The Unlikely Army That Took Europe by Storm - The Smoking Snakes

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Күн бұрын

They’d said it was more likely for a snake to smoke than for the Brazilians to fight in World War 2.
Infantryman Geraldo Baeta da Cruz remembers those words as he looks proudly at the patches he and his comrades wear on their shoulders: a defiant emblem of a serpent puffing on a pipe. Patrolling deep in northern Italy’s Apennine mountains, Cruz and his two fellow soldiers, Geraldo Rodrigues de Souza and Arlindo Lucio da Silva, might be a long way from their tropical homeland, but they’re determined to prove Brazil’s doubters wrong.
The trio scan their surroundings for any sign of German movement. Suddenly, it comes - in the terrifying form of staccato machine gun fire. The Brazilians immediately dive for cover. From the endless streams of bullets flying their way, there could be hundreds of enemy soldiers out there - against just three of them.
Though the odds are stacked against them, Cruz, Souza, and Silva give as good as they get. As mortar shells come crashing down around them, they blast the enemy with round after round until they hear their last clips make the dreaded “ping.” They have no more ammunition and no chance to escape, but you can bet your life these Brazilian Smoking Snakes won’t surrender…
As images and footage of actual events are not always available, Dark Docs sometimes utilizes similar historical images and footage for dramatic effect. I do my best to keep it as visually accurate as possible. All content on Dark Docs is researched, produced, and presented in historical context for educational purposes. We are history enthusiasts and are not always experts in some areas, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us with corrections, additional information, or new ideas. -

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@brunogrou1501 Ай бұрын
Nothing could be more Brazilian than mr. Francisco de Paula, a black soldier with a mischievous smile while loading a arty shell with the inscription "The Snake is smoking".
@guilhermedepaula8284 Ай бұрын
My grandfather was a black Francisco de Paula, born in 1900, probably not the same..But he was present in the two GWWs..
@Victadoli 28 күн бұрын
We can almost hear the "HUEHUEHUE" he is laughing while doing it!
@luizzanni3614 22 күн бұрын
Dude, almost half of brazilans are white
@brunogrou1501 22 күн бұрын
@@luizzanni3614 Dude, I'm Brazilian. The entire scene is Brazilian AF, almost as if it was a doctored photo.
@vitorialima8399 22 күн бұрын
Brazilians were making memes even before social media was a thing 😂
@danilonakazone386 27 күн бұрын
My great-uncle, Satsuki Nakasone, fought in the Brazilian Expeditionary Forces, he was first generation of Nakasone's born in Brasil, yet he fought Bravely for Brasil. He served with honors, was good friends with his fellow comrades to the end of his life. He died in his 90s with few military colleagues paying respects. I am very proud of him! Very proud of the Brazilian Expeditionary Forces.
@volneialves1967 21 күн бұрын
Os pracinhas não são horados no Brasil, nem pelos militares.
@nicolas242 19 күн бұрын
​@@volneialves1967 Não fala merda, no ano em q eu servi, vários pracinhas foram homenageados e eram sempre presente nas nossas formaturas e isso foi em 2021
@cassio221 19 күн бұрын
@@volneialves1967 falou besteira, sempre são lembrados e tem homenagem deles em todas cidades Brasileiras
@TheCiro14 18 күн бұрын
​​@@cassio221verdade, vc tem razão.
@l9onbr403 17 күн бұрын
Porem ainda tem imbecis, neonazis e simpatizantes ao fascismo, um completo desrespeito a memoria e sacrifício dos nossos heróis brasileiro
@OuroborosAnarchy 2 ай бұрын
Far, far from home, to a war Fought on foreign soil and Far, far from known, tell their tale, Their forgotten story Cobras Fumantes, eterna é sua vitória
@rtyrsson 2 ай бұрын
Very nice!
@ebikeengineer Ай бұрын
Three men stood strong and they held out for long Going into the fight to their death that awaits Crazy or brave, will it end in the grave? As they're giving their lives As their honor dictates
@ajbagniewski4349 Ай бұрын
man of culture I see 🎉
@JoojiHearthBeats Ай бұрын
As a Brazilian and Sabaton fan, i felt that
@spartanshadow90oficial Ай бұрын
a cobra vai fumar 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@joaoaugustoferrazdesampaio2159 Ай бұрын
Em Montese, cidade italiana que foi libertada pela Força Expedicionária Brasileira, até hoje existe um dia em homenagem ao exército brasileiro. No inverno, com falta de comida, os soldados brasileiros, diferente dos outros aliados, se recusaram a se alimentar antes que as mulheres e crianças da cidade recebessem comida
@CarlosSantos-mr2sf Ай бұрын eu vou visitar essa cidade nesse dia e participat dessa comemoração!!!
@lucacremonini5731 Ай бұрын
@@CarlosSantos-mr2sf And you will be welcome. Everybody remembers the Brazileros here, or at least my grandma did. Try the zampanelle/borlenghi, that's one of the very few places in Italy in which you can eat them.
@edmarmaas Ай бұрын
@@CarlosSantos-mr2sf Não seria melhor fazer uma homenagem aqui, para que todos nós, brasileiros, conhecêssemos o que foi a participação da FEB na Segunda Grande Guerra? Uma homenagem que inclui-se as famílias desses heróis? As crianças italianas cantam o hino dos Pracinhas. E as nossas deveriam cantar também. Talvez os militares de agora passassem a ter vergonha na cara e começassem a honrar a farda e parassem de desrespeitar a Constituição e a todo momento querer implantar ditaduras em nosso país.
@cronistamundano8189 Ай бұрын
@@edmarmaas Ha uma homenagem aos pracinhas em todo desfile de 7 de setembro, e eu me lembro quando crianca que alguns ainda desfilavam com suas boinas. Mas isso foi ha muito tempo. Eu tenho 50 anos e meu avô (que lutou na Guerra na Marinha) me levava... E no Rio de Janeiro (minha cidade) ha o monumento aos pracinhas, obra de Oscar Niemeyer (outro que nao pode cair no esquecimento) onde ha uma chama eterna e a homenagem ao soldado desconhecido. Mas, eu concordo, os soldados da FEB deveriam receber muito mais reconhecimento do que recebe. Mesmo que alguns oficiais que lutaram na Italia tenham vindo a ser depois parte da famigerada ditadura militar. Os Pracinhas merecem.
@RR-ds4sd Ай бұрын
​​@@edmarmaas tocou em um ponto importante. O ódio que é alimentado contra os militares, policiais, funcionários públicos, agora professores também, só nutre os maus profissionais. É preciso valorizar os bons, para que os bons se ergam contra os maus. A cada ofensa contra todo um grupo, os bons abaixam a cabeça, e os maus se elevam. Muitos militares eram contra o golpe de 64, por isso foram os primeiros a ser executados.
@rtyrsson 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad someone finally gave these gentlemen some credit. Brazil was late to the war, but that was a political decision of their dictator, and by no means a failing of the Brazilian soldiers themselves. That the Germans buried the three fallen Brazilians with honor in their final attack speaks volumes about their prowess.
@KOMET2006 2 ай бұрын
Brazil declared war on Germany in August 1942.
@stomper2888 2 ай бұрын
lol please all you allied countries declared war in the last days of ww2 your all pathetiv
@stomper2888 2 ай бұрын
​@@KOMET2006maybe but over a dozen countries declared war on Germany in the last days of ww2 cuz your all pathetic
@JamesLindsey-p8g 2 ай бұрын
athletic you say!!!Who won??
@cmc2550 2 ай бұрын
​​@@KOMET2006You are correct but they didn't enter the front lines till July 1944. This was pretty late in the war to start actually fighting
@MagronesBR2 Ай бұрын
Brazilians were chilling, until someone told us "I DOUBT YOU CAN DO IT"
24 күн бұрын
Du vi do
@eu9887 22 күн бұрын
Cuidado com o ouvido agora
@vitorialima8399 22 күн бұрын
Eu consigo ouvi até um "Aé, então toma" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@JOÃOSOBRAL-h3v 20 күн бұрын
@leonardonabinger Ай бұрын
My greatgrandpa was a Brazilian Navy artillery officer in the Minas Geraes battleship. It was a very though time for my family as we are German descendants and his cousins were in Germany fighting for Hitler. On the other side of my family, the brother of my grandpa was enlisted in the Brazilian Air Force and fought in Italy. So, just in one family, we were fighting on both sides! Crazy stuff!
@cronistamundano8189 Ай бұрын
Conheco uma pessoa que viveu a mesma situacao! Uma parte da familia lutando pelo brasil e outra pela alemanha... o curioso é que os alemaes depois da guerra vieram para o Brasil, mas agora os netos estao todos tirando passaportes alemaes para voltar pra europa... o mundo da voltas
@samfire3067 Ай бұрын
We play both sides
@edwardjeanstockmeier1063 Ай бұрын
Minha avó era polonesa e esteve no gueto da cidade de Lodz aos 10 anos de idade. O seu irmão mais velho (meu tio avô) foi membro do exército dos partisans e depois do exército vermelho que lutou contra os nazistas .O meu avô era alemão de nuremberg e esteve na juventude com 10 anos de idade, meu bisavô foi sargento de artilharia do exército alemão. Minha avó e meu avô se conheceram no Brasil em São Paulo. Minha avó veio como refugiada de guerra enquanto que meu avô veio como imigrante . Eu tenho 3 passaportes , alemã , brasileira e polonesa. Minha avó presenciou a invasão russa na sua cidade natal pinsk antes da invasão alemã( antes pertencia à Polônia , mas hoje pertence a Bielorrússia). Eu aprendi que o polonês odiava muito os russos , mas muito mais os nazistas .
@samirSch Ай бұрын
I remember reports of US veterans about how they ended up bombing the town of their german relatives. So freaking sad.
@boondocker7964 26 күн бұрын
Brazilians are okay.
@s337fm Ай бұрын
The emblems of FEB and FAB are something unique. FEB brought the smoking snakes, such a badass image in an elegant fashion and draw - while the Air Force one depicted a wild, crazy emu (a non flying but heavy, giant bird that we call ema in Brazil) with the slogan "Senta a Pua!", which can be translated as "Batter it down!". A remarkable iconography!
@pabloagfs Ай бұрын
Na verdade emu é a australiana, a qual pode ser chamada no Brasil de ema-australiana.
@AnaMoreira-jh7yh Ай бұрын
​@@pabloagfsema (Rhea americana), também conhecida como nandu, nandu-comum, nandu-grande, nhandu, guaripé e xuri, é uma ave da família Rheidae, nativa da América do Sul. É uma ave não voadora; e usa suas grandes asas apenas para se equilibrar enquanto corre. Os machos são os responsáveis pela incubação e o cuidado com os filhotes. A ema é considerada a maior ave brasileira.
@Victadoli 28 күн бұрын
You are right but just to note: despite similar appearance and similar name emus and emas are not the same bird. What we have in Brazil are emas, not emus. In english emas are called "greater rhea" and in portuguese emus are also called emus or "ema-australiana" (australian ema). @pabloagfs said it in fewer words before me, I just wanted to point it out in english too.
@brunosturiale3967 26 күн бұрын
mais um adendo, a ema foi escolhida porque, segundo os pilotos, eles comiam de tudo, assim como o pássaro, porque o cardápio americano era bem diferente do brasileiro, então os pilotos se entitulavam emas por comerem "de tudo". ademais, depois que começaram a passar por fogo antiaéreo pesado, o flak, eles adicionaram a explosão ao fundo vermelho.
@andrenatali9422 23 күн бұрын
FAB Senta a Pua emblem is an ostrich
@lsnows Ай бұрын
I was born in Brazil, but I live in Colorado. I am endlessly moved by the fact that Colorado's 10th Mountain Division and the Brazilian Expeditionary Force fought side-by-side in the Italian Campaign. The 10th captured Belvedere and the Brazilians captured Monte Castello. They were literally side by side in that campaign.
@andreferro4618 Ай бұрын
Eu não sabia dessa parceria! Que bom que você escolheu esse estado para viver. Vivi na FL por 15 anos e tenho um grande amigo que vive em Denver, Mitch Salzsman, que foi meu instrutor de pilotagem na MarineMax Stuart. Tenho 64 anos e meu tio avô, Daniel Fernandes Júnior, participou da tomada de Monte Castello. Ele teve a sorte de sobreviver e voltar. Saudações do Brasil!
@chrishawn832 Ай бұрын
I have a retired USMC Gunnery Sgt. who works with me in my gunsmithing shop. His father was in the 10th MD and fought in the entire Italian campaign
@ScoutsBrasil95 Ай бұрын
Também sou de Colorado, mas do Colorado a cidade do Paraná no Brasil.
@lsnows Ай бұрын
@@andreferro4618 Saudacoes daqui do Colorado, irmao!
@lsnows Ай бұрын
@@ScoutsBrasil95 Abraco, irmao!
@voldicz Ай бұрын
The BR army used the '5th army' uniform and military emblem, the same as the Americans. How did Germans identify the BR? White and black people fighting together, not separated...
@rafael-flu5602 Ай бұрын
Exatamente, desde o Brasil colonial, leia sobre 1 e 2 batalhas dos Guararapes.
@dwightjohn1014 Ай бұрын
Which makes us Brazilians even prouder...
@marcosmanocchi8782 Ай бұрын
Correct! Black and White Brazilian heros!❤😊
@uRetr00 Ай бұрын
You are wrong, Brazilian used Brazilian uniform, but they used american helmets and boots, those where better than Brazilian ones and in winter they used the American jacket. Also FEB army had a patch of Smoking Snakes.
@Bloodghast99 Ай бұрын
This is literally a myth
@snakeinthegrass7443 2 ай бұрын
Great information that needs to be known. I've never heard of Brazil's involvement and I salute the nation and their brave citizens! Those three young men took as many Nazis with them as they could, instead of surrendering. They weren't dying for an emperor like the Japanese, at the time. They died inflicting as much damage to evil as possible. John 15:13🙏
@judsonsilva8618 Ай бұрын
...and they were promoted to a rank higher bf going to the reserve, also they got free HC, free lodging anywhere in the country, free bus rides all over, and a pension to go with that promotion. See why we Brazilians don't go fucking around in wars?
@BJReolon Ай бұрын
Fake history, nothing but propaganda/lies.
@glennvogt1194 2 ай бұрын
Those three Brazilian soldiers with no Ammunition, no reinforcements and with no chance of escape fought bravely and Died with honor.
@BJReolon Ай бұрын
In your imagination cause its a fake history
@Wyk_ Ай бұрын
@@BJReolon well, who knows... there's nothing absurd in this story, 3 man vs an army = 3 dead, sure, honorable since its said they packed a punch, but nothing surprisingly
@potatouno 28 күн бұрын
​@@BJReolonSomething happened so that they were buried (not something common) and on the crosses it was written "3 Brazilian heroes" in German. Even though we will never know for sure what happened, we are sure that something happened.
@mateussouza8040 24 күн бұрын
@@BJReolonsempre tem um brasileiro com sindrome de vira lata pra passar vergonha na internet Homens fortes lutaram em tempos difíceis pra criar tempos fáceis, e esses tempos fáceis geraram homens fracos que nem voce
@eddiestray4870 15 күн бұрын
Their only lacking was not speaking german, else they surely would have endless ammo in form of the most outrageous and absurd insults a german soldier would ever hear...
@gcidade Ай бұрын
My grandfather served in the FEB (Brazilian Expeditionary Force) and faced incredible dangers, including a close call with a land mine. Thankfully, he returned home safe and sound after a challenging nine-month deployment. They endured countless adversities during the war, demonstrating remarkable courage and resilience. He always recounted how warm and friendly the Italian people were towards them, and even mentioned some friendships he developed. Thank you for creating this wonderful documentary and for honoring his memory. His name was Alvarenga, and we are forever proud of him. Greetings from Rio! 🏖️ 🇧🇷.
@maraprotta2339 Ай бұрын
My father was a voluntary in the 6th Infantry Regiment. He fought for a year in Italy, including Monte Soprasasso and Montese. He was 19 and turned 20 at the front.
@alcouri5380 Ай бұрын
brasil acima de tudo! muito orgulho do seu pai.
@dennisud 2 ай бұрын
My Brother was born in Brazil and he told me of the contingent that fought in WW-II. They have a section in the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio dedicated to them! I never knew of this division only that they were a part of the allies.
@floriangeyer3454 Ай бұрын
They fought at Monte Cassino with distinction.
@Tucoization Ай бұрын
There were a Brazilian Aviation Group in Italy too, fliyng with the P47. The 1st Fighter Aviation Group (Portuguese: 1º Grupo de Aviação de Caça, 1st GAvCa) ..
@Tucoization Ай бұрын
The battle for Monte Cassino happened in January-May 1944 before the Brazilian division was send to Italy. The Monte Castelo, November 44-January 45 was the battle where the soldiers from Brazil got a bloody and difficult victory.
@dennisud Ай бұрын
@@Tucoization Thanks for the clarification!
@ricardoazedodeluca Ай бұрын
Senta a pua!
@dl0g09 Ай бұрын
I like how they nicknamed MG-42, completely different from the others countries, while for others it's Hitler Buzzsaw, for Brazil it's Lurdinha, such a cute nickname for such a gun, apperently it's because the gun sound like a tailor machine of the wife of a brazilian soldier named Ludinha
@TDrewBR Ай бұрын
Another story i heard is because a guys wife would never shut up lol and there is also a musical instrument called matraca which became a slang for machine guns (metralhadora) and also can be used as a term for people that talks too much
@Victadoli 28 күн бұрын
​@@TDrewBRmost brazilian moment ever. Guys under fire maybe about to die and one of them just cracks a joke "hey it sounds just like my wife!"
@hermesdavi8406 24 күн бұрын
Matraca is also a bird ​@@TDrewBR
@leonardopab5 23 күн бұрын
We have this culture of giving nicknames and ridiculing everything. Also, saying everything in diminutive. The suffix "inha" means small or little. So "Lurdinha" would mean "Little Lurdes (or Lourdes)".
@guilhermedepaula8284 Ай бұрын
There's a Yearly celebration in Montese, when they fly up a Brazilian flag and sing the Brazilian Anthem in honor os the soldiers who fought for Italy and died for freedom..😊👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷
@DielesMagalhaes-rb8wd Ай бұрын
In Brazil, the soldiers of the expeditionary force who fought in Italy are acclaimed, but the "rubber soldiers", who were people from the poorest region of Brazil who were taken to extract resin in the Amazon rainforest to manufacture tires for the Allied war effort, are forgotten, despite having a much higher mortality rate than the expeditionary soldiers, around 50% of them having perished.
@rafaelrodrigopachecodasilv8150 2 ай бұрын
As a brazilian. I say. We brougtht a modest force. But we figth well.
@rtyrsson 2 ай бұрын
Indeed you did.
@X3B3CH3 Ай бұрын
This is great! I didn’t know Brazil had men fighting in the war. More of this please.
@PauloPereira-jj4jv Ай бұрын
All Brazilian forces were involved in the war, army, navy and air force.
@rjmh3968 Ай бұрын
@@PauloPereira-jj4jv12 German U-boats were sunk in the Brazilian coast, one by a Brazilian aircraft.
@rjmh3968 Ай бұрын
Furthermore, Brazilian intelligence and counter-intelligence were very effective in Italy.
@PedroLCogoy Ай бұрын
The documentary was great, and I appreciate it, but I think this deserves a full feature movie.
@davi542 Ай бұрын
Watching this video Made me remember of and old friend of mine. Unfortunately he passed away. I was at the beginning of my studies at university and i found out that he went to the WWII. He used to tell me so many stories the whole afternoon. I was only 19 - 20 years old at that time. Thanks a lot for this great video and to remind me of my old friend. Rest in Peace my friend!
@rossfaulstichjunior7628 Ай бұрын
I am brazilian with german citzenship Below, part of the Brazilian Expedicionary Force song , a beautiful song ,my father sang when I was kid: No matter how many lands I travel through, oh God, don't let me die without returning there Por mil terras que eu percorre, nao permitas Deus que eu morra, sem que volte para la
@amachadog Ай бұрын
Musica linda demais.
@TemposSombrios Ай бұрын
Então você é Alemão e não Brasileiro. Só mais um que traiu o próprio povo.
@guilhermedepaula8284 Ай бұрын
​@@TemposSombriosOs tempos não são mais sombrios, colega..Hoje, graças a Deus, Alemães e Brasileiros são parceiros na luta pela liberdade.. Acorde desse pesadelo pfvr..😊👍😊🙏
@crazycatlady. Ай бұрын
@@TemposSombriosvc só é brasileiro de vdd se vc é indígena brasileiro então… se vc é branco ou preto teus avós etc vieram de outro lugar. Acorda.
@TemposSombrios Ай бұрын
@@guilhermedepaula8284 Aceite a realidade, ALEMÃO
@alexsf4248 Ай бұрын
As a Brazilian living in the US for the past 45 years it makes me proud to learn in details the bravery of my fellow countrymen. Thank you for the enlightening posting. The patch of the smoking snake is a great expression of our defiant culture that even without proper equipment and training our brave soldiers were determined to fight with grit! 🇧🇷🇺🇸🌎
@GeoffreyTotton 2 ай бұрын
Thanks very much very few know about this Touched by German respect to the three brave Brazilians
@luisoctavionb Ай бұрын
Sobrenome alemão, francês, japonês, italiano, português, cara de índio, africano ou europeu. Nada disso importa. A coragem e simpatia do cachorro amarelo são impressionantes. A serpente fumante fez a linha gótica tremer. "Por mais terras que eu percorra, não permita Deus que eu morra sem que volte para lá"
@hjmgb1763 Ай бұрын
Que linha gótica ? Os americanos levaram a pior na chamada batalha dos Ardennes e os Brasileiros ganharam a guerra? Leia os arquivos da Wehrmacht para entender. Que palhaçada
@MadAdventure919 29 күн бұрын
Finally, after several messages to documentaries on this channel, you spoke about the Brazilian campaign in Italy. These Brazilian soldiers were forgotten for decades when they returned to Brazil because the dictator Getúlio Vargas feared that they, with their combat experience, would overthrow his regime. Brazil's participation in the Second World War was fundamental in providing raw materials, logistics, escort and naval patrol throughout the South Atlantic since mid-1942, sinking several German submarines.
@cronistamundano8189 Ай бұрын
A historic note: Getulio Vargas was very close to Benito Mussolini, there was (and still is) a very large italian community in Brasil. However, due to the Monroe doctrine, Brasil was never too far from the US and A and British spheres of influence, particularly after the industrial revolution, being rich in metal ores (as it still is today). As it is said, a smoking snake was an expression that meant "extremely unlikely". Now, in portuguese, when it is said that "the snake is going to smoke" ( a cobra vai fumar) it means that things are about to get serious or dangerous.
@brunonoronha6419 Ай бұрын
"Verás que um filho teu não foge á luta, nem temes a quem te adora a própria morte, terra adorada. Entre outras mil és tu Brasil a patria amada." 🇧🇷❤️ Trecho do hino nacional brasileiro.
@marcusmello69 Ай бұрын
O corretor te traiu, irmão! trocou "adorada" por "adotada" =/
@brunonoronha6419 Ай бұрын
@@marcusmello69 já arrumei obrigado
@allandavis8201 Ай бұрын
Just to add my own thoughts and perspective to this video, I had not heard of this Brazilian 🇧🇷 force until today, it just demonstrates that in history it does not matter when people try to assist in a global crisis, in this case WWII, but it does matter that they did help, and nobody can ever take that away from those men or Brazilian 🇧🇷 history what they stood up for and the sacrifices they made. Thanks Brazil for your support in WWII, your numbers were small but your actions spoke volumes for your country. 😀👍🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇧🇷🇨🇦🇺🇦🇮🇱🇺🇸
@PauloPereira-jj4jv Ай бұрын
I supppose you also never heard about the over 30 English words frequently used that originally were imported from the Portuguese... That the UN building was projected by a Brazilian architect... And that among the 25 main ethnic groups in Brazilian population is the American group... And that after the Civil War many confederate families came to Brazil and found a city, where they continued to celebrate the old south, including the use of the confederate flag even today. Thanks, anyway.
@jucaxpto4173 Ай бұрын
Thanks Brother ! Brazil and US are Natural Allies ! Respect from Brazil... SMOKING SNAKES of Sabaton ! Get that one you will like it ... And Also look for the Brazilian P-47 Squadron in Italy too... They simply destroyed the shit out of the Nazis.
@mirrorint1970 Ай бұрын
Fez um bom texto mas arruinou tudo colocando a bandeira de um estado assass1no (israel) junto com a dos outros países.
@theovanhurtere Ай бұрын
​@@mirrorint1970precisão cirúrgica.
@flaviorangel9510 Ай бұрын
certamente teríamos tomado ate a Russia se necessário fosse com um contingente maior.
@Sofus.Solivagante Ай бұрын
The neighborhood where I live in my Brazilian small town is called "Expedicionarios" as homage to those brave soldiers, and I met one of them, allready very elderly, when I was a kid. Of course, at that time, I didn't understand what he had done in Italy. Unfortunately, they didn't get all the recognition they deserved, and are almost forgotten now in their own country.
@alvaromneto 23 күн бұрын
It happens when all levels of education are comprised of marxist idiot pseudo-intellectuals
@NA-oq4ty 2 ай бұрын
I heard of these guys they were so determined and damn near crazy with their determination the officers are having to hold them back harder than a Marine Corps officer as the units
@samfire3067 Ай бұрын
They also stolen a sherman tank after some us soldier kept stealing their chocolate.
@eddiestray4870 15 күн бұрын
Not to mention that, thanks to this, germans began to "just surrender" when finding out they were fighting brazilians before they played some of their crazy stunts again...
@TheSurkamp 23 күн бұрын
As a good Brazilian, I read "Smoking Snakes" and instantly clicked on the video
@graylromo2799 Ай бұрын
Great video. As a Brazilian I'm proud of the modest, but brave role of the BEF and the Air Force to help the war effort. 🇧🇷
@rodrigo2626 Ай бұрын
Três grandes homens de minha pequena cidade do interior de Minas lutaram, e voltaram heroicos. São lembrados por três bustos na praça principal.
@rangerista3933 Ай бұрын
Theirs is a great story and really does deserve far greater recognition than it currently has. This video will help spread their fame, thanks for producing it.
@paulocezarthiebaut2332 Ай бұрын
It's important to note that Brazil uniquely entered World War II, despite its president's initial reluctance, due to overwhelming public demand - "We want war!".
@pedrodavimendes220 Ай бұрын
Imagine Brazil at the time, its largest groups of immigrants and settlers were Germans, Japanese and Italians and soon after declared war on Germany, Japan and Italy. Brazil is still the country with the largest German communities outside of Germany, the largest Japanese community outside of Japan and the 2nd largest Italian community outside of Italy. In Brazil at that time, many families fought on both sides of the war, German and Italian family members fought for Brazil and the Axis and many cousins ​​were on opposite sides of the front, the large number of Japanese settlers did not want to believe that Japan had lost the war and some even attacked Brazilians with katanas. It was like declaring war on part of the population itself, but the axis needed to be fought
@truetoffee8684 2 ай бұрын
If they fight even half as well as they play football they will be a scary proposition
@antoniodemoraeslannes Ай бұрын
Tem q estudar sobre os brasileiros no MMA, UFC, brasilian jiu-jitsu, capoeira e feijão com arroz
@rjmh3968 Ай бұрын
@@antoniodemoraeslannes E invenções. Inventamos muito mais coisas que os japoneses. O avião não foi a única nem a única a mudar o mundo. Outra foi a holografia, por exemplo.
@gabrielneves6602 Ай бұрын
My friend, if you've heard half the stories of the FEB, you'd understand that we fought, and still five, three times better than we play football
@silvadossantos9817 22 күн бұрын
that's the case, let remind you that since our inception as a nation in "holy see war" we have not seen defeat
@atf_1414 Ай бұрын
I was walking home from the gym the other day and passed alongside the graveyard and from the corner of my eye i saw the smoking snakes insignia. Had to stop and take a look, and there he was, a Pracinha from the war! I couldn't see the name because i was on the other side of the wall, so a little far away, but that impressed me for sure, some day i will go in to take a closer look. Thanks for the video man!
@TiagoLattari Ай бұрын
Getulio Vargas played the game, and played very well: the country was completely unprepared for a major war, so he gathered advantages from both sides and navigated the country at a thin line of international politics between both sides before taking the Allied side
@marcosdheleno Ай бұрын
yep. dude was a psychopath, but he made the best decision possible for the country with the little we had to offer. it was why the US was so scared of Brazil during the cold war, that it "helped" the coup to establish a military government. because they did NOT want to be played again. its kinda ironic that, said gamble only worked because of Getulio's suicide. if he had been in comand, i doubt they would've succeeded.
@Will-li7ux Ай бұрын
Mano, sou muito leigo nesses assuntos, mas parece que seria um erro colossal mesmo ter mandado um exército maior logo no início, já que isso deixaria o governo vulnerável a ataques internos durante e após a guerra. Tô muito errado?
@CATELlegend1 23 күн бұрын
@@Will-li7ux Creio que sim... Ninguém invadiria o Brasil. Nunca houve um interesse aqui durante guerras. Os países da américa do sul sempre foram considerados pelo mundo inferiores. O que sempre interessou foi a america do norte e a europa. Principalmente a europa. Todo grande conflito nasce de lá. De um lado temos a amazonia, uma terra de ninguém com um clima tropical fora do comum que nenhuma tropa de fora jamais experimentou um treinamento sobre. E se eu não me engano, haviam outras terras mais proveitosas e menores, mais simples de se dominar e que eram pontos estratégicos chaves. Como foi dito no video, a america latina não foi à europa, só o Brasil. O Brasil era ''simplesmente longe demais'' pra valer a pena tentar manter, ou sequer tentar tomar... Se você analisar o mapa de conquistas da Alemanha, eles começaram pequeno e foram expandindo aos poucos. Simplesmente NUNCA funciona forçar a entrada à um país robusto. Bem, a não ser que seu nome seja Alexandre o grande... Veja quanta merda deu do pessoal que tentava entrar na Russia. Havia igualmente um numero absurdo de brasileiros a serem treinados tanto quanto os EUA mandavam suprimentos. Seria igualmente estúpido tentar aniquilar cada soldado br tanto quanto invadir os EUA pra tentar parar a assistência. Na real, ninguém queria os EUA na guerra porque sabiam que a ''brincadeira'' ia acabar rápido se isso acontecesse.
@dolydoly5679 22 күн бұрын
​@@Will-li7uxvocê nunca manda a totalidade das suas tropas, isso com certeza seria um erro
@luizcam3017 Ай бұрын
As a ex soldier from Brazil I d like to thank you very much for this video.🎉
@rodrigues2793101 Ай бұрын
I'm really, really proud to finally see the proper recognition to our heroes' efforts. Many thanks to the channel! 🇧🇷🐍
@CarlosSantos-mr2sf Ай бұрын
Wunderbar!!!! Wonderful!!!! Thank you sooo much to keep the history of F. E .B. -the Smoking Snakes alive!!! I'm very emotional now typing this words...
@PauloPereira-jj4jv Ай бұрын
Since the channel started the subject, it could tell the important part played by the Brazilian 1st Fighter Unit, wich received the US Presidential Unit Citation... and the Brazilian navy and air force, along with the US Navy, fighting against the U-boots in the Brazilian coast. Together they sank 11 submarines.
@thebrazilianhistorian6530 Ай бұрын
i'm really happy to see this story myself, as i know my family contributed greatly. According to my father's side, my grandmother's Uncle, Colonel Delmiro Pereira de Andrade was the commander of the 11th Infantry Regiment of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force, and commanded his men with great skill. Excellent work Dark Docs.
@lipss85 18 күн бұрын
Man, that gave me goosebumps! Thank you so much for spreading our brave history among English speakers. A big hug from a Brazilian. 😊
@marcosaurelio5664 Ай бұрын
In Montese, an Italian city that was liberated by the Brazilian Expeditionary Force, there is still a day dedicated to the Brazilian army. In the winter, with a lack of food, the Brazilian soldiers, unlike the other allies, refused to eat before the women and children of the city received food.
@marcosdheleno Ай бұрын
yep, brazillian troops were beloved by the people of italy back then, there are a few videos of old italians talking about how amazing they were, caring for them with as much as they could, showing humanity.
@phnv Ай бұрын
Great doc ! Brazil also sent a batallion of men to collect latex in the amazon and send it to the military industries in the US, since the rubber sources in Indonesia were taken by the Japanese; would love to watch a doc about it.
@luiznogueira1579 Ай бұрын
Excellent video! It's great to see someone honouring these brave men. Brazilian fighter pilots were also considered very competent and effective. I learned about them in an American history book(!) that we used when I was studying in an Anglo American school in Europe. One of my uncles joined the FEB as a translator, since he spoke fluent German.
@dwonatampatricio4250 Ай бұрын
As a brazilian, hearing the story of those 3 heroes makes me cry everytime..
@leoyuri8938 24 күн бұрын
First of all, thank you for this documentary, it honors the memory of these warriors and helps us to always be proud of our FEB. Regarding the three Brazilian heroes, the story is that, when they realized they had been surrounded by a much larger group of German soldiers, it is said that they fought with such bravery and impetus, with such an impressive rate of fire, that they made the Germans believe for a time that they were fighting against a group equally large and well-equipped as themselves. The respect came from the shocking realization that, in the end, they were fighting against only three men armed with rifles, not machine guns, who were ready to die before even considering surrender, despite the absolutely unfavorable situation. Hence the German "need" to honor them with a dignified burial for three heroes who fell in the war.
@DS.proudkiwi Ай бұрын
Dude 👍 its awesome that you bringing some focus to the smaller countries that contributed greatly to the winning of the war and the freedom we all grew up under. Say what you want for today's politics and wars , we don't see men like the Anzacs or Brazilians who sacrificed in the wars these days and that's a shame . the people presented to us as heroes in most media don't really seem like heroes or even good people to me . Praise the memory of those men and women who sacrificed so much for those wars and us
@PauloPereira-jj4jv Ай бұрын
Brazil is not a smaller country. Actually, its territory is BIGGER than the US continuous territory ( i.e., without Hawaii and Alaska).
@DS.proudkiwi Ай бұрын
@PauloPereira-jj4jv kinda meant in terms of contributed force's. Unfortunately history programs focus on American and British contributions forgetting often other countries smaller force's were the ones who went in first did allot of the heavy fighting and the America or the British would clean up what's left and take all the glory and praise .
@PauloPereira-jj4jv Ай бұрын
​​​​​@@DS.proudkiwi... all Brazilian forces were involved in the war. Navy, air force and army. The US stablished important bases on our coast (like Parnamirim Field), and 11 German submarines were sunk (10 by the US Navy and 1 by the BAF). There was an intense movement of US bombers during that period, from those bases to Africa. Even B-29s could be seen in Parnamirim Field. And many convoys, too. Also, the 1st Brazilian Fighter Squadron received the US Presidential Unit Citation.
@gab.americano Ай бұрын
@@DS.proudkiwi understood the smaller. not nation or country but regarding military. nice comment friend
@JFagnerVSilva Ай бұрын
"Smaller?" 😂
@danielcaiado6924 Ай бұрын
My great grandfather led the Sampaio Regiment. The infantry regiment that took Monte Castelo. He would become a general then a marshal in the Brazilian Army. His name was Aguinaldo Caiado de Castro. I was raised with his officers sword above the fireplace in my house but it was stolen.
@igortiger9862 Ай бұрын
I am Brazilian, I have served in the armed forces and I am currently a police officer. I am very proud of the Brazilian expeditionary forces, as is most of the nation, and the stories are extensively told in the barracks. But there are points to be made: the first is that Getúlio Vargas was a fascist dictator, just like Franco and Salazar. He copied Mussolini's carta del lavouro, which is our current labor law. There was a national fascist branch here, the integralists. That was the case at the time, but due to pressure from the US, we were directed to the right side of the war. The allies created some bases in the Brazilian Northeast (by the way, visit them. There is no place more beautiful and much safer in the world than Rio de Janeiro), such as the base in Parnamirim in Rio Grande do Norte, which was widely used for the allied invasion of Africa in 1943/44. In fact, the impact was so strong that in that region the English language was mixed with Portuguese, where the word "boy" is used without translation, which in our language is "RAPAZ" or "MOÇO". Returning to the conflicts, the combatants had nothing to do with Vargas; they were men of character and a desire for freedom. Furthermore, the story of the "smoking snakes" was born from a story in which Hitler and his high command, discredited by rumors that Brazil was aligning itself with the Allies, said in his circle of generals "It is easier for a snake to smoke than for Brazil to enter this war". After that, this phrase became a slogan of the Brazilian campaign, and there are several writings on artillery shells and bombs with the words "The snake is smoking, Adolf". Finally, the Brazilian campaign was primarily in Italy, such as Monte Cassino and Montese, with a force of around 25 thousand soldiers. There are several stories from veterans, from heroic deeds even with second-rate donated equipment (as a rule, we fought with 1903 Springfields, M1 Garands were only for non-commissioned officers) to pranks on the Yankees involving the theft of a Sherman tank hahaha. If you have any further questions, I can tell you from what I know and what is popular in my country.
@marcuswilkins5011 Ай бұрын
@floriangeyer3454 Ай бұрын
"Western democ rats" never had a problem with fascists if they were useful allies. Just as the Sowjet Union provided valuable intel to the Argentinian fascist regime in 1982.
@Lucifer6669hell Ай бұрын
Vargas was never a fascist, just like Franco or Salazar. Vargas made Integralism, the blatant brazilian copy of Nazi-fascism, illegal. Just as he did with communism, by the way. Vargas was a RIGHT-WING ruler. The current far-right hates him because he was a developmentalist, while the latter represents an elite nostalgic for its colonial slave-owning past, subservient to big foreign capital and that hates its own people. He managed to negotiate with the Americans the installation of the first steel mill in Brazil. Regarding the Consolidation of Labor Laws, it was indeed inspired by the Italian Carta Del Lavoro, but, while the CLT has 922 articles, the Carta del Lavoro is just a manifesto of 19 principles. Brazilian labor laws are, in fact, a conquest of Brazilian workers. Vargas was no saint, far from it. But this villainous and caricatured image that is made of him today, generally by admirers of the 64 dictatorship and its unpunished torturers, makes no sense whatsoever.
@GD-ns8wf Ай бұрын
I am Brazilian. Much respect and gratitude for our brave soldiers, real heroes. Unfortunately, the current disgraceful military leadership do not honor their memory
@CarlosSantos-mr2sf Ай бұрын
Hello Igor let's be in touch....I really, really like this documentary and specially your explanation about the historical facts involving Getulio tge way I'm a Lawyer here in Brazil...
@glennhubbard5008 Ай бұрын
I'm really glad one country in South America stepped up to fight. I know the Mexicans fought in the Pacific, too. And the Cubans sank a U-boat.
@DanCalibur 24 күн бұрын
I remember watching a Brazilian veteran interview once, they were holding some german Pows and when the Americans arrived to pick them up the Brazilian soldiers were inside the cells laughing, smoking and playing cards with the captured german soldiers. "The expression on the American's faces were priceless", he said😂
@valente1340 25 күн бұрын
Aleluia! Finalmente alguém conta os feitos de nossos bravos soldados na Segunda Guerra mundial.💞🇧🇷💞
@progrunner3094 Ай бұрын
The Brazilian Expeditionary Force, FEB, is the sole reason I am proud of my home nation!
@MSR_666 2 ай бұрын
Great video dude !
@patriciamauricio2910 Ай бұрын
I went to a museum where their uniforms were exposed and the guide explained how unfit they were for the winter, let alone that Italian winter. They freezed. Thank you for the doc, even if some details are not so precise.
@carloshenriquezimmer7543 Ай бұрын
Another important point that needs to be recognized from theyr service at the war is the fact that the UN Charted declares Brazil as THE FIRST FOUNDING NATION. Hence why the Brazilian representative speaks first at UN meetings. Even when they should sht up and not be there...
@Krizalid3YE Ай бұрын
Yeaah... as Brazilian, 'im shamed about the actual president... A lot of people even say about this one not being the REAL LULA.
@PauloPereira-jj4jv Ай бұрын
The UN building was designed by a Brazilian.
@theovanhurtere Ай бұрын
​@@Krizalid3YEthat's nonsense, son.
@rjmh3968 Ай бұрын
Mas nenhum brasileiro sabe disso...
@Zerradable 26 күн бұрын
​@@Krizalid3YE"real" Lula? What do you mean? He was always like this, an animal.
@andrealvarengaarq Ай бұрын
Por mais terras que eu percorra Não permita, Deus, que eu morra Sem que volte para lá Sem que leve por divisa Esse V que simboliza A vitória que virá Nossa vitória final Que é a mira do meu fuzil A ração do meu bornal A água do meu cantil As asas do meu ideal A glória do meu Brasil
@palmitot 27 күн бұрын
“No matter how many lands I travel, God forbid that I die, Without returning there, The rations in my bag, The water in my canteen, The wings of my ideal, The glory of my Brazil”
@vitorferreirapecanha1767 Ай бұрын
06:10 Man, that german pamphlets were very convincing and well written in Portuguese. Here is the translation of some of them that can be found on the internet. "Comrades, here the German soldiers speak, addressing you, brazilians. After all, for what and for whom are you fighting here in Italy? After all, it's because the americans, who are not esteemed by anyone in this world, they try to convince you that this is about defending the interests of Brazil. And why did you abandon your land full of sun and radiance, and now fight here in the fog, mud and filth, waiting for the horrible winter, with to the your snowstorms and endless avalanches? Is that worth the 95 dollars you receive every month? Should the bullet-riddled body or a grave in Italy always be better paid? (...)". Anyway, the pamphlet continues and has other examples. Some of them had very appealing illustrations with a brazilian soldier killed in Italy and an american soldier planting a flag in Rio de Janeiro. There's a very curious one with a bald eagle with Roosevelt's head placing its claws on the map of Brazil and talking about imperialism, etc. Now imagine the moral effect of these pamphlets if you are a soldier far from home, with a certain resentment for the americans (who consider you someone inferior) and having more affinity with the German and Italian cultures that exists in the south of Brazil.
@georgyzhukov3901 Ай бұрын
Furthermore: the government that succeeded Getúlio Vargas' government had a direct alliance with the United States. Getúlio also chose to mention that "the Eagles have tried to overthrow me for a long time" and correctly analyzing the context in which he chose to cite this type of quote about the coup that occurred against him, he wrote that "the Eagles" continually tried to overthrow him and infiltrate the military and government personnel to obtain power in this country. And in fact, it created several slums, unemployment, hunger, lack of investment in different types of production of cars, motorcycles, military technologies, aquaculture projects, industrial jobs from state-owned companies and the like. Although he probably made mistakes, he invested in several references for the country of Brazil to produce different resources, such as wood, copper, tin, lead, iron, gold, in which these resources were refined and became part of products from state-owned companies. There were also more organizations regarding different types of jobs and working hours, conditions for working more or less and other labor laws. There was also autonomous production of different clothes, drinks, furniture, electronic products (radio and the like), televisions, etc., creation of different types of national music, weapons, etc. After that: slum formation, continually lower production, inflation, debt with the United States, large exports, greater imports, greater illiteracy, lower intelligence, more vulgar clothes, American films, series, etc., foreign cars, etc. They carried out similar actions regarding Africa in the country of Brazil. "Colonies have been banned! So how are we going to regain control and dominance over them? We are going to colonize them indirectly, subvert their language, culture, clothing, products and everything else to ours. We are going to dominate their elites and use the media to make their people foolish and promiscuous. We are going to sell our products and profit. We are going to prevent them from producing autonomous resources or, if they do, from producing resources that are of little functionality and efficiency compared to ours. Let's say that privatization is a blessing! Nationalization brings continuous crises! Come on, privatize your companies to us, we are going to bless you! If you produce any high-tech resources, we are going to censor and defame you! We are going to destroy your projects (electric car projects in the 70s are an example of this; they were denied, there was no intense investment and quickly, due to "competition", cars from foreign companies predominated), and annihilate your wise men! We are going to make your philosophers be trained by our new doctrines! we will create political conflicts, pervert your music, and transform your beautiful nature into a great prostitute!
@theovanhurtere Ай бұрын
Well, 1964 eventually came and proved the pamphlet right.
@gustavososter5 Ай бұрын
@@theovanhurtere Correto
@____trazluz____9804 25 күн бұрын
offtopic :95 dollars in that time was top money , lol
@chrishawn832 Ай бұрын
I had never heard this story before. I knew that Brazil had joined the Allies but did not know that they had contributed a reinforced division to the cause nor that they had been in combat in the ETO. Next time I see Royce Gracie I'm going to ask him about it.
@PauloPereira-jj4jv Ай бұрын
Brazilian war effort was much more than what you saw in this video.
@uou2906 25 күн бұрын
You know royce? Bro 😂
@Marine9432-x8r 21 күн бұрын
O brasil rendeu uma divisao alemã que eram umas das mais experientes em combate!
@LaryssaCaetano Ай бұрын
I am 37 old Brazilian and never heard about these héroes before. That k you for that
@GabeBars 23 күн бұрын
I would love a big budget movie about these guys. Such an amazing story.
@s337fm Ай бұрын
I guess it's relevant to stress out that São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais were for many just the point of assembly and training before departure. Most brazilians soldiers came from inlands, specially from empoverted northeast (while the south itself had as today too many italian and german settlers). This country is in territory as big as Europe or contiguous USA, but not in anyway close their railroads or interstate infrastructures... this was a battle for going fight way before they put their own feet in Naples - with lack of equipament, food, clothes and weapons.
@michaeldelisieux5252 Ай бұрын
The Brazilian Expeditionary Force, that heroically fought in Northern Italy in the final liberation of the Country , the school children from the area has a special day of the year do commemorate the liberation of their land in a ceremony in which they honor the flags of the two Countries.
@LucianoSilvaOficial Ай бұрын
"I pay a cow to avoid a fight, and all the cattle to keep fighting" Brazilian saying.
@moapqd1 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, nowadays military branches of Brazil that fought at WWII do not receive acknoledge of their feats, even in Brazil
@sage1261 Ай бұрын
The smoking snakes, sounds like one of the teams from Legends of the Hidden Temple
@freew0rrld 19 күн бұрын
My great-grandfather was there, Carlos da Silva. He had a tattoo of the smoking snake 😂
@matthewgood1873 2 ай бұрын
Love these videos sir
@superpacocaalado7215 Ай бұрын
Calls Vargas a dictator = instant like.
@homerogonzalesdutra Ай бұрын
Estes são os verdadeiros heróis Brasileiros!!! Que bom que este excelente vídeo ajuda a manter a memória viva de milhares de irmãos que com muita coragem deram suas vidas para ajudar os aliados nesta terrível guerra.
@WBRbatera Ай бұрын
uma das maiores se não a maior base aérea aliada era em Parnamirim, chamada por muitos o trampolim da vitória.
@garba1984 16 күн бұрын
Can you imagine you make a stand so fierce, that your enemies bury in amidst the war saying you were heroes. Badass as hell
@Странник-сталкер 20 күн бұрын
A great-uncle of mine came back from WWII and gave his little brother (my grandfather) a German cap. He gave it to me before he passed, I still wear it to this day :)
@MrAlematheus 25 күн бұрын
Brazilian expeditionary song --- Do you know where I come from? I come from the hills, the fields, The jungles and coffee farms. From the land of coconuts, From the cabin where one is lonely, Two is company, and three's a crowd. I come from silky beaches, From towering mountain peaks, From the plains and rubber fields. From the winding rivers’ edges, From the brave green seas, Of my homeland, my roots. *Chorus: No matter where life takes me, May God not let me die Without returning there again. Carrying the mark of my people, That "V" that represents The victory we will claim, Our ultimate triumph. It’s the aim of my rifle, The food in my pack, The water in my canteen, The wings of my dream, The pride of my Brazil. I come from my homeland, The white house on the hill, And the moonlight of my countryside. I come from my Maria, Whose name is etched On the palm of my hand. From Moema's warm embrace, And Iracema's honeyed lips, Always reaching out to me. Oh, my beloved homeland, Under the Lady of Aparecida, And the blessing of Bonfim. [Chorus] Do you know where I come from? From a nation that I carry Within the body of my guitar, That, from beating in my chest, Became the shape Of a giant heart. I left behind my small farm, My lemon and jacaranda trees, And my little house on the hill, Where the songbirds sing. [Chorus] I come from beyond the hills, Where the horizon still glows blue, Where our love was born. From the cabin beside the palm tree, That, poor thing, Has withered from longing. I come from the greenest greens, The brightest yellows, And the bluest skies filled with light. Filled with silver stars, That bow in awe, Making the sign of the cross. [Chorus] --
@leandrosouza9261 Ай бұрын
THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Cobras fumantes eterna é sua vitória!!
@EdnaldodasChagasSouza Ай бұрын
Thank much😊🎉
@viniso 23 күн бұрын
15:10 a fun fact is that the Smoking Snakes had quite a reputation among axis forces and italian people for the humanitary treatment of surrendering troops and full medical treatment, that led the division inclined to surrender to them instead of continue fighting. There are some records about brazilian troops and axis prisoners drinking together, even.
@yankeepapa304 Ай бұрын
The troops are remembered today... But when they got home, after a big parade...the dictator ordered them disbanded as a unit...small numbers remaining sent to obscure posts. The men were forbidden to form a veterans' organization...and promises of pensions and the like not kept for decades. YP
@georgyzhukov3901 Ай бұрын
Furthermore: the government that succeeded Getúlio Vargas' government had a direct alliance with the United States. Getúlio also chose to mention that "the Eagles have tried to overthrow me for a long time" and correctly analyzing the context in which he chose to cite this type of quote about the coup that occurred against him, he wrote that "the Eagles" continually tried to overthrow him and infiltrate the military and government personnel to obtain power in this country. And in fact, it created several slums, unemployment, hunger, lack of investment in different types of production of cars, motorcycles, military technologies, aquaculture projects, industrial jobs from state-owned companies and the like. Although he probably made mistakes, he invested in several references for the country of Brazil to produce different resources, such as wood, copper, tin, lead, iron, gold, in which these resources were refined and became part of products from state-owned companies. There were also more organizations regarding different types of jobs and working hours, conditions for working more or less and other labor laws. There was also autonomous production of different clothes, drinks, furniture, electronic products (radio and the like), televisions, etc., creation of different types of national music, weapons, etc. After that: slum formation, continually lower production, inflation, debt with the United States, large exports, greater imports, greater illiteracy, lower intelligence, more vulgar clothes, American films, series, etc., foreign cars, etc. They carried out similar actions regarding Africa in the country of Brazil. "Colonies have been banned! So how are we going to regain control and dominance over them? We are going to colonize them indirectly, subvert their language, culture, clothing, products and everything else to ours. We are going to dominate their elites and use the media to make their people foolish and promiscuous. We are going to sell our products and profit. We are going to prevent them from producing autonomous resources or, if they do, from producing resources that are of little functionality and efficiency compared to ours. Let's say that privatization is a blessing! Nationalization brings continuous crises! Come on, privatize your companies to us, we are going to bless you! If you produce any high-tech resources, we are going to censor and defame you! We are going to destroy your projects (electric car projects in the 70s are an example of this; they were denied, there was no intense investment and quickly, due to "competition", cars from foreign companies predominated), and annihilate your wise men! We are going to make your philosophers be trained by our new doctrines! we will create political conflicts, pervert your music, and transform your beautiful nature into a great prostitute!"
@dudley5658 2 ай бұрын
I feel you could teach a snake to smoke quicker than you could a fish.
@bobyouel7674 Ай бұрын
thanks for the info great stuff
@Jamhael1 17 күн бұрын
The best part of it was the fact that Brazil was just chill amidst WW2 till they were provoked into fighting, and the best representation of the brazilian warrior spirit is the image of a FEB artillerist giving a smug smile while loading a shell which a phrase was written: *THE SNAKE IS SMOKING!*
@Azimuth7 15 күн бұрын
Unfortunately this memory in Brazil will be erased forever by corrupt politicians who try to rewrite and distort our history. In Italy, those heroes are remembered until today. But in Brazil, soon they will be just a shadow of the past. 😢 Thanks for the documentary. "Senta a pua!" It was the smoking snakes motto.
@diegopaiva4790 Ай бұрын
its said that the 3 dudes held the germans for some hours and that the germans thought they were fight a full platoon.
@mago.alquimista 25 күн бұрын
Thank you for the homage to Brazilians Smoking Snakes ❤ 🇧🇷🇺🇲
@doncarr9860 2 ай бұрын
Great video sir!
@filippecampos2826 Ай бұрын
Around 2007 I visited the FEB Museum here in Belo Horizonte/ Minas Gerais and was recived by an old veterand in uniform, who kindly showed me the museum and told me histories about the war, it was an unique expeience wich I really enjoyed!
@sandymackay4017 Ай бұрын
Again, I'm old . Never heard of this.
@lurocharadialistadarmorj Ай бұрын
Excelente documentário! Parabéns.
@marmitacomunista5247 22 күн бұрын
Even though the military already demystified this story of the three brazilian soldiers, salute to our warrious. Heroes of a century!
@MetalHev Ай бұрын
Not said here, but very important, is that while brazilians were advised to not interact with the local population of the conquered cities (common US/British doctrine), many disregarded that, going as far as sharing rations with the starving population. To this day they still sing the anthem of the FEB in Libertation Day, there in Italy.
@morgray1792 Ай бұрын
The greatest heroes of our Brazil
@marywiza Ай бұрын
Brasil mencionado! 🗣🇧🇷🔥
@kenshi1985br 24 күн бұрын
Only in Brazil such a heroic effort and achievement could be ignored by the polulation and the government. It's a shame I have to learn the greatness of brazilians soldiers in a foreign channel.
@lurianmarcostambosetti3198 Ай бұрын
The germans write about how they fear the Brasil soldiers, because they fight very close to the germans line, and engage in hand to hand combat sometimes. A Brasilian veteran tell that he fought alone 4 german soldiers, killing then all.
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