These GERMAN SAYINGS don’t mean what I thought they mean

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Wanted Adventure

Wanted Adventure

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Two German sayings that I'm apparently a little confused about😂
My book: "You go me on the cookie!"
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Thanks for watching! Until next time...auf Wiedersehen!!

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@WantedAdventure 10 ай бұрын
werbung: in case you’re looking for gifts this time of year and you think my book could be what you’re looking for, I’m leaving a link to it here - “You go me on the cookie!”
@iceman4311 10 ай бұрын
There comes no question
@iceman4311 10 ай бұрын
Maybe means im paying for it ?
@silkwesir1444 10 ай бұрын
"Auf meine Kosten kommen" has a pretty close match in English, I think: "get your money's worth". ​@UCDocPavqP97AlOMRo2jLBzA has posted a more elaborate explanation below.
@Schwuuuuup 10 ай бұрын
You got the first one right. "auf meine Kosten kommen" is to "get my money's worth" The thought is "I had costs and now I am only satisfied, when the return is good enough" So it's not really "I enjoy myself very much" but "the enjoyment is so good, it is worth the effort" But it sounds a bit weird when you put this saying that way. It is always used as "ich/er/sie komme/t auf meine/seine/ihre Kosten". Because the sentence "Er kommt auf meine Kosten" can also mean "he is coming and I am paying for it" (I pay his travel) "to come at a cost" is hard. I dont see a 1to1 translation. If the cost is literally money, one could say "das wird nicht billig" (this does not come cheap) "das hat einen haken" is somewhat similar but goes more along the lines of "there are strings attached" You could say "... Aber das hat seinen Preis" (... but this has its price) but this as well sounds like you are taking about money I guess I would say "aber das hat (halt) auch Nachteile" (but there are downsides) By the way have you ever made a video about the word "halt" - it must be very confusing for foreigners when it doesn't mean "stop" and is in the middle of a sentence with seemingly no reason
@hansmeiser32 10 ай бұрын
"You could say "... Aber das hat seinen Preis" (... but this has its price) but this as well sounds like you are taking about money" I disagree with your objective that it sounds like that it is about money and in fact I agree that I would translate it that way. The saying "Alles hat seinen Preis" isn't necessarily about money. It can be but the price could also be something totally different like time, uncomfortable feelings etc.
@Schwuuuuup 10 ай бұрын
@@hansmeiser32 you are probably right, I thought about examples where money is more applicable. "einen durchtrainierten Körper zu haben hat seinen Preis" is a good example for where it is not about money
@NormanF62 10 ай бұрын
I have the picture you’re buying a balloon for fun and its not a practical buy. Its not something you need; you buy it because you like I! That’s the meaning behind the phrase auf meine kosten kommen. An idiom if we stop to think about it, means not everything we buy has objective value. 😊
@Schwuuuuup 10 ай бұрын
@@NormanF62 I disagree. this term is derived from Business where a seller has allways to get his expenses back when making a deal. If I did not made up for my costs, it was a bad deal / bad investment an I am not satisfied
@Schwuuuuup 10 ай бұрын
@@NormanF62 but I agree the rewards for my costs must not be monetary. You could buy the balloon and enjoy it so much that you don't regret the 'silly purchase' but the saying doesn't imply that the worth of a thing is only for you
@UloPe 10 ай бұрын
I think translating “außer” as “beyond” makes the expression more intuitively understandable. Sth. stands beyond question. It’s so obvious or unchangable that it is beyond questioning.
@Bunny99s 10 ай бұрын
Right. "Es steht außer Frage, dass XXX" essentially means XXX is given and must not be questioned. "XXX kommt nicht in Frage" somewhat means the opposite so the option XXX is not an option / should not be considered.
@silkwesir1444 10 ай бұрын
Also, if you think about it, both the German as well as the English version COULD mean either case, going by what it says word for word alone. It's just that somehow, in English people now use it (almost) exclusively to mean one of them, and in German too but the opposite one.
@jrgptr935 9 ай бұрын
Da bin ich nicht einverstanden, UloPe. Es steht sicher außer Frage, daß Wasser aus 2 Wasserstoffatomen und 1 Sauerstoffatom besteht. Selbst wenn ich mein Leben lang ins 🚽 gucken würde, DARAUF käme ich nie. Wahrscheinlich auch sonst nur Wenige. Soviel zum "offensichtlich".
@Bunny99s 9 ай бұрын
@@jrgptr935 Er hat auch gesagt, dass etwas entweder "offensichtlich" / intuitiv oder ein unveränderlicher Fakt ist. Die Tatsache, dass Wasser H2O ist, trifft wohl eher auf den zweiten Fall zu. Wir lernen 99% unseres Wissens durch unsere Eltern, Schule und Umgebung. Oder bist du ein Extremskeptiker (wie die meisten Flacherdler) der Niemanden irgenwas glaubt und nur das glaubt, was er selbst gesehen / entdeckt hat? Oder wie soll ich den letzten Satz verstehen?
@UloPe 9 ай бұрын
@@jrgptr935 ???
@cnaerts 10 ай бұрын
"Auf meine Kosten kommen", does not always have to do with money. It can also mean: "To get the reward for my effort(s)."
@Baccatube79 10 ай бұрын
"Auf meine Kosten kommen" = to get what I paid for / to get my money's worth / to have my expenses covered to come at a price = einen Preis haben
@OzomaLp 10 ай бұрын
"Auf meine Kosten kommen." would be a good translation to understand for english: "Getting what I paid for." since it means enjoy itself because you have to pay for a lot of things that are fun. And then you don't want to waste the paid time with stuff that is not fun. So you try to enjoy your paid time to the fullest to get what you think to yourself is worth the price you paid.
@kalter_wind 10 ай бұрын
That doesn't really work, actually, since "you get what you pay for" has negative connotations. A more fitting equivalent is "that has really paid off".
@OzomaLp 10 ай бұрын
@@kalter_wind Yeah sure that's correct. In english it has negative connotations because it is a saying as well. But I just wanted to translate what it would mean in english to understand what is said. There are multiple sayings which are similiar for english and german which are just a bit different.
@BassaSelim 10 ай бұрын
I think "getting my money's worth" might be a better translation.
@OzomaLp 10 ай бұрын
@@BassaSelim Yeah true
@theol1044 10 ай бұрын
@@BassaSelim Right, but "money" is not to be taken literally here, it can be any kind of effort.
@tasminoben686 10 ай бұрын
Moin Dana, schön, wieder etwas von dir zu hören! Ich folge dir nun schon seit fünf Jahren und bin immer erfreut, wenn du etwas hochlädst! Liebe Grüße und einen schönen Advent dir und Stefan aus Hamburg! Ben❤😂
@Hans_R._Wahl 10 ай бұрын
@HxTurtle 10 ай бұрын
@Herzschreiber 10 ай бұрын
1) außer Frage stehen: My proposal to translate "Das steht doch ausser Frage" wäre "this is a fact, it cannot be questioned!" It can't be questioned that German grocery stores are closed on Sundays. 2 ) Auf meine Kosten kommen: I.m.h.o. the best way to understand "ich komme auf meine Kosten" would be translating it like "I get my money's worth!". The subject money is metaphorical here. I also get my money's worth when something deeply satisfies me. 3) "it comes at a cost" in German would be like "Es hat einen hohen Preis" oder aber "es ist kostenpflichtig" wenn "it is not available for free" gemeint ist. 4) "auf die Kosten von ... gehen" would be the opposite of "auf meine Kosten kommen". Or in another sense: "Wenn wir das tun, geht das aber auf die Kosten von Monika" = "If we do this it would be Monika's disadvantage". So nice to see a new video of yours, Dana, I really missed you :)
@dimrah 10 ай бұрын
About #1 - that confirms Dana's understanding that "out of the question" and "außer Frage stehen" are opposites. They can be used to carry the same meaning, but one of them would have to be negated: It's out of the question to go grocery shopping in Germany on a Sunday. - Sonntags in Deutschland NICHT einkaufen gehen zu können steht außer Frage.
@katinkai.4642 10 ай бұрын
Schön, von Dir wieder zu hören und Dich zu sehen. Ich kann Deine Verwirrung wirklich gut verstehen. Bitte noch viel mehr Videos mit Redewendungen! Denn ich lerne mit Deinen Videos andersherum Amerikanisch/Englisch. Außerdem finde ich Sprache als Forschungsgebiet super spannend.
@rashomon351 10 ай бұрын
...and btw. don't feel bad for not using (the german) language the right way. Just a quick story: I once had an argument with a colleague (I still hold in very high regard ;), which resulted in disputes for days and even shouting matches. Until we finally figured out that the problem was us using the same words in different ways. Human language is always prone to interpretation. Not even just by regional dialects but also by personal experience and understanding. In day-to-day life that mostly doesn't matter too much. But when talking about significant things, be aware to establish a common base of language. This may be of high importance to non-native-speakers: don't rely on what you think the other party said. When in any doubt ever so slightly, ask if your understanding is correct.
@rmamon2554 10 ай бұрын
Help!!!, I am a native German speaker and my brain now has a knot in there. Don't ask such at first seemingly innocent questions and than turning it into something for a trained Germanistics Professor. Never ever look that innocent again, at least put up some glasses.
@Unnerfrange 10 ай бұрын
German can be a tricky language. So "umfahren" is not the same as "umfahren". 😆 Other German natives know what I mean... I talked to a man from Syria a couple of years ago and after five years of living in Germany he didn't get it, when you say "du" or the formal "sie". This was just one of those things, he struggled with. For foreigners learning our language it's quite tricky sometimes.
@jrgptr935 9 ай бұрын
Ja, auch ist der Er|blasser was anderes als der Erb|lasser.
@rashomon351 10 ай бұрын
Ok, I'm not a linguist, but a user of the german language as my mothers tongue (but that doesn't mean I'm right, bavarians may have another interpretation, or swabians, or frisians, or the guy next door... ). So - for me - "Ausser Frage stehen" means exactly what you think. Going to the groceries on a Sunday ? Really ? Thats out of the question. It's closed, everybody knows that, why even ask, ridiculous. If you drop an apple, it will fall to the ground (or Newtons head ;), there's no other possibility. It's out of the question. On the other hand, "Es kommt nicht in Frage" is more like a command. "Please mummy, may I spend the night with my bf unsupervised while his parents are away ?". "Absolutely not, "das kommt nicht in Frage" - "I do not allow that! don't even bother asking!". The escalation of that would be "das kommt **überhaupt** nicht in Frage!" - No way, **I will never** allow that!". I just recognize that. Maybe there (also) is a difference in perspective ? "Es steht ausser Frage" is a sentiment from a general perspective, while "Das kommt nicht in Frage!" is usually a statement from a personal perspective (?) "Auf meine Kosten kommen" IMO just means to be worth your efforts. I'd traslate the notion of "to come at a cost" with "das hat seinen Preis" or "alles hat seinen Preis" or "nichts ist umsonst"
@TheRetroGuy2000 10 ай бұрын
I enjoy these types of videos where you talk about your struggles in understanding some idioms. I can see your brain struggling to wrap itself (another nice idiom) around a difficult German phrase, and it gives me motivation to learn more Spanish. Never got beyond the fourth year of Spanish classes.
@Bombe20m 10 ай бұрын
It's funny that you mention this today, because just yesterday someone said to me "...dabei steht das vollkommen außer Frage" and I was like: "Moment, meinst Du, daß es auf *jeden* Fall so ist oder daß es auf *keinen* Fall so ist?" And I am a native speaker... Regarding "auf meine Kosten kommen", I think the idiomatic translation would be "getting my money's worth". The equivalent of "it's at my expense" would be "es *geht* auf meine Kosten", IMHO. B20
@theol1044 10 ай бұрын
(I'm also a native speaker.) Regarding the first phrase, I think you hit an important point: "steht außer Frage" can actually mean both opposites. It may also depend on the region you are in. But it's my impression that, if you want it to mean something like "in no way", you'll add a qualifier (like you did: "vollkommen"). As for the second phrase, you wouldn't use "kommen" if you want to express "at my (his/her) cost", but "gehen", like in the example above. You might also add "eigene" as a qualifier here: "auf (meine/seine/ihre) eigene(n) Kosten" or, as I would more likely say, "auf (meine/seine/ihre) eigene Rechnung".
@jrgptr935 9 ай бұрын
Zwei Beispiele für "außer Frage": Es steht völlig außer Frage, daß zwei ineinandergreifende Zahnräder sich nicht in die gleiche Richtung drehen können. Es ist schon rein mechanisch nicht möglich. "Darüber braucht man nicht zu reden". Wenn ich einige Wochen nichts trinke, werde ich ziemlich tot sein; auch das dürfte fraglos Zustimmung finden.
@tomtorres212 10 ай бұрын
'enjoying yourself' or 'getting a bang for your buck' ... you could use 'auf deine Kosten kommen' for both situations ;)
@Nodux359 10 ай бұрын
"Beyond any question" might be a better translation, just like " beyond any reasonable doubt".
@Herdatec 10 ай бұрын
'Außer Frage' is not 'out of *the* Question ' it is just 'out of Question'. As in there are no questions about it. Similar as to "we are out of milk" = milk is empty/ no milk left
@NormanF62 10 ай бұрын
When the definite article is omitted, we are out of questions. Literally none come to mind. At least when I think of AuBer fragen stehen, the answer is clear in German and Germans leave you in no doubt when something needs to be specifically asked.
@lalunadapinschi8788 9 ай бұрын
Ich habe deutsche Redewendungen, Aussagen, Sprichwörter usw noch NIE zerlegt, sonst würde ich sie (und das als mutterspachlerin) wohl einfach nicht mehr verstehen 😂... Und genau das ist doch irgendwann der Witz daran, eine Sprache wirklich zu beherrschen - man muss irgendwie die Logik zur Seite schieben, nicht so sehr analytisch denken und einfach SPRECHEN. Es gibt einige Dinge, die ich auf Englisch denke und fühle, dabei nichts hinterfrage und es auch nicht parallel ins Deutsche übersetze. Schwer zu beschreiben😅...
@worldhello1234 9 ай бұрын
@022 That is so easy, undisputed, absolutely sure. 😘
@prius_magnus3834 10 ай бұрын
You can translate "außer Frage stehen" to "Without any doubt", because there is no question to ask and the question is absolutely clear. Example: Ich brauche Geld, aber es steht außer Frage dafür eine Bank zu überfallen. -> I need money, but without any doubt I would not rob a bank. "Auf meine Kosten kommen" means that something is worth spending money. Example: Hat es sich gelohnt Geld für den Kinofilm auszugeben? Absolut, ich bin voll auf meine Kosten gekommen = Was it worth spending the money for this movie? Absolutly, it was so enjoyable. PS: great to see you on KZbin again. 😃
@kgspollux6998 9 ай бұрын
Dana, we really missed you. So good to have you back . . . .
@juyjuka 10 ай бұрын
Hello Wanted Adventure, this was a greate video. It feels genuan and smooth 🙂 Greeings Juy Juka
@Mamaki1987 10 ай бұрын
Yes, you are quite right: Es kommt nicht in Frage is out of the question. Yes, when learing English that confused me as well. To come at a cost I think would be "Das wird teuer" or "Da muss man aber tief in die Tasche greifen" or something like that.
@peterhausmann8337 10 ай бұрын
I think when something comes at a cost means it also has disadvantages.
@Mamaki1987 10 ай бұрын
@@peterhausmann8337 Right, that as well
@jrgptr935 9 ай бұрын
Aber, wenn man auf seine Kosten kommt, heißt das doch nicht, daß etwas teuer wird, sondern daß eine Sache ganz schön was einbringt - also genau das Gegenteil!
@herbertthoma6670 10 ай бұрын
Come at a cost -> hat seinen Preis auf meine Kosten kommen -> literally that is more like „covers my expenses“
@WSandig 10 ай бұрын
Ok now you completely confused me... "Gehen wir zu dieser Party? - Das steht außer Frage!" (Of course we go to the party, there's no further discussion about it needed or wanted.) "Are we going to the party? - That's out of the question!" (No way we're gonna go there, like at all. No further discussion is needed.) So the German saying implies "yes" whereas the English saying implies "no"... Did I get it right now? I hope so. With "auf meine Kosten kommen", I think of buying a ticket to an amusement park and then take every ride there to make it worthwhile. I mean, that's not really what it means, but that's what I think of if I try to make sense of the literal meaning.
@silkwesir1444 10 ай бұрын
Yep, your amusement park examples perfectly explains the logic of the saying. Not that people think all that when they use the saying though, it's more idiomatic in most cases...
@jrgptr935 9 ай бұрын
Oh nein, WSandig, die Antwort auf die deutsche Frage impiziert keineswegs "ja", sondern natürlich "selbstverständlich(!) nein; völlig ausgeschlossen". Außer frage = kommt nicht infrage. Nebenbei, das ist allenfalls eine Redensart, kein Sprichwort. Ein Sprichwort wäre "Auch ein blindes Huhn trinkt manchmal 'nen Korn😉".
@WSandig 9 ай бұрын
@@jrgptr935 jetzt kommst du und verwirrst mich schon wieder... ich habs noch mal im Duden nachgeschlagen und da steht: "außer Frage sein/stehen = ganz gewiss, unbezweifelbar sein", also genau so wie ich es beschrieben hab und auch wie Dana es im Video sagt. Das Wort "Sprichwort" habe ich außerdem nicht benutzt, denn mein Text war auf Englisch verfasst und auch das englisch Wort "proverb" verwendete ich nicht. Ich sagte "saying", was auf Deutsch "Redensart" bedeutet.
@jrgptr935 9 ай бұрын
@@WSandig Autsch. Ich habs mir das alles übersetzen lassen müssen, denn in den 70ern, als ich zur Schule ging, war ja nur Französisch als Fremdsprache erlaubt und Englisch verboten. Bitte diesbezüglich um Entschuldigung. Was die Sache angeht, bin ich nun verwirrt. Wenn ich laut sage, das steht außer Frage, dann klingt es wie "im Leben nicht!"... Es wäre doch seltsam, hätte eine Wendung zwei so gegensätzliche Bedeutungen, je nachdem, ob man etwas postuliert oder auf eine Frage antwortet. Darüber muß ich ein wenig meditieren.
@WSandig 9 ай бұрын
@@jrgptr935 machs nicht, je mehr ich darüber nachdenke desto weniger ergibt alles Sinn 😅 Ich verwende die Redewendung aber auch selten. Vielleicht kann es, Situationsabhängig, wirklich beides bedeuten.
@alwingilissen1979 9 ай бұрын
We've got some sayings in The Netherlands which can be confusing to foreigners. For example, in The Netherlands when you're visiting someone and after a while they say to you "We're going to have dinner". That doesn't mean that it is an invitation to join the meal, but it actually is a polite way of saying: you'll have to go away.
@ingovb6155 9 ай бұрын
Interesting. I shall remember that!
@alwingilissen1979 9 ай бұрын
@@ingovb6155 , an even more explaining video can be found here: On that channel you can find other typical Dutch cultural behaviour. For example for a lot of foreigners it looks like there is no hierarchy in The Netherlands:
@SiqueScarface 9 ай бұрын
1:00 It makes more sense if you put it in context with the second metaphor: etwas in Frage stellen - to put something in question. If you don't put something in question, it stands outside the question, es steht außer Frage. Etwas steht außer Frage is thus the opposite to Etwas wird in Frage gestellt. PS: I have a similar issue with the English "must not", as the German "nicht müssen" is actually totally permissive: do it or leave it, your choice. 4:00 "Auf seine Kosten kommen" means it pays off. You get what you paid for, your cost is covered. If you want to express that it comes at your expense, then it would be "Ich muss die Kosten tragen", I have to bear the cost, or "Das geht auf meine Kosten", it adds to my cost.
@Segalmed 10 ай бұрын
I'd say "to come at a cost" is "auf die Kosten (von jemand) gehen" (=x is having to pay for it) or "seinen Preis haben" (=to have a price tag attached). "Auf (jemndes) Kosten kommen" is more of "to get ones money's worth of it" (with the positive emotional consequences).
@auser7120 10 ай бұрын
I wonder if "auf seine Kosten kommen" means different things in some regions. While "auf seine Kosten kommen" can refer to the monetary aspect, in my experience it's usually used more broadly, sometimes even jokingly. For example, "I'm vegan, so when we went to Kentucky Fried Chicken "bin ich nicht auf meine Kosten gekommen". This could mean that you barely spent any money, but the overall investment including taking the time to go there wasn't worth it & you didn't have a good time, like you said in the video. I even think it can be used to just say that something wasn't as you would have wanted it to be, f.e. only music you don't like was played at a party. I don't think I've ever heard it being used to refer to the money's worth, I'd actually almost find that offensive in some contexts.
@Hans_R._Wahl 10 ай бұрын
Yes, indeed, it's a more broader sense which it contains. If I booked a beach holiday and it's raining all the days I wasted money, too, but not only: Ich kam dann nicht auf meine Kosten because my complete travel was destroyed and I came as pale back as I started the travel.
@dimrah 10 ай бұрын
I'd say "auf deine Kosten kommen" is pretty much "to get your money's worth" while "to come at a cost" could go in German as "seinen Preis haben". [NOTE: seinen - its, not his - literally "something has a/its price", which I'd say is the same meaning as "to come at a cost".] Examples: Ich verspreche dir, du wirst bei diesem Ausflug auf deine Kosten kommen. - I promise you'll get your money's worth on this trip. [NOTE: at least the German phrase does not necessarily have to be about actual money. The cost could also be your time, your patience, etc.] Wanting to go on a beach and skiing holiday at the same time will come at a cost. - Einen Strand- und Skiurlaub gleichzeitig machen zu wollen, hat seinen Preis. [NOTE: again, I'd say in both languages, the cost/price does not necessarily have to be a financial one.]
@holger_p 10 ай бұрын
Costs are a term from economy. You pay something (your costs), you get something back (the turnover), when it's larger than your costs, you have a profit. That's the literal meaning, "having a black zero", get your costs, your spendings, your expenses back . It can be applied to joy also. You get more back, than you invest. Like "the theatre ticket was worth it". More joy returned then price of ticket. But it's a rather old fashioned expression for "having fun".
@Danny30011980 9 ай бұрын
Auf meine Kosten kommen I'd explain as something to be worthy enough to be enjoyed by me (partially also in view of what you've spent for it. If you went to a fun fair park and paid admission and all the rides inside were crappy, so you've spent all the admission for nothing you would not be "auf Deine Kosten gekommen". In comparison of them having loads and loads of fun rides and you are having fun start to finish riding each one ten times then you would say "Ich bin auf meine Kosten gekommen" as it was worth every cent invested in the admission.
@zorrothebug 10 ай бұрын
"Auf seine Kosten kommen" I would translate this as "To get something (the money) worth". So at whatever cost it was worth spending it for, because you enjoyed it. "Auf die Kosten von..." -> "On the bill of..."
@holger_p 10 ай бұрын
I think you mix up "in Frage kommen" und "in Frage stehen". The english be out of the question is "in Frage kommen", more like "I don't dear, or be unable to ask, it's not an option", while "in Frage stehen" means "have no doubt, just asking is silly", "don't question 2+2=4" would be a good translation. "Don't put it into a question - we know the answer". "put"=stellen ...
@foamheart 10 ай бұрын
Perhaps you know the expression "in Frage stellen". It means that you put something in a spot where it can be questioned. "außer Frage stehen" means that something is not in that spot where it can be questioned.
@Naontaes 9 ай бұрын
"Auf die Kosten kommen" means You expect the refound of the Invest. So You are invited for a shoping-Tour by Your frends and when You arrived, they told You, that they changed to going for Cinema. Than You respons, how You wold came to Your costs.
@nessy3212 10 ай бұрын
I understand what you are struggling with. "außer frage stehen" isused to say, no you cannot ask that, and not to say this is not an option. it literally says, you must know that this is impossible, beyound any question. "Can you drive me to the grocery store tomorrow morning, I need ingredients for my cookies? - No, that's out of any question, I have to go to work." / "auf die Kosten kommen" oder "auf deine kosten kommen" means literally, you get back what you investet. so it means it was worth it. "Comes at a kost"... i would say "die Sache hat einen Haken!" what means it comes with an unexpeckted catch, or there is a catch.
@V100-e5q 10 ай бұрын
"Auf meine Kosten kommen" means: to get my money's (efforts I put in) worth. I didn't get scammed. So as a result I am satisfied with the outcome. If you add "voll" to "auf meine Kosten gekommen" it means you are totally satisfied by not only getting what you hoped for but even more. To come at a cost is the same as "there no such thing as a free lunch" in German: Alles hat seinen Preis (You have to pay for everything.) Or in an extreme case "das wird uns teuer zu stehen kommen". That will cost us an arm and a leg.
@davidwright5719 9 ай бұрын
1. Capitalize nouns in your subtitles. 2. It would help a lot if you would explain each expression rather than just give an English equivalent.
@zaldarion 10 ай бұрын
"ausser frage stehen" is more like "for a fact" or "no second guessing"... or in a loose translation "you don't have to ask". "auf meine kosten kommen" is like "I'll have my fun", it's more a "thread". "ich werd schon auf meine kosten kommen" - "oh I will have fun"
@LigH_de 10 ай бұрын
außer Frage stehen = out of question / beyond question; a bad idea without any doubt, do not even consider that auf meine Kosten kommen = get my money's worth; I paid for it, and it was really worth it, I got satisfied
@jgr_lilli_ 10 ай бұрын
"At the cost of" would be "auf Kosten von" (+ Artikel if it's a thing, without Artikel if it's a name). "I managed to not hit the cat on the road at the cost of my car's cooler grill." "Ich habe es geschafft, der Katze auf der Straße auszuweichen, auf Kosten meines Kühlergrills."
@rainerzufall42 10 ай бұрын
You write "without an article", but then your example has an article (well, sth. like that, in the sense of "auf Kosten des Kühlergrills" (Genitiv)). The other example would be "auf Kosten von Michael", if Michael is a person. If it's a thing (that is damaged or lost or so), then "auf Kosten des/der Dings/Sache".
@vsmash2 10 ай бұрын
4:06 It means getting (a thing/experience) worth your cost (spending), the enjoyment is only an implied side effect.
@hannofranz7973 10 ай бұрын
Ausser Frage stehen is very much "beyond doubt". I recommend to translate question with doubt here.
@simonewoodwell7354 10 ай бұрын
I have been diligently trying to learn German. I believe I finally get the grammar After 2 years I can watch a movie and get 90%. What don't I get - all the sayings that can not be translated literally. There are so many.
@patrickm3981 10 ай бұрын
What needs also to be factored in with sayings is that they can be very old and that they do not change over time. This means while the language changes over the centuries these sayings can conserve meanings of words or concepts that fell out of use a long time ago. For example I guess that in "auf seine Kosten kommen" the "Kosten" meant not "cost". There are several such sayings and words where "Kost" refer to some kind of food related thing. "köstlich" means "delicious" and there are also lots of other things where "Kost" has something to do with food, e.g. "möchtest du das kosten?" ("would you like to taste it?") or "eine gesunde Kost" ("a healthy diet"). I guess it therefore probably originate from a context where it meant that you get something delicious to eat.
@jasonbraun127 10 ай бұрын
I would translate "auf seine kosten kommen" as "to get your money's worth."
@hansmeiser32 10 ай бұрын
I don't know the usage of the English saying "to get your money's worth" so I don't know if this is applicable or not but in the German version the costs don't have to be monetary. They can be anything: time, health, uncomfortable feelings, whatever Like "I spend every day 2 hours in the gym but 'ich komme auf meine Kosten'" - meaning I spend time in the gym but I get a better health in return.
@0al797 2 ай бұрын
N.B.: Frage is a noun (capital letter in German) in Frage stellen = to challenge something (to "put into question") außer Frage stehen = to be beyond all question ("it is out of [beyond] any question") at the cost of ... = auf Kosten +Genitive "auf seine Kosten kommen" is somewhat an exception and means "in seinen Erwartungen zufriedengestellt werden" (don't know how to say this in English, your expectations are ?fullfilled?satisfied?) BTW undoubtedly = zweifellos oder fraglos oder zweifelsohne oder unzweifelhaft
@krebsandi 10 ай бұрын
"Etwas steht ausser Frage"....das heißt etwas ist sonnenklar, glasklar...darüber braucht man nicht zu reden. Das ist so, aus die Maus, und Basta...........So und "Das kommt nicht in Frage"...bedeutet ganz einfach...."Na ganz sicher 100 tausend prozentig sicher nicht" oder abgemildert: Man schließt etwas aus
@twincast2005 10 ай бұрын
Remember that "without" also literally means "out of". That said, when used as as part of a larger sentence, then "X is without question Y" = "X ist ohne Frage Y". And the most accurate translation ought to be "X steht außer Frage." = "X steht nicht in Frage." = "X is not in question." Anyway, yes, "X kommt nicht in Frage." = "X is out of the question." "auf seine Kosten kommen" = "get his money's worth" "auf seine Kosten" = "at his expense" (lit. & fig.) "mit Kosten verbunden sein" = "come with/at a cost/price" "kostenpflichtig (verfügbar)", "für einen Preis (zu haben)" = "(available) at/for a cost/price" "auf Kosten (seiner Gesundheit [genitive])" = "at the cost of (his health)" "um jeden/jedweden Preis" = "at any cost", "at all costs" (lit. & fig.)
@jorggrube442 8 ай бұрын
The other day? letztlich. Weißt Du wem ich letztlich begegnet bin? einst (länger zurückliegend). Aber: Wir haben uns letztlich entschlossen auszuwandern (nach reiflicher Überlegung).Eine Art doppelte Bedeutung. Schöne Grüße!
@jrgptr935 9 ай бұрын
"nicht in Frage kommen" heißt soviel wie "[irgendetwas] mag für andere eine denkbare Option sein, aber nicht für mich. Ich ziehe es in keinster Weise in Betracht". - "Ich werde auf meine Kosten kommen" bedeutet schlicht, daß ich für eine -von mir erbrachte- Leistung eine zumindest(!) gleichwertige Gegenleistung bekomme, so daß ich ohne Schaden aus diesem "Verhältnis" - der USAmerikaner wird es Geschäft oder Handel nennen - davonkomme. Ich hatte einen (Arbeits-)Aufwand (=Kosten) und jetzt bekomme ich etwas dafür (zB Geld), das - im Idealfall, nicht notwendigerweise) - den Kosten entspricht oder übersteigt. So bin ich auf meine Kosten oder sogar darüber gekommen. Diese Redensart ist praktisch überall anwendbar, wo investiert wird, auch in allerpersönlichten Bereichen, die das Dunkel der Bettdecke bedeckt. - "Du wirst auf deine Kosten kommen" = "Es wird dein Schaden nicht sein".
@freddybaumgartner3096 6 ай бұрын
I haven't been here for years. Nice to see that you're still making content! 🎉
@klaus-udokloppstedt6257 9 ай бұрын
3:13 funny that word-by-word wise, it really looks like both phrases are twisted
@stillegasse4391 9 ай бұрын
Außer Frage: keine Frage (Diskussion) Notwendig. Die Antwort ist bereits klar und deutlich für jeden ersichtlich Auf meine Kosten kommen: Ich komme auf meine Kosten. Ich erhalte/bekomme wofür ich gezahlt habe. Also den entstandenen Gegenwert.
@maxwilli3718 3 ай бұрын
Ein Kind will unbedingt Riesenrad fahren, alle anderen aber wollen Dart spielen. Nach endlosen Pfeilen, sagt der Lehrer. Warte nur noch einen Weil, dann wirst auch Du noch auf Deine Kosten kommen. One child really wants to ride the Ferris wheel, but everyone else wants to play darts. After endless darts, says the teacher. Just wait a little longer and you'll get your money's worth too.
@MartinJunghöfer 9 ай бұрын
Idioms can NEVER be translated one-to-one and usually not or very, very difficult to translate in meaning! Therefore continue in German: "außer Frage stehen" ist eine extreme Steigerung von "nein", ja wahrscheinlich die extremst mögliche; z.B. die Frage, kann ich sonntags einkaufen gehen, kann man einfach nur mit "nein" beantwortet; wenn ich aber antworte: "das steht außer Frage", sage ich damit, daß die Frage schon derart absurd ist, daß man sie eigentlich gar nicht stellen darf/kann: die Frage steht außerhalb eines gedachten Raumes zu stellender, also möglicherweise auch zu beantwortender Fragen! Man sagt manchmal: es gibt keine dummen Fragen sondern nur dumme Antworten, das mag so sei, aber daneben gibt es auch Fragen, die man gar nicht beantworten kann - nebenbei sollte man die gar nicht stellen! - und darauf genau bezieht sich die Redewendung "außer Frage stehen"! Wenn man das übersetzen wollte, müßte man den ganzen Assoziationskontext mit vermitteln und das dürfte sehr schwierig sein!
@nordwestbeiwest1899 10 ай бұрын
Ich kam auf meine Kosten und das sehr köstlich 😉
@tasminoben686 10 ай бұрын
Moin. Ich freue mich schon darauf, nachher mein Mittagessen zu kosten! Schönen ersten Advent und Grüße aus Ahrensburg an❤
@philcornman9907 10 ай бұрын
Sorry to get off the subject but have you heard from don't trust the rabbit is she doing okay
@dersten1023 9 ай бұрын
"Es steht außer Frage" = to be certain of something/sicher sein. "Auf seine Kosten kommen" = to be pleasured until satisfied (usually)/befriedigt werden.
@jgr_lilli_ 10 ай бұрын
I always considered "außer frage stehen" the opposite of "fraglich sein". So there is not a doubt that it happens, there is no way to "es infrage stellen", because it's not to be changed. It can not be "infrage gestellt" because it's always "außer frage".
@jorggrube442 8 ай бұрын
Jetzt fällt mir ein: The other day: letztens. Weißt Du wen ich letztens getroffen habe? Das ist korrekt. Letzlich ist falsch.
@JockyArt 9 ай бұрын
I would say "außer Frage stehen" refers to a topic that does not have to be discussed, because it is clear to everybody or agreed on with every body. "Es steht außer Frage, dass der Mitarbeiter sich wirklich angestrengt hat, aber..." "Auf seine Kosten kommen" has two meanings. I am an arist and recently sold my art calendars for next year. I had so and so hours of work to design it, the printing price was that high, shipping costs and so on. I sold every copy, had a reasonable price "um auf meine Kosten zu kommen und auch noch etwas Gewinn zu machen". But then I went to the cinema and where they showed the new movie of my favourite franchise. There was humor, action, unexpected twists and all the elements of what I loved about the franchise. "Ich bin wirklich auf meine Kosten gekommen". It was worth the visit of the cinema and the price I paid for it. Or otherwise the movie was boring, filled with cliches, was predictable, poorly produced and did not fulfill my expectations. "Ich bin überhaupt nicht auf meine Kosten gekommen." "auf die Kosten von jemanden". We are a group of friends and are joking around. But all the jokes are only about a certain people group (maybe even within our group). "Wir machen Scherze auf Kosten von..." Or we are meeting as a group in several places. Every time we party together it is the house of xy. Afterwards the whole place is a mess. XY has to cleanup every time for hours. As after the other meeting there are only a few glasses to wash. "Unsere Treffen gehen immer auf die Kosten von XY"
@LuiWallentinGttler 10 ай бұрын
I feel some strong Leo Getz channeling in this video.
@michaelfuerstenberg7983 10 ай бұрын
What’s your secret to become more beautiful each year?
@WantedAdventure 10 ай бұрын
so my question for you is: how would you say "to come at a cost" in German? Is there more than one way? Please let me know in the comments below🥳
@jgr_lilli_ 10 ай бұрын
My first instinct would be "es hat (s)einen Preis" or "für einen hohen Preis" - because the German Version of "... but at what cost!?" is "aber für einen hohen Preis." or "... doch es hatte seinen Preis".
@hansmeiser32 10 ай бұрын
@@jgr_lilli_ "but at what cost!?" I would translate this with "aber zu welchem Preis?"
@erictrumpler9652 10 ай бұрын
Alles hat seinen Preis, oder: Nichts ist umsonst.
@nirfz 10 ай бұрын
I don't really get the problem with the first one, both ways it's the same. As for "comes at a cost" if you don't like what others already mentioned "das hat seinen Preis" i would say you could also use "das gibts nicht umsonst" or "nichts ist umsonst"
@silkwesir1444 10 ай бұрын
no. While by literal meaning both could be both, the german one almost always is used to mean yes, while the english one almost always is used to mean no.
@Hans_R._Wahl 10 ай бұрын
Dana, I think you think too much about this sayings!😃
@Steeler-wg5zo 10 ай бұрын
Und nächstes mal erklärst du uns, was es bedeutet 'etwas infrage zu stellen'...oder auch nicht. 😉
@manueln.1846 9 ай бұрын
"80 Euro. Mehr is der Prügel nicht wert." bedeutet "es entspricht seinem Preis" 😂😂😂
@holger_p 10 ай бұрын
It's actually idioms, not sayings.
@erictrumpler9652 10 ай бұрын
"Auf meine Kosten kommen" translates to "getting my money's worth".. and "it comes at a cost" translates to "alles hat seinen Preis", or "nichts ist umsonst"
@denj96 10 ай бұрын
"Auf seine Kosten kommen" = "to get your money’s worth" "to come at a cost" = "seinen Preis haben"
@Lightningchase1973 10 ай бұрын
Außer Frage stellen, means, something is, sure, there are no questions. Es ist Eben außer Frage gestellt ob du am Sonntag einkaufen kannst (nein, alles hat zu). As everything is closed on Sunday there is no question you cannot go shopping. The same on Mondays, as everything is open you can go shopping if you eat, there is no doubt about it. So “außer Frage stellen" means that there is no doubt, no questions required. Es kommt nicht in Frage means "you have to", it's an order, do not ask about it. Es kommt nicht in Frage to cross the crossroads at red.
@melissawilliamson8871 5 ай бұрын
Your hair looks great.
@berndhoffmann7703 9 ай бұрын
ausser Frage stehen, means it is a fact.
@tobiasschroder3831 10 ай бұрын
"Alles hat seinen Peis" Das wäre das Äqivalent zu "to come at a cost"
@lostincyberspaceIII 10 ай бұрын
Außer Frage stehen, I think the best translation might be without a doubt.
@habicht6 10 ай бұрын
mit diesen Videos der Münchnerin komme ich immer auf meine Kosten...hahahahahahaha
@HxTurtle 10 ай бұрын
have you ever been told that you maybe slightly overthink things?! I mean, I'm definitely prone to it as well and that's why I always loved watching your videos. your highly unique thought process is just so relatable! I mean, it's a great thing to have when you author a book; it just makes daily errands such a grocery shopping unnecessarily more compacted, lol.
@JostSchwider 10 ай бұрын
👍 - auch für den YT-Algo! 😊 👍 - also for the YT algo! 😊
@nutherefurlong 10 ай бұрын
What's really interesting to me is that the first phrase seems like usage dictates the meaning. It's basically a thing you can't construct precise meaning from the components, it'd have to be asking around and getting consensus. At least as I understand the usage of the individual components. The English equivalents (without/out of) feel similar, we're used to how they're used but on their face they mean similar if not identical things, that the assumption is obvious :) Interesting point you bring up The way I'd internalize auf meine koste kommen is, maybe this is wrong, but to say you'd be willing to endure a potential cost to do the thing because you're more willing to have fun with it. Like it doesn't matter if there's a tradeoff, I'm going to have fun. "Aber es wird dich kosten" or something similar doesn't quite fit? Just using a translator so I don't know what flows best.
@caffeinatedYT 10 ай бұрын
It is perhaps easier for "out of the question" to think of it as "beyond question" and "out of the question" as "ausgeschlossen"....😅
@MonicaTheMad 10 ай бұрын
auf meine kosten kommen is "to get your money's worth"
@itsamemarkus 10 ай бұрын
Schön, wieder ein neues Video von dir zu sehen. Obwohl ich Muttersprachler bin, war ich mir nach 2 Minuten des Videos auch nicht mehr ganz sicher, was außer Frage stehen bedeutet. 😆
@mischadorn6037 3 ай бұрын
Lern lern lern. Greetings from Hannover
@romainsavioz5466 10 ай бұрын
@mho2309 10 ай бұрын
Deutsch ist doch total einfach. Umfahren ist das Gegenteil vom umfahren.
@lichtgestalt609 10 ай бұрын
Könnte man das noch ausbauen? Oder sollte man es gleich ausbauen? ;-)
@NoNoTheGreenOne 10 ай бұрын
Auf meine Kosten kommen = to get my moneys worth
@Zeit_waise 9 ай бұрын
out of the Zwetschgen
@chrismayer8990 10 ай бұрын
Sorry, irgendwie verstehe ich das Video nicht. Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache und selbst mich verwirrt was du da sagst. Natürlich steht es außer Frage......du kannst am Sonntag nicht einkaufen gehen. "Auf seine Kosten kommen" bedeutet für mich, dass etwas meine Erwartungshaltung erfüllt oder übertrifft. Oder hast du ein Problem mit "seine / meine"?
@holger_p 10 ай бұрын
The problem is, you need to know the exact meaning of the english phrases, to understand the confusion. And maybe she get's confused with "bekommen=get", "getting costs" in the meaning of having reembursement.
@chrismayer8990 10 ай бұрын
@@holger_p You're probably right!
@janmarks8850 10 ай бұрын
Alles hat seinen Preis.
@worldhello1234 9 ай бұрын
@4:24 Es hat seinen Preis.
@vbvideo1669 10 ай бұрын
Tolles Video! :)
@jensschroder8214 10 ай бұрын
"außer Frage stehen" = es wird nicht nach einer anderen Möglichkeit gefragt. Es gibt keine andere Möglichkeit. Es steht außer Frage, das Du am Sonntag keine Zutaten für die Cookies kaufen kannst.
@jensschroder8214 10 ай бұрын
"auf meine Kosten kommen" = oft NICHT wörtlich gemeint Wir machten einen Ausflug. Ob wohl es die ganze Zeit regente, kam ich auf meine Kosten. Will sagen: ich konnte dem Ausflug positives abgewinnen, ich bin damit zufrieden.
@jensschroder8214 10 ай бұрын
"seine Kosten herein wieder holen" ich kaufte ein großes Paket Amaz0n Rückläufer. Dann habe ich alles versteigert und ich habe meine Kosten wieder herein geholt. Ich habe sogar einen Gewinn gemacht.
@jensschroder8214 10 ай бұрын
"auf die Kosten von" meint ich habe den Topf fast leer gemacht und kaum etwas für die Anderen übrig gelassen. Oder Ich habe auf die Kosten von Maria meine Späße getrieben. Jetzt steht sie da und weint. "auf die Kosten von" wird oft als unfaires Verhalten angesehen.
@helloweener2007 10 ай бұрын
I think you over analysed "außer Frage stehen". Synonyms are: keine Frage sein, nicht die Frage sein, nicht in Frage kommen, nicht zur Debatte stehen, unbestritten sein, undiskutabel sein. I think that "out of question" can be translated with indiskutabel / undiskutabel sein. Dictionaries also suggest it. I think the meaning is more on being undspiuted / undoubted. It is out of question that the earth is not flat. Es steht außer Frage, das die Erde nicht flach ist.
@holger_p 10 ай бұрын
No, that's really two different things. It can be your own decision, not to ask, or can be external given. "one of the answers in the quiz shows must be correct" it's "without a question", "außer Frage", no doubt. But "it's not an option to call my sister for the answer is "in Frage kommen", be out of question. It's more if you are ashamed to ask, you don't dear to, you cut out the option from your live yourself. Taking a Taxi is out of question. It's never "steht außer Frage", it's always "kommt nicht in Frage".
@helloweener2007 10 ай бұрын
@@holger_p ""one of the answers in the quiz shows must be correct" it's "without a question", "außer Frage", no doubt." Yes. But this supports the answer I gave. One question has to be correct. It is an indisputeable fact. maybe I wrote it a little bit unclear. You use "Außer Frage stehend" when it is indisputed. "But "it's not an option to call my sister for the answer is "in Frage kommen", be out of question." Yes, I would this also translate with "kommt nicht in Frage" Taking a Taxi is out of question. It's never "steht außer Frage", it's always "kommt nicht in Frage". Mein Geld ist alle, ein Taxi zu nehmen steht außer Frage. Mein Geld ist alle, ein Taxi zu nehmen kommt nicht in Frage. Meaning is the same in both cases. Dictionaries give translations that would also suggest that "out of question" might also be translated with "außer Frage stehen" sometimes. There are some examples given. Unfortunately, now that I’m diabetic, drinking beer is out of the question. I would say you could use both here. Unglücklicherweise, jetzt nachdem ich Diabetiker bin kommt Biertrinken nicht in Frage. Unglücklicherweise, jetzt nachdem ich Diabetiker bin steht Biertrinken außer Frage. You didn't finish your dinner so dessert is out of the question young man. Same. Du hast Dein Abendessen nicht gegessen, junger Mann, Nachtisch kommt nicht in Frage. Du hast Dein Abendessen nicht gegessen, junger Mann, Nachtisch steht außer Frage. In both cases it is linked with an indisputable fact, diabetis and a not fnished dinner.
@holger_p 10 ай бұрын
@@helloweener2007"I have the money, but don't want to spend it for a taxi" is not covered in your analysis. That's this "I forbid it to myself" meaning. It's not an indisputable fact. It's an arbitrary decision. Maybe you present your decision, like it would be a fact. Of course you can find samples, where you can use it interchangably. This doesn't proof it as synonyms.
@mattesrocket 10 ай бұрын
Love the topic, love you!
@fishlein 10 ай бұрын
It so nice to see back making content, makes me smile 😊
@AdrianColley 10 ай бұрын
"Auf meine Kosten kommen" = "it's on my dime"
@hansmeiser32 10 ай бұрын
Sorry, no. "on my dime" would be "auf meine Kosten". "Ich komme auf meine Kosten" has a different meaning. More like "I reap the benefits of my efforts".
@00Rumpel 10 ай бұрын
Dana, so glad to see you!😊
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