Genesis 1 & Evidence For The Supernatural (with Dr. Sarah Salviander)

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The Story Church

The Story Church

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@jeromedenis4754 3 жыл бұрын
Just watched/listened to you Dr. S Salviander on the Eric Metexas Radio Show and now I'm interested in knowing more about your story. Dr. Sarah Salviander you're a very unique person.
@machaant5258 2 жыл бұрын
Thank God for godly women like Dr Sarah
@3in1god Жыл бұрын
My sister and I were bought up by strict atheist parents. They were good working class intellectuals. Dad was a member of the Communist party and Mum carried a picture of Stalin in her handbag. We were told constantly that there is no God. Dad used to tell us how the earth tipped half an inch of its axis the planet would go spiralling off into space. For some reason he liked this idea, but it made me and my sister quite insecure. Anyway my sister and I are both born again Christian is now. Who would’ve thought?
@henkvanwyk6799 2 ай бұрын
What a great Testimony ❤
@joeosp1689 11 ай бұрын
An entertaining and easy-to-understand book about the Genesis creation and evolution debate is Axis of the Beginning.
@theHermitcrabshow 3 жыл бұрын
Here because of the Metaxas interview. (:
@PearlmanYeC 3 жыл бұрын
Nice guest and interview. FYI No need to invoke time dilation. Also scripture can be understood either way, as the Earth before the Heavens or the heavens before the earth. See the Talmudic dispute of Hillel and Shamai on the verse re Throne (Heavens) and Footstool (Earth). 6 literal days is all one needs once one understands all the relevant science. Factoring in the LAW of science aka entropy 'the deeper the time the greater the claim. The greater the claim the greater the burden of proof'. define one day as the time it takes the Earth (or proto-Earth) to make one rotation in relation to the sun (or proto-sun). The proto Earth and sun existing in some form or fashion by day one, when all energy and matter came to be by The WORD of The One aka G-d of Abraham in a hyper-dense area. With proto-galactic formation starting by the end of day one. The universe attaining mature size and density by the end of day four. reference 'Creation Science and Big Bang Cosmology' volume 2 of Pearlman YeC.
@johnpinckney7269 3 жыл бұрын
Is your book available someplace besides Amazon? I am boycotting Amazon as much as possible.
@vacaloca5575 Жыл бұрын
Obviously, she doesn't realize the big mistake she makes that totally destroys her theory of dilation, for the fact is that Genesis 1, after the first verse, is never actually talking about the creation of the universe, of the heavens, or of the earth, since this is already mentioned in 1:1 and is NOT repeated anywhere else, for the words "God created the heavens and the earth" only appear in the first verse, and the fact is that the rest of Genesis 1 only relates the regeneration of the atmosphere and the refilling of the biosphere with biological life, and it never talks again about the creation of the earth or the heavens. Just read what it says, and you will see that Genesis never talks about the material creation of the heavens and the earth except in 1:1, and that verse does not say how long it took to create heavens and earth. So, the discussion of how long it took to create the universe is totally irrelevant to understanding Genesis 1.
@michaelbabbitt3837 Жыл бұрын
But aren't you just giving your interpretation, reading the 'natural' language, and extrapolating from that? And then telling people that this is what Genesis really says? Why should anyone believe your version? Perhaps you are missing something. I am agnostic (about Genesis) in many ways but I know people who know ancient Hebrew, and they don't agree with what you assert. This is your opinion given as fact. Hugh Ross interprets the Genesis account very differently, closer to your perspective in a way, and says that the point of view of the Spirit hovering is where he starts from.
@monkeysnide Жыл бұрын
you forgot to mention what the evidence is..
@anthonykitchens694 5 ай бұрын
She has great big nice hooters and beautiful long flowing blonde hair. She's pretty.✝️🙏
@johnpinckney7269 3 жыл бұрын
This lady does not believe in a literal 6-day interpretation of Genesis 1. Take sun and moon created on day 4. She says they were there all the time but just became visible on day 4. Is that what the text says? "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.". It says "made". The Hebrew is asah which means "do" not the word for revealed. Funny how people with her interpretation require modern science in order to understand the Bible. David had no such benefit and he would understand from the text that the sun and stars were made after plants on day 4. He was just wrong I guess.
@machaant5258 2 жыл бұрын
Young age creationists are not serious about Bible nor science. Shame that anyone entertains them
@ishmaelopare1290 2 жыл бұрын
She believes in Jesus as the Messiah and that is enough. I will say, she has really come far considering her background in upbringing and also her scientific knowledge. It is really a humbling testimony of what God can do. I want to ask you a question? Tell me there is not a single scripture that you struggle with! If you believed the whole bible, you should be walking on water, raising the dead by now! But you haven't done any of these. Let's be grateful to God for his testimonies among the people we failed to witness to . I take so much from this testimony. As a young physician in training, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, prayed in tongues, and got others baptized as well, but always struggled with "whether the moon or sun came first". It took a revelation from the Holy Spirit to understand. Peter for instance, after being with Jesus for so long and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, still did not believe that the gospel was for the Gentiles also! He was not going to baptize Cornelius and his household even though God sent an angel to him. Our upbringing and culture has a lot to do with our view of the scriptures and the world. No matter how we come to the truth, Jesus accepts us anyway and gradually, he reveals his truth to us by the Holy Spirit. Why will Jesus say the Holy Spirit shall lead us into all truth if we already accepted and believed everything God told us? Simply put, let us be glad and welcome everyone who boldly and gladly accepts the Lord Jesus Christ. How did I eventually accept the Genesis Creation? The Holy Spirit put a question to me "Jesus said, God makes His son to shine on the righteous and the unrighteous". I immediately understood. If God did not create the sun in the way He says he did, and was a result of some cosmic accident, how could He say, "His" sun! There went away my doubt and struggle for many years!. Science is actually getting closer to some of these truths and they just don't want to tell. First they believed the universe was eternal and now they know it has a beginning! Gradually, they are beginning to understand the physical world was not made from physical stuff " world was made of nothing claim"! It all screams Genesis and Jesus! In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. So lets stop being a killjoy and enjoy the unfolding of the wisdom of God, who catches the wise in their own wisdom and frustrate the signs of the astrologers. He said, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, so take the front seat and enjoy the show!
@kennyjohnson1476 2 жыл бұрын
St. John Chysostom, the Golden Mouth (4th century, c. 385 AD) in his "Homilies on Genesis" accepts the sun & moon becoming visible on the 4th day. Yet, St. John C. didn't have modern science to contend with. "And he made the stars also"??? Kind of an add on or flippet way of saying it, huh? Moses wasn't necessarily saying point blank, God manufactured them on the 4th day. He was trained in all the knowledge of the Egyptians and was aware of the primacy of the sun & moon in Egyptian cosmology & religion. So, he relegated their light giving importance (their function) to the 4th day instead of the 1st day, to imply a lesser importance to their existence. It is what the sun did for the Egyptians that was important to the Egyptians. Moses was possibly doing a counter-apologetic to the creation accounts of Egypt. Look at all the "functions of created objects" in Genesis. Is it coincidence that days 1, 2, & 3 were environments, and days 4, 5 & 6 were objects placed in those environments, respectively? God was into "filling". Is it coincidence the Hebrew word for create means "fatten" in the lexicons? God was showing order, purpose & function in creation , which was more important to the ancient Eastern mindset than a strict scientific manufacturing approach to creation.
@jj3164 2 жыл бұрын
That is NOT an issue of salvation, plus there are other Christians who believe the same. Dr. Hugh Ross is perhaps the most notable on the topic.
@natebriner2557 Жыл бұрын
Do you think that she would believe in a L6DC if that's where the evidence pointed?
@reznet2 Жыл бұрын
Great 👍 now all you need to do is be Catholic like your parents first were. Btw, catholicism is true 😁
@osasosas2982 3 жыл бұрын
All I got is ASMR vibes. Also a woman shouldn't be teaching in a church. God gave that responsibility to men. And pls, you don't need a PhD to understand the bible. Just read and take the literal interpretation. That should be the default. Do not guess what the bible should or probably means.
@machaant5258 2 жыл бұрын
Except that women were prophetess, apostles of church 😂
@eda8877 2 жыл бұрын
@@machaant5258 1 Timothy 2:12 ESV / I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. 1 Corinthians 14:34 ESV / The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says.
@michaelbabbitt3837 2 жыл бұрын
And how do you read? By the trained mindset you have, by the linguistic foundations and assumptions of your culture. When you read the Bible, you are - much of the time - just reading your own mindset into things. You read in English and through a post-Enligtenment mindset. The Bible was written in Hebrew (and some Aramaic) for the OT and in Greek for the NT and it was written to different audiences but for all of us, in the end. When Jesus said I am the door, is He literally a door - or a vine? No, you apply reasoned interpretation to those metaphors. I take the Bible seriously and the writings as they are in the genre they are written. Song of Songs is poetry. 4 Gospels are history, Revelation is apocalyptic literature. So you have to read with a mind that is open to understanding the text and its genre besides it's cultural relevance. No one in Moses' day understood astrophysics and it would've been silly for God to speak to them on those terms. So 'literal interpretation' is as shallow and a naive a way of reading as one can get. God is greater than how we read His book. But you will most probably not understand this and just answer defensively.
@tomi837 2 жыл бұрын
Shut up your dirty mouth
@Stupidityindex Жыл бұрын
@@michaelbabbitt3837 Power is addictive, & the Christian enjoys the delusion of having a deity handy for ultimate free passes & answers. Projecting certainty of having been authorized by a deity, just feels right. Seeing the purchase of fantasyland vocabulary is a bonus. Any god outside of fiction is an absurdity the illiterate observes. Freud wrote the antidote to Christianity is literacy. Those with one foot in fantasyland authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones & magic. If there were a god, you would think he would produce something with all the computing power, instead of guys wearing hairy coats, eating bugs & dipping. It is the religious who don't have ears to hear, being a wicked generations seeking signs. These are the wolves in sheep's clothing: My sheep hear My voice, Even Jesus The Nailed, says faith is worthless if you can't move mountains by voice-command. The religious don't have ears to hear, the books of God are filled with faith & prayers: Nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital, the religious are only into convincing themselves. The Religious Podium Jockey should not take himself so seriously, nobody should. The religious have no quality-controls. Theologians grant the titles to each other without a deity certification. One might expect a deity to make itself known to everyone without work performed in interpretations of old literature by guys like our verbose podium jockey. Who in their right mind promotes travel as if best done with one foot in fantasyland vocabulary? Nothing fails like prayer in a children's hospital, and these wolves in sheep's clothing advocate prayer & faith verbiage; ignoring Jesus Christ said faith was worthless if you can't move mountains by issuing voice commands. A house divided cannot stand. We vote because Christians have no quality-controls, & we desire those governing not making suggestions travel is best done with one foot in someone's fantasyland. 'Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.'' Let us all forget it was secular law & order ending the inquisitions & witch-killings. Let us ignore a wicked generation seeks signs. Freud wrote the antidote to Christianity is literacy. The Christians slapped their books on the Old Testament, & the Mormons glued theirs on to them both, thus proving Christians lack quality-control. A deity unable to be acknowledged by everyone is a forgery based on literature. Think not I come with peace, but sword. I come to divide this that and the other thing, & I give you tax exempt status. Oppression builds character among the dominated. Who do you think nailed the king of the Jews, when Imperial Rome controlled temples & publications? Just for the fun of it, have their Messiah say render to Caesar? My sheep hear my voice. Think not I come with peace, but sword. The literate of the age; built religions & made propaganda, devalued the currency, too. Marvel not I say you are all gods, and so on & so on. Faith is a fantasyland term, & the Christians hate to hear it. If faith had any value, then you could move mountains by voice-command. "Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a position of great power, and without the full knowledge and consent of the public, uses such knowledge and methodology for economic conquest -- it must be understood that a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public." - Silent Weapons for Quite Wars
@rickkelly5652 2 жыл бұрын
I think if Moses thought like a farmer, odds are is he would get the order right, or at least the odds down,,,, think about it ? ..,, they know you need land and water and you need to keep them separate (be a different story if rice farmers :)) ,,, then you plant the seeds for stuff to grow. Add some sunlight to it (explains that sun on 4th day argument) Then the fish and birds being created are the ones plenty to eat. Followed by the MOST important land animals that acted as tools and food. Toss in man to rule over them all. I guess if you compare it to current science its sounds like a miracle with the odds, but not if you had a farmer read the order I do listen to ross, heiser and walton etc ,,, But I hope you know Heiser feels the bible talks on how the earth was flat not round. He does explain thats no big deal. But that does conflict with Mr Ross IMO, Genesis is a Poem , that makes more sense in hebrew with words and numbers. The whole point of the passage is hey, our god created us and all you see I am a old earther like your boss Mr Ross :)
@grasonicus Жыл бұрын
Moses may have approached the correct order reasoning like a farmer, but he still wouldn't have got it exactly right. E.g., why would a farmer have thought that at one stage Earth was covered in water and dry land only later appeared? And why would he have thought Earth didn't always exist, or that the atmosphere changed?
@midlander4 Жыл бұрын
This dishonest xtian bs is so depressing on every level.
@lisanloves Жыл бұрын
She is telling her testimony and has done a lot of research. There’s no need for you to be depressed.
Very depressing. Complete grifter.
@CCCBeaumont 5 ай бұрын
@@IFYOUWANTITGOGETIT You're being silly. If she was an ex-Christian speaking at an atheists convention, would you say the same thing? If not, you are the one being intellectually dishonest.
@@CCCBeaumont She is convincing herself that bible mythology is true in order to cope with not having answers to questions she wants now and is not willing to wait for or be honest about. Its her ego. She has convinced herself that she "figured" it out. It purely a coping strategy. These beliefs are only meant to win her points with religious people and she is smart enough to know how to leverage her narrative to give validity to her views in the eyes of people who are impressed by it. But she isnt helping christians. Only giving them permission to continue coping instead of learning how to face reality. When your beliefs dont help you in life by giving you tools to make informed predictions you probably need to reevaluate your beliefs. But most religious people never escape from the persecution and victim mindset. They live in a perpuetual state of fear their whole lives. I know because I have been part of the christian church for many years and finally had enough. I feel depressed because she chose to enter into this delusion instead of accepting the reality of all living beings which is transience. Some people cant accept death and living in honest ignorance and committing to critical thinking and logic, which religion is disturbingly void of. It probably too late for her though because once you publicly profess your beliefs shame prevents you from backtracking which leads you to hyper rationalize and only expose yourself to self confirming information.
@CCCBeaumont 5 ай бұрын
@@IFYOUWANTITGOGETIT Is the same thing true for atheism? Does shame prevent atheists from admitting they are wrong? After all, they have no reason, logic, or evidence, and generally by their own admission, no way of knowing their worldview is true. Most of them even say they carry no burden of proof, this despite the fact that all actual evidence points in the other direction. Shouldn't they at least have to explain why the hundreds of arguments against their conclusions are flawed, errant, or wrong with something more than snark and non-substantive hand-waving dismissals? This lady's reaction to her exposure to the evidence indicates she was truly willing to follow it where it leads. You can lead an atheist to evidence, but you cannot make them think.
@Rookz Жыл бұрын
Man, how easy to fleece the gullible...
@CCCBeaumont 5 ай бұрын
@Rookz From my perspective that's what atheist activists do.
@vacaloca5575 Жыл бұрын
Genesis 1 is a very naturalistic account because in fact there is absolutely no mention or suggestion there of anything supernatural. On the contrary, Genesis 1 is very, very realistic and has nothing to do with the supernatural. The proof of this is the Hebrew words, since there is not even one that relates to the supernatural. In fact, the word RUACH (often translated as spirit) is the only word in Genesis 1 which could be misinterpreted as alluding to the supernatural, but in fact it has nothing to do with it, as it actually means wind, but even if you translate it as spirit, you have to realize that the meaning of spirit in Hebrew is very natural and realistic, and has nothing to do with the supernatural, as it means mind or mental function, nothing supernatural. If you find something supernatural in Genesis 1 tell me about it.
@josephmetts3085 Жыл бұрын
The Word, God spoke it into existence,how much more supernatural do u need?
@vacaloca5575 Жыл бұрын
@@josephmetts3085 Well, speaking is natural, not supernatural.
@vacaloca5575 Жыл бұрын
@@josephmetts3085 The point is, Genesis does not talk about supernatural events, only about natural ones. There is nothing supernatural in Genesis.
@josephmetts3085 Жыл бұрын
@@vacaloca5575 a supernatural God speaking the universe into existence out of nothing is natural?
@vacaloca5575 Жыл бұрын
@@josephmetts3085 Well, if that's what you believe, then that's what it is for you, but Genesis does not talk about that, even remotely. In Genesis, the word "elohim", usually translated as God, may also refer to natural physical beings (for example, Moses is referred to as an elohim in Ex. 7:1), and so there is nothing in Genesis that indicates that elohim must be a supernatural God. Furthermore, nothing in Genesis says that God spoke the universe into existence, let alone from nothing. So, what you believe has nothing to do with Genesis.
@ryanastoner 3 жыл бұрын
The earth is flat. Research it for yourself. Check out Eric Dubay. Or David Weiss.
@grasonicus Жыл бұрын
The Lunatic Fringe is everywhere.
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