Carl Jung, Synchronicity and the Hidden Truth of Reality

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THIRD EYE DROPS with Michael Phillip

THIRD EYE DROPS with Michael Phillip

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@cristinai4645 Жыл бұрын
What I noticed about synchronicities is that feeling you get when you notice them. They make you feel connected to the Universe, it breaks appart that illusion that you are in a bubble and the world is happening outside it and most of the times this feeling makes you feel depressed and miserable. But when you encounter these small signs, you feel connected, you don t feel alientated anymore, everything is both inside and outside your being.
Very true. That feeling of subjective awe is hugely impactful.
@markheithorn3905 Жыл бұрын
Well put Cristina.
@Sirius-O-Serrius Жыл бұрын
MASTER 33 NUMEROLOGY - aka 3-6-9 ANUNNAKI GOD CODE - I’m a MASTER 11, so I’m part of it in a deep deep deep way. I awakened for 11/11/11, and recorded an album for it. I released it on 11/9/11. The first song is called “Trumpery of Don-John Killuminati,” it’s about Donald J. Trump aka Babylon Don, other songs on it are “Third Eye Reality - Its 3:33 am Again,” "Hell on Earth 2020,” “Atlantis: Do You Star Seeds Remember? It’s a song about my astral projections of being on ET star ships from Sirius and Pleiades. I call it the 3-6-9 ANUNNAKI GOD CODE. My name Mick = 36 and the father god ANU = 36. The words 1) LIL 2) SAM 3) AMEN 4) NAME 5) MEAN 6) BIRD 7) SEED 8) KKK 9) NRA all equal 33.
@chickensandw1tch Жыл бұрын
Tru like tapin in to the orchestra symphony symbiosis, like bubbles becoming cillective bubble^^ sad/mixed with beautiful god feelings❤
@cbton_ Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@trevgrooves Жыл бұрын
Nothing beats a juicy synchronicity.
@kodyhenry7 Жыл бұрын
Like biting into an apple as a bug smashes against your windshield. Then you look down and realize you just ate half a worm. 🤣
@nowie1111 Жыл бұрын
@nowie1111 Жыл бұрын
I'd prefer to experience more and more synchronicities than anything else
@e.e.surina4373 Жыл бұрын
A worthwhile listen
@gosiagorecka3454 Жыл бұрын
@@nowie1111 did you have any synchronicity happen to you?
@margaretwhitmer2715 Жыл бұрын
Synchronicities have been multiplying for me at such a rapid rate, especially recently, it is very tempting to suspect that it means something, although I have no idea what.
@lynnhall8720 10 ай бұрын
Once, I awoke speaking these words: The dream is the reality, Reality's the dream. All is as it should be; Nothing's what it seems. I felt that this was a message spoken through me which was important to remember and so, I wrote it down and have never forgotten it.
@DockClock-rp2ro 4 ай бұрын
@ThonBauer 4 ай бұрын
​@@DockClock-rp2ro duality slipknot
@positivityplace Жыл бұрын
In 1996, I was struggling to find a good tenant for my rental property after several bad experiences. One day, I remember saying to myself, "God, please help me find the right tenant and let me know who it is." Eventually, I decided on a gentleman and asked him to come by that afternoon to pick up the keys and take possession of the house. When he arrived, he surprised me by bringing a large box of cheese from the factory where he worked as a cheese maker. As I was putting down the box, I noticed the computer-generated price on the label: $49.08. This made me smile because the street address of my rental property was 4908, and the price was determined solely by the weight of the finished round handmade cheese, without any human intervention. To me, this was a clear sign of synchronicity. Everything worked out perfectly, and the tenant turned out to be an excellent fit for the property.
Ohhhh good one! 🧀
@davecros4887 Жыл бұрын
I had a profound psychic experience almost 14 years ago. I was eating dinner at a far away restaurant and was getting very negative vibes off of a man sitting at a table near me. The vibes were so strong that I felt compelled to mention it to my wife as we drove home that night. About 2 months later, I drove to a cute town with my wife and baby to shop and get some ice cream. I bought my cone and walked out into the green where there were some chairs and one woman was sitting by herself. Suddenly, a very strong feeling came over me. It was the same feeling the same vibes that I had felt from the man at the restaurant. The feeling hit me so hard that I had to immediately sit down. As my wife walked out I said "This is going to sound really weird but..." I described the feelings that I felt and how I had to sit down because they were so strong. We both felt a little puzzled. After the ice cream we drove down the street about 1/8 mile to one of my favorite plant stores. I walked one way, my wife walked another as we shopped. We met up at the other side of the building where my wife says "guess who I saw". I respond "That guy!" I had seen him too. These were the only two times that I'd ever seen this man in my life. He was with the same woman both times. I had a "knowing" that he was there. I had no idea how I knew, but I knew. I've been searching and meditating and researching this for the last 14 years and now I understand this much better. There is a second consciousness that we are all a part of. This man had some very heavy thoughts. These instances happened about 60 miles from each other. I've not seen nor felt strongly, his presence since that time. While reading this, the impact is minimal to non existent but if you experience that, the powerful wave of emotion followed by seeing the person you sensed, trust me it would change your perspective on the nature of reality. There is a collective consciousness. I've found it again and again through meditation. I haven't found any practical use for this but it's been my fascination for about 14 years now.
@dangelamarx80 Жыл бұрын
You should start paying attention to vedic astrology. There’s a lot of ways to calculate the date and time of an event and how it relates or affects you personally. It can even tell you exactly how strong your link to the collective conscious is and help you to understand your own gifts
@DJTFLO Жыл бұрын
I had a experience where my girl, the kids, and I were eating at a restaurant and I kept making eye contact with the guy sitting next to me who was also with this family. Nothing too much, just 2 or 3 times, we both nodded our heads what's up. Somewhere in the middle of dinner he walks over a couple feet to me and says that he really likes the energy that I have and that my family is beautiful and that he could tell I was a good dude and to just keep up what I'm doing because he loves to see it. Dude was about my age in his late 20s, tatted up, I told him I appreciate it and same from me to him, he seemed cool as hell. Him and his family got up to take off and he left his phone on the table. I tried to stop him but he didn't hear me so I went out to the parking lot and found him and gave him his phone as they we're loading up in the car. Man he tripped out! He said "Bro something told me told me you were a good dude and I had to let you know and then you come and bring me my phone!? " Told his girl "I told you this was a real ass dude!!! " Felt good for me but the synchronicity felt better.
@wiwiweriley4290 Жыл бұрын
I've had that happen to me occasionnally since childhood. Every now and then, I get a very intense feeling about someone. Negative is very rare tho. Usually it's a very "particular" feeling. Can't really convey the sensation through words, but I learned long ago to heed it when it happens. Talking to the person always leads very interesting places and has a lasting impact on my life. And theirs. Always goes so smoothly. Which is saying something given the sort of mess and trauma I spent a long time in. Struggled to talk to people until just a couple years ago. Not in these cases tho. Always came so easy, natural. Sometimes happens via text, too. Doesn't matter what is said/written. It's not the words, but the echoes of themselves people imprint in them. I met my darlin on a discussion forum. He and some other guy were talking about some movie or something. Nothing special, or particularly interesting about the conversation. Just the standard run if the mill movie recommendation talk. But there was that sense of awe I couldn't and still mostly can't explain. It kinda just is. I think of it as guidance of sorts
@jessica0321 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! This comment/story brought me so much comfort.
@mmmitchell6887 Жыл бұрын
Your experience is similar to mine in a toilet area in a mall. The hairs on my body stood up. Something said get out of there, and I lost the need to urinate. On the way out I saw a guy I didn’t see you when I walked in . Three months later that guy was arrested and serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.
@brggz Жыл бұрын
When my mom was pregnant with my brother and near her due date she woke up a couple times in the middle of the night at 3:33 am. He was then born at 3:33 am. Because of this I've been tuned to see 333 absolutely everywhere. Not just in typical ways but waking up at 3:33 myself numerous times and even predicting seeing it. When my mom passed away, I saw it 10+ times a day for about a week. I'm sure this sounds nuts to most people but it always reminds me that there's a lot more than what meets the eye.
@bradwilson8550 4 ай бұрын
Numerologically, 333 reduces to 9. Nine is the number that symbolises the furthest reach of physical existence. It’s composed of five, which is the number representing humanity (5 digits on each limb, 5 protrusions from the body), and four - the fourth density, which represents transformation. Thus humanity which is transforming (us) equals nine (5+4=9). Nine represents the highest vibration you can reach in physical reality.
@Mahrimae Жыл бұрын
One of the easiest to tell and flashiest synchronicities I ever experienced took place over almost 20 years.. When in college in the early 90s, I had a Jungian dream counselor who ran dream groups for interested faculty and students and told us a story to illustrate how dreams worked. He said when he was teaching English at a small school for deeply wild kids one of his students had fallen asleep in his class and they watched as he slipped into a rather jerky and violent dream, awakening with a wide eyed gasp. My counselor quickly pounced on him and asked him what he’d been dreaming. The young man told him he’d been on a roller coaster and crested a giant hill only to come rushing down the other side faster and faster to find, of all things, a brick wall. Which is when he woke up. And at that very moment in walked a uniformed police officer to apprehend the dreamer and his friend for stealing cars and going for joy rides. Fast forward to the early 2000s. My husband and I are in a different city in the same state visiting the sister of a friend whose boyfriend has also joined the group for dinner. Afterward we’re drinking wine in the living room when the topic of dreams and weird coincidences (aka synchronicities) comes up and the boyfriend begins to tell the story of being in class in high school and having an intense dream of being on a roller coaster. He described the scene and the thrill of the curves and as he mentions that it rounded a curve and dipped down a rushing hill, I started to feel physically really strange. He gets to the end of the dream, and he and I both say - in unison “… and I (you) ran into a brick wall!” He just looked at me and blinked and everyone looked really confused. I explained that my dream counselor used to use this very dream as an example of how dreams can reflect reality in a breathtakingly non-causal way. I asked him if he had been to that school. He said yes. And suddenly he was very serious and said that he had never gotten to go back before going straight into juvenile detention for a time. He also said then that he’d gotten out and turned his life around - as we could hopefully see - and if I ever saw the counselor again would I tell him he turned out alright? I didn’t think I would ever see him again but I said that I would. And then in the early 2010s I found myself walking through my old college town at the farmer’s market on an unscheduled visit and ran into my counselor for the first time in 20 years. He had retired and married a potter who was selling her wares at the booth where I found him uncharacteristically - he almost never went since it would be hours of sitting in the hot sun and his wife would always do the shopping afterward and come home with the spoils of the day. But he was there that day. So I delivered the message about a boy who turned his life around and wanted him to know. Super satisfying when these stories come full circle.
@ernieblue5307 Жыл бұрын
@Mahrimae Жыл бұрын
@@ernieblue5307 my feeling too. What to do with a story that tells itself over decades?
@echo123.0 Жыл бұрын
@facelessandnameless Жыл бұрын
That’s incredible!
@professorpedropontes4402 11 ай бұрын
That’s quite the impressive story.
@jamesdunn1641 9 ай бұрын
I'm a retired trial lawyer. While putting the final touches on my closing argument, I noticed the clerks 'for the prosecution bringing in the exhibits that they were going to use. There were several clear plastic bags that they had previously called "glassine envelopes". That term had intrigued me since law school where I first heard it because what they were, were sandwich bags in which drug dealers sold their drugs. Seeing those bags caused three things from my past to merge, (1) "glassine envelope" was just a pompous way to say sandwich bag, (2) at a legal seminar I remembered a speaker saying we should use every opportunity to "denegrate" the prosecutions evidence, (3) on the Johnny Carson Show, Johnny and a comedian were discussing what made people laugh and the comedian said, "comedians say out loud what everyone is thinking therefore there is a collective understanding which causes the laughter". I edited my closing argument to say, "all they have is a bunch of "sam-ich" bags", (this was done to "denegrate" the term glassine envelope.) When I said sam-ich bags three jurors guffawed in an attempt to hold their laughter. To make a long story short, my client was the only one of five or six d efendants to be acquitted and that whole line of thinking came together in probably less than 5 minutes but the events that formed the basis of that line of thinking probably happened over a course ov 15 years and were totally independent of one another.
@cashglobe Жыл бұрын
My favorite synchronicity, although pretty inconsequential, was my friend mentioning the Wu Tang Clan at the gym for no reason, and then 2 minutes later walking into the locker room and a Wu Tang Clan song starts playing, then like 10 seconds later a kid walks in with a Wu Tang Clan t-shirt on 🤣
This is why wtcantfw.
@salvadorpicasso1503 Жыл бұрын
A few years ago I started walking a different path. It felt as though I was guided. I began to experience odd coincidences. One day I was reading a passage in a book by Carl Jung, about synchronicities. Something said to me, Go to a certain 2nd hand book store in the local town. I thought maybe I was going to find a book I had been looking for but after a while I realised this wasn’t to be and I went to leave. I overheard a conversation with a guy and the shop assistant and to my absolute amazement , the guy was reciting the passage I had just read in my book.
@ron1836 Жыл бұрын
Yep. I have things on this level happen to me very often. Very similar
@salvadorpicasso1503 Жыл бұрын
@@ron1836 yes my friend they come fast and furious once you know they are about. Sadly I haven’t had any fabulously remarkable ones for a while now. Would be interested to hear about one of yours.
@stuartporter7202 Жыл бұрын
Hello! You have reminded me of an experience- a bit different, but with parallels. I work as TEFL teacher and there was a period where I was feeling lost as my native English colleagues were all big drinkers. I was, I think, inadvertently putting it out there that I wanted a mentor at the time. My daughter asked me to buy her something that is cheap in this country and I managed to find it in an esoteric shop. I could only speak to the shop owner using a translate app but I realised he was a very interesting guy. The next weekend I had a strong feeling that I should return to the shop and I would meet someone who would be important for me - I imagined a male friend / mentor. I felt when it was the right time to go, and a very short time after I arrived at the shop, a woman entered who had just returned from a Buddhist retreat in another city and called in on her way home, and happened to speak English. She was the only other person who entered the shop. She first became my yoga teacher, but then my partner ! Now five years together. The English translation of the shop name is " The Magic Shop" too!
@salvadorpicasso1503 Жыл бұрын
@@stuartporter7202 it’s a wonderful life experience for you. Nothing is coincidence.
@stuartporter7202 Жыл бұрын
@@salvadorpicasso1503 I agree. ☺🙏
@nowie1111 Жыл бұрын
Before I met my bf I always said if I had twin girls I would name them Hope and faith 3 yrs later I met a man. I told him about that and he went silent and says I have twin girls one is named Hope and the other faith... my mind blew up... we both started to realize some things between us were almost identical.. even experiences, our photos with same backgrounds and almost same outfits. There was a morning were we both saw the same type of June bugs and right after spiders we both exchanged at that moment... I thought he was making it up. I don't know what to make of this reality but synchronicity has certainly become my fascination. Till now I am obsessed with synchronicity and any topics about reality... I can't even say they are coincidences because it's not... I just don't understand how
@xander3044 Жыл бұрын
You're on the right path!
@nowie1111 Жыл бұрын
@@xander3044 thank u
@ernieblue5307 Жыл бұрын
@@THIRDEYEDROPS I won’t bother you with the “how”, but your title is one synchronicity for me today.
@jlv11b 3 ай бұрын
Maybe he's your twin, separated at birth. Hopefully your not dating him.
@trishatheunicorn9702 Жыл бұрын
I left my husband, moved out and rented a room in a different apartment. The apartment I moved into had the weirdest decorations I had ever seen in my life. lots of sandy bottles that looked like they were fished out from underneath the ocean. Lots of wood. Stones. Animals And right above my head a pair of deer horns hanging from the ceiling. I was at a very difficult period of my life and I had just made a decision to leave my husband and I needed some sort of reassurance that I wasn’t in fact ruining my life! I then stumbled upon a little golden clock that had no battery in it so of course it wasn’t working and you will never guess where all the clock sticks had stopped! My mind was so boggled that I took pictures of it to make sure that I had evidence! They all managed to stop at the numbers 3,6 and 9! ALL THREE! I was absolutely blown away! This happened two years ago Fast forward to two months ago, I met a guy who I was so incredibly drawn to and I had no idea why! We ended up sitting on the grass and just talking. He had a bunch of very interesting tattoos and somehow the conversation went in a direction where he ended up showing me his tattooed birth date which was again the numbers 3,6 and 9 🙂 I’ll need to write a book to tell the entire story because the little that I just mentioned here does not do it any justice!
@gypsyjuice Жыл бұрын
I experienced a very abrupt awakening about 7 years ago in which the synchronicities were so intense for several months, I could hardly handle being out in public. I actually abruptly quit my corporate job and mostly wandered around in awe for a few months. During this time, I experienced so much of this phenomenon, but most of it would sound like nonsense to others, since as you said, was mostly deeply personally relevant. I do have a favorite one I've been able to repeat: I was in deep confusion about what I was experiencing in regard to all of these overwhelming, multi layered synchronicities one day & there was a song playing on the radio called Stereo by Boombox which the lyrics caught my attention very strongly as if they were talking directly to me, "suddenly all the dreams as you're drifting out at sea start stacking up." I was staring at an empty bottle of Tin Cup whiskey I had saved as a vase on my counter. Then it said, "could it be, the mystery has been hanging out hiding in a whiskey shot," so, I walked over and picked it up to look at the bottom of the bottle. To my surprise, it said "42." I rolled my eyes at first like it was a bad joke from the universe about one of my favorite books (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Then I remembered a little code I was going by in my head to navigate all the number synchs I was experiencing. My system was simple: I used numbers one through nine like the Enneagram system they tested us with at my corporate job to classify everyone's personality type. The number 4 meant you strive to be unique while the number 2 indicated you strive to be connected to others. Therefore, the mystery of synchronicity was explained to me through a synchronicity as 42: everything is uniquely connected. Awesome video, thank you...subscribed😊
@josephpublic4549 Жыл бұрын
Answer to life the universe and everything ....Uniquely connected....
@gypsyjuice Жыл бұрын
@@josephpublic4549 YES🫠🥰
@MM-yl9gn Жыл бұрын
This sounds like a break with reality, dude! I have a similar experience, actually. Through a series of some really bizarre online interactions, I finally realized I had been hacked but couldn't figure out by who or particularly why so as I ran down any and all possibilities, finally decided that it must have been the actual government considering I had reported my sister's baby daddy to FBI a few weeks after 9/11 because of her frantic efforts to include me in on all of this information about her Saudi boyfriend strapping cash to his legs and flying to the US from a London Airport, taking flight stimulator classes in Broward CO FL, hiring an Arabic interpreter where she discovered his plans to kidnap her child and something about female circumcision etc, etc. Anyhow, years later I was big into physics and probably read every book on the subject at my local library and I'm in the section one day and open a book I had not read yet (wish I remembered the title, only remember it used the word kowtow because I wasn't actually familiar with the term at the time) Anyhow, a photo of the World Trade Centers from 1976 fell out of this book. A deep chill racked through my body like you couldn't even imagine. It was beyond any sort of surreal feeling but at the same time, the library was hosting a scavenger hunt based on touring author Jonathan Safran Foer who wrote Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (novel about the World Trade Centers). I took the photo to the librarian and asked if it was part of the scavenger hunt and was informed that is was not. Talk about walking around for days feeling completely disoriented and disconnected from reality...I was extremely paranoid for quite some time (this was before Snowden though when it was actually revealed the level of civilian surveillance). Whew, nearly lost myself in that hole for sure and still to this day do not know if it were actually a synchronicity or not...still have that photo too. Wild!
@josephpublic4549 Жыл бұрын
@@MM-yl9gn He said kowtow
@josephpublic4549 Жыл бұрын
Which makes me think....προσκυνώ
@WWS322 Жыл бұрын
Every day it happens to me that the words of my thoughts are the same as on radio and TV. It has happened so many times it's really remarkable.
@zinknot Жыл бұрын
I remember returning to an old home town after many years and like 5 other old friends where all coming back at the same time. We had a party and reunion that wasn't even planned. And it was the last time we would all be there again. It was very strange.
@katehunt6063 Ай бұрын
Oh my lord I LOVE juicy in my life!
@Calicarver Жыл бұрын
As a creative professional, a designer, I have multiple times experienced that design ideas can suddenly appear in my mind that I will work on for a while, but ultimately discard as they dont always align with my design intent. Then months later, these very specific ideas can sometimes suddenly appear "in the wild" randomly in a magazine, website, instagram etc. It feels like the other designer looked inside my head and stole my idea! I am talking about very specific ideas, original ideas. I have spoken to other designers about this and most of them has had the same experience. This isn't uncommon, it is a well known phenomena. The way I explain it is there is a cosmic "radio" out there and it is up to us to pick up the ideas it broadcasts and interpret them, use them. I will also mention that this usually happens during very focused work when youre in the flow state, but sometimes also suddenly like a camera flash during other activities like taking a shower or falling asleep.
@ForeverAmber_1 Жыл бұрын
I think it has to do with the theory of the Akashic field. If inspiration strikes, and you don't act on it, the idea will go to someone else. There's a great story about Michael Jackson calling someone he knew in the middle of the night (can't remember his name, but I think he was a producer), and MJ was rambling about butterflies as an idea for a new song. When the gentleman he called asked if it could wait until later that day, MJ said no, b/c if he waited, then Prince would write the song instead. I think that's a great example of how it probably really works.
@cristinai4645 Жыл бұрын
This is interesting. I think I heard something similar about the invention of the light bulb and other major inventions for humanity, like when the humanity is evolved to a certain degree these creative seeds float in the collective subconscious and are available to those who are open to these energies, I believe that is why we are required to rise our vibrations to reach these ideas and integrate them into 3D. Similarly when we lower the vibes as a collective we reach the seeds related to wars and stuff.
@ericarice4588 Жыл бұрын
@@cristinai4645I’ve definitely read about this too!
@ralu1810 Жыл бұрын
I am a creative person and I was also in this situation that u discribe. What help me understand to dive deep down and was life changing in this idea was the book of Rick Rubin - The Creative act. I think the fact that this book was discovered to me was part of sincronicity and also the fact that I stop and read your comment from another +650 comments and tell you this information it's also sincronicity... The information find a way to arrive in our life, and we human are vehicle of information. Namaste 🙏🏼
@cristinai4645 Жыл бұрын
@@ralu1810 omg, Raluca! This is the second time this book is brought into my attention, and the first time I was shocked to see a paragraph from it about the same thought I was having at that time. Now I know for sure I must read it. I definetely believe the same as you, everything is connected and we are all connected.
@suzannecrone5897 Жыл бұрын
Really digging this. Huge Jungian fan for years. Synchro story made as short as possible: Cycling with younger son and his friend on way to a farmer's market. I'm yelling, "Avanti! Avanti!" like an Italian Tour de France coach. Two weeks later, chauffeuring son to his summer gig in the Rockies. We have a 4 hour drive for the last leg. Before we start I ask him if he remembers that Italian word I was using on the way to the market. Neither of us could remember. I said "I'm not going to worry about it. The word will come. It always does." We drive, and then my son realizes that he forgot about the time change, so now we're going to be an hour late. He tries to make cell contact. I drive like the Honda Odyssey van version of "The Italian Job." Remember, this is in the Canadian Rockies, so super tricky! We are going so fast. Finally, son gets cell contact, and it's all okay, we can slow down. I do, and then merge onto the main road, a four-lane highway near Lake Louise. As I do, I see a grey and white camper pull past on our left. It's towing a small, silver car. And up on the back of the camper, in beautiful script, is the word "AVANTI." Neither of us could speak! Go Jung! Grateful!
Love the story!
@user-ki6ho6rw5s Жыл бұрын
My dob is 11:11. First I thought I was going crazy, with all the coincidences happening to me. I didn't understand why. Once I began to pay attention and use the number patterns, it has been a life changer. I now can think of a random thought and it actually happens. Undeniable connection to loved ones who have passed. They send me messages everyday. First I was scared. Now I use this gift to help others.
@johnwhitaker7563 Жыл бұрын
Recently my oldest friend in the world going back 50 yrs has decided for whatever reason to end our friendship. I was ruminating on him and possible reasons for this at one of our public libraries this week. I was going deeper and deeper into my inner world when I caught hold on my inner voice saying it was about fear. I than came up for air and glanced at at book that was on the book shelf near where I was sitting. The title was "Truth". I was taken back and knew instantly I was experiencing this world of synchronicity
@sherrygant3003 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video, I don't understand how anyone can not feel inside their soul that there is so much more than what we can see.
@ernieblue5307 Жыл бұрын
If you pay close attention to synchronistic events until the “synchronicity of synchronicity” kicks in and synchronic events begin to compound, synchronicity upon synchronicity, almost everything around you begins to feel synchronistic. This process seems somewhat similar to the way a gas turbine jet engine uses fuel to turn a turbine, which draws more fuel, which allows the turbine to go faster and draw even more fuel, etc. etc., in a thermodynamic cycle, until the engine achieves an almost exponential amount of thrust and power. Once that delicate yet overwhelming level of synchronicity is achieved, you can, if you are careful, begin to consciously predict the next synchronistic event. This practice, when successful, seems to be where synchronicity, consciousness, and precognition meet. Give it a try, and it may astonish you.
@pnwlady Жыл бұрын
Humanity’s search/need for meaning seems greater than ever. Thank you. Jung has always stuck me as smarter than the average bear.
@Saran_wrap Жыл бұрын
I was on a road trip with my husband, we were just zoning out when I randomly thought and said to him “wouldn’t it suck if a bird hit the windshield?” *BAM* a bird hit the windshield right after I finished my sentence. We still talk about it.
Oh that’s a wild one
@summers41 Жыл бұрын
For nearly 2 years post-my husband’s death, I dreamed of sitting on the side of a mountain with a man for whom I had intense feelings of expansive love. The man was not my late husband but someone younger and yet I couldn’t ever view his face. Every time I would think he was turning his head to face me, I would wake up. I vowed to find that man. A few months ago, I met a man who I immediately felt a connection with. He is several years younger than me, and shortly after we met he sent me photos of his hiking trips as an even younger man…he was sitting on the side of a mountain…and there were 2 occurrences…one he was sitting on the slope of Mt Fuji Japan and the other on the slope in Hells Canyon ID. Both views were nearly identical to my perspective in the dreams. The dreams varied slightly in topography, as did his mountain hikes. It blew my mind and when I told him about the dreams he assuredly responded that now I have the face to go with the dream. And I haven’t had that dream once since I met him. This has to be the most powerful synchronicity and precognitive dream experience I’ve ever experienced, and there have been many. His age when we met was my birth year and my age was his birth year. Also the city where he was born is my middle name, and I lived most of my adult life on a street that matches his middle name. We worked for 10 years on the same military base, even in the same area of the base, yet didn’t meet until 2 years after he had retired, on social media. And if we had met sooner, the circumstances would not have been conducive to us living out our connection in any meaningful way. It’s all so powerful, and I still have trouble wrapping my brain around it. So glad I found your channel…and I have subscribed.
@nancylizotte8168 Жыл бұрын
Once I was getting ready to teach a 3-day meditative practice and needed a sign that morning as my confidence was low. As I asked the Universe to show up, a white car appeared in front of me with my name as the license plate. I got the confirmation I needed.
@grubjensen Жыл бұрын
I've been listening to the pod for about a year and really appreciate what you are doing. I don't know anyone who references Jung as much as you do. Having read many of Jung's books years ago, I'm really grateful to see a younger me carrying the torch for one of the most profoundly meaningful voices of the 20th century. I'll definitely tune in to any future Jung musings. Thanks for all your thoughtful work.
@yesNo-pr4nc Жыл бұрын
I took some magic truffels yesterday. The whole experience appeared as a synchronicity, which is very hard to explain. But it was wonderful, magical and beautiful
@tanyatango4197 Жыл бұрын
I was waiting extremely anxiously for my mothers visa appointment so that she could visit me after sudden death of my father. There was already one rejection due to some technicalities. I was nervously pacing at the time she was supposed to be in the interview room. Suddnely my then toddler son came to me with a dusty book in hand and asked me to read it. It was a children's book of a deity that many believed to help with foriegn travel. I hadnt seen that book in a long time and dont know how my son caught hold of it in that moment but I will never forget the twinkling in the eyes and a faint smile my kid had at the moment and the sudden calm I felt in my mind. Yes, 20 mins later I got a text from my mother that she had received the visa. I have wondered if it is my connecting the dots or synchronicity of some sort of assurance from the universe.
Love that!
@lizprince-harding4787 Жыл бұрын
Please do make more stuff on synchronicity and Jung. I did my master's dissertation on it, because of a series of synchronicities. I wanted to do it on The Shaman Sickness (the idea that illnesses, particularly psychoses, are the call to shamanise in indigenous cultures, but it's pathologised in Western psychiatry, which I wanted to critique). It was in 2011, and I kept trying to write it, but each time, I got ill (physical, including two cancer scares). My supervisor asked me why I hadn't done it - I said I keep getting sick. She said, look at your title. it's another synchronicity (I'd had many during the course). She said, it's making you ill - so don't do it. She suggested I did Synchronicity instead (the title she gave me was, 'Is Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity an adequate explanation of the workings of divination'). I went away, and in two months it was written and submitted, no more illness. Now I run workshops on it, and there are usually synchronicities that occur during the workshops. An example: in one at Buddhafield festival (2019), I was recounting some of the synchronicities connected with the Titanic. This man at the back had a look on his face, and I knew something was up, so I asked him what was up. He opened up his shirt, and underneath, he was wearing a tee-shirt with a picture of the Titanic on it. He said that he never wore the t-shirt, and was wondering, as he packed it, why he was packing it... and now he knew!).
@Top10Money-ky8gd Жыл бұрын
@MissAmericarules Жыл бұрын
❤wow ❤❤ awesome thanks for sharing
@gabedepaul5407 Жыл бұрын
I bet you are having a crazy day
@gabedepaul5407 Жыл бұрын
What makes one person have more synchronicities than another? Is it the willingness or success in engaging with unconscious material? Is it something more related to union with the divine in Mysticism? Is it theurgy?
@lprincessaziz6341 Жыл бұрын
@@gabedepaul5407we each have the same potential to experience synchronicities. It difference is in the individual drive. Each of us journey independently. Synchronicity is an individual process. That’s the beauty of it. It’s personal. A Devine conversation specifically for each person.
@tcoon333 Жыл бұрын
Keep going. I have numerous and frequent synchronicities with one particular person. Complex and impossible synchronicities. I cannot grasp how it is possible.
@dianneedwards4757 Жыл бұрын
Please do more on Jung. As a psychic I have experienced synchronicity several times at a deep level but to describe is laborious. You are on the right road with the right message. Keep going please! Society is in such a mess! 🙏🙏🙏
@joansingleton5248 Жыл бұрын
i will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34.
@yuriination Жыл бұрын
Synchronicities happen to me relatively often. One of my favorite ones was when I saw a green water pitcher at the florist i worked for. Its a specific, kind of muted, green which was the favorite color of a friend of mine. So I bought it and sent it to her without telling her. It just so happened that, on the day the package arrived on her porch, she was literally out on a hunt for a green water pitcher at the local thrift stores all day! Imagine her complete amazement when she opened the package to find what i sent to her was EXACTLY what she was looking for! From her perspective, what she wanted practically materialized on its own. Oh, she lives like, 15 hours or so away from me, in another state, too. That's one of my favorite stories of weird things that have happened with/for/to me. 😊
@facelessandnameless Жыл бұрын
That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing that!
@goodvibes-pw9xlVR Жыл бұрын
Me too, but I think it always has , and only now paying attention to it. 🙏
@firewaterintuitive787 11 ай бұрын
I have days where they happen minute by minute and I have to breathe because it becomes overwhelming. I fluctuate from dealing with severe depression/anxiety/ptsd, and then other days it’s non stop synchronicity, and dreams that come true. As a gay recovering addict who’s trauma stems from religion, it has been quite the journey. One I am still piecing together. The major influx of synchronicity and premonitions is directly connected to me doing the step work of “AA” which can most definitely be qualified as shadow work. It has been the most difficult thing I have ever done, and I still have work left to do. I think the reason it has taken me so long, is because my ego is clinging to the pain and identification to that pain, and is on the verge of death. Afraid of becoming the whole in the donut. It tells me “you have known nothing but this for your entire life, who will you be without it?” The universe and this existence is both darkly mysterious, and brilliantly beautiful at the same time.
@addmeuperfil 5 ай бұрын
⁠Thank you for sharing. The bit where you mention the ego “clinging to the pain” resonated with me. I too have much work to do in this regard. I wish you success in your journey.
@vampcreature Жыл бұрын
One time I had a precognitive dream that my young nephew got kidnapped and then the next day my sister called me saying that a man grabbed her toddler in the park and started running off with him. They stopped the perpetrator and she got her child thank god. But it was just mind blowing as a twelve year old, that I predicted that event the night before in my dream. Craziest synchronicity of my life.
@iwishimay89 Жыл бұрын
So... I "randomly" stumble upon this video this morning as I felt I needed some soul enlightening information. I so enjoyed reading some of the comments and got chills every time with all the stories of others synchronicity experiences! So I will share mine as short and sweet as I can. I was visiting my hometown. Stopped in CVS with my mom and I see someone that reminds me of my childhood friend. I told my mom wow that girl reminds me of Taylor Dreden. But it wasn't her... And I said to my mom I wonder what she's up to these days. As we approach the checkout lane I begin to notice the cashier and in pure awe and astonishment it is in fact Taylor Dreden herself. I was in such disbelief that such a coincidence could occur but that is the universe! My mom was just as surprised. It had been at least 15 years since I'd seen her from elementary school days. ✨🙏💜
@phylemenathomasina6124 Жыл бұрын
Finding your channel is a soul gift. I have been a lay student of Jung for over 30 years simply because the richness of his work is mirrored in the outside world while resonating deeply in the world within. I applaud your ability to synthesize the many ideas into a comprehensible picture. Clearly you are putting a great deal of research and effort into this exceptional channel. Bravo and please continue. ❤
I’m loving all the synchronicity stories. Also, 333 comments ✨🙏✨
@conservingcommonsense4980 3 ай бұрын
If you really pay attention to your inner feeling, it is guiding you. If you are becoming anxious try walking away from what your doing. If you get a random thought about something, try pursueing it. As you become more aware you'll notice you are being guided towards certain information, things and even people. The synchronicitys will become more common if you are on the right track.
@tatjanad7670 Жыл бұрын
I dreamed my dad died and his spirit was talking with me, it was strange and vivid dream, he was smiling and he was young and beautiful. After about month and a half he died unexpectedly. I can't forget this precognitive dream and how it came to me out of nowhere.
@Kabt-p5k 18 күн бұрын
When my 21 year old son died in a motorcycle accident I had overwhelming synchronicity. It felt great. I feel like he was connecting with me ❤
@MeganS1995 Жыл бұрын
Well said! Carl Jung makes intuitive phenomena more normalized when it's often difficult to both understand and explain.
@lazmilo Жыл бұрын
First time watching one of your videos. Subscribed. It's always nice to meet another person obsessed with Jung and synchronicities. Yes, please do more vids on this subject! I became aware of synchronicities about a decade ago and have since come to realize you can manifest them when intention is combined with a heightened emotion brought upon through breathwork. One of my most profound instances happened about two years ago while driving my two young children home late one night. Early into our drive I began breathing deeply into my diaphragm and my mind drifted into memories of a close friend who'd passed away unexpectedly a few years prior. At first the memories were pleasant. I reminisced about how were it not for my friend, I would've never met my wife, never been blessed with these children sitting in the backseat. A "wash-over"- came over me, which is what I call a tingle that starts in your spine and moves upward toward your crown chakra. After slowing to a stop at a red light, I turned to look at my girls. The baby was asleep, but my three-year old held my gaze with her bright blue eyes. It hit me then that their color was an almost identical match for the brilliant shade of my dearly departed friend. She gave me such a genuine smile at that moment that the tears came to me in an instant. When I began driving again, my emotion turned to guilt. Guilt over not acting on the signs of a heart issue I witnessed in my friend just weeks before his death. Guilt over not being more determined in my suggestion that he seek a second opinion on recent symptoms his doctor had assured him were related to asthma. As I continued to connect more deeply with my breath, I had a memory of when my friend helped me move into my new house, the house I moved into after a divorce, the house that is now my current family home. The symbolism was overwhelming. I got the sense that this friend served a role in my life, a herald of sorts, meant to lead me to the gateway of another life but no further. At this thought, I connected with such a deep breath that a feeling of great despair flooded my body and I gripped the steering wheel fiercely. Quietly, so as not to wake the baby, I asked for God to ease my pain. I could not shake this terrific sense of guilt over having USED my friend to create the life I was now leading. It was then I asked for God to show me a sign. Please, God, I pleaded, please show me something I must see to heal the brokenness in my heart. Then, with an exaggerated exhalation, I thought these exact words: "When I turn onto the next road, I will find a message I am meant to see." The next road was a short road with a sharp bend between traffic lights. Before I get to the bend, a hundred yards ahead, a white car pulls onto the main road and stops at the red light. We are the only two cars on the road. I ease to a stop behind him and read his license plate, not believing my eyes. At the next opportunity the car turns off the road. I smile and say a soft thank you, a lightness flowing over my being as I read the plate again one last time. HE4GAVEU.
@TatianaTravelways Жыл бұрын
Wow! :)
@michelemilesgardiner4522 Жыл бұрын
That was powerful. This week, I was berating myself for my annoyance with a negative person. I thought to myself, "Love and light, love and light." I looked up to a church sign: "Be the light." I drive by that church all of the time and never read their outside sign. It felt meant for me to see.
@tamaragorman7421 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been stuck in a “Platonism vs. Neoplatonism” rabbit hole this past month, and this video was just what I needed to help me climb out of it! Not only is it well produced with great content, this video wins the Oscar for “Best KZbin Video Comments.” Great work. Keep it going!
Ooh I love platonism!
@bretta7057 Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite examples from my own life: I was moving out of my college house, frantically rushing at the last minute. We had this really corny, gaudy painting of a conquistador that we had found at Goodwill, and I had it leaning against a chair on the sidewalk when I left to go grab lunch. At that time, I was obsessed with the song “Black Rice,” by Women, which includes the lyric “…with your sharp, trembling chair, you look like a painting, out on the sidewalk, no one was watching….” I was literally at that exact line in the song when I got back and noticed that the painting was gone. It was just so perfect, since that song itself kind of evokes a sense of awe, wonder, and the unknown in me anyway, and it still gives me chills thanks to that experience, over a decade later.
@AmaJean Жыл бұрын
I experienced two months of an absolute synchronicity storm. (It was preceded by a few weeks of an unprecedented awareness of 1:11 and 11:11 all around me by the way. 😉) Each synchronicity as unlikely and unsettling as Jung’s scarab example. I went to a mystery school and our first weekend immersion was in late January 22’. On the day after it ended, I was spending the day with 4 members of my cohort just having a good time, and it was such an absolute vortex of synchronicity that I have to call it the greatest day of my life. I was buzzing with the non-reality of all things, nearly floating outside of myself. One example of *literally hundreds* that requires the least amount of context: we had been experiencing synchronicities related to roses all day long. Roses are the main symbol of our mystery school, so we were delighted. As we were speaking, Kiss From A Rose by Seal comes on the radio, and we hollered with continued delight and amazement. One new friend of mine said in delight “OKAY, SEAL! When I was a kid Seal was MY WHOLE WORLD!” And I looked out the car window and there right in front of me was a fountain-a symbol secondary only to the rose in our mystery school-and at the center was a statue of a seal balancing the planet Earth (the “world” as my friend had just said) on its nose like a trick ball. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT.
@michellecommerford8647 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like you had a quick ascension to the magical mystic realms..(psychic abilities.. kundalini rising..)
@AmaJean Жыл бұрын
@@michellecommerford8647 yes, that’s very literally what happened to me. About a month prior to the experience above I experienced a spontaneous kundalini awakening during meditation guided very firmly and clearly by entities (intrusive thought “voices” in my mind). Although at the time I had never even heard the term “kundalini awakening,” I wasn’t frightened by the intense sensation. I knew I was okay. My energetic body certainly had memory of the experience that my conscious mind did not! That was wild, too!! What a time that was…
@ernieblue5307 Жыл бұрын
Even just reading about such perfectly wonderful synchronistic events, makes me feel tied into the universe, and susceptible to experiencing more synchronistic events myself.
@rogerpetronius Жыл бұрын
Oh my, please, continue doing so. You're like an alchemist that transmutes all the shit that is KZbin into Gold. I'm sure this channel will blow up - and soon.
You honor me. 🙇🏻‍♂️
@katehunt6063 Ай бұрын
Sometimes so many synchronistic experiences happen so often in a short amount of time that I feel overwhelmed, heavy…but when a particularly stunning experience is an amazing feeling and yes, SO connected to the Universe or whatever is offering it to me. In Taoism the cycle of nature constantly shows us our part in it…such an incredible connection…I am blessed ❤
@marikita525 Жыл бұрын
This is a REALLY good video that in my opinion gets a lot of important processes within 'our reality'to the point!!!Certainly ,as you mentioned,it is just the tip of the iceberg.Hopefully humanity will find their way back to the 'source'.
@wicky4473 17 күн бұрын
After experiencing a synchronicity, and I’ve had quite a few, I always think of the nursery rhyme… ‘Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream’. It’s only in the past few years that the profundity of this has hit me.
@sonsofthewestredwhiteblue5317 Жыл бұрын
I felt the presence of God amid a mind-blowing personal experience 6 years ago. Up to that very instant I would’ve classed myself as agnostic. In a profound, indescribable experience I was listening to a except from ‘Conversations with God’, Neale Donald-Walsh and it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I was curled up in the foetal position, blubbering my eyes out and just saying ‘thank you, thank you, thank you’ for like half an hour. I’ll treasure it forever. For the next week or two I reckon every time the clock hit 11:11 I was drawn to it. I remember I hit the sack at like 7:30pm one night and slept like a log until bang 11:11pm and then back to sleep… It’s brilliant to know how exceptionally loved and supported we are beyond the veil. So incredibly humbling. Much love guys. 🇦🇺🥰🙏 P.s. i’d never heard of synchronicity prior to those events, not in the context which Jung describes it, so it’s not like I was ‘watching the kettle boil’ trying to rack up 11:11’s. I actually got to the point of ‘Wtf is it with this 11:11 thing?’
@marielcalder103 Жыл бұрын
Your last sentence... I got to that point and googled 11.11 and followed a story of John St. Julien and his work in Tanzania. Very interesting synchronicity. 🙏🕊️🙏💕
@sonsofthewestredwhiteblue5317 Жыл бұрын
@@marielcalder103 that’s awesome. 🐾😘
@livinginparallel Жыл бұрын
Very similar story here! 🙏🥰
@sonsofthewestredwhiteblue5317 Жыл бұрын
@@livinginparallel love you. 🇦🇺🥰🙏
@ernieblue5307 Жыл бұрын
I used to think 11:11 related occurrences only happened to me. When I found out that it’s a world wide phenomenon it blew my mind exponentially.
@dianagladkova5019 Жыл бұрын
Synchronicities happen to me so now and then. This is one I find the most amazing... I had to wait for a ferry to cross a river. A colleague from my internship was also waiting there. We started to talk. We've never talked before. Somehow we came to the philosophical topic of cause and effect. Then she said she beliefs that everything happens for no reason. I replied that I believe that everything happens for a certain reason. The ferry arrived, we went on and crossed the waters. Before stepping off the ferry she asked me where I was going to. I was heading to take tram from the Central Station. She had the same plan, so we walked together to the tram's stop. Then we came to know that we both want to take tram number 5. We waited again together for that tram. Once in the tram we discovered that I will step out first and she just a few stops after me. Then, that not only our direction is similar but also the purpose of this short journey on the tram - we went to our ex'es... to take some forgotten things. When she heard that she was truly amazed. And I was happy and satisfied that someone's thinking started to shift.
@thedude5740 Жыл бұрын
I have synchronicities all the time. Im an occulted knowledge nerd. I try to discuss knowledge with my family from time to time and things I talk about will occur in a movie or tv show later that night. It always freaks them out, but it makes me giggle, like a cosmic laugh when you play peekaboo with a baby.
@chrismelanson252 Жыл бұрын
Indeed! More Jung! ... long road trip, drove 16hrs straight. To pass the time, I listened to Terence McKenna riffs the whole dive. Finally rolled into town exhausted and came to a traffic light - the car in front had the license plate " DMT 411" Interesting...
Love that!
@J-Train 3 ай бұрын
These 20 - 30 minute solo wonder dips are every bit as good and soul balming as your two-hour odysseys with a guest. Sometimes a two and a half hour talk with Godsey is too much to correctly appreciate if you’re short on time, while one of these shorter but just as juicy videos is exactly the just right thing at the just right time. Thank you so much for all your work here Michael! 🎉
@Kcolaneri1 Жыл бұрын
As a creative - I live a very vivid life! I am very connected to it all - dreams, consciousness and so synchronicities happen constantly!
@DaveTaylor-xy9kq Жыл бұрын
I spent two years studying Carl Joung and his writings about synchronicity were very interesting. I admit having synchronicities does give me a nice feeling about being connected to the universe. But it was acausal.
@safeeharbour Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. Jung's body of work is unparalleled with the most profound understanding of what it means to be human, what it means to be a part of the whole of creation. As a retired psychotherapist, I still feel a novice of Jungian analysis. I thirst for more.
@blueapple686 Жыл бұрын
Down the rabbit hole into the quantum field! 🐇
@theconcreteshamans Жыл бұрын
Our life has become one synchro event after another its almost maddening but it never fails to delight!
@Kabt-p5k 18 күн бұрын
I also had purple long striped when my eyes were closed when my son passed from a motorcycle accident. It was awesome. It happened 3 times when I closed my eyes. AMAZING ❤ 💜
@wicky4473 17 күн бұрын
I’m so sorry for your loss. It does seem that he was connecting with you.
@natureofspirit Жыл бұрын
I have so many stories far too long to tell!! Dreams, signs and synchronicities that are beyond normal. They all have a very magical and supernatural feel to them that cannot be explained by logic. Trying to put into words is very limiting.
@freespirit-111 Жыл бұрын
Same here, even the paranormal.
@MM-yl9gn Жыл бұрын
Put it into words actually, then it can be verified after it actually happens if feeling deeply moved and knowingly understanding what exactly is about to occur!
@patricialancaster4320 Жыл бұрын
Amazed how the puzzle pieces of life have found way to make a clear picture. 2nd half of life has been so beautiful as I learned to release logic and reasoning, Beyond what I know. Beyond words. Experience of falling like on a ride in an amusement park. The excitement, the fear. Unbelievable how great insights came to me.
@peaceofpiety Жыл бұрын
Right when you started talking about the insect flying, a physical beetle flew passed me and went over to the window. 100% serious! This is how the syncs work, in the moment of stillness. BE in the now and allow the world to work FOR you, to SHOW you that you are the right path. The energy of The Father of Analytical Psychology comes through in such seemingly magical ways. When real-eyesing the true Self is the Psyche, that beli4f allows us to grasp the concentration of Self love. Thr ability to love the mind is to allow that stillness to become our BEING. Focusing on the past is depression, focusi n g in the future is anxiety... so just BE in the Present moment and allow the peaceful loving energy from within, to be projected outward to create the reality we SEE as "our world".
Wild! 🪲
@naturegazer6749 Жыл бұрын
Landing on this video was a synchronicity or AI, who knows. I woke up a few years ago to the many hidden aspects of society and have been exploring various topics with an insatiable thirst. Whenever I think of a topic I need to learn about somehow magically the topic material lands in my lap to jumpstart my exploration. Such as I want to read Plato, sure enough something comes available to get me started. Oddly enough my husband persistently studies Jung. I had no idea he had studied synchronicity. Guess this is my cue for next topic
@allmixedup058 Жыл бұрын
Forever grateful for how much jung has been inserted into my life since finding your podcast 🧙‍♂️🙏 Recently, I contemplated changing to go to the grocery store because I had old sweatpants and a cardigan on. I thought "no, you don't care what people think of how you look" and made the decision not to change to go to the grocery store. While looking for oreos, someone came up to me and guessed how I voted and said that he had guessed that based on how I appeared to him 🤷‍♂️ it was like a video game boss moment where the universe was just like "bruh, you suuuuuuure you don't care what others think of you or are you just saying it"
@lizprince-harding4787 Жыл бұрын
@allmixedup058 Жыл бұрын
@@lizprince-harding4787 I'm sorry?
@chickensandw1tch Жыл бұрын
Whats really trippy is how videos from the past can mat whatever happens in the present.. very cool✨🙌🏻
@WinChun78 Жыл бұрын
We went on holiday to a small island in Greece. On the plane, I recognised one of the air hostesses who had previously worked a a stationery shop I used to call in at. Once on the island we bumped into a guy and his girlfriend I had known quite well a few years previously Small world...
@MegaCarito7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for all this interesting content, I just started watching your videos and interviews this week and really ending them while I create art. I also can comment on à synchronicity I had a few years ago, well I believe it’s one?! I told my boyfriend at the time that I really wanted to start giving art workshops to kids and would reach out to a few places near my area. I had only spoken to him about this project and a few weeks later my father calls me and tells me that a day camp where he volunteers as an accountant would like to hire me as an art teacher. I hadn’t told my family about this yearning yet. He had even discussed an hourly rate with them which I found to be fair, all of this was done without us communicating to each other about the project. This really blew my mind. The timing was absolutely perfect and it’s now been 3 years that I give art workshops a that day camp which is a 15 minute bike ride away from my place. The art program has expanded to other locations too… 😊 I’m just curious if you can say that this is à synchronicity? The way I see it now and the way I lived it at the time felt very coincidental.
@richardcottone6620 Жыл бұрын
synchronicity is a dominant aspect of reality. Your mind seeks to divide, and put in chronological order
@egcowling9657 Жыл бұрын
Just last night my buddy Al was on mushrooms, I was on acid, he went dark for a bit and I typed "Weird owl? Just give me hoot when ur back" Hes a psychologists working on innovative therapies that break boundaries. This morning I'm suggested an album by Weird Owl called Nuclear Psychology and it has an owl in the middle of the dark side of the moon cover. Try that on
@KellsSmith1244 Жыл бұрын
About ten years ago I had a telepathic message that someone died, it was very personal and specific. The story is hard to condense but the person had died the day I got the message. I don’t know if that’s what you’re looking for but it’s unexplainable and changed my life.
Wow. Definitely a unus mundus sounding event. 🙏
@louannhuber2651 10 ай бұрын
I had a dream my father in law died. He did about the time of my dream.
@richardpaschal2218 Жыл бұрын
Carl Jung had a famous scientist work with him on Synchronicity. Wolfgang Pauli was the contributor and also Jung's patient.
Yes! I’ve been wanting to look deeper into their correspondence. You can get a book version of it. Don’t have it myself, but- Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters, 1932-1958 - Updated Edition
@richardpaschal2218 Жыл бұрын
@jenndel4 8 ай бұрын
I wish I could explain the synchronicitys that have happened to me this last year. I had 555 show up in so many ways in the middle of the dark Soul of the night I've been going through! I'm having a spiritual awakening! Big Time!
@JubilantAntics Жыл бұрын
Big ups as always Michael, would be very intested in hearing more about your take on jung. Possible future topic, has jung ever discussed preminitions? I've had two in the past year and they really jostled my reality.
Oh yeah, definitely, he has. I recall him talking about a couple of occasions of precognitive dreams about people’s deaths that wound up coming true.
@karenmcardle142 Жыл бұрын
Hi , I've had a few dreams that come true , but 2 of them had tragic outcomes , I questioned for years , why show me them if I couldn't stop the outcome, 1 of them I kept dreaming, I was going to commit suicide by jumping to my death from a great height , I even wrote the dream down would tell my husband but we could never answer, it turned out it was my best friend who committed suicide exactly as the dream foretold, we did look alike and boy did it hurt me for years , I felt guilty for not putting it together because the signs were there, but I wasnt to change anything I was just being made aware, 3 months after her death, I actually asked out loud, if she was in a happier place and I needed a sign to confirm she was, then my cockatiel flew on my shoulder looked into my eyes for a brief moment then flew of to his perch , 9 months after the bird and 1 year to the day , I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy , then I kept getting dreams were I couldn't find my husband in my dreams, even though he was right beside me in the bed, then when our son turned 4 , I found him in my dream , and I wasn't allowed to touch him , I was crying my eyes out , then 3 weeks after that dream he was diagnosed with cancer and 9months and 9days later after 30 years together, we had 2 older children who were 18/21, when their we brother was born , I still think of those dreams often and question if I had of done this and that would it have been a different outcome, no I dont believe it would have, my higher being was just making me aware of what was to come. Blessings
@ishakben9786 Жыл бұрын
Over the last 3 years, everytime i think of someone randomly, that person calls me instantly, even people i lost contacts with for over a year ... What would that mean ?
@stuartporter7202 Жыл бұрын
Very nicely presented! I have subsribed. You asked about thoughts on the 11.11 thing, and for me these synchronicities have played a relatively recent role in reminding me once again that there is so much more going on and helping me realise the importance of pursuing a more spiritual, meaningful life. 5 years ago, I was starting to question if I was seeing the number too often or whether I was reading too much into it (along with 555, at that time) but then I was returning home on a bus from a friend's and she messaged me shortly after I left at 11.11. I paused this time and thought it was very unusual. I continued the journey reading "War and Peace" and as I was getting towards my bus stop, I decided to finish at the next break in the text, which happened to be on page 1111. Then when I turned on my computer at home and looked at my KZbin browser, the first video in the browser was a boldly written 11.11. I had to watch it, if course and started laughing ( with tears) at the presenters experiences and the madness of it all. I have been getting number synchronicities a lot ever since, occasionally they are absurd. Often it is like "something" has a great sense of humour! Where I live, there are a lot of triple numbers car plates which certainly adds to the mix, but I see bizarre patterns within it and it does feel like a medium that a higher intelligence makes use of! Throughout my life I have had quite a few " glitches in the matrix" in a few different forms. The most recent have been at my place of work in the foyer where people have passed me and acknowledged me walking between one side of the building to the other, and then they have walked passed again in the same direction and in the short space of time I cannot see how they returned without me noticing them, only to walk past in the same direction again! ( 3 times) All the details the same; their clothing, what they're carrying... Only once did I say, "didn't I just say hello to you? " and she looked confused. Best not to ask as it wouldn't take long to get a reputation of a madman at the office...
@luisrathsam9436 Жыл бұрын
I had no religion or beliefs of any kind, I recently experienced a seemingly endless series of synchronicities, extremely personal and symbolic events, I would have thought I had lost my mind had I not come across Yung's work on synchronicity, and I am forever grateful that he did. the deed, because I don't know if I would have the capacity to build a theory based on what I experienced without seeming that I invented it or went crazy. It started subtle, when I started to look ''inside'', I started to recognize my mistakes and seek redemption, I'm still shocked, it seems that ''I get out of that frequency'', but anyway I didn't want ''to live outside the matrix '' for much longer
@AmaJean Жыл бұрын
I had the same experience in December 21/January 22. The shock and the sense of disconnect from your previous assumption of what “reality” is is profound. I had considered myself a fundamentally spiritual person, but the hundreds of inexplicable, mind blowing synchronicities and flashes of awareness (and even visions for a few weeks there-which appeared like laser light shows behind my closed eyelids)…it all showed me that my spiritual beliefs were really just a placeholder, waiting for me to be ready to REALLY see. And to be honest I didn’t FEEL ready when it happened, but I guess the Universe decided that I was. And yes, while I was initially disappointed when it all started to fade away, I think it was necessary. It was the definition of an awakening, not a way to live an incarnated life. We are here to operate within the matrix, not outside of it. But whoa, what a feeling. You can never explain it to someone who hasn’t experienced it.
@luisrathsam9436 Жыл бұрын
@@AmaJean I'm still oscillating between that state and back, but it's like everything in my life has conspired for me to spend time alone without being asked, do you want to talk about it? I can show you the things I managed to register, because one of my central ''spiritual duties'' was related to photos, family and cameras, I managed to register some, others may not make sense to you because they are absurdly accurate in being subjective as if were for me, but we can have an interesting conversation, I'm 20 years old and I live in São Paulo, Brazil, if you want I'll answer my number here and when you send me a message I'll delete it so it's not exposed here
@lavenderbee3611 Жыл бұрын
“Separation is another word for evil; it is also another word for deceit. All that exists is a magnificent interweaving, vast and reciprocal.” ― Michel Houellebecq
@JasonLocklear Жыл бұрын
12:26 Seperation is a relative illusion. You have a great way of describing these concepts for everyone to understand. Fascinating video!
@kliklaklote Жыл бұрын
SYN: word-forming element meaning "together with, jointly; alike; at the same time," also sometimes completive or intensive, from Greek syn (prep.) - wiki - SynChroniCity (C(see)) When i'm in A state of allowing, enjoying awareness/little expectations and gain A thought I recognize being spontaneuous while not responding as I continue riding my vibe, It happens. I have also had this happen in A unique darker way, shortly before A portable ashtray flipped open and ash was blown in the eyes of my mate at the wheel. I did respond consciously to the spontaneous thought pre-this time, re-imagined thus my vibe shifted. I was sitting in the back. The car just flipped up, the four of us riding on 2 wheels for A bit, then on the other 2, at 120 kmph. Time almost seemed like standing still. We were shaken and just pauzed for A minute Good stuff!
@doriaware2965 11 ай бұрын
I've had synchronicities throughout life, they just get covered up sometimes. Years later, you might see how things connect. If you have an experience that seems a little odd to you, just remember, it might make a lot more sense down the road. :-)
@louisemoore7715 Жыл бұрын
I have had my share of synchronicities.....and I feel that these are signs from God that we are not alone....The chess pieces of our lives move around beyond our free will, and we are reminded that God is just a prayer away. Our egos and the highly gifted even Carl Jung are low level consciousness when compared to the inspiration of God. The movie, Shadowlands describes it a bit. Prayer, synchronicities, intuition, shamans give us hints.....It is a higher level of consciousness.....and thrilling to behold!
@freewithbre Жыл бұрын
Okay, I'm hooked. I've had precognitive dreams as long as I can remember and synchronicities seem to be a regular part of my experience. If you haven't looked into the work of Dr. David Hawkins, the author of Power vs. Force, he refers to synchronicities as an indicator of being higher on the Scale of Consciousness. Makes sense to me more now adding this perspective from Jung, that increasing your conscious awareness of the larger, higher you (collective unconscous) opens a doorway of communication between this iteration of you and the unus mundus uni-versal "you", Loving your content! Thanks for all that you do.
@eggheadusa Жыл бұрын
I’ve had straight up experiences that are so profound if I went public I know I could become famous but that’s a scary thought. I’ve had people tell me it’s greedy to not tell people and other that say I should keep it to myself.
You could tell them anonymously on KZbin.
@bmercer99 11 ай бұрын
I am an addict/alcoholic in recovery and lately every day I feel like I notice this-exactly this. It’s been a wild ride to get here but Jung’s insights resonate so profoundly and I think it is because I’m in recovery I feel it so deeply.
@OBE_PLZ Жыл бұрын
I had a dream one morning that I was sitting on the toilet and a spider crawled across the floor, it startled me so much it woke me up.. a few minutes later I was sitting on the toilet and a spider crawled across the floor exactly like my dream. I realized in that moment what deja vu is, forgotten pre cognitive dreams! Had not remembered that dream (we dream all night and rarely remember any) it would have just been eerily familiar.
@danorama723 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the primer on Jung, Michael. Would love to hear more on the subject. Really enjoyed Ronald's work with Midjourney as well... and their synchronicity with your words! 🙂
@SpiritEZ Жыл бұрын
I got a high paying job booking in SF 2 seconds after texting my stepdad that “i just need to make some more money” 4 days before this I asked the universe for some undeniable sign that I’m on the right path. The universe provided this confirmation in such a powerful way. I feel so connected now and blissful. The universe is on our side, we just have to do the work in order to genuinely believe that. Love and light to you all💗✨🌟
@cindychurch335 11 ай бұрын
What to hear a weird one? Me: as a child fascinated with Great Britain. But a nobody from no place with no money to travel. Universe: destined to meet a man with Scottish roots. Me: as an adult started research in my maternal genealogy. Universe: circumstances make it possible to travel with family benefit. Me: discover interest in Scottish genealogy. After years of research find my extended family cousins in England. Universe: I met a soulmate through this research that changed my life in multiple ways. At 56 years of age, I look back at all the things that had to align for this to happen. I get chills every time. 😮❤😊
@lucasscott8480 Жыл бұрын
Today actually, I listened to Chris Ryan’s conversation with Randall Nickerson, posted today, where they talked about a ufo/uap encounter in South Africa. As I was heading home from work, a black hawk helicopter was taking off from the local airport and heading roughly in the same direction I was. Honestly, I haven’t seen that before. Living in the middle of Kansas I have plenty of sky to see things, and I’ve seen plenty, some interesting and impressive things but nothing too weird. As I drive I notice something shining in the sky like a light or a super bright glass reflection. Mind you, it is a CLEAR sky, not a cloud in it. The shine or reflection goes away. And I see it is a white object. Difficult to tell how far it was from me but it looked pretty high up. Maybe vaguely spherical in shape? I fully expected, even thought it consciously as I looked to the road, that it would still be there when I looked back to it, but it wasn’t. And there is pretty much nowhere to hide in that big blue bowl. I looked for it for a long time. Once I got back home I decided to watch your episode about synchronicity haha. Lots of love… could really feel you stretch out and have fun in this one. I deeply admire your tenacity and curiosity, and look on to your future!
Love that! And thank you my friend!
@lateonaname Жыл бұрын
I have synchronicities all the time since first opening awareness about 19 yrs ago… & experiencing a dream reality premonition at the moment; dreamt maybe two weeks ago a zeppelin came down and crushed our cars on the side of my house in the alley and so then at the end of last week a major construction project began tearing up the alley where the blimp/zeppelin went down. I’ve taken it as a warning from the social unconscious collective and am parking distanced until they’re done 😅
@ernieblue5307 6 күн бұрын
One reason it is so hard to write off a synchronistic event as coincidence is because the first part of the event - (which happened before the 2nd, identifiably coincidental part), often seems somehow significant, even without the 2nd part. It often feels like waiting for the other shoe to drop, and when it does - BAM! In this way it seems predictive and sometimes it is, progressing into precognition.
@rathesungod4 5 ай бұрын
Had 3 months+ of this "glitched reality" it wasn't numerology either but a completely different relationship with reality, It was nonstop synchronicities ,even had memories of what I didnt recall dreaming but knew of a specific event. I had told a few people what this "downloaded memory" involved and a week later we all watched actually playout right in front of us.
@gypsylee73 Жыл бұрын
When I have them I feel oddly normal. I used to have full-on anxiety because I wasn't sure but now I seem to be able to differentiate and I just know.
@chickensandw1tch Жыл бұрын
6:30 wow🙌🏻✨ thinking outside the box!
@notjoshcasts9296 3 ай бұрын
my brother got married last weekend and when I came home a tree branch had fallen off in our yard. Then I found your video discussing the pleroma. I think this is very real and it makes so much sense
Жыл бұрын
I was with my wife, one of my sister and her husband. We were walking through the neighborhood where my parents and my brothers had lived at the end of the sixties. My sisters had been born elsewhere and I was explaining to my sister, that here,in what looked like a field, was our garden, and that, I had buried my cat killed by a lorry, and placed a wooden cross, where I use to come and pray. And this moment, a cat coming from nowhere started to rub against me and only me meowing. This cat will go on until we live what had been our garden. This was incredible. How did this cat appear just when I was talking about the cat of my deep childhood?
@eelythao2970 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. It's so strange indeed, but it aligns with what I really needed now in my life. I know my now isn't the same as anyone else's but we will all relate to this deeper layer in our own time. Fate will bring this to those who need it. Thank u. I'll share and tell you I dreamed I was in charge of a baby. I was holding that baby close to my heart in my arms. And then all this chaos happened that i don't even remember what it was in this dream, just chaos... what I do remember at the end of the dream was this frightening feeling that I still have a baby in my arms. I was so scared and worried the baby was dead. But he wasn't, I looked at him and he was alive and he smiled and cooed at me and I woke up relieved that he was still alive. I have more in my life to do. I see that now, I actually needed help to undrestand shadow work and your videos have really helped me and i hope one day to pay it forward. Ty.❤
@PigeonPlays-zf3mq 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this info. I had a rough week and needed to hear this
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