This is so wrong...

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Rabbi Manis Friedman

Rabbi Manis Friedman

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A chat with Rafi Pinsky of @SoothingSemantics
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Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern wit to captivate audiences around the world. For bookings, please call Zalman at 800-656-5669
Produced by It's Good To Know

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@olanrewajuadagba955 16 күн бұрын
00:01 Choosing between family and religious beliefs regarding gay rights. 01:13 Choosing between loyalty to son and Torah 02:58 Rejecting someone for their sins is intolerant and wrong. 04:28 Supportive of LGBTQ rights and accepting towards his gay neighbour 05:26 Defining homosexuality and its origins 06:46 Sexual attraction to pleasure is normal. 08:20 Individual's Perspective on dietary Preferences and sexual orientation 09:57 Discussion on sexual pleasure and validity of points made.
@chasti5754 10 күн бұрын
If you are telling me that everyone commits adultery, there is something wrong with this
@jorgecolon8587 18 күн бұрын
Your wisdom is so Amazing Rabbi. I thank God for having you enlightening Our understanding with your wisdom
@Phoenix-pl6ys 17 күн бұрын
Check what people pushed for LGBT agenda. In the US and around the World.
@shipsanckor 17 күн бұрын
@@Phoenix-pl6ys the ones that rebel against the will of God
@Phoenix-pl6ys 17 күн бұрын
@@shipsanckor EWS
@ANewBeggining-so1wp 17 күн бұрын
I don't see any wisdom in this kind of teaching. I see a bisexual Rabbi who is trying to suppress his feelings because he doesn't want to brake Torah. Feeling attracted to another man is a abomination in the eyes of the most High.
@shipsanckor 17 күн бұрын
@@ANewBeggining-so1wp I afree% shameful this rabbi is taking this position on this matter
@michaeltoney2277 17 күн бұрын
Gay Man Here: I appreciate the compassion the rabbi takes on this subject. I know for a fact that people don’t choose their sexuality. After all, I’ve never met a straight person who could tell me what age they chose to be straight. My sense is that the restrictions on homosexuality in Abrahamic faiths is a desire to populate and grow the Nation as quickly as possible. It was written in a time when the Nation of Israel was small and they needed every hand on deck procreating. I suspect Hashem actually has a blessing in mind for people that have to live this life so torn. It would be VASTLY easier for me if I found women attractive. The challenge that I have is looking upon the words requiring people like me to be stoned to death and considering them holy. If the Torah is wrong about that and to me it so clearly is, where else is it wrong? Life is so much easier for straight people.
@aviaronowitz4622 17 күн бұрын
It is definitely a valid question, for it does help us feel better about the mitzvot we do, and sins we avoid, when we actually understand at least something behind it for our little human brains. And so, I definitely support you in asking orthodox Rabbis for the reasons of things, but, as somebody who is not a Rabbi myself I must hesitate to assume, or agree with, any reasons we come up with on our own as to "why" G-d said what He said. If you are single, and very much gay (i.e. not bi, as I consider myself) I understand the challenge as I do believe you're not making this up in any way. As far as I understand it Hashem clearly wants biological genetic males to marry *_only_* biological genetic females, and so, as long as you are born male and your future wife is born female, her personality and looks does not have to be feminine at all in order for you to have a permissible love life. Just to be clear, I do not support any trans people harming themselves or getting any surgeries or taking any meds that negatively affect the healthy functions of the body that Hashem created them naturally in. We should all appreciate how we were created, and our permitted spouses should help us feel thankful to Him for it too, obviously. There are other labels for being attracted to certain personalities as opposed to certain looks of the genders. It also is a factor if you feel like you need a certain activity, as opposed to just any activity with somebody you fell in love with. If you need the gay act, then there is an added challenge I gather. But if it just is a need for any sexual activity with your love interest, then we just need to know how to get you and your true "zivug" to fall in love with each other. But whatever you do, being honest with ourselves definitely sounds to me to be an important step in getting to where I hope you will get one day (i.e. a healthy permitted happy fulfilling meaningful marriage)!
@aviaronowitz4622 17 күн бұрын
I hesitate to agree with your assumption, for being with one's wife during permitted times *_is actually a mitzvah, even if no children can_* *_possibly come from the encounter,_* e.g. if she is already pregnant, etc... In fact, I just read that it is very good for the baby during the last six months of pregnancy, for both to be intimate together and bond having relations etc.... Yet, certainly, this is not causing any additional child at that time. And we see that it is still G-ds wish, nonetheless! Also, the mitzvah to please ones wife, stands completely on its own, regardless of whether anything comes out of the act 9 months later!
@dudefrombelgium 15 күн бұрын
You need to understand that people are ashamed and hung up about sex so they will tell it different than it is. Even the ones who act tough. If they say they never chose for it chances are that they actually had some feelings of lust to the same sex at some point but are ashamed to talk about it. Same with your case, there could be a plethora of possible reasons for why you are the way you are. Maybe you are hung up as well. Maybe something got in to your thoughts at childhood which made you view yourself in a certain way. Maybe you are just less inclined to the opposite sex by nature. The truth is gender dysphoria and homosexuality is a complex topic which we haven't figured out yet. But i'm having a strong hunch that it's a psychological conundrum. As is much to do with sexuality. Peace to you.
@michaeltoney2277 15 күн бұрын
@@dudefrombelgium everything has a psychological basis of that I am sure. Gender issues have no relation to my sexuality. I am very much male so the two communities though often joined in people’s minds aren’t the same. I am too old to have shame about sexuality. You’re right though many people do. I think the bottom line is that some people don’t fit the standard in this regard. We wouldn’t read a test that condemned Down syndrome people and condemned them for being stoned and given it very much thought about its validity. To me when I read that part of the Torah that is what it’s like.
@aviaronowitz4622 15 күн бұрын
@@michaeltoney2277 Yes I know, gender identity and sexual orientation are two separate things. The first being about how you feel about yourself in relation to the two genders, and the second being which gender(s) attracts you. And they don't necessarily have any effect on, or relation to, each other. I used to wonder though: do healthy straight men and women (who don't have any gender identity issues) actually feel like the gender that they are? Is there even any specific feeling of being a man or a woman anyways? Or is it simply that they have the awareness that they are what they are, and done? For if there is anyways no natural "feeling-of-being-a-man" for men, and likewise for women, then how can there even be such a topic as "gender-identity" to start with? Like, sure, it might be a fun question to think about: "if you could pick a gender which one do you feel you would rather be and enjoy playing more?" but we all know how G-d made us, at the end of the day, and He clearly felt that the one He picked out for us was the right choice for what we need to accomplish in this world and for the, hopefully wonderful, life that He wishes to give us. And besides, even though there are certain halachic rules about what we cannot imitate of the opposite sex, I personally never understood why there has to be any other rules beyond that on our personality. If somebody wants to act in ways that have typically been associated more with females, or more with males, or do certain jobs or chores that make them feel good and fulfilled and nurturing or whatever it is, I'd say be my guest! Who can even make a case to stop a person from doing so? Obviously, as you stated, your "gender-identity" is in fact line with the body that He placed you in, but if somebody else would say that they don't feel like it, I would want to get to the root of it and suggest that they may totally do all those things they want anyways regardless of their body's biological sex. Leave everything as it is! And this way they should not feel like they are suffering in any way. Not every activity has to have a gender label slapped on it, you know. Men can be very nurturing and take care of babies in many ways, without being a woman, and women can do masculine things if it fits their personality and makes them happy, and nobody has to be concerned about changing anything of how G-d made them in any way whatsoever, not in 1) their unique personality and not in 2) their looks and body that He gave each and every one of us. That was my feelings on the topic of gender identity, but I'm sure it's possible that I'm missing something.
@kosheryoga 17 күн бұрын
They are born with an inclination and society is encouraging it.
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
the evil inclination is the yetzer hara or the nefesh habahamas (animal soul)?
@Xtl961 17 күн бұрын
Moses was not ok with it, do you know more than him
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
@@rainisgreen7870 Will it change what Moses knew if he was?
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
He's simply wrong on this. It's easy to empirically test too. Go to a primitive tribe that has no concept of sex at all. There's several of those. Show their men picture or video of gay sex and straight sex. Record the reactions. You'll get about 80% straight, with strong disgust reaction to same sex sex, then some indifferent, and finally some with reverse interest (aversion to straight sex). That's it, there goes your theory of "all humans are bi" as well as claims it's all culturally programmed.
@CarlosMarquez-tw3pf 17 күн бұрын
In the spanish 10 comandments my father use to say that honor children is normaly a HS gift given to us without beeing a comandment Laila tov dear Rabby Manish Freedman.
@GoodNews-fj6su 17 күн бұрын
I don't UNDERSTAND the rabbi's point on this! All i know is that the Torah is VERY CLEAR on this matter. Lev.20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be PUT to DEATH ; their blood shall be upon them. I do NOT wish this on anyone BUT that is what God commended to Israel!! I Love You❤️ God Bless You All🙏 Shalom✌️
@chipwilliams6236 17 күн бұрын
notice how they always say they don't care what people do in their homes. when it comes to the alphabet people. When people make that statement it means they really condone it . Notice if an older guy got caught with teen female they don't make that statement. They are just ready to hate, bully, terrorize and prosecute to the fullest extent. So we know the only crime that people are truly against in their hearts
@sallev1136 17 күн бұрын
Absolutely there is no if and but in the Torah it is a 100 % an abomination i am shocked how the Rabbi is sugar coating this subject i listen to Rabbis who openly and publicly are condemning Rabbi Friedman but i refused to unfollow the Rabbi until now this is crazy
@azebmokonnen8993 17 күн бұрын
@chipwilliams6236 17 күн бұрын
once again wicked youtube hide my last comment
@ANewBeggining-so1wp 17 күн бұрын
This is his way of coming out, what a disgrace.
@jimdeane3667 17 күн бұрын
Avot 1:11, Avtalion used to say: Sages be careful with your words, lest you incur the penalty of exile, and be carried off to a place of evil waters, and the disciples who follow you drink and die, and thus the name of heaven becomes profaned.
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
is this a threat? >:o
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
@@rainisgreen7870 From God, yes. You have understood it correctly my son.
@shipsanckor 18 күн бұрын
Sodom & gomora were destroyed - it’s willful sin - yes we are sinners but willful disobedience is not acceptable to the Lord
@robertsilver8924 18 күн бұрын
Not according to the Jews. That wasn't the reason.
@analysisonlight605 18 күн бұрын
@@robertsilver8924 what was it?
@queenofthecrossroads2613 17 күн бұрын
We Jews do not interpret the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as having anything to do with homosexuality.
@luisfontanez5681 17 күн бұрын
@@analysisonlight605 It wasnt about homosexuality it was about evil. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were wicked and vile people so much so that when G-d gave them a chance by sending two angels who pretended being humans with Abraham they tried to rape and kill the angels. In the story Sodom and Gomorrah commited the sin of inhospitality and evil against their neighbors so much so that when G-d sent his angels to redeem them they tried to murder and hurt them instead of providing for them and treating them with kindness. So since the angels did not find 10 righteous people G-d told them to destroy the cities.
@dudefrombelgium 17 күн бұрын
@@robertsilver8924 tell us what the reason is.
@irenashamay2371 18 күн бұрын
Intolerants is a problem that is true. Thank You Rabbi Friedman
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
intolerance of the chronic self h a r mers and icels. We aren't alpha males
@elissalipman6600 17 күн бұрын
We come into this life with lessons karma and if we are incarnated into a female body our soul most likely is here to experience and learn about being a female and what that means and if we are born into a male body we most likely are here to learn lessons related to being a man. I personally believe this it makes sense as well and if a soul was in a most recent life a female and incarnates in this lifetime as a male maybe their soul still feels comfortable as a female so they yearn to be female again it's comfortable however it may not be their soul lesson. This is one way of understanding this on a soul level.
@hur000 17 күн бұрын
I love ypu honesty and you view point This got so many things clear for me JazakAllah ❤❤
@hajrach9755 10 күн бұрын
@hajrach9755 10 күн бұрын
Dont take Allah's name from your filthy mouth
@songoftheblackunicorn666 18 күн бұрын
I don't think all women feel that way. Over a decade ago I was brought to jail on hearsay charges and it took a long time to get out because I was poor. I have never felt less sexual in my entire life and everything women did to each other in terms of extra curricular activities I found extremely repulsive. I don't find anything that a lesbian couple does to be fun even if a man were to do it. And I was not the only one there to feel that way one third of women feel that way. So almost one fifth of the human race disagrees with what you are saying and I think 🤔 that is not an insignificant number. I don't hate gay people or bi people but I am not one and have no inclination whatsoever to ever yru
@aestroai8012 17 күн бұрын
Interesting. I was expecting a big point at the end of Rabbi's statement, but there was just a "so be it." I'm straight, but as I don't date now, I wouldn't suddenly get randy in jail. Sex is just scratching an itch. If I'm not thirsty, I don't drink. I also feel rage, but I haven't hurt anyone from rage yet.
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
@@aestroai8012 low testosterone. Maybe intersex, a woman, or an omega male
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
As a man I would estimate the percentage among men is well over 50%, more like 70-80% I'd estimate. I've always suspected women are more fuzzy about their sexual preferences. It makes sense too, evolution didn't have to be as strict in filtering out deviations with the sex that's not playing the active, initiating role -- it doesn't result in immediate end of the species. Those species that reversed the trend are already no longer with us.
@songoftheblackunicorn666 15 күн бұрын
@@vmasing1965 not me or one third of other women either. Statistically one third of women are not wired for anything but vanilla heterosexual activities and won't even like the activities lesbians do if performed by a man of their preference.
@elizabethbooth5446 18 күн бұрын
Thank you rabbi
@patricez7626 17 күн бұрын
“Every human being is bi.” WRONG! Leviticus 20:13: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” (A serial killer also finds pleasure killing. Not all pleasure is good)
@jannekedebrie598 17 күн бұрын
I would love to hear MORE from rabbi Friedman about this topic
@guyford6962 17 күн бұрын
This generation needs to hear more on this topic! Guilt will keep you far from the truth..
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
Unfortunately he's totally wrong on this. Him being bi doesn't mean everyone is the same.
@TW-xz4hc 8 күн бұрын
We can keep praying for change. It is possible to change to the truth of God.
@mariebarrett7177 18 күн бұрын
How can he find the thought of another man sexually repulsive, men are wonderfully made! 😊 Beautiful..
@Timblisi 17 күн бұрын
There are many things in the world that I think are totally awesome. A beautiful sunset, a strong racehorse, adorable kittens, beautiful tropical fish, well made jewelry, tasty dinners, and men and women who are admirable for many reasons. There's only one individual member of one specific group of living beings that I have any interest in being physically intimate with. At least for me, a non-desire for sxx with anyone or anything is the norm, not the exception.
@mariebarrett7177 17 күн бұрын
I can understand why men as well as women look at men in that way.. just be better if they stopped lying to women about it, that's the problem I have... All men should come with a warning sign in capital letters... At least Mr Friedman is honest.
@mrcarr9890 17 күн бұрын
​@@mariebarrett7177 if you have a problem with G-d's handiwork, you have a problem with G-d. Take it up with the Creator, not the creations
@mariebarrett7177 17 күн бұрын
@@mrcarr9890 absolutely no problem with god's handiwork!
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
Says a woman! God, this is truly funny! No, all men are not born bi, most men are born with genetically programmed aversion to any, even slightly sexual thought about the same sex. And then there's some deviations, bi and gay. It has nothing to do with man's body without sexual context. Man's body can be very beautiful just like all animals, from both sexes, just like all Creation. Those are two completely different issues hopelessly mixed up here.
@soumakirimoto2195 17 күн бұрын
"Every human being is bisexual" No, sir
@dudefrombelgium 17 күн бұрын
He's right, every human is inclined to respond to pleasure. So if you were conditioned to or predisposed to the same sex for whatever external reason, then the body and mind will respond to it. Torah never said that human nature and impulses are good, that's why god brought down the Torah to submit us to a better way, where we are not adulterous or perverted. Notice how everything in Torah sets an example by showing you the most problematic base primal instincts of people and then obliging you to fight against them for the better.
@ANewBeggining-so1wp 17 күн бұрын
This was his coming out, what a disgraceful teaching. Shame on him.
@azebmokonnen8993 17 күн бұрын
Not me, I fear my God. I must live Holly. what is Holly means to You Rabbi ? :'(
@mymom9466 17 күн бұрын
@@ANewBeggining-so1wpwow don’t you understand Rabbi Friedman is helping people to understand truth without judgement or condemnation so that they can find their own way to give up falsehood and forbidden actions? He has helped may gay people choose to live straight lives. Shame on you for accusing him of being what G-d abhors.
@ANewBeggining-so1wp 17 күн бұрын
I know what I heard, are you also bisexual like him?
@guarionex4672 17 күн бұрын
🤯 Deeper concepts that only the few sages like yourself can understand and help others see, our devotion is a choice! Powerful understanding Rabbi! 🔥
@victoriasmith4739 8 күн бұрын
Rabbi and would be bffs cause I use this same argument 😂😂 the I’m bisexual “oh how original” gave me a good belly laugh thank you for your wisdom Rabbi ❤
@elizabethgleeson7399 17 күн бұрын
we are not here to judge that' s Gods job, we are here to love each other, worry about people killing each other, love to all
@lc9902 17 күн бұрын
Yes but we aren't here either to approve and support sinful behavior.
@aviaronowitz4622 17 күн бұрын
@@lc9902 Doing the gay men sin (anal sex between two males) is apparently the sin. But I don't think there is any sin in simply existing with an orientation. Of course we all want a permitted marriage that is fulfilling in every way, which may of course be more of a challenge for somebody who is ONLY attracted to same sex, i.e. "gay". I see no reason not to treat a gay man like anybody else, but that doesn't mean to support anybody doing the sin. *_"Love the sinner, not the sin",_* *_"hate sin, not the sinner",_* *especially if they never even did it,* *and also plan to never do so too!*
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
And you know this, how exactly? Because you took those values from a religion, from Judaism or it's offshoots. While ignoring what it's foundational text says. Hypocritical or just ignorant? Both?
@aviaronowitz4622 14 күн бұрын
@@vmasing1965 Hello, I wish you a wonderful life, and I believe that Judaism is the truth. If you were talking to me, I agree that I am quite ignorant. I am not an orthodox Rabbi, & I definitely have more to learn. But I refuse to budge from the position that Judaism is the truth. I'm sure you know that orthodox Jews believe that non-Jews are *_only_* obligated to do the 7 laws of Noah with all it's details. Only Jews must follow all the halacha of all 613 mitzvot, Oral Torah and The Written, whatever of it applies to each and every one of us. If you are Jewish I would love to call you my brother, and if not I still wish you a great life!
@vmasing1965 14 күн бұрын
@@aviaronowitz4622 Yes yes I know all that, and much more. Judaism is Christianity's older brother. So many times throughout history, also the much wiser one... Best wishes to you, I hope the best thing in life happens to you and our God decides to bless your entire life!
@jdavidviewer87 16 күн бұрын
I am amazed by the statement, everyone is born to like pleasure - but I don’t think everyone is born bi.
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
It's been empirically tested, countless times, in various cultures. The results are readily available. He's simply wrong here. Just another human being = makes mistakes. It's obvious he is bi himself thou. I for one, have no problem with that and will continue to follow him.
@tova9718 14 күн бұрын
But what's going on in prison I think he's making a good point
@kosheryoga 17 күн бұрын
If you throw out people on those terms, there will be no more families.
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
there haven't been. Our parents are forcing us to stay at the table on Shabbos or we get a potch
@lauranell2978 13 күн бұрын
The soul resides in our mind !
@akai.christo 18 күн бұрын
Thank you Rabbi Friedman!!💪✡️🙏❤️🔥🎶
@zacharycampbell1395 17 күн бұрын
I can't possibly believe that anyone is born gay, to me it's a very long, slow, and conscious pathological process of choosing it and reinforcing it as pleasurable from a very young age without any guidance. You decide to be gay when you're younger without even having the full responsibility of knowing what you're doing. If you replace the word gay with aggressive or violent it would be the same idea, it's always a choice of how we react to external things and experiences. Every different sin is a different level of challenge for every individual.
@deannab8890 17 күн бұрын
It happens from a hormonal imbalance in the womb, and it impacts the brain development.
@keinoir 17 күн бұрын
Well, I am a lesbian and I can tell you I didn't choose this. Since I can remember, as a child, I saw women not in a sexual way of course but as a maternal figure. Growing up, i realised that i wasnt interested in boys like all other girls. I even tried to force myself with men, it was traumatic and i am phisically and mentally repulsed by the penis. I just cannot do it, and i never chose this. In fact, i wished i was hetero because that would have been an easier life. You think that being gay is fun, thats why people do it? Guess what, it's a very lonely, painful life. So yes, i wish i could be hetero, marry and be a mother. I tried even, and sirprise surprise I just cannot because to me intimacy with penis is abuse towards myself
@deannab8890 17 күн бұрын
@@keinoirhetero woman here finds penises and balls hideous (I don’t even like to look at dog balls), but I love my husbands because I love him.
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
Yeah! We got turned gay when our parents molested us!!!!
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
@@keinoir yeah, penis is evil and it hurts. try mating with a transfem with a micropenis. It will be easier
@sebastiangruffydd2765 7 күн бұрын
You speak truth my brother. Shalom. 🙏👌🖖🔥🌈
@ryaneasterbrook3370 17 күн бұрын
Well said. What then should we do, when there is conflict between Torah and ourselves- do we swallow the camel or do we swallow the gnat?
@sofiayudelzon4830 17 күн бұрын
It is forbiden, like is forbiden to desire married woman, or adultery.
@dudefrombelgium 15 күн бұрын
@@sofiayudelzon4830 exactly one of the mitzvot which explicitly said which type of desire is a sin. The other desires are never explicitly called out, only the act upon them.
@GoodmanRecordingsTokyo 16 күн бұрын
So at 5:38 "What is gay?" "Beats me, I don't understand." EXACTLY. You don't understand, so knock it off with the holier than though judgementalism. Then Rabbi Friedman says "What makes you gay is the inability to be intimate with the opposite sex." "Every human being is bisexual." No, but you might be and that's fine. Animal sexual orientation is based on the physical properties of the brain and only the brain. There is nothing else to it. It cannot be changed. It's how we are created.
@user-si4qn6lk1y 17 күн бұрын
Rabbi I have loved ones that passed of aids and were very Loving gentlemen, kind, polite,knew God personally and had childhood pain. In a Heavenly Vision I have already seen these souls and they were glorified transfigured because of their Hearts and Compassion. You are absolutely correct in the pleasure of bi and curiosity of our nature. Thank You Elohim speaks through you to all of us.
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
Nope, it's only his own personal experience and doesn't apply to men in general. Quite the opposite, most men are definitely not bi.
@chissstardestroyer 11 күн бұрын
It is actually mentioned, in the passages in Genesis about Sodom; they're subtle and polite about it; but they do stress that these guys in that city wanted to "know" the strange young men visitors, and the message is clear that they meant to "know" them in the *marital* sense; so it is clearly there- and *disgusting* it is. And also, passages by Paul in his letters backs that assessment up ironically; about other groups, groups that were afflicted by the same sort of violent "software error", or worse still: willing immorality of one of the most profound and illicit methods imaginable!
@ariellamalkah2964 10 күн бұрын
GOD IS LOVE. God is acceptance. I, personally, did not choose who I am as attracted to, Inasmuch as straight people didn’t choose to be straight. Sexuality and is not a choice, being authentic about who you are is. The alternative can be a matter of life and death for so many. I did not choose to be Jewish, but I did choose to learn Torah so that I could live a meaningful life. I was born this way. I am so thankful for this. It is not easy being a minority in a minority, both of which face tremendous discrimination. We know that the world isn’t binary, it exists along a spectrum. I respect and honor your lifestyle as you are being authentic to yourself in your relationship to Hashem. I am living these two truths that are into my dna. The most important thing? Be kind. Shalom.
@marleneschoenfeld4939 17 күн бұрын
I should care about the children --- who was there for my child?😊
@danieleprince1200 18 күн бұрын
Rabbi thank you so much. I get so tired of people using the Today and the words of H'shem to justify hate. Keep educating us.
@lauranell2978 13 күн бұрын
Rabbi , we are distorted what it means time and space ! women and men , men are so beautiful !
@emoran5875 17 күн бұрын
Thank you Rabbi… Exactly! Amen.
@ANewBeggining-so1wp 17 күн бұрын
Not everybody is Bisexual. What a bs.
@eyalbension6059 17 күн бұрын
I think his point is not that every person is bi sexual but that every person could be bi sexual and that this inclination is normal. That being said, G-d has forbidden mankind to be sexually intimate with the same sex. At the end of the day humankind's addiction to pleasure is the norm. That form of pleasure will take various forms depending on the individual. Our choice to curb our pleasures as is outlined by the word of G-d becomes the determining factor of whether we are choosing to be G-d conscious and subsequently make a home for G-d in our lives or not.
@usainbolt5153 17 күн бұрын
Gtfoh me bi-trash hell nah not even satan can make me i challenge him i love woman toooooo much impossible
@usainbolt5153 17 күн бұрын
He is bi not me bredda 😂😂
@ANewBeggining-so1wp 17 күн бұрын
I totally disagree. You say: Everybody could be bisexual. That's not true. If somebody lusts or has sexual feelings for another man has serious problems and is a abomination in the eyes of the most High. I don't see any wisdom in his teaching but the opposite.
@eyalbension6059 17 күн бұрын
@@ANewBeggining-so1wp then I ask you: who was the commandments written for? What about other commandments like do not steal or do not commit adultery? We do not distance ourselves from G-d from the negatives tendencies we have but rather the actions that follow these impulses. In fact to the contrary. Someone who withholds himself from evil is to be lauded, possibly envied. For in the grand scheme of the cosmos he has turned darkness into light.
@americanprowesssalvation-w1353 17 күн бұрын
Totally disagree on all humans being Bi sexual. (a deist)
@lauranell2978 13 күн бұрын
The mind wants space to expand ! Time we have obligations ! The wheel of life!
@lauranell2978 13 күн бұрын
Men want space and women time, but its in all of us to want both !
@maryseidler5083 18 күн бұрын
Good Morning Rabbi and WOW that was a lot! Again need to digest like Mr.Pinsky I think you are honest and mindful in this talk.Thank you but now confused
@user-cv2df5cr8i 17 күн бұрын
WoW - .. sometimes we people are so blind to oversee the obvious ))) - Tolerance is key . Thank you 😀
@Exoticdude19 11 күн бұрын
you can still love you’re son/daughter even if there gay/lesbian even if you think the lifestyle is wrong or Not
@jennispurr203 18 күн бұрын
What if your child was a drug addict and thief … you let them light up a crack pipe at the dinner table ?
@dansaber4427 18 күн бұрын
God created everyone with a unique orientation. As unique as your god-given fingerprints. No two are the same. One of the letters is for you. You're included. No exceptions zero excuses.
@dansaber4427 17 күн бұрын
@@solmaster69 I'm just here to discuss the literature with you. I'm not a religious person, so maybe you'll appreciate my unbiased opinion. It sounds like you've eaten from the Tree of knowledge. You travail like a woman in labor and have a desire to be ruled over because that's the consequence of having God's knowledge. Repent of God's knowledge. It's like the lord of the rings. You're not the right one to wield it. If you had seen Indiana Jones you would know not to mess with the Jewish scriptures. As Indiana Jones said in the movie ''don't even look at it.''
@solmaster69 17 күн бұрын
@@dansaber4427 my wisdom and knowledge is greater than yours will ever be and come why should I answer you!! You know what Elohim said anyway!! there are those who will lead you from the path, who think they say yes to God, but are vile serpents who do not know His will, or do not accept His will. why do you think that I want to know you and teach you in wisdom and knowledge that comes from him who is greater than I? If you doubt what I tell you, then God is not in you. You have no idea about my wisdom and knowledge, but I know your wisdom and knowledge, but this is very low my son. do you know what he says about you!! what does the fool know in wisdom, out of his mouth comes no wisdom only foolishness and like this rabbi who only speaks for his bank account and money. You've been given eyes, but they don't exactly work that well, my son.
@solmaster69 17 күн бұрын
@@dansaber4427 do you know what he says about you!! what does the fool know in wisdom, out of his mouth comes no wisdom only foolishness and like this rabbi who only speaks for his bank account and money. You've been given eyes, but they don't exactly work that well, my son. Elohim said, Love the things I love and hate the things I hate, be perfect and see the difference in the balance of good and evil. if you are imperfect in evil then you will remain imperfect in that evil, if you get wisdom in perfection in goodness then you will become perfect my son. you are not perfect because you wouldn't ask these questions to a hebrew like me. you have no idea where my wisdom comes from or where my words come from, but will not be from a monkey like you.
@solmaster69 17 күн бұрын
@@dansaber4427 i have nothing to repent not in soul and spirit my son. Elohim said, Love the things I love and hate the things I hate, be perfect and see the difference in the balance of good and evil. if you are imperfect in evil then you will remain imperfect in that evil, if you get wisdom in perfection in goodness then you will become perfect my son. you are not perfect because you wouldn't ask these questions to a hebrew like me. you have no idea where my wisdom comes from or where my words come from, but will not be from a monkey like you.
@YehochananSoferMizrachi 15 күн бұрын
Finally, a religious leader, who has a more well-defined stance on this, instead of all that other wishy-washy nonsense! It is a very sensitive issue, and therefore, should be approached with love, compassion, and understanding. HaShem has made it pretty clear, in Vayikra 18 and 20, what He thinks of male homosexual acts. Keep in mind, not agreeing with someone’s actions is NOT the equivalence of hating them on an individual basis. At the same time, no one should be discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation, as HaShem commanded us to love them, through our actions, as He has loved us, regardless of our imperfections. One may not be able to choose the kinds of sexual attractions they have, but they DO have self-control, over what they do with those attractions, and how they act, especially in a religious communal setting.
@memyself8285 17 күн бұрын
Human and animal are not the same. We cannot and should not let our flesh to direct our actions. That is why we are to keep G-D’s commandants and submit our minds to His authority. With all the respect to Rabbi, men need to stand and leave all fear behind and stand in a gap for your families and children. Time is short! Maybe G-d will have mercy. Shalom.
@imsimplydavid1796 17 күн бұрын
Right on point !
@irakotlik 17 күн бұрын
Man, I can hear divine laughing watching it. This is where living jewish wisdom went astray with going by "the book" ( very very old book mind you.. ) rather than being able to live by the Heart in the Present. Who cares?! "Sinner?" For wanting who you want sexually?? All this started when we erased Ashtoret from divine leadership in Canaan. Yahweh lost his wife and we lost sanity.
@tamaratserennyam8454 18 күн бұрын
Thank you . Sounds like we cannot punish our kids rejecting them , because LJBt issue, and it seemed make sense. Yes I am sinner, and attracting things , but cannot accept the gender issue even more because The God created only 2 genger.
@noelmwavu9838 17 күн бұрын
What makes any one anything is a choice, free will is a personal endevour, "who is not attracted to what feels good" perfect example
@noelmwavu9838 17 күн бұрын
But is it right? That is a mind eff
@AJ21969 17 күн бұрын
Politics is downstream of culture. Gay: Joyous and Lively, Light-hearted, Merry, Happy.
@itstherudy 16 күн бұрын
Same sex attraction in a non sexual manner is perfectly normal, esp in children b4 puberty. As children, we are attracted to what we want to become. A boy will often be attracted to a man, to the ideal male form, both physically & mentally, cuz that's what he wishes to become. That attraction can easily become hijacked & corrupted due to the traumas of emotional abuse, molestation, lack of positive male role models, harmful social conditioning, & hormonal imbalances brought on by genetic abnormalities or dangerous chemicals in food, water, & environment. As humans, we have a high sex drive & we are increasingly living in societies that teaches lack of discipline & shame of that drive. Does it feel good? Of course, but so does certain fatal recreational drugs, which often have the same euphoric effects as sexual release. Doesn't that call for discipline & shame when we don't control our lustful desires or are we advocating for the fiendish addiction to pleasure? Healthy homoeroticism has it's place, we see it all the time in athleticism, but when it's encouraged to be unrestricted, undisciplined, & unabashed just for the hedonistic pleasure that appeases an unhealthy ego is when all hell breaks loose. We need to teach men how to be disciplined men who are not afraid to balance their masculine ego with respect for the nurturing nature of the feminine ego, both from within & without. I understand that not all boys will grow up to be the most masculine of men as not all girls will be the most feminine of women, & thats perfectly ok, too, they can find balance within the right pairing, if so desired. The key here, regardless of the level of masculinity/femininity, is the balance within one's own self that is rooted in discipline, shame, & respect that comes from the repentance of sins & the sincere reverence of God, above all else. If we can get that right, everything else that is good, that needs to be good in society, will fall into place, I promise. 💐💛⚔️
@desiraecampbell3547 17 күн бұрын
@smonline631 10 күн бұрын
This is most shocking discourse of rabbi
@lauranell2978 13 күн бұрын
I am not challenging you Rabbi , I love your divine intelliigence , Heaven and Hell by Dio
@lindar8095 14 күн бұрын
@judy1879 17 күн бұрын
The soul is love based, wouldn't gay be an ego based decision. Our ego's are shaped by our external environment, isn’t our job to transcend our ego? We are a product of creation, the building blocks of the earth governed by morals & values wouldn't gay be disrespectful of creation?
@judy1879 17 күн бұрын
Feels good doesn't make it right. Is it ok for a father to have sex with his 5 year old daughter because he finds pleasure in this?
@levijacobe3841 14 күн бұрын
ימלך אדוני לעולם אלוהיך ציון לדור ודור הללויה
@rayshellray2824 17 күн бұрын
My belief and my opinion god is pure love and pure acceptance come on it 2024 i have a adult child i support all the choose and i still love god and all i dont sepreate the two
@joecartwright9221 16 күн бұрын
They are hardwired that way . If you love me keep My commandments.
@user-xz6mw6fw3o 18 күн бұрын
@stefanodavideconti6844 17 күн бұрын
Very open minded opinions. Thank you very much.
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
So open minded that the brain falls out. Also wrong, strictly scientifically speaking. The empirical test results are readily available. Are we ignoring science now, too?
@stefanodavideconti6844 16 күн бұрын
@@vmasing1965 What is wrong?
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
@@stefanodavideconti6844 Everyone is not bi. You didn't know that?
@dudefrombelgium 13 күн бұрын
@@vmasing1965 It feels like you're struggling with some sexual frustration and poor self image. The Rabbi made a valid point, too bad you're too ashamed to see it.
@robertparsons313 9 күн бұрын
Sometimes it's the LGBT person who is intolerant. They reject their parents who still love them but can't celebrate everything they do.
@mikemaresca4999 18 күн бұрын
Everyone knows that there's an asterisk under all of the sins... "unless thou really, really wants to do it".
@neinkalando2519 16 күн бұрын
You can eat raw beef that is certified safe but you can't do the same with pork
@mr.revolution33 11 күн бұрын
Rabbi " Every human being is bi-sexual."
@lauranell2978 17 күн бұрын
Rabbi a few months ago a Jewish man had some kind of heart transplant, it was from a pig , and he , asked if it was right by God ? The very thing I thought ! If you asked it, you are probably the first person in history to bless this animal !
@mr.bob4630 17 күн бұрын
Very intriguing, but I would have liked to hear more. Rabbi Friedman seems to imply that same-sex relations are not preferable, as they violate explicit commandments, but they are nonetheless tolerated by G-d if the person feels incapable of an opposite-sex relationship . Is that right?
@SeekingToServe 17 күн бұрын
No. He was saying that human beings are created with the desire for pleasure and people can find pleasure in anything. The drive for pleasure is normal. But God puts limitations. The only question is if we are going to follow his limitations to serve him, or will just serve ourselves? A person who has desires that aren't in line with God's will is in the spectrum of normal, but he can rise above that and serve God. It's a choice. Free will.
@humanerror7 17 күн бұрын
You can really feel the Rabbi's confidence on this matter compared to the guy he's speaking with. Most straight men do not want to think about these things and it makes them extremely uncomfortable. I've observed the world for many years now, and I agree with the Rabbi. A good friend of mine who went gay always said that he enjoyed sex with women, it's just that they were too much trouble. He took the path of least resistance, and was a self branded hedonist. To follow what feels good makes sense, so I agree, it is an inability to lie with the opposite sex that makes a person gay, and one cannot discount the effect of adverse childhood sexual experience in relation to this matter. Pornography does us no good either....I've been free of porn for a while now, but I remember that as time went by, the shit I'd see promoted on the front page got more and more the point where anyone I know that watches porn is regularly watching mock incest...pretty wack.
@user-lj6zh9lr6x 10 күн бұрын
The point is .. obviously god allows you to do whatever you want .. but he would prefer he would like he would love if you follow HIS WAY.. if not you’ll face the consequences of your actions 🤷‍♂️
@desiraecampbell3547 17 күн бұрын
@parishadnz.6048 17 күн бұрын
..what about attraction to kids??
@BuddyServes 18 күн бұрын
We all have characteristics that seem to be male or female.
@mannyjimenez6942 17 күн бұрын
My daughter came to me crying saying she was gay. I said ok, and she just looked at me. I left her alone so as to not make her prove it to me somehow. Of course I didn't like it but I left her alone. A couple years later she fell for a very nice young man and suddenly she wasn't gay. Being gay now a days is a trend. Best thing to do is let the kid grow out of it. Easier said than done but pray a lot and eventually the miracle will happen.
@dudefrombelgium 15 күн бұрын
You did the right thing. You shouldn't feed your children's doubts and fears. That's what machismo does to people. It feeds doubts in to our heads. That's why we sacrificed the bull before the tabernacle! To defeat the primal instincts of men and women.
@m.finkel6183 17 күн бұрын
what if a person was born with desire to kill people, so he always feels like killing someone? Is it ok and he shouldn't be executed after acting according to his desire?????? So, how you not abandoning G-d and when condoning murderer?! It's not a question
@waltershumer4211 17 күн бұрын
If you tolerate everything you stand for nothing.
@krisztianm5069 17 күн бұрын
If you tolerate everything then you want peace
@waltershumer4211 17 күн бұрын
@@krisztianm5069 if you want peace prepare for war
@sanich0811 17 күн бұрын
@@krisztianm5069 Whoever prefers shame for the sake of peace receives shame and war
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
Pro consent dawg....
@waltershumer4211 16 күн бұрын
@@krisztianm5069 if you want peace prepare for war
@PLnbdy 17 күн бұрын
i feel like id be standing in the way of someone set on wrongdoing.... 🤷‍♂️ wheat and chaff.... the almighty breeze...
@zetaepsilondelta545 17 күн бұрын
(G)od said (L)et (T)here (B)e ... קשׁתּ. It seems they are building their own Ark... sailing to a different Eden within a different Chakra of a different God, perhaps.
@blonderover 17 күн бұрын
Lmao 😂
@user-jl7cb1fg2r 17 күн бұрын
Invalidating your son’s personal way of happy living(based on imperfect dogma) does damage to your relationship with your son. Learn Psychology not only Theology. Trauma flourishes when you have hardship and no compassionate presence. That’s a recipe for post traumatic stress disorder and religious trauma. Nothing should stay in the way of you supporting your son’s wishes, unless you truly believe something Is damaging to his happiness (or someone else’s of course). If you Say you love your son uncondifionally but you don’t accept his fight for his own happiness… that’s not true love, it’s heartbreak. You damage your son and his safe relationship with you. Dogma Is not worth it.
@user-cj1kz8jf4y 18 күн бұрын
@colemanhigley747 18 күн бұрын
As usual the Rabbi peals back an extra layer of the onion for me to digest and think deeper about. Excellent.
@lauralee1254 18 күн бұрын
I agree to a point sex in the back door IS GROSEEEE PERIOD
@charlesabraham-ramirez-verdugo 15 күн бұрын
G-d’s way is always the best way.
@parishadnz.6048 17 күн бұрын
....I didn't get the conclusion....whats the point then? God said it's ok if all feel the same to you??!! What about those finding plesure by kids???
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
Forget it, on this one he's simply wrong. He's simply bi, himself, and so he prolly assumed everyone else must be also.
@parishadnz.6048 16 күн бұрын
@@vmasing1965 ..why do you think he is bi??
@vmasing1965 15 күн бұрын
@@parishadnz.6048 What a strange question... You didn't watch the video, did you? Maybe because he says everyone is bi? I think he is included in "everyone". I'm also pretty sure he knows quite well about himself. It's his theory about the others I'm doubtful about.
@parishadnz.6048 15 күн бұрын
@@vmasing1965 ...I didn't watch the video? Why am I asking questions so??!!!He says god made us and our nature, so he is ok with whatever brings us pleasure! To me it's not true simply because unlike the animals god gave us also decision making power and the conscious togheter with the free choice ability; So, I'd repeat that god will not be ok if one likes to have sex with a kid for his own selfish pleasure!! What aout one goes with animals?? Is it also ok?About being bi...what means being bi? One who is attraceted to both genders?? If so, I am not agree; but if it means only we are made of either masculine or feminine energy, I am agree. About Rabbi himself I have no clue to be able to have any pre justice on him...I think he is trying to say we are everything..even when we kill someone it's in our nature after all...but it doesn't mean we should follow our animal instincts, be it sexual, anger, etc...
@vmasing1965 15 күн бұрын
@@parishadnz.6048 Is it really too hard to look up what is bi if you don't know it?
@RunesandReapers 17 күн бұрын
Kinsey said it best it's kind of a spectrum. I think many religious folks and actually the really left-wing people miss this. Most people develop their attraction, the natural state is obviously the most fertile one but that's not the point. The point is controlling your inclinations especially the ones that don't benefit you or those around you. That's the idea he is getting across.
@marleneschoenfeld4939 17 күн бұрын
Who is Jezebel anyway? If I had my Navi book which Adelstein took I could look it up
@altmanidan 8 күн бұрын
We are also bi in the sense of good and evil. we are both. you know which way god prefers you to be but in the end its your choice.
@dreznik 17 күн бұрын
This is the issue of our time. The dangers to Israel are immense.
@m.finkel6183 17 күн бұрын
why you should be tolerant to evil people, even if they are you children, i can't get it
@orionvassi 17 күн бұрын
Very good analysis but I believe that a strong willed person wouldn't turn bi even in prison unless forced to.
@susansmith-po7fy 14 күн бұрын
I am shocked at this Rabbi. He chooses to go against Torah using his own theology. So what if all left his congregation, but one? This is not a "laughing matter," as he suggests with his adultery comment. Shameful.
@SS-zg6of 18 күн бұрын
WTF? The alphabet mafia wears black!
@kitsunka2 17 күн бұрын
Still better then washing kittens to blue and stealing their eyes just to force more "love" for self. No wonder gods left you. Every page you read for your god is making you more lost and things become unnatural.
@rainisgreen7870 16 күн бұрын
@usainbolt5153 17 күн бұрын
Regarding 09:51 majority of inmates dont get involved in homosexuality there are some who do but its the minority
@onknorr984 10 күн бұрын
We either obey G-d and His divine will or go against Him
@user-ej8ot7nx2s 17 күн бұрын
Why can’t you have the Torah and your son seriously
@marleneschoenfeld4939 17 күн бұрын
I'm not a saint, I 'm not going to bring moshiach - if I irritate people I'm sorry
@ithelpdeskcomhar8236 16 күн бұрын
I can't go along with we are all bisexual.., any sexaul desire is Learned by nature or created by usual circumstances like incarceration. If unusual circumstances do not out occur no one would be bisexual..
@shipsanckor 17 күн бұрын
Torah sais he created them male & female & to reproduce - that’s it! You do you like but it is NOT God’s will- but there is sin in the world and sin gives into the flesh and this is not in keeping with holiness - love people and teach them Torah and pray for them but don’t do what they do- God is judge not us
@richardleigh4003 18 күн бұрын
Born bi. So, all the other stuff is just culture. Makes sense, thanks.
@vmasing1965 16 күн бұрын
Nope, it's not cultural. It's genetically programmed, with some... let's say, exceptions, in this programming. And no, we're definitely not all born bi. This is obviously not true and very easy to test. Go visit a culture that has no concept of straight or gay sexuality at all. Lots of primitive cultures don't. Test the men's reaction to gay sex and straight sex. Most will clearly react one way, and then you'll find some exceptions. That's it, there goes your "all men are born bi".
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