This Generation Will Not Pass Away Until *All These Things* Take Place | Matthew

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North Avenue Church

North Avenue Church

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@NorthAvenueChurch 8 күн бұрын
Mark wanted to note that he mispoke at 13:30. He meant to say "Al Mohler, Craig Blomberg, and possibly John Murray put the split between *verses 20 and 21*." Then Mark agrees more closely with Don Carson, Knox Chamblin, Leon Morris, and possibly Joel Beeke who put the split between *verses 21 and 22*. Also, James Boice puts the split between *verses 22 and 23* in his commentary.
@logos37 7 күн бұрын
I'm I still want to go over again their whole like 10 or more series of New. Cov. theology and then later check out Mt 24. so much good stuff...
@mrsherlockholmes1968 6 күн бұрын
Thank you. I’ve listened to many regarding Matt 24. Honestly this is the best and clearest explanation I’ve heard yet. God bless you in your work.
@MarkNorthAveChurch 5 күн бұрын
Man, thank you so much for listening and for your encouraging words! I’m used to mostly receiving criticism from KZbin comments (which is ok as far as it goes - it definitely keeps me on my toes), but it’s good to occasionally get a comment like this as well! Thank you.
@wendylang2360 8 күн бұрын
Appreciate the passionate delivery of God's word, but including & explaining also, the understanding of others. Thankyou.
@MarkNorthAveChurch 8 күн бұрын
I am so glad that God has given the church teachers (today and throughout church history!) who are able to help us understand these challenging passages! I have benefited greatly from reading others, even those I don’t necessarily agree with.
@Livefreelivesteong87 7 күн бұрын
Sure is a blessing to hear teaching of what you see in scripture. In a day where things are taught that are not taught in scripture
@MarkNorthAveChurch 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching and for the encouraging words!
@xanderbarr1983 4 күн бұрын
Jesus understood this generation...he spelled it out..many standing here shall not taste dearh still all these things be fulfilled..keep studying young man.
@Whodhavethought 8 күн бұрын
Matt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. The world is the Roman Empire According to 1 Colossians, the Gospel had already gone into all the world. . Verse 24 …. faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope of the gospel you heard, which has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven. See verses 5-6 also.
@Livefreelivesteong87 7 күн бұрын
Acts ch2 vs 5
@MarkNorthAveChurch 7 күн бұрын
@@Livefreelivesteong87I agree that the gospel was reaching the nations before 70 AD. I just don’t think that is all of what v. 14 is about. I think v. 14 simply means that gospel proclamation throughout the world will characterize this age until the end when the great commission is complete.
@Livefreelivesteong87 7 күн бұрын
@MarkNorthAveChurch yes I see this, too.
@changedman6035 6 күн бұрын
No it has not. "all these things" INCLUDES the Second Coming, unless you are a full preterist (which is heresy) then you cannot believe any of the events of Matthew 24 besides the destruction of the temple has occurred yet. Because it says immediately after the tribulation in those days the second coming will happen, and the elect will be gathered in the sky, and that nothing will be worse than this tribulation (v21). Preterism fails to account for the gravity of what is in the text, the earliest church fathers were premillennial, and Irenaeus claims that Polycarp and the Apostle John believed in premillennial eschatology, if preterism was true, why didn't the Apostles teach it? It is not in church history until way later with Augustine.
@MarkNorthAveChurch 6 күн бұрын
@@changedman6035I believe vv. 15-21 have already happened in total. But I believe vv. 4-14 are ongoing throughout church history until “the end” (v. 14). Wars, earthquakes, famines, persecutions, tribulation, false prophets, false christs, apostasy, etc. mark every age from Christ’s resurrection to second coming.
@calebmathison5394 4 күн бұрын
Mark: Thank you for your dedication to the Word. Appreciate your messages. Interestingly the words "this generation" is used frequently in the book of Matthew, a theme emphasized by Jesus. He does not say, "that generation". We take Him at His word on His own terms. He emphasizes this point.
@logos37 8 күн бұрын
Pastor Andrew.. hopefully on your personal channel you will again go over the entire or at least some very important,, critical points that relate to the second coming all in Matt. 24. Im sure all of us are still trying to absorb it. I have to go over again these teachings. BUt hopefully you can still continue to discuss this on your Own channel.
@MarkNorthAveChurch 8 күн бұрын
Honestly, this sermon wasn't nearly as clear as it should have been. I wish I could have a do-over on this one especially! The need for repeated viewings is often due to unclear presentation, and I think that was the case here. I may put out another video later this week if I have time. Thanks for watching!
@logos37 7 күн бұрын
@@MarkNorthAveChurch thanks for replying pastor. I am here from Los Angeles. I understand how busy you can be. Christ be with you.
@MarkNorthAveChurch 6 күн бұрын
@@logos37Thanks for watching and interacting!
@Whodhavethought 7 күн бұрын
CHRIST and John the Baptist said the Kingdom of God was NEAR in their day. Are we LIVING in the KINGDOM of GOD today?
@MarkNorthAveChurch 6 күн бұрын
I would say the kingdom of God is already here in part, but not yet in its fullness. It’s often called the “already-but-not-yet” kingdom.
@SilentProphecy 7 күн бұрын
I agree with almost everything, but hopefully you won't mind this little bit of constructive criticism. I believe you are blending the signs of the return with the return as the same thing. And they are not. First, let's look at the moon. In Matthew 24 it says that the blood red moon is the "sign" and Jesus is "coming on the clouds." Now the phrase to "come on the clouds" is an Old Testament reference that means to "come in God's judgment" (EX: Isaiah 19:1). This is not His actual return. The blood red moon has always been a sign of the fall or siege of a nation/city, which is the same "sign" of His "coming on the clouds" meaning Jesus is return to deliver judgment on something. This mirrors Revelation 6 perfectly. EX: Joel 2:30-31, Revelation 6:12. I believe this is clearly the fall of Jerusalem. Both 70 AD and a future one that we will still see, one day. When Jesus physically returns for His church, the moon changes again. Not a blood red moon, but in fact it will go black, refusing to give its light. EX: Joel 3:15, Isaiah 13:10. What we will see in our future is the fall of Jerusalem on a blood red moon (with the way the world is heading, possibly the total lunar eclipse over Isael on Passover 2033, repeating the 70 AD siege) and then some time later (arguably 3 1/2 years later) Jesus will physically return when the moon refuses to give its light. Hard to claim that a total lunar eclipse doesn't give light when it literally gives off blood red light, meaning this event is speaking of a new moon, when the moon literally refuses to give its light, most likely the new moon for Feast of Trumpets, possibly the 2036 Feast of Trumpets new moon, which is 1260 days apart from the 2033 blood red moon over Jerusalem if you are using the lunar calendar of the Bible.
@makarov138 6 күн бұрын
I wonder where some preachers find that break of 2000 years in MT 24 where the text mentions not knowing the day and hour? I don't see that break! I think it stems from a gross misunderstanding of what the phrase "heaven and earth" actually means. Apparently they haven't read Isaiah, where God's letter to Israel was addressed to "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth! For the Lord has spoken:" ISA 1:2 The "this generation" mentioned in MT 24:34 is the identical same generation mentioned in MT 23:36. For both MT 23 and 24 are in the very same context. The coming of the Lord occurred immediately after that temple in Jerusalem fell in AD 70. There is no mistake here. There is no "gap" in the test, except for a manmade one.
@changedman6035 6 күн бұрын
No, there is a gap between the 69th and 70th week, I can give you several reasons: 1. Consistent with other Bible prophecies that have near and far fulfillments of Jesus' 1" and 2"d Comings. a. Isaiah 61:1-2 b. Zechariah 9:9-10 c. Isaiah 9:6-7 2. Daniel's use of "after" in Daniel 9:26 a. The Messiah is not cut off at the "end" of the 69 weeks or at the "beginning" of the 70th week. He is cut off "after" the 69 weeks. b. Within the text, with the use of the word "after" there is an indicator of a gap between the 69*h and 70* week. 3. Daniel 9:26's timing of the prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem. a. We know the "people of the prince who is to come" are the Romans and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple took place in 70 AD. b. If the entire 70-week prophecy continued with no gap at all, the 70*h week would have expired in 30s AD, but Jerusalem was not destroyed then. 4. The six predictions of Daniel 9:24 have not all been fulfilled yet. a. For all 70 weeks to have been consecutive, all six of these prophecies would have been fulfilled in the 30s AD. b. National Israel has not yet experienced the benefits of Christ's atonement and resurrection. i. Not yet everlasting righteousness i. Not yet a fulfillment of all vision and prophecies iii. Not yet a temple and an anointing of it for the Lord's service c. The salvation of Israel is still yet to come (Zech 12:10; Rom 11:25-26). 5. Daniel 9:27 has not yet been fulfilled. a. b. A future week (7 years) is still needed to fulfill this prophecy. Several specifics have to fulfilled: i. 7 years are needed. i. A covenant of peace must be made with Israel. iii. That covenant must be broken 3 ½ years later. c. No Antichrist figure has yet committed an abomination of the temple that resulted in the divine destruction of the one who committed the abomination. Also, "all these things" INCLUDES the Second Coming, unless you are a full preterist (which is heresy) then you cannot believe any of the events of Matthew 24 besides the destruction of the temple has occurred yet. Because it says immediately after the tribulation in those days the second coming will happen, and the elect will be gathered in the sky, and that nothing will be worse than this tribulation (v21). Preterism fails to account for the gravity of what is in the text, the earliest church fathers were premillennial, and Irenaeus claims that Polycarp and the Apostle John believed in premillennial eschatology, if preterism was true, why didn't the Apostles teach it? It is not in church history until way later with Augustine.
@makarov138 6 күн бұрын
@@changedman6035 You are making the very same mistake that I see so many Believers make in the interpretation of bible prophecy. You are using OT verses in order to explain NT prophecies. The bible says to do that the other way around. Heb 1: 1-4 “Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he also created the worlds. 3 He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word. When he had made purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.” Take the words and prophecies that Jesus said, and then use THEM to clarify what the prophets had said earlier. Jesus clarified for his Disciples that his appearing would occur immediately after the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. The “heaven and earth” that would pass was the title that God gave to the covenant that He made with Jacob. ISA 1:2 “ “Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth; for the Lord has spoken: I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me.: God addressed His letter to Israel as the heavens and earth! And it is confirmed in ISA 51:15,16. “ “For I am the Lord your God, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar- the Lord of hosts is his name. I have put my words in your mouth, [on the mountain with Moses] and hidden you in the shadow of my hand, [He protected them while in the desert] stretching out the heavens and laying the foundations of the earth, and saying to Zion, ‘You are my people.’” [confirming the covenant as the heavens and earth!] The Old Covenant and THAT generation is what was going to pass away in MT 24:34,35.
@Whodhavethought 7 күн бұрын
Was 70 AD and the destruction of the Temple predicted in the OT by the Prophets and which scriptures would they be?
@MarkNorthAveChurch 6 күн бұрын
I would argue Daniel 9:26 explicitly references the events of AD 70. (This is much more hotly contested, but I would include 9:27 as well.)
@makarov138 6 күн бұрын
So, what is a generation in the bible? Does the New Testament actually tell us? Yes it does! Heb 3:7-11 7 “ Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, ‘Today, if you hear his voice, 8 do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, as on the day of testing in the wilderness, 9 where your ancestors put me to the test, though they had seen my works 10 for FORTY YEARS. Therefore I was angry with THAT GENERATION, and I said, “They always go astray in their hearts, and they have not known my ways.” 11 As in my anger I swore, “They will not enter my rest.”’ Notice in verse 10 the two phrases “forty years” and “that generation.” Is there anyone who doesn't understand that in this verse, the “that generation” applies to that generation that was in the wilderness, and no other? Of course not! The text is clearly understood. But we're not through yet. 12 “Take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you may have an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.” In MT 23:36 when Jesus was in that temple condemning those Pharisees and Scribes, saying “Truly I tell you, all this will come upon THIS GENERATION.” do you actually believe that those persons thought he was referring to some other generation way out in the future? Or will you admit that the natural way to understand that verse is to recognize he was saying it would come on THEM, THEIR GENERATION? Do not have an unbelieving heart! Ancient history testifies that the event occurred in AD 70. It was THAT GENERATION! And since MT 24 is merely a continuation of the same context with more details laid in, would any rational person claim that MT 24:34 “Truly I tell you, THIS GENERATION, [THE SAME ONE] will not pass away until all these things have taken place.” [within just 40 years] does not actually mean THAT generation? The Disciples were with Christ when he was in the temple talking to those guys. They heard what Jesus said. And now, after hearing him clarify the context more fully for them; do you think they THEY would pick an unnatural way of understanding what Jesus said and assume it to mean some generation way out in the future? POPPYCOCK! Only an unbelieving heart would understand it that way! Do not have an unbelieving heart! There is no gap in MT 24!
@MarkNorthAveChurch 6 күн бұрын
I agree with your argument and I like the “forty year” explanation for a generation from Hebrews. I agree that the phrase “this generation” certainly has the same meaning in Matthew 24:34 that it had in the same context at the end Matthew 23. However, I don’t think someone is evil or in deep sin if they interpret “this generation” in v. 34 differently. Even though I would disagree, I wouldn’t attribute it to a deep moral failing, but simply an interpretive error on what is certainly the most challenging chapter to understand in Matthew’s gospel.
@makarov138 6 күн бұрын
@@MarkNorthAveChurch In Heb 1:2 we are told that the writer was already in the last days. Jesus came on the scene when the last days was to occur. It was the last days of the Old Heavens and Earth, or Old Covenant. Immediately after the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, that marked forever in history the demise and eternal end of that Old Covenant system and economy. THAT was the sign of the Coming of the Lord! The "parousia" or "advent" of Christ occurred at that moment. There is not destruction of the created universe anywhere in scripture. In fact, there are verse that say that the earth is eternal. "The foundation of the earth is forever." "I will never again curse the earth for man's sake." Then WHY would God destroy it? MT 23, taken in the same context as MT 24, is actually really simple. Leave out that "gap," and it all beautifully comes together like the MASTER meant.
@Whodhavethought 7 күн бұрын
The phrase ‘end of time’ is not scriptural.
@MarkNorthAveChurch 7 күн бұрын
You are correct. I shoud have used "end of the age." I guess I reached for "end of time" to differentiate it from how "end of the age" I think is often misused by Preterists. However, I agree with you I think. "Time" will never come to an end. We are time bound creatures and even in the New Creation we will experience time.
@todd4956 5 күн бұрын
Very interesting sermon. But rather than critique it, I would ask you to preach on "The unanswerable question". There is a question in the Bible that no one can answer. Not even God can answer this question. Read Hebrews 2: 3-4. Not even God can answer this. If you preach on this I would consider giving you some profound advice on Philosophical Metaphysics. And if you don't believe that Philosophical Metaphysics is of paramount importance, you had better think again. Just sayin. You have mentioned Bertrand Russell and Christopher Hitchens. Let's add David Hume and Voltaire. They all went to hell because their metaphysical worldview, their beliefs, were In opposition to the transcendental knowledge of Christ. Regardless, there is no escape from Philosophical Metaphysics. I would like to steer you in the right direction here concerning Philosophical Metaphysics.
@kennethdelk3842 3 күн бұрын
The mid acts teaching on this portion of scripture, this young man like most today just explain it sooo poorly
@WilliamBeers-t2q 8 күн бұрын
Note to self...Trump- June 16? George W. July 6th? Clinton- Aug 19? mmm June, July, August? mmm Presidents POTUS... Born the summer of 46'. Coincidences just might matter to Yahweh. REPENT
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