REACTION TO Noir Désir - Tostaky (live Les Vieilles Charrues 2001)

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The Wolf HunterZ

The Wolf HunterZ

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@benjaminblabla 8 ай бұрын
Poetry, rage, power, best concert I've never assisted in my life
@MurielHugo-h2e 8 ай бұрын
C'est et restera un des meilleurs groupes français , je continue à écouter
@R7Tmerilin 8 ай бұрын
clairement un des 3 plus grand groupes de rock français
@babyguilhem9338 8 ай бұрын
Avec Indochine ?
@R7Tmerilin 8 ай бұрын
@@babyguilhem9338 je pensait plus a téléphone et shakaponk
@patriciacloix71 8 ай бұрын
Idem un des meilleurs groupes
@richardhelmstetter6245 8 ай бұрын
Oui c'est en nous , même si l'homme est détestable!
@marie-anneguibereau7344 8 ай бұрын
He was very talented and Noir Désir was my favourite ban,d that I saw many times live. But since he beat his lover to death I just cannot listen to his voice anymore. Hurts too much. Noir Désir is now a thing of the past for me. That's really sad because their music was so good and intense.
@nadegeleturque4819 8 ай бұрын
Idem pour moi..
@NumaMaxenceAmbre 7 ай бұрын
Feeling the same
@doctorhowthe13th84 5 ай бұрын
La même pour moi
@dimroussy7272 4 ай бұрын
L'affaire Cantat, c'est l'histoire d'un couple de drogués descendant aux enfers, et dont l'issue était fatale pour l'un ou l'autre, je ne mettrais jamais Cantat dans le panier des féminicides courant. Marie trintignant était sans doute une femme hors du commun, mais toute aussi névrosée que lui, ils ont manqué de chance d'encadrement bienveillant, c'est tout. et elle est surtout morte de s'être cognée sur un engin de cinéma, cela ne pardonne en rien la claque violente que Cantat lui a donnée, mais il ne s'est pas acharné sur elle. Désolé pour toi, mais je continuerais de l'écouter, car je ne le classerais jamais dans le clan des pseudos alpha toxiques, il faut avoir unr vie simpliste pour situer tout noir ou tout blanc.
@GGdeTOURS37 7 күн бұрын
Idem! Terminé! Il n'avait pas plus le droit de vivre qu'elle ...
@lionel1966oyo 8 ай бұрын
I have seen them many times live . One of the best group in France for many years .
@chriscannes 2 ай бұрын
Le meilleur groupe français et le restera
@geraudbroussaud894 7 ай бұрын
Noir Désir was great. Such energy and rage. excellent lyrics too But I've never forgiven . The murder was unforgivable. I sold my records and I've never listened to them since.
@TheJohnnyGoldman 8 ай бұрын
Denis Barthe, the drummer, is wearing a T-shirt of Sleepers, an incredible noise/hardcore band from Bordeaux, highly recommanded.
@ggousier 7 ай бұрын
Tostaky is a contraction of Spanish "Todo esta aqui".
@jeanleveau7904 8 ай бұрын
Noir Desir is by far the best rock band we have ever had in France. I was heartbroken when I read about Marie Trintignant's death in 2002. But I can't stop listening to their music. I saw them live in 96 when I was 16 and it was my first concert ever. No matter what the man did, what the artist achieved before remains. I can still watch Kevin Spacey' or Gerard Depardieu's movies, I still listen to Michael Jackson while he was a known pedophile.
@PiccoloSan9841 8 ай бұрын
Moi aussi c'est mon premier concert en 96 a 16ans aussi a Amnéville Mdr tjrs un de mais groupe préféré
@PiccoloSan9841 8 ай бұрын
Mes groupes Écriture intuitive de merde
@jeanleveau7904 8 ай бұрын
@@PiccoloSan9841 à la Merise à Trappes 78. C'était le debut de la tournée 666.667 club
@marklevental8114 8 ай бұрын
No One Is Innocent?
@jeanleveau7904 8 ай бұрын
@@marklevental8114 no one is innocent had a wonderful debut album, the second is ok but the rest of their discography is not that good. They are not as good as Noir Des' in my opinion
@ss974 7 ай бұрын
Miss them so much....
@marie-anneguibereau7344 8 ай бұрын
this performance of Bertrans Cantat , lead singer of Noir Désir was filmed in 2001. Marie Trintignant, his lover and famous French actress died in 2003 after a fight they had in their hotel room in Vilnius, when he hit her so hard she fell into a coma and died 6 days later. Cantat was judged and sentenced to 8 years in prison for violence causing death unintentionnaly, but he only stayed 4 years in prison.
@R7Tmerilin 8 ай бұрын
like any convicted person when he doesn't act like an idiot in prison he gets a reduced sentence, what's the problem?
@gillesbourgeois5348 7 ай бұрын
Bertrand, not Bertrans. Aquí para nosotros aquí aquí para nosotros !Alors soyons désinvoltes, n'ayons l'air de rien.
@gogyoo Ай бұрын
@@R7Tmerilin Well, someone died
@tribaahl 8 ай бұрын
What an awesome band ! Noir désir will always be in my heart. What happened is terrible of course but that takes nothing away from B. Cantat's genius, poetry and charisma as a Jim Morrison level to me
@FabienCarteau 8 ай бұрын
Loved Marie the second I saw her in her first role at 16 (I was also16). ND's music was so good, it got into my DNA instantly. He killed her with his fists... I rarely listen to ND, but, ils so good I miss it sometimes. I miss Marie more... Bloody painfull stuff...
@xabi.u6669 7 ай бұрын
The best live 👍👍🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷
@Josephtao2 8 ай бұрын
Bertrand Cantat (the singer) is not us. But Noir Désir, belongs to us.
@antoinesacagna5241 8 ай бұрын
Le concert que vous visualisez est bien avant le drame du 1er août 2003, Bertrand Cantat, le leader du groupe avait tué sa petite amie Marie Trintignant, actrice et fille de Jean Louis trintignant , lui aussi acteur très connu dans le cinéma français . Le drame c'est produit dans un hôtel à Vinius (lituanie)
@frederiqueleveque 6 ай бұрын
Personnellement je ne suis pas juge, j'aime Noir Désir pour sa musique, le reste je m'en fout !!!
@patriciacloix71 7 күн бұрын
@NAILLOU76 7 ай бұрын
J'y étais ! Triste histoire !
@AtheosAtheos 4 ай бұрын
☝😩 1:23 > Ah, la prononciation du Français... Déjà que pas bourré c'est dur...
@stefselene3926 5 ай бұрын
Bertrand Cantat c'est compliqué; il a tué sa seconde épouse à coup de poings(Marie Trintignant actrice française) puis après seulement 7 ans de prison il est retourné avec sa 1ere épouse qui s'est suicidée quelques mois plus tard
@stephane2137 4 ай бұрын
Noir Désir was a very good french band. I loved them. I felt very sad when I've heard the singer/guitarist beat his wife to death. And I feel sad for the 3 others members of the band. They aren't involved in this, at all. And we don't listen to them anymore.
@Fenrill06 2 ай бұрын
Well, we react just like you do, what do you think ? Do you really believe that just because people have different cultures, backgrounds, or religions, they feel things in such different ways? ;) This kind of sentiment is as universal as music... Love, hate, fear, sadness, joy... Just like our unique ability in the animal kingdom to communicate our emotions so powerfully... Aren't we the only creatures on this planet capable of forming emotional bonds with almost every other existing creature? A Chinese child loves their little dog just like an American or African child does. The deeper the emotion, the more universal and easily communicable it is... In short, we felt exactly the same kind of thing that you seem to instinctively guess... And for good reason, we're all the same at that level! ^_^ Only politicians and religious fanatics try to make us believe otherwise... ;)
@golgotisme 8 ай бұрын
In France they are gods.. best rock band in europe.. everybody knows about their songs
@guillaumeberthou3432 2 ай бұрын
A l'époque de Tostaky, ils ont tout pompé sur des groupes comme Fugazi, Jawbox et Girls Against Boys, allant jusqu'à prendre leur producteur Ted Niceley. Ils n'ont absolument rien inventé, et ont juste singé les américains. ça restera toujours un groupe mineur, avec un assassin comme chanteur.
@JeanlucPerez-u3g 2 ай бұрын
Quel cinéma
@lionelg4251 8 ай бұрын
Merci ❤ love from 👌France
@lionelg4251 8 ай бұрын
merci Philippe pour la suggestion
@jeromedupont5218 5 ай бұрын
the fan base explodes dude. I m still listening to them but I cant help myself to curse Bertrand Cantat. I think the others musicians of the band are victims. their career ended abruptly and they never did something else
@stephane2137 4 ай бұрын
je pense la même chose. La première victime, c'est Marie Trintignant. Les victimes collatérales sont les 3 autres musiciens du groupe.
@chaosandcreation4118 6 ай бұрын
He's a troubled dude. The band split after his release but he only did a few personal projects as he's black'listed or more precisely followed by feminist demonstrations against his appearing so he's pretty much semi retired. Did do an album with a band called Detroit and a theater project as well as a couple guest appearances. It's complicated when you admire an artist so much and he lets you down. Death is so much simpler, but manslaughter is another story. Most still enjoy the music of one of the best French bands in Rock from the eighties on. But it remains mixed emotions.
@gillesteixeira3452 8 ай бұрын
haven't heard this song for some years
@gaellerb8976 8 ай бұрын
My aunt was their greatest fan and died of aids the spring before he killed Marie Trintignant. I can only listen to Un jour en France et A ton Etoile (it´s her!). Anything that happened after must be forgotten.
@jeromedupont5218 5 ай бұрын
yes guys it was prior to the incident.
@fabienperez9937 7 ай бұрын
Now if you did this one you have to do 'Antisocial' by TRUST. It's biggest french hard rock classic.
@mouchetphilippe1960 3 ай бұрын
hélas nous n'écoutons plus noir desir en france ,les autres musiciens se sont désolidarisé du chanteur guitariste bertrand cantat qui en 2003 a tué a coup de poings marie trintignan , et est sortie de prison 4 ans après alors qu'il n'avais été condamné a a peine 8 ans de prison ,cette affaire est sordide tout comme bertrand cantat !!!!
@patriciacloix71 7 күн бұрын
Dsl moi je continue de l'écouter et je suis en France et beaucoup d'autres continu de l'écouter..
@mouchetphilippe1960 7 күн бұрын
@@patriciacloix71 c'est votre choix ,mais moi je ne peux pas .même les membres originaux se sont désolidarisé et c'est normal .pour moi , quelqu'un qui tue une autre personne ,c'est rédhibitoire !!!!
@xoolok 7 ай бұрын
ils ont en rien à foutre les Américains de notre musique!! Regarder leurs tronches!!!
@fantomas9240 8 ай бұрын
You should check out the cover of Teen smell like ten spirits by the French band Shaka Ponk
@jeromedupont5218 5 ай бұрын
shaka ponk c'est des clowns. aucune authenticité. c'est un produit commercial monté de toutes pièces
@gillesteixeira3452 8 ай бұрын
the singer : Bertrand Cantat
@loulouchris1085 8 ай бұрын
@pascalmarfaing4945 8 ай бұрын
@reynaldparisel3852 8 ай бұрын
Eh oui et alors ? Si tu n'es pas content, milite pour changer la loi qui fait que les prisonniers sortent (presque) tous à mi-peine. Et milite aussi pour construire + de prisons (une des raisons du laxisme judiciaire).
@Narubenko 8 ай бұрын
​@@reynaldparisel3852 t'énerve pas.... À part le "only" il est factuel....
@QuirinJoseph 6 ай бұрын
If they like that they may like singer benabar.
@aurorevincent4005 8 ай бұрын
brillant hommage a un homme qui a assassiné sa compagne..^^
@assassindelasaucisse.4039 2 ай бұрын
Il l'a tué, pas "assassiné". Il aurait pris bien plus d'années de taule pour un assassinat (meurtre avec préméditation).
@PiccoloSan9841 8 ай бұрын
The best groupe in France
@pascalmarfaing4945 8 ай бұрын
Ben voyons ! Le meilleur groupe du monde.
@manoul71 7 ай бұрын
i love u
@gillesteixeira3452 8 ай бұрын
about the incident.. i remember he was accused to have killed his girlfriend... but it was probably an accident
@marksimus333 8 ай бұрын
He beat her to death and was sentenced to jail for that.
@jeromedupont5218 5 ай бұрын
non mec vu le nombre de coups c pas un accident
@fredericperret9925 7 ай бұрын
avec des personnes alcolsees que dire le fond de notre societe juge ça
@davidlandru3578 7 ай бұрын
Il avait déjà une bonne tête de cinglé. Aucun pardon pour Cantat, ni pour Shaka Ponk qui l'ont invité sur scène.
@Cascas422 8 ай бұрын
@arianemartin9659 8 ай бұрын
Ne pas confondre l homme et le musicien.
@mempamal44 8 ай бұрын
T'inquiètes je ne confonds pas le connard du connard 😉
@mempamal44 8 ай бұрын
T'inquiètes,je ne confonds pas le connard du connard 😉
@Ontheroadagain777 8 ай бұрын
C’est la même personne
@mempamal44 8 ай бұрын
@@Ontheroadagain777 t'as raison c'est le même connard 😉
@Emile97427 8 ай бұрын
Perso, j'ai (temporairement ?) résolu la dissonance cognitive en écoutant uniquement ce qui a été fait avant l'homicide, alors que Cantat n'était pas encore un criminel, ce qui me permets de le regarder sans me triturer le cerveau. Et je fais en sorte que ça lui rapporte 0 royalties. Même si c'est injuste envers les autres membres du groupe.
@fifidurand7421 8 ай бұрын
the "incident"...he just killed his girlfriend (a famous actrees)...the best french rock band ...what 's pity..
@banjoshua 8 ай бұрын
Well, he was no Charles Manson and she was no Sharon tate. He was a violent man, that's true. She was an alcoholic and a junkie too. It all sadly happened when none of them was sober. They were a ramshackle couple. By the way, I never liked their music.
@fifidurand7421 8 ай бұрын
@@banjoshua ok i agree......but he killed her anyway..(and i like them and saw them the first time in...1991)
@banjoshua 8 ай бұрын
@@fifidurand7421 Yes, I get it. But the point I want to establish is that Cantat is not a cold-blooded murderer like OJ Simpson or Pistorius.
@jeromedupont5218 5 ай бұрын
traduit pas incident par incident. attention au faux ami
@drysdilldryss8342 8 ай бұрын
Groupe incroyable qui a bercé mes jeunes années!! Et, il ne faut pas être sorti de St Cyr pour faire la différence entre l'artiste, avec un talent de folie, et l'homme, qui s'est révélé être exécrable, par le meurtre horrible qu'il a commis. Perso, je déteste l'homme mais j'adore toujours autant l'artiste.
@catherinerauner3213 7 ай бұрын
watch anti social from trust !
@didiers62 3 ай бұрын
non terminé pour moi , tuer une personne n'est pas pardonnable
@neilbrie8972 8 ай бұрын
The concert was before he killed his girlfriend and before his ex-wife killed herself driven by depression by him. I loved the band, their message ( in their songs) but the singer is known for violence toward women, manipulation. There is no excuse and for me his talent can't forgive his sins. Specially when you realise he didn't really reflects on his bad behaviour and crime. I did went to their in Bordeaux ( there town in 1998) was amazing. His crime killed the best rock group France had!
@cyrilweber5259 8 ай бұрын
OK, right. Bertrand, the lead singer killed his girlfriend, who was à french actress... Now let s have the whole version of that. He did not kill her on purpose, I mean that was an accident. Nothing can justify the fact that she died, I agréé for sûre. It was in à hôtel, during à Noir Desir european tour, one night à fight starter between her and him, and at this time both of them were under Héroïne, and when she Felton on the ground she died. Bertrand was fond guilty of murder, and he has been judged in Lituania. He spent 4 years in jail in Lituania, then the french government made him come back in France and put him in jail in Paris for some more time. After this some people and the médias made everything they can to boycott him, à kind of man Hunt, some even tried to kill him. It s à sad and tragic story. No excuses for what he did, but there is a complex story behind that, and it s still not clear 20years laser. Now let s just talk about Noir Desir and his charismatic lead singer.. This group was à révolution in rock music, the lead singer à great great lyricyst, à great poet, à great musician. And one of the mort beautiful and powerfull voice. Everytime on stage he was so in it, so intense, so émotionnel. Til thèse days he, and the band, are légends and inspiration for lot of bands. I know it s not easy but you have to separate his personnal story of the band, of what they créated. I mean their music was so power full, so many great songs, albums, So many epic live shows. One day try to listen to " ces gens la" live from them, you ll feel all the talent and passion he has. Of course his girlfriends death was the end of Noir Desir, and once again, nothing can justify that. Its hard but if you chose to listen to this band just focus on the artistic side, about the subjects of the songs like the fight against racism, the condition of the poor, the sadness of the humanity and many more... Take care, One Love from France.
@pascalmarfaing4945 8 ай бұрын
Ce n'était pas un accident. Bertrand Cantat , adepte des arts martiaux , lui a donné plusieurs coups de poing au visage. Il avait des bagues aux doigts. Pourquoi a-t-il attendu des heures et des heures , avant d'appeler les secours ? Le chirurgien français qui l'a opérée a dit qu'il n'avait jamais vu de tels traumatismes.
@marksimus333 8 ай бұрын
That's a light version of the story. He beat her to death and was sentenced to jail for that.
@gurkharo2408 6 ай бұрын
@@marksimus333 : Have you ever use drugs to be in incapacity of judgement and no self-control ? Have you ever experience total lack of reality ?? They were both high on heroine that night... A murder happened, very sad story and tragic... But he was completly out-minded to understand what he was doing ! Having martial arts skills doesn't mean he used it on purpose but he was physically capable to hurt to death... I don't say the sentence was good ; the death of Marie will never be a forgotten... but there were some circonstances that bring a very sad accidental behaviour to an unwanted tragic death ! No one will exactly know why he did that.. even him since he was high... but if you had ever be on drugs, maybe you can understand some events can quickly go beyond your own control ! Also, I bet you know some murderers who were in prison and even sometimes you're businessing with them ... he could be your cashier or baker.. you don't his past and actually enjoy his work... he's not the same person as before and became a good one... but you don't know it since you only met hiim after he was out of jail ... and if you would know, you couldn't be frozen in the past about him if he learned about his prrevious mistakes... give him another chance to proove his humanity ! I give mine to Bertrand Cantat....
@jeromedupont5218 5 ай бұрын
non pas ok c'était pas un accident. il voulait peut être pas la tuer (là franchement si c le cas il lui manque vraiment une case) mais il a bien voulu lui faire mal très très mal. arrête tout et apprend la vie car là ce que tu dis c vraiment pas possible
@k-member 7 ай бұрын
You'd better choose standart version not live
@Jonathan-jc4ef Ай бұрын
No, this is the superior version
@EricDorval-nc2vd 2 ай бұрын
Ben si mal le rock français hein les ricains écouter un le rock band. TÉLÉPHONE
@zeeldaazoonk 8 ай бұрын
Are you drunk ?
@MrSarcasm101 4 ай бұрын
Cantat should have rotten in jail...
@assassindelasaucisse.4039 2 ай бұрын
He did. For four years.
@JeanlucPerez-u3g 8 ай бұрын
Comment ruiner un morceau ? Parler
@TheArcade70 8 ай бұрын
C'est le principe des reacts. Et c'est notamment parce que les morceaux sont entrecoupés de commentaires que les vidéos ne sautent pas.
@philippebeillan6962 8 ай бұрын
après tout ce n était qu une femme...Mohamed from Afghanistan
@mempamal44 8 ай бұрын
This singer killed his wife just with hands."Marie Trintignant"😢RIP.She was a great actress in France Do you like this song now?
@herculepoirot3628 8 ай бұрын
Faire de la "cancel culture" ne va pas la ressusciter ni empêcher de nouveau drame, les femmes anonymes qui meurent sous les coups de leur compagnon, elles ne savent même pas qui est Bertrand Cantat ! La justice l'a condamné et il a fait des années de la prison pour cela (pas assez ? peut-être ? mais on vit pas dans un monde parfait). De plus cette chanson il est pas tout seul, eux aussi ils faut qu'ils payent les conséquences ? détruire tout leur travail pour une seule personne ? nier que c'est une très bonne chanson de rock français ? Et dans quel but ? punir un individu afin d'en faire un symbole des violences conjugales car il est célèbre et même après qu'il soit sortie de prison, il faut encore le punir jusqu'à la fin de a vie, c'est ça ta justice ? Je suis pas un fan de Noir Désir et encore moins de B.Cantat, mais je fais la part des choses, je prend la musique pour ce qu'elle est : une œuvre, et non pas le reflet des actes d'un homme. Cette haine aveugle de vengeance féministe ne sert à rien sinon a gaspiller du temps et l'éloigner de la vrais cause de défense des femmes qui en ont besoin d'aide maintenant et c'est pas en commentant anonymement sur un cas déjà traité par la justice que ça changera quelque chose.
@TWD66 8 ай бұрын
Noir Désir a des tonnes de grandes chansons avec des tonnes de grandes paroles. S'il y a des drames entre temps, tout cela fait partie de l'histoire de la chanson française. Il faut accepter le tout, même si ça tape dans des endroits où ça fait mal.
@mempamal44 8 ай бұрын
@@TWD66 et encore un gros débile, vivement que je brûle tes gosses et ta femme,ils feront partie de l'histoire et de mon barbecue 😉
@lachaise7096 8 ай бұрын
elle avait aussi pris de la coco comme Canta sans parler de l'alcool maintenant ça n'excuse pas l'acte mais il a payé sa dette et sa carrière est finie à tout jamais donc à quoi bon cracher sur l'homme qu'il était avant t'as quoi à y gagner à part croire que ça fait de toi une bonne personne ? she had also taken cocaine and alcohol like Canta, that does not excuse the act but he paid his debt to the society and his career is over forever. so what's the point of spitting on the man he was before, what do you have to gain, it's makes you a better person ?
@mempamal44 8 ай бұрын
@@lachaise7096 ok peut être mais que je sache, elle a tué quelqu'un? Et bah non puisque c'est l'autre connard qui l'a tué.Pour moi lui je l'enterre aussi avec sa musique de merde 😉
@vincentlehebel4399 8 ай бұрын
@reynaldparisel3852 8 ай бұрын
Ah ! encore un woke débile qui veut tout interdire... Pauvre petit chat. Ouin ouin.
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