The Truth About Being an Influencer

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@iNightra 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely now prefer "influences" like you and Evan Edinger, as you are very real and open about topics like these and the position your in, unlike others who I often feel are putting on a show/act for the camera or it just feels very commercialised and I much prefer the chill vibe. Also a lot of people I used to follow are now simply to rich for me to relate to, having very fancy houses/cars/constantly doing hauls ect
@morehannah 2 жыл бұрын
Tiffany Ferguson has a great video about influencers who because of their money and lifestyle from being an influencer become unrelatable - really interesting!
@ForTheLoveOfMusicals 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy it when someone gets giften something they wanted but couldn’t justify buying (like how Jessica Kellgren Fozard got a vintage looking mobility scooter) but some spons don’t feel genuine or you just see too many people being sponsered by the same brand which gets annoying, but I enjoy what the creator makes, so I’m glad they’re getting payed too
@puffmaggie 2 жыл бұрын
microscopic celebrity culture omg. what an amazing term. i work as an editor for a content creator and brand videos are by far the most stressful - some companies truly are hell and just keep picking and picking on what to mention or not that it's ridiculous. i am so happy i am not the one dealing with them and just gotta deal with re-edits lol and it is ridiculous that they say "make it your own ad!" and then wanna put all the words in your ad. in terms of friends, i feel like the youtuber friends circles post less and less online but definitely saw a lot of "collab for collab" back in the day, probably feels more genuine to not have that kind of dynamic in a friendship though.
@morehannah 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah the constant collabs were very 2014!! Omg I feel so bad for my video editor when we get a bad brand!
@ellieoberstein4172 2 жыл бұрын
What I find weird about influencers is how endered towards you all I feel,. I'm 23 now and have been watching KZbin videos for maybe 9 years, so I really feel like I have grown up following your lives, very much like a friendship. Right now, it feels like such a personal and tangible event in my life that you and many other creators I follow are starting families! I've even talked with my friends about KZbinr baby updates. I always considered KZbin one of the least 'social' of the social media platforms because it is often one way (she says while writing a comment in reply to a video) but I think it definitely does satisfy so part of my social interaction needs. I often think about what my life would be like if I was born 20 years earlier. Would I be more driven to deepen friendships if I didn't spend like 4 hours a week learning about the lives of relative strangers? But there's always the argument that social media gives us the option to find social connections that are more inlin with our thinking, so perhaps we would always eek out strangers lives to follow but in books or magazines. I appreciate the influence you have had over my life :) Ellie xx
@joannaloza1148 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, what you say is very interesting. I often wonder if that « « relation » to creators on this platform fills in the gap of my lack of friendship/connection in my life. And what would I try to do without it. And I don’t really know how to feel about this. But I do agree with you, everyone I « follow » has a positive impact on me because they offer great content/art/insights and because they’re awesome 😊
@bethany9477 2 жыл бұрын
This comment is just 'chef's kiss'👌
@msdenise1234567 2 жыл бұрын
I never see youtube as a social media either, but you're right!
@audreyr5938 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's interesting when an influencer promotes items that they didn't buy to their audience, because even if you like the item you are promoting, you never had to make the choice whether or not it is worth the money for the item. But then the audience is exposed to the item with the inherent implication that it is worth their money to spend on it. I do think some influencers really value the trust they've built with an audience and wouldn't promote an item that they don't support but also like, we are all just strangers on the internet and who knows how much you were paid to say nice things, like you sell your audiences trust to corporations that may or may not be trustworthy. (I'm using "you" in the general sense not "you" specifically).
@cheninblanc 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that's true not everything one would like is worth one's money
@CorinneDemyanovich 2 жыл бұрын
I've missed your videos! As a non-influencer, I also find the system of getting free stuff when you make more money so messed up! Says a lot about our society and capitalism... ugh.
@Narnendil 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah and just as Hannah touched on, I don't want a lot of stuff I don't want! It's just wastful for the environment and takes up a lot of space at home or takes a lot of time to find a new home for the stuff I received.
@laura__5544 2 жыл бұрын
People are so judgmental of influencer jobs as being relatively "easy" work, like traditional office jobs are rocket science? Obviously there's a big variation, but that's probably also true for influencers depending on the types of content they put out. I think the much more important potential criticism is how the person uses their platform and audience.
@GretchenHasTheFloor 2 жыл бұрын
I love seeing conversations like this. When I graduated college it was during the Great Recession when getting a job in your field was very difficult. Many of my friends ended up in the food industry instead of landing jobs in their major, but I did. I was so excited I landed a job as a staff writer at a newspaper. I was really thankful I was working in my major but felt a lot of pressure to never complain and felt a lot of pressure and shame when I wanted to change careers because everyone kept saying I had a such a cool job. No job is perfect and sometimes it’s too easy to get caught up in appearances or this idea that ״we aren’t thankful״ for opportunities we have if we aren’t only showing the happy side of things
@marthabjo 2 жыл бұрын
I think it super important and great that you talk about how some of the perks, like getting free stuff, isn't necessarily *just* a perk (and is a messed up system), and I also think you're absolutely allowed to say that sometimes things aren't as great as they seem. A free trip can be both an amazing opportunity AND not what you expected/completely exhausting/what have you - that's just how life works, and I actually think it's something that is relatable to "normal jobs" as well - if I get to go through a conference or take a course through work, that can feel like it's a big deal, but sometimes it turns out to not be that interesting, or the food was bad, or what have you. What I'm saying is, sometimes people with normal jobs get perks too, but no one expects us to be only positive about it so I don't see why you should have to be.
@heatherclark2701 2 жыл бұрын
I was definitely shocked when I found out celebs don't even pay for a lot of the designer things they wear
@eva1601 2 жыл бұрын
I work for a designer fashion brand and for the A list celebs they GET paid to wear the clothes. My company pays like 100k EUR for around 2 photoshoots + a few appearances at shows/events + posting on social media but also they give out testimonials something like 10k in clothing allowance that they can spend at our boutiques. I just--
@chelled.4622 2 жыл бұрын
"Not all cool people are internet celebs, and not all internet celebs are cool people" i love this!
@TheDisell 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the humility but I also think you shouldn’t feel bad having complaints. There are pros and cons to pretty much everything. You clearly understand what qualifies as a serious problem or not so if you need to vent about the frustrating aspects of your job it shouldn’t be seen as being ungrateful. It’s just transparent. 💕
@michelleheegaard 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly got really pissed when I learned about influences and celebs getting free stuff just through the mail and unprompted. The rest of us are out here slaving for what we have and you get shit for free.. while also being in a position to (more easily) buy those things?! I don't blame the influencers and people like you Hannah. It's just the system I'm mad at.
@TheDisell 2 жыл бұрын
I agree about the free stuff. I think the most frustrating part is that it’s never going to end. It’s not going anywhere. And like sometimes it’s nice to get something you were interested in offered to you (I say as a person that’s only really been given gifts from family members. 😂😂) I do like the idea of those gifts then being regifted to their audience. Though it would be nice if it could be guaranteed it’s going to someone who wants it rather than someone wanting to win a giveaway.
@thatjillgirl 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree on the random unsolicited free stuff. Sounds so annoying! I would wind up giving most of it away. I definitely see the appeal of an influencer job (being completely in charge of your own schedule would be fantastic, for starters). But it's a lot of work! Every time I think about starting a small vlogging channel or something just as a hobby, I just think about how much actual time and effort is required to do it well and realize that I don't actually want to commit to that.
@michelottens6083 2 жыл бұрын
The performative approachability, and this performed rise from normalcy to fame, is to me still the most awkward aspect of "influencer" media, or celebrity culture more generally. And the corporate gifting of adventure, luxury, and a platform, is definitely what props that up. The "influencers" that work for me, that aren't draining but fun and energizing, are definitely all believably transparent about their jobs being jobs, quirks and all, while having a clear and nice message to give through all their "influencing". There's nice open messaging to this and the other channel you're running, so that's nice. What I'd be interested to know is if you feel you've risen to fame for otherwise substantial media production/performance, or if you feel the social media performance of socialite celebrity itself is what got you there. To me there's enough substantial achievements on display here, but I can imagine this is one of the big confusions of the job.
@MsArtsyGeek 2 жыл бұрын
This was such a wonderful chat! I feel like being open and honest about the reality of this kind of job is so important, because without an open dialogue things like sponsors taking advantage, the weird ickyness of free promotion, and a blurred boundary between audience and creator would just continue to be slid under the table. I think about the free stuff conundrum a lot. For a while 90% of what I watched on youtube was book related content, but I began to feel so uncomfortable with some of the videos because of the type of marketing you talked about in this video. Haul videos in general are something I don't enjoy watching, because they just feel like subliminal (or not so subliminal) advertising for large number of products that folks are often sent for free which the audiences may feel more compelled to purchase at full price. Thank you for your transparency and wonderful deep dives into things like this! :)
@sachasimmons5944 2 жыл бұрын
i totally get what you mean about sending stuff to people who can easily afford it. it’s like when owners of restaurants tell celebrities it’s on the house because they love that celebrity. they are the people who are gonna spend the most money because they CAN spend the most moeny
@fionagrantham-davis7879 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so open! In terms of the free gifts thing - I think that it's definitely creepy that you get sent things that you don't ask for or need. I would fully prefer if influencers were asked by a brand if they would like a certain thing, and if the answer is no, then it shouldn't be sent to them. The brand can always ask so many more people! However, if the influencer says yes, then there should still be no guarantee that they will advertise it. Anyway, thank you for sharing your side of everything, I appreciate knowing the BTS.
@AnneleenRoesems 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about free stuff! I think it's so strange that influencers get free stuff without the brands asking or even prior notice. I wish this wasn't a thing. I don't think it's bad that influencers get sent stuff, but at least it should be something they want.
@BookNomming 2 жыл бұрын
I do find the free gifts frustrating especially as when youtubers started on early on they were relatable, just normal people doing normal things spending normal amounts of money. But now they get free gifts when they can afford them and recommend things that their audiences can no longer afford (naming no names but a few specific ones I can think of) it must be hard to stay relatable to your audiences versus becoming almost inspiration/aspirational for them. Also I see with a few others that influencers suffer with the boundaries, people thinking they know more about you than they do, assuming things about you… very much a celebrity style lifestyle but in such a different format that feels much more intimate for the viewers so the become more entitled to your life…? I’m not an influencer just what I do pick up
@wibbley_wobbly3580 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's completely valid to have complaints and criticism for your own job no matter how "easy" it seems from the outside. For me the issue is that for influencers to make a living they have to participate in a system that promotes overconsumption, I'm sure it is a difficult balance to strike with increasing climate anxiety all around.
@sirvileminds 2 жыл бұрын
Talking about the free stuff, I used to do a lot of music journalism and gained a fair few followers and became well known locally for reviewing bands and always being at gigs, and I was bordering on influencer territory albeit it on a local level. There were times when bands would contact me unsolicited and offer to send free merch/music. That was really cool and I always made sure to thank them publicly and post a review. The issue, however, was that sometimes the music wasn't too pleasing to my ears - i.e. it might be punk or ska when I'm not a fan of those genres - so I was like, ugh, do I have to review this? But if I didn't it felt like I was being rude or ungrateful, and that's the double edged sword you mention. It's hard because you want to please the people, but you're making a sacrifice of your own pleasure by listening to music you wouldn't normally like. It was fun while I did it and I met and interviewed loads of great people and bands, but behind the scenes it was time consuming (especially while working full time), expensive (travel to venues out of town, hotel rooms, drinks at the bar, and gig entry (although I did get in for free a lot of the time)) and sometimes boring and tedious, particularly when editing reviews. My advice here to anybody would be, try it out, but don't expect immediate results, it took me nearly 2 years of hard work and hangovers to get any sort of recognition. Saying that, I have absolutely no regrets, it was worth every second, but sadly, due to other costs and venues closing, I had to stop it, which is another risk, business can fizzle out.
Thanks so much Hannah, really interesting vid, just getting into the early stages of all this so it's wonderful to hear your experiences, Mike
@marielkrupansky5579 2 жыл бұрын
The free stuff is definitely not limited to celebrity--it also extends to basically all other industries. A friend's dad was high up in an automotive company and got FREE GAS FOR HIS CAR AT WORK. Also, I know the president of my University gets free housing and travel expenses on top of a huge salary. Back in the 90s my dad used to get a company car to use. I think it's so weird that the more money and prestige a person has the less they have to pay for things? Like it doesn't make sense.
@bethowens8863 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for discussing this Hannah. I'm not an influencer, but I do work in content marketing and there are certainly a lot of overlaps. I think a lot of the misconceptions about influencers e.g. 'It's not a real job' stem from the fact that most people only ever see the end product e.g. a blog post, a KZbin video, or an Instagram post, and aren't privy to the amount of admin and time that often go into making these projects happen. Even the smallest details such as the hashtags and links included can create days of back-and-forth between brands. I do find it funny when I hear people say how much they'd love to be influencers - it's almost always people who think they won't need to do much (actual) work.
@Jenny_796 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience with this “ungrateful” stuff. I can easily see how you can be annoyed by PR packages cause it’s great but probably after so many years and being able to pay for things you don’t feel this *free* sparkle anymore. I noticed a weird thing about lifestyle influencers this summer. Cool insta blogger, a woman, was having a bunch of gifted/sponsored experiences through summer months and it just seemed like… her whole life was an ad? I don’t know, probably she was fine with that and happy. But you go on 3-4 small trips a month like a sample for everyone to see.
@Tasmetu 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video Hannah! I am a tiny channel and one of my videos is currently getting more attention and I am receiving hate messages and it really messes with my mental health & I don't know if I want to continue. So, thank you for putting my mind to rest by reminding & explaining the reality. Also, I could not agree more with the aspect of the free stuff getting problematic & rich people getting everything for free while some don't even have food to eat. It is really twisted.
@hannahwatson4336 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, I love hearing your thoughts about this new industry
@haydenbrice7317 2 жыл бұрын
I was super poor growing up and heard people talk about how you shouldn't give things (like money, clothes, food, housing etc) to poor people because they should be working for those things and people shouldn't have them unless they've "earnt" them. I disagree with this. But it makes me really upset when I think about all the children who don't have things to live when the rich (especially the 1% but basically anyone upper middle class and above) gets things for free anyway. If we have the ability to give things away, then that should go to people who need it, not those who can afford it. It's manipulative of the brands to: a.) guilt-trip creators into advertising for them b.) make the audience think that it's a product someone they admire likes when they haven't even seeked it out. It's using parasocial relationships for capitalistic gain and feels really gross to think about. I also don't like it culturally for "influencers" - I want the cost be a factor in the things they advertise. If it was free, of course it's fantastic and great and worth it. But when it's the cost that non-influencers are paying, is it still those things? I don't know because they didn't pay for it and haven't actually factored that into whether or not they want to own it. Also, how many of all of these "unsolicited gifts" just get thrown out or dumped at op shops? How much of it just sits in a creators closet never to be seen again? I worry it's a lot. Especially considering how big of a market "influencing" is. These are my vague immediate thoughts on the #gifting problem.
@waynegillham6894 2 жыл бұрын
I have been following you for a few years now and I must say this has been my favourite video, perhaps ever. I truly appreciate your honesty, self-reflection and insight into your field of choice. If I were to be an online “Influencer”, this dialogue would be the most useful tool around.
@mooremackenziel95 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an influencer marketing manager. So this was super fascinating to me. I always love hearing the thoughts of creators. I think of myself as a creator advocate at my agency. Even though it's my job to be representing the brands I know that the creators don't have enough people fighting for them. So anyways, thanks for this! I'll keep doing what I can to help making things easier for influencers :)
@zoeziebee 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this Hannah. It’s nice to hear you’re still so grounded. I totally share your views on the free stuff thing - being on the other side it annoys me that celebrities who have lots of money are given so much for free - I understand why, it just feels unfair that they get something for free they can someone else couldn’t afford but could dearly want or need. I think some influencers help balance this by giving things away, though I’m sure there could be challenges with that. Like you say, people always have things they complain about; no outwardly appearing ‘Great job’ is going to be perfect all the time and when people say that it is I simply don’t believe them It’s good to hear your view of the whole thing: the good, the bad, and about how you try to include your personal values in how you are a part of the world of influencers.
@caineh2379 2 жыл бұрын
Super appreciative that you made this video about content creators. Gives the truth into what is going on behind the screen and what's going through some of their minds including your grateful own! Keep being great! 🎉
@summerkennedy348 2 жыл бұрын
I've always wanted to be an influencer for as long as ive watched youtube. However the responsibility of having a potentially huge audience and public shame really let me realize if i wanted it or not. I do, to an extent. So I just make little videos and vlogs for fun. I like to create and if one day im super popular then people have things to watch.
@emmaleshirley910 2 жыл бұрын
KZbin and creator videos are my go-to when watching tv. I really enjoy watching everyone’s content so so much. Some creators do so many ‘ad-gift’ insta stories and that honestly drives me a bit mad. I just click off them. It just doesn’t make people feel happy seeing creators get sent so much for free, when we we’re all having to buy, or saving so can’t buy, or can’t afford the products. The sponsored videos etc doesn’t bother me personally at all because that’s how you guys make money and keep making content…. Hope that makes sense and I don’t sound rude! I love watching creators so much! Haha. 😀
@rribbonss 2 жыл бұрын
I don't mind the term "influencer" because it's accurate for what the end result of your job is - not only influencing people to buy certain brands but influencing people to make better decisions by educating them. I think "content creator" is super super vague and not really a useful term (it sounds kinda like trying to say influencer without offending anyone haha I see it as saying womxn instead of women meanwhile women should just be an inclusive and respectful term in and of itself). On the other hand, there's "educator" and "entertainer" which are also very accurate depending on who you are referring to, some "influencers" really do fit under that title more than they do under entertainer or educator.
@aylahuseyinoglu6274 2 жыл бұрын
This was super interesting Hannah, thank you! I think you do super important work, and I follow a lot of people with similar content styles but also lots of lifestyle/ travel people too. I think that there is probably a huge misconception about the type of work involved in being an 'influencer' but I also think that I am aware of the issues and it still kinda appeals to me? I nerd out on emails, love admin and lists, but also like being the centre of attention similar to what you said hehe. So yeah, in conclusion, thank you for this video
@riareanne 2 жыл бұрын
I’m glad to have you back after your break! I’ve been thinking (very low key for quite some time) about starting a KZbin channel and all the business side of it seems so hidden. I appreciate people like you being so open!
@uriel1874 2 жыл бұрын
I actually like how you did this as some other influencers I watch who do brand deals they get the product given to them for free but don't actually consider how much it costs when the do the sponsoring on video and saying you should buy one and I see the price and is really expensive so it is good how you actually show us how it is behind all of that to give us insight how it actually is and that you don't always promote things to that extent great content as always
@robertmenzies6939 2 жыл бұрын
Found this video so interesting. Talk about "conflicted" and "doomed if you do" and "doomed if you don't" as with most jobs i guess none of them are ever perfect, you have to take the rough with the smooth and try to be as close to your values as you can be. Something that I feel you do very well. Thanks Hannah
@kellysteel3668 2 жыл бұрын
On the free gifts point, I don't personally see it as any different to getting freebies from your company or the industry you work in. I often get gifts from my employer, or bonuses, social dinners etc. And that is a lovely perk of my job. You don't have that but work in an industry with other alternative perks. If you want them, take them. The only thing I would say is that it is important to be transparent which I think the majority of UK influencers do. I have watched a lot of videos in the past and assume people are buying all the things or paying to renovate their homes when actually a large proportion of it is gifted.
@kayle666hunter 2 жыл бұрын
I think it has some cool perks, building friendships, creating memories, but like you said its alot of work for most of the time little reward, I for example have been on KZbin since 2015, and I'm still slowly building, to the point I'm having to rethink which way I want my channel to go, yet there's people who have just started this year and their channels have blown up...its definitely a strange world.
@imtinyem 2 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this video, thank you for sharing Hannah!
@westpennineswanderer5920 2 жыл бұрын
You just get better and better. I especially love the part about being able to buy what you want but then getting it sent to you for free and how @@@@ed up that is. Keep it up 👍
@KathrynsRavens 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy your content and videos like this give really interesting insight into what things are like from your perspective. Having a critical view isn't complaining imo, it's seeing it realistically!
@emrysmordin4682 2 жыл бұрын
Question that I've always wondered about you: do you have a manager like lots of other influencers or do you manage yourself? You seem to do more desk work than many influencers I've seen who do Day In The Lifes (although I know that is a very restricted view!).
@3DJapan 2 жыл бұрын
The closest I've come to popularity is when I was at an event related to my channel and heard some one say "there's that guy from KZbin".
@GreenFairyPrincess 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a children's nurse and I find it crazy the amount of kids who are obsessed and want to be influencers! The thing I hate most is the materialism and often lavish lifestyles put out there that aren't realistic for all children to aspire too. So many channels seem to be all about having stuff (problem given to them for free!). I don't think it always sends the best message. Beauty influencers drive me crazy when they recommend the most expensive products as if everyone can afford them! Sometimes it feels they get out of touch with viewers in that respect. I work extremely hard and I'd be broke if I bought all that 🤦🤦🤦I just hope in schools they will be taught how to interpret what's projected in a video and why. They'd probs benefit alot from videos like this to be fair!
@bethjono 2 жыл бұрын
This was a very interesting and insightful video, thank you Hannah!
@3DJapan 2 жыл бұрын
I always thought of myself as a KZbinr but once a company called me an influencer and I thought "is that what I am?".
@ElyzaHalpern 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who recetny hit 50K folowers on TikTok, and is just starting to get sponsopship offers, I appreciate this so so so so so so much
@AnneleenRoesems 2 жыл бұрын
Also! Please DO complain about being taken to the beach just to take pictures and not being able to actually experience the beach. Those pictures couldn't have been very genuine, right? I wouldn't feel very good about that as it shows that your value to that company was limited to what you could offer them as opposed to what you could offer to each other. Such a strange situation
@morehannah 2 жыл бұрын
It was very weird
@elizabethmadagan8824 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like the unsolicited gifts that won't get used could just be taken straight to a charity shop/refuge. No judgement, bit could be worth it, at least then its less wasteful and you can feel like you're putting back into society and deal with the ick feeling. Definitely understand the ick feeling, like 'huh, was not expecting that and its just gonna get wasted' - those xmas gifts tend to end up with friends who will use it or at a charity shop so someone who actually wants/needs the thing can use it.
@tompw3141 2 жыл бұрын
Re: hourly rates.... Sure, you may get paid a lot for one hour spent creating an Instagram post - but if you only do one such post a day, then it's effectively a daily rate.
@Lu-qs9dy 2 жыл бұрын
Yes plus deffo have to take into account other part of the job that are vital bit not monetized. Like everywhere else. You don't just pay for an object but also for the marketing, communication, human resources of the firm, finance service, security etc...
@barbaral3302 2 жыл бұрын
You know what’s odd, is I’d say every KZbinr I follow the people in the comments say “Oh, I like you because you’re so real and genuine! Everyone else is so fake!” I really do mean it’s interesting, because I wonder who “Everyone” is in these cases, and why we follow them!
@AshleyZieman 2 жыл бұрын
I loved this video. So interesting to hear all about it. Personally I also hate the free stuff to the people who can afford it thing but hey it is what it is I guess.
@msaditu 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for a very candid and interesting video.
@adonutplaysgames8536 2 жыл бұрын
Very insightful video Hannah, thanks! Still making in-roads meself but enjoying it for the most part (though been slacking lately!) Though, truthfully, I haven't really thought much about most of the topics discussed here 😅 should I? I dunno, maybe? Also, influencers I follow - you, which is why I'm here commenting and watching! 😉
@sallygally5202 2 жыл бұрын
The internet may be a murky place, but it's better for you being on it!
@Leamie19 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's so stupid if people say "you cant complain". Like .. what? Whatever their job is or even if they are unemployed, there is always someone more unfortunate than them. That doesn't mean that your complaints or struggles aren't valid. Also, a job is a job. There is always annoying stuff. Why people don't get that?
@emmeline-tyler 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@blairiris 2 жыл бұрын
I thought this was super interesting. I love knowing the negative sides of it because I want to grow my art business online through a youtube channel.
@phie623 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like so many influencers have changed a lot and it's not fun watching their content or following them any more. I am from Germany and I don't follow any German influencers any more because I feel like they only want to show off their money and stuff and do advertisements all the time and not fun videos at all. Also they never talk about anything as open as you do here. They have completely lost what they used to be. I recently also decluttered my abos and have like alomost none left from the ones that I used to follow. But I also recently noticed many people leaving the industry (at least in Germany) because of the stress and the psychological consequences. I'm not sure if this is something happening over in the UK or elsewhere as well though. It all seems to have changed a lot over the last 5-10 years or so...
@prinzezze 2 жыл бұрын
Many influencers on instragram now do so many ads that I get kinda tired of it. When it's just ads/sponorships all the time it just feels like you're watching commercials and not like the actual instagrammer... There are a couple that I've stopped following because it's mostly ads they do.
@johnsaxongitno4life588 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy watching your videos please stay safe love your Australia fan John xxxx
@francescamele8077 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting video, thanks Hannah! As for the unasked-for gifts from wannabe sponsors: I don't remember whether you've ever stated it outright in the past, but maybe you could give these gifts to your audience and very publicly state that you won't make content specifically for these things, because you don't want to receive anything you aren't asked for. Or would that still be too much exposure to them for your tastes?
@iriss4365 2 жыл бұрын
The only reason I'd want to be an "influencer" would be to make friends as well. I feel when KZbin started before money was involved that was the main purpose of videos to create community's and friend and feel less lonely.
@iriss4365 2 жыл бұрын
Ultimately to find "your people"
@ladyicondraco 2 жыл бұрын
Videos like this are always so interesting. I love ti see behind the curtain.
@cheninblanc 2 жыл бұрын
Your hair looks gorg🙊
@Pexzee 2 жыл бұрын
You (and everyone else) should just toss the word influencer. You are nothing less than a media personality, journalist, reporter, presenter etc and also a whole production company. What you do and how you get paid to do what you do is no different than anyone having a tv show. You just have multiple jobs in your own company.
@pile333 2 жыл бұрын
Influencers must be swabbed. 😄 And you've just did that. 😄
@Leamie19 2 жыл бұрын
could you withdraw your name from all those PR lists? Would b a bold move to just not accept any gifts anymore --> you would live more minimalistic --> if you do promote a product, we know it is a 100 % self bought and honest.
@tommyryan3434 2 жыл бұрын
It was nice to see in to your world it not all roses I can see that now and it hard work to. you have good time to
@claudiajade624 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely think of you more as an Online Sex Educator rather than an (just an) Influencer 🙂. In general I think all the people I follow, that aspect is a small part (often how they pay the bills), but what they really do is share interesting content , and as a side effect have some 'influence' on me, sometimes 😋
@prinzezze 2 жыл бұрын
I can get annoyed when people get lots of stuff for free and then they're like " and here's my link/code so you can BUY it for 20% off"... ok so you can get it for free but the rest of us have to pay for it..
@rribbonss 2 жыл бұрын
With regards to free stuff, yeah the culture sounds kinda weird although I'd just give it away or, if it's something I would have bought, give the money I would have spent on it to someone who needs money more desperately than the company. imo we've got to create some ethical rules for ourselves to follow and follow those until the next morality crisis comes along 😂 I can't waste my energy constantly reconsidering the ethical implications of every little part of my life so I have spent time thinking over it until I came up with very clear principles to blindly stick to, which make my daily life a lot easier to confidently navigate
@mzhoneybunchesofoats 2 жыл бұрын
Want them to stop sending you stuff? Talk shit about the product they sent. lol
@zapkvr 2 жыл бұрын
There was one here in my home town who was outed as using some white powder. She disappeared for two weeks and now she's back. I'm glad Im old and don't have to follow this b.s.
@pepperwings 2 жыл бұрын
Did you do something with lumetri? It seems like the video is all over-saturated or something, it's making the flowers and some other things look blocky.
@barbaral3302 2 жыл бұрын
How do I feel about influencer culture, and the idea of once you make enough money to buy what you need it’s given to you… I don’t know, I can’t say it bothers me that people like you Hannah who work so hard, have come up in a very strange to say the least and difficult and draining industry as being an “influencer” is - I can’t say it bothers me at all that there are great benefits once you really get there. Because it’s so difficult to get there… you deserve it I can’t say you don’t! And that’s just how capitalism works I guess. But I do understand how… I guess unfair it seems that when you could have really used these things for free, you couldn’t have gotten them for free. So idk… I understand why, and don’t think there’s a solution there because Capitalism I guess. But there are other solutions to these problems! Maybe donate these items! Or donate the amount of money you would have paid!
@girliestmammy 2 жыл бұрын
@boblester8641 2 жыл бұрын
If everyone becomes an influencer. Who are the influencees
@cheninblanc 2 жыл бұрын
On the one hand I think influencer is a neat word on the other hand you wouldn't call a writer an influencer although by this point I wouldn't find it that weird lol😂
@firstname2492 2 жыл бұрын
@organisedchaosxo 2 жыл бұрын
No matter who the influencer is, I always feel this pang of well you're only promoting this product because you're being paid to shill it and not because you bought it of your own choice. I have no idea how to get past that to actually support the people I like without feeling, well do you actually like this thing? or are you just putting on a smiley face and pretending for money?
@hms491 2 жыл бұрын
Not enjoying the super jumpy editing on this one.
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