yes Jump Sport awesome! That is what I got but not available at Costco at that time. Nice to see they have it available plus shipping and good return policy
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@BigbangG5 3 жыл бұрын
I just gt one because I gained a lot of weight and doing basic exercises are hard. I just tried it out and let me tell u, it's the funnest exercise I did. I always feel sleepy troughout the day and now after just like 10 minutes on it doing trampoline exercises with music ( looked up a video on youtube to find a club bounce class) I felt impovered and kinda like a badass. Also, it's been 3 hours since I tried it and I feel awake still . I defenetly felt my butt working hard too ( and my legs and belly) , my glutes were pumped up after . A huge plus is that it has no sound so I can do this between night time study breaks( I have finals in 3 months and I study trough the night and my mom's next door sleeping so need to be quiet) . AMAZING!!!
@joshuabrande2417 3 жыл бұрын
It’s hard to feel blue when rebounding. Mine has has springs and is foldable, though I don’t intend to fold it and I don’t find the springy sound bothersome. I also have a support bar which is useful when trying to develop a better sense of balance. I’m glad I bought mine which wasn’t the excessively expensive one, nor he cheapest.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you are enjoying your rebounder
@brendaburki7301 Жыл бұрын
You can get rid of that squeaky sound of the coils putting oil on each of them. After a few jumps it must be well oiled. If not on the squeaky coil put some more or, mine went completely silent with that. I sold it after I bought a bellicon (softer on my body, I had a foldable urban rebounder with coils first)
@naturestillness 4 ай бұрын
For those without trampolines, You can also bounce on your feet without jumping. Soft knees, Just loosely jostle your body up and down.
@brendaleevillarreal9851 3 жыл бұрын
i know it is so much fun. i have one on in my bedroom ..
@danidaw32 3 жыл бұрын
I do too!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@Divinekimbailey 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! Rebounding makes me feel so happy and it’s such a fun workout. Thanks for this video!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Of course! 😊
@tamaraweiss687 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info. I have one, but haven't been using it. Today I start back!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@Atheria444 3 жыл бұрын
I just returned to rebounding after yoga hurt my back and I'm still healing a broken foot and ankle from Jan. 14th. I love it and pray it helps me regain lost bone density.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Happy healing!
@halcyon-cg2eb Жыл бұрын
Hey, just wondering how rebounding worked for healing your foot?
@Atheria444 Жыл бұрын
@@halcyon-cg2eb I love my mini trampoline! My broken right foot and chipped ankle (with ligament damage) will never be the same (my foot is now narrower than the left one due to how it healed and there is some bit of random ligament/nerve pain) but jogging on my trampoline definitely helped get back to as normal as I can get.
@halcyon-cg2eb Жыл бұрын
@@Atheria444 Thank you for replying to my question. I am thinking of buying a Bellicon rebounder (which is very expensive). The problem is that I suffer from a very annoying( and sometimes painful) foot problem called Morton's Neuroma. I've been researching how people with foot problems are liking their rebounders because I would hate to spend $1000 on a rebounder just to find out that it aggravates my foot. Some people say rebounding helps their foot, others say it makes it worse. I'm desperate to find a form of cardio I can do. I'm sorry to hear that your foot and ankle can't fully heal. There are many people walking around with foot problems, I know that now.... But I am glad you love your rebounder! All the best, hi from Edmonton, Canada : )
@Atheria444 Жыл бұрын
@@halcyon-cg2eb Yeah, Bellicons are great and absorb impact more, but EXPENSIVE. My 40" rebounder is from Walmart and I think cost me $35. Ha!
@mazsroy9 3 ай бұрын
Started rebounding because we found a rebounder that we think was an old friend’s. I muscle build one day, standing pilotes the next, hour walk the next but now I’m adding the rebounding for 15 minutes on my walk days. Also stopped keto and fasting (both stopped working for me) and eating small low carb meals as I am hungry during the day and stopping a few hours before bedtime. STart my day with a protein drink made with coconut or almond milk, ginger root, turmeric and cinnamon. Also, throughout the day drink lemon 🍋 in water with magnesium. Hope this works.
@dianethomas01 2 жыл бұрын
I just ordered my rebounder because it looked like fun, but your explanation of the benefits makes me even more excited! Thanks!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Enjoy!
@dannettcampbell9117 Жыл бұрын
Does rebounding helps hiatal hernia?
@gloriablair1978 4 ай бұрын
I have been jumping on a rebounder for years. I can wake up so sore especially my back and when I do a soft bounce it really helps. It does wonders for people who have fatty liver because it brings down your stomach.
@creativelady7 3 жыл бұрын
I totally believe you on this! I got some advice years ago to just do jumping Jack type of movement or variation that is easier on knees, for about 90 seconds for energizing your body. It actually works amazingly well to re-energize fir the afternoon or evening, or clear a foggy head in the morning!
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
Which rebounder you use?
@okteri Жыл бұрын
I have the large model of the Leaps and Rebounds and I love it ❤
@TonySticks Жыл бұрын
I’m jealous! That’s amazing!
@reuvensrrez9248 8 ай бұрын
I bought a Newan rebounder, but found it tight. I thought maybe it was just a cheap model. Your video makes me think it might be ok. I did remove 4 bungees, evenly spaced, and it made it a little better. Any comments welcome.
@PixelPundit42 Жыл бұрын
We just got an ORCC 10 ft to put in our back yard because nothing else was back there. I immediately was transported back to my childhood. So not only am I getting exercise but honestly it was just so much fun. :)
@ellenmoser9950 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. This is a wonderful video. I have actually ordered a bungee rebounder and expect delivery in about a week. I am researching and this was very informative and not a bore to watch. I am so excited to get started! :D
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
No problem! Enjoy your rebounder!
@misscongeniality5965 3 жыл бұрын
I love this new info, its all new stuff to me, wish I had this years ago.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful
@bexraphaela 6 ай бұрын
4:50 Yes! It does give you energy! I’ve been jumping about 20 sec a couple of times a day and idk what it is, but I feel calmer, happier, and feel the need to walk and socialize and I was the complete opposite 😂
@tawanaspence6579 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing! I appreciate your insight into your own experience. I just started rebounding 5 days ago and definitely feel benefits! I didn't realize rebounders were made with spring or bungee. Great info!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@digimom82 3 жыл бұрын
JUMPSTART. A bungee rebounder next one down from Belicon. I LOVE 💕 it! About $400 with bar
@Viking7771 3 жыл бұрын
I think 🤔 you meant to say Jumpsport
@lelawilkerson4299 3 жыл бұрын
Whewsh! I use a Mini Tramp tht i found @ flea mkt for 10 bucks/like new!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@soniadasilva5641 3 жыл бұрын
Well said . Just got mine today. Good for the mind and 💩
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Haha yes!
@Leo1903able Жыл бұрын
Thanks, this is the best general overview that I've seen on rebounding! I've also started mimicking skipping for awhile, to see if I would like to get into this genre of exercise more.
@TonySticks Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@msmontana1961 9 күн бұрын
Deep breaths good!
@gramirez72 3 жыл бұрын
This is great! Glad it showed up on my feed. And I like this guy.
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
@weatherjamaica Жыл бұрын
ive been rebounding on my bouncy bed for years.
@TonySticks Жыл бұрын
@jessicaanneobrienpcacc1187 3 жыл бұрын
The Cellerciser is great
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
It really is!
@LifeLongEducation212_7 10 ай бұрын
What is the biggest value add? Comparatively ?
@allday_CK Жыл бұрын
My 2 cents… and it’s passed but I grabbed mine on prime day. It was a good savings.
@TonySticks 6 ай бұрын
Nice! Enjoy!
@akbuilder7626 Жыл бұрын
Get the elastic band version. I have the one metal springs and its not comfortable after about 10 minutes.
@TonySticks Жыл бұрын
@juliefordreister 3 жыл бұрын
THANK you! I have been wanting to commit to 30 days of jumping, documenting it, but unsure of the why's and what to measure. This video is an informative interesting comprehensive resource! I will refer to this video... in 30 days. Thanks Tony!
@TonySticks 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Looking forward to it!
@preventnow Жыл бұрын
Hi, wanted to hear your experience, one year later?
@mysticsingingplumbercomedian Жыл бұрын
@@preventnow Interested in that myself
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