Muchos anglos se creen el ombligo del mundo. Demuestran ser bastante incultos en lo que a geografía e historia se refiere. España fue el país más poderoso durante 300 años, descubrió y conquistó América e hizo de ese continente ( parte española ) la zona la más rica de la época, hasta las mal llamadas independencias, ya que se trató de una guerras civiles de secesión, por supuesto apoyados por los británicos. España tiene mejores infraestructuras que EEUU, RU y AUSTRALIA y de Europa, mejor transporte público, España es líder en Europa en Fibra óptica ultrarrápida, tiene instalada más que Alemania, RU, Francia e Italia juntas, España es el 7º exportador de armamento del mundo, lo sabe bien Australia por los portaviones y fragatas que le ha comprado. España tiene más seguridad y mejor sistema sanitario que estos países, ya que está en los primeros puestos. España es el país más saludable del mundo en 2019, España es el país con más reservas de la Biosfera del mundo, España es el tercer país con más patrimonio de la humanidad, con 48 lugares, España es el país con más y mejores playas de Europa y con más banderas azules en el mundo, España es el 2º país más montañoso de Europa, sin contar los microestados de Andorra y Luxemburgo, España tiene las empresas constructoras más importantes del mundo ( Canal de Panamá, Metro de Riad, Tren de alta velocidad a la Meca- Arabia Saudí, etc. ), 2º País en recepción de turistas en el mundo, se encuentra entre los países con mejor gastronomía del mundo, y así podría estar hasta mañana. El problema es que los Británicos y otros países pertenecientes al mundo protestante, más Francia, crearon una leyenda negra de España. Ocultando a su pueblo todas sus derrotas ante España a lo largo de la historia. Te dejo una muestra y verás que fuimos el enemigo principal de Gran Bretaña, ya que ansiaban las riquezas en las tierras españolas, por eso mismo se comportaron como piratas. Spanish victories over the English 1 Victorias españolas sobre los ingleses 1 Spanish victories over the English 2 Victorias españolas sobre los ingleses 2 Te recomiendo que veas esta conferencia y te darás cuenta de los infundios británicos sobre España. MITOS Y VERDADES DE NUESTRA HERENCIA HISPÁNICA - Pablo Victoria También EEUU le debe parte de su independencia a Francia, pero se la debe bastante más a España, que fue la que puso el dinero, las armas y los hombres, ganando Bernardo de Galvez siete batallas consecutivas a los Británicos, cuando poco antes George Washington, había perdido seis batallas consecutivas y lo iban a destituir. Por cierto, el Dolar viene del Real de a 8 español, que era la moneda global de la época. Coge un Dolar y adivina de donde proceden las dos columnas y la S sobre éstas. España tenía la mitad de población que Gran Bretaña y una tercera parte de Francia. En la actualidad tiene 47.000.000 y es la economía número 13 del mundo y subiendo. En sus mejores momento llegó a ser la 8ª. ¿A qué se debe que las Colonias inglesas hayan progresado más que las españolas? Se trata de un mito moderno que parte de la percepción que los contemporáneos tienen del Reino Unido de hoy. Como es una ´´potencia mundial´´, con una gran riqueza económica, entonces se asume que las excolonias británicas son también de mayor progreso. Sin embargo, las excolonias británicas que en el arquetipo mundial tienen un progreso económico estable y gran influencia, son en realidad muy pocas: Los Estados Unidos se asume como excolonia británica, pero eso es muy subjetivo y nada preciso. Las colonias británicas en lo que hoy es el territorio de los Estados Unidos de América, eran trece de norte a sur: Massachusetts, Nuevo Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Nueva York, Pennsylvania, Nueva Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur y Georgia. Si ves el territorio británico en lo que hoy es el territorio estadounidense, las trece colonias eran un territorio muy reducido. Más grandes eran el llamado territorio indio y el de ESPAÑA. Por lo tanto, la mayor parte de lo que hoy es el territorio estadounidense, era colonia española, por eso mismo tienes nombres hispanos en la mayoría de estados de la unión (California, Florida, Las Vegas, Los Ángeles, Miami y un inmenso etcétera). Hay además otro detalle: ninguna de las trece colonias británicas en lo que hoy son los EEUU, tenía el mismo nivel de desarrollo económico que las mal llamadas ``colonias españolas´´ de la época. Ciudades como México, La Habana, Cartagena de Indias, Lima, Quito, etc, tenían más actividad comercial y desarrollo que cualquiera de las esas trece colonias. Como nota curiosa, Nueva York se incluye, pero en realidad se llamaba Nueva Amsterdam porque era de los neerlandeses. La conquista del viejo oeste no lo hacen los británicos, sino los estadounidenses de esas trece colonias una vez se independizaron de la Corona. Canadá es un país moderno, pero siempre fue un territorio muy vasto y vacío. Su progreso moderno no se debe a que haya sido colonia británica - otro término debatible, porque gran parte de su territorio fue colonia francesa, la cual tiene más influencia en el ethos canadiense que los británicos -, sino a que en tiempos más modernos ha hecho un gran esfuerzo para construir un país progresivo y en paz a partir de la integración de su gran diversidad étnica y sus riquezas naturales. Australia es como Canadá, debido a un gran esfuerzo más bien en los tiempos modernos. Hasta la mitad del siglo XX, Australia era un país pobre e incógnito. Por otro lado, durante la colonia británica, no fue apreciado por los británicos, sino que fue convertido en una de las prisiones más grandes del Planeta. Allí enviaban a los criminales del tiempo, lo que hizo que, además, los australianos de hoy poseen un gran mestizaje. Nueva Zelanda es quizá uno de los países más interesantes en términos de progreso, convivencia y paz. Pero en sus tiempos como colonia británica no era tan apreciado por los británicos como sí apreciaban por ejemplo a sus colonias africanas o asiáticas. Estos cuatro países (Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia y Nueva Zelanda), cuya pertenencia al mundo británico es bastante discutible, por ejemplo en el caso estadounidense, son los que alimentan el mito de que las excolonias británicas son más ricas que de las otras potencias europeas. Lo más curioso, y como se sugiere arriba, es que las colonias británicas más queridas para ellos no eran lo que hoy son esos cuatro países. Las que los británicos querían a muerte y defendieron hasta el fin, eran las colonias en África y en Asia. Por ejemplo lo que hoy es Nigeria e India. Ahora, si vemos lo que esas excolonias africanas y asiáticas son hoy por hoy, el mito se ve seriamente afectado. Si analizas la historia de la India como colonia británica y la comparas con las trece colonias británicas en EEUU, la diferencia es abismal. India era la niña consentida de los británicos. Invirtieron allí a sus mejores hombres e, incluso, haciendo al subcontinente un esclavo de sus ambiciones, llegaron a intentar britanizar a los hindúes - eso como un ejemplo, pero lo mismo hicieron en Birmania, Suráfrica… Pero aunque hoy la India es considerada una potencia mundial, no es lo que el mito del británico colonialista sugiere. India es hoy por hoy un país controvertido en donde siguen presentes las castas, la miseria y el lujo y la pobreza funcional. Espero que te sirva de algo esta pequeña clase de historia y no te creas todo aquello que te han contado en la escuela, ya que la historia Britanica es un cuento chino, a la vez que han falseado la historia de los demás, en este caso la de España. ( No te parece extraño semejante desconocimiento sobre España ). Un saludo.
@rafaelacevedo56055 жыл бұрын
Se me olvidaba, fue el Imperio más grande en Extensión con 20-5 millones de km2, como ejemplo el imperio romano tuvo 8 millones de km2. Se componía de la mayor parte de Sudamérica, Centroamérica, México, gran parte de lo que hoy es EEUU y Brasil, así como Portugal, Países bajos ( Holanda y Bélgica ) parte de lo que hoy es Alemania y gran parte de lo que es Italia, además de Filipinas, Guam y otras islas. En tiempo de Felipe II, se decía que en España NO SE PONÍA EL SOL, por lo extensa que era. Gran Bretaña tuvo más extensión, pero le duró muy poco tiempo, sin embargo el imperio español duró siglos. Por eso resulta llamativo que, se desconozca la historia de España, ya que es parte de la historia de nuestra civilización ( del mundo ). Pregúntate el porqué. Por eso mismo, te recomiendo que visiones la conferencia y te llamará la atención muchas cosas, y te preguntarás como es posible que no te lo hayan enseñado o te lo hayan contado de manera muy distinta. Alexander von Humboldt (Prusia, 1769-1859), geógrafo, astrónomo, naturalista y viajero “La Humanidad debe gratitud eterna a la Monarquía española, pues la multitud de expediciones científicas que ha financiado ha hecho posible la extensión de los conocimientos geográficos.” “Por virtud de un prejuicio muy generalizado en Europa hay la creencia de que se han conservado muy pocos indígenas de tinte cobrizo… En la Nueva España, el número de indígenas se eleva a dos millones, contando sólo los que no tienen mezcla de sangre europea… Y lo que es más consolador aún, habrá que repetirlo, lejos de extinguirse, la población india ha aumentado considerablemente durante los últimos cincuenta años, como lo prueban los registros de la capitación y los tributos”. “Los monarcas de España, tomando el título de Reyes de las Indias, han considerado estas provincias lejanas más bien como partes integrantes de su monarquía, y como provincias dependientes de la Corona de Castilla, y no como colonias en el sentido que, desde el siglo XVI, ha significado esta voz para el resto de pueblos de Europa”. “Ninguna ciudad del nuevo continente, sin exceptuar las de Estados Unidos, presenta establecimientos científicos tan grandiosos y sólidos como la capital de la Nueva España”. “¡Esto debe saberse en Europa! Los mineros de la Nueva España son los mejores pagados del mundo, ellos reciben de seis a siete veces más salario por su labor, que un minero alemán.” Sus libros los tienes en internet traducidos, viajó por toda Nueva España, o bien puedes leer a Charles F. Lummis (EEUU, 1854-1928), historiador. “[…] Los españoles no exterminaron a ninguna nación aborigen como exterminaron docenas de ellas nuestros antepasados los […]”. Y en tiempos de los romanos: «Esta Hispania produce los durísimos soldados, ésta los expertísimos capitanes, ésta los fecundísimos oradores, ésta los clarísimos vates, ésta es madre de jueces y príncipes, ésta dio para el Imperio a Trajano, a Adriano, a Teodosio», citó en su obra el retórico galo Pacato, a finales del siglo IV. Una frase que da cuenta de la importancia que alcanzó la provincia de Hispania, que sirvió de lugar de nacimiento a tres de los emperadores más importantes en la historia de Roma y al filosofo Séneca entre otros. Un saludo.
@SR-jr5nh4 жыл бұрын
Te doy like pero no me da la vida a leer tanto, igual lo poco que leí es magnífico 😢✊
@by_83164 жыл бұрын
Coincido en todo menos en la fibra, que te llamen todos los días de Vodafone es un sinvivir
@blancavelasquez98594 жыл бұрын
el pib de las 13 colonias es mas grande que las de Western Europe
@eltodologo14013 жыл бұрын
Amen a su nación, no hay naciones perfectas pero la suya se lleva a varias según o dis que perfectas
@FernandoJohanson4 жыл бұрын
La pregunta de los conejos vendrá por la etimología de España, que viene de la antigua provincia romana Hispania. Se supone que significa "tierra de conejos". Dicho esto, me sorprende la incultura general del mundo anglosajón hacia un país que durante casi dos siglos fue tan poderosa como hoy lo es EEUU o anteriormente UK. Felicidades por estos videos, son muy reveladores, espero que sirvan para difundir algún conocimiento sobre España en el mundo
@navyryder5 жыл бұрын
It appears geography is not one of the Anglo world strong suit! One more thing, there’s no such thing as Tacos and Burritos in the Spaniard cuisine. Those are Mexican food items as most know!
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Yeh it seems not hahaha. You would think people would know anyway 😉😂😜
@anthropomorphicpeanut61605 жыл бұрын
I'm from Spain and it's true that tacos and burritos aren't typical but I'm addicted to them anyways
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@anthropomorphicpeanut6160 hahaha me too
@juaneloylamarequena48884 жыл бұрын
A mí no me sorprenden estas preguntas. Desde hace mucho ya sabemos que a los anglosajones no les interesa nada de España ni nuestra historia ni nuestra cultura...a los pocos que les interesamos es solo para tumbarse el sol en la playa. Yo estoy orgulloso de mí país, de mi nuestra historia..ya habíamos navegado por todos los mares del mundo .(incluso el mar de Australia ) antes de que muchas naciones incluso de europa hubiesen existido. No me importa que en Australia o en otros países nos den la espalda o intenten humillarnos... España fue y es un pueblo valiente . Viva España !!
@ubbuubu41253 жыл бұрын
Hasta la Antártida. Nadie se acuerda de Gabriel de Castilla :(
@JuanGarcia-qi4ze5 жыл бұрын
It amazes me. A Spaniard would never ask if Australia is in England. Me asombra. Un español nunca preguntaría si Australia está en Inglaterra.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Hahaha no I think it's very well established in Spain that Australia is pretty much on another planet!
@KingChameleonsEye5 жыл бұрын
@JuanGarcia-qi4ze5 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin In Galicia we know about Australia. New Zealand are our antipodes. I look forward to the next video.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@JuanGarcia-qi4ze yes everyone in Galicia knew a lot more about Australia than I expected! Another tick for Galicia haha
@Am3lia775 жыл бұрын
But we all know Australia is in Europe because Australia and Austria are the same country, duh
@RogerLay_Waja5 жыл бұрын
As an American, I have to say you were generous in giving us the highest marks on the questions. All three countries need to go back to basic geography class! LOL. Regarding your comment that both Spain and Mexico speak the same language... I have traveled extensively in both Mexico and Spain. While the official language of both countries is "Spanish", Mexican Spanish is so different from the Spanish spoken in Spain. But then again what Spanish is spoken in Spain? LOL. In Madrid they speak Castiliano, which most people consider to be the "pure" Spanish. But travel to Barcelona and they speak Catalan/Valenciano, and travel to San Sebastian or Bilbao and you hear mostly Basque spoken. There's also Galiciano and a few other regional "Co-official" languages or dialects. But the good news is that most Spaniards speak enough Castiliano even if it is not their first language. Good video! Gracias! (and I pronounced that 'GRA the us' by the way) LOL
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Hahaha did you see the Australian questions though? We were shockingly bad. Yeh I've been watching some Mexican series and I can't quite get my head around it sometimes. Although that being said sometimes I feel the same about foreign programs in English if they're really regional haha. Yeh that's true. Even in basque country you need to head into towns to hear euskerra spoken full time. Gracias for your comment. I too use distinction haha....but my mum funnily enough uses seseo 😂
@emiliopedrosa51835 жыл бұрын
Mexican Spanish and Spanish Spanish are as different but mainly in pronunciation and some slang words but not different enough to impede intelligibility. It may be hard if you're not a native speaker and have learned a certain variety of the language. I'm a native Spaniard and have never had the slightest trouble communicating with Mexicans, Argentineans, Chileans, Cubans, Colombians, etc. I learned UK English and sometimes it takes a bit of effort to adapt my ears to other varieties of English, not so much anymore due to exposure to American films and TV series for instance. As far as languages in Spain, there are 3 main languages apart from Spanish ( Catalan/Valencian, Galician and Basque) but virtually every speaker of those languages is fluent or bilingual in Spanish. I'm Andalusian and my variety of Spanish and the variety spoken in the Canary Islands are said to be the base of Latin American Spanish
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@emiliopedrosa5183 yeh I agree. J actually make sure I watch series from different places so that I keep the ear for it. Usually the first episode or so are hard but you adjust and pick up on the slang. I think Mexican Spanish is actually easier as they use more forms that are similar to american English than Spanish from Spain.
@emiliopedrosa51835 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin I agree with you Elyce, Mexican Spanish and Latin American Spanish in general is probably easier to understand because they speak slower as well. I'd say probably Argentinean and Chilean are the hardest is they're speaking too informally and using a lot of slang. Getting the ear used to different accents is a great idea. It will take a little effort to adapt at first but as you say, after a while something clicks and you get to understand more and more.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@emiliopedrosa5183yeh I agree. I actually started learning Spanish in Argentina so sometimes I still revert to that pronunciation but you're right on the slang. Haha yeh I kind of hate it when students of mine only want to understand British English so I make an effort to try and understand all Spanish 😂. Plus I'd love to travel through the Americas again.
@Ghost_PM115 жыл бұрын
Geography fact: Spain is in the antipodes of New Zealand, which isn't Australia... but close enough. Still kind of cool to imagine that if someone dug a hole straight down in La Coruña, they would come out close to Auckland, and a bit charred I imagine.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
That's so cool. I didn't know that. No wonder the flight is so bloody awful haha 😂
@Am3lia775 жыл бұрын
España tiene muchos microclimas diferentes: Oceánico, en el norte y toda Galicia; Continental, mayoría de la península; Mediterráneo, costa mediterránea y gran parte de Andalucía; De Montaña, en zonas montañosas por toda la península y en Tenerife; Subtropical, en las islas Canarias y Semidesértico, en zonas puntuales, la costa de Murcia y Almería y parte de la de Alicante además de una pequeña zona de Aragón.
@feralonso49515 жыл бұрын
Texas fue un antiguo territorio español, asi como los Estados de: ALABAMA, UTAH, MONTANA, CALIFORNIA, LA FLORIDA, NEW MEXICO, NEVADA, COLORADO. el nombre de TEJAS (Texas) viene porque los indigenas que se encontraton los españoles les saludaban diciendo !Tejas! como si fuera ¡Hola!
@esmusat3 жыл бұрын
@Sean Mitchell yep
@germangarcia61184 жыл бұрын
Love the little revenge on the desert question xD
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
It felt good I have got to say :P
@edbardof79414 жыл бұрын
El video es muy divertido. Hace cierto el dicho de 'con lo que ignoro podrían escribirse libros enteros'. Y además tú eres un encanto.
@ForestRain445 жыл бұрын
Americans and Australians may be dumb about geography but I don’t think they are quite that dumb. I think, or at least hope, that most of those questions came from children doing research for school work. I think I knew that Spain was a country in Europe since I was about eight.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Haha yeh me too but my dad's obsessed with geography and my family are from Europe so I never know what's normal in those terms in Australia. But I hope you're right
@ForestRain445 жыл бұрын
I had a globe when I was a child which is what taught me most of my geography. It is a shame parents don’t buy their children a globe anymore.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@ForestRain44 I had one too. I loved it actually!
@nomecreona38294 жыл бұрын
As a Spaniard, what surprises me the most about Americans is their enormous ignorance about Spain when it is a fundamental part of their culture. Until 1821 3/4 of the current United States were part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, ergo it was SPAIN. Many of the names of the states or of their geography are Spanish, the cowboys have their origin in Spain, many state flags use symbols of ancient Spain, the first colony founded in the United States was Spanish, even the American dollar was adopted of the Spanish dollar and Spain was decisive, even more than France, in achieving their independence against the English. How is it possible that they have completely erased all the very important Spanish legacy of their culture? . I forgive Australians for their ignorance about Spain because they live in the antipodes, although many of the Spanish and Portuguese voyages of exploration of the 16th century passed through Australia. In fact, the Portuguese were the first Europeans to set foot in Australia, but incredibly all that part of history has been literally erased from popular Anglo-Saxon historiography. I don't know if that ignorance is amazing or insulting. How can you ask if Spain is in Europe, when you cannot understand the history of Europe without one of the main powers, in its time the greatest and most powerful of all of them and one of the oldest countries is absolutely amaze me. From the geographical part it just makes me laugh, I am from the north of Spain which is in the same latitude (43ºN) of Toronto (Canada), how the hell can anyone believe that here we have a desert climate if we are in the latitude of Canada and Northern United States ?. Is Canada a tropical country?
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! This is exactly my thoughts on the topic. I'm sorry I didn't see this comment straight away, for some reason youtube put it in it because KZbin is American perhaps haha. Saludos x
@diegorivera65005 жыл бұрын
I'm not surprised at all of the dumb geography questions. I live in UK and I have been asked this kind of silly questions by the English, such is Rome the capital of Spain?, is the Algarve in Spain? I thought Barcelona was in Italy? It looks like geography is not a strong point in the UK school system. Hundreds of thousands of British travel to Spain every year and cannot pinpoint in a map where costa del sol is or Benidorm
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you say that because some of them were so silly I thought people might think they were fake 😂
@diegorivera65005 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin, no, definitely no fake. Lol. Also it's true that the weather is a national obsession in UK. What's the weather like outside? It's one of the most frequent questions a British would ask you. You need to bear in mind that we have long winters and short summers as a general rule. The number of hours with sunlight is usually a few. So our definition of what it is hot and good weather is completely different from you being Australian or me being Spanish. As long as there are blue skies and the sun is shining, for a British is How lovely! Even if it's 5° outside.
@ferpinguG4 жыл бұрын
@@diegorivera6500 In Spain, when we are 15 we have to learn all the countries and capitals of the world and rivers and mountains... in Geography (and more things that are not maps)...
@Souliban4 жыл бұрын
Te estaban tomando el pelo colega, claro que lo saben! No te enteras
@johndough55825 жыл бұрын
I think the UK questions were the worst because they are so close to Spain and have so much interaction
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Yeh that's my feeling too. How can you be so close yet so off base haha
@arkaitzetxeandia75425 жыл бұрын
What concerns the British is really disconcerting (and disturbing about the cultural level of the people). In 2018, 18.5 million Britons visited Spain (something like saying that all Britons, about 60 million, have visited Spain once every 3 or 4 years). Throughout his life it is really very difficult to find Britons who have not visited Spain at least once ... and many do so year after year for decades. Some questions (in the circumstances I have stated) almost indicate a certain cognitive problem of the one who asks it. Seriously incredible.
@angyliv80404 жыл бұрын
Because the people in yo that usually ask something about spain are really dumb. The smart people don’t need it.
@Souliban4 жыл бұрын
They are going to talk shit against Spain everytime they's a tradición for them
@GrahamConnor Жыл бұрын
@@arkaitzetxeandia7542 Visits = visits in general, not by people. Many people in the UK live in poverty (nearly a majority of school children in some area), and never leave the UK. This surprises many people who almost expect the UK to be as developed as countries like Japan. The reality is very different.
@pilarglez72045 жыл бұрын
Gracias por la paciencia de responder a estas preguntas tan básicas sobre tu país de acogida.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
De nada 😘
@josemanueld54135 жыл бұрын
Is UK hot in January? 😂
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Definitely 😂😂😂
@ferdinandvs.benedictvs2 жыл бұрын
Spain and Portugal was in Italy until 476 A.D. It was called SPQR
@l.g.80105 жыл бұрын
¿Cómo se llama el pájaro que aparece en la sección de Ostreilia?
@JuanCarlos12945 жыл бұрын
Kookaburra. Primo hermano del Martín Pescador que se ve por España.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Se llama kookaburra 🥰
@l.g.80105 жыл бұрын
Me temía un nombre typical aussie y no defraudó, gracias!
@adrianwakeisland47104 жыл бұрын
Is Spain the Hispanic version of England? The same as England is the Anglic version of Spain? Or like Argentina is the Hispanic version of the U.S. or U.S as the Anglic version of Argentina.
@feralonso49515 жыл бұрын
España es el pais mas antiguo de Europa. Es una Monarquia Constitucional (donde el poder emana del pueblo español) España esta en la UE desde 1985. El idioma español se habla en todo el territorio y es idioma oficial (por lo menos hasta ahora) Los Romanos estuvieron en España durante 6 siglos. Despues los españoles dominamos varios reinos italianos (Napoles, Milan, Cerdeña, Corcega, etc) durante otros 5 o 6 siglos.
@danporti39425 жыл бұрын
Sólo para corregir un pequeño detalle: España no es el país más antiguo de Europa, quizás si consideras la creación del primer reino visigodo como el origen de España, sería de las primeras, pero para nada el más antiguo, ya que creo recordar que San Marino ya existía en el siglo IV. Pero la fecha oficial en la que España se creó (el siglo XV con la unión de Castilla y Aragón) tenemos que ya existían: Francia, Portugal, Inglaterra, Italia, Dinamarca, Noruega (así de memoria, quizás haya más). Eso no quita que es una tierra bastante poblada desde hace milenios y ha sido un lugar relevante antes de constituirse como estado único.
@feralonso49515 жыл бұрын
@@danporti3942 San Isidoro de Sevilla. (560 a 636) Este arzobispo, hijo de padre hispanorromano y de madre goda eleva a España a la categoría de Primera Nación de Occidente en su libro «Historia Gothorum»: «De cuantas tierras se extienden desde el Occidente hasta la India, tú eres la más hermosa, oh sagrada y feliz España, madre de príncipes y de pueblos». El texto de San Isidoro de Sevilla se convirtió en lectura obligatoria para todos los príncipes cristianos que habitaron la península durante la Edad Media. En cualquier caso...y por no prolongar el debate, digamos que es un pais bastante antiguo.
@FairFerret5 жыл бұрын
@@feralonso4951 ya... pero aunque los topónimos no sean etiquetas perfectas... España se llama España, y no Gotica (o algo por el estio). España se configura como nacion Iberica sobre el S.XVI, S.XVII.
@tsnowsill5 жыл бұрын
@@feralonso4951 San Marino - fundado en el año 301
@franciscocastillomata97865 жыл бұрын
Dan Porti Bueno, con Francia, Portugal, Dinamarca....posiblemente estés en lo cierto; pero con Italia ( con Italia como Nación-Estado, unión de diversos reinos y territorios como Nápoles, Lombardía, Piamonte, Sicilia, La Serenísima Republica de Venecia, etc. ) estás equivocado : Italia no conforma un Estado hasta bien entrado el sXIX!
@jasonwilliams94855 жыл бұрын
You mentioned in another one of your videos that Spain's North and South are totally different, not just the weather but the culture, the food, etc., even the way they speak. But I think this happens everywhere. Here in the USA we have I think 23 dialects and the UK, which is much smaller than the USA has even more. I've never been to Australia, but I imagine people in Sydney sound different than those in Darwin, or in Perth.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Australia has a lot of Aboriginal languages and of course people speak different languages at home, but in terms of dialects I don't think so. People in Sydney have the same accent just stronger :P. We are a lot newer than you guys.
@jasonwilliams94855 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin I was not referring to the Aboriginal languages, just English speakers, but you make a good point: Australia is one of the youngest English speaking countries. You do have a unique accent though. I like it!
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@jasonwilliams9485 haha thanks. I must admit I feel the opposite. I'm home and the accent is like sandpaper to my ears hahaha
@jasonwilliams94855 жыл бұрын
Hmm, well... Since you like to travel, I guess this is a good thing, one less reason for you to feel homesick. I've traveled a quite a bit myself for business and vacation, but never lived abroad.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@jasonwilliams9485 haha yeh that's true. I mostly miss my family and the beaches when I'm away...but never the accent haha.
@MrFernanrc4 жыл бұрын
things change, it use to be cold in the north in October, even in Madrid it was just starting to get cold and not in the south of spain, you could still go swimming in the south, but not the ocean, in a pool.
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Yeh that's a global issue I think. The seasons are a mess.
@agedc98785 жыл бұрын
Zoquetes hay en todas partes, y habría que ver las preguntas que haríamos los españoles en encuestas similares 😅 Sea como fuere, muchas preguntas de este vídeo dan mucha vergüencita ajena. Por incultura, por desidia o por ausencia de curiosidad para informarse de primera mano. A mis hermanos y a mi, desde siempre nos pusieron en el WC, en un revistero, algún altas, algún libro de animales, de plantas, minerales, alguna buen revista de ciencia... nos los iban cambiando. Mis padres nos hicieron ser curiosos, y además hicieron que esa curiosidad surgiera de nosotros mismos. Jamás mencionaban los libros ni preguntaban si los mirábamos y tal.. Sesiones 5-10-15 minutos al día, cada día mientras hacíamos "nuestras cositas" ...un día agarrabas el atlas y mirabas mapas de Mongolia o de la micronesia, o la demografía de la India, otro día leías un poco de los ornitorrincos, o de los tucanes, otro de la cristalización de los minerales o de la minería a cielo abierto... O de la exploración espacial... Y así con los meses y los años, iba calando toda esa curiosidad en nuestras cabecitas. Hoy esa costumbre sigue en vigor en mi casa, con mis peques. Y funciona 🥰, ¡gracias papis!
@GwyndolinSimp5 жыл бұрын
I had heard the rabbit thing before, related to Hispania the roman name, although the carthaginian name for the region was Iberia, not sure if Ispania is a carthanigian name. But I don't speak carthaginian so... haha
@jgonz2604 жыл бұрын
Dear Elyce, I have a few questions for Australians who ask you questions about Spain, Europe, etc. Here they are: is Australia in Europe? Is Australia between Ireland, England, and Scotland? Do they speak Japanese in Australia? Is Australia a province of New Zealand? Is Australia populated only by native aborigines? Is Australia landlocked in Asia? Best regards,
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 this made me laugh so hard! But yes native Australians do still populate Australia but our asshole ancestors moved them to tiny patches instead. Wait until you hear the questions Spanish people really do ask me, some aren't that different to some of these but they're usually from teenage students...that's the key difference 🤔.
@jgonz2604 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin Yes, thank you. I am aware that aborigines still live in Australia and New Zealand, not very different from the native tribes in Spanish and English America. Although I am a Spanish descendant, I will be the first one to admit that the Spanish conquistadors during colonial times in the 1,500's, and 1,600's were extremely cruel and committed atrocities against the native Indians. Same thing happened in English North America,
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
@@jgonz260 it's very refreshing to hear someone be real about it too! Thank you
@jorgemadrid7633 жыл бұрын
Le leyenda negra española sigue más viva que nunca
@franciscocastillomata97865 жыл бұрын
Lo diré claro y en castellano: no entiendo por qué la ignorancia más supina, las preguntas más absurdas, las afirmaciones más insensatas sobre España y los españoles parecen venir siempre de población anglosajona; casi nunca de un francés, italiano, suizo, griego o alemán, por poner solo unos ejemplos! Puedo entender desconocimiento de un australiano ( casi las antípodas ) o de un norteamericano ( interacción con multitud de “ hispanos “ que pueden ser confundidos con “ españoles “ ....Pero el caso del Reino Unido es espectacular: un país que está a 45 minutos en avión desde La Coruña....que tiene centenares de miles de jubilados viviendo aquí ( todos en la costa mediterránea, off course, a ser posible al sur de Valencia ); que envía cada año a millones de turistas....que pertenecen ( hasta ahora ) a la UE igual que nosotros; en donde hay unos 100000 jóvenes españoles trabajando y/o estudiando.......Y luego no saben si somos ( mas o menos ) blancos o no ; creen que todo el año en toda España es como Benidorm en verano; dudan si es un país desarrollado, si es una democracia, si es seguro......😱 . Ciudadanos británicos, ya no son lo que eran, van a conseguir desmembrar su país con el Brexit ( allá ustedes ); Italia ya les supero en PIB en los ‘80, y si no fuera por la City España tb les superaría . ( y pensar que luego tienen los mejores hispanistas, los mayores expertos en economía global y geopolítica .....)
@f.g.e.29764 жыл бұрын
Italia les superó en PIB hace 30 años pero los italianos se volvieron a quedar muy atrás. Italia está anémica desde hace 25 años.
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
Conocí y cené con un matrimonio inglés en Granada; estaban sorprendidos de ver bastantes niños pequeños con pelo rubio: pensaban que eran de inseminación artificial escandinava... Sin comentarios. Ese es el nivel.
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
Los hispanistas británicos son buenos pero también prejuiciados, como buenos ingleses.
@beltrangarrote19824 жыл бұрын
From a Spaniard. I don't know if I should laugh or burst into tears. Yeah, I get we had a dictatorship (like many other developed countries) form 1939-1975. The country was self-isolated and did not develop as the same speed as the rest of Europe until the 60s, when the catching up began. That was 60 years ago. Now Spain is a top ranked Full Democracy and a Developed country by any index. Check the Democracy index compiled by The Economist About language: do they speak Japanese in Japan? Do they speak Chinese in China? Do they speak English in England? C'mon humans, the name of a language comes from were it began to be spoken. About being a country: I'm just gonna go for crying... I enjoyed much more the honorable mentions. Yes, we have lots of rabbits, mainly subspecies called "European hare". You can find them in any supermarket near the chicken in one piece. Roasted is best (google "conejo al ajillo)". My grandfather used to hunt them with his Greyhound. It's a traditional Spanish cuisine dish.
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Haha laugh, it's all you can do. Honestly in so many ways Spain is more developed and democratic than all three of these countries too. Everyone has told me to try that dish here, I think it's quite common in Cantabria to hunt the rabbits still?
@beltrangarrote19824 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin Hunting is something new generations don't like as the older generations do. Owning, shooting or just holding a weapon of any short is, for most spaniards, a big "no way". Even Law Enforcement has a very strict policy and, if they ever shoot, there would be a thorough investigation. About the dish. it's common throughout the country and I'm sure you'll be able to find a restaurant in Cantabria.
@acs34513 жыл бұрын
we just need a better PR team. Its not their fault that the dont know much from Spain. We really suck in letting people know our culture compared to French, Italians, or many countries in Latin America.
@243380 Жыл бұрын
en valencia desde marzo hasta diciembre no hace nada de frio escepto algun dia raro
@parubin3 жыл бұрын
Spain, comes from Hispania, latin name the Romans took from the Phoenicians, Ispanya, which is believed to mean land of rabbits. Greeks called it Iberia, a term still used today, which is believed to come from the River Ebro.
@andreaam8054 жыл бұрын
This video was actually hilarious 😂 “iS sPaiN A cOuNtRy?” 💀💀💀
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Ah thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I found the questions pretty hilarious too 😆 x
@243380 Жыл бұрын
en valencia yo me baño en mi piscina desde mayo hasta mitad de noviembre.
@geoengr33 жыл бұрын
OK. I thought the English questions were bad but when you said "Is Spain in Italy?" and "Is Spain in Mexico?" I decided the Aussies just won the grand prize! Come on, is Japan in Australia? Is the Pacific Ocean in the Atlantic Ocean?
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
But then you ask Europeans a question about Asian or the Pacific or honestly even Africa and you realise it's about proximity and culture sharing and that the English should know wayyy more given how close they are and the fact they spend all their vacation here. So I actually still think the English questions are the stupidest. I don't mind when a Spaniard knows nothing about Australia (which is pretty regular) but I'd be upset at a new Zealander.
@parubin3 жыл бұрын
You could twist the answer, as Spain “was in Italy” as a province of the Roman Empire and México “was in Spain” as a province in fact called New Spain, so how’s that.
@henhaooahneh5 жыл бұрын
70% of Spanish territory is over 700 meters, It not inusual to go down -10 or -15 even -20 in winter in the center or i the north of the country Just check the anual temperature in a small village in the center (Yes, some years even -30)
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
It definitely gets chilly then. I kept thinking I wish I had a temperature gauge to use. I know the centre can be bitterly cold but wasn't sure how cold :D. Thanks for this info. x
@nomecreona38294 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin There are many towns in the province of Leon, in Cantabria, in Teruel, in Soria, in Huesca or in the Pyrenees, which are isolated by snow every winter.
@eo1615 жыл бұрын
Is Spain a developed country? Who could think that one of the strongest democracies in the world is not a developed country????? That is a nonsense question..!!!!
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
I'd say the people asking that question probably don't know it's democratic state.
@ForestRain445 жыл бұрын
Many Americans have a stupid and arrogant belief that all other countries are undeveloped.
@angyliv80404 жыл бұрын
Democracia no es igual a economía. Jajajaja y bueno tampoco hablaría de ninguna democracia actual en el mundo no existen. Quizás poliarquias. Pero democracias noo
@eo1614 жыл бұрын
Angyliv Entiendo q cuando estudiaste ciencias económicas no leíste muchos ensayos económicos. Cuando la renta per capita supera los 10.000 dólares anuales (situación dada en cualquier país desarrollado) las democracias se refuerzan y a las autarquías se disuelven. Los individuos demandan más derechos como es la propiedad privada. Según tu planteamiento, el poder le ejercen muchos por eso la ciudadanía sigue participando en las democracias... Te recomiendo leer la riqueza de las naciones, tal vez así comprendas mejor el mundo en el que vivimos.
@Souliban4 жыл бұрын
@@angyliv8040 España es la quinta economía de Europa, estáis todos tontos o que?
@avelus59844 жыл бұрын
“Is Spain in Mexico?” Spain freaking USED TO RULE Mexico! And they are in different continents! “Is Spain a developing country?” Of course not! They are still a major European power!
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
I wouldn´t use the ´they ruled mexico´as an example of how great Spain is as colonialism is intrinsically questionable but I believe I agreed with everything else in the video XD
@jorgeortiz44854 жыл бұрын
More like Spain created Mexico...which is the successor state to the Spanish colony New Spain
@ivanmartinez-jd8gi4 жыл бұрын
yeah I mean were not paticullary good at idk naming particular australian states but then again as spaniards were not asking for people to know specific provinces, of course the more you know the better but I believe we should first get the bare minimums and then move on to the rest.
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
You would be surprised about the weird stereotypes people ask me about Australia here in Spain actually. But I don’t expect that people would know that much since it’s so far away. I would however expect a New Zealander to know and the British are closer to Spain than they are to us.
@lycotropo4 жыл бұрын
In Canary Islands because of our geographycal situation near Africa but in the Macaronesian region with confluency of some differents winds we have more than 200 differents microclimates, you can take a walk on the mountains between 12-16 degrees and take a car to the south near a beach and have 25ºc.And sorry fot the publicity I really love my home Jajajajajaja
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
I have only been to the Canary islands once, but I have heard about this. It's so cool. When I was there it was so hot at the beaches around Puerto Rico, but then in the main city it was pretty windy and then we spent some time in a mountain town and even needed a jacket in July. Need to pack for every occassion! Thanks for the comment! The canary islands is for sure one of the top places on my list to return to.
@lycotropo4 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin you will be wellcomed
@360alanso5 жыл бұрын
En sevilla en noviembre suele hacer calorcito
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Pero no hace calor. Para mi es templado jaja. Pero soy australiana
@360alanso5 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin Claro si lo comparas con verano pues no, que aquí llegamos a los 40 grados o más también. Pero comparado con el resto de Europa, 20 grados es bastante cálido. Por cierto, mucha fuerza y ánimo para toda Australia, espero que se terminen rápido todos esos incendios :(
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Sí, pero en ingles tenemos otra palabras por 20 grados (warm, nice, pleasant), 'hot' es calor o mucho calor (normalmente :D). Gracias. Es horrible ahora. Espero que se terminen pronto! :D
@okpearce3 жыл бұрын
Dios, me estoy muriendo de la risa (cómo eres tan divertida??). Eres más española que los españoles (te ha salido de dentro lo de "ni siquiera tenemos frontera con Italia" jaja). Deberían nombrarte Embajadora de España en la Commonwealth y USA, jajajaja. Un besazo, Ely!
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
Muchísimas gracias! Estoy tan feliz! Your comment made my day! Brazos desde Barcelona ✨
@manuelfg29023 жыл бұрын
Eres la mejor, la mejor de las mejores, mas española que yo... 😃
@alejandromelgarejofrias60975 жыл бұрын
"Spain" stems from "Hispania" the Roman name for all the peninsula, and this stems from "Ispanya", or something similar, name given by the Phoenicians, which supposedly meant "Land of Rabbits". Anyhow, it's just a theory, the most credible one, but not definitely proven. The truth is that "Oryctolagus Cuniculus" have existed in Spain for thousands of years, whereas in Australia was introduced pretty recently. Cheers
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Thanks heaps for thar!!! I had to Google that term haha. Too advanced for my animal knowledge 😂😃
@alejandromelgarejofrias60975 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin Thank you! You're are doing a great job publicizing Spanish culture with a fair approach. I can tell you love the country, and Spain loves you too ;)
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@alejandromelgarejofrias6097 thanks so much. That comment has made my day. I do love it 🥰
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
Is Australia in India? Is UK in Jamaica?
@Sergio-wn4sp5 жыл бұрын
Spain is definitely not a desert... we only have like 2 on the mainland and we Spanish don't even know about them, that's how small they're
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
It's because of spaghetti westerns I think. A lot of Australians ask the same of Spain. The deserts are pretty big comparative to landmass here though and some of the Arad areas probably also look like deserts from afar if you don't know any better. Like I said....people say the same of Australia and we have more non desert land than if you added the entire landmass of Spain, Germany and France together and trippled them haha
@ferpinguG4 жыл бұрын
@@nevereverever1521 Pero tenemos el desierto de los Monegros en Zaragoza
@nomecreona38294 жыл бұрын
@@nevereverever1521 Con los ojos de un vasco, también pensaba hace muchos años que comparativamente a mi tierra Castilla era un desierto. Después de muchos años viviendo aquí ahora lo veo de otra manera porque te das cuenta que en este "desierto" se cultiva trigo, cebada, olivos, viñas y otros muchos productos de la tierra que dan de comer y de beber a media Europa. Cosa que no puedo decir de mi tierra, donde llueve un montón y los pastos están muy verdes pero es tan montañoso que no sirve ni para grandes cultivos, ni tampoco para determinados productos tan necesarios como el aceite de oliva o el trigo.
@carlosgarciagalvez91465 жыл бұрын
October is definitely hot , at least in Andalusia! Temperatures move around the 30s
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
To an Australia October is lovely in Andalusia but definitely not hot. Hot is hot to me not warm or mild otherwise you'd search 'nice' or 'mild' haha
@carlosgarciagalvez91465 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin but I think that an English person would feel It hot, I guess
@by_83164 жыл бұрын
Carlos con 30 grados que va a hacer calor hombre, si 30 grados es lo de todos los días 🤣, en mi opinión el calor empieza a los 38 o así ( Soy de Granada )
@angyliv80404 жыл бұрын
The question here is if the uk is in the eu. Hahahaha
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Hahaha so true!
@anacasanova73503 ай бұрын
España entró con Portugal en la Unión Europea. Y junto con, Portugal, Alemania,Italia y Japón en la ONU.
@acs34513 жыл бұрын
omg we need a new PR team for Spain. Thats basically what we are missing compared to Italy and Mexico.
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
I agree and I work in PR - maybe that's my next job???
@isitasita4 жыл бұрын
If you are from USA and wonder what the climate in Spain is roughly: almost the same as California. Same climate: mediterranean, cold and snow in the mountains... That´s why we are so similar: country of vinyards and wine, problem with wildfires...
@IreneRiart3 жыл бұрын
This video remembers me when I went to the US for a summer course and, when I said I was from Spain, many people asked if we had vaccines, if we had running water, etc hahahahha I couldn't stop laughing. I feel Spain is even more developed than the US, at least we have universal healthcare, paid leave for childcare, good public transport and many other things...
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
Haha yeh I can imagine and I totally agree with you. I feel like most of the world is more developed than the US. When I was there I felt like it was a BRIC country tbh.
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
P.s I saw you have a slow living channel! New sub here 💙
@IreneRiart3 жыл бұрын
hahaha oh thank you!! He estado siguiendo tu canal desde hace mucho y me encantan tus videos!! Un beso!!
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
@@IreneRiart 🥰 muchísimas gracias! Estoy feliz!
@guille2243 жыл бұрын
Y los subtitulos en español!!!???
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
Estan abierta!
@guille2243 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsinque raro, solo me salta la opción en inglés. Pero igual, gracias por responder. Muy amable.... 😃
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
@@guille224 hmmmm...que raro! Voy a investigar 🤓. De nada! Gracias por visitar mi canal ☺️
@adrianwakeisland47104 жыл бұрын
In my country, gringo or guirri refers to any white who can speak english, including all spaniards who can speak english.
@hablamosmalinois97675 жыл бұрын
España entro en 1986 en el EU El comienzo de EU estaba en 1952 Las conejos viene originalmente de españa
@johndough55825 жыл бұрын
No, the EU didn't start in 1952, lol. Just because the European Coal and Steel Community is considered a first step towards the EU doesn't mean it's the EU. How long do you want to go back? the Roman Empire?. Y se dice "La EU se fundó en 1952"
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@johndough5582 I was thinking the same when I read this. The European community isn't quire the same as the European Union.
@hablamosmalinois97675 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin 1952 is seen as the birth of the eu. Don't forget that at that point steel and coal were the major pillars of the economy and furthermore 7 years earlier the participants were at war. Later on there were other major incorporations like the treaty of Rome and Maastricht. Even in the latter one, during the negociations, more than once reference was made to 1952. ( As a thesis student i had the honor to folow everything life)in 1952 a broader cooperation was politicaly impossible but this was the beginning of a union based on cooperation and not on bloodshed.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@hablamosmalinois9767 I'm talking about the actual EU establishment not when the idea was floated. I studied 20tj century history and politics and for a lot of reasons I think it's important to use specific distinctions. But I know what you mean. Just not what I was saying in the video 🙃
@pinchklub4 жыл бұрын
La pregunta sobre los conejos viene porque probablemente España, del latín Hispania, podría provenir del idioma fenicio 'i-spn-ya', que quiere decir 'tierra de conejos'. Unos 200 años a.c. un explorador romano llamado Quinto Ennio fue el que acabó por imponer ese nombre a toda la península ibérica. Supongo yo que en esa época había un montón de conejos [?]. Saludos.
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Creo que es verdad!!! Gracias xx
@360alanso5 жыл бұрын
Otra cosa, en sevilla está el barrio de las 3000 que es el barrio al que te refieres. Ese barrio está en la mierda pero no es tan malo como uno se puede pensar. Además se divide en un zona externa que se nota ya que está la cosa chunga pero que no es especialmente peligrosa, después está la zona interior que la llaman La vegas donde yo no entraría, la verdad. Está super sectorizado lo que es el barrio y no afecta para nada al resto de la ciudad, esto añadido a que está bastante lejos del centro hace que no tengas que temer para nada a este barrio. Puedes andar por sevilla flama, sin ningún tipo de preocupación.
@acs34513 жыл бұрын
the best part for the americans from the USA, its that the missed the class where Columbus "discovered" America. He left from the country Spain. LOL
@NEARWORLD69353 жыл бұрын
This is the best video in history !!!!!!!!!!
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
Haha I'm glad you enjoyed it x
@jacintaugarte56725 жыл бұрын
Hello Elyce......I understand the question about rabbits. Apparently, the name Iberia means the land of rabbits...the Romans called it that because there were lots of rabbits..!!!!!!
@pedropereira55124 жыл бұрын
Iberia was the greek name. Hispania was the roman equivalent
@silgova4 жыл бұрын
A video about Spain and Australia similarities would be awesome! So interesting...😀
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Let me think about that! I have a few ideas already
@silgova4 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin Yes!!! I would never have thought they could be similar!
@jorgeruizibanez23184 жыл бұрын
What a hight level questions...omg
@Jonatansimon5 жыл бұрын
the thing about rabbits is that when Romans came to Iberian peninsula said that it was full of rabbits and call it the land of rabits "Hispania"....
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much 😊
@vaannebilim4 жыл бұрын
there are other hypothesis that reference to the great amount of ore and the mastery of forging (the origin of the gladius is spanish)
@aureliogj79664 жыл бұрын
I couldn’t have handled this without my head exploding 🤯
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Haha, I should see what Spanish think about Australia next 😝. Feliz navidad x
@leyendanegra12594 жыл бұрын
Acerca de la cuestión de los conejos, hoy por hoy buena parte de los historiadores creen que Hispania no procede del cartaginés "Tierra de conejos", sino de " Tierra al Norte". En todo caso, si eres australiana te interesará saber que los conejos australianos, que tanto daño han provocado en vuestra agricultura, descienden de varias parejas de conejos españoles importadas por los ingleses. También las ovejas australianas proceden de ovejas españolas. Saludos.
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Gracias por el comentario, que interesante. Jaja, y el eucalipto que es un problema en el norte de españa es de australia. Tit for tat as we say :P
@alvarosanchezperez5 жыл бұрын
¡Madre de Dios! 😳 Yo flipo en colores... Pero mira que la gente es burra e ignorante haciendo preguntas tan obvias de entender. Salvo 2 o 3 preguntas aceptables, el resto ¡son lamentables! De verdad 😳 que lo que puede llegar a preguntar “algunos guiris” es de auténtica traca... 😂🤪😜😝😝🤦♂️
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Jajaja es real. Google es el sitio de las preguntas mád ridiculo 😂
@alvarosanchezperez5 жыл бұрын
Elyce Behrsin ¡Totalmente de acuerdo! 👍🏻 Eso y no te creas, que en la misma vida real yo he visto a cada uno/a preguntando auténticas bobadas... 🙃 Recuerdo cuando vivía en otro país europeo, que la gente preguntándome por el clima de España, se pensaban que esto era cálido y hacía calor, etc... ¡de auténtico alucine! 😳😂
@arkaitzetxeandia75425 жыл бұрын
@@alvarosanchezperez, hombre, me imagino que comparado con Oslo, si se puede considerar a España un país cálido en cualquier mes del año. Todo en su debido contexto.
@karl-arnal5 жыл бұрын
After having lived 20 years away, is a relief not to get this kind of questions anymore, and overall the stereotypes associated with them, this idea of Spain, mainly derived from Andalusia and South America is very damaging for the country and it feeds internal problems because it hinders it´s own internal cohesion and development, i don´t just blame the tourist but also the tourism industry that profits from the spread of the idea of Spain as a perfect spot for relaxing in the sun, listening to Flamenco and have siestas after paella... :( ...Spain has different cultures and climates as you know Elyce, i wonder how much the promotion of the Spanish stereotypes feeds nationalism and separatism of parts of Spain that don't self identifies with these stereotypes, besides their claim being legitimate or not, the "andalusitation" of Spain is something recent that also serves Spanish nationalism in their pursue of unifying the country culturally and assimilating other cultures and nations, i think this country hasn´t resolved it´s identity problem yet and it doesn´t look like is about to do it soon, is good though that people like you who can see beneath the stereotypes speak
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
I know what you mean completely. I was actually discussing something similar the other day because the new tourism ad for Australia to attract British tourists came out and well... It's just like you say but the Australia equivilant and I really don't relate to most of it. We also have identity issues here, different ones but they exist and I think you're right that the way we show ourselves to the world affects them. You and I need to take over these tourism boards for starters I think.
@karl-arnal5 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin you would be a great tourist agent for Spain or Australia, i am too grumpy for that :D
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@karl-arnal haha I've always wanted to work in tourism. It's actually part of the reason I'm here learning Spanish 🙃. Maybe a bit of grumpy is what we all need haha 😜
@ew51534 жыл бұрын
Most people in the US think that Australia and Austria are the same thing. They are not very good in geography. I think Spain is actually way more developed than the US. 😝 😝
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Haha some definitely do. Spain is very developed, I don't know why people think it's not haha 🙃
@ew51534 жыл бұрын
Elyce Behrsin I don’t get it either. They have really bad infrastructure, poor education, very high crime levels and a lot of poverty. They rank good with their army but I think that’s it, 😝
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Yeh I think they wrote the list haha
@KingChameleonsEye5 жыл бұрын
Omg, some of these questions are soo DUMB!!!! LMFAOoO 🤪🤣 you really have patience 😄
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
And funny 😂😆😂
@DanielHerrera-rl1vw4 жыл бұрын
Is Spain hot in December? Haha miss your videos!
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
That's so nice! Well...guess what? I'm uploading one this week...finally ☺️
@angyliv80404 жыл бұрын
Constitutional monarchy it’s called.
@___David___Savian Жыл бұрын
Actually, Spain is almost four times larger than England. Spain is around 195 thousand square miles and England is 50 thousand square miles.
@javierperezdelgado49992 жыл бұрын
"Is Spain a Spanish Speaking country?" Actually in the USA they told me officially 10 years ago that I cannot say that I was native in Spanish because Spain was not an Spanish speaking Country.
@ElyceBehrsin2 жыл бұрын
No way - that's hilarious 🤣
@Sergio-wn4sp5 жыл бұрын
and yes, there are many rabbits tbf hahaha
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
I never see any in cantabria haha
@danielh2344 жыл бұрын
Pero fueron casi llevados a la extinción por un médico francés cuando introdujo la mixomacosis a drede en la especie porque le molestaban en su huerta.
@DINAMORDOR4 жыл бұрын
estoooo...mmmmm....España esta en europa?? un pais desarrollado????.....tiene frontera con Kazajistan no?
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
XD me encanta este comentario!!
@DINAMORDOR4 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin que vaaaa.....sólo son preguntas bien meditadas tras consultar mi mapa mundi de la tienda de todo a 1€....hay que ver en que lugares tan inesperados puedes alcanzar el conocimiento¡¡
@leonidasmarronidas76194 жыл бұрын
In spanish the correct form is "la web" (la red).
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
I don't know what you're talking about sorry haha
@leonidasmarronidas76194 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin I was talking about the the video title. "Respondo a las preguntas más frecuentes DEL web" is not correct. "De la web" is the correct way to say/write that, because of the gender. "Web" ("red", in spanish) is a she. Like you know, gender thing is difficult to english speakers. I had to said that, but that's the first mistake that I saw in your videos. Videos that I'm finding so funny.
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
@@leonidasmarronidas7619 but the video title is in English? Do you have translations on? Haha oh I'm glad :). I love Spain.
@leonidasmarronidas76194 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin Oh, I suppose I have, don't know why. Sorry then, my bad XD. Thanks for your answer.
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
@@leonidasmarronidas7619 No pasa nada :). I was so confused. I do have open titles on though, so I believe anyone can go on and translate things or edit translations...but to be completely honest I have no idea how it works because I have never done it for someone elses videos...
@esmusat3 жыл бұрын
Why everybody is asking if spain is a country, what they think it is? a cartoon?
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
Haha who knows. I was as surprised as you 😝
@gabrielruizmedina96085 жыл бұрын
Is Australia in the southside of Torres (an spanish sailorman, Luis Vaez de Torres, 1606)) strait? Yes he ways spanish from Spain! Jajaja.....
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
I don't think I get this comment haha sorry
@gabrielruizmedina96085 жыл бұрын
Elyce Behrsin I'm not sure but i think you called it Drake Strait! Good job!
@gabrielruizmedina96085 жыл бұрын
Elyce Behrsin Sorry! Drake strait is at southside of south América ! 😬😉🍻
@gabrielruizmedina96085 жыл бұрын
Elyce Behrsin Anyway! As the song said, the land where the women glow!!!
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielruizmedina9608 haha oh I get it. That's funny but clearly my geography also sucks a bit
@felixfernandez62255 жыл бұрын
Bueno españa esta en la europa mediterranea y muy poco en comun con mexico ni mejor ni peor saludos
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Totalmente real!!!! Saludos x
@felixfernandez62255 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin hola yo creo que el mundo anglosajon ocurre lo mismo aunque a mi como tio me gustan mas las aussie jejeje 😘 😘 un saludo
Wow. I really thought you had some spanish on you. I have a couple of friends that have some similar features in their faces and you got them as well.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@sevillabonita1980 no way. I thought you were kidding because people always think I'm German haha. That's so cool to know.
@sevillabonita19805 жыл бұрын
Hummm, maybe my friends have some german in them. That's interesting. Love your channel.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
@@sevillabonita1980 maybe they have some Estonian like me...we are all a mix I guess. Thanks so much 😘
@TheGaztela3 жыл бұрын
Es la Leyenda Negra de nuestros viejos rivales
@juanfran5793 жыл бұрын
Is Spain hot in February? Is Spain hot in Noviember?😅😂😭Shall I laugh or scream! Some guys really have problems with the weather!!!
@ElyceBehrsin3 жыл бұрын
Hahaha I think that the British think southern europe lives in eternal summer - but as an Australian I think people would be more surprised by how hot the summer actually is somewhere like Seville because we can't imagine anywhere in Europe being as hot as it is in Australia
@jgonz2604 жыл бұрын
Well, there is a lot of ignorance out there? Unbelievable!
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Haha are you surprised? I'm not :P
@jgonz2604 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin I guess I am not anymore either. Love your videos; you are so cute!
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Thanks :). Haha you should hear the things people from home ask me...not much would surprise me anymore!
@asparadog4 жыл бұрын
Is Spain a Spanish speaking country? Normal Spaniard: sí Pijo: ¡No, hablamos castellano! Basque person: Ez dakit, galdetu espainiar bati.
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
100% amazing comment. Now that I think about it, I can't believe you are the first to point this out.
@Shiralkian4 жыл бұрын
5:11 the brits already know what they want to do, that's why they won't Google that question. I know the anglo world has this view of british people as sopisticated people buuuut.... most come here for the cheap booze and the beach, heh...
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Haha totally true!
@Souliban4 жыл бұрын
Is this video a fuckin joke?
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Haha, yes, it's literally meant to be a joke
@foyorama5 жыл бұрын
wow, how ignorant can people be?, is this a reflection of your subscribers? I hope not. Thank you for the video anyways
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Haha I don't think so. Most of my subscribers are Spanish 😂 But seriously I doubt it as these are questions someone who has no interest in Spain would ask..right?
@punakaify2 жыл бұрын
Are they all Martians, from outside this solar system? From another galaxy maybe? XD
@RESISTANCE2204 жыл бұрын
Estima Elyce, supongo ahora entiendes porque desde España detestamos ese nivel de cultura tan bajo que se tiene en esos países. Ok, no es necesario que sepan mucho sobre España pero hay preguntas que son totalmente absurdas. España es gran parte de la historia de la humanidad, y no conocer nada de esa historia dice poco u malo del nivel educativo de esos paises
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
De acuerdo. Me da mucho verguenza. Creo q. Necesitan más clases de historía en esos países...mucho más 🙏🏼
@wolfram814 жыл бұрын
Is SpAiN a CoUnTrY?
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
I was shocked too
@TheGreatLoco5 жыл бұрын
Yes, rabbits are from Spain.
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Are they really?
@rolflin5 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin romans gave that name ...hispania means land of rabbits
@EPA184 жыл бұрын
Wow, the questions were idiotic! And most can be answered with a quick google search.
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Haha I guess that's why they are on Google.
@rapcode204 жыл бұрын
The name of spain means the lands of rabbits in phoenician
@fuegodoc34444 жыл бұрын
There are deserts in the north of spain too
@61jojo61 Жыл бұрын
Spain is Soud America….🤦♂️mare de deu senyor, quin nivell!
@nestoringles66794 жыл бұрын
You look very much like your fellow countrywoman Naomi Watts!
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Oh that's so nice. I haven't heard that since I was about 15
@geoengr33 жыл бұрын
Is England part of the EU? 🤯😂😭
@feralonso49515 жыл бұрын
Esto para cuando te pregunten si los españoles somo europeos o africanos...xD
@ElyceBehrsin5 жыл бұрын
Los personas no han vjsto nunca una mapa 😂
@FaramirGL4 жыл бұрын
I laughed so much XDDDDD
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
I'm glad 😊🥰
@FaramirGL4 жыл бұрын
@@ElyceBehrsin Hello, miss Glad! XD
@ElyceBehrsin4 жыл бұрын
Haha my granny makes that joke so much that I was shocked when I studied English language and discovered it was actually technically correct :P . WE NEED TWO VERBS :P
@JF-wp2rz2 ай бұрын
I get you with the desert thing. I also get asked that all the time as an Israeli when I go abroad 😂
@alberpajares47925 жыл бұрын
Well, spain as global country is under developed, point is thanx to the self government of the autonomies looks first world,..
@alberpajares47925 жыл бұрын
Can you imagine a me-me country¿ you don’t need to imagine that much, just go to spain..,
@TomBartram-b1c4 жыл бұрын
What ffkwit questions! You could Google all these things!