Top 10 Ways to FIGHT in a game

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The Dice Tower

The Dice Tower

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@chuckm1961 9 жыл бұрын
Sam saying shut the door today would be "Engage in movement causing hinged barrier between rooms with locking mechanism to move to closed position." :)
@robo3007 9 жыл бұрын
I think Sams no. 1 works perfectly in Runewars. At first we didn't understand it but now it makes perfect sense - the archers fire first and so get to draw first blood, then the cavalry charge in and do their damage, then the footman and then finally if he survives the big fat tank unit waddles along and practically sits on them. Definitely one of the most thematic combat mechanisms I've seen in a game.
@PASTY06 6 жыл бұрын
im actually trying to make a table top game and im just trying to figure out the combat mechanics
@CrazyMikeCrazy 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder if you did
@PASTY06 4 жыл бұрын
I made the prototype. The combat system is like an amalgamation of eldritch horror meets betrayal
@FuzzyNova 4 жыл бұрын
Me too. I'm doing a advanced wars styled tabletop grid game. Hex terrain maps. Hex infantry. Hex tanks. Artillery. Recon. Ships. Etc. But what do I do with the dice
@TheYetzerHara 4 жыл бұрын
Same here. What you got so far? Mine deals with poker cards and d20 set.
@fishsoft92 3 жыл бұрын
I have the same idea. I’m in process of deciding if it’s better to do as a computer game or board game.
@monoludico6166 8 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite battling systems is in Star Wars LCG, and is the edge battles system, where both players make a sort of blind bid before starting combat resolution in order to determine who's gonna hit first and will be able to use some special card icons (reserved only for the winner of the edge battle). It's pretty neat and fun! So, to me the first 3 sports would be: 1. Star Wars LCG's edge battles. 2. Shogun's cube tower. 3. Commands & Colors: Ancients's dice.
@aaronconnell3271 9 жыл бұрын
My favorite resolution of combat is the card based system in mageknight board game. In a way, it is like a puzzle of "I have these cards, can I defend against and kill monster or will I need to take wounds to kill it or will those wounds knock me out?" The sheer amount of ways to manipulate the cards is simply incredible.
@ogreman2229 9 жыл бұрын
I love that game. So much strategy and thought in it.
@GrandElemental 9 жыл бұрын
Aaron Connell I agree, strongly! That's the best deterministic combat I've encountered, Small World is nothing compared to this one!
@Andromedax01 9 жыл бұрын
I know miniature games (I'm talking hobby miniature wargaming, with the minis that you have to assemble and paint, gridless etc...) arent your jam (anymore) but I've recently stumbled upon the combat system for Terminator Genisys, it's a simple resolution, but very clever, using polydice just like a good old role playing game. No modifiers. Each model has it's "skill" that corresponds to a certain die. For ex, if your skill is D12, you roll a D12 and try to hit a certain number (that never changes actually) if you're shooting through cover, you just "downgrade" your die to a lower one before rolling (your D12 would become a D10, the target number is still the same). Nice, clean and easy. Lots of fun. Always loved rolling polydice.
@robbert-janmerk6783 9 жыл бұрын
Wow! I requested a Top Ten combat systems more than a year ago and now my wish has come true! Woohoo!
@Dogmantra 9 жыл бұрын
some of my favourites in no real order: Mage Knight Board Game, love the deterministic combat that can still throw you for a loop with face down enemies or summoners. Malifaux, instead of rolling dice you flip a card off a poker deck with special suits, but you can "cheat fate" by replacing a card you flipped with a card from your hand. Positives and negatives are cool too, you have to flip more than one and you pick either the highest or lowest. Different suits can trigger different abilities, and the two jokers are mixed in there for some interesting twists of fate. Guildball, it's the dice pool system where you score multiple hits, but instead of just wounds, you look at your character's "playbook" which gives you actions based on how many hits you got. A defender might have lots of wounds and tackles while a striker might have dodges and low damage. Yomi's rock paper scissors with totally different payoffs and lots of different characters who are good at different things is a good one to mention too.
@ScampSign 9 жыл бұрын
I like Zee's #8. I think the problem is that it's really difficult to do strict negotiation well, so most games with negotiation as a means of resolving conflict often have other options as well. Another game with negotiation as the main conflict resolution is Quo Vadis, where it's combined with a little bit of majority control. Some would consider it a voting system, though, which I can't wholly disagree with. It's also quite prevalent in Cosmic Encouter, which I'm surprised wasn't brought up. Certainly the main method of conflict resolution is card-based, as it's Tom's number one, but if two negotiations are played then it changes to a pure negotiation resolution. Even though it's just part of the system as a whole I think it qualifies as an entry because it IS a mechanic of resolving conflict in a game.
@Ecto_Fox 9 жыл бұрын
Sams top 10. Dice, Dice, Dice, More Dice, Less Dice, Dice, Dice , Dice, Dice, and lastly DICE!
@SamHealey6 9 жыл бұрын
Jeffrey Foxwell In my defense...this is simply not true...;)
@Ecto_Fox 9 жыл бұрын
Sam Healey It's ok I like Dice too
@thedicetower 9 жыл бұрын
Jeffrey Foxwell Saying that each entry is "dice" is like saying each entry is "a board game" on our other top ten lists. There are VERY varied ways to use dice in combat.
@Ecto_Fox 9 жыл бұрын
+The Dice Tower oh I understand. My comment was made in jest.
@shawnblack9840 9 жыл бұрын
+The Dice Tower I think it was a joke
@Grouik 6 жыл бұрын
I thought that the combat system in Nazgul was original and quite stressful! :) You put a number of cubes in a cup depending on the number and type of attackers and defenders, then each attacker draws a number of cube up to their tactics and apply the results. For each ennemy cube you suffer damage and for eacj ally cube you apply damage. Very unusual and fun! :)
@EyalItsik 9 жыл бұрын
Combat that involves both cards and dice is probably the best: Bioshock, Forbidden Stars, Gears of War... Games that combine clever card play with dice rolling. Another fun little system is the tackling mechanism in Blood Bowl: Team Manager. You roll two dice and pick the outcome if your player is the stronger of the two, roll a single dice if they are equal in strength, and roll two dice and let you opponent pick the outcome if your player is weaker.
@pikapomelo 9 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this video quite a lot. Talking about mechanics instead of games worked out well for this list. The topic is also one of my favorites. Here are some I could think of. X-wing and tons of others - Hit's and misses on dice. Simple and fun. Descent - Surges that allow you to make middle of battle decisions. 1775 - Different dice for each type of unit, fleeing, maneuvering. Makes the units feel very different. Magic - Assign attackers and defenders, power / defense, etc. Nexus Ops / Axis & Allies - Number to hit. Also enjoy that each unit is very different. I'd argue that the systems are very similar. I agree that Nexus Ops expands the system and makes the decisions more meaningful, but the choices in Nexus Ops are usually pretty straight forward. Shogun - Also love the cube tower. Especially enjoy when previous units show up again. Cosmic Encounter - Resources and cards (with negotiation). Dune - Bidding Twilight Struggle? - Area Majority. Simply having more units means that you win. Go - Positioning. Slowly surrounding and trapping enemy units in order to conquer area.
@LoftOfTheUniverse 9 жыл бұрын
Sam just wants to roll dice, zee just wants to avoid conflict or make it fast as possible, and Tom is just... In the middle of them both! Haha I'm just messing guys, but this top ten was a hot mess :P
@BecauseOfDragons 9 жыл бұрын
I like the combat in Game of Thrones The Board Game where you can have a powerful force but the character cards and 'tides of battle' can swing things in your favour showing off the risks of the battle. Always fun. I also like the exploding dice mechanic and it's a lot of fun in Chaos in the Old World.
@sarahlanger2605 9 жыл бұрын
I like the Dice Combat from 1775: Rebellion, the d6 have basically only three different outcomes, but the probability depends on the troops. Very simple, yet thematic.
@loicovis426 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you a lot for the video and all the thoughts! I enjoyed a lot and gave me a lot of ideas :)
@55Shadowknight 2 жыл бұрын
You guys should do this list again updated
@LabrnMystic 5 жыл бұрын
For anyone who does not get the theme of the cube Tower in Shogun: the number of Cubes you toss in the tower is how many banners you can call to fight for you. The number of cubes in the tray is the number of banners that actually showed up. So you might call people to fight, they may not show up.
@noloatmo6682 9 жыл бұрын
I love the cube tower in Shogun too. And I think it is thematic. After being involved in a combat, some units that were hit hard can be sidelined voluntarily so they can receive new soldiers and equipement and THEN, reappear later in the campaign. So it isn't just survival or total annihilation: there's something in between. The tower simulates that well, I think. The unit is still part of your army but it is sidelined momentarily while stuck into the cardboard trap of the tower. Well, that's what came to mind when I first played the game.
@michaelmahn4373 9 жыл бұрын
+Nolo Atmo I think in Wallenstein it makes even more thematic sense since the thirty years' war was mostly fought by mercenaries who often switched allegiance during battle. Or they got marauders and were picked up later again by an army.
@jmanjoshua1982 6 жыл бұрын
The look on Zees face at 20:45 after Sam's description is hilarious!
@peteshirey9816 9 жыл бұрын
I always liked the way Shogun uses the cube tower for combat. Always thought it was neat and you never know what will come out after you spill the cubes into the tower!!!!
@ravenatog 9 жыл бұрын
Just kept seeing Forbidden Stars popping out between Zee and Tom in the background and thinking how much I love the combat in that game with some dice, some unit strength, card play and multi turn layered fights.
@Negatrev 9 жыл бұрын
I rarely feel this way, but I've only reached number 8 so far and Zee is wrong, Sam is right!
@EclecticCamel 9 жыл бұрын
Negatrev Well, yeah, it's a list about combat in games, which is not his forte.
@tamponslayerify 9 жыл бұрын
Negatrev while I do agree it is combat and I hate to admit Sam being right (Love Ya Sam). I can see where Zee is coming from after multiple games it feels like a puzzle or a programming game more then physical combat if that makes sense.
@zephy64 9 жыл бұрын
Negatrev I feel like I need to back Zee up on this being a valid form of conflict resolution. It happens in werewolf and other such negotiation games.
@TheProteanGeek 9 жыл бұрын
+Bryan Connelly that's conflict resolution which I would call different to combat. Combat is only one form of conflict. Conflict resolution beyond combat I would certainly include negotiation.
@juanovo89 6 жыл бұрын
@@TheProteanGeek One word. Diplomacy. In that game, you will not win combats if you don't negotiate really well. No dice. No cards. Just you and your enemies talking.
@Stephen-Fox 9 жыл бұрын
My favourite is the Dungeon Twister simultaneous card play added to unit strength, with both players starting with identical hands (Rather than the Cosmic Encounter method of hands made up of random draw) - Quick, simple, tense and has some interesting choices in there. Sam - The word you were looking for during #6 was Tactility. Zee - Your #3 sounds more like an array of ints than a string to me ;)
@GarethIJRoberts 9 жыл бұрын
Not reading through all of the comments (would take forever). A combat system that I enjoyed was in a game called Dragon Dice, where the dice represented the units, the size of the dice was their health, and all the symbols represented their melee attacks, missile attacks, movement (charge) and saves. Not quite buckets of dice as you rolled the handful of dice once and just counted the symbols you needed, then the other player rolled his handful and counted opposing symbols, the difference was then removed from the losing side's pool of dice.
@Cheonging101 8 жыл бұрын
I thought the cubes in the Cube Tower simulate soldiers injured in the previous battles and will come charging back into the fray when they are all healed up and battle-hardened.
@TheProteanGeek 9 жыл бұрын
When I played Netrunner I played as Jinteki so the style of battle in Melee sounds right up my alley. I get Zee's point on Neuroshima Hex it is the entire game not an element of it. Zee was looking at combat as a component of the game. Just what I can think of off the top of my head - Star Wars LCG's combat... I'm not sure how I would summarise it though. Targeting "objective", "edge" then something like most card game players are use to. - Customer Dice - Die vs Die like in Descent and Imperial Assault. One symbol cancels another, what's left over allows damage and abilities. (Similar system is used for the RPG and skill checks). Also seen in X-Wing and Attack wing. - Small World style deterministic (with powers and modifiers) - Roll to hit and damage by beating a certain number (though 2D6 or more plus modifiers unlike Zee's example) - Poker Hands with resolution modifiers - Doomtown Reloaded - Deterministic strength with orders - Diplomacy + Game of Thrones. Attacking army + support or defence order. - Exploding dice with other generic dice system - I'm with Tom on that. A guy pulling out the huge heroic move really works if you are on the right side.
@HirionOfDale 9 жыл бұрын
I just looove games that make alternate ways of resolving combat. Two of my favorites are those in Rex (I think Zee got closest to that with one of his) in which you commit a secret number of forces, with cards, leaders, and asymmetric faction powers making it an incredible second-guessing choice - and the one in Fury of Dracula with an element of rock/paper/scissors to how the cards interact (cannot wait to see how the new version from FFG cleans up and reintroduces that combat system.
@ricksleurink5064 9 жыл бұрын
Nice list again guys! Gunpowder in Jamaica, yes!! Nice one, Sam! :) These are the ones I thought of... in any order... 1. Heroscape: The simple '3 skulls / 2 shields' on the dies, next to special powers and terrain modifiers. 2. Magic: Player targets player, not creatures. Opponent decides to block or not. 3. Thunderstone: Going into battle, even if you're not sure you can beat the monster. Cardplay in de dungeon will determine the outcome of the battle. 4: Ehm, Tom, no Dice Masters mentioned? With the * (burst) symbols and same attacking / blocking mechanism as Magic? 5. The Duke: where after moving a tile, the tile flips, which gives the character a different tactic next turn. 6. Spank the monkey: with throwing-, range- and special attacks. Dice rolling is a bit wonky though. 7. Pirates Cove: you pick a part of the opponent's ship (hull, sails, crew, cannons) and blow them to pieces :P 8. Small World: same reasons as Sam 9. LotR Confrontation: same reasons as Zee 10. (Big) Badabooom: Tinkering with bombs, pass the bomb and let it explode in opponents hand.
@TylerAndToast 9 жыл бұрын
Loved this episode! Lot of different combat system mechanics! And you explained them all so well!
@TylerAndToast 5 жыл бұрын
Hi self from 3 years ago
@fredericmethot8952 9 жыл бұрын
The game's not out yet, we've only seen the beta rulebook, but I think the combat resolution for ninja all-stars will be cool. Basically the attacker rolls a number of dice based on his attack skill, defender does the same with his defence skill and you compare them. The dice have symbols for the 6 elements in the game (water, fire, earth, air, spirit and void). You eliminate pair of opposite elements (water and fire for exemple) and the player who rolled the most dice choose one of the remaining dice from both player roll and the result is based on the element. (injury, stun, move opposite player, etc..)
@mediocregamingguy7076 9 жыл бұрын
Hats off to Tom's "The Princess Bride" refference at 7:55.
@MansMan42069 4 жыл бұрын
What A Tanker! has a fun one where you generate different action types at the start of your turn by rolling d6s. Each face corresponded to a different action such as moving, aiming, shooting, etc. I find it represents the chaos of being a tank commander in WW2 very well.
@wilhelmbackhaus4931 9 жыл бұрын
Zee, if you like tug of war-ish system in Blue Moon, try Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan. It has a very engaging card combat system.
@vladstrutzu 9 жыл бұрын
I really like this video... Please do more videos about mechanisms rather than games!
@coreyhendon 9 жыл бұрын
I never thought about this before, but I think the game with the most similarities to Neuroshima Hex's combat system (simultaneous / phase based) would be Xenoshyft Onslaught. You're not attacking other players, but you have to line up your fighters in a line with a priority order (phase based). Then during combat, your fighter and the hive fighter both deal damage simultaneously. If either side dies, they are removed and the next fighter in the line is up.
@typoko 9 жыл бұрын
When talking about interesting fighting in a board game i think Spartacus would be the best for me even when it might not even be in my top 10 games.
@imjkingyt 9 жыл бұрын
+typoko I super agree with this exact sentiment.
@Ruud-py5fd 9 жыл бұрын
+Jaimen King +typoko That game 's fighting system is a little broken. Speed is (way) more important than the other stats.
@connorlennon7482 9 жыл бұрын
I know this isn't a board game (it's a miniatures game,) but I really like Infinity: the game's d20 dice mechanics. Every roll is face to face, and everything has a chance to respond, which helps create a dynamic firefight feeling. In the example of shooting: each model has a roll ceiling that represents that model's skill. If you roll above that number, your model fails that shot. If your result is below that number, then your roll is successful. However, your opponent is also shooting back at you, and if they roll higher than you, but below their skill ceiling, their model has pulled off its shot more skillfully, and gets to damage your model first. If they roll lower, your model has overcome the odds and you get to roll damage.
@connorlennon7482 9 жыл бұрын
Connor Lennon *your.... I hate when people do that. Can't believe I did.
@connorlennon7482 9 жыл бұрын
*double post*
@edstervedster 9 жыл бұрын
Zee's #10 is basically Gwent from the Witcher 3!
@TheManAmongAll 9 жыл бұрын
Great top 10 as always! Really enjoyed Sam's list :P
@Arkhonai 9 жыл бұрын
I am on the train when it comes to Cube Tower, it would probably make my 2nd place but.... Seeing Nexus in the first place, Kemet and Star Wars CCG very high as well, it screams from my chest - WHERE IS DOOMTOWN reloaded mentioned? Tom has reviewed this game and should be aware what this system is. To put it short, its a mix of those, its a simple and in the same time complex system as you may build your deck around it. Havent seen more satysfying, exciting and elegant systems in ages. As for video - good job guys and nice lists. Keep up the good job
@thedicetower 9 жыл бұрын
Romek Arkhonai Eh, I like it, but way too complicated to make my list.
@nkorppi 9 жыл бұрын
The Dice Tower And where was Marvel Dicemasters? :)
@murraychannell4612 6 жыл бұрын
the pure negotiation resolution is really interesting from a game designers perspective
@oivind22 9 жыл бұрын
I don't think they have thought this CRT-thing through. They seem to think that wargamers with CRTs spend a lot of time looking up results. They don't. One roll, a quick look at the table, and you can implement the result. Quicker and more fun than buckets o' dice.
@mistawankas 7 жыл бұрын
I know people have an issue with the game being too random, but Dungeonquest second edition has that mix of rock, paper, scissor and Kemet/Cosmic Encounter, with after effects left on the battlefield. I know they went back to the original combat for third edition because the combat was confusing to some and was extra stuff to teach/learn. I still think it was a unique way to fight and even had a potential to be the way a whole combat based game could be played.
@Squatch_needs_no_heroes Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for this very helpful. I also love ‘onslaughting’ as a verb and am keeping it.
@PaulDarcy 9 жыл бұрын
I really like the card combat system in Middle Earth Quest - one of the best I've every played.
@vincentlaker547 9 жыл бұрын
Paul Darcy Me too. They tried to recreate it in a small card game called "with sword and shield" but it had terrible rules and components so never took off.
@cruelcumber5317 9 жыл бұрын
I get that this is technically a video game, but it's a board game in a similar way to how Hearthstone is a CCG, but Armello's system (which can be put into an actual board game) is really interesting to me. The way it works is similar to BattleLore's in which there a dice that have symbols that result in various actions, but it has the option of getting rid of cards in your hand (which do have other uses) to guarantee certain results in the dice without adding more dice. I really like this and would like to see this used elsewhere because it gives the control of deterministic combat while also having the fun and randomness of dice combat.
@Jighm 9 жыл бұрын
For me, poker hands in Doomtown and the combat system in World of Warcraft the boardgame.
@brianle4063 5 жыл бұрын
I scanned the comments specifically for Doomtown. How it didn't make any list that had other old CCGs involved is beyond me.
@EANTYcrown 9 жыл бұрын
sam´s dedication to the sleeping joke during zee´s 8 is truly amazing
@MasqueradeCrew 3 жыл бұрын
I wasn't watching Sam, but I after I read your comment, I had to go back and watch it again. Also, hello from 5 years in the future. Watch out for that 2020 year. It's a doozy!
@EANTYcrown 3 жыл бұрын
@@MasqueradeCrew oh boy the future sounds exciting!
@MasqueradeCrew 3 жыл бұрын
@@EANTYcrown That's one way of describing it.
@littleratblue 9 жыл бұрын
For Zee's #8, there's a game called Polaris that has a negotiation-based combat system.
@MrJonesArt 9 жыл бұрын
Zee's combat strings of Feudal Lords reminds me of a [more fully expanded and strategic] version of Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards - the power roll system and the damage tiers thererin. You could still (potentially) hit high with 1 die, but it was better if you combined your spell in such a way that gave you a higher power roll (giving you more dice). Also whenever Zee mentions post-apocalyptic stuff my ears perk up :)
@jcb3393 9 жыл бұрын
The Dice Tower Please do a list of "best short (
@danielengel4593 9 жыл бұрын
Sam always agrees when Tom/Zee is talking about a game he likes (for example Memoir 44), and if someone like a game he does'nt like the other one is stupid.
@paulmccaffrey2985 8 жыл бұрын
I do like the complexity of the CRTs, but I know it comes at a cost, which is time. That being said, I also enjoy the speed and the simplicity of many of the systems here, particularly the specialized dice and cards modifying dice--they do keep much of the complexity of the CRT (not all), but speeds up the time considerably. One thing I will mention about the list is that deterministic games (I will use Chess as an example--Even though I know Sam, Tom, and Zee don't like it) is the removal of randomness. There is something to be said about playing an opponent based solely on their own thinking and planning. Don't get me wrong--I love the randomness of events that you cannot control popping up, surprises, and special abilities--but Chess is almost like a pure intellectual wrestling match. I think it's important to keep in mind that these gentlemen are offering their opinions and reasoning--they aren't disrespecting people who like the CRTs--they just don't enjoy them (the games, I mean). Some of the comments I read seem to take this personal.
@chrisgallo2236 9 жыл бұрын
The waves attacks can happen in in Pixel Tactics is good. The fact that also depending on where they are they do a different type attack is pretty cool too.
@craiglavine1675 9 жыл бұрын
Personally I like the double card play system in BattleCon. The combination of picking 2 pieces from small pools to make a much larger range of possibilities is really nice. Lots of double thing too.
@NewTrollVideos 9 жыл бұрын
I would love to see a Top 10 Lunch Break Fillers. The games would need to be fairly portable, quick, and not so overly engaging people forget to actually eat something!
@sebastienzander5593 9 жыл бұрын
You still haven't played Senji? You wanted to play this after he talked about it on the under-rated list
@philjohnson7288 9 жыл бұрын
How about a list that names the top 10 portable games? Like things that are easy to bring with you when you're traveling, are fun, and don't require a whole lot of table space.
@Hisdudeness9500 9 жыл бұрын
Zee's #8, Cosmic Encounter when both play compromise. Favorite Combat system: Shadowrun RPG Edition 1-3. Hybrid of Zee's #Dice vs Target and Tom's Exploding dice. It allowed you to TRY anything.
@sandropazdg8106 9 жыл бұрын
8 Masters Revenge is just great. Specially when you pull of a very complex combo and just go "wuooo ka paow!" on each hit
@joshuakoehn3629 9 жыл бұрын
Zee, can we please see a review of Senji, that game looks really cool,and the way you made it sound made me want to buy it, however I do like to see reviews before I rush in and buy something.
@Lines42 9 жыл бұрын
SAM, if you're looking for another game using a simultanious - broken into phases - combat system (like Neuoshima Hex), you should have a look at Ares Project. Totally different game, but also three initiative levels and simultanious resolution.
@matthewharris-levesque5809 9 жыл бұрын
I think Zee got shortchanged at the start of this one - Dragon's Gold might not be 100% conflict/fighting, but... Compare his defense of DG to Tom and Sam's later defense of Neuroshima Hex... DG has moments of give and take deliberation - it has thrust and block moments during the negotiation. Each negotiation often has winners and losers (to various degree) depending on their skill in verbal sparring, and mental evaluation of their opponent's give or take... and not only that, but it's timed. NH has "chases" and "kills" so it might be more of a war conceptually, but it isn't actual combat: it is a retreat or die mechanic. Totally valid - but in that light, so is Zee's choice of Dragon's Gold.
@AgentKuo 9 жыл бұрын
I like the conflict resolution in N-Hex. It would actually be interesting to see that system implemented into an LCG/CCG of some sort.
@chunkyfunkster 8 жыл бұрын
Loved Gunslingers card based results system and bullet time style of play. Really details hit locations and effects from the card results. Its a bit cumbersome for modern play but had some fantastic details.
@zakwasny 9 жыл бұрын
I have to admit Shogun has funniest battle resolving - throwing cubes into battle tower is really exciting and intense. Plus: everybody want to throw by themselves. ;)
@jozostepinec4303 9 жыл бұрын
A great example of the "ranked waves of combat mechanism" would be a game you seem to dislike (which is beyond me, because it is an awesome game), namely, Runewars! Another question... the fact that the opponent gets to decide which units will be killed/damaged bothers you in general or only in this "rank/iniciative" mechanism?
@WorldAquariumSingapore 2 жыл бұрын
cool fight mechanics from 2022 cheers :D
@MrRadialdrift 9 жыл бұрын
The senji mechanic is very good and makes the game fun
@MehdiHusain 8 жыл бұрын
Zee's explanation of the Nexus Ops rules made me think about Runewars. Its very boring combat system could gain a lot by just inverting the turn order between the units, just like in Nexus Ops. The strongest first and the weakest last. This would add a very interesting layer of strategy to it. I will try it the next time I play.
@screwball1010 9 жыл бұрын
I really love the card combat in Game of Thrones also I am on board with Zee 100%. Senji is am amazing game that has a lot of very different aspects to it including set collection, negotiation, and combat resolution, I do like the surprise combat parts and the element of having people in your pocket without their knowledge although I considered that to be more about the negotiation and intrigue than the combat.
@nancyhutchins4775 9 жыл бұрын
Simultaneous Damage/Multiple Phases is also used in Warhammer: Diskwars
@soren123 9 жыл бұрын
My two favourites would be the dial combat in Rex (Dune), and the card/dice combat in Forbidden Stars.
@marcosfernandesdesousajuni9576 5 жыл бұрын
Zee's 4th place system was also used in Spellfire in 1994, also, I wonder how would the battle "table" + cards from Cry Havoc factor into this list
@superchee2e 9 жыл бұрын
wow i didn't know zee was editing these he's doing pretty good
@RGcrasyRG 9 жыл бұрын
Zee's #3 is not so obscure, actually. Reminded me Epic spell wars. Very interesting mechanic indeed.
@Tysto 2 жыл бұрын
This is a great list. Thanks!
@gamemask9635 3 жыл бұрын
Folks, War Party by Larry Bugocky is a wonderful game with great combat mechanics, as an example of character token has attack defence numbers and it's a comparison mechanic. Splendid! hope you've all played it.
@erik-janvanoosten1450 9 жыл бұрын
The most brilliant and simple mechanic is that of chess. This is more than just deterministic combat. The value of pieces is purely subjective (no numbers) and fights are all about comparative advantage and strategy. Whether a fight has a successful outcome for you depends depends on the context on the board and the strategies you and your opponent use. I get why you didn't include it (too vanilla) but I think that the "if you can get there, you can take it" mechanism is great for cautious area-control type of games.
@lilikarenbetorod 9 жыл бұрын
What about the Level 7 Omega Protocol system? The more actions you make , the more you allow your opponent to do
@headphonecatty 7 жыл бұрын
Maneuvering and pinning and the things that come with it in Warhammer Diskwars is one of my favorites, but Condottiere's combat is pretty fun too. Combat isn't my favorite in gaming. I also really enjoy the Fate Deck in Malifaux since I'm not a fan of dice.
@nerzenjaeger 6 жыл бұрын
Another example for the Neuroshima Hex combat system would be Stellar Conflict.
@jmanjoshua1982 6 жыл бұрын
I was also thinking once certain tech is involved, different ships get to shoot first, with Assault cannons and Anti-fighter barrage in Twilight Imperium 3 & 4. I'm sure there are more examples.
@superchee2e 9 жыл бұрын
sam was about dice the whole time until three and said cardplay. (oh great!!!) and then he says "the destiny draw which simulates a DIE ROLL!!!" I also love how he keeps talking about dice and he's wearing an ameritrash shirt. . . lol
@gilmanstephen Жыл бұрын
You guys are awesome and great list. Thank you! One thing: as handsome as you guys, it’d be great to see these beautiful games on the screen instead of your top model mugs. Keep up the great work.
@rentarthekiller 9 жыл бұрын
Love the Dueling combat in Spurs "A Tale in the Old West", Drawing bullets from a bag.
@Lassonius 9 жыл бұрын
Don't you feel that the Battlelore system of "Symbology on Dice" and the Imperial Assault/Descent System of "Customized dice triggering abilities via surges" are pretty much the same system?
@WilliamBrothers 9 жыл бұрын
I am glad some serious wargames still use CRT. There are too many dynamics to not include it, and there are very good reasons why it should be included. GMT has some great wargames using it and I can't imagine them using another system.
@masu33 9 жыл бұрын
I think the combat method in Game of Thrones can be viewed similar as Sam's 3rd choice of Star Wars CCG... and there can be ships in this case as well. :) But it's more like Zee's 2nd choice "static number and simultaneous card play"...
@ogreman2229 9 жыл бұрын
Have you guys tried relic by fantasy flight? Is the massive improvement to talisman set in the 40k universe. It uses the exploding dice concept to perfection and is one of my favorite games ever
@steveg7000 9 жыл бұрын
Regarding Zee's #1, I believe Runewars would also qualify.
@TheGrooves 9 жыл бұрын
Speaking about Tom's number 1, I'd add the card combat system from Middle-Earth Quest in there too.
@Tallyallyloolah 9 жыл бұрын
Warlord ( 1974 ) uses a very similar combat mechanic to Melee - you pick a number on a dice instead of gold coins, but basically the same thing. Axis n Allies is almost exactly the same as Nexus Ops ? Kings & Things I'd say is a very similar and probably earliest example.
@TheMormegil92 9 жыл бұрын
The Melee bidding mechanic is the Psi mechanic from Netrunner. Credit where credit is due and all that jazz.
@Lassonius 9 жыл бұрын
The "LOTR Confrontation" system and the system in "Cosmic Encounter" sound the same as well (static number = number of ships on either side, and simultaneous Cardplay for both sides). Cosmic just adds the racial powers and negotiation cards to adjust the numbers/cardplays.
@AgentKuo 9 жыл бұрын
Dungeon Run is the game you're talking about.
@scottishduck88 7 жыл бұрын
Zee's #2 is used in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game as well. Works well, I think.
@billjensen51 9 жыл бұрын
Risk's combat is what I don't like about it.
@salmonblox 9 жыл бұрын
Bill Jensen It'd be okay for a 30 or even 60 minute game, but rolling plain ol' dice over and over, ad naseum for 3+ hours? Yeah, no thanks.
@pillinjer 9 жыл бұрын
+salmonblox that's one of the reasons I love Risk Legacy. The tension of the dice combat, but a much shorter playtime (4 victory points rather than total conquest)
@Talon3000 8 жыл бұрын
I've adapted the capitals and victory point system into regular Risk. Works much, much better.
@commandershepherd3467 5 жыл бұрын
What makes it worse is when both players have like 15 units or more and you keep rolling “each person loses one” over and over. Smallworld has replaced Risk forever with me. I will never play it again.
@Nabocleese 9 жыл бұрын
I thought for sure Tom's number 1 would have been the combat system from Forbidden Stars.
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