Theft of millennia: how Moscovia rebranded itself as 'Russia'

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Savage Sage

Savage Sage

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@yoriko_vera 5 ай бұрын
17:18 Hello SavageSage! I have used this video to point out to someone that Ukraine was already in the french map in 1580. But then I see a debunking-video of your video by a youtube channel called MoscowMapper. He pointed out the big "Rvssia" appearing north of Moscow, in the 1595 German map - for example. Now I'm confused, as it was before the rebranding.
@Savage_Sage 4 ай бұрын
RVSSIA there means historic territory that belonged to Rus, it's not a name of state. It would be equivalent to writing Roman Empire near England or Spain Moscow's mapper's video is so... self exposing. I think it's apparent he's manipulating just by looking at the thumbnail. I do wish to make a review on that... but it's a low in priority
@KartingRules 4 ай бұрын
​@@Savage_Sage Please do
@keenskee 3 ай бұрын
Rvssia also was related to Kingdom of Ruthenia located in modern western Ukraine and eastern Poland, during the time it also was called Red Ruthenia
@imperskiikulak446 3 ай бұрын
@@Savage_Sage Read the correspondence of Prince Ivan the third with the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian in 1490.There Ivan the third clearly indicates his title Grand Duke of Moscow (many other principalities are listed there) and all Russia, Emperor Maximilian addresses Ivan the third as Emperor of Russia.
@tiziogg6350 3 ай бұрын
​@@Savage_Sage just admit that you are afraid to check the video.
@Smithsj82 Ай бұрын
My wife, Ukrainian, encouraged me to watch this video. You didn’t disappoint. Thanks!
@insomniacresurrected1000 26 күн бұрын
Your wife is kinda dumb.
@Illyayakyys 9 күн бұрын
​@@insomniacresurrected1000 One more moscovian 🤡
@oleksiirudyk83 Ай бұрын
Дякую за змістовний випуск. Було дуже цікаво, пізнавально, інформативно без лишньої води все по фактам. Translation: *Thank you for the informative issue. It was very interesting, educational, informative, and factual.*
@wishmaker1443 Ай бұрын
Very interesting and very truly! Thanks for clarification, man! Good luck!
@sirluisray1974 Жыл бұрын
I was Completely ignorant about this. Thank you for the video and the history lesson.
@MassachusettsTrainVideos1136 25 күн бұрын
It's also completely wrong this is basically Ukrainian RT in terms of quality
@arthurabramov4464 24 күн бұрын
​@@MassachusettsTrainVideos1136Whose the Crimea is? Your sources of knowledge are lunatic Dugin and obscurant Kovalchuk.
@aleksandrawolinska1689 Жыл бұрын
In Polish literature people from Ukraine were caled "Rusini" and those from Moscow "Moskale".
@robertab929 Жыл бұрын
Yes, Polish "Rusini" means people from Ukraine and Belarus. English word: "Ruthenians".
@TheFrierenLolibabaLover Жыл бұрын
Yeah because there was no such people as ukrainians or byelarussians only ruthenians, mainly under the polish and lithuanian crowns
@robertab929 Жыл бұрын
@@TheFrierenLolibabaLover Ruthenian and Muscovite language splited in 12.-13. century. Earlier than incorporation of Ruthenian lands into Lithuania and then Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Novgorodian language separated from East Slavic even earlier. But did not survive since was killed by Muscovites.
@large_hadron_collider Жыл бұрын
@@robertab929 There was no split, because there was no unity to begin with. Both Ruthenian and Muscovite languages developed in parallel. Ruthenian on the basis of local slavic dialects, Muscovite on the basis of Church Slavonic. It was all debunked many years ago in the middle of 20th century by George Shevelov, professor of Slavic philology at Columbia University. The myth about former "unity" was cultivated in Rossian Empire and then in USSR for political reasons.
@marktwain8121 Жыл бұрын
Maybe people from western Ukr were called rusini ,but You can't call the people from Russian empire muskovits because majority of the people didn't live in Moscow ,they are russians and Russia being named Russia is corect .
@Denys101 Ай бұрын
I am very glad that more and more western people are now know the historian truth about moscovia and real Rus Ukraine Thank you very much Yaroslav Savage Sage!
@dandev8539 Жыл бұрын
This is the best video on this top I've seen so far. You did a great job of finding all those historical maps and documents and compiling them together so that everyone can check and compare them. Thank you 👍
@elliotsilfwerbrand8036 Жыл бұрын
In Sweden we called russians moskoviter for a long time
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
yeah I read some agreements between you and them, - Muscovites Also found a Sweedish map Everyone was calling them that really, lol
@turkoositerapsidi Жыл бұрын
In Suomi we call Sveden Ruotsi and Moskovaland Venäjä.
@Daatistus Жыл бұрын
I remember hearing my grandparents calling russians with name "Moskoviitti" also but not younger generations after them anymore. They were born around 1920 - 1930's at middle/western Finland. Mostly they used term "Ryssä" which is/was often said to be pejorative term as we also have sayings such as "Ryssiä homman" which means "Totally fuck up the thing"... Just like things seems to go often in our eastern neighbour
@gerd_panzer Жыл бұрын
​@turkoositera Я тебя конечно удивлю но название Венеды это одно из славянских племен
@turkoositerapsidi Жыл бұрын
@@Daatistus Ryssä tulee ruotsalaisten väännöksestä sanalle rus (ryss).
@funki4896 Жыл бұрын
Just imagine Finland rebranding itself as Sweden, also claiming all Swedish territories...
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
Imagine Britain rebranding as SPQR, proclaiming London as thrid Rome and claiming all Roman territories, especially Italy, lol
@funki4896 Жыл бұрын
@@Savage_Sage Пане Ярославе, якщо ви зацікавлений у перекладі відео на німецьку мову (+їх озвучка) я вам можу допомогти. Я студент історії і слов'янської філології (ІІІ. семестр) з Німеччини. Я українець і вільно володію німецькою та англійською. На привеликий жаль в німецько мовному просторі такого роду контенту як у вас немає. Навіть на перше враження проукраїнські німці вірять у московські побрехеньки але на відміну від вас я маю гарний досвід у моєму університеті. Я у школі трішки зяймався відеомонтажем і хотів би перекласти і -озвучити ваші відео німецькою. Я можу зробити це для одного відео щоб ви могли впевнетись у якості але я не знаю як з вами зв'язатись і надіслати відео. Я не очікую оплати чи чогось іншого а просто хочу допомогти в інформаційній боротьбі. Наприклад в Німеччині з'явилась нова партія Зари Ваґенкнехьт яка відверто прокремлівська. Одна з нових очільниць Севім Дагделєн наприклад називає українців бандеро-фашистами і нацистами. З цим треба боротись. Не тільки в англомовному просторі. Будь ласка зв'яжіться зі мною якщо ви теж так вважаєте.
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
якщо є бажання, можете озвучити на гарний мікрофон і тут в ютубі можу додати німецьку озвучку як опцію для аудіо рядка а з приводу прокремлівської вати - то це в наших руках, почніть щось робити) я от борюсь з такер карлосом і нещодавно з кеннеді
@funki4896 Жыл бұрын
@@Savage_Sage куди прислати?
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
можете на хмару залити а посилання сюди чи в інстаграм
@Żonakoprolitego1234 Жыл бұрын
The Ruthenian language - "ruska mova" was used a legal language in the eastern parts of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. After Kyiv, Chernihiv and Braclav regions fell under Russia's control, it was necessary to translate the documents as the language was significantly different from Russian. Another thing that comes to mind is some village names in modern-day Poland that clearly distinguish between having Polish and Ruthenian inhabitants, like Kosów Ruski and Kosów Lacki, Boratyniec Ruski (almost everyone Orthodox, uniate before 1832, to this day some people can speak a dialect that shares many similarities with Ukrainian, and their Polish neighbours refer to them as "ruski, ruscy" and say that they speak "po rusku") and Boratyniec Lacki (almost all Roman Catholics).
@viktormogilin307 Жыл бұрын
Unless someone understands the history or has an hereditary background this is confusing, Moscow has non slavonic origins of finno/ugric languages & lingo franco became church slavonic (local dialects, volga bulgar (river tanais) & slavonic pidjin), РУС', русïн, рутэн, роксолани, руськиï refer to Kiev & it's native language of modern УКРАÏНА, russia does not exist, duchy of muscovy, 1721 peter the imposter declares russian empire, the aristocraсy spoke german/french, the church spoke church slavonic/bulgarian & the peasants spoke their dialects, 1920's ussr (180+ ethnicities & languages the 90% have been destroyed through descrimination, extermination & assimilation to become russian, like catholic, it is an synthetic language if confession like latin, now russian federation want's to set up a new ussr, everybody has moved on but putler & his cronies still wan't to keep their piggy banks, the people don't matter, if you don't wan't to understand this history then it's all Бред сïвоï кобили 🍻 Aussie Vet 🙉🙈🙊 😁
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
You confuse Rus' with RuZZian--They are NOT the same-Many people ALREADY understand this---That is why NO ONE writes the word Belarussian for Belarus'ian anymore!--and why Belarus' is not called Belarussia any more!--get with it! Problem is Rus'ky sounds a lot like Ruskie!--It actually IS confusing a LITTLE bit--but once you get over that hurdle it all starts to make more sense!
@viktormogilin307 Жыл бұрын
@@WangAiHua I'm not confused, when Ruß (РУСЬ) existed the duchy of muscovy & russian empire did not exist, different period of history, capitol of Ruß (РУСЬ) was KIEV, capitol of the duchy of muscovy was moscow, the capitol of russian empire was st. petersburg, capitol of ussr, every republic had it's own capitol that paid their dues to moscow, russian federation, central power of influence moscow, republics have their own capitol's, Еще якоï то чёрт хочэ мэнï учити, Шао шима комуниста 👹🐷🚽🙉🙈🙊🌏 😂
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@viktormogilin307 So what are you tying to say Comrade? That every state had its own capital city?---I kinda think that MOST people ALREADY know that--not very "informative" of you say that! 1) --But YOU are WRONG when you said that when Rus' existed Muscovy didn't! Certainly Rus' existed for many centuries BEFORE Moscow(1147) and Muscovy but it DID exist---Rus' was ATTACKED by Muscovy and when the Mongols came and conquered Muscovy Rus' still existed for another hundred years with its Western capital Lviv. 2) You are WRONG again--the capital of the USSR was Moscow---yes, the Muscovian Empire grew and in 1721 changed its name to Rossiya--after the Bolshevik Revolution the Muscovian Empire was called the Soviet Union---After WW2 Muscovy even controlled the Soviet Block of countries (captured by them during the war). It was only in 1991 that the Muscovian Empire(USSR) began its collapse --like most empires finally do.--Today it is called the RuZZian Federation and under your puny and despotic DICtator Pootler it is continuing to collapse and will hopefully break up and finally release its many captive nations!
@Żonakoprolitego1234 Жыл бұрын
@@WangAiHua Polish language clearly distinguishes between "Ruś" -"Rus", "język ruski' - Ruthenian language, and "Rosja" - Russia, "język rosyjski" - Russian language. The use of the word "rosyjski" is only recent, it comes from a Greek version of Rus. Medievial Byzantine documents mention an eparchy "Rossia" with a centre in Kyiv. Until the late 19th century Russians were rather called by different names derived from the name "Moscow".
@kated2898 Ай бұрын
Finally someone made a video on this important fact! THANK YOU
@КатеринаГандзюк-я4г Ай бұрын
Ярославе, дякую ща цю працю. Здоров'я Вам
@PhysProp Жыл бұрын
Finally, someone have made this video. Thank you very much for clarifying this for western people
@Shab_Kom 9 ай бұрын
Moscow mapper can save you
@sebastianviruzab7986 Жыл бұрын
In my North Western Bulgarian dialect people always refered to "russians" as "moscovites" -> muscale. I always thought it was something related to peasants being illiterate or stupid and calling a coutnry by their capital but now maybe there is some other reasons......
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
You are correct that the Muscovians are called Moskali! But that translates to Muscovian in English--Muscovite in English refers to a resident of Moscow city. From the internet: "The demonym for a Moscow resident is "москвич" (moskvich) for male or "москвичка" (moskvichka) for female, rendered in English as Muscovite." Moscow is the capital city of Muscovy, the state! A resident of Moscow is a Muscovite. A resident of Muscovy is a Muscovian. All Muscovites are Muscovians but not all Muscovians are Muscovites. MUSCOVIA----MUSCOVIAns (Moskali). Moscow---Moscovites (Moskovete)
@A.R._Ironstar Жыл бұрын
The reason why Moscovia relates to both the city and the older used name for the country, is because Moscow was a city state, that forged a nation around itself, the lands controlled by the city state being Moscovia, with the people of both the city and lands under control of the city state turned country being called Moscovite. When the Rus fell apart due first to infighting by other cities within the kingdom and decline of trade along the rivers through the Rus lands (tied into the decline of the Byzantine Empire), Moscow was founded by various groups looking to get away from the fighting. When the Rus was finally shattered and rendered into a few rump states by the Mongol invasions, most of the cities became city state vassals paying tribute to the Mongols. The Mongols organized this tribute to go first to a centralized location, before going further into the lands controlled directly by the Mongols. This centralized location, was the city of Moscow. The authority of Moscow over the shattered remains of the Rus, came from the Mongols using them as middle men for moving money and goods around as tribute. Before the Mongols came, Moscow was considered to be a minor town, it didn't even have walls and had only existed for around 80 years, its only mention in the Mongol invasion was them sacking it for grain to feed their horses, it was only chosen for the focal point for tribute because of its location and the fawning loyalty (at the time) of its rulers to the Mongols. Moscovia claimed the title of Rus after they conquered the the city of Novgorod, which was one of the Rus' main northern trade cities, and for a time had been the northern capital of the Rus, and in the fall of the Rus had become a rump state ruling over a considerable amount of land that the Rus once controlled. Of all the cities within the former bounds of the Rus, Moscow had the least historical legitimacy to claim the title of the Rus and name of Russia. It was barely even of the Rus, and had more historical ties with the Mongols than anything else. They didn't change the name of the country to Russia until they controlled both Kyiv and Novgorod, the historical capitals of the Rus, and until that point its people were not even considered to be of the Rus, they were not Russian, they were just Moscovite, and as the video says were called that. The name stuck around in a lot of languages. The Russian, Moscovite, claim to the title of the Rus, and its history, is one that is born of conquest and subjugation of the peoples of the Rus, and was declared by a king wishing to claim a title to increase his own legitimacy on the international stage. It would be akin to Turkey deciding to call itself the Eastern Roman Empire, because they have control of Constantinople. Long wall of text, yes I know.
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@A.R._Ironstar Yes, good points. Let's tighten up some points! Moscow was a town--the capital of Muscovia the state.--It was NOT really a city-state as you say---because, first of all it was NOT initially a city, but a small town and IT with its surrounding region was the STATE! (you actually kind of stated this in your very first paragraph---"Moscow AND the LANDS surrounding it was called Muscovia"). You also say the the people of this state were called "Moscovite"--technically this is not correct. Muscovite (Moskovet) is a resident of Moscow , but a resident of Muscovy is called a Muscovian (Moskal). Certainly, most of the people living in Muscovy lived in Moscow and so MOST Muscovians can be called Muscovites (but technically some were not residents of the city and should properly be called Muscovians)--this is easy to confuse. You talk a lot about Rus' "falling apart" into "rump" states!---much of this is actually not really true although this has often been the narrative PUSHED by the Kremlin for centuries. Rus' was a huge and powerful state especially compared to Muscovy which was just starting out (1147) and was basically a swamp. Rus', even though it had been attacked by the Mongols, it still was centuries ahead of Muscovy (which by the way was at one point completely burned down by the Mongols). Rus' continued to exist and remained quite a force especially in the western Rus' land of Halychyna-Volynia even for a century later until it united with Lithuania. Muscovy was much more "rump" than Rus' ever was. Muscovy also did NOT control much of Rus' lands till much later in the 18th century (don't count Novgorod--taken in 15th century--this was not Rus'--Rus' was mostly under the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at this time!) Novgorod was NOT Rus' (it was at one time its vassal and so might have been ASSOCIATED with Rus', but it was mostly independent and NOT actually a PART of Rus'). Kyiv was not ruled by Novgorod--this is a myth). You are very correct that Muscovy was NOT Rus'!
@A.R._Ironstar Жыл бұрын
@@WangAiHua A rump state is a technical term for a country or state that has lost the majority of its territory, or that splinted off of another country, through invasion from an outside force. Hungary is a great example of a rump state in the modern era, being dramatically reduced in territorial control by outside powers after a war, at the end of WW1. The Rus broke apart into rump states after the Mongol invasion, and had periods of instability and civil war as cities vied for power beforehand, to gain more autonomy within the Rus. Novgorod was a secondary, northern capital for the Rus, it was never above Kyiv, but when the Baltic trade became more important than the Byzantine trade (due to the Seljuks decimating the Byzantines), Novgorod became an important city within the country, rising to become the administrative capital of the north. It was never the primary capital, but it was the northern capital, and the rump state Novgorod formed after the splintering of the Rus from the Mongol invasion claimed the title of Rus until the Moscovites absorbed it into their territory, which was only possible after decades of infighting and decline by the Novgorodians, spurred on and caused by the Baltic crusades.
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@A.R._Ironstar By your "definition" most countries are rump states! Novgorod was NEVER a Capital of Rus'--that is pure fiction,--let alone a "secondary" capital"--you are making this crap up!. Novgorod was an INDEPENDENT state, at one time a vassal state but was NEVER a part of Rus' proper! Novgorod remained independent until the 15th century (not even taken by the Mongols) when it was attacked and taken by Muscovy! There is so much fake History that has been spewed out by the Kremlin for centuries, that tries to falsely link Muscovy to Rus', but it has been debunked. Muscovy cannot stand its true History and its links to Asians and its Asian conquerors--that is why it is determined to take Europe--first Ukraine with its History (as a successor to Rus') and then the rest of Europe.
@shermoore1693 Жыл бұрын
Wow! This is excellent! I've copied and pasted the link so I can watch it again and also show it to friends. Thanks and all the best!
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
Thanks ☺️ glad my work brings value to others
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL falsehood video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@Sharaievskyi Жыл бұрын
Крутий контент, дякую!
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
Spread around)
@smugasta Ай бұрын
Побачив це відео і не запостив посилання у себе в тг? Андрію, чому? 😅
@TheUpHighGuy Жыл бұрын
As an American and professor who loves the study of linguistics and a hobby of Geography, finding your videos was amazing! The hard work put into the creating of a video like this is astounding! Thank you for sharing this important information. 🇺🇸🇺🇦🔱💙
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL nonsense video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya".
@ondrejlukas4727 Жыл бұрын
@@solar75wind False. In Europe only italians, greeks and british germans call it Germany and I agree that in english it's quite a joke! :D For example czech as every slavic language call it 'Německo' for short of 'Spolková republika Německo' (United Republic of Muted Men) and other slavs similarly since we all call germanic people 'němci'. Romainan languages with exception of italian call it Alemania after one of them tribes. And in fact it's similar to USA since there are more countries in Americas but only one is big union of many states. So it's simplified like this. On the opposite hand based on information from this video there was no Moscow Russia until recently. And it's actually well known fact that there was Russia long before Moscow was established since most of euorpean countries already existed and had already writen history in the time. Moscalia is really one of youngest countries in Europe. (surely there are some younger but I can't remember any by now. If you can remind me one feel free to inform me, please.)
@ondrejlukas4727 Жыл бұрын
@@solar75windbtw, Russia, Rus, Rossia, Rusko... all is obviously just different form of the same name. It's common not just in this case that name of country was spelled differently in different sources thanx to different language basic but often in the same language. Grammar as we know it now was not a thing for most of the history ;)
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
​@@ondrejlukas4727 You are lying. Here is why: 1. Germans call all the historic Germanic tribes as "Germanen" nowadays. The word "German" has Roman origins but it was introduced into the German language as well and nowadays Germans do not mind being called "German" because it is historically accurate and no one is saying the they have stolen anything. 2. The old German term for the German people was ""diutisc" (Deutsch nowadays) and it was used all over the part of modern France (mainly Franks but also Alemanni and Burgundians), Spain and Portugal and Italy (mainly Visigoths and Vandals), as well as Switzerland, Austria, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Czechia, Poland, and Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast). The word "Dutch" is a historic word in Dutch language to describe the Dutch people and it originated from "diutisc" as well. And yet, no one in these 11 countries I mentioned is saying that Germany stole anything from them by calling themselves "Deutsch". 3. The Alemanni tribes historically populated territories of the modern Switzerland, Germany, France, Austria, Lichtenstein, Italy, so why is it accurate to call Germany "Alemania"? It is totally inaccurate. And yet, no one is saying that Germany stole anything by calling their leading newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". 4. The title "Muscovy" is not a historical term but purely historiographic. It was invented in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania for propaganda purposes. Using it as a historic term is total falsehood. In this exact point, you are just a total liar and I have nothing but disrespect for you. 5. "Rossiya" is not the same as "Russia" or "Rus". It is a Byzantine name that was meant to reflect the connection of "Rus" with Byzantium, the transformation of Rus by the Byzantine Christian faith. Why aren't Russians calling themselves "Rus" anymore?? All Russia nowadays is insisting that "Rus" is purely a historic title that was used in VIII-XVI centuries. Why is this inaccurate?? 6. You are a total liar and I have nothing but disrespect for you.
@renemagritte8237 Жыл бұрын
@@solar75wind ." The title "Muscovy" is not a historical term but purely historiographic. It was invented in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania for propaganda purposes." Interesting. But terribly wrong. The official title of Ivan the Terrible (used by himself) was till 1533 "The Grand Prince of Muscovy". Then he started to call himself "The Grand Prince of Moscow and all Russia" and finally let himself crown as "Tsar of all Russia" 1547. Your explanation (Lithuanians invented the Term "Principality of Muscovy" is therefore ridiculous. The term was widely used by all European Nations for centuries, Moscovites included. What you can witness paying more attention to all maps presented in this video instead of parroting Russian historical propaganda spread for the last 250 years.
@halnywiatr Жыл бұрын
@ 25:30 Exactly this; Moscow was founded and exists as a Kleptocracy. First as tribute collectors for the Mongols and then as tribute collectors for their Kremlin.
@fernaoorphao Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. Muscovite propaganda in Latin America, trickling down from Kremlin-sponsored "independent journalists" (all fed by Russia Today) is a source of constant annoyance and concern for me. More power for you, and Слава Україні!
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
Yeah their Propaganda is global. Billions of dollars invested into lies. Thank you
@shefdeschimbshefdeschimb7467 Жыл бұрын
@@Savage_Sage Слава свинорезу до останньой свиносвиньи!
@robertab929 Жыл бұрын
Muscovites sponsor Slavic departments (history, language) at universities. So their propaganda is strong.
@DmytroIvasyuk-tw8ks Жыл бұрын
Героям Слава!
@ndres6955 Жыл бұрын
Дякую, Героям Слава!
@natb5662 Ай бұрын
@Circle46 Ай бұрын
Rome is not in Romania and Rus is not in russia. But Romanians dont try to conquer Italy and wipe out all Italians claiming "there's no such country".
@Illyayakyys 9 күн бұрын
@hungolian-warrior 8 күн бұрын
Ofc they dont since italy is 1000km away from them
@svitlanatrofymenko1208 Жыл бұрын
Wow!! Highly appropriate your efforts in building awareness on this important topic! Thank you!
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL nonsense video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@1midnightfish Жыл бұрын
@@solar75wind How original of them to change a couple of sounds in the word - even back then, misinformation and spin were muscovites' greatest skills
@nord9534 Жыл бұрын
@@solar75wind You are ignorant. Germans don't call their country Germany, they call it Deutschland. Englishmen call it Germany.
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
How's it important? Maybe focus on what matters..the present. Maybe ficus on getting independence from the west and taking down your puppet government. I really wish Ukraine the best but you were bamboozled by my government. You continue on like this there will be no Ukraine. And my government doesn't care a damn about you
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
@@nord9534 ok they stole "deutsch"
@Viathon77 Жыл бұрын
I am always skeptical about what I see and read online. I did know small bits and pieces of what you discussed here, which always confused me, but finding additional information was nearly impossible. Finally seeing someone scrape together as much as you already have is beyond impressive. Thank you!
@victorfergn Жыл бұрын
They didn't mention Rus was founded by Vikings and the name is probably of Germanic origin so... most of this video is Ukrainian propaganda. The name isn't important at all... it's like Germans claiming they are the real Franks and France stole their identity. Or Portugal claiming Spain stole their identity because they are Hispanians too... or Italians complaining Romania stole their name. Besides the Vikings first settled in Novgorod, not Kiev... it's the name of the region, not just Ukraine... so it's as Russian as is Ukrainian. The entire conflict of imperial colonization of Ukraine is related to the Russian Empire, if it weren't for the USSR... Ukraine would've been entirely assimilated by Russia (like Scotland, Wales and Ireland by the English) Now both Russia and Ukraine have ultra nationalist regimes that brainwashed their peoples with propaganda so they believe in tons of bullshit.
@Jornie_Nonsubia Жыл бұрын
@@victorfergn "Now both Russia and Ukraine have ultra nationalist regimes that brainwashed their peoples" this is not true at all, you just have no idea about what was Ukraine before the war or if it even exist. We always have remember our ancestry, unfortunately it is really hard, when your language is forbidden, texts are destroyed and people are humiliated. You literally can check any old Ukrainian history book, but check who was the publisher. Fairy tale about Novgorod, can be quickly checked. After the start of the war, Ukraine find a lot of things why we are not Moscovia and started to ruin the moscvia's myths. So they must find something and they find something about Novgorod before Kyiv. But Archeologicaly has been found nothing. I have checked some information and found that book which tells us about Novgorod was founded in ~30 years earlier than Kyiv is one book (Nikon Chronicle) that was published in MOSCOVIA in XVI century (the time when Moscovia claims they are Russians). Please check your facts. Idk if you are pro-moscovy or anti-Ukraine or all together, but this is very old conflict, maybe around 800 years old. And all this time Moscovia had leadership in it, and made a lot of false documents, so be carefull when you read a book about our history
@ondrejlukas4727 Жыл бұрын
@@victorfergn from what I know this makes qutie a sense. and obviously for moskals the name is important since it's one of main excuses for war as you could hear many times in last decade along with claims that we all miss soviet union and being them satelites. I can assure you - we don't! greetings from Czechia.
@rafalkaminski6389 Жыл бұрын
​@@victorfergnwhat does IT really change if the Rus name comes from vikings? 😅
@Perekipchenko Жыл бұрын
@@victorfergn What Ukrainian propaganda are you talking about? Read the researches of historian Igor Danilevsky on this subject and educate yourself a little bit.
@arsenii9329 Жыл бұрын
The BEST video on this topic. You just presented every piece of the puzzle I was collecting throughout my journey of learning Ukrainian history in one video. Great video, thank you!
@pacivalmuller9333 10 ай бұрын
@Shab_Kom 9 ай бұрын
You are learning alt hist? What a funny entertainment
@pacivalmuller9333 9 ай бұрын
@@Shab_Kom ? Explain yourself.
@Shab_Kom 9 ай бұрын
@@pacivalmuller9333 Just read Wikipedia if you need learn history
@Shab_Kom 9 ай бұрын
@@pacivalmuller9333 This video is quite debunkable. Moscow mapper has analyzed it already
@Concord003 Жыл бұрын
This is an important message. Thank you for spreading it.
@walterschmidt7817 8 ай бұрын
No it's not and it's also historically inaccurate, but whatever
@Concord003 8 ай бұрын
@@walterschmidt7817 May I ask what exactly isn't historically accurate? Or, rather, could you summarize a more accurate re-telling?
@RamilMagyerramov Жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this video and especially for giving links in the pinned top comment. I think it is very important to raise awareness of this issue and to educate people on real origins of the muscovite state.
@Sep-jk3vi Жыл бұрын
In old romanian they are called muscali 😅 It makes so much sense now.
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
Cool 😎 I bet Ukrainians are referred to as Russians in old Romanian Question: how did Romanians ended up being Latin-speaking enclave among Slavic peoples
@norielgames4765 Жыл бұрын
​@@Savage_Sageback in the day of the Roman Empire, general Trajanus (Traian in Romanian) conquered the region, which was known as Dacia, and annexed it. Then, the Dacians were made to learn Latin and use it for anything official, and tons of Romans from the Roman Empire moved into the region known as Dacia. They spoke vulgar Latin, and the Dacian language remained only in a few words. By the time the western part of the Roman Empire fell, most people in the Eastern Roman Empire started using the name Romania to refer to their state, Romania meaning simply the Roman Empire or the Country of the Romans. By that time, it didn't mean Dacia or the part of Europe we now call Romania, it just meant Roman Empire. Lateral, several migrations and invasions especially of Slavs out competed the vulgar Latin spoken by the Romans, and they all adopted some flavour of Slavic language. There are still some speakers of romance languages in these Slavic countries, in Croatia there are Istro-romanians, in Greece and Makedon there are Aromanians, and in I believe Makedon too, there are Meglenoromanians. As you may have noticed, they also call themselves Romanian despite not being part of the country of Romania. Also, there were some Greeks who also referred to their country (the bizantine Empire) as Romania. I recently listened to an old bizantine song written in Greek, and was surprised to see they sung about how "Romania still lives." I was intrigued so I researched and that's when I found out the term Romania was used by the Eastern Roman Empire and it gave me chills, when I finally understood that the origin of my country's name isn't just a "we're descendants of the Romans" but actually it's a name they've been using for centuries all the way back in the actual, real life Roman Empire. As for why we still speak a romance language and not a Slavic one, I imagine we were just more culturally predominant than the Slavic people.who came into the land. We mixed with them, our languages and cultures mixed, and to this day we are in a similar situation to English people. The English often have synonyms from both Germanic and romance origin. For example English freedom is related to German freiheit, whereas English liberty is related to Spanish libertad. In Romanian there's the same thing. One of our cities is called slobozia, which, since I think you're Ukrainian, you might know what it means, but in Romanian we also have libertate. We have negru and cerna. We have ispravă and victorie. We have slavă and glorie. And so on and so forth.
@Bobogdan258 Жыл бұрын
@@Savage_Sage From the Ucrainenii din România wikipedia page, I kept it untranslated for you to see how we spelt it in our language: "În unele regiuni, ucrainenii dețin denumiri alternative: "rusini","ruteni" (în Maramureș, Bucovina, Banat și Crișana), "huțuli" (în zona muntoasă a Bucovinei) sau "haholi" (în Dobrogea). În trecut erau deseori numiți "ruși" sau "rusnaci" (nu în sens peiorativ! ), denumire acordată în general slavilor răsăriteni. Astfel, unele localități din nordul Carpaților Răsăriteni poartă toponime care derivă din cuvântul "rus": Ruscova, Rus, Câmpulung Rusesc, Rușii-Munți, Rușii-Mănăstioara etc." Istorie pe șleau is a channel run by historian Dr. Vlad Pașca and he made a quick and impressively illustrated 5 minute video with english closed captioning about this called Cum a fost posibilă Romanizarea Daciei în secolele 2-3? + Continuitatea romanității la Carpați (translated to How was the Romanization of Dacia possible in the 2nd-3rd centuries? + The continuity of Romanianness in the Carpathians) basically after the Romans conquered half of Dacia the rulers either fled into Free Dacia, killed themselves before capture or were enslaved and forced to fight in the Arenas, because there were no Dacian governors all dacians had to learn roman if they wanted to prosper. The roman Dacia survived like the Ruthenians by being protected by the Carpathians while the Free Dacians disappeared in the waves of nomads. Don't check the comments if you want to avoid weird nationalists making weird claims like "the Romans were forced to retreat because they got scared by the fierce Free Dacians" or "the Roman language is a cousin language of Dacian or it comes from Dacian"
@Alex.Kalashnik Жыл бұрын
@@norielgames4765Very interesting information. It looks like the Hungarians and Romanians mixed with the Slavs, but retained non-Slavic languages. While most of the other Slavic nations mixed with Slavs and also became Slavic in language. Macedonians are Greeks mixed with Slavs, Serbians are Illyrians mixed with Slavs, Czechs are Germans mixed with Slavs, Poles are Livonians mixed with Slavs, russians are Finns and Tatars mixed with Slavs and so on. Northwest Ukraine seems to be the origin of Slavs. In Southern Ukraine Slavs mixed with Turkic tribes and they became Ukrainian as well.
@norielgames4765 Жыл бұрын
@@Alex.Kalashnik that whole topic is a mess that I won't even get into. But basically Europe is more of a continuum of mixtures. Like Albanians aren't just illirians, they have a lot of Roman blood too, and Greek too. If I remember correctly there were Celtic migrations in the region at some point too, and basically every single country is a mix of a lot of peoples. Like even Slavs and Romans and Celts are a mix themselves. In my eyes we're all just brothers and sisters. Much love to everyone, regardless of were you are! Oh and, Alex, enjoy this Sunday :)
@alexanderwim3139 Ай бұрын
It's great that there's finally an English-language channel that explains the true face of so-called Russia (Moscovia). Amazing work! Keep it up.
@Simon-mr1be Жыл бұрын
Good point. Thanks for great story supported with good evidences. It is more clear for me, why in Poland we often call "Russians" - "Moskale", both in common language and literature.
@MACTEP_CHOB Жыл бұрын
And they call you Pšeki. So much love between you )
Poles wanted to conquer Russia and forced Russian lands to convert to Catholicism. Poles called Russia lands ruled by Poland while Poles called independent Russian lands ruled by Rurik dynasty as Moskale. There is no other point.
@Simon-mr1be 11 ай бұрын
@@OCTAVIANVS_AVGVSTVS_CAESAR Indeed there was a moment in history, when Poland (Polish&Lituanian Commonwealth to be precise) was capable to conquer Moscow, or at least some believed it. I am not aware about converting to Catholicism issue. Please have a look back to history core of Russian land is land close to Novogrod, Pskow, Smolensk, Kiev, (todays northern-west Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.) Most of this land was in "Polish" perimeter, when our Rurik/Moscow neighbours were under Mongol occupation and ages after that. "Poland" at this time was very liberal country regarding religion and there was no policy to convert people to catholicism.
@Tybold63 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting video. Cheers from Sweden. Fun fact is that "Rus" is by many believed to be from some people in Sweden very long time ago. Another fun fact is that Sweden also have a blue and yellow flag as Ukraina have today. Furthermore in the finnish language the name of Sweden is Ruotsi which also related to the name Rus. Another connection is the name of Bela-rus. My sincery prayers for peace and victory for Ukraina.
@InAeternumRomaMater Жыл бұрын
Rus' were Swedish viking's. The name mean's "rower's".
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
yeah heard of that theory about Ruotsi But I think most probable version is based on the river Ros.
@Tybold63 Жыл бұрын
@@Savage_Sage River? Or do you mean Ros-lagen that is the coastal area closest to current Finland and can translate to rowing-team?
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
yeah, again it's a theory, no one knows for sure yet
@InAeternumRomaMater Жыл бұрын
@@Savage_Sage The river Ros could have been named after them as well. And it is not surprising, Byzantine sources mentions the Rus' as coming from Sweden, also it is believed that an early Rus (Swedish) duchy in modern Ukraine existed before the foundation of Hólmgarðaríki state, which was multicultural state and had title's of Turkic origin
@diddykong3100 Жыл бұрын
For English-speakers: the traditional form of the Moscow-centred state was commonly called "Muscovy"
@gerd_panzer Жыл бұрын
А у Украины в средневековье получается традиционное название Литва я правильно понимаю вашу логику?
@worldoftancraft Жыл бұрын
Ok. Not land of Englishmen. Londy. Not land of Franks(which is true, there were always quite small amount of Franks), but Parisy. Not land of some «core German» people, or land of the people, but Berliny. You can continue. Also quite interesting word development. Where from had you took "U" vowel which you have inserted into this toponym? Out of the imagination? Ah. The grass. Or as you colloquially call it «the weed». Indeed an exceptional source to get an inspiration during a language reform. Entire literacy of anyhow modern English is based on it. So... Lundy, Pureesy, Burn-liny. Good start! Show all those acquirers of ethnonyms the place they're belong!
@elliotsilfwerbrand8036 Жыл бұрын
Rome=Rome Singapore=Singapore Djibuti=Djibuti, a lot of countrys called or call then self after the capital. The differens is that countrys like England, Germany and Denmark to name a few was always called by that name even when the realm was divided.@@worldoftancraft
@diddykong3100 Жыл бұрын
@@worldoftancraft You rather miss the point - perhaps you should watch the video. Historically, there was a country called, by anglophones, Muscovy. Meanwhile, regardless of whether it's the home of Angles (or possibly just a land of meadows - "eng" is a viking word for meadow), England was known as England; and France (regardless of whether it was the home of Franks - most of its population were, after all, descended from Gauls) was called France. As this video tells it, Muscovy rebranded itself as Russia only relatively recently - IIRC, in the 1700s - and even then anglophones carried on using the old name for it for a while. The video calls it Muscovia, which I guess some other language groups may have called it; I merely supplied the specific form of its name that was long used in English.
@ZLODEY75 Жыл бұрын
🎃 Если ты узнаешь где раньше находилась Венгрия то вообще 🍑💥
@Ur-quan Жыл бұрын
Wow, as Ukrainians we are pretty much aware but compiling in one video is such a helper to spread the truth among English-speaking friends
@dkudlay Жыл бұрын
Im Ukranian, you are an idiot Mancurt if you belive this garbage.
@kirillholt2329 Жыл бұрын
it's a crock of shit lmao, no academic historian takes this ad revenue driven cringe seriously, go eat a big mac or something.
@Duckopotomus Жыл бұрын
You love when the Anglo world spreads more of your hohol delusions don't you?
@firstandlast4435 Жыл бұрын
Когда украинцы выкопали черное море?
@Ur-quan Жыл бұрын
⁠​⁠@@firstandlast4435завидуешь русак?
@V_Strategist Жыл бұрын
BASED! This historical truth must become known to the whole world!
@bertrecht913 Жыл бұрын
Not so important like the true story of the WW2 and which Nations really started the war
@bone6495 Жыл бұрын
The historical truth is that Moscovites were a part of the Rus and that the Kozaks were Moscovite settlers into the steppes.
@Sleepyphoenix Жыл бұрын
⁠​⁠@@bone6495moskovites💀in comments The muscovite historian Borys Rybakov analyzed all mentions of Rus in the annals, and clearly defined which demes were Rus', and which were subordinate to Rus' but were not part of it. Read this work of your famous soviet historian. Also, your modern historian Danilevskyi and others confirm this, because in this work every quote mentioning Rusʼ of those times was analyzed.
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@bone6495 You spew the Pootler poo! No one believes your lies Comrade!
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@Sleepyphoenix Bone is a RuZZian brainwashed troll --intent on distorting the truth.
@sandercohen5543 Жыл бұрын
I'm gonna download this video and give it a "forever home" on my external HDD, just in case ;)
@revolter7094 11 ай бұрын
Rather download MoscowMappers response to this load of propaganda and lies about Russian history.
@alexbayer2365 11 ай бұрын
Just watch MoscowMappers. Why are u supporting such a Russophobic content?
@alexbayer2365 11 ай бұрын
Moscow Mapper can help u. Not this fake history. Or read Wikipedia.
@PaulRakoczi 10 ай бұрын
​@@alexbayer2365 tell me, where is ONE lie in the whole video? 😂
@alexbayer2365 10 ай бұрын
@@PaulRakoczi Wikipedia says a different things. There’s a lot lies. According to Britannica, for example
@footshotstube Жыл бұрын
Wow that was a shed lotta research , thanks Slava Ukraine
@iuliiapshenychko4143 Жыл бұрын
wow, thanks so much for putting it all together! It's such a huge work... and so important these days
@bluemoondaren Жыл бұрын
Just found this channel, love it. Slava Ukraine from England
@nomatter444 5 ай бұрын
@ProjectMirai64 Жыл бұрын
Nice video! Greetings from your neighbour Roumania!
@romkobo Жыл бұрын
Ukrainian here. I have been puzzled by the name of your country a long time😅
@ProjectMirai64 Жыл бұрын
@@romkobo How so?
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
Ironically a state that would be prime candidate for stolen name designation -
@raulivan2103 Жыл бұрын
​@@zarni000 how is it a stolen name ?
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
@@raulivan2103 you try to figure that out
@veijokanerva3584 Жыл бұрын
Nice, great backcheck of history. Came here because I heard about you from professor Gerdes. I live in a part of Sweden called Roslagen, ive heard of historian that The Rus part of the name came because the vikings who traveled by the waterways from Roslagen (Sweden) to Konstantinopel (now Istanbul) were called Rus because of their origin. We have lot of viking writeing here in stones in the forests about viking travels. Its very interesting with our common history (Ukraina-Sweden).... and our flags just happens to have same colors too 😉 . Great video, love your video about Kennedy also, keep up the good work
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
Takk! In my hometown - Chernihiv, we have a burial site of a viking called Black Hill, they found this huge sword only 2meter tall person could wield, drinking horn, Tor figurine etc. Rus chronicles called them "Varyagi" Muscovites stole that of course
@ПасивнийДієприкметник Жыл бұрын
Skjold Skeffson already explained that, and also explained about ruotsi. about Roslagen at 42:05
@carolwilliams8511 Жыл бұрын
I am from Dr Gerdes too.
@ivantumanov1015 Жыл бұрын
You do realize one of your guys Rjurik came to rule Novgorod, and his descendant conquered Kiev and was grand prince of all Rus, so all this is kinda the consequence of Sweden's actions.
@kevinfisher1345 Жыл бұрын
@@ivantumanov1015 You do realize that Rurik is a legendary, mythical and maybe even fictional character as per most modern scholars, right? The reason for this is because no early sources (except 'Primary Chronicle') ever mentions this alleged legendary Rurik. And that one exception was several centuries after. And it was not until several centuries even after this one source by the 16th century, that other sources started to include Rurik. So it is all based on traditional stories which did not even start to really develop until after that source. However, Igor which most sources do list, was still considered with Varangian and Finnish ancestry, so your main point still remains. And most scholars and historians consider the origins of Rus as being Swedes.
@LayronPK Жыл бұрын
Didn't expect this to pop up in my recommendations. Great stuff!
@priscillazietsman1300 Жыл бұрын
Do you perhaps watch "Anna from Ukraine"? She had a similar shprt video - YT algorithm could have picked up on that?
@LayronPK Жыл бұрын
@@priscillazietsman1300 didn't hear about this channel, didn't watch any videos. Maybe i should check
@OxanaUS Жыл бұрын
It's bullshit, waist of time
@Sleepyphoenix 11 ай бұрын
@@OxanaUSoxanka, this video not for moskovites, nothing can help you, a lost, illiterate, imperialistic-chauvinistic creatures.
@iris1224wwad 11 ай бұрын
​@oxanabelokon2687 So all the old maps are bullshit, because you don't like what you see and hear in this video?
@ak5659 Жыл бұрын
I'd always wondered how Moscow had this huge amount of ancient history when it is nearly 700 years YOUNGER than Kyiv. That Moscow spent its first few hundred years under the Mongols just added to my confusion. I won't even get into how messed up the geography was in the history books.
@Ivan_StandWithUkraine Жыл бұрын
they impudently crafted the theory that Kyiv is their capital somehow fallen into hands of Ukrainians. Ridiculous but actually most of ruZZians believe in that.
@igvc1876 Жыл бұрын
Kyiv was under Mongols at the same exact time.... lol
@Ivan_StandWithUkraine Жыл бұрын
@@igvc1876 Kyiv resisted Mongols and was destroyed. It took many years to rebuild it literal and political significance sense. Meanwhile Muscovites became Mongols' servants and conquered neighbouring Slavic principles for them, including Novgorod Republic.
@igvc1876 Жыл бұрын
@@Ivan_StandWithUkraine you need to freshen up on your history. After it was sacked it started a multi century rule of mongols over Kievan Rus. It's hilarious how people try to rewrite history to explain something they so badly want to explain
@olezhkoo Жыл бұрын
@@igvc1876when exactly did mongols rule over Kyiv then, during which years?
@Grumpyoldman037 Жыл бұрын
You thank me for staying to the end? Breathtaking! That is the only way I can describe this extremely well documented and expressed video. I have already begun to call Moscovia as such in my comments and now I will double down on the efforts. Before the illegal and immoral invasion, I already knew more than most about Ukraine, but since then I have gained an ocean of knowledge about you, and I am overwhelmed. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and may this coming year see the defeat of the Muscovite horde.
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas! Thank you for sharing your thoughts
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL falsehood video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@АлександрПетрович-й8ю Ай бұрын
Thank you for your support of Ukraine. It is very important to us and we are very grateful. We are fighting against a much larger country for our existence and it is very important for us to know that we are not alone.
@denyshulak3592 Ай бұрын
Well done man! A Figma project is very helpful
@pontiuspilatus7900 Жыл бұрын
This video has prime quality, thank you for your excellent work. In older scripts using Latin letters, often the letter "V" is used for a "U" (likewise in the Roman Empire)
@funki4896 Жыл бұрын
You are right about V and U *BUT* Ukrainians also call Ukraine sometimes Vkrayina themselves. This interchangeability can be seen not only in the Ukrainian but also Belarusian language where there is even a middle letter. In many Ukrainian dialects "v" is pronounced more like "w" in English. The Latin interchangeabilty of U and V is rather a coincidence here. In some parallel universe Ukraine is called Vkraine.
@jayrey5390 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, my thoughts - but also thanks @funki4896, context is always helpful. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦✊🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
yeah our poet Shevchenko often wrote with Cyrillic letter V - Вкраїна
@nord9534 Жыл бұрын
In Belarusian language У=In, краiна=country. So Украiна=Incountry.
@elishaporush6471 Жыл бұрын
The V in VCRAINA spelling has nothing to do with why the name of Ukraine is occasionally spelled with В i.e. as ВКРАЇНА/Вкраїна in Cyrillics. The V in RVSSIA is from the Roman majuscle script where the same letter for both the vowel /u/ and the labio-velar consonant /w/ was used. That's why it cannot be derived from the Roman majuscle script spelled VCRAINA that V equals Cyrillics В as in the prefix and preposition в-, в meaning "in, Inside, into". Otherwise we should assume there's [w] or [v] consonant from the spelling RVSSIA too. The spelling Вкраїна in Cyrillics in Ukrainian texts, on the other hand, is due to phonotactics: words starting with the [w] consonant including those where [w] is the prefix meaning "inside, into, in" and the preposition with the same meaning (from Proto-Slavic *un-) may change (i.e. elongate or vocalizes, thus adding to number of syllables) into vowel sound [u] if the preceding word ends with a consonant, so as to avoid consonant clusters perceived as not euphonic or not very convenient to articulate in Ukrainian, thus yielding an allophonic variant [u] to the main /w/; alongside that, the words starting with original /u/ vowel sound, be it the stem or the prefix with the meaning "away, off, de-" (from Proto-Slavic *ou-), and preceding word ends with a vowel, this /u/ sound changes to [w] sound (i.e. shortens or becomes non-syllabic, thus reducing the amount of syllables) - this is to avoid so called hiatus, i.e. sequence of two vowels. The tendency to avoid hiati (either by shortening of either vowel or by insertion of a consonant between them or by other means) is, by the way, an extremely widespread phenomenon among languages across the world, but while in other languages this is usually not reflected in orthography, the Ukrainian orthography does so (actually, not always - often very arbitrarily). These two, seemingly opposite phonetic processes, i.e. elongation of original /w/ to [u] and shortening of original /u/ to [w], result in homophony (the same sounding or pronunciation) of the words with different meanings. The latter is the case with the name of *Oucrayina, where *‹ou-› - originally the vowel sound /u/ often becomes [w] after a preceding vowel. One of the very common occurrences of the name is historically with the preposition ‹na› meaning "on", in ‹na Oucrayiné› or as it used to be spelled in Old Cyrillics originally: ‹на Оукраїнѣ / на Оукраинѣ› - a typical instance where /u/ after /a/ sound in ‹na› changes to [w] - this is where the spelling with letter В in Вкраїна comes from. But in this case the original prefix /u-/ means "off, away, de-", in combination with the stem *kray- meaning "edge, something cut, boarder, side etc." meaning "delineated territory, demarkated land, territory with defined borders etc.", and NOT something "inside, included" as is stated in the video. One really deserves credit when they spend their time and efforts delving into history as an expert, but linguistics and particularly etymology and the expertise of understanding sound processes and the eventual reflexion in orthography thereof is something beyond history as a discipline per se, and it's better to consult with linguists and/or respective linguistic resources. PS. Also, it's ‹German› when used as an adjective in reference to people and/or language of Germany, while Germanic means the whole group of languages comprising English, Dutch, Scandinavian languages, Frisian, the German language itself and the other, in English. And, the Latin name of London is Londinium, not 'Londondinium'. 😊
@yevheniia.yevheniia Жыл бұрын
Saw this video on recommends, was very pleasantly surprised. Than watched it and oof! What a quality, what a calm step by step explanation! Really hope this video reaches as many people as possible. Thank you for high quality content! So sad we didn't have enough of it two years ago.
@elainebradbee3811 Жыл бұрын
I'm new to this channel and really appreciate your knowledge and explanations. I've learned a lot. Thank you.
@gerardsotxoa Жыл бұрын
It's anti Russian nonsense. In Spanish everywhere over there far in the east was Russia. Moskovian Rus, Kiev Russ, Kazan Rus, etc. Political names that only mattered for nobility. In Spanish Germany is "Alemania" which refers the Alamanisch people settled mostly in Strasbourg France and west Switzerland, but names like Prussia, Bavaria, Frisia, Saxony, Austria, all of that was just GERMANY. And people never called Milan or Bohemia as Germany despite being part of the Holy Roman empire. Austria stands for "Australis Germania" i. e. South Germany. What modern state kept the name of "Germany"??? It wasn't Austria or Luxembourg. Spain and Portugal, in most non romance languages Spain has a name variation that differs the local name España, usually a variation from Latin "Hispania", that's because the name dates back long before the modern national State of Spain, while Portugal has the same name because Portugal was perceived by the rest of Europe as another kingdom in Spain and for most of people maybe was a region of Spain. It's the same with Russia and eastern slavics. There were many "russes" but the general name for any none eastern slavic is just "Russia". The large country kept the name of Russia. In Fact is very dishonest just talk about the "Moskovia" and forget it was the "Moskovian Rus"
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL nonsense video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@wheeliebeast7679 Жыл бұрын
​@@solar75windGermany calls itself Deutschland, so that's a blatantly false analogy anyway.
@FullMetalPier Жыл бұрын
This video deserves more views!
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL falsehood video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@FullMetalPier Жыл бұрын
No, because Germani was a broad definition for a cultural group, like a slavic state calling themselves Slavia, which more or less is what already exist with Slovakia, Slovenia, etc. Regnum Russiæ was one of the name which was called the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia, the heir of the Kyivan Rus': Moscovia robbed the name with the purpouse of conquering those peoples and their lands. @@solar75wind
@AstroGremlinAmerican Ай бұрын
@@solar75wind Names don't matter all that much. A history of cruelty and taking matters more. Marx saw them for what they were 25:48
@oleksakostenko4148 Жыл бұрын
Great work man! Keep it up!
@davochinomalo 2 ай бұрын
How Castille rebranded itself as Spain, how Prussia rebranded itself as Germany, how Sardinia-Piedmont rebranded itself as Italy, how London and the Anglo-Normans rebranded themselves as England/Britain, how Paris rebranded itself as France, how the Tokugawa rebranded themselves as Japan, how Beijing rebranded itself as China, how Najd rebranded itself as Arabia. While most of the facts are correct, when you zoom out and look the big picture analyzing other historical examples, the premise that the modern Russian state, the Russian Federation, is not Russia falls flat.
@Savage_Sage 2 ай бұрын
How this commentator clearly haven't seen my video
@bystander1s Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for your great work! 💙💛
@alexq1108 Жыл бұрын
This will explain a lot to the global audience about the reason for Muscovy's aggression, and what the Ukrainians are fighting for. Excellent work, thanks for posting this!
@OxanaUS Жыл бұрын
This will only feed the brainwashed sheep, but not anyone else 😂😂😂
@Shab_Kom 9 ай бұрын
Украинцы воюют за свою гибель. Столько горя им принесла западная "демократия"
@moth1488-o3o Ай бұрын
As***** with Black/Red bandarian flag.. i put it lightly: you guys who eat ukrainian propaganda like popcorn try to make no serious sources mainstream for the western world. Keep sitting your victim role and try to rewrite history, most western serious historian laugh about that.
@thomasrusterholz5217 Жыл бұрын
Many thanks for this eye-opening video. It ties together many loose ends that stick out but cannot be connected without the historical knowledge.
Жыл бұрын
Please note the awesome coolness Lavrov sported while uttering a shameless lie right through his shark teeth. This is how you do moscoving.
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
Yeah, he knows he lies too. Poor guy has no choice now, lol
@Theriodontia4945 Жыл бұрын
Moscoving. Now that is a new word!
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
where did he lie exactly?
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
@@Savage_Sage you should maybe focus on how you were bamboozled by your own politicians into destroying ukraine. not by lavrov who has very little impact on ukraine
Жыл бұрын
@@zarni000 Oh, we have a Criminal Federation bot visiting us. How cute. Are you a natural person or a record in a database and a chip in a rig somewhere in Ukraine or Turkey (because Everything sucks in Criminal Federation, so they had to outsource influence operations as well).
@Mikeatthenet Жыл бұрын
Btw! ”Rus” was in the first documentation related to the Norse people (vikings) mainly coming from the eastern part of Sweden today called ”Roslagen”, where the coast originally was called ”Roden” and Roslagen is a combination of the old word Roden and ”Lag”(team). Roden was referring to the people in the coast rowing their boats. In translation Roslagen meaning ”Rowing Team” since the Vikings divided their viking force in number of viking ships that each area/region must provide to the king. Roslagen is located east of Uppsala (A viking king for the tribe of ”Svear” that gave name to sweden, was located in Old Uppsala just outside todays Uppsala, a bit north from Stockholm). The area of ”Roslagen” is still divided in many subareas called after how many ships they had to provide including men. The varangians originally mainly from Sweden was referred to as Rus in the time of Novgorod, and at the time meaning ”men that rows”. Regarding the word ”Varangians”, meaning ”men on oath”, referring to men(vikings) hired for example by the Emperor in Bysans (todays Istanbul), we in Sweden still give our soldiers the nickname ”Väring or beväring”. Regarding the origin of the name ”Rus”, please notice that Sweden is still in finnish language our closest eastern neighbour called ”Ruotsi” and referring to rowing. So the finnish words for swedes are still originally meaning men that rows. In the same way Sweden and Ukraine share the colors on our flags both with maybe 800 years of history, we share some history in the RUS naming.
@dimadubnevych9164 Жыл бұрын
Yes Sweden on Finish today called Ruotsi. So this fight of Slavs for this name is wierd for me) I think opposite to Russian main thoughts that Rus is real and Ukraine is artificial. Actually I think that Rus was artificial union of slavs under vikings. Ukraine, Belarus and Moscovia are more natural countries than big Kyivan Rus, because it unites ethnic groups which were shaped by rivers: Dnipro and Southern Bug. For Belorus its Dvina and for Moscovians - Volga. There is also Ladoga for Novgorod but this ethnic group was genocided by Moscovians and now they are "Russians".
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@dimadubnevych9164 Re: Rus' real or not?--Ukraine real or not? Rus' was a NEW name applied to the already established peoples of Kyiv! The Swedes/Vikings did not settle an uninhabited land devoid of people. Kyiv and the people of Rus'--whatever their name was BEFORE it was changed to Rus' (perhaps the name was even Ukrayina? In WRITING the name already appeared in the 11th century---naturally YEARS later than it was probably used before this first written record ). Rus' of course was a union of Ukraine and Belarus'--two centres Polotsk and Kyiv---Novgorod was NOT generally a part of Rus' although it was its vassal for a bit of time. Muscovy (after 1721 called) RuZZia was completely different as it did not exist until the 12th century and it was controlled by the Golden Horde for three centuries after that. Muscovy also lay on the RIVAL trade route along the Volga River--which was mostly inhabited by Asian tribes.
@arneherstad2198 Жыл бұрын
In Snorri Sturlusson's "Heimskeingla: sagas of the Norse Kings" , there's a map calling Russia "Sweden the Great." I mentioned this to a friend of Swedish ancestry, who told me "The Swedes have been the brains of Russia for the last thousand years." I don't know where this fits, but it's out there.
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@arneherstad2198 Are you talking about RuZZia or Rus'? They are NOT the same! There was no RuZZia till Muscovy changed its name to Rossiya in 1721! And Sweden the Great---does that mean --greater Sweden?
@arneherstad2198 Жыл бұрын
​@@WangAiHua I only know what I've read. I thought it odd, too. But when we consider that the rivers leading to the Black and Caspian seas were Viking highways 1,000 years ago, anything seems plausible. There is, and has been, lots of Viking DNA in both Kiev and Novgorod in the North. If you read the Norse Sagas, many Scandinavian luminaries travelled to Kiev back in the day. I'm not trying to refute anyone's take on cultural appropriation, I'm only saying there's a lot to look at before we take sides. We weren't there, and neither was anyone else who is reading this.
@pkolomiy Жыл бұрын
I've been looking for this video (for this specific topic) 2 years ago, didn't found any. Happy to see it's finally here. Since 2014, and occupation of Crimea, I've re-read history which we were taught in Kyiv schools (late 90s early 00s), this fact of stolen name is very obvious, but it was not popular back then, and even now, after full scale invasion it's gaining popularity only in history researcher circles. Though the fact of existence of this video is evidence that this is starting to change (a little). Hope more people will found out about that, so that it became common knowledge, especially in Ukraine (there's so many people live here who don't know history it's scary).
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
subscribe not to miss new ones 😄
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
it's not stolen. that region was conquered and incorporated. same people just separated. the viking Rus conquered the lands of what is now Ukraine populated by slavs. They named their state Kyevan Rus. The Moscovites later conquered (liberated Ukraine from the Mongols). That state later decided to continue the tradition of the older state and renamed itself Russia in continuation of the original slavic state of Kyevan Rus. Simple as that. Today people like this guy twist this all out of proportion with some misguided nationalism that has become endemic in Ukraine and destroying this state ever since the nazi Bandera times.
@pkolomiy Жыл бұрын
@@zarni000 you are not serious.
@filiperosa7496 Жыл бұрын
​@@pkolomiyhe don't say anything wrong, think that a country can stolen a name and that the Russians are basically a creation of mongols is just racist, I don't think that Russia is right, but they don't stole the name, and they are not a creation of mongols, and Ukraine is not a bastion of democracy, not today and not in the past
@pkolomiy Жыл бұрын
@@filiperosa7496 he's arguments were wrong, because based on false data. You are also not in the context, that's why could not see the whole picture. It is true, that we don't have full information about what have happened, but it doesn't mean that we should believe in propaganda, which your knowledge is based off.
@Presentation3995 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for bringing this together and sharing with everyone ❤
@Julia-pw2wh Ай бұрын
Many, many thanks from Ukraine for revealing the truth!
@bodia1406 29 күн бұрын
він українець, лол
@vladdezdechado4656 Жыл бұрын
Very good. The quality of the video is amazing!
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL falsehood video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@DacianRider Жыл бұрын
great material ! keep 'em coming 😎
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL falsehood video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@DacianRider Жыл бұрын
@@solar75wind GFY. orc !
@Alina-dw2lg Жыл бұрын
this is the coolest topic and great explanation. Thank you! Keep going🙌
@pacivalmuller9333 10 ай бұрын
@maddogscout95 Жыл бұрын
I am glad I found your channel. Thank you also @Professor Gerdes Explains 🇺🇦, for the tip about this channel.
@Skeptiques Жыл бұрын
Thanks for a very good informative video! I didn't know about this but I'll call them Moscovians from now on.
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL nonsense video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@yevheniia.yevheniia Жыл бұрын
​@@solar75windhave you even watched the video?
@Theriodontia4945 Жыл бұрын
I just call them katsaps.
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
yeah do that if you want people looking at you like you are dumb...
@mihkelarold Жыл бұрын
Great channel, thank you! Greetings from Estonia, will share everywhere!
@lekamarade 9 ай бұрын
@mihaelamcrae8770 Жыл бұрын
As a Romanian, I knew some of these facts but not in such detail. Thank you for this timely presentation. We stand with you and the truth
@gerd_panzer Жыл бұрын
Молодец чел в следующий раз он скажет что румын не существует и вы украли название у римлян хаахах
@Bobogdan258 Жыл бұрын
@@gerd_panzer Proof you didn't watch the video 26:25, imagine being this fragile
@gerd_panzer Жыл бұрын
@@Bobogdan258 ну значит ты просто не понимаешь элементарных вещей что уж тут сказать
@gerd_panzer Жыл бұрын
@@Bobogdan258 и я смотрел видио
@Bobogdan258 Жыл бұрын
@@gerd_panzer We're not as butthurt as you are my brother
@gregmchale5011 Жыл бұрын
as a history buff I appreciate this presentation and the increase of knowledge all gain by listening and review the topic more... great job, thank you for this knowledge.
@Olga-de3ru Жыл бұрын
It's goebbelsism and no more.
@Olga-de3ru Жыл бұрын
@@attilamarics3374 на счётчике "2 answers", but I see only one. Censored?
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL nonsense video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@archeanna1425 Жыл бұрын
As a descendant of Ruthenians who homesteaded in Saskatchewan, I deeply appreciate all this information. Subscribe!!
@AdrianBoyko Жыл бұрын
Where in Saskatchewan?
@AVIATOR309 Жыл бұрын
Canada, there was a lot of immigration to Canada from the Russian empire@@AdrianBoyko
@AdrianBoyko Жыл бұрын
@@AVIATOR309 “Where in” not “Where is” (:
@annehersey9895 Жыл бұрын
This is great stuff! You should have hundreds of thousands of subscribers! If the West knew the real story they would see why Ukraine needs to keep its independence!
@Mortablunt Жыл бұрын
You’re gonna have to tell me why I totalitarian Nazi infested Mud hole needs to be independent. When I’ve seen with his dedication to genocide and terrorism, it’s a dangerous rogue state that either needs strong supervision or better yet to be governed by somebody responsible, say a mighty country that has integrated more than 200 different peoples into a harmonious hole.
@annehersey9895 Жыл бұрын
@@Virtus555 of course it’s true! The Rus started in Ukraine while Muscovy was a backwater town while Novgorod was part of the Hanseatic League but they weren’t Russians. The GolHorde conquered Moscow and most Russia centuries before they came to Ukraine. I’ve studied Eastern Europe and Russia for years.
@jemperdiller Жыл бұрын
@@Virtus555 agree, it is complete hogwash
@imiy Жыл бұрын
​@@Virtus555 Rurik pretty much may be a myth. If no, at the time they've been in Novgorod it wasn't united Rus. Even if it was, Moscow didn't defeat the horde, it became it lol. Being the horde's vassal it conquered other principalities and fiercely conquered and destroyed the Novgorod republic. I know that logic isn't the strong side of moscow historiography, but claiming Novgorod is the "true" Rus, and moscow is as well because it conquered it - that's just nonsense.
@imiy Жыл бұрын
@@Virtus555 i responded to what you stated.
@Rugged-Mongol Жыл бұрын
As a Mongol, the word Moscow comes from the Mongol word, Mushga which means to twist, since the river that runs through that serpentines. So are the words Kremlin, and Crimea stem from the Mongol word, Keremlen, is a notion of a place protected by walls.
@sherion80 Жыл бұрын
Indeed, a lot of Russian names and places are of Tatar origin.
@viktorias63 Жыл бұрын
To be fair Ukraine uses Turkish words like maidan or ottoman, doesn't mean we are Turks. K$tsaps (so called Russians) are genetically related to the Horde, not to mention their mentality.
@AlexanderSergeevRus Жыл бұрын
@@viktorias63 Don't spread the ancient pseudoscientific heresy bout Russians, related genetically to the Horde. It's not proved by any Russian, Ukrainian or Western research.
@AlexanderSergeevRus Жыл бұрын
Heresy. There was no need to name Moscow with a Mongol word in 1147 :)) This word has a Baltic or Finno-Ugrick origins, not a Mongolian. Moreover: Кремль is "Inherited from Old East Slavic кремль (kremlĭ), from Proto-Slavic *kremľь."
@jemperdiller Жыл бұрын
touch grass.
@TheReubenShow Жыл бұрын
You are looking very well, old friend. I hope for peace, for you to have peace. Long live Ukraine.
@valerii7104 Жыл бұрын
Very well done work, great respect to you, there was not enough such videos to explain the ekzonim words
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
Minor nitpick. When Polish Kings (what were in personal union with Lithuania) called themselves Dukes or Russia. They actually refereed to land of Galicia-Volhynia, which they de facto controlled. And as previously stated, it was land of Rus people. So they claim was legit (side note, Commonwealth of three Crowns, has elector monarchy, which is why electors of Saxony and King of Sweden were also included, as that is what they originally were). For reminder Jogilla did technically participated in battle between Muscovy and Golden Orde, as he at the time was subject of Mongols as Duke of Lithuania and Russa! Though he did everything to arrive after the battle. Later he married Polish Queen (who was sister of Hungarian Queen), what allow him drop subjugation of the Mongols. Who later attempted to conquer them. But finally failed. It is worth to note that Mongols did fallow conquest of what is now known as Kieven Rus as justification and they specifically chose to not attack Novgorod. What despite past vassal connection to Kviv, was not seen by them as Slavic country. It is also why megalomaniac Muscovy make claim to Empire of Germany, somehow? (even if Novgorod never was part of HRE). And same is true to rest of Fino-Ugric territories (BTW, word Rus originated in Sweden, which is why it was also applied to Baltic P-russians and few other unrelated places). Whole rebranding of Muscovy was also serving as way to forge claims, to entire land. Even if it was shaky ground. I clarify that because he (I assume) coincidentally make it look like he refer also to Polish Kings, when he was referring to the Tzars (what BTW title was also stolen from Bulgarian Tzardom). Anyway, now you may understand why Poles hate Muscovy. Though technically historical Russians split on modern Belarusian's (White Russians), Ukrainians and Slovaks (Red Russians). And each country of Commonwealth become own independent state.
@KartingRules Жыл бұрын
​@@TheRezrorusyns are not slovaks tho
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
@@KartingRules If we speak strictly about Ruthenians. But Rus is umbrela terms for a lot of nations inhabiting region of Galicia-Volhynia and around it. What include Belarusians, Ukrainians and Slovaks (also Polish Highlanders).
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@TheRezro You mistakenly use the word Russian in place of Rus'ian---Please don't do that purposeful mistake!---you lose credibility!----Rus' was Rus' not Russia----Muscovy changed its name to Rossiya only in 1721---there was no Russia before that---Rus', Ruthenia, etc, but no Russia--it is an EASY mistake to make and there are plenty of such errors--either purposeful or through ignorance!
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@Virtus555 Of course "Muscovit" (you mean Muscovite) is NOT a nation---neither is a Parisian, nor a Londoner --these are all Residents of the particular cities--NOT nations! But Muscovy was the STATE that captured its neighbouring states and thereby CREATED the Muscovian EMPIRE! CitiZens of Muscovy are Muscovians (Moskali). Muscovites are residents of Muscovy--this does NOT mean the tourists or visitors!
@CynthiaBlair Жыл бұрын
Hi Yaroslav, I love this! I took Prof Tim Snyder's course online, the "Making of Modern Ukraine" a fascinating history in 23, hour long lectures - I didn't have access to all the Yale class required reading for the course, but you bring the history to life in a wonderfully visual way. As to books being banned: I believe that George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm are now banned in parts of the USA ...sadly. When I was in high school (in NY, USA) those books were REQUIRED READING. From now on I will call Russia what it is...Moscovia. Thank you!!!
@liudmylab2328 Жыл бұрын
1984 is banned?😱 But it is so good book to show how dictatorship can behave. I think modern moskovia uses this book as a gide🙈 they even start to use that new language in their propaganda, and there is also more similarities with 1984
@1midnightfish Жыл бұрын
@@liudmylab2328 Florida now banning dictionaries...
@AlexanderSergeevRus Жыл бұрын
There's nothing smart in calling Russia as Moscovia...
@1midnightfish Жыл бұрын
​@@AlexanderSergeevRus The truth is not about being smart
@liudmylab2328 Жыл бұрын
@@AlexanderSergeevRus You inside russia can call yourself Third Rome or Bizantium or whatever you want))) but it is not your bussiness how to call countries in another languages, in other countries
@mykola_mykhaltsov 24 күн бұрын
@Savage_Sage 24 күн бұрын
Дякую ☺️
@Arni142 Жыл бұрын
Adam Mickiewicz (a Polish/Lithuanian/Belarussian poet from XIX century) in his epic poem 'Pan Tadeusz' calls Russian soldiers 'Moskale' (which can be translated as 'Moscovians'). It didn't click in my mind until now (I read Pan Tadeusz when I was 14, I didn't connect the dots). So in the beginning of the XIX century for people in East Europe Russians were simply 'Moscovians'.
@phunkracy Жыл бұрын
No, they weren't, thats bullshit. "Moskale" was a derogatory term for Russians, like calling all germans "Prusaks". The same author in the same book uses Moskal and Rus interchangeably and makes no distinction between Russians and Ruthenians/Rus.
Poland in 19th century was merely province of Russia.
@worldoftancraft 9 ай бұрын
I like how you diminish your own people and kinda downplay what they are. Poles? Nope. Ïästern Ëüropa. Also you might notice that some people do some things with more purpose than it might seems to. Political purpose does exist. Calling someone by the capital name instead of country can be a tool to do what basically you did above with your homeland. But in reverse direction.
@romazone101 Жыл бұрын
So Moscovia it is.
@robertab929 Жыл бұрын
Dziękuję za wideo. Musimy razem mówić o tych kłamstwach Moskali. Thank you for video. We (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Polish, Lithuanians) have to inform others about these Muscovite lies.
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
Especially considering what happen in Slovakia (Red Russia)
@pasza_dem Жыл бұрын
Moskale jak zawsze, kłamią mącą i niszczą.
@robertab929 Жыл бұрын
@@TheRezro I do not understand why Slovaks are so dumb. There were under Hungarians for 1000 years and Slovaks do what Hungarians do. Annoying. They should do more what Czechs do.
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
@Nerub33 Rus is actually Scandinavian term translated as "oar people", used regard vikings. What become associated with people inhabiting land under they influence. Not just proper Rus Kingdom but also for example P-Russians, who aren't even Slavs. It is why most modern people are not particularly concerned with using it. Outside those who definitely are not Slavs (Muscovy).
@jorgvillger3591 Жыл бұрын
@@TheRezro Moscow was founded by Wladimir Grand Duchies as control post on a road between Wladimir and Novgorod in 1147. Wladimir city was build (and named after) by Wladimir Monomach in 1108 as citadel against Wolga Tatars. Before Wladmir city was build all those territories was a part of Rostov Principality and Rostov was founded in 862... the land where Moscow was founded belonged to Ryuriks since very very begining.
@alexanderalmighty18 21 күн бұрын
Wow! This is excellent! I've copied and pasted the link so I can watch it again and also show it to friends. Thanks and all the best!
@postdorian Жыл бұрын
Нереальний топ, буду скидувати знайомим вестернам. Надіюся допоможе у просвітленні. Дякую за роботу
@Infodumptruck Жыл бұрын
Fascinating, i had no idea how far back this goes
@catalinuss Жыл бұрын
Hi Yaroslav! Very interesting video - I would like to add something about Valachia/Romania as I believe the information you have provided here with respect to this is oversimplified. "Valachia/valachians" is an exonym of Germanic origin, just like Ruthenia. It's original term mean "foreigner" and it is the same term that gave name to peoples such as the Welsh or the Valoons. "Romanian/Rumanian" is an ancient term refering to the romanized population in the Balkan peninsula: ottoman Turks referred to this population as "rumelians". For the native population on the territories of the principalities of Moldova, Valachia and Transylvania, the term "Romanian/Rumanian" was equivalent to "commoner" or "serf". This has a very simple explanation: these principalities were either founded by rulers of foreign origin (cumans) which enserfed a part of the local population, or a large part of the local/native population were serfs of these rulers, many of them of foreign origin (cuman, magyar). States founded by a ruling class foreign to the local/original population are not an exception in history: France bears the name of the germanic tribe of the franks entering over the local romanized gauls population, the same can be said about England; Pelayo is a visigoth ruler that started the Reconquista process which will define the borders of the current state of Spain. So the term of "Romanian" refers to the original, romanized population on the territories of these principalities that later formed Romania. It is not an invented or an appropriated term. It defines the common root of the today's descendants of the romanized population on the territory of the country known today as Romania. Funny fact: polish name for Italy is "Włochy", word which has the same origin as "Valachia". 2 words describing 2 population of latin/roman origin.
@williwass6837 Жыл бұрын
Without these "foreign rulers"countrys like Romania,Serbia and so on wouldnt even exist because the people in these places were not even interessted in creating states because they were too busy with surviving in their own little world(means village/tribe)Maybe you should listen to thomas sowells history of the Slavs part 1!These foreign rules brought law,trad and structure to these place(yes,even exploiting them) but placed the foundations of real states
@catalinuss Жыл бұрын
@@williwass6837 These contributions depend on the profile and the social organisation of the invading tribes, are often disputed and sometimes politically interpreted due to the lack of sources - at least in the case of the Romanian principalities. Yes, there were migrant populations that settled on the territories of the Romanian principalities and left their cultural or language traces, regardless of whether they dissolved or were assimilated by the local population (Slavs, Magyars). And there are others that barely left any traces, such as the pechenegs or cumans.
@DavidHerron Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this comment. I also cringed at what he said about Wallachia and wanted to jump in with a comment. You've said it much better than I would have been able to write.
@Slavic_Goblin Жыл бұрын
Even information on Ukraine is oversimplified, but hey...
@carlustin4034 Жыл бұрын
Ottomans never called either the population or territory North of Danube ''Rumelia'' or the population ''Rumelians'' They used ''Rumelia'' to call the lands conquered from the Eastern Roman Empire where Greek was spoken from 6th century in Your sentence ''"Romanian/Rumanian" is an ancient term referring to the romanized population in the Balkan peninsula: ottoman Turks referred to this population as "Rumelians" is not correct.
@alexkonoplian Ай бұрын
This is an incredibly useful video for those who don't know it yet. Quite short and straight to the point.
@prominb Жыл бұрын
Brilliant video! Thanks a lot to populate our history to westerns and all world. Greetings from Kharkiv!
@arikahn3907 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for clarifying why we should care about the name Moscovia uses for itself
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL nonsense video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@ПасивнийДієприкметник Жыл бұрын
​@@solar75windGermany in German is Deutschland
@wheeliebeast7679 Жыл бұрын
​@@solar75windGermany calls itself Deutschland, Mr. Copypasta. Maybe do your research first.😂
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
@@ПасивнийДієприкметник well they stole the name Deutsch from all the german tribes then :) thanks for the correction.
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
@@wheeliebeast7679whether they stole German or Deutsch it's still stealing. Thanks for correction though.
@Пухнастакиця Жыл бұрын
Вітання! Коментар на підтримку чудесного канала! Зичу стрімкого розвитку 💪!
@shefdeschimbshefdeschimb7467 Жыл бұрын
Слава свинорезу до останньой свиносвиньи!
@ihorkarpiuk4102 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the video!
@ad_underground Жыл бұрын
this needs to broadcasted on TV. Good job man!
@lekamarade 9 ай бұрын
@ericplace367 Жыл бұрын
Very informative. Thanks
@6Planet Жыл бұрын
This is really interesting. I'm really into history and knew of the Moskovites and Kievan Rus but I didn't know that Moskovites took the name of the Rus because they were ashamed of their own heritage being the slaves of the Mongols, but it all makes sense now. If there's one thing people know it's that the Rus were originally Vikings that went east and mixed with Slavs, so you can see why Moscovia would want to steal that heritage and be considered the decendents of Vikings by the world instead of the decendants of Mongol Slaves. (Which I personally always thought of them as decendents of Vikings because of the name Rus, until this video.) It's too bad they took the name Russia and dragged that name through the mud so badly, to where even modern "Russian" people are probably ashamed to be "Russians". Ukraine probably never wants the name back now that it will probably be in the history books next to Nazi Germany for having an evil dictator that started WWIII and ordered mass genocide of an entire race of people. I will call Russia Moscovia from now on, and when people ask why I will explain it to them.
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
For people who strongly related Russia to muscovites - it's probably then like swastika, desecrated. I kind of always knew the name was stolen so I'm okay with Rus'
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
ukrainians were also slaves of the mongols... it had nothing to do with that. a conquering state adops the name of the preiovus more prestiguous state. Franco-Germans took over Rome - Charlemagne didn't rename it to Franco-Germanan empire or something like that. it was called Holy Roman Empire. No different.
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
@@Savage_Sageyou being ukrainian you would know about swastikas
@NamingConvensionn Жыл бұрын
​@@zarni000 It is a shame that more ruzzians collaborated with Nazi germany than Ukrainians during WW2. But you would not know about that, brainwashed fascist.
@roysobak1421 Жыл бұрын
@@zarni000 There is some difference between being conquered and enslaved, and being loyal slave dogs to Mongols. Ukraine rulers paid tribute to mongols, muscovites collected tribute for mongols. So... some decoration was needed, like stolen name, mimicking different cultures, to cover up all the murder, plunder and filth to start seem at least little civilized. And if it gives casus belli for landgrab - even better! First - we are part of the horde - grab a lot of horde lands. Second - We are actually Rus - grabs a lot of Rus lands. After - We are Orthodox protectors - tries to invade Romanian lands, claim Constantinople etc. And then - We are panslavic protectors! - Grabs Poland makes more claims, etc. Given time they would rename themselves as Homosapianland and claimed all the world. Oh wait, they actually did that with communism. Conquer - mimic - claim - conquer - mimic. Just constant avalanche of crap.
@vladyslavkarpenko9372 Жыл бұрын
I agree with many of commenters, that this is excellent well researched work on the topic👏🏻 Just would like to add that video is well done from the production perspective🤝🏻 Your work is really deserves wide spread and mention.
@Shab_Kom 9 ай бұрын
Moscow mapper and wikipedia may help you
@egmccann Жыл бұрын
Quite interesting. i was aware of the switch but not really the when (and how.) Fascinating information. Nice work.
@Savage_Sage Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment! I feel like my work payed off :D
@Cairol58 Жыл бұрын
Exactly the same here!
@shefdeschimbshefdeschimb7467 Жыл бұрын
@@Savage_Sage Слава свинорезу до останньой свиносвиньи!
@petterye2714 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your work. Interresting!
@priscillazietsman1300 Жыл бұрын
What an interesting video, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am busy reading "Nineteen Eighty Four" by George Orwell, and what do you know - the main character's job was to rewrite history as per the rulers' decisions, and totally scrub any other versions that exist. I think you refer to something similar just after the 10 minute mark. Thank you for the hard work you have put into this💕💛💙💕
@carolwilliams8511 Жыл бұрын
It seems an exact depiction of modern day putinia. Chilling really.
@zarni000 Жыл бұрын
every state has mythology and lies all the way since rome and up to modern america AND ukraine. why do you expect russia to be any different.
@oibender Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Finally someone calls things what they are from historical perspective. Good job, keep it up!
@marchidan21 Жыл бұрын
1. Evan today, romanian name for russian people is ”muscal” from old contry name ”Muscalia” who is romanian demonime for Mukovy. 2. German hystorian Hieronimus Wolf did the same width Roman empire who was renamed Bizantin Empire just to stole his name for German confederation rebranded Holy ”Roman” Empire.
@matejmacek5784 Жыл бұрын
And most Slavic countries name Germans as Nemec, but they are not mutes.
@marchidan21 Жыл бұрын
@@Vertfil2 all hystory book notify muscals, and later rusian. Stefan the Great has a well known speach against muscal threat.
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
@@matejmacek5784 While nemec means mute,--it means "foreigner" in the sense that it is used for Germans---all non- Slavic western foreigners were originally called nemci, but later it became associated only with Germans.
@WangAiHua Жыл бұрын
crazy crossouts!
@shefdeschimbshefdeschimb7467 Жыл бұрын
Слава свинорезу до останньой свиносвиньи!
@cathys465 Жыл бұрын
This clears up much. Ever since I saw the Movie Taras Bulba and then looked into Gogol's novel something seemed to be quite wrong with the names of the peoples and the places. Later I too did some online research and found some of what you have shown in this video. I believe that you nailed it on this topic. Keep up the good work. BTW: I just subscribed to this channel.
@sjb3460 Жыл бұрын
Very good movie, I didn't know there was a book.
@solar75wind Жыл бұрын
This is a TOTAL nonsense video. By its exact logic, Germany stole the title "Germany" from all Germanic tribes and nations. Also, note that Russia didn't continue to use the original title "Rus" but instead started to use "Rossiya" (originates in "Rus" but not exactly the same).
@1midnightfish Жыл бұрын
@@solar75wind Pasting the same comment all over the comment section I see... how enlightened of you
@AlexanderSergeevRus Жыл бұрын
@@1midnightfish and? This is not making his notes false :)
@renik_a Жыл бұрын
Amazing! Thank you! Go ahead!
@wondercorpse Жыл бұрын
Great video, thank you for this. While it is obvious info for us Ukrainians I think there is a huge deficit for western oriented content like this. Should really open people's eyes of what moskovia really is. Wish you luck and Слава Україні.
@constantinf.5764 Жыл бұрын
what are we?
@wondercorpse Жыл бұрын
@@constantinf.5764 what do you mean by this? I can't understand you
@carolwilliams8511 Жыл бұрын
I think we are beginning now to understand what the country under 💩tin actually is. Not a player to be trusted and traded with.
@lekamarade 9 ай бұрын
@hybridarmyoffreeworld Жыл бұрын
Belarusian sayings : “Не за тое маскаля б'юць, што ўкраў, а за тое, што дрэнна схаваў”; “- Тата, тата, лезе чорт у хату! - Дарма, сынок, абы не маскаль” і г.д.
@EkoFranko Жыл бұрын
Давно на Окрестина бутылку в очко не получал, змагар? Тебе оформить?
@kenhart8771 Жыл бұрын
@hybridarmyoffreeworld Жыл бұрын
@@kenhart8771 There is a reason we have in Finnish verb "Ryssiä" (Muscovy ) , roughly meaning "to totally fail something".
@kenhart8771 Жыл бұрын
@@hybridarmyoffreeworldthank you for sharing.
@OlesMenzer 11 ай бұрын
А у нас ще є жарт. "Зупиняє патрульний автівку. Перевірив документи. Вогнегасник. Аптечку. Нема до чого доколупатись. Усе в нормі. Каже: "ну ладно, давай відчиняй багажник і поїдеш". Відчиняє багажник - а там порізані шматки людини. Патрульний дивиться на водія з подивом, питає "Що це таке?". "Та, то москаль!" - відповідає водій... Патрульний трохи подумав і каже "Яке прикре самогубство!""
@TETE-n7h9t Ай бұрын
Danke für die Aufklährung👍
@Larrythelabelguy Жыл бұрын
A tremendous amount of work and information. I suppose the logic of propaganda can work “if you tell the lie long enough it becomes the truth” But it is still a lie and redrawing the map or renaming it still doesn’t change facts. A great history lesson and more is needed. Hope to see more videos like this!
@blacklion8208 Жыл бұрын
Goebbels said; "repeat a lie often enough and people will start to believe it".
@anti_1984 Жыл бұрын
@@blacklion8208 and the biggest lie this century is that Russia stole the name from Ukraine.
@Adi_Bossanac Жыл бұрын
@@blacklion8208 Almost everything is a lie today.
@ShrekMeBe Жыл бұрын
Repeat a lie often enough AND oppress the ones that know otherwise, that is history in the making
@dimas3829 Жыл бұрын
more lies like this video and empty-brain imeciles like you for sure will believe that Ukraine austronauts where the first on the moon.
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