Their Arguments Against Islam Caused Him Doubts

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@linkup901ify 3 ай бұрын
Muhammad Ali has a video up about Aqeedah, it's about 3 hours, but it helps start to establish that foundation that was talked about here. He also has a video on preservation of Quran. EFDawah also has a nice one and so does Farid Responds channel. Once you have those two things understood none of the moral arguments hold any water whatsoever. Rather the type of argument is what we turn on others and it goes from bad, to worse, to anything goes when it comes to their morals or complete lack there of.
@adnaancassiem2856 3 ай бұрын
Just love listening to these guys. Their calm way of discussing anything. Always so cool and calm. Love their choice of woods.
@mohamedelkayal8871 3 ай бұрын
They brought me back when I was lost and frustrated.
@xpacnwo2000 3 ай бұрын
abbas is a gift from allah himself, abbas is everything and more to the people of islam
@Kuj0Jotar0 2 ай бұрын
Going back to fundamentals really struck me. Totally right. Why get bogged down with minutia when you can look at the fundamentals to find the truth
@odeebob7826 3 ай бұрын
Thank you to the brother Abbas & Imran for continuing to educate those interested in learning about Islam, the true religion.
@Osama.Canaan 2 ай бұрын
جزاكم الله خيراً يا EFDawah
@synoxhennetin 3 ай бұрын
Brothers On point 💯
@ALzzanam 3 ай бұрын
جزاكم الله خيرا
@freeman7983 2 ай бұрын
Baraka ALLAHU fikoum
@bouchrat8048 3 ай бұрын
can you please post the date the next live is scheduled on
@ismailatiamiyuabdulsalam9496 3 ай бұрын
The fact that there is no divinely specified age or age bracket for marriage for female and male in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic scriptures is a deafening silence that crumbles the allegation of Christian critics who want to make it look like 18+ has always been the standard 😂
@sammylong3704 3 ай бұрын
Not at all. In Christianity, we have no examples of any prophets or elders who married children and set that example for us to follow. Sadly in Islam, the so called “best example” for mankind did marry a child. So there is a clear example in Islam that marrying a minor is permissible. We have no such equivalence in Christianity.
@uthman2281 3 ай бұрын
​@@sammylong3704 Where is your Standart for your morality? Christinity has nothing.
@uthman2281 3 ай бұрын
​@@sammylong3704 Minor? Based on what? On your opinion?
@thebesttruth4659 3 ай бұрын
Hijab and Beard Banned in Tajikistan May Allah protect innocent family😔
@sammylong3704 3 ай бұрын
@@uthman2281 We have Jesus’s example, a man who lived a perfect life and if that isn’t enough, we have the 10 commandments. What do Muslims have as moral guild lines?
@KtKo0t 3 ай бұрын
Allahumma barik
@Stranger5808 3 ай бұрын
“The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them have believed in Allāh and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], "We make no distinction between any of His messengers." And they say, "We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final] destination” (Quran 2:285). All you had to do was to not think about it too much. If you have low iman and less knowledge about the deen then you should avoid this kind of conversation with the disbelievers. These people are human shaytans who were created to misguide the Muslims. They have no life and they follow their desires. Would you rather listen to a person who believes in Allah or a guy who worships his desires? I would trust the person who believes in Allah. Also, Muslims should always say “we hear and we obey”, and when they hear ill-speech, they leave that place or a group of people who are saying those stupid things.
@GazFaaz 3 ай бұрын
Those kind of trap questions are already answered dozens of times by many Muslims speakers. It's the same talking points, because literally that's the only thing the kuffar can attack on Islam. The guy in doubt needs to put some effort, there's literally dawah videos on youtube answering this already. And I'd recommend anybody to watch dr. Zakir or Syaikh Ahmed Deedat videos.
@odeebob7826 3 ай бұрын
This verse in the Quran discusses how disbelievers may envy and be jealous of believers, ultimately leading them to disbelief. - " Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves [even] after the truth has become clear to them. So pardon and overlook until Allah delivers His command. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent. " Quran 109 : 2
@azwadkhan415 3 ай бұрын
How can I get on this? Any help would be appreciated.
@TheGuiltyGuys 3 ай бұрын
they livestream, just turn on notifications and the instructions are in their livestream chat
@HussainFahmy 3 ай бұрын
@Harrysuke 3 ай бұрын
i hope they will apply presentism to the awaited messiah, in order to be accepted he need to be gay, as it is considered the most noble act in 2024 and beyond.
@tariqrahman6918 3 ай бұрын
lol he’s already in a cult
@tariqrahman6918 3 ай бұрын
This dude is a quaidiani anyway
@realislam202 3 ай бұрын
The age of Ayesha is not western propaganda its Muslim misunderstanding of hadith accredited to Ayesha and prophet Muhammad pbuh, prophet Muhammad pbuh himself refused to marriage her daughter to Hazrat abu baker ra for same reson that she was under age, how he himself do the same by marrying a 6 year or 9 years old girl? Although the widely-cited hadith states that Aisha was nine years old when her marriage to the Prophet (upon him be peace) was consummated, this is contradicted by strong historical evidence. Tabari, the famous historian and hadith expert, states that Aisha was born at least fifteen years before the marriage was consummated, and both early prophetic biographers, Ibn Ishaq and Ibn Hisham, mention that Aisha was amongst the earliest converts to Islam, once again making her myuch older than the ‘six-nine’ reports indicate, and corroborating Tabari’s opinion. Also, reports of Aisha’s age in works by such authorities as Nawawi, `Asqallani and Ibn Kathir all place her in her late teens at the time the marriage was consummated. Moreover, historical reports in books such as Saheeh al-Bukari contain descriptions of Aisha in which she appears much older than the ‘six-nine’ narrations would suggest. Pre-modern people were typically not aware of age or birth dates as we are in modern bureaucratised society, and conceptualisation of numbers was also very different in the past. Pre-modern people would often approximate their age when asked, and numbers were often expressed as descriptors rather than intended to be chronologically precise. For more details article By Dr Ridwan ibne Saleem
@aishaarshadalam3412 3 ай бұрын
Aisha Ra herself narrated the authentic hadith of her age at marriage and consummation. End of the day you're looking at societal norms in 7th century Arabia and judging them based on a 21st century lens. Which is ridiculous when we have kids age 9 and above who are already having sex in the west. People who speak about Aisha Ra don't know anything about her, it's embarrassing. She was a huge scholar of islam, she taught so many notable scholars herself, she was an advisor to the caliphs on matters of fiqh and jurisprudence, she gave us so many authentic hadiths which help us practice islam in our daily lives. But nope let's talk about her age at marriage. This is just demeaning and an insult to the woman herself. She is more than her age during marriage and she is one of the mothers of the believers and we don't judge her and pity her on some stupid thing like her age. People need to educate themselves, learn about history and stop putting their own ridiculous liberal feminist ideas on Muslims who lived in the time of the prophet pbuh. She was one of the best Muslims to live and noone even talks about her achievements and the amazing contributions she gave to islam.
@realislam202 3 ай бұрын
@aishaarshadalam3412 Its not my views about hadith its Great hadith scholar and historian Taberi and he was not 21st century scholars, yes you are right it is insult and disrespectful for great women scholar of Islam Ayesha may Allah please with her, and this propaganda of her age and attack on her character was spread by her enemies as you may know she was leading an army after prophet Muhammad pbuh died, the myth of Prophet's marriage with under-age Aisha was most likely invented in eighth-century Iraq and later back-projected onto the life story of Muhammad. The hadith is Sahih Bukhari. For example , there is a serious problem with the hadith of Aisha's under-age marriage with the Prophet, when subjected to historical-critical analysis. The problem starts with the fact that this particular Hadith can be traced back to one narrator called Hishām ibn ʿUrwa. He narrated this Hadith when he was in Iraq, between the years 754 and 765 CE. Not only would this put the circulation of this report almost a century and a half after the events it purports to describe, but it would also mean that Hishām dropped this tale in the altogether different environment of Iraq, almost 1,000 miles away from the Arabian city of Medina (where the marriage would have taken place). Sketchy, isn't it?
@brianvell 2 ай бұрын
One huge flaw in your excuse for age of Aisha, sexual maturity begins earlier today than a century ago, probably because of improvements in nutrition, general health, and living conditions. For example, the average age that girls begin menstruating has decreased by about 3 years over the past 100 years. only 2-3% of girls get their period at age 10 today, so getting first period at 9 1400 years ago is increasingly unlikely. In addition, it is still immoral to treat a girl who had her first period as ready for sex when it takes a couple of years for the body to mature. Morality is supposed to be objective. I had to edit the comment to add this, as replies are disappearing: 1400 years ago, first period at 9 is highly unlikely, and first period does not mean sexual readiness, anyone who thinks that you can have sex with a girl if she had her first period, even if she is 9, is immoral. And no not just by my standards, by modern society's standards, which makes any claim of objective morality blatantly wrong. Objective morality is by its very definition, objective, not subjective to the time period. How do you reconcile an act that is abhorrent and immoral today, but apparently moral at the time, while at the same time claiming to have objective morality? Again I have to edit this comment because my responses are disappearing: You are projecting your fragile morality on me, because I can actually prove what is right and wrong, and I don't have to excuse abhorrent behaviour. You who cannot call a spade a spade. A 9 year old cannot be considered an adult, especially if you're making yourself the model for others to follow. I am using subjective and objective correctly.
@MansMan42069 2 ай бұрын
"sexual maturity begins earlier" because modern society prolongs adolescence. People reached emotional and mental maturity at the same time as physical maturity. It's only a recent phenomenon that people only begin to mature mentally and emotionally long after they finish puberty. "average age" means exceptions exist. Don't hide behind probability. "it's still immoral" By whose standard? Yours? Who made you the arbiter of right and wrong? Next.
@brianvell 2 ай бұрын
@@MansMan42069 Your argument is irrelevant. There are many studies that show that the age of first menstruation was longer in the past. Do you even understand statistics? as I stated, TODAY the average age of menstruate is 12 with 2-3% of girls at 10, following a normal distribution, meaning outliers become more and more unlikely. Couple this with the fact that just 100 years ago, the age of first period was around 3 years later, meaning the average was 15 with 2-3% at 13, making first period at 9 so much more unlikely 1400 years ago. Despite this, first period does not mean sexual readiness, and anyone who thinks that you can have sex with a girl if she had her first period, even if she is 9, is immoral and would be branded a .pdf by today's standards. And no not just by my standards, by modern society's standards, which makes any claim of objective morality blatantly wrong. Objective morality is by its very definition, objective, not subjective to the time period. You are the one who claims you have objective morality. How do you reconcile an act that by all measures would be very immoral today, but apparently moral at the time, while at the same time claiming to have objective morality?
@MansMan42069 2 ай бұрын
@@brianvell Statistics is descriptive, not prescriptive. It doesn't make it impossible for a person to undergo puberty younger than the norm of the time. Your argument holds no water. You appeal to subjective morality decided by a group of people. You have no say in morality. Plus, the criteria for maturity never changed in Islam. Only the age at which those criteria are met. And age is not the criteria we use. Try to keep up. Only people like you are hung up on age. It was moral then because Aisha met all the criteria for maturity. If someone meets all those criteria today, it would still be moral. You're the one obsessed with the age when you should be addressing the criteria if you have any valid objections. It reveals more about you and your inability to judge when an individual is mature. You trust an arbitrary number more than yourselves.
@MansMan42069 2 ай бұрын
@@brianvell Statistics is descriptive, not prescriptive. It doesn't make it impossible for a person to undergo puberty younger than the norm of the time. Your argument holds no water. You appeal to subjective morality decided by a group of people. You don't believe in objective morality so you have no say in it anyway. For you to decide is laughable because according to you, it's all subjective, so I'm not beholden to your flimsy standards. You shot yourself in the foot. Plus, the criteria for maturity never changed in Islam. Only the age at which those criteria are met. And age is not the criteria we use. Try to keep up. Only people like you are hung up on age. It was moral then because Aisha met all the criteria for maturity. If someone meets all those criteria today, it would still be moral. You're the one obsessed with the age when you should be addressing the criteria if you actually had any valid objections. It reveals more about your inability to judge a person's maturity and your need for an arbitrary number that changes on a whim. Sit down. You're done.
@MansMan42069 2 ай бұрын
Statistics is descriptive, not prescriptive. It doesn't make it impossible for a person to undergo puberty younger than the norm of the time. Your argument holds no water. You appeal to subjective morality decided by a group of people. You don't believe in objective morality so you have no say in it anyway. For you to decide is laughable because according to you, it's all subjective, so I'm not beholden to your flimsy standards. You shot yourself in the foot. Plus, the criteria for maturity never changed in Islam. Only the age at which those criteria are met. And age is not the criteria we use. Try to keep up. Only people like you are hung up on age. It was moral then because Aisha met all the criteria for maturity. If someone meets all those criteria today, it would still be moral. You're the one obsessed with the age when you should be addressing the criteria if you actually had any valid objections. It reveals more about your inability to judge a person's maturity and your need for an arbitrary number that changes on a whim.
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