Norse Paganism | How to Interpret Signs from the Gods

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Jacob Toddson

Jacob Toddson

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@ronniehamilton5164 4 ай бұрын
One of my biggest signs recently, was from Freyja. I was talking to the gods as a whole, thanking them and just talking. Then I simply asked that if anyone had a message for me, that I am open to receiving it. I came back the next day to my offering bowl that I had put water in, and right beside it was a crystal I have NEVER seen before and know for a fact I did not own before. It was in the shape of a bore. And I knew it was freyja! I left an offering specific for her, thanked her. And then cast my runes to hear her message. It was very loud and clear!
@chrisparker8783 3 жыл бұрын
I just swore an oath to Thor after giving an offering. When I was walking to the lake edge where I swore my oath I found a large perfect goose feather. I made it a part of my offering. The next day I went to work, for the first time ever at work I came across another goose feather. I took this as a sign that my oath was excepted. This has been my strongest experience in the faith so far.
@B1_1_9_7_5 Жыл бұрын
Make sure you know what you're getting yourself into when making an oath to the god
@Jake_91F 3 жыл бұрын
I got a Mjölnir tattoo on my right arm along with 5 runes. It was a bright, sunny summer day, not a cloud in sight. A quarter way through my Mjölnir it started storming and thundering out of nowhere.
@harshitrampal7785 3 жыл бұрын
You should have checked the weather report of the day 😂😂LOL thor isn't real ⚡🔨
@Jake_91F 3 жыл бұрын
@@harshitrampal7785 let a dude dream lol
@ilikealltheknapkins7884 3 жыл бұрын
@@Jake_91F don’t let this douche fuck up your moment, that’s a awesome experience bro
@elliotchamberlain7570 2 жыл бұрын
@@harshitrampal7785 Thor is equally as real as the Christian God.
@TrekTheTech Жыл бұрын
@@harshitrampal7785 Sadly you’re mistaken. Nobody is giving negative hits to your religion, let’s not talk down on anybody else’s. You aren’t someone who is superior in any way, in fact, the being in an inferior mind state is what is gonna bring you down. Also nobody asked :)
@gypsyfirestorm 3 жыл бұрын
I think one of my issues is the complete opposite. I'm so skeptical, there could be some huge, miraculous-type sign right in my face, and I'll wave it off and rationalize it somehow. lol
@EivorDaughterofVarin 3 жыл бұрын
Same. I had a giant log burn down to a hand, clearly was four fingers and a thumb and I was, just a coincidence.......not at all Tyr....
@gypsyfirestorm 3 жыл бұрын
@@EivorDaughterofVarin At I'm not alone in this. I'm grateful for the company lol
@oxin1099 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I'm not alone I'm worried about working or worshipping any god/goddess because I just feel that I wouldnt be enough. so I try to rationalize every sign I see, even when I saw a rune in my house (not even in the same places) for a week straight. I'm getting a bit better though
@jarrettberry769 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a very logical person. There’s an explanation for everything. Or at least I thought. The two I’ve experienced were so obvious and in my face that I literally could not deny them. They’re the only ones I’ve had, and they were both almost ten years ago. I’m sure there have been others, but like you, I’ve missed them or explained them away.
@lizb3139 6 ай бұрын
Same here. Freya, Odin etc would have to throw mead in my face to get me to admit the sign is meant for me😂
@sambolicmusic 2 ай бұрын
Today i started setting up my first altar in my home. I then cleansed my new armring etc. However, I decided to hop on your videos and learn more knowledge from your point of view. Just while watching this, it began storming out and as I heard thunder(normal loudness) I looked out my window that was open next to me. And yelled out the window "Hello Thor! Hail Thor!" I continued watching this video and as you said in the beginning " the signs from the gods, there was a strike of thunder that was louder than any noise I ever heard in my life. It shook my entire house, vibrated the blood in my body and damn near shattered my eardrums. Not only was it loud and made me jump but it continued to get louder and louder as the thunder continued to rawr! It was wild. Iv never ib my life experienced thunder as loud and powerful as this and I have chased many storms as I was younger and been through some devastating storms as I got older. There was nothing like it. I have goosebumps, chills and tears in my eyes as I am visited by Thor this night
@thegirlfrommars4386 2 жыл бұрын
I had a moment with Odin back in mid November. The sky was cloudy and turning dark, giving the sky a lilac shade, we'd had rather miserable weather so seeing the sky look so beautiful was a nice change. I was helping out during an open day at school and I was stood in the science lab admiring the view. Just after this, a flock of Ravens descended from the sky and landed in the trees just opposite the lab. They were joined by a larger group of Ravens, who flew around the trees as they cried out to each other. I couldn't hear anything else in that moment, the sound of engines and voices were muffled, just the cries and the flap of the wings. The Ravens in the trees joined the ones in the sky and they began to fly together over the site. There must've been at least a hundred. The hairs on the back of my neck stood, and everything felt cold. I didn't know much about Norse paganism, but enough to know the significance of the Raven, and I realised that the Allfather was walking amongst us that day. That this was a message from him. I've been studying this faith a lot closer since then (my mum bought me a Valknut necklace!), but even now it gives me goosebumps thinking about it. That Odin was among us.
@corytucker6668 3 жыл бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree that experiences are a personal thing. I have ravens and crows that live near my house but I've only had a couple of real moments where I'd say it was an experience with Odin. I've always felt the Allfather was my guide through this path I've been on for the last 15 years, that's why I had my armring made with raven terminals. I've felt close to Freya before as well after praying to her for help with conceiving after my wife had 4 miscarriages early on. Now that we have a healthy girl due in the next couple of weeks we felt it right to name her Freya as a way to give back to Freya. I even bought my wife a Freya pendant to wear through her pregnancy. I think all signs we recieve will always be a personal experience based on our relationship with the gods. This was a great topic to cover for new heathens bróđir. Hope you're enjoying Germany, I'd be nerding out on almost every chance I could with all the history of Germania.
@cillianrangarsson3319 3 жыл бұрын
The gods have saved me for a reason that I will stay on this path for the rest of my life I have been on this path since I was 5 years old and I am 22 years old now and I am really proud to be a Norse pagan and I am really proud to be a heathen I will always keep on doing my research on the wisdom of Odin and these videos are helping me a lot
@Reddeadrobin1 3 жыл бұрын
Stay on your path and keep living your truth.
@Stayler17 3 жыл бұрын
@@Reddeadrobin1 Theres no such thing as your truth. There is the truth and there isn't
@Reddeadrobin1 3 жыл бұрын
@@Stayler17 I was going to argue with you over word choice but I am proud of Cillian and will not let you take anything away from them. The truth is the truth and when being followed faithfully by a person then it becomes their truth as well and I think the God's appreciate that kind of loyalty, respect and love.
@Stayler17 3 жыл бұрын
@@Reddeadrobin1 Why did you decide not to argue with me over my word choice?
@Reddeadrobin1 3 жыл бұрын
@@Stayler17 did you not read my whole comment? I will not take anything away from Cillian (the original poster) by filling this thread with an argument over word choices and how we disagree on meaning.
@walking-the-world1 3 жыл бұрын
I had a cool experience with a thunderstorm (bare with me, this one is quite good). I felt the need to buy a Mjolnir for months and I finally ordered a hand forged one from a small blacksmith shop in Finland (I am from England). The day it arrived in the mail, a thunderstorm rolled in. I checked the 2 weather forecast apps I had on my phone and the weather on the TV and none mentioned a thunderstorm. What's more is the whole reason I became a Norse Pagan is because of a dream involving Thor and a thunderstorm (it's too long to describe here). So that unpredicted thunderstorm when my Mjolnir arrived really touched me
@Kai_kmk 3 жыл бұрын
...So you ordered the Ukonvasara from Finnish blacksmith?
@larencecarthy6705 3 жыл бұрын
Do they have a website I've been looking for an authentic hand forged mjolnir but can't find anywhere that dose it
@Stayler17 3 жыл бұрын
Wait. What are you even trying to say?
@Kai_kmk 3 жыл бұрын
@@Stayler17 Ukonvasara, or Ukonkirves, is the symbol and magical weapon of the Finnish thunder god Ukko, similar to Thor's Mjölnir. Ukonvasara means hammer of Ukko; similarly, Ukonkirves means axe of Ukko. It was said that Ukko created lightning with Ukonvasara.
@tyyphoid2268 3 жыл бұрын
@@larencecarthy6705 I bought one and absolutely love it
@curseofthewerebadger4104 2 жыл бұрын
My final 'conversion' came one day several years ago when I worked on a ferry port in North Wales. I'd been reading a lot about Asatru, and Norse Pagan/Heathenism, and during one period of downtime between sailings, I stepped outside, and respectful asked for a sign - something to finally push me over the edge. At that moment, two huge crows landed on one of the gantrys, directly in front of me; an incredible bolt of lightning forked out of the sky, out over the Irish Sea, followed a few seconds later by a deafening peel of thunder; and then, while I was still gazing in wonder, I was jolted back into the present by the hiss of air brakes, which, when I turned to look, came from a truck pulling a Freya Haulage trailer.
@dazcaz8205 14 күн бұрын
Amazing. Thank you for sharing
@theredbeardedheathen532 3 жыл бұрын
My first sign from Freya was really interesting and kinda funny too. I was out hiking and I decided I wanted to talk to the gods while out. I said out loud "I wonder who I should speak too." Right after saying that. This redish hawk swooped down and screeched at me. It landed in a tree right above and just looked at me. I said again out loud "ok I guess I'm talking with Freya." The hawk screeched again. Then flew off.
@kellyp6675 3 жыл бұрын
My path to Norse Paganism began with a dream of walking through the woods and seeing an owl. The owl had one eye, and as I was drawn closer I saw the eye was a human eye. I remember being terrified, but also somehow humbled by the creature. The next day, even though the dream stayed with me, I figured it was just that...a weird dream. That night, on my way home from work, on a dark woodsy road a great horned owl swooped my windshield. Someone was telling me to pay attention. The gears just clicked together for me with Norse paganism. The Allfather blessed me with a sign to seek knowledge.
@andershveteby6574 3 жыл бұрын
That’s amazing. There are so many aspects of Odin in everything you experienced there.
@theredbeardedheathen532 3 жыл бұрын
I've only had two definitive sgins/experiences with the gods. One with Freya that I had written about in a separate comment. And this one with Thor. I love going out in thunderstorms and sharing a drink and conversation with Thor. I know Thor isn't in every storm that passes but still it's fun and helps me stay connected. During one storm after sharing a drink with Thor. I decided to meditate on the sound of the rain. While doing this I felt the most intense and powerful presence I have ever felt. Come next to me. It didn't feel scary or negative in any way. Just powerful. I'm almost certain it was Thor. After a few minutes I thanked him for his time and the presence disappeared.
@carolharper1241 3 жыл бұрын
The opening is the kind of quality content I have been seeking 👌
@Catia81 3 жыл бұрын
I feel conection to north paganism through viking music :)
@kimholch1006 Жыл бұрын
I used to live in CO near Red Rocks. I saw Wardruna in 2019 at Red Rocks. Truly a amazing concert. I really enjoyed this video. Very informative.
@thinrichard670 3 жыл бұрын
Funny, I see crows every day(the same ones too I think) Also am lucky enough to have a red tail hawk nest near by and got to see 3 of them circling above.
@naominerd4075 Жыл бұрын
One evening when I was doing research about Mani, my cats needed attention, so I went out into the living room to see what they needed, and the moon outside caught my eye. It was full and in a place in the sky it normally wouldn't be at that time (much farther to the right than it should have been) and was an unusual copper color. It felt as though it was meant to be seen by me, like something reaching out. Now I have a glass of water set aside as an offering to Mani. That was the last thing I needed to know this was my path. I'm glad that I found my way to Norse Paganism, and I hope that many others out there find their way to a path that brings them joy.
@JoseGomez-lp9nu 3 жыл бұрын
I believe that I've seen the allfather staring down at me from the clouds. I was doing my rounds (I work security) and for whatever reason I looked up and saw what appear to be a face coming out of the clouds. Started with the chin, then I saw a mouth, nose and an eye with the other being just a slit in the face like it was closed.
@lordphullautosear 3 жыл бұрын
I have seen his face in clouds, too. My woman at that time saw it with me one time before a storm.
@jeremyday9056 3 жыл бұрын
Oh wow... this is so similar to an experience I had. I tried to rationalize it as a coincidence, but the feelings I had when it happened of energy and insight and comfort gave me chills. It is an amazing thing to experience.
@KrisInLove Жыл бұрын
I was practicing psychic reading with a friend and called in Angel Gabriel. Immediately saw a trumpet. I wasn't aware at the time a trumpet was his sign. So cool confirmation that yes, beings use symbols and signs and can very often be the same one they show to others. Awesome video ❤
@zachrobinson6621 2 жыл бұрын
I’m new to Norse Pagan and while I was going on a walk, it was a regular walk around town so there were cars and people all around but there was one moment where nobody was around me and the air was still like time froze, then I hear two ravens above me on a light post, as I look up they fly away, once out of sight the wind picked back up and cars started going by again, I’m still new to this but now looking on it I really feel like it was a calling of some sort bringing more interest into this belief and the stronger pull to following Odin, figured I’d share that for you
@JyinRyu 2 жыл бұрын
Did anyone else notice, pretty much immediately after his bit about thunderstorms and Thor, there was thunder rumbling in the background?
@kev1734 3 жыл бұрын
A VERY important video. You touched on this subject in an earlier video and it really helped me. I hope this video helps others in the same way! Skal!
@KatnipEvergreenOfficial 3 жыл бұрын
I am so glad I found your video. I love how the gods kinda worked through you to show the viewers what signs look like. Thank you for making it. Many Blessings =)
@carlacollyer1874 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who is just starting out on this path i want to say thank you for making this video it was extremely helpful and if i could afford it i would pay for more for sure going to follow your youtube page however. Hope your day is a wonderful one
@jarrettberry769 3 жыл бұрын
It’s odd this even popped up on my feed since I haven’t watched any of your videos in a while and I wasn’t subscribed. Until now of course. Because of this video. My father and I have experienced some very in your face visions and signs, and we’re both very logical individuals and think we’re crazy so we don’t talk about them. This has helped ease my mind and kind of took away some of the negative thoughts in regard to it all. I’ll share with my father and hopefully it eases his mind as well. Thank you.
@davidenochs601 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all you do Jacob. I am grateful for the information you provide, you have assisted me down my path as well.
@Jermllifts 3 жыл бұрын
The edit at 4:19 got me haha. Dude on the bike vanished and reappeared. Great video though, being new to the faith your channel has helped so much. Thank you!
@oldcrone 23 күн бұрын
The natural world is communicating. We should listen!
@virgoviking2331 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao perfect beginning 😂
@johngaltman 3 жыл бұрын
I have had several signs, in my journey, from the gods. They come, at least in my experience, when I am actually seeking an answer to something, and something happens in that moment to let me know I am on the right path. I have had two experiences that were overwhelming and meaningful in the moment that they happened, and I personally have no doubt of them. The first was when I gave my first truly meaningful gift to the gods, and the second when I made a huge change in my daily life and was seeking the gods favor in what I was doing. I am not going to go into them specifically, but they were real and meaningful to me, and they were not minor things, but very blatant things that happened directly in my presence, with no one else present to effect the space, and they were physical things that happened that were one off events, not just a small things but loud pronounced and obvious.
@harshitrampal7785 3 жыл бұрын
But dude the truth is that they are not real!!
@harshitrampal7785 3 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂i am pretty sure a bird was angry on you!!
@gentritxheladini3008 3 жыл бұрын
Me Just Watching You I Feel Conected To The Gods Thank You For Bringing Those Experiences🙏❤️
@justinsmet 3 жыл бұрын
For me its been a mix, mostly dreams for me has been things of my future moments, example every job I've had I've always had a moment that was in my dream before I got the job.
@fala_dawn9901 4 ай бұрын
My most memorable sign from Freya was when I was in class and swarms of ladybug, started crawling out from the window onto my desk and onto me. at the time I was questioning my face and questioning whether I was believing in the right thing. After that moment, I decided to dedicate my practice to Freya, I have now been practising for a couple years and by far the most prominent signs, I have gotten are all tied to Freya, telling me that she is by my side and guiding me.
@Woofle22 4 күн бұрын
“By Freyr’s phallus!” was wild
@williammcclendon6385 3 жыл бұрын
I was camping for the first time in ca and two crows appeared and I felt the precise of oden and took it as a sign that I was doing the right thing with my family by connecting with nature
@johnstrand6749 Жыл бұрын
I was going through a rough time living in a shack on the northern shores of lake Michigan over the summer and a crow/raven hung around and visited me everyday getting within arms reach, cawing at me, pecking on my roof whenever I went inside. I knew it was of spiritual significance, but had no idea
@nymthenerdywitch 3 жыл бұрын
Hehe when that trumpet went off! “Is that a sign?” Lol
@Jessica-us3gh 9 ай бұрын
Seeing you leap across the mighty river, my brain immediately went to Gimli asking Aragorn to toss him 😂
@EM-cg4iy 3 жыл бұрын
That was really funny at the beginning. Thank you!
@ultravioletpisces3666 2 жыл бұрын
I think everything *is* a sign. Sometimes it's a sign that things are just as they are supposed to be. So, yes a sign. But not necessarily a *personal sign* that means we need to respond in an unusual way.
@askjenthemystic Жыл бұрын
One of the signs for me is when a male Grackle presents to me. One day I was feeling pretty down. I hadn't gotten out of my car yet and this gracle lands on my hood and walks right to my windshield looking at me... I definitely took this as a sign and I instantly felt better. This is the the first time i've had a Grackle present to me. They are my favorite birds though i love them all. It seems as though the easiest way to get through to me is via my favorite animals, etc. I love it!
@jackjensen9969 9 ай бұрын
Just discovered your site. I like the humor. My signs have always been with feathers. Have a happy Jul.
@chancecantelli7575 3 жыл бұрын
Those intros got me rolling man keep making these badass videos please.
@kimholch1006 Жыл бұрын
I feel like I am still learning as I walk this path as a Norse Paganism.
@CSWells-uq4jx 5 ай бұрын
I thought I’d just share a little experience I had about a year ago. I’m a trail runner. And so I was out right around Yule in my local woods, running a trail I’ve gone down many times in training for an early season marathon. But this time I noticed an offshoot in the trail I hadn’t ever paid any attention to, and I just got a strong compulsion to take that path this time-even though I didn’t know that trail and if it would fit my training plan or not. But what the heck. I just felt very strongly that I wanted to explore that path. So, on a whim I took it. And a few minutes in I started seeing “crows”. Lots of them. Like at least 30. Except they were huge! I’m not sure m, but I think they may have actually been ravens. Their beaks looked bigger than crows. I was just thinking, “ Cool! I didn’t know we had ravens here!” And I kept running along. Then I started noticing, every couple of trees or so, there was a little silver Christmas ornament hanging on a branch near the trail. And I started getting overwhelmingly awestruck, feeling of just gratitude and excitement. Like something amazing was about to happen and I didn’t know what to expect, but it was something. Nothing actually happened other than me having one of the best runs of my life. But It was just a very weird feeling. Idk. Maybe just a runners high, but it felt super spiritual to me and to this day when I think about it that same feeling comes up. I was wondering if Oden has any affiliation with silver? I know the crow thing. And it does seem appropriate to have a sudden urge to explore an unknown path. I was just curious because the ornaments really seemed to be a catalyst to that feeling. And it was super weird because I tried going back the next day and all the ornaments were totally gone. Maybe the crows took them all:p they do like shiny things. Anyway, that’s my experience. Interpreting would be welcome
@Ater_Nefarium 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting video; I'm still fresh here, and the gods have sent me down this path. I need to know why.
@ginabeatty4744 Жыл бұрын
just thought the same thing
@Ater_Nefarium Жыл бұрын
@@ginabeatty4744 it's been a year lol
@OrchidAndromeda 5 ай бұрын
Norse pagan here… I was watching your show on Oden and I had to get a call so I tried to go back to it and this came up so far as I'm concerned… That was a sign from the gods and ice have a visit from this Raven every day every day
@ForestGirlTeresa Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the people here who shared their experiences. Try as we might, we humans can’t separate ourselves from the circles of life. Our connections to nature are rooted in our primal consciousness and racial memory, and the mind will make connections with natural phenomena. The messages are there if you let your deeper self override your ego.
@walkerhumphrey181 7 ай бұрын
I know you posted this awhile ago, but it's important to remember that it's okay to seek out visions furiously at first. If you don't keep it on your mind you will lose interest. I've looked at tens of thousands of birds trying to find a sign. Then finally, I was struck with a vivid day dream of a raven landing and it was about to tell me something important, but the vision ended. Then, I see only one bird nearby. I took that one bird as a sign and it was honestly the best advice I received on the problem I was dealing with. Was it just my subconscious telling with an imaginary raven that I needed an answer desperately, and then reading what some part of me knew was right all along? Probably. That's the beauty of our faith. Much of it works for us in summoning our best selves we already have and it's congruent with modern psychology. While I have had extreme anomalies that prove to me the Gods are literally real and powerful in ways I don't yet comprehend, there are many parts of our faith that can serve us without any direct intervention.
@uenmm4745 3 ай бұрын
I think the Carl Jungs theory of synchronicity is a good way to interpret signs from the gods. I once had a crow fly into my roof rack, knocking it off my car on the highway going to a job full of backstabbing colleagues. I once saw a white stag standing in the middle of a forest road staring at me just before my child was born changing my life forever. I saw owls everywhere for a while, not actual living owls but pictures and statues and sculptures owls. There was even an embroidery of an owls hanging in a window. That happened in synchronicity with me losing a lot of "friends" for questioning certain political ideas.
@SoubiLuver4ever 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! Thank you so much for this! I have been struggling recently and not been able to understand until now! You explain this so well! Thank you so much!
@SunshinePerez-r8h 8 ай бұрын
There are many things that were signs to me that I still think back on. One was a visit from my grandmother after she passed away. I wasn't a norse pagan yet, but I was doing research in paganism at the time. The only way I could describe the location of the dream was in a cave like place. Everything had a blueish/gray hue to it. There was cold dirt under my feet, and a slight chill in the air, and my grandmother was laying in the dirt. I can't remember if she was buried slightly or resting upon it...But she had a blueish tint to herself too. And she looked chalky, and just scared. She told me "Death isn't the final destination." I woke up, and sprang out of my bed as if it was on fire. Another one is I was trying to find connection with the gods, and felt so lost. I was walking with my kids and two massive birds followed me. I dont know what they were. It was snowing lightly, there wasnt much sun and I didnt have my glasses on. But they were HUGE. and they landed on a post (One on said post, and the other on the line connected to it) and stayed there. The whole time I was there. They remained watching me as I walked about, and I ended up getting creeped out and leaving. My foot left the park and they flew away. I still have pictures of these birds. I sent them to my husband freaking out about them and he was even like....uhhhh wow. Another time, and it up for debate. It was monsoon season. But I suffer from severe anxiety and I pray to thor for protection, and for strength. I remember a particular day I was having the worst meltdown/panic attacks and I was calling to thor for help. And it started storming, and I called out Thors name in a sob and lighting cracked through the sky and shook my window. I poured myself wine, one for me and one for thor and sat outside and it was as if my agony washed away with the rain. Another is a dream. I dreamed I was killed on a battlefield, and my stomach was ripped out and a raven was feasting on my intestines', while another crow was staring into my eyes. Another one was I was running in a forest and a raven was flying above me and i jumped off a cliffed and in mid air changed into a wolf, landed on four feet, and ran through a forest. I felt free and I knew i was dreaming and it didnt want to wake up. And one was from years ago, I laid down to fall asleep, and before my eyes a moon. A bright bright full moon rising before me, and there was the ocean lapping at my feet...My eyes flew open and I freaked out. My ex was looking at me like I was crazy. All these seem like obvious signs. A true connection. But i still struggle with my path. If im inside too often i feel so disconnected from the gods. But when I am outside I look at the mountains and i think of Jotunheim. I walk by a graveyard and I think of Helheim, or when I look up at the sky I see Asgard. To me these world overlap. But i still struggle with rituals, and celebrating the holidays. I get so worried about being judged even by my own husband.
@mackenzierivercasey6752 Ай бұрын
I'm not pagan, but Christian, I just love history! One day when I was very depressed about my sick mother, I was day drinking and going on a long bike ride, after coming home I realized I was completely exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically. I harumffed onto the grass and starfished under the bright warm sunlight and immediately fell asleep. My husband laughed and said see you inside. I went into such a deep sleep that I honestly forgot I was alive. I remember hearing this cawing sound in the distance. Slowly opening my eyes I could see these black figures swarming above me. As I fully woke up from the crazy loud noise I relaized there was a giant swarm of crows freaking out swarming above me. They were taking turns swooping down over my body and flying in a circle. More were coming over our house. The cawing was so loud that my husband had to come out of the house from our basement apartment because he was scared of the sound lol!!!! I just layed there and watched them in a daze, until I hear my husband behind me say holy shit!!!! Lol!!! He was like I've never seen anything like it! And when I sat up and started laughing they all went silent and flew away.
@alexisbaker960 Жыл бұрын
On dreams and visions: a dream you can control when you find out your dreaming, a vision you cannot control when you find out your dreaming.
@diegomaco4245 3 жыл бұрын
That start made me laugh! Totally been there 😂 great video!!!
@Purplekitty456 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this eloquent, understanding, and honest explanation.
@TheWisdomOfOdin 2 жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@lillyhousley3662 2 жыл бұрын
I had a really cool moment. I did some cleansing, first spells, and others things at my altar. My husband came upstairs right afterwards and told me to look outside. There was a massive amount of either crows or ravens. I took it as a sign that I am on the right path.
@elopez1925 3 жыл бұрын
Ok funny how you decided to put this video out when you. I'm still discovering this path.. And about 2 weeks ago my husband and I went zip lining through the Grand Canyon and I just belted out. HAIL THE GOD'S over the canyon... We decided to go on to the skywalk to take pictures.. Mind you I'm from Texas I don't think I've ever seen a black raven before.. We got out the car and I see it! Next to our car big black raven just staring at us... My husband could that be ODIN? I wasn't sure at the moment what to think..we got to the main building and then I saw hundreds of them just flying over our head like a scene from the Birds this point now I don't know what to think...
@mr.monster91666 3 жыл бұрын
My very first offering to Odin was a fairly large Bud of marijuana. It's something that's important to me I consider it equal to money and wealth because I sell it. I had a candlelit with my offering in a shell offering Bowl. I said my oath in accordance with one of your earlier videos actually on how to give offerings in your home. In the morning I found my offering Gone and the candle extinguished. Now I do realize I'm not alone in my house and I do believe my own father does smoke weed and early that morning he had to leave the house and could have seen the candlelit not knowing what the altar was for just seeing marijuana in a shell, so he probably put out the candle and took the weed. But to me I took it as a sign actually like Odin accepted my offer through my father. My dad could not have known at all what the candle and shell was for maybe he thought I forgot it and put it out before he left so it wouldn't burn the house down or something. Or maybe my dad didn't find it at all and Odin actually accepted the offering.
@elijahstrange2748 8 ай бұрын
I am in the military. My peers and I were in the field doing some training when a black bird sat on top of an erected wooden pole nearby and began chattering quite loudly while someone else was trying to present important safety information. At the time I had been questioning whether the gods were actually paying attention and interested in my life. And I took the loud chattering black bird to mean that the gods were certainly interested. So I began to smile and laugh covertly because everyone else couldn’t know that this bird had come to prove something to me and by extension had caused quite a ruckus
@jesser1458 2 жыл бұрын
While in the military during morning colors saluting the flag as it was being raised, watched a hawk swoop in and pluck a seagull from the sky and pin it to the ground next to the flag. I ended up reenlisting for another 4 years a month later.
@lowlevelcodingch Ай бұрын
Ive got that exact same bracelet like you have. i love it
@pilgrimm23 8 ай бұрын
"Dreams and Death, the billowing breath, from below the realm of reason, doth send the signs through layers and lines of the way of the cycles and season. Our Dreams are born, on tempests torn on ships of death and desire, but Runes are Read, our fancy fed, on the fire from the terrible tree." Fragments of a poem written by a friend long ago. He has long since passed. Born again Derek...
@sarahpearce7465 3 жыл бұрын
I find that signs I received from the gods goddesses is usually in dreams. I have Also had a couple of bird signs with eagles and ravens I felt a tremendous instinct with these when they occurred
@nexus_metal_covers9360 2 жыл бұрын
I'll never forget how odin reached out to me. Odin wasn't a thought that often crossed my mind, but that changed after this one day. I was at work, making pizza and cleaning up messes, and we had the doors open to keep cool. I was standing about 3 or 4 feet away from the door taking in the breeze, when out of nowhere a crow lands right in the door way. Little guy looked right at me for a good few seconds, and I back at them. Then he looked away and took off. I didn't think much of it at first, just thought it was a cool little experience. Then I started hearing odins name everywhere. Games, books, people talking it, was nuts. So I did a little digging, cause this didn't feel like coincidence anymore,, and since then I've taken it as a sign that the allfather is keeping his eye on me. I'm not sure for what reason, but in my time communing with him and feeling the situation out he sent me a message to be patient. I suppose I'm still waiting and searching for the answer. Since then I've grown in a very different way and feel a deep connection with odin. Very mysterious one he is
@andrzejmaranda3699 6 ай бұрын
@DecoyZ Жыл бұрын
I had my first sign today, the one which has really have faith in Paganism, I'm not a Nordic Pagan or a Celtic Pagan but instead a big mix of both of them. I went outside today out of the blue and took off my shoes to feel grounded, things I never do. I've been disabled for a few months now in physical and mental ways so i've come to almost dislike nature because it doesn't mix well. but for some reason I was pulled outside and I followed that pull, i took my shoes off and grounded myself and shouted into the sky thanking the gods and asking for a sign. At first I felt nothing but euphoria, but no physical sign, no ravens or sudden wind.. I began to walk away when I noticed something which completely stopped my heart. A set of ancient pipes lay in the grass in the exact shape of the Celtic triple knot. I was blown away by this, yes coincidences happen but something like this is pushing the term of "coincidence" because next I walked along and froze as I saw Odin's sign in the branches of a tree. I have been welcomed in to both the Celtic and Norse pantheon, and I couldn't be happier I'm still new to this, but I'm slowly researching and making my way so that I may properly worship these gods who I now hold faith in.
@viniciusdeavila678 3 жыл бұрын
Hail Jacob, my name is Vinícius, im 20, im from the south states of Brazil and just started my path with the old gods. Living in a place like Brazil obviously makes it realy difficult for someone from our faith to find others who share it, cus its even less common then it is in the US. I would love if you could make a video of advices to people like me, in more latin cultures from the southern parts of the world, on how to connect with and find our brothers and sisters. I know they are out there but here is even more hard to find them, and i can surely just be a solitary pagan, but its always nice to find people to share this expiriences with us. So thank you anyway. Love your channel, it has been really helpfull to me. May the gods guard and guide you brother. Sköll!!!!! (sorry for the bad english)
@jasonlong9348 3 жыл бұрын
A couple winters ago. I was working in the Tahoe area doing snow removal. When I got back to my truck. There were two Ravens hanging out on my truck. By the time I had my phone out and got a pic one of them flew over to the snow bank. While the other stayed and talked to me for a food two or three minutes, and let me get about four or five feet from him before he went to the snow bank also. It was an amazing experience and very fulfilling. I just wish i knew the meaning of that experience.
@mindmotivation3872 2 жыл бұрын
During a time in my life of hardship I was defeated and I simply asker for a sign of change for better. I was working hard at the time just stressed out bills food etc. The sky lit up with lightning but I asked for a sign via lightning. I didn't have to wait long the sky lit up stupid bright led with a crack of thunder that I felt in my feet. There was weather that night not very much lightning though. Yes it could be coincidence but shortly after that I was working a good job things started to fall into place. A more recent encounter was with a blue jay they are not so prominent in the area where I live. However from what I researched the blue jay is associated with the God OD. I don't know much about that specific god other than in one of the sagas he was supposedly married to Freya and I guess some translations speak too the idea it could have been Odin too. I would be open to any knowledge this community could offer. I love this channel keep it up man.
@MegaTomPlays 2 жыл бұрын
Was drinking coffee this morning, wind picked up and knocked 2 branches out...a sign? This is before watching lol
@selenaautumn2310 3 жыл бұрын
A couple nights ago in my dreams i think freya came to me. I dont remember exactly why I was at my aunts drive way. The one that passed away in April but i was there. Two black cats had been around one had a moon on thier forehead and another one with a star. Later a woman came to me and watched me interract with the cats. The woman kept shifting forms like one form was of light and one was of darkness One of that a of the cats did not like me at first but i help my hand out to it and said easy buddy. Your adorable and I love cats. I wont hurt you. The other shifted into a magician and nodded I think then shifted back to black cat with the moon. I looked at the cat that was hissing and trying bite me, the one with the star on its head, in the eyes with love and smiled st it...and eventually it stopped hissing at me. It then let me pet it and it started purring as I touched its furr. Then I woke up. Im curious of what others think about it.
@margotishrn Ай бұрын
Iam one of the VERY few Anglo- saxon/ Germanic pagans that openly practice... The norse/Asatru branch of our common religion are like brothers to us.. And i agree with what this guy is saying..
@TheShortYautja Жыл бұрын
The night after I decided to convert to Heathenry there was the mother of all thunderstorms and the thors hammer struck his anvil so loudly for hours and I just sat outside and listened for a little while I knew it was a sign
@krissaSG1 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your content ! I do have premonitions I can see when all my friends and family die and terrorists attacks it actually sucks 😕
@jjbowman4653 10 ай бұрын
I grew up believing chasing birds was bad luck. 10/10 video I take my sister to a park, it has a few lakes and is covered in canadian geese every year. We watch the babies grow and i definitely feel more connected (to nature? The gods?) After going a few times in the spring. Not to say it was a sign, but more of a relief. Changing seasons, maybe? I was watching this video because i had taken my sisters to a park with christmas lights. It's beautiful, volunteers put them up all around the walking trails, and we do it every year. This year, i was driving, and we got lost. So i took a detour. It had just snowed, and there was ice, so we were going a snails pace. This is important because, on a turn, a coyote has run out in front of us. Stopped and hung out for a few moments, looking around and back at us before turning around and heading back the way it came out. The moment i saw it, i stopped, which wasn't hard. We were barely moving over ice. I couldn't stop thinking about it because he could have kept going. Like he must have seen us, we were taking long enough. A friend of mine, on a different path, with similar values, keeps telling me to talk with my "guides." I haven't even opened a book just for myself since i started in healthcare. But since i started with the idea of leaving health care, i have been doing a lot more reading just for myself. I usually write everything i find down to be looked back on later, such as family history and things. I write it down and save it for when i have the information to interpret any meaning. Or if it will lead me anywhere, gain more information.
@ryandobbs9270 Жыл бұрын
I think you see more when you're looking for it specifically. Signs come naturally, don't go out looking for them. You'll find that then you think everything is a sign. When it happens you'll know. I was on a bike ride, I stopped to take a break. I was approached by a piebald doe. It got about 8 feet from me and just watched me while I relaxed for a while. Then it wandered off. It was a great moment. I'm not sure what it meant. Things were rough for me at the time and it was just a serene moment of peace. It reminded me there's a world outside my problems.
@bradlauber9097 6 ай бұрын
I like the mythology of Haida indigenous of the raven. I just learned of Odin and his wisdom Ravens, just seems that Ravens in mythology has a roll of being smart like the Gods. When I see a Raven in the wild I get goose bumbs. I ask the Raven to show me the way . The way in life and death.
@CH-gc1fd 2 жыл бұрын
I am a christian. I go into the forest(s) around my house just to enjoy its beauty, sometimes to be surrounded by the Lord and seek His wisdom. This particular time it was to unwind and seek guidance. This particular time was for the latter, except I went walking into the woods going a way I almost never go. It has been storming, rain and thunder all day and the ferns and the trees were glistening beautifully in the rain. I rounded the corner and there was a crow standing on the ground with it’s left wing facing me. I could see that it’s wing was slashed down the length of it and it will most likely never fly again. I prayed to God for wisdom and strength because I debated killing it in order to keep it from suffering or being hunted by a predator. I grabbed a large stick and I was fixing to club it over the head when I stopped and began to walk around it when it flopped away from me and went under the fence to my neighbors property, and I then continued on my walk. I took this as the Lord testing my faith because I’ve been researching paganism out of curiosity. I’m curious though as to how a pagan would interpret this. Enjoy!
@nickyankovic7684 3 жыл бұрын
I've had many connections with crow's that have felt special and out of the norm. My first real connection was while driving down a foresty back road while listening to wardrunna there were 2 crow's in the middle of the road and I had to slow down coz they didn't move and when I was at a full halt the both looked up at me for a good few seconds before flying away. And another was when I was involved in a car crash a crow flew down and landed on a fence nearby and was just watching me almost like it was checking that I was safe and okay from the crash. Very powerful moments that have felt truly connected to odin and enlightened
@hanneswolf5205 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Guys, greetings from Germany, Im from a small Village and I was raised as a christian, I never really questioned it but I am interested in the norse mythology, I'll try to make it short... I was Standing in the bathroom and watched a video about how to pronounce norse gods Names in Islandic and I was trying to pronounce it as well, (it was a bit cloudy that day wich is not unkommon arround here) and instantly after I said Thors Islandic Name (for the First time in my live I'd like to add) I saw a Thunderstrike in the distance! I was so shocked and scared I stepped away from the window and nearly fell because of that! I instantly closed the window Just to look out of it a second later... There was no sign of a storm or even rain, and it didnt strike again (at least for the time I was looking outside). That happened almost 2 years ago, and to this day I dont know what to think of it, Im katholik, what should/shall I do, If anyone could help me what to think of this I'd be very thankfull! Greetings again to all of you out there, I think these videos are great! (P.s. I hope my english is understandable, as im not a native speaker it might mit be the best, so please apologise the mistakes!😅)
@sallahgypsy1590 3 жыл бұрын
I have a lot of experience in nature and have my entire life. My experience always involves communication in one way or another. I have come across a albino squirrel in a squirrel populated area. He ran just out of reach up a pole and turns around and chatters at me. He had a lot to say. Another was a hawk landed on the porch rail and paced back and forth facing me about 3 ft from me and squawked and just had a lot to say, then flew off. I also had a on foot encounter with a doe. Face to face. Scared the poop out of me. That was a powerful sign. Those are just to name a few. So my experience is they will make themselves known and usually have a lot to say in your moment of encounter.
@asharceneaux247 24 күн бұрын
In protestant Christian churches, especially charismatic ones, they use the "rule of three." You get the prophecy from the 'holy Spirit' from a person/preacher, then a confirmation from another person from the same Holy Spirit, then a third confirmation. It's a long process of cold reading and improv.
@Goddagame 2 жыл бұрын
I never remember my dreams, so when I do get one I can remember it's either a sign to tell me I'm in danger or random chats to pass knowledge to me and honestly it's all just to better my life
@s_o_u_l3112 3 жыл бұрын
I always see crows mostly two and sometimes I just see them when something happend or like that and I feel in a certain way comfortable and I didn't know what were signs and a other day two crows followed me on a bike tour and they stayed the whole with me that was so nice
@derekduvall6794 2 жыл бұрын
When I was wondering what I need to do to take care of my family, I was thinking of going into EMT training, two Ravens literally landed on top of my jeep and sat there for a few minutes staring at me. I am now a EMT and I am happy with how I am taking care of my family
@SlizkR6 3 жыл бұрын
For some reason i feel like someone touches me when im resting or seeing things in the corner of my eyes
@mykaylapacheco2426 2 жыл бұрын
I just hear their name repeatedly throughout the day or the day before. And when I acknowledge them I feel an overwhelming need to cry or laugh. No in-between
@davidoftheforest 2 жыл бұрын
I was at work (forestry) a thousand miles from nowhere and my teammate wanted to give up and drive home. He was on the satellite phone telling our boss that WE were beat up, WE couldn't keep going. I was furious because I forced my mind to accept that things are going to suck really bad but I was not going to give up. I was standing there thinking about Odin and Tyr because I had made an offering to them the night before as I often do in the forest. I look down. I was standing on a rock, partially covered in dirt. it was a PERFECT Tiwaz. I don't know how it's even possible for a rock to have a white Tiwaz shape naturally formed on it, but it was there and my right foot was on it. I knew then that the gods were with me and that I was doing the right thing. I'll upload a video if anyone doesn't believe me lol I still have it!
@FlowerKnight2 3 жыл бұрын
Love the intro lol
@karmicdisaster12 Жыл бұрын
The very first time I setup my alter I prayed to Freyja while holding my precious cat. The moment I prayed while holding her I felt a ripple of energy go from the center of my forehead all the way from the top of my head to the back of my neck. It was the strangest feeling and almost felt like I was touched there and that caused the ripple. It was the first time I’ve ever felt like that when I’ve prayed. All praise to Freyja. ❤
@bjrg832 Жыл бұрын
During covid I would walk on the beach every morning for exercise and meditation. I also begun a spiritual journey, seaching for a deity and was asking for a sign that I was on the right path - when All of a sudden a fox came towards me. I was surprised to see a fox on the beach. And the fox looked rather surprised to see me there as well. So we stood there and looked at each other for a while, before it turned around and walked away. I grew up near woods and always wanted to see a fox as a child. I never thougt the beach would be the place to encounter one.
@ms.o1296 Жыл бұрын
I am connected with ravens/crows. I saw one and a flash came across my brain that literally said, "Grandma is going to die tonight ". She was not sick and my uncle could not reach her and crawled in her window, finding her having passed in sleep
@stevenohare1384 2 жыл бұрын
Once, when I lived in an Apartment in the 3rd floor, I looked out of the Window, and infront of my Window was a streetlight, and as I look down to the street, a crow landed on the streetlight, it looked me right in the eyes and started to" talk" to me...I still believe that this was a sign of the gods
@qusmxjek10 Жыл бұрын
When i was in 5th grade, we went on a field trip, i dont remember where but it was for a book we had just finished. We had just looked at a flour mill in a log cabin-esqe building and we made it down the hill, something made me turn back toward the hill and on top, was a very broad but kind of stooped down man in a cloak and a wide brimmed hat, it honestly scared me, i ran to my teacher but when we came back, he was gone, the teacher said i probably saw a ghost or something and chuckled, i remember that clearly, now looking into norse paganism, im starting to think it may have been Odin. Ive tried to rationalize it as someone maybe dressing up and just going into the building when they saw me run away, but i did google images of Odin dressed like that and its frighteningly similar. Coincidence, possibly, but i still cant explain it, maybe Odin was protecting me or trying to show me something, i dont know.
@ultravioletpisces3666 2 жыл бұрын
I had a dream one time about a friend of mine, I was fighting with (he was a housemate at the time). Anyway, I dreamed he died and it was really traumatic. I woke up in terror, found him in the dining room and hugged him. That was about 10 or so years ago. It wasn't a sign he was going to die but I think it was my subconscious giving me the feeling of losing him to help me let go of whatever I was angry about.
@ghostofjudah5687 2 жыл бұрын
Bro, the intro is literally me lol. I am always chasing ravens and crows.
@alexandercrawford2711 2 жыл бұрын
My brother died 5 years ago I was outside in Florida he was in Colorado after I got the news on the phone I turned around and there sat on the sidewalk the biggest crow ive ever seen seemed to be staring me In the eyes then flew away after 5 seconds . Here I am now newly getting into this n I’m like damn I’ve been drawn to thunder the chaos in the clouds of the a storm seeings signs everywhere for a while and never knew it until now
@reece3163 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful as always. Thank you, your channel is invaluable during this journey
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