The Venus Project - Resource Based Economy

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The Venus Project

The Venus Project

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@loredanalorenzi7292 2 жыл бұрын
This should be thought in school, have a weekly special on his ideas put in the news and social media- I NEED the world to talk about it
@TheVenusProjectGlobal 2 жыл бұрын
Humanity needs the world to discuss it 🙂 (Peter tvp volunteer)
@rights_are_god_given 11 ай бұрын
I believe greedy evil and corrupt people who are drunk on their green paper will always do what best suits them and shape the narratives as they always have sadly. The only thing that may work is for one great county to start something like a resource based economy and have people who want a moneyless society move there in numbers. I'd be on the first vehicle heading that direction.
@AntilleanConfederation 9 ай бұрын
The world is not like this by accident. It is designed in that way. Humanity as a collective can achieve a resource based economy. Matter of fact. Most tribal societies lived based off their resources
@anatureperson 12 жыл бұрын
I am so sick and tired of this system we have. I am ready for anything NEW!
@repeat108 13 жыл бұрын
I understand that we do not place monetary value on our environment (i.e. trees, water, air, arible land, etc.). This is why the current monetary system ruins the environment. Thanks, Jacque, for being a true visonary person. I hope many others "wake up" because of you life-long work.
@Vitaliy711 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers That's basically what I am saying, since I am only a student and work at a fast food restaurant. I have no idea how I going to pay for college, get a student loan and join the American people in debt, and work my ass off to pay it off? This is why we need to move towards a resource based economy! Everyone wins!
@Vitaliy711 12 жыл бұрын
In the meantime, how are we supposed to live and survive In a monetary based system? Where do i get funding to do research? How do I support myself and a family? How can I afford to get a proper education? I am forced to get a job and fall into the circle of consumerism living paycheck to paycheck with no time or funds to sponsor the things that really matter to me. I want to do so many things in my life, but just I'm not able to, due to this system that everyone is trapped in.
@self-issuedcurrency Жыл бұрын
Great questions! It does seem that a transition process is necessary. I have a proposal you can try: Take something that you have to offer (an available resource), and create gift certificates based on that resource. Begin giving those gift certificates away as gifts in place of or in addition to giving away Dollars.
@realdon99 13 жыл бұрын
Although I HOPE, PRAY and BELIEVE it will be SOONER rather than LATER! Thank you Mr. Fresco. I would love to visit someday soon and soak in some of your ideas as my mind works incredibly similar to that of yours!! Keep infecting PEOPLE with you brilliant Intuition!!
@bastardoftheparty1 13 жыл бұрын
The real opposition to a Resource Based Economy is the Elite. The richest 5% are seated at the table in a Monarchy by Committee. The world today, is no different than the world at ANY other time in the past. It features, on the one side; a King, and on the other; the Peasants. Only measurable difference in modern times is instead of a bunch of Kings ruling over a bunch of kingdoms, they cooperate and rule collectively. They will not surrender their kingdom without one hell of a fight.
@phackqu 12 жыл бұрын
Jacque Fresco is the most interesting man on Earth
@helenmohiam944 2 жыл бұрын
And the next most interesting person is not even on the horizon next to Jacque!
@helenmohiam944 2 жыл бұрын
I have never read about, heard or seen anyone or anything in our entire history or current day which can even compare to Jacque Fresco and his knowledge on any kind of level. Literally everything that has ever existed and exists today, COMBINED, does not even approach Jacque Fresco in any way on any level. He seems so impossible, I would not blame you or myself for thinking he is THE MESSIAH, The Savior, Mehdi, Zoroaster, The Buddha, Jesus... He is EVERYTHING!
@TheVenusProjectGlobal 2 жыл бұрын
I dont think fresco would see himself as a mesiah or anything like that, i remember fresco speaking of himself as just someone who has a lot of knowledge and tools 🙂 (Peter tvp volunteer)
@akrumm Жыл бұрын
I have recently been contemplating the current markets and where things will go with modern LLM tools like Chat GPT. I have reached a series of conclusions about where the markets will lead, what will happen to all of the corporate jobs (all of them) and the corporations themselves. There is a very precarious time ahead of us in the very near future. In my pursuit of others who could temper my assumptions and conclusions, I found about this man. Everything that I had reached as a conclusion, he states out loud in this video. I am freaking out because I constantly question my own conclusions for fear that I am missing essential information. When he speaks those same conclusions and includes more data I had not considered, he seems to validate everything I have come to believe. I am preparing to read the venus project (I only just learned of it) and am curious how his vision might take shape. It may be the best time to explore options that move us away from the monetary system (if not too late), if we want to be able to live outside of this world, or even break free from the industrial age, we will need to find more options than what we have. I have a lot of his content to consume but I'm optimistic now.
@packleader1215 12 жыл бұрын
To help raise money for The Venus Project, we have to be practical starting with the monetary system. I believe in using the leverage of network marketing because you can help others make money, help them develop a creative mindset, free up more people's time so you can create a team of people who can easily donate to the project and get things moving more faster towards this direction.
@trizaikha 12 жыл бұрын
Very inspiring idea, but it will never materialize. Not because of political philosophy or cultural differences, but because of something much deeper and profound. Individuality and Religion. My thought process is much to critical and relative to place in text, so I condensed it to this. This is truly a very interesting conversation.
@johnnycakeslim Жыл бұрын
Im curious how something like a totally new concept, and a good one in my opinion, might manifest instead of just being talked about. I can only imagine it must begin with serious commitment and sacrifice along with a ton of money. An example must be built someplace like an island inhabited by science based pioneers who can build it to show just how it can work for all humanity
@TheVenusProjectGlobal Жыл бұрын
@TheVenusProjectGlobal 13 жыл бұрын
@RSevas thanks for the kindly and constructive help, especially your keen attention to descriptive technical details. I will pass your concerns to the camera person in hopes of correcting
@BrentNally 13 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@melvinfields3078 8 ай бұрын
Moving towards this , because of the stellar development of AI, Quantum Computing and Robotics. Universal basic income will be necessary to avoid complete economic and social collapse. A resource based economy is the next answer. A lot of people are going to die in the meantime. A “mean” time is coming in the meantime.
@andresgotti 13 жыл бұрын
@Panamenya 2 жыл бұрын
Does a resource-based economy account for environmental concerns? Is the whole planet viewed through the lens of "everything on the planet is a *resource* exclusively for human use" or is there room left for non-humans and biodiversity?
@TheVenusProjectGlobal 2 жыл бұрын
A Resource-based-economy takes into account the whole environment and it is proposed areas of earth would be left u touched by humans in a Resource-based-economy (Peter tvp volunteer)
@ChuckHitler 12 жыл бұрын
No one WANTED a microwave, doesnt mean the need for a microwave was not there. The microwave responds to the need: Women and society in general needed a faster heating solution for food in making more time for other things in their life. Thats what invention is about. No one wanted a microwave per se, but they wanted the convience of the microwave. The microwave is the physical manifestation/solution of the intangible need. I dont think we should deny the advantages of technology, culture, and
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@TheDeviantation I agree with what you say, and this is why Jacque said we're most likely going to have to wait for a collapse of the current economic system before real physical work towards an RBE can begin taking place. When people genuinely start looking for alternatives (rich and poor) in mass.
@enlighteneveryone 13 жыл бұрын
@digitalaffect FOR YOU TO GO THE SCHOOL AND HELP THE MOTION TO FALL THROUGH THE OCEAN AND CLEAN IT. It takes us to get into environmental science to find more of the scientist, engineers to design, and politicians in desires to remove the old and bring in the new, with jacque fresco's ideas taking over and removing politics. It takes revolutionary thinking, and ups and downs, but eventually it will come. No need to wait for others to do it for you. Be part of it all by taking action.
@Yamakoto120 13 жыл бұрын
Very true.
@jackedup2077 12 жыл бұрын
Competition is only present when there is a scarcity of resources. Other people and species use cooperation in order to survive.
@TheVenusProjectGlobal 12 жыл бұрын
@XC2U says "site has not been published" ?
@TheVenusProjectGlobal 13 жыл бұрын
@sparis1970 TED would be ideal. There was an offer for Jacque some time back to participate in their seniors program or something but there were prohibitive costs involved.
@GomuNingen 12 жыл бұрын
@XC2U It doesn't illustrate the problems with the resource-based economy, it gives examples of how a resource-based economy would work in our society.
@technatezin 13 жыл бұрын
@siclos "Engineers and scientists often disagree on the best way to do something." Which means physical designs must be tested out to determine what is best design for a given situation and scenarios and theories must be put to test to determine correctness. For theories that cannot be practically tested the probability of what will be most likely to occur should be worked out to find the best theory to support in the interim. The thing with the scientific method is that it is self-correcting.
@ChuckHitler 12 жыл бұрын
renting a car only makes someone unhappy because anyone can take it away at any time. it isnt guaranteed. the functionality of a car is needed. solution: public transportation. public transportation is better than individual cars. its also safer (no drunk drivers, racers, human error, etc).
@Beef1188 13 жыл бұрын
@digitalaffect I have created a 25 page document written in my language called "political activists - who are we?". Its more or less a summary of the zeitgeist movies. Along with my job I am also a volunteer teacher of computer basics. Some would say its quite sneaky actually: everytime a new group comes to my class I give them a speech on how I do that for free and it would be only decent of them to at least read it. My voice is comming to a hundred people a month. ;)
@helenmohiam944 2 жыл бұрын
@realdon99 13 жыл бұрын
You know, years from now people WILL be sitting around and saying "why in the HELL didn't the WORLD put Jacque Fresco's ideas to test and use SOONER" !!
@ChuckHitler 12 жыл бұрын
most people will object public transportation because of their root desire to own something, not because its worse. its not ownership thats important, its the effeciency. it IS Possible for us to create a public transportation that is just as fast and 'direct" as individual transportation. it just takes some thinking outside of the box.
@TimTheVikingOwen 12 жыл бұрын
Will any of us act on the Genius of the 90 some year wise humanitarian who says, "In a truly free nation, no one has to tell you you are free." What do You think of what Jacuqe Fresco has to say? We should all grow up with the wisdom of an elder like this man, God Bless Jacque Fresco. Love, Peace and Light facebook(DOT)com/BelovedMiracles Keep Sharing the Miracles!!!
@ChuckHitler 12 жыл бұрын
What I was trying to say was that at the time it was a responsive need. A problem arose, the microwave responded to those problems. These days ANYONE could find a microwave useful. I'd like to change my statement: a microwave is an easier re-heating solution for most food. Not so much as heating/cooking. It can cook, but it is not the best option for cooking meat and fish in my experience. Anything you would steam or boil would do well in a microwave which reduces dirty dishes and cooking time.
@SheenaVocals 13 жыл бұрын
@palpatine17 Better to be an idealistic dreamer, believing in a fair world, than just accepting the horrible things that go on in our current system. It is through dreaming, then making them happen, that things change in the world.
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers Abundance, not scarcity, best describes the world's food supply. Enough wheat, rice and other grains are produced to provide every human being with 3,500 calories a day. That doesn't even count many other commonly eaten foods - vegetables, beans, nuts, root crops, fruits, grass-fed meats, and fish.
@technatezin 12 жыл бұрын
@TheDeviantation Actually, even a simple spatial reconfiguration of present cities could save huge amounts of resources that could go toward feeding the teeming billions on this planet now. Couple that energy saving technologies and the coming bleeding edge technologies currently be researched in the universities now could for all intents and purposes eliminate present material scarcity in the coming decades. This project is realizable NOW. It's not a futuristic pipe dream.
@bagiee1 13 жыл бұрын
@Garrettthief ...ok.. i see your point.. but whatever side we can look at it... compaired to what we have now... it cannot get any "colder"..the system we currently have is the definition of "cold", and "self-servingness"... where decisions are taken merely on profit, with no regard to either the human nor the environment... (when i said about nature, i wasnt talking about animal behavior... but about informaton that nature provides to us, to show us how far we can go, in what we want to make)
@janhubalek5400 Жыл бұрын
Good points about the need to unify all nations and declare resources belonging to all world’s people. This principle is very close to the idea of the Creative Society which is an alternative to the current consumer model. But I still do not have answered a question whether this system, this approach leaves power as a tease, with some elected individuals, or the powers evenly distributed among all people? If such a system will leave the Institute of power, it is yet doomed too. The Creative Society presumes a self governance society, where people have the power, also aiming to unite the world and move from the approach where money is the highest value. Instead, human life should become the highest value in the new model of society.
@Eman-wj8gq Жыл бұрын
Early civilization had no idea what they were doing. Putting all the power in someone who had more land or gold was foolish. We gave up power than and it's gotten worse ever since.
@Skylinesandsunsets 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers - I'd also like to say that one of Communism's concerns is the condition of labor and the working class. An RBE's major concern is producing products with limited labor and eventually eliminating labor and at the same time giving people all the amenities of a prosperous, high energy society.
@AdamDeben 12 жыл бұрын
You should have access to resources based on the contributions you make. Humans will always want things they don't entirely need, so ownership is good for a person's well-being and sense of fulfillment. Renting a car isn't as good as owning a car. It makes the renter unhappy. I want to own my own car, phone, tablet, clothing, furniture, etc. How will movies work? It's expensive to make those (in terms of resources), but since they don't support the infrastructure, movies will die out.
@pindebraende Жыл бұрын
There is such a thing as people's opinions and wants. But there is also the human needs of people. Our role in the ecosystem of Earth, as humans, is unique and only becoming more vastly influential. If we want to establish a sustainable future for Earth with human societies, we must concern ourselves with the needs of humans, in order to make those societies work in the grand scheme of things. So I think it is essential to ask people how they feel. What is the minimum they require to live? What things or circumstances do they require in order to do different kinds of work? You can't quantify these things accurately without acknowledging each seperate persons needs. Making use of psychology, etc. Going a step further, I think it will be necessary to make use of uniquely human qualities like our visions and our ideas. While I agree that resources and the movement of materials will always determine what is possible on Earth, I believe that the human ability to imagine things not before seen, and then consciously make them real, can be treated as a uniquely valuable resource as well. So, when arranging a technical solution to sustaining life on earth, if we want to include human life, we must include the whole of humans. All of each person. Science agrees that we couldn't have evolved what we are now, without both our mental and social abilities. So going forward, can we let those unique qualities go to waste? We can't do that sustainably, any more than we can ignore the unique qualities of water. I value expertise, and I am not at all a highly educated citizen. But I believe that it is vital to consider human emotions as irrefutably valuable information to anything that humans take part in. I believe that human ideas and visions are essential tools in the process of any working ecosystem that will continue to contains us. If that is of any inspiration to you, then I think sharing my thoughts is worth more than just having them!
@Megatrousers 12 жыл бұрын
@donkisiko That's what communism wanted, too. The Soviet Union was intended to be run by councils of the workers (soviets) who decided where to allocate the resources so that nobody would run out of what was needed. They didn't want money, they didn't want leaders, but both of those things turned into necessities when their desired system didn't quite work out. Why would this be different?
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers Because the soviets didn't have the techonology that we do, they still had a modern day governmental structure (based upon opinions etc.) and last but not least of all they didn't have the resources. In order to get those resources they needed money, something they didn't have enough of and in a system with everyone sharing couldn't make enough of; leading to true scarcity within Russia. an RBE is on a global scale, communism confined itself to what it had, which was lots of gas.
@packleader1215 12 жыл бұрын
LIKE IF YOU AGREE: Politics have destroyed the meaning of TRUST. Here's Jacque explaining the alternative, letting the EARTH determine what happens, meanwhile ill-informed new comers blurt out their first words: "It's a fraud". THINK OF CRABS IN A BOILING POT OF WATER. What happens?......Thank you!
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers Einstein, Newton, Hawking, Michio Kaku, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, Tim bernes lee, ... I could go on and on so don't give me crap about their only incentive and motivation being money. You don't spend hours in the lab to get paid for overtime you spend it to get results. These people were motivated by their love for what they did and to find answers, the same as a majority of scientists are today. Money is just MADE into a necessity which you need to survive in this
@helenmohiam944 2 жыл бұрын
Doctors Without Borders, Nikola Tesla, Green Peace... There are A LOT of volunteers out there. That guy does not understand the science behind what Motivation and Incentive actually is to a biological human being. He has a very superficial "understanding" of what it might mean. It is not a subject anyone of us get to study in school, right? We are conditioned to believe, if anything, that money is the only incentive and motivation. Without any empirical proof, mind you, it is just propaganda and dogma.
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers videos you'll see that fundamentally TVP covers all aspects of civilization, while communism focused on merely the distribution of resources and a lack of social class, hoping everyone would just get along lol... well I'm meant to be doing my assignment why im here i honestly do not know... anyway. Watch all the videos on the side and youtube page, and look at the FAQ section on the site. cheers (Y)
@Skylinesandsunsets 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers - Rather than having a council of workers, who would arbitrarily make decisions or vote or whatever, an RBE would arrive at solutions by using the scientific method. The Soviets never got rid of rubles, thus they never moved away from the monetary system. Even if the Soviets attempted to move towards a leaderless & money free system, it wasn't possible because they had to divert resources in order to fight the cold war. The west wanted them to be destroyed.
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers On top of this I keep saying that the scientific method approach which will permeate all decisions that influence society is another difference, no political leaders, a system that alleviates and eventually removes the need for it. Besides that theres the socio engineering aspect I keep telling you about, we have to change peoples view points, some people are already geared towards collaboration and its slowly becoming more widely accepted but if you watch jacques
@stevenhustler2103 2 жыл бұрын
@technatezin 13 жыл бұрын
@Hellfireblogs "Who delivers the food? Autonomous wheeled driverless robots. "Who picks the tomatoes? Robots with delicate fingers?" Or robots with suction cups and visual sensors. What you're really accomplishing by harvesting fruits and vegetables is performing the repetitive single action of pulling the fruit off the branch.
@Skylinesandsunsets 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers - The metalworkers, carpenters, and so on would make decisions based on their own opinions. In an RBE, a survey would be done and then the scientific method would be applied as to the best way to distribute resources so that everyone has enough.
@UrbanLifeandEconomy 12 жыл бұрын
Hi, did you people looked at "Earth Exchange based Economy". It is a new concept of economy where all the people work free of cost and all the organizations are noprofit organizations. It does have a concept of money and it is not similar to Resoure based economy.
@Megatrousers 12 жыл бұрын
@donkisiko I've been giving you reasons this whole time. The reason it won't work is that a centrally planned economy is incapable of effectively managing resources compared to price mechanisms, where supply and demand are naturally appropriated according to the resource's availability and usefulness. I've been comparing it to communism because it IS communism, with small and minor changes that wouldn't change the overall result. And yes, I've read about resource based 'economics'.
@helenmohiam944 2 жыл бұрын
There is no government, there are no police, no lawyers, no military, no banks, no politicians .... In what way is it a slightly different Communist model? Your human body is entirely Resource Based, did you know that? So you are saying some crude idea of what an economy ought to be is more efficient than an economic model based in physical referent/reality? The same model that enables life to exist... OK
@boxingfit 13 жыл бұрын
will we ever see the day that life evolves around life rather than money????...
@helenmohiam944 2 жыл бұрын
Either we will or we will perish. We are steadily moving towards extinction or near-extinction level event. TVP is literally the only way out that we are aware of (afaik).
@Oldtimeypistolero 13 жыл бұрын
@technatezin It isn't a repetitive single action. You seem to understand robots, but not how plants work. Grow one and harvest it next season and you'll see what I mean.
@ChuckHitler 12 жыл бұрын
like you said before that is different from a phone. a phone needs to be NEAR you, not necessarily be owned by you. a phone is much better if it is in your home, or on you all the time. phones would be better if they could be interchangeable and not confined to their owners. this relieves the stress of ownership. a phone is just as interchangeable as sharp rocks are in a huntergatherer society. there is not a specific sharp rock for each person. this is also possible if we put our minds to it
@ptbwf 13 жыл бұрын
@technatezin but that is all we have to do, that is all we can do. We need to get rid of 'civilization' and save what is left of our planet's organisms, it is the fairest and the most efficient way to live as a species.
@ChuckHitler 12 жыл бұрын
My point is you cant jumble everything under the category of "want." because not ever thing serves a want, even the things that APPEAR to serve a want: an iphone, a microwave, etc. An iphone is no different to us than sharp rocks were to hunter gatherers. I'm not saying that some people want a phone or microwave simply to fulfill a want. Of course those people are out there. But those things are FUNCTIONAL and serve NEEDS. The need for less cooking time, the need for 24/7 internet access etc
@technatezin 13 жыл бұрын
@Hellfireblogs "Maintaining the robots and technology are time and work intensive as well. Who would be doing that?" Sure, but most of the work would be indoors with programmers and engineers improving the software and hardware design of the robots. If you're not familiar with the robotics and computer field, most of the work in improving the machinery revolves around high level design. For the low level routine maintenance other machines can be programmed to automate that type work.
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers Enough food is available to provide at least 4.3 pounds of food/person a day worldwide: two and half pounds of grain, beans and nuts, about a pound of fruits and vegetables, and nearly another pound of meat, milk and eggs-enough to make most people fat! The problem is that many people are too poor to buy readily available food. Even most "hungry countries" have enough food for all their people right now. Many are net exporters of food and other agricultural products
@merrillolen9555 Жыл бұрын
R.I.P. Jackie Fresh
@TheVenusProjectGlobal Жыл бұрын
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers Well as I keep trying to stress to you, this is fundamentally different. Firstly its on a global scale, secondly it would not be limited by money, we agree the communists failed and starved because they didn't have enough resources nor did they have the money to buy enough resources sustainably, most of their funds were wasted on building up their military because they were threatened. One of the key issues in communism was the producer-consumer relationship --->
@Megatrousers 12 жыл бұрын
@donkisiko Financial collapses can exist without money - money is just an indicator of value which is determined by the buyer and seller. Finance and economies existed long before money, just in a much less efficient way. There is NO reason why there wouldn't be supply shortages in The Venus Project. You can say "Oh, the technology will let us have an abundance" but the fact of the matter is that the technology doesn't yet exist and we are a long way off anything close.
@helenmohiam944 2 жыл бұрын
You're not even listening to the video, are you? Fresco already answered these questions, either you are misunderstanding what he is saying or you have not listened at all. Its also possible you are not able to think in operative terms, so your current belief systems jams itself when it hears operational thinking. You sound like youre coming from a dualistic modality of thinking. I am guessing that you are not a well read/experienced general technician, you are a specialist technician with narrow understanding of the physical realm and scientific methodology. I dont know if youre a shill or what?
@balafama2120 Жыл бұрын
@@helenmohiam944 you speak like a true cultist ,already calling the fresco dude a messiah........smh
@helenmohiam944 Жыл бұрын
@@balafama2120 I have to agree, re-reading my comment and I would not accept it for myself either. A RBE /GRBE type of economy is a lot better than what we have had in the past and much more efficient than what we have today (monetary). It will not solve all economic problems instantly but it would be a very significant improvement. It is conceivable to think that it will eventually solve all economical problems in a relatively rapid amount of time. One of the main tenants of TVP is that society in most areas become an emergent society. Utopia, perfectionism and static institutions are to become a thing of the past not something to attain to. Do you, or we, know of anything better than a Resource-based economy today? As soon as we do, it needs to be experimented on with scientific scales of performance and if results are empirically better than RBE then this new economy must be implemented and surpass RBE as rapidly as possible.
@technatezin 13 жыл бұрын
@Hellfireblogs "And the science simply doesn't exist for half of what your planning." You'll be surprised. Fully conscious robots that acts like human beings with thoughts and feelings are a long way off. But, for robots that are specially designed and programmed to accomplish certain tasks that does not change significantly and has no surprises, the mathematical theories and engineering technology is already there.
@TheVenusProjectGlobal 13 жыл бұрын
@WJValente i don't know what you have been able to extract from jacque's talks to be asking this. What do you mean by "live the good life"? Your site says "I am a TRUTH-seeker whom has been shocked to realize that most people are, in fact, NOT Truth-seekers as well, but COMFORT-seekers." Please watch all these videos on this channel; if you don't have a sense of what is his philosophy, or how to treat others, then I'm completely at a loss.
@watercopper 13 жыл бұрын
the bulidings of the future , are they solar power? the structures on the water , how does the water and sewer system work?
@ChuckHitler 12 жыл бұрын
Iphone has email access so I can get notifications from my teachers and email questions during work or whenever I am not home (school only provides office/school numbers for teachers, not mobile numbers; so i can't text or call them). Before school I was fine with having a "shitty" phone. Now I need one. I can't take my assignments everywhere unless I have access to internet, which I would have if I had a smartphone. Smart phones can make to do lists, grocery lists,calculators, etc.
@naugans 12 жыл бұрын
lets make the world among capitalism, komunism, etc.! lets make it new generation!!!
@Megatrousers 12 жыл бұрын
@donkisiko Technology needs creators too, and creators require incentive and motivation. Expecting someone to do something out of the kindness of their heart very rarely works - that's what the soviets tried and they ended up on the bad end of the stick in the cold war. The only ground breaking technology the soviets made was involved in the space race, which didn't improve civilian life at all, further demonstrating the inefficiency of central control.
@helenmohiam944 2 жыл бұрын
You seem at a higher technical level than most. These videos are NOT for in-depth discussions. They are for non-technical people. Watch (read his books btw) his videos on Motivation & incentive. He does not mean "One Central Control for the whole world", he even mentions in his book that it is a redundant central control for that particular city/area connetced to other central controls in other cities/areas who also have redundancies.
@self-issuedcurrency Жыл бұрын
My research leads me to believe that the fastest and easiest path to a resource based economy is to start creating currency that is based on available resources. The fastest way to do that is for working people to start issuing and trading gift certificates for the resources they have. Dollars are not based on available resources and the people who issue Dollars aren't going to change their system.
@TheVenusProjectGlobal Жыл бұрын
May I ask what research has pushed you to believe that? (Peter Tvp Volunteer)
@self-issuedcurrency Жыл бұрын
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal That is a great question and I'm glad you asked. Here is probably the single most powerful video which led me to believe that. It shows people who issued their own resource-based currency and how they were able to avoid taking loans from and paying usury to Dollar-issuing banks. The currency they issued was basically gift certificates. So simple it seems hard to believe.
@KarainFoE 13 жыл бұрын
first jk great video by jacque fresco!
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers Is that the mentality of people would have to change, and this aspect is covered in jacques socioengineering proposals, and is the exact reason why he's waiting until this system begins to collapse before a RBE proposal truly gains momentum. Great change comes about with great suffering. So tell me with enough resources to manage the current population, the willingness of the majority of people to particapate and a change in money centred attitudes why cant it work?
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers This failed because the producer wasn't making any profit and thus couldn't continue on sustainably making these goods, this is a fundamental difference and issue caused by money! An RBE doesn't require money and thus the issue of needing "profit" is removed, on top of this the aim of an RBE is to automise the producer! I believe thats quite the fundamental difference, hence why I say technology is key, something they didn't have.
@rayza4130 11 ай бұрын
Hectic thread people.. after reading the comments my summary is we are definitely f%$k'd. Rip Jacque
@TheVenusProjectGlobal 11 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, it seems that way. However, we will keep grinding away at the old economic social system to increase awareness/probability of a better future (Peter, TVP Volunteer)
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers Can you please tell me why? When todays economic desicions are based on the exact same system you say cannot handle resources? (consumption and sales in combination with ACTUAL scarcity determines prices, which means that we already have a mechanism for accurately determining consumption, retail stores use it to prevent over producing; but theres also manufactured scarcity in many sectors). So if we take money out of the equation we have an adequate RMS. Another fact
@chloe290983 12 жыл бұрын
@stalkingcat123 Erm.... Your getting there :) Your probably closer than some. Not quite there yet. Then again, none of us are there yet. Nothing i am saying is new. Everything im saying come's from the Q&A section on the TVP website or from the seminar/Q&A session on a Sunday. You seem interested. Keep watching all the different video's and the Q&A section in TVP site is great for breaking down the questions so that there easilier understood.. Peace out cat :)
@chloe290983 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers Communism has no blueprint or methodology to carry out their ideals and along with capitalism, fascism, and socialism, will ultimately go down in history as failed social experiments.
@Megatrousers 12 жыл бұрын
@Skylinesandsunsets The workers would "Arbitrarily make decisions". They were supposed to arrive at decisions that both benefited the community and appropriately use the resources they had been given. The metalworkers would decide what to do with the metal, the carpenters would decide what to do with the wood. The only differences between Communism and the Venus project are so completely and utterly minor - the reason their economy collapsed, the lack of price signals, isn't addressed at all.
@testar2 13 жыл бұрын
@maxpoweruk2008. I really hope it happens too. I dont give up. I give people "around" me (like people at my work, people close to me, my family etc) information about resource-based economy, and the advantage this system has, and will have. All I'm saying is that until our current system brakes totally, not enough people will see the benefits of a RBE system = people are to affraid to change, even if the change offers so much better life-quality...
@chloe290983 12 жыл бұрын
@AdamDeben The only reason people want these things are because other people have them. If you didn't know they existed you wouldnt want them. Who wanted a microwave in the 1970's?, Who wanted a laptop in the 1980's?, who wanted an iphone in the 90's??. There are 105+ FAQs on the TVP website. Don't critisize what you simply don't understand. How exactly does renting a car make you unhappy compared to owning one? What if someone is severly disabled? They dont deserve access??
@WR3K 12 жыл бұрын
@thevenusprojectmedia: i'm sure zeitgeist movement and venus project fans, would gladly fundraise for either jacque, or peter, to be able to speak to the ted community. i for one would donate generously, and i am a poor college student
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers You can't compare an RBE in this current economic system its bound to fail because one of the REQUIREMENTS is to be on a global scale and not restricted to one state alone. As for allocation of resources that was still based upon opinion and while that would work for smaller populations, the population at the time wasn't exactly small now was it? They didn't have the food production methods or the construction tech we do today; plus an opinionated government was still in charge...
@technatezin 13 жыл бұрын
@Hellfireblogs (cont.) If there's no extraneous luxury that would disincentivise hard working people from doing what they do best because they have a fascination and interest in their work what else is there to disincentivise them from their activities? There CAN'T be any extraneous luxury because with ownership gone the mechanism required for hoarding more than you can use is also gone. The resources (products, services and buildings) that you use are only "yours" so long as you are using them.
@ChuckHitler 12 жыл бұрын
also when i wrote "effminacy" i meant to write "efficiency." I dont know what it came out that way. It must have been a typo or auto-corrected.
@Oldtimeypistolero 13 жыл бұрын
@technatezin Show me the design of a robot that can grow a crop, harvest it, care for it when things go wrong and save the seeds. Have you ever grown anything? Do you understand that it isn't a stable predictable process?
@helenmohiam944 2 жыл бұрын
You're literally typing this comment in KZbin not knowing that on KZbin you can actually watch these machines? I have seen plenty of automated fruit picking machines that exist today.... They are just not very prevalent in the world, they are prohibitively costly (monetarily)for most farmers.
@technatezin 13 жыл бұрын
@Hellfireblogs Understand that it's going to be a systems approach to problems. It's not going to be haphazard, chaotic and environmentally destructive like outside farming. Plants will be grown in orderly rows and columns inside a greenhouse that have cameras, sensors and photovoltaics placed everywhere inside the greenhouse making it easy for automation to be accomplished.
@testar2 13 жыл бұрын
@boxingfit Very good question!! I dont think we are "ready" yet (it requires chaos first!! = the world to collapse??). Before the collapse happens, and yes it will be here soon, nothing will happen because most people dont have a clue about resouce-based economy or what happens in the world, and how the rich leaders doesnt give a s**t about the people. Money is a drug for them (the people in power). Why dont we make a peaceful revolt??! Because we are to few educated!!
@chloe290983 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers The Venus Project would replace politicians with a cybernated society in which all of the physical entities are managed and operated by computerized systems. The only region that the computers do not operate or manage is the surveillance of human beings. This would be completely unnecessary and considered socially offensive. A society that uses technology without human concern has no basis of survival.
@mayorcete 13 жыл бұрын
We need technocracy. Now.
@Megatrousers 12 жыл бұрын
@Rayder4Life As a labeled ideology yes, but the idea of competing associations working to maximize their own profit has been around since the beginning of trade.
@ptbwf 13 жыл бұрын
@siclos This is global communism(New World Order), pure and simple, it doesn't matter how anyone dresses this up. This would only work if we were gods, and if we were gods then we wouldn't need to survive on resources. Global anarchy is the real RBE.
@Beef1188 13 жыл бұрын
@digitalaffect Oh im just waiting for the big events. Massive austerity measures have just been accepted last week in my country, not long before it becomes the next greece or london. There is nothing like having a sign in your hand with human rights quotes inscribed on it and berserking with it in the streets of your capital city along with thousands of others, dispensing rightheous justice to all those cash hogs who deserve it. It allways brings a tear to my eye! :D
@rektator 13 жыл бұрын
@Garrettthief Because of this people have to think for themselves for what's right or wrong in relations to their environment and that to happen they have to be educated.
@donkisiko 12 жыл бұрын
@Megatrousers In one sentence? Communism relies on money and aims to keep human leaders in power; the venus project doesn't need money and aims to give EVERYONE and I mean everyone an actual right to have a say in what goes on.
@4polelowpass 13 жыл бұрын
@sparis1970 : Yeah! What you said, i agree!
@mre2pac 13 жыл бұрын
Dear TVP, I was wondering if I could use your recent videos in a music video I'm making. It will promote both TVP and TZM, thanks :)
@Edwardbanks1 5 ай бұрын
I feel RBE could only really come into existence after some kind of global disaster like nuclear war.
@jakatak1134 13 жыл бұрын
@boxingfit it will be the day that we do away with ownership and take up sharing
@technatezin 13 жыл бұрын
@Hellfireblogs What you don't seem to understand is that if you do away with the concept of ownership you CAN'T have anybody hoard more than their fair share of resources in which they can use at any one time. It's physically impossible for you as a single individual person to occupy two spaces at the same time. For practical purposes the living space allotted to you can be researched to fulfill the needs of your physical survival like shelter, food and comfort, but not for extraneous luxury.
Resource based economy: Sue Everatt at TEDxPasseigDesBorn
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