Hazbin Hotel's MASTERY of TONE
How Miyazaki Writes WOMEN
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@Siegfrido 10 минут бұрын
Ah yes when Aragon ignored how cool everyone find him it's cool, but when I do my therapist says I'm insecure(?
@lindsayprice1456 Сағат бұрын
Why does charlie have to have a sin? She is the only beacon of hope these sinners have left at redemption.
@kr7492 2 сағат бұрын
i fucking love this, i usually don't watch videos of characters analysis but i love Hobie and if you can analyze him properly, imma watch the whole thing fr so i thank you
@miravlix 4 сағат бұрын
You analyze something already written and say because it was highly quoted, it is highly quotable. This does make it pretty hard to plan without a time machines, so not a good analysis.
@elepapelashvili9553 4 сағат бұрын
benzo and little man was a father son relationship i think
@elepapelashvili9553 5 сағат бұрын
you did a really good job :)
@helloworldIdont-863 5 сағат бұрын
it was confirmed that between the time when caitlyn and vi got to Caitlin’s house, it was morning. you can see the sunrise. they go to the courtroom at the evening. the writers confirmed that we will get to see what happened between that time, but for now, we have to speculate.
@azuki_O 7 сағат бұрын
I can't help but think about how Disney said about Wish that they took inspiration with watercolor in their movie and it's so visually boring. Now look at Gwen's dimension. It looks like a painting, the colors, the brush strokes it looks incredible. That is what I love about animation, the creativity of people, it shouldn't be stifled by studios... '
@austincde 9 сағат бұрын
This is great & it really is that simple , control= death. To sound completely cliche, what Angel lacks in resilience he makes up in grit. Like, its not ego its pride, if your ego dies and you don't have the will to survive through all the hurt & confusion then its like you are empty. Angeldust has something in his heart that he wants , I think it's to be free (I'm sure it's more than that but I don't like to speculate too much)
@Mag3.1415 10 сағат бұрын
I swear they had a team of psychologists working on this show-
@jiangjun1781 10 сағат бұрын
I think the reason billy started to "care", if you want to call it that, about max's social life is because she was talking to lucas, who is black. It doesnt state that billy is racist but it hints at it throughout the season
@wESEeU 11 сағат бұрын
This is an amazing video
@CalmRVRS 11 сағат бұрын
*References MTG*, instant speed like and sub.
@johnnyringo5777 12 сағат бұрын
Idk man Grayson was an enforcer that was willing to help look out for the undercity so her being replaced wouldn't be a good thing. Also it's not like the council was just gonna give up on finding the person responsible for the bombing if she couldn't find them
@blessedandbiwithahintofmagic 12 сағат бұрын
Oh my goodness this is such a good analysis, thank you sooooo much, this explains sooo much!
@kkrishna6001 12 сағат бұрын
This scene and the minutes that follow are a great achievement in cinema❤... But most of the rest of the movie is trash.
@zzz_naptime 13 сағат бұрын
I've seen so many people go on about how angel dust is a "bad representation of s/a survivors" and I think they forget that 1) there's no such thing as a "perfect survivor". there is no "right way" to react to the trauma that is plaguing your life at every second of every day BECAUSE 2) mental health IS REALLY MESSY. it can be difficult for even the most understanding people to wrap their heads around. the reason why someone does what they do is not always a quick easy answer of "oh x happens so that's why they gave x response". angel is a COMPLEX character, probably the most complex I've ever seen. in a far less complex version of Angel's arc, Charlie would of been the one to "turn him around" and give him a happy ending, have him go to heaven and finally be rid of all of his problems, everything is just fixed like clockwork. I'm really happy the writers didn't go down this route. because mental health IS messy, the solution and recovery is NOT going to be quick, clean and simple. not every survivor can leave their abusers with ease (hell angel is literally trapped in a contract with val), not every addict can just put down the bottle and be done. it takes a lot, and I think husk is the PERFECT character for angel to get through this with. husk is stuck in a contract too, he cannot quit being the hotel's bartender. and of course, while husk doesn't understand every aspect of Angel's life (such as the abuse he's suffered), he's able to stay with angel while he continues to get through this. I'm sorry for such a long comment and what I said may not even make sense. angel is a complex character that I'm still trying to fully wrap my head around. I just have a lot of thoughts regarding angel dust and his arc. I'm not saying that I think it's written perfectly, I'm saying that I think it's written better than a lot of people give it credit for.
@BeekersSqueakers 13 сағат бұрын
Dark girls are sigma females
@dejahdanger 13 сағат бұрын
Loved the video. Great analysis.
@Grandpa_Marl 15 сағат бұрын
@Hy-Brasil 15 сағат бұрын
they didn't invent this however. harken back to your youth when you read books by Dr. Seuss.... i did not mean to rhyme that... but anyway... relevancy is the key. why is the rum gone - always fun at parties. 'ello poppet - when you find your cat who has been hiding from you for three hours after she saw getting the cat carrier out of the closet. they're more like guidelines - any time you want to break the rules. just remember what happened to that one guy in the third movie. make sure there aren't any karens present. oh and don't forget the piratey accent. at present i can't think of any recent movies (or books) worth quoting. the last time someone tried they simply yelled/sang "peaches" over and over - which was annoying. haven't seen any good memes lately either. i'm really beginning to think hollywood truly is dying and it's taking us all down with it.
@DazzlingAction 16 сағат бұрын
movie it first half repeat the second half now the dialog....
@meganm.matthewslpcccgt6120 16 сағат бұрын
Speaking as a mental health professional, I would love to see you take more deep dives from the angles you described near the end of this video (Angel and Charlie's relationship, the abuser characteristics of Valentino, even a line-by-line analysis of "Loser Baby"). This video was phenomenal from the perspective of someone who uses popular media therapeutically; so much so that I'm trying to figure out how to break it down into session-sized pieces for my clients who know the show.
@malaxcode 18 сағат бұрын
why dont you say "singkid" for short???? its stupid iknow
@grandowlz345 18 сағат бұрын
"Gobbled up the characters themselves" as a guy was being eaten in Cannibal town got me.
@zackv4850 18 сағат бұрын
I would say that hazbin is deep and not that shallow I just think it starts on the surface level and gets deeper over time. Charlie’s parental issues, vaggies struggles with identity and getting over being part of the genocidal regime of heaven, alastor’s hatred of people and narcissism, Its just taking a lot of time to really dig into everyone and until it gets there they will seem shallow.
@mtheoverlord7840 19 сағат бұрын
Okay maybe Gwen dressed up as a traffic cone because she sees herself as a hazard... But my headcanon will always be that she went as VLC Media Player for halloween
@Meraxes6 20 сағат бұрын
The second to last line really sums it up for me: “It’s time to lose your self-loathing, excuse yourself, let hope in, baby” this is something we all need to hear sometimes, he’s encouraging Angel to take back control of how he sees himself, how he feels on the inside despite what’s happening to him on the outside (which is out of his control).
@Zayceofspades 22 сағат бұрын
11:10 "I ain't even here" is so me ngl I say this all the time
@JamesParker21 22 сағат бұрын
This is the umpteenth time I've watched this video. I find it good to think over. Miles Morales not being Spiderman is 100% true. Peter is a great character, but Miles is his own character. You help me see that when i listen to your explanations. I look forward to Miles finding his name in the third installment.
@matthewisguy7336 23 сағат бұрын
0:01 Dang look at that creative person...
@signsandsymbols 23 сағат бұрын
Stephen King does this in almost all of his books
@xking6184 Күн бұрын
Gwen is not trans bru☠️☠️☠️
@aziraphael0690 Күн бұрын
LOL what, the 'jinx going insane / bad' plot was just as bad as game of thrones, if not even worse. absolutely cringeworthy.
@CoNteMpTone Күн бұрын
i think the word you were looking for is "mature". A word our generation only knows from porn, but thats actually the core trait of Miyazaki characters. They might still have immature traits but they "come of age" or already have an understanding of their role. The "Duty" you are talking about is their feeling of something greater than them that simply has to be done. Everyone who has kids knows what im talking about. It comes instantly once you become a parent. Ofcourse not only then. When you said "they have no inner conflict", thats a bit oversimplified. I feel like every single one of them has some sort of inner struggle but its mostly not written in a very explicit manner because the story is not ABOUT that. Its about something being more important than your inner struggles. And i believe this is what we all really desire and also what the "lofi girl" may be symbolizing in that sense: Purpose. Its not that they "embrace" or "accept" their "work" or "role", its that they see greater purpose ahead of them and once you have this feeling, nothing else matters. Here is why we desire this feeling so much: in our natural state, everything we do has a greater purpose: Survival. Every berry you pick, every rabbit you catch and every wolf you scare away is almost heroically contributing to your tribes survival. Nowadays, survival is more or less guaranteed or at least much easier (even in third world countries and really down bad places in our world, its much less threatening than 20.000 year ago). Naturally we live in purpose basically 24/7 and our brains kind of need this. Nowadays we simply dont have it so one of the biggest drivers we have is gone and it feels bad, empty, useless, weak etc.
@amoz0n Күн бұрын
I think that Qwen definitely wanted to confess her feelings for Miles during that moment however at this point in the moovie she just needs someone to talk to and doesn't wish to complicate it until she's worked out her shit. It's somewhat tradgic because she can’t even do that as she's still lying to him and feels she can't be open and honest with him
@JestersPrivilege18 Күн бұрын
This fucking hurt. I didn’t realize how similar I am to angel. It felt like u knew more about me then I do
@tapedtothewallXD Күн бұрын
The show is also stylized and art directed to a tee
@bhagsingh4428 Күн бұрын
Go for 'Bahubali 1 &2' from Sam director There's a headcutting scene in 2nd part with a lot of backstory with one of the best Dialogue ever I listened in watching movies
@Marveledits-aesthetic Күн бұрын
Such a mtf ep 3 of last of us 🤢🤮🤮💀
@hunterodwyer2626 Күн бұрын
I've been watching this trilogy my whole life and never even considered that
@headcanon6408 Күн бұрын
I can't wait to see these ideas play out when Avatar 5 releases in 2061
@BeekersSqueakers Күн бұрын
You don't always want shots after a day of work. Sometimes you just want a beer.
@rijusnar1994 Күн бұрын
Very simple : Japan culture and traditionnal Japanese women lack of ego , don't have the western féminist mindset, are independent and strong on their own without denigrating men,they don't cry . Miyazaki is a japanese senior from the old time and know how Japanese women used to ( still are for some , more than western women nowdays). Female in western culture : need constant validation, mostly féminists ,have ego and denigrate and belittle men, aren't féminine anymore ... Basically trash .
@MollyDollyy774 Күн бұрын
The whole horrible situation Angel Dust has with Valinetino kinda hits for me, I never went through what he did, yet Valinetino reminds me of my Mother {Just without the S e x stuff} just alot of yelling when things aren't the way she wants them, and denying my Identity, with Truama in my past, and experience of some Gaslighting, Blackmail, Transphobia, and some Neglect {Which is all denied by everyone} when... Like Angel Dust said _"It's not an act"_ That line hits... My pain and truama is not an act... My dissociation is not an act, the fact that I have an Alter that comes out to... I think Protect me... Even though they don't do it in a great way... It's scary, my Mother says stuff like _"You are an Uncultivated child"_ my Father says stuff like _"Your mother does everything for you and gets nothing in return, just abuse"_ which isn't fair... I get blamed for being upset, I'm a Trans Lesbian {Unable to Transition due to my Situation...} I'm Trapped and have no Control of my life, I'm Treated like a Child when I'm literally 20, I drink to numb myself but I'm cutting down now, I'm reaching out to which is good, I _S e l f h a r m e d_ last Summer, and I had _S u i c i d a l_ Thoughts that I tried to act on... But a Friend I was talked out of it by a Friend on the Phone, I still get those thoughts... Which gives Angels last line in _"Poison"_ hit _"Wish I had something to live for tomorrow"_ I know how things can be, how scary things can be... What it's like to have Trust Issues, I have a Different view of Romance to alot of people, I hate: Rock, Emo, Punk, Metal, and Love songs {Those are all Creepy and Triggering to me} I hate MCR and Green Day, those bands Trigger me, I also hate the song _"Mr. Brightside"_ that song Triggers me. In a Relationship in the future I want my Relationship strictly private, there will be no Singing, no Dancing, no playing Instruments {All of that is creepy to me} there would be no Kissing, Handholding, Hugging, in Public {Everything will be Strictly Private} On Dates, the Bill must always be split {on every date, Including the first date} on the wedding, there would be NO Vows, NO Priest, NO Religion, NO after Wedding event, NO _"You may now kiss the bride"_ NO _"Congratulations to the happy couple"_ I will not Invite my Parents {My future GF could Invite her parents If she wanted to} we'd only have a Handful of both our Friends, and that's it. Before starting the Relationship, I would tell my Future partner to not accept Flirts or Complements from anyone but me and Visa versa {I will never accept Flirts or Complements from anyone but my future Partner} I find Romantic gestures creepy. I'd feel loved when my future Partner is with me, next to me, making me feel safe. I just have a very different view of Romance to alot of people... And want a nice Strictly Private relationship, with no Kids, I never want kids, I just want a nice Strictly Private, Quiet, Loving relationship Sorry for my Rant, Angel Dusts situation is one that real hits, even though our Situations are vastly different
@blessedandbiwithahintofmagic Күн бұрын
There is actually an alternative model for alcoholics recover - Alcoholics Anonymous is the current iconic model, but there exists a second type which is about controlling alcoholism, and allows people to drink in small to moderate quantities even after recovery. AA is a temperance program, that is deeply rooted in Christian moralism - their abstinence model tends to work well for extreme cases of alcoholism (there are also secular abstinence model organizations, since it works for many cases) - those with moderate alcoholism tend to prefer limiting rather than eliminating alcohol from their life (this information from a psychology textbook I read cover to cover about 8 years ago).
@TheLostHeadphone Күн бұрын
@shnee This was a very compelling analysis! I love the ease of understanding with these complex analyses that also has helpful visualizations. Also, the examples paid with the specific scenes is awesome. One thing to consider. Given the name "Angel Dust" and the drug connotation with that name (crack), I'm wondering if the reason that they called him Angel Dust because of the drug itself, the highs/lows/intensity and drug addiction itself. Hope you see this and respond!
@TheLostHeadphone Күн бұрын
@shnee This was a very compelling analysis! I love the ease of understanding with these complex analyses that also has helpful visualizations. Also, the examples paid with the specific scenes is awesome. One thing to consider. Given the name "Angel Dust" and the drug connotation with that name (crack), I'm wondering if the reason that they called him Angel Dust because of the drug itself, the highs/lows/intensity and drug addiction itself. Hope you see this and respond!
@skyeyeah5711 Күн бұрын
“Looming over all of it is the trauma of control” holy shit.
@The__Leo69 Күн бұрын
Best part is repeated reference to fire and water.