5 Things You Must Never Do to Your Siamese Cat

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The Cagdot

The Cagdot

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In this video, we bring to you 5 Things You Must Never Do to Your Siamese Cat.
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To Be Clear: This video will talk about 5 things you must never do to your Siamese cat. As a Siamese owner, this video will help you know what you should avoid so as to improve your relationship with your feline. If you’re thinking about adopting a Siamese cat, this list should give you an idea of what to expect.
#siamese #siamesecat

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@FRACTUREDVISIONmusic 9 ай бұрын
I rescued my chocolate point Siamese from my yard. At the time, I was not fans of cats, not liking my neighborhood had a ton of strays and ferals running around killing birds, mating and fighting - get off my lawn! Then one day, a black cat that had been around for a year or two, was strutting around my yard with 4 little kittens in tow. Three black, and one, all white. I thought they belonged to someone. What did I know? The kitty parade continued for a few weeks. Oh those kittens, so cute, and mom, so proud! I figured out they were feral, and likely mom gave birth in my shed. My cat disliking heart melted as I realized the yard to my home was their home. And, oh, that all white one! A little fluffy snowball, bouncing along behind mom with blue eyes bluer than Meg Fosters. They would walk right under the living room window as part of their routine. I tried grabbing the white one, why, I don't know, I was compelled! No luck on the catching.. Then, the white one started getting black points. She was an apple head Siamese! Holy cow, she was so beautiful and so cute! I noticed she would play with the other three black ones, but only for so long before she would go to "her spot", and bread loaf there, her blue eyes, staring in the direction of the sun, which happened to make it look like she was looking directly into my house at me inside. I tried a few more times to nab her, but she was so fast. Put out some tuna for them all, and they came but never let me get too close before taking off. Around two months from when I first saw the family, I decided I wanted to see if I could catch the Siamese kitten with a trap. I asked around to borrow a trap, but people were like "Why do you want to catch cats?", all suspicious I presume they thought I had bad plans in mind for them with say dog fighters which is a thing in Vegas where I lived. The best I could find was SNR (Spay, Neuter, Release) people, who said they would clip the cat's ear to show she was fixed if they came to catch her. Nope, wasn't having that for this precious little gem of a creature. So, I set up my own trap, a box with a stick holding it up, with some tuna inside. How stupid I thought I was, that in no way a silly Bugs Bunny Cartoon trap would work. I set it up one day, went to the corner store for like ten minutes, came home, and the box had fallen! Was something inside? Did this silly trap work??? No way. Well, yes way! I went outside and there's this little Siamese kitten head crying, her head popping out, stuck in the box flaps as she was trying to get out there! I tore apart the box and soon found one of her brothers was in there with her. He, got away. She, on the other hand, came home to a home she didn't know was her home since she was born in my shed. One I got her in the house, she ran into the bathroom into my standup shower, sat there, and just stared at me. It was then I fully realized, I HAD NO CLUE how to take care of a cat, let alone a kitten. I in fact knew nothing about cats other than I thought they were aloof, crabby little creatures who made no sense to the dog person I was. The dogs in my life had all passed by then. My house was empty save just for me. And now, here I was, I just took this little baby from her family. What the heck was I doing???? I quickly realized, as she just stared at me from the shower stall, I said to myself, "Dude, you fell in love with this kitten, way before you put that trap out. You're her family now. Study up pal, because you have a responsibility now to treat this little life with everything she deserves." So, I got some kitten kibble, put it out with some water, got litter, a litter box and kinda let her explore the house on her own terms. I didn't even have to show her the litter box, she found it fine, and used it immediately. Zero training. She tried, once, to scratch the couch. Same day I went and bough her a scratch pad. I showed her how to scratch at it, and never once since did she scratch on anything but the long ample and varied scratching surfaces supplied to her. Didn't mention, the day I caught her, I took her to the vet, he looked her over, letting me know she was a she, he gave her some shots, and gave me some medicine she had a respiratory infection which apparently is common with young ferals. One nurse saw her in the box I was using ( I didn't have a carrier yet), declaring, "Oh my god, she is SO ADORABLE!" She began to reach in I told her be careful she's feral. The nurse didn't listen, and yep, my new kitten just bit the vet nurse right in the webbing of her hand between the thumb and forefinger. Of all people not to know better... Interestingly, I myself hadn't even handled her without using a blanket yet. When the vet let her out of the box, she frantically ran around the examination room, jumped up on me and hid behind my back. Somehow, she already had some trust with me. I named her Whisper. I happened to have just watched James Bond 'Live and Let Die', and I always thought the henchman named "Whisper" had a cool name. Somehow, it just fit her, not because of the henchman I got the name from, but for the other connotations such a name conjures... The name fit her spirit, I had already began to know. I gave her a full proper name, Whisper Ann Winker - Ann, because it flows, and Winker because she has a habit of not just slow blinking, but often with one eye - she literally blinks love at you! Whisper will turn 9 this fall. I celebrate her birthday for a full two months, since I'm not sure which month she was born in. Vet said Whisper was about 2 months old when I brought her in. So, come October, it's her birthday all the way through November. I had planned to get her spayed, but she got out literally two days before the appointment with the vet. For SIX WEEKS she was GONE. I was getting ready to move in two months. I was so devastated but that is another story in itself I won't get into here this being so long already. Then, one night, just past midnight, I'm in the living room and I hear this weak little meow coming from the kitchen. What, did a stranger cat come in the bedroom window I left open for her just in case Whisper found her way home? The meow didn't sound like Whisper. It was rough, and weak. I got up to see what was what, and the cat took off. I got close enough to see, it was my baby!!! Next night, I had set up a cord so I could pull closed the bedroom door if she came back in, securing her in the house. I put some food and water out in the kitchen, hoped and waited. What's that? Do I hear something eating the food I left out? We can't see each other, I stay put for the moment. I meow. She meows. I meow again. She meows back. Man, she sounds so different! I kind laugh, "Heh heh." She meows louder! We meow talk for a few minutes, then I get up to get her. She takes off again. I pulled the cord, closing the bedroom door, she had nowhere to go but back in my direction. I picked her up, and she melted in my arms... my baby was home!!!! A bag of bones, she couldn't be but two pounds it seemed. Her haunches were sucked in, like she hadn't eaten even much if even at all. She was around 8 pounds when she ran out. Her meows were so weak, she surely didn't have much time left hadn't she found her way home or otherwise found help. The vet the next day said she was extremely dehydrated as well. Her paw beans were all rough... what have you been through my little angel??? Later, about 2 months, Whisper I came to learn was pregnant, had 4 black kittens, 3 boys, 1 girl. I found them homes, but for one shy one, who also was the only longer haired fuzzy one. I named him Vincent Van Gogh because he was both a little work of art of a creature, and a sensitive shy little guy who kinda kept to himself unlike the others. Whisper now had a companion in a new son!!! He'll be 4 yrs old in May 2014. I was freelancing mostly from home when I rescued Whisper, so most of my time since she became family has been with us being together 24/7. Same for Vincent Van Gogh, only now I'm disabled, meaning all 3 of us get to spend our days together. God forbid I don't get out of bed first thing with them, Whisper calls and calls for me. Eventually she figured out sometimes I have trouble getting up, so she comes to stay with me. Vincent too, often, though not always. He wants so bad to be the center of attention, he's much needier than Whisper is. She is generally quiet, unless we're meow talking, and she likes her space a little more than Vincent. Vincent is a singer, I nicknamed him, Pavarotti. He just loves to hear himself meow. I don't think he likes not being the alpha cat. Mom still licks on him, but he acts like a little kid when Great Grandmom with the stubble face is kissing them hello or goodbye. Van Gogh otherwise turned out to be so super sweet. He's actually "nicer" than his mom. That's relative. Whisper is so sweet and loving too, but has her "not now" moments. She changed a little after she came home from her 6 weeks gone. Understandable, she almost died from starvation and thirst, while getting pregnant, comes home, and 5 days later we move away from our home to places none of which were/are as awesome as the house she grew up in. Van Gogh, will let you love on him and never seems to get too much of it. He surely doesn't have as much "street" in him as his mom, who was born outside, and spent a month and a half lost on her own when she was 5. Sorry that was long everyone! I think it's a good story, I love reading others stories about their pets, hopefully I didn't bore anyone too much.
@ojasvi5375 2 ай бұрын
I already love your kitties whithout meeting them ever lol
@mytube9182 2 ай бұрын
@@ojasvi5375 So do I.
@briankleinschmidt3664 Жыл бұрын
I adopted Siggy from the local shelter. He had been returned twice for "spraying." When I got him he was fixed. He bit my hands, hard. I was mangled. He had a lot of baggage, but so do I. We are best pals, now.
@amandapeak8020 Жыл бұрын
@donnacardwell6128 5 ай бұрын
I am experiencing the same thing with my own 7 mo Siamese kitten. She can be very aggressive and territorial. She detests other people coming to our house.
@applenice1069 Жыл бұрын
I’ve had my seal point Siamese for almost two years now. She’s annoying and needy but I love her soooooooooooo much. Siamese cats r truly a blessing.
@squeekytoy123 Жыл бұрын
This is how I feel about my girls- I adopted sisters from the SPCA so no idea what their background is, but one is extremely needy and smart and the other never shuts up so I assume there's some siamese in there somewhere. They're alot but also give so much love!!!
@laurakuiken3832 Жыл бұрын
Annoying? Are you crazy? They are the most wonderful cats I have ever seen, so sweet and cute and they are curious and intelligent😻😻
@kylenoah1282 4 ай бұрын
@@laurakuiken3832yes they have high IQ. We love our dear Cookie 🫶🏻
@Bobbyross6969 4 ай бұрын
True. I have a Siamese mix, she’s more Siamese then anything❤ but It’s a blessing and a curse!
@ernestinemaharaj7862 3 ай бұрын
My Siamese (seal point) Jaguar passed at 13 years “new” (May 2010 to May 2013). His death was from cancer! I’ve thought about getting another Siamese kitten, but I’m afraid. The grief is never ending. He was my true “fur baby” and full of love. 😿
@jessicabaron2766 Жыл бұрын
I am getting a siamese cat in two days and i convinced my mother to also adopt her sibling because i did not want to separate them because i knew that they do not like being alone for very long.
@alexanderhay-whitton4993 Жыл бұрын
@mari88334 Жыл бұрын
Nice, so hows it goin?? Was thinking of getting 1 tmrw.
@jordis5789 Жыл бұрын
You rock!
@littlebuddysmom3944 Жыл бұрын
Did you get him yet
@deborahpacheco2799 Жыл бұрын
My Siamese is a seal point female. Although 13 she is extremely playful. She acts more like a dog than a cat, licking me on the hands & arms, following me everywhere in the house. She sits as close to me as possible when I'm on the couch & sleeps next to my pillow at night. She knows several tricks she does on command, sit, give me a nose-y kiss, hop up, get down, lie down. I highly recommend them
@amygalvin1799 Жыл бұрын
Isn’t it cute how they follow like your shadow!?🥰
@christophgeorgey3250 Жыл бұрын
My Siamese is a Chocolate Point Female. She is almost exactly the way you describe your baby. Thank you for sharing. Ivy, my sweet girl, makes me laugh and smile every single day. When I get home from work, she is always ready for love and fun. I recommend. The licking and nosey kisses sound quite familiar to Ivy! ❤
@tokyothesiamese Жыл бұрын
Mine is 13 years also, and rambunctious as ever💙
@randyromines7364 Жыл бұрын
In the 60's we had a houseboat on a lake 80 miles away. When we packed for the weekend, the Siamese cat and the big black dog went along. The cat had a collar and leash for pit stops on the way, the dog got carsick, the cat did not. Both animals loved the lake and the houseboat. Cat and dog both went on shore to do their business. We would pull into a secluded cove to swim. We put a mae west on the dog. we put the cat on a float cushion on top of a innertube and she floated on the lake with us. It never occured to us to leave them at home, and if the dog got to come why not the cat. Some of the best memories of my life.
@gladysgomez9624 Жыл бұрын
@steviechampagne 5 ай бұрын
What a wonderful picture! Thank you for sharing this story, you really brightened my day! Life, it’s the greatest thing of all❤
@jlunsford100 Жыл бұрын
I have two Siamese cats. One hangs out mostly with my wife. She's a little timid. Now her sister and littermate sleeps with me, she loves it under the blanket. We play fetch, and she's a PRO! I can tell her to bring me her toy mouse or to get her shoestring. She knows the difference. I'm now retired and two 8 week old kittens were the best gift I've ever had! I love my kitties! Or should I say I'm their person!
@wonton3338 Жыл бұрын
I have had many cats throughout my life, but my Applehead Siamese is the best one of them all. He is smart, fun, friendly, sassy at times...and I love him. He is so unique and special.
@gymmusic7638 Жыл бұрын
My Siamese is extremely naughty! This is my 2nd Siamese but this one is super naughty!!!
@drivertsunami5966 Жыл бұрын
I found that those plastic strip blinds in my windows have to go. Locks on cabinets are 😎 cool. Don't put anything you care about or breakable up high. No matter how high it's not unreachable. Don't turn your back on a plate of 🦐 shrimp. I know I'm forgetting something. 🤣😂😁😸
@randyromines7364 Жыл бұрын
In the 60's we had a very smart Siamese. Mother put a bag of frozen shrimp in the sink to thaw, later returning to the kitchen to find it was gone. Searched high and low, she knew the cat took it. The cat maintained an innocent demeanor. A day or so later we found them in the downstairs bathroom in the shower, that darned cat couldn't get the plastic bag open but stashed them where they would drain without making a mess - she hated messes.
@drivertsunami5966 Жыл бұрын
@@randyromines7364 😂🤣 that's funny. Smart cat. I just recently almost shut mine in the dryer for the second time. I guess that goes on the list too.😁😸
@cynthialytle123 Жыл бұрын
I volunteered to cat sit my neighbors Siamese over a weekend. She's a 9 yr old seal point Siamese. Poor girl had so many names I just called her Love until it turned into Lovey. She immediately moved in like she owned my apt. And her owner went from cat sitting for the weekend to ...She's Yours! I was pretty dumbfounded when she just dumped her on me. Thank God "Lovey" acted as if she belonged in my home the minute she came. At first I was frustrated because I'm an elder lady with health issues and had decided to never have anymore animals due to fear of not being able to give them the love and care they needed. But, Lovey not only was dumped on me, she acted as if she belonged to me from the start. What an incredibly loving cat. She would not eat or drink for 3 days, but she played and let me love on her immediately. Within the first week I got her weight down and her fur started shining again. She started eating and processing her food naturally and seemed very happy. I bought several toys but she had no interest in anything but a ribbon on a stick that I interacted with her on a regular basis. She loves and needs a lot of attention but she is worth every moment. Such a gorgeous, loving cat. Her bed became a pillow on my bed above my head because she likes to snuggle against my hair. I have a constant supply of kitty wheat grass available and she loves to go out on my 2nd floor balcony and watch anything that moves. How lucky I was to get dumped on. It only took me 3 days to realize it.
@Sunfell Жыл бұрын
I am the proud servant/ staff to 3 rescued Meezers. The oldest was a gift from a friend, who told me that I haven't lived unti I had a Siamese cat. He's a little love-bug. The younger two are also rescues, 10 month old sisters, full of fun and mischief. They're smart, talkative, and cuddly. I cannot imagine life without them.
@TreeGreenOak 8 ай бұрын
I have a Tonkanese cat and she has dental issues. She had gingivitis since little but she eats ok and she is very lovable she really likes people even strangers.
@katiedid8192 Жыл бұрын
I have one Siamese and one Tonkanease who own me. They are both 10 years and have been raised together. They are very affectionate and have worked out a schedule where they each have their own time of day with mom uninterrupted. Wasabi calls me when he wants attention but is not a lap cat. Says-a-me is my shadow and loves to sit on the laptop keyboard to help me out. Both are fond of giving eye kisses. Each morning and each evening I have two little soldiers side by side sitting at attention waiting their snacks- they each have their own flavor and will not eat the other’s brand. Neither cat will eat table food but Say-a-me loves any kind of cheese. His favorite is cheesecake. Wasabi is my mischievous one- Tonkonese- at ten he still likes to hide his toys and to play chase with mom and brother. What a joy they are. Waited 20 yrs until I retired before I was able to get them. They are my delight. Siamese/ Tonkinese are wonderful pets. Have had several other Siamese over the years.
@eunicedelgadoo Жыл бұрын
I just got my first Siamese kitten and we love him so much he’s the most sweetest cat ever he won’t have a problem being alone since we have two dogs in my house and they love him. I have noticed he doesn’t like to be alone and all he wants is cuddles and company ❤️🥰
@catherineturner8107 Жыл бұрын
He won’t be fine alone they are very bonded to there owner my Benny freaks when I leave so he goes everywhere with me
@briankleinschmidt3664 Жыл бұрын
I disagree with Catherine. As long as he's not completely alone, he will adapt to your absence. Being left completely alone is hard on dogs and cats, and people, too.
@lisaschooler9992 Жыл бұрын
My Siamese cat was different than those described here LOL - She did NOT like Any human visitors in the house but was intensely loyal and friendly only to me and my spouse. Would flare and growl at any other people who came within 2 feet of her, but didn’t reach out to attack unless they insisted on trying to pet her. We already had her (And by then, another abandoned non-Siamese that she learned to tolerate very well) Before we had our two children. Thankfully, she seem to know immediately that the kids were also part of our family and was NOT hostile at all to them even as babies. She died at age 17, over 11 years ago, and I still think about her every day. Sidenote - she was an indoor only cat. If she ever did get out of the house or occasionally I would supervise her for a small amount of time in the backyard, she immediately entered crawling crouching mode, Walking low to the ground, but meowing loudly and rhythmically with every single step she made. It was hilarious!!! :)
@lydiacodding9308 Жыл бұрын
We adopted our 2yo Siamese nearly a year ago, and the entire family adores him. He can be very naughty and mischievous, but also very loving. Sometimes I worry that we are giving him too much attention, because like I said, we adore him, but this video makes me feel a lot better about that. Our elderly dogs don’t care for him, which is why it’s downright hysterical watching him snuggle up with them while they are asleep. We try to give him plenty of outdoor-supervised- time on our screened patio,where he enjoys stalking birds and squirrels, but he is also pulling out all the caulk in the joints of the low metal walls. He has plenty of locations where he can perch up higher than the walls, and he uses them, but he’s weirdly obsessed with the caulk and we’ve been trying to stop that bad habit now, before we re-caulk everything.
@budgie204 Жыл бұрын
We've had 3 Siamese cats, one was Balinese (long haired) and various moggies over a period of 40 years. 1 was stolen, after that we kept the Siamese indoors, the other 2 died of natural causes. One thing every potential Siamese cat buyer should know, is you will be their servant. If females aren't neutered, come breeding season they make a heck of a racket and do anything to escape outside. Definitely the best companion cat you can get. Ideal for people who want company but can't get around easily. We used to play fetch with the Siamese, throw their favourite toy and they would bring it back.
@Every1luvsali Жыл бұрын
Can't understand so i have to breed my kitten ? But I don't want to do matting should i do spay surgery of my Cat and one more thing I'm newbie should i buy siamese
@iced.autumn Жыл бұрын
My siamese boy loves to play fetch, too! He just started doing it one day all on his own, I didn't even have to teach him. They are really special cats
@jerrypokemonmonster2922 2 жыл бұрын
Well i knew they needed a lot of attention but now I feel bad bc I don't give her the proper attention bc after today imma do my best to give her the attention she deserves imma pray that she doesn't live a depressed life for no longer
@makelikeatree1696 Жыл бұрын
Jerry, I don’t know if you will ever see this, but you sound like a good person who cares about their pet. I suggest you get her a buddy. It doesn’t need to be another Siamese, just any old puss. They might fight at first, but even if they never get along, they will be aware of each other and not be as lonely. A tip to get them together is to rub something that smells like the first cat in the other. A blanket where she sleeps maybe. And a dab of turkey baby food in the new cats forehead will get the one to lick the other, again, passing on the smell. Don’t underestimate how much of cats behavior is based on smell.
@Every1luvsali Жыл бұрын
@@makelikeatree1696 so you mean we can't pet a single kitten ? After a spay surgery
@alexanderhay-whitton4993 Жыл бұрын
I don't see how this differs from caring for other cats. Meezies are just super-intelligent and so need a bit of extra brain exercise.
@Paladwyn Жыл бұрын
Totally agree. 4 of 5 points could be pushed to any other cat breed. Siameses are just sociable and like people, they need affection, interaction and stimulation, more so than many other (not all) breeds.
@kyles5412 Жыл бұрын
I've grown up with cats all my life, and although I know where you're coming from with that statement, in the past 5 years I've had my Siamese, I quickly witnessed the differences in him from any other cat I've had. He's very high maintenance and everything said in this video rings true, but it's worth it as He's the most loving pet I've ever connected with, including dogs I've had. There's a special connection that I can't quite describe in words.
@Que17986 Жыл бұрын
Actually they are called meezi 🧐
@dianebourlier2430 Жыл бұрын
My husband and I have had 4 Applehead Siamese cats these past 35 years. They are intelligent and love to play stalk and hunt. My little ones loved to chase balls, play fetch and hide and seek. They need a lot of play time and human interaction. We just lost our sweet Blue Point Merry this Spring. He lived to be 20 years and loved hanging out with us. Looking forward to having 2 new little babies within the next month! We adore the breed and our past experiences have all been positive. They are sweet, expressive and intelligent. They need toys, attention and lots of love. Never had ripped curtains or ruined couches. Believe that perhaps when such things do happen, the Siamese needs more interaction, toys and stimulation.
@glitchthecat5011 8 ай бұрын
​@Paladwyn no this list is an absolute must,as a siamese owner (and an owner of various other kittys)if you do not give these 5 things to your siamese,he is going to be a depressed/saaaad kitty
@adaabeja2061 Жыл бұрын
I'm a stay at home wife and my siamese is my best friend. Her name is Freya. I made sure to never play with her with my hands and told other people not to too. She has so many toys! They are for both of us really because I like collecting cute things. Her favorites are a tiny shrimp that she hid and a pickle lol. She is almost never alone. The only time she was alone was when I went into labor and was gone for 3 days. People went and took care of her of course but she did tear some toilet paper up. I mix 2 different cat foods that are pretty greasy because one has duck in it. She was getting wet food too but once I gave her that dry duck food she didn't like any of the flavors of wet food anymore. She also has a water fountain to make sure she gets her liquids. I do take her to the vet to ask questions if I think she is acting off in any way. She loses interest in cat trees almost immediately. When I move, I think I want to get those window hammocks and maybe some empty shelves on the walls for her to climb. No clue why she doesn't care about cat trees. Maybe I haven't gotten a big enough one? Don't have the space right now, but my husband wants to try a big one when we move to a bigger space. I could talk about my cat all day. Oh, and she is good with my new baby and when I say good I mean no interest at all as long she gets her attention too lol
@Every1luvsali Жыл бұрын
So I'm a newbie first time buying a cat. Should i buy a Persian or siamese because i have heard that siamese have more chances of internal issues ? And can i leave him alone for just like 3 4 hours ? A day ? And i also heard that in the matting season ? They sill definitely try to escape from. House because I don't wanna do her matting should i do spay surgery ? Just asking some future question because i do
@adaabeja2061 Жыл бұрын
@@Every1luvsali 3 to 4 hours is fine to be away but anymore than that on a regular basis your simamese needs a friend or get a different breed. Siamese can have respitory issues from what I've read. Mine is not a purebred, so she probably has better heath than normal. Purebred dogs and cats typically have all those issues. I don't know much about the Persian but my siamese can be very moody especially with change. If your life is consistent for the most part, I think a siamese would be good for you. Sorry for the late reply. I didn't get notified because you didn't tag my name
@Every1luvsali Жыл бұрын
@@adaabeja2061 thanks 👍 already bought 2 siamese but thanks for the advice
@nightblossomsadler Жыл бұрын
I’ve had my Siamese cat for two weeks now. He’s very affectionate and gets in my face whenever he catches me on my phone. Sometimes when we’re cuddling, he gives me love bites on my arm. He’s very noisy, but I’m so grateful to have him in my life.
@randommefwagirl8064 Жыл бұрын
I got mine a week ago and she does the same thing! She's 10 weeks old, and she's just the best. But she's a troublemaker for sure haha
@kimberlysabot2751 Жыл бұрын
I raised her from 2 pounds she's a beautiful cat! Her mother got killed and she is very active and I do whatever you sit on there they like to be with you and their Letter claimed every 2 days
@ericknoblauch9195 Жыл бұрын
We have three siamese cats. Two are lynx point, and they came to us at different times. One came from the shelter as a kitten 16 years ago. He likes to play fetch like a dog does, and loves to sit on your lap. When I cook salmon, he is also there for his portion. The second lynx point is a female, and was abandoned when a neighbor moved away. She showed up at our doorstep, and was begging for food. She was also injured, and needed an expensive surgery to fix her foot which ended up costing $1,200.00. We had the surgery done, and she has recovered. The third one is a seal point, and he was born at our home. His mother disappeared several weeks later. He grew into a beautiful cat, and is now fully grown. The seal point has bonded with our lynx point female, and they sleep together. The seal point male, and lynx point female look out for each other, and they also act like a married couple. The lynx point female, and seal point male are also about 7 years old. They all want attention, and love to play with cat toys when we are not around.
@suehaag2783 Жыл бұрын
My Siamese refused to eat fresh meat. 🤨 Had him for 17 years. Great personality. Miss him dearly.
@Every1luvsali Жыл бұрын
Can i leave her for like 3 hours ? Other wise I'm gonna buy a Persian cat 🐈 I'm a newbie please help meee I'm so confused everyone suggesting me so many breeds but I'm gonna buy Persian or maybe siamese and can I spay my siamese kitten?
@blurryperson2685 Жыл бұрын
@@Every1luvsali I've read a lot of these things are overblown. They're just cats. Play with them and leave some toys around
@buenosfinds4716 Жыл бұрын
I miss my siamese baby so much! I am glad I was able to read my cat without even knowing much about siamese. I was feeling guilty for leaving her alone due to work and social life. But I loved her so much and she loved me too! We had conversation about how her day was every night I got home, when I made birthday calls, we had our own rendition. It went something like this...Me: Happy birthday to you (singing of course)! Moo Moo (was her name..chocolate point by the way.) "MEOW!" me:happy birthday to you! Moo Moo "MEOW!" and it went on like that through the whole song! She was just so beautiful and sweet! She was like a dog. I taught her to sit, fetch, sing, have a conversations. Or maybe I should just say she was an amazing companion and she was just so smart that maybe it turned out that she taught me to do all those things with her. As I was saying I felt so guilty to leave her alone, I gave her to my sister who was so in love with Moo Moo's personality. It's been 19 years since I gave her to my sister and although they are supposed to live a long life she only lived to be 10. Her and my sister had become obese and Moo Moo died. But that's another story. It's been 19 years and seeing this video just made me smile and cherish all the loving memories that flashed in mind. With the world as messed up as it is, I think I ready to turn into a cat lady and avoid society as much as possible lol! Adopting 2 baby kittens looks to be in the near future. This video triggered so many special memories. Thank you for asking us to share our stories.
@survivalministerJ316 Жыл бұрын
I found this article really interesting. A few months ago a Siamese cat came to my backyard and is now a n indoor cat. I'm still trying to figure out where she came from and how to be able to take her to a vet. I never thought of having a cat, but here I am. I love her to pieces and try my best to keep her healthy and entertained
@rebeccaplumlee9601 Жыл бұрын
Have had a Siamese in my household 50+ years. This was pretty basic CAT info. Yes Siamese are needy & company is best - human, dog or cat. Each cat is different, my 18 yr never needed another cat & didn't even care for humans, she was never disruptive & was in great health until 16. My 1 yr old is crazy, active, disruptive +++++. He has 2 dogs (both are about gone as advanced in age)
@azrarahim5902 8 ай бұрын
My saimese are adorable I had two ❤ male cats one died two years ago lived for 18 years yes they are every bit as you say
@reciterbunni4052 Жыл бұрын
I came across a stray Siamese in the woods by a friend's house. He's still a handful, but I think he's learning slowly that biting is bad. I have learned that I need to get him a few more stimulating toys and that I am still very under prepared even after having him for a year.😓
@anthonycamacho7542 Жыл бұрын
How do you keep it from biting
@virginiacopeland108 Жыл бұрын
I am familiar with Siamese, and have a black tortie that must have it in her. She has the personality, the face and body, and definately the voice. Only thing amiss is her colors. She is awesome, and so smart.
@bsrodeo7s Жыл бұрын
I’ve had two litters mixed with siamese and Tabby. The mother is a Grey Tabby, and the father is a Russian Blue. Beautiful kittens! Such different personalities from our other cats.
@innfield8836 7 ай бұрын
Can we see?
@yazmind6963 Жыл бұрын
I have a chocolate point Siamese.He’s very vocal and wants his way most of the time.I don’t like the bites.I have had other breeds calm and this one is very challenging.He sleeps mostly when we go to work n no damages to the house,thank god lol.We work different shifts so he’s close to whoever is home.He cries like a baby when wants something.He loves being outside mostly weather it’s rain shine or snow.I do take him out for evening walks on the leash and he loves climbing trees n disturb the birds.Ppl out there do a double take when they see a cat on leash.This happened naturally as he’s such an outgoing cat.I wasn’t expecting a Siamese as it was a surprise from my man coz I wanted a cat and he was just thrown on my lap,not literally lol.I fell in love with him at first site and still do.He’s very intelligent and loves staring at me night time wondering when I’m going to play with him which I do and he never gets tired.I Love Luna and he’s my Cookie Monster.When I pick him up I call him that and he gets a lot of hugs and kisses especially on his neck and he purrs loud.He get fed by the spoon yep.Very picky eater and with dry food I throw at him n he loves it like it’s a game.Talk about being active lol.Otherwise he won’t eat dry food.Yep the tips and tricks I had to learn and still learning.Thanks for this Video as I’m learning more every day about Luna 🙏❤️
@kaizerjosephsamson309 2 жыл бұрын
My cat meows so much even if i play with them and pet them and feed them idk why but sometimes i meow back but they never stop meowing
@ryanmcdonald2027 Жыл бұрын
they love to talk lots when it cums to this breed ! :) i talk to my cat all the time and my cat loves to meow back at me :) i love it when my cat meows back at me :) i would be very lonely without a siamese cat cause i live alone
@SandraHof Жыл бұрын
I once had a siamese/manx cat for 16 years. I had her from just weeks old until she died at 16. She was the best cat. We were so bonded. But everything in our home that could be broken was broken by her.😂
@jamesjazzy8040 Жыл бұрын
Give it to Howard Stern....his wife runs North Shore animal league they take all the cats that nobody wants.
@SandraHof Жыл бұрын
@@jamesjazzy8040 I got her as a young kitten from a rescue organization and had her until she passed away at 16 years of age.💔
@Every1luvsali Жыл бұрын
Do we have to care alot of them ? And can i leave her for like 3 hours? In a day ? Please answer first time buying a cat so i don't know anything about that learning from last 2 months about cat and knowing everything.about cats but should i get a siamese and can i do spay surgery of her ? Please 🥺 answer
@SandraHof Жыл бұрын
@@Every1luvsali Out of personal choice, I am a big believer in mixed breed cats and dogs. Mei Ling was a siamese/manx mix. We could leave her alone for quite awhile during the day. But we also had another cat and a dog for the first several years of her life. So she had company while we were away. Then our other cat had to be put to sleep at around 16 1/2 years of age💔. So for many years it was Mei Ling and our dog. Then we had to put our dog to sleep because of old age and failing health💔. So she was our only pet for almost 2 years. But then we got another dog named Lily. Mei Ling and Lily got along really well. For sure cats and dogs are a commitment not to be considered lightly, if one wants to be a responsible pet owner. All of our animals were spayed. It is good you are asking questions like this ahead of time. I hope you find a cat you can give a good home to and you can bond with like I did with my cats and dogs. It is the best!🦮🐈‍⬛ P.S. Our first cat that lived until 16 1/2 years old was an only pet for the first several years of her life. She was fine being alone. All of our cats were indoor kitties. I lost too many pets as a child growing up and could not handle that anymore as an adult. So we kept the cats inside. Occasionally we took them out in our yard on a leash.
@Every1luvsali Жыл бұрын
@@SandraHof thanks sandra god bless you ❤️
@inesxyq Жыл бұрын
I am the proud owner of a 17 year old seal point siamese and he is in full shape
@Every1luvsali Жыл бұрын
What is seal point ? And can i do my siamese kitten spay surgery ?
@kruzsg Жыл бұрын
Our is "only" 15... :D
@billcurtis7687 Жыл бұрын
We bought 2 baby Siamese at Xmas, I just love mine to death. I had a Siamese as a child, he lived 29 years and 11 months, then we needed to say good bye and put him to sleep, because he wouldn't die, he was pure white, no teeth, blind with a double hernia, but he knew where his food always was put in the same spot, he knew where the sun light came thru the window so he could stay nice and warm and where his kitty box was at. HE HAD A WONDERFUL LIFE, HE WAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE MY BEST FRIEND IN THIS LIFE. I had another Siamese, namly, "Bastet", "Cat Goddess". I bought her in Saudi Arabia, I worked there for 3 years, I brought her home, we jumped in bed to take our first nap together, she crawled up into my hand, as she was only 6 or 8 weeks old, and she slept in my hand the rest of her life, she lived 14 years but died of cancer in 2000. I dug a deep hole, buried her in it, and built a 6 foot mound over her and planted thousands of flowers on the mound. I can't write more about her, as it makes me to sad, because I miss her so much. But, we just bought two (2) baby girl Siamese kittens, 8 wks old, and they both have taken over my heart, lock, stock & barrel. I am 74 years old and I play with them both all day, every chance I get because I love them sooooo much, and they both love out toilet paper rolls, as you already know. LOL Bye for now, may the Father of Light, He who presides over us all, Bless you and yours, and keep you safe in this crazy, insane world we live in. Keep your powder dry friend! Bill Curtis, former U.S.M.C. Infantry Sgt., my email is, Professional Design Engineer. (sprinkler-consultant@earthlink.net)
@petrahartog5934 Жыл бұрын
Get your kittens of any breed a little older ... They are born without defense to disease and build that up drinking mother's milk . At 12 weeks the immuun systeem is enough to leave there mom . This way kittens have the best chance in life
@pinkblobgamer Жыл бұрын
dang thats old
@zgab5835 Жыл бұрын
29 years?!?! Wow any special tips tricks to extend the life? How was he during the 10-20 years as far as activity? Our lynx point siamese JUST turned 1 !! We absolutely love him he is our first cat ever
@LadyMaven Жыл бұрын
I've had two Siamese cats, and they are WONDERFUL, so smart and loving. One of them was a blue point, and one was a baby girl kitty who had "negative" points. In other words, it was her body that was a bit darker than her lighter points. She was so beautiful and unusual.
@francismusso7644 Жыл бұрын
My Siamese Tina Mom came to me on a freezing cold March morning over two years ago. To thank me she gave me 3 half breed kittens a few weeks latter. I have a family here. She is very grumpy if I don't pet her long enough or on the place she loves the most (ears to shoulders area).. If i move outside that area she starts growling at me. I love all my cat family.. :)
@gsteel9408 9 ай бұрын
I had a Siamese cat named Bart. We were best of friends. He would only eat dry food. That worked out well because the food container was an up-side-down-self feeder. I tell you this because the wife and I would take 3, 4, day weekend trips and leave Bart home alone. Bart was always very happy to see me when we returned and needed a lot of my lap time and petting. Here is the funny part, just as sure as the sun comes up each day, I knew sometime within that first day or two, he would attack me, my feet. He would be lovey-dovey one moment then bite and grab my feet hard enough it hurt and to let me know, he didn’t like being home alone. Once he did that, just as suddenly as he attacked me, it was over, and he never did that again, until our next trip, and I could count on it happening again. Sometimes he waited three days. I believe, he thought, I thought, “he forgot”, but it was just a trick, because sooner or later he got me! 😂
@user-pz5xe8zx7o 7 ай бұрын
My Siamese Lovey, at4 weeks old, in the dark, came to me inthe yard. Really, he rescued me, from horrible, horrible depression. Seriously. Can't tell you how I love this Cat, and breed.
@catherineturner8107 Жыл бұрын
I got a lynx point Siamese best cat ever
@chadberwick919 Жыл бұрын
Iv got 2 the best cats
@user-ur3ck7mq6q 11 ай бұрын
My siamese seal point female.,She does love attention on her time. She is 13years as far being friendly no not at all. She likes me and my brother. Misty is on a special diet. Hill's science diet.Gastrointestine Biome dry food .Hills can food urinary and hairball control savory chicken. She's had this problem for 8 years.My sister calls her the special needs cat. I had vets tell me they do have this problem because they are a clean cat hair balls get in stomach.She is very protective will lets you know if someone is outside. She will run to the door back to you back to door hissing. I love this Misty it would be hard if something ever happens to her
@gretarabinowitz7297 11 күн бұрын
I have a lynx point siamese he is super active loves to open any cupboard nothing barred throws down dishes and anything he can find had to get rid of all my plants and cluttered up one high place with all my vases etc so that there is no room for him to jump up he is super stubborn and will only eat one particular type of kibble can't get him to eat any canned or home cooked food and only drinks water his feeding habit worries me yet he is the sweetest lovable cat when he wants to be and with it all I love him dearly
@jownie101 Жыл бұрын
I adopted a female 7-week-old kitten who's a mix of the Persian and Siamese breeds. Charcoal is now 4. I find the traits of both breeds to be noticeable in her but I think she is more Siamese than she is Persian. She has the wedge-shaped head and long robust body of the Siamese, and the long coat and piercing yellow-orange eyes of the Persian. She's extremely intelligent (she will find her way out of mazes), very playful, and must have toys to keep her curious and preoccupied the whole day. She likes company and is very sweet and loyal to her humans, and tolerates children very well. I have to watch her diet though because she loves to munch all her waking moments. Unfortunately she did inherit the genetic predisposition of the Siamese such as respiratory and bladder issues. She and her Scottish Fold sister perfectly complement each other and I love both of them dearly.
@Every1luvsali Жыл бұрын
So which breed is best for me because first time I'm adopting a cat should i buy a siamese or Persian because I don't wanna upset myself if my cat. Die that's why ? Can i do her spay surgery ????
@detamoretj Жыл бұрын
I love my Johnny (chocolate point) and Snow White (she’s a lilac point).
@stacythompson9562 6 күн бұрын
My siamese is a seal point. He will be 15 yrs old and still act like a kitty. we love him dearly and spend all kinds of time with he is a true joy and a clown love Maxx kitty aka stewie meat
@joannamcnamara4706 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely stunning cats and make the best pets xxxx
@3000secrets Жыл бұрын
I had a flame point for 13 years. He passed two years ago. I still have has brother from the same litter, but his brother is a ginger cat. His brother has many of his brothers same qualities. He is vocal, stubborn and a sweet heart. I’d love to adopt another flame point if I can find one.
@lauriereames1816 Жыл бұрын
I have a red point Siamese cat and these hints fit him perfect. Thank you
@rechardjeffery182 Жыл бұрын
I love my Siamese
@neerasinha-frazer2094 Жыл бұрын
I have 2. All this is true. But I agree with those who have said this applies to all cats. Except for not leaving them alone. Siamese have a very hard time being alone
@eltigremadre Жыл бұрын
I rescued a feral Siamese kitten. Who is now three years old. Inside but still keeps me at a distance, and rarely allows my touch. But she is learning trust as when she was a kitten someone dumped her and her brothers and sisters on the streets. Humans hurt them, but she's learning I'm not like those who hurt them. Her brothers and sister all found places to be. A couple were too wild. Like her. But she's a good cat. And knows her name, and enjoys being with my other cats.
@michaelmonisit9901 Жыл бұрын
No. 2 actually happened to my cat she got stolen luckily she peaked on the window of the house that stole her and i saw her, then we reunited
@deaaquino2334 Жыл бұрын
I just got a 3 month old choco point siamese and we all love her to bits ❤ she's very bright and super cuddly! Funny thing is she's getting along more with our 8 year old pomeranian than with our year old tabby. She and our pom love to play with their toys
@michelinelebrequier9164 8 ай бұрын
@deannaallen4670 Жыл бұрын
My parents had a Siamese for about 18 years. We have a Lynx point Siamese snowshoe ragdoll mix and she has her moments of making us crazy. She is very needs and hates being alone. When I go to work she will sit on my chair and wait for me even though cat dad and her buddy are home. She just turned 8 and she is my little demon. I love her like crazy and she rules the house.
@DJ4000VOLT Жыл бұрын
I love my siamese, she is an apple head, she just turned 2 years old 5 days ago, got her at 6 weeks, felt like i got her only a few months ago, she shares the home with a tuxedo few more months older, a younger tabby only 10 months, and the newest member a 7 week old black cat thats related to her. She does not liked to be touched all the time, only when she wants, but she still loves my company, even when she doesnt want to be touched, she will follow me, ask me to look at her, and loves to talk, she likes it when i talk to her, if i talk to her enough, then she likes her pets for a few minutes. But she likes to lay close by in view, and feel apart of the action. I feel like she also gets the ‘no touching’ thing from me, im very hygienic, and i dont like to be touched much by other people, she is also extremely hygienic, she cleans herself a lot, and after being touched, she will groom herself for a long period of time. Im someone who will wash my hands and clean my face if someone so much as sneezes or coughs even minimally in my presence. Thats why i feel like we had a bond from the start.
@evelinajonson5340 Жыл бұрын
With all due respect! Siamese cats are the best cat ever minus the disease.
@twowingsstudio 26 күн бұрын
Siamese cats are the BEST!
@RomanMatt1 13 күн бұрын
Cocco Puff prefers the company of the enclosed pool/ garden
@rvillegas775 Жыл бұрын
I have a white Siamese with one blue eye and one hazel eye. Mia is beautiful. She is my first cat ever. I am a dog person. I love her to pieces but she is a biter. Everyone says she will grow out of it. I sure hope so because I hate the thought of getting rid of her.
@zeenamartinez1596 11 ай бұрын
❤exactly what you all said in the video. My Siamese is already 12 years old
@paulmorgan8254 Жыл бұрын
I live in Thailand and have a rescue cat weaned by us and most of this video is not needed by us as we also have other rescue cats and a dog. The important thing is a Siamese is different to other cats, our cat is very affectionate, quick to anger and doesn't suffer fools and she has a sense of humour. I don't worry about diet as if she wants to vary it she can do the same as our older tomcat and eat birds, lizards, mice & rats even baby chickens running around. She'll fight with the house tomcats but if any feral cats come around she's very careful and stays out of it as most of our cats do as well. I do have a complaint though, before we had rescue cats we would have so many beautiful lizards in the garden but they have no defence against 1 cat let alone a group of them being a tag team.
@naomicalian2696 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't suffer fools 😅 lol me neither , luv it
@isaacdeza8794 Жыл бұрын
thanks fo the tips and my siamise is ginger she is a mom jow and she is playful and gwumpy so thanks bro 😁
@alexkupkovic7695 Жыл бұрын
My Siamese is very bossy I try to work out what she wants.She is very vocal it’s could be her way of interacting with me😻
@azshooter348 Жыл бұрын
i was in the hospital for 9 months. During this time, a friend fed them & tended the litterbox, but they were loose to hide all around the house. Due to separation anxiety EVERYTHING on tables, shelves and countertops were all dumped onto the floor. It looked like a plane crash. When i returned home, one was overjoyed to see me, but the other 2 had gone back to their feral ways and took several weeks before they would even approach me.
@ironseabeelost1140 Жыл бұрын
@koalabear826 Жыл бұрын
Great video
@matthewrichardson2526 Жыл бұрын
I've been around Siamese cats my whole life. They are infinitely rewarding, but definitly not for amateurs.
@waterfish6842 11 ай бұрын
What's your top 5 tips ?
@danny37691 10 ай бұрын
It’s a nice cat I think it was dumped near our house. It took to us right away so far
@highlandhusky4977 8 ай бұрын
Haha cats love being outside.. on a dime, faster than my shepherds..here kitty kitty trees are the best to climb!🐾. Agree with the high protein food!
@JhunDumsTVXj Жыл бұрын
@amandap6278 Жыл бұрын
Haha mine is nearly 16. I didn't do any research before getting her. I got her for free as someone didn't want her. She can be a handful but she's my buddy. She is still gorgeous in her old age.
@bluestrike01 Жыл бұрын
My Siamese Luigi is 13 years old now and still healthy and active by my parents. Sinds i live single in a high tower building close to the roads and often go to work, i decided he would be better by my parents house in the woods with 3 friendly dogs he grew up with. Al though i visit my parents for him 3 times a month because he is still my Luigi.
@darkangel9104 Жыл бұрын
I have twin siamese female cats always drive me crazy but i love them
@mariankeller5852 Жыл бұрын
I once had a dog and Lilac Siamese..I came home for lunch.... fixed myself a sandwich.. set down at the table to eat and the phone rang.. as I answered I turned back toward the table in time to see the Siamese knock the sandwich to the floor and the dog grab it and gulp it down in one bite. Lesson learned...NEVER TRUST A DOG AND CAT TO GUARD YOUR FOOD...
@consorciasantiago4009 Жыл бұрын
I have a Siamese cat. Th info is accurate.
@koalabear826 Жыл бұрын
My Siamese cat is adorable 💜💜💜
@margaretmoore8903 Жыл бұрын
I had two siamese cats both lived into their twenties, they had free range to go out and roam the neighbour hoods with no problems.
@moussaka4738 9 ай бұрын
That sounds about right.
@alanhenryfruhling1745 4 ай бұрын
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww soooooooooooooo very cute
@tokyothesiamese Жыл бұрын
We’re the best!😸
@sydneyrose6455 7 ай бұрын
I very much doubt my kittens are pure bred anything - I’ve seen their mother and sisters - but they do look Siamese and were born with nubs for tails. I was hoping to find out more like if there’s a light level that’s comfortable for their eyes and now that I remember it, improve blood flow to their noses or ease any sinus problems they have. I read or heard about the genetics that causes their patterns but learning that the darker patches are where they get less blood flow, reminds me of my own sinus problems. I’ve found doing the child pose yoga pose, or Balasana, really helps my sinuses but I doubt kittens or cats would try that, let alone do that often.
@damianbannon6204 Жыл бұрын
I have a blue point Siamese same as in video grey and white yes they love attention or give u attention at the wrong time lol very playful they do have some weird things they do mine will chew towels shred toilet paper and plays with random kids toys definitely different to other cats that’s for sure they beautiful cats tho
@vulcan790 6 ай бұрын
I got a siamese cat from a breeder that didnt provide a healthy guarantee what can I do? I think Embark has a health test I think its for dogs though but I’m not sure.
@susancartright9657 8 ай бұрын
My three year old blue point niece is a lovely girl annd a devolted mama,s girl!
@elizabethbryan7601 Жыл бұрын
Shy is just that, shy. He is over weight and is worried when his bowl is one quarter full. He rules the house and will not allow my calico, Lucy, to sleep with he and I. He is not playful. He was found walking Main Street of a small town on the 4th of July. I believe he is still traumatized. He loves cat nit and cat crack.
@MrSlanderer 7 ай бұрын
I'm so glad physical abuse wasn't one of the things listed. I knew there was nothing wrong with kicking my Coco, or swinging him around by the tail to match the spin of my ceiling fan's top speed. He shakes alot afterward, and his eyes bounce around Looney Toons-style, but he always comes out unscathed.
@janicekohrdt5519 Жыл бұрын
I am a proud owner of two beautiful girls Ragdoll and a Seal point they are wonderful I attend online college so I with them every day. Nothing is so important that I can't spend time with my girls.
@v0idlociraptur3 9 ай бұрын
Have a 12 year old boy, Jin @ my place. Totally agile and protective of my baby human - just sucks that I live him for hours and sometimes a day or two, he's used to it and understanding enough but def let's you know he's not having it
@German-heartbeat Жыл бұрын
I had a Siamese and she liked to be by herself some times and she preferred to sleep in my garage every night and in the day time she was with me, she was outside a lot and never left my property when I called her she came running, I thought I had a dog and not a Siamese, I left her over the weekend home by herself when I visit family and when we got back we had no problems with her , she had enough water and food and two cat litter boxes, and the comments with food , health and company relays to all cats, if I would get me another cat it has to be a Siamese
@Yo-gp4ib Ай бұрын
Funny they showed a few Showshoes. I love my kitties!
@issacharbrowne924 19 күн бұрын
Snowshoe Siamese. Ive had one for 12 years now.
@Yo-gp4ib 19 күн бұрын
@@issacharbrowne924 no such thing. Snowshoes are their own breed.
@gtpwilly3503 7 ай бұрын
I have a 2 year old chocolate point. She is the most loving pet you could ever imagine! She is loud and wants attention but thats why we have them right?
@Youtubealgorithimagent52 Жыл бұрын
My siamese cat lives outside be we spend most of the day outside since we live on the farm and he is always with us and our other cats
@stefincanada Жыл бұрын
it's true my snowshoe has toys but will rarely play with them unless someone is playing with him. and when he does actually play with them by himself its only for a few minutes
@precioussapphirecristo6831 Жыл бұрын
:( I miss my cat
@torresjuven4929 Жыл бұрын
My siamese cat is so noisy when hungry🤣🤣
@TheJun07 Жыл бұрын
I wish I would have watched this video a long time ago. Everything is true
@MrMalvolio29 11 ай бұрын
I suffer from multiple sclerosis with progressive neurological pain syndrome. Consequently, I work from home to teach my University poetry and Shakespeare classes on Zoom synchronously, and I need for my home to be calm and relaxed. I *love* the fine art of conversation, and would truly love to have a relatively calm, intelligent, affectionate, indoor cat as an intuitive companion. I love nearly all I know about Siamese cats (traditionals with seal points), including the fact that they are rather “chatty” as cats go. However, during the three hours each day I am teaching my literature classes, and during important Dept, committee, and University meetings, I simply cannot have my cat persistently attempting to contribute to our discussions. Does this mean the Siamese is not right for me, and that I’ll prob have to go with a more expensive option, such as a lilac-pointed Birman?
11 Fascinating Facts About Siamese Cats
The Purring Journal
Рет қаралды 112 М.
How To Tell If Your Cat Is A SIAMESE (EASY)
Facts about Cats
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New Gadgets! Bycycle 4.0 🚲 #shorts
BongBee Family
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Hot Ball ASMR #asmr #asmrsounds #satisfying #relaxing #satisfyingvideo
Oddly Satisfying
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You'll Definitely Want a Siamese Cat After Watching This
Facts about Cats
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Dangers of Dry Cat Food
Veterinary Secrets
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Teaching my Siamese cat to give paw. (He's so clever!)
Momo Siamese
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5 Things Maine Coon Cat Owners Must Never Forget
The Cagdot
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7 Reasons to Love a Siamese Cat|Life with a cat
俺はシャムだ。I am a Siamese cat.
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Real Meanings Behind 9 Strange Cat Behaviors Explained
Jaw-Dropping Facts
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Sand fox vs Siamese cat
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Stray Cat Mother Gives Away Baby, Gives Kitten A Home
Caring Animal Shelter
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водитель автобуса УДИВИЛ ВСЕХ!  #животные #помощь #добро
Мама, я не хочу плaкать
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💡Расческа с WILDBERRIES 🏷️ Арт: 196728122. Больше обзоров у меня в профиле🫶#покупки
Обзор товаров с WB-Ozon🫶Распаковка-Обзор
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натуральный зоопарк! @natural_albertovich
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Всегда носите с собой фрукты на Бали
Up Your Brains
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Интересные факты
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Poor little KITTY, it’s really heartbreaking part 2 #shorts #kitty