This Is Why Women Compete With Other Women

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Alexander Grace

Alexander Grace

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I'm not a life coach. I think they're scam artists who want to pretend to be therapists without needing an actual qualification.
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@alexandergrace5350 5 жыл бұрын
This man has asked for advice. If you have some words of wisdom to give him, share them here. ''Hey Alexander First of all, i have really enjoyed your videos - they are an inspiration to me, and i have really learned a lot about the world through them! Now, i want to share a story with you today that i want your honest opinion on (as well as the opinion of your subscribers). It is a story that i would like to call “slept with a girl, now have a reputation as a “creep””. I have been thinking about this for some days and i am really torn between if this is my own fault or if i have just been unfortunate enough to meet a crazy psycho chick. So i want you to give me a straight and honest answer when you judge this story. It is quite long because i want to give as many details as possible to make the story stand out more clearly, but i hope you can stay focused throughout. Alright here goes: I started this study major last year at University (i just finished my second semester) which i enjoy and which gives me fulfillment because i get to travel in my fourth semester which i like. As soon as i started, there were rumors about this particular latina girl from my ‘sister-major’ (the two majors are very similar, but the difference is that the other major is directed towards international students). This girl were very open and direct in her ways of attracting attention towards herself, especially from men. People from my major had all kinds of stories to tell about her, how she slept with one of her tutors (supervisers) on one of the first parties and how she kept clinging to and touching every man that talked with her. I was obviously appalled by this, but i still found myself being a little intrigued and i wanted to meet her personally. Fast forward a few weeks later and i got that chance. So i went to this party, and one thing lead to another and the two of us ended up dancing through much of the night. Then she started to kiss me and took my hands and lead them down to touch her ass. It was a bit weird but i liked it. We ended up making out a lot more the rest of the night and i took her home and had sex with her. She wasn’t particularly attractive (the others from my major said that she was ugly) but i still thought she was very cute and i also have a bit of a thing for latinas, so i considered myself a lucky man after that night. A few days later we went to another party, and i got a feeling that she avoided me (i wasn’t particularly trying to seek her out or anything). So afterwards i sent her a text message (i regret this SOO much today, since this sparked the entire story..) asking her what this was about and saying that i had a little thing for her (ugh…). She responded about 5 days later saying she didn’t know what to reply and that she wasn’t trying to avoid me, which was fine. I just texted her back something like “okay no problem. If you want to, you are welcome at my place again some other time”. I never got a reply from that, so i thought “okay, done deal, no problem, move on”, which i did. About a month or so later, i went to this christmas dinner thing hosted by the tutors, where i got to talk with many other people from the ’sister-major’. Out of nowhere she sits next to me, holds my hands and touches me very inappropriately, whilst i was in the middle of a conversation with another girl. I was shocked. She grabbed me and said “we need to talk” and took me outside. She said she was sorry that she never replied to my earlier message and BEGGED me to take her home again. She then grabbed my arm and forced me to go back to my place. I was a bit drunk and had lost all my inhibitions, so i let her. She didn’t even want to take her coat with her, which she purposely forgot at the party. We went home and had sex again. After she left my apartment this second time, i had a very weird feeling in my stomach. I have never tried something like this before. I saw her in the canteen the next week-day and confronted her about it. She said she didn’t know what she wants in life and that she had to think about it and text me back. Okay, hmm a little weird but alright. A couple of weeks later, i still couldn’t shake the thought of her - i have no idea what the hell that was, but i really thought the best thing for me to do was to move on. So i decided to text her one last time telling her that i thought she was very cute and that she was being too harsh on herself, which i thought was a shame. I ended it with a Goodbye. DOT. Naturally that message did not receive a reply either. After this, i moved on and forgot all about her. Then, about two months later, i received a text message from her. It said something about that she was very sorry that she never replied (again …) and that she didn’t know what she wanted in life (again…) and all kinds of other crap that i really couldn’t take seriously at this point. I had joined an organization, which to my honest surprise, she was a member of, and they had a meeting the next day in which i coincidentally couldn’t come to because of other commitments. She said that she was afraid it was going to be awkward and that is why she felt she had to text me. I didn’t know what to reply and i honestly contemplated about not replying to her. BUT since i have this naive principle of always replying, i did reply to her the next day saying i thought we should forget about everything and start over. My reply, ta-daa, did not get a reply back… Fast forward to the next party and she was there - we didn’t do anything this time but suddenly later that night she calls me.... I didn’t pick up the phone because i was doing something else. I thought she was going to explain herself, so i called her a few times to get her to speak. She never picked up her phone, and so i just ended it with “i saw your call, i thought you were gonna call me and explain yourself” or something like that. No reply, surprise surprise. At this point i started to really think this was very very weird, but oh-oh it gets much much worse, for listen to this: Recently i got an explanation from one of her friends from her major. It turns out (and fasten your seat-belts for this one) she has gone around and said to just about EVERYONE in her major for the last couple of months now that i am a “creep” that “stalks” her (she got me to order her a taxi the last time we were together, so i knew her address) and “keeps texting her”, and the worst part is that everyone believes her lies and fictitious narratives and now avoids me like the plague, which really saddens me, because this is COMPLETELY unjustified behavior. Also i hear that she is trash-talking and bullying me about this with all her friends from the major. Although i do have to dip in with a side story about my friend who took my phone once and texted her with some shit about loving her and to meet her somewhere, which i told her friend wasn’t me. BUT i take full responsibility for this nonetheless, because we were both very drunk and i shouldn’t have lend him my phone. Also i have to pinpoint that this happened very recently and a long time after she started with her lies and manipulations so it was not that that did it, it only spewed more fuel to the fire. Anyway, the two of them has for the last three months been trash-talking me, and exchanged pictures of my texts with them (apparently these girls know how to make certain texts fit in with some weird narrative that makes me look very very bad). I now have this unshakeable reputation in the ‘sister-major’ of being this “creep” - apparently their name for me is “Mr. Creepy boy”. I have no idea what the fuck happened, this has never happened to me before and i have no idea how to react to this. I am contemplating going to a psychiatrist for this experience, so serious i think it is…. Also i am contemplating about filing a harassment report against her, although i am afraid they will not take it seriously because you know.. i am a man... I am afraid this reputation will follow me for the rest of my time in University…. But that leaves me to this that i have been thinking about for some time now: Is this my own fault? Should i have listened to a lot of signals (there were many as you can hear)? Should i never have texted her back when she texted me? In the end, have i brought this down upon myself, or was it a case of meeting a crazy person who decided to use me and manipulate the entire school into branding me as a creep? What do you all think?'' If you have advice for him, post it here. I get emails like this all the time from people wanting advice. I'm now going to be posting my responses as exclusive content for my $5 Patreon Supporters. To give you an idea of what you can expect in terms of Patreon-Exclusive content, check out my response to him (33mins) at this link: If you're ready to sign up to my patreon, to show your support and help me be less dependent on the KZbin Monetization Gods, click here:
@yass912 5 жыл бұрын
@AlexBobalexRavenclaw 5 жыл бұрын
Alexander Grace If everything he’s saying is true, and I believe him because there’s so much detail, and thinking about why I’d behave this way if I were in her shoes, she’s just a big mess. She cannot control herself when she has attention, so she fast-tracked the “relationship”and became uncomfortable because she realized she didn’t really like him. Personally, I don’t think she really likes herself. When she ignored him for some time, and then saw him chatting with another girl, it was the perfect combination for her to get jealous and have a purpose to win him back, although it didn’t sound like it was very hard because he wasn’t sober. I imagine he felt strange about her the second time he slept with her because it sounded like she drunk-raped him! Young man, every time she ignored you, it sounds as though it was because she got the satisfaction she wanted from feeling desired, or in one of the situations you described, she was vengeful. Completely stop communicating with her! She’s not ready to commit, and she is clearly the creep as you stated in the beginning. I would never recommend anyone to continue seeing someone who fast-tracks relations, is uninvested, and fabricates lies to steer their responsibilities away from themselves. They’re an empty vessel, most often taking, and giving only the minimum at the most desperate of times. This is no guarantee, but I think if you have a good support system, get together and tell them everything, and get that harassment order against her in place. You’ll have to show the honest texts that you had with her, perhaps her friend that told you about the rumors she spread will be willing to stand as a witness. Stop sleeping around. Obviously, random casual sex leads to sexual allegation charges. I always hope and pray the guilty party gets to take on that responsibility. This is as much advice as I can come up with at the moment. I would tell this to my brothers if they were in this situation. May justice be served.
@doomsvortex 5 жыл бұрын
To be honest, your questions at the end kind of hints at your already knowing the answer deep inside, but there is a slight sign of denial. It's unfortunate that you could not overcome your intrigue and letting your desires get the better of you, and I feel bad that you drew a really bad lot out of the bunch. In the end though, it was still your choice to play with fire, and you got burned for it. That being said, I have a friend who went through a similar case like yours and he got wrecked pretty hard. I can only imagine what you are going through, and I sincerely hope that you learn from this experience and come out even stronger and level-headed than before. Good luck brother.
@GDKLockout 5 жыл бұрын
A rough learning experience. Now you know how to spot them earlier, and avoid like the plague. Booty is hard to resist but you have to. Having female friends to back you up would have helped. Join co-ed activities and the such and the sane women will come to their own judgement. I think you will find that its not all the girls that believe her. Most sane girla can read theough the BS . Also she will probably end up trashing them all too. Once you leave college you will leave this behind, so consider it a trial run for real life. P.s. "my friend sent those msgs" is a weak lie. And even if true, sounds false. Its ok if you got caught up with it and went a bit full on. Your not the first guy to make a fool of himself in such a way. Best response to anyone else calling you creepy is to laugh at it at ask why anyone should care what they think?
@GDKLockout 5 жыл бұрын
Im not sure if this helps because im a lot older than you but im currently dealing with a rumour that i groped someone. In reality its a sabotage attempt by a business competitor. I openly told my friends and wife about it. I walk around, chest out, chin up and blank anyone i suspect of buying into the lie. The feminist network are still pushing it but doubt is enough for anyone not directly involved. 6 months later and the only ones who believe are her friends. And they weren't my customers anyways.
@sonofsarek 5 жыл бұрын
They are WAY more competitive than men. I lived in a house with 5 girls - it was an awful experience.
@helenee.5462 2 жыл бұрын
Women are in competition with each other as a way of remaining in control too. To keep the power. Of feeling superior to other women by taking them down. Manipulative techniques, toxic traits, immature behaviour. Women with low self esteem push others down, while women with high self esteem lift others up. Sometimes I wish I was a guy, so I could have “brothers”, not being dragged into that spiral of jealousy and manipulation a lot of insecure women does. But there are many amazing women out there too:)
@Subkubchik Жыл бұрын
The guys spittin truth
@reinoldi1097 5 жыл бұрын
German we have a word... dont know if there is an direct translation... "Stutenbissigkeit" WHAT DOES STUTENBISSIG MEAN IN GERMAN? as a woman aggressive toward other women, wary.' funny fact Stuten-bissig Stute = Mare Bissig = to bite
@larrysnoova3438 5 жыл бұрын
@clipaqua8848 5 жыл бұрын
I got so sad watching this.. competitive girls i caused me so much pain in school. Since then I’ve always preferred to be alone. I hope they found whatever hypothetical man they were fighting so hard for.
@petparadise6955 4 жыл бұрын
I feel you
@robkitchen5344 4 жыл бұрын
@bink865 3 жыл бұрын
I never met women like this till I moved to a town. In the city people have too much going on in their lives
@Ghostrider-71 5 жыл бұрын
It’s just another game being played. Just walk away.
@fansofst.maximustheconfess8226 5 жыл бұрын
@skillustrates 5 жыл бұрын
Where’s the fun in that? Much more interesting to play one against the other. Which is almost effortless, especially when both sides have legitimate claims to nearness with you. Actually now that I think about it, maybe you have to be narcissistic to find the entertainment in that.
@InvincibleAirman 4 жыл бұрын
Walk away from what, from human nature? You're playing all kinds of "games" yourself, too, if you want to use this kind of terminology.
@DamianSzajnowski 4 жыл бұрын
@@InvincibleAirman Realising the game is empowering - you can choose to re-enter it with the knowledge that it indeed is a funny game with mostly arbitrary rules.
@zisischartampilas6601 3 жыл бұрын
@@InvincibleAirman yeah its human nature alright but its bad one we should and CAN avoid but we just dont WANT to
@MewpsyCat 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a woman and I just had a horrible experience with another girl who manipulated and emotionally abused me and made everything a competition. She is what led me to quit doing what I loved because I couldn't take it anymore. Never being friends with another girl ever again
@samengelage3521 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that. It's gotta be tough having difficulty finding real friends in your own gender.
@RobL350 Жыл бұрын
No, you're a child. If you were a woman you wouldn't have a tiny little kid anime profile picture.
@Loveispeacej 8 ай бұрын
Good I'm happy she did that you 😂😂😂😂😂
@bluev38 8 ай бұрын
They are evil
@jackandblaze5956 5 жыл бұрын
Why don't we start using the word "creepy" to describe WOMEN who do these things? After all if you look past the surface, it is creepy.
@penelopek9645 3 жыл бұрын
It's pathetic and childish
@venom8180 Жыл бұрын
@@penelopek9645 so they can't be creepy but men can, BS!!!
@robpeters4284 5 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I see very young girls out with their families... wearing yoga pants or shorts with cheeks hanging out. I do put some blame on parents nowadays. Of course older men will be looking! They just think that’s the style, I call bs. Parent your teenager and get her to dress with some respect for you.
@roberttraverso7352 5 жыл бұрын
You can classify women into 2 types. The ones that know the effect on men of dressing provocatively and use it to exploit them, and the naive type that just think they are following fashion. The 2nd type is like the little girl in the playground who climbs the monkey bars and wonders why there is a crowd of little boys gathering underneath to look up her skit.
@ITech2005 5 жыл бұрын
Hoes will be hoes
@jackdeniston9326 5 жыл бұрын
I used to believe 14 year old girls dressed like 20 year olds.... actually, its the 20 yo dressing like a 14 year old
@antereaw6178 5 жыл бұрын
What’s wrong with yoga pants?
@tapir6011 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t agree with you honestly. Yoga pants and shorts are just pieces of clothing. Why would you make a little girl feel conscious about her body because it makes men horny? I would get your point if it was adult clothing like lingerie or a skimpy outfit (that isn’t even an excuse to look at a minor in that way though) But shorts? Yoga pants? Damn, that’s just her body, a normal body that has a butt just like me and you. Skinny jeans are wrong then? What about skirts? Or a bikini? I don’t get it, what would be appropriate then? Some loose pants...? I don’t know, it’s kinda messed up to me. I think the ones at fault are the older men looking at them like that.
@killa_kyle8580 5 жыл бұрын
It's so funny when they dress so provocatively and they are "creeped out" when a dude looks at them. Wear a full hijab if you're scared of the "creepy" men lol
@namewithheld7835 5 жыл бұрын
*It's not worth it to lose the ability to attract high tier men.*
@paulcooper5748 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah its really fucked how they think its like dress like a whore and then be pissed off if a guy looks and call him creepy.
@OneNiftyBoi 5 жыл бұрын
It's only because the man who stares is not the "attractive" kind of man she's looking for.
@ArkOmen1 5 жыл бұрын
Oh wait! But the hijab is hip now! It's like the liberal virtue signal... but wait? Isn't the hijab part of female repression in Middle Eastern countries?
@AntonioDal. 5 жыл бұрын
A man with 8/10 or higher in looks can zoom in her butt, camel toe, tits everything and he wouldnt be considered creepy but as interested/attracted.
@scottt5521 5 жыл бұрын
Surveys over the decades have always indicated that women dress for other women. My wife, who won't leave the house unless her appearance is right, is worried that other women will think less of her if she doesn't meet the prevailing social standard that women impose on each other. It's just another feminist patriarchy myth that men impose grooming and dress standards on women.
@MrShysterme 5 жыл бұрын
Women also are known to lie on surveys to not look bad. Women obviously dress with their tits out in part to get the attention of men.
@technoloverish 5 жыл бұрын
@@MrShysterme I don't really see anything wrong with women showing their breasts though unless you're a Bible-thumping puritan.
@GreenEnvy. 5 жыл бұрын
Scott, you my nigga.
@soup6804 9 ай бұрын
that is absolutely not true. after marrying my husband i started dressing more modestly and putting less effort into my appearance in public, unless I’m out with him. All my effort goes into looking good at home for my husband. I have zero desire to look good for strange random women who bring zero value to my life unlike my husband does.
@RojaJaneman 9 ай бұрын
@@MrShystermevast majority of women don’t. But u just don’t notice them cause to men they’re invisible. 🤦‍♀️ Those types of women r rare, mainly because other women do keep each other in check. Mainly, because women don’t get violent towards each other like men would if they were corrected or commented on. It’s y so many of them get lost and broken, and other men keep walking without helping each other. It’s y men r more lonely, sui(!d@l, depressed, drugged… compared to women. On and on
@Jerryossai 5 жыл бұрын
Competition with other women... for men.
@MissFunnyBunnyKC 5 жыл бұрын
A sad part of dealing with other women is the jealousy you get if you're naturally beautiful without really trying at all. They think it's easier to get your needs met through men if you look good. Women can be wicked to each other so I stay away from them.
@isaialfaro8660 5 жыл бұрын
Because it is easier to get your needs met lol
@kimora69 3 жыл бұрын
@alexandrebelloni3880 2 жыл бұрын
If you are naturally beautiful you get hate. If you like to dress up and look pretty you get hate too....
@wyattstone8222 5 жыл бұрын
Women have no problem using their looks when they are young to garner advantages, whether it be money, career, or high quality dudes. It's only when women get older and all the attention turns to younger hotter women that they start the whole "women are MORE than just looks!" stuff. Look at Hollywood: young attractive actresses have no problem (even if they publicly deny it) with being given lots of movies role based solely on their looks and it only because a "problem" when they get older and are given movie roles that are not based on looks. "Why do they cast creepy 50 year old dudes with 25 year old girls playing their love interest?" I don't hear the 25 year old complaining. Only when she is replaced with another 25 year old will it become "Hollywood is so sexist!" I get I'm coming off as a woman hater, but I honestly have no problem with this. They are using what they have to get ahead. I think we can all relate to that. What I have a problem with is the double standard IE use your looks to get ahead when you're young but complain about how women are valued only for their looks when you start to lose attention to hotter girls.
@candykane5442 5 жыл бұрын
Wyatt Stone --- Very rarely is a 25 year old actress with a man in his 50’s and most actresses use a ‘playing age’ (look it up) they are actually older than they portray. Stop it 😴
@wyattstone8222 5 жыл бұрын
@@candykane5442 I've seen many interviews with actresses like Scarlett Johanssen and Jennifer Lawrence that express the "Hollywood is sexist" notion for exactly the reason I outlined in my original comment.
@candykane5442 5 жыл бұрын
Wyatt Stone --- I see many older women playing parts of love interests. Il need more proof to believe that. I thought most of those women were shunning the ‘love interest’ castings anyway and wanting to play the more ‘empowering’ roles? Even Marilyn Monroe wasn’t 25 and she was the hottest thing going waaaaay back then. I doubt it’s making a difference now. Give me a break 😴
@Hottiefinder 5 жыл бұрын
Ever heard, if women didn’t have double standards, they would have no standards at all??”
@skillustrates 5 жыл бұрын
M Barker I’m 30+ and never heard that before- I’m stealing that.
@Armando.Sepulveda 5 жыл бұрын
That explains why they have only guy friends and no female friends! It's all about competition!
@Itsshadowgod 5 жыл бұрын
6:17 well they are competing against other woman... for high value men. They are still competing for men, through dressing sexually. It's not for themselves like many have us belive
@ArtumTsumia 5 жыл бұрын
One of the fun facts that I like to toss at women in various ways. People tend to think they do things "for themselves" but put them on the spot and they'll admit things like "Unwanted attention is better than none". There's a certain value in attracting [sexual] attention both personally (ego) and socially (competitive clout). It goes for both genders, but women are usually the ones that bring it up in some way.
@andremotivation6561 5 жыл бұрын
Only time i notice women "hating" women is when they are at a point when they are with men who they really want and they start to see how shady other women can be in pursuing her man even when they are together, when HER POSITION is being challenged, is when she finally sees the treachery of toxic femininity. Same when they have sons and they see the bullshit women try to get away with. But if they are young/attractive and single, its feminism/attention whoring all day.
@rrrealqueen 4 жыл бұрын
Right on spot!
@kimora69 3 жыл бұрын
truth. women in relationships love to give me side eye
@namewithheld7835 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention it's around 60% for self esteem. 30% to get attention.. and 10% to attract a partner.
@ArkOmen1 5 жыл бұрын
Yes you're right about that
@ArkOmen1 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, multiple reasons. 60% just to confirm that they are attractive. 20 to 30 percent to just say no to guys that aren't quite cutting it. Maybe say no to some guys that aren't supposed to be looking. Then a small percent to possibly meeting a guy but it's way more about just making themselves feel good than anything else because they've been indoctrinated to think that men are second class citizens.
@btdtpro 5 жыл бұрын
Roughly the same idea as why a robber carries a gun. 95% to get people to give them stuff, %5 to actually shoot someone.
@jahrules8674 5 жыл бұрын
Name Withheld i think its more like 60 % attention 30 % self esteem
@Rexiled 5 жыл бұрын
50% skill and a hundred percent reason to remember the name.
@ArkOmen1 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, women dress nice these days and sexy, but not really always to meet a guy per se. It is meant to confirm that men like them, and then they get to turn most of them down to make themselves feel good. They get to give dirty looks to guys that aren't supposed to be looking, and also get the attention of guys that they may want to meet. Funny!
@PsychokoreUndergroundRap 5 жыл бұрын
funny? or sickening
@officer6913 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, it's for validation. That's it
@Tombalino 5 жыл бұрын
Great insight about how women criticise the looks of other women because that’s what men value more. I’ve noticed that women can be worse at determining if another woman is beautiful though, they tend to fixate on on superficial details like their lipstick or clothes, whereas men mostly value a beautiful body and face. Why do you think they’re worse at this?
@alexandergrace5350 5 жыл бұрын
I've noticed that too. I'm not sure... Maybe they think to criticize someone's genetics goes too far? So instead they focus on more superficial details... Interested to hear other people's thoughts on this one.
@ETBrooD 5 жыл бұрын
Tom Bagiotas It might be because you can't change your natural look, but you can change your dress, your makeup, etc. Well, technically you can change your natural look, but not beyond a certain point.
@Belihoney 5 жыл бұрын
@@alexandergrace5350 As a woman, if you're not a lesbian or bi, another women's body isn't going to be that special to you. For example, You have titties, she has titties, we all have titties big deal and it's not that useful for us and sometimes can actually be a hinderance/ burden. But picking out her choices of clothing, that's way more personal and intimate and we have much more info about a woman and who she is and what she likes than just going off by how her body looks. So it means more to analyse her outfit more than her body. Does that make sense? Guys might not really understand it... Some women just leave the grading based on what men like though
@samengelage3521 2 жыл бұрын
@@Belihoney y'all be confusing as hell... appreciate the insight, though.
@natalieharrison5202 2 жыл бұрын
It's because deep down they know naturally they aren't up to par. So by delusionally bringing down real attributes it will cause others to do a deeper comparison and they'll loose.
@Ston247 5 жыл бұрын
In reality, the women really pick us. We don't pick them. When I was young we had a female cat that was in heat. We chose her partner for her, she had a litter of one kitten. Next year, she chose her *own* partner, she had a litter of five !
@robkitchen5344 4 жыл бұрын
Cats are plumbed different... They can have multiple fathers of each litter... You limited it to 1 male..1 breeding.... 1 egg fertilized... The egg could have split into multiple siblings.. Or not dividing like in the 1st little ... That could have happened 4-5 breedings with 4-5 different males.. That same male could have impregnated your cat again if they were given access so instead of 1 kitten.. There would be more. ...
@anamericanman 5 жыл бұрын
Dude, didn't you know, EVERYTHING is men's fault. *EVERYTHING.*
@nobody-hr1lo 5 жыл бұрын
It is not that everything is men fault but everything in men lives is men responsibility, thus we sould be responsible for not caring about women histeric or childish behaviour and focus on strengtening and developing ourselves to fullfill our mission to survive. Women will always end up hanging on men, whether they like it or not as it is dictated by GOD and nature through the biological and physical reality. The problem is we are living in a dissorted artificial reality where men were displaced by the ginocentric state, thats the reason we are globally heading to a collapse prepare, sharpen yourself up like a sword and stick to your guns.
@Loveispeacej 8 ай бұрын
​@nobody-hr1lo I really mean this when I say this that was very powerful and logical I appreciate it 10000 percent
@relaxwhc 6 ай бұрын
Accountability is women's kryptonite
@osse1n 5 жыл бұрын
*We have to take into consideration one crucial factor - The Pareto Principle, 80/20-rule* They compete with each other for the top dogs. Very few men (20%) have unlimited access to women sexuality (80%), being the most desired. It's those guys women are after, that's why the female competition becomes so fierce, to a degree that they can resort to personal and superficial attacks (they know that men value looks).
@georgeh4944 5 жыл бұрын
i guess we need to get back to polygamy.
@lawrence18uk 5 жыл бұрын
It's also so that any male offspring they have is also more likely to be a amongst that top 20%
@georgeh4944 5 жыл бұрын
@@lawrence18uk yup, which is a great thing, it moves our human race forward.
@lawrence18uk 5 жыл бұрын
Great video. I also like the idea that a group of women acting together can take down someone who they consider Top Cat or someone who they just find a bit threatening
@pweetypoo 4 ай бұрын
@scarlettbear4885 5 жыл бұрын
Really hit the nail on the head with this one.
@sebastiendetours2934 5 жыл бұрын
"To make other people feel intimidated by them". Intimidated ? LOL
@arturoone77 5 жыл бұрын
There are actually few things more intimidating than a beatiful woman. Mainly because, by force of comparison, beauty inevitably highlights anything that s not beautiful around. Therefore, any beautiful woman has the potential of bringing up ones own insecurities and imperfections, whis is indeed very intimidating for most people.
@sebastiendetours2934 5 жыл бұрын
@@arturoone77 for many women, yes. For most women ? Maybe. Most men are not intimidated by a beautiful / "powerful" woman.
@Alex-eh4vk 5 жыл бұрын
mrtrastras make sense
@kullenberg 5 жыл бұрын
@@sebastiendetours2934 do you believe that most men could approach a beautiful woman they would like to date and talk to them in a laidback, genuine way without making it weird? To me it seems that the average man is terrified of the prospect of being shot down by a beautiful woman.
@sebastiendetours2934 5 жыл бұрын
@@kullenberg it's not the beauty, true or false, that intimidates most/many men.... it's the dating/talking BS consequences that they fear. Who want to hear "you are creepy" ? Who want to be rejected by a woman who will maybe laugh or grimace at you ? "once burned, twice shy". Many men have been burned ! Many others have not but they just avoid to be burned. Nowadays, many men are intimidated to approach women, as a whole : beautiful, average, ugly ones. It has nothing to do with beauty.
@DronZizzle 5 жыл бұрын
I think regardless of the rationalization you hear from women, the true reason behind it is always to attract the top tier males.
@sebastiendetours2934 5 жыл бұрын
Don't forget the orbiters. Simps (for attention, for emotional tampon use, for free meals and so on) are limited in number too. They also compete for them.
@eyesthrurosecoloredglasses Жыл бұрын
​@Sébastien De Tours Only average or ugly women who are stupid tolerate orbiters. Women who know how men think will not allow orbiters, which then makes men complain about how no women want to befriend them or give them compliments. What they mean is that they're not allowed to orbit and thus have some control of their targets by sabotaging what hits on her.
@anonymanynomsen6034 5 жыл бұрын
Hello everyone I am the young guy who sent Alexander that email asking for advice which he pinned at the top of the comments. Check it out if you haven't already. I just wanted to respond back to it, and to give you a little update. I'll still take more advice, so feel free to respond to this comment or to Alexander's if you think you can give me more advice! Alright, so it has been almost 2 weeks now since i sent him that email, so i've had plenty to time to move on and to reflect on this experience. Yes, as many have already pointed out i knew 'deep down' that it was mostly my own fault, i accept this. I let my infatuation get the better of me, ignored all the red flags and made a poor judgement only because i was so enamored by 'that one particular girl' - Oneitis destroys you! I have learned that you should NEVER text a girl after sleeping with her, especially if you sense that she is too young to know her own self-worth and even more so if you yourself don't know what you actually expect out of this. This is a very valuable lesson as is the case of not always replying if you don't actually have anything to say... I ended up not filing that harassment report, as i knew it would not really do any good and i am from now on ignoring anyone who i suspect supports her stories, as i of course am also ignoring her completely.After this i'd definitely say i know more about women now and i am also completely Red-Pilled since i am focusing on my own career and happiness first and not giving more attention to women at this time. In the end i am glad this happened, as this is a case of a very important life experience about women that can be used in the future if something like this starts to happen again. Also I thought it would be a cool idea to share this story as i myself found it interesting and i am sure that many others have been in a similar situation or will be in the future, so you can definitely learn from my experience about the power that women have that they can use against you. As the saying goes: "You play with matches you get burned" Thanks for your responses, and thank you Alexander for including this story. Good luck to you all!
@penelopek9645 3 жыл бұрын
No girls compete with each other real women empower one another .. Girls grow up
@abdenacerfodil2546 5 жыл бұрын
Warning low level of traduction """ I fall crush on this girl hard very hard . We were in the last year at highschool ( wich is the most important year in your life -20/20 - example : only 16/20 and above can be chosen in medical field ...etc ) and i was falling her steps every day in school and social media just thinking, dreaming about her i she knew i have a crush on her and sometimes she provokes me with her stairs While playing with her , but unlike me she was focusing in her edu , and graduated top in the district with honors while me i headed into psychology because i was busy and distracted by her . ( psychology field is a very low field in my country just enough to graduate ) and one day i heared the teacher during the lecture talk about women psychology and their feeling disirable by men give them felling of superiority and accomplishment even though they are not looking for a partner ."" _ sorry for the low level of traduction . You can imagine what happened between the details , use your imagination . _ This was a post in Facebook from guy who paid a great price cause of that by wasting a 1 year from his life instead of studing . _ This situation happened almost exactly for me during final year and i too paid a price for that by repeating my last year in high school . _ shortly focus on your goal and not on a creature who is looking for compliments and manipulate you juat for the sake of pleasure . Ps :_ i guess this is why " lust " is considered a sin . _pls like so i can know that people read it .
@evergreen2051 5 жыл бұрын
Heard somewhere.. quote: "women undress for men and dress up for women ".
@parrotshootist3004 5 жыл бұрын
That was in the 50s. Its pretty much become publicly acceptable lingerie now, skin tight, barely present clothing that is just about worn. We aren't in a period where exposing ankle is 'shameful'.
@Parismilp 2 жыл бұрын
This was hard to hear. Cause I think I'm average if not just cute lol but the way other women treat me. You would think I'm on beyonce level beautiful and I'm not I think I'm okay and I'm not being modest ...smh its so strange, its amazing how we view ourselves one way but others view us otherwise. And as hard as it is to be a woman, its a shame how women oppress other women.
@zobazoba69 5 жыл бұрын
Men lust over the most beautiful, which has already been acknowledged, hense why she is already the most popular girl.
@JV-ly2cq 5 жыл бұрын
Dogs smell each others butt for the simple reason they want to know what kind of food other dogs are eating. Therefore knowing what’s its social status. Any similarities with people posting pictures of their food on social medias is pure coincidence.
@KatrinaTapio 10 ай бұрын
I've never had such mean comments about my appearance or person as those made by other women. I've never been as bullied by men as by women. I think it is this strange thing where the attention and rank itself among the surrounding females makes it all worth it, regardless of how the men view it, a purely narcissistic ego stroking type of behavior. Social animals are so weird. I don't really think it's got anything to do with the men much at all, it might be a purely social behavior (because of course the popular girl gets the best gifts, best resources, best support, best food, most benefits within the group, etc)
@Loveispeacej 8 ай бұрын
You believe it comes down to attention seeking?
@nervsouly 5 жыл бұрын
At first I thought this was just another of these facepalming stupid gender war videos KZbin keeps recommending to me, but I clicked it anyway. And I have to admit you video is very objective and respectfully describes what people are driven by. Good job.
@redonslaught3020 5 жыл бұрын
Not surprised the Asian woman is the most honest.
@titobungo01 5 жыл бұрын
@@younglove3362 environmental factors huh? then they better just stay in Asia
@titobungo01 5 жыл бұрын
@@brianwarshow129 where's not on this day and age?
@titobungo01 5 жыл бұрын
@@brianwarshow129 there will always be better times mate, just hope we'll live long enough to see it
@c.j.8194 5 жыл бұрын
Compete for what? Male attention. So it doesn't defuse the argument that women are only trying to appeal to a male standard of beauty. Not saying that this is a sound argument but the argumentation doesn't follow the second premise of you argument.
@alexandergrace5350 5 жыл бұрын
There is a nuance that I could have been more clear on. Although male approval might be the 'source' of the competition, it's not the cause. Women don't have to act on their instinct to compete and the fact that they do is NOT men's fault. If it was, we could blame every act of male violence on women.
@leebennett4117 5 жыл бұрын
If women want something from a Man they must pay a Price, My time and attention is mine alone and if you want that time and attention you must pay my Price,I would not expect your time and attention for nothing its only fair you should reciprocate
@Xeranx 5 жыл бұрын
Reading or listening to the 4-hour audiobook of The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar (some people put it up on KZbin) will clue men into this early on. I think if many men head the above book in their back pocket and decided to pursue things they wanted rather than seek female validation, they'd get it anyway. If you're in high school, the girls are already thinking guys their age are immature and seeking attention from older guys. By the way, that's a good showcase for hypergamy. Dating a guy in college elevates her status with high school girls.
@mypillpals 5 жыл бұрын
You see .... a man like this can still stop and care about what might the other gender feel and experience...... a female rarely wonders about the hardships men go through to be where they are . Valuable video 👍
@coolworx 5 жыл бұрын
Give them all buzz cuts and outlaw makeup. Then they can compete on their merits.
@rrrealqueen 4 жыл бұрын
@bellelysenko3498 5 жыл бұрын
as a woman, im not forced at home to dress a certain way before going out, not physically and definitely not mentally, i choose, ever since women first walked on the earth, women choose to do the things in society and by society, women are prized, this puts them on a higher level and thus men do not want to make any woman not like them, typically, some men dont care and thats their right but normally, women always did what they wanted and structured civilization to the way they wanted, women want things a certain way, men built it for them. so when majority of women want it like it was in victorian ages, men didnt say no, they went along with it, when women didnt want to have a job, men didnt say no, when women didnt want to vote, men didnt say no. when women strip at at strip club, they do it because they choose to, men will always admire women, some women will say objectify women, but to be all factual, everything is an object, in that everything is a physical thing, the only thing that isnt an object is a ghost, women are not ghosts, we can be felt and seen. sexual object? whats the opposite of that? disgust? do women want to be disgusted by men? i dont, i know a lot of older women who do want young women to be disgusted by younger women, but personally i rather people like me than be instantly disgusted by me. it feels nice to be liked. you will never see a bikini model in chains forced to have her pictures taken, no she does it because she likes doing it. you will never see a porn star in chains, i mean, unless she agrees to it, signs a paper giving consent and gets payed for it. women feel they are entitled to not only do, say and treat others however they feel but also to sue them just because they feel entitled to the money they have. its like a girlwearing just a thong and approaches a guy in public and forces him to commit a sexual act without his consent, everyone expects him to want it, this guy is a toddler, but because he is a male, he should have known better, the adult female has his baby, the toddler goes to prison, and when he comes out as an adult he has to register as a pedophile child molestor because he was a child when he got raped, now he cant get a job, a family and has to pay child support. you wont believe how common this is. women yell and scream objectification of women (who choose to take jobs, dress, behave in a sexaul nature) and in the same day post sexual images of themselves and asking for financial support from their followers. and saying the invisible energy of men is forcing them to do it. ghosts have more power over all our lives than this "controlling power" of men, males work day after day to provide the food, shelter, water, entertainment for multiple people, men built all that we have and when people want it changed, men changed them, women have and do everything on the foundations set by men who came before, without men, us women would have nothing. i can not call myself a feminist, a human being if dont hold true to this core feminist value, to be equal i must accept an equal response to my actions and words, men have the right to punch me in the face if act like an asshole to them, if i attack someone, they have the right to attack me back. period. if i fail that then yeah, im not a person, i am a stupid object. these "feminists" are stupid objects thaf shouldnt have a say, a vote, and continue to be dependent to men, like they always have been.
@samengelage3521 2 жыл бұрын
This should be a public speech. 👏👏👏👏
@venom8180 Жыл бұрын
I wish all women thought like you but hey nobody knows what's like to be homeless until you become homeless righ
@jasonhaveten5608 5 жыл бұрын
Top 20% of men.
@NiceOCGuy1981 5 жыл бұрын
Top 10%
@jasonhaveten5608 5 жыл бұрын
@@NiceOCGuy1981 Most truly desire the top 1%. And every men or woman who can verfill their deepest sexual disires.
@NiceOCGuy1981 5 жыл бұрын
@@jasonhaveten5608 yes, but won't settle for the bottom 90%
@jasonhaveten5608 5 жыл бұрын
@@NiceOCGuy1981 no of course! Why would you want anyone of the bottom 90% inside of you?
@jasonhaveten5608 5 жыл бұрын
@@NiceOCGuy1981 bottom 80% I mean.
@Majestic_Dark_Horse 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly. "Females" are survivors. The female, betas must exists and thrive for and against & competitors. The Female will date & still need alpha "thrusts", validation, attention & display to other femalese competitors she "still got it", in & out of "game"
@reneepaulson9682 5 жыл бұрын
Feminism is about women deciding what they want. She does not have to conform to a man’s agenda. It still seems that men want to decide how a woman should behave. She can dress any way she wants.
@MrShysterme 5 жыл бұрын
It's funny to be attacked when you suggest that women dress scantily in part for male attention and that the "I do it to feel good" is partly because it makes them feel good to get male attention. It's so transparent and whom are they kidding?
@onlignebridge4224 Жыл бұрын
Woman dress up for women
@dianamills5243 5 жыл бұрын
Your videos are really normally really interesting, BUT, sometimes the 'question' you ask people to answer goes on and on and on and on and it is really you just ranting. Perhaps I could suggest you do shorter questions. I thought that this video was a good exception, but then you go on and on and on with commentary. Perhaps better just to let the people interviewed to speak for themselves. It is the old saying, 'don't tell people, just show.' Thank you for your work.
@alexandergrace5350 5 жыл бұрын
This channel has a large number of videos featuring interviews with women on these topics without my input. I think that's what you're looking for.
@ThePsychicFish 5 жыл бұрын
@@alexandergrace5350 I think he means the "red pill interviews" where your out on the street asking women questions. The questions themselves can be too long and it appears to disengage the interviewee to an extent. I find this channel to be one of the best of it's kind on KZbin but one criticism I would give is that the "street interview" questions can be too long and can do with shortening up a fair bit.
@DaughterofaKing1 Жыл бұрын
I don’t want to. I don’t want to compete with anyone
@MeloIZCor3 5 жыл бұрын
For mating rights, lol. Even when no one actually aims to reproduce and always use contraceptives.
@mememaker9146 5 жыл бұрын
This video idea is so good I couldnt wait to comb my hair.
@UKnowtheThing 3 жыл бұрын
When a woman wears designer shoes, jewelry, or clothes, of course they are doing it for other women. Most (straight) men don't know designer stuff.
@brittanysmith3716 5 жыл бұрын
What if you’re happily married with kids and taking beautiful selfies? Is it still considered a mating display? What is the reason for it?
@alexandergrace5350 5 жыл бұрын
Attention, generate envy, genuine expression of authentic joy, pride in your accomplishment. Could be any number of things.
@Shante112XO 2 жыл бұрын
Women are still competitive and hypergamous, even when married with kids IMO.
@cellyszn20 5 жыл бұрын
“Female on female crime” 😂😂😂😂😂
@brettcameratraveler 5 жыл бұрын
I understand why women post beautiful selfies once in awhile on Instagram but should I be mildly concerned OR completely avoid those women who almost exclusively post them on a weekly/monthly basis? Wouldn't a well rounded and grounded women want to share more diversified aspects of her life on Instagram or is that not really the purpose of Instagram fot single women in their 20s and 30s?
@bigbanknewyork3655 5 жыл бұрын
Tripping the Prom Queen is a great book about female catty competiveness.
@tqdinh2 5 жыл бұрын
Similar to men compete with other men it’s the human straits eons ago man😂
@chaddouglas5413 5 жыл бұрын
Who cares.... Stop Focussing on women and focus on your goals, your finances and your own manly success
@alexandergrace5350 5 жыл бұрын
Stop watching this channel and focus on your goals.
@grantbartley483 8 ай бұрын
'Forget the ethics for a moment, from an evolutionary perspective...' This is why evolution can't adequately account for morality. They're different requirements
@Niz15 5 жыл бұрын
The 10 feminists that disliked the video
@joeblack8352 5 жыл бұрын
They've beaten all of the competition naah is just money If where like that all boxers and MMA fighters should be in the highest places Mother nature acts different just sociaty is giving that kind of behavior in females in those days, why!? They want to be man like a hyena Don't try to understand women, a man never will ....just try to focus on your goals and don't let women distract you And don't marry them just with a prenuptial contract
@jayantamukharjee4304 5 жыл бұрын
When it comes to your videos I never skip ad. If her School friend got more marks she stops talking and hanging out with her. Women(not all) are jealous creature.
@ahanaroychoudhuri 2 жыл бұрын
The times i have always wished I was never born a woman is because of other women and never because of men no matter how patriarchal or sexist the society is or claimed to be
@Loveispeacej 8 ай бұрын
Question why do woman make it like men are these big mean creepy bullies when woman are really there first and last bulkier I guarantee mire woman have trauma from woman then men why blame men ? Please answer
@JAYB1688 5 жыл бұрын
Women just want attention
@alisaa3999 Жыл бұрын
Some guys can get competitive with women also. It’s strange but I see it happen where the copy what women do.
@MaxPower72 5 жыл бұрын
Women are in competition with other women, yes, but for what?Answer: Male attention and mating rights. Therefore it''s always for men regardless which route you take to get there.
@Tombalino 5 жыл бұрын
I’d argue that men overall are still more competitive, because of the 80/20 rule corresponding to our different reproductive systems. This is evident in how men strive harder in careers and in video games. Edit: I see that you addressed this soon after I made the comment.
@JRayPG 5 жыл бұрын
men I think are more competitive in areas such as games and making money (like work). Women are more competitive when it comes to attracting mates and gaining attention. Which i think is why more men are involved in sports,gaming, and dangerous work than women. But women will go above and beyond in finding ways to bring down other women or bring themselves up to attract a mate or get attention whereas men don't try as hard in that regard. He probably addressed this already, i'm not sure.
@Tombalino 5 жыл бұрын
Kresnik's key Agreed, but if you sum how competence men are and women are in all areas then men are overall more competitive. This is why I disagree with the point at 1:14 they are not ‘just as competitive’
@JRayPG 5 жыл бұрын
@@Tombalino I agree. Men I think are generally more competitive than women given that men are more likely to try and take action towards something whereas women are much less likely to do so. Like pointing out that someone is not competitive is something that is sure to piss off women and piss off competitive men. However more often than not men will prove that they will whereas women are more likely to deny a challenge than accept it. Women are more likely to accept a challenge if she has a more likely chance of winning more often than not. most men will take up a challenge regardless hence is likely why there are more men in areas where competition is high where there aren't as much women in the same fields. And even less women in the same fields succeed because they don't apply as much effort or blame the failure on something they can't control (sexism) whereas a man will find his own faults and rise above them if possible.
@lionelhutz5137 5 жыл бұрын
Unattractive males are disqualified from the competition from the get go so their competing in the race is meaningless. They (uglies) may choose to participate in the game but they'll never win a trophy.
@JRayPG 5 жыл бұрын
Lionel Hutz wrong. Even if a guy is ugly, if he makes good money he’ll still attract a woman to him. Women have not only hooked up with a rich ugly dude, but also left good looking/decent looking guys for a dude with money. Hell my sister even broke up with a good looking guy who plays video games (she’s also a bit of a gamer) because she wasn’t sure he was going to make a lot of money in the future as one of her sole reasons for breaking up with him. Looks isn’t a major factor if you’re a man. Money is.
@webuser2014 5 жыл бұрын
Well if women do compete with other women to show they are higher quality woman for man, then it is not wrong to say, woman dress pretty for man. There is no point in competition for woman, if no man will ever look at her. Except she can rule over other woman, if she is prettier...
@TheCallmom 5 жыл бұрын
What do you think about liking women who lift weights? Something about muscles in women is attractive. Especially the thighs and butt, tho also the rest as well. Are there alot of downsides to liking women who lift?
@alexandergrace5350 5 жыл бұрын
Check out Michael Bader's work. Should give you answers.
@TheCallmom 5 жыл бұрын
@@alexandergrace5350 Ill do that. Thank you 🤜🤛
@gustavoaquesedo1502 5 жыл бұрын
Bullshit I don't give a damn about a woman's status ,it's all about their attitude and beauty and that is the most of us guys .
@Gloroxsocks 8 ай бұрын
Oh how I wish I stayed at my first school that was a girls only school
@venkateshsubburaman2835 5 жыл бұрын
Animals roam around showing everything, we human cover up our skins by dress/clothes. But now a days woman shows as much as animals.
@huggywuggy995 2 жыл бұрын
How can you worship the Shakti and disrespect women like this.
@eyesthrurosecoloredglasses Жыл бұрын
We're all animals.
@pweetypoo 4 ай бұрын
0:33 wow it's true, it's "always men's fault"
@jorgefigueroa2231 5 жыл бұрын
This Asian girl is cute though
@WildBillHickums 5 жыл бұрын
Sort of irrelevant though.
@bluejay9502 4 жыл бұрын
in chinese there is a saying dont call a man dumb and dont call woman ugly!
@---zg7ex 5 жыл бұрын
@Kalifornia-Screaming 5 жыл бұрын
Well, they will attack another girl's character with regard to sex and child care.
@MS-ns4ki 10 ай бұрын
I post myself when I'm feeling good lol
@ljbmaster 5 жыл бұрын
This makes me think of women differently, I appreciate it.
@hughkendall 5 жыл бұрын
University of Leeds 🙌
@MrSheymie Ай бұрын
Very well said.
@urbanfu 5 жыл бұрын
Spot on.
@PeanutPillager 5 жыл бұрын
Where’s the podcast? Missing it ):
@givemetoast 5 жыл бұрын
Ultimately, it’s still to attract high level men.
@bgrego88 3 жыл бұрын
What is a male standard of beauty? You look how you like because of your narcissism and competition.. guys design the clothes yes, but so do women. So how is it men's fault?
@stemer1149 5 жыл бұрын
This is also the reason why fashion (industry) works ie all women basically wearing the same stuff for a certain period of time, then, like under remote control, switching to a completely different style, basically starting to wear something that would have been considered outright ridiculous just a couple of weeks earlier.
@cassanddrrrraaa 2 жыл бұрын
in my opinion, women compete even more than men. men have their pick of a significantly higher amount of beautiful women with great personalities. in my psychology classes, it’s compared to men walking into a candy shop on a daily basis. meanwhile women have to dig a little more to find a man that meets what she’s looking for. the candy is more scarce. hope this isn’t taken the wrong way but it’s the reason why i believe women are even more competitive, bc our pick of suitors is a bit more scarce.
@samengelage3521 2 жыл бұрын
No, I understand completely. Though you should keep in mind that the men who have a ton of choices are the few men that you want. Don't know if you forgot to include that. Just a thought, but I think that this is why polygyny was so prevalent in so many previous human civilations, so that every woman could at least get a piece of a top tier man.
@jeremysears4263 5 жыл бұрын
Attention A.I. & Aliens: We'll either make great pets or great food! Possibly both.....
@TheAnointedSamurai 5 жыл бұрын
Women dress for women, they undress for men. But yes, is competition anxiety writ large.
@stabnore 5 жыл бұрын
The trick is to get women to cooperate... Maybe I should make a video about that. haha
@audis4bb 5 жыл бұрын
Never buy the cow, if you do the milk will dry up. but you keep paying for the upkeep of the cow
@Shante112XO 2 жыл бұрын
I have zero tolerance so I give a exorcist look to women think I am going to be an easy target:
@caldwellkelley3084 5 жыл бұрын
Bravo from an older Gent! Another good Video Mate! Hope the fellas are looking and learning!
@Redeemed26 5 жыл бұрын
When men show of its called peacocking or strutting.
@nmc1859 4 жыл бұрын
But all in the's still to compete for 😊
@PhantomO01 3 жыл бұрын
I wondered why this happen when I started working with women
@veritasliberabitvos454 5 жыл бұрын
And another part is that it makes them feel good about themselves. I find the same thing when I go from casual to suit, tie, great shoes, etc.
@MackeyDeez 5 жыл бұрын
And how can I use that knowledge to work for me.
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Why Women Need to Show Interest First
Chris Williamson
Рет қаралды 1,2 МЛН
ELIMINATE The Competition: The 4 Methods of Women
Alexander Grace
Рет қаралды 94 М.
This Is Why You Must SHAME People!
Alexander Grace
Рет қаралды 334 М.
Why Men Are Rejecting Marriage (and It's Getting Worse)
John Griffin
Рет қаралды 53 М.
The Art Of Ignoring Women
Alexander Grace
Рет қаралды 798 М.
Guy Realizes the Truth About His Muscles - Alexander Grace
Alexander Grace
Рет қаралды 683 М.
Stop Comparing Yourselves to Other Women
Рет қаралды 31 М.
If You Catch Her Lying, DO THIS
Alexander Grace
Рет қаралды 170 М.
The REAL Reason Women Get So ANGRY
Alexander Grace
Рет қаралды 333 М.
Minecraft Creeper Family is back! #minecraft #funny #memes