These Bioware Fans Don't Understand Bioware

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Knight 1029

Knight 1029

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Dragon Age The Veilguard has gotten a lot of controversy. How legitimate this controversy is to be seen. But in this video I am going over a trend of people who seem to not understand what Bioware is and what they are trying to do. Bioware isn't trying to make RPGs like Larian or table top RPGs. To put it simply Bioware has made RPGs like Baldur's Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, Mass Effect and Dragon Age not as table top RPGs but using the RPG genre to tell stories. That is what Bioware is. And many people seem to not understand that.
Here is the video I am responding to: • Why Is There Controver...

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@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
What do you think about the video? Do you agree or disagree? Please let me know.
@BonusEggs4Sale 2 ай бұрын
Let's get real--the reason there's such intense controversy over Bioware every time they do anything, is because a very vocal contingent of conservative gamer absolutely hates that Bioware is openly left of center both in staff and in the values championed in their games. It was the early "girls are ruining our hobby" culture warriors who lost their minds over Jennifer Hepler's most mildest of comments about combat in video games and sent her death threats and weaponized memes to libel her (it wasn't really about what she said but who dared to say it).
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
That is definitely apart of it. I held back from mentioning that because it would seem "weird" even though it describes these guys very well. Bioware was a huge focus for many culture war topics. That momentum still exists somewhat years later. It just disguised itself so people wouldn't call out their obvious agenda.
@mikeity2009 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 This is an invisible entity you people hide behind whenever the temperature rises. Go after the big bad alt-right instead of actually addressing people's very real and tangible issues with the franchise. Nice deflection people.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@mikeity2009 I don't know then maybe the alt-right guys need to stop stirring the culture war stuff.
@azatheeverchosen7615 2 ай бұрын
Lol its always the *cOnSErvATiVeS* and the *aLt-RiGHt* innit? Y'all need to get some new material. If all those who disagreed with you on the topick of a video game's contents and quality were evil, conservative, misogynistick, transphobick alt-right bigots out to seize control of every country and genocide all non-white straight cis men none of your opinions or hell, your very *LIVES* would exist above ground right now. Would it not? Why has the dystopian Handmaid's Tale not arrived yet? If the people you hate so much had even a fraction of the power they're rumoured to possess, all women everywhere would be sitting in government-regulated incubation pods right this very moment. Sheeeesh.
@Edmeslang4395 2 ай бұрын
I think a lot of people when comparing Bioware games and Baldurs gate 3 didnt mention the fact that Larian was on the brink of bankrupt for a long time, and also the older divinity games are all over the place style-wise. For a long time, for RPG studios, you either adapt to the console market or go bankrupt or on the brink of bankrupt, it was pretty logical for Bioware to go for a more console-friendly direction, especially as an organization under EA lol. Whether people like it or not is another matter, but there's reasoning behind it.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Yeah right. For every 1 Larian their are dozens of other studios who shut down. Saying to Bioware "they should just risk closing down" is really dumb and poorly thought out. Does this mean it was good that Bioware changed things like combat? No, but its important to understand.
@doltBmB 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 Excuses, dumbass excuses.
@EmperorDxD 2 ай бұрын
Eveb larian next game is gonna be more action
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@EmperorDxD is it? I was unaware of more detail about their next game.
@mikeity2009 2 ай бұрын
Divinity original sin franchise sold over 15 million copies in total. They only faced bankruptcy after they released ego draconis, the only action game they've tried to make. They actually made more money going back to old CRPG roots. Puts your entire argument to shame and this moronic shit with unsubstantiated evidence gets eight likes, you're all coping so hard.
@EmoBearRights 2 ай бұрын
I love Harding's new appearance - freckles are cute. Scars make sense she's been in the field a few years now.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I love her new design as well! It fits her so well.
@hazet13 2 ай бұрын
Um... that's a bald faced lie if they think the Skyrim diehards and the Morrowind/Daggerfall diehards aren't in distinct online argument opposition to each other.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I was so weird out by that comment. Like sure? Maybe if you squint. But in reality Elder Scrolls fans argue with each other constantly. I can't go a few minutes without seeing a video or comments on how Skyrim is bad or how Oblivion is bad or how Morrowind is bad or how Daggerfall is bad.
@lakkakka 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 well these younger gamers all seem to be actually extremely inattentive or just plain extremely dumb. They confuse personal tastes for actual standards that companies should abide by. They keep fucking themselves over with how producers are "innovating" the way they make money. They just keep spending. Believing their online status actually translates to real life, etc. To me Skyrim is the worst version because it limits the player character the most in what they can do in comparison to others. Only real benefit was player housing and building. And like all elder scrolls and bethesda fallouts, they only really became good games after the mods got to them.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@lakkakka I am not sure about that. I just think they have different expectations. As for them mixing personal taste and the abstract quality of a game; I am not sure if that happens. Not saying Skyrim's great at being an Elder Scrolls game just pointing out people want different things.
@EmperorDxD 2 ай бұрын
​​@@lakkakkapersonally objectively Morrowin and oblivion is bad on a gameplay level its really terrible
@lakkakka 2 ай бұрын
@@EmperorDxD eh nah your tastes and skills just wack.
@malindrayy 2 ай бұрын
0:51 *slowly looking at the video length. Oh no, lol
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I swear I wasn't trying to make it this long. Please believe me.
@SquekretGenius420 2 ай бұрын
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@SquekretGenius420 lol indeed.
@JohnZaun 2 ай бұрын
Hope this is not too late but two things... 1. Cassandra for me is by far the most attractive woman in the setting. And personal preference thing but never really liked the art style of Origins. Like i get it, Morrigan dresses skimpy so she is supposed to be attractive but the art style is just too blocky and plastic for my tastes. Also honestly the veilguard cast as a whole looks pretty great in total. 2. I think I'm with you though on TW3 but i think its a bad RPG. Because it does not match a lot of what i look for in an RPG but i understand why and despite that i still really enjoyed the game overall. I guess to your pizza analogy a Baros cheese vs. A pizza hutt cheese. Both great, ones just better.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Its never to late. Cassandra definitely has tuff competition but she is fight for top podium spot. And even I find her extremely attractive. I don't mind DAO's art style but I see what you mean. Its a dated game graphically even for the time. Yeah, Veilguard's cast looks amazing! The Witcher 3 and CDPR in general stretch what a RPG means. Especially the Witcher series. You can't customize your character and Geralt is just a set character. No yeah. Neither pizza is bad. Just some like one more than others.
@dorottyapapp 2 ай бұрын
I recommend to you all Timothy Cain's video: What is an RPG? He says there's a spectrum between an RPG and an Adventure game. Some games have more roleplaying elements than others.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@dorottyapapp I have seen his stuff. He makes really interesting video. Though I do think he has a bias against RPGs that Bioware makes.
@IainDoc15 2 ай бұрын
2:30 People in the Elder Scrolls fanbase get into arguments all the time over when the last "good game" was. It's practically their favourite hobby at this point :D It's definitely not to the same extent as the Bioware fanbase, but it's extremely noticeable in fan spaces. I remember reading an article a while back about how there was essentially no communication between the studio that made Inquisition and the studio that made Andromeda. Despite both being within Bioware they both had to independently force the Frostbite engine into an RPG engine and ran into a lot of the same problems (I feel like I typed this comment in your last video, but I can't remember) As somebody who went back to play BG1 and BG2 very recently for the first time, I'm enjoying the story so far but yeah. Even on story mode the gameplay can be difficult to get past. Also people keep bringing up how "loads of people who worked in a prominent role at Bioware around 2007 have now left" is so strange because (aside from layoffs which is an issue) it's pretty normal for people to change jobs over multiple decades. Especially with how stressful AAA development is. The BG3 thing is always really frustrating, people bring it up like "Couldn't Bioware know that this gameplay style had come back and become more popular?" Considering how long the development has been the most I could really concede there is that they maybe knew that a BG3 was going to happen (and at the latest had heard it was going to be going into early access) when they were putting down the basic work of "how Veilguard functions as a game" EDIT: Also the line about characters not being conventionally attractive continues to be extremely weird. Admittedly I'm a not-straight guy who doesn't really go for looks generally, but I can look at characters like Cassandra, Vivienne, Josephine and Sera and understand why people would be attracted to them. Cullen, Dorian, Solas and Iron Bull are all absurdly attractive. The only character I would say is "unattractive" would be Cole, and that was clearly done deliberately
@MrDay53 2 ай бұрын
Agree about the Elder Scrolls fanbase, but I think the Fallout fanbase division is a lot worse than Elder Scrolls and I think it's even worse than the Dragon Age fanbase. It just seems like it's worse with Dragon Age because a new game is coming out and people are talking about it.
@IainDoc15 2 ай бұрын
@@MrDay53 Oh yeah, definitely. I just don't have the energy to even think about how difficult the Fallout fanbase is :D
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
The Elder Scrolls fans aren't as bad as Bioware fans but they can argue. I have read countless threads on how each game was a diversion from the prior game. And how only their favorite game should be the bases for the franchise. Its wild. I completely forgot to make that point. That is another genuine fault on Bioware's part. If the Andromeda team only sucked it up and used the tech that Inquisition had it wouldn't have been such a pain making the game. They wouldn't have had to make a two separate inventory systems. Which happened again with Anthem. Anthem used no tech from either DAI or MEA. Its baffling how no one seems to actually criticize Bioware more for that. Also I don't think you mentioned this last video. I can't remember. Either way its still a good point to be made and I should have included it in the video. BG1 and 2 are great games but man they are of the times. Yeah, the only reason people don't talk about other leaving that often is that they usual don't care. Gamers rarely care unless their told to or its being used to hate on a company. What I also don't like about it is it assumes the people still their have no idea how to make games. Its wild. It is weird to me they assume BG3 being popular now means it could have been popular before. It shows a lack of understanding. BG3 is popular because of presentation and that the environment allows for turn based games now. Before turn based games just weren't a thing in AAA. Not saying that's good but it is what it is.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@MrDay53 That's so true. The Fallout fanbase is by far more divisive and argumentative.
@IainDoc15 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 Yeah, regarding the criticism of how poorly all the different Bioware teams have historically been at communicating, that's definitely one of the things that makes me not really able to criticise the fact that DA is having more give/take with Mass Effect and getting a lot of cross promotion right now. It does seem like the gameplay will have a similar vibe in both DA and ME going into the future It fixes a pretty serious problem the studio has historically had, because games being made by one studio just shouldn't ever be fighting for resources the way DA, ME and Anthem did.
@jeremygardner5987 2 ай бұрын
The one thing I’d push back on is the point I find the least important. “Conventional beauty” is pretty easy to intuit. Morrigan is conventionally beautiful. Isabela is conventionally beautiful. Sera and Cassandra are attractive, but androgynous. Unconventional. I think most of the emotional reaction from the Origins only community has more to do with the corporate decision across most recent media to cater less to the male gaze and power fantasy. Star Wars, Rings of Power, the Witcher series etc all faced backlash from fans for this pattern. And a lot of guys are kind of primed to look out for it repeating in other media. I don’t personally keep up with all the details of how the right-adjacent side of the gaming world thinks, but it seems important to them. Historically, the male gaze and the male power fantasy have been key driving forces for consumerism and even the advancement of animation technology via pornography. So it’s an odd marketing choice that seems to not be working very well. I don’t think that pattern is very applicable to dragon age, however, which has always politically been very left of center in its story telling and sentiments. Origins was the first game I ever encountered that included gay relationships. Not sure if it was the first to do it. All in all, compelling arguments. Just wanted to say I got what the original video meant about conventional beauty without further explanation. I think it’s probably a silly thing to get hung up on, but it seems a large swath of people disagree. They seem starved for their usual fix of male gaze catered fantasy. “Where are the desire demons” lmao.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I guess. I just think it is an odd point to make at all. Like sure they are not in line with conventional norms of attractiveness but it seems like it's hiding the true intent. That is just the feeling I have. Yeah, I think a lot of DAO fans and others don't like how it isn't appealing to them any more. Does that suck for them? Sure, but I think it's fine. Thank you! I try to put forward good arguments. Maybe I got to hung on the conventional attractive part but I just find it so weird. The argument was made in context of Bioware causing the division in the fandom which I just guess is correct but it feels like a division that isn't that big of a deal.
@jeremygardner5987 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 it is weird. And it’s not a big deal. People are making a bigger deal out of it because of the larger media zeitgeist.
@jeremygardner5987 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 and you’re right, it’s disingenuous. I don’t think these dudes are emotionally aware enough to work that out though.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@jeremygardner5987 I guess. I just feel like they are making it out to be a bigger deal. The most I would expect is "Well this sucks."
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@jeremygardner5987 yeah right. I don't want to come across as mean but I feel like so much of the complaints are disingenuous. It really does feel like they are stuck in something.
@jasonhammitt8660 2 ай бұрын
I think all these arguments fall flat when you realize Inquisition outsold every other Dragon Age game. This didn't happen because players didn't like how characters looked or how the game played. The biggest problem with Inquisition was that it was too big with too many reparative fetch quests. I think the changes made in The Veilguard reflect this.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, if DAO fans were using the argument that a majority of fans like DAO more than how do they explain DAI outselling DAO by two times as much. It just doesn't make sense. Yeah, I am not a fan of how big DAI is. Especially since the dialogue cameras are floaty and not cinematic enough.
@mikeity2009 2 ай бұрын
Inquisition outsold every other dragon age game because 2014 sucked and the marketing made it seem like tactical combat with immersive storytelling was the priority. Which as you know, we got a disappointing main story that was elevated by it's last DLC and the combat was fucking atrocious. The tactical camera on release was bugged to hell and no one used it. Misleading, is what we call that. Hardly a revelation for new bioware.
@TheAngryj 2 ай бұрын
The problem with a lot of these gamers is instead of saying “oh this doesn’t appeal to me” they try to ascribe some holy reason why a change doesn’t work and their preference is the superior one. Just play the games you want to and ignore the games you don’t lmao why do gamers have to be so over dramatic about the reasons they don’t like stuff. And his constant harping about attractiveness about companions is such a weird creepy argument like why does what video game characters you think is attractive matter at all???
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. It's fine if they don't like it but making it out to be this grand sin that was committed and only your way is best is making it more than it is. Does it suck DAO combat isn't the series main gameplay? Sure but it's fine. Move on if you don't like it. I also find it so weird. Like how is this relevant to Bioware making a division in the fandom.
@yezzariael965 2 ай бұрын
Well put together - nailed it. 👍 (Cassandra ist my favourite companion ever, because she has a heart of gold and not because of her looks)
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! I am glad articulated my points well. Cassandra is also my favorite romance in DAI. I just wish she was romanceable as a woman.
@alucard8433 2 ай бұрын
My biggest gripe is with core gameplay, the Combat is so far removed from the entire Dragon Age series, Only 3 skill slots. 7 Party members, 2 of which is the max you can take with you at a time and you can't control them. The entire combat was just copy pasted from Andromeda.
@newgameplusftw7036 2 ай бұрын
It’s literally the same combat as 2 and inquisition lol
@AStrangeWindmill 2 ай бұрын
It's not really that far removed from inquisition, really. Sure, you had more abilities, but the core gameplay was more about quick combos. It's genuinely a logical extension. And honestly, it's the same extension you can draw from KOTOR combat all the way up to Inquisition. "more and more aRPG" has been their objective since _that_ game - that's why DAO handles damage and the appearance of combat so differently than an isometric crpg would.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I think that's a valid criticism. I don't have any more to say than that. I would have liked if the games had a consistent combat system.
@DavesChaoticBrain 2 ай бұрын
Why is combat the absolute final defining factor as to whether a game is good/fun or not?
@odst123451 2 ай бұрын
No it isn’t.
@00McMuffin00 2 ай бұрын
Cant believe that guy didnt mention Josephine! She's very "cOnVeNtIoNaLlY attractive" even by his metrics...except ofc for the fact she isn't white 😶‍🌫️ she has a lovely face and is skinny and wears lots makeup and wears dresses. Idk how he could possibly complain about her.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I don't understand either. Saying that the only "conventionally attractive" companions is like Dorian is baffling to me. Like as you said Josephine is right there. Its so telling how he doesn't find them attractive or understand why they are attractive.
@Vyngr4nn 2 ай бұрын
So, first thing I have to say is.. it's really intresting how these fans always go on about how they love dark fantasy, displaying the cruelties of life (at the same time, they want an escape from real life), but they also want all of their characters to be supermodel like attractive, so far none of the characters from DA have been unconventionally unattractive (the only thing he can argue for is that there have been tomboys and more masculine women, but people are also attracted to these women)
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
You make a really good point. I didn't think about that. If they want to escape reality then why to a reality where death and destruction are common. It doesn't make sense on the surface. Sure you can say that they want to go into a world where they are fixing the messed up world but then that should have been said. Yeah the whole thing on DAI and DAV characters not being conventional attractive is so odd to me. Like how can they not understand that they just don't find the attractive but they are still attractive.
@Vyngr4nn 2 ай бұрын
​@@Knight1029yeah, they really don't make sense. Also, with the art style, I think their only issue is the color scheme, which is more vibrant from Inquisition on (and that they prefer the faded colors of Origin and DA2).
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@Vyngr4nn Oh yeah. Inquisition definitely uses more vibrant colors than the other games. DAO and DA2 only did it occasionally.
@mattiasangelo 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@Vyngr4nnright? The model styles and overall aesthetic choices are mostly the same-barring some enemy designs. It’s crazy that it was recognizable to me at all in a place like Tevinter. Every comment in previous games made its capital sound crazy, their sense of style has always been bizarre, and I honestly had more of a picture of a whole different world rather than just very magically advanced (almost to the point of technology) Thedas in my head. Unique opening setting aside-all that’s truly different is more color than the first 2 games and a softer, more CG movie lighting (which is an iterative improvement, NOT a new art style). How dare we harness HDR and new lighting tech… Seriously. The variety of textures in the clothing and its response to the storm. The way the character’s skin reacted to all the lighting. The sheer amount of animation in very realistic looking foliage…it’s exactly the opposite of what I’d call “cartoon,” “mobile game,” or “dated ps3 graphics.” There were a few odd textures I’m hoping will be polished out (that one beam), but it looked mostly on par or beyond stuff I play on my PS5 and PC (stuff people call realistic and gritty-and definitely better than BioWare’s track record of being up to date in that sphere). Color and nice lighting does not a cartoon make. The same *semi-realistic* design style is still very present. I’d argue the texture work and character proportions of the first 2 in particular were more obviously stylized. It just wasn’t noticed because of the expected limitations of the systems it targeted at the time. Now, I’m hoping they just had the persistent blood and gore toggle off for general media. That was always one of the craziest things in the games that keeps things from looking too clean to me.
@mattiasangelo 2 ай бұрын
Also, they keep going on about how everyone left. No one there knows the lore and the aesthetic, ad nauseum. Mr. Epler has literally been on the Dragon Age team as a creative director since Dragon Age: Origins. He’s in charge of approving these designs and putting out prompts to get concept art, story boards, and character models. I think he might just know a thing or two more than random fans about their design language… Then he explicitly mentions and names a good chunk of character writers that have also been with them since Origins-again, people who know the characters and have been there since the originals were created. Yeah, they lost some *senior* management in that department specifically, but it was far from “all the greats” and a lot of these “greats” have positive things to say about what they see despite no connection, funding, or reason to like what EA did to them over the years. I think the length between installments and that awful marketing trailer had them jaded as hell from the get go. They’re convinced of something they wanted in their head being discarded (despite never being on the table in the first place) and feel stiffed because of it. I’ve noticed that a lot with long development games, movies, and books. Give people too much time to wax nostalgic and invent theories and fanfiction…well, they don’t like it when that isn’t the reality they get in the end-doesn’t matter how good or polished it is. To them, it will always be a turd if it didn’t match what they invented in head canon.
@artofmisi 2 ай бұрын
So, you know, I agree with pretty much everything you said - and thank you for being a voice of reason. I want to comment on the attractiveness point... especially as a woman in this fandom, all those comments creep me the f out. They're SO out of touch with reality. They have spent too long looking at titty mods on the nexus page. Literally ALL of the women companions in the franchise are conventionally attractive - and VERY attractive at that. Some are more athletic than others, but they are all thin. All of them have pouty lips and cute noses. All of them wear makeup. None of them have any huge scarring or wrinkles or any other perceived 'defect'. Cassandra's hair is a VERY feminine pixie cut. The only one you could argue is Sera - and Sera has a more unconventional hairstyle to reflect her background and also her sexuality. The only unconventionally attractive companions in the whole saga are Bull and Emmrich, maybe Solas as well. And they are still very attractive. On the Emmrich side of things, I can tell you people find him attractive because he has the looks and aesthetics of a classic gentleman, but ALSO because he is original. He is something we haven't seen before in the DA franchise. And that is refreshing. He also appears in some stories Bioware released, and he is very sweet, compassionate, polite and nerdy. And that is very attractive. I also wanted to say... you don't need to repeat that you're not gay 😅 you have working eyes on your face and the capacity to express an opinion. You can be completely sure and comfortable in your sexuality and recognize when a man is attractive. Thank you for not being a troglodyte ❤
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for saying that! I always hated how people like them always determined the conversation. I just wanted to set things straight. I honestly don't get it. It feels so out of left field and its even more wild considering he is saying that, in context of, Bioware making unattractive characters (intentional or not) causes a division in the fanbase. Like what? If he like hot woman then whatever. But why say it in such a dumb way that comes off terrible. Yeah man. So many people saying that the woman in DAI and DAV are "masculine" makes it out to be a bad thing and somehow means they can't be attractive. I just don't get it. As for the rest of what you said I completely agree. Dragon Age has always made very attractive characters. Also on Emmrich I was surprised that people liked him so much. I thought the big romance obsession would be the mage killer (I have no idea how to spell his name). He seemed to fit more in line with what I would expect. But Emmrich is cool. I mostly do the straight bit for comedy and to sort point out the fact how strange it is to see a straight dude in the online fandom. Though if it didn't come across like that then I might need to change something. I try my best not to be a troglodyte. As hard as that can be. Also thank you for the comment. I really appreciate it!
@artofmisi 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 Honestly they only determine the conversation in their big echo chambers, one of which seems to be youtube. There's a very specific kind of 'fan' that's whining about it, and they'd have you believe they're the majority, but they really are not. I mean, there has been whining at every single DA game release, I know because I've been here since Origins released. Being a hater gives views. None of the women in this franchise are masculine. These wankers couldn't handle an actual butch woman😂 No, what they want is to sexualize and objectify their idea of women, which has nothing to do with actual women or even fantasy stylized women, and more to do with how much hentai they've consumed. Which, nothing bad about consuming it, but you can't let that shape your idea of what a woman character is, or that scantily clad booby ladies belong everywhere. Then again, they hardly seem interested in these women's personalities, and since Bioware's strong point is writing memorable companions, that tells you really everything you need to know. I move more around circles dominated by women and queer people. All of the characters from DAV have been well received, people are reading about them and speculating about them, what they want and how their factions might come into play, and of course there are plenty of theories about the plot and where it could lead. I'm particularly interested in the blight post-archdemons, the origins of it, and what might happen if it actually /ends/ . Hope we can see that 👀 And sure! I just came across your video, didn't know it was a bit!
@chrisdiokno5600 2 ай бұрын
Yeah like, as soon as, especially if they're female, a woman has high cheek bones, a sharp chin, isn't supermodel thin, people go "Reee, the wokes have gotten to this game." meanwhile I, as a man, can appreciate if a woman is say, scarred and muscular. But yeah, good looks never permanantly being marred by scarring or the like IS a common trope, male and female
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@chrisdiokno5600 it just makes me go mad thing that scarred and muscular woman are somehow a bad thing. It just is so wild to hear that.
@chrisdiokno5600 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 I know right? Like, people can find scarred and muscular women attractive. I mean, if people can find scarred and muscular men attractive, why not the same for women?
@davids2cents594 2 ай бұрын
dragon age origins is my favorite. i have no problem with what they are doing. after the 12 pages gameinformer has on the game i cant wait and i can see this one being my new favorite
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I haven't looked at that because I want yo avoid some spoilers but from what I hear it sounds amazing. I look forward to the game.
@Adanu191 2 ай бұрын
DA2 gameplay with DA:O tactical refinements would have made for a great game. Instead, we're getting mass effect in DA.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@Adanu191 I mean yeah. It would have been great to have seen incremental improvements.
@arbuzun 2 ай бұрын
Josie is gorgeous antivan queen ❤
@Adanu191 2 ай бұрын
Josephine was the only woman in Inquisition I would romance for sure. Cassandra was... not very interesting.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Man dude she is just so beautiful. I remember thinking they made her to good looking. Not that I am complaining.
@arbuzun 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 i can't believe some dudes call her ugly. it may not be your type but ugly? seriously?
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I don't get it either. Like just say they aren't your type.
@EmoBearRights 2 ай бұрын
​@@Adanu191Thats ok you're allowed tastes.
@jasonhammitt8660 2 ай бұрын
I really seriously hope The Veilguard outsells every other Dragon Age game just to shut up videos like this.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
That would be great. Not just to shut them up but also to give Bioware the chance to continue.
@mikeity2009 2 ай бұрын
Keep dreaming.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@mikeity2009 I will.
@hunivan7672 2 ай бұрын
Keep hoping.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@hunivan7672 I will.
@danigaribay6254 2 ай бұрын
Having watched the video and read through some of the comments I can definitely agree with a lot of the points being made, as stated before in the last video you made, I've played all three games and to be honest, the story is like 99.9% of the reason I loved playing all of them, the romance and companions was a huge bonus. On that topic specifically when he mentions how the characters aren't "Conventionally attractive" I seriously don't see it. while not like, top-tier Victoria's Secret models or models from other..."sites" Veilguard's companions are pretty damn attractive. Take Bellara Lutara, the Veil jumper elf, she's really pretty, and in all honesty, she gives me bubbly and cute kind of vibes, like Sera but toned down a few degrees, if she were a real person I'd imagine she'd like spending time in flower gardens and all that. And with Lace Harding, the dwarf woman from Inquisition, this may be because of personal preference to older women and redheads but...honestly, I'd marry her on the spot, 10 years later and she still looks great. How someone can't see that is oddly baffling. A couple of my friends who are huge fans even find Emmrich Volkarin, the lanky old gentleman necromancer attractive, and Lucanis? Regardless, companions, at least to me, have always been attractive in one way or another, I can definitely see why some people might like one a bit more than the other but I really don't see how Origins purists see them as unattractive or what have you. Also, on the topic of dark fantasy, Dragon Age was never meant to stay a dark fantasy, Origins took place during a blight when everything was going to hell and corruption was taking over, so, of course, things wouldn't be the same after the blight was taken care of, Dragon age is still dark, just not as dark as it once was, also, being a "Dark Fantasy" doesn't mean things still shouldn't have some semblance of color and beauty. TL;DR: The companions, again, at least to me, do not seem "unattractive" and Dragon Age is dark, just not Grimdark. Ya want Grimdark? Read Warhammer 40k lore. Jesus that shit is dark.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I think their are good point to it. I just don't get what they are saying with unconventional attractive characters. It feels like it is being used disingenuously. Like they want to say something else but they can't. So, far all the DAV companions look very attractive and well designed. I like how all of them look. They look good but also their designs do some non-verbal story telling. I will say I was so surprised that people loved Emmrich. Like I just didn't see that coming. He looks good, I was just surprised. Yeah, DAO wasn't the template for how dark the series should be. The Blight changed how dark it was and only another Blight can do that.
@sashacampbell3513 2 ай бұрын
Neve looks like a model 😯 I'm so confused by this dude's ideas. Harding also looks 1000% better with the improved graphics (and the reduced fivehead, i can't unsee it now).
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Yeah! Neve looks amazing. She oozes beauty. And Harding looks just as great. Harding in DAI just has a weirdly massive forehead. Its wild.
@pokussnarioa2385 2 ай бұрын
i''ll say my opinion, on 2 points. 1.companions unconventionally attractive. I don't remember if Spell&Shield said the new companions are ugly or just unconventionally attractive. . You pointet to 3 companions , Sera, Cassandra and Iron Bull, and said they're attractive, unconventionally attractive. If he said they're ugly it is a ok point , if he said they're not conventionally attractive. You're basically agreeing with him. 2. I can pinpoint 3 moments int the veilgard trailer that were cartoony . 0:48 the companion design looks like disney villain which evokes cartoony feeling, 0:58 the design looks like disney fodder enemies, 1:12 this frame looks like raid shadow legends character trailer moment. I believe that people are talking about the cartoony vibe because of this 3 instances. i had the same feeling when i first watched the trailer, maybe ingame it will looks diferent and it will not feel cartoony. We will see.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
He didn't say they were ugly but calling someone unconventional attractive less not a lot to the imagination. It feels very disingenuous to say they are unconventional attractive. When on reality they aren't. Most people think they are conventional attractive. Standards change and shift. Sure the trailer is fairly different. That's why I used a in game screenshot that showed all of them. And that shows they dom look cartoon-y.
@attilamarics3374 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 This conventionally and unconvetionally attractive thing doesnt really make any sense, attractive has a specific meaning. and putting conventional or unconventional next to it doesnt mean anything.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@SirBadgerOP ah once again on the sigma grindset I see.
@milirin 2 ай бұрын
neve is mommy though
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@milirin You know after careful consideration I agree. I don't think its legal for me to disagree.
@jonanderetxebarria9944 2 ай бұрын
Is not that they are attractive or not, it's mostly about sexualization. People are talking like the modern female characters are objectively ugly, and that's just not true, the difference is that they don't wear very tight and reveling clothes like they use to. And the fact that they care about that tells you everything you need to know, they are just culture warriors. Having say that, I understand people being upset, because Dragon Age is going fully into action RPG, also, the overall design has shifted a lot since Origins, and the reveal trailer was just bad, completely focused on the 15 years old Fortnite audience. Bioware critics have genuine complaints, once you put aside the culture wars.
@attilamarics3374 2 ай бұрын
Modern female characters are ugly, what are you even saying. Potato faced shtbags.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I don't know if S&S is a culture warrior guy but all the arguments he has been using sound like it. I just don't get it. If they want the very tight and revealing clothes then they should just say that. Don't be weird about it. If people are upset that Dragon Age has become more action focused and has changed its art style then that's fine. But most Bioware critics don't just focus on that. They make nonsensical arguments.
@jonanderetxebarria9944 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 Well, I would like to know how many of them are truly Dragon Age fans, because I have seen people who never talk about the franchise, or even videogames, suddenly complaining about "woke" stuff in Dragon age, as if characters like Zevran never existed. For S&S, I have seen his videos and he normally focuses on gaming and RPGs, he never talks about culture wars, so I think he is genuine about what he says. Besides him, the real problem is that there is a industry of media personalities who made a career on youtube and social media complaining about woke stuff, and the problem of living off anti-wokeness is that you always need woke things to complain about in order to get views. And if you don't find woke stuff, then just turn anything, even videogames you never played and never showed interest in, into "woke propaganda". That's how you have suddenly so many people talking stupid things out of nowhere. Also, I see that much of the criticism comes from people that loved the first game and then just couldn't accept the changes that came after. I myself think the first is by far the best game, but I already accepted the fact that Bioware moved on from that a long time ago to turn the isometric-strategic approach into something similar to Mass Effect with swords. And even considering that, the issues with DA2 and Inquisition are not because they shifted focus, but because they had to finish DA2 in 15 months and they were forced to develop Inquisition as a live-service garbage before changing the game into a singleplayer. Finally Bioware had the time and resources to develop a proper RPG, so I'm going to give them a chance, because I want Dragon age to succeed, I'm not just going to shit on Bioware or the game for stupid reasons like culture wars or the art-style that already changed 13 years ago.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@jonanderetxebarria9944 I do wonder as well. Because if they are acting all surprised that the game is going "woke" then it causes me to think that they never played the games or never understood it. Maybe S&S is being influenced by these disingenuous actors. He doesn't really see it but he is influenced by them. Which does suck. It just makes talking about Dragon Age more difficult. I think there are fair criticisms to make on the newer Dragon Age games. I even did that myself in the video. It would be cool if they stuck with DAO's combat and incrementally improved it over time. I do look forward to seeing how DAV turns out. I personally think it looks really good.
@jonanderetxebarria9944 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 Yeah, you are right Just few years ago the conversation about DA used to be "who are the old gods?" "will the Qunari invade Thedas?" "When will the 6th Blight begin?" Now is just another arena for culture wars, fuelled by people who are the conservative equivalent of those SJW they hate so much. This nonesense is how true debates and important topics are sidelined in favour useless arguments. I just hope this woke nonesense goes away the same way it happened with BG3, where all the haters disappeared once the game was released.
@susancollins3971 2 ай бұрын
The main complaints I am seeing about the new Dragon Age Veilguard game are all people on the "Woke" game bandwagon and hating on it just to hate on it. An example, there was a guy in steam forums saying it had no white people in it. I found that to be just stupid considering Varric, Harding, and Solas himself all are all white. I see people turning the game into a war on woke and it makes me so sick. They do not even care that the game looks amazing, and the characters look amazing, and the story is extremely intriguing. Also, as far as looks, I think all the characters are good looking especially Lucanis , but I like him because I am a female. LOL As far as that guys it looks cartoony argument, I just do not see it either. The characters look absolutely normal to me in the game reveal. Now in the initial trailer for some reason the devs made that more cartoony style trailer which I really wish they would have showed the game play first because that initial trailer does not reflect the game looks and tone of the game at all. that is my thoughts on this. I personally cannot wait to play the new game as I think it looks amazing.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I am just baffled by how so many people in this comment section and elsewhere how much they are complaining about "wokeness" like my guys who are you and are you even aware of the game being discussed? Like its to funny. Especially that "white comment" you mentioned. Like I don't know man there seemed to be white people in the game. The game really does look good. Especially with the gameplay reveal. It just looks so solid. I can not believe some people are going with "DAI looks cartoon-y" especially using that to say DAI isn't dark fantasy because of it. Like what? I am also looking forward to the game. All the stuff after the initial trailer looks amazing.
@DrDaveDavington 2 ай бұрын
I don't understand how we've all forgotten that the last 2 Bioware games (ignoring ME:LE) have been dog water. Most notably Mass Effect Andromeda and it's abysmal story. If they couldn't summon up a good story for their flagship franchise why do we believe they'll ace it for their red headed stepchild franchise? I think veilgaurd will be meh narritively and good gameplay wise because for all of the bad in Andromeda the game play was better.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Well... I like MEA! I don't think its the peak of storytelling but it has its moments and its ideas are really cool. What also should be considered is that the issues with Andromeda and Anthem are due to EA and external interference. The only fault on Bioware's part was not sharing resources between teams.
@Buttz2Buttz 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 "Well...I like MEA" yep, tells us everything we need to know.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@Buttz2Buttz damn. What a counter point.
@odst123451 2 ай бұрын
Of course you do. lol
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@odst123451 I know right!
@MrDay53 2 ай бұрын
Obsidian did set the expectation of making deep rpgs and they've barely stepped away from that (Grounded and Pentiment to name two off my head). Also Fallout was created by the devs at Obsidian back when they worked at Interplay before it was shutdown so it is kind of an original ip for them. Agreed that there is a lot more division amongst Elder Scrolls fans than he lets on. The division amongst Fallout fans is probably much bigger than Bioware fans. Dragon Age Origins actually outsold the first Mass Effect and Inquisition outsold Mass Effect 3, but your absolutely right when it comes to Mass Effects branding and popularity. I think when he's referring to the streamline rpg mechanics from Mass Effect to 2 was the skills system like how you mentioned you had to put points into weapons skills to become better with those weapons where in ME2 Sheperd is proficient with all weapons and skill points are just distributed between your class abilities. I think when he is referring to Dragon Age becoming more accessible he means that things that were in Origins that weren't brought into DA2 alienated the previous fans. When he is touching on beautiful characters, for Cassandra you basically answered it yourself in your vid, though I wouldn't consider her conventional because she is more masculine, yes tom boys exist and there are guys that are attracted to them, but most guys don't want to be in a relationship with a woman who is more masculine. Scout Harding is bad in Veil Guard when I first saw the trailer I wasn't sure if they gave her chicken pox or if she had bad acne which there is a term for it's called a pizza face. Taash it's the face structure, Taash looks like a man. The whole good looking characters in game is politically driven. It's the, lets make a game for a "modern gaming audience" which basically turns into pandering to the audience. Also him referring to the characters as cartoons isn't literal but more like a animated Pixar or other animated Disney movie. I don't think your completely right to say fans of Bioware thought they were trying to be like Larian, that's only a recent thing because of the success of BG3 and I feel some fans of Origins are using that to cope because there are similarities between the games. Where I think your wrong is if you look at Larians earlier games Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity they share more similarities to Diablo, and just two months after Origins was released, Larian released Divinity 2 Eco Draconis which was a 3d action rpg. So again that's just a recent thing that fans are clinging to for some cope.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I didn't want to include the eariler Fallout games because most of the games Obsidian made weren't Fallout likes. They were sequel to existing games. I didn't think it would be honest to say that. Yeah Elder Scrolls fans are ruthless. More than the guy let on. I know what he was meaning my issue was the implication it was inherently bad. That's why I said you can say DAO is a streamlined BG1 and 2. Is it bad then? No, I was more asking what is wrong with streamlining. I knew what he meant. I don't know man the whole unconventional attractive bit just comes off weird. It isn't a political agenda or anything. It's just different looking characters. That's fine. My man when he said cartoon-y what else am I supposed to interpret? And you saying he meant more like Pixar and Disney is absurd. That would mean DAO is cartoon-y. Larian has always wanted to make a RPG where the player had a lot of freedom. Swen said that and I don't have a reason to disagree. Also I didn't mean literally. I meant in the abstract sense. The ideas and concepts Larian was going for.
@MrDay53 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 When streamlining a game things get removed from the previous game for the sequel that are either deemed to be too hard/complicated for casual gamers which ends up alienating the original fanbase of the first that liked the complex deeper mechanics and more difficult gameplay. The character's attractiveness isn't a political agenda but it is politically motivated by people on the far left who want their representation. That's why you get your pro noun options in games, race swaps, male characters get replaced by strong independent female protagonist, or all of a sudden your male lead character is gay. Microsoft has even published a new inclusion guide for their developers and one of the questions it asks the developers, are you unnecessarily introducing gender & gender barriers into your code or design? Personally I don't look at pixar as cartoons myself I view them 3D animation. But personally I feel the npc's in all three DA games do have a similar look to the pixar animation style. I bet if I took my time I could make a character in each DA game that looks like Woody from Toy Story. When it comes to Bioware fans thinking they were trying to be like Larian even in a abstract sense I don't buy because most Bioware fans had probably never heard of Larian until DOS2 when some of their ideas really began to take shape. Again I feel that's a more recent sentiment with casual Dragon Age Origins fans just looking at the surface level of DOS2 or BG3.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@MrDay53 sure, as I said in the video I don't like the fact that Bioware is inconsistent on their combat styles. I just don't think the new stuff is bad. I don't care if there are people who want representation. All I care is that the writing is good. If their is a black guy who is poorly written I am just gonna point out they are poorly written. Why would I mention race? Then we just have different ideas on what is cartoon-y. What I mean by "wanting Larian but in the abstract sense" is the concepts Larian holds which is player freedom over story. Which Bioware has never done that. Bioware has always been more on story over player freedom.
@MrDay53 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 My problem isn't representation it's forced representation for the sake of checking a box off. Don't know if you watch South Park, they covered this in their into the Panderverse special with Kathleen Kennedy and the line "put a chick in it and make it gay." How is Star Wars Acolyte doing? Then you have the race swaps going on. Guess what happens to the writing when this stuff is going on, it suffers and isn't as good.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@MrDay53 if the representation is bad then it's just bad writing. Nothing more and nothing less.
@apres-lachute8718 2 ай бұрын
Rødgrød med fløde!
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Sounds delicious.
@tahnadana5435 2 ай бұрын
you dont have to break it all down like that, the main problem is that, originally they decided to make a successor to the OG baldurs gate, a real time with pause combat RPG, and what they should have done is add things or evolve the genre, like Aliens dark descent for example, but instead they change format (saying they are still in the same genre, which is BS) and go the lazy and pussy route to make casual fans happy
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
There is a lot more wrong with the video itself. Such as the framing that the newer games are "just bad" or that Bioware is intentional causing division. But to your points; I agree that a big issue is not sticking with the Real Time with Pause combat and just evolving it. But I don't agree with the implication that the newer games combat is bad. They are quite fine. Also they are still in the same RPG space Bioware has filled. Bioware is still using the RPG genre to tell stories.
@mikeity2009 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 I have more problems with the constant flip-flopping of themes, combat styles, mechanics and storytelling styles. The games are all over the place, both mechanically and narratively. Ever since dragon age 2 the game has had a huge identity crisis. People always bring up the fact that inquisition outsold origins and 2, but it only sold 6 million copies. Dragon age games were never big sellers and 2014 was a terrible year with barely any RPGS of note besides inquisition. Of course it sold well. Andromeda in 2017 was projected to sell 6 million copies but sold little more than 4 and as a result, the franchise was put on ice indefinitely. If veilguard doesn't shatter records, I imagine bioware will get rolled into one of the other many studios EA has under it's belt and it's no one's fault but biowares.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@mikeity2009 the only thing I agree with is the constant changing of gameplay and art styles. It would have been cool if the series was consistent in that. But everything else I just don't get you.
@derrickjohnson4952 2 ай бұрын
Ok casual RPG fan here I’d say Dragon Age Veilguard so far for me looks ok maybe more future gameplay will change my opinion. As for the ”woke” uh characters look fine to me, sure probably less attractive a little compared to other appearances but it’s fine. I will say & you probably will disagree with me I do think some (not all) female video game characters are actively being made less attractive, because somehow sexy = sexualized which isn’t true. And also sexualizing a character is wrong& you’re a looser but if you have the correct politics…….somehow that o….k now 🤷🏾‍♂️. Strange how some of those people after 3 seconds of checking do the same thing they accuse others of. At “best” the most woke thing is some head talks about how queer the game is but gives me nothing on the quality of the game. Some people are probably happy that’s cool but I need more that “look you’re black, look at how many black people are in my product, is it good……well it has a lot do black people just care about that” which even with that doesn’t mean anything as hundreds of people with different politics & options work at that studio. Combat looks meh tho sadly to me. And last I would agree many people are tourists, I’d just say plenty can come from the left not just the right.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I agree that the idea that making sexy characters means they are being objectified is dumb. Its a case by case basis. There is no one size fit all. What I disagree with is that making less attractive female characters is a bad thing (also not agreeing that the DAV females are bad looking). It can be used for storytelling like with the old witch trope. I can get not wanting to be pandered to but I don't think that is what is happening. Pandering implies the people saying it are disingenuous. Bioware are being genuine and do belief in that. I don't know man I think the tourists are coming from the right more than the left.
@derrickjohnson4952 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029I agree I just simply think when the tourists are left wing conveniently it’s ignored or doesn’t exist. And stating said person doesn’t know what they’re talking about just like people on the right is just magically gatekeeping now.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@derrickjohnson4952 I can see your point. I dislike gatekeeping regardless if its from the left or the right.
@ASilyFromSomewhere 2 ай бұрын
I loved DA:O. I enjoyed Dragon age TTRPG. After DA:O it all went to shit. DA2 storytelling and gameplay were a massive departure from the brilliant storytelling and good crpg combat of DA:O. With DAO we got Leliana and Morrigan. Alistair and Zevran. - They were all by design and concept 10/10, but the faces in vanilla game are quite simple. What the fuck happened with ME:Andromeda and DA:I? All the characters are fucking ugly and none of them are interesting, aside for the two dwarves. Why were they presented to us in some Fortnite-lite format. :D And then the combat of Batman: Veilguard Asylum. Uh, sorry. Batman: Arkham Veilguard- fuck! You get my point. Looks like utter shite. What the fuck happened iwth Darkspawn from DA:O to DA2 visuals? What the fuck happened with demons looking like saturday morning cartoon demons now? PS. The dialog wheel is also cancer.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I just disagree. I love all the games and think they all did great things. I love the tragedy of DA2 and I love building up the Inquisition in DAI. They all have great stories.
@mikeity2009 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 What's the point of these videos if you respond to every comment with a dissenting opinion with "I disagree"? You people don't want discussion, you want an echo chamber.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@mikeity2009 What? I will only change my mind when a good argument is presented. Thus far I don't see one. Especially when its a opinion that is subjective.
@Avocado_san 2 ай бұрын
"characters are fucking ugly" lol, characters in DAI are just not conventionally attractive to general audience (I'm guessing straight men), but they are amazing characters nonetheless. Their dynamics and banter are some of the best in the series
@serijas737 2 ай бұрын
Let's be real here: I don't agree with Dragon Age's dumbing down of the game's concept and I think the overall "we are trying to make it accessable to your audience" comes at the cost of attractiveness for older audiences, eg. the core fandom of Dragon Age. The trailer itself was an absolute disaster, the gameplay itself doesn't look all too shit however and i've grown up with Bioware combat being clunky and unintuitive, so overall it's about taste in that matter. What I'd like to know is how the game is played on PC, for example will we use an 360° selection wheel like we've seen in the gameplay reveal or have 1 - 9 Keyboard Shortcuts like a normal, sane person. Overall, the companions are kinda good looking after seeing some more images, so I don't mind. I think Taash and Neve and that woman in the corner are super attractive and even Harding for a (beardless) dwarf woman has some attractive looks. The only one they just seem to be fucking over for whatever reason are the elves since Merrill. I think what BioWare should learn to do is give characters alternative designs for their hair because her hair looks absolutely out of place on that pudgy face. However I never played Dragon Age to romance around characters but for the feeling it gives me, especially the "Gather your army, make difficult decisions and basically sacrifice yourself for a noble cause" was something of a Hero's tale that just kept the flame for Dragon Age lit in me. And Inquisiton's epic theme was also pretty cool, although it fell flat on the nose when the big evil was actually revealed, and Solas is such an uninteresting character for me that Dreadwolf / Veilguard itself started out on a bad foot. I don't care about Solas. Like. At all. If they want an important returning character, how about being brave enough to have me play with my Inquisition guy as my companion throughout the whole game?
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
I think there are real issues with Dragon Age but some of the points the guy makes just don't make sense. Otherwise I mostly agree with you. I do wonder how PC DAV will work though. That will be interesting. The only things I disagree with is minor points here and there. I think Solas is a fine villain. Bellara looks good.
@mikeity2009 2 ай бұрын
You're putting words in people's mouths, people don't want bioware to make tabletop rpg's, people want the old bioware back. With Mike laidlaw and david gaider at the helm, making good video games. Which will never happen, the company isn't the same as it once was and pretending like somehow people are wrong for wanting bioware to make games in the same vein as they did in the past is just intentionally stoking the flames at this point.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
How exactly are they old Bioware? Please tell me how.
@EmoBearRights 2 ай бұрын
Gaider got lots of hate when he was in charge ditto Laidlaw especially with the same old dude bros you're claiming want the old Bioware back.
@BlazingTiger5000 2 ай бұрын
For the character unattractiveness, i find taash in DAV looks more like a man than a women !! looking at close shot. i have seen a qunari women in dragon comics they look great, But the character models here are let down, not upto par comparing baldur's gate 3. In Dragon age inquisition, i dont find sera and josephine attractive. Vivene and Cassandra were fine. I prefer isabella in DA2 merill looks more a 16 year old i avoid any romance with her. I do miss desire demon though.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
If you don't find them attractive that's cool. My only issue is that I find it weird and a bit disingenuous to say the characters being unattractive means Bioware is creating a division in fans. It's weird.
@BlazingTiger5000 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 bioware is still in mess they are checking out lot of boxes just to push a product out, it's been like 10 years since inquisition the product they put out is very similar to DA2 but with better graphics. I think that's where the backlash started the gameplay did not change the mindset either. The attractiveness part comes after reaction of the character models which was heavily criticized and also tone and colors which seems not to fit with the franchise.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@BlazingTiger5000 I don't know man. I think DA2 and DAI is really good. The only game I think that really damaged Bioware was Anthem. Also I think DAV just looks nice.
@hunivan7672 2 ай бұрын
Is your channel just about "No U" ing people who have good taste? lmao
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Sure, why not?
@anti4zz 2 ай бұрын
wow what a creep show this comment section and video is
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
Its pretty weird.
@lakkakka 2 ай бұрын
This isn't about understanding what they do. This is about players telling them what they want or expect in case bioware wants to get their money. And I don't mind good storytelling. But do it DAO style. Unfiltered. languages and idea. No woke bullshit being forced into the story so it has a "moral" that falls in line with social agenda's etc. We want games to be games. Unflitered art. Bioware has been underperforming plenty of times on quality storytelling already. And the actual gameplay became completely boring and too reptitive. What next. A single attack button like in Fable? How much player agency will be taken away from the story, etc.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
It is about understanding. People over exaggerate how free the player was in DAO. DAO, for example, didn't allow the player to kill anyone other than what Bioware allowed. It didn't continue what BG1 and 2 did by allowing you to do that. And even then Bioware restricted who you can't kill. Bioware isn't making RPGs where the player can do anything. They are using RPGs to tell stories.
@mikeity2009 2 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 Okay? Like how does that shield them from criticism again? They make rpg's to tell stories? Okay but like, when your dialogue is poorly written, with barely anything resembling actual rpg genre conventions, are you really an rpg? People would have no problem if they simply dropped the act and went full action game, I'm tired of being lied to and gaslit. Just go full action, drop the dialogue wheel, use cutscenes. If the intention is to "tell stories" and not be an actual rpg, just drop the facade. Stop the identity crisis, it's been 10 years. Just stop trying to reinvent the mold.
@Knight1029 2 ай бұрын
@@mikeity2009 It is simply to say what is already understood out loud. Bioware has always been restrictive on what the player can do. You can't kill whoever you want nor be whoever you want. Bioware has always dictated what you can do. That hasn't changed. In DAO you couldn't kill the elves at the first opportunity and in DAI you can't kill Orlesian Queen at the first opportunity. Even though you can kill them later on. Bioware has always decided what the player can do.
@EmoBearRights 2 ай бұрын
The minute you said woke agenda you negated every reasonable point you made and let your mask slip. Also the edgelord choices were minority choices - the stats prove it.
No, Bioware doesn't hate its audience. You just hate them.
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