There's A LOT Happening With World of Warcraft Right Now.

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The Comeback Kids

The Comeback Kids

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@TheComebackKids 5 ай бұрын
Break up with basic browsers. Get Opera GX using my link:
@AmongRevenants 5 ай бұрын
Silent Hill mode... decrease lighting, change all the spiders into those creepy lil dead things. For those afraid of online spiders. :)
@Knsy 5 ай бұрын
“Wow is back!” I have another comment which is for the video editor :)
@HopeRunsDeep22 5 ай бұрын
It was so awesome to be good for a whole week in phase 2 as Shadow. So glad Blizzard put us back in our place at the bottom so quickly and made sure to never let us back up the charts again! :D
@parkerfrode5101 5 ай бұрын
Spriest should be the only one down low to still feel good. They are by far the most valuable class/spec in the whole raid for one slot.
@akhsdenlew1861 5 ай бұрын
@@parkerfrode5101 no they are not.. VE is not good enough, putting Spriest in the meele/tank group is something that we would never do in the raid , better to just drop another meele in there. we have 1 SP in the raid, and he is ofc in the caster group.. but only cus he is an officer. if we could we wouldn't have a SP. The damage they do is COMPLETLY useless, almost insignificant.
@pastrie42 5 ай бұрын
I legit just quit over this(and the economy fiasco). One of the main reasons I wanted to play season of discovery was that i would finally be viable in PVE as shadow. I don’t need a chopped charts or anything, but I need to be viable. shadow priests are a net negative to a raid right now. Don’t worry, though shamans are still gods and not fixed. JFC
@magichobo 5 ай бұрын
Spriest being so much to a raid bro, fort, VE off healing homunc, and damage. You’re not gonna compete with a class whose sole purpose is damage.
@Tyscrat 5 ай бұрын
imagine caringa bout a number in a game, bro play it to have fun. Youre an adult now. Grow up Who cares if you're bottom DPS. Where do your priorities lay bud?
@WhiteRhino3420 5 ай бұрын
You must not have a phobia. I shudder at the sight of snakes in game, which doesnt bother my friend. But she cant handle the spindley legged spiders, while I could care less. Just life for some people.
@hanss.5291 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the spider mode comment. Because most of us are thinking it.
@adamfroggett845 5 ай бұрын
Uh shamans also do wayyyyyy more Dmg vs a paladin......
@ZugzugZugzugson 5 ай бұрын
stop crying. paladin can kill multiple people from the safety of their omegalul bubble before it wears off and this has literally 0 counterplay. that is the definition of OP. i don't wanna hear another word out of paladins for the rest of SOD. i've already dedicated myself to griefing for the rest of phase 3 since its FUBAR anyway. don't tempt me to dedicate specifically to killing paladins, because i can and i will, should you insist.
@NotSoSvenn 5 ай бұрын
lmao do people not understand what a phobia is? it isnt new nor is it indicative of society. Other than the fact that people care about someone being comfortable... So bad... Don't change it if you don't want to.
@MohawkPigeon 5 ай бұрын
It's about blizzard catering to the extreme minority instead of focusing on creating a good experience for the disenfranchised majority.
@stevenbaffy7937 5 ай бұрын
I really wish that all rep grinds, in all versions of WoW, were account based. I am so sick of redundant content... The biggest issue with SoD for me is that it is not casual at all. I am so tired of having to go back and repeat stuff to try a different character. The pace is way to fast, the content is way to slow, for seasonal play.
@Shiftlinkage101 5 ай бұрын
Vanilla was never meant to be casual, and I'd disagree that SoD, or any version of vanilla to be so. WoW didn't become alt friendly until Wrath/Cata, and we see how all that played out. The game isn't meant to have 1 player taking up 9 roles anytime they want. That started happening because everyone wants to Fotm. Play a different game if it bothers you that much.
@ursanaut7992 5 ай бұрын
The arachnophobia to crab toggle mode is a win. Think of it as an accessibility option like color blind settings. Some people have a crippling fear of them and will just avoid playing games that have them as models. This toggle opens all of WoW to them.
@MohawkPigeon 5 ай бұрын
I don't believe a single person like that exists, change my mind.
@Therazule 5 ай бұрын
@@MohawkPigeon Doesn't matter if it does or not, you don't HAVE to use it, its an option for those who want to. Why does it bother people so much if it's not forcing them to use it?
@FurryCombatWombat 5 ай бұрын
Regarding the arachnophobia thing. A year ago I would have thought that was ridiculous too. But apparently for some people its actually like a serious thing. I've had a player in my D&D game ask me not to use spider miniatures anymore after they almost had a panic attack during a session. In the end, the toggle is a simple, and relatively easy to implement accessibility feature. (And to be honest, the argument of "What if someone is also afraid of crabs" is kind of a bad faith argument, as arachnophobia, especially severe arachnophobia is more common by an extremely large margin).
@derwerderflo 5 ай бұрын
The part about the arachnophobia mode was very disrespectful, particularly because it doesnt affect his gameplay at all since he can just turn it off or never turn it on at all. And if it makes wow more enjoyable or even accessible for an larger audience then we will all benefit from that
@FurryCombatWombat 5 ай бұрын
@@derwerderflo Yeah. I agree. I normally like this channel. Good news outlet. But this was honestly just a really bad take, and I hope they realize that in retrospect. Everyone makes mistakes.
@MohawkPigeon 5 ай бұрын
​@@FurryCombatWombat ​ Man I just love being force fed the baby batter blizzard has been compelled to produce because of people like you.
@FurryCombatWombat 5 ай бұрын
@@MohawkPigeon who is force feeding ypu? Its a toggle option
@jamesarnquist8103 5 ай бұрын
Let's not complain about accessibility modes that don't affect us please.
@jasonyankovec8541 5 ай бұрын
I have said from day one that I think SoD is a public beta for Classic+ testing out potentially new content.
@TimeForTrim 5 ай бұрын
I am glad to be a part of it
@rumchata6569 5 ай бұрын
Personally this is my last time leveling 1-60
@ToManyTwinkies 5 ай бұрын
I prefer seal twisting playstyle ....butt get what I can get it's better than saying you have to heal
@eastcoast4head462 5 ай бұрын
@@ToManyTwinkies maybe don't be an insecure beta paladin player?
@slippers8000 5 ай бұрын
Yeah i'd agree, think that's a good thing tbh. Wow has always had the issue the issue that it's all about character power. So every expansion kills the last one since that's the only progression that matters. Doing seasonal content is a way to develop content relevant at earlier parts of the game since that is now tied to game time. Maybe next season could then contain content developed for Sod with a new excuse to make more mid level content since peeps are going again.
@TheRealCeeJai 5 ай бұрын
Man, I wish I could get a 'bad lore mode' that saved me from the last 3 expansions.
@gallakailancer3692 5 ай бұрын
As a warlock I don't mind being #10, but I don't like the disparity between #10, and #1, the gap is enormous.
@wacsnie 5 ай бұрын
As a warrior and warlock, personally i dont mind the gap tooo much, mostly cause the bosses are dying, but the gap is too big, it was in gnomer and bfd aswell
@caesarf2535 5 ай бұрын
@@wacsnieI’m top 5 in my raids
@chrisjparke 5 ай бұрын
Don’t look at the rankings. If you’re not on the top 5 dps on boss fights as warlock you’re playing your class wrong, end of story.
@matts7125 5 ай бұрын
I think it all depends because casters are still really good in battlegrounds and if they buffed us even more we would be way too overpowered in PVP but I want to have a place in the raid come level 60 and melee are just gonna get better
@Dadge42 5 ай бұрын
Don't look at the rankings showing melee 30% above casters.
@nightblaze1274 5 ай бұрын
Imagine being a youtube entertainer and giving your opinion on a phobia that people actually suffer from. Just dont turn it on if you dont like it. I commend Blizzard for giving people with phobias that option if in fact theres more spider than normal.
@benjaminghazi787 5 ай бұрын
I don’t think heavy movement affects spriest that much. I just think our raw damage is low. I was a top 20 ranked spriest in p2 so I’m not exactly a dumpster player, and I can say with confidence that even when we sit there and turret pump, our damage is still in the gutter. It needs some serious tuning. I’m not asking to be top dps because I do think we are a large support class with disease cleaning and dispelling, vampiric embrace off healing, etc. But the state of damage we are in currently is completely garbage.
@hotlikesauce 5 ай бұрын
THIS. Twisted Faith needs to be moved to a different slot (head or bracer) & needs to include SW:Death to the dmg modifier.
@parkerfrode5101 5 ай бұрын
The issue is if they buff spriest damage all the PvP players cry. If they buff spriest damage they’ll be doing more healing then an actual healer. Obviously there’s ways to address both those issues but blizzard doesn’t seem competent or want to spend the time to do it.
@ivers1001 5 ай бұрын
The problem is that you tear apart people in pvp still, and have some of the best defensive cooldowns in the game. Shadow priest should absolutely be lower on the DPS totem pole considering they can heal themselves/their party, can use really powerful shields and, when dps is high enough to compete with top end raiding, are so unbelievably OP in pvp that the game sucks to play for anyone facing them.
@akhsdenlew1861 5 ай бұрын
@@parkerfrode5101 that's incorrect. Just put mind spike into twisted fate Rune. Nothing changes for pvp but dps goes up in pve. So yea there is a way to buff spriest dmg without making pvp players ( 5% of the community) cry. doesn't take a genius to think of ways to buff something only in pve...
@benjaminghazi787 5 ай бұрын
@@parkerfrode5101 they have to buff the hard casted abilities vice things like SW:D which was a problem. SP will not get many hard casts off in PVP, which is the best way to balance it. Even if they are at range and turreting in PVP they will still never come close to destro lock. It’s as balanced as you’ll get. They can also do tuning based on pvp and pve which they did in P1.
@wheeze9378 5 ай бұрын
I'm surprised there's absolute nothing for warriors. Specifically Protection Warriors! As a Protection Warrior it's basically impossible keep AOE threat on trash mobs in raid, compared to for example a Shaman tank with still overtuned Lightning Shield. Besides that Block Value is still bugged, when it comes to adding damage to Shield Slam... #FixProtWar
@honestfan420 5 ай бұрын
Buff shadow priests.
@TheLightningHelix 5 ай бұрын
That was a distasteful comment/segment on arachnophobia. What's it to you? Lots of game has this feature. It won't affect your gameplay and will help people who have a legitimate crippling fear of spider.
@nomis1126 5 ай бұрын
when dumb classic andys take raiding and warcraft logs too seriously i roll my eyes. u can clear the raid in trash green gear, relax kiddos. if you want a real challenge go play mythic on retail and let's see how good you classic andys really are
@pallytime2156 5 ай бұрын
Lol. I took one look at the SoM buff to mana gains for paladin and though "Oh... So no one Alliance Side is using Judgement of Wisdom huh? Neet." This is actually pretty typical though. As you need 2 Paladins in Melee to even make use of this spell and Paladin Healers for some unknown mystical reason (parcing, it's called parcing) won't bother to take and 3/3 Lasting judgement and stop there healing for 1.5s to put JoW or JoL on the boss. Nore will healers wand the boss to gain mana back if needed. They just down rank and keep casting. Its all very odd honestly. And likely is a 10 man / 20 man raid issue. Once you get into 40 mans JoL and JoW become a thing that happens so I find this buff to be in need of a Nerf Later... But lets put some maths behind this one... Lol, Kek, W. JoW = 50% Chance on Hit to regain 60 mana on hit. (This helps every mana user except healers unless healers want to wand). Its worth 15 Mana Per Second or 75 MP5 to say a mage casting 2s Frost Bolts. SoM... asuming no world buffs... is likely tied to a paladin doing 200 white DPS at most and that's pushing it... SoM however is Normalized 75% Damage at 1.5s speeds and 100%+ for the faster 2 Handers. So we talking 20 Mana Per Second Per Ret Paladin. All in all its a HUGE mana buff for Paladins and many other classes that likely... didn't honestly need it outside of parcing. As to weather it was needed is questionable. At this point if you take 2 Ret Paladins any offensive Spell Caster now has 55 Mana Per Second Regen (1% of there mana bar effective). Because 2 paladins togeather in the same place have nothing better to do with their judgments then JoW and JoCru
@TheComebackKids 5 ай бұрын
Fucking love your responses
@pallytime2156 5 ай бұрын
@@TheComebackKids Oh, Got some of the best Paladin PvE tanku theory crafters in the world trying to tell me the that 5/5 Toughness is also giving 5% Spell hit. This will take some time to test but is likely a stealth buff or a coding issue holdover from wrath or some such. So... yeah... win for me the guy who keeps beating people in the head with 5/5 toughness for tanking.
@TheHumblePhil 5 ай бұрын
i just wanna point out that some people suffer from severe arachnophobia to the point that it is paralyzing, to put it into wow terms that you might understand: The sight of a spider is like being stunlocked by a rogue, chain silenced by a priest, rooted by a druid, feared by a warlock... But all at the same time, on a loop, with no end, and with no way to press exit now. Now i don't suffer from this thankfully, but i am glad they are giving people that do, the ability to play with less concern of having a panic attack. But way to come off as an ignorant douche with both the commentary and the title of that segment in the video. Looking up the definition of a phobia(any phobia): an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. It might not make sense to you, but the emotion is still very real.
@JustinKenward 5 ай бұрын
I'm totally jiggy with SoD being a chill play. But the Retail Andy's and meta bros are killing the enjoyment of it. To the point that I'd rather only 1/4th of the player base stick around and the rest go back to retail.
@ZugzugZugzugson 5 ай бұрын
in my experience there seems to be a massive divide in playerbase type. its either gamer dads with 9 jobs, 10 kids and 3 wives who got 5 minutes a month to play and absolutely suck at basic mechanics _OR_ its sweatlords who will get on your case for not being fully decked and pulling AT LEAST 1000dps at all times and don't you dare go below a 95 parse because that's a loot ban you griefer.. there seems to be no middle ground here. the people making the rules for parsing on WCL ain't helping the problem either as their rules actively encourage basically griefing (go have a read up if you don't believe me).
@insu_na 5 ай бұрын
Arachnophobia is a real thing some people have. Should we also remove colorblind mode? Should we remove other input methods that allow disabled gamers to play? Kinda disappointed in your take there tbh
@AC-wc7ju 5 ай бұрын
Rofl. You can't be serious.
@lucascampbell8521 5 ай бұрын
dawg, who fucking cares if people want to toggle the arachnophobia mode? If you don't like it, just don't toggle it lmao
@BaaadJuju 5 ай бұрын
As a warlock in raid It feels weird. Now I’m only tapping to restore mana to my imp. It’s nice having negligible mana concerns, but I still need to tap for the little guy to keep up haha
@FurryCombatWombat 5 ай бұрын
It does feel super nice to not have to micromanage my imp anymore (putting it on passive when it runs out of mana so it can get passive mana regen for longer). Makes Demonic Pact and Grimoire of synergy buffs a lot more consistent.
@Mrxlongshot 5 ай бұрын
the world is soft if people have a fear of spiders???
@MohawkPigeon 5 ай бұрын
Being afraid of spiders IRL and spider like monsters in a videogame are two very different things.
@Mrxlongshot 5 ай бұрын
@@MohawkPigeon my guy people who have thalassophobia cant play games like subnautica. It is the same
@MohawkPigeon 5 ай бұрын
@@Mrxlongshot Are you saying that you have it and you can't? I do have it and I completed it so no, it's not the same.
@Mrxlongshot 5 ай бұрын
@@MohawkPigeon sure you do bud
@ghostdragon3305 5 ай бұрын
I’m petrified of spiders irl, but doesn’t faze me in game at all
@wilwhitmore88 5 ай бұрын
wow is back... to being a paid beta test...
@Lassssyyy 5 ай бұрын
1. Shamans are broken 2. People are so soft nowadays
@ZugzugZugzugson 5 ай бұрын
shamans are not broken.
@jagos9376 5 ай бұрын
​@@ZugzugZugzugsonyes they are...
@Thebotulism 5 ай бұрын
I have a friend that does have an actual phobia of spiders and it has affected them even if they are movie spiders (like big movie monster ones). They just had really bad encounters as a kid and never want to deal with that particular creature ever again. I think it's a cool idea to have an arachnophobia filter. I have acrophobia, Flying and Dynamic Flying will not change my perception on Heights.
@outdoors-fun 5 ай бұрын
They need to buff ranged hunters.. Literally havent seen a single significant buff since Phase 1...
@blckkeef 5 ай бұрын
Cap but y’all should still get a buff
@ripcrusader 5 ай бұрын
Buff ferals give them aoe and proper combo point spenders and meaning buf bleed dmg can scale or crit?
@rustyshackleford3316 5 ай бұрын
Nerf shamans
@kazdaillest 5 ай бұрын
Hell ya
@ej64yer 5 ай бұрын
@eastcoast4head462 5 ай бұрын
60-40 on CS NA. Don't care cry more ally player's. Y'all literally shut down hinterlands farm so horde couldn't get rep.
@bren3233 5 ай бұрын
@bren3233 5 ай бұрын
Actually I did just switch to alliance.. ya nerf shamans
@jager8432 5 ай бұрын
Im really sad arcane dps is a joke. I enjoyed playing arcane in P2
@quentinblanc7978 5 ай бұрын
4 seconds Arcane Blast buff is a joke
@SimonRobeyns 5 ай бұрын
good to be topping still as a melee hunter it's been a ton of fun in sunken temple and gear is always in your favor when you're topping the charts
@ForeverZeroAngel 5 ай бұрын
wow is clearly back because everyone uses your videos for easy react content 👀
@TheComebackKids 5 ай бұрын
@ForeverZeroAngel 5 ай бұрын
@@TheComebackKids just show this comment and call all the lazy bones out in the next video. You didn't say it. Lol 😂
@Corndwag 5 ай бұрын
Crying about arachnophobia mode when it has absolutely 0% effect on anyone else's gameplay and lets those who have it have a better time playing the game is cringe
@WarwickYT 5 ай бұрын
Found the wussy scared of digital cartoonish spideys
@Corndwag 5 ай бұрын
@@WarwickYT found the snowflake thats scared of inclusion
@AndreiGeorgescu-j9p 5 ай бұрын
They're spending resources on catering to the people destroying society rather than actually fixing their games.
@Bzk-- 5 ай бұрын
Saying someone is "crying" about a news topic they are covering and giving their opinion about is the real cringe. Talk about snowflakes being scared of "inclusion" when you cant even stand different opinions from your own without "crying" about them in the comment section..
@Corndwag 5 ай бұрын
@@Bzk--and this ismy opinion on that opinion which is what a comment section is for. He starts off by explaining its a toggle, and says its cringe. Then implies people need to get over their phobia and let spiders be spiders which is obviously not how phobias work. Then he ends it with a "whats next, bunnies?" argument which is heavily reminicent of the old argument against gay marriage, not to get political just what it reminded me of, where theyd say "if we let that happen then next people will want to marry their dog" all of which is cringe as fuck.
@danielszalai2633 5 ай бұрын
I'm following all your videos, but I never comment to any of it. Having the Mythic+ implemented to SOD P4 would be amazing and game changer for me, since I'm playing with a small group of friends. We have a guild, we are raiding, but its just difficult to pull 20 ppl together week by week, so having the Mytichs would be really amazing. I'm also a holy paladin, changing Divine Sacrafice to some sort of group heal would be ideal, since its practically useless in raiding environment. Please carry our voice if you can, easily accessible, rewarding PVE content is what SOD needs!!!
@rkjiw 5 ай бұрын
As a rest shaman main, I'm runnig both Healing rain and Earth shield. Since we have a rogue MT, Shield is viable since Shaman's can't double shield. It would be a higher % of my healing if we had a Warrior or Warlock tank. I got lucky with the epic chest drop so I'm not running the 3 piece but I still really like casting Healing rain on CD on the MT group. That quick heal in my opinion is really great plus it boost armor due too it critting a lot of times in those 10 second (95/135 per second for me). We do run another 3/4 shaman but mana still feels a bit tight on some fights.
@holychopstix 5 ай бұрын
Holy paladin here. I’ve been watching you since D4 was new. Do me a huge favor. Spread the word. Holy paladins are powerhouses. We don’t have group heals. We don’t need them. Check logs for Gonksticks on Crusader strike. The biggest problem we have is having to stand still to do work. Spread the word! Let paladins cast while moving. For several seconds every minute, let us ball out. Right now, all we have is divine shield to save us from mechanics and allow us to keep our team alive. Our worst fight by far is the walking ooze because we just can’t stop moving to get our heals out. Tell someone who cares. Set Paladins free!
@Zanjestu 5 ай бұрын
Honestly, I’m close to just being done with wow and its not cause of the game. I’ve been enjoying sod, had no issues in p1 and p2 but p3 it took 20min just to get inside ST last night. Half my raid took rez sickness then ran in and waited; was faster then just trying to run in. With how it is on Lonewolf currently can’t step outside of a city without walking into a raid party farming honor. I enjoyed the world pvp in other phase but idk what happen but now it is just one side farming at every point lv40+. If I can’t play without 20+ death runs now I know it will only get worse when MC and BWL launches. As it stands I just hope for a free transfer off before I get tired of the toxicity.
@aleksd940 5 ай бұрын
sounds like blizzard , trying to "fix" things after they got exploited and people have gotten them... why not just add a righteous orb vendor selling them for 200-300g each at that point, that would be more "fair" then removing it for some while others have the enchant and using it... so dumb. P.S. - i don't even play season of discovery i just find their decision making dumdum.
@draheim90 5 ай бұрын
Fire mage is better than frost. Fire's also not running hot streak/Pyro. Frost mage's numbers are boosted because a) frost is basically only run if there's also a fire mage providing improved scorch (so the frost mage gets +12% damage to their frostfire bolt and ignite), and b) there aren't that many frost parses and the people playing it are disproportionately good/ahead of the meta. Without a fire mage also in the raid, frost is pretty far behind fire. Fire mages also benefit from frost mages (winter's chill provides +10% crit chance), but many fire mages didn't have frost mages in their raid whereas the inverse was generally not the case. The tl; dr is that you should have exactly one frost mage in your group (running ignite/winter's chill) and all the rest should be fire (running improved scorch). Unless there's only one mage, at which point they should be fire.
@mikekabur619 5 ай бұрын
is wow back? lol. I feel like they are milking us with old content with some little twists. Those remake servers are a joke. Just give us wow2. Good graphics with new lore in freaking azeroth with classic mechanics... Everyone will play it. I would pay 100$ per month to play something like that!
@shifterashtongue2684 5 ай бұрын
Paladins and rogues can stun one shot almost anyone in pvp with full hp, they have a huge toolkit to not die also, is this fair? Every paladin and rogue i see are INSTANTLY aggressive because of how op they are. Insta hammer of justice or insta jump to stealth and cheapshot. Please consider that giving paladins endless mana is a buff towards pvp giving them uptime, people who play paladin are pretty special i must say, special snowflakes
@MrMinster228 5 ай бұрын
Hey idk how everyone feels but lately with incursions on SOD it feels very impossible to even do them. Because there are hundreds of alliance in ashenvale and ever since the chaos bolt transfer over to crusader strike it just seems like alliance heavily outnumber the horse. In a supposed 50/50 and I find myself raid logging my one character and not doing my alts now because I either get camped or killed wherever I go. I get it’s a PvP server but it just doesn’t seem fair to be that heavily out numbered. What are everyone thoughts on this. I understand if I’m alone on this. But like these incursions are supposed to be fun not impossible and rage inducing same goes with open world quests
@thebrokenman6860 5 ай бұрын
I really wish they would make 2h Enhance viable for raid dps. I think if they made storm strike give 3 additional attacks instead of its normal 1 additonal for Stormstrike while 2h chest rune is active, that would balance it out. Also giving us a usable hand rune while using 2h besides lavaburst would be nice. Call it Windstrike or something and only make it usable while using 2h.
@TouchthisiProduction 5 ай бұрын
I dont think they should change shamans healing. Like blizzard said, WCL are not everything. Even if shamans output is not as good as other classes, the amount of other things they bring is insane. Infinite Mana, WF, Agi, Str, Resistances, interrupt, MP5, Cleansing of both disease and poison without having to stop healing, tremor totem. all of these things are hard to beat when you put them together. If you put their healing as high as priest or mage aswell. They are straight up the best healers. Earth shield is better in PvP Scenarios. Carrying a flag or reduce the amount of burst a player can output.
@donovan3562 5 ай бұрын
I hope classic+ is like 3 years away. While I may want classic+ proper, I can't see myself being ready to roll another character 1-60 very soon xD PS. WoW is back
@teaganjohner4051 5 ай бұрын
"I dont think these classes are bad". No. If they perform badly they are bad. They do not have the tools to keep up, they do not produce the results. They suck. I've played shadow priest for 15 years now. They suck they always suck and if they're ever even close to good its for about 1 week and then get hotnerfed back to suckage.
@Dadge42 5 ай бұрын
Casters are in dire straits. It's going to be more of the same unless they use the same solution they did in p2, to increase boss armor, or give casters some type of major buff across the board. At least spriests have excellent utility (and they want to give them more, according to Aggrend's twitter post). You don't really want more than one mage, warlock, or moonkin in a raid at right now.
@anon12549 5 ай бұрын
Mage heal is mostly a meme. If you look at logs most are sitting 60-80 overheal. IMO its better to spam the single target heal and take living bomb/living flame. You do more damage over a fight and have normal 20-30% overheal.
@Bzk-- 5 ай бұрын
I play warrior and i find it annoying that every time i talk about the issues of the class, i get told "your class is top dps bro" Yeah right, it's top dps in parse runs. Try to run the raid without 12 world buffs, 24 consumables and feral + mm hunt in your party. Then you'll see what the class itself really is and how it feels to play to "normal" people who often dont have ferals/mm available and that play in a raid that wipes on a few bosses once and so you arent able to have world buffs for the whole run.
@Voodooray007 5 ай бұрын
🕷: Boo...
@danielcanty5727 5 ай бұрын
I would like to see the difference between Affliction warlocks and Destruction Warlocks. Affliction warlocks aren't as reliant as turrent mode as Destruction is. Please change your background videos. tired of seeing the same stuff everytime.
@Rubensen 5 ай бұрын
We, enhancement shamans, want a viable 2H spec. Well, why give warriors titan grip while shamans can do that as well? ;) 2H weapons with dual wield. Blizzard and Shamans will be happy
@finnmiles6692 5 ай бұрын
For resto shaman I'd say move earth shield to gloves. Mana shield is great but with sham rage and tide totems it doesn't feel all too needed especially as people get more geared and boss fights get shorter. Secondly buff the healing done by healing rain and maybe have it follow the player you cast it on. It's great having the 3 set making it instant cast but it's a pain when you cast it on a player and then a second later they have to move due to boss mechanics and it's then healing nobody. Where as druids for example just smash wild growth and don't have to worry after 😅
@phernuttychris7298 5 ай бұрын
BROOOOO the fact ur clowing people for having an actual phobia is crazy and shows how you truly think thats disgusting that you just laughed and said the world is going to hell for it. Some content creator you are
@slippers8000 5 ай бұрын
Think id prefer a way too convert my character into the next season with some dope cosmetics or something. Maybe make an epic quest tied to the last group content they make for SoD, and if you finish that you'd get a title relevant to the quest for the next season. Lord knows im not playing Shaman in retail or going back to era.
@celyca4499 5 ай бұрын
"If we become so sensitive that we need an arachnophobia mode" what a stupid take. People get panic attacks from spiders, this is not just an unsetteling feeling for them. This has nothing todo with people or the world getting sensitiv and the world definitely doesnt go to hell because of a toggle in a video game to help these people. If this would be a game about spiders i would understand your take but not for an expension of an mmo and i think blizzard did the right thing.
@Joel_bjornfors 5 ай бұрын
Man the 20 man 1 week raid feels so much worse, I can’t really pug since it takes way to long to get a group and if we kill a boss and I can’t continue cause kids wake up or someone else leave, the week is ruined, instead of just getting a new chance 2 days later at most. I can’t really commit to a raid schedule and the 10 man raids with short resets made it a lot easier and less punishing to pug. And it was a lot easier time play with friends as every second time I could log in, I could go in to the raid almost cause the fast resets. I don’t care if ppl degen and raid every single lockout and are annoyed the reset isn’t static every week. They should make it for pugs and make it less punishing to mess up a lockout
@jagos9376 5 ай бұрын
I hope Resto Shaman will NOT be buffed.. The other speccs are brocken and as you said the support of Resto Shaman with mana reg is also OP, dont buff this class
@erlendtherkelsen7787 5 ай бұрын
Not sure I agree on the issue being movement focused fights. As a balance druid you can move doing your rotation over 25% of the time (starsuge is instantcast so is dots). So moving fights is fine. The issue is that the numbers are just too low even standing still doing the roration perfectly.
@ZugzugZugzugson 5 ай бұрын
can you do me a favor and stop talking about shaman as if they are godlike? we get enough of that from the paladin posters on the forums and we're gonna end up having literally nothing left if you keep this up. they already announced that they are nerfing shamanistic rage next phase, so now there really isn't anything else worthy of nerfing, unless you want us to lose our poison cleansing totem too. when it comes to pvp shaman (except ele with way of earth which should be nerfed) gets clapped in a gcd or two in bis gear.
@rhyno9825 5 ай бұрын
Really enjoy the videos going over the updates for WoW but thinking an optional toggle that could allow more players access to a video game as “cringe,” is pretty cringe. 😒
@jagos9376 5 ай бұрын
Shaman is so fk OP, a lvl 44 Shaman 1 Shot my 48 Rogue with 1 Shock.... Wtf 😅 Hunter Nerfs INC 😂😂
@botanicab 5 ай бұрын
I have a deep underlying fear of spiders and crabs if they don't give me a bunny mode I'm straight-up unsubbing total joke they don't cater for everybody.
@Brendan.Hutchison 5 ай бұрын
How about the PVP rank bug giving out rank 7 to people who haven'y done any pvp. Super frustrating to players like me who did the hard yards to get it properly.
@MrTmills1185 5 ай бұрын
Spriest damage is a meme and it’s not because we are a turret. It’s because everything but void plague does shit dmg. But we are a utility class and off heals. Problem is utility classes should not be at the top of dps *cough shaman cough*
@hansthienpont5328 5 ай бұрын
Forcing our sod chars to retail? Never! Retail isn’t wow, it stopped being wow when WoD dropped with all the micro management you had to do.
@deputyhuntard92 5 ай бұрын
Balance Druid’s haven’t had equal footing AT ALL in sod. They had one glimmer of hope in pvp phase one but they need some love big time.
@dd-tc6ip 5 ай бұрын
Upgrade to obvious new graphics engine needed! You have to use small scale content, rather than World Pvp in Retail, because of your old bloated graphic engine
@pascalwildberger2553 5 ай бұрын
I hope that they start fo finally nerf enhancment and ele shaman, they are running over the alliance like they are made out of paper. The horde has 30minute waiting time on Europe for a BG invite. Alliance are getting stomped and dont want to play anymore.
@speero 5 ай бұрын
@Burlehmangus 5 ай бұрын
I want agoraphobia mode. I’m afraid of leaving my house and goin into the world, so I just want a version of the game where I just stay in org and people bring me gold and gear. Ty
@claygerbrandt3711 5 ай бұрын
"The sweatiest sweat lords out there are farming these orbs" *proceeds* to show nohitjerome 😂😂😂 I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that dude is a gross nerd. Creeps me out
@Thisismaintv 5 ай бұрын
As someone who has a deep fear for spiders, its way better to have the option than to not. I literally cant play certain games because of it. I love wow. And i close my eyes when doing maexxna.
@MrMinster228 5 ай бұрын
little thing I noticed with the incursions as of late it seems to be more Alliance heavy than being balanced. yesterday hinterlands had 100's of alliance and it made it impossible to do anything idk if anyone has had this problem its on crusader strike but it really doesn't feel 50/50 tbh
@ZugzugZugzugson 5 ай бұрын
they are layer hopping.
@raigomander2817 5 ай бұрын
Hinterlands is alliance, Feralas is Horde
@Mrxlongshot 5 ай бұрын
I dont think classes that have all sorts of utility outside of raid content compared to those that cant do much by themselves need help in their DPS increase they're still reaching high numbers like that cause all its gonna do is make PvP even worse than it is
@DrPeque 5 ай бұрын
Wow is back! For sure... i haven't enjoyed an rpg like this in a long time. Big W. Ckids keep up the good work too!
@neonhvit 5 ай бұрын
Nerf melde hunter
@Blackmage169 5 ай бұрын
Should look up the definition of a phobia, my man. its not just a mild dislike. some people literally cant play WoW because of spiders in it.
@the_Wingading 5 ай бұрын
This dude has to play a Shaman to be saying people are taking it to seriously lol, easy take to have when you’ve been at the top for over 3 months bud…
@krispe2512 5 ай бұрын
STV event & wild offering runs(currently doing), both are really in a bad state at the moment.
@golvellius6855 5 ай бұрын
If this this how's classic plus will be, then i am out. All old content trivialized by the new gear, runes, content
@bren3233 5 ай бұрын
Maybe hot take. Data mining ruins a lot of the fun. We should stop doing it.
@Sleeman0980 5 ай бұрын
Arachnophobia mode is pretty common in some games now, I don't see it as too much an issue or snow-flakey when its an easy thing to implement
@paelon 5 ай бұрын
invalidating logs from an enchant i mean i hate parse culture as it is but if you went through all that hassle to get those orbs then refuse to use the weapon because of some leader board thats not even on the game... help me see the point of this. if you get the power use the power dont care about what some log site says its not like your character is invalid. i just dont get it
@ccgkinggg1086 5 ай бұрын
For me and my homies, the devs did a horrible job and we are out. The list is long, but most of the game feels Toxic.
@easycake3251 5 ай бұрын
Everything is heavily behind the first 4. Feral Druids (Cats) Literally holding on to what we were given in p1, everything after was a big meh. And seems like Blizzard will continue to ignore certain specs.
@gregjross852 5 ай бұрын
They don’t have to team to cater to everyone. The same team that works on SoD works on HC,Wrath and Cata lmao.
@Saxton1034 5 ай бұрын
Wow is back… but as a ele sham in sod I’m starting to lose interest. Melee weaving casters is NOT fun
@Laems2809 5 ай бұрын
you missed one thing, Crusader enchant doesnt give any logs on warcraft logs anymore, they banned it :)
@xKiro69 5 ай бұрын
Bad take on the arachnophobia imo. Tons of phobias are born of traumatic and/or subconscious origins and need a lot of work to sort through
@ironraven86 5 ай бұрын
Wow is back and youre the man!!! P.s mention barbershop a bit more my dwarf needs a haircut 😢
@belikemike7646 5 ай бұрын
Hell yeah, arachnophobia mode for me please! All spiders can die! And wow is back!
@gregjross852 5 ай бұрын
Incursions/WO grinds are the most braindead content I’ve ever played in an MMO lol
@AshravensTV 5 ай бұрын
Would be fun to see logs and damage stats for a week without Wbuffs. Melee would drop down drastically.
@az9498 5 ай бұрын
Mages becon falls off way too soon for the amount of mana it takes to refresh it. Paladin's becon stays on for 1 min but Mage's becon only gets 30 seconds. Maybe if they could actually do their rotaion instead of constantly needing to refresh their becon they could become more reliable and fun to play. I stopped playing my Mage and swapped to my Boomy.
@az9498 5 ай бұрын
And for Resto Shamans I think they need to make their riptide have more of an AoE splash heal. Kind of like the Druids Swiftmend with the Efflorecense rune. And then one thing they should do is give every healing spec a Magic Dispel. Priests already have enough with bubbles & PI to the point they are always going to be in demand. Why not just give the other Healer specs a Magic Dispel so we can actually take them as a serious consideration for a Healer in pvp. Because rn it feels REALLY bad that if I want to build a strong comp for STV BM ...I only have 1 option for a healer. Disc is BiS heals in pvp and ALWAYS will be (by MILES) till they give the other healers a Magic Dispel.
@yayano8415 5 ай бұрын
Sod is trash. They added retail abilities to classic and redesigned literally 2 dungeons. This is retail classic. Garbage.
@rogueirl 5 ай бұрын
seal of martyrdom still absolute doodoo, raided yesterday. nerf the hell out of shamanistic rage or buff martyrdom to the moon.
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