The TRANSCENDENT Worldbuilding of The Last of Us

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@jordanloux3883 Жыл бұрын
The way I see zombies, they're more of a setting addition than characters. They exist to add a tension that hangs over a location. They exist as a reminder that no place is safe for long, hence the need for constant movement.
@Blackbutterflyt888 Жыл бұрын
@justinbeiberrr Жыл бұрын
At least they should, because in some the zombies are the setting and the fact they exist build up a dimension 2d characters..
@LuisSierra42 Жыл бұрын
I think the presence of the zombies also represent the further deterioration that awaits people in this world
@jordanloux3883 Жыл бұрын
@@LuisSierra42 It can if that's what the creator chooses it to mean. Zombies are a great blank slate to explore themes, like with Romero and mindless consumerism.
@PedroMelloA Жыл бұрын
This doesn't really apply here since most safe locations are stationary ones. The QZs are safe. Bill had a safe village. Characters are usually in most danger when they get out of their safe zones. Zombies in TLOU don't force people to move, they force people to stay.
@neapolitan_pyro5620 Жыл бұрын
I think the real zombies are the friends we made along the way.
@johnstone2029 Жыл бұрын
When HBO runs out of budget for real zombies lol
@mysteryneophyte Жыл бұрын
You were wrong it turns out we were the zombie all along
@mostmost1 Жыл бұрын
Zombies are not the threat. The uninfected are.
@DanCreaMundos Жыл бұрын
Well yeah, literally, most of them end up bitten lol
@ellier2018 Жыл бұрын
Rip Tess
@flux.aeterna Жыл бұрын
Love this framework. I think what happens at the end is that Joel chooses what will preserve the meaning in his existence, but until Ellie confronts him he doesn’t realize that it’s the expense of the meaning in her existence. And that’s why he chooses to lie to her (or rather, “has” to).
@Pinkywinkykinky Жыл бұрын
In a platonic way this reminds me of Homura and Madoka's story since in the end she has to keep Madoka trapped in this illusion for her to be happy
@adler923 Жыл бұрын
The most desperately missed element from the game in the series was the lighting in my opinion. The lighting of the game was superb. I could see every grain of dust or pollen or spore floating and reflecting light. The game had so many golden hour moments. The seasons never really had a firm foothold in the series. I felt the summer rain in the game, I just felt cold in the series. The afternoon light that would stream through windows was missing in the series. The lighting in the game was perhaps the greatest production strength of the game, and it's presentation was as beautiful as a Rembrandt. The series was just boring - lighting wise. And the lack of infected made the decision for Joel to save Ellie at the end - an easy one. Nothing too controversial about saving a girl's life when the dr. was too young to be out of med school when the pandemic started, and there's so few infected that one could start a town like Tommy's. And the infected keep the population of raiders and slavers down. So yeah, it's a no-brainer NOT to find a vaccine - and to let the human race go one the way it is.
@Zephirite. Жыл бұрын
Sam's fear cut to the crux of the story: *"If you turn into a monster, is it still you inside?"* The whole story is about the depths people will go to survive, whether humanity is a hindrance to survival or an asset, and if brutality is as intrinsic to human nature as love. In Joel's case, his fatherhood and protectiveness are usually a tool for survival, each conflict ending in it granting him strength to save Ellie. But in the end, Joel proves that he can’t break out of that pattern. The world’s brutal necessity molded Joel into the kind of person who’d destroy it. Humans are terrified of losing agency and every decision is now button-pushing of necessity. Zombies drive us to become what necessity could. It’s an arms race towards obliteration of the self.
@sunphoenix1231 Жыл бұрын
I don't think so. A lot of these comments are so pessimistic. Bills' story was really optimistic by comparison by finding meaning in the relationships that you form. Not everything is going to work out for the best, but those are the things that matter. I think despite everything, it isn't necessity, but the relationships that gave meaning to Joel. At this point, Ellie is all he has, and someone treating her like an object isn't going to make things better. The relationship is what matters.
@Zephirite. Жыл бұрын
@@sunphoenix1231 That's a great point! I was speaking in terms of the structure of the story around that theme of deterioration, but the characters (and anyone in the real world) wouldn't be waxing about the outward significance of their relationship. They'd just be there for each other.
@rubenhinze7695 Жыл бұрын
I thought it was really interesting how I thought Joel's arc was about rediscovering empathy while Ellie's arc was about learning to be more capable. That they would learn from eachother and each find balance. But that's not what it was about at all. Joel's arc was rediscovering life's meaning at the cost of Ellie's life's meaning. In the end they didn't find balance, Joel was still a ruthless killer and a liar, but now with a reason for it. While Ellie became capable of protecting herself at the cost of her life's meaning.
@rosvlinds Жыл бұрын
You nailed it. They don't really improve as people like it seems on the surface, they grow into their dark side more.
@sunphoenix1231 Жыл бұрын
Ellie's life meaning is a lie as well, though. Marlene only saw the value in Ellie once she served a purpose as far as we can tell. That's not how things work. There is no chosen one, and that's not how you live a life or die by becoming some sort of martyr. I have the broad strokes of part two's story, but as I understand it, Ellie has yet to actually find a meaningful purpose to go on. Joel saw value in who Ellie was as a person. Because things like that take work. Joel may have lied about things, but it's still with the best intentions that a relatively broken man can do.
@clocked0 Жыл бұрын
@@sunphoenix1231 Yup. Joel did nothing wrong. The fireflies robbed Ellie of a choice - To give her consent for them to take her life. They made it clear waking her up to ask was not an option. Joel did the only correct thing in that situation, which was save Ellie. They robbed her of a choice. It's impossible to give her back that choice with the decisions made by the Fireflies. So then the question is, do you make a 14 year old girl shoulder that weight or do you lie to her so that she can start again?
@sunphoenix1231 Жыл бұрын
@Clocked I don't think there's really any right way to the situation. There's no path without some pain because it's one of those things that isn't going to be okay. Like a lot of trauma learning to live with things that happened is largely all you can do. Being honest or trying to spare someone's feelings aren't always going to be the right answer for one or the other.
@KhuestionableDecisions Жыл бұрын
“At the cost of ellie’s life’s meaning” oof That hurt.
@LucasDimoveo Жыл бұрын
One thing that is annoying about other zombie settings is that the zombies don’t die from exposure, infection, or starvation. In the Last of Us show most infected don’t make it long enough to continue on the spread. It makes sense
@Kefka. Жыл бұрын
Also in the Last of Us the infected are given reasons why they sometime do survive for long periods unlike other zombie shows where the zombies are decaying, and it makes no sense how they can even walk about with all the lost bodily tissue and whatnot. In TLoU the infected overtime are made stronger by the fungus.
@futurestoryteller Жыл бұрын
In the video games they make it very clear that if you lock an infected person in a room with no resources for 15+ years there's like a 50/50 chance that they'll turn into the most powerful enemy in that first game; a "bloater" a massive eight foot tall overpowered monster who throws acid boils and can rip your face off your skull with its bare hands. So like... no. I'm not sure where you got this from, especially since we see a bloater in the show, and it's similarly implied to have been locked away for most of that time.
@Bampiss Жыл бұрын
Yeah, but shame they didn't address it more in the show. If non gamer watch the series, they seriously doesn't know what is a clicker & a bloater.. how runner turn to that form. It's...just there for cameo. I understand it's a story driven show, but having a show about world collapsing from a deadly viruses but never really show how dangerous the viruses are really is dumb decisions.
@Jarod-vg9wq Жыл бұрын
One winter 🥶 in Canada alone would kill many many infected form the cold alone, you got any idea how many times it gets below zero here? Many infected would get frost bite at. And lots of community’s are isolated with rivers mountains & valleys that would be advantageous to survival here. Not to mention the other nations with freezing cold winters like Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Ireland 🇮🇪 Finland, Sweden 🇸🇪, Norway 🇳🇴 and Russia I imagine many community’s would be ok.
@TwoBs Жыл бұрын
@@futurestoryteller >in the video game >video game >game So … we’re talking about the TV _show_ … The comment is comparing TV shows to _other_ TV shows with an infection that ends the world in some shape or manner. If we were talking about the genre of games, then yeah, your comment would apply, but we’re not. Not even the TV show took the game’s lore literal (ie: no spores), so what happens in the game with the infected and how long they can last is meaningless as the show has already crafted its own lore and narratives with it. You were condescending as hell in your comment, so you could at least pay attention to what everyone is talking about first before trying to make others feel dumb for their opinions.
@BouncingTribbles Жыл бұрын
10:05 that moment was so fucking intense. He sees a zombie and kills it, without thought or emotion. The pure reflexes of survival. It's only afterwards that he realizes that he failed, the moment his brother was bitten, and gives up
@clarkgriswold4057 Жыл бұрын
@SidPhoenix2211 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for talking about how Joel saves his world, he survives... But in the process he destroys the chance for this MASSIVE thing that Ellie believed gave her life meaning. It is such a beautiful, heartbreaking ending. And I feel like often people gloss over this point in order to make things black & white, a simple dichotomy of good & evil. In the end, Joel, Ellie, and the audience get our happy ending: Joel & Ellie have a chance to live happily ever after in Jackson (a safe community). But the final few moments of the story taint this good ending by sowing distrust into it all. It's so well done.
@TheSuperRatt Жыл бұрын
I remember what Marlene said to Joel, as he was taking her from the Fireflies. And she was right; he couldn't protect her, and she didn't get her happy ending after all. One can't talk about the story in its wholeness without also including the sequel, regardless of how one feels about it.
@stephaniel2850 Жыл бұрын
See, the thing that bothers me about that first point though: Her life ISN'T meaningless if she doesn't die for others' benefit! She's a severely traumatized and survivor's guilt ridden child who's been convinced by someone who can only see her as a walking potential cure that her existence is pointless if she can't be the cure. And that's WRONG. She does not deserve to feel that way. Joel's saving her also saved himself in the process, without a doubt, but she wouldn't *be* his world, and the person who gave him light again, if he didn't inherently know how much she matters as her own person and not just the mutated fungus in her brain. It's not *just* deeply human and sympathetic that he saved her; it's morally right, and as much an act of selfless love as it was to preserve himself. However, what does make the ending so conflicting and heartbreaking - what is unambiguously selfish on Joel's part - is his lying to her about it. THAT is why everything in this video still applies and resonates; it was in THAT moment that his desperate need for the connection he had built with her won out over her right to know the truth so that she *could* , someday once she's had the chance to work through her trauma and find the value in her life on its own terms, make the choice for herself about if she still wants to gift it to the world. But instead of allowing her to have the emotions she would need to have in the meantime to get there, even if that meant her being furious with him for a while, he held on too tight and in doing so broke her trust in a way that might not ever be able to be rebuilt.
@beccazach Жыл бұрын
Exactly, that's why I don't feel like ppl should act like this ending is triumphant- it's obvious that Ellie is almost a shell of herself while Joel has this new energy bc Ellie's lost her sense of purpose and meaning while Joel gained his again. And it's unfair to Ellie bc she has no way to get closure or even move on bc she doesn't know what she could've done to create a cure, specifically bc Joel lied and she can tell. She established a relationship with him built on trust, but now that he's broken that trust, she feels trapped and has nowhere to turn.
@SidPhoenix2211 Жыл бұрын
@@stephaniel2850 I'm not saying that her death will give her life meaning. Just saying that that's what Ellie thinks. And I do think it sucks that she feels that way. Cuz there's so much value in her life. In her just being a normal kid. While I first played through the game, I didn't want her to die cuz I felt like she's just a child who hasn't even had a shit at normal life yet.
@Daniel-zg5mb Жыл бұрын
The one point I disagree with is that this is a happy ending for both Joel and Ellie. The great tragedy of this story, for me, is that Joel and Ellie's happy endings are mutually exclusive. Either Ellie fulfills her life's purpose and justifies all of the pain that led up to that moment, but Joel loses another daughter, the thing that gives his life meaning, or Joel fulfills his life's purpose and protects his daughter who gave him a second chance at human connection but Ellie loses any chance at the cure, the thing that gives her life meaning. Only one of them gets a happy ending. I think a lesser story would flip Joel's character at the last moment so that he does the "right thing" and prioritizes Ellie's happy ending over his own. But Last of Us isn't a lesser story. It understands that there is no world where Joel would make that choice, because everything we have seen from him shows him to be a man consumed by the fear of loss. That man would NEVER choose anything that would realize his greatest fears, even at the expense of everyone else in the world.
@ritenext2venice Жыл бұрын
16:10 Joel’s saying “they stopped looking for a cure” is him saying that he didn’t think that killing Ellie was necessary. Joel’s decision was always justified to me because the FFs have a biologist doing experiments on a kid in a facility they threw together and they immediately go to child murder as soon as it’s on the table
@smolmei3394 Жыл бұрын
Not only that, they never asked Ellie. There was no consent. There was no grace period for Joel to see Ellie. There was nothing the FFs give to even have a moment. There were so up in their heads about a cure, that they disregarded the fact that Ellie is a child and Joel went through hell and back with her.
@TheGJgaming07 Жыл бұрын
@@smolmei3394 plus, they didn’t even run any tests and such.. so operating without anything like that is definitely a big risk and they might kill her and not even find a cure
@paloma2364 Жыл бұрын
I agree. Killing Ellie is a moral obscenity and cannot be accepted. Joel does the right thing.
@Luckyrider1958 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGJgaming07 WOULD, no might about it. They would have had to DISSECT her brain to get what they were looking for.
@zeroone2731 Жыл бұрын
the dude was insane and I don't even consider him to be a doctor since its unethical to kill your specimen just to find a cure plus killing ellie is the worst decision ever made I'm seriously questioning if that guy really graduated med school considering he always bring his diploma with him in the game
@kodekorp2064 Жыл бұрын
They're not zombies, but the Last of Us in the game's story was amazing because its really a story on people and the world how people made the story. Of course you're going to run into the side affects of the dangerous black swan event dealing with the fungus monsters, but you don't always run into fungus monsters. The real monsters are the people and surviving the world the people made it into.
@jordanloux3883 Жыл бұрын
They're monsters that turn you into one of their kind if you get bitten. That's basically a zombie. Edit: Christ you guys are analretentive...
@kodekorp2064 Жыл бұрын
@@jordanloux3883 You can argue zombie-like features that share similarities maybe, like mindlessness, but because these are actually fungi, they are a hive mind and as seen are able to make decisions or give command / instructions to the the hive. There’s multiple levels of mutations with these creatures too. You can đây they’re both have a need to continuously feed, but they don’t. The fungi just looks for new host to spread the hive. They don’t need feed, as seen in episode 2 at the end. They’re just there speeding up the mutations of a human being completely controlled by the host (fungi) and assimilate. Assimilation is something zombies don’t do either, as they’re zombies are completely mindless. Etc.
@pintolerance785 Жыл бұрын
​@@jordanloux3883 Werewolf and Vampires are actually zombies. Got it.
@aj_art7201 Жыл бұрын
@@kodekorp2064 these are zombies. reacting to external stimuli does NOT equal intelligence. zombies are creatures which are generally "dead" that 1. Attack and eat Humans. 2. group up in swarms, which is their largest threat factor. 3. completely lacking in self preservation. 4. the ability to add any person killed or bitten to their numbers. TLOU zombies are basically fast zombies with a few extra quirks. A zombie getting killed and then the fungus attracting other zombies to its location using stimuli. it is on some level a hive mind, but you could apply that same definition to normal zombies as well, as they all act the same, ect. A hive mind (at least one where the minds are connected and its intelligent) would strategize based on what one individual saw, and would also have WAY superior of an advantage when it comes to information gathering and transfer, as a hive mind (at least some interpretations of one) is basically one individual in many bodies. and so on and so on. @Pintolerance Werewolves and vampires have self preservation, as well as some of the points I sad above.
@dogoo5867 Жыл бұрын
Their zombies
@SeyhawksNow Жыл бұрын
Copied from a comment I made on a different thread: There's a line I overlooked in the first game that resonates with me so much now. Bill said about the Infected "As bad as those things are, at least they're predictable. It's the 'normal' people who scare me." The Infected weren't in the show as much simply because they aren't the real monsters. The second game doubles down on this idea by having us kill way more humans than infected on a path of vengeance. A cure for the fungus can't undo the damage its caused and forced everyone to do to survive.
@carcas3d Жыл бұрын
yeah agree they survive the infected long enough to start communities but the real threat is the people with theyre own selfish agenda just like how Joel becomes that person at the end for his own selfish gain
@corkaczarownicy Жыл бұрын
I agree. I think it was the pandemic that made me realize that people will use the crisis situation for their own gain. When people where mass buying facemasks and disinfecting gels, so they could sell them for 10 times the regular price because it was sold out everywhere. In The Last of Us the people are far more scarier and far more deadly than zombies. Zombies are just the setting, not the story itself.
@foxylovelace2679 Жыл бұрын
What I think balances out the necessity is that the characters still have the urge for connection. Joel won't let himself really love Tess or Ellie at first but he wants to. Bill gave himself fully to Frank. Henry did everything he could for his brother Sam. Survival is not enough for humans. We will always seek meaning and connection.
@1lamafarmer Жыл бұрын
Henry as a nurse technician is the most specifically accurate thing I've ever heard.
@souredgrapes Жыл бұрын
From the first twenty minutes of the game, The Last of Us tells you exactly what the story is going to focus on: the struggle of people. Sarah and Joel spent the incredible build-up of the prologue barely surviving from a city overrun with the first waves of the infection, but they are ultimately stopped -- not by the zombies and the sickness that they feared, but by the other people that they had sought out for safety. This is the core message of the story; the Last of Us has always been about the human experience and the choices that people make to survive.
@kappatrappa Жыл бұрын
I've seen a lot of people complain about the show not having so much zombies but genuinely once you remove the non-story sections from the games there are very little zombies. The zombies are part of the game experience, but not the story. The story is about the last of the humans and their lives living in a broken world, zombies just happen to be a part of the obstacles in the world. Weather, sickness, other people, they're all things that still exist. There's more to their lives than zombies.
@Bampiss Жыл бұрын
Yeah, but shame they didn't address it more in the show. If non gamer watch the series, they seriously doesn't know what is a clicker & a bloater.. how runner turn to that form. It's...just there for cameo. I understand it's a story driven show, but having a show about world collapsing from a deadly viruses but never really show how dangerous the viruses are really is dumb decisions.
@AmandaabnamA Жыл бұрын
That is a ridiculous conclusion. You can say that for any cut scene in any game. The infected weren't obstacles unless someone needed to get killed off. It was a plot contrivance. There was no balance regardless and they didn't acknowledge in the show whatsoever. Those are issues ppl have to worry about regardless. They 100% wouldn't have treated the world for this if they weren't scared of being piled with the heaps of zombie shows/movies over the last 20 years
@dragons_red Жыл бұрын
The gameplay is most definitely part of the story, not just the cutscenes, because that is the medium you are working with. The problem is in the translation to a different medium (TV). Yes, you don't want the show to be entirely about them hiding from or killing infected, that would be boring after a while and take away from the scariness that we should feel towards them, it goes with the medium. At first I praised the show for doing this after ep5. But then they went totally opposite. They needed to occasionally remind us WHY all this drama was going on with showing/encountering the infected. Otherwise, they rest of the story becomes a heavy handed drama without context to nest it in.
@izul4223 Жыл бұрын
there is something poetic about the ending where ellie is one of the only characters who has a meaning in life gets brought to her destiny and then joel trying to keep his meaning of life robs ellie of hers making ellie a zombie eventho she is the only imune person on the planet
@ethantopdog10 Жыл бұрын
This is an incredible show. Thank you schnee for providing incredible content. Can’t wait for Arcane season 2
@StoutProper Жыл бұрын
What’s arcane
@ethantopdog10 Жыл бұрын
@@StoutProper Arcane is a Netflix show that is loosely based on league of legends but has incredible characters and plot
@applejuice6459 Жыл бұрын
​@@ethantopdog10 it's so good and I've been waiting too.
@StoutProper Жыл бұрын
@@ethantopdog10 what’s league of legends?
@amayyaduvanshi2706 Жыл бұрын
​@@StoutProper it's an online game with characters and their backstories, would recommend you to not play it though.
@WutTheFink Жыл бұрын
I don't think Frank and Bill were zombies. The main theme of the episode seemed to be "survival ISN'T enough"
@calechipconecrimes 8 күн бұрын
I saw someone say once that in the game, Bill is a cautionary character. he's who Joel could become if he pushes everyone away. in the show, his purpose as a character is to show who Joel could be if he opened up and let Ellie in. he could have a life instead of just surviving.
@sakurap95 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how Ellie is going to regain that light in her eyes once they make part three.
@carcas3d Жыл бұрын
something will ignite in her heart
@MonkeyPowerkey Жыл бұрын
She'll find her own Ellie. And she'll have much the same journy as Joel. But in the end, she will choose the other option. The one Joel didn't choose. It'll be a bit different. And i think it will end with a more possitive outcome. But Ellie got to pass on the choice she wanted. But she'll see the value in what Joel did. Because what he did is why she could be there to give someone else a choice. Someone who would not have a choice if she wasn't there.
@dragons_red Жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter, because they ruined her in part too. They turned her into an irredeemable monster who has a inexplicable change of heart far too late in the story. All to present a sophomoric theme of "who really IS good or bad in this world?". According to nihilist Druckman, nobody is. I agree good people are driven to make bad choices, that was done well in the first game. The second presents a world where nobody would bother fighting to stay alive, because there is nothing (morally) worth fighting for, just a bunch of completely self serving and psychopathic characters that constantly defy their own logic.
@tinkertoyz Жыл бұрын
infinite props to the tlou writers for this transcendent experience of a show but also props to schnee for just amplifying and explaining all of the amazing little details that i think most people wouldn’t notice. really impressive how you’re able to go so in depth into things, that is a sign of a great writer
@freyak5048 Жыл бұрын
I know you covered this with your ‘great tier’ of world building being people but I can never express enough how brilliantly TLOU expanded viewers comprehension of how its world worked through its side characters. Every key character driven moment we are given there has been some form of example of it prior that has demonstrated what the inevitable outcome will be. As the viewer we become subconsciously sucked into sharing in the characters ferality (don’t think that’s a word lol) or how you put it ‘zombiness’. We understand what has to happen and that comprehension is what frays our tether to our reality and absorbs us in the world of TLOU. Much like with the cordycepts infection our gut survivalist instincts (as informed by what we have previously seen) begin to take precedence over our logic, we delve deeper into our animalistic NEED to survive. As we ourselves are not a part of this world we project this ‘need’ onto the characters in front of us. Essentially; through the use of other characters (people), the show writers are able to teach us lessons on how this world works which allow for us viewers to fully cognise and immerse ourselves in the story. Sorry if this makes literally no sense it’s 4am here and I haven’t slept in 36 hours yay 🎉 ALSO SCHNEE IF UR READING THIS I LITERALLY LOVE YOU SM UR VIDS ALWAYS SLAY TY!!!!!
@hypnoslug9303 Жыл бұрын
I feel like there’s an extra layer with the last of us zombies because they’re fungus zombies. The fungus takes over their minds and controls them, and I feel like it taps into a human fear of having their control taken away. Also, there is some symbolism with the firelights tree in arcane
@msdm83 Жыл бұрын
The lack of zombies give the world a realness. People would live a life that avoids the infected. The infected will have run out of food sources Sudden brief and intense is how people would interact with zombies in that world
@kristofnagy5829 Жыл бұрын
It never ceases to amaze me, how much depth you find in these stories. Great show, great world building, and an even better review. Plz, keep them coming.
@jordyhitty Жыл бұрын
You do realise the show had the best storyline for a video game adaptation and they actually made it worse for the show
@kristofnagy5829 Жыл бұрын
@@jordyhitty you just earned your name with this reply :D
@theogofguitar Жыл бұрын
Left a comment saying ‘no they didn’t have infected as much because of this!’ And then deleted it after I thought and watched everything all the way… I never even considered this story with that concept in mind. Well done, amazing video. I learned something new about a franchise I’ve obsessed over for 10 years and have a new scope and lens to appreciate it more. Amazing content
@bananabonzai Жыл бұрын
Also, don’t the infected have a limited lifespan? Recently infected people turn into walkers and gradually transition to runners, clickers, and then bloaters, depending on environmental factors. I think the lore states that not all infected get to the bloater stage, suggesting that they die before getting to that stage. And even bloaters probably die after some time, so after some decades, a lot of the infected would’ve naturally died off.
@joganesha4151 Жыл бұрын
I just wanna say you're a big inspiration on how I do presentations. I tried your method of showing the main points in big white texts displayed on the screen as I present the topic with an image relating to said topic as the background. It's a bit harder since I have to remember a script but honestly, more satisfying since I get to understand the topic even more.
@davidrosas2127 Жыл бұрын
Damn schmee you are good. Every new video you dive so deep into narratives I don’t even think the writers were thinking of it
@picafresas1182 Жыл бұрын
Been thinking the same thing 😂
@cheeseburger7788 Жыл бұрын
the issue is the creators thought gameplay would be boring to watch so they removed it all, but what they failed to realize is that the gameplay sections pace out the story. that’s why the ending episodes have so few zombies and feel so rushed
@ethanhandel1001 Жыл бұрын
I think it's worse than that. This show removed the spores being a problem, that coupled with the lack of zombie interaction makes the world feel much safer than the game's version and I think it makes the desperation for a cure in the show feel false.
@eoz27 Жыл бұрын
Gosh this was an awesome video. I have watched a few of your TLOU analyses and I love how you connect the writing theory to what’s happening in the story. I used to write a lot but haven’t written consistently in several years but these videos are really inspiring me to start writing again. It would be cool to see a foundational writing series from you. Great content, thank you!!
@dungeonmaster378 Жыл бұрын
Connecting zombies to mindlessness, and connecting mindlessness to the characters through their lack of control is so profound! I feel like I learned a whole new appreciation for the series as a whole through this video. ❤
@axiemakesedits Жыл бұрын
Great video, great series, great day when schnee posts!
@Blackbutterflyt888 Жыл бұрын
@axiemakesedits Жыл бұрын
@@Blackbutterflyt888 Yep schnee makes amazing content!
@Tripod9648 Жыл бұрын
The necessity section and the finale section where some of the best and most eye opening sections that made me open my eyes to this world and see it in a hole new different way. Necessity consumes the world, the people, the infected, governments, cultures, everything and everyone is affected by necessity. If it feels wrong, its because it is wrong. Joel was suppose to be a father and brother. Tess was suppose to be a mother and wife, Sam and Henry were suppose to be regular kids, Kathleen was suppose to be a sister. These suppose to be’s, are now replaced by necessity. The need to survive, the need to keep going. What truly separates a clicker from the people that are just living to stay alive? Both just existing, not living. This is why Fireflies are a thing, why FEDRA is still in power, why communities like Jackson are formed, because people don’t just want to survive, they want to live. As for the final section of the video, I just love how it’s pointed out the concept of necessity is twisted by its ending. While Joel might have fought for something to live for, Ellie did not. Joel’s actions are consistent with his character, but not Ellies. Ellie is forced to lie to herself, to believe that she and Joel have done everything right, and the one person that she desperately tried to love and trust, is lying to her. While Joel has the eyes of a broken man, Ellie looks at Joel with necessity.
@chorbi1847 Жыл бұрын
15:50 “We are the walking dead” -Rick Grimes
@noemicharlotte3267 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't figure out why the finale ending left me feeling so empty, but you put it in words, dude. I think another reason that goes with what another comment said (Joel fighting for his life's meaning at the expense of Ellie) is that in that final episode, it felt like he became someone that took away Ellie's autonomy. When that was the *one* thing that I consistently loved about him and his character! So many times Ellie defies him/does stupid stuff, and even though he first resists her, he still lets her do it. E.g. when they were on the road and he says they're going to avoid the next section. Ellie doesn't want to. Joel says there's stuff there she shouldn't see. She goes anyway and *he* *lets* *her* Obviously the fireflies took away her autonomy first, and I think he was right to save Ellie, but there could have been a way to not lie to her about what happened. Or to make Marlene tell Ellie the truth and figure things out. That way it might not have felt like he was taking away her choice/control/etc.
@loper42 Жыл бұрын
I agree with the theme of mindlessness. This is such a fascinating question that I didn't notice upon watching the show or playing the game. I think more infected/zombies would help the show a bit, but they nailed the main themes and characters in the show regardless.
@jovi4793 Жыл бұрын
The environment itself in the show demonstrates the damage the cordyceps caused so it kinda feels like the zombies are always there in spirit even if they dont show up in the episode imo
@noname3941 Жыл бұрын
I also feel like the last of us shows in the zombies that people who didn't play the game know how dangerous they are without meeting as obviously in every single episode
@RGC_animation Жыл бұрын
An interesting thing is, pretty much EVERY SINGLE TIME an infected appears in Last of Us, one or more important people will die, whether directly or indirectly, without exception. This makes it so that the zombies aren't over saturated, and every scene they're in is meaningful and drives the plot or a character arc forward.
@adler923 Жыл бұрын
The most desperately missed element from the game in the series was the lighting in my opinion. The lighting of the game was superb. I could see every grain of dust or pollen or spore floating and reflecting light. The game had so many golden hour moments. The seasons never really had a firm foothold in the series. I felt the summer rain in the game, I just felt cold in the series. The afternoon light that would stream through windows was missing in the series. The lighting in the game was perhaps the greatest production strength of the game, and it's presentation was as beautiful as a Rembrandt. The series was just boring - lighting wise. And the lack of infected made the decision for Joel to save Ellie at the end - an easy one. Nothing too controversial about saving a girl's life when the dr. was too young to be out of med school when the pandemic started, and there's so few infected that one could start a town like Tommy's. And the infected keep the population of raiders and slavers down. So yeah, it's a no-brainer NOT to find a vaccine - and to let the human race go one the way it is.
@moon_xwasntavailable 4 ай бұрын
That last point, that terrible exchange, one life’s meaning for another’s, is something I never noticed beforehand but seems so profoundly integral to the show now you’ve pointed it out
@merlin8046 Жыл бұрын
I LOOOOVE your videos. The ways you describe things I couldn't put into words, the ways you separate subjects, put them into different boxes, name them... Man... You have no idea how helpful this is with my own world building. Thank you, seriously.
@schnee1 Жыл бұрын
glad to hear it! :D
@DaniRavioli Жыл бұрын
I liked Kathleen. “Kids die all the time”. I mean, damn that was cold.
@dachristiangamer Жыл бұрын
This show made me feel like they wanted to kill Elle for nothing when Marlene said it’s for the better of the world I’m like from what? There’s literally No infected all they did was just walk through empty areas.
@Emma.S. Жыл бұрын
Yeah. The show adaptation really takes away from the ‘desperation’ sense of the choice. When this happened in game, there was so much discussion online about if Joel did the right thing, because in the game we get to truly see the destruction of the zombies and why people have become who they are. It made many second guess Joel’s decision (after the initial hoorays of saving Ellie wore off of course).
@dachristiangamer Жыл бұрын
@@Emma.S. yup there was no infected Threat in this show, in the Game you actually saw why the world Fell because the treat of infected was prominent but in the Show it’s like people are bad just Because they felt like it One day so why should Elle die to save a world that has a Low probability of Changing so I’d say in the show Joel made the right Choice while in the Game it’s still up for Debate.
@tysonely Жыл бұрын
I found the minimal amount of zombies refreshing. I almost didn't even watch the show because I was burned out on zombie stuff. Glad I did watch it.
@MavenCree Жыл бұрын
Well, TBH, we DID get an awesome horde (horde?) of angry ghosts in Return of the King. We need more of those. Cause they're awesome. 😁
@schnee1 Жыл бұрын
fair enough 😂
@MavenCree Жыл бұрын
I just looked it up. A collective group of ghosts is called a Fraid. 🙄🥴😂
@jordanloux3883 Жыл бұрын
@@MavenCree Now they just need to team up with an army of crows and then it's a fraud with a side of murder.
@VadBlackwood Жыл бұрын
@@MavenCree I love the fact that I can't just tell if this is real or not
@Ac-qe3zr Жыл бұрын
I love your arcane vids! And this one too. You have a creative way of thinking keep up the good work 👏👏👏
@honie_bee Жыл бұрын
What I find as especially interesting food for thought is that the infected in tlou have been implied to work similarly as real cordiceps in the way that it takes over the body but the host remains concious for at least some of the process. In the game, there are easily missed instances of more recently turned infected crying and pleading with themselves to not eat/attack people. This goes along with your points about zombies representing a fear of mindlessness. I tend to think of it more as a fear of losing our autonomy/free will. I think this is especially true in your points about the humans of tlou being forced to do things out of necessity but I also find the concept is rooted in Ellie's arc as well. Ellie takes her freedom of choice/autonomy very importantly. Yet, she is constantly in a position where choices are made for her and we see how hard she fights against that. Many of Ellie's main conflicts involve her not having the ability to make a choice or others making choices for her. There are instances of this sort of conflict with other characters of course, but it is most prominent with Ellie. That, to me, makes the connection of the zombies/infected and human survivors of tlou even more interesting.
@MartinJacobsen-j9t Жыл бұрын
Hope you don't mind me sharing some thoughts. 1. The episodes devoid of zombies in the show did have zombies in the game. But the problem with a lot of these scenes is that you need a lot of time and money to make them and they don't actually help build a story. It also doesn't seem believable to mov down 40+ zombies in the span of 20 mins when real people do it, whereas video game characters have different rules for that. They were a core part of the gameplay which was more or less equal to the story in the game where in the show it's all story and so they aren't needed as much. 2. The ending scene in the show is pretty much one to one with the one in the game. You'll probably hear this a lot I'm sorry, but the empty look Ellie gives Joel in the end was there originally. Maybe I'm just way too deep into the gaming mindset and I am guilty of having played it more times than I can remember. Either way I would suggest you watch the ending one more time. It's worth a watch just for the sake of the comparison. all the best!
@lilac.mascara Жыл бұрын
Just to add to the first point as well, it's really mostly just meaningless action to have ellie and joel constantly fighting the infected. Even if you haven't played the game it's pretty obvius joel won't get bitten and ellie is imune so her getting bitten doesn't really matter. The constant fighting of infected in the game simply doesn't translate to the medium of television from a story telling perspective.
@evafleury5538 Жыл бұрын
​@No that's basically what the showrunner said. There wouldn't be much of a story if Joel and Ellie had to fight infected 90 percent of the time.
@MartinJacobsen-j9t Жыл бұрын
@@lilac.mascara Absolutely agree. It felt a little off when I first watched it because I felt something was missing. But after a while it started to make sense. Although as a game designer I wouldn't call it meaningless. Not in the game at least. Because it makes the player struggle and gradually we as a player relate to the struggle of the characters. But as you said, that doesn't translate in the show medium.
@lilac.mascara Жыл бұрын
@@MartinJacobsen-j9t I meant it would be mostly meaningless in the show not in the games. In hindsight I should've made that clearer haha I also haven't played the game before I watched the show so I didn't really have anything to compare it to.
@arwenspicer Жыл бұрын
I really loved this reading! The idea that the characters themselves are zombies is right on, but something I wouldn't have thought of. I also think it's important to culturally locate zombies' origins in Haiti. I've seen the Haitian concept of the zombie (directed by a "zombie master") described as a response to enslavement, a representation of the horror of being told your own will doesn't matter, that you must live and die at the command of someone else. Worth mentioning, I think, because Haiti is important to a lot of the history and culture of the Americas but rarely gets the credit, as Black/African contributions to Western society are often erased.
@Krustenkaese92 Жыл бұрын
I like how the thesis of this video actually applies to last of us part 2 as well
@sanjalijain4778 Жыл бұрын
The Layers In this video are INSANE! 1. The World-building and Characters of TLOU 2. The Necessity Arc 3. Henry and Sam Death Scene 4. Why No Zombies ? Why Zombies? 5. Mindlessness and Existential Crisis 6. EVERYONE IS LIVING THE LIFE OF A ZOMBIE! Mind. is. BLOWN.
@Danversdiary Жыл бұрын
I literally started to cry when Joel killed the doctor and said, "I swear" Because he lied, but he lied to Ellie. The only difference is that now he has a _reason_ for it and that reason is her but that's what makes it so heartbreaking. He did the right thing but for the wrong reasons. It was selfish for him to decide for her but would it be worth it if she died? She wouldn't even be able to get to see the end and that's what nobody told her. Not even Joel in this moment. It's so brilliant i will never get over the world building in this game nor show.
@sunphoenix1231 Жыл бұрын
Marlene took any choice away, Joel never had a chance to let Ellie choose for herself.
@Orzagh Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of the best quote of the comic of Walking Dead (that I did not see used, but I stopped at season 4) It is when Rick is fighting some other survivors in the prison, walks out just absolutely frustrated about how everyone is at each other's throats and desperate and exclaims "They aren't the walking dead. WE are the walking dead." One more reason why the show never lived up to it's potential...
@Orzagh Жыл бұрын
I see one weakness in your analysis btw. David might've needed to become a cannibal, but he did seem to consciously embrace his pedophilia and his threats of violence. He had agency there, and he chose to be evil. All the rest makes sense though!
@Doople Жыл бұрын
I don't disagree with the premises,however, feel this better describes the game. While you can say the character define the setting but if they are reacting to nothing or overreacting to very little then it doesn't work. In the show they go days and miles upon miles without seeing zombies. In the game we are constantly dealing with zombies and seeing them in the surroundings. We also are constantly getting smaller stories that end in death by zombie. While some people will say it's just for gameplay, not all of it is pew pew gun time and second the zombie shoot outs also feeds into the story/setting which is why TLoU is highly regarded. Ultimately in the game it feels like the world is barely hanging on and it's a miracle that settlements exist at all. It make sense that everyone is so isolated and so desperate to keep their groups alive because literal monsters are around the corner always. The show heavily undermines this by not including many zombies. Why are the fireflies so concerned about the zombies? Why is everyone so isolated in the first place? Just avoid big cities and establish trade through the zombie free roads. Literally there is no reason for everyone to be so desperate unless you assume people are naturally assholes and won't work together in general. Of course there is multiple examples that people do work together to form societies so it's not that completely. I guess they just get together to do evil things because all the farmers died off and no one can figure out agriculture. Even the very ending is changed by this. In the game's original ending there is a sense that Joel decided to let the world burn because he cared more about keeping his new family. This feeling is really strong especially because of the tunnel of zombies players had to deal with right before the fireflies show up. Of course some people still feel Joel is justified but those feelings are usually pretty strong because of the story, setting and gameplay feeding into a sense of danger wherever you go and Ellie being the only known chance to make it safe.
@schnee1 Жыл бұрын
Very fair points. It's a delicate balance to include zombies enough that they're a big part of the story experience but withholding enough to focus on the main ideas about humanity. Even though I enjoyed the episodes themselves, I think even one more major zombie scene in the last 4 episodes would have felt like a better balance? But hard to say how that would have affected other things.
@williambritton1717 Жыл бұрын
Most cities were bombed so it would make sense as to why they’re barely any zombies. Only a few survived or were stuck under some ruble like when Ellie found that one zombie she stabbed.
@szymonwarsocki3942 Жыл бұрын
+ its been 20 years
@I.Simmonds Жыл бұрын
Mike Pondsmith when talking about Cyberpunk (The Table top RPG) you can't save the world you can only save yourself.
@emmanuelboakye1124 Жыл бұрын
@jamesanderton8817 Жыл бұрын
13:17 I wanna believe that this was intentional... you being mindless and making an error in the word mindlessness.
@apstrike Жыл бұрын
What 'how to write' books do you recommend that are in line with how you analyze story? What I'm really looking for is more of a shopping list or a menu, than a cookbook, in the sense that I want a broad list of ingredients to choose from and a brief description of the finished dish, but not specific recipes for everything, because that would be a huge book and I never follow the recipe anyway. The idea is to look at the shopping list and menu before writing each scene, to ensure I've got all the ingredients, or when I can't think of a way ahead for a given character, plot, or setting.
@ToomanyFrancis Жыл бұрын
Having not watched the show yet and only played what I assume is about halfway through the game, it's interesting that you point out that the most zombies are in the first two episodes. One of the things that drew me in to game quickly was the fact that zombies are not the primary focus of game for the first hour or two of playtime after the introduction. I didn't even feel like zombies were the primary threat until the museum, and even during that section the game focuses primarily on establishing a relationship between Joel, Tess, and Ellie, and of course very shortly after the primary threat is no longer zombies. The only section that has distinctly focused on zombies is the Lincoln/ Bill section, where there's some moments of story telling, but it is entirely spent in the presence of zombies, a fantastic homage to the "We Don't Go To Ravenholm" chapter in Half Life 2. edit: also pretty neat that TLOU pays homage to Half Life, then Half Life pays homage to TLOU in Half Life: Alyx.
@theninethrees8044 Жыл бұрын
In the show, the so called “Safe Zones” seemed more dangerous than rest of the country. There was absolutely no fear of zombies, the world felt completely empty with no tension. The Walking Dead did it way better
@winterfire1097 Жыл бұрын
Jackson was so unrealistic too. Like it looks like a resort versus a safezone and here I thought Alexandria was a bit over the top when Rick and Co arrived with its Showers and AC.
@DavidMusic5885 Жыл бұрын
you know what?? well done, the ending of the last of us... i have never been able to figure out WHY it was so good, my answer was always "he chose Ellie". I think youve had a good idea here
@tyrenmcelwee1404 Жыл бұрын
The fact that the drama takes places mostly in the wilderness tells you zombies are limited.
@john80944 Жыл бұрын
I think, worldbuilding is like magic system: its strength is hidden in COST. The beauty of worldbuilding is about the hazard, and we as humans always use hazards to define a place because we can only have life if we can survive. More correctly, it's about the perils, the products, the joys, the hopes (quoted from Arcadum's channel). This idea was used to make cultures, but it can works with characters too, especially when modern people moves a lot and you will have to consider everyone brings their cultures with them. I think why TLOU works is that the hope (and the implied future) is necessity too. And if future exists, the past traumas won't disappear, they would be as pronounced as the future will be.
@HxH2011DRA Жыл бұрын
"I wonder what monsters have nightmares about...humans probably."
@theuwutsar Жыл бұрын
The only bad part of the show was how the commute arc ended. He just changes his mind and takes Ellie. Sure, he gets injured doing so, but a connection is never formed between his deterioration and him getting stabbed. It would have been so much better if we could hear his perspective of it, but we don't, and it's just glossed over because he ends up effectively walling the injury off and, at the beginning of the final episode, he's completely fine and no mention of his injury is made
@garretthorner Жыл бұрын
This is exactly the idea that was behind George Romero's invention of "Zombies" and I love it. One of the only other pieces of media that truly strikes the same cord of the fear of becoming a "zombie" in life is Shaun of the Dead. Unrelated but I'd love to see you do a video on Castlevania
@PlatinumAltaria Жыл бұрын
The story is not ABOUT zombies, it is BECAUSE OF zombies.
@Theomite 7 ай бұрын
I have some small disagreements. For one, even in the 20th Century, people understood that apocalypse movies weren't about the apocalypse or even the things that created it (zombies, viruses, oil wars, etc.), *it was about the people.* Civilization collapses because the people panic and give into their worst natures. The Apocalypse doesn't TURN people into monsters, the Apocalypse BRINGS OUT the monsters that were in each of us, according to their individual personalities. The other that you didn't touch on is that for all the complexities TLOU gets right, they still make another common mistake: each of the villains succeeds at their villainy. I'm reminded of what A.C. Bradley's _Shakespearean Tragedy_ mentioned: each villain in Shakespeare's plays fits the narrative they're in; but put them in a different play and they don't. Put Iago in _Hamlet_ and Hamlet kills him before Act I is over. So one problem with TLOU is how each villain seems to be perfect fits for their respective environments. None of them are fledgling in their roles, they all seem to possess the traits necessary for them to do what they do. It'd be interesting to see a villain or antagonist attempting to do their job but failing to do so because for all their efforts, they just aren't that person and can't pull it off.
@lunarlightasmr4660 Жыл бұрын
It’s because, canonically, in the lore, most of the infected eventually die, and rather quickly actually. Can’t remember exactly where, but I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed most infected die within a few years, and those that survive tend to because of the right environmental conditions. I believe canonically it was stated as essentially once the infection takes over enough of the human host, they find a place to basically lay down, die and allow the fungus to continue to grow basically just as a plan to produce spores and spread it further that way. With this in mind, it makes sense: most of the world was infected, and then they just…. Died.
@blindmarth Жыл бұрын
There are 0 zombies. Because they are infected, not zombies. 🤦🏻‍♂️
@MochaKimono Жыл бұрын
I'm so giddy that you keep covering media I enjoy. I also saw House of Leaves in the montage there, and I'm now dying to know what you might have to say about it.
@emmanuelfernandes5610 Жыл бұрын
MY GOD. THIS WAS SOME WRITING LESSON. Great, great content!!!
@SadieMacDougall 17 күн бұрын
As someone who played the game its crazy how little infected they added. I remember being traumatized by all of the important zombie encounters in the game that they didn’t include in the show
@nonuvurbeeznus795 Жыл бұрын
Yep... The Last of Us is a story about being doing what they have to do. 'Choice' doesn't exist. Look at both games and you realise it's really just one domino falling after the other.
@freyak5048 Жыл бұрын
Literally yes this is perf
@yusip9328 Жыл бұрын
Omfg, there are no zombies. They are host, the infection are human, and not zombies. While humans are infected but not dead, parasite(s) control the human make them spread more infections However the parasites make sure not to kill the host(s). The biggest point of the last us, is a game or movies about decisions and consequences. It never been about Zombies, you figure out when you see the last of us 2, if you haven't play the game.
@Tadicuslegion78 Жыл бұрын
Biggest problem I got was the lack of a sense of danger in this world in the show. In the Game, danger and dread was everywhere and could come at any moment, in the show, the lack of infected was really starting to hurt it because you go, why do you need a cure again if the infected are only in certain locations that can be easily avoided
@WokuGames Жыл бұрын
Haven't watched this video yet, but I love this man and want to help the algorithm ❤
@Stivonza Жыл бұрын
Awesome Video. You are always reviewing and referring movies and series, that i like. It blows my mind to be honest. The one thing you didn't touch from my list is the "cornetto trilogy" and "the expanse". Maybe you can give it a shot. Who knows, you may actually like it and maaaaaybe do a vdeo about those :P
@erinbathie-moore8478 8 ай бұрын
Another thing thats popped out to me about the vampire/zombie/werewolf transformations in gothic literacture, is that they HAPPEN TO people. It's an unwilling change inflicted on them that they now have to live with (Btw, what movie scenes are you showing at 13:40?)
@crazyinsane500 Жыл бұрын
Just goes to show you can explain any bad writing decisions. Can't wait for the video really going into why it totally makes sense for the Earthbenders from M Night's The last Airbender didn't just bend the Earth around them because of their broken spirits.
@v1lemin711 Жыл бұрын
that shot at the surgeon still hurts knowing what happens in the last of us II
@jackdoyle7453 Жыл бұрын
I think that was the only major complaint is that there weren't enough zombies. It lacked that tension the game had, when you had to try and sneak past the monsters.
@louisvictor3473 Жыл бұрын
Here is the thing: Joel didn't doom the survival or humanity. After the direct aftermath of the outbreak, humanity took a massive set back, but she seems fine in her walled settlements. Even industry is still up, people be making guns and medicine, and even managed to savage and keep running things like hospitals able to do brain surgery. Exterminating the infected and torching the place, quarantining zones, establishing some safety protocols, rebuilding (and by jove do so better this time), it all seems at hand. With the knowledge of the spores and with clearly still having labs and other scientific facilities around, honestly, someone coming up with a means to exterminate the fungus is not out of hand even. All he did was close the door on a maybe things going "back" to something more like the previous status quo, because the fireflies actually managing to produce a cure candidate and it actually working ain't guaranteed either. And honestly, when you consider that in the Last of Us human global society already failed to prevent global warming from making shit seriously worse and so just an attempted return to "just how tihngs used to be, but with fewer people and definitelly more mentally scarred people in charge"... Joel might have saved humanity. From itself. In this world, it is not speculation: the previous status quo did already lead to a castasthropic disaster. Trying to just go back to that, except with far fewer people and with plenty people in charge/positions of power who not only have those old ways that lead to disaster internalized, but they're also severely traumatized and scarred and definitelly didn't get enough theraphy? That is not really salvation, it is not saving lives, it is not a cure. That is going back to your violent abusive spouse whose last tantrum only didn't kill your by lucky coincidence. It would be this universe's humanity's self-anihilation sentence. Which, dunno if intentional or not by the writers (definitelly not by Joel though), it means that ensuring that the only way forwar for this humanity is to partially reinvent her societies, it was just... necessary.
@oLiennable Жыл бұрын
This has to be the best video on this plattform! Super interesting, a joy to watch :) cheers!
@IbisFernandez Жыл бұрын
they put so much effort into explaining the mycelial network. if you step on a fungus they all come running at you... an awesome plot device that was never used again.
@TerryYelmene Жыл бұрын
THE BEST - There can only be one best analysis of TLOU and for me, this is it. Brilliant!
@ToastyMcGrath Жыл бұрын
One detail that I liked was that in Boston QZ, wires were strung up between buildings. We see this in places with deteriorating infrastructure, and it fits perfectly with the setting. Going underground is dangerous in TLOU, so if wires fail, they just string them up above ground for cost and safety reasons.
@finnish_hunter Жыл бұрын
Well it is because The Last of Us was never about the infected, it is just like The Walking Dead, it is about how humanity changes when met with such adversity.
@winterfire1097 Жыл бұрын
Minus great villians. Kathleen was definitely no Negan or The Govenor, hell she wasn't even Alpha of the Whisperers.
@L3one3 Жыл бұрын
You always have really insightful analysis of the stories that you bite down into. Love to see what you think of the Re:Zero series. they're releasing season 3 soon and the first 2 blew me away. Less concise but every bit as impactful as arcane
@diegoavalis3886 10 ай бұрын
good gods, this video is perhaps my favourite piece of content in KZbin, its fighting for the top spot with the potato war final, and veritasium's video on entropy
@unitoolzee Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad that the zombies are mostly background noise in the show. It is called “The Last of Us”, not “Zombie Fight 2023”. Anyway, zombies were already tired and played out about 5 years ago.
@PaperRabbits_ Жыл бұрын
19:00 "Zomhies" :)
@dodge2025 Жыл бұрын
The jolt of memories I got from seeing The House of Leaves cover was shocking lol
@braedyz8220 3 ай бұрын
Came for the Cinema/Character analysis, stayed for the random Twice MV clips.
@comradetaco3003 Жыл бұрын
Wicked good analysis. Borrowing your frame work for school papers. 10/10
@daynanielsen6956 Жыл бұрын
I wish I was more eloquent when writing comments, but you genuinely change my life perceptions after watching your videos.
@LeJuice Жыл бұрын
Man, that little scream that Ellie makes when Henry kills himself... I can still hear it, it was so heartbreaking and chilling
@maliakamel4683 Жыл бұрын
What’s amazing about the last of us is that the villains of the story are such monsters that we forget about the actual monsters
@j.1759 Жыл бұрын
19:00 "find the heart of your worldbuilding ideas and develop them until they expand into even everything they are not"
GREAT VILLAINS are TESTS... (The Last of Us Ep.8)
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Is MASCULINITY Changing? (The Last of Us Ep. 3)
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