This Is Overwatch 2's First Pay To Win Hero

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@cjbee3839 8 ай бұрын
Ah yes. Let’s give a tank the most HP of all tanks, 2 hit-scan chain guns with the best range in class. Let’s also make sure those don’t overheat and instead can lay down fire for 20 seconds straight. Let’s also give him the highest priority movement ability that even Reinhardt’s charge can’t interrupt. Let’s also give him self healing. Let’s also give him ignite, and a passive that let’s him auto-crit ignited enemies. Oh let’s also give him an ultimate that persists beyond his death. I don’t see anything wrong with this.
@busydarthnooox8290 8 ай бұрын
Yes! Can't really wait for the next hero just like him Said no one ever :)
@webbacon7106 8 ай бұрын
dont forget overhealth
@zanesigurdson3126 8 ай бұрын
Road hog has more base health. Don’t get me wrong I agree. But pig boy has the most health out of all tanks. Tied with ball.
@storm___ 8 ай бұрын
@@zanesigurdson3126and with mauga out roadhog is only the second most annoying tank in the game
@zanesigurdson3126 8 ай бұрын
@@storm___ idk good balls are pretty annoying.
@Daka_Bear 8 ай бұрын
A Mei named Walled is probably the most bm thing I've ever seen.
@DaxVT 8 ай бұрын
@VolodyaTheFroge 8 ай бұрын
​@@DaxVTit means bad manners, i think. Basically some act of disrespecting a player in game.
@Daka_Bear 8 ай бұрын
Yep, bad mannered.
@JustxLiving909 8 ай бұрын
I’m confused
@DaxVT 8 ай бұрын
@@VolodyaTheFroge @Daka_Bear Thanks for explaining
@hades2659 8 ай бұрын
I like how the Sigma had to precisely use all of his abilities. Even expertly shield dancing during the whole fight but Mauga won by just going brrrrrrrrr the entire time👍
@zenofthezealous1582 8 ай бұрын
Yea As Someone Who’s played a decent bit of Mauga vs “The Counter” That is Sigma, If you just make him use all his cooldowns on YOU, especially kinetic grasp last. You can just Charge, Flatten him, and MELT him because he has very little defensive options when you’re that close on him When he plays his range right and poke, he’s definitely the best of the options vs Mauga, but the minute the Mauga team gets momentum and for all intensive purposes “Dives” You with Overrun, IT GETS HECTIC
@bm4604 8 ай бұрын
It's sucks that blizzard doesn't have a grasp on the own game they're designing so they needed up making this this incredibly boring strong playsttle in mauga. The rework irisa design and now this where the best best play 90 percent of the time on tank against mauga is to try your best to avoid taking the fight with him and get your value elsewhere. . The best playstyle against mauga is to be a pro doom/ball etc player and use your mobile cooldown to dance around the mauga and pressure his backline repeatedly till they break. The only problem is thst it isn't is mauga beat interest to let that happen and he had quite a few tools to disttupt dives if he's thinking ahead. So it always feels like every game where a mauga player got dismantled by dive it always feels like it's more on the msuga choking fir not found enough to stop the play rather then the dive team being thst outstanding. It really shouldn't feel this way. This is one of the signs of poor competitive balence
@xxxthwagdrakexxx4672 8 ай бұрын
​​​@@zenofthezealous1582you can barrier dance between the shield and just negate any and all space he's created at least cancelling out mauga and negating his cc while you get a free rock and your team gets free shots, you fools will just find about any reason under the sun to cry about mauga especially when sigma breaks his kit if played right, yes there might be little room for error but that's overwatch for you in general and it's a guaranteed loss if they stay on mauga. If there's anything that's cancer its orisa/reaper combos
@zenofthezealous1582 8 ай бұрын
@@xxxthwagdrakexxx4672 Yea Sigma when played in a poke comp and to his strengths of Range/Space Control do a well enough job of keeping a Mauga at bay if you initiate the space control 1st. But ultimately Overwatch while a team game is also a momentum based game. If The Mauga Decides in that space to start Melting the barrier you may not have it to dance with at close ranges if The Mauga team decides to initiate a concerted dive effort upon you, thus leading to a Kinetic grasp for defense and ultimately Rocks as your shortest cooldown defense in that time if you can survive to put up another barrier. Now something like an Ana-nade can help in these situations (When will Ana-nade NOT help😂) in deterring a Mauga’s push as yea, That’s basically a kryptonite on anyone
@xxxthwagdrakexxx4672 8 ай бұрын
@@zenofthezealous1582 if mauga starts to focus the barrier your team gets free headshots and you can rock him/damage him for free too. If anything you want him to focus on the barrier especially since he can't light that on fire and then retract before it breaks or you can kinetic grasp in between the shield and get free overhealth. Since they're coming to you, your team ends up dictating the pace of the engagement and if those fools keep giving that to your team your team ends up controlling how the match goes the majority of the time leading to more wins than not. I do think mauga should get 100 armor taken away which he only gains back during cardiac overdrive and a ton more recoil to his miniguns (imagine like 2 times the recoil of soldier 76 with one gun and 3.15 times when he fires both, but with a 10% extra rof increase when he fires both and 4.5 damage in between his old and new damage values while reducing his clip size to 275) but flats grifting out bitching like this is anything like pay 2 win when there are games like world of warships that are actual examples of that is absurd
@unhinged135 8 ай бұрын
Mauga is actually terribly designed since hes always going to be dog water or broken as shit depending on his numbres, no in between
@Tiptronics 8 ай бұрын
Exactly They should neef him and leave him there or rework him This design is dogshit.
@pedrowarken298 8 ай бұрын
The only problem i see with mauga is blizzard's balancing. Instead of nerfing his damage to the ground, how about they reduce his ammo, make him a lot slower when shooting, make his reload slower and add a spinup time for his guns. That is a lot better than just tweaking numbers, but blizzard won't do it
@slap7230 8 ай бұрын
very one dimensional i agree, if they bring back 6v6 he would probably be a good offtank but in my opinion he just doesnt belong in this format
@Ahilliard44 8 ай бұрын
blizzard has a terrible habit of making characters like this. Stupidly broken so when you nerf them you have to nerf key parts of their kit that even made them functional in the first place. It's lazy design to be frank...
@leftyyy23 8 ай бұрын
Just like roadhog
@ghidotheone 8 ай бұрын
Mauga is the raid boss all tank players thought they wanted but none of the other tanks are in a comparable state to compete with him and it just makes everything awful.
@giraffe.exe0 8 ай бұрын
this is NOT what we wanted
@tripslord9029 8 ай бұрын
This is exactly what everyone I know wanted. A tank who could tank hold or bust.
@atoastedtoaster 8 ай бұрын
I say junker queen but that might be just there mauga being shit
@@atoastedtoaster Mauga has A LOT of counters, she can be one of them
@nathanwiccan3336 8 ай бұрын
anytime i go up against a mauga i immediately know its not gunna be a fun game, especially when his run stomp ability can headshot like who thought that was a good idea
@duckseatbread104 8 ай бұрын
Probably the same person who thought it was okay for him to be able to crit wrecking ball in ball form and orissa with fortify - absaloute nonsense design or just completely unfinished at launch and needs lots of hotfixes
@_XRMissie 8 ай бұрын
@@duckseatbread104 I still can't believe I have to avoid mauga like I try to avoid being in crab form around heavy headshot characters (widow/hanzo/cas/kiri/mei/etc)... Flyby at max speed, 50 damage from boop, maybe get 3-4 people in range for my shields, so like a good 900 health... Yet mauga just rips me apart and I'm left with like 100hp. Let me reiterate: Max speed ball flying by, booping people, doing techs and shit to try to avoid incoming damage, yet still gets shreaded... No other character has been able to take me down this low on a simple flyby unless I get stunned. It's so dumb. Mauga just commands space, regardless of the hero you play.
@Somejaun 8 ай бұрын
@@_XRMissieliterally I can’t play the hero’s I want to actually play cuz if I don’t switch to mirror him I’m throwing
@seven6city 8 ай бұрын
@@Somejaun get better unironically, I can fight mauga as other tanks just fine and as for he headshot stun thing its literally a worse weaker shatter but considering 90% of maugas dont get aggressive and just stand there with both triggers pinned down. Which is playing him wrong
@femtrapta5874 8 ай бұрын
Mauga definitely needed a couple more seasons in the workshop. Kinda the problem with announcing what roles gets what beforehand, there's not always gonna be that Sigma in your back pocket to bail you out if the characters not fully ready
@tickledeggz 8 ай бұрын
Mauga has basicaally been ready to launch for ages i thought? Seems to me a lot like theyve just dropped him now to soften the blow of OWL dying and to distract everyone from PVE (not something i care about but i know others do).
@deathb1ossom 8 ай бұрын
As a tank main, Mauga is the worst tank I've ever played. He's very boring to play, he's 100% anti-fun when playing against him and is absurdly broken. They've done a terrible job in designing him as it forces the supports to pool their resources into him or he folds, at the detriment to the rest of the team. I'm now starting to see and play games where we make a "no Mauga" pact-which I accept without hesitation. I've never hated playing or playing against a hero such as this one. Just terrible. I'm not even going to bother with ranked until season 9. The game in general just feels terrible to play right now. There's so many things wrong with it it's unreal how they're happy in it's current state.
@cuppy1199 8 ай бұрын
As a retired tank main now support main, he is boring to play with on my team, I HAVE to heal dump, i HAVE to play bap or ana or kiri, dont get me wrong im an ana main and love playing ana, but i dont shoving heals up my tanks ass 24/7. Idk what blizzard thought making a hero like this, i feel like its an insult to tank players, hes so easy, with no interesting or complex mechanics, every new support has had something new and creative, but mauga is jus hold lmb and rmb
@Nazinsky 8 ай бұрын
@@cuppy1199literally. Sometimes I just want to play Mercy and I can’t because Mauga needs heals up the ass and dies without them.
@seven6city 8 ай бұрын
@@cuppy1199 tank role sucks and will for the rest of time at this point honestly
@gamerfury2820 8 ай бұрын
@OneTrickInter 8 ай бұрын
Mauga is fun if you play him
@sm_rocker 8 ай бұрын
that poor sig got double ulted and mai walled in. As a tank main I felt his pain in my soul.
@farmeracob9561 8 ай бұрын
this hero legit makes me not want to play anymore.
@squid6884 8 ай бұрын
Agreed! Started getting ball deep into ow again in the past 2 months. He came out and I instantly lost interest. As a teammate or an enemy he just makes the game boring as hell to play.
@indiegamesonly6617 8 ай бұрын
dont worry. im actually building a competitor to overwatch without all the bullshit :)
@button9 8 ай бұрын
@@squid6884 I decided to pick up JQ about 2 months ago and felt 'I'm getting the hang of her and doing well" ... Mauga comes out "oh ... fun" ... JQ is ok against him , but if your team isn't on board, it's a rough ride.
@atagen2186 8 ай бұрын
same, even in a 4-5 stack it's endless games of "counter the mauga" interspersed with occasional moments where you get to actually play ow
@emma6648 4 ай бұрын
Then don’t
@krislillies7460 8 ай бұрын
love how Orisa has a cooldown for her gun, yet the one character who uses miniguns that specify in heat dont need a cooldown and instead just a reload....great job devs
@OneTrickInter 8 ай бұрын
@darkhydra4262 8 ай бұрын
I still think its unhealthy game design to lock characters behind paid battlepasses in team games that expect you to swap. Like at least in fighting games its only you and you can normally outplay in 1v1 skill situations against dlc, here if your tank doesnt have Mauga or your support doesn't/didn't have Kiri the entire team is suffering and a team should not suffer because people didn't buy a battlepass.
@Wgar1 8 ай бұрын
It didn't feel as bad for Rammatra since he wasn't as good comparatively. But now as tank I feel like there is nothing I can do against him.
@rudyranger249 8 ай бұрын
yeah i guess im never gonna main tank if i ever invest time into overwatch with my f2p habits ill probably just 1 trick (maybe two due to two players per role) a character like lucio or something because he seems really fun to exclusively play
@jonathanm5894 8 ай бұрын
This is confusing to me because if you play the game enough to know and care you can earn him for free? I unlocked him for free
@darthplagueis13 8 ай бұрын
​​@@jonathanm5894 You can, but depending on how much time you have to play, that can take weeks. Meanwhile, people who pay cash get a headstart on learning the character and they get to exploit the fact that a character might be unbalanced on release in order to get a bunch of cheap victories at the beginning of the season. And by the time you get to him, there's then a good chance that the devs will have overcorrected and nerfed the character into oblivion.
@astupidlylongnamethatstoolong 8 ай бұрын
​@@jonathanm5894Unfortunately, not everyone has the amount of time to get that. Most people on OW have a 9-5 and possibly other obligations. If they have a rare chance to wind down and play OW only to be met against what is essentially more p2w characters that takes a while to grind out they might either choose to p2w as well or not play at all. Of course there's still people who will play despite that. But that's just one of the few reasons why some people still haven't unlocked it. I myself havent because I genuinely haven't enjoyed base game enough.
@fluffzimouse4988 8 ай бұрын
Like to take the time to remind you all... Speak with your money, not with your mouth... if this is what you want to see more of then by all means continue to fund and support it. No complaint will reach the ears of the devs, only their profit margins will show them how you truly feel.
@user-tl1sz5xs7l 8 ай бұрын
There is no other game such as overwatch, I got no alternative. Also I wouldn't spend money on it but they FOMO me on missing the current season mythic skin FOREVER so I cave and spend 10$ a season but no more than that I promise.
@leonard5119 8 ай бұрын
@@user-tl1sz5xs7l actually braindead
@SyntheticSilverGem 8 ай бұрын
Are you not familiar with what a whale is? The whole "Speak with your money" thing clearly doesn't work. The gaming community doesn't have enough intercommunity strength or coordination to pull off a boycott
@bohdanpyzh2712 8 ай бұрын
@@user-tl1sz5xs7l actually, mythic FOMO is no longer a thing. On Blizzcon they have said they're working on the system to allow players to choose previous seasons' mythic skins instead of current, in the future
@nfortin24 8 ай бұрын
yeah that rarely works... ever hear of the 80/20 rule? 20% of players spend 80% of the money.. you'll never get enough of the spenders on your side
@skrillsz_ 8 ай бұрын
I hate the fact there are still people who don't think he is busted.
@Kuroganemk2 8 ай бұрын
Yeah lol Sometimes he drops fast but if he gets enough healing, then it's gg.
@donovan4222 8 ай бұрын
Bro is just an unkillable bastion running around with a chunky Hawaiian boy skin
@Kuroganemk2 8 ай бұрын
He is a guy holding two Bastions xD @@donovan4222
@teegloo 8 ай бұрын
Hes strong not busted
@tonycordova8240 8 ай бұрын
I have literally been on a 4 day loosing streak bc of muaga like the moment the enemy team starts loosing then the one with him unlocked just switches and we end up losing so yeah muaga too broken especially now with the orange health bar too like he literally has 3 out of the 4 different type of health normal hp armor and overhealth so wtf hes also a fire sniper and a tank like give him one role that hes good at hes a jack of all trades with the actual power to do all unlike an jack of all trades thats kinda mid at everything
@fallinglief6493 8 ай бұрын
As a Doom main I thought Orisa was bad. Now when I enter a game, I'm almost praying the enemy tank DOES go Orisa instead of this extremely balanced character, since she at least needs team resources. Mauga can literally 1v4 and get away with it while I'm harassing the enemy backline, and by the time I maybe steal 1 or 2 kills my entire team is dead. That, or the Mauga comes back to peel and I evaporate in 2 seconds because he deals Bastion levels of damage. Personally, I'm avoiding Overwatch till the nerf hammer happens in the mid season or next season.
@tonycordova8240 8 ай бұрын
If youre in bronze he can literally 1v5 the team at the door for a good while ask me how i know 😢
@khyros_cen1508 8 ай бұрын
correction he can solo a match by himself
@rage_tv4493 8 ай бұрын
you are literally forced to play ana zen to kill him.
@tonycordova8240 8 ай бұрын
@@rage_tv4493 until they pick kiriko then its gg
@iamcool544 8 ай бұрын
I love how all skill being equal Mauga can 1v1 every tank in the game. It was the first thing I did with my friend and that was PRE buff
@Diren_7 8 ай бұрын
A good tip for mauga is that u dont need to be scared of wholehog if you have your E. You almost always outheal his damage as long as you arent point blank up his face getting crit.
@erichodosh2933 8 ай бұрын
I think you're misreading the tone of the comment section.
@Diren_7 8 ай бұрын
@erichodosh2933 ah yes free speech and the ability to have or share opinions is prohibited. I'm sorry erichodosh2933!
@2xp_ 8 ай бұрын
It works just fine until u get antied (happend to me lmao)
@grassyassy1533 8 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@Diren_7thanks for the tip now I can play mauga and really utilise his ‘happiness buster’ play style.
@newguy3588 8 ай бұрын
That's insane...
@SlobberyPantsu 8 ай бұрын
And i thought they'd never top the absolute disaster that Brigitte was at her launch
@hobosorcerer 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, the biggest nerfs he needs are ammo reduction & increased spinup time (or just Orisa-style overheat, idk). Don't let him apply free pressure with his guns whenever he wants-- make him have to think before pulling the trigger.
@Nemo.404 8 ай бұрын
I think the fire gun should be a projectile too. It is bullshit that it is a hitscan weapon. And that's being nice, the best option would have been a flame thrower with the range of Zarya's gun
@cuppy1199 8 ай бұрын
He needs to get reworked, blizzard keeps adding "im going to effect the fight in a big way now" buttons, think suzu, immort, pylon, (mostly supports yes ik) that require zero skill to use (i dont think ana bio nades fits under that umbrella but i might be bias)
@Vampireinarm1 8 ай бұрын
The brainrot from playing this game all day everyday must be insane
@marigolden_mariposa 8 ай бұрын
@accuratememin 8 ай бұрын
​​@@marigolden_mariposaFind tank, you hold the shooty, if fire shoot the other shooty, if close press the heart button and both shooty, repeat.
@teegloo 8 ай бұрын
This guy flats is a prime example look his build on the facecam
@airamnunez9214 8 ай бұрын
​@@teeglooAre you the sojourn he shit on a few days ago? Lol
@drmidge 8 ай бұрын
no it actually is i feel
@lilboired879 8 ай бұрын
It's hilarious that they pulled this 180 on us when they fully released him. When they tested him, he was actually okay! He was just weak to certain counterpicks (you know the main one) and would get folded when that happened. Blizzard is just selectively deaf and only heard the "Mauga isn't that great-" part of the sentence. They never finish reading what we have to say, only either skimming through it or answering the first part of the question without even glancing at the fact that there's a comma, not a period. I wanted Mauga to be just a solid character, but now he's just mobile Orisa, so I don't even play him in comp. QP depends on how I'm feeling, but as it stands, Mauga is wayyy too OP and I'll only pull him out on an Orisa switch occasionally.
@Relevart9169 8 ай бұрын
literally every single hero except LW has been a must pick since release
@mackenziebarefoot1913 8 ай бұрын
@Relevart9169 8 ай бұрын
@@mackenziebarefoot1913 infinite i win button on objectives on release?
@aavocadont 8 ай бұрын
@@Relevart9169 His ult was insane but he relied on it. He was ass without it.
@Relevart9169 8 ай бұрын
@@aavocadont doesn't matter if pressing a button wins u the fight and the game with it
@davidc. 8 ай бұрын
​@Relevart9169 it actually kinda does. Ram was not dominating the game like this. Much more room to experiment with counters.
@duloknayeem9365 8 ай бұрын
>Says he’s OP >Proceeds to abuse him even though enemy team doesn’t have battlepass
@Beckwourth 8 ай бұрын
Of course people always abuse to climb rank.
@edgeofbigiggy1311 8 ай бұрын
He’s free in the battle pass I don’t know why u mad
@busydarthnooox8290 8 ай бұрын
​@@edgeofbigiggy1311you didn't get it
@jf2155 8 ай бұрын
Tested him yesterday 1vs1 every tank. It's insane that this is live.
@Hietakissa 8 ай бұрын
1v1s aren't the most accurate way to determine if a hero is good, though. Some heroes just are way better at 1v1s than others due to impactful abilities that are on long cooldowns (like Bap), self sustain (like Hog) etc.
@Nemo.404 8 ай бұрын
​@@HietakissaYeah, for sure. But still, a single character countering an entire role is not a good sign
@Hietakissa 8 ай бұрын
@@Nemo.404 but it's not really that big of a deal either. OW is a team game, it doesn't matter if a hero can win every 1v1 if they also lose a 5v5
@Nemo.404 8 ай бұрын
@@Hietakissa Problem is that in team play this hero is denying all the space other tanks could take. Most tanks need to play defensively against him, and the ones that could stand a chance are locked in place with his ult. Most of the community, even high elo players, agree that this character is busted. Almost you religiously need an Ana to have more chances against him. Yeah, it is winnable even without the Ana, but he just makes the tank role a lot worse than what it already was. Dunno why you people refuse to acknowledge the issues that every single other person sees, no matter the elo
@TylerOfTrade 8 ай бұрын
I would like to point out that even when anti'd, Mauga can still get some form of healing from his overhealth when he crits to a max of 150 overhealth. He gets 60% of overhealth from crit damage. And if he activates his cardiac overdrive can reduce damage to him and allies by 30%, and if he has any armor as well it reaches the 50% reduction cap.
@PGFXKiu 8 ай бұрын
Watching Mauga POV during a Kitsune rush reminds me of watching Serious Sam lmao
@markhumphreys4496 8 ай бұрын
So Mauga needs a rework… Just like Reaper, Rein, Wrecking Ball, and a quarter of the cast
@FlintG 8 ай бұрын
Yeah he does, hes too broken currently and makes other tanks really unplayable.
@Georgian502 8 ай бұрын
"5v5 wasn't a mistake" literally 1/4 of the cast needs a rework to fit into it. Anyone who thinks 5v5 was a genuinely good change is an idiot
@Crusty_Sword 8 ай бұрын
@@Georgian502so many people cope with themselves saying I can’t believe we had to focus so much and how cluttered it was, but that was what made it fun and I don’t know why they ever addressed the true problems
@kingauther7812 8 ай бұрын
@@Crusty_Swordthat’s what made it fun to you, not everyone
@kingauther7812 8 ай бұрын
@@Georgian5026v6 was just tanks steamrolling and shoot shields all game
@Sejjin 8 ай бұрын
Don't worry guys, when the majority of people finally get him free, they'll nerf him.
@mrq7848 8 ай бұрын
I actually disagree since people say it many times with other heros since the OW2 came out too... Maybe it is bc im silver but i actually find pretty easy to counter him, mostly with the same people you could couter bastion + anna... and maybe Symetra, she deletes him most of the time
@nopejustnope3900 8 ай бұрын
If that's how he's being dealt with then his supports in that scenario are horrible
@MrKumbancha 8 ай бұрын
if symettra can even get in range of him, that mauga is terrible
@kosmosfan01 8 ай бұрын
It's interesting how, if wasn't for the free trial, it would have been the same situation as Ram where people found him mid just for him to get buffed a week later and become decent because of the universal complaint that Mauga was just too squishy. I'm over here trying to remember if Kiriko was only available out of the gate for anyone who had OW1 because it had been so long ago. She might as well have been the first since the P2W thing was gonna be a problem the second they locked characters behind it regardless of how good the character actually turned out to be.
@lilboired879 8 ай бұрын
The free trial was great, but they only heard the issues with him, they didn't actually listen. They heard "Mauga isn't too good-" but not the rest lmao I'm a Mauga enjoyer and still refuse to use him in comp unless they're rolling Orisa with pumped out healing (because counterpicking is such a fun way to play the game :/). He's way too broken right now and instead of addressing the actual fundementals (like a certain counterpick that made him fold in EVERY scenario before) that made him not great, they just pumped steroids directly into him without thinking about it.
@kosmosfan01 8 ай бұрын
@@lilboired879 I was definitely surprised when they opted to give him even more armor along with I think damage back to chaingun. It's like maybe pick one like the incendiary rounds revert since that's part of his quirk but not all of them because it's definitely gotten out of hand but that's basically Blizzard balance philosophy in a nutshell. I will say it has been fun playing more Ram as I opted to just play QP with someone that I don't have too much time on and didn't realize he'd be decent again Mauga.
@nraosec 8 ай бұрын
The parable of the golden goose applies here; Blizzard is actually actively killing the goose out of greed.
@-Wattson- 8 ай бұрын
Wouldn’t sojourn be the first p2w hero? She was busted pre nerf and is still one of the best dps in the game
@Tiptronics 8 ай бұрын
Clickbait - most of the new releases are pretty p2w As intended
@Kuroganemk2 8 ай бұрын
No, cos she requires actual aiming skills, Mauga doesn't need aiming you just spray and win lol
@polar6066 8 ай бұрын
since when did you have to pay for soujorn lmao
@accuratememin 8 ай бұрын
I guess, but her Railgun was and still is a skillshot, especially headshotting with it. You could have amazing positioning skills and awareness, but if you can't charge Railgun or fire it accurately, she's kinda just a worse Soldier.
@Kuroganemk2 8 ай бұрын
Did you forget how bad Lifeweaver was on release xD? @@Tiptronics
@iKrazyyi 8 ай бұрын
I know how to fix Mauga.. bring back 6v6 so he cant 1v5 a team because theres another tank to slow him down. Of course hed still be the best tank but with another tank to soak up damage it wouldn't be as bad.
@mckookie2967 8 ай бұрын
nah. he would suck cs Sigma dva 100% or even JQ and one of those 2 with her
@mckookie2967 8 ай бұрын
nah. he would suck cs Sigma dva 100% or even JQ and one of those 2 with her
@keeg1538 8 ай бұрын
Counterpoint: Imagine Mauga with friendly zarya bubbles on him on cd, or a rein shield to hide behind, or. Dva matrix around him. This hero could only ever be released in 1 tank 5v5. But still never shoulda been released like this lol. At least make the mini guns projectiles cuz getting sniped across the map from a tank feels BADD
@mckookie2967 8 ай бұрын
@@keeg1538 he would be fine cos u could have a dva sig completely nullify his dmg. 6v6 has alwaysbplayed better and been easier for them to balance
@nggyunglyd2374 8 ай бұрын
Remember when Flats said this character wasn’t busted and that it was a huge skill issue on the community’s part?
@GGthegreatester 8 ай бұрын
and do you remember that after he said that he got straight buffed for literally every single patch with one exception
@MCY112 8 ай бұрын
No shot this comment isn't bait
@KaoShimamura 8 ай бұрын
During blitzcon weekend he was pretty weak but then got giga buffed, of course Flats’ take was gonna age like milk
@donovan4222 8 ай бұрын
Oh cmon now you know that was before the buff
@Ethan-eh4iq 8 ай бұрын
I stg you’re either baiting or stupid
@ssanc6 8 ай бұрын
I was having a hard time at the Coliseum against Mauga, and I didn't have him unlocked. I thought I was going to lose, but I just barely managed to win.
@tobicontinuedd7575 8 ай бұрын
Mauga is really p2w, if u havent unlocked him u cant queue tank
@GO053 8 ай бұрын
yea you can, its called having fun.
@oreoslurpee9887 8 ай бұрын
@@GO053can’t have fun when you & your team get ran over just because they went mauga ana kiri and you don’t have mauga unlocked 🤷
@GO053 8 ай бұрын
@@oreoslurpee9887 I know I know, I feel everyones pain, but my answer to this mess is to just play a hero I enjoy and (try to) have fun, win or lose.
@tobicontinuedd7575 8 ай бұрын
@@GO053 impossible to have fun in this meta rn, if u dont play kiri/ana/bap: u lose if u dont play mauga: u lose if u dont counter mauga: u lose
@keeg1538 8 ай бұрын
​@@GO053losing can be fun, getting rolled is generally not fun. Mauga is braindead to play as and unfun to play against. Actually a boring hero, hopefully gets the ol' hog treatment and is nerfed into the ground until they rework him in a few months
@justinpennington6680 8 ай бұрын
It’s at the point where me and the other tank “gentleman’s out” of mauga and I love it
@BoltYT_ 8 ай бұрын
Flats before hand: hes not busted. Flats now: hes busted so overpowered.
@bohdanpyzh2712 8 ай бұрын
Have you seen the changes to him? Blizzard have literally overtuned him on purpose and left him that way for comp
@Healbot2000 8 ай бұрын
He was legitimately bad during his preview weekend. Absolutely miserable to play Support because you needed to double pocket him full time. He got buffed when he got released then nerfed and then quickly got his current giga buff
@kellystardust2191 8 ай бұрын
god forbid someone learns and changes their opinion
@ciahminecraft 8 ай бұрын
wow it's almost like an opinion can change, what a concept
@storm___ 8 ай бұрын
@@bohdanpyzh2712they told us merry christmas and dumped this piece of shit on us for the holidays. now we have to deal with it til they get back from vacation. fuck blizzard
@svellibutton 8 ай бұрын
I miss Jet Set Radio so much. Loved hearing it in the background. So much nostalgia.
@CalebGrizmode 8 ай бұрын
"First" as if Sojourn didn't break the fucking game for multiple months and Illari didn't become an instant support mainstay when she released
@tickledeggz 8 ай бұрын
Both of those characters can be reasonably expected to die at some point. And you actually had to be good to play them.
@AppZ1337 8 ай бұрын
@@tickledeggz for real - 2 nice ashe headshots and both of these characters are no threat anymore ..... but maugar ....... its just no fun to play against a real TANK BASTION!
@AjaniGoldmaneFFXIV 8 ай бұрын
I love it when the flats editor puts in Pokémon battle revolution music.
@ThatOneGuy-zh6mw 8 ай бұрын
I have been watching for along time and I love your content and the wheeezing. Keep up the great work! 😊
@sleepybones5726 8 ай бұрын
For the record, I absolutely think Mauga's OP and blizzard buffing him between preview and release was really dumb, but honestly compared to shit in a lot of other games, he's hardly "broken". There IS plenty of counterplay, it's just fucking mind numbing and relies on your teammates being able to shoot a static target bigger than hog. Hate fighting him, and playing him is snooze, but idk i think the meta could potentially adapt to current Mauga, he's far from "broken". New sombra is a fanfiction character, though.
@Nemo.404 8 ай бұрын
What do you mean by fan fiction character??
@oohitzmario 8 ай бұрын
When they nerf him they will release a third mini paid battle pass that buffs his nerfs
@sinanuygur5273 8 ай бұрын
As a Dva I religiously go for supports when facing a mauga, dps just feel like an accessory at this time.
@Paradoxx867 8 ай бұрын
The solution just came to me for a Mauga rework!: First of all, nerf his dam-per-shot to 3.25 and tighten his spread. You have to land 20 shots on tanks to set them on fire instead of 10. Rework Cardiac Overdrive: (this ability makes no sense! “I have 2 hearts, therefore I heal when I do damage!”) He, and his team, receives no healing from doing damage. Instead, Mauga gets a movement buff of 20%; HIS MELEE DAMAGE, KNOCKBACK, AND ESPECIALLY SPEED ARE SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASED; and he and his team gets 20% damage reduction and fire rate increase. His overrun sets people on fire as well. The numbers are completely up in the air, but I think this fits his character and the game much better! It also, inadvertently, makes his ult, Cage Fight, make a lot more sense now that you can punch them for major damage!🎉
@kayleeruiz 8 ай бұрын
Mauga needs an Orisa-esque overheat nerf expeditiously
@davidhamid8025 8 ай бұрын
Mauga vs Doom is a loss. Doom main here. Rip me!
@Chris-dy1cb 8 ай бұрын
They took all the power creep fears i had lost and brought them all back in full force with every character addition in OW2
@L.S-D 8 ай бұрын
Im kinda saddened that I haven't played the last season and a half, ive been losing interest in the game and probably wont come back to it untill next story missions are available [Edit] For context ive been a player ever since Ana came out (roughly). Been fairly on but sometimes off phases due to life circumstances. I've been on it a lot since OW2 launched, but again, leaning away for now.
@slap7230 8 ай бұрын
im in the same boat, the game hasnt been that much fun since ow2 launched in my opinion 6v6 was better because of the tank synergies which made the game a lot more enjoyable. (i honestly feel like things died more in 6v6 than they do now lmao)
@moistman3110 8 ай бұрын
I wouldn't recommend getting back in right now anyways. Wait until at LEAST after Mauga gets nerfed. The game is miserable right now, as the game is essentially over if the enemy has a mauga and you don't. The only exception being if the enemy mauga-or the enemy team as a whole-is far, FAR worse than yours. That, or the enemy Mauga has no clue what they're doing with the character, which is surprisingly common rn.
@cuppy1199 8 ай бұрын
I feel you, ive been playing since 2017, fell in love with overwatch, played comp at a high level for years, but now ow2 is just a soulless husk of what ow was, this isnt the game i fell in love with, the game i came home from school exited to play (jesus christ its been that long???)
@greasyburger7011 8 ай бұрын
In a game where there is a competitive mode.. there should never be a hero behind a paywall or unreasonable grinding period. Level 20, or even 30, in the battle pass would be just long enough for people to need to play and grind before the hero is available in comp. But being 45 is just too long and too many people are forced to choose between playing comp and losing or grinding in other game modes- causing less people to show up in comp, which is already a big problem. This game encourages swapping and I'd say the leading cause of player frustration comes from feeling helpless due to their teammates being unable to swap, refusing to, etc. Heroes locked on the pass only adds to this.
@Immobilesentry 8 ай бұрын
I’m suprised I got here so early but I agree with the tireless you did earlier I tried Mauga in ranked and he is brain dead but I can’t deal with Ana zen combos I just explode
@byrontheusurper6505 8 ай бұрын
Ohhey I've only seen this guys shorts never a full video!
@GeorgeLucas1138 8 ай бұрын
The path to happiness involves not playing this game. Stop investing in this piece of shit game. There is hope
@hotdoggobbler5487 8 ай бұрын
this season being all about making tank more fun and dropping mauga is so funny
@maxconner9040 8 ай бұрын
Bro mauga is just maui from moana but they gave him better survivability than roadhog and better damage.
@XTAKU. 8 ай бұрын
Mauga is just so one dimensional, all he does is shoot and rush. Even a character like Rein is significantly more complex, with firestrike for ranged pressure hammer for melee pressure, shield to protect himself and allies, charge to create space and get picks, and having to juggle all these to play effectively. Mauga being cc immune in rush means he doesn’t have to be tactical with its use because he’s much harder to punish. It isn’t an interactive skill. I feel like he needs another m2 that gives him more utility and depth, make rush interactive, roll the functionality of his m2 into m1 like they did with roadhog, and add an overheat mechanic like on Orisa. They could even make it so you apply burning effect when at a certain heat threshold. There’s honestly so much they could do to fix the hero.
@sniclops15 8 ай бұрын
If there's a Magua/Kiriko on their team, you lost already. I played Ana. I slept. I anti'd. Their Mauga was the hardest feeder I have ever seen. It wasn't enough. You know it's bad when you Anti the Mauga and drop him all the way to 5% health, and then Kiriko cleanses him and he suddenly has 30% and rising rapidly.
@Chirobs_art 8 ай бұрын
Me and my friend who are literal dog at the game and I’m talking bronze/ silver literally called this out. The moment I saw the mini guns I said “he looks like a hero that’s gonna be based on raum from paladins that is a bitch and a half to kill due to his health regen” We literally called it and explained that if the devs manage to make a regen ability similar to raum in paladins , he would be a joke of a character. Raum literally was the same on release and we had cauterize to stop his healing
@zedredhat2286 8 ай бұрын
I quit this game 2 seasons ago. Ohboi I am glad. I knew it was going to be bad with the new champs, but THIS bad, my condolences to the people that choose to suffer and still play this game.
@ILOCKONxSTRAT0S 8 ай бұрын
as a tank player I’m just happy not to swap constantly it’s nice. The pay wall suck but I’m enjoying not swapping every other team fight
@Novelscissors 8 ай бұрын
It’s either u have a Mauga on ur team or it’s wraps
@brentsherman435 8 ай бұрын
@astolfosimp8386 8 ай бұрын
they should make his chainguns charge up to a similar rate as sym beam
@DarrenIreland-e3w 8 ай бұрын
Ill say this about Mauga: he is forcing me to learn new characters to counter him however he's definitely busted AF and needs nerfed.. after Genji
@DarrenIreland-e3w 8 ай бұрын
@@Offendds yeah as a moira main he has never been as issue for me 😂 I just love the nerf genji meme
@Darkness-hy4um 8 ай бұрын
@@DarrenIreland-e3wyeah Mauga is so op so let’s nerf genji to the ground until overwatch 3
@DarrenIreland-e3w 8 ай бұрын
@@Darkness-hy4um see? You get it
@brandonray4493 8 ай бұрын
All I see is the heavy assault from archives blackwatch.... character was made 4 years ago and we are just now getting it. Unreal.
@chair.wizard 8 ай бұрын
IMO mauga is extremely strong, but there are counters that make it not terrible to play against him. A coordinated team can also help, but he is definitely op
@_ben_miller 8 ай бұрын
mauga with 2 healers seems to beat any 5 player combination regularly in silver.
@tiggle5485 8 ай бұрын
If Maug is gonna keep his self heal, it should NEVER be tied to his damage. This will always incentivize shooting tanks. I’d rather it just heal a set amount like hog’s self heal (I’m not sure what the numbers would look like)
@bohdanpyzh2712 8 ай бұрын
What if it was scaled with the ultimate charge gained? That way, he'd get less healing for shooting tanks
@eagerinspirit 8 ай бұрын
they should just make it where he gets a slow heal when he pops cardiac. the slow heal would stack with his passive, and it gives him healing indepenent of the tank. it even canonically would make sense as the two hearts pumping "healing" him makes more sense than randomly healing from shooting someone .
@shirokun002 8 ай бұрын
I feel like this is a brig situation 2.0 except it's a tank. But worse.
@storm___ 8 ай бұрын
its brig 2.0 but he can infinitely contest and never dies
@leonardodelgado7573 8 ай бұрын
Sure there are some problems but we have to say that there ar good parts to this pay to win system, like: - Now that we have finished this hero needs a nerf
@kevingriffith6011 8 ай бұрын
Counterpoint: Buff the rest of the tanks to be as impactful as Mauga.
@storm8576 8 ай бұрын
gotta love bastion with 700 hp with a dot and perma crits
@wever4873 8 ай бұрын
+ dash + constant 50% reduction + proto shield + better long range dmg+ better ult charge + 5 time better ult
@deadlywolf6110 8 ай бұрын
As F2P, I’m about to unlock Mauga today! Hopefully he lives up to the hype 😅
@pencilsandchill 8 ай бұрын
As a Zen main I MAKE SURE, Mauga stays Discorded.
@Ferncin 8 ай бұрын
If they kept him where he was after the first nerf everything would be fine but then they buffed him to something arguable on par if not better to start of the season
@davidnewhart2533 8 ай бұрын
Nah, he was terrible after they nerfed him. The ignition nerf was unnecessary. The other nerfs were fine.
@storm___ 8 ай бұрын
@@davidnewhart2533lol lmao even
@pikachufan25 8 ай бұрын
Hmmm Just a Crazy 3am morning idea... What happens if all Tanks Can't Heal but instead they Gain Armor (Like Roadhog Apple "Heals" for Armor... Maoga - Instead of Healing it Gains Armor)... just out of Curiosity if it Will Break the game or make it easier to Balance... Since at the Moment Armor isn't a Replinishable Resource and it kind of makes sense to give it to tanks (Ignore Brig...) And to add a bit at the top of it the Green HP Bar (Overhealth?) Should be the Support thing, like Instead of Brig Giving Armor Packs she gives Overhealth Packs... and as Ana - Bottle Thingy (Forgot the name oops), Gives Overhealth instead of Flat health... so it now Becomes a Temporale "Boost" Ability to Save someone... (in other words "Instead of Boost Healing HP - it Gives Overhealth Instead - and the only Real thing Healing you is Bullets) Exception Problably Lucio... Default Aura (Yellow One) as that Should Heal but when he Amps (Press E) he Should Overheal Instead... incase i get my Wording Wrong Armor = Yellow HP Bar (Save it for Only Tanks) Overhealth = Green HP Bar (Save it for Only Supports) Support = Abilities > Overhealth Tank = Heals > Armor Note: DRS are kind of a Mess at the moment... but i feel like its fine to leave it as is (Since it hasn't cause any Problems and Ruling out Stuff might make the Game too predictable)...
@pikachufan25 8 ай бұрын
Also incase of Zen > Heal Orb > Overhealth... Moira > Heal Orb > Overhealth
@immortalls9689 8 ай бұрын
Ok now you guys are just trying too hard to get a title
@HeleTCM 8 ай бұрын
Wasn't there a video that said Mauga wasn't overpowered? Feels like I saw that and now it has suspiciously disappeared.
@sweethistortea 8 ай бұрын
I think that all new heroes should be free at launch, with their skins and other cosmetics being the only thing a player can purchase.
@gamefaces7990 8 ай бұрын
He technically is free you can get him from level 45 of the free battle pass. I was able to get him before he was allowed in comp so I have no issues with him being “pay to win” however he does seem to be bustes
@bohdanpyzh2712 8 ай бұрын
@@gamefaces7990 Locking heroes behind grind is NOT equivalent to making them free. For a player that has a job, time is NOT free. I don't mind having a sense of progression in unlocking heroes, but 45 battle pass levels is way overkill for anyone that can't play the game for more than a couple hours every day
@ShadowmanZ92 8 ай бұрын
​@@bohdanpyzh2712I only play Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, and sometimes a few hours between then and I unlocked him already. It's not this massive grind, just keep playing and it happens on its own.
@Absts4ct 8 ай бұрын
@@bohdanpyzh2712 It's not that hard. I usually play a couple of quickplay games a day, and I reached level 45 WAY before Mauga was available in rank. And it's not supposed to be free. You're either paying with your money or your time. Why should you get it for free? Because you grace the game with your presence? You're already playing the game for free. How greedy are you? It's a f2p game. And some people still expect to get shit for free, as if it costs nothing to maintain a live service and continuously add new stuff to the game.
@TheRoseReaper 8 ай бұрын
It's because we paid for overwatch 1 and we got characters for free anyways.​@@Absts4ct
@macabrevoid 8 ай бұрын
Off topic but the music choices for this channel are based af Magma Colosseum from Pokémon Battle Revolution goes hard with Mauga
@ksh9037 8 ай бұрын
I hope tank players crying 'Support too OP' are happy with this tank and enjoy the exhilarating gameplay of sitting at one spot and shooting the enemy tank the whole game
@mckookie2967 8 ай бұрын
they are still op, Mauga and them being broken same time aren't mutually exclusive lmao
@ksh9037 8 ай бұрын
@@mckookie2967 well name me one support thats so broken that it doesnt let you play any other support other than said broken support?
@anarchistmaverick9507 8 ай бұрын
@@ksh9037Ana and kiriko
@mckookie2967 8 ай бұрын
@@ksh9037 i shit on Mauga all the time with Sigma before i unlocked him, Kiri's whole kit is busted, anti nade isn't balaced for 5v5 and lamp is still dumb. why we acting brand new?
@storm___ 8 ай бұрын
@@mckookie2967you're unhinged. the game wasn't in this bad of a state before mauga was added. supports are strong but whiners now are no where to be seen when a tank is literally unkillable?
@TheGostboy7 8 ай бұрын
Watching soliderthat first game was funny bro was MOVING FR
@israphial 8 ай бұрын
@Flats Loving the song choice from the Jet Set Radio Future soundtrack around 8:15, play more of that stuff!
@follenqueen 8 ай бұрын
I don't play much overwatch so I'm only gold 3 as tank but whenever I play against someone who doesn't have Mauga they will freak out in chat about pay to win or just complain about how strong Mauga is. At first he was fun to play but now it's gotten boring with how he plays, I have a little over six hours playtime with Mauga and 600k healing which genuinely shocked me
@TheLastEgg08 8 ай бұрын
They tried to design a champion like Mauga in Paladins a long time ago, they’re almost the same. Only problem Raum is a sustain machine but doesn’t do that much damage and it works much better cause in late game, certain items cut his sustain by a big chunk. But in Overwatch Mauga juste doesn’t work and I thought they learned their lesson with Doom but no, again the same design strategy, cool before practical.
@azelhart180 8 ай бұрын
I think they gave Raum similar buffs a few patches ago and it became a similar problem. These type of tanks like Raum and Mauga are better as offtanks.
@isiahmikester 8 ай бұрын
oh shit just realized he really is like raum lol. and people say paladins copied ow 👀
@TheLastEgg08 8 ай бұрын
@@azelhart180 Yeah, it was Yagorath on steroids.
@akumamask231 8 ай бұрын
I’m a no life on OW2, so I got mauga from tier 45, I don’t have the battlepass still and I’m already tier 95, so “Pay 2 Win” battlepass wise, can’t apply to my non-living self
@octalriver1349 8 ай бұрын
The funniest thing was when me and my buddies were trying computers for the first time and were just messing around in qp when Mauga just came to qp. We ended up facing one and of course my buddy was on tank and didn’t have the character. We got rolled, and the enemy mauga types fucking “tank diff” like bitch wtf are you talking about.
@snthy 8 ай бұрын
10:31 is this spray still obtainable my great great grandpa is asking
@KhotaMaz 8 ай бұрын
Flats u can cancel ur charge so u dont have to do the slam every time, it's faster when u run away
@webbacon7106 8 ай бұрын
he does that a few times
@ttnf_king3061 8 ай бұрын
I can’t even blame them for even being mad
@shov_1614 8 ай бұрын
Gotta feel bad for that Sigma... I'm not touching comp until this character gets balanced, like, so far the only thing this character introduced to the game is another tank melter, reinforced counter swapping (As if that would work) and now Introduced a cancer in the competitive where the matches are 2 maugas shooting at each other while ana and kiriko keep them alive and the 2 DPS try to do shit, not fun at all
@Revenge_Slayer 8 ай бұрын
must forgotten about illari on release
@masterweapon334 8 ай бұрын
You either play as Mauga and bully the other tank, play as another tank and get bullied by a Mauga, or you both play Mauga and no one has fun. The rare 4th option where both tanks don’t play Mauga is a good time, though. I asked someone in a QP game if they could swap off Mauga so we could play the game and they actually did ☺️
@itsalittleloud7799 8 ай бұрын
11:50 the tank experience 101
@gigaus0 8 ай бұрын
This guy really is Bastion 2.0, with more hp, two self heals, movement, and a lockdown. Why...
@darondaron99 8 ай бұрын
the best part taht his charge is unstoppable by abilities
@heresyslayer2734 8 ай бұрын
@ShFred 8 ай бұрын
When I’m playing tank and picking Mauga: *Enemy team locks Sigma Hanzo Mei Kiriko Anna and 5-man lock onto my ass as I chase my 2 random supports and DPS free roaming in the map, spraying the walls. When I get tired of this and pick support/ DPS: Enemy team picks Mauga, my tank insta locks D. VA and dives into Mauga’s pecks to give him a big hug, just as our Widow and Hanzo struggle to land a single shot on the enemy Pharah and Echo as they nuke us down. I’ve had this for 14 games in a row and at this point I’m convinced I’ll forever be on the losing side of this coin toss.
@billie_eyelash7172 8 ай бұрын
Is pretty easy to deal with Mauga since I go dva and my dps go bastion so I protect the bastion then bastion will deal with him
@cuppy1199 8 ай бұрын
Hes ass with an uncordinated team, but as soon as he gets double pocketed with a bastion on his team its over
@bobbobson9952 8 ай бұрын
I have to respect Blizzard for making a hero that is either completely broken of awful and is both not fun to play as or against. In fact nearly all heroes since OW2 besides JQ and maybe Ram feel like they don't have the same care or polish with their character and kit.
@darwinthompson7864 8 ай бұрын
Literally what I spammed in comp got called trash and reported had my account banned in 5min
@TheSwagman69 8 ай бұрын
I played against a Bastion and a Mauga together when that broken tank was first released.... I wanted to quit OW right then and there xD
@manuelgeraldino2235 8 ай бұрын
Lil odd how they buffed zuzu to do more burst healing and increased the cooldown anti arguably the one ability that pisses on mauga
Things That Make Me ANGRY In Overwatch 2
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