Civilization VI Tips: Dealing with Barbarians

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The Saxy Gamer

The Saxy Gamer

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@DAS63 5 жыл бұрын
I've found that clicking 'no barbarians' in the game setup is the best way to deal with them
@criddlegakes2650 5 жыл бұрын
@@Saucy-ws6jc Exactly. Early barb raids are crucial for building an experienced army (and also a nice source of gold)
@HyperLeopard 4 жыл бұрын
Isaiah Chung dose it in civ 6? I never found out.
@monsieuralex974 4 жыл бұрын
@@HyperLeopard Getting the eureka for Bronze Working in the tech tree requires you to kill barbarians. Which is useful, as it helps you get the encampment district sooner
@HyperLeopard 4 жыл бұрын
Alexandre Galant ik but i just didn’t know how to
@animarthur5297 4 жыл бұрын
@letsgo2538 6 жыл бұрын
U forgot to mention horse barbs, the bane of my existence
@thesundayshow1310 5 жыл бұрын
@@adamgray1753 not to mention, when your in a intense war and your weak beta soldiers get killed by mega chad horse barb.
@adamgray1753 5 жыл бұрын
True enough, @@thesundayshow1310. However, don't forget that the Barbarian units can also work in your favor as well. It's all one heck of a gamble. Good luck with these attempts at weaponizing the Barbarian units in your favor during international conflicts.
@thesundayshow1310 5 жыл бұрын
@@adamgray1753 well said
@FranTizUndici 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, a single horseman can plunder every worked tile and healing himself at the same time, slowing down the growth of the capital considerably.
@bloodyplague3114 5 жыл бұрын
I messed up once and had little defense and and a barb camp nearby. I didn't have spear men and they wouldn't stop producing horsemen. I ended up getting killed by another civ becuase i lost like 50 turns trying to get a single damn spear man to kill the horsemen.
@KO_EN 4 жыл бұрын
It's never just 1 camp. It's like 3 of them all around me. And every time I take 1 out another pops up to replace it. I have to position scouts to remove the fog of war to break the cycle. Scouts that I would love to explore with, but just can't. Barbarians can be crazy frustrating. Doing everything in their power to raid the few improvements i managed to get. And if you decide to take a camp out. be ready for it to pop out more barbarians while you're attacking it. Don't let your warrior get too low health because the camp can spawn 2 units per turn. I've had to deal with barb camps spawning 4 quadriremes in a row. All of this results in several restarts until I get a somewhat normal start. If I have to deal with barbs for the first 30-50 turns while the AI can freely build, it's already game over on higher difficulties.
@HH-ls5fu 4 жыл бұрын
i feel you brother :,(
@burgbass 3 жыл бұрын
No kidding, it’s like I start the game and turn one I’m tasked to take out the 3 camps or more surrounding me and fucking with me, and I’m left with that task through the entirety of the ancient era it’s fucking annoying and I can’t get anything done
@Lurker1222 3 жыл бұрын
Thought it was just me
@GanyuSimpingDegenerate 2 жыл бұрын
Same I got completely flanked by camps. And I swear they're cheating they got horse archers on the by the 14th turn and men at arms before I even reached classical
@robertillnevertell1507 11 ай бұрын
Don't take em out. Farm them until you ready to settle another city and put it near and then take em out and get the Era bonus
@vxxiii4160 4 жыл бұрын
Me: Still training slingers Barbarians: HORSEMEN IT IS
@Hrafnskald 6 жыл бұрын
Good video overall. I would offer a few suggestions if you're game: 1. When a barb camp spawns inside the area you have previous explored, but which is currently under fog of war, you often get a notice of the camp forming. Likewise you can sometimes just scroll over previously revealed areas and see new camps. 2. Later on, forming screens against barbs becomes more effective: this involves placing your units so that they reveal as much area around your cities as possible, which gives you time to move or rush buy defensive troops to stop barb attacks. 3. If you like being aggressive against barbs early on, this is one of the best early strategies for Gilgamesh, due to his "barb camps = goodie huts for me" ability. Add in war carts being able to actually chase down and kill scouts, and it gets fun. 4. One of the main difficulties in fighting barbs in civ 6 vs 5 is the new rule about movement: previously a melee unit could attack or move into a wood/hill/river hex with 1 movement point left. Now you need to have 2-3 movement points left to do that. This makes archers a great early option against barbs. 5. Camping next to barb camps can be fun when city states or other civs attack: sometimes you can time it so that they do most of the work, and your solo warrior takes the camp and its gold. :)
@adamgray1753 6 жыл бұрын
I've noticed too that if you bring a Slinger and a Warrior, or really any melee combat unit, to or near a Barbarian Camp the Barbarian unit inside usually begins to chase down your Slinger. This makes for eradicating their Camp super easy, but this might cost the life of your Slinger unit depending on the environment and/or other Civ and/or City-State units getting in your way.
@fpahrabael6932 4 жыл бұрын
You´re clever, gramps, i have sixth tip: 6. In later game, if you do not care about expanding barb camp direction, u can just ignore ´em and build walls and encampment. Therefore, u can snipe those bitches by city ranged attacks and not to bother about them anymore... Ofcourse, eventually ya´ll need to destroy their camp
@Stevesrssrssrs 4 жыл бұрын
God, in Civ II, after the first 1,000 years or so, there were no more barbarians!! In Civ VI, they're still there 80% through the damn game!!!
@snipingskulls3306 4 жыл бұрын
Jokes on them: I never settled my capital.
@josephzanes7334 3 жыл бұрын
I see you are playing as Israel!
@adamgray1753 6 жыл бұрын
The Saxy Gamer, I've come to find out that whenever any nearby Barbarian Camps are alerted to your, one or or more other Civs and/or City-States if the units they start pumping out like crazy start zeroing in on your Civ best let them come to your Capital since this is Early Game time. You'll be on your home territory. You may not have any better defensive bonuses even on your home territory, but it's the twice as much healing in friendly territory that will make all the difference here. Here's what I generally do for for my Early Game: While I am researching the farming Tech the first unit I create is a Scout. This is invaluable Early Game especially if the map the game created for you just so happens to have some to alot of Villages near your Capital. The two best things Villages give as far as I'm concerned is +1 Population to a random city of yours which at this point is just your Capital and 1 Free Builder unit. The second best thing villages give during Early Game is 1 Free Recon unit which is a Scout. A Scout can be useful for melee combat in a pinch. Secondly, once I have my Scout and Builder in this build order up and running I'll begin to produce nothing but Slingers for the foreseeable future. The foreseeable future being the farming Tech - Mining - and the Tech that lets you build the Stonehenge.Wonder. Once I got the third Tech I'll immediately abandon/pause building anymore Slingers and begin to work on Stonehenge provided i have a nearby Stone tile with an adjacent flat tile. Otherwise you're SOL on Stonehenge. While Stonehenge isn't a deal breaker it's guaranteed Great Prophet is fantastic to immediately jump start yourself a Religion. Even if you're not going for a Religious Victory having your own Religion that suits your play style can truly make your Civilization a powerhouse in many ways. Having your own Religion will enable you to declare Holy Wars on other Civs who convert one or more of your Cities. This pairs well for you warmongers.
@Madmuli 6 жыл бұрын
The dislike came from a barbarian ;)
@ms.cussout6227 5 жыл бұрын
I've been playing CIV since CIV 1 (remember the DOS command?) hehe, I absolutely love this game and love how it's transformed over the years. I'm picking up quite a few tips from you and I never new that the exclamation point meant the scout spotted you. Thanks for the tips!
@ezekiel7061 5 жыл бұрын
I had no idea that's what the exclamation point above the scout meant. Your channel is teaching me so much about this game! I've been playing since Civ 3 and this one is my favorite one so far because of how in-depth the mechanics are.
@EmmaCohen91 6 жыл бұрын
I both enjoy and despise having Barbarians in my Civ games. Conflicted feelings like you've never known!
@TheSaxyGamer 6 жыл бұрын
I feel that so very much haha
@adamgray1753 6 жыл бұрын
Darn skippy, @@TheSaxyGamer, and Emma Cohen!
@FullKnight51 4 жыл бұрын
@doxariel 3 жыл бұрын
You can like having them in the game, but you can definitely hate them for them.
@realitylime4896 4 жыл бұрын
Just got the game. Haven’t played since Civ 3 and holy balls! Your vids have helped immensely!!!
@Benjamin-085 6 жыл бұрын
Personally what I do is that I purposely made the scout go back and grind the Barbarians to get really good Early units throughout the game through promotion.
@empressdova3548 4 жыл бұрын
Me too!
@royaldutchman6807 4 жыл бұрын
You can also convert them with an apostalite, wich is really handy in the mid to later game, exepctionally in hard to reach areas
@StopFear 6 жыл бұрын
It is extremely important that you do not let your units be killed by barbarians, especially if they have leveled up. You need to keepthem for later and that way you will not have wasted production and time on them.
@RylanStorm 3 жыл бұрын
I'm playing on Prince difficulty. I find that the only way I can deal with Barbarians is to build a decent size army to start with and keep them in my territory as a defense. Scouts typically arrive on Turn 4 or 5 and you can never kill them before they get back to their camp. When you do venture forward the Barbarians are typically Spearmen so Warriors can't kill them. Barbarians used to be capped at the same tech level as the most advanced civilization but I'm really tired of being attacked by Horsemen in Turn 20.
@interwebjedi 6 жыл бұрын
Deity only guy here. Build order is ALWAYS Slinger x2 then builder, then situational. Move 1 war and 1 slinger as team. Two hit the barbcamp and get a promo. Finish with slinger, boost archery. Ignore this babysitting garbage, unless the barb camp is screwing a neighbor civ. Take the camp, its 1 free slinger upgrade to archer. What ISNT talked about here is forcing barb spawns by keeping fog pushed back. IE, camps will only spawn in areas not being viewed by any unit. Once you know this, it very useful on defence, and later, once you have a bit of army, to 'purposely' not be actively scouting 1 area as you clear the nearest camp. Wait 5 turns. Bam. Oh look, a barb camp right beside ghandi. Not sorry.
@anonymousjeffry1864 3 жыл бұрын
Barbarians at the start of the game are technological advanced: Bronze Working, Spear Men, Horse Archers. WE are the barbarians.
@VidOutar 4 жыл бұрын
Not sure if this has previously been mentioned in the comments, but speaking from experience, barbarians can and do raze cities (perhaps not your capital city).
@Talk2timmy 5 жыл бұрын
As long as you can see the terrain and clear the fog of war then the barbarian camps won’t spawn, so when at all possible I’ll build scout units and place them in positions to clear the fog and keep them from spawning...
@airbound1779 6 жыл бұрын
I don’t always play Civ but when I do I play with Raging Barbs. Stay frustrated my friends
@adamgray1753 6 жыл бұрын
This was Civilization V: Of Gods and Kings. My absolute best and semi-fun time Early Game there. Playing your cards right you could have five or more combat units all level 3 by the time one or more Civs declare war on you and send their level one combat units at you. If Civilization VI: Rise and Fall had the Raging Barbarians setting during Advanced Setup I'd be suicidal enough to check that every time. lol Even though this would probably mean up to six tiles around the Barbarian Camp would automatically spawn combat units every time after their Scout returns back to it's Camp with news of finding your or someone else's Civ. This would be known as the "FUUUUUU!!!" Difficulty. Oh yeah! lol
@FranTizUndici 5 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately there is no longer that option, was in civ 5 and was terrible, the spawning rate was insane!! O_O
@ogmangler8820 4 жыл бұрын
Love it!
@ogmangler8820 4 жыл бұрын
The most interesting comment here
@thanemorgan3518 4 жыл бұрын
@@FranTizUndici Once upon a civ, a camp would just randomly spawn like 10-20 horsemen. It was madness! I suppose they were simulating the huns sweeping in the from east.
@grocal 5 жыл бұрын
I love the fact that your voice is so similar to late John "TotalBiscuit" Bain's. Very lovely to listen to. And of course you knowledge of the Civ VI subject is awesome which combines in a one smooth and great material to watch. Liked, faved and subbed!
@qislegit.donttrustthemedia6232 5 жыл бұрын
Rest In Piece TB! Blue skies my friend! 🙏🏻
@Chyrnobyl66 4 жыл бұрын
lol what are you talking about? how does he sound like TB? gimmie some of what you're smokin
@stijndevries6175 6 жыл бұрын
So what do I do when there's 2 barbarian horsemen and 2 horse archers coming at my cities before turn 25?
@ellisbarnett0292 5 жыл бұрын
Stijn de Vries restart.
@indivestor 4 жыл бұрын
Not a lot as they can't hurt you
@MikeyShey0059 4 жыл бұрын
@thereugtebaas1 4 жыл бұрын
Alt F4
@toad7395 4 жыл бұрын
@donalb4956 6 жыл бұрын
I can handle the barbs on Emperor difficulty, but so far playing on Immortal i've turned them off every time. On Immortal I often see a group of at least 4 Horsemen nearby if I don't clear out an encampment. I can handle the Spearmen, Warriors, Slingers and an Archer. But 4 or 5 Horsemen? No way.
@bosknight7837 4 жыл бұрын
I get that on prince for some reason...
@khatack 4 жыл бұрын
Building warriors is the best option because you're going to want those warriors anyway, they're going to let you dominate the early game militarily and win the entire damn game. Those early warriors are SUPER important.
@Chyrnobyl66 4 жыл бұрын
i just park a warrior next to the camp, hit the spearman once, then fortify until healed, repeat until spear dies, then take the camp(or farm barbs for promotions)..can take camps pretty easily with 1 warrior, maybe bring a slinger too to get the archery bonus
@kazual9206 4 жыл бұрын
For the new people seeing this: Barbarians can be scared away with a strong military. if you have a strong army present in your cities (at least 3 place in the game ) or close, they will not try to attack at all.
@grantpritchard7492 6 жыл бұрын
While it may be true that barbs can't take your capital, if you have another city settled, that needs to be protected. Barbs will just raze it if you are not looking after it. Also a good tip with dealing with barbs is to place a unit on a good defensive tile and just let them suicide on it and they will leave a nearby city alone. Additionally you didn't mention the annoying problem of later game barbs. If there are horses at least 4 tiles from a camp you will get horsemen which can be problematic and barb caravels, once that tech is common with the other players, can really disrupt your trade if unchecked.
@scrappymark 4 жыл бұрын
Barbarians are an amazing part of the game! Great video as always!
@ikediz 3 жыл бұрын
Man, I just played my first game of Civ6 and the Barbarians were outta hand. They had submarines while I was rocking a frigate, lol. Good video, thx
@1Maklak 6 жыл бұрын
If you're going to park a military unit outside of a barb camp (rather than use it for scouting or city defence or something), you might as well not wait for a scout, but smash the camp once, heal up, smash the camp once and eventually you'll kill the camp with one unit, because barbs don't heal. It is a little risky, because sometimes the barbs will attack in return, but if your health is too low, you can usually retreat without losing the unit. Free cities give normal XP after the first promotion. I have an Encampment within range of a Free City. It can't target the encampment or the unit inside, not can the Encampment target their city center, but I have a bombard inside the Encampment and it's farming XP :)
@Tehstool 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah if I'm at a disadvantage against barbs, I'll usually just not move or do anything and fortify. They'll attack into me so I get the extra defense bonus.
@samuelferreira3673 3 жыл бұрын
I believe you're gonna need to remake this video after the Feb update and I'll love to see it.
@Fredreegz 4 жыл бұрын
Just started playing this game after playing 5 for many years and found 6 just annoying. Just something about the barb scout being easily able to outrun my units, so I could mathematically never catch him. I was a civilisation based on fertile floodplains and I could produce a warrior and a slinger - the barbs were a tiny camp in the frozen ice sheets with no arable land or resources but for some reason were able to churn out horsemen, spearmen and mounted archers. How are they supporting this population in that tiny hut in the middle of the arctic? Makes no fucking sense and just makes the early game an absolute drag.
@chrisg5134 4 жыл бұрын
I have no idea how you are struggling with just 1 barbarian camp. A warrior and a slinger should be enough to deal with 1 camp and in the early game you have no distracts they can pillage.
@ronburgundy9732 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrisg5134 did u not read the horsemen spearmen and mounted archers part lol.
@TheStygian 3 жыл бұрын
Zone of Control.
@TheStygian 3 жыл бұрын
@@ronburgundy9732 Fortify your warrior while the archer/slinger pelts them.
@boringperson1 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheStygian though it’s hard to do that sometimes especially if they have 4 quadriremes pelting my units
@nungfish 6 жыл бұрын
Turn 5 go with single warrior to find camp, it spawns horsemen every 2 turns and wipes my clubber /sadfacereacts. I've found early game before spearmen if facing horsemen best guard city with one or two warriors, fortified on a hill and they kill themeselves easily against this defence.
@LiamSGue 2 жыл бұрын
I was just playing a game and it was the atomic era, and I’ve had barbarians spawning every other turn or every turn for like 30 turns in a row. It’s infuriating
@MrWolfheart111 4 жыл бұрын
Settle a city right next to their camp, put archers in it and level them up real quick.
@admuralcainpegasus664 4 жыл бұрын
I just put out a sign that says "The Vikings up the road have free cookies". Never hear from em again.
@fredblues7175 6 жыл бұрын
I really like this game, it is a nice contrast to my other games like Fallout and the Elder Scrolls. Your tips are making it a lot more fun. I am playing Wilhelmina, I wish I watched your tips first. Do you have tips for when the game starts spamming aggressively against your civ? more than a few times, the a.i. would spam spies sometimes 2 or 3 a turn. The last time they broke my bank, not sure how, either the game glitched or the spy stole a lot more gold than I had, units started disbanding and the game was ruined. They guys on the forums gave a good cure for this, putting spies on adjacent tiles. This stops the ruining of the game, but not the spamming. I found the main culprits for this are definitely France and Maybe Cyrus, and the spamming can get annoying. To cut it way down, I never play against them.
@TheSaxyGamer 6 жыл бұрын
Glad you're enjoying Civ! Unfortunately, the only real solution to deal with the spy spam is to clump your districts together and counterspy. Spies are a great tool in Civ VI, so use them as much as you possibly can!
@adamgray1753 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, @@TheSaxyGamer. I like to keep a Spy Counterspying in my City Center for my Capital. Anytime I have a Neighborhood district I'll try to put a Spy Counterspying there too. I don't really care about doing the same for my other districts since my Capital's production is usually high enough that I can fix up to every busted building in each of of those districts in ten or less turns. This can hurt alot if I am building a Wonder in my Capital's territory when this happens. I've noticed that there are two sudden Barbarian usually the strongest of the current in-game Era that appear whenever an enemy Spy Recruits Partisans in that City. So if there are two Spies who successfully Recruit Partisans in your City's Neighborhood four Barbarian units suddenly appear, usually in random locations near the Neighborhood district. This can definitely be game breaking for you if you're already having trouble, or you've been doing fine without much of or no Military at all and *poof* a whole effin' Barbarian army pops into existence near your afflicted City center. Today's challenge will be staying calm and collected in this abrupt Civ emergency.
@tiger832 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks dude. Good tips.
@heavencanceler2691 3 жыл бұрын
I only got the game a few days ago... had scouts pop up before I even finished my own scout and run away to get the hordes going. Bonus points if another scout pops from the other side while I am chasing the barbs.
@liamleonard9120 4 жыл бұрын
All I want to know is how do the camps spawn? So many times I have taken down a camp spending a good unit and damaging others, only to have another camp spawn within the next few turns. It consumes way too many recourses dealing with them early on.
@chrisdpratt 4 жыл бұрын
Same. I basically just take a purely reactionary approach. If I come across a scout or a camp that I can kill, I will, but otherwise, I wait until they're knocking on my door and try to dispatch them then.
@liamleonard9120 4 жыл бұрын
Chris Pratt that’s funny because I started taking a purely aggressive approach and I’ll try to chase down and hunt any scouts and barbarians i see. It doesn’t work though, you can hit a scout but you’ll never catch them once you’ve hit them
@muhdyusuf24 6 жыл бұрын
I swear if it wasn't because of barbs, I would've been able to expand fast and react fast against japan's plan to invade me. The barbs just keep re-spawning horses units, melee and archer horses over and over again until I finally able to take the camp in turn 50+. I was fighting against japan as well but I could hold on until turn 50+ due to barbs being a nuisance to japan as well. However, I couldn't hold anymore after the japan has upgraded warrior. Very frustrating and bunch of mistakes forced me to keep reloading. Not enjoyable at all.
@joeriwerbrouck4104 5 жыл бұрын
They can really work in your favor! Last game, I had them help attack another player PLUS I took a barbarian settler :D
@bmoraski 6 жыл бұрын
One nice thing is that barbarians cant capture your city. Having played civ 1,2 and 3 it really sucked losing early cities to barbarians.
@rayhabeger9875 5 жыл бұрын
They also spawn settlers and builders you can acpture and use which is very cool
@RS43210 4 жыл бұрын
Those are settlers and builders of AI that were captured by barbarians, which is one reason it's good to leave a camp near an AI or free city.
@HrRezpatex 6 жыл бұрын
The early barbarians in this video are never a issue, they just give you xp. Its the one that spawn around your cities later in the game if you have to low happiness, economy and so on that is a problem. I just ended a game where they spawned at least 6-8 tanks and rocket units every single turn, every second turn i would have to deal with around 15 barbarian units.. I usually love to have many barbarians, as they give my units xp, but when this kind of spawning starts, there is something serious wrong, like for example bad happiness. I was kind of hoping this video was about how to avoid this situation, and the different things that caused this spawning. In stead it was about how to deal with level 3 barbarians.. lol
@Tehstool 6 жыл бұрын
In the case of that, I'd say it's preventing it in the first place. Trading for luxury resources you don't already have, slowing population growth, erecting buildings/districts that give amenities (like entertainment complexes), etc. Here's a more detailed explanation:
@coronnation8854 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know if it was an update that happened after this vid was made, but barbs can definitely demolish your city. I've found a few of mine that just disappeared out of existence after being hit enough by them.
@coolknight2622 2 жыл бұрын
There is the barbarian clans mod or mode where you can raise that clan to become a city state
@pepijnwarmerdam8784 Жыл бұрын
If i'm not mistaken then your city can't build a wonder or district if a barbarian is occupying the tile it's being built on.
@philippvoid1800 4 жыл бұрын
if you position troops in the fog barbarian camps wont spawn
@LeeRaldar 6 жыл бұрын
Just been playing this and used strategy of getting the barbys to chase my scout around a lake, meanwhile my settler/slinger combo slipped past on the other side of the water to where they needed to be which was two tiles from the barby camp then once the settlement was built brought the scout back and killed everything with range from the settlement.
@trdev2013 4 жыл бұрын
I only had one warrior unit, and a bunch of improvements and districts in my area. I had to fortify and hunker down in my city till they pillaged everything and left. I know better now.
@A1masM 5 жыл бұрын
I think you missed one point there. Barbarian camps never spawn in the area you are currently revealing, basically barb camps spawn only while under fog of war. I always make a few extra builders to just stand still and reveal those areas that I feel barbs will spawn, usually in the back of my cities whenever I make my army march to war with someone.
@FutureVegeta 4 жыл бұрын
letting barbarians come to your city somewhat works but it's not as viable as you say it can be, mainly when the enemy units aren't melee units but ranged, they won't take any damage from attacking your city at all in that case and you'll just be screwed if you don't already have the units to take them out.
@davisbowe8668 3 жыл бұрын
I recently tried playing Civ 6 and honestly the Barbarians are the reason I gave it up. They attack my city way too early in the game and I end up just wasting my entire army fighting them off only for them to just keep respawning. Though I just found out that you can turn them off in the options menu so I might do that and give the game another shot because I really want to like it, but the Barbarians just make it impossible for me to do anything since I'm just wasting my time making more units instead of actually advancing my city.
@ErnyLeyvaUlloa 6 жыл бұрын
I love your voice
@TheSaxyGamer 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Strangely enough, I get that a lot haha
@harrievanderlubbe2856 4 жыл бұрын
What is the benefit of puppy guarding? If I understand correct, if the scout hasn't gotten back yet, can't you just kill the camp anyway?
@harrymeaking8933 3 жыл бұрын
What about later game when they are swarming all my cities with machine guns and at crews?
@yogi_yogort 6 жыл бұрын
wait, up until the first promotion, meaning if you let it sit with the upgrade will it still gain normal xp fighting barbs?
@TheSaxyGamer 6 жыл бұрын
I don't believe that you gain any XP at all (or at least it won't carry over after you promote) if you let the unit sit without upgrading.
@McCloudious 4 жыл бұрын
How do you deal with barbarians on diety? Those bloody horses man...
@AllwinJeba 4 жыл бұрын
Sometime later in game.. le Barbian tank spotted by my slinger.. They seem to upgrading faster than my civ..
@JoelMuddlestone 3 жыл бұрын
How the hell does 2 barbarian WWII Battleships park outside my coast when everyone still has Caravels, Frigates and Pikemen? The Battleships were spawning from a barbarian outpost guarded by Antitank Infantry!
@NhilNinja Жыл бұрын
Why am I fighting two horsemen and a horse archer at turn 18?
@Skyblade12 4 жыл бұрын
If you kill the Scout, will the camp spawn a new one? If so, is there a delay before they spawn a new one?
@empressdova3548 4 жыл бұрын
I personally allow barbs to form early game because they are easy exp farming. I make at least 4 warriors and kill barbs till all 4 have the first promotion and thats how I have always played they are only hard to beat if the upgrade to swordsmen before u do.
@viniciustrindade6675 5 жыл бұрын
the barbarians CAN take you capital. They take mine with a huge amount of unitys in deity.
@LuckyTheCat777 5 жыл бұрын
can you do a video on how to deal with giant death robots?
@stefandobrev9384 6 жыл бұрын
Hey! I was just wondering, what is your profile and is there a way to ask you some various questions overall for the game? I am pretty new, but very into it and there is basically nobody I could ask about random stuff which I dont find as tutorials in your page : ) would appreciate some help, cause the game is very captivating and so addictive and on the other side you have an amazing way of explaining and helping people with it.
@TheSaxyGamer 6 жыл бұрын
My twitch is ,I don't stream all too often though. Another great way to ask questions would be through the community discord, the link to join is , feel free to @ me in there or ask any of the other members!
@petereberhard5374 4 жыл бұрын
how do you put on the veiw that shows the stats of every plot of land
@vdoo84 4 жыл бұрын
Press Y to toggle showing yields.
@zachforbes3901 2 жыл бұрын
Barbarians can now definitely raze your city 😂😂😂
@Time1608TV 5 жыл бұрын
260h of playing and I did not knew this.
@yogi_yogort 6 жыл бұрын
you should make a video about city strength, i saw a guy with knowledge about it research a unit that immediately saved a city of his from a warmongering civ and I couldn't keep up with how it helped
@TheSaxyGamer 6 жыл бұрын
I'm planning on doing an in-depth video on combat strength as a whole, which will likely include that!
@Tehstool 6 жыл бұрын
If you're not going for a domination victory and you still want good diplomacy with the other civs would it be a good idea to not capture the barbarian camps and to farm them just to have more powerful troops in case you do get attacked or decide you want to attack someone after all? Like if they declared war on your ally, etc. Or would that be a waste of time?
@LeeRaldar 6 жыл бұрын
I heard in a vid that the barbarian xp is nerfed so that people can't make high stat units from farming them. The first couple give normal xp then it drops to very little.
@alexandermoore2959 6 жыл бұрын
If you want to have powerful troops while still having good diplomacy with other civs the answer is to buckle up and declare wars. No escaping it. I'm not saying declare war on everyone, however in the ancient era warmonger penalties don't exist, so fight that war against your neighbouring AI if your confident you can wipe them out, or maybe war one or 2 nearby city states. You get a few extra cities this way and your troops are stronger. And if you wipe out a neighouring AI, you just gave yourself lots more room to expand. Early game civ 6 is ALL about warfare. Especially in multiplayer, you will get punished if you neglect a military.
@nrrork 3 жыл бұрын
It's not about knowing where they are, it's that they spawn combat units at a rate you can't keep up with in a critical time when you need to be building up things OTHER THAN warriors. Every time you have to build another stupid combat unit, that's 5 or 6 more turns before you can build improvements to grow your population, culture, or science. Or even settle new areas. It stops you dead. It completely breaks the early game.
@captainrisky6561 4 жыл бұрын
Don't ever completely ignore the barbs, that's bad advice. They can & will steal builders & settlers. They will also pillage districts or improvements in your city. You want to plug in the +5 combat points against barbarians policy card as soon as you unlock the first thing on the culture tree. When attacking barb encampments you can often get away with attacking once & fortifying next turn if you won't survive another attack as the spearmen often don't attack back. That can be risky if another unit spawns from the camp though because they will still attack you. Remember to pay attention to terrain as well. If you've only got a warrior & don't feel confident taking a barb camp with them after a scout has found your city, try to find a woods or hills tile or a river between your city & the direction the scout went & fortify the warrior on that tile while you work on another unit. You get combat bonuses based on terrain & melee attacks across a river are less effective so you should be able to kill a unit or 2 in the early game if you fortify don't let them attack you from a good strategic position. The AI isn't good at stratagy so if you know which tiles are best to attack & defend from & you already have +5 combat strength against them they shouldn't be game ending.
@benjaminwiedel6366 3 жыл бұрын
Caravel and battleship barbarians blow my mind. How are they getting a battleship. Hate em so much
@Gr8SkyLizard 3 жыл бұрын
I'm fairly new to the game still, and Barbarians drive me nuts
@hitoshiigarashi5350 4 жыл бұрын
I want to hire the A-team
@EliDjahn 6 жыл бұрын
What's up with AI pumping out 6 archers in 10 turns
@ellisbarnett0292 5 жыл бұрын
Elijah A I mean with Agoge policy and God of the Forge pantheon I can pump out 5 every 10 turns...
@Seraphil1 4 жыл бұрын
Civ 6 is the only Civ game I have had to disable barbs to enjoy playing it. The mechanics of it are unappealing AF. In Civ 5 sometimes I would turn on raging barbs cuz that game handled them way better.
@sketchye5943 3 жыл бұрын
What I hate about barbarians are they are always in the attack, in real life they are usually just chilling in the forest
@Phlebas 5 жыл бұрын
I hate barbarians, but I'm consoled by the fact that they're as much a nuisance for the AI as they are for me. More so because I can strategise whereas the AI might not know how to handle full-on barbarian raid (especially if it's coming from two or more encampments) I still remember a game where I was playing as Macedon, going for domination. I declared war on the Japanese and found their entire empire had pretty much been ransacked and was surrounded by barbarians. It explained why Japan was so far behind in tech and had failed to expand, and why they were such easy pickings. So I took Japan's cities, killed the barbarians, and spent several turns with an army of builders repairing the pillaged countryside.
@ackyducc5040 3 жыл бұрын
I always turn barbarians off. They are way too big of a nuisance. You can barely expand or build anything that's not a military unit otherwise you'll just get wiped out, and if they capture your settler they can get another camp out which will lead to more barbarians, it's just not fun. One game everyone drove the barbarians South And forgot about them, but when everyone went back south to drill for oil in the late game it was just full of barbarians. And they had nuclear submarines and tanks and stuff
@daveed469 4 жыл бұрын
Can’t you just destroy the camp instead of guarding it?
@littlebigcomrade 6 жыл бұрын
You could just disable them. Meh, I suck at combat in this game.
@ellisbarnett0292 5 жыл бұрын
TheDirewolf 1234 how can you play without combat??
@kristiannicholson5893 4 жыл бұрын
First warrior isn't a scout, don't send him too far from your city in the first 20 turns and you'll be fine.
@mitiamed 6 жыл бұрын
Who are "Barbians" lol
@AgingChris 6 жыл бұрын
Errrm Barbie fangirls. I've always wanted to know how to deal with them, they are a pain and always stealing my settlers and killing my warriors 😂
@TheSaxyGamer 6 жыл бұрын
pffffft, I was so confused, as multiple people have pointed that out and I thought it was just something I said, should be fixed now, thanks! (That's what happens when I make the thumbnail at 2am)
@mitiamed 6 жыл бұрын
Dude great video, just pulling your leg a little
@TheSaxyGamer 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Its all good!
@BlueDragonknight375 5 жыл бұрын
I can't stop laughing!
@steeneugenpoulsen8174 4 жыл бұрын
I think you just made the math gods cry. If you get 1 xp pr kill and you need a set amount of XP for the next level. HOW could you EVER think that the unit can't level up? As long as you get XP towards the next level you can level up and I feel really sad I even had to put that in a sentence.
@Thomasnmi 2 жыл бұрын
After a while you don't get exp from killing barbs
@pag9128 5 жыл бұрын
I had them spawn in explored areas
@sumpno 4 жыл бұрын
I love barbarians. Just get within range and use the defensive terrain and they will kill themselves. Its free gold and xp. I clear barb camps that are no threat to me for just that reason.
@MRJK-dx4xc 4 жыл бұрын
but like, if u let babarians stay in ur capital, u cant expand with settlers made in that city and build shit...
@animanoir 4 жыл бұрын
I´ve been playing V and they are stupidly annoying too. I tried to play alonig with them, but they simply ruin any strategy.
@nedegame 5 жыл бұрын
@CharlieBuckBuckets-Of-Awsome 5 жыл бұрын
To me, the barbarians in Civ 6 are a pain. It just makes me want to say "Hasta la vista baby!" then shoot their spearman in the head, because, you know the barbarians in Civ 6 cheaters for starting put with a spearman!
@pdep Жыл бұрын
Good comtent and advice on Barbs, but continually jumping the screen about in an irrevalent manner can be irritating. Please avoid if possible in future for a better viewer experience. Thank you.
@josephna4403 4 жыл бұрын
I love Barbarians! Fastest way to get butt loads of $$$ and experience. Gorgo, 💘 them too. She gets culture and & for killing their hairy *sses.
@benjaminslade9160 6 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with this video.... you can not let the barbs just bombard your city can't put builders out to improve your tiles, something you need to do early on especially if you want to keep up with other cities. There are rewards for taking out camps, 1 it helps your get to golden age, and 2 it does give you 40-60 gold which early on is really nice as you can use it to get a early building, or unit which is big early on. Also barbs will spawn horseys if they have them close to you...and then you have all sorts of problems, because they are going to wreck all your improvements, and its going to be really hard at that point to take out their camp because they are going to spawn so many troops. The best bet is to take out any nearby camps as early as you can, you don't have to worry about the ones further away but any withing probably 10 tiles you should be prioritizing. After that if you leave your troops where they are sentry then new camps won't spawn.
@legacyxmania9460 4 жыл бұрын
7:12 Voice crak
@davidb9046 6 жыл бұрын
Don't know if is because of mechanics of a earlier version of the game, but filthyrobot lost a game to barbs. He got his capital taken.
@TheSaxyGamer 6 жыл бұрын
Not sure if they used to be able to or not, but they no longer can I believe.
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