其實我大大推薦可以挑選合適的神學院,或是Hope的 Hope College 聖經學院喔! 之前我對於聖經裡的男尊女卑等等有非常多疑問,現在才認識背後神的愛,以及自由,當然不會有所有的答案,但其實真的要非常深的了解歷史背景還有保羅、耶穌…等比說一些話背後的動機以及神美好的心意,才知道光看經文表面,真的很容易誤會神的本意!
When one accepts Jesus as personal Savior and Lord, God, the Father sees you in Christ, He no longer sees you as who you are. The Bible has made it very clear in the old testament and the New Testament, there is none that is righteous...