This PLAT Has Better Macro Than ME?? | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck

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@wasfas1977 9 ай бұрын
Proletariat was obsessed with right clicking the hatcheries because he wanted to seize the means of production.
@Fimbu1vetr 9 ай бұрын
HAHAHA I love it
@spagettech 9 ай бұрын
@kevindaniel1337 9 ай бұрын
Best comment 12/10
@Aiursanta 9 ай бұрын
And he didn't kill workers because he only wanted to fight capital.
@matth1005 9 ай бұрын
Also went he went for the extractors
@kevindaniel1337 9 ай бұрын
I feel his biggest weakness was target prioritization. Constantly killing extractors, evos, hatcheries, while two dozen drones are sitting right there completely exposed. Killing those drones would have completely prevented the hydra snowball he died to.
@quickdraw6893 9 ай бұрын
Or he could've built like 3 disruptors or stopped morphing his HTs and probably won anyways, roach hydra is a really crap build as soon as those AoEs are out on the field but he relied on Colossi which wasted their shots on the roaches.
@kevindaniel1337 9 ай бұрын
@@quickdraw6893 %100 on the disruptors, even half decent shots would have won several of those fights, assuming he didn't just wipe out his own zealots. I completely forgot the colossi kept shooting the roaches, you're right there as well.
@Gammawatt 8 ай бұрын
Wonderful video! Thanks for sharing your content Harsty!❤
@Tell-me-more-75225 8 ай бұрын
Totally agree and was going to the comment section to say this exact thing. If he targeted all the free drones when he had the chances he would have destroyed the opponents economy. So many pro games are decided by a handful of drone kills and he had dozens of drones he could have exterminated.
@MrBulya 9 ай бұрын
The idea of trading army for economy keeps his army small all the time, while his opponent's army grows over time, so by the time they fight an actual fight his opponent has a big army, something he lacks because he was trading his army for economy. And all the economy damage was along him not really probing up, so what is the point of dealing economy damage he doesn't build his economy. Stopping entirely probe production makes sense if we do an all-in, but if we go for economic damage then stopping probe production for a few minutes doesn't make sense at all. Capitilizing on economy damage is always hard for lower level players, as they don't really switch to a mode when its the time of making a good fighting army rather then a mobile army (or by the time they do they die), and neither taking the whole map as they assume they are already ahead due to the economic damage they are doing. But in the end its about either killing the opponent army or killing the opponent structures. Killing the opponent army is impossible if we trade ours for the opponent economy rather then chipping at his army, and the longer it goes the trades go worser.
@enymus3081 9 ай бұрын
The first part is absolutely correct but the second i don't agree entirely. A player can waste a bunch of units to kill only a few units and deal alot of damadge to the economy. So i would say trading economy vs my own army is worth it as long as i can rebuild my own army in time to defend his counter attack. Because once i've weaken him enough with this kind of strat (the opponent that is) i can attack into his army with mine and assuming we both lose a big chunk of our army he cannot rebuild due his lag of economy while i can and thus win in the end. Obviously this doesn't apply for lategame armys due to the production time. The main problem was that he wasted his zealots 24/7 for alomst no damadge... After doing that over and over he lost his army size thus losing the main fight despite the fact that it could have been better. Also notice he fought multiple times when he should have ran away It was not that he really traded army for much economy damadge. It was more like a suicide squad on its way to death.
@eclipseeffigy 9 ай бұрын
Tl;dr eco dmg needs to become eco advantage by macro'ing at home, that didn't happen.
@craigcombes 9 ай бұрын
As a zerg player it's pretty easy to take advantage of eco damage because we just build 10 drones at one time after the damage 😂
@chir0pter 9 ай бұрын
He shoulda gotten storm, he had the prisms and constant drone transfer trains in front of him
@tambaz2276 8 ай бұрын
His problem is just that he wasnt really trading economy for army because he was targeting extractors, hatcheries, evo Chambers and spine crawlers instead of drones.
@eyjafjallajokullskjalfanda6972 9 ай бұрын
i wont stand for this Hatsune Miku slander
@dankars0stucieris 9 ай бұрын
Are you a sex doll which can't stand?
@sakesaurus 9 ай бұрын
Harstem can be quite brutal if he heard of some hobby you have. Thankfully all of my hobbies are so incredibly local and fetishist that he'll never be able to
@halqthedarktemplar 9 ай бұрын
@Fimbu1vetr 9 ай бұрын
Hey if it sounds good it sounds good
@ThundeerEx 9 ай бұрын
​@@sakesaurushearing him trash some board games that I love a few episodes ago and now this 😭
@F1ng0riginal 9 ай бұрын
Hatsune miku is just Japanese Gorillaz
@Heibe 9 ай бұрын
He makes worst possible move after doing the best possible move. What a god.
@LadyEmilyNyx 9 ай бұрын
To me, this was like having a masters player to play for you, but a gold player to make all the build/strategy decisions. Really clean execution of really sub-par plans.
@79johnJ 9 ай бұрын
hehe... I thought the opposite.. the plans were not bad, but the execution was poor... the execution on the build, on the run by's, on the fights... the macro was good (for half of the game - then it was gone), the micro was good while bringing the units in position (but then a total fail during the actual attacks/fights)...
@TheStargov 9 ай бұрын
It's like he was training for three years to become a boxer, gets fit learns all the proper form. Then just keeps hitting the guy in the leg.
@laurelkeeper 9 ай бұрын
@@TheStargov you have a bright future, my lad
@mothrahlurker788 9 ай бұрын
It's a straight up non-build tho.@@79johnJ
@burningsheep4473 9 ай бұрын
It feels like the pacing of his plan was very odd. Going with a big attack with double upgrades and double prism is just obviously trying to do way too much too early... and taxing his control as well. I liked most of the harassment after that more, but even then he was trading lots of minerals for minerals. I'm sure that's good, but it felt like he needed - as Harstem did point out - too many Zealots to accomplish the hatchery kills. The Zerg rarely took much army damage, while Proletariat was constantly losing most of it while not - again, as pointed out by Harstem - having the economy to support it. It felt like doing as much harassment as possible was the whole plan and there never was any real follow-up. Perhaps all that would have been needed would have been to go a bit easier on the Zealots and focus on the main army earlier.
@daryladhityahenry 9 ай бұрын
Wow. Proletariat should be proud of himself. This is the first time I see Harstem give such a high praise in lower tier. It's like he just needs a little information ( like in this video ) to get much much better @_@.
@liamm3588 9 ай бұрын
It's like... he sees the potential of this guy's talent but is baffled at how inconsistent his play is
@Deipnosophist_the_Gastronomer 8 ай бұрын
Yeah. I wonder if Proletariat is a newer player and just needs some experience.
@SlowRolledSam 9 ай бұрын
Shift clicking at 18:55 had me in tears. I've never seen negative micro like that, ever. I think this Protoss player learned to run before he could walk. He forgot the basic principle that more stuff beats less stuff. His resource expenditure was good because his macro was so bad. If he ever got a worker lead and built up a death ball he would have won easily. I think some basic coaching could take this player into Diamond 1 in no time.
@Doeff8 9 ай бұрын
My analysis/description of the mistakes of Proletariat would be, that he consequently chooses the wrong target on a micro level. Examples: Sending the zealots in the prism with the right timing towards the right spot/base, but then steering them very actively (micro) towards the wrong objects: base instead of drones, even extractor instead of base. Second example: sending archons a tad too late after the zealots, such that the archons dont tank what they could do. Thirs example: the DTs that could have taken down a whole min line on auto attack, but were effectively rendered useless by applying a lot of micro. There are more examples, but this is it. Very frustrating, he should have won easily. To put it in a Harstem like manner: it seems he has read the game manual, but someone tore out 15% of the pages, so that he doesn't understand a few crucial aspects.
@Ninjaguy1b 9 ай бұрын
Slight correction on the DT: The micro that was attempted was correct (shift-clicking the drones) HOWEVER the important part is to prevent the DT from entering neutral posture (the "no orders, standing still" state) because it will detect nearby enemies and enter generic attack mode. If it does that, then when you shift-click those orders will not be attempted until the completion of the "attack everything you can see" order, ruining the point. Therefore, the FIRST click needs to NOT be a shift-click, and the shift-click after has to come BEFORE the DT gets the kill and resets to neutral posture. I think what happened here is that Proleteriat hit A and set the cursor to attack-command mode was was shift-left clicking, and then missed one click and targeted the ground, which ALSO sets the DT into attack-move behavior which uses the AI priority system, which targets combat units which can attack it first (e.g. a void ray will ignore a roach for a hydra since the roach can't shoot up) and noncombat units (like drones) last (and within each combat/noncombat category, units before structures), and therefore the default DT targeting went uselessly after the spines because they are combat structures unlike noncombat workers. What Proleteriat SHOULD have done is kept the mouse in the default mode and shift-RIGHT clicked, because the default right-click action on an enemy unit is to attack it, but a missed click on the ground becomes a move order which will only delay the DT slightly but not send it off on a wild goose chase of AI attack priority. The issue is not that Proletariat was applying TOO MUCH micro, it is that the understanding of HOW (or in some cases like right-clicking bases with zealot runbys, why) to apply micro was only 90% there, and that last 10% caused massive problems which undermined the effectiveness of all the good micro.
@allmhuran 9 ай бұрын
100% the problem here was targeting. Going after hatcheries looks good "on paper" but he was actually behind in income even after taking out hatcheries, because he wasn't expanding - he had to spend money on rebuilding his army that he just inefficiently threw away into the hatcheries. Going after extractors, going after the evo chamber, spines, even the DT attack, although that one was accidental incorrect targeting, it was still the issue there.
@Jordan-Ramses 9 ай бұрын
@@allmhuran sacrificing 1100 minerals in Zealots to destroy a 300 mineral hatchery isn't good on paper either.
@DTwoHS 9 ай бұрын
18:55 I think I understand what happened here. Proletariat is used to a-clicking when target-firing rather than right-clicking because in a big battle, one misclick onto the ground (while right-clicking) would result in your army move-commanding for 1-2 seconds and costing you the fight. In this case, though, right-clicking is fine because worse case scenario, you just move to a spot then continue killing drones. Instead, because he a-moved, he killed a couple drones and then, because he misclicked onto the ground, the dt received the command to attack anything and everything before moving to the spot he was directed to a-move to.
@tambaz2276 8 ай бұрын
Except he repeatedly did the same kind of thing, right clicking on hatcheries
@YonoZekenZoid 9 ай бұрын
you know, this game reminds me a lot of how my kid plays. my kid is 15. he has 120 apm, great instincts, which allow him to react quickly in a game. also great mechanics: he has all the masteries for the WoL challenges and the SC master arcade thingy. But he's silver-plat, 'cause his understanding of the game is... skewed. the other day we were playing a team game, and by playing I mean I was tagging along with my 30 apm in the half hour I get per day to do something with him, building something badly resembling the CIA protoss build. my kid, terran, can outmacro and outmicro me, but somehow I always end up asking him to lower his supply depo so I can make my third base, which in turn reminds and resets him back to the "make workers and depots" mantra that I tell him to follow. after this particular game, against two protoss, I tell him "you know you can make ghosts, right?", to which he responds "I don't think nukes were the right call in this game". like I said, skewed understanding. it's interesting because my kid's build absolutely and utterly sucks, but he has such good mechanics and instincts that he makes it work. if only he took some time to learn the theory, or maybe a build or two, he'd probably be diamond 2 or smth. I've showed him a couple build orders, he really doesn't want to practice them. so yeah, I think our submitter needs a class in fundamentals (or a link to that spawningtool site) and they'll definitely improve
@jacobmeilleur238 9 ай бұрын
I would put a very big asterisk on his "good macro" being that he had an extremely low probe count and that is most likely what cost him the game. Hatsune lost a lot of drones but remade them afterwards, while proletariat stayed on a low probe count, lost some and still didn't make more. With a better economy he most likely wins this game
@grandoldpyro 9 ай бұрын
God I love this series. Last week’s episode with goOdy really made me hyped up for this one.
@SeanSigler-r6o 9 ай бұрын
13:50 Stutter stepping 2 stalkers and 1 immortal along with his 20 zealots was peak level negative micro lol
@J6hn 9 ай бұрын
If you want a laugh, there is a guitar effects pedal called the Miku Stomp that makes your guitar sound like an anime girl.
@Steven-gc2pm 9 ай бұрын
I don't understand how a player develops with these strengths and weaknesses. For instance he seems to be really good at judging when he should or shouldn't take fights, but then his micro and target priority are so bad that he loses a fight that should be good to take. Normally players learn good vs. bad fights by taking a lot of them and having the result reinforce their behavior. But somehow this guy is getting the bad result from "good" fights and he's still accurately identifying good vs. bad fights? Wild.
@Kheapathic 9 ай бұрын
You could see the gears almost break at times; Harstem knows there's dumb stuff going on, but he's impressed at how well it's being performed.
@administrator4728 6 ай бұрын
What it look like to play a game perfectly imperfect. The reason Harstem could not provide advise is because you cannot improve upon perfection.
@drumz616 9 ай бұрын
So cute watching Harstem pretend he isn't Hatsune Miku's biggest fan
@Blindsaplol 9 ай бұрын
Way to start the year with an IIIODIS where Harstem is not clearly saying : YOU SUCK and gets confused. Loved it ;D Honnestly proletariat, good macro. Gota improve the micro a bit and you re good for diamond or master my friend.
@BentusiProgenitors 9 ай бұрын
Actually...ringing the doorbell before a burglary is quite common and smart. Most burglars don't want anyone home, so will often ring a doorbell or knock. Back in the day a landline call. If someone's home the jobs off.
@enymus3081 9 ай бұрын
How about what he should work on: - Better build orders - better micro (dont miss "half" the fight with the zealots) - target drones rather than the buildings unless its worth to target down the hatch first (which again is almost impossible to decide correct in the moment for lower level players)
@Gil-Galad 9 ай бұрын
If he would just a move and clean up the first 2 min of build order, he'll be diamond
@jamomoritz6763 9 ай бұрын
I think, his macro also wasn't perfect. It was good for Plat 1, but he should increase his worker count mid game. Maybe it is not, because he can't, but more so, that he doesn't think it is worth it.
@3v1lp1ngv1n 9 ай бұрын
This is what I like to see. The proletariat has finally seized the means of production
@Fvviff 9 ай бұрын
The form still says 2023 on top of it, might want to update it lol
@andy_bickley 9 ай бұрын
its almost like this was a duo game, GM playing macro , silver playing micro.
@Lingboysc2 9 ай бұрын
As someone going to Miku Expo this year, seeing Hatsune Miku live is an incredible experience. Artists put so much of themselves into programming her vocals and creating the instrumentals. Hearing the live instruments and seeing the choreography on top of being around thousands of people who share your passion is what makes seeing "a robot" live so fun.
@2639theboss 9 ай бұрын
You just described a concert. Like. Thats what a concert is. The robot is superfluous. Edit: I just took the time to check it out. Its not a concert, its alvin and the chipmunks in japanese. If thats an incredible experience, you need to reevaluate all of your life decisions and possibly devote yourself to a time machine so you can start over from scratch.
@koala-ytt 9 ай бұрын
Dude actually paid money to watch a KZbin video offline
@quickdraw6893 9 ай бұрын
I'm still not convinced. Is the music actually any different from just listening to it online? I love some good electronic music live. Carpenter Brut's live performances are fantastic, and the songs are remixed on-set in exciting ways from their original records (he's uploaded a lot of the edits since, worth checking them out). But a vocaloid? Or vtuber concerts? It's... yeah, it's watching a KZbin video offline. Of anime characters on a big screen moving to some song laid over top it. It's so far removed from the human element that you might as well have not left your house.
@Lingboysc2 9 ай бұрын
@@quickdraw6893 look up some live videos of miku expo for the last few years. I recommend the Utsu-P song Hyper Reality Show and imagine you're sitting in that audience. Cheers!
@Lingboysc2 9 ай бұрын
@tahmidt 9 ай бұрын
This guy actually played some top tier SC2. Hope he gets some coaching from a high level player or a pro cause he has the potential and the game sense to shine. Really enjoyed this episode!
@luisg8873 9 ай бұрын
Top tier? Gtfo
@anima94 9 ай бұрын
​@@luisg8873top tier for plat, this guy is gonna be high diamond or even masters in no time
@nikitosha1000 9 ай бұрын
@@luisg8873get it together kiddo.
@Name-ru1kt 9 ай бұрын
Nah the only thing impressive he did was build the proper amount of gateways and hit all his warp ins He played the easiest unit comp in the game to control and somehow still had negitive micro
@TheRooster1337 9 ай бұрын
​@@Name-ru1ktI never saw him building any zerg units?
@vmgNarra 8 ай бұрын
As a terran player myself, I can understand his point of view. Outplaying your opponent the entire game and then losing to an a move has happened to me a lot. But at one point you must realize that throwing away your units to keep your opponent busy will lose to a push if you don't have the economy or unit comp to hold on. If only he had researched storm at one point, or made like 2 disruptors he could have maybe held on even with 40 less army supply. Some more batteries at his bases could have helped. A 70+ worker economy would have been great as well. Nice gameplay for a plat for sure, just a few minor adjustments and he'll climb very soon.
@TheDisturbed0ne1 9 ай бұрын
Proletariats macro isn't actually even good, it's 1-E, 2-Z, repeat. If his macro would've been good, that is to say he would be expanding and teching behind his harrass, he would've probably won, despite his godawful strategic choices.
@DaxRaider 9 ай бұрын
it was the worst double prism opening i ever seen "it owned as usual" ... damn platin players take some big drugs xD the amount of units he wasted all game ... several times in teh game just a move wins game ... most drops just a move kill workers wins game ... he TRYHARDED to lose
@gmabimba 9 ай бұрын
This guy should be most embarrassed about submitting a 2023 form. Huge misplay
@parmajohn238 9 ай бұрын
"First one of 2024" *looks in top left corner of screen during reading of complaint form That ain't it chief
@TedTed-xh1ys 8 ай бұрын
Honestly if Proletariat just learns one decent build that requires minimal micro, he could easily hit Masters.
@jerubaal101 9 ай бұрын
Shoutout to all my brothers who used Hatsune as their background even though you had no idea who it was.
@EternalHappElements 9 ай бұрын
Do you attend concerts for music or for the atmosphere of surrounded by like minded -- a community?
@Gid-J 9 ай бұрын
This IODIS really shows Harthstem''s weakness. He doesn't do the trade math in his head so he thinks the protoss is doing well.
@heavenstarcraft 9 ай бұрын
im proud of this guy
@_LeQuocBao-ok9qj 9 ай бұрын
He got HT very early, easily to upgrade Storm 🤭
@sobranius 9 ай бұрын
Builds robfac right under overlord, pure chad move.
@Patryk128pl 9 ай бұрын
The bit about Hatsune Miku is completly wrong. Let me correct this: there's a software called Vocaloid for synthesising singing voice. Basicily it makes your computer sing with human/robotic voice. Hatsune Miku is one of the available voices for it, so no one is impersonating her, they literally use her voice. (Or rather the voice of Saki Fujita who provided the voice as Hatsune Miku is just a character, not an actual human being.) Also fun fact: Despite the name meaning "the first sound of the future" and having codename CV01 (Character Voice 01) Miku wasn't the first voice for the software. But she was the first one being sold as anime girl, so yeah.
@Patryk128pl 9 ай бұрын
About the live performances: true, the voice will be the same, but the band plays the music live. Also different producers tune voices differently so Hatsune Miku sounds different when used by for example Pinocchio-P, wowaka or Mitche M.
@quibed5522 9 ай бұрын
Proletariat wont kill any proletarian workers of the kuprulu sector
@Lenoix85 9 ай бұрын
The concept behind Hatsune Miku is the same concept behind the Gorillaz and Dethklok. That is, an animated set of characters are the persona of the actual musicians and, I for one, find it very entertaining.
@Skorpyotnt 9 ай бұрын
Toss threw away too many units with economy that could not support that. He killed bases and drones but zerg army was mostly intact. Losing prodution and economy as zerg is bad but not as bad when your army is not dying. So basically toss played like a zerg but without the "bigger economy" part (resources lost in the end tell the story).
@joshgoulash4889 9 ай бұрын
Harstem criticized Pro's multipronged zealot attack not hitting at the same time, but at his level I think drawing the F2 army into the main first and then hitting the lower bases is a good call. At higher levels players will be able to withstand both, but this will ravage Plat. He probably would be better if he paid a little less attention to timings and just kept macroing. Cutting workers for a timing is good, but he could've had 3 fully saturated bases by the time his attack hit. He seems to spend his money on army and upgrades well, so having some more money would do him good.
@Bradman1978 9 ай бұрын
Thing that was odd was he went after buildings over workers. Moreover, it seemed to me the rouches did more damage
@quickdraw6893 9 ай бұрын
The roach tanking was huge. Colossi don't do well against it. Could've just gone into disruptors or storms though and it would have been a lot less of an issue.
@chrishamilton5204 9 ай бұрын
Need to fix your report form, still says 2023
@robertof.8174 9 ай бұрын
is this the first-ever non-stamp-suck?? :O
@princess_love9929 9 ай бұрын
I like to call microing one thing and then the next consecutive tasking, because it is harder than just monotasking as you need to set it up beforehand and split up your army, but much easier than actually multitasking.
@mattimhiyasmith 9 ай бұрын
HatsuneMiku is a bit like Gorillaz then ?
@Fimbu1vetr 9 ай бұрын
So for vocaloids like Hatsune Miku, it's not that they pretend an AI sings the music. Vocaloids are composed of a database of a real singer's vocal samples. So then when a composer makes a song, the vocaloid can sing basically anything you want using the vocal samples.
@bruceschneier6283 8 ай бұрын
Hatsune was a pretty impressive voice synthesizer/instrument. I don't think anybody ever said it was AI. Basically the same thing as a synthesizer you would use to make techno or dubstep but designed to mimic vocals.
@zabbulator707 9 ай бұрын
I think the problem was that Proletariat is technically good at everything, but never at the same time, if that makes sense. When he does zealot runbies at the right time, he clicks the hatcheries. When he's microing the zealots, his multi-prong attack becomes a sequential one instead. When he's actually multipronging and doing a lot of damage, he follows it up by losing his whole army to roach-hydra. His macro was good, but that got equalized by the bad build and being on low probes intentionally for a long time. Something was always going wrong, it just wasn't consistently the same thing like it is with most other players. Also, shouldn't he have just made some HTs? Or rather, just gotten the upgrade and not merged them all into archons?
@rms_txrx 9 ай бұрын
I think IODIS could have a new stamp: “Declined! Definitely NOT IMBA, but at least you don’t suck (that much).”
@mcblanc900 9 ай бұрын
Ok, i watched it. It's really really dumb. A lot of dudes just came to watch screen with animation and playbacked music. It's way dumber than i thought. Impressive. It's as if Harstem decided to premiere this IODIS on some stage to 10,000 people and everyone flocked to watch the youtube video on a bigger screen. People, no shit. And this was too many of negative micro i guess.
@jasonfreeman2750 9 ай бұрын
To me it looks like the problem was he consistently traded his army to kill eco, but never attacked the zerg army. His army kept getting smaller while the zerg kept slowly building up. He was playing better but never actually traded until the zerg has double his army supply and the eco damage didn't keep up
@Football_factoryX 7 ай бұрын
@Gid-J 9 ай бұрын
-1k resources every trade is the real issue
@cidiousblack2136 3 ай бұрын
I feel like Harstem needs a few more stamps for his form. "You could just have easily have won this game, ideally this game would be a draw" = Declined reason: too close to call. Or specifically for our Toss here who bad targeting: "Declined Reason: Submitter Threw" "Declined Reason: Fix your weaknesses."
@nathangraham8162 9 ай бұрын
Man, I love his analogies, the main reason I watch
@ALXLVV 9 ай бұрын
What I think went wrong was that the Proletariat traded 5-8 zealots (~700 minerals) for every hatchery (300 minerals) and then no attacks happened for a minute. The zerg simply rebuilt bases, and the number of workers always remained the same; in fact, the strength of the zerg economy fell only for a while. What could be done (you can choose any): 1) First raise the number of workers to ~80, and then send zealots 2) build 5-7 disruptors 3) Send dark templars to every base, not just one, and control them a little better 4) It seems to me that if in the last battle protoss had time to put the zealots in front, he would have traded to a draw 5) Research Psi-storm. Leave 5-6 High Templars in the army 6) Play zealot-allin properly: by the 5 minute you already should have Charge, a Prism and 7-8 gateways and be already near the opponent's 3rd base
@administrator4728 6 ай бұрын
This is what it looks like to play a game perfectly imperfect. The reason Harstem could not provide advise is because you cannot improve upon perfection.
@frank7353 8 ай бұрын
Don’t underestimate Miku, Harstem. Yoasobi, Kenshi Yonezu and many other composers all started with Vocaloid. Look at where they are now: Billboard top 100, a-list etc, all started with Miku. ;)
@K3rriganZerg 9 ай бұрын
This was definitely an interesting replay. Although I would say the protoss is a better player than the zerg, but he lost when he was doing the micro imo. Like not having the dt kill the drones or have 4 zealots try and snipe down a hatchery, like in what world would that happen? The obvious move was to kill the workers in both scenarios, but he messed up big time there. That was his game to throw and he did infact do just that sadly but on the bright side, another point goes to the zerg players.. that there is a win in my books 😂 jk jk
@Gitalien1 9 ай бұрын
If you thin about it, this is just bad multi-tasking. All the good calls, good moves and so on are happening when he focuses on them. Shot happens when he stack up actions fast and jump somewhere else (macro or other front). Typically that DT slicing drones, and he clicked multiple drone before switching to something else, but he A+clicked the ground instead of a drone. So the DT went to the queen and spines... Same for zealots, when he clicks next to the hatch, so the Zealot spreads out to extractor and so on... This is a poor accuracy with the mouse due to multi-tasking stress. So yeah, he sucked. ❤
@lysy-zn2gg 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, he was just constantly below than his opponent with army supply, beacuse of bad trades (he spend thousands of resources on killing things like extractors, hatcheries instead killing drones and opponents army). In mid game instead of playing defensive for few minutes and maxing out he took bad fight, continue to sacriface his supply for killing eco and that make him have small army. The last fight would be won for him if he had like 20/25 more supply and better angle lmao.
@k3llym0 8 ай бұрын
I disagree with you about the hatcheries, this was a tactic back in wings of liberty, very specifically involving medivac marauder swarms, to deny larva. The problem isnt just 1000+ minerals of zealots/marauders for a 300 mineral hatchery, the problem is the stunt in zerg unit production, the time it takes for the hatchery to be replaced, and start generating larva and queens again, is why hes doing it. I also disagree with you about the dark templar moves, what happened there in my opinion was a miss click. In his attempts to shift right click 9 drones, he successfully clicked 2, before accidently right clicking the ground, and then clicking I think atleast 5 or 6 more drones by my optical count, and because he clicked the ground in the 3rd sequence, the dark templar decided to A move the queen and spines. This is actually in my opinoin just one small mistake in what could have been a sneaky 9 drone dark templar move, that got ruined by one bad right click. The only other thing I disagree with, is he did nothing wrong, he did not make enough immortals for the support of the zealots against the roaches mid game. And he didnt use any storms on the hydras. Hydras are exceptionally weak vrs storms. because it 80%'s them. He also never rebuilt his prisims, after being destroyed, which could of been useful against the bases on the flanks. He also didnt use shield batteries very much, as many as 3 can make a huge difference in panic A move scenarios. Other then those points I agree with harstem, I thought this was a decent game to watch.
@SerLoinSteak 7 ай бұрын
Haven't watched the game yet but I hear a Protoss complaining about Hydras and my first question is "why don't you just make Disruptors? You already have the robo for the Warp Prisms"
@Fummy007 8 ай бұрын
His opponent was doing vibes bronze to GM build. for platinum atleast. mass roach hydra
@imzesok 9 ай бұрын
the plain simple problem with Proletariat's game is that they've failed at probing. double forge slowed the initial timing down, you realistically only need +1 attack for it. Cutting workers to hit the allin timing makes sense, but not tapping or resuming probing quickly after it was clearly failing slowed down the rest of the game. Are you all-ining or just aiming for a timing? Pick one. What's worse, is every time they would lose a base they never replaced probes that were lost. This was a very winnable game, that was unfortunately thrown away via neglect. Fantastic job spending that money though 👍
@SirZotolo 9 ай бұрын
Having Harstem speak about Vocaloid concerts is so weird. Nowadays Vtuber concerts are becoming increasingly more popular and it’s just kept growing.
@ChannelMiner 9 ай бұрын
colossi hard counter hydras, maybe he should've had more than 2 colossi at a time
@dominikmagnus 8 ай бұрын
I know what's wrong with this one, Cap. He can't establish connection between cause and effect. For example, he killed hydra den at some point, loosing 4 zealots for 1 hydra den. Why did he attack it? To get rid of opponents hydra (in his head). But the hydra is already out and about, so taking out hydra den is pretty much useless. It's a sensible move, but in different circumstances. Hydra den isn't a cause of his recent defeats in battle, but in his head it is. Which is a problem, that he needs to solve to get better.
@damedley75 9 ай бұрын
15:30 here comes a problem! Traded most of Protoss army for hatcheries. Now Zerg army much bigger. (Kinda stating the obvious, but doesn't seem obvious to Proletariat.)
@randomxgen6167 4 ай бұрын
You know those weird excuses of "oh, it's not my fault, my friend did x"? I'd believe it if Proletariat said their friend told them this was a good build that they should practice forever.
@htomerif 4 ай бұрын
I think maybe he didn't understand the difference between a roach and a hydralisk. I think of the 151 zealots that died, very nearly all of them died to roaches or spine crawlers. Yeah, there were a bunch of hydras at the end but they mostly just got cooked by colossussues.
@Mooskadoo 9 ай бұрын
Toss's army comp was trash, i completely disagree with you. Also analogy should be, "good attempt, dog water execution". The apple juggle thing made sense tho.
@devonowens3652 3 ай бұрын
This was the first one that I watched where I thought, this guy just needs some minor adjustments and in time could actually go very high in the ranks. If he learned better target prio I think he could, after watching this game and thinking all games are similar to this, go an entire league higher just off that. Other things obviously to work on but overall I actually enjoyed this game.
@mihairo83 9 ай бұрын
People say that Protoss is balanced at high level, but now Gold 1 players are what Master Level looked like a decade ago. So what is high level anyway? Because it's obvious that Protoss was nerfed too many times and it's not viable anymore.
@Merumya 9 ай бұрын
never adressed the army Id say. he barely fought army vs army, instead tried to go for buildings. lost all his momentum, hindered his opponent without actually putting him in a losing situation, while his army kept growing and then lost when army supply was 2:1, since more stuff beats less stuff.
@minionminion6480 8 ай бұрын
i think he is panicking way to much, he proibably doesnt use campoints quickcast etc. so idk.. very good player actualy but he has to learn all mechanics in the simple way, like how to command attack efficiently with zealot runbys
@saadarrabi6711 8 ай бұрын
He played well, but he focused on harassing and snipes only, and didnt really have main army to finish the game. his army size was always smaller, so he couldn't capitalize on his harassments wins. Target priority need improving too. I do think the advice would be, think of a main army to finish after those small harassments
@ThundeerEx 9 ай бұрын
I'm baffled you'd never heard of Miku by now 😂 I don't think anyone thinks a robot/AI actually made the songs, just to be clear,
@Ricewarrior01 9 ай бұрын
I kind of feel the same with the Hatsune Miku concerts, but then I remember back in the old days, everyone thought that video games as a sport was a silly concept and no one would watch a bunch of nerds sitting in front of T.Vs. Times really do change.
@Chijn 9 ай бұрын
I think our guy would be a great zerg player with his macro, but only if he A-move the army. Most of his decisions in combat is very questionable.
@ar1su 8 ай бұрын
I've been to multiple Hatsune Miku holographic concerts. Ask me anything.
@szabolcsmate5254 2 ай бұрын
If this guy watches this, then you may have given them 500 if not 1000 MMR. If they listen. Great content anyway.
@vangelismc5125 9 ай бұрын
during my times of coaching 1 on 1 cs go I have come across this many times. Very likely bad mental game+negative self talk. Hard to say more without talking to the guy.
@TheTykk 9 ай бұрын
Golossus is very strong answer to hydra. If you micro better your golossus you win every fight. Your economy wasn't amazing either.
@Audon4150 7 ай бұрын
3 High Templar would have win the game very quickly ^^' Add 2 or 3 sentries too and GG.
@delted438 9 ай бұрын
NA player calling himself "proletariat" while playing protoss. Yep, that checks out.
@SirMerenos 8 ай бұрын
Maybe he just has trouble with priorities? He has the skill, and he can make a plan and execute it, but he's going after the wrong things.
@Deto128 9 ай бұрын
21:39 - Harstem discovering Toss is actually IMBA here...
@kostyantynhoncharov493 9 ай бұрын
The zerg is way too fast for plat .... with good macro and ok micro ... Buuuut , yes the toos is just all over the place ....
@dawn4383 9 ай бұрын
When you started going off about Hatsune Miku, I thought this was going to be Alphastar's return or something.
@orchispuppet9704 5 ай бұрын
Love the rules xD i personally am a fan of hatsune miku. love your is it imba comments always make me laugh keep the content going its really good
@Zhienerich 9 ай бұрын
If you want to be successful you can either do things right, or do the right things. Some of these iodis submitters straight up does the wrong things wrong, while a select few actually do the wrong things right.
@wasgehtsiedasan282 8 ай бұрын
Ok im surprised, bc i never played ladder befor and only play unranked really sparingly but after seeing some of these things i think i might not be as bad as i expected😅
@Thodeable 9 ай бұрын
Burglars do usually ring the door bell before entering to check if anyone is home. So good burglar, plat StarCraft player
@fragmentsofknowledge2142 4 ай бұрын
3 mistakes : no A move with zealots ( to kill drones ), no guardian shield, and no storms. ECO dmg > all
@Cellus5000 9 ай бұрын
I really cant believe bro explained Hatsune Miku like he wasnt the only one who didn't know abt it. Lol hatsune was massive
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